#and then ghost randomly appeared as he does
thespeedywagon98 · 2 days
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When I thought of the idea I realized I had no Gold design. I thought of just randomly designing him but eventually just gave him a full ref.
Gold often makes himself visible to Purple, King Orange, and the others, with him being a ghost. He finds Purple and Red’s zippy personalities to be somewhat overwhelming so he doesn’t visit them often.
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I did want him to resemble Purple somewhat, with the wide smile, big expressive eyes and excitable appearance. Of course he’s also meant to look like a mini version of his dad!
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And here’s some Purple x Green! I like to think Purple is a nervous wreck around him and does all these crazy stunts to impress him. Purple is occasionally cheesy and tries too hard to be a gentleman, but Green finds it amusing, even when his friends don’t.
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nachtart · 3 months
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a drunken night out gets a little crazy :3
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achillean-knight · 2 months
I'm not gonna indulge too much in my Undertale AU on Tumblr, I am gonna just keep it private as I do wanna keep my main focus on my FNAF AU, but here y'all go
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It's a little rough, but people really liked my Mettaton AU design so I wanted to desperately draw him :')
It's not the best, but I wanted to draw something today.
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blue-eli · 2 years
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Drew this while watching @wayneradiotv ‘s 24 hour kh stream,,, all that time in kh2 Twilight Town made me remember how much I love these kids,,,
#kingdom hearts#kh roxas#kh olette#kh hayner#kh pence#while typing these tags pence was the only one who didn’t come up in the suggestions Pence fans I’m so sorry#kh#twilight town#twilight town trio#it’s low-key but:#Hayner/Olette/Pence/Roxas#data twilight town my beloved!! it’s a horror story in the making and nothing is real<3#you are a kid at the end of your summer vacation and you have three good friends who you love dearly and want to spend time with#and everything is NORMAL but then you start getting weird dreams and passing out randomly and straight up SEEING things your friends#can’t see and a strange adult keeps trying to convince you you were his friend and then attacks you and also you & your friends lose the#ability to say ‘photos’ at one point and a girl who may or may not be a ghost tells you you aren’t meant to exist and wHO THE FUCK IS SORA#if Axel didn’t like… stop time every time he appeared I 100% think data Olette would have tried to hit him with that nail covered#baseball bat olette tried to use to protect Kairi with in the manga. Olette is badass actually#the stream was!!! so good! Wayne dipped early but that is extremely valid kh proud Mode is fucking TERRIFYING jesus fuck#I only watched some of it live and some of it after but Twitch deleted it as twitch does :( so I gotta wait until on demand uploads it#but that also might not happen maybe?? it’s 24 hour and has copyrighted music so who knows I can only hope#if I had to do kingdom hearts one and two on hard mode I think I would simply perish<3 I am bad at video games and life#also! a note: I drew Roxas with Destiny Island teeth here! but the t.t.trio have twilight town teeth.#I do have Roxas with Twilight Town teeth too but only AFTER he gets alived again in kh3. the replica bodies are influenced by#how the person see themself and as far as Rox is concerned he is a Twilight Town native not Destiny Islander#fanart#digital art#blue boi draws
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technicallyr43 · 2 months
How about a fic where the Fenton portal was opened in like the 90s and so Phantom was the literal First Known Hero. Which is why he was hunted and there wasn’t any law to stop the Anti-ecto acts. And when Phantom Planet happened, he just disappeared, or retired. He went to Gotham U for uni and meets Bruce Wayne there and they hit it off as good friends and later wild romance partners who slept around. And when they graduated they separated to do their own thing but Danny returns once in awhile to visit Bruce.
They also meet randomly when Bruce goes on work trips in random countries and cities. They never mention the kids and Danny doesn’t know about Batman. Bruce doesn’t know about Phantom. He just thinks Danny is an engineer that travels for work. Which he is, but he’s also mainly the Ling of the Infinite Realms and appears in other countries and cities bc that’s conveniently where natural portals are spawning.
What Danny doesn’t know is that since he’s taken up the mantle of king, the zone has changed to match him. So it’s much more welcoming and natural portals spawn where Bruce is bc he lowkey is in love with him and just doesn’t realize it. And vice versa, Bruce is lowkey in love with Danny and they fawn over each other when they meet up without realizing that’s what’s happening. But Alfred knows, he’s known for awhile. And so does Jazz.
So when one day, Alfred brings up that Danny is in town in Gotham and Bruce says to set a time for them to meet, one of the kids hear this and they wonder who this Danny is, bc they’ve never heard his name. It becomes a Wayne Mystery when that week, Bruce is out most nights and portions of the day and comes back looking happy and soft. Which freaks everyone out and they stalk Danny and realize they’re meeting each other and this man is someone Bruce cares about a lot. So they bring him up at dinner one day and Bruce is like, oh yea he’s an old friend of mine. And when pressed on why they haven’t heard or met him, Bruce just says that they’ve never brought it up and since Danny isn’t around a lot, and Bruce is a little self aware of himself at this point, doesn’t want this relationship to affect the kids since they aren’t exclusive or together really.
So the kids plot and get Danny to come to the Manor for dinner. They then realize during dinner, watching Bruce and Danny interact, that holy shit, this is their other dad. They’re so in sync that they don’t realize it and he’s so good with the kids too and Bruce is so happy when he’s around…
Cue the batfamily kids Parent Trapping the two, with the help of Alfred who is all for it bc he likes Danny.
In the end, Danny decides to stay at the Manor and the kids can now call him other dad, or pops, or some variation. But they all collectively don’t mention the vigilante side they have, since they all figured it out themselves. Their new dad can do so too. Which then spirals when all of the kids Omar’s out on Patrol, Alfred is on Vacay, and Danny is alone in the house when Talia comes a knocking, bc she knows that Danny has always had Bruce’s heart and wants him gone. She’s always been jealous of their relationship so she tries to kill him. The family realize what’s happened when Damian sees some League members watching them on patrol and they race back home to see Danny decimating the assassins and Talia. He sees the family in their costumes and thinks, oh wow this makes all the sense now.
And they see Danny as a ghost, which Bruce recognizes as Phantom, the first hero!!!! And they all sit down and talk about it.
There’s probs more too but that’s all I have rn.
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radiance1 · 6 months
So, Ghost Prince Danny. Except that he also, ALSO, is Damian's younger twin brother who was sent to keep an eye on the Fentons because of their discovery of a substance that looked like Lazarus Water yet isn't Lazarus water.
In truth, it was really just Talia's way of getting Danny out of the way because he lost against Damian in the battle of heirs (No Danny did not hold back, Damian was just better than him) and she didn't want him dead so that was the next best thing.
Danny does pop up in the League at odd times, mostly to report about the research done by the Fentons. When he became half dead he's around a lot more, mostly to be monitored for his unique condition (somehow someway they don't know about Vlad) and because Danny can just come and go as he pleases cause ghost powers.
So, Danny gives Damian a flute that he handcrafted himself as a birthday present because really, what can he buy that Damian himself couldn't? Also, because he didn't actually want to spend money on his older brother.
They're brothers, but they don't have the most cordial relationship. They don't hate each other, but they don't like each other either.
So, Damian takes this flute and is like: "Fuck you gimmie this for I don't need this shit."
And then Danny is like: "Just take the gift you stupid ahh fruitloop."
So, Damian takes it while berating that Danny would give him something as stupid as this, but then does a full one 180 by keeping the thing on his person at all times.
Not that Danny knows that, really.
So, cut forth to Damian being known by Batman and taken in. Trying to kill Tim and being an overall little shit, I can see one of the Batfam coming across this flute just, randomly really, and then Damian is fucking pissed that they dared to touch it and then takes it back.
Leaving basically everyone stumped over the significance this random ahh wooden flute has but decides not to touch that landmine.
So then the Batfam don't know that Damian has a half sibling (Danny came from Jack and Talia, so he isn't blood related to Bruce but is to Damian) running around out there and Damian isn't gonna say anything and you already know Talia isn't since Danny AIN'T his kid.
Plus, he got a job to do that being with Bruce Wayne would make harder.
So then Damian becomes robin an allat, then the entire Batfam pull up to the Justice League for some big threat and then both Constantine and Zatanna are like: Yo why do you kid carry round an item drenched heavily in death energy to the extreme
Batman is obviously like: Excuse me?
Damian, meanwhile, just does not give a fuck about the flute given to him by his half-brother on his birthday is apparently drenched in death energy to the extreme because that is his and he isn't going to just give it up.
So then one way or another Damian ends up playing it, maybe he was told to play it by both Batman and Constantine just to make sure it isn't actually anything dangerous or whatever and also because Damian wouldn't let anyone else hold it, let alone play it.
Which Damian smirks at because he's played it before and literally nothing happened aside from very good music, but Damian hasn't played it since he came to the Wayne household and has missed it. So he reminisces over how he got it, thinking of his half-brother and their relationship.
He plays it, but this time, since he genuinely thought about Danny death energy just condenses in waves. Damian couldn't see it since he was too focused on playing and reminiscing, everyone isn't really that calm and tries to get him to stop but the death energy blocks them.
Then a summoning circle appears in front of Damian and Constantine recognizes it as being from the Infinite Realms category and it seemed to be a high-level summon circle too so he's like: Well fuck.
Then, contrary to their expectations of some eldritch abomination, it's just Danny. Who, fun fact, was in the middle of his coronation as prince and such, dripped out in royal wear.
Safe to say, Constatine goes: Well double fuck.
The tension is just broken, as all Danny does is cry. Like, genuinely, he just cries because Damian still kept his flute that he made, he genuinely thought the guy just threw it away since he hated it so much.
Danny: Ancients, my big brother actually liked what I made this is making me emotional.
Damian: Why the hell are you crying this thing is still trash btw.
Danny: Yea whatever you say big bro, you love it.
Batman: What do you mean big brother?
Danny: Who in the hell is that-
Damian: Right, I never told him about you.
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Hi hi!!
Okay so I was thinking what about a task 141 + big man konig with a reader that likes to slap their ass cheekily or just plain ass grab them,any time is fair game,the boys are all in the barracks or in a meeting room? Better line up. 😂
Only if you're comfy ofc!!
Aha! This is perfect, lol. Hope this does what you were looking for justice😊 did a little twist as the reader doing it for the first time.
Warnings: sexual references, mild swearing
141 + König x GN Reader When You Slap/Grab Their Ass Playfully.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley-
You'd seen videos circling the internet of people slapping their partners asses randomly to see their reactions, and you wanted to try it on Simon. While you were mildly terrified of what his reaction would be, you decided you still wanted to go with it.
The two of you were cleaning up after a home cooked meal, and you knew now was the time to strike. He was wearing a tight-fitting pair of sweats, and his ass looked just too good not to hit.
You sauntered up to him with a smile and gave his ass a loud "SMACK".
He set the dish he was holding down in the sink before turning head slowly to look at you, a dark look crossing his face.
You gulped at the look on his face before backing away. "I-I had to. I'm sorry."
"Had to?" He asked, and you nodded meekly in response.
"Or wanted to?" A smirk started to form on his lips.
".....both?" You mumbled sheepishly.
"That so?" The smirk lining his face was terrifying to you. He moved closer to you, effectively trapping you against the counter. "Why don't you head on upstairs, yeah? I'll up in a few. "
It seemed Simon, too, enjoyed smacking your ass, as evident from the large red handprint that was left on your ass cheek later that night.
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish-
You and Johnny had a little bet going on who out of the two of you would be the first to crack without sex. Johnny had said he'd be able to last longer, and you desperately wanted to prove him wrong.
It started out simple enough, soft arm touches, thigh squeezes, "subtly" grinding yourself against his crotch. Nothing seemed to be cracking him, to your surprise.
Determined to win, you had one final card up your sleeve. Johnny was out working on his car, minding his own business. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find the sight incredibly attractive.
He was bent over, wearing a tight muscle T-shirt and tight workout shorts. You bit your lip in anticipation and walked over to carry out your plan.
"Hey baby. Looking good out here." You cooed as you walked up behind him.
As he peered around to look at you, you slid your hands down his waist until you reached his bum and squeezed the flesh there firmly before smoothing your hands up and down.
"I uhhhh, fucking hell Y/N." Johnny shook his head and moved away from your wandering hands. "Nope not falling for it. Nope."
You moved closer to him once more and gave his ass a harsh smack, before walking away.
Johnny set the tools he was working with down and came over to you, throwing you over his shoulder as he made his way to the bedroom.
Needless to say, he lost your bet, but not that you or he were complaining.
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John Price-
John was giving a debrief to 141 in the conference room, and you couldn't help but let your eyes drift to his backside. He was walking back and forth while talking, giving you a perfect side view of his ass.
You turned to look at the boys and saw not a single one of them were paying attention, as they were probably all beyond exhausted.
Deciding to have some fun, you peered one more time to make sure you didn't have an audience and waited until John made his way past you before you made your move. He started to make his way past you, and when he came within arms reach, you slapped his ass.
Truly, you hadn't meant for the smack to be as loud as it was. You appeared to have misjudged the pressure, as everyone in the room, including Price, stopped and stared at you.
Rather than being embarrassed about it, you smiled widely and settled back into your seat as if nothing had happened, ignoring the looks of horror from the boys.
"Y/N, a word, outside if you will?" Price said sternly as he promptly forced you up and escorted you out of the room.
The minute the two of you made it outside, he pushed you up against the wall with a loose grip around your neck. "Thought that was funny did you?"
"I couldn't help myself, sir." You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing, as Price dragged his eyes up and down your figure.
"Couldn't help yourself? You won't be laughing later. I'll guarantee you of that."
Price kept to his word later that night. You surely weren't laughing as he took you from behind, slapping your ass repeatedly as you took exactly what he wanted to give you.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
141 was getting ready to be sent out on a mission, and the 5 of you were getting on your gear. You could feel your nerves bubbling in your belly in anticipation of the mission.
Looking over, you saw Gaz putting on his gear, particularly the band around his thigh for his knife. You couldn't really say why you wanted to slap his ass, but unable to help yourself, you walked over to him, giving a resounding smack to his ass.
Shocked, Gaz turned to you with wide eyes before looking around to make sure nobody had seen what you just did. "Babe?"
You gave him a small smile before returning to your gear. Feeling Gaz walk up behind you, you looked to him. "What's up, love?"
"I think you know what's up. What was that for?" He asked.
"Just a good luck smack, that's all." You put both hands up in mock innocence.
"A good luck smack? That right?" A smirk formed on Gaz's face. "Well, I think I need a good luck smack of my own."
You turned to try and flee before Gaz wrapped his arms around you. "Nowhere to run, sweetheart."
The slap to your ass that ensued had everyone in the room turning to you and Gaz with wide eyes, much to your amusement.
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Poor König. He was minding his own business cleaning his weapons in the armory when you walked in. He was bent over staring in concentration at the gun he was in the middle of cleaning, giving you a perfect view of his ass.
You'd always wondered what his reaction would be if you were to go up and hit it, but you were always too nervous to try it. You were in a particularly playful mood, so you'd walked up to him with a polite smile before slapping his ass with all the force you could muster.
"Maus...have I done something wrong?" König asked timidly, standing up to his full height as he turned to you. His face was scrunched in confusion.
You bit your lip to contain your laughter at his reaction. "No? Baby, why would you think that."
"Oh. I um. Well. You spanked me, so I thought I must've done something to upset you." König's cheeks were red from embarrassment.
"Oh gosh, no Kö! You just.. looked really good, so I.... felt the need to slap your backside?" You now felt unbelievably awkward, not expecting this reaction.
"I see." König stood and contemplated your words for a few moments, before moving behind you. You felt a harsh smack on your ass, and heard a small giggle erupt from your boyfriend.
"You look good too, so I smacked your ass." A tiny smile appeared on his lips.
From then on, König made it a point to slap your ass any time he deemed you looked good, so your ass was constantly imprinted with his large hand prints.
A/N: thanks for reading!!!😊🩷
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personwhowrites · 1 year
Task Force 141 reactions + König to you putting stickers on them.
Fluff/ slight gn!reader x everyone.
At first he doesn’t notice, his too focus on something else. His mind wondering off to a comfortable space.
When he does notice it’s because you stand up and move closer to his face. He panics slightly thinking your going to hurt him. (Trauma)
When he notices the pad of stickers he stares at you. There is a thick silence that follows along that makes you quickly stop and give him a very nervous smile.
“..You have a unicorn?” König asks in a sort of whimper. “..think it would look nice..on me..?”
You smile to his words and show him your collection of stickers you brought this trip. He happily helps you put some on his uniform. Slightly chuckles to the fact how excited you are.
When often alone with you he would hand you random sticker packets he bought for you. Then sit down and wait for you to start your “artwork”. He also puts stickers on you if you’re comfortable enough to let him. He respects your personal space as you do his.
John “Captain” Price
His busy doing some report about an accident Soap caused with explosives again. You bored take out your secret supply of stickers and slowly open it.
Price heard the wrapper and stare at you. A long lingering stare before he sigh and placed his pen down. He pats his lap, you smile and rush over to him with your stickers at hand.
“You want a rainbow or a storm cloud?” You ask pointing at the stickers. “What do you think?”
“Whatever looks best on me doll.” Price says with a chuckle. “And whatever distracts you the most.”
With that you immediately start putting stickers on him. His arms, face, beard and even his hat. Price is one to not care what type of stickers you use on him. Just as long your distracted he is okay with it.
Price lets you put stickers on him very often. Even in front of the group or in meeting to get your mind distracted. He knows that you should be focusing at the task at hand, but he can’t bring himself to do so.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle was in his own head, playing on his phone. Unaware of your intensions to ruin him with stickers as you did with Price. He was aware of your behavior with Price and didn’t mind it as long no one else was harm.
When you suddenly appear next to him confusion took over. Kyle didn’t know why you would be near him if you two barely spoke a word to each other. Yet when he saw the stickers at hand he pulled another chair to him and extended his arm.
“Try to not get something too dark on me.” Kyle says with a warm smile. “Got it?”
You nodded and began to work. He seemed a little uneasy by your cold hands, but soon got used to it. Once done he would take a picture and smile at you. After that, putting stickers on him became a habit, Price of course secretly got jealous but found it okay later seeing that’s what got you and Kyle to talk more.
John “Soap” Mactavish
He was watching TV with Ghost. You were on your phone, messing with a game you found interesting. Ghost got up and left to smoke a cigar leaving you to Soap. You looked at soap and smiled.
When Soap saw you smile at him, he got worried. Soon you randomly pulled out stickers under a pillow and rushed at him. Soap soon also pulled stickers out the couch he was been wanting to use.
“Looks like we both have a secret hobby.” Soap says with a cheeky smile. “I bet I have twice as much as you.”
“No you don’t!” You say smiling wider as you unwrap the stickers.
You later found out Soap collects stickers and has been waiting for this moment with you. After hearing what you did to Kyle, excitement filled his body knowing he was going to be next for sure. He would hide stickers around the base so you two can decorate each other. Sometimes going overboard.
When alone you two make sure to cover each of your arms with stickers. It annoys Price and the others, but they get over it knowing it makes the two of you bond better. Soap buys you stickers from all over the world to make sure you never run out of them.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost was always alert so you didn’t even try to sneak a sticker on him. Fear silent swept you as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes and watched your every move. Yet somehow you finally managed to have some bravery.
Ghost was reading a book on the couch. You were next him, stickers at hand and you stare at him, a long stare that finally got him to nod.
“Fine…Just not the mask.” Ghost says in a harsh tone. “Understand?”
You nod quickly and watch at Ghost puts his hand on your lap. You excitedly turn to open your bright stickers. Ghost sets his book down and watches you decide carefully what stickers to use on him. He even points out ones he wants.
You find out later if he never takes the stickers off. He just sets his glove over them and returns to you when they finally fall off or he washed them off. Ghost is one to soon buy you some stickers that fit more his theme and everyone’s theme.
Ghost does visit you late at night for stickers. Even if you’re tired he wouldn’t care much, he wants those stickers back on him one way or another.
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ebodebo · 1 month
summary: the cia is going against taskforce 141, making ghost a fugitive. unfortunately, he gets hurt and a detective takes him to a near by hospital, that an old friend happens to work at.
pairing: ghost x f!reader
a/n: hello! i am back..ik i'm literally only writing for ghost, but i can't help it he's so ughhh anyways i can't take credit for this bc a bestie of mine (@callsign-artemis) randomly just sent me the idea and i loved it! so, here she is! hopefully you enjoy:)
word count: 2.3k+
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The Fugitive
"Hey, Marcey, I don't suppose you could squeeze one in the schedule?" Detective Marsh's voice rang in the matte black Dodge Charger he sat in. 
She huffed out. "John." 
"I know. I know." He quickly supplied, sparing a look to the backseat, where an injured, bleeding Ghost sat. "But, this one is messed up pretty bad." He could feel Marcey roll her eyes. "They usually are "messed up pretty bad." She said, quoting his words.
"Honey." He sighed. "I know the guy. He's a friend." He exhaled. Marcey paused for a moment. "Okay. I have a doctor on rotation who's available." She finally said. "But, this is it. I can't keep doing favors just because your boys flubbed up." 
"And you won't have to anymore because, effective immediately, I'm firing Jensen and Miles." He states. "It's too much Goddamned paperwork. Gives me a headache." He says while bringing one hand to rub his temple, the other gripping the steering wheel. 
"Good for you, boss," Marcey emphasizes the last word, causing Detective Marsh to let out a gruff laugh. "Park in the back when you get here." She stated, swiftly typing on her computer. 
"I'm outside. In the front." He confessed. "Of course you are." Marcey sighed. "I'll be right there." 
Detective Marsh looks up at the rearview mirror, carefully observing Ghost. "Does it hurt?" Detective Marsh questioned.
"What do you think?" Ghost snarkily said, his voice deep and gravely, as he held his bleeding side. Detective Marsh gave him a light laugh. "Stupid question." He confirmed. 
Marcey appeared through the revolving doors that led into the hospital. She carefully knocked on the driver's side of the Dodge, where Detective Marsh sat. 
"You seriously couldn't have parked in the back. You are going to scare my patients." She crosses her arms as she opens his car door. "This was closer. I'm sorry." He said, unbuckling his seatbelt, then stepping out of the car. "He's in the backseat." He opens the backseat, revealing Ghost. 
"Oh my-" Marcey begins inspecting his bloody side before beckoning the two nurses she brought. "What the hell happened?" She questions, hands on her hips, moving aside so the nurses can get him out of the car, though he stubbornly swats them away to get out on his merit. 
"From what I know, the guys were in pursuit, and they found him all bent to hell." He shrugs. 
"That's what they told you? Jensen and Miles?" She skeptically asks as Ghost begrudgingly allows the nurses to get him out of the car. He nods. "I know. I know. I'm going out to get a full report from some pedestrians at the scene." He grips her shoulder a bit. "Might not answer my phone for a bit. I already know the DA got wind of this. So, he's going to be busting my balls and the entire PD's for the next week or so." He kisses her temple before getting back into his car.
"No need to worry, John. We'll take care of him." She smiles.
He smiles back, closing his door. Before he pulls away, he rolls his window down. "Also, I forgot to mention, he's wanted by the CIA, so this place might be swarmed with suits. Love you, bye." He swiftly states as Marcey's face contorts. "Wait. Wha—" she begins, but he pulls off before she can rain her terror on him. 
Marcey curses before she turns to the nurses heading inside the hospital. "Unfortunately, we'll have to take him through the lobby since my husband decided he was too lazy to spring for the extra yards around' the back. Just take him to the OR." Both nurses nod and attempt to grab Ghost. 
"I can walk," he proclaims as he stumbles to the revolving doors. Marcey stares at the nurses. "Just make sure he doesn't fall on his way." She lightly waves them towards him. 
"The OR is this way, sir." One of the nurses steps in front of him, leading him towards a big metal door. 
All three of them pushed through the door and immediately are met with the room's cold air. "Just lay on the bed. Careful not to lay on your right side," one of the nurses chimed. 
"Got it." He grits as he carefully lays himself on the bed, positioned on his back. "What hospital am I at?" Ghost questions, gripping his side. 
"Highlands Medical," one nurse answers as she gets his IV drip ready. He makes a thoughtful expression. "Don't suppose Y/N still works here? Huh?"
"Oh yeah. Dr. Y/L/N. She still works here. Has been for a couple of years, actually." The nurse quickly finds his vein and gently sticks the IV in his arm. "I want her." He plainly states.
"Sorry, she has another patient at the moment. Dr. Brazo is great, though."
"No." He looks at the nurse. "I want her."
The nurses look at each other for a moment. "I'm sorry, but unfortunately—" He is quick to pull his IV out. 
"What are you-" The nurse questions. "You can't leave." The other nurse chimes as Ghost sits up, gritting his teeth as he feels his side ache. "I told you. I want her." He pauses. "And if I can't have her, I'm leaving."
They eye each other once again. "Okay, okay. Just lay back. I'll go get her." He narrows his eyes. "I will," she assures him. He gently lies back as the nurse once again sticks his IV in his arm. 
Before the nurse could leave, there was a knock at the door, followed by an intense voice. "PD," the voice said, opening the door. It was three police officers. "Simon Riley?" one asked, looking at Ghost, to which he nodded. 
"Gonna' have to handcuff you." He strolled over to the bed, pulling out his handcuffs and cuffing him to either side of the bed. "We're also gonna' have to stay in here." Two police officers stood in front of the door, and the other moved closer to Ghost's bed.
"Isn't this a bit overkill?" One nurse said as she grabbed Ghost's chart. "Direct orders," the officer who handcuffed him said. "Well, I need to go get the doctor. I can leave, right?" The two police officers by the door stepped aside and let her slip through.
The nurse made her way to room 104, where you were, gently knocking on the door. "Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Y/L/N. Can I speak to you for a moment?" You raised your brow, issuing an apology to your patient before stepping outside. 
"What's going on?" you ask, crossing your arms. "Well, we have a guy in the OR. He's uh... he's requested you." The nurse hands over his chart.
"No name?" You say, examining the blank name section of the chart. "He won't talk much. So, we just wrote down where he was injured." The nurse looks at you. "Did you tell him I was busy with another patient?" You hand the nurse the chart back. "Yes, several times, but he threatened to leave. Even pulled out his IV." The nurse let out a little laugh
You titled your head. "Call Dr. Lindley. She can take over this patient; she owes me." You grab the chart again. "In the OR, yes?" The nurse nods. You glance over the chart again before opening the door to your patient. "I'm sorry, Ms. Lawson. There is an emergency in the OR. But Dr. Lindley will be here shortly. I have sent her your charts so she knows your condition. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience." You earnestly say, but to your surprise, she seems fine with the change. 
You step out of room 104 with the nurse by your side and notice the influx of police in the lobby. "What the hell is going on?" You turn to the nurse with you. "I'm not sure, but earlier, three police officers came in the OR. I think they're still there." You breathe out and head towards the big metal door, though you are unable to open it.
"Excuse me. I need in." You raise your voice, knocking on the cold metal. The door is instantly opened, and he meets you.
"Simon." You question observing his disheveled state. 
"Hey, doc." You cringe at his voice. It was deep and rough. Commanding. It spliced through the air and demanded attention. It was the same, but slightly different than the voice you heard all those years ago.
"What happened to you?" You walk over to him, assessing his side.
"Got injured." He matter-of-factly proclaims.
You roll your eyes. "I see your sense of humor hasn't changed much." Your gaze travels to his hands, both glued to the bed and held by cuffs. "I can't work on him with cuffs," you remark, turning to the officers. "Sorry, I can't remove them," one says.
You frustratingly sigh. "I can't operate on him with handcuffs." You continue. "And if I don't operate on him, he'll bleed out and die." The officers glance at each other and then at Ghost.
"Don't worry, I'll be a good boy for the doctor." He remarks, the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smirks under his mask. "Fine, but don't try anything." One skeptically says, walking over to him and uncuffing both hands. 
You make your way over to him and carefully cut his shirt off, where his injury is. "So-" You begin, grabbing some iodine to clean the deep wound. "What's all this about? Are you a criminal now?" You question, gently laying some surgical drape over the area.
He shuddered at the direct contact, quietly cursing. "Sorry. It's going to hurt a little." You called for one of the nurses to grab the suture kit. "So, criminal?" You pushed again as the nurse handed you the kit.
He lets out a gruff laugh that tickles your ears. "No. Not a criminal." He pauses as you begin to use the kit to sew stitches under the skin. "It's complicated." He brusquely states. "Mhm. I see you're still the brooding, mysterious type. Huh?" You smile at him as his muscles contract at the needle going into his skin. 
"Brooding?" He huffs. You let out a laugh. "Very much so." You look up to notice he's staring at you. Your eyes instantaneously locked. It should feel awkward. There were five other people in there, but it felt like it was just the two of you at that moment. 
A knock at the door jolted you out of your daze. "Open the door," the voice on the other side demanded. The police in front of the door jumped but opened it a bit before opening it wider to accommodate the person.
"Christ. Why are all of you in here?" Detective Marsh gestures to all three officers. "You two sure as shit shouldn't be here." He gestures to the two officers standing in front of the door. "The DA has the whole departments ass because of you two." He wipes his hand across his jaw, which is covered in stubble. "Get out." He demands.
"But, sir-" One officer starts.
Detective Marsh's jaw tightens, causing both officers to hurry out the door. The last officer stands adjacent to where Ghost lays. "Sorry about that." Detective Marsh declares. He points at the remaining officer. "Come with me. I need backup downtown." The officer glances at Ghost. Detective Marsh rolls his eyes. "He's fine." The officer nods, and they head off. 
"Sweetheart." Ghost croaked. You look at him. "Your hand." He gestures to your hand resting on his side. "Sorry." You quickly pick up your gloved hand and reach for the saline to clean his wound. 
"I forgot I had a case scheduled today with Dr. Raines." You look up at the nurses. “Will you two go assist her?" They both nod and head out the door.
"Gotta' lot of patients today, doc." Ghost lifted a brow as you applied some antiseptic. "I thought they would have remembered that Dr. Raines is on maternity leave." You give him a cheeky smile.
"Wow. Lyin' to your coworkers? How insensitive." He sarcastically remarks as you snicker. "I just...I needed to talk to you." You confess, applying a large bandage to his side.
"In private?" You look up at him after you finish putting the bandage on. "In private," you confirm, gently pressing the bandage around the edges to secure it onto his skin. 
"What?" He tilted his head, taking notice of your silence. 
"I hate seeing you like this." You look up at him. "All bruised up."
"I'm fine." He assures, which makes you let out a laugh.
He tilts his head. "What's so funny?"
"You've always been so stubborn," you remark, absently stroking his thumb. “You never let anyone help you. You always want to do things on your own, even if you can't."
"I let you help me." He lifts his finger to graze yours gently. "I know. I'm glad you did." You smile. "So, will you tell me why all the cops are interested in you?" You question, raising a brow. "No. I think I'll stay brooding." He quips. "Simon Riley, did you just make a joke?" You exclaim, making him let out a laugh. 
You both sat there for a moment, falling into a comfortable silence. You knew you most likely wouldn't see him again, and he knew the same. It's just how your relationship worked with him. You see him once in a blue moon, and then he disappears off the face of the earth for what feel like an eternity.
You loved Simon, and he loved you, but you both knew a relationship beyond what you had currently couldn't work, especially with him being God knows where with God knows who. There are too many trials and tribulations involved. It's better to keep it simple and one-dimensional, something Simon Riley is not. 
"I'll have to nurse fill out your discharge papers." You finally break the silence, gently squeezing his hand. He nods.
You don't know what possessed you, but you find yourself bending down to kiss him. He's quick to kiss you back. You pull back and head to the door, holding it open.
"Goodbye, Simon."
"Goodbye, Sweetheart."
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
taglist: @callsign-artemis @yuenity @sceletaflores @chonkaydonkay @gowno1wysrane @harpsinfinity @bleached-punk @babygirl-riley @IMASLUTFORFICTIONALMEN @contractedcriteria @lunars-somehow-alive @theloneshadow24 @minihotdog @mrs-marc-spector - hopefully most of these work now! <3
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aetherdoesthings · 2 months
Can we get the strawhats with a reader who's kinda creepy? Like poping up out of nowhere, obsessed with dangerous creatures, blanked faced, macabre interest, stuff like that. I kinda want to see how they react to that. Like, would they get used to it, or is it a jumpscare every time? Would they be used to it and new ppl aren't? I wanna see your interpretation, honestly.
I'm becoming a mortician, and ppl tell me that I have those traits a lot, lol.
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lowk describing me in my day to day life lmao
forethoughts: i have returned to my roots and have wrote something about one piece again :D. i'm gonna be quite busy for the next week, so won't upload as much. i'll try and squeeze some in here and there though!
notes: gn!reader
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Old Straw Hats (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji)
The Old Straw Hats have somewhat gotten used to your ‘creepy’ attributes.
One time when Luffy was trying to share a spooky ghost story with the crew at night, you’d barge into his story midway through, appearing behind him and whispering ‘boo’.
Yeah none of the crew slept last night.
Luffy finds you funny though. It’s like a game of tag to him. If he could spot you before you’d scare him, he wins. If you’d make him scream, you’d win some Berry from him.
Zoro in the beginning jumped whenever you’d suddenly approach him and talk to him, but now he’s just used to your sudden appearances and morbid queries about death and everything spooky.
If you’re a boy, Sanji would yell at you and scold you everytime you randomly showed up and asked him if he’s ever cooked with human meat and if he was willing to experiment. If you’re a girl, Sanji would stifle a scream, and then offer to cook you a meal or snack, giving him the chance to keep an eye on you so you would at least stop disappearing and reappearing at the worst possible moments.
You had become Usopp’s bane of existence the moment you joined the Straw Hats. No matter how many times Usopp claims to be the strongest and bravest pirate ever, just one ‘hey’ was enough to send him packing. He eventually got used to you jumpscaring him, but he still shakes in his boots and has to take a minute to recuperate himself before continuing what he was doing before you approached him.
I’d imagine Nami would see you the way she sees Robin, so she does not pay much mind to you. Sometimes she’d even give you Berry to scare the living soul out of the other boys if they got too rowdy. Nami was the only one you’d be comfortable with sitting down and talking to, since everyone else was always screaming at your unannounced and unexpected presence or at each other.
New Straw Hats (Chopper, Robin)
Chopper was freaked out by your presence in the beginning, finding it creepy how you could show up out of nowhere and no one noticed. But over time, he started to see you differently and respected the strange amount of medical knowledge you possessed and how you could probably operate on someone with your eyes closed. Chopper still screams every time you pop up, but he had to admit you two made a good medical team when it came to trying to resuscitate Luffy after the billionth time.
You and Robin complimented each other and were definitely the closest. You two would always scare the living soul out of any Straw Hat member who dared to trifle with you. Robin would always have the answers to your morbid questions and vice versa. You two would spend your time in the library researching the most weird and out of the world topics. Robin shared the same fascination with dangerous creatures, macabre interests, anything you liked she had already studied. All in all, the two of you were an unstoppable morbid duo, and you both knew it. The moment Robin walked on board the Sunny you KNEW you two were going to be pals.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #44
Somehow Skulker is the one to acquire a de-aged Phantom and decides to just…take him along in his hunts?? Just strap him to one of those baby carriers and they’re good to go.
Like sure, he could just drop the welp somewhere in his haunt back in the Human Realm and wait till the kid is back to his normal form but that would require Skulker having to drop by the Human Realm often to check in on the welps status so it was just easier to carry him around till the boy changes back and they can go back to hunting him down. (He’ll change back, right?)
Of course, nothing is that simple when it comes to the Phantom boy, because due to him getting suddenly shrunk down his powers have decided ‘hey, you can no longer reasonably control me’. And it’s not usually a problem because Phantom is usually hanging out in a good old baby carrier that’s close enough to Skulker so his core kind of…helps stabilize the powers a bit??? Like sure, more often than not there’s a thin sheet of frost covering his body from where Phantom was, and every so often the boys limbs would randomly disappear or shoot out ectoplasm but that only really happened in the times that Skulker had to remove Phantom from his person and leave him alone to his own devices.
Skulker had quickly learned that he couldn’t just leave Phantom because 1. The welp was a natural wanderer and only being able to either crawl or barely float didn’t stop him, at all. 2. He was a trouble magnet and 3. All these got worse when the boy got bored, causing him to wander off and attract trouble
There totally wasn’t a 4th reason, nope, not at all.
To fix this problem, he put the welp into one of his cages (it got changed into a more child-friendly version, imagine a play pen with a top on it and there you go), perfectly baby Phantom proof so he couldn’t get out, and he even threw some baby ghost toys in there so he can entertain himself while Skulker went after his prey.
Eventually Skulker + Phantom find themselves in the DC universe for a reason of your choosing, maybe a group heard of the Infinite Realms Greatest Hunter and they needed his help to take a creature down.
Well, he goes and the group is greeted by a large robotic-looking man with solid green eyes and firey hair, and the white haired baby boy with glowing green eyes that sat happily in a baby carrier as he chewed on…ice that was formed in a doughnut shape and had a green tint to it? It wasn’t hard to see the sharp teeth dig into the ice that seemed to refuse to crack even a little.
They weren’t really given the chance to question the child, from both the lack of interest that the hunter had in answering and also the very reason they even tried to contact Skulker in the first place.
Some side-glanced the cage that suddenly appeared and now contained the small child who didn’t react to this like it was something normal for them. Some even tried to touch the cage, only to be quickly greeted by a shock of electricity, a clear sign to not touch the cage.
It’s only till after Skulker was able to deal with the creature that they needed him too, does he answer.
The problem is that Skulker forgot that these mortals weren’t from the Infinite Realms, they weren’t ghosts, and they also didn’t know how Skulker and Phantoms dynamic worked, as he wasn’t used to interacting with those who didn’t know all of those at least vaguely.
So maybe answering with “I’m waiting for him to grow up so I can have his pelt hung amongst the rest of my trophies.” And then immediately disappearing afterwards with Phantom wasn’t the smartest idea but hey, it’s not like Skulker knew.
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sena-shi · 1 year
Protector of Teyvat (a troll hell-bent on reviving everyone just for fun) P—3
Isekai’d reader who is hell-bent on reviving everyone using your cheat code as the protector of Teyvat. With great power comes great benefits! Teyvat population stonks
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Note: asmoday is the unknown god, reader also grants gnosis and visions, isekai, slight sagau in the future chapters, op reader
Summary: You are just a regular human being living your best life on Earth, collecting husbandos and waifus in Genshin Impact when all of a sudden you were isekai'd to Teyvat, but not as a traveler, a creator, or an NPC. You are a very close friend of both Celestia and the Unknown God, who is known as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You also hold a very important position of the highest order because unbeknownst to the general populace, you are the Protector of Teyvat from the outside forces. 
And so imagine the Archon's faces when their dead friends suddenly came back to life just so they can accompany you together with Aether and Paimon on a journey to spit on the Celestia's face
Timeline in Teyvat when you got transmigrated: Before any wars happened. Zhongli is probably sucking on a dragon pacifier or something if that even exists.
Warning: curse words, slight ooc, lore flying over the ocean and going for a swim, author removed the lore from the irminsul so act like you know nothing of it, i'm putting the lore in the cheese grater
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“As what I am trying to say, Lady Y/N… is quite… a peculiar person.”
Jean sighed and scratched her temples, beginning to feel stressed. "Stop going in circles and get to the point, Kaeya."
About half an hour has passed since Kaeya first started talking, and it does not seem like he is going to get straight to the point any time soon.
Paimon flew closer to you, who was visibly bored as you sat on a chair, whispering into your ears.
“Paimon thinks you broke him...”
You folded your arms and looked at the man who had been struggling to explain for about ten minutes with a quiet chuckle. His eyes met yours, and he instantly averted his gaze, an embarrassed expression on his face.
And even Lisa, who is standing next to Jean, has been staring at you for quite some time. Her gaze was strong despite the pleasant smile on her face.
“You flatter me, Captain Kaeya.”
Jean arched an eyebrow at you, seemingly perplexed.
“After all, I am just a normal human being trying to make a living.”
She blinked, trying to process everything that is going on. If you're only something like a traveling merchant, why is Kaeya acting as if he's forced to sing praises about you?
The entire room fell silent, and all eyes were fixed on you.
With a straight face, you answered calmly, "I sell visions and use fried eggs to resurrect the dead.”
The room fell into an awkward silence as Kaeya coughed so loudly that he flopped down on the ground and decided to become one with the floor.
"This is quite a change of events," Lisa said with a beautiful frown as she glanced at Kaeya, who was suffering in silence.
Jean shook her head in utter confusion as she pointed at Kaeya, "Just why is he acting like this...?"
“Oh!” Paimon exclaimed in realization of Jean's question. She rubbed the side of her head then stroke her chin, as if she didn't know how to explain everything.
“Uhm— uh… Paimon's not sure who this Crepus guy is, but when Y/N threw a fried egg somewhere, he poof out of the ground and insisted on going to his son instead of joining us to meet you here.”
"He even wanted Kaeya to come along, but this man had already left before we realized it!" Paimon yelled and pointed towards Kaeya.
Jean raised a brow in confusion, and Paimon spoke once again, "It’s not Paimon’s fault, I swear! He suddenly appeared, and Kaeya looked like he had seen a ghost... Paimon is guessing that he is someone important that Y/N randomly brought back to life to scold Kaeya for touching her."
“Oh, my archons…”
Lisa turned to stare at Jean, her eyes wide with confusion.
“If I know… Crepus is Master Diluc’s father.”
Lisa gasped, and Kaeya seemed to be dead with his face plastered to the ground.
“Oh?” You shrugged your shoulders, glancing out the window, unconcerned with what was going on around you.
Jean sighed, obviously disturbed. "How is this even possible? I'm sure even the archons can't—"
“Lady Y/N is not an archon…”
“I’m afraid I don’t quite follow, Kaeya.” 
“Lady Y/N is someone who is much higher than the archons…”
Lisa appeared to be captivated with the new knowledge and immediately turned to gaze at you with amazement. You, on the other hand, paid no attention to her and continued to stare out the window absentmindedly.
Will Timmie make a great archon?
What if I give Timmie a Pyro Vision to roast his pigeons?
If I revive little floatie’s friend, will I have two little Venti?
But what if little floatie's friend starts to feel embarrassed when he sees the huge statue that looks like him standing in the middle of Mondstadt?
If I slap Dain with a fried egg to remove the curse, will he get mad? I’m pretty sure I’d lose my arm before my hand can even come close…
“Someone… higher than the archons?” Jean mumbled to herself.
Paimon huffed, placing her hands on her hips and said confidently, "She is the Protector after all!"
Lisa's eyes twinkled with delight and respect at the new revelation. Back in Akademiya, she unintentionally read a forbidden book about Teyvat's Protector. It was believed to have been authored by the first Dendro Archon, but the book has since been lost or stolen.
There are no other records of you save for that single book, which she is keeping so discreetly that she even went to Mondstadt to keep it safe, despite the fact that the book has reduced her lifespan in half. But unexpectedly, the book mysteriously vanished.
It was recorded that the God of Wisdom has only encountered you once, when they had ascended one of the seven seats, and there were no more chances of meeting you again because you've been protecting Teyvat in the shadows. You've been keeping Teyvat so safe that you have no time to even mingle with them.
"However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Celestia is trying to keep her highness away from the seven archons, particularly the Anemo Archon,” —  this was one of the numerous lines written by the God of Wisdom that Lisa will never forget having to read.
It was only a one-time meeting, but it was described that all the archons were overjoyed to catch a glimpse of you. There must not be any records preserved or knowledge of you because doing so will provoke the heavenly principles. It's most likely that this is the reason why Sumeru was dealt such a devastating blow back then. And with such a wealth of information, Lisa is left wondering why she is still alive.
And now that the two of you even have the chance to meet, she considers herself to be one of the fortunate people in Teyvat to have the opportunity to speak with you face to face. 
Jean cast a quick glance in the direction of the librarian, who has all of a sudden adopted a new attitude towards you. Now that she's thinking about it, she's curious to find out what information the librarian has about you.
"...before we came to the headquarters, there were at least three or four citizens who had been granted with a vision.” Kaeya shuddered.
“Kaeya’s speaking the truth! Even Paimon has lost count already! At this point, the entire Mondstadt could be dubbed as the nation of vision holders!”
Paimon's voice jolted you out of your daze, prompting you to respond, "...I thought we'd keep that a secret."
“Oh— right! Paimon’s sorry!”
You laughed, softly waiving your hands as a sign that everything was fine. You looked at Jean, who was suddenly staring at you with such reverence that she seemed to want to grovel before you.
You smiled at her. “Anyways, are we done here?”
"Ah, yes," Jean said awkwardly, looking over at Aether, who was staring at you attentively, "About the storm terror attack."
"Y/N and the Anemo Archon supported me," Aether said with a blank expression and a shrug of his shoulders.
“Oh goodness… you’re traveling with the protector and even met the Anemo Archon?” Lisa asked, her mouth slightly wide in surprise.
“Anemo Archon, Anemo Archon, ah— my little floatie is just so adorable. Maybe I should travel the worlds with him after resigning…” You muttered to yourself.
Aether and the other people in the room have all of a sudden become alerted, and their attention is focused on you. Even Kaeya suddenly straightened his posture, only to see you staring peacefully outside the windows.
After resigning!? Travel alone with the Anemo Archon!? Jealous, jealous, jealous—
The voices of Celestia and Asmoday can be heard wailing somewhere in the distance in the sky. They are most likely devising a plot to put you behind bars at this very moment.
It shouldn't come as a surprise if the Anemo Archon suddenly have a club of haters.
You started humming a tune as you became aware of the peaceful atmosphere that was beginning to arise.
You snorted and mockingly said, "Oh? What exactly am I seeing? We've barely known each other for a day, and you're already obsessed with me?"
They all choked in embarrassment, turning away to hide their flushed cheeks.
You cocked your head to the side, amused, as they all began babbling silly reasons just to cover themselves up.
“W—well, it’s not everyday that you get to meet someone like— like—”
“Paimon thinks Y/N feels comfy to be around! Paimon’s not obsessed at all!”
Aether quickly agreed with a nod.
“Right, right, alright. If you people are still interested in discussing the stormterror attack, then I'll just leave you to it,” You gave them a soft smile as you floated right up from your seat and waved your hand before making the decision to vanish with a poof in order to bestow even more visions and cause more chaos.
"Don't look for me, I'm going to meet someone," They heard your voice echoing inside their thoughts, and it made them feel even greater animosity towards the person you are talking about.
“We don’t even want to talk about stormterror attack anymore!”
"…sigh. I wanted to listen more of her voice," Lisa grumbled, and Jean feels the same.
“She must’ve felt uncomfortable, she doesn’t want people talking about her after all.” Aether clicked his tongue in displeasure before running out the room with Paimon to find you.
"Just how am I going to explain everything to Diluc?" Kaeya chuckled bitterly as he slumped tiredly in the chair.
Thank the Gods you got away before they could get their paws on you. But it doesn't mean they won't pursue you.
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“Woah! The birds are flocking to you!" Timmie talked happily, obviously amazed as he watched you almost completely covered in birds as you leaned on the parapet to watch the water race by.
"They're rather... heavy." You whispered, attempting to remain still while the birds that usually flew away at the sight of people treated you like a tree.
"Oh yeah! You're like God!"
You gave him a small grin as you looked down at him. "What makes you think that?"
“Well, I've heard stories about Lord Barbatos being so close to birds that he'd even fly alongside them! You're exactly like him!”
The birds chirped happily, rubbing their heads against your cheek as if they wanted to be complimented.
You snorted, trying to image Barbatos flying alongside the birds. You could say that your mind created a pretty humorous image.
Venti sat on top of the statue of the Anemo Archon, blushing profusely at what the wind had relayed to him. He's too sober enough to listen to your conversation, and he wishes he'd gone straight to the tavern to get drunk instead of stalking you.
But he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see you.
"You seem to love pigeons a lot; do you wish to fly with them as well?"
“Yeah… I believe it would be cool, and maybe I'll be able to find daddy..."
You agreed with a little nod, calmly watching the river flow gently while Timmie stares in awe at how the sun rays were focused towards you, creating a lovely scene.
"Who knows, maybe you'll be reunited with your father soon," You spoke while remaining motionless in your position and gazing at the rushing river.
Timmie nodded, little relieved by your remarks. He has always waited, and he will never get tired of waiting.
“What is it?”
You ignored Timmie as you cast a glance at the gates, sensing that at least four or five individuals were approaching you.
"I'm afraid our little bonding has to come to an end here."
Timmie pouted and mumbled cutely, "But me and my pigeons like you."
You amusedly ruffled his hair as you giggled at his antics.
"How about you come to me when you're lonely?" You smiled as you took his hands in your own and placed a glowing Anemo vision in his palm.
And then maybe when someone tries to hurt your pigeons, you can airbend the shit out of their lungs.
Timmie gaped, his gaze drawn to the vision in his hands and your bright, smiling face. He began stammering, his brain attempting to absorb everything that was happening at the moment.
Oh my god— oh my god— was all he could think of.
“Lady Y/N!” Jean and the others said in unison.
"See you soon," you said quietly, ignoring the people who were approaching you at an incredible pace, giving Timmie one last pat on the head before disappearing to slap someone with a fried egg somewhere else.
Because seriously, why is everyone so clingy to you when it comes to you? Can't a protector have a little peace in their lives?
Timmie stood motionless, a vision in his hands while his mind went haywire.
Daddy, daddy, I think I just met a God!
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Before they even had a chance to finish their sentence, a fried egg came flying at them at a high rate of speed, and the runny egg yolk came splattering into their face.
You mumbled something under your breath while opening your eyes with a weary expression and blinking several times in an effort to clear the haze from your vision. They just can't seem to give you some space, even if it's just for a moment, can they not? You're literally trying to get some sleep!
The abyss mage who had just been smacked by a fried egg started to emit light as though the curse was in the process of being broken. Something shattered inside of their soul as they shed the last bit of monstrosity that had clung onto them for hundreds of years.
You found a comfortable position on the grass and leaned back against the tree. And off to the side of your vision, you can make out a woman with blond hair who is dressed in white and blue.
You fixed your attention on her, and by the expression on her face, you could see how genuinely surprised she was by what she had witnessed. Her eyes gleamed with much interest and reverence as they locked onto yours.
You immediately felt an inside sigh of frustration when you realize that you’re going to have another traveler who will try to cling onto you.
Lumine suddenly stepped up, and her voice is just as endearing as that of her twin brother. 
"It is an honor to meet our savior," she said. It was a display of respect, but you are too sharp to even believe those words. You are their savior, but that does not imply that they are obligated to treat you with the utmost respect.
You responded with a faint hum as you quickly pulled an abyss mage close to you to use as a pillow, unaware to the jealous stares that Lumine was giving you. 
“Are you here to meet with your twin?”
“I am not… ready to face him,” Lumine whispered softly while her face distorted into an agonized expression, as if she were thinking back on the times she spent with her twin brother.
"Help him with Dvalin," you said, your cheek resting on the back of your hand. You almost laughed when you saw her slightly frown at you. They were the ones that made Dvalin act like that, thus they should be the ones to clean up their mess.
"I'm posing as your twin's guide right now, and if this storm terror problem isn't fixed by the end of the week, how am I meant to leave Mondstadt to search for and save the people of your nation?"
"I absolutely want to retire, sigh..." you mumbled, squeezing the abyss mage's cheeks in frustration.
"I suppose you have a point," Lumine answered, nodding her head in understanding. Maybe she can even take a break and check how her twin brother is doing in this world.
"Wonderful, you finally understand!" You replied enthusiastically, and your smile is so dazzling that Lumine feels like she's staring directly into the sun.
"Then, after cleaning up the mess that Celestia made, the two of you can leave Teyvat and continue on your journey."
“Perhaps after you've completed your journey in this world, I can go get some wine, retire, eh... maybe mingle with the humans and spend time with Venti, and...” You started rambling, not noticing how Lumine's face darkened at your words, suggesting that they should leave this world and continue their journey in another.
And Venti? That Barbatos? Lumine fumed whilst you are clueless that your little floatie had earned another hater.
And what if she refuses to leave? What if she desires to know more about you? What if Aether and her decide to bring you along with them on their journey across the worlds?
Far above in the clouds, the Celestia added another name to one of their most hated lists.
You coughed and paused, embarrassed to disclose your life plans after retiring. Lumine, on the other hand, appears to be listening attentively, as though unconcerned with the fact that you're essentially begging them to leave.
Sighing heavily, you decided to put your plan of slapping them with a fried egg in the back of your mind and work on properly removing their curse.
Lumine kept an eye on you, observing how sincere you've become in your treatment of her allies. As your look became more serious, your hand smoothly glided to touch them without even a trace of revulsion.
Perhaps the unknown God isn’t going to be the one who will trap them in this world this time. Maybe you will be the new reason, and she will willingly stay just to uncover your mystery.
Aether, my twin brother, how about we postpone our journey for a while? Surely you felt the same way when you first met her?
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sumimasorry for the late update, I was busy crying over my artifact substat and made a kazuscara ff instead
TAGLIST: @yunareinhart @valeriele3 @lunarapple @meikoo @pimacolada-lulu @guess-i-die @cr1sta11y @kinoshita-asuka @cathylove @lunavixia @sarahyumiko2 @ezendd @vv3ntii @butterflybotz @etherisy @sweetbills @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kasseywithak @snowfoxnix @loreyxxx @vvyeislazzy @sunsethw4 @i-see-you-watchin-me @cherriiirose @ainiieey @almighty-raiden-shogunate @chin-chii @sukunasin @coffeetoffyy @my-white-canvas @mitsukashi @c00kie-cat @dilucragnidvr @yxksha @percea @blurry-values @ohnoivefallen @fuckingfaraway @dark-knight-hero @deemayaz @ayamvirus @multifandomvoyage @tanspostsblog @kasseywithak @d4y-dr3am3r @dxprived4-starboys @atsukawolfcat @plusea @fandangotales @time-shardz @a-random-bored-person @tinandabin @fantsyland @shizunxie @greengummyworm @elijahcrevan @kaoyamamegami
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well anyways, after this I'm going to hide, make fried eggs, and do my forgotten comms
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luna-lovegreat · 6 months
It's all "links meet aus" and "zeldas meet aus", but where's my "companions meet aus"?
I wanna see midna bash fi and navis heads together for annoying her
I mean can you imagine the sheer chaos of all the Zelda companions meeting and going on a journey together? They're all companions/guides! One of thems a talking hat for hylias sake how are they supposed to take initiative?
I think it'd be like Lu where they all just meet up, but can you imagine the chain just somehow finds out this happened (and twilight is just like guys I am so sorry about midna) (but they're also really oddly touched that all their friends met each other too)
Pretty sure midna would be the sort of leader, since the last time she was in a foreign world she just found the nearest dude and started ordering him around. By like halfway through twilight princess she was literally asking LINK to accompany her to get what she needed.
But like. 90% of the group would be fairies. Which can't heal. One is a talking hat who just needs a head? He can't go on midnas cause she throws him off with her magic hair, poor ezlo is just trying to keep up.
They also have these weird green shadows who come around? They don't talk, but there's a rock, a fish, a bird, and a lady who just appear and stab things and shoot wind water fire and lightning.
Also midnas really confused why wolf link just shows up and kills things every now and then (from botw amibo)
Fi is the one who can talk to Hylia and awaken memories and get guidance and information or whatever, but she only does this by ballerina dancing and the others are always pissed at her anyways "WE DONT KNOW WHAT BATTERIES ARE OR A WII REMOTE WILL YOU PLEASE GO BACK IN SWORD FORM ALREADY" "I detect there is a 90% chance you need a key to open this door" "wow. Your perception is unparalleled fi."
Also there's a boat. A boat. Who is also good at taking charging since he's a king, which causes some friction between him and midna, since she has to grab him by her hair to move him half the time.
And with the fairies. Again. They all offer advice mainly. And with the fairies a lot of their main role is speaking and getting attention and pitching in? They come on an intersection and there's a chorus of bells all shouting the same directions. Ezlo is trying to cover the kings ears from his place on the boats head
Also there's this ghost/spirit of Zelda that everyone just feels REALLY strong loyalty to. But she's just like this kid who wants her body back?! They try to protect her but she can turn into a purple knight and stab things so there's that. I think there's also some animal companions from ooa/oos so.
Side quests are nonexistent they don't care about a village or gathering frogs for a kid they are there to save the world on a mission linear plot it is
And it's interesting because you have so many of them who just vanish and then appear to give loud advice. All at once. And the fighting skills basically fall to those weird green shadows that shoot various elements and fight and randomly disappear. Midna and spirit Zelda can fight, and Fi can too (kind of like how she fights as a sword in hyrule warriors). Also up to you if midna is drop dead gorgeous or devilish imp.
By the end they find whatever enemy so they can go back and midna is so pissed by this point that she hears the word "batteries" from Fi and goes full on fused shadow and just obliterates the jerk
***I have not played all the games so do not know or understand all of the companions and probably got some stuff wrong
Bonus: there is a child in a village named Link who does not have the spirit of the hero. He is stalked for three days until Fi decides his vibes are off and they all stop telling him he's the chosen one
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snootlestheangel · 6 months
A Very Unique Ghost Headcanon
My friend and I got lunch together today and we went to a bookstore afterwards for a bit. An idea about Ghost had spawned so here's the whole thing.
*Does contain MW3 spoilers towards the end*
When Ghost is on leave, he spends a lot of time at a local bookstore. The staff and other locals began calling him "a ghost" because he's very quiet and appears for several days every few months. He's always very quiet and seems to "appear and disappear" randomly. He eventually spends so much time there, pretty much everyone knows him. Not by name, but they recognize him/when he's in town. They know he's a bit weird based on all the things he reads. He goes from reading really deep books about self-improvement to horror/true crime novels to silly animal fact books and laughing cause "penguins are silly". He's very kind though, everyone knows, and is always willing to grab something off a high shelf or assist an elderly person in carrying their items.
There's a table that's basically reserved for him now, sitting in the back corner of the bookstore's little cafe. There's always a stack of books that he wants to read sitting on the table. Sometimes the stack remains untouched for several months before "Ghost" is seen again. Sometimes, he comes back a bit more ragged than normal, and even sometimes more he comes back with an arm in a sling and a limp. But everyone gets used to the presence that is their local cryptid, even if he isn't much of a conversationalist.
Then they realize he journals everything he reads. He likes to write about all the things he learned while reading that day, and is diligent about dating everything.
This habit spawned from a few years he spent giving himself therapy because the military believed him dead, and he couldn't afford one outside of it. So, he took to the bookstore and it's nice section of self-improvement books and the mental help journals. He realized he actually really enjoys journaling, and likes being able to reflect back on all the things he read that year.
But he leaves the journals at the table with the books he has yet to read. And some people start getting curious. And someone reads the journals. They know it's horrible, but they figure there can't be anything personal if the man is willing to leave the journals unattended for months at a time. And that's when everyone learns he's actually journaled everything he's read for the last 4 years (how long it took him to get into that habit), and it's an incredibly fascinating read.
He's very well-spoken about the things he discusses, and his handwriting is pleasant and easy to understand. Not to mention, he only uses pen, and the fact he sometimes has to scribble out mistakes makes the journals feel familiar in a human way. There's something so personal and intimate about it, and it all adds to the local myth of the ghost that haunts the bookstore.
But then one day, the regular people that read the journals realize Ghost has started to mention someone within his readings. It starts small, a little comment on a book he read about the history of explosives: "I blame JSM for me reading something like this. It's fascinating stuff, and they have grown rather complicated these days. Wonder if there's more on modern explosives."
Just the initials: JSM. What they don't know is the initials belong to one John "Soap" MacTavish, the man to hold Ghost's heart.
And for a while, there's a lot of entries including the initials "JSM" somewhere in their contents. Some entries are almost entirely relating to this "JSM" person. And it's clear, as the mentions of "JSM" increase, that Ghost has fallen madly in love with whomever this is. And the people that read the journals have grown fond of Ghost, and are cheering him on, hoping he gets his happy ever after.
But then Ghost doesn't show up for over a year. The stack of books remains the same, the journals untouched.
But when he does, something's different. He immediately heads towards the section on "Grief and Loss". He stands there for an overwhelmingly long time before picking a couple of books and heading for his little table in the back.
And he reads, and journals, and cries all at the same time. No one even realized he was crying until a staff member passed by and noticed the tears falling from his eyes as he scribbled into the journal. No one bothers him, of course, but there's an overwhelming sadness that passes over the bookstore that day.
No one's brave enough to read the entries from that day, and they let the journals sit overnight. Ghost is back the next day, does the same, and leaves. Doesn't spend hours just simply perusing, but instead sits and reads the books he collected on grief/personal loss and journals.
But one day, after Ghost stops showing up again, becomes brave enough to read the journal entries from the last 3 days.
Word spreads like wildfire.
JSM is now Johnny and Johnny is gone.
It all makes sense, and all the regulars, all the staff that are familiar with Ghost and his journals mourn. They mourn on Ghost's behalf and they mourn for Ghost.
They mourn for him because the way he wrote changed, the way he spoke in his entries changed, his demeanor when in the store changed. They mourn Ghost because clearly Johnny took a part of him with him; his heart.
One day, there's a book about coping with losing your spouse, specifically geared towards younger people (especially ones in Ghost and Soap's age range *25-35*). There's actually no journal entries specified for most of the book, almost like he simply read it and didn't bother sharing his thoughts.
That is until the end of the book, where there's one journal entry marked to accompany the final chapter.
{I've read this book probably ten times now. The first time was actually the easiest. It was new to me, and I enjoy picking apart new books and getting through them. The second time was the hardest. It's when the words I had already read were starting to sink in. Too quickly I had been brought back to that day I lost Johnny. I didn't dwell too long on this book. I didn't want to, at least. But I kept going back to it because I knew it had answers and solutions. In reality, it didn't really help. It more took the mess in my head and sorted it out so I could deal with it more easily. I miss Johnny more than anything else in life. Losing him has been the worst thing I've ever gone through. Which is quite impressive, considering some of the things I've experienced. This book has taught me many things, and I only wish to share the one I feel speaks the greatest volumes. "But like all wounds, it takes time to heal a broken heart." What an incredible lesson. I've had my fair share of wounds to heal from, and I am painfully intimate with the recovery process of broken bones. Never once did I consider my heart something that could be wounded and recovered from. I always figured if my heart had been wounded, then that would be the end. But I was wrong. A heart can be broken and wounded, and like all injured things, it can heal. It's a beast of a recovery process, I won't lie, but the idea I'm merely recovering from a near-fatal injury comforts me. It's morbid, I suppose, to be comforted by that, but I am. It means he didn't die in vain, and that is all I ask for.
~Simon "Ghost" Riley}
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Half-Ghost Billy Batson
(Inspired by a post that I can’t find😡😤. If you recognize it please let me know! I have searched. Everywhere. I remember it starts off with Billy contemplating how he’s different and his dad didn’t want him, and then Danny shows up.)
Danny Fenton grows up, gets crowned King of the Infinite Realms, and then discovers that time it weird in the Zone if the portal you came through doesn’t stay open. He’s been ruling for over a century, but it’s only been a few years on Earth. Early on he made sure to keep popping in and out to visit family and friends and keep up a human identity, and so was able to age normally too.
By the time he’s 25 (2015), he’s in a serious relationship with a woman named Mary Batson, and has decided to tell her about his other life. Before he can however, he is ‘killed’ in an explosion at his civilian job as an engineer.
He’s fine, but was weakened enough that he reverted to his core, and Clockwork retrieved him and took him to the Realms to heal. He does, goes discreetly looking for Mary, and discovers it been a year and she died in a car accident. Heartbroken, and with no civilian identity anymore, he starts spending all his time in the Zone, only making weekend trips to see family/friends.
Unknown to Danny, Mary was pregnant, gave birth, and little William ‘Billy’ Daniel Batson was saved via emergency C-Section after the accident and placed in foster care, because she had no family and no one looked into the father’s well enough. Mary only survived long enough to name her son and give them Danny’s name.
10 years later, Billy gains the title of Champion of Magic. The influx of so much magic also triggers his… other genes.
As Billy, he is faster and stronger and heals quicker and if he concentrates really hard he can turn invisible and walk through things— at least for a few moments. He also discovers that he’s essentially a cat, since he can hiss and purr and randomly sprout claws.
Billy only uses a mirror if he needs to give himself a haircut, but the next time he looks he notices the tiny little baby fangies. And that his eyes are more teal than blue, his hair has a few white spots in it, and his ears point a little more. No wonder no one’s been bothering him lately.
(He’s basically 75% human and 25% ghost, so unless he gets hosed down with pure ectoplasm and also eats a bunch of the stuff, he’s not going to be able to ‘go ghost’. He’s just hasn’t got enough Phantom in him to manage it.)
As Captain Marvel, the magic of his patrons and the Rock of Eternity kinda work as a counter-measure against the partially-dead thing, as the magic sees it as a threat to the Champion’s health and fights the genes’ effects like it’s a virus. So the magic is basically shutting down all of the actual powers he gets as Billy. But he does get little things that the magic doesn’t care about, like sharp little fangs and pointy ears.
Billy just thinks it’s all side effects of the magic, and uses his new ‘adaptations’ as Billy to survive on the streets.
The Justice League comes knocking about 6 months in, meet this huge chipper dude who can evenly match Superman and uses magic in a way that causes other magic users headaches and rage, and invite him to join.
That’s when they notice that he’s a bit… strange.
Not like, in a bad way! Just, the other day Batman did the ‘appear behind you from nowhere’ thing and when Marvel noticed he full on hissed at him, like a feral cat, before looking sheepish and apologizing.
A few weeks later, they’re rescuing some kidnapped meta kids and they find Marvel sitting cross-legged on the ground, several toddlers draped over him and a very distinct purring noice emanating from his chest.
A week after that, and Superman confides worriedly that sometimes Marvel’s heart will just… stop beating, and/or he’ll stop breathing, and that when his heartbeat is gone there seems to be a strange hum coming from the center of his chest.
Then another 2 weeks later, after a meeting, he and Flash were talking and they both laughed, but when Marvel did he just flashed these very sharp incisors that Flash swears are fangs.
And then one day they call him in to help fight some demons and one growls at him and he freakin growls back, bares his definitely fangs I told you so! And just freakin launches at the thing. They basically roll around like a couple of territorial tomcats, and at first Marvel is throwing punches and lighting but then the demon bites him and Marvel just… bites back.
And then he like… sprouts claws?! And then it really is like a cat fight, with these two just hissing and growling and clawing and biting until Marvel does something and the demon breaks away and flees, whimpering like a kicked dog. Superman has to snag Marvels cape and dodge some claws to keep the guy from chasing after it.
He’s covered in claw marks and scratches and there’s blood like everywhere but once they drag/convince/bully him into going back to the Watchtowers medbay, there’s nothing. The wounds are gone, the blood is fading away, and the suit is repairing itself. Marvel just shrugs and says magic, which, fair enough.
But then they have to have a talk about what the hell that was, and all Marvel can say for his feral-cat behavior is “I just heard him growl and had the uncontrollable urge to bite him. Like, he’s in my territory, and he’s gonna challenge me like that? Heck-no.”
…Territory? Territory?! What does that- does this possibly-immortal being consider all of Earth his territory? Is he secretly a Fae? An eldritch being in less terrifying form? Part demon himself? A cat transformed into a person?
Marvel shrugs.
“I never met my parents, so honestly any of those have a chance of being true.”
Oh No. Oh F*ck. Those were rhetorical!
Meanwhile, Danny is back on Earth and finds out from Tucker that Mary had a kid. They discover this because he was reported missing after he ran away and the cops tried to find out if there was any more family, and do a better job looking this time. Danny is ‘dead’ so they called the Drs Fenton, who told Jazz, who told Tucker, who dug around and realized oh sh*t, Danny has a son.
But they can’t tell Danny this, because some a-hole in a different dimension is trying to invade the Infinite Realms, so Danny has to go kick a**. The time in the other dimension is weird too, so several years pass on Earth by the time he stops the threat, locks away the demon Trigon, and finds a nice home in the Realms for the demon’s half-human orphaned daughter Raven, who fits in very well with the ghosts.
So, Danny’s back and between Tucker and Danny they figure out what city Billy is in, and Danny spends days flying around invisible feeling for any ectoplasm. He finds it, finds Billy facing down some wanna-be teenage gangsters, and watches with growing pride as his son hisses at them with his widdle baby fangs oh my Ancients!
So after the other kids flee from the ‘crazy demon kid’, Danny invisibly follows Billy back to his current hideout in the basement of an abandoned warehouse (only someone Billy-sized or smaller would be able to fit through the window, and then they’d have to do it again to get into his little blocked-off closet. Smart. Very smart. I have such a smart kid, the family will Love him!)
Danny doesn’t want to freak his kid out— strange man+small space=bad no-no— so he just settles himself in front of the exit and starts chirping. Calling.
Billy, who has never heard the sound before, still knows what it means. Can’t resist following it out of his hidey-hole. Sees the man, cross-legged on the ground, sees his blue eyes flash green-green-green and knows.
“Hi, Billy. Is so good to meet you!”
2015: Danny=25
2016: Billy born
2027: Billy=11, Danny=27
Hope you guys like this!
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l1vchuu · 1 year
resentment. part two
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!! warnings: fainting, eating disorders, slow burn, angst, mainly focused on f!reader.
You closed your eyes as you waited, waiting for it to pass. The soft tone of her voice rang in your ears, scraping them like sandpaper to wood. Amelia wasn’t alone, nor was she with Ghost, she was talking to somebody else. You could barely pick up the voice of the other person, but for sure it was a deep, male voice. 
Alejandro, you thought to yourself. Yeah, everybody knows how flirty he can get, no wonder why he would stick to her like a mosquito. 
“So, you said you were from where? You have a slight accent. Wait- let me guess- Texas?”
The girl laughed at his guess, shaking her head.
“Nope, try again!”
“Okay, okay… Missouri?”
Amelia laughed even harder. 
She finally admitted, a big smile planted on her delicate, soft face. Alejandro brought a hand up his face, shaking his head in disappointment. 
So, if Ghost isn’t with her, where is he then?
Your computer monitor turned on and lit up your face, making you squint your eyes, adjusting to the sudden appearance of light. You returned your attention to your monitor, completely ignoring the back-to-back flirt in the hallway. You opened up the browser, getting ready to start the working day. 
It was 12 pm, the sun was shining and the sky was oh so clear, with a few soft transparent clouds placed randomly among it. The gentle soft sun rays entered your office, brightening the room. You had already opened a window or two, letting the breeze in. Piles of papers and files were stacked on your desk, most of them marked and signed with highlighters and red pens. Since you were still taking a break from the previous mission, all you have to do now is paperwork, which was easy for you. The last time Captain Price called you, he said that you weren’t going on any missions anytime soon, since a teammate got severely injured on the way back to base, leading him to his passing. That was the reason for Amelia's appearance- to fill a hole in the team until someone else arrives. Someone better.
You yawned, taking a slight break from working- you had the whole day to get done with it, so why not take a walk around the base?
You stood up from your chair, stretching your arms and legs, hence you’ve been working since 6 am. You took off your blue light glasses as you headed out the door, closing it behind you. You looked around- it was another work day for everyone. Turning your heel, you began walking towards the shooting range. On your way, you passed through Ghost and Kyle’s office, taking a slight peek, you finally saw Simon. Your eyes lit up but did they lit up with rage or happiness? He was sitting at his desk, checking papers. Simon was wearing his balaclava only, not even bothering to put on eye grease like he usually does. As his eyes began to look your way, you immediately picked up the pace, passing through every office until you found the range. 
Your heartbeat has fastened again,
Why did I react like that? 
You couldn’t understand, why did you walk away, when you could’ve gotten inside or at least said hi? 
But, no, he didn’t deserve that. He couldn’t even bother asking where had you been last night, why was your body covered up in bandages? But you knew you couldn’t tell him, it’s not like he doesn’t know your past- he knows everything about you. And it pained you even more, seeing your puffy eyes, seeing your body, it ached for him. You ached for him. Did he even notice? Did he notice your existence at all? Did Amelia completely delete every memory of you? Was he in love with her? 
Why did you care if he was- He was your best friend, right? Right.
Do best friends cry every time they feel like the other doesn’t pay attention to them? Do best friends sob every night, wanting to feel the other's touch and affection? Do best friends harm themselves when they feel like they’re not enough for the other? Do best friends lose themselves for the other? 
You rested your back against the wall, trying to keep your balance. As everyone leaves their offices to eat lunch, you hear footsteps coming toward you. You turned your head in their direction- Soap, with a gentle smile, approached you.
“Well hello there!”
He stands beside you as you nodded at him, forcing a quick smile.
“Wanna eat? I’m starving!” 
Soap says as he puts an arm around you, pulling you with him. As he continued the way down the cafeteria he was blabbing all about his day, getting mad as he spoke. But you barely paid any attention to him, it’s like your ears are filled with white noise.
When you approached the table, you sat across from Johnny.
“Hey, why didn’t you get any food?” 
“I’m not hungry, I ate before this.”
You lied. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday’s lunch. The only thing in your stomach was the coffee from this morning.  And- if you were to eat anything, the first thing you would be able to do is to throw it all up so you weren’t hungry at all.
Soap nodded, eating his lunch as you two sat in silence. He looked at you, wondering about something. He knew something had changed in you, he just couldn’t place a finger on what. He notices your swollen eyes:
“Have you gotten any sleep? You look like a corpse.”
“Very funny.”
“No, like, not joking. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Johnny. It’s just stress, you know the drill.”
“Just making sure, you know.”
“Don’t worry about me, where is Gas?”
“Kyle is on cleaning duty- he accidentally broke the printer in Price's office.”
He held onto his laugh. Your eyes widened.
“No way! How did he manage to fuck up like that?”
“Don’t know, it’s a talent at this point!”
You laughed, calming down a little bit. Soap was usually the person who messed stuff up and got punished later in the process. You looked around, your eyes scanning the cafeteria. You know who you are looking for. He wasn’t there. Johnny caught your gaze, again, something was off. 
“So uhh, I haven’t seen you talk to Ghost in a while, did something happen?”
You almost choked on your spit as you looked at him, your pupils dilating. 
“Nah, just work.”
Johnny knew, of course, since him and Ghost are close, too. He decided not to integrate any further so he just nodded. Simon told him about you, and his situationship with Amelia. 
Everybody knew how close you and Simon are, since you’ve always been together, weather it was in training or just hanging out. On the other hand, everyone thought that you were dating at some point, which usually made you laugh. 
Johnny thought for a minute, wondering if he wanted to tell you or not. He knew about your feelings, especially with the new recruit coming along, he understood you. But he thought it would be better to tell you sooner or later. 
“Amelia and Ghost are hooking up.”
And that was the worst way he could’ve told you, but he did. You looked at him, unfazed. 
“I know.”
No, I didn’t, but now things were clearer. 
A few hours have passed since lunch and you tried so hard to accept the news, but your body had other plans. Your stomach twisted at every thought about it, making you feel sick. You were sick.
It has been a month, and you couldn’t feel worse. 
One day you were at your desk, filling papers until you felt your head almost burst open from pain. You winced, holding your head in your hands, you couldn’t feel a thing, only immense pain. Your head was throbbing and throbbing, until your body felt lighter- then you fainted. 
Usually, nobody comes to your desk at this late hour, so absolutely no one noticed. As your unconscious body was laying on your desk, your office phone rang- it was Price. The ringing continued for a while, the vibrations causing your desk to shake a bit. But you were laying there, you weren't there.
After he called you about three times, he came to your office. At first, he thought you were sleeping and called your name even louder- but when you didn’t answer, he went closer to check on you, and then he saw. The realization hit him.
As he checked your pulse, he sighed out of relief. Without panicking, he called a medic to get you checked.
You had a dream again.
You were laying in a field and the smell of grass and flowers filled your lungs. The nice spring wind was dancing in the air, you have never felt so peaceful. The birds sang beautifully and you were staring at the clear sky. The weather wasn't cold, yet not too warm. In the distance you could see a path, leading to a nearby lake.
Maybe I should go there.
You stood up, the wind welcoming you as it flew through your hair. You walked through the field, the beautiful sight making you feel full. You couldn't have been happier.
When you got to the lake, you sat on the porch. The coldness of the wood hitting your legs, you looked around. This place felt similar to you, you've been there before. You rested on the porch for a while, letting your legs soak in the lake water as you enjoyed the view- the trees resting on top of the lake, birds flying in and out of them as if they were playing tag.
All of these creatures- yet you still felt so alone.
So alone, you wanted to tear your body to pieces, hoping that would make you feel needed- maybe even cared for. But you weren't.
The only person who understood every particle of your brain is gone now. He wasn't there. It's like you never existed to him. All of these empty glances and smiles. Why?
Why is he not there when you need it the most? Oh, wait. He caused it. He made you do this. Or did he? What if it's all you? What if it is all your fault?
It is your fault.
A bird came up to you, sweet and little. You lowered your head to look at it, smiling. It looked up at you with its' cute and small eyes. And then it spoke to you.
Who are you?
You blinked, your brain registering the information.
I'm talking to you! Who are you?
You tilted your head, not knowing how to answer.
I'm a human.
I can see that, but it's not what I'm asking. Who are you?
You stopped for a bit, confused. You didn't quite understand what the bird was asking you.
You don't look quite good, what happened to you?
It was true, you didn't look good. Your eyes were swollen and a bit red- a purple tint around them, forming black circles.
Nothing happened. I'm okay.
You're lying, you don't look okay.
I'm just a little tired. You know, from work and all.
Only tired? You look like you're sick.
Yeah, I haven't eaten in a while.
Why don't you eat?
It's complicated. You're a bird, you won't understand it.
Maybe I'm a bird, but I can see when someone doesn't feel good. What is your work like?
It's not for everyone. It's harsh and dangerous.
Do you think you can handle that?
I've worked there for a lot of time, and I could handle it.
I'm supposed to be strong, right? You thought to yourself.
But you look weak, are you sure you're made for it?
It's just temporary, I'll get better.
Are you sure? When I feel tired from carrying sticks, I take a break. Why don't you take a break?
Why don't you take a break?
You thought about that for a bit, you could take a break. A long brake. A vacation even. Why don't you just quit the job? I mean, you could. You can just leave and return to your hometown, and start living a new life, apart from all the torture and pain.
That sounds good, but all of my friends are there.
If all of your friends are there, why do you still feel this way? My friends help me when I'm sad- and I help them.
But I don't have anyone back home.
That's not true- you have yourself. One person can change a lot of things in your life, why can't that person be you? You could always make new friends.
But I don't feel great when I'm alone.
Learning to like solitude takes time, but you'll get there eventually.
A whistle could be heard from the distance, making the bird jump.
Oh, that was for me- I have to go! See you around!
The bird flew into the trees, leaving you alone again. That encounter left you speechless for a while.
Maybe the bird was right. You can always leave.
When you woke up, you weren’t in the place where you fell asleep in. You looked around, trying to understand the situation. When the nurse came in, she told you everything. You had fainted out of exhaustion.
When you felt better enough to walk, you asked if you could get checked out. She nodded, writing stuff on her pad as she checks you out. She also told you to visit Price’s office. You thanked her and went straight to his door. As you knocked, he told you to come in. When you came in, he smiled at you:
“Feeling better?”
You nodded. He motions you to sit on the chair, and you did that.
You sat in silence for a bit.
"Look, you might not know it- but the boys are worried about you. You stay in your office all day-"
"I want to take a break."
You interrupt, looking at him with your swollen eyes. He nods.
"A break? Sure, you can take a break."
"When can I leave?"
"How long will you be leaving for? Two weeks? One week?"
"A month."
"A month? Are you sure about that- I mean- I could give you that but we'll have to replace you."
"No, I'm sure."
"Okay then, I'll file the papers later and you can leave tomorrow morning. Is that okay for you?"
"Yes, sir."
"Alright, do you want me to say anything to the rest of the team?"
"No, sir."
He nods again.
"You can go and get your things ready, Sergant. Have a nice break and..."
He pauses for a bit.
"Stay safe."
You nodded as you stood up and headed to the door. You exited and went back to your room. It was empty, no wonder.
Fortunately, Ghost was on a night shift, which meant that you wouldn't have to explain yourself. It's not like he would care, right?
You packed your things and laid on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. You'll be leaving in an hour.
When the time came, you left the base. Gladly nobody noticed your leave.
But Ghost came home to an empty room. All of the pictures on the walls, your clothes, everything was gone, including you.
Heyy! I apologize for the late post, I've been busy with school and all that, but here I am. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. If you want part three, make sure to like or reblog- I'm open to suggestions!
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