#<- list of actual canon things in the show btw
bonkalore · 6 months
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Look. I just want that good big brother Jayce content so I can cry over it.
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seethinglikeme · 1 year
seeing ppl say that dabi’s an emotionless sociopath just bc he says he is is actually annoying af to me 😭 like r u rlly gonna say the guy who thought so hard abt the families of the ppl he’s killed he went crazy, went berserk when twice died, and literally burned himself to death BC he was so emotional that his father didn’t come to see his quirk’s development is unemotional just bc he says he is? cmon babes be for fucking real 😭
#and bc ik there r counterarguments to the examples i listed:#1) he said that out loud to himself while wiping blood away from his eye scar which is used to symbolise his tears since he cant cry#so no it’s not him lying or faking it or acting. it’s dabi thinking out loud and expressing his feelings#in a scene btw that wasn’t necessary to that arc’s plot or anything - horikoshi decided to put it in for a different reason then#(perhaps to show the audience that just bc dabi says he’s emotionless doesn’t actually mean he is. but what do i know)#2) yeah he said he’s upset abt twice’s death bc it affects him negatively. but that doesn’t make sense#why high-five him then? that wasn’t necessary - u can argue it boosts twice’s morale but to do what? escape from hawks & help the plf?#twice has plenty of motivation to do that - he already was! so why else? throwing a dog a bone? dabi’s not the type to do that and even if#he was that implies some sort of pity or fondness which also disproves the emotionless thing#not only that but his reaction when twice died was not a ‘fuck i just lost a useful tool for my plan’#that was someone in the anger stage of grief and going mad w it#also we legit saw dabi’s touya reveal & it was obv not a plan he’d adjusted or created in the time btwn twice’s death and that moment#same 4 the video#and i mean we see dabi fight endeavor & shouto and he does all that alone - none of the plf help#if he doesn’t let the rest of the league help him then why woild twice have been the exception? and actually why would the guy who#told deku to stay out of the todoroki family’s business and didnt tell the league his identity til he revealed it to everyone want someone#else’s help??#it doesn’t make sense - more likely that dabi was mourning a friend/ally and emotional enough and he came up w a shitty excuse bc of it#3) i mean it’s basically canon that he lost control of his flames BC he was so emotional#and there r plenty more examples i just chose those 3 bc they’re bigger ones#but burning down toga’s family home burning down the orphanage returning to the todoroki family home in the first place etc#trying to inflict as painful a death as he could on hawks etc#all displays of emotion and shit#and tbh i could prbly argue that his constant reiteration that he’s a sociopath who doesn’t feel anything is all bluster and bullshit to#make himself be thought of as worse than he is bc itd hurt enji’s rep even more#i have more to say but u get the picture#if i see one more piece of dabi hate calling him emotionless and sociopathic im going to start biting#todoroki touya#dabi#me
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dmclemblems · 2 years
if it's alright, can i ask why you like dimi/claude so much? like, the particular reasons you like them lol hope that doesn't come off as "how the hell do you like them" kind of thing
Yeee, tis fine! I feel like I’ll probably miss some of the reasons why I love them so much, but I’ll try to cover everything.
uh oh it got beeg
Things from the game itself:
I like that they hang out together sometimes (in the main story and in the DLC), when the lords don’t usually hang out together in their free time. Out of all the combinations of them, only Dimitri and Claude hang out together (with a story based exception during the DLC with Dimitri and Edelgard that never gets touched upon again even though it’s actually important and story relevant). There’s also the implication that they train/spar together in GD, with Dimitri saying “as ever” he has proven to be no match for Claude. During the “going to GM cutscene”, they’re walking together and talking together (a theme that Nintendo uses in their official art in almost every official of the three lords lmao).
Claude’s crest symbol is a moon, and Dimitri’s route is called Azure Moon (which is also coincidentally the only route they’re able to ally in because Dimitri dies in VW)
They’re a package deal in the game and in official art from Nintendo! Cipher promotions? Both of them got plastered on it together. The 2019 happy holidays artwork? Sitting down together while Edelgard is standing up (with Dimitri ??? staring at Claude with this oddly happy and dreamy look??? hey, Nintendo???). the artwork of Edelgard turning around while the lords are walking, but she’s behind the other two who are both walking together and talking? And... so on.
Another instance of “damn, how much time do you actually spend together where we aren’t aware of it” is Dimitri referring to Claude as his “friend” in the DLC to Aelfric. That point of the game is still very early on, but Dimitri doesn’t just toss the word “friend” around with everyone. He uses other terms like acquaintance, companion/companionship, etc. Rather than use any similar words for Claude, he just outright uses “friend”, and he doesn’t use that term unless he really believes it.
In the game itself, the start of it is Edelgard almost being killed and Byleth protects her, but with the other two nowhere to be seen for... some reason. When Edelgard is safe, suddenly they both come running up together and smile at each other like “lol sorry we got distracted by each other’s beauty but hey glad you’re both safe uwu”. Listen, it’s a tiny thing but WHEN IT ADDS up...!
Very cute moment for me when, if you’re playing GD, Dimitri takes a keen interest in Claude’s “schemes”. Most people consider his supposed schemes to be a bad thing and dread it openly. Dimitri is just out here like ooo tell me more, I wanna know! 
During the mock battle, Claude tries to tease him and fails miserably. By the time of the actual Battle of the Eagle and Lion (and Deer, wah wah), Dimitri is used to Claude’s teasing and jokes with him! Instead of a deadpan response where he just doesn’t know Claude well enough to know how he behaves, this time Dimitri is used to him and responds to him with a more “lol okay Claude” vibe. It’s much more apparent in the JP dialogue that he’s aware Claude is teasing/joking, but he goes along with it.
There’s a bit more of a rivalry between Dimitri and Edelgard, oddly. Even this early, he’s seeing her as more of an adversary (maybe to foreshadow, since the BotEaL had a boatload of foreshadowing) and seeing it as a more serious competition. With Claude, he’s much more relaxed and seeing their battle as more of a test of skill and mutual gain to learn from. He says he will “happily” battle Claude and urges him not to hold back. In contrast, he tells Edelgard that the thought of fighting her is “troubling at best” and is bothered by her “joke” (Claude jokes with him too and he’s much more receptive. Edelgard’s “joking” was more foreshadowing, but he doesn’t take well to it and that same joke/response happens again after the battle too). The direction of both conversations is the polar opposite, and he doesn’t feel at ease when fighting her.
Following that, his relationship with Edelgard is tense, and it’s a huge contrast to how he feels around Claude. That is, notably, whenever him and Edelgard interact there’s a wall between them (such as when she’s walking by with Manuela, going to their mission, and her and Dimitri have a misunderstanding that ends in a tense ending to their conversation) Due to their circumstances, their relationship is pretty rocky even during the first half of the game in BL. Throughout the first half of the game, this aspect of their relationship is static (until of course he finds out her identity as the Flame Emperor and it just goes downhill from there). Then we have him and Claude, where starting at the mock battle, Dimtiri misses Claude’s silly behavior and is more serious about the battle as mentioned before. Over time though he’s obviously learned what Claude is like, and during the official battle you can clearly see a difference in Dimtiri’s overall attitude when he hears Claude joke with him. This time he knows what to expect and is receptive to Claude’s behavior, going along with it and being glad to have this battle with him. His demeanor toward Edelgard, however, doesn’t change at all. He still doesn’t like the idea of fighting her seriously, nor takes well to her “jokes” and  yet seems to see her as more of an adversary to overcome. Around Claude, Dimtiri has more friendly vibes in both their routes and is pretty open to learning about Claude and talking to him casually.
Kind of a small instance but with a little more meaning to me?: them fighting side by side at Garreg Mach when the Empire invades. Dimitri was in his Very Nutty state, and even more so if you’re playing BL. He’s so out of it that Dedue has to direct everyone in his place. Due to the BLs knowing what he’s going through, you’d think at least one of them would be keeping an eye on him during the battle. Instead, it’s Claude he’s fighting alongside! Dimitri was very expressive about wanting to be the one to reach Edelgard in that battle, but the cutscene shows him with Claude, rather than rushing for Edelgard.
Gronder! Even though Dimitri gives out his famous, stolen-from-Miklan-because-Miklan-said-it-first-and-apparently-inspired-Dimitri-to-use-it-later-in-life line, “kill every last one of them”, his actual dialogue with Claude is very different from that (on both routes). All he says is that he wants Claude to move and has no time to talk. If he meant it that he really wanted to kill people from the Alliance or didn’t care about Claude as a person, he would have tried to run him down for getting in his way. Claude even said he wouldn’t budge, which normally would prompt Dimtiri at that point to attack him and kill him to get him out of the way. In AM Claude retreats when defeated, but Dimitri lets him escape and doesn’t mind at all that he’s fleeing. Because of that you can specifically clarify that Dimitri doesn’t think of him as an enemy, because he chases enemies down and kills them at that point (remember all those dead soldiers we were hearing about early into the timeskip?). When Edelgard tries to escape, Dimitri doesn’t just let her go without attempting to follow her. This clarifies that he sees her as an enemy, because again, he’ll chase down anyone considers his enemy. When Claude left, even though he can intentionally stand in Dimitri’s way, Dimitri won’t kill him even though he probably could.
When Claude requests aid, he doesn’t ask for Byleth’s help. He doesn’t ask for Seteth or the Church’s help (which is working with Byleth/the Kingdom and the direct enemies of the Empire). He asks for the Kingdom’s aid. This Dimitri centric view continues through all of chapter 19, with him specifically believing in Dimitri and his mentality.
Hurray Failnaught! Normally characters give their Relics to Byleth (for game mechanic/convoy purposes), but Claude gives him specifically to Dimitri. Since he plans to leave Fodlan and return to Almyra where they don’t fight with these weapons, he likely feels he has no reason to bring it with him. Instead, he leaves it with someone he trusts both with his family heirloom and Fodlan itself. Claude doesn’t trust easily, but he had faith that Dimitri would finish the war and restore Claude’s second home.
In the same chapter, Claude... somehow knows a LOT about Dimitri. Obviously he learned everything offscreen and we don’t know how or why, but not only does he know that Dimitri can still be reasoned with (Teach will talk and he’ll listen), suggesting that he’s aware that the person Dimitri was is not gone despite the meeting they had in Gronder, but during the “here have my family heirloom” scene, he tells Dimitri that the dead cling to them without regard for their own/the living’s lives. During the Academy phase we don’t have any indication that he knows what’s going on with Dimitri... but then, I recall them fighting side by side during the invasion of the monastery, so perhaps Claude started to put the pieces together if he was able to see the state Dimitri was in. Canon? Not necessarily, but it’s something I consider when I want to answer why Claude knows this stuff about Dimitri when Dimitri didn’t tell him about it.
Yes, Teach will talk and he’ll listen, but by then Dimitri had already  made the decision to help the Alliance- er, well, Claude. The Alliance itself? Hm. Claude? Yes, let’s go help Claude-- er, the Alliance, he means! The Alliance! But... but also Claude! Okay, I’m kind of joking. Kind of. A lil bit. By which I mean, Dimitri is very vocal about saving Claude more than he is the Alliance. Leave the latter part to Lorenz, I guess. It’ll make him happy and that would make me happy!
So, on the topic of him already making the decision to go aid Claude, not only was Claude correct, but Dimitri literally went to begin their march to the Alliance the next day after they recaptured their own capital. They celebrated and then the very next day he’s like “uh yeah sorry for this guys, but Claude wants our help so we’re leaving. Now. Pack your things. If you’re not ready in ten I’m leaving without you. Claude needs help.” I’M JOKING. Mostly. A lil bit.
They reach the battle destination and Dimitri is uh, very specific that “they will not let Claude die”. He only recently came out of his nommy nom, chewy enemies state, and he’s already over here like hell nah we ain’t lettin’ Claude die. I didn’t spare him at Gronder for nothin’. Let’s go, let’s go!
Claude, who he doesn’t know nearly as well as the BLs, “crosses too many dangerous bridges for his liking”. For sure, Claude does some risky things, but he’s not someone who is within Dimitri’s immediate friend group. All the same, Dimitri worries about him (a lot in this chapter, too) and expresses that he doesn’t like Claude taking these kind of risks (that could endanger his life).
“This must be one of your jokes”. Not sure Claude was ever really one to often make jokes that we know of? The way it’s phrased, “one of your jokes”, sounds like more of an inside thing? As in, “I know you well enough to know you behave like this”, kind of thing. Doesn’t sound like much, until I start adding up all the times they’re together/talking to each other. For reference, times such as ones I’ve mentioned in this post (walking to GM with Byleth between them and Edelgard, if you’re playing GW Dimitri implies he’s sparred with Claude and uses “as ever” as if to say it happens often enough that it’s a familiar result, them hanging out during their free time after the mock battle, them fighting side by side during the invasion of GM even though Dimitri insisted he was going to basically rush the battle and ker-slice Edelgard’s head off and show up at Enbarr with it in hand...) Suddenly it doesn’t seem so odd that they might know each other a little bit more than the story that we get to see lets on. Even if it was small talk, enough of that and enough sparring/fighting alongside each other would add up enough for them to start learning things about each other.
Kudos to Dimitri for being the only person in the game that gets a pet name from Claude. Teach is just a casual way of saying “professor”, and “princess” is literally what Edelgard is. Princeliness is... Quite A Title I Guess. “Princess” is dropped and Claude refers to Edelgard as just Edelgard in the timeskip, but Dimtiri gets a nickname update! Now he’s “Kingliness” instead!
Some Hopes ones (I shipped them way  before Hopes was a thing but these made me happy!):
Background similarities! In Hopes if you play AG, they talk very early on (before the timeskip) about Dimitri’s life after the Tragedy. To sum it up, he was being targeted by his own family with murder attempts and he was very isolated (one NPC describes it as nearly being like house arrest with how isolated he was). Even if you don’t consider Hopes to be too much canon with its character background lore, the isolation part checks because in Houses, Dimitri says he didn’t have any friends left after the Tragedy. He only had Dedue for companionship after that in the castle itself, unable to see his other friends as often due to them living in different territories.
Another similarity from Your Hopes Truly is Dimitri being paranoid on expeditions. As he puts it, he “can't help but peer over his shoulder lest an assassin lodges his blade in his back”. He’s literally paranoid of assassins... a lot like how Claude sleeps with a knife under his pillow. :’( They both worry a lot about having to be vigilant because they could die at any time. Even though Edelgard is also royalty, her trauma expresses itself differently and she doesn’t worry about assassins as outwardly (possible also because she has Hubert around, who would be more likely to catch assassins lurking around than the people around Dimitri and Claude). I’m sure she knows people will be after her because she’s royalty, but she doesn’t worry about it in the same way.
This one is more recent and Hopes based, but in AG the game decides to be Big Dumb and is like “nobody in the BL house trusts Claude... for some... reason...” but Dimitri is gung ho adamant that they can trust Claude. His portrait even switches to his smiling portrait! “I’ve never known him to be a liar” despite how little time they had together at the Academy in this game is a big amount of trust imo.
On the same note, AG is like a mirror of AM’s chapter 19! Claude trusts Dimitri and that he will show up to help. In AG, they need the Alliance’s help and Dimitri trusts Claude to show up without question. When the Alliance shows up and Claude isn’t there, he wonders where Claude is, and when Claude does show up being the smart little sneaky not-literal-bastard-because-he’s-actually-a-legitimate-child bastard he is, Dimitri is like :D I knew you would come no matter what. This man literally implicitly trusts Claude. Sounds like someone had a crush when they were younger... Now his crush is helping them and he’s all bubbly and excited inside... uwu... uwu... UWU...
More Hopes stuff despite the bad writing moments. In SB, Claude confronts Edelgard because they were so focused on locating Rhea that they didn’t even consider Dimitri’s motivations for being part of that battle. His portrait is even his upset portrait for them “not even sparing a thought for Dimitri’s motivations”, in his exact words. He’s not all too happy that they were so determined by their goal that they didn’t consider Dimitri, specifically.
Similarly, if you get the Arval chapter, Dimtiri worries for Claude’s safety if Claude tries to take the Church out of power. Despite that Dimitri lists off reasons why That’s A Really Fucking Bad Idea, he also includes that he doesn’t want Claude to be in danger, and their discussion ultimately ends with Claude saying “you really are too good for me!”. Claude, that’s sus.
Not game specific, but motivated by the contents of the game:
Claude is a very casual person, and Dimtiri wants that in his relationships (of any kind). Actually, he repeatedly asks people to be casual with him and doesn’t want to be treated like a prince. In no way does Claude treat him like a prince and just treats him exactly the way Dimtiri would prefer, without even having to be asked to do so. This is part of what makes me wonder if the reason Dimitri is so receptive to Claude and why they bounce so well off each other’s personalities, despite seeming so different in demeanor, is because Dimitri experiences those kind of informal exchanges with him that most others won’t grant him.
More often than not, even in GD, Claude expresses being an outsider. That means that even though the people around him are mostly/generally pretty chill with him (i.e. his GD classmates just treat him like another classmate and not the foreigner in the class), he still doesn’t feel totally accepted there. Likely, it’s the little things he picks up about them, such as Hilda’s negative comments about Almyra. They’re pretty chill together, but he’s Almyran, and royalty at that, yet she doesn’t know that. For him, that could be like, okay so she’s one of the people I proooobably should definitely not tell my identity to, like, ever. I’m not saying Hilda specifically is the only person he would have to be wary of, but the problem is still there.
On the other hand, Dimitri... literally does not give a fuck who is a foreigner and who is not. More than anyone else besides, equally, Claude, he pushes to have people from other lands seen as equals to those in Fodlan and wants them to be just as accepted.
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Also, Claude’s post timeskip advice box:
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What did these two do, share notes? Pass notes in class? Skip class and hang out in the bathroom while they skipped?
To be specific, Dimitri highlights all aspects that Claude guns for too. He hates that he’s been hated all his life for his lineage and never saw it as fair. Dimitri wouldn’t see that as fair either. Claude doesn’t think his lineage or bloodline matters when it comes to being accepted and what relationships he has. That’s also Dimitri’s line of thinking when he insists he doesn’t want to be treated as a prince. He just wants normal relationships. This also applies to Crests, where in which he doesn’t believe having or not having one should decide a person’s, well, anything.
Being two races, Claude has struggled to feel accepted on either side. Meanwhile, Dedue has struggled a lot to get by in Garreg Mach because of the prejudice against Duscur’s people. Even if some of the people of Duscur did do what everyone accused them of, they’re dragging those accusations well beyond that and treating Dedue as if he had anything to do with it. In Dimitri’s B support with Dedue, he makes it extremely clear to his own soldiers that he’ll have nothing to do with that behavior. He sees Dedue as another human being, as he would anyone else. Even though most characters don’t care what race someone is, most of them don’t actively try to fight for justice for other races of people being mistreated in Fodlan. Dimitri is one of the only people who will walk up to someone and tell them to fuck off for being racist, and mind you, if this wasn’t a T rated game and more explicit curse words were allowed to be used, I am quite positive Dimitri would quite literally tell those people to fuck off. He acts all upstanding and polite, but he’d also curse at someone who deserves it and is definitely angry enough to be a semi-big curser lol.
Both of them discuss faith with Byleth, too. While Claude doesn’t like the idea of praying to gods and often talks about how he isn’t in with the whole Sothis religion, Dimitri says the same thing, basically. In his Goddess Tower conversation, he expresses his feelings about “the goddess”, and it pretty much equals that he couldn’t give a flying fuck about her because she doesn’t help those in need despite supposedly watching over their land. He feels that she’ll watch and do nothing to help, not even reach out a hand to people who need her. Dimitri firmly does not believe in the religion that Fodlan follows, even despite literally being the crown prince of a nation that was legitimatized by Rhea herself. Neither of them care about Fodlan’s religion personally, but they both accept people who do and don’t badmouth her in front of devout followers. For example, Claude talks to Ignatz about the goddess and jokes with him. He doesn’t try to tell Ignatz he’s wrong for being faithful to a goddess that Claude himself doesn’t believe in. Dimitri doesn’t care about the Seiros faith at all, but he’s very friendly with Seteth and on great terms with him (especially in Hopes! They’re very close in AG!). Even if Seteth personally is not very devout (which is actually the truth), he’s still Rhea’s second in command. You also have people like Mercedes, who are extremely if not almost excessively devout, but Dimitri never puts her down for that. That’s how Claude is with Ignatz, and Ignatz is very devout. Basically, both Dimitri and Claude hate the idea of believing in the goddess of Fodlan, but they never judge someone who does believe in that very goddess. In fact, after Duscur, I’m sure Dimitri felt he could never forgive the goddess for not saving his father, Glenn and all the others who died there. Even if she wasn’t from a goddess of Duscur, she didn’t even attempt to save Fodlan’s people, at the very very least. It’s not a surprise in that sense that Dimitri isn’t devout.
In the case of ideologies, both of them even use the exact same word here. No matter what someone believes or thinks should happen, no matter how people think lands should be managed, neither of them feel like that’s cause to judge someone. They both feel that people can have different ways of thinking no matter how vast those ways of thinking might be, and still get along just fine.
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This basically sums up both of what they want tbh, and it’s something they both strive for as early as the first half of the game.
Other aspects I love:
Other than that, I like to think about their personalities too! They’ve been through a lot of the same things and have a lot of the same feelings, so I think they would understand really well how to help each other. While Claude doesn’t think he deserves the treatment he gets, Dimitri tends to think he deserves all sorts of bad things. I feel like Claude could teach Dimitri to care about himself more and to stop thinking so poorly about himself. For Claude, I think he’d have “might get killed at any moment” ingrained into him, but I think he’d feel safe around Dimitri but also accepted and loved. Dimtiri is extremely straightforward and honest, and I think Claude would know for a fact that he can trust that Dimitri is honest about his feelings. He wouldn’t have to question if Dimitri actually loves him and if he secretly hates that he’s half Almyran. Because of how Dimitri has always been, I don’t think he’d actually worry about that and any worry that might nag him in passing he’d be able to tell himself is only a paranoid habit.
Also, Almyra loves strength! Pretty sure if Claude walked back into Almyra with a 6′2 superhuman-strength Blaiddyd on his arm that Almyra would be, to say the least, impressed lol. Not only would Dimitri be on par with their strongest generals, but if he got the attention of royalty, regardless of their feelings on that royalty, I think they’d have to take notice. I have headcanons about how the Almyran children would love learning from Dimitri and eventually run around pretending to be as strong as him when he starts helping them train. 🥺 Most of the adults wouldn’t like Dimitri at first because he’s from Fodlan, and even more than that a royal form Fodlan, but I think they’d come around after seeing how much the kiddos respect him and how kind he is to them. Even if they were meh about him being with Claude, I think they would start to respect Dimitri as an individual and not only appreciate when he’s around, but enjoy having him there for competitions, because Dimitri also loves being competitive and training.
You also get the silly opposites aspect with their homelands! Claude would be freezing in Faerghus, especially Fhirdiad. You know he’d be stealing all the blankets and be a Claude burrito by morning. Dimitri would have to accommodate him with lots of warm clothes because poor Claude would be shivering in full armor! It gives lots of room for cuddles and snuggies tho!!! !!! !!! 6′2 warm man and lots of blankets means lots of warmth and comfy sleep zzzzz...
Then you have Dimitri in Almyra and he hates hot weather (specifically, hates, so he says in an advice box letter). Claude would have to tend to him to keep him cool, sure, but I think Dimitri would whine a lot about the heat and I think it’d be rly cute and I think Claude would also think so. He’d have to bring Dimitri to the sea to let him stay in the water for a while, and then struggle to get him out of the water.
Something else I like to consider is how Dimitri would probably love to learn Almyran since he’s bilingual as it is, and I feel like he’d love to learn their culture and whatnot as well. Like I said, he’s really big on people from different places mingling, and he’s been trying really hard to get Duscur to be seen as an intendent land again. In Hopes, he’s trying to fix relations with Sreng (which Claude even considers Sreng in VW when mentioning his dream in full toward the end of the game). Getting to learn about Almyra would be something I feel that Dimitri would love experiencing.
Personality wise Dimitri’s a lot more on the formal speaking side, but they can absolutely both joke and be little shits! I’d love to see them banter with each other because they both have it in them. In fact, I think it would lead to lots of laughs and silly times and I think after everything, they both really need that!
tap tap am i missing something am i missing anything from this fic-sized essay tap tap my cat was staring at me for at least 50% perfect of this. i mean, straight up just staring and watching me from my bed and i just think that’s something i should share
OH YEAH I also love the interracial aspect because it really drives home their desire about race and everyone getting along. 🥰
Also, I feel like Claude needs someone he can really, truly trust and Dimitri needs someone who can make him really start to care about and respect himself again.
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Platonic dynamics I want to see more in the (tiny) Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fandom:
Jack being like an older brother to Hiccup and sort of seeing an older version of Jamie in him and not scoffing at how nerdy he is ("holy crap you MADE this? Man show me how it works!!")
Rapunzel post-her-movie being all gung-ho and cheery, and Merida trying to get her to stop being so naïve, only for Rapunzel to calmly list all the ways she was betrayed and abused throughout her adventures (and you'd only have to go through the canon events of the movie and show to make this work, btw, girl's been through STUFF) and tells Merida she is upbeat and kind because she chooses to believe that most people are good, because so many people stuck with her through so much and so many people came back to her after betraying her. And Merida is like "well dang ok, wanna learn to shoot a bow"
Jack being calm, responsible, and protective of the others without becoming too angsty in the process- playing harmless little pranks to bring everyone's spirits up, that sort of thing
Merida being annoyed by Jack at first, but it's because she misses her brothers, not because she categorically dislikes the pranks. She tells Jack this and he asks her to join him doing pranks. She has much more fun after this.
Rapunzel is good at many things, but not so much inventing, as we see in TTS; her trying to assist Hiccup and him being good-natured about it but entirely accidentally outclassing her
Jack very deliberately keeping his past and loneliness to himself, and the others figuring out something's off because they never catch him sleeping, he's pensive when he's not interacting with them, he's got such wide and extensive experience, and he starts admitting bits and pieces like "I'm older than I look" etc etc
Jack never openly getting angry with the kids because they're kids and he's a Guardian, so instead when one of them is upset or trying to pick a fight with him, his staff will glow brighter or it'll get cloudier or windier or snowier- his magic responds, but Jack refuses to, making his calm all the more scary.
Jack being the first to realize Rapunzel has been through Stuff and sitting down with her when the other two are asleep "what happened to you?" entirely gently and patiently because HE'S A GOOD BIG BROTHER DANGIT I WANT THIS SIDE OF HIM TO SHOW MORE-
Hiccup worrying/getting upset/doing that I Have To Stand Alone thing and Rapunzel approaching him like "you're not the only one who grew up alone, you know. It's okay to rely on us, we won't let you down"
Hiccup doing the I Have To Stand Alone thing in general cause I don't see that a lot in crossovers or at least the arts
The others finding Jack in weird places because super-balance go brr
Jack being reluctant to touch any of the kids for any reason because he doesn't want to see the way they treat him change once they realize how cold and inhuman he really is
Merida recognizing Jack immediately as the only other obviously competent fighter by the way he moves (she was raised around all manner of warriors and guards, after all) and immediately setting about allying herself with him because Heaven knows they all need as much protection as they can get
Merida helping Hiccup to have a moment like he has in the HTTYD books where he realizes he's actually a really amazing swordfighter when he actually uses his dominant hand
Hiccup and Rapunzel asking Merida and Jack what siblings are like
Jack just treating them all like his little siblings
Jack and Merida gathering ingredients together and, depending on the region, Jack teaching Merida the safe local vegetation and herbs because he's been everywhere. Also, Jack teaching the others how to cook with local ingredients
Jack knowing a lot about herbal medicine and helping and teaching the others
After much internal deliberation, Jack choosing Hiccup to hold his staff while he takes care of two-handed tasks
Jack knowing how to style hair because of Mary, and he and Merida helping Rapunzel tame her hair
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tizeline · 4 months
When the brothers decided to go up against Draxum and accepting humans, does that mean leaving home and live in the sewers?
What do they think of splinter and dee's.... " home "?
this ask is like a month old, ignore that But I've wanted to talk about this, cuz I've gotten asks and comments and such where people assume that the Drax Bros are just gonna, like, abandon Draxum completely after realizing that they're in the wrong. I don't blame people for that assumption btw (considering it often happens in other separated aus), but while Draxum's relationship to his sons isn't necessarily perfect, they still very much love each other. They're family, the brothers wouldn't just up and leave, and Draxum would certainly not kick them out.
So like in canon, Draxum gets slurped like a capri-sun by the Dark Armour and then unceremoniously spit out. This leads to Donnie and the Drax Bros teaming up to deal with Shredder considering it's now a problem for all of them, but I'll get to figuring out the specifics of that later. After that whole thing is dealt with, the trio would run off to find their dad. He's pretty hurt after the whole Dark Armour fiasco, and then he becomes wanted by the law after the yokai authorities find out about everything. So his sons wouldn't wanna leave him in ✨his dire time of need✨or whatever. (also wait they'd probably also be put on a wanted list haha)
Leo and Draxum would have a pretty strained relationship during this time. I've made some mentions of it, but Leo figures out that The Foot is being sus and tries to convince Draxum that putting on the Armour is a Bad Idea. But when that fails, he actually goes to Donnie to team up with him so that the two of them together can try to stop Leo's dad and his brothers from completing the plan and inevitably getting fucked over. So after all of that, Draxum is salty that Leo went against his orders and teamed up with the enemy, putting their mission at risk, so he grounds Leo for like a month lol. Leo is salty because he was right and they never listen to him and then he gets grounded??
Anyway, considering Leo can just teleport and Draxum is too weak to stop him he just, like, comes and goes as he pleases haha. It's during this time that he and Donnie start hanging out for real, like, as actual friends. It's a bit awkward at first, being genuine towards each other, but it does eventually lead to Leo being invited to Donnie's home.
Also, lmao, yeah it's not exactly as big and fancy as Draxum's home, but it's still a good place to live. Donnie being a tech nerd would've figured out how to implement good airconditioning, heating and lights and stuff. It'd probably not be quite as cozy as in the show, I'm assuming Mikey was the one responsible for livening the place up with artworks and colours and stuff in canon, but it's still homey.
Over time the Hamatos and the Draxums would slowly become closer, and as Donnie and Splinter start to trust Raph, Mikey and Draxum more they would also be invited to their home. I don't think they would move in to the same place until MAYBE some time after the movie.
Actually no wait, it would be interesting if, like in the show, Shredder were to destroy Donnie's and Splinter's home in the sewer, which would lead to them moving into the same place and the Draxums, which would inevitably lead to conflict if they're still in the process of befriending each other.... >:] Oooo conflict is fun, maybe that'll effect how the movie plays out, but I'll have to figure that out later.
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elsa-fogen · 1 month
What are your 3 most and least favorite Hazbin characters and why? I love reading your thoughts on things. <3 Awesome work btw!
Favs are easy
Alastor. Well, you could've guessed lol. He's the reason i'm in the fandom. I don't know why i like him that much. Maybe because he's creepy, powerful, but also not the MOST powerful (although in my head i want him to be teehee), also cool voice and the fact that he was almost cut in half and had a mental breakdown. I started liking him AFTER the season ended, so, i guess, seeing him being destroyed by Adam was Important. Also he's ace (and most likely aro) so i don't have to worry that he'll be involved in some ungodly ship in the future (I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY, RIGHT? RIGHT????). I want to see him suffer, i want to see him broken, i want to see him rise and conquer Hell.
Rosie. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE HER? She's amazing on her own, but i guess she didn't have enough screen time to be my favorite on her own. But her dynamic with Alastor worth a world, PLEASE I'M BEGGING, I WANNA SEE MORE OF THEM IN SEASON 2. LET THEM BE MARRIED FOR TAX REASONS AND RUB IT IN LUCIFERS PATHETIC FACE
Angel Dust?? Maybe. I'm not sure. He COULD be my favorite, he has incredible angst, it's delicious... But the problem is - he's too horny for my ace ass and his angst mostly revolves around sex which i don't like.
But it's harder to choose which characters i dislike, because i either like them or just don't care enough. but...
Valentino. I mean. He's great antagonist for Angel, and i would LOVE to see him being murdered in the most brutal way... But still, when i think about Val i don't have anything positive about him.
Lucifer. Don't get me wrong. He's fun (his line about depression is iconic), he's silly little guy. But he's TOO silly for my liking. And i wouldn't care about him at all, if it weren't for the... *sigh* the fandom and the fucking r*dio*plle. I hate this ship so much (BECAUSE IT'S EVERYWHERE AAGGHHPGFRRGFG) that it makes me dislike Lucifer too, and be suspicious about any art where i see him and Alastor interacting which is a pity because they have really fun dynamic in canon and i would love to see where it goes. But the fandom ruined it. Thanks, hazbin fandom.
It's hard to choose third one. Because other characters... Well, i don't care about them and i don't feel anything negative about them. Adam? I actually like him, he's fun and his relationships with Lute actually my second fav ship in the show (first being platonic radiorose). I like Lute too (how can i say no to a warrior girl who's little bit fucked up) (and also if she's gonna have revenge arch... Alastor may have to move a bit and share the first place with her)
Ehm, anyway... i can't find third character i dislike even slightly. Maybe i'll remember something later, maybe not, maybe season 2 eill have someone i'll add to the list haha
But for now i'll stop here.
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rad-batson · 9 months
(skip to the bottom if you just want silly headcanons about her :D)
Hello! So first, I want to thank everyone who read the Wayne pilot I made :) I appreciate your feedback, and I love you all.
As I'm preparing to post it on AO3, I decided to make a few (admittedly small) changes to the script, primarily around Cassandra Cain, because I haven't quite fleshed her out yet.
I don't have much experience with writing Cass, so I decided to do a bit of research on her yesterday, and wouldn't you know? I fell in love. 10/10. She didn't play a huge part in the pilot, but she will have a bigger one in the second episode, and there are a few things I think can or should be added so she doesn't feel too one-note.
There wasn't anyone who told me this, by the way. (In fact, I actually got some nice comments about her so thank you.) I just had it in the back of my mind while writing, and now that Cass is getting more screen time, I'm finding that my lack of knowledge might lead to mischaracterization.
Is this overkill? Probably Think of it as a silly headcanon list for my version of her. And I'm posting it here because I want your feedback before it's set in stone. (I know Cass isn't written well a lot, so this is my attempt to right these horrid wrongs.)
If you're going to give criticism, please be constructive. Tell me what you like or don't like. I'm all ears. Have fun :)
Writing Cass
(Btw I still gotta read Cass’s first Batgirl run by Kelley Puckett)
Has some sass, has a lot actually
Used to be awkward in social settings. she’s better at it when she’s with people so she can match their energy but she still prefers to just dip
Speaks in short-ish sentences, trying her best tho
Mostly just relies on body language though
also yes i know her using ASL isn't canon, it just works best for the scene, it would have been written the same whether she was in it or not, it is still a cute nod to fanon tho
Messy, low-key gross. Bad-ish hygiene but she’s good at looking put-together so only those close know this about her (this is just my headcanon)
Often forgets bigger words so she occasionally uses the wrong one, she ALSO mixes up proverbs but no one corrects her because 1: it’s cute and 2: they don’t want to discourage her from speaking with them more casually (also my headcanon)
Cass: So I pulled the door off its…*makes motion with hand*…metal books. Steph: Do you mean hinge— Cass: Metal books.
Dick: Well that was a surprise. I didn’t know The Penguin would be here. Cass, nodding: Well life gives you grapes Dick: Wut Cass: You make grape juice. Get on the same book, Nightwing
Is a cinnamon bun AND a little shit, it’s a balancing act
Production: She’s Wayne’s darling Princess Cass: *will break your fingers*
She does appear behind the camera crew to scare them on purpose, she thinks it’s funny, she likes seeing them freak out
She is super competitive, but she's always like "Oh I'm not that competitive" *proceeds to be very competitive*
Because she isn't super confident in her writing or speaking (or just uncomfortable communicating without seeing the other person's body language) she prefers to Facetime or simply reply to texts with selfies of her reaction. It is a thing now. when you need an honest opinion about an outfit, text a photo to Cass. She will either give back a photo of a thumbs up or a photo of a grimace and some not-so-flattering emojis
Her princess persona is her public cover persona in this show, parallel to Bruce’s “Brucie” and Dick’s “born for the cameras” thing
Is surprisingly vocal (and sometimes snippy) about her distaste with things but she mostly gets a pass because her morals align best with Bruce’s
Is most snippy when her family uses methods other than violence when violence is clearly the faster option, god they're such pacifists
Tim: *trying carefully to pick a lock* Cass: Just break through the wall? Tim: We can’t do that. We’re trying not to be noticed. Cass: Wimp
Bruce: Cass, why did you have to dislocate that man’s shoulder? Cass: I put it back. Bruce: That’s not the point. Cass: Fine, I’ll dislocate it again.
Is the best fighter, none of this “oh she’s the best fighter so when people do win against her, it makes them look cooler” thing, shut tf up, she could break their bones (not important to the show ofc but I need to add this because it is important in general)
Horrible at drawing, wretched (again a headcanon but I did see someone else mention it somewhere)
Also bad at writing, refuses to study to improve out of principle (i.e. she told Babs she doesn’t need to and now she refuses to admit Babs was right)
(AND SIDE-HEADCANON IF SHE IS HORRIBLE AT WRITING AND ACTIVELY HATED STUDYING HER ALPHABET THEN WHAT IF LIKE ONE DAY SOMEONE SAYS “hey can you grab me one of these files from last week’s case, it’s under M” SHE’S LIKE “fuck you, how could you do this to me” WHILE SEARCHING FOR M OR MORE SIMPLY *throws something at them*)
That's all I have right now. If you'd like to give me any recommendations, please do. I can't promise I'll add in every single one because this show is still about the whole Batfam, not just her, but I want to do her justice, and that definitely involves more fine-tuning on my part
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xbomboi · 1 month
misc. bribelle thoughts
prefacing this by saying bribelle is my favorite ship. actually might be one of my favorite all time ships considering whenever i catch 11:11 i make a tweet on my priv twitter saying “11:11 bribelle and rarijack” because i’m insane.
i think it’s a lot easier to justify saying faybelle potentially has feelings for briar in a canon context because even aside from her diary, her behavior in epic winter can most definitely be read with flirtatious undertones, especially after witnessing the dream sequence
but i’m always trying to justify things to myself in accordance to canon without feeling ooc, because i’m the type of creative who would rather write my own original thing than make alterations to a pre-existing work. that’s just me.
and briar is trickier to do so with. in the show alone, she only actually verbally responds to faybelle once and it’s a line that also adds exposition. “but it’s forbidden!” girl come on throw faybelle a bone at least…
by epic winter, i’d say briar could potentially have had surface level attraction to faybelle, but it isn’t until having that dream and probably especially post-epic winter when she’d get time to actually reflect on it that she’d start to develop palpable feelings for her.
i’ve kinda noticed something about briar: she likes attention. i guess she’s kinda like faybelle in that respect.
briar grew up with neglectful parents. fill in the blanks. why wouldn’t she want attention when she lacks it properly from the two most important people in her life?
along this line of thinking, briar especially values explicit displays of affection, particularly from a potential romantic partner.
so, regrettably, let’s look at her relationship with hopper.
i.e. briar’s behavior in the webisode “Here Comes Cupid.”
when she first confronts hopper about his unconventional advances, she’s disinterested and borderline repulsed.
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but after hearing him profess his love via the recording, she’s taken aback and actually grows endeared.
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until this BAFOON fumbles the bag and does some really creepy shit by leaning into her personal space and calling her hot. understandably, this miffs briar and she once again loses interest.
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(side note, too many people ignore how blatantly creepy hopper is to women, ESPECIALLY briar. he needs to be held accountable, not rewarded by getting the girl.)
even then, despite not necessarily returning his affections, she’s somewhat comfortable in the status quo that he devotes his attention to her. which is exactly why i think in bunny’s diary (bunny is wrong btw she doesn’t know a damn thing so idk why the one wiki that’s not the official wiki list hopper as briars crush when the source is bunny’s word like fuck all) bunny mentions observing briar appearing disappointed when ginger asks hopper to the dance and he accepts.
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to briar, it’s like she’s losing one of the few things she’s familiar with, the few constants in her life. in this case, her only plausible option who she’d have reason to believe would accept. and we all know how briar is about losing things.
briar sorta settles into this state of fondness towards hopper’s affections, despite them being unrequited. because at least he gives a damn about her.
faybelle—at least, outside of her diary and up until epic winter—might as well be any villain; faybelle just wants to cause chaos for the sake of ruining somebody’s day. and i don’t think briar likes it that way.
i’d assume around the time of faybelle’s introduction to the series, briar’s stance would be one of upset towards faybelle, believing she doesn’t take their story as seriously as she(briar) does. that her role in sleeping beauty isn’t as important to her as being evil in general.
i have half the mind to say that this could potentially be read from briar’s behavior in faybelle’s diary.
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first off, that underlining wasn’t added; the underlines are in the official print. meaning briar is putting emphasis on those words specifically. sure it’s a lesson to faybelle about not being an asshole, but also it reflects on briar in a way. like it could be her saying, “you’re supposed to be my villain, but you act like i’m no different to you than anyone else.”
now, this next part is obviously a surface-level gag about faybelle making a malicious act seem so thrilling, but if we close our eyes and pretend that we’re in a different world called I.D.G.A.F. dimension, we can now analyze this in a different light.
briar’s confused by faybelle’s verbal expression of almost-affection. it doesn’t help that she’s most definitely barely awake. but i’m willing to say her confusion is partially born out of actually having heard faybelle say such a thing. it’s gotta be surprising and hard to believe in that moment, because briar has every reason to think otherwise.
in the show, like i said, faybelle just does whatever the fuck. open a sweat shop? sure why not. assist her peer’s mom in attempting to turn the entire world into her own dictatorship? count her in. make a deal with the mafia? just a regular tuesday. but god forbid she focus on being the one to make the sleeping happen in sleeping beauty.
i think that irks briar. or at least make her generally act indifferent when faybelle comes waltzing around to do god knows what; if she won’t care, why should briar, right?
then there’s epic winter. or, as i like to call it in bribelle terms, “they finally fucking interacted”
when briar explains faybelle’s inclusion of herself to crystal, she simply says it’s her thing and cites the sleeping beauty story. like “hey crystal this is my villain btw, trust.”
later when briar’s yapping about the story, some may say it’s counterproductive in relation to briar’s arc that ashlynn brings up the miserable part of it only for briar to talk fondly of it, but i know briar personally, and have been filled in as to what the truth is.
briar dropped that attitude because faybelle was there. she started talking up the story, almost as a cue to faybelle, like “hey remember how you’re like a big part of my life’s purpose???”
faybelle butts in about it. and briar doesn’t get the chance to respond, but i think she was almost expecting faybelle NOT to gaf, so her doing so threw her off just a little. maybe she expected to hear something like “who cares?” instead.
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then of course when they get to the castle briar’s little act is dropped and her deep fear of the sleeping beauty destiny is once again present. and of fucking COURSE that’s when faybelle decides to CARE ABOUT THEIR STORY.
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listen to me, LISTEN. briar looks at faybelle BEFORE faybelle actually says “no, there’s another room far more important to our story. isn’t there, briar?” she looks at her BEFORE she actually talks. she was looking to see if she’d react, then when faybelle does speak she looks away, then she bumps her to get her attention so briar has to fight the adhd and lock in.
and faybelle just keeps instigating which honestly kinda takes briar out of her typical sulking over her destiny mood and more of like ‘what is your game here exactly’ mindset.
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there’s so much to that look briar gives her. so many emotions in there.
after this they go up and faybelle taunts some more only for briar to almost actually prick her finger yada yada. and like i said, it’s a lot easier to understand faybelle’s pov. it’s very clear she doesn’t actually wanna go through with cursing briar, teasing and all. she makes as much obvious by her reaction alone when briar gets too close.
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but once briar’s fine she’s like ‘yeah, okay, back to normal,’ meanwhile briar is kinda just done because faybelle is acting a fool. but she never shoves faybelle off of her unlike she did when hopper intruded on her boundaries huh briar why is that what’s that about briar still, briar has yet to have any indication from faybelle about how she actually feels in regards to their story and her role in it. or how it pertains to their relationship with each other. rather, faybelle doesn’t take it seriously much to briar’s chagrin.
then the dream sequence happens.
to me, this is the turning point.
it’s a stupid music video for an insert song, but goddamnit it confirmed darabella and even hunter got to be there with ashlynn so i’ll die standing on business.
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this is what briar’s been waiting for from faybelle. that frenemy status is something i think briar wants to figure out which one to see faybelle as, depending on how she really wants to proceed with the story. and i’d say faybelle surprises her; hell, she even shows her a side of her rarely seen.
like with hopper, an outward display of affection such as this is something briar is drawn to. faybelle’s display towards briar in the dream sequence is something briar would be endeared by, as she goes out of her way to prevent her from experiencing the very thing she’s been dreading for so long. that’s gotta fit briar’s love language.
side note, i think it’s very very interesting to note that faybelle is the one to swoop in and save briar in this case, without any other characters present to show a significance in the ending of the story. i say this because hunter gets to be in ashlynn’s sequence and the bears are in blondie’s, despite none of them being in the tower asleep. all this is to say, if briar really did have feelings for hopper or really was gonna end up with him or some guy, they’d be there, right? but nope, just faybelle. I Understand.
after that we don’t really see them interact at all again, but there’s the general disdain for faybelle’s actions as a shared sentiment amongst the others. either way, by the end she shows remorse and seemingly ends on good terms with everyone, meaning i don’t see why briar wouldn’t be left thinking about the dream, seeing her in a whole new light. honestly briar would probably be kinda intrigued by the idea of the bad girl having a soft side for her. briar and i actually spoke about this the other day.
either way, this is briar learning that despite the general ignorance faybelle portrayed, she actually does care about her.
faybelle demonstrating, proving to briar that she is capable of showing affection and actually does care for her is what i think is enough for briar to begin to start falling. (which is kinda reflected in how i approached their relationship in fable fest.)
because briar knows there might actually be something there.
or maybe it’s a kid’s cartoon and one girl mean other one nice, idk.
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I'll be honest all I can think of is P!Noah's family react to his tv persona.
Like, they know the littlest of their family is a little unhinged but they know he's not bloodthirsty so they're just a wee bit confused.
(And since Noah has, like, 8 sisters I just like to imagine the rest of their giant family is COMPLETELY normal. Like, they have their own individual quirks like anyone else but they're just normal people.)
If you can't tell one of my favorite dynamics is gremlin x just some guy but in this au it's multiple "just some guy“s and it's platonic.
And they've never actively troed to real P!Noah in either btw. They're perfectly content with their little adrenaline junkie baby brother.
Though it does make me wonder how they react in the P!Noah getting stabbed ask
No, see, this is a part of the AU that I actually have some thoughts for.
P!Noah's whole schtick wouldn't be achievable without the showrunners being aware that he's not really gonna do anything to permanently harm the other competitors- it'd be a PR nightmare to justify having an actual loose canon on the show risking the safety of the other teens. So, at the very least, the producers would know that a lot of his threats of violence or otherwise concerning behaviour are an act. (Or an exaggeration of his wilder tendancies.)
Thankfully, canon has its' own subtle little explanation for keeping someone so 'dangerous' around - Izzy's audition tape(s). In those, Izzy states that she'll do her best to "not be boring", which is probably the line that cemented her inclusion in the show. She's kept around as a conflict starter and an audience engagement device, since her antics are so entertaining to watch.
In a similar vein, in p!Noah's audition tape he explains that he's only auditioning for the show out of boredom, and he mostly sees the whole experience as a relatively quick cash grab - after all, he's wicked smart and plenty talented; it'd be child's play to outperform the other contestants (keep in mind, pretty much all of the OG cast were under the impression that Total Drama was going to be something more akin to a talent-based competition at an island resort). He explains that he's not really interested in the show itself, but it could be fun to spend his summer somewhere new where people don't know him or his eccentricities.
At this point in time, Noah's already got his gameplan planned and set; he's already presenting himself as the stoic and somewhat egotistical bookworm, which honestly isn't too far from his actual personality. Save for his psychotic tendancies, that is. Of course, Noah really is smart - smart enough to know that if he came in guns blazing to an audition tape for what is at it's core a social game, he probably wouldn't be picked.
And then the video is interrupted by one of his siblings, who points out that Noah's idea of "fun" generally consists of tormenting the people around him, providing examples of his more daring pranks from a seemingly endless list.
Then more of his siblings join in, all the while Noah stares towards the camera with a smug smile, which only grows wider - unnaturally wide, with hints of unusually sharp teeth poking from stretched-thin lips - as they share transgression after transgression. The tape ends without elaboration, nothing but a still frame of Noah's sinister smirk.
These pranks themself start off pretty tame sounding, like rigging water balloons full of vinegar above doorsteps. They quickly devolve into Noah cutting the breaks on his teacher's car after recieving an unfair grade, mowing down his classmates on a renegade bumper cart during a school trip to a theme park, and things along those lines. Chris, and more importantly the producers, feel a sense of sadistic kinship with the little psycho after hearing about his dangerous endeavours, and cast him on the spot.
So he's chosen to compete for a similar reason as Izzy; to wreak havoc in an entertaining way, and hopefully to kickstart drama.
His family are fully aware of this, though they don't fully anticipate the gleeful sort of vigour Noah has towards tormenting his castmates whilst remaining undetected... by the castmates. They do, however, expect Noah's sly grins and menacing smirks he throws towards the cameras before each successful prank he pulls off with Izzy. And the blank, uncannily empty stares he fixes towards the audience from the background of challenge footage - as if Noah himself can see through the lens into their souls.
After all, they've dealt with him for his whole life. They know his tricks, they've lived his tricks. The whole family has become accustomed to their baby brother who doesn't fully understand concepts like morality and empathy and, as such, can be a little silly sometimes. And they all know just how committed Noah can be to things he finds fun and interesting.
Their first bout of genuine surprise is during one of his later confessionals, when Noah gets too into the persona he's cultivated and starts portraying himself as violent and out for blood.
In Noah's head, he's just upping the ante of his metasocial game. For his family? They know he isn't nearly as violent as he's portraying himself as.
Sure, he's a little impulsive and thrill-seeking, but he's never had a fascination with blood or sharp objects of whatever else he tries to claim in the confessional. When Noah gets home from his stint on Island his siblings are lining up to berate him for his act - doesn't he realise how dangerous portraying himself as an unstable lunatic for the world to see is?
He justifies that anyone who believed his act is an idiot. It's reality TV - anyone with half a brain knows that things are exaggerated for entertainment purposes. He was just giving the editors something good to work with.
Noah is promptly dogpiled by eight irate older siblings.
(I'm also a big fan of "gremlin & just some guy", in this case it's gremlin & many exasperated some guys who aren't afraid of the gremlin. The rest of his family are perfectly normal people who just so happen to know how to deal with somewhat morally bereft hijinks and tomfoolery thanks to their youngest member. P!Noah has an incredibly healthy home life, he's just like that by design.)
As for the stabbing ask; I'm not sure if I want that little scenario to be "canon" to this AU, (and if it is, it'll be re-written with things like context in mind, as opposed to the shitty sleep-deprived drabble I wrote way back when) but if any of his family witnessed Noah being stabbed on international TV the whole brood would be storming the network's headquaters and/or chasing down the Jumbo Jet to get to him. He's The Baby™, you can't stab The Baby™. (Though, inwardly, they'd all agree that it was karma in action. Noah was tempting fate by playing around with knifes for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone got stabbed.)
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
husk in any image with valentino is going for his throat i imagine. pan on pan violence. (sort of imagining husk as a spitting kitty cat now, with valentino holding onto a chandelier or smthin near a ceiling for dear life)
charlie, cherri, sir pentious, vox -- well the two in the middle are making out, while charlie and vox stand to either side not quite sure where to look, because they also can't really look to each other for solidarity. alt. charlie is cheering cherri/sir pentious on, vox isn't sure how he ended up on this picture and why alastor isn't there :(
see at first id think alastor, vaggie, and angel would be pretty chill in the same picture, seeing as angel has been learning Boundaries, but i forgot that vaggie -- while chill with alastor in the battle + final bit -- potentially does not trust this guy in the slightest, considering he's made a deal with her gf. so like. nominally chill picture. for now. rosie is also there
is lucifer the token straight in this setup? (i wrote that and then remembered adam, but tbh loser bisexual adam hcs have compelled me) (and then the host of people who are ??? in my head atm. velvette, carmilla, lute, zestial, niffty -- oh NIFFTY does strike me as potentially straight in a "housewife from a terrible marriage" sort of way) (lol accidentally wrote my way into a "what about the straights" corner somehow, love a show where everyone is queer until proven otherwise and even then...)
(reference to this)
LMAOOOO this is all very real. "vox isn't sure how he ended up on this picture and why alastor isn't there :(" I'M CRYING??!?????
velvette is definitely some form of queer to me, wlw or aro are all acceptable to me. carmilla, zestial, niffty idk. for lute I do actually kinda like her with adam so she's at least a manliker to me but also like the idea of her having had something with vaggie in the past, so bi/pan to me
honestly I'm fine with bi lucifer or token straight lucifer both work for me but I was speaking in terms of canon sexualities in my post (because if it wasn't just canon there would probably be more bisexuals LMAO. and rosie would be with alastor in the aroace section)
btw regarding the lucifer thing, they've taken it out now but at some point he was listed as straight on the wiki and I got JUMPSCARED bad
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I think the idea of it is very funny though. yes the one who oversees the PRIDE ring. straight. also him being token straight of the hotel (unless you count niffty???) where like everyone else is queer in some way and he's wondering why he gets left out and charlie just has to awkwardly go over and say "ummm... dad. you're uh. straight!" "well. do I get a flag?" "errrrm. yes, dad! the um. straight.... ally flag." "wow! is that what the a in lgbtqia+ stands for?" "no. no dad. that's alastor." "the a in lgbtqia+ stands for alastor??????" "DAD. NO."
(this is of course all for the fun and giggles I am still fully in support of bi lucifer I just think token straight lucifer is also funny)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
What ships do you do not like?
Im saving Huskerdust for last. I have way too much shit to say.
Aside from weird illegal ones and also disgusting ones, I am a very big Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb disliker. It couldve been good but theres like no chemistry and Cherri doesn’t seem to actually like Pentious for any reasons other than he kissed her and then exploded and also weird double penis joke. Said it before, I’ll say it again, Cherri does not need a boyfriend she needs character development. If you’re interested in more of my hatred I have this rant abt it here
Valentino x Vox is another that I hate. I feel like I don’t need to explain why but I will anyway. I know they’re technically not canon anymore, but idk how I’m supposed to enjoy a ship between two characters when one is Valentino and also knowing that it was previously canon that Valentino has shattered Vox’s screen multiple times. Honestly you can’t even be like “well the voxtagram posts arent canon anymore so he’s not abusing vox” because you’re like objectively wrong. In the first couple shots we see of Vox and Valentino together Vox has an entire glass thrown at his head. Very important detail, he nonchalantly dodges it implying that while we know this is a common occurrence for Valentino to have violent breakdowns, it is also a common occurrence for Valentino to throw things at him or try to injure him in some way. Not to mention he seems very unsurprised when Valentino takes his phone and breaks that as well. Vox is also forced to walk on eggshells around this guy with how he talks to him. There’s literally no way for it to be healthy at all.
While I love the concept of Charlie and Vaggies relationship, it’s entirely brought down by Vivzies inability to write women and her lack of care for wlw relationships. There’s a lot of good rants about this, but I have so little substance to mention on these two it’s kind of hard to talk on. Vaggie doesn’t have much character development and Charlie is just incompetent all the time in the canon show and the only interesting stuff we got was from episode 7 (very good episode btw)
Any Alastor ship ever. End.
I do not like Huskerdust a lot of the time. I don’t enjoy how the fandom does it a lot of the time because they don’t really consider the others boundaries and just are like “well they like each other now so they should kiss!” And I disagree with that very hard. For how it is in the show, the best i've seen is the little bit in episode 8 which I really do enjoy but obviously there was no build up to it really so I hardly have much to grasp and I have to do everything myself. Relationships take a long time. That goes hand in hand with my rewrite also. Angel has harassed Husk and other people multiple times and that’s not okay obviously but for some reason no one acknowledges that?? The first step of them ever getting together or even being friends for that matter is Angel apologising. I will be mentioning my fuckass rewrite again just as an example of what I’d do, so I apologise! Everything from this chunk till the end is about how my friend and I have tried to fix this dumb relationship. It’d take him a little to mention it, but for how I’ve done it with my friend he ends up going out to dinner with Husk after rewritten episode 4 events and after getting texts from Valentino he starts reflecting on how bad Valentino and other people objectifying makes him feel and has that “..shit im doing that to other people.” And they have a little talk about it where Angel apologises for acting that way and tells Husk to call him out if he started doing it again on accident.
And it's not a quick fix conversation either, they aren’t magically best friends now and they don’t suddenly start being lovey with each other, Angel doesn’t even list Husk as a friend yet in his mind and has a bit where he only lists two people as his friends. There’s also bits of rewriting where Angel is yelling at Husk and ends up getting upset to the point he indirectly hurts Husk by throwing a wine bottle at him and Husk steps on the glass while he’s walking out. They talk it out again and Angel has another small crisis about potentially starting a cycle of abuse because his own trauma is shaping how violently he reacts to minor situations. Both of them need to work on themselves before they do anything. Especially Angel when he’s developed a habit of snapping and has a mindset that he needs to physically fight any potential threat away from him and it's leading him to actually hurt people. While that isn’t the sole reason he's in hell he's still in hell he is an objectively bad person and Husk has his own problems too especially when dealing with Angel specifically, both of them have an issue of pushing blame off themselves or shaming the other in overly stressful situations even if they don’t mean to. Husk has a tendency to shame Angel for his coping mechanisms and even if he's well intentioned with his criticism he gives it in a very uncaring and harsh way and will sometimes default to saying “I didn’t actually care in the first place” even if he does. They currently are not ready to be in a relationship together by any means, but fights help them reflect on themselves and of course at least Angel is at the hotel to be a better person. Charlie talks to him often and shows him it’s okay to confide in other people but that he doesn’t need to tell someone everything and that he can keep things to himself, and then the help from Charlie leads to Angel apologising again and trying to do the same for Husk like listening to him talk about his own issues and then giving input on them or just casual banter and so on. Both of them desperately need to work on themselves and they’re trying to do it together and I think when they're ready they’ll probably the best matches for each other, but you can’t just skip over the issues, the issues are the entire point of growing, that's why they are at the hotel.
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m4nd0l0r · 2 years
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Five Hargreeves Headcanons (That Have Consumed Every Single Space in my Mind-)
Description: “Live.. Laugh… Love the insanity the apocalypse brings me.” -Five Hargreeves, tired after a caffeine rush and/or from a drunken high. 2019. (this is canon.. HE TOLD ME HIMSELF)
Author’s Note: this is just how I’m dealing with writer’s block— i swear i’m still working on my upcoming Five fics- 😭😭 so uh have this for now i guess 🥲 no warnings btw!! its just me writing in lowercase a lot- a shit ton of crack and swearing- (five’s body is aged up- and his consciousness ranges from 30 to 50 in my works— however you decided which age you want for your experience :)))
Five Taglist (i forgot to tag im so sorry 😭): @ells-graveyard @noahspector @aelinismyqueen @sunweee @reinaeru @ne0boss @twauna00 @placidpluto @eichenhouseproperty @heartsforsuyin @ghostlywavelengths @technicallydifferenttraveler @seconds-not-decades @magical-girl-on-fire @emotionally-unstabel @peachy-wolfhard @its-loki-bitch @raven-fandomtrash @theilliterateskankula @magicstrange @ne0boss @venusrambles @whereintheworldisspencerreid @honeycombdumbass @mivzai @oscarisaacsleftballsack @zenithinthebin @peachteeaaa @rchaoz @wickedmystery @wordsandnerds @umbrellatte @666abby6666 @iameddiemunsonshair @starlightinhumanform @vennythearsonist @trashmouthsahra (if you want to be removed/added, pls tell me via pm!!)
he likes bitter coffee candy (if the mf cant get coffee he’d raid a candy shop rather than logically coming after a cafe-)
likes slasher films for how creative the deaths look (esp if its practical effects, he’s a sucker for those) (he likes nightmare on elm street, he gives me that impression for WHAT)
^ cos of this- i basically headcanon that in his commission days- he’d kill creatively- as if it were his canvas, my guy is an artist with blood 💪
idk why but he’d be an avid “gelato is NOT ice cream you idiot” typa guy (fucker knows italian and my ass RAN W IT)
he watches julia roberts romance movies (cos i like her rom films so im projecting-) (he def likes the maturity of the ending of my best friend’s wedding)
for some reason he considers mocha as chocolate rather than coffee (like the old man he is)
actually likes caramel, never tells anyone for no reason (fucking punk ass smh)
he’d say he hates animals but he’d give a pat to a dog/cat if he’d see one (but he’ll glare at the poor thing if it scratches him-)
from ptsd from the apocalypse- he tries to never indulge w small things like getting large amounts of food- cos he has the mindset that he “might need extra in case something bad happens”
he’d hate physical touch at first- flinching like a surprised cat on steroids— but he gets used to it slowly- and one person at a time
also i dont give a shit on what anyone thinks- FIVE IS A LITTLE SPOON IN HUGS— why you may ask? fucker is a touch starved ptsd filled mf- he needs those hugs ASAP- he would hold your hand 25/8 to reduce his paranoia i just know it (i PROPHESIZEEEE)
the first beer he drunk was a bottle he found in a post apocalypse alcohol store and the liquid was full w small grime and dirt- but he wanted to try some to “check off a bucket list”
LOVES dark comedies, he just does, he CACKLES when he watches one (but he only shows amusement when he’s alone, never w his siblings)
^ he’d also slap his thigh if he finds something soooo funny (old man behaviour smh)
has a personal vendetta against ppl who WOULDN’T put pineapple on pizza (klaus converted the grandpa and at first he felt gross eating it but as he continues he thought: “ok. this isn’t that bad.” the next thing you know, you see him on the phone calling the pizza place for 2 more boxes of hawaiian pizza—)
listens to edith pliaf RELIGIOUSLY (you would gift him a vinyl of hers and his eyes would SHINE) (the only time you saw his eyes the brightest-)
with modern music— he’d prolly like radio music (until you berate him and convert him to alt & indie rock)
has an odd fixation with guns and knives (like the papa he is) (would explain EVERYTHING ABOUT A SPECIFIC WEAPON) (he’s a nerd) (he’ll never admit it) (ever)
has a switchblade on his dominant arm pocket (he could use anything as a weapon, but he likes to be “prepared”)
like on s1, he’d pretend to be a kid and all innocent & shit to get free shit from strangers (you’d hop on the bandwagon and **nicely** ask him to get you stuff too.. he complains and says no but you’d see him on the next day with the shit you requested on his hands)
^ continuation with this— fucker prolly got a coffee machine cos he went up to some lady- went on, put a sad act, and went “oh no.. i dont got a gift to give to my dad.. he always wanted a coffee machine after ours broke” and the lady would have pitied his ass and bought a cheap but durable one for him— this would lead to a situation where the rest of the umbrellas try to take away the coffee machine away from his addicted ass-
viktor: should we?? do something??? diego: we’ve took THREE of those damn machines- what else can we do??? klaus: it’s like… he pulls it out of his ass.. you think he shits out coffee beans?? or is it just liquidated coffee at this point? you: i should call the ambulance before he falls off the window from the coffee… can’t deal with a cranky five.. luther: (is tired of it all and just wants to enjoy his married life) .. yes. please do.
in conclusion? never take away five’s coffee- he will drive you mad—
whenever he’s drunk- he acts like a goddamn sloth (esp if he’s comfortable with you- mf will CLING ON YOU LIKE SOME PARASITE—) (i wouldn’t mind tho 😏- i mean what?)
though as much as he likes bitter coffee- i see him DESPISE BITTER BEER, he would spit that stuff out of with the most offended face ever (all scrunched up like crumpled paper)
for my fellow filipino readers- he unfortunately SUCKS ASSSS when speaking in tagalog… you either tease the living fuck out of him about him or smile through your ear pain going “wow! galing! (amazing!)” (no he was not amazing he sounded like a screeching tire or smth- /lh)
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
Holy shit your writing of stella is amazing i would love to see more of your stella interpretation *picks your neurons in spoon like ice cream*
The "dragging me from one dollhouse to other" is just DAMN amazing and goes into my citation list. I see that Hellaverse isn't really egalitary and matriarchial so much (wtf where are moms that kills husbands why there are litterally so many characters who have dead moms...) as if it still have arranged marriages and i find it... Kinda... Stupid really idk... I want to see more punk and weirdness in hell, especially elite and hell culture. Btw they could just have random Orphan Child instead of their own lol. i think it would be fun since a lot of religious propagandist people i see are fixing about "making your own blood" on tv to convice people into making demography higher.
Like idk irl so much nonconfirmity and tradition repulsiveness considered terrible sin, i think they can have way more funnier culture and things than just plain anarchy. Or, like, monarchy and feodalism, but with more kill-counts. Idk what about instead of arranged marriage send your kids to marry who they want, have kids, but THEN make their kids forcefully friends-nemesis like in phineas in ferb lmao to express their wish to destroy other family and their plans, but not so much. So they can not only create one child, but multiple, so nemesis just try they best to have a bad effect on their younger siblings lol. Or try to make them into soblings. Or try their best to piss off them all. And parents may help both sides, or just laugh at them, and be proud. Now THAT'S the arranged shit i want to see rich elite characters in lol.
And also this ancient tradition help them to develop both social skills, manipulation skills, sarcastic remarks skill, and fighting skills, of course. That'll be funnier. I kinda just love seeing nonhuman characters acting nonhuman and managing their relationships nonhumanly, im very bored of seeing patriarchy in fictional species that can just not act in this way because why.
And your writing feels so much more natural than original, because... I like original stella because how comedical she is in her evilness (hiring killer right before victim right while dinner is a hella funny thing im ready to forgive all sins and oversimplyfying for it), but actually your version of writing is more relatable, and human-looking, and humane to her. And show her as not a pure evil i love it, since Stella in canon (and fanon because her poor writing) just made into a joke... And it honestly is the thing i don't like.
well... I lived with abusive family in a very weird situations. Basically horror irl, so it's indeed a shit story to be involved in as a kid. Amazing rewriting
Thank you!!!
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Im so sorry you went through such a thing. Hope things are better now.
It felt soo cathartic just to write it and I’d recommend anyone who hates a scene to just rewrite it on your notepad or something because that genuinely helps. The inclusion of Octavia and how his gross sexual exhibitions affect her also felt very important to me. Because he refuses to ever accept it.
Thank youuu for picking my neurons hehe. Writing Stella is interesting because she’s such a blank slate, but there’s so much untouched subtleties. Her rage tendencies, her need to have money, an obsession with parties and stimulation, clearly the only source of excitement in her life.
Where are the moms who kill husbands? Stella is the only one, and this action makes her the next mom on the chopping block apparently. Crimson murders his wife and gets yaoi made of him despite the fact that he’s straight.
I too wish there was some semblance of a punk scene but everything gets labelled goth instead. Kindve a shame. And you’re right they don’t behave like birds at all, there’s no clever animal puns or character work being done. Swans peacocks parrots owls ravens? Why?
I wish Stella could be a character, while having her occasional moments of petty villainy and comedy. Stop trying to force a comic relief character to be this Uber serious abuser or whatever. Her story is just as sad as stolas in many ways and there’s no getting around it. The projection of amber heard hate onto her is so childish.
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jaimeslanisters · 2 years
the pawn in every lover's game (part two)
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Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
when you’re ten, your father sends you to king’s landing to befriend a princess and woo a prince. a lioness growing up amongst dragons is a dangerous thing indeed.
crossposted on ao3 masterlist word count: 3.7k notes: this fic is blending show and book canon btw! just really picking and choosing what i want! also this goes out to everyone else who is stressed about taylor swift tickets going on presale tomorrow. wishing everyone luck! (also let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list)
At Casterly Rock, your younger sister Jeyne fancied herself something of a playwright. She would write little skits, based on songs and fairy tales, and she would beg and beg for you and your older sisters to participate. Cerelle usually begged off - she was always so busy with your lady mother, always focused on the possibility that she could be her father’s heir if a son didn’t come soon - but you and Tyshara always caved into Jeyne’s wishes. Tyshara was awkward acting, forever fearful of looking silly, but you always threw yourself wholeheartedly into your roles, acting your heart out with a passion that rivaled actual actors. Your youngest sister, Joy, would clap and cheer as she watched though you were never certain that she actually understood what was happening.
Joy would certainly be clapping your performance now.
With a practiced step, you turn the corner in the library and let out a small gasp, looking to all the world as if you are utterly stunned to see another person hidden behind stacks and stacks of books. Aemond looks up at the sound, quill slowing in his hand, and you quickly drop into a curtsey. 
“My apologies, my prince,” you say, embuing fluster into your words. “I did not expect to find anyone else here.”
Aemond rises to his feet, bowing his head slightly. “It’s no problem,” he replies, eyes flitting down to the book in your arms. “Are you reading Watchers on the Wall?”
You nod, moving closer. “After you mentioned it last week, I decided to try it.”
“And? What did you think?”
“Fascinating,” you breathe out, not faking your enthusiasm. Whenever you weren’t with Helaena, you were absolutely neck-deep in the thick tome. “To be honest, I’m only well versed in Westerlands history. I’ve never really studied the stories of the wall and I didn’t really know much, if anything, of the Nightfort.” 
Aemond looks cautiously pleased. “It’s fascinating, isn’t it?”
You smile, nodding your head and moving to stand next to the prince’s table. “It seems impossible that something could be so old, so filled with magic. I sometimes doubt the Others ever existed or that the Long Night ever happened.”
He raises a brow. “You’re a Lannister of Casterly Rock. Your bloodline traces back to the Age of Heroes and the Rock is even older than that. Is it really so surprising that things can be ancient?”
“You’re not wrong, my prince, but reading Watchers on the Wall, you can swear that the Wall is older than my family’s seat of power even though they were both established around roughly the same time. It certainly seems that way with all the magic.” You slide into a seat and note with pleasure that Aemond leans closer. “Casterly Rock isn’t known for being magical, after all, and whatever magic is in the wall has to be older than even the First Men.”
Aemond nods, reaching for the book in your hands, and tugging it his way, flipping it open. “What part did you get to?”
“The story of the Night’s King. I admittedly got caught up in it and bothered Maester Rodrik about it. He’s from the North, you know, so I figured he would have more information about the Night’s King and his corpse queen.”
He looks at you, a glimmer in his eyes telling you that he’s excited about new knowledge. You glow with pride. “And what did Maester Rodrik say?”
“He said that there are loads of theories about who the Night’s King actually is. Some say he was a Bolton or an Umber. Maester Rodrik told me that there are even claims that he was a Stark, the very brother of Brandon the Breaker who would ally with Joramun, the King Beyond the Wall, to save the North from his magic. After his defeat, the two Kings found evidence of some dark magic with the Others, and his name was erased from history for the shame of it.”
Aemond tilts his head. “Interesting. Wouldn’t that make it more likely that the Night’s King was a Stark?”
“Why would that be, my prince?” You ask.
“If the Night’s King was King Brandon’s brother, and Brandon was the one to strike him down, that would make Brandon the Breaker a kinslayer - even if it was for a good cause - and no one is as accursed as the kinslayer.”
“So you think that they erased the Night’s King's name to protect King Brandon from the shame?”
He nods, slowly as if he’s still thinking through his analysis. “It would make sense. If it was any other house, it might have done them some good to expose who it was, to solidify the strength of House Stark in the North.”
You shrug. “The Starks are the oldest Great House in Westeros. Their line has never been broken. They didn’t need to solidify their position in the North. They had held it for thousands of years prior and they continue to hold it even now.”
“Wherever there’s strength, others will always seek to steal it,” Aemond says, clearly parroting someone. “Maybe this great lie is what they needed to ensure their line would not break. Who would marry into a kinslaying family otherwise?”
You laugh at that. “I imagine there are a great deal more kinslayers in the history of the Seven Kingdom than anyone would like to believe. I’m sure there are kinslayers in every line.” You want to bring up the rumors of Queen Visenya and how people whispered that she murdered her own nephew to elevate her son to the throne but you hold back. Critiquing a founding member of his family might not endear you to him. 
Aemond hums in response. “Did Maester Rodrik say anything about the corpse queen?”
“Nothing really. Some people think she was an Other but Maester Rodrik says she was probably the daughter of a Barrow King and people simply exaggerated her pale skin and blue eyes.”
He taps his fingers on the table. “Makes sense. It would tie in with the idea that the Night’s King was magic. His bride was magic and so he did magic and cursed the North. Doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“It makes sense but it’s not nearly as interesting.”
It disappears in a flash but Aemond grins at you and you straighten up, impossibly pleased. “You’re right. It isn’t.” With a hum, he pushes the book back to you and turns to look at his own books and notes splayed out in front of him.
As you move to get up, feeling dismissed, he glances back at you. “If you’re not busy, you can stay and read some more. There are other stories in the book that I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on.”
You smile, sliding back in your seat.
After you and Helaena finish your lessons and the septa, a pious and strict woman, sweeps out of the room, the princess turns to you with a smile that you can only classify as mischievous.
“Would you like to come to the Dragonpit with me?” She asks, fiddling with the ends of her hair. “I haven’t flown Dreamfyre in a while.”
You pause, midway through putting up your lesson books. “You flew with her yesterday, my princess.”
Helaena laughs, the sound soft and tinkling. “And it’s been a while since then. Dreamfyre and I are bonded. I can feel her even now.”
“Are all bonds like that?” You ask, thinking of the glimpses of dragons you’ve seen from a distance. Every time you saw them, you always had to fight the urge to hide, paranoid of the massive beasts that had conquered and bent Westeros to the will of their masters. 
She shakes her head. “Some. Not all. Aegon has the strongest bond I’ve ever seen with Sunfyre while there are stories of some members of my family not being too attached to their dragons. Even still, they’re a part of us.”
You nod slowly, finishing up your task as you think to yourself. In the past few weeks of meeting Aemond in the library, you had never once dared to bring up his lack of dragon though you knew it had to bother him greatly. Sometimes your meetings would line up with his training sessions at the Dragonpit and he would always return, sullen and angry and snappish. The first time it happened, you had asked him to clarify some part of the story of how House Baratheon was founded and he had rolled his eyes, muttering some obscenity you couldn’t fully make out under his breath in lieu of responding. You had stormed off, knowing if you had stayed, you would have fought back in rage and said something that could damage your tentative friendship.
To your surprise, the next time you had gone to see him in the library, prepared to swallow your pride and apologize just to land back in his good graces, he had actually apologized to you. You had sat stunned as he somehow stumbled his way through an apology, giving the distinct impression that he had never found a need to apologize to anyone outside of his family before. It had been a supremely awkward affair but you had accepted his apology and the rest of your time together went without a hitch.
The incident had taught you two things; that Aemond might genuinely consider you something resembling a friend since even if he was in a foul mood after the Dragonpit, he never again took it out on you and that you shouldn’t ever discuss anything remotely resembling his lack of a dragon. 
As it stood, you had yet to venture with Helaena to the Dragonpit. You usually spent that time reading or observing Uncle Tyland at work. He was always willing to let you read whatever you were allowed to from his duties as Master of Ships. Back at Casterly Rock, you were hardly ever permitted to follow your father the few times he managed to get around to performing his duties. Your mother usually managed the work Lord Jason never did but Cerelle typically accompanied her and you always felt like you were getting in the way next to your sister with her intense drive to be the perfect heir if the duty fell to her.
“Dreamfyre is more than large enough to seat you with me if you’d like,” Helaena teases and you wince.
“Forgive me, princess, but I fear I’d make a rather embarrassing display if I were on top of a dragon.” 
Helaena tilts her head, eyes unnaturally bright. “Lions will ride dragons someday.”
You snort. “Perhaps but that day will not be today. I will go with you but I will not be getting on a dragon with you.”
She smiles brightly at you. 
You fight down the urge to run as you trail behind Helaena who is practically bouncing into the Dragonpit. At the massive gates, a pair of dragonkeepers wait for the pair of you, forcing a smile on your face as you nod your head at them. Helaena greets them in High Valyrian and you stare up at the Dragonpit, tuning them out. It is truly a massive structure, looming so far up in front of you it hurts your neck to crane it back. Inside you can hear the occasional thundering roar and it sends shivers down your back.
Logically, you know you need to get over this fear. Your future seems tightly woven in with the Targaryens at this point. If you succeed in securing a marriage with Aemond, your own children will be dragonriders. Even if you fail, it’s hard to imagine a future where you aren’t by Helaena’s side in the Red Keep. Still, a small, treasonous voice in the back of your head whispers that dragons weren’t meant to be here, that no single person should hold that much power.
“Are you ready?” Helaena cheerfully calls and you jolt back to attention. She’s beaming at you, looking more alive than you’ve ever seen her. 
You nod, clearing your throat. “Of course, Helaena.”
You’re a lioness of the Rock. You will not cower before the dragons. 
Helaena and the dragonkeepers lead you in. You walk with your head high, pushing down your nerves as far as you can. The interior is practically cavernous but that only means that the rumblings of the dragons echo even more, surrounding you completely. Inside the massive domed pit, you can see that you’re not alone. Across the Pit, you can spot the princes, all of them, grouped together near a few dragonkeepers. Aegon is laughing with the Velaryon princes Jacaerys and Lucerys. Aemond stands alone, face serious as he stares down even deeper into the Dragonpit. 
The noise your entrance makes draws all of their attention and Aegon, Jacaerys, and Lucerys wave, making an absolute spectacle of themselves. You nod your head back, saving a smile for when Aemond tips his head at you and Helaena. 
“Come now,” Helaena calls to you, her hand brushing your arm gently. You do your best not to gasp in shock at the surprise touch. “Dreamfyre awaits.”
Bowing your head, you follow behind as she heads into the Dragonpit, away from the main floor. Below the dome, the Dragonpit is little more than passages carved in stone, close and claustrophobic. 
“Stay by my side, my lady,” a dragonkeeper says to you, bowing his head when you glance over at him. “Dreamfyre may not be pleased with your presence.”
“She won’t hurt you,” Helaena reassures you, not even looking back as she determinedly heads deeper and deeper into the twisting tunnels. “She wouldn’t hurt anyone I care about.”
You manage a smile at that. “ I’m glad to be one of those cherished few then, my princess.”
Eventually, you reach an area where the cave opens up. The opening is lit by a few torches but the cave is so massive that you can’t even see to the back. Dauntless, Helaena walks deeper in, her silver hair a beacon in the dark. You stay back, half-hidden behind the dragonkeepers, poised to bolt back into the relative safety of the tunnels if something were to go wrong. 
“Dreamfyre!” The princess shouts before continuing in High Valyrian. There’s a moment of silence, where you hold your breath and steel your nerves before it feels like the very air vibrates around you, the low growl of a dragon responding shaking you down to your very bones. Deep in the dark, there’s a low red glow before the temperature skyrockets and a dragon, massive and shining a brilliant blue even in this dank cave, breathes out fire to the ceiling, the flames spreading.
Helaena laughs, absolutely delighted, and walks even closer to Dreamfyre. Your mind tells you that she’ll be fine, that her dragon would never harm her, but you’re so sorely tempted to dart forward and yank her back to safety. She touches a hand to Dreamfyre’s massive side as she passes and together, the two disappear into the back.
“She is exiting through the back entrance, my lady,” one dragonkeeper explains to you as the other walks into the darkness, trailing far beyond Helaena and Dreamfyre. “Do you wish to wait here or do you wish to go back up?”
You don’t respond immediately, too struck dumb still. You had seen dragons in the distance, swooping over the Blackwater or flying above the Red Keep, but you had never been so close. You had felt the excruciating heat of the flames when Dreamfyre had breathed out flames. You felt the very air shift as she moved. 
No, you think to yourself. No single man should have that. 
Quietly, you nod your assent and the dragonkeeper leads you back. When you reach the main floor, the princes are all facing a small (if it can even be called that) dragon, watching as it feasts on a shrieking lamb. Your stomach turns and you quickly turn away, walking away as fast as you can, resisting the urge to cover your ears to drown out the cries.
Outside the Dragonpit, you feel like you can breathe again and you raise a hand to your beating heart, taking deep breaths. Your cheeks flame with embarrassment and you head to the wheelhouse, standing outside of it. The thought of hiding away in the wheelhouse seems like an ever bigger humiliation so you stay outside, swinging your hands as you look up at the sky. Eventually, you see a blue flash that can only be Dreamfyre and your eyes widen with awe you track her flight, imagining sweet and caring Helaena on her back, laughing as she sours above King’s Landing. 
You watch until she flies out of sight, your eyes straining to try and track her so far in the distance. You can’t even imagine being that high off the ground. Casterly Rock was almost impossibly tall, soaring into the sky, and sometimes you and Tyshara would visit the battlements at the very top to stare out at the Sunset Sea. You two would always stand close to each other, hands holding the other’s, as the wind was so fiercely strong that high up in the air that, at times, it felt like it could carry you right off. Sometimes, if you made the mistake of staring down the cliffs, the ground felt like it was shifting out from under you. Dragons could fly even higher than that and you can’t imagine feeling more secure on a dragon than on top of the mountain your home was carved into.
Your stomach churns at the thought and you look back down, reminding yourself that you’re standing steady on the ground.  
You’re not alone for much longer when the gates of the Dragonpit open up and the princes all spill out. 
“My shining lady of Lannister,” Aegon calls, his voice carrying far, and you suppress your wince at his name for you even as you walk closer, curtseying deep when you reach him and his companions. “How did you like the Dragonpit?”
“It was glorious, your highness,” you reply, smiling up at him. Behind him, you can see Aemond’s carefully blank face. “Truly a marvel.”
Aegon laughs as he moves closer, Jacearys and Lucerys practically at his elbow. “Did you like Dreamfyre?”
You nod your head, eying him. “Yes, my prince, she was beautiful. Princess Helaena’s control seems exceptional.”
“Arrax listens to me just as well,” Lucerys cuts in with all the bluster and confidence of an eight-year-old. You give him a smile, looking him up and down. You had never spent any significant time with the Velaryons, only brief greetings in the halls or during banquets, but try as you might, you could not find a single whisper of Ser Laenor’s features in his sons - either of them. 
“Of course, my prince,” you reply, hiding your treasonous thoughts carefully. “I have no doubt you have the utmost control over your dragon.”
Aegon grins, something mean and mocking creeping into his pretty features, and you stiffen slightly. “Targaryens are bonded with their dragons for life, my lady. They’re a sign of our strength and… vitality. Without them, we’re just like anyone else.” He turns to grin at Aemond, laughing as if he had said a brilliant joke, before turning back to face you. 
You don’t dare look to Aemond. You can only imagine his expression right now. “Is that true, my prince?” You trill instead. “What a grand blessing for Princess Helaena and Lady Laena.”
Aegon blinks at that. 
You widen your eyes, looking up at the prince as innocently as you can manage. “Lady Laena claimed Vhagar, correct? She is the most massive dragon in the world. Princess Helaena has Dreamfyre, the next largest. I’ve never met Lady Laena so I cannot testify to her character but I am dear friends with Princess Helaena. She is strong and positively full of life. I’m so glad that you can give the female members of your family such high praise!”
The prince doesn’t respond, simply giving you a cool glance over, and your smile grows. With the smallest of scoffs, he turns away, heading to his own wheelhouse beyond yours and Helaena’s. The Velaryon boys follow behind.  
Aemond stays, however, looking at you with a glint in his eyes. “A blessing?”
Your smile turns genuine. “I’m just happy that he’s giving your sister the praise she so rightfully deserves.”
He hums, moving closer to stand by your side. “A rare thing from him to be sure.”
That brings a frown to your face. Aegon didn’t spend much time with Helaena so by virtue, you didn’t spend much time with him. The rare times he did show up, he seemed wholly uninterested in spending time with her. He wouldn’t be openly rude to her face or overtly mean but he always seemed as if he wanted to be anywhere else than there with Helaena. In contrast, Aemond would ask her questions about her bugs, reading whatever book she wanted, genuinely enjoying his time spent with his sister. 
You turn to Aemond. “If Prince Aegon is right,” you say quietly to him, not daring to look up. “Then I dare say you’ll have the fiercest and strongest dragon there is.”
“Don’t mock m-”
Your hand flies out and you grip his tightly. Swallowing down your nerves, you look up. His purple eyes are watching you carefully, vulnerable and soft. “They’re cruel and mean because they know the only thing they have over you is your lack of dragon. You’re smarter than all of them combined. I’ve seen you in the training yard - you put them all to shame. You actually care about doing your duties and protecting your family. You… You’re the trueborn son of King Viserys. There are none who would question that. You are a true Targaryen.”
With the way Aemond’s eyes darken, you can tell he understands what you’re implying. There were no whispers about his legitimacy. 
You take a deep breath, squeezing his hand. “You’ll claim a dragon. You’ll claim one and you’ll show them what ‘Fire and Blood’ really means.”
Dropping his hand, you turn to face the Dragonpit. Aemond doesn’t say a word, remaining close enough to your side that you can feel the heat radiating from him. Together, you quietly stare up at the crystal blue sky. 
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softpine · 3 months
I just remembered you haven't seen Twilight but I'm going to ask anyway! Do you know what teams your characters would be? Like team Edward or Team Jacob? Oh! Actually I'm also curious what Fandoms would they be in? I recent realized im a Bielieber
oh i have seen the first twilight movie!! i just wasn't a fan. but it was my best friend's favorite series so i do know a lot about it! was anyone actually team jacob? he's like gale in the hunger games. the only reason anyone would actually prefer them is because they're Not the main love interest (sorry to any galeheads out there...)
anyway now i want to imagine what fandoms each of them would be in, so:
🎭 caroline: well, she's a great artist and a monster fucker.. i don't think i have to spell out what she was doing online fjkjsdsj and she loved comic books as a kid, so i feel like at the start of the MCU madness she was really hype and then she got more and more angry with the state of things
💬 beth: she's written some star trek fanfiction more highly researched than her master's thesis and she loved nsync because what is a baby dyke without her emotional support boy band / comphet crushes
🎸 danny: music is the obvious answer, but i'm not familiar with musical history so i can't go into detail 😭 but his dad introduced him to bob dylan and taught him how to play guitar, then he learned piano, then he taught himself how to produce his own music from scratch. this was in the 90s btw so it wasn't very easy to learn. also he used to seriously follow skateboarding
⛅ mikaela: she loved old school country music from female artists like tanya tucker, reba mcintire, loretta lynn, etc. she's less interested in modern country but she looooves shania twain. and she's worked nights (first as a bartender, then a nurse) for most of her life, so she got really into daytime soaps
🌲 asa: he's literally the only one on this list where i'm like...... stumped. he doesn't pay attention to anything online, celebrities, music (he'll listen to whatever), movies (doesn't care), could never commit to watching a whole tv show, etc. he's very floaty and daydreamy? lmao he just doesn't have the headspace to get attached to fictional media like that
🎥 finn: we know he's always been a harrison ford fan boy and in any universe where he survives past the 80s he's a huge nirvana fan!! (if he and jules had a son, they would've named him kurt... he's deeply serious) he's also read every stephen king book that came out while he was alive. he was a big reader in general, particularly horror
🧸 stevie: canon seth rogen super fan, has seen every adam sandler movie (every last one of them) and i knowww she knows the fnaf lore... as soon as she finishes a show/movie she likes to find the weirdest fan art to terrorize her followers. also loves musicals and wants to see cats on broadway someday (a girl can dream)
🎀 elaine: she loves following celebrity news but she watches them like animals in the zoo; ie. she's observing from afar, she has no personal stake in them. she's a frequent flyer on gossip forums like fauxmoi. she was on the ground floor of lipstickgate and was SEATED for dramageddon. and she had a serious twilight phase
🎨 jada: SOMEONE on this list had to get assigned supernatural... i'm not saying it just to say it, i really think she would connect with (early seasons) sam what with the dead mom... fear of losing their humanity... having powers they don't understand... a hot girl manipulating them to use their abilities in sketchy ways... yeah. i'm sure she has favorite contemporary artists (painters specifically) that she'd be able to talk about on end but sadly i don't know anything about that world 😭 oh and she's kind of obsessed with hate-reading booktok books to feel alive
🏈 casper: sports count as fandoms and i don't want to hear a word about it!! his team is the patriots but he's kind of a fairweather fan (maine doesn't have an nfl team so he doesn't have that state loyalty factor). miley cyrus is his problematic fave forever but he's kind of a pop girlie in general
💋 coco: in high school she was a speedcuber if that gives you an idea of what we're working with here.... she grew up with pokemon, naruto, dragon ball z, she collected trading cards, etc. she still likes anime and video games and stuff, she just doesn't have the time to get invested like she used to, and it makes her sad because it reminds her of her late best friend liam. she makes time to play fortnite and minecraft with his little brother and she plays other games on twitch sometimes. has done a LOT of cosplay. she's a huge nerd basically
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vixenicks · 2 months
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@ozymoron HIIII YES I'D LOVE TO disclaimer this will be very all over the place also my mind is totally blanking rn bear with me (->🧸)
i don't usually write like cohesive headcanon lists also sorry that this took me like 3 weeks to get back to im sick in the head, also this will probably mostly just be a more comprehensive compilation of stuff i've already posted. also some miah too
biggest fucking hypermobile valeska truther
do i think he has a medical dx for whatever connective tissue disorder he has going on? absolutely not
his joints dislocate and pop whenever he strains anything too far, if anything i think he's a fan
never in his life would he use a mobility aid of any kind
you can't give him compression wear he'll lose his sparkle. (the sparkle in question being him popping his fingers in and out of their joints to freak people out)
plus just in the show he's always bending and moving constantly
he sits in chairs with his knees bunched up his legs folded over he spins in circles extends his arms
you can't convince me he doesn't sit at tables with his leg propped over his own shoulder
rip Jerome Valeska you would've loved bending over backwards across a table
and subsequently pulling something in your lower back that will continue to pop out of place and ache for the next like four years
again, probably not a huge issue i think he's a fan
i think that Miah is also hypermobile but like she's taking way better care of her body lets be real
compressive braces for her knees and elbows she's like fine
also the opposite end of the spectrum. the chronic aching is killing her. you however could not pay Jerome to take a tylenol
sleeping happens to him. rarely
honest to god i think the most hours of sleep he gets in gotham are when he's dead
when he does get any sleep he wakes up on the floor and with his feet like curled over his head
everything is where it definitely should not be
vague sounds of furniture moving around in arkham its just jerome moving in his sleep
a loud thunk followed by a sound similar to when birds ruffle up their feathers (he has a blanket wrapped around his body and folded over his face. he's stuck)
personally headcanon Jerome to have aspd, npd and bpd aswell :3c
i could go more into depth with that but its 9am. it's like basically canon though i think. like it has to be
his teeth are majorly fucked up (projecting)
his canines protrude up at the top of his gums he has a chipped front tooth and sharp molars (projecting) (i have a reference image. btw)
god knows his mother never took him to the dentist and you could not honestly try and convince me that he brushes his teeth
or does any form of self care for that matter
there's a reason his skin is so red during s4 his ass did not use any type of moisturizer after his face got cut off
alternatively i think he probably had alot of upkeep when he was under Galavan
free reign in a nice penthouse and he already stole the pajamas and weapons and food
he didn't get alot of nice things growing up, who wouldn't raid a rich dude's house and use all 57 of the soaps in the bathroom
he's making potions. and drinking them don't ask why his puke smells like winter candy apple
anyways. i think that's another contributor to him never really investing time in personal hygiene post getting murdered
reminders of Galavan make him nauseated why would he
he still has a scar on his neck, he probably doesn't remember all of it, he probably prefers it that way
Jerome was so crazy devoted to Galavan it makes me sick and i think we should talk about it more
nobody ever found out that he was behind the Maniax. nobody ever found out him killing Jerome was an act of betrayal. Jerome actively told his father that Galavn actually saw something in him, that Galavan believed he'd be a star
and he believed that !!!!! he would've gone to the ends of the earth for that man and he got killed by him the same fucking day
you can see the genuine admiration during s2, the constant need for approval and validation from him, the constant feeding into that need for approval and validation
the confusion when Galavan stabs him in the neck, his last words literally being him questioning everything he'd been promised before
idk. probably a pretty big contributor to Jerome becoming significantly more detached and unhinged post his resurrection, to him consistently needing to be the one in control of everything and everyone, even if it's under the guise of chaos
eye dee kay. like there's no way he didn't internalize Something after the Galavan thing
there's alot more sloppiness in his actions, alot of blind faith and drive to do things purely for attention and amusement pre getting murdered that just isn't there once he's revived
he still got a more impactful legacy out of it though so get fucked Theodore
uhhh i think he picks his skin alot. there's like a word for that i forgot what it is leave me alone
lip picker nail biter eyelash puller
if you don't let him use your pistol as a stim toy he's going to tear the top layer of his lips off
also canon but a box of crayons could've saved him
he's a drawer he's a colorer
did you see the inside of that fuckass claires diary let that boy make bad art for fun
would love the smell of gasoline i mean this in a negative way
for sure huffed enough markers to kill off the left side of his brain as a kid
turns his eyelids inside out bends his hand backwards
i think he just loves freaking people out via microdosing on body horror
ok that's all I'll definitely add to this though stay posted thanks for the ask
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