#Jason took care of Damian in the LoA
ghurab-alzilal · 8 months
LoA's Jason, looking at two months baby Damian : I don't want to be a babysitter. I can't handle myself, what could I do with a baby?
Baby Damian: *babbles while squeezing Jason's nose *
LoA's Jason, holding back his tears : Beloved son! I will protect you with my life!
Talia, coming back from the toilet : Ok, you can give me back my child.
LoA's Jason, escaping with the baby in his arms : No! He is mine!! I gave birth to him!!!
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yainaarts · 3 months
This is mine and @demetria-wayne discord batfam RP server
You can join as an oc, canon character, canon character from other earths. We are calling the originals "characters from earth one"
The server au is one where Damian and Jason new each other in the league of assassin's a.k.a Jason being Damians caretaker/bodyguard. Damian and tim actually act like brothers and their fights are just brotherly.
Earth one taken cannon characters.
-Damian Wayne-al ghul (taken by me, a Damian fictionkin, I normally RP with an oc though, so one other person can be earth1 Damian)
-Harley Quinn
-poison ivy (same person as joker)
Earth 2 taken cannon characters
-none for know
-Demetria (taken by the same person as earth one Harley quinn)
-Jackie (same person as joker and Ivy)
-Yao earth 1 (taken by me)
-Yao earth 2 (also taken by me)
Jon is know free to take
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
I am procrastinating homework and finals studying so I'm making another DPxDC au -- or more accurately, I am making an au of an au. or combining two aus to make a third one, because I am Procastinating And thinking about it.
(the part two for my Danny is Jason Todd au is like,,, half-made and I will get around to finishing it, promiiissse)
So the two aus I had in mind were combining, of course, the two clone aus - the Danny Clone and the Damian Clone au. For folks who haven't seen either posts (or saw one but not the other) here are summaries of both:
Damian Clone Au: The LoA make a clone of Damian Wayne specifically to either kill Damian Wayne and have the clone take his place as the heir to the LoA, or to bring him back. At 6 years old though and through magical teleportation mishaps, Baby Damian ends up in the warehouse district of Amity Park and picked up (and later adopted) by Danny Fenton. They develop a brotherly dynamic with one another.
Danny Clone Au: Danny is straight up a clone of Bruce Wayne, doesn't find out until a year after he has his accident. And, for the fun of it, is also mostly-powerless (he retains his ghost sense and a semblance of a ghost core and signature, but no ghost form). His reasoning for becoming Phantom is because he has walked into the lab watching his parents dissecting ghosts post-portal working more times than he can count. And due to this, changes his beliefs from "ghosts are evil" to "ghosts are sentient and sapient beings who don't deserve this treatment". (masterpost pinned on my blog, its currently incomplete) He is also a little GNC, as a treat. Long-haired Danny ftw. Ellie is a halfa because of the ectoplasm that Vlad used, and also the same age as Danny. They call each other twins and she is viciously protective of him. He uses a baseball bat and brass knuckles that I call 'jawbreakers' to fight ghosts.
Now admittedly, not much probably changes with the combination of these aus other than the potential parallels between Damian and Danny, and Bruce and Damian - and of course, I am always a sucker for parallels. Plus Damian's running off would take Danny finding him much longer, since he can no longer fly, but all the more meaningful because he still took so much time to find him.
(It probably also makes their first meeting different as well - Danny wears a ROTTMNT Casey Jones Jr. esq. mask when he goes out, but Damian would recognize lazarus green anywhere. He'd probably try harder to kill him though once he sees his face, since he knows that its not his father but an imposter.)
It also includes what I consider a hilarious conversation: "Since I'm a clone of Bruce Wayne, does this make me your dad or your brother?" "Don't be an idiot, laeazir." "You didn't answer my question."
The biggest change that comes from this is, of course, the fact that Danny now no longer has a leg to stand on with the "you're a human, I am a ghost" excuse in order to prevent Damian to help him with ghost-fighting, because now Danny is also a squishy, fleshy and fragile human just like Damian. And a human who, arguably, has less combat training than Damian and no powers to make up for it.
Now, Danny in both aus are about 16-17-ish in age, so they've had time to adapt to their new vigilante-hero lifestyle, but its still not the same as Damian's training as an assassin. Damian, unlike in the original clone au, remains insistent on his want to help Danny.
And,,, eventually wears him down after weeks or months of sneaking out after him, helping in fights, interfering, arguing, etc. Danny eventually agrees, exhausted, but he makes Damian promise, promise, that he will be careful and to focus on dodging and distraction. At least until Danny can figure out a safer alternative. He wants him as far removed from the fight as he can, he's a child for ancient's sake, after all.
Which is another issue too - if we follow Damian Clone timeline, then Damian is six years old when this happens. I'll be point blank, I do not see Danny ever actually agreeing to let a literal 6 year old go with him. SO, solution, I bump Damian's age to 7 when he arrives in the Fenton Family, and make him freshly eight years old when he finally gets Danny to agree.
It still SUCKS. He is still very much an itty bitty child, but as someone who has seen the difference between a six year old and an eight year old due to working at a daycare, an eight year old is still... slightly feasible. And an 8 year old assassin even more so (even if he hasn't trained properly in nearly a year or so)
So Danny, reluctantly, agrees to let Damian come with him on patrols.
He ghost-proofs Damian's sword (as he has since learned to do with his bat and jawbreakers), makes him a grappling hook and a Fenton thermos, and reluctantly lets Damian come with in his old LoA uniform that he appeared in (with some tailoring and ghost-proofing, because he has since begun to grow out of the uniform).
(and Danny himself also finally starts looking into alternatives to improve his own "suit" - which is all but a hoodie and reinforced jeans and a hockey mask. He needs to set an example to his little brother, goddammit.)
Then, as they're planning for Damian's eventual (dreaded on Danny's part) debut, they sit in their shared room and brainstorm for what to call Damian. "Ellie already uses the name Spirit." Danny says, sitting criss-cross at his desk with the eraser nub of a pencil chewed between his teeth.
(Behind him he has an investigative corkboard set up -- his accident left him with the ability to see ghosts not capable of being seen on the visible plane. 'Stereotypical' ghosts. Between school work, his social life, and ghost fighting, some of his downtime is spent figuring out ways to help them move on. His most recent is a cold case.)
(Bc with Danny, I loove to have him have some sort of trait that ties him in with his original counterpart. Nature vs Nurture and all that. Investigative work can be part of that.)
"What about Wraith?" Damian suggests from the floor, leaning against the bed frame while he goes over one of his english books. They've been practicing his reading and writing.
Danny furrows his brows. "A ghost seen typically shortly after or before someone's death?"
Damian nods. "Yes, it's of a similar cadence to 'Batman and Robin'."
"What's with you and your thing with Batman and Robin?" Danny asks with a playful half-smile, Damian shrugs and looks at his books. Danny sticks the eraser back between his incisors. "Phantom and Wraith... that works, though."
The first night out together, Danny fusses over Damian, making sure every bit of uniform was secured and in place -- something Damian took mild offense over. His outfit was far more reinforced than the juvenile get-up that his older brother wore.
But he let him fuss anyways. It made him loved.
"Now remember, Wraith--"
Damian interrupts him: "Yes, I know, Dany. Avoid and distract. Stay situationally aware. I fear that is something I should be telling you, however. Mother would have your head if she ever saw what your training was like."
(It was, not for the first time, that Damian wondered how his,,, "mother",,, would react if she ever met Danyal. Not good, he knows.)
Danny's shoulders sag, and he sighs. "I believe that, what with that super-secret spy--"
Danny sends him a half-hearted chagrined look, "Assassin," he corrects, "organization that made you. I'm sure I'd give your mother an aneurysm." When he's finally okay with whatever make-believe issues he found with his suit, Danny reaches for the nearby side table and carefully slips on a black domino mask over Damian's eyes. It was thin, flexible, and made with some kind of material that Danny reassured was environmentally safe.
("Some kind of matieral that Wayne Industries invented awhile ago, Sam bought it for me." Danny told him when he first showed it to him.)
It was also cold. But the chill was made up for, slightly, with Danny's warmer hands smoothing it out over his skin, and ridding of any ridges that could form. Damian isn't sure entirely what Danyal did to keep it stuck onto his face, but when he touches it with his fingers he feels a very faint seam at the edge, and it doesn't budge against his hands. It felt like a second skin.
"There we go." Danny smiles, pulling his hands back. He still looks nervous. "It's not the same as my hockey mask," which sat atop his head, ready to be pulled down, "but I think a domino mask will work better for you considering your background."
He was right, a hockey mask would only hurt Damian's peripheral vision. This mask was thin enough that it didn't.
"Ready to go, Wraith?"
"After you, Phantom."
Damian has much issue with Danny's suit. He can think of a million ways to make it better. It is one of the things he and Samantha Manson can get along with, and the few times they have spent time together they have brainstormed suit ideas. He knows that since Danny took him on as Wraith, he has started to look into better suit alternatives.
However. They are both aware of the same thing:
Danny is not Batman, nor Superman, nor Wonder Woman, nor Aquaman, or the Flash, or Green Arrow, or Nightwing, or any single hero on the public roster. He is also not rich like Lex Luthor or Vlad Masters or Bruce Wayne himself.
He has no money and no contacts, and thus, no way of properly improving his suit to be something even half as safe as the other supers.
And he refuses to let Samantha Manson help him find a way to fix that - even with all that money, Samantha Manson is on an allowance from her parents, and also, despite her other range of abilities, not capable of getting those materials without putting herself on a list of some sort. They are at a standstill.
Damian knows this, because he has asked.
Until one day when Danny is talking about a case he is working on and telling Damian about old adventures he had in the Ghost Zone, does he see his brother get hit with a lightbulb.
He slaps a hand against his forehead and straightens up from his swivel seat. He huffs a laugh, "Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner?" And he turns on his heel and hurries to his bookshelf, pulling down a notebook and flipping open to an empty page.
Damian frowns, "Laeazir?"
"I know you don't like my suit, Damian," Danny says, striding over to his desk and snatching a pencil out of a cup. He begins jotting something down on the notebook. "And there's nothing I can really do about it because, well, I'm poor in comparison to my facesake, and I don't have the resources to get my hands on someone who would make me a new suit."
"Yes, we have talked about this..." Damian nods slowly, still frowning, and trying to follow his brother's line of reasoning.
Danny shoots him a megawatt, half-tilt smile, his hair tied up into a half-bun. "But! I was thinking about it from the wrong angle. I don't have the living resources to help me get a suit, but..." he trails off, staring at Damian intently.
It dinged in Damian's brain to where he was going, "But you have the undead resources instead." He says, his eyes widening slowly. Of course, of course! Danyal was ridiculously charismatic by accident, and Damian has seen plenty of times where his heart-of-gold had one or two non-hostile ghosts be incredibly grateful to him.
His brother makes a loud, 'ding-ding-ding!' sound, pointing his pencil at Damian as his smile stretches further across his face. In a few quick strides, he was sat down next to Damian and showing him his notebook. "Correct! When I first started out as Phantom a few years ago, I managed to help a ghost who called herself Taylor, and apparently she was a seamstress both in and out of life."
Damian watches as Danny writes the name at the top of the paper, and creates bullet-points down the page. "She said that in return for saving her, I should come find her in the Ghost Zone if I ever need clothes made for me. It's a one-time thing, but I was thinking that she could perhaps help make me a new suit."
Danny turns a bit pink at the ears, and rubs his neck, "I never thought much of it because I didn't think I'd ever go into the Ghost Zone, or ever need ghost clothes, so I forgot about it up until now."
A scoff forces itself out of Damian's mouth, but he is smiling. "Danyal, you are the smartest idiot I have ever met."
For the next hour, both he and Danny make a bullet point list of what both of their suits would need. Reinforcement in certain areas, gauntlets with reinforced knuckles to replace Danyal's jawbreakers. A different weapon than a bat.... a utility belt, reinforced boots. Anything they could think of.
It was Damian's idea to add a cloak to both of their suits, asymmetrical and torn at the edges for a more 'ghostly' look. They have a theme, after all. It's quite fun.
Then Danyal calls up Sam for help in drafting up design ideas. And while Danyal steps mostly to the side when it comes to the design itself, Damian and Sam fill pages with designs until coming up with one they both agreed on and like.
"What about a lightning bolt on the chest?" "Why are we using my traumatic accident as a symbol of my identity?" "Ghosts do it all the time, Danny. Ember sings about her death." "I'm not dead?" "No that won't work, Manson. Shazam already has a giant lighting bolt emblem." "Okay, but I still want to use it somewhere." "How about this?" "...That could work. Okay, now onto your emblem--"
Last was the hard part: getting into the Ghost Zone without the Fenton parents noticing the disappearance of their precious Fenton Specter Speeder. They employed Jazz's help with that. She would get the Fentons out of the house long enough for him and Danny to get into the ghost zone, hopefully find the seamstress, and cash in that favor.
They went through with their plan that following weekend. Danny tossed Damian a small jumpsuit as they both climbed into the specter speeder, but did not grab his own. He had a small duffle bag on him that he threw under the seat.
"What is this?" Damian asks, nose scrunching up at the gaudy picture of Jack Fenton's face square at the center of the chest. He held it far away from it, as if it had a disease.
"Your hazmat suit." Danny replies, settling himself into the driver's seat as the door hissed shut and he began turning it on. He had some sort of gas mask on in his lap, too small to fit Danny's head, but certainly the right size to fit Damian's. "Normally you wouldn't need it since you'd stay in the speeder, but we're both getting out once we find Taylor. It's to protect you from the ectoplasm."
A scowl forces itself across Damian's face, "You don't have one." He points out, finding seat in the passenger chair next to Danny. His arms cross over his chest, and he was not pouting.
Danny looks at him amusedly, "I have enough ectoplasm in my body that I don't need one, you however, do not." He retorts, poking a finger into Damian's ribcage pointedly. "If you don't put it on now, you'll put it on when we find Taylor."
Damian's scowl deepens, feeling petulant as he sunk into his chair. Danny turns back to the console and flips a few more switches. "I will not, it looks ridiculous." He turns it around to show Danny the Jack Fenton Face.
The Specter Speeder hums to life, and there's a moment of turbulence as it lifts off the ground. While it does, Danny turns back to him blankly, stares at the emblem, and then reaches forward and yanks it off with a scriiiiich of the emblem. He crumples it up with one hand, and throws it into a small bin at his feet.
"There, fixed." He smiles. Then turns back to the controls, taking the yoke with both hands. "And I'm calling Dad Rights; you will put it on when we find Taylor or you'll stay in the speeder."
Damian sputters, sitting up incredulously. "You are not my father." He argues.
"Teeechnically, I am." Danny says, "I'm a clone of your father, and since I am fully his clone, that makes you my son by a technicality." He says cheerfully, pushing the specter speeder forward and into the swirling green portal.
Before Damian can retort, they're passing through the portal. This was his first time going into the Ghost Zone, and for a few seconds there was nothing but bright, swirling green filling his vision. His body felt like it was being twisted and pulled, his up and down reversing and returning. It was painless, but dizzying.
It only lasts for a few seconds, but it feels like a minute, and when they exit out the other side, Damian is holding his head while his vision spots and swims. Internally, he felt like those cartoon characters when their eyeballs rolled around in their head.
The dizziness fades away slowly, and as Damian regains his sight, he notices Danny's hand splayed over his sternum, gently keeping him pressed against his seat. It fell away when Danny saw that he was alright.
"Put your seatbelt on," Danny orders, nodding to his chair. Damian listens absently, before remembering their conversation before they went through the portal.
"That is not how it works." He scowls, and, annoyingly, only gets a challenged eyebrow raise from Danny. He could see the words written on his face without Danyal ever having to say it.
Because, dangit, he was technically right. Damian refuses to say this aloud. He screws his jaw shut, and crosses his arms back across his chest.
Danny chuckles under his breath, and turns his eyes back to the ghost zone. "My point still stands, either you wear the suit, or you don't leave the speeder."
They eventually find where the seamstress is. Through quite a lot of Danny stopping to ask questions with any friendly ghost he came across, they eventually locate an island with a strange, urban city bustling with life on it. Massive, rocky stalagmites grew from the ground, and buildings were built on top of it or around it, with strange, warping architecture.
It was oddly beautiful.
Danny parked the speeder on the side of the street with a two hour parking sign on a nearby post. As he turned off the engine, he flipped a switch on the console that darkened the windows. He unbuckles his seat, and stood up, stretching out his back with a deep groan.
"Alright, put your suit on. The windows are tinted, so nobody should be able to see into the speeder." He orders, pulling out the duffle he brought in earlier and unzipping it. He pulls out his hockey mask and the hoodie he wore out for patrol, and the notebook they'd been using to jot down ideas for their suit.
Danny even had the hindsight to write in their respective heights, and with Tucker's help, some of their measurements. While he did that, Damian sourly pulled on his hazmat suit, irritated by the need to wear it.
Unfortunately, he also had to wear the boots and gloves for 'extra precaution'. Damian nearly bites out a grumpy 'you're as paranoid as father', but holds his tongue. He wasn't going to tell Danyal that secret.
Once he was done and Danny has his hockey mask and hoodie on, Danny grabs the gas mask and helps fit it over Damian's face. It was a sleek, simple design, shaped similarly to a regular face mask, with little filters on both sides of the mouth and a clear, protective covering around the eyes and forehead. Danyal improved it from the original his parents made.
He was smarter than he gave himself credit for.
Danny checks, then double checks that it the mask is tight, then smiles. Patting Damian's shoulders before standing up fully. "Taylor's shop should be somewhere nearby." He says, grabbing the notebook and tucking it under his arm.
Damian nods, and follows him out the door and onto the busy streets.
Finding Taylor becomes remarkably quick now that they were inside her city - something that Damian silently wondered was based loosely off NYC. Danny kept a firm arm around Damian's shoulders the entire time they walked down the street, keeping the both of them on the inside sidewalk.
Barely anyone passed them a second glance, spare the few odd looks shot at Damian. Danny whispers to him the first time it happens that it's because he has no ghost core, those more attune to their signatures might've been picking up on it.
They didn't notice Danny, because he had one, albeit a weak one.
Taylor's shop has a big sign on it in logographic writing that Damian has no idea how to read. The text shifts slowly, a jambled squiggle of lines, dots, and connected curves that look like a mix of messy cursive, gibberish, and logographic alphabets. He only knows its Taylor's shop because Danny pulls them towards it, stating that it was the place.
"You can read that?" He asks, incredulous as they draw closer to the door. Danny moves his arm off his shoulder, and wraps his fingers around Damian's instead.
"Yep," He replies, then scrunches his nose up, "sort of. It's - uh--" he stumbles over a word that Damian's ears cannot comprehend, but fills his head with slight static regardless. Danny winces. "It's the written form of ghostspeak, but since I'm not a ghost, I can only read some of it. Like uh, dyslexia."
"...I see." Damian says after a moment of silence, trying to replay the word in his head. His mind can't grasp the sound.
When they enter, the door doesn't ding with the sound of a bell, but rather it makes a low scream. Nobody bats an eye to the sound, keeping to their slow search through the racks of clothes.
At the counter was a woman talking quietly to another woman, one of whom Danny recognizes, as he walks over to her.
He doesn't need to say anything, because the woman behind the counter sees him coming, and her face positively lights up with delight. "Phantom!" She cries, and gestures to come over. "I was wondering when in the high ancients you were going to come see me!"
Danny's face is obscured by his mask, but Damian knows he's smiling sheepishly with the way he tilts his head and the way he tenses his shoulders. "My bad, Miss Taylor," he says, reaching the counter and standing beside the woman she was talking to, "It kinda... slipped my mind."
Taylor waves her hand dismissively, "Well you are here now!" She replies, grinning wide. Then her eyes pop open - literally - and she puts a hand over her chest. "Oh, how rude of me!" She turns and gestures between Phantom and the lady next to him, "Miss Mabam, this is Phantom. I told you about him a couple of years ago. He saved me from humans. Phantom, this is Gigi Mabam, she funds my shop. In return I make clothes for her and her staff."
The 'Gigi' woman turns just as Danny does, and smiles wide at him. Damian narrows his eyes at her, shuffling behind Danny legs as he looked her up and down. She had silvery-white hair and purple skin, and wore a darker purple business suit, a red gem cravat at her collar, and teal cat-eye glasses.
There was a lot of purple.
"So this is the ghost-touched you were telling me about, dear!" The woman, Mabam, said. Her voice was rich and low but she spoke in a whimsical cadence. It made Damian's skin crawl, and his narrowed eyes turned into a glare. "I must thank you for saving my seamstress, it would've been quite a fizzy-wink if she had been lost to those ghosty hunters."
What were those nonsense words? Damian hated it.
"Miss Mabam here runs a five-star hotel nearby," Taylor explains, her body turned to Danny, "she also is in charge of the city's Battle Nexus."
Danny is silent for a moment, and his free hand lifts and places itself on the back of Damian's head, keeping him close. "Battle Nexus...?"
Mabam claps cheerfully, laughing low, "Oh yes! Ghosts from all around the zone come to attend and watch as their fellow haunties are ripped from limbity-limb in a blood-curdling battle!"
Danny is still as stone. "I see." He says, careful. Damian wraps his fingers around his pant leg. "Well, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I was hoping to cash in that favor, Miss Taylor?"
"Of course! What do you need?"
Danny looks down at Damian, and he looks up at him, locking eyes with the ominous green glowing from the eyeslits of his mask. He nods, and Danny looks back up. "Do you know how to make suits? Of the protective kind?"
The seamstress it turns out, is capable of such a thing. And she ushers the both of them into one of the backrooms, sending off Mabam with a farewell and a promise to continue their conversation soon.
She flips through their design book, and immediately gets to work making their suits. In the end, with the help of her powers, she gets both done over the span of four hours. It's longer than both Danny and Damian want, but neither rush her.
Damian just hopes that Jasmine can keep the Fenton parents distracted for that long. She will have to.
The suits are better in real life than on paper, and Damian preens from the side in his own custom suit as Danny examines his own in front of the three mirrors. They were both dressed in all black, but whatever fabric Taylor used was of a blackest-black, turning Danyal - and Damian's - bodies into a black hole to look at. Both of them were fitted for agility, with reinforced padding around their shoulders and chests, as well as around the joints of their legs. Their boots were reinforced as well.
("It was hard to make your boots shock absorbent," Taylor explains, "since we all fly, but I applied similar stuff to what I did with your shoulders and chestplate.")
On the side of Danyal's legs were raised, black, lichtenberg-like figures that were contained to the seams and disappeared under his boots. There were similar designs going up his sleeves, with spiked gauntlets wrapped around his lower arm and hands. The knuckles were reinforced, just like he wanted.
Damian's favorite parts were their capes, however. Black like the rest of the outfit, but "wrapped" around their shoulders like an apocalyptic shawl with a back that went down to their knees, and at the hems the capes were torn and ripped like a wraith. Danyal's mask had gone through very little change. It was made of a stronger material, and Taylor had gone and made it more skull-like in its shape, with three large grills at the front, and the sides curving inward below the 'cheekbones' of the skull to better fit his face. It was still shock white, the only white part of Danyal's entire costume.
Damian's suit was almost identical. However, rather than having the seams of his suit resemble lichtenberg figures, the seams of his sleeves and upper torso were that of a black skeleton, with bone-y designs over his gauntlets and the fingers an ombre of dark red-to-black. And around his torso were raised lines that looked similar to a ribcage. The edge of his cloak was splatter a dark red as well. And he had a new domino mask that looked similar to the upper half of Danyal's mask, with the outer edges curved downward over his cheekbones. He was briefly allowed to take off the upper part of his gas mask to try on the mask.
The best part however, was that since the suits were made of material native to the ghost zone, they could also be taken off quickly and hidden in a small artifact. It was magic, is what it was. Danyal chose earrings, and Damian chose a ring.
When they got back to the Fenton house, Jazz demands a box of chocolate for her hard work. Damian thinks that's only fair as Danny takes them both out to get candy for Jazz.
But other than vigilante stuff, not else much changes. Danny gets to pull a "Dad By Technicality Rule" card over Damian when he's being a brat. Danny doesn't have his run in with Rift (a ghost who portals him into Gotham) until after he meets Damian/lets Damian join him on patrol and when they get new suits.
My reason? Because I want it to happen after that point in time lol. It also makes the eventual "heyyyyy you have a clone" @ bruce much funnier to me because not only does he have a clone of HIMSELF but also THAT clone has a clone of Damian living with him.
Also when Danny destabilizes for the first time Damian is terrified for his safety. The fentons are surprisingly good at cloning, Danny hasn't had any issues up until this point in time, and that's only because he got hit with a new gun from Skulker that messed up the ectoplasm he had in his dna, which in term fucked with his own DNA.
Danny's destabilization, imo, is not "I cast you with Melt" he's not Ellie, he's not made of 50% ectoplasm. His parents surprisingly knew what they were doing, and he was human. So his destabilization should be unique to himself and different. Thus his destabilization is "I cast you with Compromised Immune System" his body slowly weakens over time as his cells destabilize. He becomes unnaturally frail and sick. Damian calls Ellie for help when Danny doesn't get up after being hit in a fight that he normally, and Ellie helps figure out that he's destabilizing. This is whats gonna happen in OG clone au too, but Ellie is going to be there rather than Damian.
It makes going to Wayne Manor after that slightly more interesting,,,
#dpxdc crossover#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#danny fenton is a clone#damian clone au#i couldnt NOT describe their new suits. i just couldn't. they're leaning into the ghost culture of being scary as fuck looking#i feel a little cheesy for giving them magic jewelry that lets them hide their suits instantly#but i have to make up for danny's lack of ghost form SOMEHOW#damian just gets it too by association#if anyone is curious#Ellie's ghost form is identical to Danny's suit just the colors are inverted. so her suit is all white and her mask is all black#its not a starry au unless its got a read more#did anyone notice the Big Mama cameo from ROTTMNT#its because Danny's mask looks like Casey Jones Jr's mask from ROTTMNT without the red marks on the eyes#Danny and Damian's dynamic itches my brain#Danny: im calling Dad Rights - youre grounded#Damian: nnOOOO#also also. danny uses sign language if he's in view of the living since they could recognize his voice. damian does not yet know ASL#so thats on his 'languages to learn' list#although he is not seen by the public since he has school and ghost attacks happen around danny and not him#Red Huntress gives the Phantom so much shit when she sees his sidekick. Phantom tiredly explains that he had no choice - Wraith would have#come with anyways. truly a robin at heart.#“idc if you say no imma do vigilantism ANYWAY. i dont NEED ur permission” is robincore and bruce/danny going#“fine but i'm gonna make sure you dont DIE then”#clone^2
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Breaking in because some months ago you posted an AU idea where Dick kills Batman before Damian arrives but imagine if Dick realized that Batman got so bad a child resorted to being brutalized because he thinks he's needed to fix him
So then Dick ends up killing Batman BEFORE Jason ever arrives, and disposes of the body in such a way, that trying to ressurect Bruce w/ Lazarus waters is pointless
There's two three four ways we can do this
a. Jason only learns of Batman dying after coming back to Gotham and before meeting the Batclan
b. Jason learns Batman died while still with the League, something that throws him, Thalia, Ra's, and whoever else for a loop
c. Jason doesn't even know Bruce is dead after getting to Gotham, and it takes time until he learns Dick is Batman
d. Jason and the League only knows of Batman being replaced or missing himself, and only later learn he's been found or announced dead
When the newest Red Hood tries to pull shit? Dick (the new Batman) has none of it as he is extrq protective of his Robins (Tim and Stephanie) after Jason died and Tim was abused
Now what to do w/ Bruce and Wayne Enterprises? I mean, Dick w/ Barbara and Tim's help can become the new patriarch and owner/CEO but there's also the fact that tjey need to navitage the chaos that is either Brucie Wayne dying or going missing qnd being qnnounced deqd unsuspiciously
There's also the idea that Dick (+any accomplices) would have to navigate relations with the Justice League whilst hiding his murder, and Gotham has to deal w/ the changes a new Batman introduces
Suddenly Batman is putting the wellbeing of the people, especially his kids, over justice and his ideals, and whether or not anybody suspects or knows this new Batman "took care" of the old one leaves a lot of potential for plotlines
Also Cassandra, if she still joins the Bats, has to grapple with the patriarch being a killer because the previous patriarch was an abuser
Gosh how will this affect Damian and how he's raised? How will the LOA respond to Bruce's death?
Oh yeah Jason, I can't imagine Dick would leave Joker alive either after what happened to Jason, especially if there was a Joker Junior incident
It's gonna be a mindfuck for he, he needs wanted for his father to prove himself as still being his dad, for Bruce to choose him over "The Right Thing To Do" even if Jason became something Batman would hate
Except Jason doesn't even get the closure of his father proving himself a failure of a father, because Bruce already failed as a father to Dick to such a degree that his reward was death
Jason doesn't know who his father is or would have beenanymore, just that Dick is to Tim, Stephanie and so on what Jay dad wasn't as he was in the League, training for an encounter that would never come
Ooh! But let's add on more, shall we?
I don't remember the og post you're referencing, but let's be mean to Dick :)
I like the many many possibilities for Jason you've listed out, but imma get specific on how Dick killed Bruce.
To be cruel, let it be an accident.
For the exact stage, perhaps the JJ incident still happened, but after Tim was Robin. Dick didn't find out about it because Bruce never informed him, and Dick was busy with Bludhaven and the Titans (it was another unfortunate timing for Dick).
About a year or so after the event, Tim is doing much better. He's been on the field for a bit and doesn't relapse as much (either into thinking he's JJ, Joker's his dad, or the laughing spells).
Joker captures Tim again and calls him "Junior." Dick has never seen Tim react the way he did to that name.
They have history. A bad one.
Bruce isn't surprised.
Bruce hid this from Dick.
The young adult has to take several breaths, but he holds his reservations. Maybe Bruce was respecting Tim's boundaries (yeah fucking right).
Fighting happens ya da ya da and Dick learns what Joker did to Tim.
He's fucking enraged. Joker has touched another sibling of his.
Then, the Joker and Tim are in a precarious position. Dick rushes to save Tim and barely manages to get him in time.
When Dick looks up, the Joker is perfectly fine. Nightwing feels his blood start to boil.
His baby brother almost slipped out of his grasp when he rushed as fast as he could to save him. Dick moved, without hesitation, to save Tim.
Batman would have had to move, without hesitation, to save Joker over saving Robin.
Batman put Joker's safety over Robin's.
The flip is instantaneous.
Nightwing starts pummeling the shit out of both Joker and Batman. Due to the element of surprise, Dick had the upper hand. He gets broken ribs and a concussion for his troubles, but Batman is beneath his fist taking the beating Nightwing is dealing out.
He never realizes Bruce has stopped breathing until he feels a hand on his elbow.
Tim's expression is grim as he focuses on Dick. The teen is heavily dissociating as he takes in the scene.
Tim's lips, when he glances down at Batman, start to tremble. He presses them together to try to keep a calm facade.
The teen closes his eyes, breathes in, breathes out, nods to himself, and then opens them.
Bruce is dead. Joker is dead.
They've got work to do.
In this AU, Steph becomes Robin during Tim's recovery stage from JJ and after this incident. Tim takes a step back after helping Dick dismantle and hide Batman's body to consolidate Dick's position as Wayne heir, majority shareholder, and Batman. He works with Babs to aid Dick in these various transitions.
Lucius is the acting CEO, which takes a huge load off of Dick's shoulders.
Dick is obviously not doing fine about accidentally murdering his dad. At least he killed Joker too, though.
Tim's not doing great either, but it's fine. He eventually steps back into the cape. Steph and him like to play pranks on Gotham. They both vehemently deny that there's two Robins running around at the same time.
I don't think Alfred would stick around after they murdered and covered up the murder of Bruce :/ I wish he would, but maybe he takes a nice retirement in England.
Babs, Tim, and Dick are good at covering their tracks. There's rumors that the new Batman killed the old one, but there's also rumors that he eats people.
The LoA don't know who killed Bruce, but they know he's dead. Tim and Dick still grieve him (feelings are fun like that), so they aren't on the suspect list.
Red Hood shows up demanding answers.
Batman (Dick) confirms that he *will* put his family first. Always.
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msfcatlover · 26 days
Duke in the Reverse!Robins AU be like…
”Eldest daughter syndrome? What eldest daughter syndrome? Nah, just because I’m the oldest does not mean I have eldest daughter syndrome. Sure, I’ve had to mediate between Damian & Bruce, or Steph & Bruce, or help certain Titans find a middle ground, but that’s just being a good leader. And yeah, I’m protective of the younger kids, but that’s just what any responsible adult in my position would do.”
*finds out one of the members of his team has such bad civilian trauma they need to straight-up quit hero work*
“Oh shit… I fucked this up. I was too focused on my own problems, how the fuck did I miss this? Okay, okay. I was already burning out trying to juggle being Gotham’s only daytime hero and single-handedly leading the Titans. I need to pick one. And find some way to make it up to Grant. Jesus fuck, how did I miss this…”
*Tim becomes Cass’s apprentice. Steph & Cass start arguing more often. Steph has her biggest fight with Bruce yet. Steph goes missing.*
*Steph dies*
“After that fight with Bruce, no one backed her up. She didn’t know anyone was supporting her. She died thinking none of us were on her side. If any one of us had actively taken her side, instead of getting distracted with our own messes, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Oh, but am I really expecting Damian or Bruce to be intelligent about feelings? Am I really expecting tact from Cass? I know them too well; it should’ve been me, shouldn’t it? I can’t believe I managed to fuck up worse than I did with Grant…”
*Luna gets taken away*
“Look at what you’ve done, Bruce! Look what you’ve fucking done! You’re tearing this family apart! We all promised to look out for her if anything happened to Steph, and you’re just going to force every single one of us to break those promises?! You’re going to rip away the last piece of Steph we had?!? Look at Dami & Cass! Look at them! You did this!”
*finds out Damian’s training for Tim to be Shadow uses all the LoA techniques he refused to use for Steph, making it borderline-through-outright abusive, almost certainly to try to drive Tim off by making him too miserable to continue*
“I. I can’t fucking believe this. I can’t… I can’t believe it took me so long to realize. Damian, nobody is happy about this, but fuck you. I thought you were trying to be better, you absolute fucking asshole! And I… I don’t even have the excuse of not knowing half of the involved parties this time, or being away, or too busy, I was just looking away because I didn’t want to think about Tim taking Steph’s mantle. I should’ve fucking stopped this the first time Tim came back from Bludhaven. God fucking dammit, how do I keep failing the kids in my care in the same fucking way, over & over again?!”
*was all the way at the other end of the room & looking in the wrong direction to have enough forewarning to actually save Tim from being shot*
“I… I… I… I’m literally the only person who could’ve fucking stopped this. I have all the training, all the abilities, but I went to refill my punch glass, and now Timmy might never walk again. I mean, absolutely blame the asshole who pulled the trigger, but Tim & I were in the same fucking room. Who would even put a hit out on Tim Wayne? There’s no way Tim doesn’t know who’s behind this, but he won’t tell me because he doesn’t trust me, because of course he doesn’t! Look at my track record! When it matters most, I let down the people I love. My parents, Grant, Steph, Tim…”
*Jason becomes Shadow.*
*The Tower fight happens.*
*Jason gets kidnapped by the Joker.*
*Bruce “dies,” and Jason runs away to have the Red Robin arc.*
*Dick only begrudgingly puts up with Duke because Duke’s rather overbearing expressions of protectiveness support are not meshing well with Dick’s “stuck on anger til I personally catch my parents’ murderer” issue*
“…If anyone needs me, I’ll be screaming in the closet.”
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whatwh · 11 months
So you know, everything I know about DC comes from DcxDp so any inaccuracies are cause of that. I took a deep dive into Jason's character, I was trying to decide if I perfered him having a parental, frendly, or romantic relationship with Danny when I came across the fact/Headcannon that Jason was at the league recovering from the revival during Damians childhood. I read a thing or two about Jason having a more parental relationship with Damian because of this.
So I thought we could make him leave the LoA early and lay lower in order to protect/raise a young Dami. (He still has the criminal enterprise and the plans with his family, hes just more patient and careful because he doesnt want to be the reason Damian gets brought back to the LoA. ) He eventually runs into Jazz with a de aged Danny and realize that the kids can play with each other without hurting either of them, and slowly have to start trusting each other more, for the kids sakes.
You can either have anger management, or what I prefer, platonic close co parents. You can add angst, trauma from the kids lives, stress from raising kids, bad reaction when the rest of the Batfam find out, or you could keep it fluffy with a lot of growth and slow trust. I like the idea of Dami and Danny being about the same age and quickly (totally not trauma) bonding, or Danny still having some degree of his past memories so he's mentally older but technically younger. I can easily see Jazz just meeting up with a mass murderer to plan playdates. She knows he's not a risk to her.
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AO3 Fic Rec List 2 - DC - Batfam
This one is only Jason and Damian met in the League of Assassins fics because I like them so much. (there probably will be more of this)
It's Just Me and Your Ghost by dancingsweetheart129
He never wanted to be in this position, standing on a roof top, helmet on, facing his father.
But desperate times called for desperate measures, and no matter how invulnerable he thought he was, if he couldn’t get through Sionis’ warehouse, Damian would die. And he was not taking that chance.
“You wanted to talk, Red Hood?” Batman asked, and the Robin beside him tilted his head. Jason had seen the kid work, he was like a computer. He was an expert and standing to the side and taking in enough information to solve a problem, better than Bruce ever had. If anyone had a chance of figuring out who he was, it was Robin.
“I need your help.” Jason finally admitted, his voice distorted through his helmet. “I know you and I aren’t exactly friends, but my hands are tied.”
“What do you need?” Batman asked, voice even and careful. He wasn’t a fan of the Red Hood, not with his guns and general stance on killing and violence. Jason wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in someone’s head if they deserved it.
“Black Mask ambushed me yesterday,” Jason admitted. “He took my kid, and I need to get him back.”
Jason raises Damian in Gotham, but when Black Mask kidnaps the kid to get back at the Red Hood, Jason has no choice but to ask the Bats (who don't know who he really is) for help.
1 Chapter, 3 692 Words, Complete.
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The Bond of Blood is Nothing Compared To Love by Sleepypapaya
What if Jason and Damian met in the League? What if they were brothers?
A series showing a world where Jason and Damian first met in the League. When they are both in Gotham, they don't tell any of the Bats about the fact that they know each other quite well.
4 Works, 9 812 Words, Incomplete.
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the truth more first than sun by Ellergrine
Life gave Jason Todd a second chance, let him come back from the dead, and made him an older brother in the process. He’s not going to waste the opportunity.
A little girl stops Red Hood on patrol and asks for his help, she has to do an English assignment on her hero and wants to ask him some questions.
1 Chapter, 2 204 Words, Complete.
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Nothing in This World Can Change by RandomReader13
Damian's being picked on at school. Jason calls in the big guns.
Jason calls Talia in to deal with the fact that Damian is getting picked on at school. After, the three of them get lunch together.
1 Chapter, 2 151 Words, Complete.
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Catch Up by DragonflyxParodies
Dick has an epiphany.
Dick realizes that Jason and Damian knew each other before Damian arrived in Gotham.
1 Chapter, 308 Words, Complete.
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She Had Me at Damian by sahlo_folina
Jason and Damian after the Batman: Death in The Family movie. (I know it's not meeting in the LOA but still)
1 Chapter, 1 029 Words, Complete.
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I Saw You In A Dream by sleepypapaya
Damian hurts. Every inch of his skin burning, and someone is yelling, and then—
And then it's all calm. Strong arms surround him. A voice hums against his hair. He is safe. He is safe, but there is blood. The humming stops, and Damian looks into once-green eyes, vacant in death. The arms are locked around him, and they are cold, but he can't escape.
His protector is dead.
He wakes up crying
Damian is hit with fear toxin and remembers that he and Jason knew each other before.
1 Chapter, 1 177 Words, Complete.
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Estranged by Perhappiness
They never talk about it. The first time they met, Jason was a shell of a person and Damian was too young to comprehend what was being shown to him. The real, first time they met, the age had already been beaten into Damian and Jason was a bitter version of himself. The first time they really saw each other was amongst an ocean of shame and regret. After that they kept their distance. There’s no repairing what never existed
Damian's and Jason's relationship across the years.
1 Chapter, 2 686 Words, Complete.
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I'm a Sinner, I'm a Saint by dancingsweetheart129
“Robin, what happened?” “He shot himself,” Damian choked out, finally managing to find his breath. “Are you hurt?” Damian bit his lip and shook his head, but he couldn’t speak. Not without bursting into tears. He had been trying so hard, he was good now. He didn’t kill, he did the right thing- “I’m taking him back to my place, he’s fine, just needs some space,” Jason said, his hands grasping Damian by the shoulders and hauling him to his wobbly legs. “Robin, can you walk?” And Damian was loath to admit it, but no, he didn’t think he could. His whole body was shaking, and he felt like a weight about to drop. He shook his head. “Okay, Bud, let’s get you home,” Jason sighed, hefting Damian up into his arms instead. “I’m not far from here.”
Ooc for Damian but I love it. Shows more of Damian being a kid and having to deal with the bad side of being a vigilante.
1 Chapter, 1 150 Words, Complete.
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Literally... none of that is true lmao. Dick had beef with Bruce and mostly tried to keep Jason out of it, and let Jason know he was there for him if he needed it. They went skiing together. Dick had a complete breakdown after Jason's death.
Where do I even start on the next bit. ALFRED originally gave the Robin mantle to Damian. "Worst year of Tim's life" It was the worst year of DICK'S life. His father of like 15 years died, his city got blown up, his best friend died, etc etc. And he STILL pulled it together and took on the burden of becoming Batman, sacrificed his independence, moved to Gotham to raise Bruce's deeply traumatized son.
Also he NEVER tried to put Tim in Arkham. And god forbid he not listen to Tim who had NO EVIDENCE Bruce was alive, instead of taking care of all back-breaking responsibilities on his shoulders while still grieving
Anyway. Please don't use fanon Tim stan nonsense to slander Dick thank you <3
ask 1 ^
ask 2:
i know it doesnt actually matter but that second-to-last ask abt dick grayson is literally just straight up lies. this person has not read any of the comics they are referencing. they are just quoting incorrect fanon as if its facts. dick had a complicated relationship with jason, yes, but wasn't particularly unkind to him, just distant, and is shown to have regretted that and grieved him hard; i'm not even gonna begin to get into the damian bashing but literally at no point did dick ever try to get tim committed to arkham. he suggested tim get therapy, because their adoptive father was dead (as far as they knew) and tim was convinced he wasn't but had no evidence. this is not an unreasonable thing to suggest to your grieving brother who appears stuck in denial! and he didn't "replace tim with damian and not even tell him". damian literally interrupted the conversation where he was trying to tell tim about it (where his rationale was that damian, a child literally raised in a cult of assassins, needed to be given a role to fill in bc he needed structure while being deprogrammed from being a child soldier, and dick wanted to see tim as his equal, not a subordinate.) tim himself completely reconciled with dick by the end of this comic. that anon was just making up a guy to be mad at, not actually talking about dick grayson 💀
ask 3:
Hi I’m the dick grayson shouldn’t win anon, the people thirst voting one etc etc but saw some propaganda that’s based on bald faces lies and I gotta correct it bc it’s my pet peeve. DICK DID NOT THREATEN TIM WITH ARKHAM. HE SUGGESTED A THERAPIST IN METROPOLIS like okay he fucked up there but he made the best decision he could during the red robin run (which is a dumpster fire) and like it’s been a minute since I read battle for the cowl era but didn’t Alfred give Damian the robin suit. And Jason was literally in dick’s family colours which got taken away from dick by Bruce which he had no right to do so I mean he justifiably didn’t like him. And yeah okay dick did put Jason in Arkham but need I remind you that Jason went on a killing spree as Batman and almost killed tim. And let’s be real him and him are brothers. He didn’t ditch him. That relationship was never fixed in comics bc they reset the universe but at the end of red Robin they were okay. And like you have over 10 years of comics but the important thing is that Arkham was NEVER what dick suggested to Tim holy shit but uh also don’t vote for dick in the next round (vote for him against supernatural guy tho) I just don’t appreciate the slander but I’ll be putting out my anti dick grayson propaganda next thanks
Adding to my other ask, Tim literally sounded like he was losing it. Like I wouldn’t believe him either. In the nightwing comics not too long ago he tried to bring his dad, Steph, and Conner back to life with the Lazarus pit. Tim willingly cut himself and started to use self destructive behaviours (LoA) and like his entire internal monologue supports that and bc grim dark era justifiably fucked him up okay I’m done
ok thank you! glad you're clearing this up
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 month
Dadn't IV
Bruce, exhausted : Could you get Damian? He isn't listening to me.
Jason, miffed : You know... I'm not a mom nor nothing alike. I mean... If he doesn't obey you, what do you expect me to do?
Bruce, sighing deeply : Just try, please.
Jason, reluctantly : Don't say I didn't told you...
Jason, clapping : Alright, little man. It's time for bed ~!
9 y/o Damian, giggles : Tale time~!
Jason: There'll be no tale until you get into bed...
9 y/o Damian: *gets into bed before Jason finishes talking *
Jason: ...
Bruce: *sniggers *
Bruce, smirking : Uh-huh, sure... Do not forget to turn off the light when he falls asleep, sir "I wasn't made for paternity."
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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technowoah · 2 years
Dick and Jason w League of Assassins!reader
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What life would be if you were apart of the LOA [aka my personal headcanon]
- not requested!
- fem!reader
- reader headcanons!
- slight enemies to lovers
An// this has been on my mind for a while and I personally love hero/vigilante/villian!reader trope so I decided to do this! I got inspiration from other writers who did this as well 🤭 so thanks to them
Long headcanons below for Dick & Jason
Dick Grayson
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Meet Cute (intentions)
Dick has a thing for strong women as you can see from his history
First time yall met he was stand off-ish and you were too.
You met when you were in your league outfit and he was nightwing. From then you two kept meeting eachother on various rooftops
"What are you doing here again?" Dick asked from behind you.
You kept your gaze on the skyline of Gotham hoping he would go away soon.
"A job" you stated.
"Nothing else?"
"No, not yet."
Silence fell over you two begging for someone to speak.
"If you ever need help navigating this place let me know" he offered still standing behind you.
"Why are you being nice to me?" You asked facing him finally.
He had this small smirk on his face, you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not when he spoke. "Cause that's what heros do."
You scoffed at that and turned around to the skyline. "See you around Nightwing."
From there on out you two kept an eye on eachother. When Nighwing was doing his job you were around and vice versa.
He knew you were following him, sometimes, but you always knew when he was around.
Dick was too intent on following you so he took himself to the bat cave and searched up your name. And when he found out you were from the Leauge of Assassins he fliped his shit
He printed out your files and placed them infront of Damian who already had a slight frown on his face, probably because he was doing homework and Dick just had to interrupt him.
"Do you know who she is?" Dick pointed to the file
"Why do you assume I do?"
"Cause you both are from the same place."
"She's older than me though." He reasoned with Dick and he frowned, but Damian spoke again. "But yes I have heard of her."
Dick was more careful around you now. Still keeping his distance, having small conversations, but trying to figure out the reason why you're here.
One night you had met again, but instead of him approaching you, you approached him.
"I need help." He noticed you avoided his eyes, well his mask, when you said that. Like you were ashamed of yourself.
"Took you long enough! What do you need help with? You need a map? I know every place in this-"
"Tell me where Damian Al Ghul is." You interrupted him and his heart dropped.
"Tell me. I know you have ties with him."
"You're positive I-"
"Dont make me hurt you." Your hand started to trail towards your back reaching for your sword.
He put his hands up saying he meant no harm. "I do have ties with him, but I need to know your intentions first."
"I know you already know Im apart of the Leauge of Assassins, so you should put 2 and 2 together." You stated but he still looked confused, you can tell even behind the mask.
You sighed and spoke again. "I was Damian's caretaker. I was- I am tasked with the duty of protecting him, courtesy of Talia Al Ghul."
Now It all made sense to him.
The beginning of this relationship started out with him not taking you to Damian but slowly realizing that you meant no harm.
You two worked together for a bit (doing missions together, learning about eachother, spending time together learning about eachother intentions/relationships with Damian), him not mentioning anything to Bruce about having someone from the Leauge of Assassins with him.
He knew he was prolonging your mission to make sure the kid was safe and okay. He knew he was keeping you away from your home, but he became selfish.
Sooner or later you two became attached to the hip, not leaving eachothers side.
You both made frequent trips back and forth between Bludhaven and Gotham doing yall own thing.
Slowly the masks came off and he realized you meant absolutely no harm. Caring for your family and protecting the ones that you love.
Also you realized that he cared for his family as well. He was a kind soul that you appreciated.
"I will take you to Damian."
You two were laying on his bed. You had came through his window that night in need of some comfort, you would never admit that, but you just needed someone to talk to. You claimed that you were wounded, but he saw through your lies.
He gave you his clothes to wear so you wouldn't have to lounge around his house in your uniform. So you were sitting there in a tank top and sweatpants cut to make them into shorts. It was comfortable, being with him was comfortable.
"I mean I can't take you to him, but Ill let you see him."
"Why cant you let me talk to him?" You asked facing towards him.
"His father, his father isnt the.. ya know, biggest fan of the Leauge." Dick tried to reason with you. "But I can see what I can do."
That night he took you to another rooftop to see Damian.
Well see Damian from a distance.
He sat on the edge of the rooftop while you stood watching Batman and Robin leap their way across the night sky.
"There he is." Dick stated.
"Is he happy?" You asked quietly.
"What?" He asked.
"Is he happy?" You asked more firmly.
Dick scoffed at that question, but then he realized you dont know everything about him.
"I would be a bad brother if he wasn't."
Jason Todd
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Anything you can do... (time spent)
He met you when Talia assigned you to train him.
He resented you at first because when you would spare he would get knocked on his ass more times than he could count.
"AGAIN!" Jason yelled from the floor. You just knocked him down again with a sword pointed to his throat.
"Tell me that once you get up from the floor."
He hated how snarky you was. But he also found it hot that you two used to fight all the time.
Jason loves to spar against you, its his favorite hobby. Hes always striving to get better. He also thinks its really hot how you can beat him up within seconds.
He can handle you and you can handle him its a nice balance.
You make him a better person. He'll follow you to the ends of the earth.
"I want to go somewhere." You blurted out.
You two had to stay in a hotel to perserve your identity while in Gotham and because Jason hated being stuck in his apartment. You had just came out of the shower with a towel around your body and your hair wet/tied up.
"Where do you want to go?" He was lazily staring at you from his spot on the bed.
"Somewhere not in Gotham." You chuckled trying to mask the truth.
"You miss the Leauge?" He asked.
You sat down next to him while changing your clothes. Him lying down while you were comfortable enough changing infront of him. Once you got your robe on you sat back down and sighed.
Before you spoke he beat you to it. "I hate that place. They treated you horribly."
"I learned a lot from that place."
"Lets go learn some place else then." He sat up next to you getting closer. He placed a soft hand on your cheek. "I know thats your home-"
"Jason you're my home."
He smirked. "How does Iceland sound?"
You both teach eachother different things. Different outlooks on the world, how to use different weapons.. You taught him how to use a sword and a staff and he taught you how to shoot a gun.
Jason challenges you, mentally and physically. He loves your mind. Your smart attitude, how you are never afraid to talk back to someone and stand your ground. You two are so alike.
You both are vulnerable with eachother, even on nights where he seems like he cant deal with the life he put himself in. He would never let someone else know his deepest thoughts except for you.
You met Jason's family before, but it was on accident. You had a stand off with his family as their superhero personas first, but then "officially" met them at a gala.
"Do you really want to go to this gala?" You asked tentatively.
"Bruce's gala isnt going to crash itself."
"So you're going with the intention to ruin his party?"
"Of course! Who do you think I am?" He chuckled.
By "official" I mean Dick coming up to you and introducing his family one by one by pointing them out across the room.
Damian noticed you but didn't come up to you at first.
Tim was lowkey scared of you.
Remember that one scene from Wonder Woman where she had that big ass sword in the back of her dress? That was that moment.
Jason didn't want his family in his buisness, but slowly realized that he cant get rid of them. (Especially Damian)
You both were headstrong. You followed him on his patrolling days and vice versa.
He went back and forth between Gotham and wherever you went. He claimed he didn't have much in Gotham so traveling around with you wasnt bad at all.
Again Jason would travel to the ends of the Earth. No matter where the League would send you. He'll always be there.
It would be the days where he misses the Gotham smog where he would beg you to leave the League of Assassins and live a free life with him.
"Dont so that to me Jason you know this is important to me." You snapped at him.
"Yeah and you're important to me too, I dont want you going on this damn suicide mission."
"I've dealt with MUCH worse."
"I bet you have. Thats why I dont approve."
"I dont need your damn approval!"
"Im your fucking boyfriend!"
"Well im your fucking girlfriend! Respect me!"
He stopped and dug his nails into his forearms. You were right. He was right.
"We'll talk about this in the morning." You reasoned.
"No. We're gonna talk now." Jason demanded.
"Its 2 am-"
"I dont give a flying fuck. We're gonna talk like adults."
And so you both did.
Jason was right about how the League treated you, but you were right about him respecting your decisions. Instead you both talked it out and the League ended up giving you a different mission anyways
He loved you, he didn't want to see you hurt, see you mistreated.
He wants the upmost best for you. Even if that means realizing that you have to leave the people who made you.
Hes your protection and your his protection.
He dosen't need his family when he has you, you understand him, you love him and you want the best for him, no matter what
That dosent mean that his family wont be in his life, they're detectives for petes sake.
And you both will run away to the ends of the earth together.
"Let's go somewhere." Jason smirked.
"Where do you have in mind?"
"Space." He grinned
"Outer space?" You questioned.
"Tameran specifically. I know someone there."
These two are gonna be the death of me 😮‍💨
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redtwomuch · 3 years
Mer Au Idea.
(I don't know much about what I'm saying when things are supposed to be reflections of real life)
The humans know about mers and they are treated like animals (but nicely (usually))
There are places where different groups can watch over, protect, study, heal, ect the mers.
The League of Assassins (and Maybe also Amanda Waller) have their own center (Waller's is probably for feral and dangerous mer with a taste for blood and chaos).
Their Center focus mainly mer that had to be taken out of the ocean for their safety.
Bruce and Alfred because Bruce's parents died and while Alfred protects him he is old. Dick belonged to a group of fish but when the group got attacked and scattered his parents died. Jason's parents died and he was alone for awhile. Tim's parents get taken and shown all around the world(because it doesn't bother them like most mer) and Tim needed a pack sence his parents didn't claim him. Cassandra's old "owner" mistreated her. I'm not sure about Damian. I think Talia found him when he was first hatched and got really attached but knew he needed mers more than her. He'd never be able to swim in the ocean if not exposed to mers. (Stephanie was taken in and they thought she would be a good mate for Tim. It didn't work out that way but she mainly lives with Bruce's pack)
Bruce's pack was just him and Alfred for a long time. The Loa tried to find him mates and friends but Harvey became farel and the other groups he met with didn't work out long term. But when Dick needed an emergency placement they tried Bruce and it worked out (probably a bit too well and Bruce didn't let them have him back). So the next time they needed an emergency placement for a young mer they tried Bruce (Dick was currently with his Titans pack sence him and Bruce began fighting (it's not unusual for a mer to challenge the pack head when they get older (hormones and instincts) But Bruce had never been challenged by pack before nor seen it. He'd only seen mer outside of a pack challenge that pack so he took it offensively and Dick had to be taken out of their den(unsure of the word) but they still tried every now and then to see if the two mers had calmed down)
The Loa takes in young mers that can't quite defend themselves and takes care of them and usually train them a bit until they are safe to be in the ocean. They give them a chance to leave or just explore and then return to their den.(The training is to do things like save people if they are drowning or to find things bad for the ocean and return them to the center. Sometimes they'll get really strong mer because they don't discourage sparring and fights that don't lead to great harm. And if a mer is strong they might be allowed to help catch feral, otherwise dangerous or hurt mer and bring them in)
On one of the trips out Bruce and Jason got into a fight about a mer that died somehow (maybe a shark or something dangerous in the sea for Jay to fight) that they were trying to catch. Jason swam off (not to the center)emotionally hurt and ran into either his mom he thought was dead or Joker. Either way he was thought dead when Bruce arrived but he was still taken to the center. Talia watched over him but he wasn't allowed near Bruce till he was healed. Bruce and Dick mourned as there wasn't a way to tell the mer that Jay was still alive without them meeting and that could be bad for Jay. Jason was traumatized and wouldn't go near Bruce even after he healed for a while (he was afraid Bruce was still mad at him and would be disappointed in how weak he was). So he went through a lot of physical therapy and once he was heal he wanted to try going into the ocean again (he felt he would be too weak if he couldn't go into the ocean or fight for himself. Talia was worried but there wasn't much they could do except keep him trapped in the center.)
Once Jason was healed and going into the ocean more he saw Bruce and his pack. He was a bit upset that Bruce moved on and Dick was a regular member of the pack again (since before it was really only him, Bruce, and Alfred). He got into a (onesided) fight/challenge with Tim and Bruce was upset at that (he didn't like challenges in his pack) and so he and Jason got into a fight. Anytime they saw each other they got into a fight Jason's instincts and what he saw in the ocean vs the way Bruce grew up and saw in the ocean (they saw the same thing but Jason was raised that challenges just happened and Bruce only saw them as pack hurting pack). They tried but had a hard time getting along.
Tim's entree to the pack. Tim saw the bat pack when he was little and wandered places he shouldn't by himself at that age. He also belonged to the same center as them so he saw them sometimes. After Jason died Tim followed them around more worried about them and wouldn't leave. Eventually he was allowed in their den and Dick rejoined (he still went with his Titans)
Cass was already part of the pack at this time and Damian soon joined.
Other mer in the center are other Justice Leaguers and certain villains Like Ivy&Harley after they were cleared by Amanda to be good outside of her center but not into the ocean yet. And Slade and his kids(though they may be trainers or caretakers in the center)
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heyitsani · 4 years
I Keep My Eyes Wide Open All the Time Chapter 9
Word Count: 5634
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major character death, Mentions of past rape/non-con (eventually)
Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne/Jon Kent
Notes: This is the end of our journey for this particular life.  I have more lives planned and a bit to go with the present time on this story, but this past life itself has run it’s course.  Thank you so much for reading this monster of a fic.
If you have not read When You Move I Move, this one won’t really make much sense.  So you can read that here: WYMIM
You can also read this chapter on AO3 here
Damian woke slowly, consciousness coming back to him bit by bit as the memories faded to background noise as most memories did.  He laid there, staring at the ceiling as they shifted into place as though they had always been there.  His mind felt…complete in a way he hadn’t known it wasn’t before.  And though he knew it was only one lifetime that he had been made aware of, it still felt right.  Things made so much more sense now that he knew.  
And he understood what Richard had been worried about, even if Damian happened to be one of the few who would ever be able to compartmentalize the emotion of then and the emotion of now.  His years being raised by the LoA had its uses every and again.  But Richard had been the father Damian had always wanted his actual father to be in this life.  And even without these memories, Damian had always known Richard to be more of a father than his own.  It had not been intentional, but he wondered now if it had been instinctual.
Glancing over at the clock, he saw it was still considered early and the sun was just barely starting to rise into the sky outside.  But he sat up and knew he had something he had to do despite the early hour. Quickly, he got himself showered and dressed after calling down to the front desk and requesting a car to pick him up. With his wallet and room key in his back pocket, Damian slipped on his coat and tucked his phone into the inner breast pocket beside the small metal ice scoop he had found before heading out of his room.
“Your car is waiting out front, Sir,” the front desk employee told him with a nod.  “The driver will take you wherever you please.”
“Is the Castle grounds open to visitors?”  He didn’t comment on the surprised look on the clerk’s face but smiled when they nodded. “Thank you.”  He made his way outside and greeted the driver before slipping into the backseat.  “I need to get to the castle grounds on the East side of the forest.”  The driver gave nothing away as he nodded and headed out. Damian sent off a quick text to both Richard and Todd Jason, telling them he had gone into the town for an errand and would be back in time for breakfast should they want to partake in it together.
He wasn’t surprised when Richard immediately responded with an ‘everything okay?’ text.  It made him smile, but also worried him that the man had not bothered to get any sleep.  He replied that everything was just fine and that he would explain later.
“Mr. Wayne,” the driver called as the car pulled onto gravel.  “This is as close as I am able to get you to where you requested.” Damian glanced out the window as the car stopped and mentally took in where they were in relation to where he needed to be.  
Nodded his head, he smiled at the driver.  “This will do just fine,” he assured the man.  “I shall be back shortly, please wait here.”  The driver gave him a nod before Damian slipped out of the car and started walking.  The grounds were familiar, but different at the same time.  He was curious if Richard or Jason had made their way over here since coming back.  He made a mental note to ask them later.  But for now, he was focused on one particular spot.  
There was little movement as he entered the tree line and walked a path that had been long overgrown but remained familiar.  The image of Jon in his wedding robes walking beside him on this same path came to the forefront of his mind and it made him smile.  He wondered what the other man would say when Damian revealed that to him. Perhaps he would bring him here to show him all the places that had meant something to them.  Much in the same way he assumed Jason and Richard had done.
As he stepped into the glade he had promised his heart to Jon so many lifetimes ago, Damian felt the hush that fell over the creatures scurrying about.  It was as if he had stepped back through that spell in Madame Xanadu’s shop and he could no longer hear the outside world.
It was almost unnerving.
But he had a task to focus on and didn’t want to consider what it meant right then.  He made his way to the spot that looked like where he and Jon had been married and dropped to the cool earth.  Carefully, he tugged away the moss that covered the dirt and set it aside to return it once he had refilled the hole.  Once he was sure the space was big enough, he pulled out the ice scoop and used it as an impromptu shovel.  It had been the only thing he could find on such short notice, but as he dug up the dirt he knew it was doing the job well enough.
It took a few minutes before he was able to really break past the hardened upper dirt and into the softer, warmer lower soil.  Soil that was older than the object he was in search of.  Soil that had protected something for him for centuries.
He found himself thankful for that fact as the ice scoop hit something that wouldn’t give the same way the soil had been.  Carefully he worked his way around the box and widened the hole so he could reverently lift the box from the hole and brushed as much of the dirt off it as he could before setting aside.  With just as much care, he replaced all the dirt and the moss before putting the ice scoop back into his pocket and picking the box up again.
Without opening it, he stood and headed back the way he came.  He didn’t need to see it to know the item he had placed inside was still there. He trusted Madame Xanadu and the spell she had weaved for him.
Once he was out of the glade the sounds of the forest came back to him and he sighed, wondering yet again if there had been some sort of enchantment on the area.  When he reached the tree-line again, he pulled his cell phone out to send a text to Richard and Jason to see if they wished to have breakfast.
“Hello Richard,” he answered, amused that his brother had decided to call instead of just texting back. He could hear Jason apologizing for him in the background, but Damian was used to this particular trait of his brother’s by now.
“You were up early this morning.  Did you sleep?”
Damian hummed and smiled at the driver as he slipped back into the car, the box sitting carefully in his lap.  “Back to the hotel, please,” he told the driver before turning his attention back to his brother.  “I did sleep, quite well actually.”
There was a moment of silence and Damian knew Richard was trying to think of how to ask.  
“I took it before bed,” he decided to spare his brother the pain of having to figure it out.  “I remember the first but I have gotten flashes of some others since being awake.”
“Yeah, that’s how it was for us too,” Richard said quietly before there was some muffled talking between him and Jason.  “You’re on your way back?  Where did you go?”
Damian looked at the box and considered what to say.  “I had to retrieve something.  I will explain when I show you, but shall we get breakfast together?”
“Jay thinks we should just order room service.”  Damian thought about it and wondered if that would honestly be best.  He knew returning the ring to Jason would be a bit of an emotional moment.  “Dames?”
“Whatever you wish to do, Richard.  I do not have an opinion either way.”
“Okay, I’ll just have him order a spread to be sent here.”
“Very well, we are pulling up now.  I shall go back to my room for a moment and then come back to yours.”  His brother agreed and Damian slipped his phone back into his pocket before pulling his wallet out.  “Thank you for your assistance,” he said as he handed a sizeable tip to the driver.  And with the box in hand again, he slipped out of the car and headed back to his room.
Once inside he quickly placed the ice scoop into his bathroom sink to clean later and hug his jacket back up before tucking his phone into his pant pocket and heading back out.  He made the quick walk to the room where Richard and Jason were staying easily, knocking firmly on the door.  He wasn’t surprised when it swung open almost immediately and revealed Richard looking slightly uneasy.
“Jesus Dickie let the kid come in,” Jason called out from somewhere beyond Damian’s sight range. Richard rolled his eyes before stepping aside and Damian walked past him.  He spotted Jason sitting on the edge of the unmade bed, pulling on a pair of shoes.  Damian did his best to hold back the look of disgust at the bed, knowing there was no chance something untoward didn’t happened the night before.  “You keep those fucking judgement eyes to yourself, Gremlin.”  
“I do not have judgement eyes,” Damian huffed, looking back to Richard who was now leaning against the stand holding their television looking amused.  And for all the emotions that had been unearthed with the memories, Damian found he had absolutely no idea what to say to the man.  He wasn’t sure if saying thank you was enough or if he should have prepared some sort of speech.
“What do you have there, Dames?”  Jason asked, saving him from undoubtedly making a fool of himself.  Glancing down at the box he still held in hand, he ran his thumb over the lid before turning back to Jason.  
Holding it out, he waited as Jason’s face contorted in confusion before he reached out and took the object.  “It is something of yours,” he told the older man.  “From…I buried it after Jon passed away, in the days before my own death. With the help of Madame Xanadu and my daughter.”  A soft gasp from Richard pulled Damian’s attention to the man.
“Daughter?”  And Damian was reminded that he had never gotten to know his grandchildren.  He hadn’t been a part of so many life changing events in Damian’s life.  There would be much to share.
“Yes,” he nodded.  “There is much to tell you,” he told Richard before looking back to Jason.  “Much to tell both of you.  But first.” He gestured to the box and Jason’s eyes moved from Damian to Richard and then back down to the box.  Carefully, more carefully than Damian had ever seen him handle anything, the man opened the lid.
And though Damian expected an immediate reaction, there was none.  He seemed to have frozen in the very spot and Damian would have said something if Richard hadn’t moved forward to place a hand on Jason’s shoulder.  
“Is this real?”  Jason whispered, voice sounding strained.  When he looked up, Damian was unnerved to see the tears brimming his eyes.  Nodding, Damian remained quiet and let the man see the truth in his own eyes.  And even though he hadn’t said it, Damian could practically hear the thank you just by looking at the man.  He didn’t fight it when Jason stood to his feet, handed Richard the box, and wrapped Damian up in a hug.  “Thank you, Little Prince,” he whispered, tightening his arms for a moment before releasing him.
They separated to see Richard holding the box in one hand and the ring between his thumb and pointer finger of the other hand.  “I can’t believe this is real,” he whispered.  And Damian could see the tears in his brother’s eyes just as they were in Jason’s.  But he had known this would be an emotional moment all those centuries ago when he had buried the ring.  He had known it still when he woke with the memory fresh in his mind.
“I gave it to Jon like you told me to,” he told Richard, who turned to look at him.  “He never took it off.  But when he asked if I wanted to give it to any of our children, I told him no. I wanted to be sure that when this day came, that you could have it back.  Even if I didn’t know how it would happen at the time.”  He glanced over at Jason.  “It was an honor to have him wear something that belonged to one of my fathers.” That pulled Jason’s attention over to him, eyes wide and lips parting in surprise.  “I didn’t get to tell you then, but I hope you at least felt it.”
He watched Jason swallow and nod.  “I knew, Dames.  It was the same for me.”  And that was a relief.  Because he might not have known to worry about it in the many lifetimes between then and now, he had certainly worried he hadn’t made it clear when Jason had been alive.
“Well, now I am extra glad I had Jason order the champagne with breakfast.  We have lots to celebrate and even more after this afternoon.”
“So, you found a location for the ceremony?”  Damian questioned and watched as Richard beamed and nodded, looking over at Jason. “Then we certainly do have much to celebrate.”
Stepping out of the small chapel, Damian clicked accept on his phone and walked a few feet away from the building.  “Jon,” he greeted, glancing back to make sure Jason and Richard hadn’t followed him out of the building.  
“Dad just got home from a League meeting and told me the strangest thing.”  Damian made a questioning noise but said nothing.  “He told me that Batman said Robin was not available for any missions for an undisclosed amount of time.”
“Hmm, yes,” Damian confirmed.  “I am out of the country.  Is something happening?”  He felt his body go on alert and knew that if Jon asked him to come help, he would do just that.
“No, but I found it odd that I wasn’t even aware of the fact that my boyfriend was AWOL.”
Rolling his eyes, Damian huffed out a laugh.  “Don’t be dramatic.  I am not AWOL.  I am with Richard and Todd.  They called and requested I join them on their trip.”
“I thought you said this was some sort of soul-searching trip for them?”  
“It is.  Or was,” he said, not sure which was actually true. Since they had found the castle did that mean they would head home after their wedding and possible honeymoon? “I’m not certain how much I’m allowed to tell you just yet.  But I will explain things when I get back.”
There were a few beats of silence before he heard Jon take a deep breath.  “Does this have anything to do with whatever it was that had you worried a few months ago?”
And of course Jon would remember that.  Of course he would remember Damian calling him in the middle of the night to sit with him on Wayne Tower while he worried whether or not Richard had been telling him the truth about him having done nothing wrong.
“It does.  I was given some answers, and more are coming forth every day.”  It was Jon’s turn to make a questioning noise and Damian closed his eyes to picture the look on his boyfriend’s face.  “I promise, Beloved, I will tell you when I return home.”
“Dami?”  Turning, he saw Richard standing at the top of the stairs that led to the entrance of the building.  “You good?  We’re about to get this started.”  Giving one nod, Damian signaled he’d be right there.  
“Jon, I need to go.  I will call you later with more of an idea of how long until I return home.”  He could hear Jon sigh over the line and knew what was coming.
“You’re killing my curiosity here, Dames.  Seriously.”
Damian chuckled and headed up the steps with the phone still pressed to his ear.  “Well, you’ll have to suffer a bit longer.  I do need to go, Beloved.  I’ll call you later.”
“Okay, okay.  Stay safe.  Love you.”
“And I you.”  He hung up the call, silenced his phone, and slipped it back into his pocket as he reentered the chapel.  He found Richard and Jason at the doors that would lead to where the ceremony would.  The two of them looked at him when he approached, smiling in their own way when he reached them.  “Where would you like me?”  He questioned, glancing past them to the aisle that led to the waiting minister.
“We thought we could all walk down there together.  And the minister agreed to allow you to stand up there with him and do the handfasting.” A brief flash of his own handfasting with Jon came to mind as Damian nodded, agreeing to the plan.  “It’s not the traditional route where we would braid the chord, but we can do that back home, with the family.”
“That would be fitting. Are we ready then?”  He glanced from Richard to Jason and then back again, receiving a nod from both men before he walked just slightly behind them, yet in the space between their bodies.  He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but now that they were at this point he found himself nervous.  Not because he thought he might mess up, but because he was about to witness something that everything had fought to prevent for so long.  But finally, finally it was about to happen, and he was being allowed to witness it.
The minister gave a nod when the three of them reached him, gesturing to the spot beside him for Damian to stand and the younger man followed the direction easily.  Turning, he clasped his hands behind his back and watched the two men as they turned their attention onto the minister.  
As far as ceremonies went, it was simple and precise.  Richard had mentioned they were only after the legally binding contract and that the show could come once they were home and planning a wedding for those in attendance. Damian knew his father wouldn’t allow the event to pass without all the bells and whistles, even if he was still hesitant on the relationship between the two men.  
Today though?  This was just about binding themselves to one another in a way that they had not been allowed to before.  And the joy at being able to do just that was thick in the air between them.  To the point that Damian could probably choke on it.  But he also reveled in it.  He basked in their happiness and allowed his own lips to lift in a smile, though more conservative, but happy all the same.  
And that smile grew as the minister turned to him and offered him the chorded ribbon so he could fast their hands together.
Silently, he took the chord and stepped in front of the two men and began wrapping the braid around their hands in the same manner that had he remembered having been done to him and Jon. He glanced at Richard and found his eyes locked on Jason’s as they said the vows and promised their lives to the other. It made him swallow hard against a sudden onslaught of tears that threatened to spill over.  He looked so much like the man he remembered from before in that moment.  So much love, hope, shinning in his eyes.  And this was all Damian had ever wanted back then.  He had wanted so desperately to see his father happy again after Jason had died, and now he was being afforded that chance.
Once the chord was tied off, he smiled at both men before stepping to the side again so the ceremony could finish.  And that smile remained as they were instructed to kiss each other for the first time as a married couple, the sight causing his heart to clench.
“Thank you,” he said to the minister as he took his leave before turning back to the two men.  “I suppose this is the where one might say ‘it’s about time’, is it not?”  He teased, laughing lightly when Richard pulled him in for a tight hug.  One Damian returned with just as much strength. One he gave to Jason the moment Richard finally released him, as well.  
When they had separated, Damian looked at the two of them and blinked back tears.  “Thank you for allowing me to be here for this.”
“Couldn’t have been anyone else, kid,” Jason told him, tugging Richard into his side with an arm over his shoulder.  “Now, how about we go grab some food and just enjoy a little bit of peace?  For once in our fucking lives.”
“Yeah…that sounds nice,” Richard said, smiling up at the man.  Damian watched his brother push up onto his toes to give Jason a kiss and he felt his smile soften to something genuine and usually reserved for Richard or Jon.  He supposed now Jason would be included in that small group.  “Come on, Dames,” Richard hooked his arm into Damian’s and tugged him along as they began heading for the exit.
With practiced ease, Damian dropped silently on the Bludhaven rooftop Jason had sent him coordinates to earlier in the evening.  Give the near dawn, he figured that Richard was unaware of the meeting and that he should keep it quiet from his father as well.  So, he had mentioned some vague plans with Jon before heading out on his motorcycle to meet his brother where he had requested.
“Robin,” the mechanical voice of Red Hood greeted him as he walked over to where the man was seated on the ledge of the rooftop.
Stopping just a few feet to his right, toes touching the raised edge Jason sat on, Damian looked down at the alley that Hood seemed to be watching.  “Hood, what’s this about?”
Damian watched him out of the corner of his eye as Jason hit the release on his helmet and removed it, setting it down next to him on the edge.  He waited as for him to speak, knowing how to communicate with the man after years of trying.
“Wing mentioned you asked about Catalina yesterday and that he told you to just let it go because it wasn’t worth digging up those memories.”  Turning his head, Damian regarded him closely as he recalled the conversation that had been shut down faster than he had ever thought possible. Especially with Richard.  Damian couldn’t recall a time where his bother didn’t give him answer.  Even more so now that Damian had been given the potion for his memories and had managed to accumulate most of them in the past two weeks since his impromptu trip at Richard’s request.  “He’s right, he deserves the right to not have to relive that particular period of his life.”
“But you are not him,” Damian countered, guessing where this was going.  Carefully he sat down on the ledge and let his legs drape over the side.
“I am not him.”
Looking out at the skyline, Damian considered the situation before looking back to Jason.  “What did she do?  All I could find was that she was in Blackgate for killing Blockbuster and that Nightwing had attempted to turn himself in for the same murder but…”  He made an abortive gesture and watched Jason huff out a laugh.
“Yeah, B’s records are not going to have the full story on this one.  I don’t know that anyone outside of Donna and myself actually know what happened.”  That meant it was bad.  But not bad as in something Richard himself had done.  Bad that he felt Batman would either turn his back on him or blame him for whatever it was.  “I’ll tell you the story if you promise that it dies here.  He can’t know I told you or that you know.  It would devastate him.  And the events are a little too close to what happened the last time she had been in his life.”
Frowning, Damian tried to think of what he could mean by that.  He recalled moments that were not good between his parents, but he couldn’t figure out what Jason could be referencing.  The memories might be freshly implanted in his mind, but they still had the slightly fuzzy quality that memories tended to have the older you got. This was no different.
“I will speak of it to no one,” Damian promised, even if it might be a lie.  If he needed to, he would probably talk to Jon about it.  But he would certainly not say anything to Richard about it.  Of that, he was certain.
Damian met Jason’s gaze head on, as much as possible with their whited-out lenses on their dominos and waited for the man to start talking.  It took a few moments but eventually the hesitance fell from Jason’s shoulders in an almost visible way and the man started talking.  “When he met Catalina, she…”  And Damian sat there, listening to a tale he would have said couldn’t possibly be accurate if he hadn’t read the files his father had amassed in the computer back in the Cave.  He wouldn’t think it possible for Richard to somehow let someone figure out his identity and then actively use it against him in such a way.  But while Damian might have blamed his older brother for the problem when he was much younger, he knew now there was probably little the man could have done to prevent it.  Especially not with Catalina playing both sides.
And when Jason finally revealed how Catalina killed Blockbuster and then what transpired on the rooftop after, Damian gripped the edge of the rooftop tightly and cursed whoever had killed her in Blackgate because he would have enjoyed handling that on his own.  His father’s golden rule be damned.
“I don’t need to see your eyes to know exactly what you’re thinking,” Jason stated, leaning toward Damian. “I would have done it too.  I wanted to dig her up and toss her in the pit just so I could.  Your mother owes me so I could have, but I also know it’s the absolute last thing he would want.  No matter how cathartic it would be.”
Damian let out a sharp breath through his nose and turned to look out at the disgusting waste of a city Richard was so fond of.  “You said it was similar to what happened back then…how could she have…?”  He didn’t understand the comparison.  Was that how he had been conceived?
“Stop it,” Jason’s voice was firm, and Damian looked over at him, startled at the tone.  “You are not a product of that situation.  He was an active participant in those events.  But after…some of the council had gotten under her thumb and convinced the others that Dick had to perform his “husbandly duty” at least once a year.  He was very much against it, as he had gotten his heir, but they overruled him, and he had no choice.  It was…” The older man frowned and looked away, shoulders hunching slightly.
“Sorry, bad memories.  That last hunt I went on was because she had cornered me and told me she was pregnant and if I didn’t go then she would drink a potion that would abort the baby.”  Damian knew his eyes would be saucers if they were visible.  He remembered the Ah Ghul soldier his mother had met in the alleyway and knew the events were connected.  The man had given her something, he wondered if it was what she had used against Jason.  “But I don’t think she was ever actually pregnant.  I just couldn’t risk it.  She said that I wouldn’t be returning, but I thought it was a bluff.”
But Jason had come back, just not in the manner they had expected.
And while most of his memories were fuzzy, the ones of comforting his father after Jason’s death were clear in almost a fragile sort of way.  Like if he were to reach out, he could break the glass they were projected on. It fell in line with how painful the memories were, still.
“He never got over that,” Damian admitted, not able to look at Jason.  “It killed him.  Your death…he was still my father, but he started to fade.  And I tried so hard to comfort him, but-” he cut himself off with a sigh.  He hadn’t understood when he was younger.  He hadn’t realized he loved Jon then and once he had, it was too late to really understand what exactly his father had been feeling.  Especially since he never lost Jon in a sudden matter. The older man had passed in his sleep a few days before Damian himself had followed.  It was peaceful.
Startling when the feel of a hand covering his own pulled him out of his thoughts, Damian glanced down at the gloved hand before looking back to Jason who was much closer now.  “It fucking sucks.  What she did has brought a lot of pain to our lives, but it’s not going to happen again.  The damage has been done and we control our fate from here on out, okay?”
“Do we though?”
“What do you mean?” Damian looked over at Jason and huffed out a breath through his nose.
“I love Jon.  I have loved him for a few years now, I don’t question that.  But…” he paused, trying to think of the best way to put his thoughts into words.  He wasn’t sure how exactly the state what he was worried about.
But apparently he didn’t need to.  “You’re worried if ‘Wing and I love each other because of what was and not because of what is?”  He could only shrug in response.  “Look, I get it.  I do. It seems like what happened between us suddenly happened once we had our encounter with Fate.  Truth is, we had already been building toward something long before that.”  That was surprising.  His eyebrows pulled down in the middle and he knew that his confusion was clear when Jason chuckled.  “We had even been on a date.  Though neither of us would have admitted to that.  But that’s definitely what it was.”
“So you did not just begin your relationship because you were shown how fated you two were?” Jason shook his head and Damian sighed.
“You don’t have to worry about our hearts, Baby Bat, it’s real.  We wouldn’t have gotten married if it weren’t.”  He supposed that was true.  But it was also nice not to have to worry that Richard would get himself hurt again.  Especially not by someone so close to the family.  
Curiously, he watched Jason reach up to his ear and tap it before staring off into the distance, listening to whoever had tapped into his comm line.  “I will be on my way home in a few.”  Richard then.  “How about that Thai place?  I want to try something new.  I’ll text it to you.”  He listened to the conversation go on a little longer as he watched the city before Jason said a gentle ‘I love you’ and tapped his ear again.  
“Thank you for telling me what I needed to know,” Damian said, hoping it sounded as sincere as he felt.
“Superboy,” Jason greeted when a soft shuffle of feet touching down on the roof hit their ears. Damian perked up and glanced behind him to find Jon standing there looking a bit confused.  Looking back to Jason, he tilted his head in question and the older man just laughed as he stood and picked up his helmet.  “I texted ‘Wing to call for him to come meet you.  I need to go pick up our food and then get home to my husband, but you could probably use a shoulder at the moment.”
Damian moved to stand on the rooftop and watched Jason pull the red helmet back on, leaving the faceplate up.  “It is all right…?”  Jason gave a firm nod before stepping forward to give him a hug and Damian easily sank into it.  “Thank you.”
“Come by tomorrow.  I’ll make veggie pizza and Dick can torture us with Disney movies.”  Damian let out a laugh and nodded as he stepped back.  “Only Jon, okay?  I wouldn’t ask you to keep a secret from him, but no one else.”  And Damian was thankful.  Especially since this was such a big one.  Having the permission to share the burden was nice.  “Stay safe, kid.”
“You too.”  
Backing up, Damian came to a stop next to where Jon stood in his Superboy costume, watching the events curiously.  But Damian didn’t say anything until Jason had dropped off the building and shot off his grapple in the general direction of the apartment he and Richard shared in the city.
“Hey,” Jon greeted him with a smirk, looking over at Damian when he turned to glance at his boyfriend. “I know a place that’s real secluded and has some of the best apple pie known to man…”
And though Robin usually had fun throwing biting retorts back at Superboy, Damian was glad to have Jon there right then.  “That sounds like just the thing I need.”
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
YJ Theory: Prince Brion, Princess Tara and the Judas Contract...
Lot’s to unpack here so hang on to your horses. Given recent events in Episodes 4 to 6 we now have more information at least regarding what may have happened to Tera Markov, and what that could mean for Brion, his brother, and the other factors involved, namely Tera Markov and her brother Gregor.
So let’s start with what we know for sure from Young Justice that between the end of Season 2 and the start of Season 3, Tera Markov, daughter of the King and Queen was kidnapped, along with other kids that were considered viable for the Metahuman Project that is going on in the show.
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We know that at the Start of Season 2 she’s been missing now for two years. Assuming that she’s about Steph’s age in the photo or maybe about 13 years old.
We know that her brother Brion is older than her, and he’s 17 at this date and time.
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We also know that according to Dr. Jace she doesn’t know where she is. We also know that Dr. Jace did help with the experiments, so we know that she’s at least complicit in what happened to Tera as of this time.
According to Dick we know that Tera was last seen with the League of Shadows.
We also know that Black Spider was working with someone to attack a dude as part of an assassination and he was crushed by a bolder.
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gif art credit goes to artemis-crock
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We also know for sure that Biron and his Uncle (Baron Bedlam) both control geological structure (Rocks, lava, etc) and like all good geomancers they can make things float and fly and the like.
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We also know that according to Ra’s he’s no longer part of the League of Assassins, nor part of the Light.
This is actually rather interesting because we later get both Jason and Damian Wayne in the moment. It seems that, for whatever reason, Ra’s has been removed from that seat of power, but who’s been placed in there? Well the answer should be quiet obvious by this point.
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Slade Wilson, aka, Deathstroke the terminator.
So why is good old Slade important in this case, other than he was a key player in the story of the Judas Contract?  Well there’s a few things we need to get out of the way about about Slade first.
According to his profile he’s not listed as affiliated with the LoA, and regarding his personality, it seems like he’s a very cool individual only showing emotions when he needs to, namely when challenged, or annoyed by something or some one. On top of that we know he’s a man that wants to move up in the world, as he states about his ambition with the Light, “take a seat at the table” and probably become their leader.
Given that Talia is with her father there’s only a few people that could take on the role as Head of the LoA, and outside of Talia’s younger sister, and possibly Lady Shiva or David Cain, Slade Wilson is the man.
But how would he have beat Ra’s in a fair fight to take it over, and why? He’s not a member of them so what does he get out of it?
Well for a few reasons: First and foremost, the LoA is a boon to whomever controls it. They are assassins who have no fear of death and when it comes to take overs you want a team on your side that can cause the most damage without causing the most stir. Secondly by taking them over he shows his ambition to the other members of the Light and thus moves closer to his goal of becoming the head of the Light. Third is likely that he did so on the behest of someone like Lex whom he’s worked with before in comics and is willing to do dirty deeds to get what he wants. Ra’s has a noble streak, and one that deals with the earth. While he can care less about humanity as a whole, he’s against the planet being wrecked, and if Darkseid get’s his way that will happen.
(Remember folks Ra’s and Vandal are the oldest in the Light, and would see Darkseid as both someone to work with but also someone to not trust and Ra’s would jump ship way before Vandal would to protect things that he deems worthy, like his grandson.)
Lastly there may be a more personal reason for this action. We know that previously in comics Slade lost his son Grant to the Teen Titans. He sees this as a personal blow and wants to get revenge. We haven’t seen this Slade show anything of family, but given it’s Deathstroke and the time jump, I’m pretty sure between the time that we first saw him in season one, into season 2 and the time skip, there may have been a case where Grant, his son, died.
This would give him ample reason to set up Terra as a mole inside YJ and use her to probably get him as the Leader of the Light. After all, how many people would suspect a girl like her to be a trained killer.
So how does Terra and Brion fit into all of this?  
With this revel we know we’re dealing with someone with Rock Powers. Also it’s clear that her stance and body shape is that of a teen girl. So how did she end up with the LoA and working for them?
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Simplest answer is that she was saved by them.
Wait, how could that be? Why would the LoA save Tera?
Option 1: The answer is kind of interesting if you theorize about it. We don’t know how long the LoA has been without Ra’s, but I can guess that he probably went against the Light after he concluded that Darkseid was a danger to the earth and just so happened to free Tera. While with Ra’s Slade came and beat him. leading her to want to protect him and be with him for reasons of thinking he’s hot.
Option 2 is more likely though. While Ra’s probably did leave the Light at this time, Deathstroke saw a chance to get in with the Light. However he would need some major stuff to back him up to be promoted to sit at the table. So what does he do? More than likely, with the help of others that work with him (maybe Cheshire, maybe some other people who knows?) they found out about the Kidnapped Princess and found her before she was transported and saved her.
Because of this, and probably because Deathstroke may be a dad, he knew how to calm her down with her new powers and Tera, falls for him. Now the question is exactly how far does this go, but we’ll get to that later. In this case though Deathstroke uses her to confront Ra’s, which would explain why Sensei knows about her in the first place, and her actions warping the earth, may have lead to Ra’s being beaten by Slade. Slade then took the group and lead them away from the Island to his own location, and used them to show the power that he held to the Light, who offered him a seat at the table.
Tera, now probably going by Terra, in turn is trained with the LoA to become a ruthless killer. Namely as a means of getting back at people who have wronged her, as well as Slade fueling a desire for revenge and power. Given that Terra in the comics was far more of a selfish, power hungry, narcissistic person, it’s not hard to see him appealing to her desire to not be a princess. There could be more there too.
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While fighting with Sensei, the older man unleashed a rather interesting comment about Brion. Brion in his anger was shouting about where Tera was, and in turn Sensei noted that if he were her he would stay away from him too.
Now I’m not sure if the words were run away, or stay away, but in either case the implication is that Tera doesn’t want to be found because she may feel he doesn’t understand her. And that too is very true of his character.
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We see Brion over and over lose his temper and ignore the feelings of others around him and just plow into a situation because he think’s he’s right. He may have, like Gregor, not been listening to Tera and making her feel like her ambitions, dreams or goals didn’t count. Thus making her a hell of an easy mark for Slade to come in and act like a father figure to her.
So we know he’s trying to find her, the thing is, will he be happy with what he finds?
Given the story of the Comic Judas Contract, I would say that Brion may be taking Beast Boy’s part in this some what. In the original story, Terra played on Garfield’s emotions and eventually broke his heart when she was revealed to be a traitor to the Teen Titans.
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However, given that Gar is right now with Perdita, I’m not sure that story will go forward that way. Rather I can see by the end of Part 1 the team finding and saving Terra from Deathstroke, and Brion getting her to join the “team” only for her to betray them to the Light at some point in part 2 of season 3.
Honestly if I was to take a guess on it. I would say that Terra will be the one to kill Gregor, ending his life so that she could take over or for Slade to gain control of the nation, or possibly for the express purpose of making him pay for her not making it out alive. It’s not that hard a guess that Terra turning on the team will be heart breaking for her brother who tries to reason with her but can’t.
There is also the option that she kills Count Vertigo’s niece for him as a favor from Deathstroke. This would set up Gar along side Brion to help bring her down. As I see it they (Brion and Terra) are going to have to fight, since Gar is possibly not going to be the one that will deal with her directly.
In the end I feel like Tera’s going to be a rather emotional problem for Brion, one that could lead to possibly him fighting against Slade and possibly getting the crap beat out of him for trying to get his sister away. Or more than likely she’s going to wind up allying herself with Slade and acting as a mole for him leading into Part 2 having some damning consequences in the show. 
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Ok so we know Raven travelling the multiverse could easily be a thing, but what about someone else? Like, an older!Damian from a Damirae universe accidentally popping up in a jayrae universe and being like "Ok but can someone help me find my Raven? She likes bunnies, hates pink and somehow loves my arrogant ass."
Alright, I adored your idea so much that I just had to ask @chromium7sky​ if I could use her batlings for this fic idea and it has kind of spiraled into a mini story which will be sporadically but regularly updated along with I’ve Got the Umbrella.
Now it is set in the Hopes for a Bastard Universe, so there might be minor spoilers in it, but overall I don’t think it has many spoilers. So I hope you enjoy the story! =)
@chromium7sky​ Thank you for allowing me to use the batlings for this piece and I hope you enjoy the results! =)
Welcome to Chaos!
Demon Babies
Damian walked around the Manor tiredly as he rubbed the backof the wailing baby, Ingram wasn’t having a good night. Raven was literallyexhausted into a fever and chills, his wife had never looked so poor in health;even after some of the attacks they had been through. So, in concern for his wifehe had insisted that she take the next few days off, with Kori, and just restat one of those spas women always liked. Now he had four children under the ageof five in his care.
How The Hell Raven Handled This He Did Not Know! But heavowed to never belittle or berate his wife’s wondrous parenting abilities ashe paced the nursery with a howling Ingram, while trying not to trip on thetwins toys, and with Casimir trailing after him holding Huckleberry Fin in handas Damian called Dick for help. Dick, or Maya, or Tim; hell even Jason would doat the moment because Jason had that magic with kids that always had kids doingwhat he told them to do.
“Papa!” Cas whined.
“Papa is on the phone,” he said softly to Cas and those largelilac eyes filled with tears. Damian admitted surrender now as he tossed thephone aside, knelt down with a screaming Ingo and picked up the book.
“AH! That Mine!” one of the twins shouted which had theother screaming, then there was a crash. Damian reluctantly set Ingram in thecrib before darting out of the nursery to find the two troublemakers sitting inthe remains of a Ming Dynasty vase. Tears were blooming in those mismatchedeyes as the two dark heads, with violet undertones turned to him.
“Papa!” they both wailed, Damian just scooped them up,tossing Raynor over his shoulder as Jason always did which produced a gigglefrom the sniffling toddler before he kissed Fawke’s head and walked them intothe nursery.
“Alright, bed time!” he sighed in defeat and wondered forthe thousandth time how father had managed to make handling them easy. WranglingCas for bed apparently involved bribery of Huckleberry Fin being read, whichfinally enticed his eldest to his ‘big boy bed’.
Damian settled with Ingram on his chest as the baby hadcried himself to sleep, opened the book and had three sets of eyes on him as hestarted to read where Raven had marked the finishing point. Six eyes starteddrooping as his own felt heavy reading.
How Raven did this daily when he was on patrol he did notknow but Damian was never taking his wife for granted again! Raven was clearlya saint, and he would worship her thoroughly when she returned, and he’dpossibly get a vasectomy. These four were more of a handful than their cousins.And that was saying something as all Bats were handful.
Slow his own eyes were closing as his hand fell limp withhis book.
He didn’t remember nodding off as his head fell to the side.
Jason ran over the rooftops, lightly, as he leapt over the gaps.He twisted as he intercepted a fist and smiled before he twisted around to slamthe back of his leg into the Assassin before he knocked him off balance thencaught the other. Throwing his weight into the fight he twisted the other man’sarm behind his back for it to break viciously before he knocked the other intohis fallen comrade. Leaping away he twisted back, flipping through the air ashis hand caught the ledge of the building and he swung himself upwards to slamhis knees into the other on comer.
She stood before him, her boots polished, and his eyesflicked up to her as he stood.
“Talia,” he greeted the shorter woman. Her predatory greeneyes flicked towards him.
“You have not lost your touch, Jason,” she observed.
“What do you want?”
“My child.”
“Well, talk to B,” he suggested.
“You will get him back for me,” she stated.
“Ya-No. Leave me out of it Talia, and the next time you sendyour cronies after me I’ll send them back in body bags,” he waved her offbefore leaping down to the street where he melted into the crowd as he slid hisdomino mask into his pocket. Jason glanced at the time, he was running late,but he figured if he jogged he’d get there in time.
He had agreed, with great reluctance to take Lian, Terry,Helena and Mar'i for the weekend so B, Selina, Tim, and family could go to Dick’srehearsal wedding. Roy had a function with the Queens, which was why Jay hadLian with the rest the brats, and Raven was his back up because the Maid ofHonor had finals she couldn’t miss. Stephanie and Cass were at the rehearsal weddingbecause Stephanie had finished her finals before Raven had. Damian was alsostaying behind because he had a school thing before the break for the wedding,then Jay was driving the rest of them up to Vermont for the wedding.
His phone rang and he picked it up. “Yeah, I’m almost to thestation, I got a bit side tracked.”
“Really Jay! I got a plane to catch!” Roy snapped.
“Cool your tits I’m walking in the building now.” hesnapped. Roy and Lian were at their meeting spot with Ace who was wagging histail as Jason approached and Lian squealed in delight then.
“Heyya kiddo,” Jason smiled at the grinning baby who grabbedfor him and Jason smoothly slid her onto his hip from Roy’s grasp as he tooktheir designated diaper bag and the leash.
“Kay, you have all the shit, I have a plane, I’ll see youguys in Vermont for the wedding,” Roy said.
“Don’t kill Queen!” Jason called after his best friend.
“Trying not to!” Roy shouted back as he disappeared into thecrowd. Jason smiled a bit as Lian patted his cheek.
“Ready to go pretty girl?” he asked as they walked.
“Yeah, yeah, I got you, heel Ace,” he ordered.
Raven lounged on her hotel bed contemplating if she shouldor should not call her husband to see if he was handling everything alright.Her empathy read only exhaustion and frustration from him, and she completelyunderstood that.
Cas was the easy baby, oh she’d preach that to her dying days.Casimir was the EASY child.
Raynor and Fawke, mischievous, but sweethearts and innocentwith their father’s boundless energy. Energy she supposed was because Bats werenaturally boundless with energy, and if she didn’t happen to know the Bats werehuman she’d have thought them demons in disguise; and that was coming from her.
Then there was Ingram. Ingram was her most difficult, clingybaby and he was colicky to the point of clingy which the others simply werenot. It was rather maddening, and endearing. Ingo was a mama’s boy, and she knewit.
Raven bit her lip as she sat up and hesitantly she reachedfor the phone then pulled away.
No. No, she would Not be THAT wife who had no faith in her husband taking care of THEIRchildren.
She loved Damian, she had loved him since she was fifteen.He was an eternal pain in her ass, but she loved the infuriating, angry Robinand watched him grow into a compassionate young Nightwing and now was becominga confident Batman. She loved him, she loved him more than life itself. Sighingshe laid back down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
It wouldn’t be cheating if she just slipped over there tocheck in and make sure the house hadn’t been burned to the ground, would it?
Her husband could not cook, and if it were not for Jason thenshe had no doubts they’d have starved. She knew that her brother-in-law hadleft the fridge full of left overs before he had left on his weekend… actuallyshe didn’t know what Jason was doing in his down time, he didn’t share what itwas he was up to. Tim and Stephanie were in New York for a business conference.Mar'i was on a Titan’s mission in deep space. Dick was off on his own missionwith B. Maya had the LoA to run. Jon didn’t know about their children yet; andthat had been a bit of a terrible headache argument between her and Damian. AndSelina was out with the Sirens.
Raven bit her lips as she sat up and thought about just peekingin to check on her husband and children.
She should just to make sure they were alright.
No. No, she was not that woman! She would enjoy her weekendand return home and put out whatever fires had happened in her absence. Hopefullyno one would be raising hell or something.
But she would enjoy her husband’s thoughtful gift of aweekend off.
She could do that for him.
Raven walked into theManor, with a portal because she was too tired to even attempt to be a normalGothamite, and use the public transportation. She had had a hell of a day,studying at last minute. Only for Artemis to interrupt her with the insistence ofshopping for a wedding gift for Dick and Kori because Artemis was Jason’s plus onefor the wedding.
Raven would have gone with Jay except she had agreed, thatas the maid of honor she should be paired with a groomsman for the weekend. Shewas with Wally for the weekend of the wedding, and that was fine with her becauseWally was falling for someone else.
Something slammed into her knees and sent her stumbling downthe stairs with a squeak. She slammed into someone on her way down and theycrashed in a tangle of familiar limbs at the bottom of the stairs.
“Sunshine!” he groaned.
“Jay!” Terry screamed as the near three year old ran downthe stairs with the nimble abilities of a Bat.
“Sorry,” she mumbled as she sat up, straddling his stomach catchingTerry before he tripped and floated him around to be hugged by her.
“What is it with you and running into me Queen?” Jason asked.
“I wasn’t paying attention, I was looking for my book so Icould go study, my final is Monday,” she said.
“True. Kay, now get off,” Jason ordered as they heard theother hellions coming and a dog bark.
“Where’s Damian?”
“He said he’d be back tonight, I agreed with B to take himpatrolling, though I think it’s a bad idea.”
“Alright, and Cat?”
“She and Kori collaborated on a list for you and the threehellions.” Jason said pulling it from his pocket and handing it to her as theystood. Raven looked it over.
“I can handle this,” she decided.
“Good,” Jason nodded.
“Your date asked me to help her buy a wedding dress and giftfor Dick and Kori,” Raven announced setting to toddler down as they walked.Terry immediately squealed as he hugged Jason’s ankle like a lead weight.Helena appeared holding onto a flying, flaming Mar'i with Lian holding ontoAce.
“Hey girls, we’re going to have fun tonight!” Raven smiledas she levitated the girls, who squealed in delight.
“What did you help her buy them?” Jason asked.
“I talked her off of weapons and she agreed to giving them awaffle iron,” Raven shrugged. “It’s the only thing not check off theirregistry!”
“Why do they need a waffle iron!? They’re moving into theManor which has everything?” then he arched his brow as his eyes narrowed onher. “It’s for you.”
“No, I swear, I’ll give you the registry,” she defended herlie valiantly.
“You suck at lying, little bird,” Jason stated blandly.
“Fine, it’s for me, but the Sirens don’t have one and I’m abroke college student,” she stated.
“You are a devious demon.”
“Queen of Hell, not Heaven.”
“True shit.”
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wellthatjusthappend · 7 years
Jason and Damian
I was thinking ab these two again today and their overlapping time with the LoA. But even though I adore fics where they meet before Damian is outed as Bruce's kid (especially where they keep each other's secrets) and I've written a few of those... I can't help but think they probably didn't meet or that their encounter was brief and unremarkable. The main reason is that I can't picture Jason just leaving Damian there. Especially when you consider that the time they were overlapping was when Ra's/Talia were making 6 year old Damian go through the assassins trials (or not long after). Jason - who makes heads fly(literally) if someone offers kids drugs - would not be able to turn away from what was being done to Damian. Assuming that the LoA didn't kill Jason for trying, I think Jason would've tried to kidnap Damian... after probably killing some of his teachers. I doubt he would have known Damian was Bruce's. He'd probably find out later but that probably wouldn't change his actions all that much. Damian might try to run away at first but he's also curious about his father and Jason might be his ticket in (since his mother kept him away). This would be a point of conflict for them since I don't think Jason would be willing to take Damian to Bruce because he knows Bruce is not careful with the lives of children, knows Damian would end up a Robin, and he took him away to try and take him out of the war not throw him right back in it on the other side. I imagine they'd fight a lot. Jason's still pretty immature, has some serious PTSD, and not very many good parental role models. And Damian is of course an entitled, spoiled, traumatized, angry child. The sheer attachment and abandonment issues between them would be crazy. I think I would be ultimately better for both of them. Jason probably wouldn't go on his Red Hood mission because he now has to be responsible for a child. He probably has to quit vigilante business for a while too because Damian would just follow him out if he left... or it would leave him vulnerable to LoA. It'd force Jason to be more responsible, give him purpose, and ultimately be fairly grounding. And Damian gets a significantly kinder childhood and a much healthier affection and nurture available to him. But, as stated, I don't think they actually met. Or to be more specific, I don't think Jason knows there was a child assassin being trained or things would have turned out very differently.
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redrobin-detective · 8 years
Awesome jeesh, my heart Dick... how about some Bruce headcanons on realizing/reflecting on the ways he's been a crappy dad to all his kids and the ways they act distant/resigned/distrustful towards his behaviour? Bonus on his opinions on the effect Dick has onot the family when he'said in the patriarch role vs Bruce? Extra bonus on headcanons on how Bruce would try to fix things for each kid down the road.
Like okay, I love Bruce for being a very interesting complex character. I absolutely love and hate him at the same time for being so incredibly flawed and messing up with his kids all the fucking time. It’s terrible because damn Bruce, get it together but also I like having protagonists that are far from perfect and make mistakes that have me screaming because it feels real and interesting.
So the thing about Bruce is, he knows he’s an emotional fuck-up. He knew it before he took in any kids and he knew it after he had like 15 kids in his house. But B’s problem is that he loves so intensely and so strongly that he hates to see suffering. If he didn’t love the hell out of Gotham, he wouldn’t be doing what he does at Batman. So he certainly loves the hell out of his kids but he’s terrible at expressing it and in his attempt to avoid his bursting emotions, he makes things far worse both him and his kids.
The case with Dick, Bruce had no idea what the fuck he was doing. He’s in his early 20’s, no older than 25. He’s emotionally messed up, he’s been a vigilante in a goddamn batsuit for 1-3 years now, he knows if he doesn’t shape up he could go down a dark path. So he sees this tiny circus orphan and he sees the similarities between himself and he cannot let that go into social services. He wants to do everything in his power to help that boy but… he doesn’t know how. Luckily Dick is beautiful and made of sunshine and helps Bruce along. He’s patient and open and loving and puts up with B’s emotional constipation. He heals Bruce, makes him better (which is why he’s always been and always will be Bruce’s favorite, sorry but it’s true). But over time even Dick’s legendary patience wears thin and he demands more of Bruce: more love, more respect, more independence. And Bruce still can’t get over the fact that his smol bb is all grown and refuses to help Dick grow causing his first bird to angrily fly the nest. Once Dick is full grown as Nightwing, Bruce develops a respect for Dick as an adult and a fighter. But there’s still tension but he makes a greater effort to get along with Dick because he loves that kid so fucking much.
I’ve always said, terrible as it is, that Jason was chosen so quickly after Dick left bc Bruce missed the hell out of Dick. He missed his partner and his son, so when he sees a sassy kid stealing tired with maybe a passing resemblance to Dick, Bruce thought with his heart and took him in. Now it doesn’t take long before Bruce also is in so effing deep with Jason and would do anything for him. Jay is damaged, like him, so he thinks because fighting crime helped Bruce recover (lol u wild Broose) it will help jay. Really, really bad mistake. It made things worse with Jay and, coupled with Bruce’s normal emotional incompetence, led to Jason searching for his mom and getting himself killed. Bruce was… beyond devastated. His parents’ death nearly broke him but to lose a son… that’s a special kind of agony. Bruce closes in on himself, he’d opened himself to love and been burned so he decides never again. He basically cuts off all contact with Dick and immerses himself in his mission and his misery.
 Then comes along good ole Timmy who is able to smack some sense into Bruce. He helps repair the relationship between him and Dick and gives bruce back some of his hope. But B is still angry and depressed and he makes it clear that Tim is a soldier, a partner, but never a son. Which is absolutely hilarious considering like 5 issues later Bruce is making heart eyes at Tim and nagging him to be careful and junk. So, like the others, Bruce falls hard for Tim but ignores it and absolutely will not allow himself to show affection for Tim. So on one hand, Tim and Bruce have the most stable partnership bc Tim is the compliant Robin who doesn’t demand anything from Bruce. on the other, it’s incredibly bad for both their emotional/mental health (Tim is a sad bean who needs love but can’t/won’t ask and Bruce isn’t allowing his Jason wounds to heal). But over time, Tim grows more confident and Bruce moves on little by little and things are better. BUT! B’s still a shit and he won’t let another kid die so he puts Tim through some brutal, emotional training to “make Tim better”. This shows that while Bruce does loves Tim like a son, he refuses to treat Tim as one putting Tim’s skill/safety above his mental/emotional health. We see this again and again, Tim is always the one who suffers because Bruce will shield Dick and Jay but Tim is tough and can ‘handle it’. News Flash, he can’t and you’re a dick.
Quickly on Cassie cause my fingers are hurting again. Bruce took in Cassandra, like Tim, only as a partner. She was insanely talented and he wanted her in his war on crime. But also, like with Jay, he’s thinking that punching criminals in the face will heal her like it did him (again, fucking wild man). He makes several comments like “she’s just like me, this is what she needs”. He honestly believes he’s doing right by her. But as they develop it gets complicated, Cass is trying to find life outside of fighting and Bruce is resistant at first. He wants her to be happy here, he doesn’t want her to grow beyond that. He’s also horrified to learn that Cass has killed before, not even caring she was forced to and was only like 6 at the time. He treated her like a weapon just like Cain did for awhile, it’s obvious to everyone else (including the readers) but not Cass. Babs slaps bruce around and he realizes his error. Cass is not him, she wants more from life than to be a fighter and while she may have killed, it was not her fault. From then on he tries to be better for her, not just as a teacher, but almost a father. He buys her presents, hugs her, lets her get an apartment in the city so she can really live. It’s still awkward cause it’s clear Bruce identifies so much with her and places a lot of what HE thinks SHE should do/feel onto her. Only after a bit does he begin to allow her to grow herself. 
Now Damian comes along and it’s just kind of a disaster for awhile. For one, Damian’s a shit. Two, Bruce has become complacent because self-sacrificing Tim puts up with a lot of bullshit and is super compliant as Robin (Hint: Dami is not like that). When Damian doesn’t fall into line as expected, Bruce basically doesn’t want anything to do with the kid which is terrible. No Damian isn’t easy but he’s your fucking kid and he’s been brainwashed for 10 years?? Damian goes back between the LoA and the Manor until whoops B dies. Then god BLESS Dick Grayson for stepping up to the bat for Dami when literally no one else would. And lo and behold, Dick helps him become a better person/Robin. Now Bruce is back and is all 'Hey look, that kid is slightly more tolerable now, I think I’ll try and bond now’ which is annoying as shit but Damian relishes having his dad back. Luckily, Bruce has learned about kids a teeny bit so he actually does some good work with Damian and, again, he loves the fuck out of that kid. He continues to fuck up but, like Tim, he has low expectations of Bruce being available to him but, also like Jason, he really, really needed Bruce’s love. Luckily, B is working to be that dad for Damian so he can learn after all
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