#Reverse Batkids AU
oifaaa · 6 days
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Wow can you believe it I actually drew the next part of my reverse batkids au aren't you proud
(first // previous // next // full guide // kofi)
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msfcatlover · 9 months
(yeah, it’s reverse!robins)
Damian: “Richard. As you are getting older, there is something we need to discuss.”
Dick, age 15: “Uhhh, if this is The Talk, I already got it.”
Damian: “…It’s not, but that’s good to know.”
Damian: “No, you are rapidly approaching the age where most of us graduated from our childhood mantles and set out to forge our own independent identities. No one will take your current mantle away, of course, but it is likely people will expect you to be brainstorming where you want to go next in your life. If you have any plans, costume ideas, or names in mind. That sort of thing.”
Damian: “Any of us would be happy to help you workshop future identities if you would like to. I just need you to promise me one thing.”
Dick, leaning forwards in his chair: “What is it?”
Damian, with a haunted look in his eyes: “If Timothy says he has name suggestions, light them on fire and run.”
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audhd-nightwing · 1 month
i think it’d be very funny and also very angsty if in my Reverse Robins au, dick still kills the joker
like, it’s a year after jason was killed, and the joker kidnaps Rumor/Tim. Robin arrives, the joker convinces him Rumor is dead, and then he taunts Robin about Batboy/Jason’s death
atp bruce is gone, presumed dead (lost in time), jason died a year ago, and dick is still recovering from his parents deaths. he can’t handle losing anyone else. so he just… stops holding back. he does the quadruple flip, slamming into the joker at 80mph, and breaks the bastard’s neck. no one revives him. dick doesn’t regret it one bit.
and the joker is forever known for being defeated by a fucking 12 year old with anger issues
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The thing I love about a Reverse Robins AU, but I never get to really see fleshed out, is that Dick Grayson's Robin changes everything about being Batman's sidekick. (PT. 2 below)
Like you can make up ur choice of bird or bat themed sidekick to ride along with batman during their tenure at his side and that's cool but the title is Batman&Robin. Like they are thee dynamic duo.
So what I'm saying is, in a reverse robins AU no matter whose sidekick is the first and what name they take inevitably the best team up is Gonna end up being 40+ yrold Bruce Wayne and 8 yrold Dick Grayson.
Like the drama there y'all!? Not just in sibling rivalry, because I'm sure they were all good sidekicks in their own right, but Dick and Bruce together are just different.
Dick as Robin comes out of the corner with a steel chair leaving everyone stunned because he's the best of them. It's not even a competition. If he's not the first then everything from the way he moves, the way he quips, the way he fights, makes him the last.
I can't imagine getting a new little sibling who is just suddenly like a fuckin prodigy out of nowhere. And like yeah obviously he's gonna make mistakes and get into fights with Bruce and constantly be learning.
But can u imagine those older Batkids getting to stand back and watch in awe as Batman&Robin is born. As this little kid who lost everything, home to no place but a circus cart and with nothing but the clothes on his back, creates a legend in Gotham. A legend the city holds their fuckin breath to see born because Robin is magic.
Just...like can u imagine how devestating and amazing that would be as a previous batman sidekick? He's not even a replacement for you because he's so different he's, dare anyone say, better.
This kids in a league all his own and he's your little kid brother Dick Grayson and that's terrifying.
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
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My first ever drawing for this au
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fishfrommars · 1 year
Y'all got me hooked on this au
It's Reverse Robins, Y'all!
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Damian and Tim. I figure Dami was dropped off at Wayne Manor at around 8 / 9 and had some time to adjust before Bruce adopted Tim. Turns out Dami is the beat big bro???
Shadow and Nighthawk
EDIT: changed the hue of the colors so it's not as saturated (I'm sorry if that's not what it's called the only color theory I know is children's hospital)
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i love the reverse robin au bc it gives so much good ideas with different backstories, changed dynamics and new roles and etc but has anyone thought of a reverse batman au?
like oh no twelve year old bruce wayne loses his parents and butler in tragic accident and suddenly about ten adults want to adopt him. police officer dick grayson who was the first responder at the scene of the crime offers to take the kid in. local community leader and founder of a well-respected orphanage jason todd also offers. drake industries ceo tim drake is another contender and cites being business partners with thomas wayne as a connection. cassandra cain, bodyguard to the waynes but was off duty during the attack, also offers. damian al ghul, new to the city, claims to be from a far off branch of the wayne family tree and offers to take the kid in as well. duke thomas, having experienced the same thing happen to his own family and is a known advocate against gun violence, also offers to take care of him.
all these adults fighting to want to care of him meanwhile bruce is just sitting there and there with all of his twelve year old rage and is picking his foster parent based on who would be the most likely to let him wear a bat costume and track down and then beat up the guy who killed his family.
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
or just normal ages where damian picks up a next gen kid like mar'i
or maybe lizzie
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strawberrylet · 4 months
But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I do not care for reverse!robins/batkids age reversal
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harleyification · 1 year
So, I've been making my own Batkids age reversal AU, because of my incredible amounts of brainrot! However, something that's boggling me is what happens to a certain Robin. Like, in the major timelines that I know of, something happens to a Robin that affects Bruce's time as Batman. On Prime Earth, it's Jason dying. In Batman Beyond, it's Tim becoming Joker Junior. There isn't much evidence to dictate is these events are due to, "Something bad always happens to Jason", Something bad always happens to a Robin (no matter who)", or "Something bad always happens to the 2nd Robin". So, now, with batkid age reversals having over 800+ fics on AO3, I wanna see what people prefer happens to Tim Drake in these AU's!
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coloredsnowo · 2 years
okay but the reversed ages au is actually . so important to me. dick gets the support he needed when his parents died, he gets the supportive ans tender father bruce became after years of fatherhood. he gets siblings who know what hes going thru and love him :(
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oifaaa · 1 year
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So these are actually just some small doodles I did that I wasn't really planning on posting but they fit well enough into my reverse batkids au I thought might as well upload them as the next part
Part something of my reverse batkids au
(first // previous // next // full guide // kofi)
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msfcatlover · 9 months
Damian slipping a dagger into Steph’s coffin as a funerary gift, because he would never risk sending his sister into the afterlife unarmed.
Steph waking up in her dress in her grave without even a belt buckle to her name, but feeling that hilt digging into her hip. Steph using the dagger to dig her way out.
Talia coming to retrieve Steph off the streets, and Steph still has that dagger. Steph pulling it on Talia on pure instinct.
Talia confirming Steph’s identity by Steph’s stance & grip—exactly the way Damian taught her (exactly the way he learned from his mother.)
Steph recognizing Damian’s features in Talia, and lowering the knife in confusion. Talia taking Steph by the wrist and leading her into the vehicle that will take them out of Gotham until Steph makes her grand return.
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audhd-nightwing · 1 month
my take on the Reverse Robins au
damian - bruce met talia and trained with the LoA a few years before becoming Batman. a couple years into being Batman, talia leaves a 7-8 year old damian on bruce’s doorstep. he has to help damian unlearn years of violence and lets him become Batman’s sidekick as an outlet. not sure what his hero name would be yet tbh but i’ll probably just go with Batboy. he becomes a vigilante at 9 y/o
duke - he’s 10 when his parents are jokerized, and he runs away from foster care. he uses his powers to try and become a vigilante but he’s still ten and untrained. batman finds him losing control of his powers and helps him calm down (he works with the justice league, he knows how to deal with super-powered beings). bruce takes him in and while at first damian (14) is wary of being replaced, duke grows on him rather quickly. bruce takes him to the JL and barry & clark help him learn to control his powers. eventually, after being trained by bruce and learning to control his meta abilities, he becomes Signal (at around 13 y/o)
tim - once bruce wayne officially has two kids, the drakes ask him if tim can stay at Wayne Manor whenever they’re out of the country. the boys know each other from galas and get along well, so bruce agrees (he can also tell tim doesn’t have very many friends and is quite lonely). so tim ends up spending a lot of time at the Manor and ofc connects the dots of bruce and his kids disappearing whenever Batman and his partners appear. he basically just tells them he knows and asks if he can do anything to help. so they give him access to the Batcomputer and he directs them on missions and helps with cases. he starts staying at Wayne Manor when he’s about 10 (damian is 16 and duke is 12) and figures out their identities a year or so later. over comms he goes by ‘T’ and later ‘Rumor’. eventually his parents die in a plane crash and he (15) is officially adopted by bruce
steph - she starts out as Spoiler at 13 (damian is 19, duke is 15, tim is also 13). damian has become his own hero at this point: Leviathan. steph works with Signal the most but will work with Leviathan on occasion. damian is a reluctant older brother figure to her and pretends to find her annoying but is secretly very protective of her. she tended to avoid Batman until damian pestered bruce into reaching out and offering to train her which she happily accepted. when they reveal their identities to her she finally meets tim (who is usually just on comms with them) and befriends him immediately. they become besties and an unstoppable duo
cass - same origin of being raised a weapon and running away. she shows up in gotham one day and stays in hiding for a while before letting Batman see her and confront her. she ends up going home with him and the others just accept that they have a sister now. her and damian are the closest because they understand each other best, but tim is her favorite sibling. she is a few years younger than tim and steph. she is 14 when she arrives in gotham (tim and steph are 16, duke is 18, damian is 22). she goes by Orphan and later Black Bat
jason - same origin of stealing the batmobile’s tires at 12. he is three years younger than cass (15). damian (23) has been his own vigilante for years now so jason takes up the Batboy mantle (duke is 19, tim & steph are 17). he is killed by the joker at 15, and returns as Red Hood at 17
dick - same origin of parents death and bruce being at the circus. he is 9, jason is 13, cass is 16, tim & steph are 18, duke is 20, damian is 24. jason and cass are dick’s favorite siblings (and the only ones who still live in the manor). jason is Batboy, cass is Black Bat, tim is Rumor, steph is Spoiler, duke is Signal, and Damian is Leviathan. dick becomes Robin at 10
babs - dick’s friend from school, they’re on the mathlete team together. she is a year younger than him, but they are both very smart. has yet to get into the vigilante business but probably will eventually. knows dick is Robin. her and dick once hacked into the pentagon because they were bored. absolutely terrifying duo. they become friends in middle school- dick is 12, babs is 11
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If we were doing a completely accurate Reverse Robins line up Damian wouldn't be Batman it would be Matt McGinnis LMAO
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Cuz he's technically the youngest/last robin who is a Wayne (by blood)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Going into the Bruce Wayne adopts a random fictional orphan famous AUs: Bruce Wayne becames the legal guardian of the Baudelaire childrem. Now Count Olaf can try to murder trick and steal TWO whole fortunes.
Imagine Klaus in the Wayne Massion library and discussing books with Jason and having conversations over feeling missplaced and not yet belonging to the Waynes even tho he fits with Duke and bonding with Barbara over her time as a librarian
Violet helping Lucius Fox invent equipament for Batman and bonding with Dick over their shared eldest daugther sindrome and working in the cars with Jason and Bruce and bomding with Tim because Tim totaly would not fall for Olaf's bs.
Sunny cooking with Alfred and being a menance with Damian and learning to talk with Cassandra and Bruce finally having the toddler experience and being besties with Stephanie who will see sassy powerfull baby and become automatically the cool older sister.
All while Count Olaf and Esme Squalor bond with the Rogues Gallery. And even fied with some of them.
Olaf discussing arson with Firefly and trying to outdrama Riddler and bounding with Deadstroke over the fact everyone forgets about their weird comentaries involving a fourteen years old.
Esme exanching date advices with Harley and doing make-up with Joker and bullying Jonathan because he dresses like a poor person.
All while Lemony(the only person that can maybe take Bruce's place over being the most paranoic human being ever) fails in finally meeting the Baudelaires because he keeps getting lost in Gotham because he is a trouble magnet and everything there is trouble.
Also Alfred sassing Mr. Poe. Everyone's dream.
For my personal preferences let Batman take the place of the Vilage of Fowl Devotees: that would mean that we still have Duncan and Isadora, we already have Esme and Jacques may not die. Absolute perfection.
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