#binge ED
biteofboredom · 1 month
Sick of only finding restrictive ed content on the eating disorder tags. Not just on this site, everywhere else too. If you're going to make content about eating disorders or ed recovery but you're only going to talk about restrictive eds, then specify that.
Binge eaters exist. We deserve recognition and recovery too.
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andreaheartscats · 3 months
Sally Face characters treating your ed
tw!!-> mentions of binge ed, if you struggle please do seek help or feel free to dm me on here!
Characters included: Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Travis Phelps
-> comfort/ a little angst?
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Sal Fisher:
-> he noticed you not being yourself for the past few days, it pained him knowing that you were struggling with some that but kept it to yourself.
What he also noticed was that you avoided eating in the cafeteria with him and the group? At first he didn't think much of it but as the time went by he became a bit worried.
One day after school Sal decided to walk with you home since you've been distante lately and he wanted to talk.
At first you ignored him or just faintly answear him, but then he went straight to the point and asked you what was going on.
That was your breaking point right there and you just poured your heart out to him. He hugged you and let you cry into his arms. He assured you that you are the most beautiful person he has ever seen and that your body and or your weight doesn't define you.
After this he helped you get better, eat cleaner, work on yourself and your health.
Larry Johnson:
->One thing that cought Larrys eyes was that he noticed you gained weight, of course he didn't think anything of it. In fact he thought you were really cute like that so he didn't say anything besides some little compliments.
He didn't know you were struggling at the time until he cought you shoving your two fingers down your throat. He paniced and rushed to you. You swore you saw him cry but you couldn't tell duo to your own teary eyes.
He kneeled down next to you and held your hands. He didn't know much about eating disorders but he knew that he wanted to help you in anyways he could.
You were thankful for him, he tried his best helping you by distracting you from your stupid brain and your ugly thoughts about food. After a while he finally saw you smiling, actually smiling.
Travis Phelps:
->He didn't know much about mental health or eating disorders .
But one day, when your school held an ed awareness he noticed you were rather anxious and queit that day. He watched butting your nails, your lip and bouncing your leg up and down at weirdly fast speed.
There was person talking about ed, and the ways it can effect someone. That's when you got uo from your seat and left. There was already enough in your mind, you didn't beed to listen to this too.
Travis didn't run after you, of course, but he did get a little worried. After all you were one of his closest and probably only friend that actually understood him.
After the person on stage finished talking about the ways ed can effect someone, on their mood etc.. it suddenly clicked in Travis's brain. That explained your weird behavior lately.
Not so long later, he also keft and went to look for you. He didn't know what he was going to say or do but he knew that he wasn't going to ket you go through this alone.
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chubbyybunnie · 3 months
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lxrd-cxle-x · 4 months
sorry i was gone for a while.
my best friend was at my place for a while (we live abt 8hrs apart)
basically no stop 3at1ng
gotta lock in now before my topsurgery on the 24.06
trying my best to ⭐ve/omad till then now, wish me luck <3
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hellooo :)
I'm 15 and I'm tryna lose weight, I don't rlly mind how my body looks atm but I kind of have health anxiety and I think my parents think I'm fat (they're low-key health freaks.)
I think I've had either binge ed or food addiction for a looong time and didn't realise bc I never thought about how much I was actually eating. in February (like the 20th I think) I binged (like proper binged) and I scared myself so much. since then my mental health has kind of gone down the shit hole 🥰
I also have misophonia which is SO fun
(☺️ ☺️ ☺️ 🔫🔫🔫)
I'll also post about my SHIT social life and stuff :)
all my posts are tagged #mine
bmi: 23.9 (omfg it's so close to overweight I might actually scream)
sw: 65kg
cw: 62.3kg
lw: 61.7kg
gw1: 60kg
gw2: 55kg
gw3: 50kg
ugw (but probably not knowing me): 48kg
all of mine: caloriecounteribarelyknowher
other people's that I found interesting: saved for l8r
either mealspo or my own food: food
workouts and exercise plans: workout
just me being silly: rambles
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the-tired-taurus · 5 months
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Just ED things 😘
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Happy Holidays Friends! This is a tricky time for so many is ED recovery, so here are some helpful links to utilize when you need them. Take tender care, loves!
Coping with a binge eating disorder during the holidays
ANAD Coping with an ED
Coping with a loved ones ED during the holidays
101 Body Affirmations
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laba2dub2 · 9 months
Please give me recommendations for chew & spit ^w^ ~°•°~
I've done chew and spit once in my life before, and want to start doing it again because it seems like a good alternative for purging, but I don't know what food would be best for it. I mainly crave chocolate but I'm afraid of the chocolate melting in my mouth so that I won't be able to spit it properly. I also tried potato chips before but they got stuck in my teeth so that also scares me. Anyone with experience that can give me some tips?
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klepazia · 18 days
let's hope this works
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picture not mine but the edited text is
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skinnycrochet · 4 months
Recovering from ana when you’re already overweight is so hard like I genuinely don’t feel like I deserve to eat and I’m terrified of getting any bigger. Plus I’m just going from restricting to binging every day
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never7enough · 2 years
Ich muss abnehmen, ich muss, muss, muss!
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biteofboredom · 1 month
Just saying that there are so many reasons why somebody might develop binge eating disorder.
None of them are 'lack of willpower' or 'being lazy'.
Some actual causes:
Restriction. Mental or physical. One of the main reasons I started bingeing was because I used to be anorexic and it backfired. This needs to be talked about more. (And yes, diets count as restriction)
Emotional regulation.
Food stims.
Boredom (another big one for me. Bingeing is a quick and easy way to relieve the awful boredom feeling.)
All or nothing thinking (I had this one thing, I'll eat everything now).
Being in an environment with a toxic attitude around food.
Just needing to feel something. Sometimes I just feel numb and bingeing is an easy fix.
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notpeachykeen · 2 years
I’m in college now. I thought it would be easier to starve myself away from home but I just see to binge non-stop. I walk to the nearest supermarket and buy chocolates and cake ad crisps and eat them all but can’t even purge then because vomiting is so traumatic for me. I have too much access to food 24/7 here and I hate it. I have no scales up here either so I can't tell how much weight I've gained
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chubbyybunnie · 6 months
My face is getting fatter because I keep fucking binging
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lxrd-cxle-x · 2 months
Oh what i would give to just be able to take a nap and wake up 40kg lighter...
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Dealing with a binge ED while living alone is so annoying because no one believes you. I have no one to help hold me accountable except myself and, having fought ana before, everything I learned then is stopping me from getting better now.
Eat at regular intervals throughout the day? Now I eat even when I'm not hungry because it's the routine I've set
Too much food in the house? I'll eat a little bit of everything all day long and have 2 meals at once for the "variety"
No food in the house? That's a good excuse to order delivery because of COURSE you have to eat something
Have small snacks instead of big meals? Nope now it's both
And I can't help it. I want to have a healthy relationship with food but I can't, when I try to eat smaller portions or not binge my body treats me like a failure and I feel as though I'll pass out despite knowing that's not realistic anymore. If I'm not physically unwell, I'm mentally unwell and my brain tells me I need to eat more to feel better.
And the nightmare of it all is that I've gained so much weight in the process and become so overweight that I can't help but feel like I'd have been better off if I never recovered from ana at all
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