#but i am just extremely disappointed in myself that i couldn’t hold on to my good productive mood from last week for even a single day
touchlikethesun · 4 months
#i would sorta like to understand how my parents can say such unbearably cruel things to my face#and think that they’re helping me#i get that other people in my life might not tell me the truth bc they don’t want to hurt me#but there’s a difference between being honest and being cruel#between being realistic and projecting your own dissatisfaction#and in the same breath they’ll ask me why i have no confidence in myself and tell me that i’ve wasted all my potential & it’s too late for#like#not that everything is their fault i am entirely responsible for not planning better#but how can they say something like that and think that they’re doing me a kindness#it just does not compute#this conversation happened yesterday and it was an hour of them venting their frustrations at me#frustrations that i fucking share!!!!! just for the record!!!!!#and then getting mad when i didn’t respond with some sort of hail mary like actually everything was fine#like what did they expect me to say#it also feels just so manipulative how much they insist that they are the only ones that care about me#that no one else in my life is reliable#which is already something i believe bc who would ever want to put up with all my bs outside of brief dinner parties#but i also can’t rely on them because everytime i have they’ve turned it against me like a weapon#so doesn’t that just mean that i genuinely have no one??? that i’m genuinely alone???#and i know i know they are like this because of their own trauma and their own issues#but i can’t manage myself much less manage all their emotions#it’s just such an awful situation#i’ll stop there the longer i type the more i spiral#but i am just extremely disappointed in myself that i couldn’t hold on to my good productive mood from last week for even a single day#after getting back#personal#vent
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cultofdixon · 6 months
Within Your Warmth
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Y/N finally found a place to sleep and Daryl was going to hit anybody that disturbs her • SFW • TW: Sleep Deprivation
Requested by: Anon
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“You coming to the bonfire Rick has going on later?” Rosita asks Y/N while she was in the middle of her fifth task of the day, pantry restock.
“Yeah, if I’m not too exhausted”
“Well there will be alcohol. The new dude Greyson found a case of beers on his run the other day with Eugene.” Rosita hopped up on the only stool in the pantry watching her best friend work. “Even Eugene found a good scotch”
“Now that’s what I’m here for” Y/N laughs lightly finishing the canned goods and about to start putting away the new jarred stuff from Oceanside. “Do you know if Daryl is gonna be there?”
Y/N could sense the smirk on her face resulting in a groan as Rosita quickly popped off the stool bringing herself up behind her bestie.
“The Daryl Dixon? The one you’ve been crushing on since longer before I came along?”
“Yes. That Daryl Dixon”
“So…if Daryl were to come then you’d for sure come?”
“I guess—“ and with that Rosita left the pantry, leaving a confused Y/N to continue doing what she was doing before heading onto the next task.
The bonfire was happening at Alexandria. They rotate through the communities every couple days to keep the connection between their families…even if Maggie doesn’t want to step foot in Alexandria as long as he lives. Daryl was currently residing in the Sanctuary after being tasked to keep an eye on the community which felt more like a punishment and only two people understood that. Carol and Y/N. When Rosita left to find him, she half expected him to be inside yelling at someone. Instead he was working on the gardening plots with a green thumb from the Kingdom and a few Saviors that turned for good.
“Dixon” Rosita brought on her tough exterior when talking to the man in hopes that her asks would be given a positive answer. “I have to ask you something”
“If it’s about the bonfire bullshit, I’m going”
“It’s about——“ Rosita paused, relaxing her shoulders. “Wait. Seriously?”
“Rick asked, so did Aaron. You just missed them” Daryl handed the hoe off to one of the Saviors so he could get close to Rosita. “Why are you askin’?”
“It’s more so trying to get another to go tonight.”
“Y/N said she’d go if you do…so does that confirm the mutual feeling that brews between the two of you?” Rosita smirks trying to get more out of the archer but he continued to have the same deadpan look from before. Her shoulders instantly slumped and the smirk faded. “Alright, loverboy…I’ll see you tonight”
“Mhm” Daryl let out a small chuckle before returning to work while Rosita headed off.
As the night came and the bonfire was starting, Daryl leaned against the picnic table holding all the goodies they brought out scanning around the intimate event in search for Y/N. Who so happened to be the last to arrive even if she lives in the vicinity.
“Where the hell have you been?” Rosita pulled Y/N aside when she was about to make small talk with someone.
“Uh. My watch shift? I just got relieved”
“What the hell?”
“What? I wasn’t gonna halt my work load for the day to doll myself up for a man who’s probably equally as tired as I am”
“Well hate to disappoint but the man is question” Rosita gently took a hold of her chin, directing her to look at Daryl while he was in the middle of a conversation with Gabriel. “Seems to have showered and dressed nicer than usual. I wonder who it’s for”
Y/N can’t deny that Daryl did indeed look extremely well put together. Did everything they used to beg him to do when they first arrived to Alexandria.
“I’m gonna go see how he’s doing” Y/N shot a smile his way which definitely caught his attention, but when she parted from Rosita to make her way over…she got stopped by Ezekiel and couldn’t just cut her friend off.
Daryl felt his small smile falter when she got pulled away not just once, but a handful of times throughout the night. He hasn’t even seen her eat or drink anything. Y/N was very popular that night and everybody wanted to talk to her, he wanted too as well but no window opened.
Until she was sat in one of the outdoor chairs by the fire, Daryl instantly took the empty one beside her and watched her tiredly look at him.
“Sorry was this—-“
“I’ve been trying to talk to you all night…” Y/N sighs, finally relaxing and keeping her attention on him. “I miss you”
The heat instantly made itself present on the tips of his ears as he tried to fight back a smile.
“Missed yea too sunshine”
The two caught up on what the other has missed regarding their community, ending with Y/N talking about how much Rick is an idiot for having Daryl watch the Sanctuary. A few share that same thought but hers had a whole other meaning.
“You staying the night here?”
“Yeah, figured they’d survive a night without me” Daryl scoffs finishing his beer as Y/N curled up slightly in her chair to get more comfortable.
“Well…I still stay at Rick and Michonne’s. No one touched your room if you’d like to stay there”
“I was actually planning on it…”
“Good” Y/N continues to hold her smile that he will always take a mental picture of. Before she could get another word, Rick quickly cut in to ask Daryl himself about any updates for the Sanctuary.
Which lead the exhaustion to finally hit Y/N after a long day.
When his conversation ended by Rick running off to catch up with Ezekiel, Daryl was going to return to his with Y/N but noticed she fell asleep in her chair. So instead of waking her, he sat with her and made sure no one disturbed her.
Daryl shooed away people, even tossed his empty beer bottle at Aaron who tried to start a conversation (thankfully he caught it)…eventually he got up from his spot and carefully picked up Y/N bridal style which led her to stir awake enough to realize what was happening.
“You’re alright, imma take yea home”
“Okay, long day” Y/N mumbles resting her head against his chest closing her eyes once more.
On the way to the Grimes residence, Rosita and Michonne went up to make sure Y/N was okay but Daryl quickly gave them a look to back off gently. Nothing was wrong. Thankfully they both understood.
“Who woulda thought it took having Y/N do a lot of shit today to have this tonight” Michonne stated, taking a sip of her scotch as Rosita choked on her beer.
“You’re also trying to get them together?”
“Please. I’ve been trying since our prison days. At least she can finally rest easy tonight…it’s been hard for her with Daryl at the Sanctuary”
“I bet…” Rosita continued to watch the two walk off before leaning close to Michonne with a smirk. “What’d yea win in the bet with Carol?”
“Three night shifts for the bridge camp”
Once they got inside the house and upstairs to Y/N’s room, Daryl gently laid her in the bed before grabbing a blanket draping it over her carefully. What he least expected, Y/N gently took his wrist tugging him back to the bed as he caught the hint or so he thought by bringing him low enough for her to wrap his arms around him.
“Lay with me…”
“Are you su—-“
“I’ve missed you so much Daryl, I’m not letting go of you that easily”
The archer didn’t wait another moment and quickly kicked off his shoes before climbing into the bed laying on top of her. Y/N let him adjust to where his head rested comfortably on her chest letting her run her fingers through his hair.
A satisfied sigh left Daryl’s lips holding her as she held him in a way where she wasn’t going to let go easily.
And he’s thankful for that
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jowrites · 4 months
"If I buy a car, will you take me on late night drives?" - Part 2
Jake Sim x Fem!Reader. Where 2 neighbors befriend one another because of his dog, and she doesn't have any friends.
Part 1.
TW: LOTS of fluff, Isolation(?), mentions of being a lone(r), mentions of parent death
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You were very odd indeed. It’s not like anything was really wrong about you, just social cues and norms weren’t your expertise and so you avoided it as much as you could. Growing up, your parents sheltered you. You remember how your mother would brush your hair at her vanity and express her unconditional love for you. How you were her precious doll and she needed to protect you at all costs. Your father loved to paint with you, every time you had painting lessons or piano lessons he would sneak in and join you, praising how his little Princess was doing so well. They were all you needed in life. When you told Jake this you avoided his eyes and he could see the tears start to spring in the corner of your eyes. He never pushed you.
He learned you were 2 years older than him and you actually went to school and graduated with a Master’s in Architecture. He was always shocked when you mentioned little facts here and there, especially your age as you seemed to be like this lost child, always curious and not aware of the dangers of the world. He had built this incredible sense of wanting to protect you always, and longing. It had been 7 months now and he was feeling himself fall deeper and deeper every time you were around. He just didn’t know how to break that barrier he knew you put up.
“Do you have any other dreams?” he asked you. The two of you were sitting next to each other drinking beer on your balcony. It was late at night and the moment Jake got home he ran straight to you wanting to just soak in your existence. 
“Hmm, yes. I have them here, hold on!” You quickly got up and ran inside, he watched as you scurried around looking in a drawer before finding a small journal. It looked extremely worn out so he figured it must be pretty old.
“My dad gave this to me on my 10th birthday, it was right before they got in their accident. He told me it was a dream journal and I’ve been writing in it since,” you held it out to him and he took it from you opening the first page.
Sell my first painting.
On this very day October 23, 2017 I sold my first ever painting to Keith Boulder. Mom and dads longtime partner. Thank you, Keith!
Move out of the Estate.
On this day January 1, 2018 I am moving out of the Estate. Jonah said it would be good for me and he helped me make arrangements to leave. I’m going to miss everyone but I can’t stay here anymore. Everyday I’m reminded of them and I need to get out before I drive myself mad with grief. Here’s to the next…
Play Bingo at a Casino.
Get my license.
I realized something: I hate driving!
Own a pet snake.
I got a snake. It somehow escaped. Don’t know where it went. Lesson learned: don’t get a snake.
Touch a cloud.
Make a new friend.
Her name is Layla. And Jake.
Have my first kiss.
Go to Paris.
Paris is a lot dirtier than I thought it was going to be, the people are pretty mean too. Was a bit disappointed but the Countryside was beautiful and next time I’ll just spend my time there.
Fall in love before it’s too late.
‘Fall in love before it’s too late’. Jake looked over at you and saw you looking out into the City. He could easily check this off for himself, but this was your dream and he hoped he could fulfill it someday just like he did with some of your others.
“You lost a snake in your apartment?” he asked.
“Yeah, it just went poof! Gone,” you shrugged.
“How?” he raised an eyebrow, suddenly looking around scared the snake would show up now and attack him. That’s just his luck.
“I don’t know. It’s been like 3 years, I never see mice or rats around the place so I assume it’s doing well just…being a snake, I guess,” you said.
“You guess? You mean to tell me it could still be alive in this building?” He couldn’t believe it.
“Hey, the risk you made when moving in,” you shrugged it off.
“Yes, a very strange neighbor and her lost snake was something they must have forgotten to mention,” he said, making you laugh.
“You are very much welcome!” You smiled, finishing off your beer and taking his and drinking his as well.
“And she takes my things!” He liked to joke, you always laughed at his jokes and it was better than seeing you cry so he wanted to make you laugh as much as possible.
“Hello??? JAKE!!!!” Suddenly the two of you turned and looked towards your door. You both could hear banging and his name being called by voices you never heard.
“Oh, shit!” Jake quickly got up and walked out into the hall, you soon followed suit. 
“Ah, there you are!” One of the men said.
“You lived there? And we have been banging on this stranger's door! Oh I’m so sorry to whoever lives there,” one of the other’s said.
“What are you guys doing here?” Jake asked, suddenly opening his door for them to go inside.
“We wanted to surprise you, wait, so you do live here?” The other said.
“Oh! Are you Y/N?” One of the guys pointed at you, realizing you were present.
“Oh, so you DO exist, we were starting to think Jake was seeing things,” the other jokes.
“No, you’re seeing things. I don’t exist,” you played along giving them a sly smile.
“Guys, this is Y/N, and Y/N this is Sunghoon, Jay, and Heeseung,” Jake introduced.
“Jake talks about you all the time,” Jay said.
“He literally doesn’t shut up about you,” Sunghoon chimed in.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. Don’t mind them, they can be annoying,” Heeseung came over and held his hand out for you to shake. You gave him a fist bump instead, causing a bit of confusion.
“You can’t just show up unannounced, next time call or something,” Jake said as everyone ushered into his apartment. Layla was with you the whole time and you silently took a seat on his couch just watching Jake and his friends. 
They began rummaging through his kitchen looking for things. They brought things to make dinner and Jay looked like he knew what he was doing so you trusted him for now. Jake almost forgot and looked around suddenly before spotting you on the couch. He gave you an apologetic smile and you smiled assuring him it was okay. He really did not want his friends scaring you off.
“So, Y/N, how’s our boy Jake over here? Is he treating you right?” Jay asked and Jake mentally face palmed.
“Oh no. He can be quite annoying sometimes, like for instance he doesn’t leave me alone,” You started off and Jake’s eyes got wide.
“Hey! I can say the same to you, Missy! You literally wake me up sometimes so I can drive you around, guys she doesn’t drive so I have to drive her,” Jake defended.
“Yeah, but you promised me you would and so you have to no matter what,” You said back. 
“You’re just as clingy as I am! Guys yesterday I was in the shower and she literally just came in without a hi or hello! Just barged in while I was taking a shower. Who does that?” Jake said.
“I told you I just found out Betty White died and I was grieving!” You defended.
“She died years ago!” Jake spoke up.
“Wow, you two are cute!” Heeseung said.
“Are you sure they’re not married?” Sunghoon whispered to his friends.
“Mhm, tell me more, Y/N, how he is! Love to hear it,” Jay nodded as he was chopping up some vegetables.
“What else is there? Jake is my best friend,” you shrugged and Jake immediately got soft. “He doesn’t leave me alone but I like it. I got to him because I want to be around him. He brings me food and paints with me, he drives me around because he knows I don’t like to drive. I know I am not that easy to get along with and I’m very weird. I don’t know how to talk to people and he doesn’t judge me. He’s always nice to me and makes me laugh. He eats meals with me and lets me play with his dog. When he has a hard day he doesn’t complain and still comes and hangs out with me. What else is there to say other than he’s the best person in this whole world.”
It got quiet and everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked between you and Jake. Your eyes were on Layla as you petted her and Jake’s eyes were on you, soft and full of love. He suddenly walked over to you and grabbed your hand and started walking out, “Be right back!”  walking you two across to your apartment.
“Did I overstep? Sorry, I just-” You began to say but Jake cut you off.
“No, no you didn’t. I’ve had feelings for you for a while now, Y/N, I’ve been completely head over heels and I had been so afraid to tell you,” he started to say and your heart skipped a beat.
“You have?” you whispered.
“Yes, yes. I wasn’t sure about you and your feelings but now I am, you like me too,” he said.
“I do? How do you know?” you asked.
“I didn’t until a minute ago, but now I’m sure you feel this spark too,” Jake said. “Let me in. Let me love you.”
“Okay,” and that was all Jake needed before crashing his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and sweet, Jake didn’t want to be overwhelming but it took everything in him to hold himself back. You kissed him back and he kissed you with passion hoping you could feel his emotion. You began to giggle and he pulled back, putting some of your hair behind your ear.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“You made another one of my dreams come true,” you said.
“Oh, love, I plan to make many more of them come true for you.”
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mrs-snape5984 · 7 months
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“I have nothing left. And all I feel is this cruel wanting…”
“And as much as I'd like to feel like I belong here, I'm just as scared as you.” (“Lost in paradise” by Evanescence)
I have to put a trigger warning (suicidal thoughts and swear words) on this post and I’m doing this before I’ve even written my text. I’m sorry. I only need to scream my pain out.
1, 5 years. 535 days. 12840 hours. 770400 minutes. 46 224 000 seconds. Approximately.
1,5 years ago, my life became my personal hell. I feel captured in my own useless body…captured in my goddamn dark room, captured in my fucking overstimulated mind. And who’s my sadistic prison guard? It’s this cruel bitch of a disease ME/CFS!
Wasn’t it enough yet?! Am I such a horrible human being, that I really deserved even more shit in my life?! There have been so many ordeals in my life…so many rough times, disabilities and diseases…so much anxiety and stress to deal with!!! What have I done wrong to deserve all of these dreadful things?! Seriously, what have I done?!?
I must be some kind of a magnet for disasters…I can’t explain it in any other way to myself. Maybe, I’ve just yelled “here!” for all these experiences…maybe I’ve volunteered accidentally?!? Watching your parents fighting night after night until you have to intervene again and again? Here! Being sexually abused at the age of 12 years? Here! Being raped at the age of 15 years? Here! Multiple surgeries and endless pain? Here! Domestic violence? Here! Multiple Miscarriages? Here! Months of pregnancy staying in bed at the hospital? Here! Fighting for the lives of your extremely premature born children without a partner on your side, even though they were the result of ICSI treatment? Here! Colitis Ulcerosa? Here! OCD? Here! Disability? Here! Several other severe illnesses? Here! Getting ME/CFS and being doomed to a life in darkness and silence? Here! Here, here, here!!!!!!!!! Fuck me sideways!
Is it me? Am I the problem?! What have I done wrong! Tell me, God, what shall I do to end this madness…to finish this suffering?! I’m already broken!
And yes, I know, I have three wonderful children….and I’m forbidding myself to leave them behind…to leave them alone. They need their mother. I know that all. But seeing the sadness in their little faces every day…noticing the disappointment in their voices every fucking day…it’s breaking me.
I’ve tried to have dinner together with my children tonight. Therefore, I wore my noise canceling headphones, my sunglasses and I told them to be as quiet as possible. And still….still….fuck! Their movements, their voices, when they spoke all at once…the light in our dining room…everything was too much for me!! I got disoriented…overwhelmed by this overstimulation. All I could do, was to close my eyes and to wait until dinner was over. I couldn’t eat or drink, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t interact with my children the way, they deserved to be treated by their mother! So…what kind of mother am I now? I’m just a shadow of the mother…of the person, I’ve been, before ME/CFS started to destroy me. I’m only a pathetic failure. My children deserve more than that!
I’m hopeless…and all I want is to let myself fall…just like Julia lets herself fall into the tempting abyss in this heart wrenching drawing, which I’ve commissioned from my dear friend @madfantasy. I’ve told Mani to make Severus come and save her. He’s there…holding her back…grabbing her in the very last moment, screaming “Stay with me, Jules!”. Severus is her last anchor. Severus is my anchor. I won’t let myself fall with him by my side.
Mani, my precious friend, I can’t tell you how grateful I am, that you were brave enough to give my cruel fantasy a face. I know, that my dark thoughts can be overwhelming, especially for someone, who’s also struggling with their own mental health. I’m apologizing for the way, I’m pouring out my grief and despair over your marvelous artwork. But you’re the only artist, who’s capable of getting a grasp on my emotions and transforming them into something so powerful, so delightful like your art. Thank you for everything, my dear. 🫂🫂 (Fly fly)
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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riverofempathy · 1 year
I rewatched Good Omens S1 and S2, and I am in AGONY.
For obvious reasons.
And for some deeper, more personal reasons.
Spoilers ahead. And a little dive into deconstructing religion.
I’ve been doing some more processing recently of my own religious trauma and faith transition out of Mormonism, as well as figuring out certain non-religious but still extremely foundational beliefs that formed my development, in terms of who I am as a person and how I interact with people and how much confidence or anxiety I have about various things.
And I realized something about Aziraphale.
He doesn’t choose to go back to Heaven.
In the last few minutes of S2 E6, the Metatron comes back and asks how Crowley took the news. “Not well,” Aziraphale replies, holding back all of the huge emotions he’s dealing with because of course he doesn’t want the literal voice and representative of God to see his pain. He puts on a jolly-good, humorous, happy mask. And what does the Metatron do?
He asks Aziraphale if there’s anything else he needs to take with him. To Heaven.
In other words, he assumes and expects that Aziraphale has said yes. The Metatron asks about Crowley’s answer but never asks for Aziraphale’s.
It’s full-blown, sinister but covered up by a smile, purposeful manipulation.
And Aziraphale, at his very core, is good and kind and he just wants to see people fall in love and do joyful, silly, wonderful, brilliant things, and of course he still sees Heaven as Good, and he tries so hard to be Good Enough for Heaven while constantly feeling like he’s not, so when the literal voice and authority of God stands in front of him and says, “Alright, come along, to Heaven we go, do you need to bring anything else?” … of course Aziraphale goes with him.
He’s expected to.
He’s lived for thousands (or technically millions) of years trying to meet Heaven’s expectations and just barely, barely missing it. But maybe this time, this time, this time…
Aziraphale doesn’t want to go to Heaven.
He’s being pushed into it. By seemingly polite and friendly words that are given a very specific tone that can shut down someone like Aziraphale so easily.
And I know that because he’s me. I hate confrontation, I hate disappointing people, I especially hate disappointing people I admire and/or view as an authority over me and what my opinions and actions in life should be… I have been pushed into doing things that made me uncomfortable or even hurt me… but I pretended I was fine because I couldn’t let anybody know I wasn’t. I had to be good enough. I wanted to be good enough. I believed so strongly that I just wasn’t quite good enough, but maybe this time, I’d finally prove myself to the people who mattered. To the people who expected certain things from me. To the people who phrased things a certain way that made me feel like I couldn’t say no.
Because no wasn’t really an option.
So Aziraphale didn’t say no.
He didn’t say yes, either, but the Metatron wasn’t asking anymore. He never truly cared what Aziraphale wanted. He told off the archangels for threatening Aziraphale with removing his name from the Book of Life because they didn’t have the authority—not because he thought it was wrong. Because the Metatron is the one—the ONLY one—with the authority. And his authority, or rather HE, can clearly never, ever be questioned.
Hence Crowley’s Fall.
And hence Aziraphale’s fear. Look at him. Look at how he acts with the Metatron, just like how he acted with the archangels in S1 and in the Job episode of S2. He is afraid of them. As he should be!
So no. He doesn’t choose Heaven.
He didn’t have a choice at all.
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magiczoeygoinginsane · 4 months
Aloe Vera
cw: dubious consent (rape), blood and drug use, dead dove, do not eat
this is not smut, this is an outlet to explore my own trauma
I kept asking myself why this place was so dark. It’s a party, are party’s supposed to be this dark? Maybe it makes it more mysterious,but i could still see random things around me, like furniture, people, the colorful, yet dim lights spread across the house, that wasn’t the only thing bothering me if i’m being honest
this music’s way too fucking loud 
yeah…that was bothering me too 
i could tell someone sat next to me on the couch to say that but i couldn’t quite tell who, I just saw her silhouette 
yeah…i’m so drunk….
that was the moment i realized the voice should’ve already clued me in, It was Jesse, from highschool “oh wow…remember highschool? God i hated highschool…I mean i still hate college but i can at least say things got better since i-” 
oh my God Alice…say something
i realized i was just monologuing in my head and panicked
oh- hi…sorry about that
you’re fine~
she giggled, and i was left to find something to talk about and keep the conversation going
uhhh…the people here…are kind of- 
i’m sorry, i know you don’t like parties
i can tell you’re winging it, it’s alright
i felt terrible about it, i still wanted to be there, i didn’t want to disappoint Jesse, i shouldn’t disappoint Jesse 
no, i’m fine, this is a lot of fun
you’re…you’re sweating, Alice
oh shit! Wait, am I? 
yeah, you’re sweating, and you’re doing that thing with your hand you do when you’re anxious
I was really panicking by now, “she’s onto me, what if she has to leave because of me? Maybe I could just leave and she’d be fine on her own”
 hey! hey! it’s ok
she said, in the softest voice i could imagine coming out of her mouth 
this party sucks anyways, it’s cool 
she downed the cup she was holding in one go and threw it on the ground
i’m thinking of getting away from this party for a little bit too, do you wanna come with?
I hesitated a little but I agreed. She suddenly took me by the hand to led me across the house “wait,that’s a girl thing right? girls…do that…or like…things like that- i don’t know- oh my God i’m a girl! I love being a girl” she opened the door to a bedroom and gestured for me to walk in first
Oh! Thank you
Yeah, you’re welcome 
i walked in and looked around the room, the lights were off, i tried to turn them on but they were just as dim as any of the lights in that party.I noticed a few streaks of light, and realized there was a window being covered with some really cheap blinds, that left little gaps of light into the room. I was walking around the room while Alice closed the door,making the room even darker, that made me notice how dusty the air felt, it was extremely dry, irritating my nose a little, and that’s when i realized the room reeked of weed 
what the fuck?! 
she started uncontrollably laughing, every now and then stopping to catch a breath and start talking again
y’know- y’know when i said…haha….y’know when i said i was high?
we stared at each other in silence for a little bit
fuck! I mean drunk, I said I was drunk, not high! But I'm actually high!
the realization came over me and I bursted in laughter as well
did you get high in their bedroom?! 
fuck yeah i did! 
oh my God
our laughing became slower overtime and i sat down on the bed, looking down as i really took in what she just did
oh, that’s terrible…
I know…
she sat beside me and stared at me 
I need to get higher…
she grabbed an already rolled up joint from her pocket
What the fuck?! Don't! Also why did you just have that already rolled up?
I was saving it for you…Do you want it instead? 
No! We don't need any more smoke in this room 
she suddenly got up and lifted the blinds for a few seconds to throw the joint out the window, I would have said something but she already threw it so I figured there was no point.
She sat down by my side on the bed again and stared at me for a few seconds
We've known each other since…
First year of highschool I'm pretty sure-
Yeah we should've already had sex by now
My eyes suddenly bulged and I stopped looking at the floor to look back at her to make sure she was aware of what she just said
Yeah, you're cute enough we should've had sex by now…do you want to? 
Suddenly she wanted me to speak after dropping such a bomb of a sentence, I felt dazed, but also pressured to make a decision as quickly as possible
Nice! Let's do it then 
Wait, don't we need to like, do something first? Like uhhhh…lubricant! Yeah we need lubricant…and I need to clean out or something
Yeah…ok I think I saw some aloe vera on the other side of the street, that works for lubricant, as for cleaning out…it's not really mandatory…? So I'll go get the plant and you can try to figure some way to clean out if you want 
she opened and closed the door as fast as she could so the smell of weed stayed inside, though she didn't really take any other precautions to make sure that it would.
I looked around the room, maybe if the room had a bathroom I could do something, but there wasn't, and I didn't want to leave the room because I was scared someone would see me leaving and start asking questions "yeah it's fine, I can just stay here, I don't need to clean out, she said it wasn't mandatory so it probably isn't- I mean she probably knows more about this than I do"
Suddenly she was back, she opened and closed the door as quickly as she had last time, but now, she had a piece of a plant in her hand, it looked like it was bleeding some green liquid from where she had ripped it
You know what aloe vera is right? 
I sort of knew, I never heard of the plant but I assumed it was what she was holding, and that I would use that green liquid as a lubricant.
She gave me the plant and started taking off her clothes, without even a hint of teasing, way too quickly for me to process, so before I even took In the sight of her small beautiful breasts, her larger cock was already visible as well.
I quickly jumped off the bed to take off my own clothes and reciprocate her initiative, clumsily getting my neck stuck in my shirt and shaking in embarrassment to show my breasts and my penis which was clearly smaller.
She looked at me with a sort of thousand yard stare, I was scared of what she'd think of my body but I couldn't tell what she was thinking until she spoke again, but she didn't, instead she slowly walked towards me and pressed her dry lips against my mouth, giving me a taste of what she'd been smoking for the past hour.
She interrupted the kiss to push me onto the bed 
Now turn around
she said, suddenly sounding so much more sober and in control, I did as she said and she suddenly dropped her entire body on me, shaking the bed and making me shriek for a second from the sudden pain on my back.As she heard my shriek she suddenly stuck her fingers in my mouth
shhhh, nobody knows we’re here
her fingers tasted awful, they were the most bitter taste I had ever felt, I was disgusted. 
Suddenly I couldn't focus on how my mouth felt as the dry atmosphere that I felt before started being remedied by her spreading the green liquid on my entrance, it was equally disgusting, it felt cold and slimy, but she wouldn't stop spreading it, before spreading it on her own cock 
Oh! Wait…do you like fingers in your mouth? I just sort of assumed
she took the fingers out to give me room to speak
i didn't know why I said that when I did, I realize now that, even though it didn't feel good, I wanted it to feel good so bad, I just had to keep going, maybe I'd enjoy it eventually, so she put those disgusting fingers in my mouth once again, the taste was repugnant and so was the dry texture, but i didn’t say a thing.
Then without any warning, she entered me, and all I felt was pain, but I couldn't yell, I could tell that even if her fingers weren't in my mouth i wouldn't have protested, this needed to feel good
I felt my eyes water as she explored my insides, sometimes coming close to pleasure but only leading to more pain, as she kept moving back and forth I could feel her fingers imitating the same movement inside my mouth, sometimes making me gag, causing my eyes to water even more, slightly irritated from the dry air in the room.
Suddenly she made me gag again “am I about to puke?” I asked myself as i felt this weird taste crawling up my throat, giving me another awful sensation to fixate on.
you’re so tight…
“This was supposed to feel good, I want it to feel good, she’s feeling good, maybe…am i doing something wrong?” I thought to myself before seeing a single red droplet fall on the bed. My nose was bleeding, I could taste the blood on her fingers, and instead of saying anything, I drank It, I let it drop on the bed, staining It just as much as it had stained my face.
For a few minutes this went on, and i felt lost in this sensory nightmare, i kept asking myself why i didn’t stop it, we weren’t even done and i regretted it, if i just told her i didn’t like it, it would be over, but it wasn’t my body anymore
I’m so close!
She yelled as she pumped it inside of me once more, I felt her liquid come out and mix itself with the lubricant, making me realize she didn’t even wear a condom. she pulled out and laid beside me on the bed, giggling to herself
oh my God, what a mess 
I stared at her, realizing the blood on my face had dried, leaving a sticky crystal layer in between my mouth and my nostrils
yeah, we should clean up 
She said in between her heavy breathing before getting up and slowly walking to the door.
i’ll go to the bathroom and get some tissues
She put her hands on the doorknob, before opening it she heard knocks on the door and jumped back
oh fuck!
Who's there?! Why'd you lock the door?! It’s my mom’s room man come on!
He kept banging on the door as Jesse quickly ran towards the window and opened it to climb the frame and jump off of it to the outside.
I kept staring at the door, trying to understand what had just happened, my childhood friend just climbed out of a window after all that she had done to me, and i had no choice but to follow her, so i dragged myself out of the bed, feeling the weird liquid stain my pants as i put them back on and climbed out of the window to meet with Jesse, who grabbed my hand again and guided me to her car so we could hide.
I sat in the passenger seat and looked up, still shaken. 
Oh my God! That was insane right?!
She said as she turned on her car and looked at me expecting a reaction
Like, in a cool way y’know? Oh my God!
She started driving away and i felt like i had to finally say something
It was my first time Jesse 
I immediately felt tears coming, i wasn’t crying, i felt the same as i was feeling before, but my throat was now closing in and my eyes were red 
Really?! You’re so lucky! First time with a childhood friend is some highschool musical kind of thing
Take me home…Please… 
Right, it’s on the way to my house, we should do this again sometime 
if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, help is available
visit https://hotline.rainn.org/online or call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to get in contact with RAINN, the national sexual assault hotline
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dapperbasil · 1 year
Tammy - 50
One word writing prompts: Cotton
When Caroline learned how little clothing Tammy had after her embrace, she had insisted on taking the young Ventrue to remedy the situation. With her sire graciously accepting the offer, Tammy found herself following the Toreador quietly, feeling extremely out of her element as they walked down the aisles of various stores. It had already been a rather long night, with numerous trips to the fitting rooms just to be disappointed with each and every one. Caroline frowned as she held up a blouse and looked down at the awkward young woman tailing behind her. “It’s a shame that it’s June, I think you’d look wonderful in fall colors. Summer doesn’t really suit you, Tammy.”
As Caroline puts the blouse back on the rack, Tammy takes a look over at the few successful purchases they were able to agree on. Mostly slacks, but there were a few more colorful button up shirts that both agreed looked nice enough that her sire wouldn’t mind her wearing on occasion. “I’m not sure that much really suits me at all, Miss Maxwell. Not that I don’t appreciate you doing this for me, I really do.” Tammy holds her hands behind her back as Caroline holds a dress up to her to measure it, both of them shaking their heads at the garment being far too short to even entertain. “I just don’t understand why you’re being so nice to me by doing this.”
Caroline laughed as if Tammy’s words were the funniest thing she had heard all night, stopping only when she noticed the Ventrue was not laughing along with her. “Oh, you’re serious. Lemme guess, Zacharias told you others only help if they want something from you, right?” A nod was the confirmation Caroline needed as she led Tammy away from the clothing department and into bedding. “I guess that’s not wrong, per say. I do want something from you out of this, but it's not anything too major.” Caroline begins browsing the items on display and putting them in a basket, bedsheets, pillow cases, towels, various necessities. “You see, I’ve known your sire for quite some time now, a good many years. And he’s picky, very picky.” She glances at Tammy, who gives back an uneasy smile. Caroline’s voice lowers in volume to a much softer tone, to ensure others don’t hear her speaking. “He’s not the kind of kindred who would take the choice of childe lightly, Zacharias certainly put much thought into your embrace. So I want to know… why did he pick you?”
Tammy found herself unable to answer. She didn’t really know why her sire had chosen her for the embrace. “I… I couldn’t really say. He’s never said anything about it to me, and I don’t think there’s anything really special that would be a reason for it.” She followed her in silence as they made their way to the front of the shop, Caroline seemingly satisfied with her selections. 
“That’s just it, Tammy! Excuse me saying this but you’re… so overwhelmingly average that I can’t figure it out myself. I wish I could get into that little head of his to find out his reasoning. I swear not knowing is going to drive me insane.” Caroline shrugged her shoulders and paid for the merchandise, making a big effort of sighing in annoyance. “I guess I’ll have to learn it the hard way. I’m sure it’ll become clear in the coming years, once you settle into everything.”
The drive back was relatively silent, the only sound in the car being the music playing from the radio. Turning down a different road than the one her sire lived on, Tammy was surprised until she remembered that Zacharias had mentioned moving her into an apartment. Clearing her throat as they got closer to their destination, Tammy looked down into her lap. “Thank you, by the way. I wanted to say it before we were in front of my sire, so you’d know I wasn’t just saying it because he wanted me to. I am really grateful for all this.”
Caroline reached over and ruffled the young fledgling’s hair with a grin. “Glad to hear. Now you’ll have better things to wear than those tacky little dresses like the one you wore to my studio. You’re much better off, and I’ll never have to see those affronts to fashion ever again! We’re both winners in my book.”
They parked outside an apartment complex where Zacharias stood waiting next to his car, the two elder kindred exchanging pleasantries before Caroline took her leave and the Ventrue escorted Tammy up to her new home for the time being. He gave her a small list of rules for her to follow, all of which felt fair enough to her, handed her a set of keys and took his leave for the night. As she was setting up the soft, cotton sheets on the bed in the bedroom chosen for her, Tammy sighed as her mind wandered to the question Caroline had posed, a question she hadn’t really realized even was one to be asked. “Why did he choose to embrace me?”
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nandostateofmind · 2 years
I wanted to Lose Alone………..
Being Afraid of Competing………..
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I wrote a goal list for 2023. On that list was competing twice for this calendar year. I was so fucking afraid. Mostly afraid because I got my ass handed to me the first tournament I attended and I was really down about it. There’s this thing about me, however, that I hate to be afraid of anything. So, when I’m afraid most of the time I just run directly at it because I would rather go out on my shield, on my own terms. It’s like if you were going to get jumped and have your ass beat anyway, why comply with the ones looking to hurt you? You going to get your ass beat anyway, might as well start swinging and fuck it. You wont win but they not going home saying boy that was easy either. So, with that logic I signed up for the tournament at the last minute. Thursday night I signed up for Saturday.
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My wife and daughter wanted to go. I asked them not to. I didn’t want the additional pressure since I felt I was going to lose like and I felt like my victory was in deciding to go at all. So, I asked her if she wouldn’t go. I was going to allow my son to go because, first and foremost he does jiujitsu so he has a better understanding of what he is actually seeing on the mats. Secondly, for my son, I wanted him to understand that doing things despite being afraid is a good thing. I wanted him to understand losing with grace. During the car ride he paused for a moment and asked me, “hey dad are you afraid?” I said to him absolutely I am terrified and my stomach has been hurting for two days thinking about it. I said but I don’t like being afraid ever so I like to go at it head on and win or lose know that I went out there and tried my best regard of the outcome I could be proud of myself for trying my best.
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Then there was my friend and sometimes teacher and (apparently as of now) my tournament coach. I didn’t want him to come with me because I lost so poorly the first time out. He came with me to my first tournament and thankfully another of his students came as well. So, with the other student there it took some pressure off of me because even if I lost and he won at least it wasn’t a wasted trip for my friend. This time however, it was only me competing. God bless him because he is definitely going to heaven but this man insisted he would come coach me and went as far as to take a bus to Philadelphia to come coach me through this ordeal. I just didn’t want the pressure of disappointing him twice. I hold him in super high esteem as a human but as a jiujitsu person it really gets crazy. See black belts in jiujitsu are magicians, especially at my academy. Its hard sometimes to even feel like we are practicing the same martial art when you experience what they are doing to perfectly. All of this added to the pressure. I wanted to lose alone.
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I have an extremely supportive friend who trains with me assists me on techniques and generally encourages me to continuously improve. He was a recent brown belt recipient and he was feeling the nerves of competition at his new rank. He encouraged me to go out there and try my best. I’m grateful he said that because that what I ultimately did I went out there and tried my best. First match, I went out there and I was so nervous and I zero game plan except to try and score early and give myself a cushion to work for a submission. I told myself just listen to my coach and allow him to be my remote control whatever he says I will attempt to do. I ran, did jumping jacks, and pushups before the match to make sure I could get some of the nerves out. Than the match began, he pulled guard I passed got to side control position scored, went to mount scored, but then I began overthinking. I was swept out of position ended up playing bottom closed guard. Then he passed my guard and I spent the remainder of the minutes remaining making sure he couldn’t score on me since I felt extremely confident he couldn’t submit me. I won on points.
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Second match came. Before it began I told my coach I’m just happy I came to compete getting a win in the first match was just a little whipped cream on this situation. He said you know you could win this whole thing, right? We didn’t come here not to lose we came here to win! For the first time since even considering competing I felt like, oh shit I could win this motherfucker! So that’s when the confidence began I stepped on the mats a new man. My coach’s game plan worked magically. I won by submission an Americana from the mount. I rolled off with the fist pump of victory. High fived my son. Hugged my coach. Texted my wife. In the grand scheme of things, it meant nothing. But for my it was a sign that I was getting better and that I conquered that fear even if only for the day. I also got my second stripe on the belt awesome moment for me.
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If life works out even close to the way I would like, one day I will be a black belt one day. I will be the new brown belt worried about competing at my new rank. I will be the black belt helping a student at a tournament who is shitting himself. I will be on those mats helping out the new kid feel comfortable and one of the family in the gym like it was done for me by my coach. I hope he’s there the day I get promoted to black belt because some percentage of that was earned by him too. And all the guys and professors at the gym beating my ass all the time making me better with each roll. So maybe I was looking at it wrong I was never going to lose alone even if I had gone by myself I had the whole crew behind me. Like my coach said to me, there’s no losing you either or you learn. But that day I happened to win, I’m grateful.
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dadkisser15 · 1 month
I’m so bitter right now, I feel so bitter knowing that if I was her you would’ve probably stayed and spoke so more. Instead I was met with silence and I am oh so bitter. If she asked to match you would’ve said yes, I got a maybe and I am so extremely bitter. I feel bitter knowing I showed my body off to you just to be treated like an after thought, I desperately want your attention and reassurance yet all I’m receiving as of now is just snippets of your attention. You couldn’t even have an actual conversation with me, no distractions; a genuine 1 on 1 when that’s all I’ve been craving these past few days. Just to simply enjoy some time with you, make you laugh and just be able to bathe in the warmth of your sweet voice. Was I only good for lust? Was it really just that? I feel so bitter knowing that I probably don’t mean a lot to you. I really do have strong feelings for you and this just hurts me so bad. Is it because you don’t like me anymore? Why am I being treated differently, am I not your princess? It sounds corny but a lot of the things you say to me mean so much, the hold you have on my heart is beyond words. I just want something with you, I don’t want something “causal”. Maybe I should just give up on this, even though It would hurt me so bad. I really thought my company and affectionate meant something to you; after that one conversation we had. You told me you felt as if I was giving up on speaking with you, I hadn’t asked to call or hang out that entire week or so and you were right, I was slowly giving up; it wasn’t because I didn’t want to do any of that but because I was aware you were hanging out with another girl but it’s like the same thing is happening again but you don’t care this time. I’m actually trying this time because I thought iy meant something to you, yet I got stood up two days and today you barely spoke with me. I was so excited to speak with you even though my faith was diminishing, i was so excited to hear you but you were distracted the entire time and it made me feel shitty since I was sitting there doing nothing since I really just wanted to do something together or just talk. I was grateful for your company but I wanted to cry the whole time. I even did my makeup because I wanted you to see me, call me pretty maybe? I also wanted to see you but again i was given a maybe 😞. I feel like giving up because you aren’t giving me any of your time but im afraid this time you’ll actually just forget about me and I still want what we have. God kev. Kevin. My baby. ☹️ I just want you and your love. I wanna tell you what’s hurting my mind and I wanna express myself but I’m so unsure about everything. I hate feeling bitter towards you, it isn’t like im mad just I feel so disappointed and insecure.
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coolestintheory · 8 months
I’ve never felt more socially awkward in my existence as i did today… i realized i’m extremely quiet around u and shut myself down to the point i won’t really talk or even look at you in the face. this makes me really sad and confused because i yearn for these moments and yet when i have them i’m too afraid to act normally???!
no small talk, no telling a random joke, or something that has happened to me… alone i have all these thoughts and points of conversation but when i see you face to face i shut down and i feel so ashamed of my own existence and all the time we are together i am very hyper aware of it. of how i look, of what i’m doing, of how i walk and how i look to you. the second i see you i’d want nothing more than to just jump to you and hug you and kiss you and just be near you but more often than not i think i’m just very cautious and almost tip toe around you. i have an extremely huge fear of coming off too strong and of being excessive in my love & also of it not being reciprocated. and so i constantly feel like i take up too much space and i create a huge distance because of fear….. like i’m next to you, the most beautiful person i’ve known someone who literally makes me look at the world differently and i cant say a single word.
idk if part of it to me is like when something is so precious and rare and beautiful and U’ve never seen anything like it. and you know that you can’t just go to it. so you know to not get near and risk ruining it and just admire from afar. Like art in a museum…. but i’m scared that maybe i create the distances too wide for there to even be a chance of love. another point is that i get nervous after we haven’t seen eachother in a while and i genuinely miss you so so so much
But i guess i should think better of myself and know that maybe getting near can actually be something special and great. I just feel so scared i mean i look at myself and something feels off and wrong and i can’t understand why someone would like me or love me or even ever try to understand me…. i got all these issues with my brain and i know it can be a lot for most people & of course i’d never expect anyone to wanna deal with that or put up with it. i struggle a lot feeling good in my skin and especially today meeting your mom i was scared of disappointment or idk just like not making a good impression? i’m not sure what being looked at and illiciting a “surprise” to someone means… and i guess i felt she didn’t really like me or like didn’t expect Me and idk it’s all confusing and who am i to say what andahhh :,/ i’m scared of so much….. i genuinely love you. and i’ve never felt something so intense for s person, but i couldn’t stand being an inconvenience in your life…. or a topic of conversation that makes things awkward at home or between your family.
It all makes me feel like i’m this huge mistake and i miss being seventeen, sure of everything i was and proud of it. but there’s risk in being Me and i think there’s even more risk in loving someone so hard when it feels like you’re doing something wrong.
I wish i could hold your hand and not feel like i’m committing a crime deep down. in that moment everything kinda stops for me and nothing feels more right. i’m not exaggerating anything… i truly feel it so intensely exactly how i’m describing. but i hold back on so much because i know that if someone found us out it’d be the end of your world and ours as we know it, instead of something to celebrate and talk about with admiration.
everytime and i mean every single time i get into that uber, i can hardly hold back my tears. this time it was different. because i felt distance and regret in not saying what i need to. and because meeting your mom was something big for me. i know she doesn’t really have an idea of who i am, but i just really got the feeling she didn’t like me very much and that makes me feel pretty sad
i dont know what else to say. i feel immense sadness and i wish
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kymisfoxxhole · 11 months
My body felt like Jell-O as I made my way to the door. I hadn’t slept much due to Hades. I couldn’t seem to get any sleep because I couldn’t get him out of my head. Every single time that I closed my eyes I remembered the kiss we shared. The extremely hot kiss that sent butterflies to my stomach and a heartbeat to my kitty. But Hades stopped it before it escalated, and I was left wanton and wanting more.
Hades hasn’t mentioned it, thankfully, and we sat in silence as he drove me back home. When he made it outside the house, we sat in an awkward silence as he tried to form words.
“Have a good night Hades.” It didn’t take me long to get inside my house and run up to the bathroom. I ended up taking an hour-long shower to calm myself down, and I was still desperate for more.
He was the reason why I wasn’t wearing panties under my dress. I had become so wet thinking about him that I had to go change. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time as I was told we were leaving. I walked to the front door, looking into the hallway where my brother, Jayceon, was piling up crates of beer he had retrieved from the shop yesterday in preparation. He shot me a sly smile as I looked past my step-mother. Great, we definitely weren’t going to have any room left to be anywhere near comfortable.
“I said specifically no drinking, you know how I felt about this!” She shrieked, glaring at Jayceon. “Tell him, Kira!" I sucked in a breath, looking at Jayceon for courage. “We are twenty-four Angelina.”
Jayceon picked up one of the crates of beer, he walked towards us casually with a cheeky smile on his face. The smile only infuriated Angelina, whose face was turning a deep shade of red. He passed us, nudging her on the way out.
“I’m telling your father!” She yelled out. I sighed, rubbing her shoulder as I walked out behind him.
I had noticed that the back seat and the trunk of the bus was full, and I shot a glare at Jasmine, who just gave me a lopsided grin. Jayceon shook his head in disappointment and just sat the case of beer near the van.
“There isn’t any room for the alcohol Jace.” I said, for once actually agreeing with Angelina about leaving the alcohol behind.
I had no plans of getting drunk during the trip, I would rather be comfortable during the several hour drive. The look Jayceon shot me though told me that he’d rather leave me here than the drinks. Which I knew he would, given the chance.
Jayceon glanced at me before re-entering the house again, shouting back at me, “There’s always room for alcohol!”
Angelina entered the house behind him, muttering about how she was calling our father immediately as if he could stop his adult son from having a drink on vacation. I didn’t listen as Angelina and Jayceon bicker between themselves. Instead, I watched as Hades made his way down the street. I swallowed a lump in my throat, what would I say to him after last night?
He pulled a suitcase alongside him, his other hand holding the strap of a duffel bag over his shoulder. His short-sleeved t-shirt allowed me to see his bulging muscles. Despite how my body instantly reacted to him, I began to become irritated. Am I the only one who brought a reasonable amount of luggage for this damn trip?
I pouted slightly, debating on filling another suitcase with my precious clothes that I had decided would have been just a waste of space. Obviously, others didn’t think to make that sacrifice.
As I stood there pouting Hades got closer, a hard look on his face as Jasmine waved him over. One thing that was different about us, he always looked so unhappy around certain people. His face is a hard mask, void of any emotions. His eyes though gave him away multiple times when his guard was down. He had built walls around him so high that sometimes it was even difficult for me to understand him. It was one of the things that made me fall for him, it was just friendship at first but over the years I had developed a deep lust.
It was hard not to like him, towering over six foot two with an athletic body, gorgeous features, and not to mention always there for me when I needed him the most. I had fallen hard.
Hades placed his bags into the minibus in the next available space, a look of annoyance on his face amused me more than it should. He turned to listen to what Jasmine was saying to him, only to look past her. His eyes met mine as he shot me one of his rare breathtaking smiles that showed off his perfect white teeth.
I smiled back at him, it was hard not to. The memory of his lips against mine as I straddled him filled my mind as I looked away quickly.
I looked down at the blue sundress that I had decided to wear, exposing my legs and hugging every inch of me. I thought it would have Hades take a double look at me but he didn’t seem to notice as he added his duffel bag to the pile. I shook away the stupid thoughts in my mind, trying to get rid of a forming headache.
Angelina was now inside, her voice quieter as she searched for her phone. Jayceon was grabbing both crates of beer, placing one on top of the other before bending.
“Lift with the knees,” he mumbled before lifting the beer with a groan.
I moved to the side, letting him pass. I was going to go over towards Hades but stopped in my tracks as Jasmine’s hand wrapped around his wrist, she knew that I liked him. Over the past few weeks, she had started to become more flirtatious with him. I doubted where her true loyalty lay but never confronted her about it, knowing she’d deny it all.
I watched as they exchanged quiet glances and smiled at each other. My heart clenched as I tried to look away, hoping that he wouldn’t fall for her charms.
Hades looked at me, his eyes piercing mine. Shit. I was standing like an idiot. He had something to Jasmine as before walking around the frowning girl. He began to walk towards me with purpose as my pussy clenched in excitement. Fuck I wished I had put on some panties after I took my soaked thong off. I didn’t think that I could survive so long in a car with him without my thighs being soaked in my own wetness before we got there.
“No!” Hades shouted at Jasmine as he kept walking towards me, answering whatever question she had asked him. He looked worried as he got closer to me, was it about the kiss? I tried not to make eye contact as he got closer to me.
“There’s my girl.” He smiled, opening his arms as he pulled me into a tight embrace. My cheeks burned, butterflies caused havoc within my stomach. His cologne smells amazing as I inhaled deeply, at the same time he placed a kiss on my cheek.
“Hades.” I mumbled softly. I breathed in, filling my lungs with much needed air. My arms wrapped around his tall frame, pulling my body against his. I couldn’t get enough. I was like a love-struck teenager with a crush. His hands tightened around me, making me feel safe.
“The she-devil wants to share a room with me,” he whispered softly into my ear as my heart sank.
Of course Jasmine wanted to share a room with Hades, she would more than likely enjoy how much it would affect me. His breath fanned across my neck making it harder to think straight.
“Save me,” He joked before he bit my ear. A shudder ran down my spine as I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the moan. What the actual fuck?
“You can always sleep in my room.” I offered quickly, too quickly for my liking.
My eyes widened as the words left my mouth. I was a complete and utter idiot, sure I was thinking it but I never meant to say it. His arms tightened around my now tense body as I waited for the backlash from my comment.
Hades placed an open-mouthed kiss to my neck, staying there for a moment before slowly pulling away. I was mortified beyond words, I had just offered him to sleep in my bed. I could only pray he didn’t take it in the way I had meant it. His lips on my neck didn’t help as I clenched my fist tightly.
He took my hand hesitantly. “We need to talk about last night.”
“Yeah.. we do.” I drawled out. We stood in awkward silence, not knowing what to say or who to start. I cleared my throat, about to ask what happened last night when Jayceon appeared with another crate of beer.
“Why are you just standing about?” He grunted in annoyance. Hades let go of my hand before walking over to Jayceon. I trailed behind them, trying not to stare at the back of Hades. Jayceon placed the crate of beer onto the pile and looked at Jasmine in anger.
Jasmine cleared her throat before climbing into the passenger seat, claiming her own seat. Jayceon just smiled at her, before pushing the beer into place so it doesn’t fall. It annoyed me at the fact that she was head over heels in love with the girl. It made me think of how much I was going to regret this; lusting over a topless Hades in the heat of the summer, Jasmine flirting with Hades 24/7, Jayceon being all over Jasmine, and it will more than likely end with the both of them fucking her before their holiday was over. Fun? I doubted it highly as I contemplated just staying home.
Along with the group Leviathan, Amala, and Tristian were still coming. That would provide much-needed entertainment with all the drama between them due to the state that Tristian was in last night though it would be a miracle if he made it, he was already 20 minutes late.
My head was already starting to ache with the thought of spending such a long period of time with them, sharing the same house. I wanted a quiet getaway before I had to start my job as a personal assistant but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I should never have imagined a quiet time with the friends and family I had.
“I’ll drive.” Jayceon announced as he jumped into the driver’s side, smiling smugly as he sat by Jasmine.
I bit my lip, I didn’t want to be in a confined space so long with Hades. I looked at Hades as he stared at all of the baggage. There was little room before but with all the drinks it would be a push to get Hades, Tristian, and myself squeezed in.
“This won’t work,” Hades said before he let out an aggravated sigh. I couldn’t help but agree with him, some things had to go.
A taxi pulled up beside us before I could make a suggestion, a seldom looking Tristian climbed out with many bags of his own. Great.
“You’re late,” Hades grumbled as Tristian grunted in response
I doubted he could even remember last night. Looking at him now it was obvious he had more than he could handle at the party.
Tristian placed his bags onto the other clumsily, leaving only one seat accessible in the back with all the luggage creating a huge wall between it and the front, I shot a glare at my annoying older brother who ignored me completely. He pulled the passenger door open as Jasmine complained about him taking her space. She grudgingly moved to the end of her seat as Tristian closed the door before leaning on it and going to sleep. Jasmine was just small enough to fit beside him, a pout on her lips.
“Fuck it.” Hades muttered as he got into the back, surrounded by bags. I bit my lip, there was no seat for me. I contemplated just staying home. It was a good excuse, wasn’t it? There was no room.
“Kira, you should join Hades, there’s not enough room up here.” Jayceon called back to me with an apologetic smile before he reached over to fasten the belt across Jasmine and Tristian, more for Jasmine’s sake than Tristian.
I looked at Hades as he watched me. There was nowhere to sit but on his lap, and I felt the blood rush to my face. I couldn’t do this, I don’t have underwear on. He didn’t show any emotion as I moved from foot to foot.
With a curse I gave up any thought of backing out and climbed in and getting on top of Hades awkwardly. I closed the door before leaning back into Hades. His arms instantly wrapped around me as I tried to relax. I was more than happy knowing that Leviathan and Amala were meeting us there but at the same time I wanted to catch a ride with them to get out of this situation.
Jayceon pressed his foot on the accelerator as I slid back slightly, more than I would have liked. My ass pressed directly onto Hades dick as his arms tightened around my waist. A gasp slipped from my mouth as I felt him get harder beneath me.
My heart raced within my chest as my pussy became soaked with every movement. I could feel him against me as I bit my lips, internally scolding myself for not wearing underwear. I refused to speak to him or even turn in his direction, the entire situation being awkward.
Silently, he reached over me to get the seat belt before securing us both. I was pressed even closer to him as the seat belt restrained me slightly.
“Let’s talk.” Hades announced as I bit my lip. I was in no predicament to talk as I felt him push against me.
“About?” I mumbled back slightly.
I looked through the tinted windows, watching everything pass in a blur. Feeling queasy, I looked away trying to find something else to take my mind off Hades’ dick pushing against me.
“I don’t regret the kiss,” he paused, “I just hope it doesn’t ruin what we have.”
My heart jumped in my chest as I repeated the words over and over again in my head. He didn’t regret it. I stayed quiet, clenching my thighs together as we continued the drive along the quiet road.
Jayceon ran over a pothole in the road, sending me bouncing slightly off Hades before landing on him with impact as he grunted softly. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pleasure of his hard dick rubbing against my pussy through the thin fabric of our clothing.
The road became worse as I moved more, bouncing more frequently up and down on his dick, my breasts bounced with each bump in the road. I breathed deeply, this couldn’t have gotten any worse.
“Ah fuck, what are you doing to me?" Hades grumbled quietly to himself as his grip on me became tighter.
A hard jolt sent Hades shifting in his chair as I slid down his lap slightly. My dress raised with every movement, the material rose higher and higher up my legs. I couldn’t move, my hands were preventing dislodged luggage in front of me from completely falling on me.
“Do you regret it?” He stammered out, his voice wavering slightly, his breath coming out in heavy pants.
“No,” I replied quickly, holding back the moan that threatened to spill from my mouth.
He pressed a kiss against my neck, his hold tight on me. “I don’t want you to panic but my shorts are sliding down.”
My eyes widened, fuck. His hand trailed to my upper thigh, running along the hem of my dress which was currently close to exposing me. I was about to tell him to try and fix himself when a jolt of pleasure shot through me, clouding my thoughts.
“Hades.” I moaned, the feeling of his dick pressed against my clit as we slid together. My breathing stopped. I could feel bareskin underneath me. Hades’ hard dick under my bare pussy.
“Fuck!” Hades cursed as his dick rubbed against my wet lips. We were too trapped together to pull away as I clenched my eyes shut.
“Hades,” I whimpered, moving my hips automatically against him. He growled slowly, cursing as his hands went back to my thighs.
“Fuck.. please tell me you want this as badly as I do?” Hades gritted out through clenched teeth. I’m sure if we tried we could have found a way to get out of this situation, but did I really want to?
“Yes I do.” I breathed deeply as his dick ground into me, another bump had him press into my clit as I trembled on top of him.
I couldn’t believe this was happening, especially with Hades of all people. The hungry virgin inside of me was happy I didn’t have any underwear on.
“Just relax.” Hades breathed against my neck, his grip becoming tighter around my hips. He was close to entering me with every bump on the road. My eyes widened as I felt push against my wet tight hole. Fuck.
“He’s going on the fucking back roads.” Hades grunted, his voice strained as his grip on me became tighter.
The seatbelt and the luggage didn’t help the situation, leaving little room for us to move. I didn’t want to move though. After lusting over Hades for years, I wanted him to be my first. Maybe not in this situation, but I knew in any other case we wouldn’t have sex. It would destroy our relationship more than a little kiss would.
“Are you sure Kira?” He questioned, his lips brushing the back of my neck.
I hesitated, I never thought I would lose my virginity in such a way. My body shuddered as his length slipped past my puffy lips, the head of his dick teasing the entrance of my warm pussy slightly.
“Yes.” I whimpered out.
With a grunt of pleasure, Hades pushed closer to me. His hips moving against me now as he teased me. Every stroke sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine as small whimpers slipped out my mouth. His dick pressed to my clit with every failed attempt to enter me, my juices covering him. He wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me closer to him, my back firmly placed against his chest. He thrusted his hips forward, entering ever so slowly as my mouth parted. Jayceon hit another bumpy part of the road causing Hades to push completely inside of me, entering me as a whimper of pain left my mouth.
“Hades!” I gasped, it was too painful. Tears rolled down my cheeks at the feeling of him stretching me. His girth was practically splitting me in half as I tried to concentrate on breathing.
“I’m so sorry baby.” He whispered in my ear as he rubbed circles on my hips, trying his hardest not to move. My groans were muted by the sound of the tires on the harsh road surface, Jasmine’s music blasting through the speakers, and the cold air blowing from the vents in the minibus. I was sure that if I screamed loud enough they wouldn’t hear. I let out a quiet sob, Hades’ soothing words doing nothing to ease the pain. Why the fuck was he so big?
The beer bottles rattled beside us in the boxes, adding to the noise as Hades covered my neck in bites and kisses. I tilted my head back, allowing him more access as the pain started to subside slightly.
“I’ll make it better princess.” Hades promised as my heart clenched slightly. His hand trailed over my thigh slowly, leaving a fiery path along my skin. I bit my lip in anticipation as his hand moved closer and closer to my pussy, teasing me.
“Oh, fuck.” I gasped as his finger quickly went to my clit, touching me there for the first time as he stayed buried within me, balls deep.
I cried out as he grew thicker inside of me, the rapid movement of his finger against my clit making the pain bearable, slightly pleasurable. He was getting deeper and thicker inside of me as my nails dug into the luggage. I couldn’t believe the man I was in love with was buried inside me fucking me.
My juices covered him, making it easier to adjust to his size. My nipples rubbed against the material of my bra, desperate for some attention. The pain dulled to the point where the pleasure overtook. My groans of pain turned to moans of bliss. Absentmindedly, I clenched onto his dick and he grunted at the feeling. With a moan he pulled me back against his chest, making him slide out of me slightly before entering me fully.
“More,” I gasped, not caring about my surroundings.
Hades didn’t have to be told twice. In the tight space we had he began to thrust. Like an uncaged animal, he drove himself deeper into me. He held around me with one arm as he moved his other to undo the seatbelt that held us so tightly together.
“Fuck.” I groaned. I was close just after such a small time. The pleasure was too much for me, it was just my first time. I didn’t have the stamina to keep going and last as long as Hades could.
Hades moaned into my ear, sending a jolt of pleasure down my spine. Complying, he began to fuck me harder. His dick never fully left me due to the space we had, even without the seatbelt on. Always half of him stayed inside of me which added to the intense pleasure.
The minibus slowed to a stop, halting all the movement from the vehicle but never halting Hades as he continued to thrust inside of me. Stationary, I could vaguely hear Jasmine over the music but the groans leaving Hades’ mouth had me quickly blocking everything else out. It wasn’t the minibus bringing us together anymore, but our desperate need for climax as we moved against each other.
After several minutes we took off again, Hades thrusting into me faster and harder. I tried to muffle my moans, biting my lip as I moved my hips as best as I could with Hades. My body shook as Hades grasped onto my breast, the other hand going down to my pussy as he rubbed my clit. My toes curled as I rested my head on Hades’ shoulder, his thrusting never slowing.
“That’s it baby, cum.” Hades ordered as he pinched my clit between his fingers. I screamed as my orgasm rippled through my body. Hades moved his hand from my breast to cover my mouth, muffling my screams. I felt it shortly after, his hot cum splashing the inside of my pussy. I shuddered, my own orgasm shaking my body as I cried out in pleasure. Spurt after spurt of his hot cum entered me, filling me as I continued to squirt on the floor.
“Hades…?” I whispered, my voice trembling. He peppered my neck in with kisses, holding me to him tenderly as my heart clenched.
“I’m not on the pill..”
His hands clenched onto me once again, painfully. My breathing was labored. I was afraid now, what if I got pregnant?
Hades didn’t reply, instead, he groaned as his dick became rock hard inside me once again, sending pleasure throughout my body as my toes curled. His hand ran over my thigh before he reached under me to grab a handful of my ass. I leaned back against him, enjoying his touch. He too was breathing heavily.
“I’ve never fucked such a pretty little slut before.” He whispered in my ear, and I shivered against him as my clit throbbed. He kissed my neck as he moved to my lips, sending his dick rubbing against my sensitive pussy walls. My head was spinning. Hades had never acted like this to me.
“We’re going to be stuck like this the whole way, a couple of hours,” Hades implied as he moved his hips slightly. I shamelessly moved with him, desperate for more. “With the amount of times I’m about cum in you, it will be a miracle if you get out of this not pregnant.” Hades grunted as I tightened my walls around him.
I wasn’t listening as his dick grew inside of me further, stretching me once again as it pleasured me more than the first time, the pinching pain of my virginity long gone as I begged Hades to dump his next load of cum into my greedy pussy.
“And when we get there I’m not going to stop fucking you until your throat is raw from screaming my name and your pussy aches from me ravaging it.” He bit into my neck causing a whimper to pass my swollen lips.
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husbandograveyard · 2 years
Moonlight Dances - Leona x Reader
Look, I swear I am also working on requests. But I have a lot of love for Leona and not a lot of requests for him so I am just doing the work myself lmao. Enjoy this little scenario <3
2nd person. Gn reader.
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You sighed out in frustration as you leaned your elbows on the balcony rails. Behind you, through the closed doors, you could still hear the faint sound of the music playing. You looked down at your attire, all dressed up, all… for nothing.
There was a ball at NRC, and you had foolishly assumed this would be an excellent moment to have an actual date with your boyfriend. After all, he was a housewarden, and those were expected to be present at such events.
But then again, there wasn’t a single event where every single one of the house wardens were present: the Ignihyde one sending his device to communicate rather than himself, and usually, the Diasomnia one wasn’t even invited. Top that off with one lazy lion who really hated doing public stuff like that when there was no real benefit to it, meant that at least one housewarden was missing on every such occasion, and today of all days, that lazy lion boyfriend of yours was the one to skip out on the event.
If there was nothing to lose by not going, and nothing to win from going, Leona couldn’t be bothered. And while usually you loved his carefree and lazy attitude, you had let him know repeatedly that you really wanted him to go to the ball with you. You wanted to spend an evening with him that wasn’t lazing around. An actual date. You had even foolishly daydreamed about maybe dancing a little with him.
You went back inside, looking for Ruggie, hoping to get some kind of hope from him, like Leona simply being too late because he overslept. Surely, that was something that didn’t happen very often, because of the very person you were looking for, but you couldn’t help but hope.
The way Ruggie’s ears fell flat a little the moment he made eye contact with you, told you all you needed to know.
“I’m sorry y/n, I really tried dragging him out. But I couldn’t convince him and I was running late myself-” You shook your head and held up a hand to make him stop talking. “I know you do your best, I don’t blame you. I am just,” you let out a deep sigh, “extremely disappointed. But I don’t need you to figure out my relationship or fight out my fights. I will go talk to him myself.”
You left the ball early, sure there wasn’t any fun to be had while you were in a bad mood, and you had to get it all out of your system before bedtime. You marched to Savanaclaw dorm, straight to the biggest room, and slammed open the door. As expected, a familiar silhouette lay on the bed, seemingly undisturbed by your grand entrance.
You sat on the edge of the bed, trying to put your thoughts into words in your head first before speaking them out loud. You wanted to make your feelings clear. Tell him how much he had hurt you. But you also wanted to stay calm, and you- well, you weren’t exactly sure what else you wanted. But you did know you didn’t want this to turn into a shouting match. Or a moment where you let your heart out only to get a half-hearted apology followed by sleepy cuddles because that spoiled boyfriend of yours was so used to always getting his way.
The silence unnerved him enough to make him sit up, as you felt his weight shift and the blankets tug away from you as he did so.
“Y/n…”, he started, but he was stopped almost immediately by you holding up your hand. He crawled a little closer, moving to sit next to you at the edge of the bed. You turned your head away when you felt his stare on the side of your face.
He looked up and down your figure, noticing your attire, and made the click. He knew why you were there. He knew why you were upset with him. But he also was confused. You had been together for a while now, and you must’ve known better than to assume he’d come and surprise you at the ball after he had repeatedly told you that he did not want to go.
You sighed deeply before talking. You still refused to lift your head and talk to him, instead talking to your hands that were resting in your lap.
“I-..”, you sighed again, not sure if even after all the thinking you had done, you were even going to be able to coherently explain yourself, “I am disappointed, I guess. Disappointed in you, surely, but also in myself. For being dumb enough to think that maybe, just this once, you’d want to hang out with me in public. That maybe, you would show me off, be proud to have a partner at a public event. Or even if you didn’t want to do all that, that we could just get some snacks, sneak off to the balcony and listen to the music. That maybe… we’d get to dance, and I’d get to spend a proper date with the man I love. Because… I truly don’t care about dates, balls, big things. But I do feel like.. you don’t think I am worth the effort? You didn’t have to dress up or anything. Just come out, and spend some time with me that’s not napping and cuddling, either in the botanical gardens or your room.” Once the words had started flowing, there was no way to stop them. You wandered, from the ball, to other issues, most of them coming down to one thing: you were afraid that Leona wasn’t taking this relationship seriously, you were afraid that he was growing tired of you, you were terrified to lose him, and tonight, for a brief moment, you thought that you had.
Leona listened quietly, knowing better than to interrupt you while you were pouring your heart out. He felt pained, and a little guilty. Because, truly, he didn’t care about the ball, but that didn’t mean he felt the same way about you? He loved you more than anything in the world, and you were one of the few things that made him genuinely happy. He had never said so, because sappy words were not his style, but he realized only now that maybe he had been underappreciating your presence. The fact that he wanted to spend so much time with you was a clear sign of his affection according to himself, but he didn’t think that not doing more would make you feel so inadequate, so unwanted, while he wanted nothing but you.
But these feelings were also way too hard for him to put into words, especially since yours had made his mouth feel dry, and a pit in his stomach grow. He felt bad to his core, and he knew there were very little things he could say to actually make it up to you.
So instead he stood up from the bed, and stood in front of you, bending down slightly so he could take your hands, and pull you up as well. This was the moment you looked up, hurt still apparent on your features, but now making place for some confusion as well. He looked into your eyes, the bright green color that always pulled you in somehow, shimmering even more bright as it reflected the moonlight that shone through the window.
Leona didn’t utter a word as he lead you outside, the cool evening breeze hitting your skin and making you shiver. The moon was shining so bright, you didn’t even need to turn on any outside lights. Leona finally let go of your hands and moved his hands to your waist before you could even open your mouth to ask what he was doing. His movements made it very clear though, as he started slow-dancing, slowly, to no tune at all. His movements were very deliberate, never truly forcing you to move, but making it feel only natural to do so.
You leaned your head on his shoulder as you danced in silence, knowing that this was as good an apology as you were going to get. Taking a few deep breaths, you felt most of the anger ebb away, but not entirely. There was something lasting a little, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You were missing something, but if asked, you wouldn’t be able to answer what exactly it is that you were missing.
“I do love you, you know”
It was quiet, murmured against your cheek, more of a thought than an actual confession, but it managed to fill the void you were feeling earlier. Leona never was one to actually say those words out loud, letting his actions speak for his feelings and showing affection in his own way. It was something you knew before you got together but still made it hard to keep it going sometimes. Times like now, where you had felt so… lonely, even in the relationship.
And just like that, most of the worries were gone, and so was the anger, and the sadness. You knew you would still need to have a conversation about this, but you also realized that now was not the time. Now, you would just enjoy the closeness, the love, and the fact that you did get a moonlight dance from your boyfriend, although not at the ball.
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meganwritesfanfics · 3 years
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Can I send something in for Kylo Ren, in which the reader starts out as his apprentice and one day before she gets sick with a high fever, she was feeling sick through training sessions with Kylo but doesn’t say anything as she is one of the most stubborn of all people. The next morning, she doesn’t show up for training and when Kylo goes to get her, he finds her and takes notice that she was having trouble waking up due to a high enough that it’s necessary to be hospitalized.
She’s rushed in for medical up and wakes up later on. Before being discharged, she was given orders for a recovery process and kylo makes sure that she follows the steps until she’s fully recovered. @originalpostings-96
He had known something was wrong the minute she had walked into the room. Her focus was elsewhere and she didn’t stand with the same confidence she usually had. But he didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to let it slip that he had noticed. Because of course, he had noticed, he noticed everything about her. From the way she would pick at her nails when she was nervous, to how her eyes would light up when she smiled, Kylo always noticed.
“Are we going to train or are you just going to stare, Ren?” Y/N smirked with as much effort as she could muster. She in fact felt horrible. She knew that she was ill, but she would never let anyone else know, especially not Kylo.
“Unless I am mistaken you were the one who was late to our session.” Kylo teased.
“I told you, that wasn’t my fault, Hux stopped me on my way here and wouldn’t shut up.” Y/N whined trying to keep her energy equal to Kylo’s but she longed for her bed. What she longed for most was her bed, but with Kylo in it.
“Well then, we must train so that you can punish him later.” Kylo laughed.
“Alright sir on your mark.”
30 seconds, that was how long Y/N stood her ground before Kylo had her on the ground. Usually this would have Kylo teasing Y/N uncontrollably, but with how heavy she was breathing, and how sweaty she had become just from a few seconds of combat, it had him extremely concerned.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He quickly asked.
“Nothing, I just wasn’t ready…” Y/N started but as she stood up she felt like the world was spinning and her eyes rolled back in her head.
Kylo quickly lunged forward to catch her as he watched her knees buckle.
“Woah, Y/N,” He said as his arms wrapped around her, saving her from crashing to the floor.
“Sorry, I must have stood up too fast.” Y/N responded blinking hard. Her head was throbbing and she felt like she might vomit.
“You are burning up, you need to go to the med bay.” Kylo instructed as he slowly sat her on the ground.
“I’m fine.”
“You are not fine, now if you do not go I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you there myself.” He growled and Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked up at him, his dark eyes staring intensely at her.
“I… uh…” She gulped her cheeks burning red both from the fever and from the thoughts she had of being slung over Kylo’s shoulder. “I think I just need to rest, no need for the med bay.”
“Y/N/N I don’t think…”
“It’s fine, really, thank you for being so concerned.” She smiled as she placed her hand on his shoulder as she began to stand up. He grabbed her waist as he helped her up and then his hands found hers as he held them for a while.
She looked at him and she could see the worry in his brown eyes as he looked her up and down.
“I will be fine Kylo,” She smiled as he reached up and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “No need to worry.”
“Alright, well I will expect you in peak shape tomorrow for our training session so if you don’t get rest, I will be very disappointed.”
“Yes sir.” Y/N teased but she couldn’t hide the red in her cheeks as she said it.
Kylo cracked a smile as he stared at Y/N for a moment. Every part of him was saying to scoop her up into his arms and carry her back to his bed, holding her and kissing her until she felt better, but he fought against it.
“I will see you tomorrow.” Y/N said as she turned to head out of the room.
“Hey Y/N,” Kylo called after her. “If Hux tries to stop you, you know what to do.”
“Oh yeah I will kick his ass.” Y/N beamed and then she vanished into the hallway.
To say Kylo hadn’t thought much about Y/N being sick would be a lie. He had spend the rest of the day worrying about her and couldn’t sleep that night. So when training time rolled around the next day and Y/N was nowhere to be seen, panic settled deep with him. It took him only a matter of seconds to decide that he needed to go check on her.
Kylo Ren, the intimidating 6ft 3 Sith Lord, hurried his way down the corridors, worry spread across his face. Stormtroopers made it a point to stay out of his way, fearing that if they crossed him, it might be the last thing they ever did.
Y/N’s room wasn’t that far from his but the walk seemed to drag on as his worry grew. By the time he reached the door he had already used the force to open it.
“Y/N you better be decent and you better have a good reason for making me so worried about…” Kylo froze as he turned to see Y/N still lying in bed. He could hear how heavily she was breathing and her pillow case was soaked in sweat as she tossed and turned groaning. “Y/N!” He called as he rushed to her side.
“Kylo,” She mumbled, her eyes staying shut.
As he reached out for her laying his hand on her forehead he cursed, she was burning up.
“God Damn-it Y/N, I told you to go to the med bay, why do you have to be so stubborn.” Quickly he scooped her up into his arms, he was alarmed by how limp her body was as he held her close.
“Kylo.” Y/N mumbled again as her eyes slowly opened as she looked up at him.
“Hi,” He breathed as he carried her out of the room.
“Hi,” She smiled weakly. “You know you are quite handsome without that mask of yours.”
His face turned a slight shade of pink as he smiled. “I think that is just the fever talking.”
“No, no, no,” Her head slumped backwards as she tried her hardest to look up at him. “I have always thought you were handsome. I think I have been in love with you since I first saw you.”
Kylo froze, he stared down at her. “Wh…what did you just say,” He stuttered.
“Oops, I didn’t mean to tell you that,” Y/N giggled but the smile that was on her face quickly fell. “Kylo, I don’t feel well.” And he watched as her eyes rolled back in her head and her body went completely limp.
“Y/N,” Kylo panicked. “Shit.” With the heat of her body making its way through his clothes, he picked up his pace towards the med bay.
Y/N groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, but the flash of bright light that was filling the room caused her to shut them again.
“Y/N?” A voice called. It took her brain a moment to process the voice but the minute it did her eyes snapped open as she looked over to see Kylo leaning over her with a concerned look on his face.
“Kylo?” She gasped. “What are you…” As her eyes looked around the room she realized she was no longer in her bedroom. “Where am I?”
“Why didn’t you tell me how poorly you were feeling?” He scolded.
“I didn’t feel that…”
“You had a 106 degree fever Y/N, your brain had basically begun to melt.” He sighed. “You could have died had I not come to find you.”
“You came to find me?” Y/N blushed.
“Of course I did, you didn’t show up to training, I was worried about you.”
“The great Kylo Ren was worried about me.”
Kylo reached his hand out grabbing hers, remembering what Y/N had said in her delirium. “Of course I was worried about you, I don’t think I would survive on this ship without your wit,” He teased.
The two stared at each other for a moment before a med droid made their way over.
“Mistress Y/L/N’s fever seems to have gone down, it is still relatively high but she should be safe to go back to her room. She will just need to rest, and try to keep her as cool as possible. If her fever spikes again, bring her back at once.”
Kylo nodded as he reached down, picking up Y/N’s once more.
“I can walk Kylo, I don't need you to…”
“Will you just hush, I’m going to make sure you don’t die.” He insisted as he made their way back to her room.
“You had a lot of interesting things to say while your brain was melting.” He said, breaking through the silence.
“Oh really.” Y/N said turning bright red.
“You told me I looked very handsome without my helmet on.” He quickly glanced down looking for her reaction. Y/N cracked a smile.
“My brain must have been pretty scrambled in order for me to say that.”
“And I see that fever has done nothing to deter your attitude.” He said as he squeezed her slightly.
“Did I say anything else Master Ren.” She stuck out her tongue at him.
“Nothing that was in the realm of understanding.” Kylo lied and they went back to silence, but a comfortable silence.
In a matter of moments they reached her room and Kylo quickly set her down before vanishing into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” She laughed.
“That med droid gave me a list of things we needed to do in order to break your fever.” He said as he came out carrying a glass of water and a wet washcloth.
“Seriously Kylo, you have been far too kind.” Y/N insisted. “I will be fine.”
“I can’t trust you to take care of yourself.” He snapped with a bit too much venom in his voice. He sighed as he leaned forward, setting the washcloth gently on her forehead. “I can’t let you die.”
With all of the courage she had, Y/N reached up and grabbed his hand holding it against her cheek.
“Kylo I…” She started but stopped, breaking eye contact as she looked down.
“I should tell you, I lied before when you asked if you had said anything else in your fevered state. You did.”
“You told me you thought you have been in love with me since the moment you saw me.”
Y/N face fell as she quickly dropped her hand expecting for his hand to leave her face. But his hand stayed as his thumb gently rubbed her cheek.
“I did not, I mean I shouldn’t have I… uh…” She panicked but Kylo eased her panic by placing his other hand on the other side of her face, lifting her face so she was looking at him.
“I feel the exact same.” He breathed. And Y/N gasped.
Kylo slowly leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Y/N’s lips.
“So I really, really can’t have you dying on me.” He said a smirk spreading across his face.
Y/N laughed as her hands found his face pulling him back in for a kiss.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : gojo satoru (ft. itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi) from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 21 february
↳ pronouns : non specified in imagine
↳ word count : 1.4k
↳ synopsis : while talking to itadori about your blindness, gojo starts to feel the guilt that he has been trying to hide overtake him again, only for you to have a few words of your own.
↳ request : Hello hello😊 I may or may not have been peering into your shops windows staring at the coffee. Its cold outside and I want something to warm me up- a fluffy story with, hear me out,A BLIND (fem) Y/n and Gojo. Like a blind jujutsu sorcerer would be pretty interestingPretty please?-flustered anon
↳ barista’s notes : let me admit...i didn’t realise you wanted a fluff rather than what i have written here...so i do deeply apologies for the mistake made on your coffee order ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ but i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again anytime soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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“Wait, so you wear an eye cover because you are blind L/N-sensei?” Itadori asked in a surprised tone, causing you to turn your head towards the direction of his voice which led the young sorcerer to be surprised since it generally seemed like you had the sense of sight that was tragically taken away from you.
“Oh yeah, I can’t see at all, so I tend to wear the eye cover so my eyes don’t get sensitive to the light,” you answered with a smile, trying to convey to the young boy that you weren’t offended by the question while using your index finger to point at the mentioned item.
“So how do you know where people are and where to walk since you don’t use a cane?” the first year asked in a questioned tone since he just perplexed at the whole situation as he had just discovered that you were actually blind rather than copying your boyfriend to have that ‘matching couples look’.
“Curse energy is really easy to sense over time, I can tell who is who by the amount of curse energy they have, just like your idiot teacher who is trying to scare me right now,” you explained while pointing behind you, only for Itadori to tilt his body slightly to the side only to find Gojo with a downcasted look on his face.
“Ah~ I can never trick you, can I honey?” Gojo muttered in disappointment before wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a way to greet you that he was here before hooking his chin upon your shoulder, causing you to shiver due to the feeling of his warm breath passing your cheeks lightly.
“Nah, you could never,” you cheekily commented leading to the strongest sorcerer to pout at your comment to which you could sense but was disheartened at the fact you could not see the look he had on his face. 
The same look that you loved and still do when you tease him back.
“How do you think I look then?” Itadori asked while ignoring Gojo’s affection towards you since he now was extremely curious about what you thought about him, appearance-wise.
Raising your right hand to hold on to Gojo’s arms that have encaged you, you quietly and slowly began to paint an image in your head of what you thought Gojo’s student looked like. From what you heard from your boyfriend as well as Fushiguro, Itadori was deemed to be a good person in their book and quite energetic and bright which was quite opposite to what Fushiguro was, even though you remembered the stoic sorcerer to be the little child, who would hide behind your legs and follow your around when he was feeling clingy or just lonely. 
He was also the only student within the first-year group that you got to see physically.
“When I imagine you Itadori, I think of a boy that has a really bright smile that shines brighter than the sun itself, also Gojo already told me you have pinkish spiky hair and light brown eyes, so there’s that,” you answered with a smile of your own before masterfully placing your left hand on the top of his head as if you could even see that he was right there. “Gojo also told me you were a tiny bit shorter than Megumi, so it’s not hard to pat your head as much,” you commented with a giggle before ruffling his hair leading Itadori to laugh with you, which caused Gojo to look at the scene with a small smile on his face.
However, there was still a hint of guilt that was planted in his heart as the stems were clinging onto his ribs at the fact you’ll never get to see Itadori physically nor will you ever see him and Fushiguro probably again.
He will never forgive himself for being careless and letting a curse have the opportunity to use its cursed energy to hit your eyes leading to the blindness that you now have for the rest of your life as well as the guilt he has to carry for the rest of his - no matter how many times you have told him it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t help but blame himself for the result, even Ieiri was dispirited at the fact she couldn’t use her curse energy to heal your sight back.
Even though, Fushiguro didn’t mention anything about it nor did he want to be shown as weak, Gojo remembered when the young child Fushiguro cried at the fact that you were never going to ever see him again and even when you consoled the child, he would burst in tear again when he looked into your eyes only to remember you couldn’t see him.
Tightening the hold on your shoulders, you noticed Gojo’s change in cursed energy as it flickered slight causing you to turn your head slightly to the direction of his face before using your right hand (that was not on Itadori’s head) to tighten the hold of Gojo’s arms as a way to comfort him before removing your other hand from the student’s head to hold your boyfriend’s hand that was on your left shoulder.
“You know Itadori when I lost my sight it was quite upsetting but I remember the child I was protecting, from what I remember hearing, he had graduated elementary recently and is going to middle school as of right now,” you stated, causing Itadori to look at you with a concentrated look on his face since it seemed like you were saying something that was going to be important.
“But I want you to remember this, I didn’t become a sorcerer to save people but rather to preserve the balance between humans and curses because in the end, I know, the innocence of some people will go away quicker than others and if I choose the life of saving people as my only objective, my guilt will only manifest more when I don’t save someone,” you explained with a calm but serious tone, it was as if you were not only talking to Itadori.
“I don’t want myself or other people to feel guilty when a fatal or irreversible action has been taken, that’s why no one is at fault for the reason that I am blind,” you confessed leading both Itadori to come to the realisation that you were talking about this goal of ‘giving people a fair death’ and the disadvantages of it, while Gojo was shocked at the fact you were hinting at him during your speech on how guilt is the most powerful thing that leads to the downfall of many sorcerers.
That’s what Gojo felt. 
Guilty at the fact he couldn’t save you in time during that mission.
Guilty at the fact you lost your eyesight.
Guilty at the fact at how you were now as a sorcerer even those you were more than capable to carry your duties as a special grade one sorcerer much to everyone’s shock.
But here you were telling him that it wasn’t his fault and it never was in the first place.
No one was at fault for your lost sight.
Suddenly the stems that were tangled around his ribs began to slowly wilt as they were steadily dying as your words refused to feed them the guilt that was giving them the power and nutrients to further grow.
It wasn’t his fault.
It was never his fault.
Steadily, a smile reached his face as he pulled you in further to his chest leading your back to hit against it leaving a few unusual shivers from you due to the feeling of the overpowering warmth and glee you felt from your boyfriend as his cursed energy brightened up with a certain glow you weren’t quite sure of.
“Thank you honey~ for everything,” Gojo muttered in your ear before continuing back to talking to Itadori in his usual cheerful and playful tone as if nothing sentimental happened between the both of you just right now.
Surprised at his sudden change of behaviour, you couldn’t help but smile slightly at his newfound brightness leading you to answer back his gratitude in a soft whisper that both student and teacher didn’t hear.
“It was never your fault, I love you”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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420pogpills · 4 years
masterpost of random epic dnf moments
i find so much comfort in these posts that just contain links to loads and loads of epic clips so i wanted to make one of my favourite george&dream moments :’)... this took me several days okay.
in no particular order whatsoever
(♥♥♥) “so...dream.” “what?” “um, hello.” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “george!” “yeah?” “HEY 😁”
(♥♥♥) “that is actually george’s fish” “oh what? i will keep it safe” (bonus: giving fish back)
(♡♡♡) “you two and your inside jokes, you guys are such good friends”
(♥♥♥) “i saw an interesting donation on your stream”
(♡♡♡) “trust me. george - i’m handling it.”
(♥♥♥) “i’m not gonna be hurt if dream is next to me”
(♡♡♡) “you’re making me laugh it’s not even fair!”
(♥♥♥) “i shot you once” “no you shot me multiple times”
(♡♡♡) “oh that’s so hot”
(♥♥♥) “what you gonna do, fight me?”
(♡♡♡) “dream has my number because dream needs me sometimes”
(♥♥♥) “stop you’re hurting me” “i’m hurting you?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m very similar to george so i probably won't like it”
(♥♥♥) “i said i’m in the hot tub right now, he said ‘prove it’”
(♡♡♡) “dream stop killing me!”
(♥♥♥) “i’ve always wanted to explore my sexuality”
(♡♡♡) “this is what happens when you fall down my trap”
(♥♥♥) “i’m so used to having your attention 24/7″
(♡♡♡) “why are you so mean dream?”
(♥♥♥) “you know who reminds me of nemo? george”
(♡♡♡) “first thing’s first-” “i’m the realest”
(♥♥♥) “come hide with me”
(♡♡♡) “he looks so handsome, look at him, look at george”
(♥♥♥) “oh george” “oh dream”
(♡♡♡) “you love me?” “yes, i do”
(♥♥♥) “be careful george”
(♡♡♡) “you’re laughing at every different word i say”
(♥♥♥) “can i have the sword dream?” “say that you love me”
(♡♡♡) “just hug me george”
(♥♥♥) “i’m the mememan, my milk is delicious”
(♡♡♡) “george i’m gonna blow up - come with me”
(♥♥♥) “you couldn’t see what dream was doing”
(♡♡♡) “george is easily a top 10 mcc player”
(♥♥♥) “what would you say my weakness is?” “me”
(♡♡♡) “we were getting this computer repair guy - oh my god”
(♥♥♥) “every time you get near me you just get all red”
(♡♡♡) “you would follow me down here”
(♥♥♥) “dream is a simp for me” “yeah”
(♡♡♡) “nice dream!”
(♥♥♥) “smile - you see him everyday”
(♡♡♡) “you deserve punishment george”
(♥♥♥) “what are you doing george?” “i’m on twitter”
(♡♡♡) “george george george you look amazing george”
(♥♥♥) “you don’t have to follow me everywhere”
(♡♡♡) “get away from dream!”
(♥♥♥) “we’re in the stars”
(♡♡♡) thirdwheelboyhalo
(♥♥♥) “dream is so delightful”
(♡♡♡) “DREAM LET’S GO!”
(♥♥♥) “follow me, i’ll follow you actually - just take me”
(♡♡♡) “dream...” “i had to george, i had to”
(♥♥♥) “i trust my dream”
(♡♡♡) “you don’t brag about your looks”
(♥♥♥) “george just tell me you love me”
(♡♡♡) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute’?”
(♥♥♥) “kiss george” “that’s a pretty good forfeit”
(♡♡♡) “a plane ticket to dream’s house”
(♥♥♥) “okay that was pretty pog”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been too focused on george”
(♥♥♥) little compilation
(♡♡♡) “why’d you say it like that?”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s trying to kill me, he’s killing me!”
(♡♡♡) “if you won, what would be your first date with george?”
(♥♥♥) “we do everything together”
(♡♡♡) “answer my question!”
(♥♥♥) “oh. yeah. but george too.”
(♡♡♡) “if you win, you have to kiss dream!”
(♥♥♥) “dream... i’m messing up” “oh are you still streaming?”
(♡♡♡) “be careful”
(♥♥♥) suspicious dancing
(♡♡♡) “don’t be greedy george”
(♥♥♥) just... this whole edit
(♡♡♡) “george is mine, go away”
(♥♥♥) “dreeeaaaaam i know you wanna help”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re a genius, george kiss me!”
(♥♥♥) “he was wearing like an oversized dream smile hoodie”
(♡♡♡) george compilation 10/10
(♥♥♥) “i don’t wanna hear you laugh”
(♡♡♡) “whenever dream tries to get a new speed run record he just disappears for a month”
(♥♥♥) laughing face to face
(♡♡♡) “can i have some stuff?”
(♥♥♥) “geoorrgeeee”
(♡♡♡) “he lives in your head actually rent free”
(♥♥♥) “you know quite often we just know what we’re talking about?”
(♡♡♡) “now it backfired because george knows me”
(♥♥♥) “he’s small it’s different”
(♥♥♥) “you can be my valentine if you want george”
(♡♡♡) “no mom no he broke up with me” (bonus: “george denied me”)
(♥♥♥) “just explain your reasoning for denying me” “you didn't mean it”
(♡♡♡) “goodnight george, goodnight gogy”
(♥♥♥) “dream just saved something from snapchat!”
(♡♡♡) “i’m breaking you out!”
(♥♥♥) “you’ll get punished george"
(♡♡♡) “guys this is like the cutest photo of george ever”
(♥♥♥) “guys i’m opening a new business” “selling george pictures?”
(♡♡♡) “don’t attack the wolf dream i’m not there to save you”
(♥♥♥) “you were like ‘you have to praise me now for 5 minutes’”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you think i’m here?”
(♥♥♥) “we were playing geoguessr the other day”
(♡♡♡) “i am wheezing and dying and george is dying with me”
(♥♥♥) “you used to get mad at me for placing blocks beneath myself”
(♡♡♡) “you have to clip that” “no”
(♥♥♥) “c’mere”
(♡♡♡) “i almost died, water me!”
(♥♥♥) “me and george”
(♡♡♡) “i wouldn’t want to do it unless he’s here”
(♥♥♥) “me and george were literally holding hands in the hallway”
(♡♡♡) “you should get negative points if you’re an idiot”
(♥♥♥) “kiss”
(♡♡♡) “i thought you might want to confess something”
(♥♥♥) “we’ve been talking to each other for 10 hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not here to disappoint you or anything”
(♥♥♥) “mimic my yawn, that means you love me you know that right?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not helping you this round” “i need you”
(♥♥♥) “we’re literally on a boat”
(♡♡♡) “you’re so ridiculous”
(♥♥♥) “i fell asleep in a call with george”
(♡♡♡) “wow george you’re great”
(♥♥♥) “dream just went 👉🏻👉🏻”
(♡♡♡) “yessss let’s go” “wait let me pick you up!”
(♥♥♥) “dream sort this out!” “alright wait turn around”
(♡♡♡) “you have pretty privilege”
(♥♥♥) “george i have something that will cheer you up george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been by your side since the beginning george”
(♥♥♥) “sitting here forced to drink water, it has absolutely no flavour”
(♡♡♡) “gives back i’ll be good” “no no you won’t”
(♥♥♥) “don’t worry. i’m here george”
(♡♡♡) “dream say hi” “hi”
(♥♥♥) “so george why are you laying in bed while you’re talking to dream?”
(♡♡♡) “where did george go, george is not found”
(♥♥♥) “come over here greg i will save the day” “francis!”
(♡♡♡) “that’s not what you told me last night”
(♥♥♥) “please just swim drive the boat drive the boat”
(♡♡♡) “before i even met you, you had this ginormous impact”
(♥♥♥) “you’re not worthless george we love you”
(♡♡♡) “george is like the biggest idiot”
(♥♥♥) “alright fine i’ll play one more”
(♡♡♡) “you see george everywhere. you see what you wanna see”
(♥♥♥) “guess united kingdom because someone you love lives there”
(♡♡♡) “george don’t leave me”
(♥♥♥) “you say bolivia george?”
(♡♡♡) “why are you so feral?”
(♥♥♥) “you’re an idiot” “you’re the one who’s screaming to do it”
(♡♡♡) “”you’re so oh my god” “you’re so annoying”
(♥♥♥) “i trust you so m-so often”
(♡♡♡) “now i have you right where i want you”
(♥♥♥) “heads” “alright it was heads”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt”
(♥♥♥) “you said ‘just woke up’ and i said ‘me too, in sync bby’”
(♡♡♡) “dnf arc? yeah maybe”
(♥♥♥) *george shooting dnf into wall on csgo*
(♡♡♡) “george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic”
(♥♥♥) “you can’t 👹LEAVE👹 it’s not allowed”
(♡♡♡) “oh we’re finishing each other’s sentences right now”
(♥♥♥) “you said you were gonna what, kiss me or something like that?”
(♡♡♡) “do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”
(♥♥♥) “here george take this take this george”
(♡♡♡) “hey dream” “hey george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have a crush on dream?” “yes, go on”
(♡♡♡) “i am proud of you” “wow thank you dream”
(♥♥♥) “1 dollar every hour” “for how many hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i clicked skip whoops - wait, where are all my balls?”
(♥♥♥) “get out of here GET OUUUUTTTT”
(♡♡♡) “i’m sleeping for at least 8 hours” “but then we’re gonna be out of sync again”
(♥♥♥) “this is actually disgusting, come to me where are you”
(♡♡♡) “thank you baby... oh no” “WHAT?”
(♥♥♥) “yeah i love dream so much”
(♡♡♡) “yes that is exactly what i was thinking dream”
(♥♥♥) “dream” “hi” “hello i’m streaming” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “mm poor little george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have fifty dollars?”
(♡♡♡) “please please half a heart half a heart!”
(♥♥♥) “that’s okay you wanna be near me, that’s fine”
(♡♡♡) “you would know all about the simp handbook wouldn’t you”
(♥♥♥) “please i need you” “i do need you”
(♡♡♡) “kill him!...or her.. or it..”
(♥♥♥) “cause he’s little gogy”
(♡♡♡) “do your parents know about gream?”
(♥♥♥) just... cuteness
(♡♡♡) “wait george my minecraft’s starting my minecraft’s starting”
(♥♥♥) “te amo sueno”
(♡♡♡) “yeah that was my idea” “yeah just like last night”
(♥♥♥) “you can just say he’s a bottom”
(♡♡♡) this entire video
(♥♥♥) “why are you leaving me?” “alright fine”
(♡♡♡) “george you look good in a suit”
(♥♥♥) “i have a present for george!”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you want to facetime me?” “i haven’t shaved”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s killing me, why are you killing me?”
(♡♡♡) “george i thought you were going to choose me”
(♥♥♥) “you wanna watch a beautiful sunset? just for you dream”
(♡♡♡) “we don’t text that much” “we text everyday”
(♥♥♥) “georgie poooo come here”
(♡♡♡) “oh beat me dream beat me”
(♥♥♥) “you are so impressive dream”
(♡♡♡) “i just ran for like a million hours”
(♥♥♥) “mydic--kslong has subscribed, thank you..”
(♡♡♡) all of these moments are too funny
(♥♥♥) “dreeaaaam! loooook!” “oh he’s cute”
(♡♡♡) “oh george~” “this is scary”
(♥♥♥) “george do that water drop sound”
(♡♡♡) “why is everyone saying ‘george explain the text?’”
(♥♥♥) “why are you saying it like that?” “that’s how you said it”
(♡♡♡) “i’m going to my secret stash”
(♥♥♥) “it said ‘name a dessert’” “you should’ve put me”
(♡♡♡) “i need to come” “you wanna come?”
(♥♥♥) “i have missed your face!”
(♡♡♡) just.. this entire video
(♥♥♥) more on george sleep talking
(♡♡♡) “that’s the same height difference between me and you george”
(♥♥♥) “you’re doing extremely well george. just calm down.”
(♡♡♡) “george~” “stOP. stop it”
(♥♥♥) “i know dream loves me a lot but unfortunately i don’t love him back”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fun to make him more afraid”
(♥♥♥) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute?’”
(♡♡♡) “oh we know george we know how hot you are”
(♥♥♥) “dream has friendship hacks”
(♡♡♡) “let’s watch a movie” feat. sapnap
(♥♥♥) “the only man i’m into is george”
(♡♡♡) “you broke my heart dream by....breaking my heart”
(♥♥♥) “keep lying to him george”
(♡♡♡) dream team not dnf but i love this so watch it plz
(♥♥♥) “you turn your camera off to sneeze? it’s okay we love you”
(♡♡♡) “dance with me dream”
(♥♥♥) “dweaaaam pleaseeee”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fine dream, i’ll stream another day” “waaaaaaah!”
(♥♥♥) “i just wanna talk to you”
(♡♡♡) “you’re just like interesting in general george”
(♥♥♥) “when’s my birthday dream?”
(♡♡♡) “here these are for you 🌹”
(♥♥♥) “i love you george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ll fight you in sumo when you’re in my house”
(♥♥♥) “we’re going together aaaaah”
(♡♡♡) “guess what, i had faith in you”
(♥♥♥) “or OR.. we could... kiss?”
(♡♡♡) “i haven’t had my first kiss” “that's a lie, you kissed me”
(♥♥♥) “hey dream give me an ak.... please”
AND OF COURSE THERE ARE SO MANY MORE BUT... i cannot do this any longer therefore the rest are compilations because i cannot do this any longer
(♥♥♥) every time george has said ‘i love you’ (kind of) to dream
(♡♡♡) dreamnotfound moments
(♥♥♥) gaymest moments
(♡♡♡) rare moments
(♥♥♥) wholesome
(♡♡♡) idiot compilation
(♥♥♥) love languages compilation
BONUS: this soulmate compilation...
SO ORIGINAL POST - links wouldn’t work when reblogged because it went over link limit with everyone tagged, so i will reblog with everyone who’s clips i’ve included!
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Thanks can you write something about one of the kids getting hate online from jealous people and how it affects them and what Harry and Y/N do
hello!! so this one is going to be about isabelle getting hate (😔), which you will find out why. i’m also changing the age gaps between them because it’s so hard to write with larger age gaps. so here isabelle is 16, felix is 19 and oli is 21!!
You had been busy ironing the clothes downstairs, whilst watching ‘Call the Midwife’ on the TV, when you heard Felix shouting you from upstairs.
“What?” You shouted back, moving from the lounge to the bottom of the stairs to hear better.
“I think you should see this.”
When your children say things like this you either roll your eyes when you find out they wanted to show you a meme, or panic because some rumour has been spread all over the internet of them.
“Just hang on a minute!” Your attention diverted to the front door being opened harshly. Everyone else was already home but Belle, so it must’ve been her. It was a Wednesday today and Belle always had study group in the library after-school on a Wednesday, although today she was back a little earlier than normal.
You moved the latch off the porch door and opened it to welcome Belle home, watching as she threw off her high-top converse aggressively.
“Hiya love, you alr—” You didn’t get to finish before you saw that her eyes were red and puffy, tears streaming down her face like a cascading waterfall. Her mascara was smudged and made it look like she hadn’t slept for weeks. “Woah, hey, Belle?”
Belle didn’t listen to you though, instead she stormed past and ran up the stairs and a minute later you heard her bedroom door slam shut.
What the fuck was that about?
“Minute too late mum!” Felix shouted again, making you roll your eyes in annoyance. However, it did confirm that something had happened to Belle on social media or over the internet and you had to get Harry on top of this now.
You walked down the stairs, into your basement - which Harry had converted into a sound-proof studio - and saw him sat with a guitar on his lap and pencil between his teeth, playing around with chords on repeat.
“Babe?” You knocked on the door as you spoke, Harry looking up from where he was sat to you and smiling as bright as ever.
“You alright love?” He asked sweetly, taking the pencil out of his mouth first.
“I am yeah, but Belle’s just come home crying and shut herself in her room.” You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to work through everything that had happened and wondering whether you’d done something or not done something.
Harry instantly got to his feet, putting everything down so that he could come over to you. He placed his warm hands on your cheeks and kissed your lips once just because, “I know what you’re thinking, so stop it. Something’s probably happened at school. Let me go talk to her, okay?” You nodded in agreement and sighed in thanks.
Belle had always been more of a daddy’s girl than a mommy’s girl, and that was okay. It just meant that she was more open to her feelings and her heart with her dad than you, not to say she never talked to you about things like that. Harry always filled you in on things, though, and would prompt you to talk to her if he thought extremely necessary. Belle liked to work things out by herself normally, not liking to be a burden to anyone - a lot like you actually.
Harry walked out of the room and climbed the stairs two at a time until he made it outside Belle’s room. He knocked before entering, but Belle made no sound for him to enter.
“Belles?” Harry asked softly, shutting the door and walking over to her bed which she was curled up on. She had obviously flopped on the bed and began crying, because there was no sign of effort to get under the covers or get comfortable.
“D-dad?” She mumbled roughly, her choked sobs holding her back.
“Yes sweetheart, i’m here.” Harry sat down on the edge of her bed and sat their patiently. He didn’t want to invade her space or make her feel claustrophobic, so he waited for her to come to him and that didn’t take long. She sprang up and hugged him with her head buried against her dad’s chest, sobbing so violently that Harry’s heart cracked in two. He hated to see his baby cry. It was his biggest weakness.
Belle made an attempt to speak but Harry couldn’t understand due to the shear heaviness of her cries.
“Belles, y’gotta calm down for me, my heart. Gotta breathe it out before you make yourself sick.” He smoothed his hand over the back of her hair, like he’d always done. Her breathing ever-so-slowly coming back down to a normal and healthy pace. “That’s it, thank you.” He kissed the top of her head and held her tightly still.
“Dad?” She shakily started.
“Yes love.”
“Do y-you know?” She sat up so she could face her dad, bur Harry didn’t let his hands leave hers.
“Know what, sweetheart?”
Harry genuinely didn’t know and Belle could see that in his honest, kind, eyes.
“T-that…” Belle started tearing up again, her bottom lip wobbling like sailors legs.
“Hey, calm down. You’re okay. Breathe and then talk to me, okay?” Harry ordered her, not caring if this took all night. He was here for his baby girl whenever and wherever, no exceptions. If she didn’t ever tell him, that was okay as long as he helped her build up her happiness again. A few deep breaths later and she was feeling more comfortable.
“I..,” she paused momentarily to collect her words before letting them flow out beautifully, “i’m gay dad.”
Warmth spread through Harry’s heart as if he were torch that’d just been set alight. He could only put the way he felt into one word; proud. He was so proud that his daughter was turning into the loving and open and beautiful woman she was always born to be. He was also just so happy that she had the confidence in him to tell him something so important to her.
“I’m so proud of you, Belle.”
“Really?” She sounded surprised, which made Harry take a step back in confusion.
“Yes of course,” Harry squeezed her hand just a little tighter, “have I ever given you a reason to think otherwise?”
“Then where’s this doubt coming from hey?”
Belle began to cry again at his question.
“T-the media found out and i-it’s been published everywhere a-and I w-was worried I wouldn’t b-be able to tell you myself b-before they could. They’re being s-so rude too.” Her cries broke Harry all over again. As much as he was proud of her for coming out so bravely, he was incredibly pissed off that the media thought it was there business to pass around before Belle was even comfortable admitting it first. It’s Belle’s right to come out when she wants and how she wants and Harry could understand how frustrating and upsetting that must be to have it all taken away. He had to keep calm for Belle though, pulling her back into his chest to hold her safely.
“What are they saying?”
Anger bubbled through Harry’s veins as she began to speak.
“That i’m only gay to promote the values you stand for or that you’ll be disappointed that not all your children are straight.”
Harry’s fingers curled at her words, not understanding how much of a low-life you have to be to genuinely type and publish these things about a child, let alone his child. He was furious and he was going to burn - metaphorically - the people responsible for this abuse.
“How did they find out?”
Instead of her saying anything she pulled up a picture of the article online - released by ‘The Sun’ unsurprisingly as they were the worst for paparazzi stalking - and it all started to piece together.
The article headlined a picture of Belle and another girl, kissing outside of school. The study group mustn’t have been exclusively studying. Harry didn’t focus on the shitty article, he instead focused on how the smile on Belle’s face was the widest he’d ever seen.
“You look very happy.” Harry tried to make light of the situation for his daughter.
“I am. They make me very happy.” Belle blushed and Harry caught on.
“And they’re called?”
“Megan,” Harry repeated the name, getting a feel for the way it sounded for future use, “well they seem lovely.”
“Dad you’ve only seen them through a picture of us kissing.” Belle rolled her eyes and Harry reached out to dab the tears away, not minding that his sleeve was becoming heavily damp.
“Shut up you,” he laughed causing a smile to leap onto Belles face too, “do we get to meet them?”
“Hopefully,” Belle smiles, before looking down to her lap with furrowed brows, “that is, if they still like me after this whole media shambles.” Belle let out a breathe of shaky air and Harry caught her anxiety before she could let herself run off with it.
“Let me take care of that, don’t worry yourself over it, okay?” Belle nodded.
“Do I have to make like a statement or anything?”
“You do whatever you want to, Belles, and i’ll love you no matter what.”
And with that Harry left the room, a smile on his face for feeling like the proudest most happiest parent on the planet. It only lasted a few minutes though, because now it was time to make some phone calls and sue a few people.
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