animeloverinsignia · 2 years
Who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic), talk about them!
Thanks for the question! This might be a bit long so I'll probably talk about them another time but here ya go.
For my top ten favorite characters in no order are Fuegoleon, Yami and Vanessa all tied for my number one favorite spot,
Julius (honestly he's such a good and interesting character, but when I first started watching Black clover I knewww he reminded me of someone and sounded familiar. I realized he shares the same voice actor as Minato Namikaze so that just made it better because to me they're really similar. Toshiyuki Morikawa, their voice actor also voices: Kimimaro (Naruto) ,August Ruthven (Vanitas no Carte), Kagaya Ubuyashikis from (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Carla Tsukinami (Diabolik Lovers), Dante (Devil May Cry), Ugo (Magi).
Mereoleona, Gaja, Asta, Zora, Mimosa, Secre, Lumiere, Finral, Loropechika and Charmy.
(I know this is more than ten so you can call some of them honorable mentions I guess)
Vermilions (they're my favorite family members, literally love them so much, each of their dynamics, the tough love and gentle love they have for one another. Especially that fight with Fuegoleon and Mereoleona against the elves, and the way they just have so much respect for each other I-)
Would love to see them have more interaction with Mimosa. Imagine Mereoleona training Mimosa or Fuegoleon and then Leopold and Mimosa just being teenagers having fun on an adventure.
Would love to see more of Rebecca and her siblings.
Asta and Yuno and their siblings from the church. They're such good brothers and too adorable.
Gauche's love for Marie is kind of endearing thought it's extreme.
Fuegoleon and Nozel (literally love this rivalry and friendship so much. Did y'all see Nozel when Fuegoleon was hurt? This man was ready to throw hands with no warnings. They reminded me of Kakashi and Guy's rivalry even though the characters are so different)
Noelle and Vanessa ( the positive and supportive bond they have just is so wholesome.)
Julius and Yami (low-key reminds me of Minato and Kakashi)
Finral and Vanessa
Magna and Luck
Asta and Yuno
Lumiere and Licht
Would love to see Vanessa and Dominante have more interactions or even add in Dorothy.
Low-key feel like I got cheated with not getting to see Julius and Lumiere gush about magic together.
Would love to see Vanessa and Zora and Fuegoleon. Any two combination of them. I feel like Zora would begrudgingly be like 'Mmm he's alright', when he gets to personally interact with and gains respect for Fuegoleon who's a royal.
Or imagine Zora and Gaja being quiet friends that don't need to talk but understand each other. Or Gaja acting like an older brother figure to him and sighing while pinching the bridge of his nose after watching Zora prank someone.
Listennnn I need to see Julius and Zora interact.
"So this is the Novachrono he talked about." Zora sweatdrops as he watches the man forsake his Wizard King responsibilities.
Romantic or ones I'd think would be interesting to see:
Yami and Vanessa. To be honest when I first started watching Black clover Yami and Charlotte were the first pair I shipped. Now I've kinda switched.
But anyway, I'll post my further thoughts of that in another post.
Continuing, I'd love to see some more interactions between:
Nero and Lumiere (well we know what happened but still, some flashbacks would be appreciated)
Gray and Gauche (imagine Gauche slowly but surely breaking down his walls and getting defensive about Gray and she gradually breaks out of her shell)
Mars and Fana
Gaja and Loropechika ( Y'alll when she broke down, I wanted to personally hug her)
Honestly this was mainly a rough draft so I might expand some more on my thoughts about these at a later time. This is probably more than asked for but at least you're getting some insight into my thoughts I guess. I'm just realizing I wasn't even counting when talking about the relationships. Charl...
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spectralsleuth · 4 months
Reblog and put your rare pair in the tags/comments! I want to see the depths people will go to create, for the most random two characters in the most obscure media.
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“why would you write fics for small, unpopular fandoms? you’re not gonna reach that many hits in fandoms not many people know about” ?? because I’m not writing fics for hits or kudos, I’m writing them for me because these characters are my blorbos and I have so many ideas, so much thoughts about them that my brain might explode if I don’t write them out.
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hepalien · 9 months
Hey rarepair shippers, I'm about to change your lives.
The AO3 Primary Ship Search add-on for Firefox (it's called AO3 First Tag Search for Chrome) adds this little checkbox to the AO3 advanced search page
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And if you check the box, the search only returns fics where the pairing you entered is the first one tagged. This is better than the otp:true operator imo because it will show fics with secondary/background pairings too as long as your preferred ship is the main one.
You can even use the add-on in Firefox or Kiwi browser on Android mobile.
Have fun 😘
(more ao3 tips here)
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doushitemacaron · 5 months
I can't believe this show gave me rival rival-ships. It's like rival inception and I'm so here for it.
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daddiesdrarryy · 5 months
James: Okay, you guys, there’s Reg. Watch. Just watch this
Regulus: *walking past*
James: See? Still pretending he’s not interested. Oh! He’s coming over. Just pretend like we don’t know him. We’ve forgotten who he is!
Regulus: Hey guys!
Remus: Hey Regulus!
Peter: Hello!
James: …
Sirius: Hey, Reggie. You know Prongs, my best friend? He’s nice. He’s not bad to look at, right?
James: Thanks, Pads
Regulus: Well, of course
Sirius: Do you want to go out on a date with him? You got my blessing!
James: Sirius!
Regulus: Sure. Is Sunday okay?
Sirius: Sunday’s perfect. He can’t wait
Regulus: On the date, I will be able to talk to him directly, right?
Sirius: Yeah
Regulus: All right, see you Sunday, Potter *leaves*
James: Okay. What the hell was that? You know what? Don’t answer me
James, giggling: I have a date with Reggie!
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super-un-stable · 8 months
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Two cents. 1 failed evil experiment to another
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sosorryjack · 1 month
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Hmmm hmm hmmm hmmm
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mudboowl · 9 months
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ERM! PeskyBlaze??,, best name I could come up with, yea.
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feriowind · 7 months
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made a hellsing au because... i love hellsing au's....
Integra Stede, Alucard Ed, and Walter Izzy.....
Only roughly based on the plot of Hellsing, Izzy is only a bit older than Stede and was assigned to him when they were young by Stede's family/Hellsing organization specifically to keep an eye Stede to make sure he didn't try anything funny and get in the way of their plans.
Stede is fake figurehead of the family and when not being used, he is essentially shoved to the side and left to his own devices, which is mostly just esoteric research into cryptids and mythical creatures.
Izzy didn't care for Stede at first, viewing the assignment as an annoying job, but after spending time with him as his butler/bodyguard, he finds him to be far kinder and wonderful than expected. Stede treats Izzy like a friend instead of a tool, and Izzy only grows to care for Stede more and more over time.
Stede doesn't stumble upon Ed until he's in his late 20s or early 30s. He's had many years to settle in his ways that the sudden introduction of being the master of a legendary vampire is not something he takes to very gracefully. Ed doesn't mind though, he enjoys how strange but human Stede is.
Ed has lived a very long time, and though he doesn't regret his life as a vampire, he cannot help but long for his lost humanity. He tempts Stede with offers of being turned but Stede turns him down, his reasoning being that there are too many human comforts he would just hate to lose. The answer is hysterical to Ed and makes him immediately like Stede.
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Sally is the real neighborhood Rizzler... you all know i'm right...
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maomango-doodle · 7 months
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"And I hope you die, I hope we both die."
(Lyrics : No children by The Mountain Goats)
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valkofish · 1 month
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tryna make my account more multiship...i ship an ungodly amount of stuf...
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Kaz: Theres a thin line between being a genius and a complete idiot
Kaz: Wylan and Jesper use that line as a jump rope
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clownsuu · 1 year
The way u draw wally has me in a chokehold you can't do this to me
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Yknow I had to do it to em smhhh
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Also have to make sure I sprinkle a lil bit o howdy propaganda
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drabsyo · 2 months
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inspired by Measure Each Step to Infinity by paxbanana on AO3 because mes!Azula and mes!Katara owns my entire heart
Measure Each Step to Infinity by paxbanana
Summary: Azula's growth from defeat to victory, one little step at a time.
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