#Prompted writng
Person A: “You’re a lot more kind and patient than everyone says you are...”
Person B: “That’s because unlike them, you’re not a fucking idiot.”
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imbecominggayer · 1 month
Writer's Prompt: A Superhero Weakness
I really wanted to do something simple and I am a creative gal/guy so here we go!
The ability to heal from any and all injuries however this healing only occurs through pure-blooded will and desire to live
Basically, if someone says "hey, I want to die" when they're fatally injured, their body won't repair itself. This means that your character's greatest weakness is psychological warfare.
You could possibly take this to the extreme that this character needs to be conscious in order to repair their injuries or you could say that subconsciously their body wants to continue being alive.
There are many different story ideas you could take this.
This can also help a writer who struggles with writing fight scenes since it's unlikely that anyone smart and safety conscious would ever willing get into a physical fight with "Unbreakable" over there.
Instead the only way to fight this seemingly immortal threat is through psychological warfare. To make someone so convinced that death would be better than living that they just die. This has a nice squick factor and can lend well to writing sympathetic morally corrupt individuals or to absolutely despicable villains depending on the morality of the immortal character.
TO BE CLEAR: I am only proposing this power and the controversial story ideas as a symptom of this character's weakness. I am not advocating for any of this psychological torture!
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the-witchhunter · 2 years
DP X DC Pirates
Danny decides to play pirates with Youngblood and Ember, unfortunately for everyone else things... get a bit out of hand.
So when a ghost pirate ship comes flying through the gotham skyline, things get a bit hectic for the local vigilantes 
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i-am-beckyu · 11 months
Dancing in your Hands
Full credit for this idea goes to @entomolog-t and this prompt here about gt and dancing. Featuring to random OC's I made up on the spot that will likely only ever exist in this fic lol.
Premise: Human teenage girl doesn't have a date to prom and wasn't going to go. But her borrower friend saw how excited she had been and gets her to go anyways. She has a wonderful night but when it comes to the couples dance she side lines herself because she had no one dance with. She comes home and tells this to her friend who knows how much she had dreamed of this.
word count: 1510 cw: very very very minor hurt but lots and and lots of comfort and fluff.
"You should have just done it Jane." Zephyr sighed as he watched the human teen sit dejectedly onto her bed.
"How could I Zeph? I would have looked so lonely dancing by myself to a romantic song." 
The girl flopped backward onto the soft purple duvet, grabbing a heart shaped pillow and giving it a comforting squeeze.
"I already don't have many friends, I don't need the whole school knowing I can't get a date either."
Zephyr couldn't help but feel sad for his friend. He knew how much this prom had meant to her even if the thought of so many humans gathered in one loud space terrified him. But whenever the teen talked about dancing the night away and having that special ‘one on one’ slow dance with that someone special, he couldn't help but hope she would have the most magical night of her life.
Even if she had reassured him that not having a slow dance partner didn't matter and she still had a good time, he could tell she still longed for that special moment.
Perhaps he could change that.
"Jane," The borrower called from the side table to get the girl's attention.
"Leave your phone here and wait outside of your room, and don't come back in until I call you." 
Jane turned over on her bed to face her little friend, the smaller waiting expectantly for her to follow her instructions.
"Um what for though?" Jane asked, confused. What could he possibly want her to leave her room for?
"Just trust me." Zephyr smiled. "I promise it will be worth it."
The girl furrowed her brow whilst taking out her phone to set it down next to her friend on the side table. It dwarfed his size completely; being almost a whole 2 inches taller than what he already was, but she complied and stood, leaving the room wondering what on earth he could be planning.
It was about 15 minutes later that Jane heard the Borrower call her back inside. 
Her eyes widened in surprise when she entered. 
All around her room the fairy lights she had placed ever so delicately had been switched on, illuminating the room in a soft glow. A melody she recognised from her romantic dance playlist was playing softly from her speakers and created a magical feel to the enclosed space.
And there on her dressing room table stood Zephyr, dressed in his nicest borrowing clothes (the borrower telling her so) and holding a single red rose she recognised from the rose bush just outside her window, high above his head by the steam.
"Zephyr," Jane breathed in amazement at a loss for words.
The Borrower stepped forward holding the rose out to the human girl, which she took oh so timidly. "I don't know what to say." 
"Then say you'll dance with me." The boy asked, reaching his hand out for her to take. "Allow me to lead you in a final dance"
Jane blinked, her brain short circuiting. 
He wanted to dance? 
Her 3 inch tall friend wanted to lead her in a dance?
Jane burst out laughing.
"Zephyr, I appreciate the gesture but I don't think that's exactly possible when you're the size of my index finger." The teen said as she tried to regain her composure between each laugh.
"You're not exactly able to lead at your size."
Jane missed the way Zephyr's face fell as she wiped a stray tear from laughing so much.
"Oh. Right" He said quietly, slowly making his way over to Jane's phone and began to switch the music off. 
"I guess I thought I could give you the special slow dance you always talked about." 
This grabbed the girl's attention.
"I guess it was foolish to think a Borrower like me could give you clearly Human experience."
Finally Jane realised what she had done and saw how dejected her friend looked. Zephyr had rushed to go to the effort of giving her a special slow dance just like she had always talked about, and what did she do? She practically insulted and laughed in his face.
"Zephyr." Jane began crouching down to be on the Borrower's level.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. You did all this just so I could have a special moment and I laughed in your face."
"I just wanted to make your dream come true." The boy whispered, dipping his head down sadly.
"You already have Zeph. You encouraged me to go to the prom in the first place. I had such a wonderful night and I shouldn't go mopping around just because I didn't get the dance I had hoped for. And I especially shouldn't have laughed at you when you did all this for me." Jane reached her hand out slowly and gently lifted the boy's head with her finger, blue eyes meeting smaller green ones.
"I'm sorry Zephyr."
The boy grabbed onto the humans finger and hugged it tightly, a silently accepted apology; the two smiling having made up. Zephyr eventually then pulled away and raised his hand out.
"May I have this dance?" the borrower asked once more, the girls heart melting as he did. 
But there was still one slight problem.
"You may, but how do you want to do this?" Jane asked. As she had said before, how was he going to lead her in a dance when he could fit in the whole palm of her hand?
The Borrower grinned as he lifted his hand up horizontal to his chest and  splayed his fingers apart.
"Hold your hand out like this, and hover it about an inch above the table. I’ll do the rest."
Jane pulled her left hand back a little bit and matched the way Zephyr had instructed her too with her hand before the boy got to work. He gently curled the human's ring and pinky fingers under to rest on her palm and then instructed Jane to keep the tips of her index and middle fingers on the table, before grabbing her thumb and pulling it forward to lift her hand up. 
"Oh you're so clever." Jane exclaimed as she realised what Zephyr had done.
"I've got a finger person." She smiled at the smaller, who returned her smile with one of his own.
Zephyr then quickly ran over to the phone and tapped some buttons till Jane's favourite piece of dancing music came, on before running back and bowing to her finger person. 
She returned the gesture with an awkward curtsey of her own the best she could with her fingers, before the Borrower took the human's thumb in hand, and wrapped the other around her index and middle fingers. His hand barely covered the tip of her thumb at all, and his touch was so light, but the fact the Borrower was even touching her hands at all was a marvel in itself.
As the music began to pick up, so did Zephyr in leading her hand in a dance.
It was difficult given she couldn't turn her hand 360° degrees all the way round, but nonetheless they were dancing. It seemed when she had been practicing to dance for prom, that Zephyr had been learning the leading steps too, because she was certain each step he made was one of her favourite waltz. 
How far they had come since first meeting, from the Borrower not even wanting to interact with a Human to now leading her hand in a dance. She did not deserve such a kind hearted friend.
She couldn't help but gaze at him fondly as he moved her hand about the table dance floor. 
"Hey Zephyr?" Jane asked the borrower as he looked up to her.
"May I try leading?"
He smiled. "Of course Jane." 
Jane carefully released her hand from the smaller before scoping him up and gently laying him against her chest, stepping into the middle of the room before gently swaying with the music.
Zephyr felt the steady rhythm of Jane's heart beat beneath him, as her hands cradled him close. It was soothing and he leaned into it more. Had she done this a few months before, he would undoubtedly be screaming, but he had come to trust and adore Jane so very much. The human holding a piece of his heart though she may not realise it yet, cared for him oh so very much and was nothing like the terrifying humans from stories he had been raised to believe. 
He loved her and he would do anything for her to always see her smiling.
"Thank you Zephyr." Jane whispered quietly. "You truly have made my wish come true."
They stayed like that, gently swaying for the rest of the night, basking in each other's embrace as song after song played, never really wanting the moment to end. 
It may not have been like the fairy tale slow dances like Jane had envisioned in her head, but it was so much more than what she could ever have asked for.
Tag list here: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @da3dm @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777
Also hi hi to all who are tagged! There are some people here I haven't chatted with in awhile. Hope you are all well <3
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natt-writes · 5 months
wound care prompts
Character A just got rescued from their captor who tortured them. They were taken to a hospital and heavily sedated to help ease the pain. Their s/o, character B is called by the hospital but not informed of much. They burst into the room and see A half awake in a hospital bed, their skin stained red with blood and bandages all over their body. They grab their hand gently and watch as A slowly looks up at them with much effort. “You-you came…” they struggle, tears in their eyes. B tightens their grip on As hand and tries not to break down crying. “Of course I came, I love you.”
character B is a slave to someone, and so is character A. Character A was sleeping in the basement, aka the slave room when they heard sobbing. They groggily walked over to the stairs and saw character B sitting at the top of the stairs, by the locked door, curled up into a ball. A sat down beside them and asked what was wrong. B explained that they had messed up an order and got punished. They shook a bit as they showed A their back, cut up and bleeding from a lash. A picks up Bs teary face and cups it in their hands, kissing it all over. They run their fingers through Bs hair in an effort to soothe them. Eventually B stops crying as loudly and starts to fall asleep, nestled tightly in As arms.
A got into a fight, despite B begging them not to. However they underestimated the strength of their opponent and got the literal shit kicked out of them. They came home mad and sore, trying not to let B see their wounds, or their teary eyes. B however, wanted to watch tv with them and while they were curled up together on the sofa saw all As wounds. They got a bit angry at A, obviously but then grabbed them by the hand and led them to the bathroom. They washed out their wounds and disinfected them, before wrapping them in bandages. They did all of this while lecturing A on why they shouldn’t be fighting and the consequences of their actions, which made A turn red from embarrassment.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 11 months
I want to see a detective duo where, rather than the standard Holmes and Watson dynamic where one of them is the super-smart, super-knowledgeable, super-observant detective and the other one is the admiring everyman, we instead have the 'Sherlock' character split into two.
One half of the duo is Detective A, a person who is incredibly observant. Can look at an individual and analyse their entire appearance and deduce their personality in a matter of seconds. Expert on human behaviour, very charming when they want to be.
Has no fucking IDEA what to do with most of the information they pick up.
Suspect has mud on their boots. Doesn't look like the kind of mud they have around here. So what kind of mud does it look like? Who the fuck knows. Not Detective A, that's for sure.
They're an extrovert who spends a lot of time people watching and reading books on psychology, they're not a fucking soil technician. They can objectively see that the mud on the boots is a different texture and colour than the mud they saw outside, but that is the limit of their knowledge on the subject.
Enter Detective B. Socially anxious, faceblind, not great with social cues and literally couldn't tell you what they were wearing today unless they looked down to check, but can tell you that that mud indicates a soil composition matching that of the field where the victim's body was found. Research expert, has several degrees and spends all their free time not spent with A hanging out in their library.
A gathers information, B interprets it. Then they both make deductions based on their relevant areas of expertise.
They both contribute roughly equally to each case, but each goes around thinking (and telling everyone else) that their partner is the true detective genius while they're just the humble side-kick.
A thinks that their incredible observational skills and ability to get people to open up are just a party trick that most people could manage if they put their minds to it, while B's ability to find out about seemingly any subject is the true talent. (A has definitely decked people for making fun of B's poor social skills.)
B, meanwhile, is just waiting for the day when A realises that B's skillset can basically be outsourced to google (not actually true) while A's own detective abilities are truly unique. (People who imply that A is “the thick one” of the pair get their social media accounts mysteriously hacked and deleted.)
The two of them are essentially just halves of a complete Sherlock Holmes, but both of them are somehow convinced that they're the Watson.
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queer-of-diamonds · 6 months
Unfortunately, my feelings left. They were swept away, soft like a smile. Nothing you do can change that, and while you’ll forever hold a place in my heart, I’ve learned how to drop the mug and pull the shards from my fingers. Somehow, your accidental ignorance angered me, though it was not my place to feel such a way, because I always wore gloves around you. You didn’t know that the broken bits had become a part of me, too. But oh, how sad when I am given your shattered cup. It was never mine to cradle, yet I wrap my hands around it because I won’t put you in that place again. I hope the wind will carry my problems away.
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techtow · 6 months
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Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.- E.L. Doctorow
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calendar-prompt-bot · 4 months
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shadyrose0208 · 1 year
Relationship tropes for my lovely writers out there
Note not all of these are mine I got some of these off of Pinterest
Grumpy x sunshine
Life of the party x quiet who tags along
Introvert x even more introverted
Stays up late and sleeps all day x Sleeps early and stays up all day
Video game lover x book lover
OPPOSITES ATTRACTTTT ( I can't emphasize how much I love this one)
Flirty x flustered easily
^^ (Bonus points if they secretly enjoy it)
:) x :]
Goth x ball of sunshine and unicorns
Barley shows emotion x Drama queen/king
Horribly head over heels for them x has no clue in the world
In denial x knows for a fact that the other is in love (and will do anything to prove it)
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whumpforall · 2 years
"You! You lied to me! I only did what you said because you said that they would be okay!"
"You misheard. I only promised you that you would never have to worry about them again."
"You know this isn't what I meant! I didn't want this."
"Ah, and there is your mistake, thinking that I care about what you want."
"You're a monster. I hate you."
"And yet, I'm all you have left. Which is exactly what I wanted."
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kiwibirdlafayette · 11 months
I think Tom (and all his alts) strive for freedom…
I totally agree!! I think just like- the nature of Tom and his alts (who ofc meta wise were all written after him) is that they’re all dependent people of some kind, usually as the result of their circumstance of existence
Whether that be like in Tom's case because Dianite (or Mianite in Godswap, albiet different dynamic) is the one to grant him reanimated life, making him sort of indebted to him- or Cassell who isn't necessarily bound to his god moreso that he's bound to his creators (Flash and Ianite). Mot also sort of has that tether element to him because Dianite technically also saved his life from the creeper spore infection iirc but I think it makes the principle of freedom a little different to him esp. because it turned into like a business partners to unrequited crush to sorta lovers kinda thing depending on your post canon
All of this translates to me into their kind of devotion as champions, and again how that's like different from Ianitee flavored devotion (based on the guidance of Ianite and trusting in her judgement to lead them the right way so she can keep them safe), or Mianitee flavored devotion (Like knights to a king, similar to Ianitees follow orders for order, kind of follow his principles rather than specific instructions from him). Dianite being Dianite and the elements of chaos being how it is, Dianitee devotion is like being an extension of him, not via principles or guidance but by intent like being mercenaries in service of him while still being tethered in fear of punishment if its not done right. And maybe yknow they don't mind the implications that come with that title (Mot's case, for example) I think that's where that desire for freedom comes for- a want to have an existence that isn't tethered to their god
side note this could not apply as much to Dianite and Cass in Aitheaca because Dianite takes the Ianite role in terms of swapped god positions (and Cass runs off Dianite's guidance in the same way as Jordan would to Ianite) as Flash and Ianite are more similar to Tom and S1 Dia but bear with me xD
So kind of like extrapolating from that- their more specific desires for freedom are all sort of tied to Tom's need for spiritual freedom- I want to like refer to the whole thing of the Thauminomicon-y traits Marsh had mentioned before, and how Tom has 'fabrico', which stands for craft/repair. It connects in the sense of yeah he's a zombie he's stiched back together but. ok hear me out. Who would have stitched him back together? It was implied in an episode of Isles that c!Tom doesn't remember the Minecraft Project- (because they're memories he can't return to, just big empty void in his head), or when he was alive/ill from zombification, but he hadn't died yet. The person that arrives on Mianite with Tucker is that Tom, he is all that chaotic goofy Tom is, but at the same time he's partially someone else's creation, sewn together in intricate ways to be the bringer of chaos for the god he serves- but beyond that? His humanity. At his core, he's human, not someone who'll just take orders blindly and him striving for his freedom from that tether is refusing to deny the things that makes him alive. And I think the other alts like ya said follow suit, in Mot maintaining his humanity regardless of his ailment through choosing to care for Alyssa rather than being just a ruthless chaotic killing machine when Rux!Dia dies or in Aitheaca the way I want to write Cassell as someone who was born as a weapon for Ianite but loves collecting vintage human things and views his innermost self through music. The visual I kind of go to is the idea of Tom literally crafting and repairing the parts of himself that make him feel trapped by breaking them apart, burning it, adding new things when he takes the hands of friends and yeah!! And I think this sort of aspect could also tie into him becoming Mecha Dianite as well in finding freedom by choosing the person he is, and owning it
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astudyingreer · 1 year
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
“On your neck, like you said. Just take a breath, you’re trembling.”
“Okay. I won’t do it too hard…just remember this will probably feel really good.”
“I know. I’m fine, just do it.”
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okbutdramione · 1 year
Falling out of love
This day of 2021 we fell into something that was impossible to put into words. That moment led to many others and those moments made me who I was. But now, looking back at all of it a bittersweet numbness takes hold of my heart.
And now, this day of 2023, I know that I have outgrown the warmth of his embrace.
We were a beautiful chapter, one that I'll cherish forever. But that's it, a single chapter spent together in the books of our seperate lives.
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pendarling · 1 year
Traps 3
Hunter x Dragon
It had been about a week now. Dragon could move independently and even helped clean and make dinner with Hunter.
Despite their illness, Hunter was surprised to learn they could still consume poisonous berries and mushrooms from the forest.
The two of them walked down the trail again that morning.
"Wait." Hunter lifted their hatchet slightly and squinted at the sight. It was a fox. Finally, one of their cages caught them. Hunter made their way down with Dragon trailing after them.
Dragon knelt to look at it better; its bright red fur was covered in dirt, and its large eyes innocently took in the sighting.
"What should we do with it?"
Hunter scowled and undid the ropes around the trap. It was a small cage, this fox was just slightly bigger than expected, but it still got the job done. They picked up the cell and examined it for a while. "I might have to take it far away from my home." Hunter looked around at the forest floors, "Maybe by tomorrow, we can get you on your feet."
Dragon turned their attention from the fox back to Hunter again. They didn't want to leave just yet; Hunter's keen sense of awareness for their needs and interest in them had left them holding onto a feeling they couldn't describe. Their heart started hammering in their chest. They only knew Hunter for a short time, but these feelings; they were longterm.
The other adjusted their grip on the hatchet and noticed the down-turned expression on Dragon's face. "What's wrong?"
They didn't respond; maybe they weren't feeling well. Hunter placed a hand onto theirs and rubbed a thumb over it momentarily.
Dragon ran through their following response. Should they tell them? It could give them a chance to stay. They had to.
A palm laid against their forehead and checked their temperature; nothing seemed off.
"Hunter," Dragon sucked in a short breath and mentally prepared themselves, "I... I'm not sick" They tugged slightly on the grass around them.
"What is it then?"
"I think..." their eyes avoided Hunter's as that familiar warmth grew on their face again. "I think I have feelings for you."
The birds chirped; Hunter felt their hatchet slip from their hand with a thud onto the moist soil. Their eyes blinked several times with bewilderment.
"M-me?" they pointed to themselves. This wasn't what they expected; Dragon seemed to have grown attached to them. This meant trouble. Hunter would be held accountable if the townspeople knew about what was happening in the forest.
Dragon nodded, their eyes still barely able to hold contact with them. "If you don't feel the same, that's alright."
Did they have feelings? Hunter was still unsure about their circumstance; obviously, Dragon was attractive. They'd never met a dragon-human hybrid with scales so dark they absorbed the rays of the sun and eyes like black holes.
Their face turned a bright scarlet with their apparent attention to Dragon's physical features. "I uh..." Hunter cleared their throat, "I appreciate your words, but I don't think--"
"Oh!" Dragon laughed slightly as they quickly adjusted their hair. "I know, no-- you don't have to explain yourself. I understand--!"
"No, it's just... it won't work out."
"Yeah, no, I get it. It's cool. Sorry about that." Dragon huffed and stood.
Did they hurt their feelings?
Hunter returned later that evening to give Dragon what would be considered their final meal before they left in the morning.
After knocking on their room, Hunter made their way inside. The Obsidian Dragon lay facing the wall, away from them.
"This cloak will cover your wings and tail." Hunter set the item on the desk next to Dragon, "We'll leave in the morning when there are fewer people..."
Hunter stared at their figure; they didn't mean to disappoint them like that. They just couldn't risk their lives. "Look," Hunter took a seat at the desk. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings--"
"I'm not upset about that." Dragon sat up to face them. "If you're worried, or-- or concerned, it's not that big of a deal--"
"I wanted to check up on you--"
"Well, I'm fine! Tomorrow, right? I'll be out of your hair by then. So just leave it." they laid back down.
Hunter furrowed their eyebrows, "Yeah, tomorrow. So, we're good?"
They heard Dragon drag out a sigh, "Yes, please, let me just sleep now."
When morning came, it was just barely dawn. Hunter felt the dreadful mood in the air when they had both set out across town to the next forest; it was similar but much more expansive and led to a part further from Hunter's yard.
The footsteps behind them were cold and rigid. That much Hunter could tell; Dragon was still feeling awful for yesterday. It wasn't like Hunter hated them; Dragon was beautiful in every possible way, their traits, voice, and actions. The list could go on, but Hunter needed them to leave for their safety first.
Hunter carried the fox in its cage to an empty opening. They silently unlocked it and watched the fox sprint into the nearby bushes. Well, that was finally out of the way.
A cold breeze beside Hunter carried their attention upwards to Dragon's wings expanding and preparing for flight, their cloak tossed onto the frosted grass below them.
They were captivating.
They thought they saw Dragon wipe away something from their face; they were still looking away since last night. "Dragon?"
The dragon paced their feet quicker away from them and prepared their flight, "Dragon!" they caught their wrist before they could leave. No, not yet.
"Stop!" Dragon flicked their hand out of their grip, tears freely falling from their face. Hunter stood back and watched their anger grow, "I already thanked you for what you could do. I won't bother you again, so can you please just let this go?!"
"Dragon, that's not what I meant by that--"
"So what? What is it?"
"I..." Hunter almost lost their words in the moment, Dragon was angry with them, furious even, but they were still so pretty for some reason. "I... uh, I like you too," they breathed.
Dragon narrowed their stare, "You don't have to say that to make me feel better."
"No, Dragon, I need you to stay with me." Hunter lightened their grip on Dragon, their hands slipping into each other. They searched their eyes for a response.
"You don't understand, Hunter; I must've mistaken your care for me as something more--"
"That's not true. Or else I wouldn't feel this way." Hunter stepped closer and rested a hand against their cheek. A thumb caught their tear and wiped it away in one motion. "I was scared that everyone in town might discover... us."
The other paused. After everything they had known, Hunter was their one constant.
"Stay with me."
Dragon felt the burning tears in their eyes well up all over again. Hunter was as warm and kind as the first time they met; they nodded to their request. “I’ll stay… yes,” their breathing quickened again at the sudden change in plans. “I’ll stay with you, Hunter…” Without another sentence, they went for Hunter’s chest and buried their face into their clothes. A few small aching gasps between each cry had left them feeling exhausted. These emotions were heavy in their heart, but letting it all out felt good.
Hunter patted their back calmly in small circles. Hiding their identity would be challenging, but it was for the sake of keeping their everlasting love for Dragon safe. So it would have to suffice for now. Everything aside, it would be okay, and they knew it would.
Beneath them, Hunter rocked Dragon slightly as they felt their shaking sobs come to a close. The sun peaked out from behind the trees, signalling the day was getting started.
After soothing their cries a minute longer, Hunter left them a kiss on their temple, “Why don’t we go home?”
Home. That’s where Dragon would be staying from then on.
They sniffled and nodded. That would be their new normal from now on—both of them and nothing else.
<< Part 1
< Part 2
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Fanfiction Prompt
Several years in the future, despite never getting an identity reveal, Adrien and Marinette do get married and have kids. Still unaware they are both superheroes.
Each night, after putting the children to bed, they each pretend to fall asleep, then sneak away when they think the other is asleep, to meet their superhero partner and patrol the city.
Each believing the other is still home in case something happens. Incase the children need them...
Happily, the very second they both leave the house, a 60 year old version on Bunnyx pops in from the future to look after the children. They don't know about it at first, but after the first time one wakes up and discovers her, the kids quickly begin staying up waiting for her nightly visits.
They know it's supposed to be secret, but toddlers aren't good at secrets. Luckily, Adrien and Marinette are both a bit dense, and just assume "Gramma Bun-bun" is a product the the children's imagination and/or some show they watch.
Via Tiwaz
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