#harry potter deserves a better family
meemoop · 7 months
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Regulus Black! First time drawing him 😅 I’m not well versed in Regulus’s lore, but I know he bravely deceived Voldemort so here’s him doing that. 👍
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writtenicarus · 2 months
Regulus black would SCREAM family line in the shower
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Tomarry AU where Tom HATES this book he read because his favourite character dies a miserable death. So what if his favorite character was a no-named side villain? Why does it matter that he only had like seven lines (seven is Tom's favourite number anyways)? He was still gorgeous, smart and strong and beautiful — and it doesn't matter that others think he isn't all that because they would never know him— understand him like TOM DOES.
An AU where Tom has a healthy obsession with a character named Harry Potter, a no named baron's son who was the first to go against the king (MC's father, and the mc who is incidentally known as Draco Malfoy, ahem anyways); he tries to “poison” him. But he gets caught or to be more precise he ends up sacrificing himself for the common girl Hermione Granger (the female lead, I'm sorry guys but imagine the fucking drama.) who gets blamed for his transgressions.
But that is not why Tom falls for this weak villain, no — it's because he respects how this no-named orphan became a baron on his own two feet without anyone being there for him especially in a world where old money and title is everything— and he hates how he had to give his life for the MC to notice the female lead? (Harry is better looking and smarter than her anyways — Tom, in an online forum perhaps.)
Anyways, now imagine Tom dying (he hated it so yes he ends up looking for immorality anyways.) and waking up in the world he hated. Now imagine, Tom Riddle, waking up in the body of a Duke who wasn't even given a name in the novel. (He would know because he has a photographic memory, ok? It's totally not because he read it more than 14 times) and then saying fuck it and owning it.
Just think, Tom taking over the world slowly with his worldly knowledge while trying to keep Harry alive because even though he was right about Harry being smart; the guy treats his life like Draco treats his money - you get the idea.
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moniefires · 5 days
To the Dark Lord,
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.
— R.A.B
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the-colourful-witch · 9 months
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💀 🌹 Regulus Black 🌹 💀
Highly requested and very late…. But we don’t talk about that. It’s Regulus! Believe it or not, he was pretty difficult to draw. I wanted him to look a little two-sided; unapproachable, yet laid back. Neat, but sloppy. It’s a fine line.
It got a little hectic during the holidays, so many people to see, so many hours of sleep to catch up on. I got terribly drunk on New Year’s Eve and regretted it. So, there’s my punishment for putting off Reggie.
Oh well, Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had some warm and cozy days 🧡
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melstinybrain · 2 months
walburga: you bring disgrace upon this family!
sirius: well at least I'm bringing something!
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s3raphinaa · 3 months
the black "what am i supposed to do when you used to be my lifeline?" brothers
regulus "look now i'm alone again, i've gotten used to sleeping here without you" black
sirius "though i've tried i can't pretend that i don't sit around and think about you" black
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calmlyerratic · 7 months
I keep thinking about how Regulus the star is the heart of the constellation Leo the Lion.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 8 months
The HP Epilogue: JKR's trashfire ending to a trash book series
I was reading snippets from the epilogue for the first time and everything about the epilogue is just frustrating. And I want to share things I found intolerable about it to let off steam. These are MY opinions so if you feel differently, I am happy for you. But here is a summary of my gripes.
The names of the Hinny Harry's kids
James Sirius. Albus Severus. Lily Luna. I can empathize with wanting to honour people you love by naming your kids after them...but this is just overkill. Not one of Harry's kids has an original name. Not one! And I said Harry's kids because it seems like Ginny had absolutely no input in the names. If I am being generous, maybe the Luna name was hers, but given the naming pattern of the kids, I am sure that Luna references Lupin and not Luna Lovegood. Sometimes I feel as if Harry has a domineering vibe in Hinny and the kids' names are not doing any favours to combat that. Not surprising as everything about the Hinny romance was dictated by Harry's wants. Who cares about Ginny?
Muggleborne discrimination is bad but pureblood discrimination is A-ok
‘You’re right, sorry,’ said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, ‘don’t get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood.’
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. It's like Ron forgot that HIS family is pureblood! It's the same vibe as a black parent telling their black or mixed kid not to marry another black person! Luna is pureblood! Neville is pureblood! Do the Weasleys have some kind of self-hatred?? Another point to purebloods slowly dying out but who cares? As far as JKR is concerned, the wizards should be aiming to all be mutts with mixed blood :)
BTW the Scorpius/Rose pairing fills me with revulsion. I like Albus and Scorp as friends though! But not so much as lovers.
Marriage is the only way to be truly part of a family
‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
Got some heavy Hinny vibes from this line of dialogue. Harry did not become a true Weasley until he got with Ginny after all :)
I know Lily is a kid and she means no malice, but I truly felt disgust towards this line. It just bothers me, especially in the context of Hinny and how Ginny functions as a way for Harry to become a Weasley member. Teddy is Harry's godson, he should be like a big brother to Lily. How does becoming a cousin-in-law make him more of a family member compared to being her surrogate big bro??
Do Hogwarts alumni swear an oath of secrecy?
‘And you don’t want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts,’ Harry put in.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus’s face when he said it.
So James Sirius is telling Albus Severus exaggerated tales about Hogwarts similar to what the Weasley twins did to Ron. But how is this possible? Do the parents not talk about Hogwarts to their kids? If my kid was going to my alma mater, I would tell him/her all about the school when I went there. I don't understand why it seems like parents don't talk about Hogwarts. At least Draco's parents seem to talk to him about the school at least.
Muggle abuse is still funny Ha. Ha.
‘As a matter of fact, I did Confund him,’ Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus’s trunk and owl on to the train. ‘I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let’s face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that.’
Remember that Ron is an Auror! A wizarding cop! But nah muggles are still lesser than wizards so even a guy like Ron who's supposed to be a good hero character feels no shame in messing with their autonomy. Ron is literally so disgusting in the epilogue. Never thought I would end HP finding Ron the least tolerable of the trio when Ron is usually my fav of the 3. Not that the bar is very high for the other two.
JKR really does not like Draco
His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasised the pointed chin.
Of course, JKR can't end the series without throwing more shade at Draco. He's rocking the middle-aged man look, only has one kid and has a love interest that we know squat about. And then in CC, Draco's wife dies! Sigh, I really hate Drastoria...
All is not well
There is still house discrimination. Magical creatures likely still have fewer rights. Aurors like Ron and everyday wizards abuse their powers against muggles. Purebloods are dying out. Wizards like Albus act like they did not grow up in a magical world, aka wizards still have low brain cell counts. But sure, Harry's scar is fine so ALL IS WELL!
I can't believe there are people out here calling JKR a good writer! I see the vast potential of the book series and I feel so sad sometimes. I am so happy that HP never existed in my childhood.
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jameskinniesrise · 5 months
james, remus, alice, rita, and ted definitely had a support group for people who date black family members.
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
Andy, if I die, make sure I get a bigger tombstone than Reg.
Sirius Black, probably
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I honestly have so much respect for Andromeda it’s insane
Because I don’t think I could keep living if most of my family was dead and my daughter and husband both died fighting in a war they have no business being in
And then having to survive to raise your grandchild alone because the only other parental figure in his life is an 18 year old kid who just came back from the dead and clearly has unprocessed trauma
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lilsblavk · 7 months
The realization that Regulus will never be good enough in his brothers eyes even in death. (SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF THIS FANDOM I'M TIRED) 🧎🏻‍♀️
Me every night trying to survive this fandom but it just keeps getting worse every fanfic I read:
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xbluebirdx112 · 7 days
Another jegulus fic - MIABMCIC
Heyy everybody
I have another jegulus fic just for funsies. This is based on a prompt from the lovely Kate but it's longer than just a one shot. It should be about 10 chapters when all's said and done.
Sirius made an offer.
Four years later Regulus accepts.
Or: Regulus decides to get out and ends up staying with the Potters over winter holls. This is all well and good, except it's sent James into a gay panic flavored spiral. Fluff and angst ensue.
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moniefires · 3 months
The tragedy of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black 🥀
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fortunatefires · 1 year
Also if you compare Hermione to a character like Annabeth functionally they have the same role within the story. They are there to drive the plot and be a walking encyclopedia for the reader/main character. And yet where Hermione gets shoved aside and all the cool shit she does happens in the background you get Annabeth doing badass shit right up front. Like, if Annabeth did any of the shit Hermione did it wouldn't be brushed off the way it was. If Annabeth made her family forget her, turned someone into a bug and trapped them in a jar, knitted hats to free elves, any of that shit then Percy would be beside her 100% he would be in awe and absolutely terrified at her power and dedication. But what we get from Harry basically amounts to "Thanks nerd. Anyways, what's my next task?"
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