#damian is a fashion icon
salzz4r · 10 months
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Bride Damian
Twilight of bôa playing in the background
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popculturebaby · 8 months
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Mean Girls (2004), behind the scenes ✨
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starlooove · 11 months
You guys think Duke and Damian would be insecure about wearing skirts and dresses and ur wrong
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Y'all say Tim Drake has no cultural impact but if wasn't for him Robins would still be walking around without pants
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darkcollectorruins · 1 month
Batfamily HC
Adult Damian being a fashion icon and absolutely killing it at the Met Gala
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dairyminki · 11 months
color me pretty | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!reader
↬summary: he's alluring, he's king of the runway, and he's at the top of his game. you? not so much, really. is it too late to back out?
↬ genre: model au—model!san & model!reader, suggestive
↬warning/s: profanity
↬wc: 2.4k
↬a/n: viola! i'm finally graduating from fluff academy thanks to @chokchokk 's influence LMAO. this is heavily inspired by san's ig post which still has me in a chokehold btw. pls enjoy!
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*reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated!
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There are cameras everywhere, a resounding click of the shutter one after another. Oh, and there's a lot of the color red present in the studio.
People are scattered all over the spacious room that you almost feel small as if every single thing and person in sight is intimidating you. And you're not going to lie, they surely do.
Frankly, if it weren't for your manager who's standing beside you, you might've immediately turned on your heel and walked your way back to the glass doors that you entered earlier, a minute just after arriving at the studio and finding how large of a scale this project actually is. Oh, to be back outside where you didn't feel suffocated and where you couldn't feel anybody's eyes on you.
"What would you do if I backed out…?" You tentatively asked your manager in a low voice, making sure that you were the only ones who could hear it.
You know that she heard you, but still, her eyes remained at the center of the room, where all the cameras are pointed at, and where all of the people's attention are currently drawn to.
"Where'd your previous confidence go? I don't remember seeing this hesitance of yours when I first suggested this project." Your manager replies, eyes still not leaving the subject of everyone's attention.
Because standing and posing effortlessly in the middle of everything is Choi San.
The renowned model, Choi San, whose face and body is probably the cover of every magazine you can think of, and who's dominated all the fashion shows you could only dream of attending, this year alone.
He's the king of the fashion and modeling industry, someone who is highly sought-after by every famous designer that you could possibly name at the top of your head. Choi San is a crowd favorite, he practically owns the runway, and he's a total icon to many—the young and the old, the rookies and the veterans.
And not to mention, he's your role model. Someone who you really look up to and perhaps, someone who you wanted to work with.
Right now, you're about minutes into turning that dream into reality, thanks to your manager and your incredibly impulsive self.
"Your thoughts are so loud, I could practically hear it." Your manager suddenly speaks, cutting through your abysmal thoughts. And then she turns to you, jabbing a finger right at your chest and saying, "But there's no way in hell that I'm letting you back out because, first of all, you'll be working with a supermodel, and second, hello?!" She exclaims the last part in a hushed voice with matching wide gestures, that you visibly flinch. However, it seemed like she couldn't care less because she cups your face and turns your head towards the side of the room where a stunning man dressed in an expensive sparkly black suit with a diamond logo on the tie, stood.
"You'll be wearing his creation! The Damian Luxe!" She squeals near your ear, and you grimace, because she is loud, alright.
Damian Luxe is the owner of one of the biggest and leading fashion brands ever known all over the world—Luxe Looks. And right now, you still can't quite believe how he's just a few steps away from you, seemingly engrossed in a conversation with one of the photographers.
You're not sure how he ended up picking you out of all the models out there. Somehow picking you alongside one of the top iconic faces of the fashion industry, to serve as his muses for his newest fashion collection, which is set to be released and made known to the public in less than a month. The pressure that is placed on you is quite heavy since it's just your second year into this modeling career.
And it is a sudden twist and turn from your usual looks and gigs. From being known as a model who has summer vibes, cute, and freshness up their alley, to starring in an intimate and quite sensual photoshoot in honor of Luxe's brand new and bold fashion collection entitled, Pleasures of the Heart.
"Believe me, I was overjoyed when you first told me about it. But really? You didn't even bother telling me that I'll be partnered up with Choi San? The Choi San?" You put quite an emphasis on the word 'the' in order to get your point across and make your manager realize your current dilemma at hand.
Because knowing you? There's a ninety-five percent of you messing this up because of your clumsy ass, the remaining five percent will be you fainting, by the way.
Oh god, you can't possibly do this right?
What if you embarrass yourself in front of him? Would you be able to live with that memory for the rest of your life?
You think not.
However, you weren't even given that much choice when one of the stylists arrives and steals you away from the comfort of your manager's side in order for you to get dolled up and ready for your photoshoot with Choi San.
Here's to fucking it up, I guess, you think, heaving a sigh as you followed the stylist in one of the rooms.
You don't think that Choi San is actually real.
Heck, you didn't even think that someone could possibly make blowing bubble gum as something sexy.
Shivers ran down your spine and goosebumps littered your skin as you watched Choi San angle his face and send sultry looks to every camera pointing at him. If you were confident enough, you might've jumped him already, popping that bubble gum in his mouth and licking it off his lips right after.
Wait what-
You frantically shook your head. Is this what Choi San's alluring effect feels like? Because if it is, then you're so fucked.
Your manager and the stylist earlier, told you that there'll be some duo shots so that means, yes, touching will be involved.
When they first told you that, you weren't sure if you'll be able to pull it off because one, Choi San, is incredibly gorgeous. And two, he's only donned in a coat and pants, and no undershirt in sight! Which leaves a portion of his abs in display for anyone's eyes to feast on—not like you're feasting on them or anything.
You gulp.
Is it really too late to back out?
Moments later, you begin internally thanking the heavens, when Choi San's individual shoot has come to an end and he's called back by one of the stylists for a wardrobe change. Which you think will be in match with the pitch black bodysuit you're currently wearing underneath your robe. The robe isn't part of the look at all, you simply have it on for now because you aren't that confident yet. You honestly think you'll never be but maybe you'll be fine since the stylist said you'll still have one piece to wear later.
A red overcoat to match the red stilettos your feet is currently clad in.
One of the staff tapped you on the shoulder and led you closer to the center, saying that you'll be starting the duo shots in a few minutes.
The staff said it with a sweet smile that you have no choice but to smile back as well even if your insides were already churning and you're starting to break into a cold sweat.
You were in the middle of doing a breathe in and breathe out exercise in order to relax your nerves for a little bit, when you suddenly felt another tap on your shoulder. Thinking that it was probably one of the staff or stylists again, you turned around, only to be met with a pair of deep black cat-like eyes and a dimpled smile.
It was freaking Choi San.
"Nervous?" His voice was a clear rasp. Your knees growing weak at the sight of him in a sheer black tank top, which showed how buff he really was, and the same pants as earlier. His hair is still slick-backed with a few gelled-strands hanging against his forehead. A black biker glasses snugly sitting on top of his head served as his only accessory.
God, he's breathtakingly gorgeous being so close to you like this.
"U-Uh, yes, very, Mr. Choi."
Well done! You just stuttered in front of Choi San. But who wouldn't?
To your surprise, loud laughter comes out from his lips. His pink plump lip—oh would you please snap out of it?!
"Mr. Choi? Oh my, just call me San!" He chuckles. "You're Y/N, right?" He asks, a few moments after, and it prompts you to nod your head.
"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" San says this so casually that it catches you so off guard, you choke on nothing.
While you're busy trying to re-organize yourself and your breathing, San makes it a mission to further turn you into a flustered mess as he gently pulls you by the waist. Then he leans in, mouth dangerously close to your ear and whispers the words that will certainly haunt your insides for the rest of the time that you'll be stuck in his presence.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you, pretty."
You and San have been receiving praises from left and right ever since the shoot started. You even heard from the head photographer that you two surprisingly share quite a chemistry in front of the cameras even though it's only your first time pairing up together.
Although, you do admit that you've had your awkward moments prior because, first, it is your first intimate photoshoot, second, your outfit is so far the most revealing you've ever worn despite the overcoat you're wearing, and third, San was very close. Too close.
But it's not like you're complaining anyway. In fact, you think you might be enjoying it a little too much than what you've anticipated. And, you just hope it's not noticeable to him or you'd die of embarrassment as soon as you step out of the studio.
Anyway, you felt every exhale that San had made in the past half hour, and it's very ticklish. But you also felt quite feverish with the way his rough hands seemed scalding hot against your skin, despite his touches and hold on you being gentle.
San was nothing but sweet and kind as he gently coaxed you out of your shell, always guiding you with every pose and expression. Because of him, you're starting to get more comfortable with the theme of the set and the overwhelming attention being poured on you two.
But of course, another challenge was bound to appear and send your mind into a haywire.
"Perfect! Now, let's have you sit on top of San." The head photographer suddenly instructs. "But first, I want you to sit on the floor, San." He adds.
All the while San's following the photographer's direction, you're left frozen, standing on the side, not quite sure if you heard the photographer right.
By the time you've snapped out of your thoughts and you're back to your senses, San's already sitting on the floor with his legs slightly spread out, his arms are kind of spread out as well with his palms completely flat on the floor, and he's slightly leaning back with his toned arms supporting his upper body's weight.
And he's looking at you. Looking at you with an expression you can't exactly figure out.
Before the photographer could even call your name and give you instructions as well, San's already beckoning you over with his index finger.
As if entranced, you walk towards him without any word. And when San told you that you should take off your overcoat, you followed him, dropping the piece of clothing to the floor. Then, when San told you to straddle his lap, you did it without any fuss despite your visible shaking which you're certain that he noticed because he's leaning towards you again.
"I got you, pretty. Didn't I say I'll take care of you, hmm?" San whispers against the shell of your ear. "You'll let me take care of you, right?" He asks when he still gets no response from you.
Inhaling deeply, albeit shakily, you nod your head.
Still not shying away from the close proximity, your breath hitches when San's hands come to wrap around your waist, one of them caresses your side, slightly making you jolt at the suddenness of the action.
"Words, pretty. I need words." San hums.
"Y-Yes. I'll let you take care of me."
"Good girl," He purrs and playfully bites your ear lobe, which, again, sent you lightly trembling as you felt the heat which started to creep its way from your lower abdomen and up to your face.
"Now, I want you to only look at me, alright? Can you do that for me?" San asks, thankfully, now with enough gap between the two of you, enabling you to breathe more easily.
"Yeah, I can do that." You reply and this makes San smile, dimples adorning his face once again.
San shifts underneath you for a bit, his palms at the small of your back. He adjusts your position on top of him and then his hands leave you as he goes back to leaning, but this time, with his hands much further back than before. This subtle change enables him to look up at your face more comfortably.
San instructs you to put your hands on his chest instead of being on top of his shoulders as what the photographer has instructed for you to do. And then, he retracts his right hand from the floor and puts it back on your waist instead.
And just like that it has the photographer screaming delightedly the word, "Excellent!"
"Excellent," San mimics in a soft voice, tongue darting out to lick his own lips, all the while his eyes never left yours. And you reckon, yours didn't leave him as well throughout the entirety of the photoshoot.
Well, after having him this close and looking so out-of-this-world while under you, where you can basically see every twitch of his eyebrows, every contraction of his arm muscles, and every bob of his adam's apple, with his attention all on you and you alone the whole time…you're quite not sure if you'll be able to take your eyes off of him ever again.
If this is how it feels to be under Choi San's alluring gaze, then, oh, you're so fucked, because there seems to be no possible escape, at all.
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mockstarling · 2 years
Au where the Waynes have to make a reality TV show because people get too close to finding out who they are. Everyone develops their public persona as follows.
Brucie Wayne:
Wears makeup all the time.
Really clumsy but has a quick reaction time regarding when his kids are about to fight. Yes, he can sense it from the other side of the house.
Mama bear, will panic if someone gets as much as a papercut.
Always wears dark colors because if he wears anything else he always manages to get them dirty somehow.
Will sing to pop songs, gets all the lyrics wrong except the chorus.
Glitter. He always wears at least one thing that is glittery at all times. He also uses a glittery bat-themed pencil pouch in his office (cass got it for him as a joke).
Kathy Kane:
A gay aunt icon.
Fashionable but in a classy way/simple enough to still fight if needed.
Will physically attack one of Bruce's kids to "prepare them for if they get kidnapped".
Damian's favorite, he will go ask her for permission first instead of Bruce. She typically allows him before looking at the camera like 'this is about to be good'.
Is one of the best at giving advice.
Will not hesitate to argue with Bruce's friends (the Justice League in their civilian personas) with the passion of a kid who wants ice cream.
Dick Grayson:
Nice older brother type/has answered to "mom" on screen multiple times before.
Knows all Disney songs by heart and will start singing them as his brothers fight.
The one who posts the most on social media and believes they're "in with the kids".
Is in college but tries his best to make time with his family.
Recites vines with passion as he burns everything in th kitchen.
Always wears "rich people clothing that compliments his best features".
Jason Todd:
Was announced alive before the show started so he's been here since season one and may or may not be the reason that they had to start the show in the first place because people were like, "oh, he could be Red Hood. . . wait".
He's normally the one who starts shit/drama on the show.
He has some of the best comebacks out of his brothers. And yes, most of them are along the lines of, "I died, bitch! I'll kill us both and drag you to hell myself! They love me there, unlike some people!"
Claims he doesn't remember what happened those years he was "dead" and says that he still have bad memory problems to get out of doing stuff because he "forgot".
Plays into the bad boy/street kid stereotypes.
Tends to yell a lot/doesn't have an inside voice for shit.
Tim Drake:
Tired heir to the Wayne family business.
Gets physically thrown around by his brothers (mainly Jason) the most.
Is intelligent but tends to mess up on the simplest things.
Always has coffee on him and when he doesn't he is either going to fight someone or pull a prank.
Is always working on "school" (cases).
Tends to wear more normal clothing because it's most comfortable but he has been know to fall asleep in full on suits before.
Stephanie Brown:
Sings the most out of everyone.
Will never hesitate to tip off one of the Waynes about another one if food is involved.
Is always trying new clothing styles and has rearrange their room the most.
Is the type to try something because they saw it on social media.
Is a ray of sun shine when compared to everyone else.
Is the best at jokes.
Cassandra Cain:
Communicates by sign language when she gets too frustrated/overwhelmed.
Dances the best out of anyone so no one ever challenges her.
Is a silent threat when it comes to pranks.
Has been caught mid-heist (when trying to sneak food from the kitchen) by the crew.
Has successfully stolen the most of Bruce's stuff.
Is the most common one to get tea first because everyone in the family likes her enough to rant about the others.
Duke Thomas:
Will not hesitate to pick cass's side in any argument.
Started a war between the Wayne Brothers without them putting together that he started it until that season was out.
The one who always make sure everyone eats.
Has pulled the most pranks on Bruce's friends (the Justice League's cilvilian personas) because they mistakenly took him out to be the most collected out of the bats.
The one who has the best insider information when shit goes down.
No one knows for sure if he's a Wayne but he has a room in the manor and is always there so people just assume Bruce took in another one.
Damian Wayne:
Took it upon himself to look the best out of all his siblings so he spend days researching on social media outfit ideas and how to do makeup because he's "better than everyone else".
Has showed an interests in fighting with weapons, the arts, and history.
Was very quickly assigned the "furry baby dad" title from fans because of the amount of pets he has.
Is still an angry baby but the family has found that he actually explains his side of stuff to the camera really well.
Experiences the most character development throughout the show as it takes place during his teenage years.
Has been caught uses "baby voice" when interacting with his pets.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 4 months
I guess I should put out a bat fam basic headcanon statement…..
Batfam Headcanon Baseline:
Alfred (69…nice)
-Is in possession of the coveted last brain cell
-Can and will kill for very little
-Despite having infinite shopping money for groceries he loves a bargain, coupon king
Bruce (35)
-6’4 (big boi)
-Italian (Southern Region) and Russian
-A brand of autistic that could be described with the word “grumch”
-In love with Clark
-Is a himbo AND a wet cat
Dick (21)
-5’10 (says he’s 6’0)
-Romani, Portuguese and French
-ADHD and joint hypermobility
-Pansexual menace
-Fashion ✨Icon✨
-Should quit being a cop and become a beauty guru
Cass (18)
-L E S B I A N
-Selectively mute
-Does fake ASL around pretentious rich people, actually just Naruto ninjutsu signs
-Loves to grill a cheese
Jason (18)
-6’7 (Biiig Boi)
-Puerto Rican and Scottish
-A chef a connoisseur
-Hates Cops
-Bisexual/Greysexual (he’s not sex repulsed just not like that about it)
Tim (15)
-5’4 (pocket sized)
-Vietnamese and German
-Trans King 👑
-In a polycule with Kon and Bernard (maybe Bart too depends on the time of day)
-He was a sk8er boi
Duke (12)
-5’0 (A growing boy)
-Jamaican and Dominican
-The token straight
-Sleeper mario kart assassin
-Airdrops memes at galas to his siblings to see who will break first
Damian (7)
- 4’5 (he so tiny)
-Italian, Russian, Chinese and Arab
-Will ask if you have games on your phone
-Not allowed on the internet unless he is watching cat videos
-Also Autistic
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The inheriting games (What do the batfamily inherit)
-*Now, who gets Wayne Enterprises? Well the most common (and boring) answer is Tim, which? I understand, it even said in a comic book that his name is on the paper, but if Tim wants to run a company, he can take Drake enterprises!
-*And Duke is so smart! He was solving Riddlers riddles in 7th GRADE! And, he just feels like the type of guy to be able to run a business nicely! He’d be able to separate enough funds for the Justice League easily!
-*At first, the idea of running a company (With Luscious Fox obviously) is daunting, but after a few months, Duke realises how much he loves it. The routine, the ability to help people even without the mask on? It was exhilarating.
-*Jason inherits the Mansion.
-*I hear you! Why in the world would JASON inherit the mansion? Well, Jason was raised in the streets. He knows best what it’s like not to have a proper place to sleep. I feel like, Jason would make the mansion a place for wandering heroes/people to stop by.
-*Like all his friends would come over sometimes, or any hero who needs a break/place to rest. Or it’s just a place for family to hang out. If the family instead hangs out at the Penthouse, then it can also be a place where people who don’t have a place to stay/who need some energy can stay. It’s still there home though. It holds too many memories.
-*Obviously shes Batman. Must I even explain?
-*She inherits the BatCave and everything, and it means the world to her that Bruce trusted her with so much.
-*Cass is the one who could have become the evilest, and most dangerous villain of them all, but instead chose to be a hero. One with the most firm no kill rule. The one, who in Bruce’s eyes, could become an even better Batman than himself.
-*So, Tim doesn’t inherit the Business. Dang. Y’know what he does inherit? Bruce’s CAR collection.
-*If you want to tell me Brucie Wayne, one of the richest and dramatic people alive, who built the most iconic car ever, DOESNT have the most EXTRAORDINARY AND EXPENSIVE Car collection known to mankind, argue with the WALL.
-*I don’t know how to explain it, it fits Tim so WELL. He’d love the car collection, he’d pull up to his siblings and friends house everyday in a new car, and it annoys his friends and family SO MUCH. Classic Nepo-Baby behaviour tbh.
-*I feel like Bruce giving him the car collection, instead of anything serious is a sign. Tim was slowly BECOMING more like Batman (whereas Damian was the one who came defaultly as Batman, and his arc was to find his own person), and since at times Bruce didn’t let Tim have fun, it’s a sign from him now to let his teenage, rebellious side kick in. Have some fun.
-*Dick, our favourite Diva, what does he inherit? He inherits all of Bruce’s Jewellery/accessories!
-*Dick, Bruce’s first ward, the one with the most similar past, who became the hope the people needed instead of the fear.
-*Also, Dicks extra and fashion loving self would LOVE the accessories. More ways to somehow make the most fashionable stuff look terrible on anyone else but me!
-*The jewellery and accessories would be a very layered way of Bruce telling Dick to sometimes take some nights off. It’s okay to be human, and do normal things, like taking too much time choosing which watch matches his outfit, or what belt to match with his shoes.
-*ooh~ What does Damian inherit? Damian, the one who used to, in a faraway past, boast about the fact that he was the blood-son to hide his insecurities of never fitting in, or disappointing his father in some way? He’d inherit the albums, and the family heirlooms. Special objects that held not much value financially, but so much sentimental value.
-*The albums with photos of when Bruce was a baby, to pictures when Damian finally outgrew Duke and Tim. The pearl necklace that Martha wore, and the watch that Jason fixed.
-*Damian wouldn’t need money, I feel like he’d either get a very well paying job, or steal money from the league of assassins (‘It’s not stealing Drake, it’s MY inheritance anyways, so stop sticking your nose in other families business-‘)
-*He’d treasure the stuff so much 😭 He’d keep looking at photos of Bruce when he dies :)))
-*Yes, Stephanie gets something. Because while Bruce might not be her father, she’s still part of the family. Somehow.
-*She gets all the….BATMOBILES
-*Yup, you heard me. Cass is Batman, Tim has the cars, but somehow it’s STEPHANIE who ends up with the BatMobile.
-*So, mostly the reason was because of how funny it would be, but it’s also how much Stephanie would LOVE it. And of coarse it’s a layered message here as well.
-*Bruce seemed to have trusted Stephanie the least. He was the worst to her as Robin, and she ended up dead, and after THAT, they’re relationship was far from ‘good’
-*Now, because of the strained relationship, Bruce would NEVER let Steph ride the Batmobile, right? He doesn’t trust her, and, I mean, he doesn’t let DAMIAN ride it with consent- But him giving her the Batmobile is basically him saying ‘I was wrong to not trust you’, and it’s a sort of apology if you will.
-*(Tims ecstatic when he finds out he gets all the cars, but when he finds out Steph got the BATMOBILE?
-*Barbara gets all the contingency plans for the Justice league. Cass didn’t. This was Bruce’s way of telling babs how much he trusts her, and how mature she really is now.
-*He didn’t give Cass the contingency plans, not because he doesn’t trust her, but because…He thinks Babs would appreciate it more.
I know what ur thinking; Cass is Batman, Steph has the Batmobile, and Barbara gets the contingency plans? How does that work? Well, it’s basically Bruce encouraging Cass to let people help her, something he struggled with, and one of his biggest flaws.
-*if for some reason (They’re idiots I SWEAR TO GOD), they still weren’t married after he died, she gets the most beautiful diamond, pearl ring known to MANKIND, and a very heartfelt note.
-*If they were engaged/Married, Selina gets all the safe houses that Bruce owns around the world. He would want Selina to travel, and move on.
Commissioner Gordon:-
-*Commisioner gets to know Batmans identity (what it was before), and even if he already knew it, it’s the thought that counts.
-*He also gets a gun…wrapped in a sheet, with a note stuck on it. It had nothing to do with how Joker died, found in an alleyway, shot in the gut. At least, that’s what Barbara claims.
Bruce’s Money in his Bank account:-
-*His kids don’t need the money so.
-*20% goes to Clark (he begrudgingly accepts it, remembering the time Bruce gave him cash on his bday. Bruce always had strange ways of showing love.)
-*Another 20% goes to Dick, another 20% to the Justice League, and the remaining 40% to charity.
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salzz4r · 11 months
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Did you know that Dami and Daphne (Scooby Doo 2002-2004) share MBTI? 🤓☝️
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oifaaa · 1 year
Look I can forgive almost every one of Tim’s many, many, many flaws. But Tim Drake’s real problem is that he’s the Robin with no sense of fashion when it comes to shoes. Dick and Jason had the iconic pixie boots. Damian had those cool knee high lace boot things. Meanwhile tim just has like boots or something smh
Tims not the only one official best robin Stephanie Brown also only wears simple black boats with her robin costume are you saying she has bad taste in shoes
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msfcatlover · 6 months
Shadow Stephanie (Reverse Robins)
Obviously to start with, Steph was iterating on Damian's design. The very first thing she did was take the whole outfit and give it a little color, losing the grey in order to layer in midnight blues & dark purples. It's actually a better stealth design than pure black, and while Damian took a long minute to think about it when Steph came to him to show her redesign ideas, he agreed that it was a smart change.
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(This is the new color scheme. Not vibrant, but practical.)
The undersuit, including the full-coverage gloves, is now black. The costume itself is predominantly purple, but with thick blue detailing on the hems breaking it up a little bit.
The hooded cowl follows this color scheme, except the inside of the hood is solid black.
Steph changed the central tunic to something more like what she did for her Robin uniform, better fitting her tastes than Damian's uneven hem & separated panels. Using her WFA costume for a reference, note that we are only talking about the central red-part here. Also, Shadow!Steph's tunic is a little longer, probably ending a little past mid-thigh.
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She limited Damian's puffy sleeves to the upper arms, replacing Damian's cuffs with elbow-length padded (still fingerless) gloves. with chrome-capped knuckles
(Once again, her fingers are still covered by the black undersuit. She just wears the gloves on top.)
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(Something like these gloves, but with the armor incorporated into the structure rather than being on top, as seen in the real-world example.)
Steph swapped Damian's mouth-guard-mask for a simple black neck gaiter, but she kept the grease paint (as she considers it an iconic part of Shadow's look.) She has to work very hard to keep her hair pulled tight under the hood for both identity protection and just to keep as much grease paint as possible out of it.
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Steph does still have Damian's thigh armor, but it's almost entirely hidden by the tunic; she kept the padded pants, but they're blue now.. She also has a utility belt (which Damian had, but I can't remember if I mentioned it) in black with silver buckles.
She traded out Damian's boots for a pair of these with armored knee-pads/shin-guards worn over top. The boots are composite-toe (or whatever you call the variant where it fully encases the foot) for resistance & comfort... with a polished steel plate at the tip for weight & fashion.
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(OG boots, armor, chrome toe example; I'd've used an actual chrome-toed boot for her to start with, but can't seem to find non-platform versions.)
I think that's everything. I continue to put waaay too much thought & research into this AU. Damn.
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silent-wolf · 8 months
ranking the batfamily on whether i would be friends with them irl 😁: (ps this is all just a jokey joke so pls dont take this seriously 😇)
7. damian
guys im sorry
love the little demon but he would probably kill me for making ur mom jokes
hes got spunk if u consider it being mildly homicidal thoughts at every constant minute
probably the friend i would not consider going for lunch with cuz he’ll give me a dirty look for eating like a pig 
he would be a good tutor tho, my saving grace in calculus
but he would make me cry by the end of that session cuz i cant divide to save my life 💔 6. jason
he’s a fucking theatre kid
AND an english nerd, like pick a struggle man 😭
it might be residual high school eng trauma but i cant be friends with someone who genuinely likes english
honestly tho, i wouldn't mind hanging out with him outside of school
i just dont know what we would have in common to talk abt
gym classes with him has to be fun tho
he would probably kick my ass at every game, but thats besides the point 5. cass
shes scary asf, but shes hot so its okay
i would probably have a hallway crush on her
shes probably in the friend grp, but has other friends shes closer with
rlly fucking good at pe and doesnt hesitate to show off
probably skips a bunch of classes but no one says anything
would probably hang out more as a grp than one on one
the only person i would consider giving my house keys to 4. dick
the sweetest guy in the grp
i would assume he was just a nice guy at first but he is just rlly genuine 
would be the subject of ridicule because of his god awful fashion sense
is a senior but hides in the junior classes cuz girls always chase him around asking for his number
is the mom of the friend grp and always carries around protein bars, tissues, and basic first aid 
always does wellness checks and picks up on the first ring if u need anything. bless him <3
my emergency contact 3. duke
would be one of my closer friends
the perfect balance of obliviously unaware and stupidly concerned
i would ask him for hw answers only for him to text back with a question mark
he was the sacrificial lamb who was made to sit in the first row in class
ends up falling asleep and gets detention 😔 if anyone asks tho, its because he did smthin super scandalous and totally not school appropriate 👍
we became chem lab partners, but fucked up freshman level titrations so many times, that the teacher kicked us out
has the best packed lunches (thank u alfred)
i steal his lunch and he ends up eating shitty cafeteria food 👍 2. steph
her fashion sense>>. but dont be fooled, most days she throws on a ragged hoodie that way too soft to be legal
has a billionare on her side, but still steals MY mcdonalds fries
always carries around extra hair ties 
comes over so often that there is a steph size dent on my bed, where she would flop down
has the prettiest notes which are a life saver for last minute cramming
the friend you would go to experiment different makeup styles on 
my partner in crime for any tom-foolery 
would make me snort during class which sends us to detention 
i would fucking hate him at first glance
but somehow we would bond through our shared trauma of high school calculus 
the type of friendship where u would go on spontaneous road trips a week before finals, only to end up stranded in a random petrol bunk
a responsible adult (read: alfred) would then come to pick us up after we call them in literal tears
a weekly tradition of trying the most grotesque slushy concoctions 
cannot for the life of him memorise shakespeare, but can recite word for word every iconic vine in existence 
would tutor me in chemistry, only to end up in tears at my incompetence 😭
extremely introverted but suddenly becomes the loudest person ever when it comes to embarrassing someone
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monnonamour · 2 years
Batfamily fashion hcs :
Dick loves Gucci, they have a joint collection n he represents the brand
Stephanie spent a lot of Bruce's money on Versace's spring 2023 collection in purple
Cass is a fashion icon and her every appearance breaks the internet
Jason loves Nike more than Adidas
Duke, on the other hand, prefers Adidas to Nike
Damian loves wide pants, but because of his height, he either rolls them up or they're pick up all the dirt from the floor
Bruce often dresses like a russian bandit from 90s
Tim screams the loudest about Uggs and Crocs being ugly but he has dozens of pairs
Forever style Babs 00s
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luminescentauthor · 2 years
Good Mom Talia Headcanons
Because Talia al-Ghūl is a Good Mom Screw You
DC – Gotham Knights, specifically – is back on their evil Talia al-Ghūl BS, and they’re also back on their “the less white she appears, the more evil she is” BS and I am. So tired.
So, out of raw spite, here are happy headcanons revolving mainly around Talia being a good mom and generally kicking butt!
This is from my Remained AU, named that because it’s the AU where Jason remained with Talia and Damian after coming back to life. You don’t need to know it to understand this, but if you haven’t seen this AU before, you can find the original post here, or the tag for it here.
CW: Swearing and uhhh I think that’s it but PLEASE do lmk if I missed anything
+ One of the first things Talia did when Ra's was removed from the picture following Death and the Maidens (a batman comic in which Ra’s dies. He eventually came back) was buy Damian the biggest, most ridiculous art set in existence, and about 400 glitter pens. He loves it.
+ Jason and Talia will often have tea and chat while they play strategy games, such as chess, Stratego, and Shogi. She always kicks his ass.
+ Nobody is sure when she sleeps. Maybe she just doesn't.
Multiple members of the League of Assassins claim she has the ability to be in two places at the same time. No one is sure how she does it.
+ Talia calls Damian and Jason lots of affectionate nicknames. She only does this when they're alone prior to leaving the League, or with her few most trusted people, but once they're in Gotham she does it all the time. Some of the nicknames are beloved, habibi (Arabic, basically translates to "my love," I'm stealing it from the thousands of fanfics I've seen her use it in), sweetheart, darling, etc.
+ Absolute fashion icon. Owns the most gorgeous dresses, saris, and pantsuits. As CEO of LexCorp and later when she moves to Gotham, she absolutely redefines what is fashionable by virtue of being the best-looking person in the room. (For context, when Lex Luthor was president, he made Talia CEO of LexCorp, for about a year, I think. She spent most of it trying to give evidence to the Daily Planet about Lex’s criminal activity.)
However Jason makes fun of her for The Pink Jumpsuit relentlessly.
+ Talia almost always wears her hair in a braid or bun; the only time she doesn't is for business meetings and parties and whatnot. If she's just around a League base or fighting, it's tied back. This has nothing to do with the fact that it affects her fighting skill and everything to do with the fact that she finds hair in her face very annoying. Talia is far too good to be affected by whether or not her hair is in her face – she just gets tired of it falling in her eyes when she’s trying to read.
+ Doesn’t wear heels much; she’s an athlete and a fighter, and heels literally deform your feet. Will wear heels when meeting with Ra’s because she enjoys the look on his face when she’s taller than him. She’s also been known to do this to Lex Luthor and many others. She once walked into a LexCorp board meeting wearing eight-inch heels and towered over all the white men’s heads. Just because she doesn’t wear heels much doesn’t mean she can’t walk in them flawlessly.
+ (Tbh everything Talia al-Ghūl does is flawless.)
+ In canon, when Bruce and Talia met, she was studying for a medical degree at Cairo University. She now has that medical degree.
“Ms. Al-Ghūl—” “That is Doctor Al-Ghūl to you.”
Jason: When did even you do your residency???
Talia, drinking tea: Mmm.
Jason, exasperated: Mom.
+ She also got a business degree at some point, and no one is totally sure when or how. It does make explaining why Lex Luthor made the CEO of LexCorp much easier, though.
+ While she prefers tea, Talia did not get through medical school or a whole year of dealing with Lex Luthor’s bullshit without copious amounts of coffee.
+ Jason got her a “HBIC” mug as a joke partway during her year with LexCorp. It promptly became her favorite mug and can always be seen on her desk filled with coffee or tea. 
+ After moving to Gotham, she spends most of her free time spoiling her kids or working on social reform. She's also working on a law degree.
"Mom, a medical degree, a business degree, and a law degree seems like overkill?" "It is, I just want the law degree because it will help me make Lex Luthor's life a living hell." "In that case, understandable have a nice day."
She and Barbara are both “yes I have far too many degrees just so I can wave them in the face of annoying white men what about it” energy and are also both very determined to enact social reform, so they get along quite well. Possibly too well. However, the only people who need to be afraid of their combined might are those who probably deserve it, so the rest of the Batfam has elected to simply get out of the way.
+ Talia owns a private jet, but don’t worry it’s eco-friendly. No ridiculous carbon emissions for this billionaire. She’s an al-Ghūl. Of course, it’s eco-friendly. (She’s also sensible.) Jason proceeds to use it to bounce back and forth between Australia and Gotham, and Talia is. So. Tired. Jason my darling I love you so, so very much, but that is a terrible idea for your education and your sleep schedule please—
For the record, all of Bruce’s vehicles are also electric.
+ Damian wasn't allowed to have pets with the League because Talia didn't trust Ra's not to kill anything Damian showed affection towards. Once Damian lives in Gotham, however, Talia 100% enables his animal-loving tendencies.
Like… maybe a little too much.
Bruce: I’m going to have to build an animal sanctuary in my backyard at this rate.
Talia: I think that would be wonderful, don’t you? It’s not like you don’t have the space.
Tim: *Wheezing*
+ The last name she uses is “Kareem.” Assuming my sources are correct (and admittedly they may not be; my faith in the internet is shaky, at best, though I checked a handful of different sites and they all seem to say the same thing), it is a name of Arabic origin that means generous, honorable, and noble, and is also one of the 99 names of God given in the Quran. It is also the name Jason and Damian use.
When the knowledge that Jason and Damian were Bruce and Talia’s kids becomes public, they both wanted to be Kareem-Waynes. Talia, who wanted to avoid any potential media conflict, pointed out (correctly) that somehow the media would find a way to make a mess out of that and added that she loves them both dearly and they will always be her sons whether or not they use her name. So in the name of Less Media Attention they were going to go with Wayne-Kareem, since it's normal to put the father's name first.
Two hours after they agreed on this, Bruce found out from one of the other batkids and went "WE'RE GOING WITH KAREEM-WAYNE THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY SCREW SEXISM”
Jason and Damian think it’s fantastic. Talia laughs so hard.
The media does try to make a thing out of it, and Bruce literally says “This is the 21st century. Consider it a statement. Also go fuck yourself.”
On a related note, when he marries Selina he becomes Bruce Kyle-Wayne and she becomes Selina Kyle-Wayne and his kids have never loved him more. We stan a feminist!
+ Talia loves animals as much as Damian, and they both get along with Selina because of it.
+ Selina and Talia can often be seen together at galas whispering to one another and generally making everyone else feel like they aren’t worthy to be in the same room.
+ Selina introduces Talia to Ivy and they immediately get along, since they’re both very passionate about environmental reform. Talia does networking and works on policy improvements, while Selina breaks into places for evidence and files, Barbara helps with political wrangling and gathers intelligence, and Ivy and Harley fuck shit up when all else fails. Ivy’s sense for where pollution is coming from is unparalleled, as well, so she can also help gather data to point Talia in the right direction to publicly destroy corrupt companies. Selina’s mostly here to steal things and protect endangered cats.
For the record, Bruce is very impressed by what they're doing and also absolutely terrified.
(Oh sidenote HarlIvy canon.) (Didn’t even occur to me to say that because I deadass assumed it was a given.)
+ Talia’s initial feelings towards Harley were pretty hostile, given everything the Joker did to Jason, but she comes to understand what Harley went through. Harley and Jason actually bond quite a bit in this AU.
+ Also, not totally on topic with the general theme of this post, I’m going to Own Up to a mistake I made on the last post: I completely forgot the Wayne family is Jewish and was like “yeah, they celebrate Christmas??? Right???” So. Hannukah! They do celebrate Christmas – Tim and Steph grew up celebrating Christmas – they just also celebrate Literally Everything Else.
+ It’s canon in DC that Talia made Damian ox blood soup when he was a kid, so presumably she made it for Jason too. Jason asked her to teach him how to make it. Damian's a vegetarian now, so they're trying to figure out how to replicate the taste.
Talia, affectionately and teasingly: Damian, habibi, I love you dearly, but you are making cooking for you incredibly hard.
Damian: :)
+ She, Jason, and Alfred have been learning how to make a bunch of dishes Damian already likes with tofu and other alternatives, as well as trying out new vegetarian recipes. He’s a growing boy, he needs protein, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be meat.
+ Talia and Alfred go to the farmer’s market every Saturday. Jason often comes with, and the other kids sometimes tag along.
+ Talia bought a cashmere blanket and to this day it is one of the best purchases she's ever made.
She kind of wishes her kids would stop fighting over it, though.
The problem is usually solved by yoinking both children into a cuddle pile.
“Just buy another one—” She has. She owns like six of them, now. It’s this one specific one they want for some reason.
(It’s because it’s Mom’s.)
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thebatbaes · 1 year
Sooooo... You probably already know the extent of my passion for Damian's 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 ᵗᵐ, right?
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As I said, Iconic.
But that isn't a fun or controversial take at all! In fact, I'm pretty sure that most (if not all) Dami stans love them, too.
Now... please hear me out:
Damian's new boots?
Those 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦, 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦, 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒍𝒇-𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 boots of his?
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What can I say....
Its clear to me that some choices were made, and I happen to be a very big fan of my son's 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗱 fashion choices.
That's right. I'm a "discowing" and a "Damian's chrismas-elf boots" apologist. Sue me.
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