#Danny ends up kidnapping Damian when he finds him
moonlight-stalker · 4 months
# Dc x Dp 175
Danny was Damian caretaker when they were in the league when Damian was sent to his father Danny was not told for a year and a half.
When Danny makes his way back to the league he finds out that Damian is not there and runs away to find him.
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bucketofpaint · 9 months
Danny is Damian's clone.
He's well aware of it. He wasn't just any clone. He was the very first. That was the difference between Danny and other clones. He was made before the League started using brainwashing and stuff into their cloning process.
When Danny was fresh out of the tube, the League had sat him down and explained his the purpose of his existence, gave him some intense training, and immediately tossed him out into the world.
But the thing was, he just didn't care. He had absolutely no loyalty to his creators, and he had no desire to kill/kidnap his original. So he just started walking. The next thing he knew, he was at some orphanage in Illinois.
And then the rest was history. He got adopted by a pair of enthusiastic scientists and their red-head daughter, got his own name, and he could finally start living his own life.
Danny had put the past behind him and had barely even thought about it at all for a long time. That was unill his original showed up at his school.
Damien was annoyed. He was stuck at some random Illinois town (supposed to be the most haunted place in the world, which was a bunch of ludicrous.) On a transfer program. He tried convincing Father how illogical it would be, but Father had told him it would be good for him to meet new people.
Danny was annoyed.
"I don't understand what the big deal about him is anyways," Danny complained.
"He started being the ceo of Wayne Enterprise when he was a teenager." Sam countered.
"Ok, so, nepotism."
Sam rolled her eyes. "I still don't understand why you're so against him."
"One, billionaire. Two, Tucker is way cooler than Tim Drake.
Sam's eyes soften. " Tucker is just gone for a few weeks."
Danny's cheeks felt warm. "I never said anything about that. I just want Tucker to find a cooler role model, is all.
Sam gave him an all-knowing look. "Well, if you say so. I'm going to get in line."
Sam, all ways waited last to get in the lunch line. Claiming she didn't want to hold up line when the lunch ladies had to get the vegetarian option. Which was fine, but now that Tucker was doing the dumb transfer student program, all he could do was eat his mediocre lunch and mindlessly play on his phone.
Untill someone grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria into the hallway. Danny turned around to face the person. He froze at the sight of his own face. Or well, a glaring rich kid version.
"Oh, it's you." Danny said nonchalant, even though he was screaming inside.
"You're not going to play dumb, clone?"
"No, why would I, The resemblance is uncanny.
"What are you doing here?" His original demanded
"You dragged me here."
His original scowled. "You know what I mean, clone. I won't hesitate to end you."
"Just trying to go to school, honest."
Original glared at him, scanning him with his eyes. The grip on Danny's arm loosened. " I'll be watching you, clone."
" Whatever you say, template."
Danny walked back to the cafeteria, blocking out the yells of rage behind him.
It was about a week of Damian watching his clone, and he was confused. At first, he thought the league sent the clone to trade places with him before he went back to Gotham, but now he wasn't sure. The Clone seemed to fit in the community to well to have show up recently, but that didn't disprove the theory entirely. It could be a long-term plan from the League. They could be responsible for putting the transfer program in place in the first place.
The other theory was that the clone escaped and made a life for himself, but that didn't explain how he got past his programming.
After the last period, Damian found his clone and pulled him aside.
"What do you want?" His clone asked, irritated.
"You're different then other clones, explain."
"I don't know. I didn't really stick around very long to find out."
"What about your programming?"
"I didn't have any?"
Damian thought about it before giving a small nod. "You don't seem to be a threat, but I'll still keep my eye on you, clone."
"I've got a name, you know." He held out his hand. "Danny Fenton, nice to make your acquaintance."
Damian heistently shook his hand. "Damian Wayne."
That started their unsaid agreement. You don't mess with me, I don’t mess with you. They interacted with each other sometimes, but not very offen. They were impartial to one another, and both sides weren't very keen on getting to know each other. And that was their relationship till the day Damian was leaving.
Damian was waiting for the bus when Danny approached him.
"What do you want, Daniel?"
"I told not to call me that, but uh, here." Danny handed a piece of paper to him. "It's my phone number if you ever need help from the League or anything."
Damian slipped the paper into his pocket. "Give me your phone." Danny handed over his phone, and Damian started typing.
"What are you doing?" Danny asked.
"I'm putting my number in. If you ever require assistance."
Danny smiled, "Thanks."
A few months later.
Tim was peeking over a corner.
"What are you doing?" Dick asked.
Tim didn't say anything and just waved him over. He walked over and stared in aw at what he saw. Damian was slouched on the couch, his hair messy, playing on his phone.
A few minutes later, Jason joined.
"Am I hallucinating?" Tim whispered.
"Nah, I don't think so... unless we're all hallucinating." Jason whispered back.
"Do you think he has brain damage or been possessed or something?" Tim asked.
Dick shook his head. "That seems unlikely."
"This is so trippy. I've never seen him wear anything that casually like ever.
"What are you imbeciles doing?"
"We're watching Damian."
All three of them froze and turned to look at a glaring Damian.
Damian walked past them and went right up to the second Damian.
"Daniel, what are you doing here?"
The causal Damian 'Daniel' pulled out a letter. "Your pops invited me, and I didn’t want to risk the chance of batman showing up at my front door."
Damian scoffed, "Of course, Father found out."
Alfred walked in. "Master Daniel, I'll be taking you to Master Bruce."
The double got up and went to Alfred.
"Cookie, Master Daniel?"
"Sure, and call me danny."
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
I've been thinking about a pit assumed mermaid Danny so long. Like the GIW gets their hands on Danny and Danny ends up running away after being dissected and lands right into one of the Lazarus pits not the one that the league of assassin has and he ends up finding out that all of the pits are connected to each other so he uses them to like you know travel around and not be stuck in one place while healing. Damien standing by the pits without being supervised though something down there like just a child being curious he been here is a grumbling thank you. After a while Damien and Danny just get a big brother little sibling relationship and Damian when he leaves to go to his dad is like I promise to come back to save you Free you from the Lazarus pits. Couple years later after Damien established himself as Robin and a barrel agent with his family Damien's always been talking about going back and saving his friend Danny and the rest of the Batfamily is just convinced that Danny's like I'm imaginary friend. So when Damien gets kidnapped by the League of assassins and they're all getting ready to go back home Damian just walked up to the Lazarus pits and goes Daddy I'm here to save you you can come out now then it starts rumbling and outcomes this giant electric glowing green eyes mermaid being like Oh Damian you came back. Sorry for the rambling it's just that I really been thinking about this idea also I love your works.
"Robin! Where are you going!?"
Damian ignores Richard's call. He knows they should be running to the exit where Drake or Todd should fly around with the escape helicopter. He also knows they don't have time to make detours because if they missed that window of escape, the League would not allow them a second chance.
Damian knows. But this is the closest he's gotten to Danny since he was sent away. Now that he knows better, now that he is aware of just how horrible Grandfather and his lot really were, he couldn't just leave his friend here.
Every day that passed, Danny was at risk of being discovered, and who knew what the League of Assassins would want to do to him?
He needed to get him out.
Tonight, Danny was coming to Gotham with him, one way or another.
"Robin, we don't have time for this!"
"I know! I know, but I can't just leave him!" he shouted back, breaking into a sprint down familiar hallways. He dodged a sword swing, tucking and rolling between the legs of an assassin. He twists mid-landing to throw in a Scorpio kick to the head.
He only waits long enough to hear the man grunt. Damian is running away even before the thump of the body hits the ground. He's so close.
"Robin! Nightwing! We're fighting them off, but we can't hold the position for long," Drake shouts into the com that Richard had given him. "We need to do the extraction in two minutes or we're all going to be trapped here!"
He wants to shout at them but can't waste even a second. Damian forces himself to push faster and ignore the burn in his legs as he rounds down the last hallway, attacking the special guards at the gate of the pits.
Unlike the rest of the castle, these two are some of the best the league offers. Damian struggles to find an opening between them and their teamwork. He can also feel the time ticking away with each punch, swing, dodge, and heart-pounding killing blow that nearly lands on his person.
Just a little further. He thinks, panting as he blocks sword after sword, hissing in pain every time one of them manages to make small cuts through his defense. I just have to get a little further!
Bang! Bang!
The two bullets fly, breaking the guard's knees and pinning him down in a sword stalemate. Damian has a moment to thank the heavens that Todd and Richard appeared not even a second later—fighting away the two remaining guards. He watches them fight for a moment, trying to catch his breath.
One minute! Drake hisses, the sounds of gunfire and the wind of the helicopters' wind nearly drowning his voice.
Damian glances at the door, and then his brothers fight, and he makes his decision. He rushes to the door, kicks it open, and sprints down the pathway into the cave. He hears the battle pick up speed behind him, along with Todd's outraged cry of his name, but he does not slow down until the slight green glow comes into view.
"Danny!" he shouts, hoping his voice's sound waves can travel through the green liquid to what is hidden below. "I've come to rescue you!"
Are you kidding me? Todd yells in the coms. We're risking everything while being outnumbered and outgunned so Demon Brat can get his imaginary best friend!?
Damin tushes to the pit, leaning over, trying to spot the mermaid in the glowing water. He splashes the surfaces in the same way he used as a child, when calling for the creature, face darkening at the causation meanwhile. "He is not imaginary! Danny is real!"
Robin, we don't have time for this! Richard screams. We have to go! Now!
"In a minute!" Damian splashes the water more urgently. He could stick his head in, but he was healthy right now, minus the few cuts, and he could not afford to lose his head mid-escape.
We don't have a minute! Drake cries. A worrisome beeping noise accompanies his words. A loud boom is heard along with Drake's screech. I've been hit! I'm going down!
"Danny, please! I need you!"
A small head of pure white hair peaks up from the water, gentle green eyes staring at him. The glowing green hides the rest of his face since the creature did not go further than his nose about the water, but Damian can tell he's smiling.
"Hello, little one."
Damian allows himself one moment of relief before the world starts to shake, and Danny leaves the Lazarus Pits for the first time in fourteen years. He rises out of the water, long, glowing angle fish tail darkening into shadows as his form shifts into a thing of nightmares.
Damian smiles up at him. "Hello, brother. Can you help my other brothers and me escape? "
Danny doesn't even have to consider the request already growing bigger and bigger until Damian is no bigger than his thumb. He then moves grabbing Damian in his ice-cold grasp.
Danny flies through the walls and picks up Ricard and Todd before they go up and out through solid stone. Damian closes his eyes, pressing against Danny's body to protect himself from whiplash and the strong wind.
Danny is insanely fast, which he proves by diving for the falling aircraft and not only catching up to it but also managing to lift it out of the sky. He angles his hand against the doorway, shaking his palm so Damian, Ricahrd, and Todd all tumble out of the gaint being hand into the safety of the chopper.
Danny then swings his massive body towards the horizon, ignoring the Leauge's attempts to capture him. The island is out of sight in seconds, and Damian can breathe a little easier, even though he is pressed against the wall with his screaming siblings.
Danny is going a little too fast in his escape.
"What's happening!?" Drake cries and checks to wiggle back a little from how fast they traveled.
"I invited Danny to live with us!"
"You did what!?"
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kizzer55555 · 4 months
I had a crack idea and I really like your content I was wondering if you would like to hear it
Damien had an Over The Moon moment with Danny
Over The Moon Is about a little girl while building a rocket to the moon to meet a goddess so she can get advice about accepting the death of her mother
As a child Damien remembers one of his caretakers telling him the story of the god Phantom how something happened to him and how he floated up and away to space and became their God but could never see his family or friends ever again
Story that Damian got told was incredibly popular one in the infinite realms about King Phantom after he had to shut down the portals to the infinite rounds from the human world to keep the ghost safe and himself
And the ghost saw this heavily liminal child is like oh let me tell him the story of the space god Phantom
This was when Damien was still dueling Talia to find out who his birth father is and like a few days before his birthday Damien actually did find a portal that led to the infinite Realms
He ended up meeting ghosts like the Box Ghost or Johnny 13 and Kitty and going on a big adventure to the infinite rounds to meet High King Phantom who encouraged him to venture out there and find out about what it's connected to him
And turn there was a portrait made of Damien and Danny of Danny being in Royal where in Damien sitting on his lap with the brightest smile on his face
Damien ends up going back home and never telling anyone else in the League of assassins or in bat family about his adventure in the infinite Realms and king Phantom
Damien ends up getting into it like a really bad argument with Bruce and feeling unwanted so decided to go back you get advice from Phantom it ended up taking Jon with him
The bat family have to realizing that Damien's gone missing are spending most of their time trying to find Damien when Constantine calls them and shows them a portrait of Damien and the ghost King
Which leads the bat family thinking that Damian got kidnapped by the ghost King probably because of the Lazarus pits while Damian and Jonathan are out there living their Disney adventure
So the bat family and Constantine summon the Ghost came to the man Damien back while Damien trying to convince Danny at the world is changing that he might be able to go back home and see the people he loves
Anyway I just kept having the idea of Damian singing my rocket to the moon but changing out the lyrics
Anyway I hope you like my dumb idea and you might watch Over The Moon it's really good movie
This is such a cool idea! Unfortunately I don’t know much about over the moon but here’s my little spin on this idea.
The Justice league do the summoning but unfortunatly, they are still under the impression that the ghost king is Pariah Dark. So there is a bit of interference. So the summoning latches onto the last person to touch Pariah Dark (AKA his coffin) and while Danny did defeat the previous king in single combat, he wasn’t the one to turn the key. No, the last person to touch Pariah Dark was one Vlad Plasmius. So when the JL starts the summoning, they get a very confused Plasmius and before he can comprehend what’s happening a bunch of angry and colorful adults just start demanding that he return Damian.
Vlad has no idea who these people are. He has no idea who this Damian kid is. And no matter what he says, none of these strange costumed adults believe him! He’s not even the ghost king!
JL: lies. Lies and slander.
And THEN, ooooh, and then he wasn’t the only one summoned. For Maddie the cat was right there and unfortunately got caught in the summoning because it was feeding time. And because she wasn’t a ghost, naturally she was able to wander outside the circle. The JL, having multiple interactions with Kalrion assume this is the ghost king’s familiar and snatch up the fluffy white cat.
Vlad can only stare in horror.
The. Pure. AUDACITY.
You know what? FINE! Yes! It is I! The ghost king! I have your PrEcIOse little boy! You want him back?! THEN GIVE ME BACK MY CAT!
So here Damian and Jon are, having the time of their lives, chilling in a strangely warm ice castle with Danny and telling him their problems, giving Cujo scratches and meanwhile, Vlad is screaming bloody murder from his summoning circle.
JL: give us back our child!
Vlad: Give me back my princess before I ERaSe YouR exIStaNce and I’ll think about it [insert intelligible ghost swear]
Constantine: *dramatic gasp* How DARE you?!
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thecatchat · 10 months
Ace the bat hound becomes a ghost dog because he's such a good boy and dedicated to justice. Inspired off of this post here.
But, instead of being found out by Danny, it's the batfam's usual mystic contacts, like Constantine, that discover and reunite Ace and the Bats. Constantine muttering about how annoyingly resilient the particular brand of ghost is. From the infinite realms, Ghosts from there are a headache and a half to get rid of but portals, information, and really anything about it is far and few between since no one's been able to get into contact since some fight a couple centuries ago (Dark being sealed away). Justice Leauge Dark promises to let the family know if they hear anything or find any relevant information about the Infinite Realms, but since literally nothing has been heard from them in so long, no one really knows anything off the top of their head about it.
While Ace is technically supposed to be hidden away at home, he ends up sneaking along one day to help deal with Joker after the clown kidnaps Nightwing and/or Robin (Damian). The photos and videos of the event are blurry and smudged, but word of mouth gets around, and soon, the entirety of Gotham is celebrating the return of Bat Hound the Ghost, the very good boy back from the grave.
Meanwhile, things are going great for the family, just having Ace back makes everyone feel just a bit better (because Ace is a full ghost with a core and is helping to filter the currupt ectoplasm called Lazarus Water with physical touch). Jason is over more often and enjoys flopping on the couch with Ace for a quick snooze, Dick is over the moon to fight with Ace by his side again, Damian makes sure Ace is properly introduced to the rest of the animals that live at the mansion, Tim actually falls asleep semi-regularly now after Ace starts bothering him about being awake, and everyone else is reaping the benefits of having a bat trained dog that seems to be able to sniff out when they need a dog to pet.
Then these guys in white show up.
Ace had seemingly been on edge all night and when it was time to turn in for the night and let Signal come out for the day, Ace follows along, not listening to any command to stay home. Some of the others stay ready in the cave but they let Signal and Ace go out with the promise to call the moment something big happens.
Now, up until then, Ace's powers had been tallied up to: intangibility, invisibility, and occasional hovering/heightened jump. Every other exercise responded out as normal dog (except for the whole being dead thing). Maybe slightly higher emotional intelligence, but some dogs are just Like That. Through some tests, they do find that Ace has a new found hatred of Lazarus Water, but they don't find any obvious weakness that isn't a banishment spell which is as worrying as it is a relief.
So when these white suits start shooting using guns that glow the same green as Ace in Signals' vision and the shoots hit? Ace yelps in pain before seemingly barking out some kind of energy ball? And barreling into a wall so hard it cracked from another shot? Every single alarm that Signal can think to trip gets set off.
But not before one of the suits (one of the many suits, they're terrible fighters but there's just so many of them and two of them) takes out something that looks like a thermos and points it at Ace.
Within a second, Ace is gone.
Signal is so shocked he almost gets hit himself by the dozens of shots of energy blasts now aimed at him. He can't get to the white van in time before it speeds off.
I'm going to end this part here. I'm going to continue this in the reblogs but I also want people to take a crack at this story themselves! If you're inspired by this please put your thoughts or stories in the reblogs or tags!
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Little baby man idea
So damian finds little baby man and decides he's damians new baby
A few months pass and damian is kidnapped by the LoA, and separated from little baby man, after he sees the batfam loosing their minds about damian being kidnapped danny goes full overprotective mode
When the rescue plan happens there was a mistake and the mission fails and all the batfam are about to be killed
When little babyman comes out of one of the batfams clothes
Damian, seeing him, tries to get little baby man danny to run away
Ra seeing damian care about this creature decides to use it to torment him, goes on a rant about how he's become weak and all that
Little baby man is now full obssession and his ghost king powers kick in
Little baby man is now big demon man
Danny growes to the size of a building, sharp needle teeth with ectoplasm leaking out of his mouth like drool, pitch black eyes that look like black holes, an ice crown floating above his head with a ring of fire on his finger,hissing that sounds like the screaming souls of the dead, blue skin, black claws and tail wrapping protectively around the tied up batfam
Everyone watches in horror as damians most recent pet becomes a terrifying pit demon
Danny destroys the lair and kills all the assasins he can, he ends up hurtin Ra al Ghul so much he looses both his arms
Then he goes over to damian and wrapes him up with his tail with the other batfam
Then it looks like space and time itself bend to his will and suddenly their in the batcave still tied up
They look around to see little baby man, back to being little taring at damians restaurants and looking him over, and just being a protective and caring creature
Everyone except damian is terrified
Damian is proud of danny and is already making a list of treats to give him
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dat1angel · 2 years
So we've all seen aus where Danny gets adopted by the Batfam because, let's be honest, he's a textbook case of a Bruce Wayne adoptee. But what if we took that, just slightly to the left? Instead of Batman adopting Danny, the Batkids do. Now, the reason why Danny is in Gotham can be whatever you want(I'm partial to reveal gone wrong or an accident happens so he leaves as to not become Dan) but one by one and completely coincidentally(or so they think, maybe Gotham helps push them together) Danny befriends each of the Batkids.
He meets Tim at a coffee shop(maybe he works there) and they bond over the insane amount of caffeine they like in their coffee.
He meets Daimian at some vegan place that Sam would just love if she were there and tho Damian refuses to say it there's something he finds endearing about this street kid who seems to have no clue who Damian is but smiles at him regardless and engages in some surprisingly pleasant conversation about places that serve vegan food or vegan options.
He and Duke have a class together in school and he meets Barbara while studying at the library. Or maybe Duke invites Danny to join a study group and that's how he meets Babs and maybe Cass and Steph too.
Maybe he meets Dick as Nightwing and they bond over their love of puns.
Jason can be met as either a civilian or as Red Hood, but the second they get within a certain range of each other, they get this feeling tugging them towards each other. Some 'I don't know why but I need to go this way' type feels. Jason calls it instincts, Danny can tell this feeling is coming directly from his core. They literally run into each other and immediately get this overwhelming feeling of 'same same like me'.
He ends up growing close with them all individually so when they eventually realize that 'hey, this new friend we've all been talking about is the same dude', well of course they have to keep him. So they all work together to sneak him into the manor(read: kidnap) and get him set up in one of the many unused rooms. And the fact the Bruce was off on a business trip when they did it made it wonders easier, they would definitively have got caught if he was around.
So now Danny is a stow away in this mansion that all his new friends apparently live in and he just kinda goes along with it cuz 'hey, they're nice and he gets somewhere to sleep rent free and the food is to die(again) for'. And yeah, they're the kids of the best detective in the world, they're gonna be good at hiding their tracks(they have to be or they would never get away with anything) but Alfred knows everything that goes on in the manor. He takes one look at this child and just accepts it. He allows the children to believe they are deceiving him but helps them out subtly by accidentally making extra food at meal times.
And if sometimes they want to hang out with Danny in the house they do his clothes and hair like whichever kid he resembles the most and so long as he doesn't talk nobody can tell the difference.
And maybe when Bruce comes back from his trip he figures it out immediately but he doesn't say anything because like hell he's gonna turn away a child in need. Instead he just silently fills out the adoption papers so he's ready when the kids eventually decide to reveal Danny's presence to him.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
Ghostbsuter's Masterlist!
Every prompt and idea (outside of the multiple parts: section) is free to use! Have fun. Feel free to credit me as well when you do.
Got a prompt yourself? Drop it into my inbox! Chatting is fine too, haha.
・゜-: ✧ :-
Multiple parts:
Batclan and Catband
Selina is Danny's mom, recently got engaged to Bruce, and now they're meeting!
[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ]
The house of Nightingale & Constantine | #the house of Constantine and Nightingale have infinite beef
Batman called for help.
Now, with Phantom's help and Constantines, they might have a chance. If only he knew those two were rivals and enemies in terms of dark houses.
[ chapters: 1 | ] [ao3] (soon!)
[ snippets: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ]
[ chap 1 snap-shot ]
Wonder MOM
Danny is a godling, born from the stars and son of Diana. Batman rescued him from abduction, and that's how the JL finds out about the son of WW.
[ part 1 ]
Twins, minus the Demon
Demon Twins Au, Damian and Danyal are the sons of the bat, demon and cat.
Implied and referenced past/current Bruce/Selina/Talia throuple.
[ part 1 ]
Magicians way
Danny is the son of Zatanna and John, member of the Young Just us and well... sometimes things don't go as planned.
[ part 1 | 1/4 ]
Team effort
Danny is a member of the Teen Titans!
[ part 1 | part 2 soon! ]
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Stand alones:
Birthday present (read the reblogs!) | (Martian appreciation)
High on fear (read the reblogs!) | (ghosts really like emotions)
Joker's Jr. or not? | (danny being the son of joker and harley)
He's Danny | (Joker's Jr. or not? continuation)
Titan missing! | (phantom is teen titans member and amity got kidnapped)
Wingman | (steph x sam)
Dog-napped | (cujo at it again ft. baby assassin)
One way to crush | (Dani crushing on Lian)
Speed running romance | (Dick x Jazz x Babs)
The Fries | (Nora going ghost)
Arson and consequences | (Roy!!)
Babysitting trouble | (baby yeti outside!)
Visitation | (Sam and young justice)
Syn eclipse | (being chased)
Elephant | (beast boy trolling)
Sibling rivalry | (just dan and danny things)
Team Bonding!!! | (JL + Danny get kidnapped)
Halloween skull | (supersons)
Young Justice Dark | (JLD + their own Jr.)
Actor au | (Team Phantom)
Human born | (Zatanna)
Death defying (not the ship) | (undying)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets of adventures Danny has with various Bats.
College student shaped stray | (dami befriends teen dad danny)
Mom!cass | (time shenanigans end with conspiracy theories)
Calico (read the reposts!) | (nighttime activities as family bonding)
Paranoia | (bonding activity between Duke and Danny)
Harsh truth | (the plans start the moment Ra's fell)
Meta-child | (dick centric)
Villain magnet | (just danny being danny)
Sweet revenge | (danny and bruce)
Diplomatic immunity | (danny in gotham)
Little Brother | (Danny is a drake)
Another Cain | (Danny Cain)
Buying your own mercenary! | (Danny in his deadpool arc)
Grayson's stray | (one police officer picks up a kid)
Robin manifestation!Danny | (child of gotham)
Governmental shit that is (read the reblogs!) | (dead tired)
1 (+3) new child | (scooby doo but its Danny-Johnny-Kitty-Ember and shadow)
Cell buddies | (Dami and Danny)
Its not a habit | (Tim and danny)
Keeping up with the waynes | (wes theories and denial)
Straying Twins | (demon twins)
Bat plans | (robin needs a new buddy)
Mantles | (cass prepares)
How to spot | (night shift bats)
Apologies | (timetravel is a great plot)
Play along! | (Agnes and Beatrice)
Spoiler alert! | (steph and danny)
Infiltration | (dick and danny)
Doubled | (talia and danny)
Strange animal | (damian)
Left and collected | (everlasting trio + baby tim)
Please leave | (he won't leave)
Annoyance at Patrol | (Red Hood shenanigans)
Catnapped | (Red Hood shenanigans ||)
Time anomaly | (Jason Todd and Danny)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets with the one and only! Wonder Woman!
Spiderman meme | (featuring Dani and Diana)
Demigods (read the reblogs!) | (fake it till u make it)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets with the local superfam
Metropolis | (hiding)
Twitter beef | (ft. Superman)
Super representative | (confused Clark kent)
New kid dropped | (they're so confused)
Fake it till u make it | (Jon dug his grave)
Civilian life | (danny is just trying to live)
School way | (Jon and Danny meet!)
Clone Club covers | (kon jumps in as elle)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets of adventures Danny has with various Speedsters.
Bart & Danny | timetraveler & immortal (read the reposts!)
Bart & Danny | playdates
Barry & Danny | Found family via Villain
Bart/Danny | Crushing
Bart & Danny | displaced
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Godly shenanigans | #Billy and Danny are brothers in crime and losers in costumes
Prompts and snippets of Billy and Danny trying to survive in the world of adults.
JL's own trouble kids
Double the trouble
Pranksters in disguises
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Anything with Connie
Prompts and snippets of various ways of Danny interacting with John Constantine.
Troubled and Dad shaped
Imprisoned but not dead?
Breaking in
Hell adventures
Rush hour
He when (head wanted, not alive)
Haunted menace
Nail polish
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
DpxDC vague concept.. The normal what if Damian and Daniel was brothers. EXCEPT what if when the Fentons adopted/fostered Danny, they thought he was possessed by a ghost because of the pit rage this feral child had. So they managed to successfully cure Danny of it- but because of it and being revived from the pit Danny lost all his memories of the league. He didn't even know he was adopted. Until ding dong years later finds out and is so confuse. Jazz like OH right.. you did try to kill me when mom and dad took you in. Danny: I DID WHAT?! Jazz: Mom said you were trying to assert your rightful place or something like that. Sam: Pfft! No way Danny could be that scary- Parents have photos. Danny was indeed terrifying the first few photos they had of him.
Also actually had this idea of the concept.. from like What if Danny ended up in Gotham because parents doing a convention and had to be saved by Batman and Robin.. Only for Damian to recognize Danny and start investigating to see if this really is who he think it is. He keeps it from his siblings though they all know Damian is up to something. Damian gets his answer even after blowing up the machine from it trying to read Danny's dna sample. Damian then warns Danny to leave Gotham- doesn't realize at first how much Danny remembers or not. But once its clear he doesn't, he just really strains Danny needs to leave. Damian fearing Talia and the League of Assassins will find out Danny's alive and well. Though never having a close bond due to the nature of the league with Danny, he didn't want his brother to be subjected to it again. (Damian only having realized how much he regrets not being an actual brother to Danny after living with the bats and learning what family relationships are suppose to be like.)
Danny finding out he's adopted- and also a deep-rooted fear rises as something is telling him to really heed Damian (Robin at the time)'s warning. Only hard part is getting his parents to leave when they're about to reveal their grand achievement to the world. So Danny has to juggle sabotaging his parents' portal they're making for the convention, avoiding being kidnapped, figure out who's after his parents invention, and his own turmoil (of being adopted, not remembering who he is, and fear of where he came from) Of course turns out the League of Assassins and Court of Owls are already interested in Fentons' invention.. more importantly the ectoplasm that powers it. Danny really has far too much on his plate. While Damian tries to keep it secret the entire time that Danny is his brother from the other bats as they try to figure out why the assassins and owls are interested and what they plan to do with the Fentons and their inventions. explaining things poorly again LOL my mind been rummaging this idea all day especially after I read Noise and Light by TheWritingOwl last night on Ao3 >w< hehe.
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 7-21-24
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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wandixx · 1 year
Dani gives people heart attacks and brings down a lot of trafficking rings, making friends along the way. Everything by accident, really
Dani traveled around world, hadn't she? While doing it, she had to meet a lot of interesting people.
Like heroes or villains.
In civies or not or both who knows.
But to actually learn things about someplace you have to spend more than one night there. Like, idk? Month? Probably more but I doubt she would be able to sit in one place for any longer. In many places she is shorter.
Month is long enough to create some connections though.
Enough to get someone to realize when you disappear...
Yeah, Dani on her way of gremlin and self discovery ghosted bunch of people without second thought. They'll probably forget her in few months anyway. And she was everywhere in USA. She didn't left American soil only because she didn't want to be too far from Danny in case of emergency. Before anyone tells me he was in space so he could fly to her wherever on Earth she would be, Earth's atmosphere ends about 100 km above sea level and officially this is border of space. Telecommunication satellites are between 8000 to 12000 km up. It's about how wide Atlantic Ocean is.
Plus y'know, time. If she needs help, she probably can't quite wait until he flies all the way to Hong Kong, Wladywostok, Rio de Janeiro or wherever she is.
So America it is. For now at least. When they're 100% sure she is stable she'll fly elsewhere.
Anyway people who she ghosted are used to batshit crazy stuff but "this tween is alone on her road to self discovery and just left for new city" isn't first thing anyone thought about. Maybe outside of Martians. They know. Everyone else? No idea what happened to this tiny, chaotic, snarky, probably meta child.
First thought though?
She got kidnapped.
So now 3/4 of Justice League, some individual heroes and bunch of less intense rogues are scrambling around their cities tracking every trafficking ring they found glimpses of, trying to find Dani.
Flashes work with Captain Cold on this and seem to slowly descend into madness. At the same time, Dani eats ice cream with nice museum lady from Washington who introduced herself as Diana. Then she helps at animal shelter with kind stuck up boy called Damian. Oh, Danny likes aliens, let's visit Martian Manhunter. Maybe she'll manage to get autograph for her template. Wait Space Cops? Kinda sucks but Danny would probably like their signatures too. Let's go. Oh, Superboys are fun mess with and older one is like her! This Nightwing guy puns like Danny but she always feels like he looks at her weirdly. Billy should eat more, magic or not, fighting is tiring. Good thing she has Sam's money to buy him burgers.
She has time of her life while people she met are slowly dying.
She probably doesn't even hide that she is traveling but for whatever reason they don't think she actually left.
They don't bring it up on any meeting because no matter how concerned they are, it's not really whole league type of business. And Martians just discreetly enjoy chaos.
There is a lot of ways it can get resolved (or not) but I kinda thought about Jon introducing his old buddy Damian to his new buddy Dani because he thinks they would get along and they just stare at each other for long moment before:
Some screaming and revelation that Killer Croc was looking for her too, Dani hits moment of realisation.
"Wait, is this what people think when you just up and go?"
"Honestly? Yeah"
"Oh, Ancients I did this to so many people. So many..."
Idk, just Dani traveling and leaving people behind.
Do with it what you will
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sporksaber · 9 months
This idea has not fully formed in my brain yet, but dpxdc time reversal isekai. This'll be a bit disjointed so bear with me.
Danny phantom and DC are the same universe to start with. Danny goes darkest timeline (not in the dan way. Dan is boring. He does not exist for this purpose) after years of being legally not human and trying to run from the giw while the organizations that should of helped didn't.
In the original timeline he is found out in some horrible way and has to run. He is kidnapped by the giw. He frees himself and finds himself entangled with the batfam. Everything goes wrong, his tenuous relationship with them gets super messed up as none of them are in a good place, and danny is slowly dying. Eventually it all gets broken off.
Danny, completing his journey into insanity, kind of destroyes the universe. And on a little related tangent, when writing these kind of stories all powerful characters are hard to deal with. Characters like clockwork give me the ick because their pulling at the strings robs the characters of their agency and they often fall apart when you look at them critically. So I'm nerfing clockwork. He can see all the timelines, he can watch over them and prevent major fuckery, but he isn't just able to meddle as he pleases.
Like I said, Dan doesn't exist and the whole bit never happened (originally I said that because it's a lame plotline but now it has real reasons) so Danny's never met clockwork. Clockwork takes the burst of power from danny going nuclear and reverses the time stream.
Danny wakes up on the day the event that leads his parents to find out happens. He's unable to avoid it as he's confused and dissriented with a bunch of strange thoughts and images making his head feel fit to burst, but does avoid the giw while running away.
Onto discussions of a main plot point: the romance bc it's always there with time reversal isekais (and with my fics in general tbh). As I'm thinking about it it's hard to decide bc I recently read a bunch that annoyed me into disliking them all and made me step away from the cross over for awhile. But as I was thinking of what to write I came to a decision. I already have one of these for Tim, having it be damian would make all the other characters older than him and it doesn't fit the vibe I'm going for to have danny surrounded by a bunch of adults when he isn't quite one, Jason just isn't fitting in my head rn, so I'm making it Dick. (I did also consider bruce, but I didn't...
The ages I'm going off of: bruce 37 (27), dick 21 (11), Jason 18 (8), Tim 15 (5), Damien 10 (fetus.)
I'm torn. I like the concept of Bruce being the love interest better but i dont know if i like it more than Dick. Like I said, this idea came to me and I immidiently opened a a draft. The idea is not solidified. And as I think more about it, maybe bruce would be better. Because with crossover ships you can slap the timelines together however you want you can change the ages and ship characters as you see fit. My initial reason for not considering bruce was the ages and wanting all the kids to be around for the plot. So I'm going to do the math.
Danny gets his powers at 14. Gets away with only monsters of the week to deal with for the first year. Giw gets new funding and becomes a consistent problem into when he's 16. It's manageable for awhile. I'm going to say he deals with it well enough for them to pull back and regroup around when he turns 17. Six months later and The Incident happens and he's outed. He runs and in his panicked gets captured by the giw.
My initial plan (initial meaning first thought that occurred less than an hour ago) was for him to be kidnapped long enough to be thoroughly traumatized but not super long. Like a few months. And I'd thought his freeing himself might have somthing to do with them kidnapping Jason or somthing. And if I stick to that Dick works really well and I feel like there's some really good content in dick and danny ending up together.
With Bruce I'd have to adjust the timeline more. Both for my batfam agenda and to make it not icky. If bruce is going to be in his mid thirties danny needs to be a minimum of his mid 20s. So I think if I were to go with Bruce I'd extend the kidnapped time to like 2 years (so Danny's like 20) and have him spend some time in the ghost zone before coming back to mess up the giw? I don't know. I'm going to have to write some stuff physically.
This has gotten out of hand and now I'm confused and my head hurts. I think the difference in the decision in unstable young adult danny vs unhinged adult danny in the original time line.
And the other thing I have to consider is not just main timeline but post rewind attempt 2 timeline and how those ages fall.
Dick is easier because it'd be easier to not have to handle that mess. I could have what I want without worrying about an age gap. And I think they could be really compelling. Especially with the idea of Dick seeking out Danny to help Jason, the brother he thinks he failed. Their relationship is originally a will they won't they as Dick has to deal with his family being a mess and desperately not wanting to lose anyone again while danny is in a limbo between who he is and if he's human. And it doesn't work out. It blows up in their faces as circumstances tear them apart and force them to let go of eachother. And you get the forbidden romance trope as batman doesn't trust danny. And then danny loses his shit and everyone dies before the rewind.
I think after the rewind they'd restart quieter. Danny searches out a familiar person after running away. Dick had just become nightwing and set up in bludhaven. Jason is 14 and hasn't died yet. Maybe they'd meet organically. Danny is drawn to Gotham and ends up in bludhaven while skirting around it. He meets the new vigilante who he knows but he also knows he doesn't (his core remembers. The core always remembers). Dick finds himself drawn to this haunted guy he keeps running into, maybe it's his savior complex, maybe it's somthing else entirely. He figures he's some kind of meta, jumpy from escaping someone's experiments.
Eventually Danny will remember Jason. Dick brings him up and Danny's filled with dread. Dick thinks his reaction is wierd. But Jason is eventually saved.
If I were to write it this way I think I'd have a couple of different mystery plot likes that connect thematically but aren't actually connected. (A nightwing vigilante based one of mob bosses or whatever, Danny's whole deal, what the giw is up to, where their money comes from and how that's gotten on the jl radar). But that's all on that for now.
To summarize: they have a very turbulent relationship initially. Dick will eventually be forced to chose the bats over danny. Danny has not properly healed from the giw and slowly spins out of control. After the rewind it's a lot of Dick solving mysteries as Danny tries to heal. The plot would be majorly driven by Dick, Danny's is mostly internal.
Back to the bruce concept (reminder that these two concepts are not connected at all).
The thing with time reversals is that you have to decide in the beginning whether or not the reversal is seperate from the main characters original timeline or if it's continuous. Are they the age they were pre reversal or the age they were reversed to? How much of it do they retain?
With the Bruce option I matched it to bruce being like 6 years older than danny. So pre reversal danny shows up to investigate bruce when his connection to the al ghuls (10yo damien) is established. Danny is 30, jaded, and less human than the other version. He's been warped in a way. The torture was longer and he recovered in the zone. A lot of his friends and family died.
Some relationship stuff happens, some al ghul caused demon stuff happens, the world is destroyed, time is reversed.
I'm fudging the previous timeline a bit. Danny's reveal happens at 19 while he's still in amity taking a gap year to weigh his dreams against his responsibilities. The Incident happens. He's kidnapped for a few years. Escapes durring an expierenment that allows him to slip into the zone. Dedicates himself to destroying the giw.
Danny post reversal retains skills and knowledge but is still his 19 year old self. He returns to the day of the incident, is confused, gets outed, dips but escapes the giw. Goes to Vlad and demands money, resources, and a contract that makes him heir without the downsides of his shady practices. It's important to not at this point, danny is basically bluffing. The kid has no idea what's going on or if it'll work, but he spooks vlad enough for him to agree now, plan how to spin it in his favor later.
So Danny takes a bit to decompress from that shitshow.
Flash forward, bruce wayne notices he has a bit of a (new) stalker problem. Some guy he doesn't know (and Brucie Wayne knows everyone) starts showing up at all his galas and the charity events he goes to. 20 year old Danny Fenton, heir to Masters Enterprises.
Cue Romcom.
This would have a drastically different tone from the other version. Very fun and much lower stakes.
Anyway I'm done for now. I hope you enjoyed this 2 hour unedited rant. Might expand on both separately, I like them both.
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alice-hazelwood · 2 years
Triple the Trouble
Ok so I came up with this idea a while ago and figured I might as well post it. 
Talia is a good mother; Ras is a grandfather. (That’s the best were going to get from him.) 
 So, in this story Marinette Danny and Damian are triplets. Damian is the oldest he looks exactly like Bruce with Talia's coloring then Danny who looks exactly like Bruce and then Mari looks like Talia with Bruce's coloring. Damian likes to draw, Danny likes to read, Mari likes to design clothes; All three of them like animals and learn to play music together Damian the violin, Danny the piano, Mari the harp.
Danny got his powers because Talia got dunked into the Lazarus pit before she found out she was pregnant, and it had side effects. And Mari has magic as a side effect of the Lazarus pit because the Lazarus pit was created by tiki and plagg during a wish when the earrings and ring were united.
All three of them cause a lot of trouble on a normal basis. Depending on the trouble depends on how they get out of it. If they get attacked or anything Damians the best at combat, if they're trying to hide from someone Dannys is amazing at espionage, if they need a plan or a quick fix Mari’s your girl.
They regularly play pranks depending on the way the story goes it could be around the league and as long as they're not caught, they will not be punished. (They were caught once after that they made sure they were never caught again.) Ra’s thought of it as an amusing lesson in espionage and deception. 
Scene1= Ra’s lets Talia keep the triplets (she is of course ecstatic but weary) the triplets grew up in the league until they were seven when Talia found out that Ra’s was planning to take over one of the boy's bodies and then marrying Mari keeping the bloodline pure in the process. After she found out she made plans to make it seem as if the triplets were kidnapped (or just disappeared) instead she sent them to Jason Todd to care for them.
Scene2= When Jason finds them, he originally tries to take them to Bruce but they all deny wanting to go. He tries to take them anyway so instead they run away Jason eventually finds them again surrounded by league minions, so he kills them all and decides to take care of them himself since they didn’t want to go to Bruce.
Scene3= Jason calls the three of them devils one time and Mari bursts into tears (fake) and grabs on to Damian crying about how Jason had called her evil, Damian and Danny catching on to her prank Danny starts to sniffle but not full-on cry like Mari. Damian acts like an overprotective brother (even though he is one) and glares at Jason while patting his siblings back; Jason just freezes and just kind of panics because now he has two crying kids and one who looks like he going to stab him (again) in the end he ends up apologizing and giving them ice cream to eat. He never called them demons or devils ever again.
Scene4= When the triplets turn ten Ra’s is killed and Jason and Talia decide it's best that the triplets live with Bruce now with Jason acting as their bodyguard since Deathstroke is now after them since they are technically the heirs to the League. In the end, both Talia and Jason have to drag the triplets there because they don't want to go so badly.
Scene5= The triplets don't want to go to Bruce because they think Batman is going to eat them. Jason finds it funny Bruce is concerned and confused (and secretly sad) and Talia is just exasperated and wants to know who told them that story.
All three of them are terrified of Bruce because he's Batman and Batman is known to not like Meta’s (what Danny is classified as) or magic (which Mari has) and Damian is super overprotective and afraid he will take his siblings away.
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I wish there were more af x dp and af x dc content
Artemis is prime adoption material as a child genius with black hair and blue eyes, and the clone and time travel stuff with Danny would slay
Post TLG: “You… overshadowed your clone?” “He was empty.”
Tim may have figured out the Batfam’s identities as a wee lad, but Artemis discovered and finessed a fae government
Holly has to fight a rogue (from either dp or dc)
Danny meets another weird rich person who is at least a little evil and obsessed with something inhuman
Orion and the batkids become besties
Artemis is rich: there could be gala shenanigans
Artemis starts studying ghosts since he’s on better terms with the fairies and the Zone is confused by this pallid living boy and his tank of a Butler
There’s even a chance for reformed rogue nonsense since he was raised to be an unscrupulous figure
Everyone bonding over the massive responsibilities they have despite being children
Bonding over the lack of real recognition
Arty and Timber bond over their absent parents and batshit (heh) shenanigans
Perhaps even Artemis (post character development) bonding over being slightly annoyed about needing to protect and always be better (Danny or batfam tbh)
Liminal!/Halfa!Artemis since he’s died before
Butler and Alfred know each other
Bruce trained at Madame Ko’s for a stint and met Juliet or Domovoi
Danny brings a message from Root/informs the poor man about what Holly is up to with everyone’s least favorite Mud Boy (and maybe angst where they meet again??)
Would Orion be in the Zone?
Arty and Damian bond (first over scathing judgements of others, then over shared interests, or they fill in each other’s gaps of knowledge, and they both have issues with their parental figures that remain unresolved)
Damian bullies Artemis for being weak and having generally bad reflexes (he’s so stabbable)
Artemis helps Danny modify his parents’ inventions (and/or gets into a friendly competition with Foaly and/or Tim to do so, Mulch tries to steal it)
Mulch tries to rob Bruce Wayne and gets in over his head
Goblin in Gotham
Troll in Amity Park
Ghost in Fowl Manor
Constantine is desperately avoiding the LEP
Holly blows up the Nasty Burger in a mission gone wrong (why is the sauce so flammable???)
The Riddler just can’t get one over on Artemis Fowl II
Tucker and Artemis end up in a hack-off with Foaly as the ref (or any combo of that lol—maybe even toss the dc computer batkids in there)
The Batfam finds they can’t speak another language to avoid being understood by Holly
Damian giving into whimsy and trying to disguise it as a diplomatic/vigilante/“just curious” thing when asking Holly about elves
Foaly messes with the batfam or tucker (or even the fruit loop)
Arty and the Bats are allies, find Holly, and when they take her in, she says something like “reminds me of the time Artemis kidnapped me” (Cue concern and confusion from BatFam, or, alternatively, “yeah, that sounds right”)
Batsy adopts another emotionally constipated child with a moral compass that knows where North is most of the time, but doesn’t like facing that direction
Barbara powers through some interference trying to defeat a rogue and discovers the LEP
Portal issues lead to Arty and the gang in the Zone or Gotham
Lazarus is a portal to the demon world, explaining the hair change (and possibly rage)
Dick trains Artemis to get more flexible, Jason bullies him into lifting weights or working on his punches, Damian keeps him on his toes with the whole stabbing thing—
Danny is enlisted by the LEP to tail Mulch underground, finds BatCave
There’s so much that could happen
This was so fun and exciting to think of, but I can’t do any of them justice
I am not a fanfic writer but I want this so bad
If anyone has any more concepts or perhaps even a snippet, please tag me!!
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Twin Switch AU
Source: #ghosts-and-bats
amg I got this hilarious idea OK
Fenton family at like museum in Gotham or something, when one of batman's villains attack.
Well Jack accidentally grabs the wrong kid, in the panic. (Wrong kid could be any of the bats though Tim or Damian for full batfam dynamic kek.)
Dick or Bruce being in civilian form ends up with Danny because of the mix up.
Lol combine it with twin au and it make even more funny.
Dick probably don’t know what to do cause stuck with Danny inside building so just waiting on backup.
And noticing small things about Danny.
While Damien stuck with Fenton’s because they're not letting Damian slip away lol. Jazz is the one to point out they didn’t grab Danny.
Dick : So....wanna play Uno?
Danny : ....
Dick imprints on Danny in 5 seconds flat
Damien tolerates Jazz because she's obviously the one with all the brain cells
Jazz: You do realize you just kidnapped someone else's kid?
Maddie: Don't be ridiculous, that's your brother.
Jazz: Look again
Both Damien and Danny are frustrated because the switch means they can't sneak off and play hero
Can see Danny slightly showing hints of his own heroism. while they’re in a hostage situation lol.
Yes, Jazz n Damian having to deal with parents lol. Jazz trying to converse with Damian lol
Dick, freaking out: Why does this kid show no signs of self-preservation? Does he have a death wish? Is he suicidal?
Jazz is meanwhile concerned about this kid having anger issues
Jazz: ...he keeps getting more and more upset. Is the stress getting to him? Is he having trouble processing possible trauma?
Dick is Brotherly Concerned(TM)
Jazz is going into Psychoanalysis Mode(TM)
Danny: oh no! Guess I should hide in this closet while you do your hero thing :)
Dick: don't worry kid I'm not gonna abandon you, I'll get you out of the building no problem
Danny: oh! Thanks! :)))))
Danny just wants this super friendly dude to leave him alone
Damian: I need to get out of this tank
Jazz: it's an RV
Damian: ......... (climbs toward the back window)
Jazz: I wouldn't-
Damian: (attempts to jump out at a tree only for a mechanical arm from the "RV" to catch him and put him back in.)...
Jazz: -do that...
Dick, picking up on Danny's contempt for this: (was it something I said???)
man, I want to see how Dick would react when he found out Danny is half dead
Dick: Did I fail? (self-loathing for sure)
-(Later when Danny's not in earshot)-
Tim: what did you do?
Dick: what do you mean?
Tim: I mean he obviously doesn't like you, you must've done something.
Dick: I didn't do anything!
He’s already imprinted, and Dick is so distressed about Danny not liking him
And Danny's trauma induced electrophobia only makes it worse lol
It does because it’s not liking and downright having a fear of
Everyone is having a bad time except Tim who is happy to break them out and laugh at them grabbing the wrong children
Danny does like Dick, it's not his fault Danny keeps his distance for the most part, or startles at the sound of an electric weapon turning on.
It's just a little uncomfortable, and awkward, and Danny has heroing to do that he can't escape to.
Like Danny thinks he’s super nice and kinda fun to talk too but ahh electrified and will not let him leave
Then Batman shows up and Danny's stress about the situation goes up to new heights not thought possible.
Danny snaps and starts yelling at Batman
Dick is like he’s clearly not scared of you what the hell what did I do
Danny: ...!!!! Ok! You Can Let Me Go Now!
Batman: well, you were mistaken for Bruce Wayne's son, and you look alike, too alike.
Danny: (glares at Batman for the audacity)
Danny: Fuck it! I'm leaving! Just find me later! (Walks into a closet and slams the door closed)
Batman: (opens it to reveal empty closet)
If looks could kill Danny would have murdered him
Dramatic entrances and leaves run in the family lol
Probably snatched some DNA samples later lol run tests
Danny gets to his family just to find Damien who looks like him and is somehow even more upset
Damian meets Danny and is impressed that he escaped their watch.
Damian is impressed, Danny is absolutely flipping shit and just wants to leave
Jazz would be apologizing to Damian about all the inventions/weapons lying around, and Damian wouldn't hear anything past "weapons" and trying to figure out how stuff works. Jack and Maddie are happy "Danny" is interested. I think the weapons range would be involved.
They straight up just steal Damian
Danny: let me guess, You're the "Bruce Wayne's Son" that the Bat gang confused me for
Damian: they- .... I'll kill them.
(He thought he just straight up got kidnapped by idiots and thought the Bats would get him after the fight)
Damian refuses to leave out of spite
"They can come to me and face me themselves"
Danny just gives up
The Fenton’s just accept they have 2 Dannys lol
Great you’ll get along with Dani perfectly
They do
Give Dami weapons like sure boyo happy ur interested take what u want
also, the Fenton’s (at least Jack) have canonically put their house in another dimension. It would totally be plausible to them that Damian is an alternate universe Danny
And Danny dealt with the threat quickly because it was a ghost, he just did a quick punch'n'thermos and then flew home. Even Batman can't track a ghost without the proper equipment.
 ---- he second guesses this when Batman shows up at his house later, but they were just getting Damian so he's fine.
Damian coming home with an arsenal
Dick be like: wha- how'd you get here before us?
Danny, deadpan: hitchhiked in a racecar.
Damian still full of spite: Look at all these weapons my other parents gave me.
Batman: alright, what did you steal from those people
Damian: I'll have you know they gave me these willingly (unloads all the handheld weapons from his suit)
Lol no one believes him til Jack like oh and don’t forget this one boyo! It’ll vaporize any ghost into ash.
It’s a rocket launcher
Batman is confused
What if they gave Damian a hazmat suit?
They now have to convince Damian, they didn’t mistake him they were just watching the ‘civilian’. Do not go home with the crazy people
Bruce "adopts blue eye, black hair kids" Wayne getting Uno reverse carded by Jack "Dad Shaped" Fenton adopting his biological son (both of them!)
Tim is having the time of his life over the coms
Jason gets there late and so confused what did you do and why is Damian disowning us
Why is there two Damians
Until Jason hears about free weapons then like “Ah, my new family”
Tim heads out just to join the Jason and Damian in the new fam
It’s mostly just because it’s funny how huffy batman gets. he has to bribe them to come home
Danny doesn't help
Dick is asked if he wants to join too by Jazz, she thinks it’s funny
Batman tries bribing him and Danny's just like "idk B-Man I think he needs more incentive than that..."
Cassandra just goes and starts standing next to Jazz (where did she come from?)
Batman got out adopted by a family that calls all the black hair children Danny or girl Danny
It takes Batman a minute to realize these normal people shouldn’t have an Arsenal in the back of their vehicle
An arsenal or Arsenal the outlaw?
or: both
An arsenal
He Broke in when Jason mentioned laser guns
another causality of their poor eyesight😔😔
They call him boy Jazz
and eventually Damian talks about that’s they’re like and now the bats are just super concerned for these children
After they stop making fun of Batman
he is so concerned for these rude, rude, weapon children
Lol yes gotta get over making fun of Bruce
AU where Danny's parents simply need a wake-up call but otherwise they're fine parents, and very eccentric
The bat-kids love the Fenton Family so much.
Honorary aunt and uncle
I had to put my phone on the charger and walk away for a little while, but damn I love all of this so much. Just yes
Ok but what if they get really buddy-buddy to the point of the Fenton Family being in on the Batman family secret. (Fenton-Parents think Bruce Wayne is hilarious)
Vlad gets So Mad when he finds Bruce Wayne having tea with Maddie on a Sunday morning visit.
Danny, having spent more time with Damian and Jason, just shoots Vlad point blank<333 /j
Just no hesitation
"Daniel what the FUCK is Bruce Wayne doing in your kitchen?"
Danny: omg you actually cursed, this is the best or worst day of my life. Depends on if you attack me now.
Also, he’s technically my dad so ha
[Vlad.exe has stopped working]
 [Vlad.exe has overheated from confusion and rage]
He just, fades away in front of Danny (bcz he's dramatic) so he can just kinda,,,, sit at home.
Maddie: oh, what did Vlad want to talk to you about?
Danny: he was just checking in
Maddie: is he still in your room?
Danny: no? he left, you must've just missed him :)
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helloblobbyblobfish · 2 years
A snake in the nest
I think most people would have no idea of who Danny Temple is (he was in like, one arc of the Robin comic and was then gone), so resume: In Robin #82, while Robin is having difficulties in his relationship with Spoiler because he refuses to give her his secret identity, he meets a guy named Danny he strike somewhat of a friendship with, but the guy has a barcode tattoo on a foot and a massive scar over his body, so Tim is suspicious. 
The plotline really gets picked up again in Robin #88, when Tim and Danny go on vacation (after Bruce landed on the “Dick moves” side of the spin coin and revealed Tim’s identity to Spoiler so that she go check on him because Bruce doesn’t want to be confronted by Alfred) and Danny gets kidnapped by robots of the Kobra cult (Who has a whole thing for conjoined twins, in comics lore. That’s the origin of the scar, separated twins) because he was one of the most likely candidates to become the new leader after the previous one had too many failures.
Unfortunately, Robin’s at-the-time nemesis King Snake wanted access to the Lazarus Pit the himalaya base of Kobra had (only accessible with the barcode on Danny’s feet) because he had lost his eyesight previously. And the previous leader wasn’t ready to back down from his position, even after the cult tried to murder him. The story ended in Robin #92 with King Snake blind again, the previous Naja-Naja possibly dead, and Danny leader uncontested.
AND NEXT TIME Kobra is back, EVE, the original Kobra leader AND King Snake’s lover and assistant, last seen crushed by a pillar on the lower half and shot by the previous leader, has taken over, and there is ZERO mention of Danniel/Danny! (Due to the fact Danny wanted to make Kobra neutral, and that wouldn’t have been interesting for the writers, I guess.) Oh, also. The paging in #92 is confusing, but I think it implies Daniel knows who Tim is? (Because more people know who tim is than people know who Steph, Kon, Cassandra, maybe even Damian and Jason are
Also, Tim. TimtimTim! You were supposed to be the “normal one”. Why do your male friends include: A half-kryptonian clone, a speedster from the future, Conner Hawke, a prince who used a magical artifact to send a demon hired to kill him after the summoner, the possible leader of a cult raised by who were implied to be robots, Buzz, who was implied to have a mystery involving HIS family that went nowhere, the daughter of a mafia boss who was resurrected as a crazy magician… BERNARD is the most normal person he ever met, no wonder he got a crush on him! Probably means Tim can look at Waller, say “Kneel, Peasant!” and get away with it, though, so that’s nice! 
It starts on a day like any other. Bernard is watching the latest edition of the Daily Planet news in his boyfriend’s apartment. He scoffs at the fact that they believe the new Superman is the previou’s son all grown up and not obviously a clone like the two previous ones. Lois Lane still knows nothing about Superman after all those years. Distressful.
He looks at the sleeping form of his boyfriend on his knees. Don’t get him wrong, Bernard will always find sleeping!Tim is adorable, but it seems Tim has decided that his dates with Bernard are the only moments of the day where he would sleep. And that is hurting the relationship a lot more than the millionaire seems to think it does.
What’s the point of dating someone if they are never conscious enough to listen to you when you actually get to meet, which is not enough, in Bernard’s opinion. Even if he understands being the likely prince of a mafia group means Tim doesn’t have much sleep at night. Bernard is hurt that Tim doesn’t want to admit that part of his life. He tries to throw hints at his boyfriend that he knows, but Tim is completely oblivious.
Or is much better at acting than he is given credit for, but Bernard has seen him trying to lie. Would be hilarious if he wasn't trying to hide such important things. Suddenly, Tim’s phone rings. Tim, ever the light sleeper, which Bernard finds sad because that means he can’t touch his boyfriend’s hair while he sleeps, is on his two feet in an instant.
“Danny? I haven’t heard from him in years!” And he goes into the bathroom to have a private discussion. Of course, like any good boyfriend, Bernard tries to listen through the door. It’s a Gotham thing, you wouldn’t understand. The sound of Tim running towards the door makes Bern run towards the couch. Thankfully, Tim is never a very observant man, so he completely misses the fact that Bernard accidentally fell into the couch in a very undignified way.
A few instant laters, or minutes, but who cares about that, Tim is entering with a dark-haired guy with a pointed chin and a look that screams “I'm handsome and smart, and I know it”. Bernard has to refrain himself from gripping Tim and growling at the intruder. Tim makes the introductions. “So, Bernard, this is Danny Temple. We were at Brentwood Academy together for a time. Danny,” and Tim beams with pride, which reassures the conspiracy theorist after the odd wording, “this is my boyfriend Bernard Dowd. I met him at the Louis E. Grieve Memorial High School after I transferred from Brentwood.” Danny looks impressed.
“And you have stayed together since then? Impressive! Congrats, Tim! That does explain why you didn’t care about the girls when we were at the beach!” That does reassure Bernard. Apparently, it was only his fears that led him to see a rival. Tim blushes. “Oh. N-No! We didn’t date back then, but we met again, we started dating!” Daniel opens his mouth like a fish in comprehension. “Ohhhhhh! okay. Now, maybe I didn’t come at the right time? I wanted to ask for your help, but you might want to finish the date first, or?” “Tim’s help with what?” Bernard is genuinely confused.
Danny gives Tim the stink-eyes. “You told him. Right?” Tim isn’t looking at either of them. “Told him what? I have no… Is this money.” “No. Tim, come on, you two are dating, you should-” Tim shows a surprising amount of strength; not so surprising, thinks Bernard, he might hide it, but Tim has some seriously ripped muscles; grabbing the man, holding him over his head, and running into the bedroom. Bernard scoffs. That bedroom has sound-proof everything. He never was certain why, but at least, it won’t be used to hide sex noises given the fact Daniel seemed fine with the relationship.
Still, he is wondering, “What are they talking about?”
I throw Daniel on the bed. I realize he is wearing his- “Daniel, you’re walking around with your Naja-Naja armor underneath your clothes???” I only receive a look in response. I unbutton my shirt to show him. “See, no robin suit.” My old friend isn’t looking impressed. “Yeah, because it would be hard to explain if you take off your clothes in front of your boyfriend why you have a robin suit.” 
He is right, but I am not going to give him that.
Anyway,” I decide to distract him, “why do you need Robin for? Kobra was back to being evil in no time, with no news of you.” Suddenly, I panic. “Oh my god, you’re a clone of the now dead Danny, aren’t you.” He looks part-offended, part-horrified that I reach this conclusion. “What, no! Tim, I had to regain strength and rebuild my power slowly on my own. Also, Eve didn’t get back the entirety of Kobra, thank you very much. No, the problem is that we are in a full-blown war, currently, and my spies reported to me that this bitch is planning something against batman, to show off how cool and powerful she is.” he is putting air quotes when saying “cool” and “powerful”, and seems to respect her as much as Tim respect Crazy Quilt.
“So, we need to stop Lady Eve. Okay. Something else? Having the support of part of the Kobra cult will help a lot. Thanks, Dan.” Danny moth’s twitches. “Actually…” Now, it is I who gives him a dead-pan expression. “Given how much Batman and others have stopped the plans of the Kobra group, even my spies aren’t angry at Eve for trying to kill your mentor. Actually, my counselors are recommending that I take her by surprise with a plan to take out Batman first.”
I facepalm and think of everything possible. After an instant, Danny asks: “You’re thinking about..?” “Should I give you coordinates of rogues to make a very impressive display, do I give you weaknesses to use so that we almost loses against your agents in exchange for infos regarding lady eve’s schemes, should I pretend you brainwashed me to join, because i am NOT even pretending to join Kobra willingly, friendship be damned!” He looks a bit hurt at it, but I think he understands why. Even if my support could help. Or maybe it would convince members of his side of the cult to leave.
I sigh. “Can… you give me a day to get a working plan. Also, I would like to get the most you can give me about Lady Eve’s plan. Please?” He rises up off the bed. “Of course. Thank you, Tim.”
Bernard is surprised that the conversation didn’t last longer when he sees the door unlock. He grabs his phone and takes a picture as soon as that Danny guy shows up in the crack of the door, before hiding said phone. Maybe that will help him identify who Tim is hanging with.
Danny closes the door with “Once again, thank you. Tim. It reassures me that you are ready to help.” Tim seems to have mixed feelings. Bernard gets really worried about what his boyfriend got involved in.
Afterwards, it’s very awkward as the both of them are trying to come up with a credible lie to shorten their date, all plans forgotten. Bernard can’t even remember what he said to Tim as he closes the door, besides a “See you soon, Timmy!”
He puts his head in his hands to muffle his screams in the corridor as he waits for the elevator.
And Danny Temple doesn’t seem to exist. True, Bernard can find his name in the records of Brentwood Academy, but he apparently never finished his studies. And he has no online presence on any social media. rather weird for a handsome guy like that. Also, Brentwood is a private academy located near Gotham. That means money. Lots of money. So how the hell does Bernard come back empty-handed? The fact that there are many people named Danny Temple doesn’t help him either.
It’s not until much later, when Bernard is going through lists for international terrorists, expecting nothing, that he finds him. And he let his mug of coffee drop on his bed, spilling its content everywhere.
DANNY TEMPLE: One of the leaders of the Kobra Cult. Searched in 42 countries for terrorism, thiefs, blackmailing of US official, hijacking of a sattelite… 
Well, lots of it seems to have been done by a guy named Kobra, AKA Jeffrey Franklin Burr. Danny Temple is considered to have agreed with those opinions and the attempts to destroy the US, but Bernard couldn’t find anything the Kobra cult had done recently in terrorism that weren’t connected to a woman nicknamed “Lady Eve”. And there were rumors of on-going power plays and tensions inside the cult.
Still, even if Temple was “only” a random cult leader, that he tried to get close to a mafia leader like Tim was worrisome. Even if it was simply an alliance for guns, Bernard wasn’t super keen on his bf dealing with a cult. Nevermind all that! Giving GUNS to Terrorists???? He had to go see Tim immediately!
And here is what I am reduced to.
“Please, Jason! You’re the only one I can trust to not hold my friendship with a member of Kobra against me! Please help me!”
“Timothy, I am NOT helping Kobra, even if it’s a nicer Kobra. I may be a gang leader, I have standards. And I am not screwing my already tenuous relationship with Bruce” 
When you spit his name like that, no wonder he doesn’t like you, Jay.
“To make you happy!” “We can work together on it! Say it was my idea but I want the plan to stay between you and I! It’s true, and Bruce will leave you alone!” I feel humiliated, begging Jason on his knees. The fact he came in his full armor and I’m in my sweater is not helping. I look like a dumb member of Gotham’s elite who, like most, over-though his importance.
It's in this especially awkward situation that Bernard slams the door open. 
“Tim, I- red HOOOOOD?????!!!! OMG! No, please, don’t hurt my boyfriend! I know he did bad things, well, actually, I know he did bad things but not  sure why, I was ready to let his mafia stuff unaddressed-”
My boyfriend thinks I’m part of the mafia. What. Jason gives me a look. He might have his helmet on, but I can tell his body image is a “WTF, Timothy.”. I sweat even harder. Jason, thanks whatever deity he believes in, doesn’t take advantage of the situation to spread slander. I would have, in his position.
“What? Mister whatever, I’m not planning on killing him. Jeez. There are so many people who deserve it more. No, your… fffrriend, here.” He called me his boyfriend, Jason, you can call me that, damnit. Oh  God, is Jason? “Decided to call for my help, and I’m not feeling generous today.”
Bernard rushes to grab him protectively. "Don't worry, Tim. It’s about that kobra guy who showed up earlier on. Does he have blackmail material on you? you know I used to be in a pain cult before, tight? You can talk to me about things like that.” I’m uncertain about how to respond to his scared face, and then, The Red hood just leaves like that. Me and Bernard are so shocked that I don't realize at first he is calling Dick. Fuck.
It’s then that Tim realizes he is running on adrenaline and crashes to the floor out of unwelcome relief.
Bernard tucks Tim in his bed, but doesn’t join him. He is too excited to join him, even if he needs the sleep too. Holy shit! Tim was able to contact Red Hood! HOW? An ex-robin, one of those who survived and became their own heroes! Albeit, given the changes in behavior Red Hood manifested throughout the years, Bernard wouldn’t be surprised if they were at least three people who occupied the costume. maybe five. And then, he is reminded of his suspicions there were multiple Batmen and he looks back at his notes on his phone.
Suddenly, he realizes the Red Hood left the window open. Would be bad if the current Batman showed up. But when Bernard enters the living room, he is shocked to encounter two of the Bagirls, the signal, Nightwing, the newest Robin, didn’t he leave, Batwoman and Red Hood. Bernard would call this a reunion of Gotham vigilantes, but. How many people are missing? Batman, Red Robin, Spitfire, Batgirl #3, Ghostmaker, Nightwing, Clownhunter, Catwoman, The Question… He is so occupied counting them that he doesn’t hear the first time Nightwing coughs.
“Hum, excuse me… Civilian, but could we talk with Tim Drake? Privately, if possible?” Even if it’s said in the nicest way possible, and they all look awkward meeting him, Bernard isn’t exactly feeling safe. “Well, uh. He fainted, so maybe later?” Oh dear Lord, did he just say “Later” to a superhero that isn’t even located in this city?
They all seem shocked he dared say that too. The current Robin even says: “Well, he at least chose a man who stands his ground. Kind of needed.” Bernard is taken aback. “Tim is known for being  pushy? Since when?” New waves of glances exchanged between the Gotham Knights. Bernard is getting annoyed.
“Well, Tim isn’t disponible, try again tomorrow.” And Bernard turns his head and walks out on them. On the inside, he is panicking more than that time their school was attacked and he saw Darla die in front of him. He notices the spoiler look-alike Batgirl runs towards the bedroom. He is not quick enough to stop her. She sounds surprised when she opens the door. “Seriously?!?” “Shhh!!!! You’re going to wake him up, and he is never sleeping at a decent hour!”
Bafflingly enough, she seems to actually be ashamed. Who would have thought a superhero could feel bad. The group discreetly escaped while he was looking at her, and she gave him the slip by the entrance door when he noticed that. Bernard double-lock the window and sits on the couch to keep watch.
Sadly, even with all that, he ends up sleeping too.
I woke up in a panic. And get confused. I'm in my bed. Jason wouldn’t have done that, and he already left anyway. But why isn’t Bernard with me in bed? I think of what we could do in bed together and I blush hard. I frown when I open up my phone, expecting him to have left a message. Instead, Barbara sent me a text telling me to come. that’s in the intervention. Jason! I quickly put my costumes on and leave by the window. Bernard probably went back home.
I arrive at the cave thinking of excuses. “Well, excuse me. I have this friend who’s part of Kobra and I know it’s bad news, and I promise I don’t agree with his idea of keeping it running.”
“You WHAT, Drake!!!!!?!” Damian shrieks. I notice everyone besides Bruce and Luke are here. Jason is covering his head in shame, and everyone looks horrified. Cassandra is first to get her senses back. “We here… Talk.. you boyfriend.” Oh. OH. OH NO.
“Why do we need to talk about it? It’s not like you guys always tell your civilian dates!” Dick is the one who talks back. “Timmy. He thinks you’re in the mafia.” Touché. Stephanie goes on the offensive, oh shit! “Tim. If you don’t tell him this week, I WILL.” She lets her threat hang in the open. And I know her. We dated for several years. She will put it into practice.
I shake my hands. “No need, Steph. I was planning on telling him.”
When? You never told Ariana, Zoanne or Tamara. Cassie knew already when you started dating and Bruce is the one who told Staph.
Shut up, guilt. And she seems to have the same train of thought as I did, because her face becomes notably harsher. Cassandra states what everyone knows. “Liar.” Suddenly, I feel Kate’s hands on my shoulders and I tense. “And now, what is this about a friend of yours being part of Kobra, Robin…”
Bernards wakes up and is shocked to see Tim is gone, his window opened. A quick search shows the window was opened from the inside. Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door. Bernard is shocked to see that terrorist dude. “You live with Tim… Bernie?” “Bernard.”
The blond grabs his boyfriends’ blackmailer and brings him inside, before shoving his finger in the other man's muscular torso repetitively. “And Tim’s not there. I’m not sure where he is. But. I. Think. It. Has. Some. Thing. To. Do. With. Red. Hood. Showing. Up. Last. Night.” Wow, he needs to take some breaths. Bernard is so focused on his panting he doesn’t notice the look of fear on Danny’s face. “I hope your boyfriend is okay.” That surprises Bernard. “You say that only because you need him for whatever Kobra has planned”, he spits with a harsh expression. The dark-haired cult leader is shocked and actually steps back a little, before shouting. “HOW DARE-”
“Hello you two! Now, can we get you separated? Mister Temple, we want to talk to you about what we can do to stop Lady Eve. And… Bernard Dowd? I think Tim Drake has something to tell you.”
Huntress and the silent Batgirl escort Bernard to Tim’s room. He is sitting on his chair, which he dragged in the middle of the room. Then, the two are left almost alone, with only Spoiler-Batgirl staying to look over them. Bernard opens his mouth. “So… This is the moment where you tell me you’re going to jail, isn’t it.” The Batgirl slaps her face and groans.
Tim seems to hesitate. He starts many phrases, then whispers something in a language Bernard doesn’t even know. Tired, Bernard turns towards the girl. “You know what he means?” She looks uncomfortable. “Well, yes, but…” “WAIT!” Shouts Tim. “I’mrobubyudon’guyed…” Bernard exchanges a quick glance with the woman, before they both turn towards Tim. “Yeah. Hum? Sweetheart? You’re going to need to talk louder for me to try to understand what you mean.” Tim gets a lot redder than Bernard ever saw him and gives a pleading look to Batgirl. SHe sighs and goes to the closet.
Bernard looks, intrigued, and is shocked when she clicks on an invisible button, which opens to reveal: “A Robin costume? Why does Tim have THAT! I thought the Waynes were like criminals?”
His boyfriend makes a sputtering sound and hides his face in his hands while Batgirl rolls on the floor laughing.
"WHAT???" Shouts Bernard. She rips her mask and takes off her hood. "Stephanie Brown!" Bernard is shocked to see Tim's ex, now sister, is Red Robin's ex. A light bulb burst into his mind. "Tim, you're an ex-Robin? But I thought you guys were adopted BEFORE becoming Robin!" Steph looks like she is dying of laughter and Tim is trying to disappear, with how small he is making himself.
Then, the reveal truly sets in, and Bernard has to sit on the bed. After some thinking, he only says: "Tim, you're a… superhero?" He sounds hurt. Tim runs towards him and kneels by his side to look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. I never told anyone, you know? Besides some teammates. Even Stephanie didn't know who Robin was when he started dating Spoiler."
Tears spill from Bern's eyes. "So, you keep secrets from everyone you know? Tim, how am I supposed to trust you when I won't be able to take anything you say as face value. I-" He hugs Robin… Tim.
As they whisper things to one another and Stephanie goes to the door to give them space, Damian enters. "Drake, I think you had enough time to talk. Now, come on, we have plans to… Oh."
Stephanie drags the young Wayne by the ears. "Come on, Damien. They need some time to deal with it."
Bernard is clutching his sofa so much he wonders if he is going to break it. He can see the images on the screen repeat in his head.
A massive attack from Lady Eve in a bank, trying to bring out Batman. Suddenly being attacked by Black Mask's gang, who was planning a robbery. Nightwing, wearing a snake-theme mind control helmet, sent by the Naja-Naja, whoever that was. Batman being caught by a rival faction of Kobra who wanted to get to him before Eve. 
The massive brawls that resulted, in which Sionni almost killed Nightwing- Dick, Tim would have been devastated, by slashing his throat. Tim arrived late, because traffic is terrible in Gotham for a motorbike rider like him. The batmobile can fly at least. Or is the batcopter truly a different thing?
His phone distracts him. It's Tim sending a pic in costume. "Don't worry, Bernie, nobody was massively hurt."
"Don't call me that to distract me from the fact Dick almost died, asshole!"
Tim doesn't answer for a moment, but Bernard can see he is typing a lot.
"Yeah, sorry babe. I'm coming over?"
Bernard hesitates. His fingers stay above his phone for what feels like hours. 
"Yes. We need to talk about security. I love you too much to stomach seeing you so much of you throwing yourself like that."
And that's true. Tim was fighting like he didn't care that he got hurt. Red Robin/this Robin often did, and Bernard was always worried. But now that he knows it's Tim…
He hears the flutter of his boyfriend's cape in the wind and smiles at the man opening his window.
"So, a conspiracy theorist who thought we were criminals and was part of a cult? You could have picked better." Damian complains.
I pretend to look at my phone. "Oh, gosh, robin! Never thought about it! Maybe the Rhafi of Dhabar would be better suited indeed! I haven't talk to him in some time, but-"
"Or, I know! Do you think Bruce would accept a speedster as my boyfriend if I told him the other options are an amazon or a half-kryptonian?"
"Drake, I. You."
"Maybe I should see how the third Lynx is doing, but she might remind dad of Selina too much."
"Maybe. Or maybe I should seek Darla out. What do you think of me dating a mafia leader's daughter with magical power? Don't worry, she's good now."
"Drake, why are you like this?"
"Trauma, my dear Damian. Trauma."
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