#bedridden tim drake
stealingyourbones · 11 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #844
Jason has an unstable time core. He gets warped to the day he died and panicked, running towards his younger self and turning him intangible as the explosion threw rubble and smoke and glass everywhere as the warehouse collapsed. He pulled Robin above the rubble and placed him there, his mind racing and panicking as the memories of his death raced through his head. He hears a motorcycle in the distance as the tugging in his chest pulled him back into the present… But this was a very different present. Jason didn’t die that day, he remembered a figure pulling him through the rubble and to safety and vanished in a spiral of green just as his dad screamed his name. He now had two sets of memories. He remembered Clark picking him up from the rubble and bringing him to the nearest hospital. He remembers being bedridden for over a year from the injuries caused in the warehouse. the whispers that Bruce was getting more violent without a Robin at his side as he was stuck in a hospital room. And then the Tim Drake kid from down the road confronting Bruce about his unneeded violence. Nonono it was all wrong. The memories felt so real and at war in his mind. the pain and heat from the explosion, the smoke filling his lungs as he choked out his last breath. Waking up in a coffin clawing to the surface with his belt buckle. The Pits and the League. Red Hood. All of it. It was just as real as the new memories flooding his memory. Jason still had an unstable time core. He still died in that explosion, but now he’s stuck in a new timeline. A walking paradox. Both reeking of death and yet has never even glimpsed the pearly gates. He’s going to need to get some help from a magic user and he’s going to somehow explain to Bruce how he has a time core without dying. Fuck.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
by AlexaAffect He glanced back toward Bruce, who now had an arm wrapped around the woman’s waist. When Bruce leaned in to kiss her cheek, the sudden burst of nausea surprised Jason. Now, it wasn’t unusual for him to be revolted by his father’s antics. It was, however, unusual for Jason to have an actual physical reaction. He swallowed heavily, wincing when it did nothing to relieve the steadily rising queasiness. A glance toward his empty glass didn’t solve the mystery either. He’d had remarkably little to drink that night. Especially if you took into consideration that Jason was here against his will! A nicotine flash then? Also no; he’d barely smoked half a cigarette. His speculation about the cause of his uneasiness did nothing to relieve it. Jason swallowed again, trying to fight back the discomfort. It was to no avail. Before he could steal the attention away from his father by doing something equally stupid, like throwing up in the middle of a ballroom, Jason fled. Or alternatively; Jason gets poisoned during a gala and is bedridden. He isn't left alone for a second of it. Words: 7507, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DC Extended Universe, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU) Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Gets A Hug, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Jason Todd Has a Bad Time, Jason Todd Has Nightmares, Jason Todd Has Trust Issues, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Sickfic, Sick Jason Todd, Fever, Poison, Poisoning, Protective Bruce Wayne, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Barbara Gordon, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Good Sibling Duke Thomas, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Family Feels, Jason Todd is a Batfamily Member, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Vomiting, Whump, Suffering Jason Todd, Angst, Angst and Feels, Pain, Seizures via https://ift.tt/Fq6RW5b
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Someone write me a story about Deacon Blackfire feeding populace of Gotham propaganda, kidnapping and/or brainwashing homeless people, straight-up killing people and making Gotham citizens think it's a good thing all those people are suddenly gone; then orchestrating assassination of government officials and blaming police for their inefficiency, and then taking out the rest of the city council. Stealing, or buying from, corrupt police force, crowd control and munitions. And then taking over Gotham in what feels like days. Or hours. Or weeks. The time blurs.
Those good christians who praised him after they were spoon-fed his bullshit from newspaper and tv screen; some evacuated, because they did not expect that. Shooting on the streets. Blown up buildings. Taking over government buildings, hospitals, robbing malls. Taking over cell towers. They wholeheartedly supported his actions but they don't want to live under such conditions. With water once every three days (maybe). With no electricity for a week.
Some stay and sincerely regret, but keep quiet. Nobody wants to get shot in the back.
Some stay and wholeheartedly support. Join. Whenever else you get to rob your up and coming neighbor? Oh, not rob, expropriate. It's not like it would happen to them - they are good citizens. It will not happen to them. And if it happens to someone who thought of themselves a good citizen, well - they just weren't. They were probably secretary Batman sympathizers. And didn't Batman... Kill someone while stealing magnitolas? Or something. The news said so. Yeah, the news under control of Deacon Blackfire, what other news do you trust?
Yeah. I kinda want to read a story like that.
Deacon is the tip of the iceberg. Who financed him? His initial cronies, who paid them to come to Gotham, or, if they were recruited, how much did they get to turn the city they live in into a prison? Who got him access to prime TV channels, or those newspapers? Who controlled and manipulated the public opinion? Who got him in touch with corrupt police forces? Organized assassinations? Teracts?
Court of Owls.
Why did they move at this time? Gotham finally started to recover. The last election ousted their guys from the office. Laws begin to change. There were more oversight over the police, less budget to steal from. More funding for education, and nobody wants smart electorate, yes? Reforms, real reforms started to take place. To make Gotham a more democratic, prosperous city, with less economic disparity. But think about, if you get the people on the bottom to earn more, you get less, no? If you get the people in the middle to raise up, won't you risk getting ousted? If the water is clear, how do you steal the fish?
And most importantly, isn't it disgusting to see those people, people you always look down onto, happy? How can they strive for more? How can they question status quo, your status? They don't think they're equal to you, do they? Simply unacceptable. They want to burn Gotham to the ground, as an example. After all, it's not the only city they have influence in.
So yes, they used Deacon Blackfire, as a puppet, but it always has been them, actually.
Unfortunately, this happened just after Robin died, not before. So nobody found and rescued Batman. Oh, Tim Drake would want to, but his parents were the ones who was like: yeah, how great it is that there's less undesirable elements on the street! And then packed their things and left the city as soon as the shooting started.
So no, Tim Drake is not going to rescue Batman here.
And Nightwing is not in Gotham at this point.
And former Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, is in hospital.
Who is in Gotham:
- Huntress, who never liked men who say they can decide who lives and who dies;
- Spoiler, who can spot a con from twenty miles away, and this con she spotted from the start;
- Duke Thomas, whose parents stayed because evacuating his bedridden grandmother was impossible - only one day they went to get medical supplies for her and never got back;
- Isabella Ortiz, Riko Sheridan, Daxton Chill, and Andre Cipriani, who found safety - and ability to fight back - in numbers, and introduce themselves as 'We Are Robin";
- Dana and Denise Harlow, having to stay because of their father getting hurt during the initial take over fighting;
- a girl with some kind of speech disorder who almost got shot saving Commissioner Gordon from a sniper, back when the troubles just started;
- a boy with untreated head injury who isn't actually a part of any resistance cells in Gotham, but sometimes you fight against Deacon Blackfire's zombie-like followers, and he will pass through, kick their asses, and then go back to hunting a burger in the dumpster or something (which, okay, happened once, but still very noteworthy);
- Damian Head, who arrived in Gotham just before it all started, to find his father.
It's probably goes something like this: Duke's parents go missing, he's on the lookout for them, he meets We Are Robins, he helps them fight Deacon's zombies, and now he's targeted as well.
They retreat to the Nest. Nest has some kind of generator-powered local network that connects several hubs in the city. They don't know who exactly they're talking to, but the person on the other side of the screen (they only see their avatar, a little green man (??? That's what it looks like, anyway; this - possible alien - person didn't offer them any other name to use anyway) exchanges intel with them so.
Duke joins up Robins. They're doing everything they can to combat Blackfire and find out who is behind him (well, that's mostly what Little Green Man does). He himself mostly wants their help in finding his parents, at first. But yeah, if they have a chance of overthrowing Blackfire...
The chances, let's say, not very good. If we counted only those 5 pre or early teens. However, over the time, they find other allies, both big names they were already in awe of (Huntress, Spoiler), and names they never heard before (Damian, let's say, a really weird but enthusiastic and we'll intentioned. Even if he's a bit like a hedgehog. V cute but has spikes on his back, metaphorically speaking; Dana and Denise , although don't partake in fighting specifically, organize their neighborhood to protect and take care of each other; they also help with Duke's grandmother; of course, later it becomes known that Dana, in fact, does partake in fighting, but she does it in secret from her father and sister, not wanting to endanger them, or argue with them), and also no names at all (a maybe-mute girl; a boy who's probably suffering some head injury).
They by themselves, however, cannot save the Gotham completely. But organizing large scale civilian resistance; and attract support from other cities, especially such as Metropolis, just across the bay, whether it's for sneaking supplies in or for secretly evacuating people; and carrying out actual real fighting against Blackfire - yeah, that's how they win.
Oracle (their little green man, they find later), also managed, with their help, to find evidence against Court of Owls behind Blackfire, and make it public to initiate investigation into them, so they can be arrested, and their funds could not be used for funding Blackfire and his army of zombies.
So, eventually, Blackfire is, as are his followers, taken down. People he took hostage are rescued. Some were brainwashed into helping him, most were horribly tortured. One of such cases was Bruce Wayne.
Owls were also arrested. Their assets siezed by the government and used to rebuild Gotham and to pay reparations to the Gothamites. Some of them managed to escape but they are not going to be welcome anywhere with extradition, and companies they have their hands on cannot participate in business in the most countries in the world, as Court of Owls were labeled terrorist organization. Which, in the essence, they were.
Duke found his parents, Spoiler caught her dad who willingly collaborated with Blackfire, Huntress, who became Batman for a bit, joined Oracle's new team. The girl without name got the name - Cassandra, and a mantle - Batman. Dana and her sister mended their relationships, and their father fully recovered, and got a prosthetic leg sponsored by Cord Industries (as all Gotham citizens who needed prosthetic or medical aid of some kind). We Are Robins disbanded, but stayed in touch, as, by coincidence, all of them went to the same school now. The boy with head trauma got recognized - he was actually Bruce Wayne's son, presumed dead in a terract halfway across the world, but nobody in Gotham had it in them to be surprised. Crazier shit happened, and isn't he's going to be alright now? Get this: Damian Head was Wayne's other son he didn't even know existed. So yeah. Anyway. Their father, too, although he would need a lot of time to recover, and the degree of recovery is not certain. He does have a butler, so he was probably going to be alright.
They all were.
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awhitehead17 · 6 years
Whumptober 2018: Day sixteen - Bedridden
Summary: Bruce is laid up in bed recovering from a fever and to his surprise his sons decide to keep him company. 
Enjoy! :D
He hates it. Absolutely hates it. 
Its’s bad enough when he’s injured and restricted to the bed but being restricted to the bed because of a cold - “Master Bruce it is not a cold. You are suffering with a high temperature fever and if you do not rest now then you’ll be no good to Gotham or your children when it really matters.” - is ridiculous. 
He’s been in bed for the past day and while he is beginning to feel better health wise, the resting has done nothing to keep his mind at bay. Alfred has strictly enforced the no work rule upon him, so no WE business, no Gotham business and no league business. So the entire time he’s been laid up Bruce has been trying to keep his mind occupied with a variety of books and films but they can only do so much. 
Currently he’s halfway through reading a book when a knock appears at his door, then without invitation the door opens and four young men are wondering into his room. He watches with a raised eyebrow as his sons all situate themselves around his room, Damian sits opposite him by his feet on the bed, Tim sits at the desk chair, Jason sits on the desk and of course Dick sits right up next to him so they’re shoulder to shoulder. 
They all look at him with expected gazes and Bruce simply looks back at them in a questioning manor. They’re up to something, he knows it. It isn’t usual for all four of them to be in a room together and nothing happening. 
After a couple minutes of silence Bruce grows impatient. He wants to know what his sons are up to. Well what better way to get an answer is there than to simply ask. Placing down his book he glances at each of the four young men around him, “What are you all doing here?” 
Next to him Dick doesn’t hesitate to answer, grinning brightly he says, “Well Mr. Grumpy-guts we’re here to visit you!” 
“Yeah old man,” Jason pipes up, “Aren’t you happy to see us?”
“I just didn’t expect you that’s all.” Bruce tells them. He looks at his two youngest, “Tim, why aren’t you at WE? Didn’t you have a board meeting today?” 
Tim looks up from his phone (which he had gotten out just earlier) and gives him a sour look, “Tam’s making me have the day and weekend off. And yes there is a meeting, Tam’s taking care of it.” 
That explains the sour look, Tim’s not happy about having time off. Bruce looks to Damian opposite him, “How come you aren’t in school Damian?”
“We have the day off father, though I have already done all the work assigned for our time off. It was too easy, I could have done the work when I was 4 years old.” 
Bruce lets Damian’s comment go over his head, it’s normal to hear something like that come out his youngest’s mouth. “Ah, well at least your ahead. It’s always good to be on track,” is all he says. 
He doesn’t bother with asking his two eldest, as they like to constantly remind him, they’re both free spirits. Come and go as they please. 
His attention is drawn to Dick as the young man gets off the bed beside him and wonders over to his TV. Bruce watches as he switches the disc in the TV for a new one. He’s then coming back over and settling against his side once again, only this time he has the remote in hand. 
Turning the TV one Dick glances at each of his brothers, “Come on guys, there’s plenty of room!” 
Reluctantly his two middle sons come over to the bed and stand awkwardly at the side Dick wasn’t at for a moment. Then Jason was plonking himself on the bed and was dragging Tim down with him which causes the bed to shake as they both get comfortable. 
Damian makes a move to squish himself in between him and Dick. Bruce doesn’t mind, in fact he quite likes the idea of Damian being so close to him. 
A few minutes later all his sons are now occupied on his king-sized bed. Dick and Damian sat comfortably on his right and Jason and Tim were curled up together on his left. 
In front of them the film begins to play and Bruce starts to consider his earlier thoughts. Perhaps being stuck in bed wasn’t as bad as he thought, especially if he gets to sit and relax with all his sons. The only thing really missing from this was Alfred and the girls. Soon he needs to have a movie night or something where he could include everyone. 
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catxsnow · 4 years
I want to see Tim go absolutely feral.
Tim Drake, the guy who always has the right intentions, even with the sometimes wrong means of doing so. The guy that always seems to know what he's doing and is always one step ahead. The guy that always has everything under control because he's already planned everything out from the moment he steps into a room.
It always seems that he's so in control of every situation that nothing could go wrong. It's true for the longest time. Bruce trusts Tim to keep everyone safe on his own. If there's anyone that's going to get every civilian out alive, it's him. Everyone knows that Tim won't ever cross that line.
Until he does.
It was an accident, it really was. Tim had been getting stronger, his moves more agile than ever before. He didn't realize just how hard he could swing his bo-staff and just how precise a hit to the temple could be. Tim didn't realize that he had taken the last breath of a man until it was too late.
He wasn't scared of what Bruce was going to say, or Dick, or Jason - or anyone. That wasn't what he was scared of. It wasn't that he was petrified at how easy it was to kill someone. No, Tim was scared because everything that he had ever done finally clicked into place. Why was he the one that had to risk his life to save the bad guys? Why was he the one that needed to reach the brink of death just so that some scumbag could live and breathe again?
Tim couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep putting himself out there when he knew there was a better way. And so he did the one thing Batman refused to do: he killed. Tim broke free of this ridiculous rule that Bruce instilled into him. He was tired of it, tired of coming home broken and bruised.
They were minor at first - criminals scumbags that had no family and no one to miss them. Breaking free of Batman's vice grip of justice to find his own way - the better way. His brother's trying to bring him back before it was too late. His friends were unsure of what happened to their headstrong leader.
Tim got lost in the darkness far quicker than some of their enemies. He worked his way up from petty criminals to the ones that really matter. Boomerang. Calculator. Clock King. Kid Crusader. Mad Hatter. Joker. Ra's al Ghul.
It's Ra's that finally tips the scales. His brother's siding with Bruce on his quest to stop Tim. Cassie and Bart realizing that Tim has completely lost his moral sense of direction. It's Kon that stays with him. Kon believed in his best friend because Tim has never proven him wrong.
It's when he's standing above Ra's dead body does everyone realizes just how far he's gone. The league in shambles, blood soaking his hands, the criminals of Gotham - hell, of the world are starting to fear the Robin that they never had to worry about before. Everyone is scared because Tim's lost it.
Tim's gone completely feral against his enemies because he's so fucking bad at himself for wasting his years bedridden and in pain when he could have been doing this all along. He's pissed at Bruce for persuading him to fall under his moral code and keep everyone alive. Why is it his choice that everyone gets to live?
Why does the Bat get to decide that the people that have killed so many get to keep breathing themselves? He shouldn't have that power. No one deserves to say that people like Joker get to keep living after everything they've done. Tim couldn't stand by anymore - whether or not Bruce agreed with his plans.
So when the day comes that Bruce has to face his son, it's horrendous. It's not very often that Tim has seen Bruce cry. Damian's death. Jason coming back to life. Dick getting shot in the head by KGBeast. There are very few cases that Bruce breaks down. Seeing Tim for the first time since Boomerang's death? That was one of those times.
Tim's bo-staff is blood-stained. His knuckles bruised and scarred far worse than ever before. New cuts on facing from facing his foes like never before. It's not the physicality of it all that makes Bruce like this. It's the look in Tim's eyes that breaks his heart.
The look of someone who doesn't care that they've killed, that takes pride in those that they've killed. Tim's got that empty, horrendous look in his eyes that Bruce has only ever seen that look in the people that Tim's already killed. No one came back once they had that look in their eyes.
It's that night that Tim realizes that he can't have anyone getting in his way - not when the safety of everyone is at stake. Why stop at the Joker or Ra's? Lex, Deathstroke, hell even Darkseid? Why let those people roam free when they can be stopped? Tim has the power, he's always had the power to put an end to it.
It was Bruce's code that held him back before, and now, it was Bruce himself. So Tim gives him the ultimatum - stay out of his way, or become an enemy. If there was one thing about Batman that Tim knew, it was that he was never going to stand aside when someone was in harm's way.
So what was Tim supposed to do? Let Bruce take him to Arkham to miraculously bring him back to his old self? Nothing about him had changed - he was still the same boy he once was. The difference was now his mind had been cleared of all tainting Bruce had cast on him. Tim couldn't lose to Bruce, not when he still had so much work to do.
Tim did what he had to. He did what no one else in Gotham managed to do. He got rid of the Bat, once and for all.
With Bruce Wayne gone, Tim had no one holding him back. No one to try and sway his moral compass that all this killing was wrong. No one to stop him from cleaning up the world from people that didn't deserve another breath. Batman was gone, and it was Tim's turn to be the protector of Gotham - the right way to protect Gotham.
It was at that moment did everyone realize just how far he was willing to go. Clark, who swore that Bruce could bring his son back home. Dick, who was horrified that Tim was able to go as far as to kill his adoptive father. Kon, who swore that Tim always knew what was right, suddenly faltering at every choice he's made.
Kon, who realizes that this whole time that he was back Tim up, that he was only pushing his father and father towards the edge. Killing Bruce, that had been the final push to get him to fall. Tim would never be able to return to that ledge, not when he had dived headfirst off of it. Kon, who realized that he was the one that was encouraging his best friend to become a monster.
Dick, who knows that he has to face Tim for what he's done. Dick, who tries to stand up against his little brother who murdered their father. Dick, who's on his knees, pleading for Tim to realize what he was doing and that he was going too far. He could forgive him for Ra's, JOker, hell all the other petty criminals that had been disposed of. But Bruce?
Bruce who had given them so much had created this life for them when they had nothing else. Dick couldn't look past that, he could never look past that.
When Tim gives him the ultimatum - the same one that he had given Bruce - Dick can't accept. He can't get on board with this, this mad way of justice. Dick lets Tim defeat him because he can't fight his brother, not even after everything that he's done. All he can see while looking up at Tim from his knees is the little boy that was so filled with joy, so filled with hope to make the world a better place.
Dick's broken because how the hell was he supposed to stop someone who he practically raised, that would now go to no end to take out every criminal he could. How is he supposed to take down Tim until he can't get back up when all he can think about was the first time that he brought Tim to the Titan's Tower and seeing the same joy on his face the first time he arrived all those years ago.
Tim falters, only for a moment. He can't take Dick down as easily as Bruce because he knows that the only reason that he's given up is because he is too broken to fight back. Dick has so much hope in him that Tim will realize that this is wrong. He doesn't; he doesn't realize that what he's doing is wrong because he's not wrong.
It's that split second that everything happens so fast that he can't control it for the first time since he started this mission. Dick moving so fast in one last hope that Tim will come back as himself because he sees that flash of hesitance. It's his last mistake. Tim moves out of reaction, not thinking about his movements but pushing Dick so hard that he stumbles towards the ledge of the building they're upon.
Dick grabbing onto the ledge with all his strength with Tim just standing above him, staring at his brother without thinking to help him back up. He gives him the same ultimatum once more. Dick doesn't have the voice to reply, his throat is tight and it feels like claws dragging down it. He can’t breath, can’t think properly. Dick’s destroyed at what’s become of his brother. 
He doesn't need a response, it's his release of the ledge that answers Tim's question.
Dick takes a final fall, just as his parents had. The fall that started this whole thing - that brought Tim to where he is now. The fall that ended the Grayson family, once and for all.
another (longer than ten minutes this time I promise) ficlet angst! Because apparently I like making you suffer. Had some help this time with @pricetagofficial @river-bottom-nightmare @screennamealreadyused and @subtleappreciation
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dicktim-ao3feed · 2 years
Boyish Wonder
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AmBfGov
by jadedupstart
Tim Drake, the current Robin, finds himself bedridden after a fight goes south. However, he doesn't mind too much now that Dick Grayson is around and willing to take care of him.
Words: 1849, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson
Relationships: Tim Drake/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Masturbation, Fantasizing, Older Man/Younger Man, Major Character Injury
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AmBfGov
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( 2/2 ) i mean if i recall correctly didn't bruce take them in to provide homes for them after they lost their parents & often tried to talk them out of crime fighting even though a lot of them would go off & fight crime on their own accord ( whether he allowed it or not) ?
Anon you’re absolutely right!
(This is a long one so be warned).
He didn’t adopt/mentor the kids with the sole purpose of turning them into child soldiers or abusing them at all. His abusive and neglectful behaviour stands in stark contrast to his personality and moral code; most of these kids came from horrific backgrounds, so he would make himself as welcoming as possible to allow these kids to be kids, like they deserve to be. Vigilantism is their way of taking their life into their own hands and making change. His behaviour is nothing short of contradictory and I despise the various writers who made him that way.
I don’t have any sources/comic panels prepared but I want to answer this anyway:
Dick Grayson had just seen his parents die, and was filled with vengeance — he would have gone after Tony Zucco anyway, better to do it on Bruce’s terms. Also, he had spent several nights in a juvenile centre after his parents died (that’s where he ended up) and was beaten up brutally on basically his first night there. Bruce knew he wouldn’t survive, let alone thrive in the system, so he took him in. Robin was initially meant to be a temporary thing, to take down Zucco as well as his coworkers/superiors in the mob. After an encounter with the Joker in which Dick is bedridden, Bruce fires Dick from being Robin for his own safety. He later becomes Nightwing after going through a personality crisis and wondering who he was without Robin.
Barbara Gordon? She was going to be a crime fighter anyway — like Stephanie (we’ll get back to her) she made her own suit and went out on her own accord. Her dad is the police comissioner, but she recognised that the system wasn’t working — because of the mob, political corruption, police inadequacy and criminal conduct (which was/is the norm anyway), all that wonderful stuff — and felt that she had to do something. Bruce is vehemently against this but after a while he realises “oh god, she’s not going to stop,” and decides that, like Dick, it’s better for Babs to do the vigilante thing on his terms, because he’d spent years training for this, and Barbara was a child/teen.
Jason Todd lived on the streets after he stopped living with his abusive father (Willis) and his deceased, drug addicted mother (Catherine). He just saw a kid who had it extremely rough (homeless, formerly abused), and thought “I already have one child under my care, I can care for another, that’s reasonable.” Making him Robin was not only a constructive outlet for his anger, but also not Bruce’s intention at all. He may have met Jason as Batman, but he did not force the mantle of Robin onto him.
Tim Drake had already been BatWatch for years and had figured out who the Bats actually were. After Jason died, Tim saw how broken, angry and violent Bruce had become and he knew it was only a matter of time before something gave. He literally blackmailed his way into becoming Robin (via Dick, now Nightwing) because “Batman needs a Robin,” and he decided “I might as well be that Robin.” Bruce was incredibly resistant, because his son had just been murdered, and he doesn’t want that to happen to any other child — and he brushes Tim off for a while. When he does become Robin, it’s reluctant. He takes him in not just to him Robin but also because his parents are horribly neglectful (hence why he had so much free time as a child to be BatWatch and such) and only ever showed serious interest in his life while they were grooming him to be CEO of their company or when they felt Bruce was a threat to their parental authority (rightfully so.)
Stephanie Brown’s dad is Cluemaster, a minor villain who thought himself the nemesis of the Riddler (Nigma paid this guy no mind,) and left clues at his crime scenes in a similar manner to Riddler. As such her home life was tumultuous if not outright abusive and neglectful. Her mother (Crystal) is a drug user so she doesn’t spend a lot of time in the house. She created her own identity (Spoiler) to “spoil” her father’s plans and clues so Batman could take him and his buddies down. She comes into contact with Tim (ie. throws a brick at him) and works with the Bats so she wouldn’t get herself killed doing it alone.
Cassandra Cain is the daughter of two of the greatest assassins in the world (David Cain and Lady Shiva) and was never taught any form of spoken or written language. Instead, she learned to read body language and micro-expressions, all so she could become the best possible bodyguard for Ra’s al Ghul (head of the League of Shadows) and an excellent assassin. This backfired, and she ran away after witnessing/committing her first assassination and saw the pain and terror in her target — she spent several years on the run before Bruce found her and took her in. Fighting was all she knew, and she wanted to do the “good” fighting (vigilantism/working with the Justice League) instead of being an assassin. It was a way to reclaim her childhood and to help her create an identity of her own, separate from the League of Shadows.
Duke Thomas? He joined and later lead the We Are Robin movement to defend Gotham in Bruce’s abscence (‘Batman: Endgame’ I think is the storyline). I’m not as familiar with his story but he creates his own vigilante identity, The Signal, after his parents went insane (thanks Joker). He went into foster care while police search for his parents, and did generally did not have a Good Time. At this time, Bruce’s memory of being Batman had been erased, and it was Duke’s sense of justice and need to help others that set him on the course to become Batman again. He was never a Robin, and he works mostly in the daytimes, but Duke Thomas became a Bat of his own accord. Bruce simply brought The Signal under the cape and gave him a support network just as he had done for Babs and Steph (the other self-made vigelantes).
Damian Wayne. Biological son of Bruce and Talia al Ghul. In the current continuity he’s the product of a sexual assault, but either way, his purpose is to become the heir to the League of Assassins and their international criminal empire and shadow governments — he’s a manufactured soldier (hence why you might come across a lot of “test-tube baby” jokes, because he was grown mostly in an artificial womb.) Talia drops him off in Gotham in order to help Damian escape from Ra’s, and Bruce makes him Robin to give him an outlet for his anger and violence — in a non-homicidal fashion. Like Cass, all he knew was fighting and violence, but becoming Robin was a way for him to not only reclaim his lost childhood but also create an identity other than the killing machine he was intended to be.
Harper Row is another child from an abusive household — emancipating herself and her brother Colin from their father, Harper’s skill with engineering gives her the means to become a vigilante (Taser Girl?? I believe). Bluebird is her vigilante alias under Batman (her hair is a magnificent shade of blue) but is currently inactive, focusing on her career and education. Again i’m not super familiar with her character, but that’s the gist.
The important take-away is that these kids chose to become who they are — Bruce didn’t just pick them off the street like “you’re a Robin now have fun sweetie :)”, making them a Bat/Robin was simply a means to help these kids.
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18 for Tim Drake :)
18: Things they’ll never admit
Tim Drake is the secret keeper of the family.
That does not mean he knows the most. He does not. Cassandra knows the most, because she watches the closest, but the things she knows she considers just that—things she knows, not secrets. And Dick is told the most by others, but those are confidences, sacred trusts, not secrets.
No, Tim has the most secrets of them all. He plans to die with a graveyard of them locked behind his teeth. No threat or enticement could pry them free. He keeps the hoard of them, dirty and fetid, like an addict hiding pills.
He will never tell of the milestones his parents forgot or the disasters he coached himself through, young and alone. Of the times he evaded or ignored or outright lied to get the job done. Of the time Bruce, bedridden and fever-sick, caressed his face and called him Jason. He will never admit to the times in those bleak, early Red Robin years, when he took chances that could have been deadly, precisely because they could have been deadly. Of the nights he cried himself to sleep, only to wake and meet his family with a smile. Of the million little insecurities that weight him down.
And he will never tell of the shoebox, hidden where no one but him would look, filled with ticket stubs and pressed flowers, garbage to anyone who doesn’t know the memories attached to each. Or of the myriad of tiny, cherished moments, equally insignificant to the giver, when he was given a clap to the shoulder, a hug, a kiss to the forehead, a quiet word of praise. He won’t admit to how he looked forward to patrol with Batman, even on nights where they didn’t cross two words between them. He won’t admit how lost he would be without these people he’s built his life upon.
Tim Drake is the secret keeper, and his life’s foundations are the things he’ll never say.
So y’all are aware, all of my headcanons and meta for this prompt and past prompts are collected here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16730115
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fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years
Bedridden - Co-written with @3ambird
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Summary:Tim has been stuck in bed for over a month and it’s driving him up the wall, he feels like the family is pushing him away.
...All he wanted was a coffee.
Word count: 2833
Link for it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26205868
Notes: Hey! This work was created by both me and @3ambird​​. They did an amazing job, and this work wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for them giving me the idea for it!! Make sure to give them all the love they deserve!! I hope you enjoy this <3
It’s been a little over a month. One whole month of laying in bed, not being able to do anything by himself other than change the channels on TV. Tim felt awful, he felt powerless. His broken leg was annoying, and his broken ribs made breathing difficult, not to mention the pneumonia he’d only just recovered from. Sleeping wasn’t easy either, seeing as he had to be kept in an upright position at all times so that the bones would heal properly. He had gotten a brand new scar on his neck, and looking at that in the mirror was still hard. But that wasn’t even the worst of it.
The worst part, the real humiliating part, was needing help for every little thing. He hated not being able to walk properly, hated not being able to do what he wanted to do, when he wanted to do it, by himself.
He hated having to ask for help to go to the bathroom.
And above all, he hated needing help to bathe.
It was humiliating, having someone standing next to him and helping him clean himself, rubbing the parts he couldn’t reach because his ribs wouldn’t let him twist that way. He felt vulnerable and exposed. He thanked the heavens that Dick was so willing to help, because the few times Alfred had to cover for his older brother had been really awkward. And that’s not even mentioning that one time with Bruce.
And then there’s the pity. Everyone’s been giving him those ”understanding” looks, those soft eyes, trying not to share details from their cases, not mentioning their vigilante personas around him, turning off the news whenever he’s around, asking if he needs anything, all the time... Alfred has been cooking his favorite meals every other day, and even Damian was being nice to him. Damian, the demonspawn who would always criticize his every single move was being nice.
That was what really scared the crap out of him, it made him feel like he might never be able to be Red Robin ever again. It was as if they all knew it too, wanting to make him comfortable with being pushed away from that part of their lives, as if they were easing him back into being a civilian.
Tim sighs, wincing at the pain that spreads through his chest, and rubbing his temples in an attempt to ease his constant headache. It’s due time for him to try and do something by himself.
Slowly, he pushes himself out of bed, ignoring the pain in his ribs and the banging inside his cranium, reaching for the pair of crutches resting against the wall. He had never used them, but it couldn’t be so hard, right? He had taught himself how to jump between rooftops so he could take photos of Batman and Robin when he was just a little kid, so this should be easy enough. He manages to reach his door, having only a little trouble opening it. Wonky and slow, Tim eventually makes it to the edge of the marble staircase.
“Alright.” He murmurs to himself, looking down at the huge amount of steps in front of him “You’ve got this. You can do it. Nothing stands between Tim and a hot cup of coffee.”
His trip down the stairs takes a lot of effort and he has to take breaks every few steps, waiting for the pain to diminish so he could keep going. He’s sweating from the effort, meaning that he’d probably need a shower sooner than he wanted to, but he couldn’t take off his hoodie, afraid of losing his balance and falling down the stairs.
“Okay, five more steps Tim.” He tries to sound confident “C’mon, five more steps.”
First the crutches. Then his feet.
One step.
Once again the crutches, and then his feet.
Two steps.
The crutches. His feet.
Three steps.
The crutches slip and fall away. Tim slides down the two remaining steps, falling butt first into the ground. The impact makes pain shoot up to his broken ribs, making him cry out from the pain, tears filling his eyes and quickly running down his cheeks, the cry morphing into sobs as he holds the side of his body.
Tim hears someone coming towards him, two pairs of rushed footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Tim?” Dick calls, worried “What are you doing out of bed? What happened, are you okay?”
“I-I fell.” Tim answers, hiding his face “I-I lost my balance and... and I fell... Fuck, it hurts so much, Dick.” He cried.
“I know, I know. But I’m here now, it’s okay.” Dick answers, cupping his brother’s cheek “C’mon, let’s get you back upstairs to bed, okay?”
“N-no.” His words coming out shaky because of his stupid sobs. Tim tried again. “No, I was- I want- I just need to get t-to the kitchen, I need to-”
“Timmy, it’s okay.” Dick said, pushing some of Tim’s hair behind his ear “We’ll get you whatever you wanted.” Damian, the second pair of footsteps, nodded behind him.
“No! You don’t get it!” Tim yelled, tears still streaming down his face “I need to-! I can make it! I can! I-I know I can...!” Once again, Tim hides his face in his hands, sobbing loudly,  pain pulsating down his sides.
“Tim…?” Dick has that worried puppy look on his face.
“I-I know that y-you don’t think I can g-go back to being vigilante again.” He sniffles “I- I just wa-wanted to show that I’m n-not in such b-bad shape. I-I’m not useless!”
“Oh, baby bird...” Dick said, running a hand through his brother’s hair “No one thinks that. I promise, Tim, no one thinks that you’re useless.”
“We have all had our injuries, Drake.” Damian said, crouching next to him.
“Yeah,” Dick smiles at him as he speaks “We all know that you’ll bounce back. You just need to rest.” Tim sobbs once again, burying his face on his older brother’s neck as the man kept gently running a hand through his hair “Let me help you back into your room, okay? And Dami can get whatever you wanted from the kitchen for you.” Dick whispered, and Tim nods, face still hidden.
“I- I don’t need anything.” He said, voice muffled. The words tickled Dick’s neck, and he had to put a lot of effort in not to jerk his shoulder up at the feeling “I just wanted to make myself some coffee, but... there’s no point now.”
“Would you like some tea instead?” Damian offered “Mother sends me special blends on occasion. Some of them have healing properties.” Tim looked at the kid, who was speaking in a tender tone “I could brew you some.”
“I...” Tim’s eyes filled with tears once again as he nodded “I’d like that. Thank you, Damian.”
“You’re welcome.” He answers, getting up, headed for the kitchen.
Tim starts crying again, tears falling heavily as his brother helped him to his room. Every sob, every sudden and shaky rise and fall of his chest shot a new wave of pain through his ribcage, which in turn worsened his yelps and groans. Dick tried calming him several times, to no avail. It had been so long since he cried, Tim was surprised that he still knows how.
“Thanks.” Tim mumbles, as Dick sets him down on the side of his bed.
“Don’t mention it, Timmy.” Dick smiles softly but genuinely.
“Y-you know...” He tries to steady his breathing, wanting to speak “Yo-you’re the only one... the only one w-who doesn’t smile at me like... like I’m on my deathbed.”
“What do you mean by that?” Dick sits down next to him, making the mattress dip towards him.
“I me-mean...” He rolls his eyes at his stutter, taking a deep, annoyed breath “I mean, everyone k-keeps looking at me like I’m...” He breathes again “Like I’ve got some kind of terminal disease. Like I’ll die tomorrow, or the day after that, or maybe in a week, but they look at me like I’m about to die. It sucks, and it hurts so fucking much.” He clenches his fist.
“They’re just trying to be nice Tim, no one thinks you’re going to die.” Dick said, a hand behind his brother’s head. Tim knows that if his ribs weren’t broken they’d be on his back, providing support, but right now, Dick is too afraid to even touch his torso. That makes him grind his teeth together.
“Take your hand off me.” He says through gritted teeth “Please.”
“Okay.” Dick whispers, pulling it back.
“Put it on my back.”
“Put. It. On. My. Back.” He tries to sound serious and sober, but his voice cracks and the tears gather in his eyes.
“Tim, I don’t want to hurt you.” Dick says.
“That’s the problem!” He yells, wishing he could throw or break something “That’s the fucking problem, Dick! I can’t... I can’t live like this! I’m not... Some delicate thing, I’m not going to break! I’m not... I’m Red fucking Robin! a-and I... I can’t lose that.” He covers his face again, sobbing into his hands “It’s-... I can’t lose that... Please, Dick. I cant… I can’t lose it.”
He feels the mattress moving as Dick stands up, and for a moment Tim thinks that his brother is leaving him. Thinks that he will have to deal with his loss by himself. Instead, he feels his hands on his knees, rubbing circles on his exposed skin.
“Tim,” He starts, softly “Timmy, Look at me.” He does, peeking behind his fingers “Why are you afraid of losing Red Robin?”
“B-Because...” Tim wanted to say everything.
He wanted to tell Dick that the pity and the silence meant the bats were trying to ease him back into a normal, civilian life. That Alfred cooking his favorite meals all the time was clearly some kind of twisted consolation prize. That constantly needing help to perform even the most basic tasks showed everyone just how unfit he is for the mantle. That he felt humiliated for needing help whenever he had to take a goddamn piss, and that if that didn’t show just how unfit he was to be part of this family of vigilantes, then he wasn’t sure of what would.
But none of that came out. What came out instead, was a result of Tim’s sudden realization, after his racing thoughts eased their monologue.
“Because I’m weak.” More tears forced their way out as he admitted it “and you all finally saw it.”
Tim’s breathing was shaky as he lowered his hands, revealing his face little by little, trembling chin.
“No.” Dick repeated, stronger this time, more determined. “Tim, you are so many things. Smart? Yes. Brave? Definitely. Loyal? 100%. Chaotic? Completely.” He smirked weakly, Tim chuckled just a little “But you’ve never been weak.”
“I’m not strong either.” He shot back, staring at the floor.
“And what makes you say that?”
“Just look at me!” He opens his arms “I’m pathetic! I can’t even use the bathroom by myself.” Dick had one eyebrow raised in a weird, skeptic and confused scowl. It annoyed him. “What?”
“So you think I’m weak?” He starts, Tim just frowns in confusion. “And you think that Jason’s weak? Steph and Cass? Oh, let’s not forget Babs, and Bruce? What about Duke and Damian, do they fit your description of weakness too?”
“What... What are you talking about?”
Dick huffed out a tiny laugh.
“Tim, you do realize that all of us, no exception, have been in the same situation before, right?” Tim stares at him, confused “Don’t you remember when I got my shit rocked so badly that I was in a coma for like, a week?”
“Nine days, actually.” Tim murmured “You scared the crap out of me.”
“Well, what about when Jason broke both of his legs after falling from that building? You do remember that, right?” Tim nodded slowly “And you do remember how he needed help to move around for two and a half months? And what about that time when Bruce was shot in the thigh and had to use a cane for three weeks?”
“Well, that’s not really comparable to-”
“You may think it isn’t because you weren’t seeing it all the time,” Dick cut him off “but I also had to help him to the toilet during the first week. And help him shower in the first few days.” Dick took a deep breath and let out a soft sigh.  “Look, what I’m trying to say is; there isn’t a single masked hero out there who hasn’t been bedridden for a while, at least, not a single human one. And guess what you are, buddy?”
“Human?” Tim bit the inside of his cheek.
“yeah, human.” Dick nodded. “Baby bird, trust me,” He said, smiling at him again “You’re gonna fly again. Yeah, someone may have clipped your wings, but feathers grow back, I swear they do. No one thinks you’re dying, we’re trying to give you space and time to heal.”
“Yeah, well,” Tim sniffled, rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie “Maybe I don’t need that much space.”
Dick smiled, right side of his mouth raising as he huffed out a little laugh again.
“Noted.” he said with a smile. “Hey, do you need help out of that hoodie?” He asked “You’re sweaty.”
“Yeah,” Tim nodded “Yeah, I could use some help with that... please”
As Dick helped him out of the constrictive, overly hot jacket, Damian knocked on the door, not waiting for a response before opening it. He skillfully balanced the platter containing a mug of tea and some biscuits on one hand, setting it down on his brother’s nightstand.
“You know,” Tim said as Dick attempted to carefully fold the hoodie and Damian sat down on the floor, in front of him “You can still tease me if you want to. I’m not used to not being constantly criticized by you.”
“-tt-.” Damian rolls his eyes “How can I criticize you when you haven’t done anything at all in the past month?”
“Damian!” Dick whisper-yelled.
“Yeah, that’s what I was talking about.” Tim snickered, reaching for the mug. The warm tea was comforting, even if he was feeling a little hot, and the biscuits were perfectly made, surely by Alfred’s well versed hands “Do you guys want any?”
“No thank you.” Damian says.
“I’m fine.” Dick smiles at him, deciding that his effort to fold Tim’s hoodie was useless as he tossed into his laundry bin, too sweaty to be reused.
“Are you...” Damian paused, biting the inside of his cheek “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah.” Tim answers, tapping on his mug as Dick sits back down next to him “Dick gives great pep talks.”
“It’s a gift.” His older brother jokes, getting a small smile from both Tim and Damian.
They sit quietly as Tim finishes sipping his tea, but it’s not awkward or uncomfortable. It’s that rare kind of silence that Tim loves, the kind of silence that isn’t forced or demanding to be filled with empty words. It’s a silence that transmits tranquility and reassures him that his brother’s love for him hasn’t faltered these last months and will never fade, no matter what.
As he takes his final sip, Tim stares at the bottom of his mug.
“Hey, uh,” He whispers “I think that after my adventures I... I might need to shower.” He looks up at Dick, biting the inside of his lips “Can you... help me?”
“Of course I can.” Dick smiles, warm and big.
“I shall take these back to the kitchen then.” Damian stands up, takes the mug from Tim’s hand and the tray from his nightstand, then disappears into the hallway.
“I hope he’s not upset that I’m stealing you from him.” Tim says.
“What? No.” Dick frowns a little “I was just watching him do his homework, but I think he’d prefer doing that on his own. C’mon, let me help you to the bathroom.”
“Hey Dick? thanks.” Tim says as Dick helps him to his feet “I don’t think I‘ve been saying that enough.”
“Oh, please.” Dick dismissed him “It’s not like you have to thank me. I’m your older brother after all.”
“Yeah, I know, but... this isn’t really something you have to do.” Tim shrugs.
“What, did you think I’d just force you to get Alfred? Or - god forbid - Bruce?” Dick snorts “I’m not heartless. Besides, I was a Robin through my teenage years, I know how awkward this kind of thing can be.” Dick says as he helps Tim sit down in the bathroom.
“I guess.” Tim laughs a little “Still, you didn’t have to do this, but you are, so thank you. A million times, thank you.”
Dick kisses the top of his head.
“You’re adorable Timmy.” He smiles “And don’t mention it. I’m here for you. Always.”
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lancetodd · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Time Loop, Aftermath, POV Outsider, Humor, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Battle for the Cowl, Sudden Relationship, i'm so sad this isn't an actual tag because it was my favorite trope when i was in mlb, that is so unfortunate Series: Part 1 of holy time loop, batman! Summary:
Dick pushes open the door and freezes to see Jason, body bruised and littered with still healing wounds, with his arms wrapped around Tim from behind, kissing his neck gently. Tim, who is sitting there, letting himself be kissed by the man who tried to kill them all just the night before, is completely unfazed by the fact that he should be bedridden and also that Jason tried to murder him less than 24 hours ago and also oh God they’re kissing now and that’d definitely tongue what is going on?!
Tim and Jason were trapped in a time loop together for a year and are "suddenly" in a relationship the day after Jason went on his Batman murder spree.
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redsleuthed · 4 years
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@notbatboy​ | revenge!!!!!
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          ❝ HEY. ❞ Tim softly spoke, breaking the silence. He saw the way Damian started down at the immobilized, drugged up Grayson recovering from his injuries. He knew Damian wanted to break his oath. Tim had been in his shoes countless of times. It was difficult seeing loved ones bedridden, and even though they had all the skillsets that could level mountains, they couldn’t save everyone. Fortunately, for Drake, he learned that the hard way. Damian? Oh boy. He was so used to winning, the bitter taste of defeat often took a toll on his ego. 
             Tim wasted no time, tossing over Damian’s Robin utility belt, knowing he would catch it.
               ❝ Are you coming, or what? I want to hurt them as much as you do. Standing around feeling sorry for yourself, and for Dick, won’t do any good. Batman needs Robin the most right now. ❞
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Fq6RW5b by AlexaAffect He glanced back toward Bruce, who now had an arm wrapped around the woman’s waist. When Bruce leaned in to kiss her cheek, the sudden burst of nausea surprised Jason. Now, it wasn’t unusual for him to be revolted by his father’s antics. It was, however, unusual for Jason to have an actual physical reaction. He swallowed heavily, wincing when it did nothing to relieve the steadily rising queasiness. A glance toward his empty glass didn’t solve the mystery either. He’d had remarkably little to drink that night. Especially if you took into consideration that Jason was here against his will! A nicotine flash then? Also no; he’d barely smoked half a cigarette. His speculation about the cause of his uneasiness did nothing to relieve it. Jason swallowed again, trying to fight back the discomfort. It was to no avail. Before he could steal the attention away from his father by doing something equally stupid, like throwing up in the middle of a ballroom, Jason fled. Or alternatively; Jason gets poisoned during a gala and is bedridden. He isn't left alone for a second of it. Words: 7507, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DC Extended Universe, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU) Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Gets A Hug, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Jason Todd Has a Bad Time, Jason Todd Has Nightmares, Jason Todd Has Trust Issues, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Sickfic, Sick Jason Todd, Fever, Poison, Poisoning, Protective Bruce Wayne, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Barbara Gordon, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Good Sibling Duke Thomas, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Family Feels, Jason Todd is a Batfamily Member, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Vomiting, Whump, Suffering Jason Todd, Angst, Angst and Feels, Pain, Seizures read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Fq6RW5b
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
A Regular Occurrence
Tim Drake & Everyone, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sleep Deprivation, Tim is a tired boi, Friendship, Sibling relationship. 
Summary: 5 times Tim fell asleep on someone and 1 time they fell asleep on him.
A/N: So this was taken from one of the prompts from rvdhood’s ‘timmy requests’. I read it, instantly got some ideas and wanted to write it. 
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
“Man, I am beat.” Jason states as he locks his hands together and stretches his arms over his head. “Either that was a tough patrol or I’m just getting old.” He sighs when his back pops and drops his arms down his side.
It had been a long night. It wasn’t one that contained any Arkham breakouts or major gang wars they had to try and stop, all it was just petty crime, the usual drug busts and gun point stand offs they had to deal with but it had left him feeling exhausted. 
“I’m more than ready to bury myself in a ton of blankets and not wake up to the next full moon, how ‘bout you kid? How you are feeling?”
When his question was met with silence, Jason frowns and turns around. He finds his brother slumped against the wall of the alley way they’re in. His mouth was open slightly and if Jason listened closely enough he could hear a light snoring sound.
“Hmm,” Jason mutters to himself, “Well that answers my question.”
He walks over to Tim and kicks him lightly in the shin, “Yo Red, wake up!” Jason quickly steps back to avoid the swinging bo staff coming towards his head and stares at Tim with a bored expression.
Tim startles awake and takes a swing at him before realising where he was, “I’m awake! I’m awake.”
Jason hums thoughtfully, “Sure. Now come on, it’s the end of the night.” He starts walking away before Tim could say anything.
He only gets a few feet down the alley when he hears swearing. Jason turns around just in time to see Tim trip over his own feet and stumble forward several steps before he miraculously stops himself from face planting. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
The kid can barely walk on a flat surface, how the hell would he survive swinging from a grapple line? The answer is: he won’t. Jason takes a deep breath and lets it out before walking back over to Tim, he turns around to offer his back.
“Come on Timbit, get on.” He’s tired and just wants to get home, but he has enough energy left that he can carry Tim on his back, it’s also not like the kid was heavy or anything.
“What? No. I’m fine I can make it back on my own.” Tim protests.
“I’m not asking. You either get on my back willingly or I carry in any way I see fits and trust me, you will not like what I decide.” Jason threatens his brother. He wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with an argumentative Tim.
There’s a couple beats of silence, like the kid was actually debating about his options before he eventually gets on Jason’s back. Jason makes sure he’s comfortable before starting to make his way back home.
It was when Jason gets halfway home that he realises something. There was a faint rumble by his right ear, right where Tim’s head was perched on his shoulder. He stops moving to work out what it was. After a moment he snorts in amusement, that sound was of Tim snoring. The kid had fallen asleep on him.
Jason would be annoyed if he hadn’t been expecting it, that’s why he’s carrying him after all. He tightens his hold on Tim and starts moving again.
Tim owes him big time for this. For now Jason won’t tell anybody about this, however if his brother happens to piss him off in the future then Jason certainly isn’t above using this as blackmail material.
Walking to the door, Dick taps his knuckles lightly against the wood to announce his presence before entering the room. As he goes in he’s greeted by mostly darkness except for the little bit of light that was coming from the TV.
Dick observes the unmoving lump on the bed for a moment and then walks towards it, he hovers above the figure on the bed to try and get a look at them. Tired blue eyes eventually find his own and Dick grins, “Hey Timmy, I brought you something courtesy of Alfred.”
The teenager on the bed blinks at him before frowning. He shifts on the bed and wraps his blankets around him tighter, “What’d you bring?”
Dick perches on the edge of the bed facing Tim’s curled up form. He holds up the plate he had been carrying, “Just some crackers and a little bit of spread.”
Tim’s been sick over the last couple days and hasn’t been able to keep everything he eats down. While he’s been a lot better that day, Alfred’s making sure to keep him on some dry stuff and build up to heavier meals again.
Tim’s eyes dart to him before flickering back to the TV again, “I’m not hungry. Thanks though.”
Letting out a sigh, Dick leans forward and brushes some hair off of Tim’s flushed face. He doesn’t push the matter however, arguing with an ill Tim was just as productive as arguing with a brick wall was.
“Okay, Timmy. I’ll leave it on your bedside table just in case you do get hungry.” He places the plate onto the table and starts to make his leave from the teens room when suddenly his wrist is captured in a weak hold.
He looks down at Tim to find his brother pushed up onto his elbows staring at him, “Dick… are you, uh, are you busy right now?” He asks quietly, almost shyly.
“No, I was just going to help Alfred move some stuff but nothing major. What’s wrong?”
Tim’s eyes flick away, “Can you stay? Just for a bit?”
A soft smile takes over his face. “Of course Timmy.”
With some manoeuvring, Dick manages to get himself under the mountain of blankets Tim has on his bed. He lies on his back, perched against the headboard as his brother cuddles up next to him with his head on Dick’s chest and arm slung around his waist.
Dick lets Tim settle down and watches the TV in front of them, his brother’s been re-watching the X-Files while he was bedridden apparently.
Time goes by, while they don’t spending it talk they do stay cuddled together on Tim’s bed. It’s only when the credits music starts playing that Dick notices something. Tim hadn’t moved from his position in a while, his brother was breathing heavily into his chest and his body was completely limp on top of Dick’s.
Dick lets out a small chuckle when he realises Tim’s asleep on him. His ill little brother had fallen asleep on him while watching the X-files. He wishes he had his phone in that moment because this was a golden moment and he wanted physical proof that this happened because once Tim is better he’ll deny that it ever happened. He doesn’t mind it however, he simply runs a soothing hand up and down Tim’s back as the teenager sleeps on.
After a while a soft knock comes from the door and Dick looks over to find Alfred standing there wearing a smile, “That’s where you got to Master Dick, I was wondering why you never returned downstairs.”
“Sorry Alf,” Dick apologises sheepishly, “I may be here for a while. Once he’s awake and had the food I’ll come down and help.”
“No problem Master Dick, please do take care.” With that the English butler leaves. Dick turns back to his brother and presses a light kiss to his head. Well, at least he was getting some sleep.
For once it was a quiet, calm day in the Manor. Bruce sought this to be the perfect opportunity to get some work done in his home office without being distracted by any screaming kids trying to kill one another. He loved them all, but by god where they hard work.
Unfortunately his peace lasted for no more than two hours. He barely manages to hold in the sigh that wants to escape past his lips when the door to the office bursts open. He looks up to find Tim storming in with a determined look on his face.
Bruce was about to ask his third son a question when Tim was slamming a pile of papers onto his desk in front of him. “You need to sign every one of these files Bruce. Right now.”
Bruce raises an eyebrow at Tim. Tim simply glares back. “I mean it.”
“I don’t doubt it.” Bruce comments, he could see the way Tim was riled up from something just by the way he was standing. “I just need to finish reading this proposal then I’ll look into them okay.”
Tim slams his hand down on the papers, “You’ll sign them right now Bruce! I need these papers by the end of the day.”
“I understand Tim and I will. I just need to read this.”
There's a moment of silence between them. A beat goes by until Tim was moving. He moves around the desk and stands by Bruce’s chair, he starts tugging at it until Bruce wordlessly pushes himself away from the desk. Without any explanation Tim sits in his lap. His son throws his legs over the arm of the chair and leans against the opposite one as he makes himself comfy in Bruce’s lap.
Bruce frowns disapprovingly, “Tim…”
“I’m not moving until those papers are signed Bruce, so if you want me gone then better get to it.”
He hates, yet loves, how manipulative Tim could be sometimes. Sighing in defeat Bruce puts down the proposal and picks up the first of Tim’s papers. He adjusts the chair and makes himself as comfy as he can considering there’s a teenager on his lap, though it’s not like Tim weighs a lot, and settles down to get started on going through those papers.
It was as he was signing the last paper that he realised Tim had been very still and quiet for a long time. He looks down at his son to find Tim’s head leaning against his shoulder, his breathing coming out in even breaths, his body limp and relaxed against him and most of all that he was asleep.
Tim had fallen asleep on him while he had been working. He blinks to take in the moment of Tim relaxed and resting against him, something that hasn’t happened in a very long time. Bruce reaches up and gently strokes his hand through Tim’s hair. He wonders how many all-nighters Tim has pulled recently for him to get to this stage. He really ought to track his son’s sleeping schedules better to prevent this from happening.
He doesn’t move or wake Tim up however, his son wasn’t causing any harm and it’ll probably do him some good to be resting so Bruce decides to leave him. He can read the proposal he had been planning to when Tim first burst through the door and then wake him up afterwards.
Flying to the Manor was quickly becoming second nature at this point. He’s done it so many times by now and continues to do so as he goes to pick up his best friend from his house so they could get started on their weekend with the Titans.
Tim used to just take a jet to the Tower but they found having Kon pick him up was a lot quicker, especially if he was coming from Metropolis. He didn’t mind of course, he loved spending time with his friend.
As Kon was entering the Wayne property, he could spot Tim standing on the roof of the Manor waiting for him. Kon grins as he continues to fly closer, this weekend was going to be brilliant and he’s been itching to get off the farm for days now.
His grins soon drops however when he sees Tim’s form become unbalanced from where he was standing. Kon uses a burst of super speed to get to the building quicker and he reaches it just in time to catch Tim as he tumbles off the roof.
Tim lands safely in his arms and Kon takes them back onto the roof. Once there he puts Tim on his feet and stares at his best friend, “Dude what the fuck?”
Tim blinks at him and frowns, “Shit, sorry man. Thanks for the save though.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I feel exhausted. I’ve had next to no sleep this week and I guess it all just caught up to me.”
Kon continues to stare at him before looking down to where Tim would have fallen if Kon hadn’t caught him. He may have been alright, there were bushes on the ground to break his fall… Kon shakes his head. No. He would have not been alright. Thank god he had been there to catch him.
“Well come on, you can sleep on the flight on the way there if you want. I’ll even fly slower.” Kon offers.
Tim simply blinks at him as if trying to process what he had just said, Kon rolls his eyes and just picks his best friend up. He carries Tim in a bridal style rather than the usual wrist grab or piggyback carry they normally do. He figures this might be the easiest way for Tim to fall asleep.
As he said he would, Kon does fly slower than usual and he keeps Tim pressed up against him. His best friend doesn’t complain so he doesn’t do anything to change it. It was when they were halfway across the country that he realises why Tim hadn’t complained.  It was because he was asleep.
Tim’s head was tucked up between his shoulder and neck, his body was limp and relaxed in Kon’s hold. His heartbeat and breathing were both slow, steady and even.
Tim had fallen asleep on him on the way to the Tower. Kon was just as surprised as he wasn’t at that. He hadn’t expected Tim to fall asleep until they got to the Tower but after the roof incident it’s not surprising that Tim’s drifted off.
Kon sighs, it wasn’t a problem because at least his best friend was finally getting some sleep. Once they get to the Tower Kon will make sure Tim goes to bed, even if he has to take him there himself. Their weekend can start the next morning once Tim was well rested and wasn’t on the brink of collapsing.
“Why am I here? I don’t want to be here.”
“Because dummy, you’re here with us so we can stop you over working yourself when you should be resting.”
Steph walks over to the bed and plonks down next to Tim who was scowling at her with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks like a child who didn’t get his own way and now was sulking. On his other side Cass smiles happily and takes another spoon full of ice cream.
She reaches up and flicks Tim in the head, “You need some time off and everyone else is busy to keep you from running off and making things worse for yourself. Cass and I are the only ones around and now you’re joining us for our girl’s movie night. Consider yourself lucky!”
The look he gives her tells Steph he feels anything else other than lucky in that moment. It makes her snicker and throw an arm around his shoulders to bring him in for a side hug. “Come on Tim, it can’t be that bad to spend a night with your sister, her best friend which happens to be your ex.”
Tim doesn’t give a response, instead choosing to ignore her.
On his other side, Cass leans over and bops his nose with her spoon. “You rest. Enjoy time off. Now relax.”
Tim sighs and bats her hand away. “You guys are bullies. This is bullying. I hate you both.”
Steph rolls her eyes and gets up off the bed and goes to her TV opposite them. She puts the DVD of the first movie of the night into the TV and goes back to the bed to join the others. The three of them settle down and get comfy to watch the movie, they were surrounded by a few tubs of ice cream, chocolate bars, and half empty boxes of pizza. It was a night off they were all going to enjoy.
“I didn’t agree to this.” Tim continues to protest. He was sat in between the two girls and was watching the TV with disinterest.
After hearing that everyone was busy and how Tim was still benched from any form of vigilante work, her and Cass made it their mission to force Tim to join them for their monthly girl’s night. It was for his own good. So after dragging Tim away from the Manor and back to Steph’s apartment, they all quickly got settled in her bedroom and ready for the night but not without Tim’s constant protesting.
Steph pokes him in the ribs. “Quit your complaining and enjoy it. Now hush, the films starting.”
Tim grumbles under his breath and continues to scowl at the TV but doesn’t move otherwise. Steph shares a winning smile with Cass before turning her attention to the TV where The Hunger Games was just starting to play.
Steph’s attention only turns away from the screen when she feels something hit her shoulder. She jumps slightly and looks down only to find Tim’s head now resting against her shoulder, his body was limp against the bed and against her side, his breathing was even and his eyes were closed.
She glances over at Cass who instantly meets her eyes. She smiles, “Asleep.”
A light laugh makes it way out of her, that was something she had not expected from that night, Tim had fallen asleep on her while watching a movie. How cute. She’s so going to tease him about this later on, or even possibly use this as blackmail material.
Leaning back she reaches up and starts to gently stroke his hair in soothing motions. She isn’t going to push him off, not knowing how much he needs to sleep. It’s great that he’s finally getting some rest.
There wasn’t a lot going on at that moment. He was casually scrolling through social media trying to kill some spare time he for once has. Kon and Bart were messaging him a variety of memes which were both amusing and annoying, of course he was sending his own back when he stumbles upon them.
His attention was drawn away from his phone when he hears a knock on his bedroom door. He looks over just in time to see it open up to reveal Damian. Tim frowns at seeing the younger teen, out of everyone to visit him Damian was at the bottom of the list he would have thought would come willingly to see him.
The teenager scowls at him from the door, “Drake.” He greets, though his voice was somewhat muffled by the kid’s blocked nose.
Damian had gotten injured while out on patrol, however while recovering he had gotten the flu which has only set his recovery period back further. Though that doesn’t explain why Damian was now at his bedroom door scowling at him.
“Demon spawn. What do you want?”
At the door Damian hesitates as if he wasn’t sure on something. Tim raises an eyebrow and sits up right on his bed and eyes Damian. “Damian what are you doing? You should be in bed, resting.”
His words must have had an impact on the teenager because he was finally stepping into his room. “I cannot rest easy in my room,” Damian tells him looking uneasy, “Father and Grayson are….”
He trails off but Tim’s able to understand what he means, is able to pick up on what he’s not saying. “Bruce and Dick are currently being overbearing mother hens and you feel like you’re suffocating.” He sums up.
Of course that makes sense, he totally understands how suffocating their care can be, while they mean well it’s not always easy to be on the receiving end of it. It still doesn’t explain why Damian’s at his door.
When Damian doesn’t offer up anything else Tim sighs and settles back down on his bed and starts playing with his phone again. There’s a moment of tense silence between them but Tim doesn’t do anything about it, the younger teen will get bored and leave in a minute anyway and he’s not picking a fight just for the sake of it.
“I know I must rest to get better but I cannot in my own room. I was hoping - or rather it’ll be a logical tactic if I could stay here for a few hours.”
At those words Tim shoots Damian a raised eyebrow in question, because what? The teen wasn’t looking at him however as he continues to speak.
“Father and Grayson would least of all expect to find me here with you, therefore meaning I can get some undisturbed rest if you’ll allow me.”
Tim blinks, he hadn’t been expecting Damian to ask if he could stay with Tim to get some sleep at all. He considers this for a moment because while it was stupid Damian wasn’t wrong, the two older men wouldn’t expect him to be with Tim and of course Tim knows what they can be like when worried.
Making a decision Tim scoots to one side of the bed and pats the empty space. “Sure thing, just don’t cough on me or whatever. I don’t want to be ill.”
Damian makes his ‘tt’ sound but comes to the space allocated for him. He lies stiffly on Tim’s bed and curls up in a blanket he had brought with him. Tim stays quiet as the teen settles down beside him and goes back to his phone, at least he wasn’t trying to kill Tim this time.
Tim had gotten so absorbed into his phone that he didn’t even realise Damian had fallen asleep until something was landing on his leg. He jumps slightly at the contact and looks down to find Damian curled up next to his leg with his head now resting on Tim’s thigh. The teen was completely wiped out and oblivious to what he was doing.
Tim smiles and lets out a snort, at least he was resting even if it was on him and not on the pillow he had taken or the mattress underneath them. Tim raises a hand and gently strokes it through Damian’s hair, the younger sighs and shifts slightly but does not wake up. Tim continues with the motion and goes back to his phone, if Bruce or Dick make an appearance he’ll be sure to keep them away.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request:  Can you please do a Damain(or tim) x reader where the reader( who was a vigilante) is forced to retire because fight with Joker gone wrong. The reader being stubborn still wants to fight but has to come to a realization in the end they cannot fight on the field.
Warning: Joker’s usual antics, angst
A/N: I did Tim for this just because I thought it flowed a little better with him! Thanks for sending this in I hope you like it! 
Word Count: 2k
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You knew the Joker never played by the rules.
He was the bad of bad's, crazier than anyone, and didn't think twice about killing anyone that got in his way. Well, you had gotten in his way, lots, and that didn't end well for you.
After knowing what happened to Jason and Barbra, you should have known that anyone was at the Joker's will to get traumatized next. Jason died, Barbra paralyzed, you didn't think that anyone could get it worse than them. You had gotten off lucky - and that was saying something.
Joker had gotten you when you didn't expect it. After weeks of tracking his moves and trying to figure out what he was up to next, you weren't even slightly aware that he was watching you the whole time. The second that he put his 'plan' into action, you were there. It was stupid to go alone - and it was more stupid to think that Joker was actually going through with something that made sense.
It was a trap for you, and it changed your life forever. Joker had taken away your life - maybe not as literal as Jason's - but he had taken your ability to be the hero you always were. You were lucky, Barbra was trapped in a chair forever, you were only there for a couple months. He had broken you just enough that you would never be able to continue your life along Batman.
Your knees would have a permanent brace for the rest of your life. No amount of surgeries would ever bring you back to your feet, which meant you could never play sports, be a vigilante, or partake in any part of life that you once craved. You weren't the same, and everyone saw it. Tim saw it.
Tim Drake was with you through it all. He watched as you tried to keep yourself together, get strength to become healthy, and cry yourself to sleep at night. He was the one that found you in that warehouse and the one to stay by your hospital bed every night. Tim wasn't going to let you out of his sight.
The two of you were dating far before the incident had happened. You knew that if you could make it through your darkest time with him, you could make it through everything. That didn't stop your arguments though. You wanted to get back in the game, you wanted to prove that you were just as good as you once were.
Tim never wanted to see you in that suit again. He didn't want to be reminded of what happened to you or that it could just as easily happen again. He knew that you would never be back in the shape that you were years ago, as much as you wished you could be.
Thousands of dollars were spent on surgery's, replacements, anything that would help you. And a lot of it did, it helped you with day to day movements but nothing as strenuous as working with Batman. You still tried. You tried so hard to keep doing your job. The city needed you, and you could barely help yourself.
Trying to be the hero you once were and failing hurt you more than Joker ever could. Tim watched as you broke yourself down every day trying to do what you used to. He didn't want you to give up, but he couldn't watch you fail anymore. It broke his heart.
Every time you tried to go back out there, it only lead to more pain, more knee problems, and more surgeries. You tried to keep fighting in the streets of Gotham but it was doing you more harm than good. Bruce tried to get you to quit, he was tired of having to see you in recovery because you couldn't move like you used to.
The two of you used to be unstoppable. Every mission that you were on together had always been a success. Even Bruce was shocked to see how incredible the two of you worked together, it was like you were made just for this. Being partners on the field had sparked your dating life.
Part of you felt that maybe if you could no longer be his partner against crime, he wouldn't feel the same way for you anymore. This was Tim you were talking about, he was never like this, yet it still struck fear in you. That was part of the reason you tried so hard to get back out there - you wanted things to stay the same with him.
Dick was far past concerned about your health. He was the one who had to save you when you were down and the one to bring you back home only to be bedridden for weeks again. He knew you couldn't keep this up any longer but he didn't dare try to tell you that. Not after the reaction that you had given Damian.
Damian tried to stop you from going out there again. You were healed rather well but it was only months ago that you weren't. He was ready to put you on your ass if that meant that you were safe at home. Damian learned that you too, were good with swords and knives. You didn't mean to stab him, but he also learned his lesson not to get in your way.
"Baby," Tim called for you. It was just the two of you down in the bat cave. Tim was hunched over the computer while you were trying to train like you used to. He froze in his spot when he heard you cry out, followed by a loud thump. You were on the ground, arms covering your face but obvious frustration rolling off you.
The brace on your knee stood out like a sore thumb. It was bulky, ugly, and refrained your movements half the time. You were so tempted to take it off but you knew too well that you wouldn't make it three steps without it, much less trying to practice your fighting.
It was killing you not to be able to do simple training anymore. You felt weak, like you couldn't do anything on your own ever again. Tim babied you even though you were as healed as you were ever going to be. He just wanted what was best for you.
Tim knelt down beside you. His hand barely grazing your back before you pushed him away and abruptly stood up. For a while now, you had the bad habit of pushing him away. You knew that he meant best, but you didn't want his pity. You just wanted things back to where they were.
"(Y/N)," Tim tried again. Defeat was evident in his voice, he was tired of this routine. You trying to do the impossible, getting hurt, and Tim trying to comfort you when you only pushed him away. He was tired of seeing you push him away when he was only trying to help you.
"I can do this!" You shouted, unsure if it was to convince him, or yourself.
"No, you can't" Tim's voice was soft, devastated. You had barely caught what he said, but the words rang loudly through your mind. Even he believed you couldn't do this. The one person you always relied on, the one person who held you tight and promised everything would be okay, didn't believe you could.
Truth be told, you knew this. Deep down in your heart you knew that you would never get back to your place as a hero. Part of you always knew, but whether it was sheer stubbornness or determination, you never gave up. You didn't think Tim would give up on you either.
"I'm tired of seeing you hurt about this. I want you to be back like you were, of course I fucking do. It's been years that you've been trying, years of being so fucking brave. It's time... it's time to realize that maybe you're out for good."
"No," you harshly spoke. You refused to believe that you were supposed to give up. Tears stung at your eyes at the idea of it all. You were supposed to be just as good as Batman one day - maybe take on the mantle yourself. Those dreams were ruined, everything in your life was ruined because of the Joker.
Tim reached out to you. He pulled your close before reaching up to wipe the tears that fell down your cheeks. There was nothing more that he hated than seeing you like this. Tim knew that you were going to struggle lots after the incident, but he also knew that he would never give up on you.
"I love you, more than anything or anyone. I hate seeing you like this, I hate seeing you get your hopes up just to be disappointed again. All I want for you is for you to be happy again, and you're never going to be able to do that until you accept that this legacy isn't possible anymore.
"Even if it was, how long would it last? Weeks, months? A year? The Joker knew just how to break you, and if you keep trying to get back at him like this... he's going to win. I know you want to get back at him, but this isn't the way," Tim tried to reason with you. He was trying to be gentle about this, but it didn't make your heart ache any less.
"I-I," You stuttered over your words. Tears fell faster down your cheeks and you felt like an absolute mess in front of your boyfriend. He wasn't give up on you, he was trying to find you another way - just like he always did with that big brain of his. "I feel like if I give up on this I'm giving up on everything."
"You know that's not what's happening," Tim assured. He pecked your lips and pulled you into a tight embrace. Just the touch of him calmed you down. For years he had been the one watching over you, making sure that you were safe. You loved that about him, you loved everything about him.
"Look, whatever you choose to do, you know that I'm gonna be there, right beside you," Tim promised. He was trying to stay strong for you, but seeing you like this nearly brought his own tears. "You know what's best for yourself, it's your choice."
"I need some time, Timmy," your voice was muffled from being tucked into the crook of his neck. "It's just, it's hard going through this."
"Maybe talk to Barbra, she's the one person that really understands what you're going through," Tim offered. You had talked to her several times about what had happened to you. You always went to her with a strong headed idea that you would continue her legacy. Maybe this time, she could give you a different kind of perspective of what you should do.
"I love you, Tim," You sighed into his skin once more before pulling away to look up into his eyes. As always, they held reassurance and love for you. "You're the best thing to happen to me. I couldn't have gotten through all this without you."
"Of course you could have," Tim half smiled. "You're the strongest person I know. You were always meant for great things, I knew that from the moment I met you. Hang up the cowl, live a life that the rest of us are never going to get the chance to have."
"You're my life, Tim. No matter where you are, I'm there," you told him. "Even if I decide to hang it up, that doesn't mean that I can't help. Barbra helps Dick all the time, god knows where he'd be right now if it wasn't for her. I'm gonna be by your side for the rest of your life, it's just a matter of how."
"As long as you're there, I don't care how."
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satire-please · 6 years
Take a Sad Song and Make it Better - Part 2
Batfam Big Bang Day 2 - Sick = Batfam member being taken care of or attacked by an army of motherhens.
Jason makes soup for some ungrateful shits
Part 1
“I hate you.”
“I hate you more.”
“But I hate you little shits most,” Jay says, shouldering the guest bedroom door open roughly,  He slams the tray of soup and crackers on the bedside table between the two coughing, sniffing invalids. “Honestly, what kind of dumb fuck takes a swim in the dead of winter?”
“Screw you, Jason. I wouldn’t call being chained and thrown into the harbor a leisurely swim.” Tim says venomously. But unfortunately, he doesn’t look much of a threat when his lap is blanketed in white tissues. In fact, there might not even be a single space of the bedspread left not covered in the clumped wet balls.
It had been cold. So cold when the thugs shoved them off the boat. The water slammed against their chests like ice. Tim managed to get one breath in before the harbor creeps over his domino mask, his hair and to sucks them under. Tim has five minutes. He can hold his breath for five minutes. Has Damian been trained? How long—
Jay raises both his eyebrows, “Excuse me? This is the thanks I get? I slave all day in the kitchen for yer bony asses and instead of a single thank you, it’s screw you? Ouch, Babybird.” His hands motion grandly to the food tray.
“Must you poison us too, Hood?” Damian stares at the bowls with suspicion. “Have we not suffered enough as it is?”
The infidels had been clumsy, roughly chaining them back to back. A shoddy job. It should have provided loopholes, space from hurried mistakes, but alas they focused enough on limiting the use of their hands. The gang yelled when a new pair of black boots landed on the insufficient sailboat’s deck. The foolish men must have thrown them over as a hopeful distraction for the Bat. But as the metal links dig into Damian’s arms, quickly turning the same temperature as the bay, he knows they were wrong.
“Now why would I do that.” Jay crosses his arms over his chest, looming over first Dami and then Tim. “That’s a waste of food. If I want ya to die, I’d just shoot ya in the head. Save Alfred a grocery trip.”
“Thanks, Jay,” Tim says sarcastically.
“Aw shucks, yer welcome.”
Tim doesn’t bother kicking towards the surface yet. They tossed them in the shallows, this group doesn’t usually care about the efficiency of a kill but the fun of it. From reports, he knows the game is to cruelly toss victims in water only a few feet deeper than their prey. Giving an illusion of hope when they kick, hop, jump from the river bed. Only for them gasp and be helplessly pushed back down by oars or hands. The sadistic game can last for hours...until their playtoy finally loses strength or gives up.
He opens his eyes in the filth of the bay and peers around looking, looking...there!
Steam flows up from the bowls, the aroma quickly fills the room. Tim takes a deep breath, the smell tempting him, while a stomach gives a quiet rumble in the next bed. When neither boy makes a move towards Jason’s generous sacrifice, Jason shifts his weight to his hip and taps his foot with a scowl.
Damn it, he knows his cooking is legit, man.
“What? Wouldja like it to be Dick’s cooking instead?” Both bedridden boys look over to each other for a second, then to Jason, to the tray and back again. Then Tim and Damian frantically struggle as one to escape the sheets to get to the bowls first. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
The tension in Jason’s limbs, like they’d notice pffftt, finally eases as the bowls barely stay full for a minute. The moment they’re empty, he gives them a second helping and glares at Tim when he wrinkles his nose at the dish. “This is no time to eat like a bird, princess.”
“But I don’t need–”
“Don’t need nothing, ya need to give yer body the good stuff to fight. And ain’t ya lucky Dick’s off planet? He’d give ya the worst puppy eyes and be all over ya, both of ya for that shitty attitude.”
Damian and Tim shudder. Dick has always won the worst Motherhen award. Always. (Alfred is the sneakiest though.)
Damian puts his spoon down. He is...content, how odd. “I suppose that is a fair point. What I do not understand is how the two of us could be put in the same room, in a mansion such as this, forced to accept each other’s presence against our will during recovery.”
Damian conserves his energy the best he can. Watching the bubbles that escape him, minding his surroundings as his ears go numb. Their bodies jerk against the current as Drake suddenly drags them in the direction of his choosing. His slight height and longer legs give a mild advantage, but Damian does not hinder or fight Drake at a time such as this. Surely Drake has a purpose, a plan if he is as clever as Grayson has repeatedly claimed. He walks carefully backward, mindful not to trip on the debris and garbage littered on the harbor bottom. If they lose their balance, escaping to the surface will be more...difficult. His heel hits something hard and he twists to the best of his ability around Drake, a car!
“Alfred’s orders. He said it’s the perfect way to condense care and meet yer needs more efficiently. The man plays the best vindictive shtick if ya know what I mean.”
“It’s the spite. He needs it to stay alive and old.” Tim adds. He sets his bowl on the tray with a sharp clink.
Two minutes. The old beetle is brown with rust, one broken door floating on its hinges. It’s just what they need, Tim hauls them on the roof of the vehicle and stands on his tiptoes. His head breaks the surface of the water and he takes a greedy gulp of air. Smog has never tasted so sweet.
Then he feels the body lashed to his struggle and squirm violently.
“Robin? What are you–” And he notices it. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the top of Damian’s head, his wet dark spikes. But that’s it. His face is still submerged.
No. Tim bites his lip, tearing it and moves his arms under the chains for any wiggle room. He sucks in his ribs, not on his watch. Not another Robin dying on his watch. He pulls the boy up an itch up his body, two...and leans over. He hears a wonderful, desperate gasp before his head goes back in the water. Good. That’s fine. He can stay under.
Besides Tim’s got another five minutes.
On the bed somewhere, something buzzes and vibrates. Tim pats the covers awkwardly until he unburies a phone.
It’s 7:30.
He promptly reaches across the bedside table. His fingertips nudging a small orange bottle until it slides and topples over. It rolls closer to the preteen. Success is his. “Meds, Damian. Every four hours remember?”
The younger boy huffs but drops the bottle into his lap, “You as well, Drake. I believe Alfred has synced our medication schedules for this purpose.”
“What purpose?”
“To ensure the other does not conveniently forget.”
“I’ve never done that!”
“I disagree. In fact, shall we pull up the records to call that bluff? I am certain Oracle or Alfred have some sort of accounts on the matter.”
“...No.” Jay guffaws at the cowed expression on Tim’s face. Little do these two know that’s one of his tiny jobs to keep the suckers alive today. Stuff their pills down their throats if necessary. How lucky for them that he just gets to be an extra eye, to watch them like a hawk, to take note of how Damian pops open the bottle and swallow his meds dry. But–
“Drake,” states Damian exasperatedly.
Jay adds his two cents with a point, “So what about them meds, replacement?”
“Oh.” Tim looks to the side. There’s a long sigh, but finally, the asshat puts down his phone to finally get the good drugs in him. Okay, so it’s a bit of a setup. Replacement ain’t got some pills but the fancy stuff since he’s you know, missing an organ. The IV stand almost leans against the wall, it’s needle already burrowed in the back of Tim’s hand. Tim opens the high-end antibodies and carefully feeds it into a tubing of the hanging IV bag. The dying light reflects off the clear fluid. Jay almost considers helping, since Tim lightly curses, his arm stretched awkwardly above him.
Nah. Replacement...no Babybird got’s this. He’ll get all stiff and offended if Jay steps in.
They watch as Tim’s posture goes lax. His eyes narrow in annoyance but soon he’s going to pass out and there’s nothing he can do about it. Gods, he hopes they don’t watch him sleep again.
They do it with this vindictive glee that he could do without.
Damian sniffs, but nods with approval, “Good. It would be ridiculous if you wasted away after what we had to endure in that last venture.”
There are no stars in Gotham’s sky. Not from what he can see being propped up over Drake’s back in this manner. His chest strains as his lungs finally fill. He could do without the idiotic trembles as his body submits to the cold, yet he’s avoided one death and that shall suffice him for now.
“What took you so long, Red Robin? Did you not notice our difference in heights until the last instance. I swear, that you could become any sort of vigilante is beyond me. But be assured, soon Father will finish and rescue us from this silly predicament.”
There is no answer.
Their bodies bob slightly, Damian thinks of how the dead float.
He rocks, flails until under the water his wrist is squeezed tightly. Oh. Drake is not dead...at least not yet. Father, no Grayson would not be pleased over his incompetent predecessor’s possible demise.
So he focuses on the sailboat and screams one word. “BATMAN!”
Jay looks back and forth between the two and smirks. Feelings, these boys are shit at them, but he bets if he put a gun to them, it would be a fight of who leaps in front of the other first. He puts his money on the demon brat, the jumpy monkey. He remembers how Bruce stormed into the cave, one bird in the crook of his arm, the other over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. How he yelled for Jason to prepare the medi-beds and Alfred taking in the pale skin of the two boys went straight for the emergency heaters.
It had been a rush.
A chance of sepsis is not fun. Neither is dealing with hypothermia with the pint-sized preteen. You would think being closer to hell, or his genetics would keep him warm, but no, Jay had to massage the circulation back into those toes so the kid could keep them.
It had been a close shave.
But they’re Bats. Surviving is what they do.
“Well girls, it’s time for a nap,” he pulls out a book. A real one. Like get these shits some real literature, “And I gotcha the best bedtime story, so shut up and listen.”
“I do not require such frivolous–”
“I said shut yer yap before I suffocate ya with a pillow.” He thumbs open the first page, “There we are, ‘It was a pleasure to burn…’”
Tim graciously gives a wet tissue to Damian to lob at Jason. Damian takes the ammo grateful, continues to take it as Jason proceeds to dodge. And be successful at it. His voice melodious and soothing in its own rough way. Over time, it causes Damian’s throws to be more erratic, wide...slow. It causes Tim’s shoulders to sink deeper into the bedding, a different kind of drowning.
“‘We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?'”
Yeah, Jay thinks he could do that. Be the best botherer in the world.
‘Bout time he got started on it.
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damijon-supersons · 7 years
The Screw-ups: a Super Sons fic
Synopsis: Jon gets injured after a mishap on a mission with Damian. Friends and family come to visit him, except for the person he wanted to talk to the most. Written with inspiration from @batboyblog :D
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It was supposed to be another routine mission for them.
Once Jon and Damian’s dads had warmed up to the idea of them officially working together, they’d been sent on small-scale missions—things that their dads wouldn’t have worried about. That time, their mission was to apprehend a rogue STAR Labs scientist who supposedly stole some experimental weapons and was evading arrest by using them. It was nothing that Superboy and Robin couldn’t handle.
At least, it was supposed to be that way.
Neither of them knew that the experimental weapon was a mech suit that was lined with a synthetic kryptonite alloy. Damian hadn’t foreseen that the moment he tried to climb up the mech’s back, he’d get electrocuted by a hidden defense mechanism. Jon didn’t expect that the moment he tried to save Damian as the latter fell, his powers would severely diminish in the face of the mech’s kryptonite elements, and render him completely vulnerable against a strike from a two-ton metal arm.
When Batman and Superman had arrived, worried when their sons had become unresponsive, they found Damian convulsing on the floor and Jon crumpled in a heap inside a mech-suit-fist-sized hole in the wall. The headlines that day spoke of how Superman nearly destroyed the entire building in a rage and how—despite the kryptonite—he ripped the mech into pieces until he collapsed from radiation poisoning. Other rumors told of how the scientist was beaten to within an inch of his life by Batman, and how full recovery seemed impossible.
The next thing that Jon saw was a bright light. There were people talking all around him, and he thought he heard his mom as well. It seemed that he was lying on a soft white bed, but he couldn’t tell for sure because he couldn’t move at all.
He’d wake for a few minutes at random, and then fall back asleep again. The occasional times he was lucid enough to understand what people were saying, he gathered that he was in a Wayne-funded hospital, in a special room that only certain doctors close to Bruce himself knew about. From the snippets of conversation he’d heard, his inherent powers of invulnerability saved him from any lasting damage, but his injuries were still enough that he could barely move.
It took a couple of days, but Jon seemed to be healing well. He could finally stay conscious for more than a few hours, and he could move his upper body once more. The first day that he could talk again, his mother, Lois, was there.
Lois had cried, in fact, far too much than Jon would have liked. As she had explained it, she’d been worried sick, staying as often as she could in the hospital and even stopped going to her job at the Daily Planet. Superman himself was bedridden in the fortress of solitude for an extended recovery. Jon had asked about Damian, but Lois didn’t know what had happened to him.
“I’m sorry, mom,” Jon said weakly.
“Baby, shush. What are you apologizing for?”
“For worrying you. For getting myself and dad and Damian into trouble. I wasn’t careful and I messed up…”
“No, none of that was your fault, Jon. You did nothing wrong,” Lois replied softly. “If anything, your father and I blame ourselves. We agreed to have you go on these missions. It was our call that got you injured.”
“Don’t say that, mom,” Jon replied with a slight smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now. But you need to promise me something. Don’t worry so much anymore. Don’t stop goin’ to work just because of me. Go back home and just wait for me like you always do after school. I’ll come back, I promise.”
Lois tearfully agreed, and then left. Jon wondered if she’d truly left, though, because he could’ve sworn that later that night, when he woke up barely conscious, he felt the presence of someone watching over him.
“This was my fault for letting you boys go.”
The second day, Batman came. Bruce Wayne came in a suit and tie and stood over Jon’s bed the whole time, somehow managing to merge his imposing figure with that of a stern but distraught father.
“We should have gathered more intel before we sent you out. I should have sent someone to tail you. This shouldn’t have happened.”
“Mr. Wayne, how’s Damian?” Jon asked with evident concern.
“He’s recovered.”
For a few seconds, there was an awkward silence as Jon’s doubt stopped himself from asking a very crucial question: where was Damian, and why didn’t he visit yet?
If Bruce picked up on Jon’s thoughts, he didn’t say. “We used both human and Kryptonian medical technology to heal you, so you should fully recover. As for the future of your activities, we’ll discuss that once you’ve been discharged.”
“Future…? What do you mean? Are you going to stop me and Damian from going out to missions from now on?” Jon asked with a hint of frustration.
Bruce grunted in reply.
“I owe it to Clark and to you that this never happens again,” he said with finality before he left.
Jon felt angry. Was Batman going to stop him from being Superboy? Where was Damian? He wanted his partner to be there and to talk to him about this. But Damian was nowhere, and Jon felt alone. He started to wish that he hadn’t told him mom to stop coming to the hospital—at least he’d have company.
Later that night, Jon fell into a vivid dream. He was back at STAR labs with the rogue scientist. Just as he was about to rush into battle once more, his dad, Batman, his mom and all the other friends he had came forward to battle the mech. Jon couldn’t move as he watched the mech defeat every single one of them.  
Jon woke up in a sweat. The dream made him feel horrible and alone. But when he groggily glanced to his side, he saw the silhouette of someone in the dark sitting beside his bed. Though he didn’t know who it was, the presence calmed him and he drifted peacefully back to sleep.
“Heeey! There you are, Jon!”
“’Sup, flyboy?”
“Are you sure you’re actually injured, because you look fine.”
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake poured into the room on the third day. While they were Damian’s brothers first and foremost, the previous Robins had taken a great liking to Jon once he’d become a frequent visitor the Wayne Manor as Damian’s new partner.
“Hi guys!” Jon chirped. It was the happiest he’d felt in a while.
“We brought you stuff so you don’t get bored while you’re here,” Dick began. “I brought you some comicbooks. They’re the latest releases.”
Jon gleefully accepted the comicbooks—they were from his favorite series, Sparrow, son of Owlman.
Tim handed him a smartphone and said, “Here. You know that new On-justice fighting game, right? Well, I modded it myself so that it’s a bit more interesting to play. You can keep the phone.”
Jon’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Whoa, really? My dad said I didn’t need a new phone when I asked him…”
Dick, Tim, and Jon then looked at Jason expectantly.
“Oh, it’s my turn? Okay, here.” Jason fished a small fidget spinner from his pocket and gave it to Jon. The other former Robins gave him an exasperated look. “What? I heard it’s all the rage with kids these days!”
Dick laughed while Tim shook his head in pity.
“No, it’s fine. I guess I always wanted to see what’s up with them, anyway,” Jon giggled as he accepted the toy. “Thanks guys, honest. You didn’t have to do this.”
“This is an advanced loan, mind you. No more birthday or Christmas presents this year…except for Jason, that spinner barely counts as anything,” Dick said with a straight face.
“Hey!” Jason protested.
“Dick’s joking…except that part about Jason,” Tim chimed in.
“You guys are so asking for it.”
Everyone was laughing by then, including Jon. He was oblivious to the fact that the three Robins gave each other subtle smiles, as if they’d accomplished what they’d set out to do in the first place.
“We should have been there,” Dick said after a while. “We should have helped.”
“We keep saying that you can always count on us to save you. But when that time came, we weren’t there. We’re sorry,” Tim added.
“Guys, please, there’s nothing to be sorry for!” Jon insisted. There was so much that he wanted to say that he couldn’t put into words. Everyone kept blaming themselves, and he hated it.
“Don’t get me wrong, Jonny Boy, I’m less worried about you than I am for myself if Damian finds out I let you get hurt—again, I mean,” Jason said comically.
Instead of laughing, though, Jon frowned. “Uhm, do you know where Damian is these days…?”
“What do you mean?” Tim asked.
Jon looked away as he replied, “He hasn’t come to visit at all…”
“Are you kidding me? He hasn’t shown himself yet?” Dick shook his head with a wistful smile. “Classic Damian.”
“Okay, I’ll tell him,” Jason told his brothers before addressing Jon. “Damian’s been watching over you all this time.”
“W-what?” Jon asked in confusion.
“The moment he recovered, he camped out at the hospital’s roof. He’s been slipping into your room every night watching over you while you sleep,” Tim explained.
“You know how he is,” Jason added. “If you wanna call him out on his silent watcher bullcrap, just stay awake past midnight. Oh and take a vid of his reaction, too.”
“Jason…!” Dick chided.
“I’m kidding!” Jason said with a pronounced wink.
 Just as Jason had suggested, Jon forced himself to stay awake past midnight. Just before he was about to nod off, he heard the almost imperceptible sound of the room’s window being slid open. Jon focused as his super hearing picked up extremely soft footfalls, and a steadily beating heart. It came from a darker corner of the room, just beyond his peripheral vision.
“Come out, Damian, I know you’re there,” Jon said firmly.
“Tt.” Damian clicked his tongue as he came into Jon’s field of vision. He sat down on the chair beside the bed with a sullen look on his face.
“You could have said ‘Hi’, or something. It would have been nice if I knew you were here.”
Damian stayed silent.
“Gah, I’m so mad at you right now, Damian! There’s so much I want to say to you but you were never here! Why do you have to be so edgy that you have to hide the fact that you visit me every night?”
Without looking at Jon, Damian flatly replied, “If you wanted coddling and attention, you already had your visitors for that.”
“But you came here every night either way,” Jon said with a hint of annoyance. “You could have just told me if you were worried, I would have liked that better than you hiding in the dark.”
Jon waited a few seconds to collect his thoughts before talking once more. “Damian, my mom visited me and she blamed herself for what happened so much that she stopped doing the things she had to, like her job. Your dad visited and blamed himself so much that he wants to stop me from doing things that I have to, like being a hero. Your brothers came here and blamed themselves, and they thought that they should always be there to save us.”
“What’s your point?” Damian asked. Talking about feelings was not his strong suit, and it showed.
“Don’t you get it? I wanted them to stop blaming themselves! I just wanted a chance to say that this was my fault—our fault! We should take the blame, too! I didn’t want a mom or a dad or an older brother who kept apologizing for what we did to ourselves.”
“And what do you want, exactly?” Damian asked cautiously.
Jon looked Damian straight in the eyes and said, “I wanted a friend, Damian—someone who’s with me even when I make mistakes and gets where I’m coming from. I wanted you.”
Damian stayed silent again, so Jon continued.
“We both messed up, Damian. You’re the only one who understands what I feel. We made our families worry, and it’s our fault, not anyone else’s. I don’t need someone feeling sorry for me. I just want someone to be with me.”
Even without words, Jon could tell that Damian felt the same.
“I know you’re not good at mushy stuff like this,” Jon said with a smile, “but we gotta have each other’s backs whatever happens. We’re Robin and Superboy, even if we mess up really bad sometimes.”
Jon held out his hand. A moment later, Damian’s own warm hand grasped it firmly—he’d apparently taken off his costume’s gauntlets just for the gesture.
“Jonathan Kent, you’re such a screw-up,” Damian sighed.
“Only as much as you, Damian Wayne.” Jon grinned.
“For better or worse, this is why we’re partners.”
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