#he's gotten so used to having to cook for himself that he just doesn't understand the concept relaxing
Right so, I currently feel a very strong urge to cut open my stomach like Chef Hong, but let's put that aside for now and focus on all the new evidence that Peaceful Property is very much gay, actually:
(somehow in light of the end of this episode all of this feels so shallow but well, I got this far, I'm not giving up now)
Peach is wearing THE shirt. The infamous "more than friends less than lovers" shirt.
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And as is usually the case when this shirt appears, it perfectly describes the current state of Peach and Home's relationship.
I'm not really attentive enough to analyse colours in these shows, but even I noticed that Home's shirt is pretty blue at the beginning of this episode
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Looks like both of them are (not so) subtly expressing their feelings through their clothes this week
We didn't really get confirmation either way about Peach's relationship with Best. Though judging by this little interaction between them, if there was something between them, it was probably initiated by Best. He's full-body reaching more than half-way across the frame, trying to get Peach to fistbump him while Peach only half-heartedly raises his fist towards Best's a little. (I admit I might be somewhat biased against him because of Pangpang, but I almost get the vibe that he kinda tried to get close to Peach to siphon off some of Chef Hong's attention. So he was using him from the beginning, first for his cooking skills then for his exorcism skills. But tbf it might have also just been innocent excitement.)
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Anyway look at Chef Hong frowning at their interaction. She knows this is not the right man for her son favourite student.
Home, deepely and sincerely, wants to help Peach.
As soon as he finds out about Peach's trauma his first priority becomes helping him, not selling the property and not exorcising the ghost.
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He even goes all alone to meet the ghost of Chef Hong and asks her to help Peach.
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This is kind of a parallel to the second episode where Home went to confront Rak alone (with Suradech and Kan) after Peach refused to help him anymore. Except this time he actually goes alone and instead of asking the ghost to leave so he can make some more money, he sincerely asks her to help Peach. Character growth. But also. Doing it for the guy he likes. And this is why he gets the mother in law approval and not Best.
But helping someone is not always easy, so:
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This is the face of a man who's desperate to help the person he loves even if that person doesn't think he can be helped. And he's willing to play the bad guy to get him that help.
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It so clearly hurts him to talk to Peach that way but he doesn't know what else to do.
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And Peach is also hurt because he thought that he and Home had gotten close enough that Home would care about his wellbeing more than making money. And he's right, too because Home IS actually doing this FOR his wellbeing and NOT for money. Peach just doesn't know that, yet.
(Quick aside about Peach: Shouting at someone while clutching their shirt. That's 'I love you so please understand me' level of fighting)
Classic tragic romance shit (in preparation for later things to come?). Especially with their next conversation happening through a glass pane. (Star Trek anyone? and many more that I can't think of right now)
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And Home gives him hope. Hope that maybe his mentor didn't kill herself, hat maybe he's not responsible for her death. And with that he gives him the strength to face his fear. Good (not yet) boyfriend.
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It's love, your honor!
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He litterally takes over the job of taking care of Peach from Peach's mother figure
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and then holds him while he breaks down. And not only does he hold him, he PULLS HIM IN so Peach can cry into his shoulder.
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And Peach lets himself fall apart in Home's embrace, to let out all of the grief and guilt he had been carrying mixed with the relief of realising it wasn't his fault she died, and she never blamed him for any of it.
(I know I've said it before but man, Tay and New are really blowing this out of the water. They're just so good. Everything about this show is just sooooooo good.)
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Is that jealousy I smell, Peach?
Don't worry. Home has already admitted that he's flirting with Kan as a bit not with any real intention. The real is reserved for you.
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He fully plans to give it to Peach, doesn't he? Simp.
Between all the real talk, raw emotions and vulnerability, they're right back to bickering and teasing each other.
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Now there's a classic BL trope. (And also again a callback to Chef Hong taking care of Peach, making it even more meaningful.)
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Its LOVE, your honor!!!
But seriously:
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Peach has fully fallen in love with Home at this point. And how could he not, after Home fully proved his kindness and selflessness and care for Peach this week. Peach had already started to really trust and be comfortable around Home last episode, but with this he's fully brought down Peach's walls. (too bad it's going to end up hurting them both soon)
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And Home knows it, too. Speaking it out while also giving the plausible deniability of a joke. And note how Peach denies on behalf of Kan but not of himself.
They're inching their way towards each other, neither of them willing to say it without beating around the bush but both of them fully aware of what's happening between them. (too bad there's a big storm coming for them that's going to wreck this puppy love bliss)
And this, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between and beyond,
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is the face of realisation that you did irreconcilable harm to the man you love and you didn't even know it. That the man you love just said a most sincere and heartfelt "Thank you" to his killer. To you. That all your newfound happieness is about to come crashing down around you and it's all your fault.
Seeing them be happy and flirty in the credit scene hurt. Because how long will they still have this? And either way, any blissful moment from now on is going to feel hollow for Home. And Kan knows, too. Will Pangpang find out before Peach? Will Home get to tell Peach himself or will Peach have to find out from someone else?
Major angst is incoming and honestly? That's pretty gay. Silver lining and all that, I guess.
Anyway I don't want to leave us off at a complete downer so have a quick
Lesbian Corner
The focus was very much on Peach this episode and Kan was mostly off doing her own thing so there's not much but there is this:
Pangpang felt quite betrayed when Kan didn't take her side against Home. She's clearly aware that they should hook team up seeing as the boys are busy with each other.
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Don't worry girl, you'll get there eventually.
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dylanconrique · 2 years
antsy tim poking around lucy's kitchen while she's cooking cause no one has cooked for him outside of genny who's only specialty is kraft macaroni & cheese and feels weird about sitting around not contributing to anything.
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akutasoda · 3 months
in the morning light [genshin ver]
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synopsis - what it's like sharing a bed with them
includes - diluc, kaeya, albedo, beidou, baizhu, alhaitham, kaveh, neuvillette, wriothesley
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, still have no clue what im doing, might be ooc, wc - 2.2k
a/n: can you tell im bored? anyway how is everyone?
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diluc ragnvindr ★↷
↪to absolutely nobody's suprise, he didn't actually get much sleep. most would assume that the reason for this would be running angels share or the dawnery and such, but it was mainly because he acted as the 'darknight hero'.
↪he always encouraged you to go to bed and not wait up for him because he never knew how long he would take. however, diluc couldn't get mad at you for staying up as he found it endearing that you were so insistent on doing so.
↪diluc does have a rather important public image to uphold and so he tries his best to maintain a night and morning routine, but sometimes the night one does go a miss. it's simple yet very effective for him - you know he gets the absolute worst bed hair known to man.
↪the neatest bed you've ever seen, it's always pristine whether he made it or not. has no issues compromising for what you'd like either, he'd even assist you in making the bed to your liking rather than his.
↪initially, he prefers to have his own side to the bed - mainly because he gets up early and goes to bed late so he doesn't want to disturb you. but over time he gets a tad bit too comfy and prefers to have you swamped in his embrace.
↪a light sleeper and not that much of a mover, he either stays completely still or occasionally shuffles around. although when he does shuffle, his hair can tickle you and accidentally wake you if you're a light sleeper yourself.
↪unfortunately, diluc sometimes can wake up rather abruptly due to some certain nightmares, but he always tries not too wake you.
↪human heater. most summers are spent with the bedding completey stripped away because he gives off a lot of body heat, so cuddles are rare unless you don't mind feeling like you're being cooked alive.
kaeya alberich ★↷
↪has the best routines you've ever seen, that is if he bothers to do them. he's very vigilant when doing his morning routine but sometimes he comes home from angels share a bit too tipsy to do his night routine.
↪as mentioned, he spends quite a few nights down at angels share and so he either comes home late, assisted by an annoyed diluc, or you have to go fetch him. admittedly he has gotten better since you've been around though.
↪most days he does get up fairly early, but on his day's off he's not budging. good luck getting up yourself because you're not leaving until he decides he wants to get up - which he will then proceed to wake you up.
↪the messiest bed, sure he makes it occasionally but sometimes he just can't be asked. uses way too many pillows and blankets but is very accommodating to your needs and wants.
↪a complete opposite to his brother, but he is practically a human freezer. unfortunately kaeya is quite cold to the touch so if winter comes around he always puts more blankets and duvets on the bed just so he can still cuddle you without you complaining that he's going to give you frostbite. he also can give you quite the wake up in the morning by how cold he is.
↪can be unconsciously really clingy in his sleep, im talking having some part of him touching you at any time - full on cuddles, holding hands, or even simply intertwining his legs with yours. he claims it helps him sleep better, especially when the nightmares come calling.
↪only downside, is that he can be extremely obnoxious. he moves around so much and unfortunately that can wake you aswell, especially when he ends up upside down and spread out across the bed and such. also can be quite the snorer if he allows himself to fully relax around you.
albedo ★↷
↪admittedly, he spends many nights up at camp in dragonspine and he understands that the freezing weather isn't for everyone - so he doesn't blame you for staying in mondstadt. but sometimes he knows you'd probably prefer for him to be back in mondstadt with you.
↪but if you choose to stay with him in dragonspine, he decides to upgrade the usual camp cot that he uses. he might not be able to feel the cold but you certainly would and the very last thing he'd want, is for you to catch a cold or worse. although there is a nice feeling of finally returning home to you.
↪albedo does have a simple nightly routine that he follows and same goes for his morning routine - although admittedly he can get a bit too carried away with his research and completely miss his routines or sleep in general.
↪he practically stays still entirely while he sleeps, it's almost scary as sometimes you forget he's there. he also doesn't really understand if you want to cuddle while you sleep but he'll indulge you.
beidou ★↷
↪she either goes to bed alongside you or later at night, normally she only comes to bed late if she stays up celebrating with the crew or is on some kind of voyage. most nights she does want to go to bed with you.
↪keeps any routine, morning or night, to a simple yet effective routine. yes she wants to keep up a good appearance but sometimes she just doesn't have the time and so she always goes for the same quick routine.
↪due to her bed being on her ship, she has the bare minimum as beidou doesn't really see a point in going all out. however, again, very willing to let you do whatever you want to the bed as you are sleeping in it aswell and she doesn't mind one bit.
↪can be somewhat clingy in her sleep, she loves holding you close and you can't exactly overpower her grip - it worsens when she does have a bit too much to drink when celebrating as she practically drapes her entire body over yours at all times.
↪a mix between a light sleeper and heavy, normally she's quite light but sometimes she gets a bit too tired.but either way beidou does shuffle around alot, most nights she ends up completely spread out across the entire bed.
baizhu ★↷
↪the doctor spends alot of time managing the pharmacy and other affairs and so even he would admit that he doesn't get as much sleep as he needs, especially when he can get easily fatigued. changsheng gets better sleep than he does.
↪normally by the time the day draws to a close, he's pretty exhausted and so he tries to go to sleep at a reasonable time after. he has somewhat of a nightly routine but it mainly focuses on managing his condition. same goes for the morning.
↪his bed is surprisingly really comfy, even changshengs is. he would prefer if you only messed with your side of the bed because he can be a bit particulate but if you really wanted to, he'd let you.
↪sometimes his condition can give him a rather uncomfortable night's sleep but he tries his best to not let it affect you. but otherwise he can become an extremely heavy sleeper because sleeping is one of the only times where he can truly rest.
↪very rarely his condition may get a bit too much and so he does have to isolate himself until it subsides. although now that you're in his life, he realises how lonely it can get without you.
↪he likes to keep contact to a minimum, perhaps holding hands or having your legs interwined. maybe further down the line, he'd be more inclined to indulge in cuddles if you preferred.
neuvillette ★↷
↪he wakes up quite early and never really wakes you, but if you need to get up he will get you up. however, on an extremely rare day off, he stays in bed with you a bit longer and subconsciously pulls you closer.
alhaitham ★↷
↪sometimes the scribe stays up late, sometimes he doesn't. staying up late could be due to akadeymia work or because he's busy reading up on his own interests. although he only really goes to bed early if you are.
↪his routines are basic but they cover the essentials, he spends more time on his nightly routine because he's normally more rushed in the morning.
↪his bed is rather basic, only really contains the essentials. he doesn't care what you do to make yourself comfortable, as long as you don't do anything stupid than he entertains you.
↪very prone to late night reading, most of the time he sits beside you completely emersed in his reading. alot of the time he does fall asleep in the middle of reading.
↪isn't one for physical contact but eventually might cave to your demands if you really want him to, although when he does you're convinced he enjoys it more than you do. although he does barely move in the night.
↪normally wakes up quite early, with some quite bad bed hair, but he normally leaves you to sleep unless he knows you have somewhere to be. although on his day's off, he indulges himself in your sleepy presence and he brings you closer and falls back asleep with you in his arms.
kaveh ★↷
↪it's no suprise that the architect can sometimes pull all nighters when he gets a well paid commission, much to your dismay. although most nights he does join you when you go to bed or earlier than you but he prefers you fi be there aswell.
↪his bed is extremely comfy and very well organised, most of the time. sometimes when he's pulled a few all nighters he can forget to sort his bed but most of the time he does.
↪his routines are also dependent on his sleep deprived state. if he's pulling all nighters, then his routine is very simple or virtually nonexistent, otherwise his routines can be quite extensive.
↪clingy. on purpose. he doesn't mind whether he's the big spoon or the small spoon, as long as he's cuddling you he's fine. in the morning when he's not fully awake, he can whine if you try and pry yourself away from him before he's ready to get up - he doesn't ever really need to get up super early.
↪a mix between a heavy sleeper and a light sleeper, can also shuffle around a tad but not much of an issue as long as you aren't an extremely light sleeper.
↪when you first stayed the night at neuvillette's, you wondered why on tevyat was his bed so big. it seemed almost comical for one person but you didn't exactly complain as it was extremely comfy.
↪however, further down the line, as he started to really trust you, you realised that it was because he preferred to sleep in somewhat of a dragon form as he claimed it was much more comfortable. and it certainly was for you, he was surprisingly comfy to sleep on.
↪if he has the time, he enjoys taking his time with a nightly routine and he enjoys doing it alongside you, should you also have one. again, same goes for his morning routine - although that one is always much shorter as he is needed quite early.
↪as mentioned, when he gets much more comfortable with you, he sleeps in a semi dragon form. however he's much more likely to fidget and shuffle around in such form, mainly his tail which sometimes wakes you up.
↪however, when he sleeps as is, he doesn't move at all. neuvillette does enjoy cuddling in both forms though, at first he didn't exactly understand why but he quickly grew accustomed to it and came to enjoy it much more than he thought.
wriothesley ★↷
↪alot of the time, he returns late at night. he doesn't exactly find spending the night at the fortress ideal, sometimes he does have to however, and so he doesn't mind traveling back late, although sometimes he wishes he could come back a tad bit earlier.
↪normally, he doesn't have an efficient amount of time to have an extensive night routine but he does in the morning if he wakes early enough. especially because he also falls victim to bed hair.
↪his bed is normally quite basic yet comfy. so he actually enjoyed it when you started changing things to your liking as it gave a bit of character.
↪clingy, on purpose. he always claims that he doesn't get to see you much since he's at the fortress all day and so he refuses to let you go. he always gathers you unti his embrace and when he knows you're safe in his arms, he can relax.
↪always extremely reluctant in the morning, he doesn't want to leave the comfort of the room and so when he has an extremely rare day off, he refuses to let you go and indulges in your presence much longer - all with a smug smile when you try and leave.
↪extremely light sleeper and sometimes does like to shuffle around, and of course you unfortunately will move around with him as his grip refuses to let up.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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feefivefoe · 1 month
I guess I'm unintentionally working my way up the age ladder, so Jason next-
This is the first part that contains backstory stuff I gave my reader, so unfortunately this is where a lot of the "they can be anyone" immersion dies, sorry y'all.
Genuinely, he thought he might hate you at first. Even at the preteen age of 12, where children were usually trying to start striving to independence, you had been so...bland.
It's not that you didn't stand out. Quite the contrary. Anywhere Alfred could be found, you were just a step or two behind him. A leech. Only ever speaking in a hushed voice, making the old man strain himself to hear you, surely.
He doesn't think you've ever even looked him in the eye.
It isn't until that summer he starts connecting the dots. You still cling to long sleeved shirts, pants over shorts, even when it's clear you're struggling to not overheat.
Then he catches you in the kitchen in the middle of the night, t-shirt and pajama shorts.
Burn marks, healed yet gruesome, decorate your arms and legs. Based on how they're positioned, he'd argue they probably exist on the rest of your body, too.
And yet, despite his invasion of what you clearly(?) wanted kept hidden, you merely bow your head in shame and offer a meek apology.
That's when he stops seeing you as a problem, but as a victim of consequence.
Not a bratty child who doesn't care enough about the lower class to speak to your new 'sibling,' but a lonely child who had never even once considered he might want to speak to you.
"Mister Wayne and Mister Grayson are very busy." You had said once, matter of factly rather than bitter or sad. "I'm sure they'd spend time with me if they weren't. But they have two lives, so they have less time than anybody."
He doesn't have the heart to tell you that they make time for him. And the rest of Gotham.
As you do with Alfred, you begin to shadow him. Meandering behind him without a care as to what his plans are, happy to receive the barest of acknowledgments.
You hesitate when speaking about yourself, as though taking up his time with mentions of you is an issue. He's starting to understand why.
Jason isn't sure if it's pity or growing affection that keeps him around, at first. For a while, he sees you as more of a sad, wet dog than as his family.
But you begin to connect with peers at school, finding validation outside of those that feel forced to give it to you. You mature, grow up more than you should, and realize the reality of your home life.
And Jason is thrilled! ...and...a little sad? He's happy for you, sure. Having friends is probably what you needed. People who want you around, genuinely. Who choose to make time for you.
But he'd be lying if he said that the way you used to stare at him didn't make him feel like a hero. Like he was doing so much, changing your world, simply by existing.
You still speak, of course. You're friendly siblings that get along well. You give him various foods you've tried making, courtesy of Alfred inspiring a desire to learn to cook and bake on your own. You talk about books you've read together, and listen intently while he rambles about his favorites.
You even peek in after particularly rough patrol nights, just to make sure he's gotten through it okay.
But it isn't...quite the same. No, but it's...it's for the best.
And he is still a hero! As Robin, he's protecting the whole city alongside Batman!
So he's still a hero.
He's still your hero.
"Jay? I was wondering if I could ask you for some help. The show my club is doing is one of those old books you like-"
"They aren't that old."
"-and my character doesn't show up much in the movie-"
"You watched the MOVIE before reading the book!?"
"-so I wanted to ask if you'd help me with characterization!"
He remembers groaning at you and rolling his eyes. "I'm busy tonight. Go watch the dumb, BAD, movie again." He pauses. "Uh, but I can tomorrow. I'll make sure I don't have anything planned, promise."
He saw you pause, and sees the constant same promises pass through you.
"I...have other arrangements. I'll make it up to you next time."
"Ah...sorry, kiddo! Big kid stuff. But next time! You trust your big bro, yeah?"
But this is Jason. Jason doesn't lie to you.
Jason keeps his promises.
You smiled. "Yeah. Tomorrow."
Then he died.
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natewriteslol · 2 months
housewardens with a reader who, despite being magicless, she is very good at robotics and after a few months she can create a robot that can use elements in combat too?
Reader is gender neutral!
-He honestly was highly impressed that you found a solution since you're magicless and the redhead wondered if you could possibly combine both magic and your inventions
-A little bit wary of another tech genius because of the incidents surrounding Idia but he quickly corrects himself because he shouldn't make assumptions just on the basis you two share a talent
-After seeing your inventions perform in battle he is giving you all of your kudos (and is a lil intimidated) and often tells others about your endeavors regarding your gadgets if your name pops in the conversation
-As for your robot, as much as he doesn't exactly hate it BUT is a little bit scared however M.O.R.T.O.N (Mobile Object-Oriented Technological Operator Network) has done so many useful things that he couldn't help but let him live in peace and not chew you out but please make sure you control M.O.R.T.O.N and you will have no problems
-Overall, thinks you're really cool and admires you because you are stellar at something he has no clue about :)
-Polar opposite of Riddle and shamelessly assumes you would be like Idia because he is not at all messing around and assuming that you're harmless
-Especially after seeing how your gadgets were able to perform against magic users, he is very wary of you openly and asks Ruggie to keep an eye on you
-And I'm not gonna lie to you Y/N... once seeing M.O.R.T.O.N... he is not pleased whatsoever because he is enormous AND can control elements...you're done because that isn't something to joke with
-But eventually, he warms up to you? Kinda? Warm is more like lukewarm since he sees how you and Idia are absolutely not like one another and that you genuinely want to help others with your assets. Especially since your little doohickeys have gotten him out of a pickle or two
-Lowkey defends if you're getting flack for your hobby and is more open to robotics now
-Another person who is wary about your contraptions because of Idia, he is NOT trying to get kidnapped and experimented on again
-However, he sees your technological prowess and begins to start cooking (never let him cook pls)
-Azul could absolutely use your tech as a way to benefit himself and his business from cooking, serving, managing and it would cut costs in half! All he had to do was to get them from you after all there was no way you would notice since you had an abundance of different gismos
-You did notice.
-So you sent M.O.R.T.O.N after the Monstro Lounge to retrieve your gadgets, which in return you got a bouquet and apology which you decided to forgive since Azul felt genuinely sorry for disrespecting you
-Which allowed you to come to a compromise of giving gadgets safe for Azul to use and a cash payment to you
-Number one fan honestly
-He sees virtually no problem because you're such a nice person and all of your gadgets have been helpful on their adventures and although Kalim is airheaded, he still understands people's concerns
-But he always defends you and tries to reason with them especially because M.O.R.T.O.N has done so much to defend the school which includes the haters of your inventions
-Secretly also tries to play with M.O.R.T.O.N and talk to him despite you telling him that he's not going to respond but the white haired boy SWEARS on the Great Seven the robot understands him
-Again, another person who is wary because of the whole Idia situation (I'm sorry Y/N 😞)
-But be warms up to your helpful and kind nature quickly and realizes that you're just trying to be innovative rather than a menace to society and wanting to take over the Earth :)
-Especially when you use your sweet little bots to deliver him some gifts and other things, he finds it very endearing
-As for M.O.R.T.O.N he is both impressed and a bit spooked BUT he thinks that it's super cool that you're able to be so powerful as a non-magic user! Adapting to ones environment is one of the things Vil finds extremely admirable and a skill those who want to succeed need to possess
-...secretly a little bit obsessed with you guys share the same hobbies because he has never met someone who is just as invested in robotics as him
-He mainly admires you from afar however that does not last for long as it was only a matter of time before you met the infamous Idia who kinda gave robot mechanics a bad rep on campus
-But genuinely you were so amazing and nice to him and even decided to ask for his advice on certain areas and he was really happy
-Eventually once you guys become close enough Idia would open up about how he was a bit intimidated by you and striking up a conversation, but your guys' shared interest really allows you to connect and open his shell a bit
-Absurdly impressed with M.O.R.T.O.N as he had always thought of the concept but never created a robot that could control elements
-You guys eventually team up to create robots that make campus life a bit easier, making you a bit of money and you two become better friends and repair some damages from...previous incidents involving robots that won't be named
-Doesn't really care about the judgement from other people and is a major influence into people not projecting what happened with Idia
-"The Child of Man is their own seperate person, if we judged every person who has a slight similarity to another, there would be no progress nor acceptance in this world."
-Finds your hobbies very fascinating and intently listens about your inventions from your homeworld "Earth" and how they connect to your inventions present in their universe
-A big fan of M.O.R.T.O.N and he is extremely proud of his friends' talent that could rival magic users
-Is always lending an ear to listen to your latest breakthrough or gizmo you have cooking up :)
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steddiealltheway · 11 months
Steve can see it in Max. That same loneliness and ache that he finds in himself. For him, it’s result of his parents leaving with no intent to return to him unless absolutely necessary.
He knows he was an accident. Or rather a mistake as his father used to call him when he was particularly angry. But it made sense to him. Steve's the reason his father had to marry his mother. He left him "trapped." And maybe no one says it out loud, but he can tell his mother feels the same way too.
But they must keep up appearances, right?
Which is what Max has been trying to do since Billy died, El moved away, and it's been just her and her mom. But she's been going about it through a different route - pushing people away all while pretending things are fine. But Steve sees the way she picks up the broken pieces of her mom and tries to put them back together - Steve's had to do the same thing before.
So, he starts sticking around a little longer. Offering her more rides to the arcade and around town to pick up groceries when she needs to. Sometimes he'll tell her about a new recipe he's been trying for a casserole and pick up the ingredients, pretending like the milk and butter he bought will spoil by the time he drives home from her trailer.
Of course, they both know it's a lie, but Max humors him and plays along. She'll let him cook dinner while she picks up the bottles her mom left on the floor, dumps out the overflowing ashtray, and feeds the dog. Usually, Steve will ask her what she's learning in school and linger a little longer than usual in hopes that she'll say more than the usual, "I don't know. A bunch of boring stuff."
But lingering has gotten a lot of things out of Max such as her love for Kate Bush, a story about El and how much she misses her, and short quips about Lucas before she gets a sad smile on her face. Steve doesn't really know what to say most of the time, but he hopes that just being there will help.
Unfortunately, lingering and just being there has led him to his current predicament of none other than Eddie "The Freak" Munson sitting on the hood of his car glaring at him as he walks out of Max's place. Steve jumps a little, startled by the figure on his car and becoming more hostile as he sees the expression on his face. He shoves his hands in his pockets and slows his pace. "Is there a problem?"
Eddie snorts humorlessly. "Christ. You're really going to pretend like there's nothing wrong with what's happening?"
Steve's brows furrow, entirely missing whatever point he's trying to make.
Eddie stands up and stalks toward him. "I see you, you know. Always lurking around when her mom isn't home. Coming out of her trailer late at night."
Steve laughs, finally understanding the absurd conclusion he's come to. "Jesus, man. You're delusional."
Steve doesn't expect it, but Eddie sharply shoves his chest and grits, "I don't fucking lie to me, Harrington."
Steve holds his hands up. "I'm not," he firmly states. "Nothing like that is happening here. I'm glad you're looking out for her, but it isn't like that."
"Do you expect me to believe that? Maybe this is why you're always hanging around Henderson and the other kids."
Steve crosses his arms and his jaw tenses. "I'm not a fucking pervert or a pedophile if that's what you're trying to say. I'm just looking after them."
"Why?" Eddie asks, dramatically opening his arms, "Why would King Steve adopt a group of misfits to take under his wing? See, the math isn't adding up."
Usually, Steve would just brush it off and tell the person to fuck off and mind their own business. But his parents have just left town again without leaving a note and Max had snapped when Steve tried to help her clean the place because it looked worse than usual, and he was just generally feeling like shit and angry at his parents and Max's parents for not being there. So he broke, "Because I don't want Max to end up like me! I don't want any of those kids to grow up without a role model. And god forbid if any of those other kids' parents fuck up, and they’re left with only me. I need them to know that I'm there for them! Because sometimes it feels like whenever the world goes to shit, I'm the only one who is there, and I plan to stay there, okay?!"
He finishes his rant breathing a little heavier than usual and noticing that a few of the lights in the trailers have turned on around them. He looks around and awkwardly nods to the people glaring out their windows. God, he needs to get a grip.
When he turns back to Eddie, he notices the conflicted expression, jaw dropped, eyebrows knitted together, eyes searching him as if he's still wondering if he's lying.
A door creaks open behind them and Steve curses under his breath as he hears Max say, "Eddie, leave him alone. Do you really think I would hook up with my damn babysitter? Jeez."
"Language," Steve quietly lectures as the door swings shut. He runs his hands over his face and takes a deep breath. It's been a long fucking day.
A hand lands on his arm and tugs him away from Max's trailer. Steve glances up at Eddie, leading him across the way. "Where are we going?"
"My place," Eddie says.
"So we can talk."
God, the last thing he wants to do is talk to Eddie of all people, the guy he's been actively avoiding since Dustin started worshipping the ground - or rather tables - he walks on. But he lets himself be pulled away in the trailer and practically deposited on the couch in the living room.
He glances up and comments, "That's a lot of mugs."
"My uncle's, but that's not what I wanted to... Christ," Eddie says, pacing in front of Steve and tugging his hair in front of his face. The anxious display makes Steve feel even more tired, but he lets him pace. God, what is he even doing here?
"I'm sorry," Eddie blurts out. "I'm just..." he trails off and rushes over to grab a stool a few feet away before dragging it in front of the couch. He sits on it but his leg still holds that nervous energy as it rapidly bounces up and down. "I jumped to conclusions, and it was really shitty of me, man. I just... didn't believe what Henderson was saying about you and thought 'Oh, this makes way more sense than Steve Harrington being a good dude.' And I'm sorry to accuse you of that. And I... I didn't know about your... parents and stuff. Like I knew they were away a lot because of your parties but... I just never connected the dots. And I'm sorry. No one deserves that shit, man."
Steve doesn't know what to do this whole interaction, especially with it coming from Eddie Munson who he doesn't think he's ever talked to before this moment, but... he needs to hear it. God, he needs to hear it.
Of course, he can't let him know this, so he does what he's best at and brushes it off. "It's fine. You were just looking out for the kids. And really just ignore what I said back there, it isn't that big of a deal."
Eddie worries his bottom lip before he blurts out, "I know what it's like." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "I mean, I know what it's like to have... absent parents. But in my case, eventually, my uncle Wayne took me in, and I can only imagine if he didn't." He gives him a pointed look and lowers his voice, "Do you have someone like that?"
A big part of Steve wants to leave right now, and he knows there's nothing stopping him. But a bigger part of him needs to stay. Needs to talk about the emptiness in his house that he can never truly escape at the end of the day that he can’t talk to anyone about. Because he's not supposed to be weak. He's supposed to take care of the others. So he admits, "No, I don't have... anyone like that. Except Robin but..."
"That's different," Eddie finishes the thought for him.
Steve nods. He loves Robin, but he loves her as a platonic soulmate and not as a parent figure in his life. "You know, I once had this basketball coach in middle school - Mr. Weston. And I remember looking up to him so much. I wanted to be just like him, and I would go to his office during lunch and ask him for advice or talk about dumb shit that my father would never talk about. But he never shamed me for my questions. And sometimes he even packed an extra dessert for me." Steve smiles at the memories and runs a hand through his hair, remembering the day he got the news. "But one time, when I went to his office, he had this look on his face. And I just knew it was bad news. And really, it wasn't bad news to him because his wife was pregnant. But she wanted to move a few states away to raise the kid closer to her family. And it wasn't his fault, you know? It wasn't like he purposely chose to move away from me, but I felt like I was abandoned again."
Steve wipes a tear from his eye and puts his head in his hands. "God, I don't know why I'm even telling you this story. Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Eddie says quickly. He pauses and shifts on the stool, his gaze being far away. "I remember him. He was one of the only gym teachers that defended me against all the shitty middle school bullies. He was a good person.”
Steve nods. God, he was a good person.
Eddie continues, “I'm sorry that he left. And I bet he still regrets leaving you behind."
Steve leans back against the couch and looks away, shaking his head. "I bet he forgot about me."
"You're kind of hard to forget."
Steve looks at Eddie and sees a slight blush on his cheeks as he shakes his head and waves his hands as if trying to make the comment go away. "What I mean is that there's no way he's forgotten about you. Someone who you used to have lunch with all the time to the point of giving you free food... Nah, man. He remembers you. I think you may have been as important to him as he was to you."
The thought breaks away at a wall Steve had built up long ago. "Thanks," he practically whispers.
Eddie just smiles at him, small dimples appearing on his cheeks.
"You didn't deserve it either, you know," Steve says. "The absent parent stuff. Even with Wayne, they should've been here too."
Eddie's smile falters a bit as he swallows and looks at the ground. "Thanks," he mumbles. He looks up at Steve and comments, "Getting sappy with Steve Harrington. Who knew."
"Yeah, getting sappy with Eddie Munson," Steve echoes back at him.
Eddie laughs, "I'm surprised you even know my name."
"You're kind of hard to forget," Steve says easily.
That same blush comes back to Eddie who shifts in his chair a bit as if he needs to process the information with his whole body.
They sit in the moment for a bit before Eddie gets a somewhat serious look on his face and offers, "You know, I'm definitely not a parent figure or anything, but I'm always here and around to talk about that whole thing if you need to."
Steve's heart beats a little faster at the sheer genuineness. "Same here," he can't help but offer in return. He glances down at his watch and sighs, "It's getting late, so I better..."
"Right," Eddie says, standing up and leading him to the door. "Do you need water for the road or anything?"
Steve smiles and pats him on the back without thinking too hard about it. "I'm good, man. But thank you. For everything really."
"Sorry for being an asshole," Eddie apologizes again.
"Usually that's my line," Steve accidentally voices before cringing a bit, wondering further why Eddie's been so kind to him.
But as he opens the door, Eddie comments, "I don't know. It seems like Dustin was right about the whole reformed jock thing. Maybe your crown really has fallen - which is a good thing by the way."
Steve slightly smiles at him before he turns to leave. But he can't help but say, "I wonder what the neighbors will think about me leaving your trailer so late."
Eddie groans then laughs. "Sorry to ruin your image."
"I wouldn't mind," Steve replies, honestly unsure what he means by that. "Goodnight, Eddie."
"Goodnight, Steve," Eddie says, that same blush on his cheeks, only this time Steve isn't sure if it's something he said or a result of the cold night air.
In bed that night, Steve feels a slight weight lifted from him and can't help but feel like he’s a little less alone.
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whiskersz · 7 months
Hello all, I wanted to dedicate some time to writing some self indulgent stuff, so here's some Adam dating HCs! Do tell me if you'd like more ^o^ Also I'm trying to play around with the format of my posts.
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Adam x Reader - Dating Headcanons
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✦ Adam undoubtedly has a soft spot for you; from refraining to call you distasteful nicknames to trusting you to preen his wings, many are the ways in which he demonstrates that you’re special to him, not just another Angel. You’re one of the few souls who willingly shows him kindness after all, so how could he ignore that? Despite acting like a jerk most of the time, he really can’t bring himself to be that way around you.
✦ To get someone like him to fully respect you takes a lot of time and patience; just ignoring his unpleasant comments and jokes alone won’t do, you’ll sometimes have to retort with a joke of your own, or even laugh at them. If you do it’ll boost his confidence stratospherically, it’ll make him full on puff up his chest and give one strong flap of his wings to hear you laugh at something he just said.
✦ Something that I also mentioned in another one of my headcanons posts is that he loves naps; he’s a pretty lazy guy in general, so between meetings and training he’ll surely want to relax, even better if he gets to do that with you. He likes lying on his couch with you wrapped up in his arms and wings - bonus point if you’re peacefully sleeping – with his TV playing in the background. If you’re in bed though, expect him to move around a lot as he does so unconsciously in his sleep, unless he’s holding you...in which case his arms will practically trap you and you won’t be able to leave without waking him up.
✦ Another thing he quite enjoys doing with you is playing videogames, just to chill a bit together, and if drinking was allowed in Heaven I feel like he would be the type to play drinking games. He surprisingly doesn't need much to have fun, even in the house.
✦ Adam loves eating ribs, but he can’t cook for shit. He’ll always order those or takeout on a daily basis, so you decide that it’s a good idea to teach him at least the basics. He’s very clumsy in the kitchen, doesn’t really understand how most things work but hey, at least he can tell when the water’s boiling! So teaching him how to cook his own ribs is a bit of a process, but eventually he learns and takes pride in knowing how to make his favorite dish on his own. Give it some time and he’ll be parading around and telling anyone who asks about how his ribs are way better than the ones you can get at a restaurant.
✦ Speaking of food, he’ll almost always take you somewhere to eat if you’re on a date. Even if you’re just getting fries from some stall on the side of the street, he’ll make sure you’ve gotten a treat at the end of the day.
✦ He’s a big show off too, so he’ll 100% propose you to try playing guitar only to exhibit his own skills. If you compliment him enough and you appear to be genuinely interested in learning though, he will gladly be your teacher. He will show you how to play the songs he likes them most – his own – and reward you with a ‘You rock, babe!’ or something along those lines and a kiss whenever you get something right. He’s really, really proud of you and of being able to teach you something.
✦ Adam loves casually calling you pet names. He won’t use extremely cheesy ones, but things like babe/baby, sexy and hon. He’ll use them in sentences where they don’t even really belong, even, just because he’s willing  to show you this sweet side of him that nobody else gets to witness. The one thing he will never call you is shortened versions of your name; he finds those extremely corny.
✦ He’s also not really afraid of showing his love in public, PDA is very much his thing when you two are together. Hand holding, a wing draped across your back, an arm around your shoulder...careful not to do too much though, he’s not really a fan of kissing in public or anything on the more intimate side like that. If this happens he won’t deny you a kiss or a hug but you’ll have to deal with his attitude for a while.
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ironstrange1991 · 1 month
Can't Live Without You
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is feeling lonely and doesn't know how to deal with his own feelings and needs.
Word Count: 3,1k
Warnings: SMUT: Male masturbation.
A/N: This is not my best work, but I am glad I'm finally able to post something. Hope you guys enjoy it and have a nice reading ;)
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Stephen couldn't remember the last time he was completely alone in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Ever since the other Stephens arrived, he had gotten used to having them roaming within those walls, but both of them were out on different missions.
Defender went with Wong to Hong Kong's Sanctum and they would stay there for a few days and Supreme were in another planet with the Avengers. Wong not being in there  was the only reason he wasn't tormenting Stephen with the most boring tasks he could think of, but to be honest, Stephen was already missing his friend.
Christ, he really wasn't doing well to have gotten to the point where he missed Wong's nagging. In fact he was feeling alone. Lonely. That was the word he was trying to find to express the feeling he had been feeling in his chest all day. What a weird thing to feel.
He was missing you. You had gone on a work trip earlier in the week, but although you had promised to return in three days, it was Friday and he hadn’t had no sign of you other than the text admitting that you wouldn't be able to return before Monday.
He got angry when he read it. Not at you, but with the fact that somehow he was getting a taste of his own medicine: alone on a Friday night while you worked.
Of course he could come to you. Anywhere in the world, he could come to you, but he couldn't do it without you telling him you wanted so and every night you talked on the phone you didn't mention it. It wasn't like you suddenly forgot that your boyfriend could open a portal in your room to fuck you. No, Stephen was almost certain that you were using those days to distance yourself a little bit from him. Like a Stephen detox. After all, you had three of him and he admitted that they were not at all easy on you.
Stephen sighed, walking down the halls to the kitchen and took a good look in the fridge trying to find something to eat. There was leftover Chinese food he bought on Wednesday, two pieces of pizza he bought yesterday and some Tupperware with leftover food that he promised you he would get rid of and clean up, but he hadn't.
Shit, he was a terrible housekeeper.  It was pathetic, but it was true. Before you, he used to live of take-outs and the things that Wong cooked. Now he could barely imagine living the rest of the weekend like that. Obviously, he could try cooking. There were some half-finished things in the fridge, easy stuff, but he didn't want to risk setting the kitchen on fire, so he took the box of Chinese food and put it in the microwave to heat it up. While he waited, he took a piece of cold pizza and started eating while opening a bottle of beer.
He was starving and tired. He needed a good shower and a good night of sleep, but he hadn't been able to sleep well since you left. It wasn't a coincidence, you were the only person who could make him sleep when he was having one of his insomnia crisis. The methods you used were... how to say? Delicious.
He smiled to himself just at the thought of your nights together, then the microwave beeped  and he sat down to eat, but even that made him feel depressed. Stephen, who for many years lived alone and always thought it was great, now began to understand that he hated being left alone. He couldn't even conceive the idea of ​​living alone again.
He ate in complete silence and when he finished, he checked all the Sanctum seals and went up to his room. He crossed the room, getting rid of the boots he had worn all day and which were already making his feet hurt and took off the top of his robes,  took a pair of sweatpants from the closet drawer and headed to the bathroom.
The water was hot enough to burn his skin, but that was exactly how Stephen liked it. The fog fogging up the shower glass and enveloping the entire bathroom. Stephen let the hot water fall directly on his back and little by little he felt his tense muscles relaxing. He soaped himself quickly and washed his hair taking as long as he could and when he finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and dedicated himself to shaving. He was used to shave once every two days, goatee maintenance was a priority for him because he knew you loved it, it made him want to always make it perfect for you. In fact, as time went by, Stephen realized that everything he did was for you.
Finally, he threw himself on the bed feeling the tiredness of the day hitting him. He wanted to sleep, but he wasn't sleepy. That was one of the worst feelings in the world: being tired, but not being able to fall asleep. Usually you helped him in these situations, you made him sleep in your special way. God, he wanted you. He needed you.
He rolled over on the bed to reach the nightstand and threatened to take his sling ring, but stopped, scolding himself. Give her space, Stephen Strange. He thought, trying to convince himself, but the mere idea of ​​opening a portal in your hotel room made his body react instantly and Stephen sighed, realizing that maybe there was only one way to get through that hellish night without you: to handle the issue himself... thinking of you.
He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head allowing himself to run his hand down his abdomen imagining it was your hands reaching for his growing bulge. Stephen moaned softly with the contact of his hand on his cock even through the fabric of his pants. He was without a lay for five days. It was absurd to him, he couldn't imagine lasting another day without you and yet there he was being forced to resort to masturbation because you weren't there. It was unfair and cruel and he wanted to scream to the world that he didn't deserve to go through that, but deep down he knew he was being melodramatic.
When his hand went under his pants and his trembling hand made contact with his hard, sensitive member he closed his eyes immediately and your face was what he saw. You smiling sweetly at him. Stephen had an extra factor that made masturbation always intense: his photographic memory.  He could basically remember in great detail every moment you ever spent together, every touch, every kiss, every moan that came out of your mouth. It was all there in his head ready to be used like a movie whenever he needed it. And that night he needed it.
His cock pulsed in his hands the moment he closed his fingers around it. The tremor in his hand, previously a problem, was now an even greater stimulation that made jerking off more pleasurable.  Stephen had been working on it for some time. Hours and hours of physiotherapy to try to regain a minimum of strength in his hands that would allow him to pleasure himself without having to resort to magic. Of course, he would never admit that was the real motivation behind his decision to seek help after so many years. It wasn't significant enough to solve the problem, but it strengthened his nerves enough for him to gain the necessary autonomy.
Obviously he still preferred your hands. Oh god, your hands were magical. Much more magical than his. They were small and delicated and way they were soft and yet had a firm and insistent grip was enough to make him see stars.
"Fuck sweetheart..." Stephen moaned softly, moving his hands slowly up and down inside his pants. He didn't want it to end quickly. He was just working himself up, just letting his mind wander as he felt the sensation building inside him. His balls were full and sensitive. So much cum contained there. So much to give you, but you weren't there.
But if you were, he knew exactly how you would treat him. How you would get down on your knees and prop your body to show up your tits for him, how you would look him right in the eyes with that naughty face biting your bottom lip and then pull the hem of his pants to free his cock and how you would smile pleased seeing how hard he was for you.
You were so dirty, you loved sex as much as he did and he never needed to ask for a handjob or blowjob because you loved to give. You were perfect for him and he was irrevocably yours.
He moaned again finally releasing his cock and then conjured a bottle of lube in his left hand and poured some of the sticky liquid onto his cock and began to stroke himself slowly, but putting a little more firmness into the touch. In response his cock pulsed in his hand and his hips jumped up.
Oh you would love to see him doing it. You would praise him for it and would say how much you loved him and how much you adored seeing him pleasuring himself. You would call him Steph. Such a silly way of calling him, yet so sweet coming from your lips in your sweet voice. Stephen knew very well he loved everything you did.
He lolled his head back onto the pillow and bit his lip to hold back a loud groan.
Following the memories that played in his mind, he thought about how you always moaned while jerking him. How having his dick in your hands made you horny and how it always made him feel.
He thought about the way your lips curled into a shy smile every time he started talking dirty to you. How the grip of your hand got tighter, how you loved it. You were a dirty little thing. His dirty little thing.
Stephen let a louder moan echo through the room. You loved that too. The sounds he made when you held him in the palm of your hand. He closed his eyes and stroked his cock harder and faster. The tip was leaking precum and he was so ready to be inside you, but all he could do at that moment was think about it. And that's what he did.
He thought about how wet you always were when he touched you after you give him a handjob. How his fingers easily slid in and out of you and how you always squirmed around his fingers, begging for more. He thought about how you always begged for him. How you couldn't bear to wait, how you shamelessly opened your legs to welcome him in.
"Always so good to me." He murmured "My sweet girl is always so good to me."
Stephen started using his other hand to massage his balls too. It was how he liked you to do it. He liked to be stimulated as much as possible, he liked when you licked and sucked on his balls. He liked it dirty and messy and you knew exactly how to do it.
He knew you like no one else and he liked to think that even the other Stephens didn't know how to satisfy you like he did, but at the same time he liked to see them trying.
"Oh shit." Stephen was startled by that train of intrusive thoughts and increased the strength of his strokes as the room was invaded by the wet sound of his hands working on himself.  He thought about how he loved watching you get fucked by the other Stephens. It was no surprise, but the images that invaded his mind were of really intense moments and they almost threw him over the edge immediately, such was the strength they had as stimulation.
Stephen let out a breathy laugh as he shook his head in disbelief, but he did not try to change the thoughts in his mind, instead, he dwelled in those memories. How you always looked beautiful bouncing on top of Defender while you kept Supreme's cock in your mouth, and that bastard always fucked your mouth roughly and you loved it and Stephen loved the sound it made, the tears that ran down your eyes as they abused you.
Stephen thought about how he loved watching you get creampied. How delicious it was to see them emptying themselves inside you, to see you being violated by their release knowing that you would have to take one more.
His hands now punished his cock with a touch of violence and his mouth was half open, eyes squeezed shut as the images played in his mind.  He thought about the delicious feeling of fucking your pussy full of cum, how the wet squelching noise turned him on even more and how you always seemed gloriously spent after rounds and rounds with the three Stephens. It was pornographic, it was filthy and beautiful.
"F-Fuck yes." He moaned spurting his release all over his stomach and making a mess on himself. Still, he didn't stop, he kept bringing himself dangerously close to overstimulation as his mind focused on the expressions you made as your entire body writhed in ecstasy with your orgasm. How your cheeks would turn red when they were done and how sweetly you would smile at them. Almost innocent.
"Such a dirty girl." He muttered to himself, slowing down his hand until it came to a complete stop, but he didn't have time to recover as he was surprised by the sound of his cell phone ringing.
"Shit." He grumbled, wiping his hands quickly on the sheet and making even more of a mess when he turned to pick up the device on the nightstand and felt his release running down the sides of his ribs.
It was your name on the display. In fact, the word Sweetheart.
"Hey, sweetheart." He answered, still trying to regulate his breathing, but of course you noticed.
"Hey. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to..." But you stopped for a moment and then asked, "Were you running?"
Stephen instinctively cleared his throat. "What? No. I was..." But he couldn't think of anything to say and there was a silence on the line and then a little giggle.
"What were you doing, Stephen?" You asked.
He sighed feeling his cheeks get hot from the fact that he had been caught. There was no point in lying.
"I... I missed you, Y/n."
There was an affectionate hum from your side of the line.
"Well, I called to ask if you'd like to come and meet me now. I'm missing you too, Steph."
He chuckled nervously. "I thought you would never ask. I thought you were enjoying having some time away from us."
You giggled, "Don't be silly. I was just really tired. But it's okay if you don't want to come now that you've solved your problem on your own. Maybe you would prefer to go to sleep…"
But he was already getting up.
"Now who's being silly?" He ran to the bathroom and quickly cleaned himself up and went back to the bedroom to get his sling ring. "Remind me again what hotel are you in?"
"At the Plaza." You responded promptly. "I told you yesterday and I thought..."
But you stopped talking when the portal opened in your room and he walked through it, heading towards you and taking you in his arms in an intense kiss.
"I missed you. So badly." He confessed on your lips, letting his forehead rest on yours. You smiled, looking surprised by his confession and cupped his cheek. "It's only been five days, Stephen. You've already spent three weeks on a mission."
He shook his head, "It's horrible. Staying at home. Without you.
He confessed to which you smirked.
"Now you know how I feel."
"I'm very sorry." He said pulling you back into his lips.
Stephen was staring up at the ornate ceiling of your hotel room with a smile plastered on his face. Making love to you had that effect on him. His arm was extended so you were cuddled close to him, your head resting on his chest, moving slowly as he breathed. The two of you were silent, still enjoying the afterglow of your release and his heart was finally at peace. Outside you could hear the sporadic sound of cars passing on the street and conversations in the hallway.
"The sound insulation in this place is horrible. How have you been able to sleep here?" He asked breaking the silence and you hummed, apparently still unable to form a sentence.
"Your boss could have paid for a better hotel." He continued and you shrugged.
"I liked it here. The room service is great and the food too."
Stephen smiled to himself. You were always so satisfied with everything. You never complained about anything. Totally the opposite of him.
"Besides, I'm always so tired when I get here that I fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
He nodded, stroking your cheek and was silent for a moment, just a minute, but long enough for you to tilt your head to look at him.
"What is it?"
"I think I made a discovery this week and it was kind of scary." He said already knowing he would regret what he was about to say.
You smiled convinced as if you already knew what he was going to say. "Did you find out you can't live without me?"
He chuckled "I already knew that. I just realized the obvious and it wasn't pleasant."
You frowned trying to understand what else it could be then.
"I don't think I can live alone anymore. Before, when I worked at the hospital, I liked the silence of my apartment, but this week the empty Sanctum filled me with horror to the point that I missed Defender and Supreme."
You smiled glancing at him "That's something I never imagined you would say."
"I never imagined I would feel this way, sweetheart. The truth is, I like them. I can talk to them in a way that I don't talk to anyone else."
"It might have something to do with the fact that they are you” You reminded him.
"You are right."
You brought your hand up to his chin scratching his goatee. "How are things at home? No problem, I imagine. No demonic entity has tried to take over our washing machine?"
Stephen giggled "No. All boringly normal."
"What a shame!" You said, feigning disappointment.
Stephen smiled to himself and lifted your chin enough for him to kiss your lips.
"I love you, sweetheart. With each passing day I love you more. You changed my life for the better and changed me in the process. I'm definitely a better man because of you."
You sighed softly, your throat bobbing. "Oh I love when you say these things to me, Steph."
He smiled, pinching your cheek provocatively. "I may not be Defender, but I know how to be romantic sometimes."
“Of course you do.” You smile "And I love you too. With all my heart."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
that one slower scene in every superhero movie when the good guys take a beating from the villain and need to regroup, so one of the members of the team is like 'i know a place'.
so, nik gets some coordinates from soap and flies them to a countryside in scotland where mrs mactavish greets them on the front porch of a lovely house and immediately threats them with an ass whooping if they don't take their muddy combat boots off before going inside.
momma mactavish seems completely unafazed by a helicopter in her backyard, doesn't ask any questions, treats them all like a family. she's tiny and a little scary, makes them eat their vegetables and treats them to a delicious dessert. she can't stop kissing johnny's head and roast him for his mohawk.
ghost notices how relaxed and happy johnny is and how domesticity suits him. he would like to see it more often. for the first time in his life he is reluctant to come back to work.
immediately pictured the avengers at hawkeye’s house
Usually when someone on their team says I know a place when they find themselves in a bout of trouble, they don’t usually mean their childhood home.
Usually, I know a place means a warehouse, a run-down safe house, or, God forbid, some cave. And yet instead, here they all exist idly in Soap’s mum’s house while she coddles them in between scolding her son like it’s just another normal day for her. Like they aren’t all hardened soldiers standing in her home, each with innumerable kill counts and severely blacked-out personnel files.
It’s… weird, being crowded into a dining room and served a home-cooked meal despite coming unannounced and uninvited. That isn’t to say they’re not all thankful, having surely used up the last of Mrs. MacTavish’s gauze and bandages to get to this point, but it’s just—not at all what any of the team had been expecting.
Soap’s about the only one who seems unperturbed. Price is still rubbing his wrist from when Mrs. MacTavish smacked him for his insistence on helping with supper.
You’re guests, she had said, sounding positively aghast. What kind of host do you take me for?
Ghost can certainly see where Soap had gotten his fiery nature, as he bickers back and forth with his mother while the rest of them eat quietly, tentatively, like they’re not sure they’re allowed to. They may not share much in looks, but it’s no doubt that Soap is his mother’s son.
By the time dessert rolls around—which is yet another surprise—Mrs. MacTavish has finally been directing conversation to the soldiers sat around her table, asking about work and life as if they aren’t all bruised and scarred and about half-dead from an awful fight. Yet they all find themselves discussing what’s asked of them like it’s no more than the weather.
Something about Mrs. MacTavish’s spirit instills a sense of familiarity, homeliness. Ghost understands why Soap thought to bring them all there.
Ultimately it’s Gaz who charms Soap’s mum away to the living room along with Price and Nik that lets Ghost, at the very least, get away with helping with dishes once everything is said and done. Unfortunately for Soap, he’s never offered the choice.
“Good thing you have goin’ on here, Johnny,” Ghost eventually remarks, once they’re finally in the swing of wash, dry, wash, dry. “Not afraid of anything getting traced back here? To her?”
Soap shakes his head as he scrubs at a particularly tough stain. “Nah. It’s no’ on any of my records. Hell, it’s barely on any records. We’re off grid, LT, no need to worry your pretty head.”
Ghost rolls his eyes. He wipes off the plate that’s handed to him before setting it on the drying rack, and tossing his towel over his shoulder. It’s not until Soap’s trying to hand him something else does he take notice of Ghost’s pause.
Slowly, Soap sets the dish back in the water, frowning up at Ghost. “What?”
“…Nothin’,” Ghost says after much too long. He huffs. “Just… nice seeing what home looks like on you.”
Ghost doesn’t allow himself to linger watching Soap’s expression change from confusion to a near softness, instead making a reach for the discarded dish in the murky, soapy water to kick their routine back in gear.
He doesn’t want to think about it too closely. Doesn’t want to think about the things he’s realizing about himself this evening, or the fleeting thought that maybe he’d like to stay here forever, instead of return to the field where death waits openly at every turn.
It’s still appreciated, though, this moment of tranquility. He’ll have to make sure to thank Mrs. MacTavish when he gets the chance.
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nutluvs · 4 months
not sure if your requests are still open but I'd devour your take on how rdr characters would react to you giving them a hot lunch while they are hunting. Like they are sitting at the top of the hill with a hunting bow in their hands and you sneak up to them, handing them a hot meal prepared for them.
preferred characters are javier, sean and kieran but you can add your favourites as well, I will gladly read your take on that about any character! :)
also don't feel pressured if you don't feel like writing it! much love anyways, have a nice day :))
- 🦎
hot n' ready 🍰 various rdr2 characters x gn! reader
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!! divider by animatedglittergraphics-n-more ♡ !! hi sweetheart ! i hope you're doing amazing today ! ♡ this is my favorite request i've gotten in ages ! it's so cute. thank you so much for sending it in. ♡ i'm so so sorry it took me so long to write, i've had like.. 0 motivation to write lately, and this is just to get back into it. i'm also very sorry if this sucks and if i didn't portray any of your favorites right, i'm only really used to writing a few characters. synopsis:bringing your dearest some good lunch you made just for him while he's out hunting. pairings (in order): ♡ charles smith ♡ arthur morgan ♡ javier escuella ♡ eagle flies ♡ sean macguire ♡ kieran duffy ♡ john marston ♡ the boy warnings: none, this is just fluff !! mentions: @pursuedbyamemoryy @deaddoedonoteat
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charles smith:
he didn't expect it. at all.
although, that doesn't mean he didn't appreciate it.
when you crept up to him, his focus was entirely on the doe, whose head was tipped down to nibble at the grass beneath her hooves.
as soon as you prodded at him with the tip of your finger, he jolted and made a discontented, uncomfortable sound.
he was quick to whip around to see who it was, gripping his bow a little tighter, but when he realized it was you he visibly relaxed almost instantly.
he greets you and asks you what you have in your hands, disregarding the doe immediately. you were more important.
"a warm lunch, just for you. i know pearson's meals aren't so satisfying to eat, especially since they lack seasoning and any variation, so i made something of my own. i also made myself something, that way, we could have some lunch together.
when you say that, he feels his face go warm.
he has to clear his throat before attempting to tell you that you didn't have to do this for him and that he didn't want to be a waste of time, but you were quicker, promising him that he deserved a break from low quality food and that he deserved something nice.
so, now understanding you were absolutely sure, he takes his warm lunch from your hands with a smile, and you eat together underneath the shade of a tree, sharing conversation and warm, loving smiles.
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arthur morgan:
he was a bit frustrated.
he had tried to get his hands on this damn buck for so long, but every time he'd try and shoot, the thing would get spooked off by quickly passersby.
so now, here he was, sat atop a hill, grumbling to himself about how irritating the prey was, fidgeting with an arrow and trying to calm himself down.
he had heard hoofbeats on the grass and quickly turned to see who it was, and as soon as he saw your face, all of his anger was gone. he put the arrow he held down onto the grass with his bow, and watched you approach. he noticed you had something in your hands.
"hey, darlin'. what's that you got in your hands?" he asks, watching you sit down beside him with a bit of a smile present on your features.
"some lunch for you. made it myself." you say, smiling bigger. "i figured you'd like something that isn't as bad as pearson's cooking... so i made that something."
arthur was a bit shocked, taking it from your hands when you held it out to him. he looked from the box up to you, unsure. "i don't deserve this, darlin', it's.. you didn't have to."
"i wanted to."
this makes his face go red, because he wouldn't really figure someone would want to do something like this for him. but it made him happy, and he really enjoyed your cooking. who knew you were so good?
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javier escuella:
he's more of a fishing guy, so that might make it a little harder for you to reach him, but that doesn't deter you.
he went down to the dakota river to do some fishing, and he asked you to tag along, but you initially said no. he was a little sad about that.
however, when he was in the middle of wrapping a smallmouth bass so he could return it to camp, you prodded at his shoulder, causing him to yelp and drop the fish.
you apologized quickly, but he was quick to put the apology down. he wasn't mad at you, he could never be. plus, he insisted he should've been more aware of his surroundings.
after that, you handed him the lunch you made.
"querida, what's this?" he asks, inspecting it closely, as if unsure. it wasn't like you'd give him something that'd kill him, so he stopped his looking.
"a lunch i made for you, since pearson's cooking tastes like shit."
"it has a few of the meals you told me your mother used to make you, and i wanted to sorta give you some sense of home. i hope my cooking is as good as hers, and that i captured the flavors right."
his heart warms, and he feels a bit of a hitch in his breath. you took the time out of your day to make him one of the dishes from home? oh, you were just the sweetest.
he holds the lunch carefully as he brings you into a hug and kisses your cheek, thanking you before quickly sitting down to enjoy what you picked to make him.
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eagle flies:
today's hunt had been very successful, and he was proud of that.
he had managed to shoot down some rabbits, and he wanted to finish off a deer as well. he found it most refreshing when he did this.
when you came over the hill, he was poised to shoot, rough fingertips pulling back on the string of his bow.
you decided to stay quiet, watching him release the string and puncture the unaware doe's neck. you smiled when he released a pleased sigh, standing to go collect the arrow and the fresh kill.
"that was a good one," you say, spotting him turn and smile right back at you. "thank you." he replies. he'd known you were there, but he had already gotten the opportunity for a perfect shot, so he didn't greet you despite how bad he'd wanted to.
you watched him pluck the arrow from the carcass and hoist it over his shoulder, bringing it back to his horse before helping you down from yours.
"so, why'd you come?"
"made you something." you say, handing him a small box lunch. "you deserve a treat for all of the hard work you've been doing lately. i know it's the least i could do for such hard work, but i was in a rush."
eagle flies smiles at the gift, his heart fluttering. "thank you, my love. i appreciate this a lot. i've always liked your cooking." he says, leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to your temple, before sitting down to eat the meal you made specially for him.
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sean macguire:
he didn't know why he came on this hunting trip. hunting irked him.
he wasn't even all that good at focusing on the prey, let alone shoot it in a vital spot to kill it. he wouldn't admit that, nor the fact that he'd rather be doing something more entertaining.
he just about tossed away the bow, but you twined your arms around him in a hug and gazed up at him, a smile on your lips.
"hi honey." you say gently, "i brought you something to eat. hunting isn't your forte, and i know you like my cooking. maybe it'll calm you down."
sean stared at you for a moment, his expression flat before it grew a bit embarrassed, "i can hunt just fine!" he snapped, and you laughed. "i saw the anger in your face, honey, you hate it. here."
you pushed the box meal into his hands, and he wasn't going to deny this. as you said, he loved your cooking. he'd never say otherwise... even if he didn't like the flavor of something, he was the biggest fan of your meals and would eat up the whole plate.
he was quick to slump down underneath a tree with you, blabbering on about his day with you leaning against his shoulder. he didn't have any manners when eating, but that was fine. at least he was back to being happy.
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kieran duffy:
he prefers being back at camp with the horses, let's just say that.
he didn't like the idea of hurting animals, preferring to take care of them. so, he purposefully made this a bad hunt.
he didn't even know why they asked him of all gang members to go out and hunt... although, he'd still try. he wanted them to trust him at least a little bit more. he wasn't just some o'driscoll..
he sat crouched behind a bush, expression a bit worried as he aimed the bow he borrowed at an unaware rabbit.
when he let go of the string, he jolted back, the squeaky, high-pitched sound from a pained bunny not meeting his ears. only the sound of panicked scuttling and the small thud of an arrow.
"oh..." he sighed, a bit displeased with himself. although, he sorta preferred that he didn't kill something so innocent.
the sound of your voice caused him to jolt once again, and he looked up at you. "o-oh, hey, darlin'.. um, i uh.."
"i see you haven't caught yourself anything."
"nope.." he mumbled, gaze straying elsewhere. he listened to your soft laughter as you sat down beside him. "that's okay," you promised, earning his eyes on you again, "don't worry. i'll catch something later. anyway, i brought you something."
when you handed him a box, he felt the warmth seep into his palms. he looked at it, then at you. "what's this?"
"some lunch. i made it specially for you, you deserve a break from all that harassment they give you. even though it's not much, i thought you might like it."
kieran blushed at this, putting the box on his lap and managing a small-voiced "thank you."
you made him feel so dizzy, so stupid in love. but he liked that. he liked it a lot.
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john marston:
he was pretty self confident in today's hunt.
he'd managed a few kills, a deer and some birds. nothing too big. but he was still pretty proud. and with this confidence, he felt he'd be good with another kill.
however, as soon as he plucked an arrow to shoot with, he noticed you coming up the hill. he was quick to smile all dumb, shoving his bow and arrow away.
when you came over the hill, you halted your horse, looking to him as he made his way over to you and pulled you from your horse.
you noticed quickly that he was in a good mood, as he began to swing you around when you were in his arms. "there's my angel! how are you doing?" he asks, nuzzling you as he sat you down, listening to your giggles.
"great! i don't think i have to ask you how you are..." you tease, before stepping slightly back from him. "made you a little something, by the way.
this caught his attention, and he raised a brow, "what's that?" "made you a lunch, with your favorites." you said as you handed him the lunch. "i figured you'd like it. you've told me about two million times that my cooking's your favorite." holy shit, was this day going good. john was through the roof now.
john grinned like the idiot he was and took the box from you. "thanks, my angel. always did like your cooking, you do it real good. i always wonder who taught you." he admits, wrapping you up in his arms again, careful not to spill what he has in his hands. you giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw, "i try, and i'm glad my hard work is met with a good product."
"mmmhm. now, wanna sit down and share?"
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the boy:
he wasn't usually the type to hunt.
however, today, he went out hunting, and it wasn't going so good. he ended up pouting on the forest floor, leaning against a tree.
"honey?" you call out, which distracts him from his moping. he looks like he lightened up a bit, but not as much as you hoped. you sighed when he looked back to his hands.
"not much of a result, huh, love?" you ask, dismounting your horse and approaching him. you squatted down beside him, putting a hand on his cheek and tipping his head up. he grunted a "no."
"huntin's stupid. i'm the best 'round here, but these damn animals.." he huffed. you only smiled softly, leaning in close to him and pressing a kiss to his temple. "will this cheer you up?" you ask, putting a small box in his hands.
he looked at you, confused, blue eyes searching your face and waiting for an explanation.
"it's lunch i made for you. i know you're not the biggest fan of hunting, so i decided i'd make you a lunch to cheer you up... and before you ask if there's any watermelon, yes, i put watermelon in it."
he grinned dumbly, his face growing warm and dusting with a rosy color, leaning in and giving you a quick peck on the nose. "thanks, i always did like your cooking... makes me feel better 'bout this."
"oh, i know. you're blushing all silly."
"i ain't!"
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here's this! i hope this suffices for my first post in 8 centuries. i hope you enjoyed, have a nice day! love you guys ♡♡♡♡
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lint-beetle4 · 11 days
Heyo, could you do a Macaque or Red Son x reader with a comfort plushie? Maybe poly if ur comfy with that too
I’m mostly asking cause I’ve had one (orange fox squishmallow, his name is Kyle) for years and like. I’m not insecure abt it and I’ve never gotten shit for it but I’d just like to see smthn like that. I carry him with me basically everywhere and I hold him when I sleep and I just wanna know what they’d think abt that
If u do end up writing this then thank I’m advance, hope you have an incredible day either way!! <33 :))
Plush Love (Macaque & Red Son x Reader) Headcanon
I'm so sorry this took so long!!! I hope you enjoy it!!
When Macaque noticed your plush, he asked about it, mainly out of boredom and slightly curiosity
It seemed to be warn, loved through time and cared for through the ages
When you told him the story of the cute thing, Macaque was impressed
Keeping something like that for years surely wasn't as easy as it seemed, and finding comfort in something so simple wasn't expected by the shadow demon
Yet, it fit you just wonderfully, how you had an eternal friend watching over you that helped you through rough patches in life
He offers to wash the plush carefully, even to replace the stuffing if you'd like (like those stuffed toy hospitals)
He's always gentle around your plush if you let him hold it
He becomes a pseudo-caretaker of it, protecting it like a cub on occasion
Its smell has yours in it, so he likes it a lot, might even snuggle with it in secret
Anyone being mean or rude to you about the plushie is immediately bitten by Macaque, verbally at least
Macaque doesn't take well to those who belittle others for being different, so you'll bet he'll have many words to say to bullies
If you're ever stressed, Macaque is quick to provide you with your plushie and a hug
He understand entirely how important this plush was to you, so it's the first tactic he uses if you're ever upset or need comfort
Red Son:
Red Son didn't understand how you found comfort in such a thing
It was an object that merely had sentimental value that was incomprehensible to him
This wasn't something you made, it wasn't a living things that could smile or even breathe around you
Yet, the more explained it to him, the more he understood
Red Son found comfort in his hobbies, building machines and cooking
You found your comfort in your plushie, a beacon of stability that Red Son would have by busying himself
He was rather intrigued by it, how something so insignificant could be so important to you
Red Son wasn't cruel about his ignorance, if anything, he asked a lot of questions
At the end of the day, he chalked it down to something you just had, something that made you happy
He was glad to see that you some support with you, even if it was a plush that stared at him weird
If anyone treated you strangely because of it, let's just say they wouldn't be seeing you again any time soon
If you didn't want anyone harmed, well, Red Son could just place them on a random island and leave it at that-- no harm no foul, as the mortals would say
In any case, Red Son is always there to provide words of comfort, in his own strange phrasings
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shinsmarlboro · 2 months
Baji with a lover, who is a successful entrepreneur.
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TAGS: SFW && gender neutral y/n.
when accompanying you to an event, baji definitely hypes you up, give you a standing ovation, and trust that he lets people know that he is your number one fan.
keisuke believes in you more than your own family, but that won't blind him or stop him from speaking his mind and telling you the truth when it is necessary. you appreciate the fact that he tells you what you need to hear, unlike some of your subordinates who are professional bootlickers.
you two almost had an argument about you paying for his tuition.
“nah babe, ‘s fine. what's a couple more student loans gonna cost?”
“keisuke please, you're already drowning in debt. let me at least pay half.”
you two are a stubborn couple, going at it until one of you gets tired; spoiler alert, it's him, not you.
at takehina's wedding, you get introduced to baji's friends, one of them being kokonoi and you two instantly hit it off with talking about future joint ventures and all that crap that keisuke does not want to bother understanding.
chifuyu deeply respects you. when you two first meet, he goes on about how he didn't think baji would find someone, especially as a veterinary student.
“it's nice that he's dating someone that's kinda the opposite of him. please take good care of him, i know he's rash at times but he means well.”
you find chifuyu to be a sweetheart knowing his intentions towards baji are pure, except for when he starts rambling about embarrassing moments that happened to baji back in his adolescent days as a way to keep the conversation going.
keisuke makes sure to leave messages here and there in between late night study sessions, knowing that you would be working around the same time he's online.
he would send you pictures of the strays he had gotten from the cat distribution system and ask you if he can keep it even though he doesn't live with you.
speaking of living arrangements, it is a bit complicated. he is always welcome in your penthouse and has a spare key for whenever he wants to crash at your place (something you secretly look forward to) but, his visits are moderate, unless he's tipsy and neither chifuyu nor kazutora are fit to take care of him, or he wants your accompaniment.
one time you took a risk that caused you to lose a multi-million contract. naturally, you were upset and distanced yourself from everything. baji, the ever-loving perceptive partner, noticed this and tried different silly ways to get your attention. you find it amusing that he is willing to make a fool out of himself just to get you to smile.
whenever you feel stressed, keisuke always offers to take you out on late night rides to clear your head at the beach.
you're not used to your status, so when you get overwhelmed keisuke holds you close and comforts you by stroking your hair.
“this is so pathetic. i’m sorry, it's just…hard.”
“shhh, it may hard but there isn't anything my woman can't do. you got this, okay?”
he doesn't mind getting groceries for you when he knows that you're too busy to shop for the house. he does it without telling you and even surprises you with a home cooked lunch that he gives his secretary to deliver to you as he's shy to do so himself.
did i mention that his mom absolutely adores you? your discipline and charisma are what amazes her. you have lunch dates with her every month and make sure to clear out your schedule just for her; you also enjoy flipping through baby albums with her and getting a glimpse of a younger version of keisuke.
keisuke loves it when you wear glasses, if he did something that aggravates you while you're working extra at home, he simply stares at you. with a blank expression, he admires the way the glasses frame your mesmerising face. you think he's not listening, and you get even more frustrated with him. but when he caresses your cheek and calls you beautiful, you are visibly stunned and you don't know what to do; you end up acting like him back when he had more of a tsuntsun character; now he always wants to tease you - catch you off guard with his blatant flirtation.
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sanjifucker42069 · 10 months
Hit Me? Sanji x Reader
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Word count: about 1.2k 
Bro….the dodgeball game…sanji is so stupid, pathetic wet cat of a man coded...I wanted to throttle him. I want to hit this man with my 2003 ford prius yoda style. I want to chew on him like a squeaky toy
Warnings: fem!reader, heavy handed teasing, you wanna make sanji cry apparently, VERY SUGGESTIVE, use of the word cock lol, semi-nsfw, no fucking tho…unless? 👀👀👀 sanji might be semi ooc, I am obsessed with the idea of a reader that sanji doesn't have the usual chivalry towards?? Like bless him he'd try, but you're just such a shit.
“Why yeah it'd be my pleasure ma'am, you can hit me wherever you like!”
Oh. Now wasn't that intriguing?
Sanji sulked on the sidelines, fiddling with a lightly crumpled cigarette. Taking pity on him you sat down next to him. Sanji shot you a lazy grin, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. You smiled back, lightly pushing his shoulder.
“I should be mad at you, you could cost us the match.” You joked. Sanji grumbled, his words unintelligible. He could barely make out that ‘you wouldn't understand’ and ‘that he was weak okay!’
You laughed, eyes turning back to watch the match in front of you. You didn't feel too defeated, you trusted your captain. 
“It's okay Ji. I don't think anyone could've gotten out faster than I did! You still did good!”
Sanji turned to you, hearts dancing in his eyes. “And who would dare throw balls at such beauty?! A lovely lady such as yourself shouldn't have even had to partake in such a barbaric display.”
“You saying I can't handle some balls? I happen to be very good at handling them.” You teased. The result was instantaneous, Sanji biting back a perverted laugh, a cute blush on his cheeks.
“Oh angel, really? I didn't expect you to be so saucy.”
There were many things that were undeniably true about you; You were in no way one of the stronger straw hats, you loved a good dirty joke, and you loved nothing more than making your little love cook squirm. If Sanji wanted to pretend all women were angels capable of no wrong, well, who were you to take advantage of that?
You feigned innocence, even cocking your head. “What do you mean? I didn't drop it once.”  
Sanji squirmed, avoiding your gaze. You wanted to crack and snort loudly at his cute face. Instead you pursed your lips in thought.
“Love! I…uh-” he cut off when you couldn't hold it in anymore, a raucous laugh escaping you. He watched you slap your knee like it was the funniest thing in the world. He pouted. “(Name) that's not fair.”
“Oh relax, you big baby.” You cooed. 
A steady silence resumed between you two, watching the match with bated breath. Things weren't looking so good. As the enemies advanced on Zoro, Chopper, and Luffy, so did you with your own attack.
“So.” You began. Sanji hummed in acknowledgement, eyes focused on the field. You paused. Was this really the time to flirt with the man? Probably not, but you were nothing if not an opportunist. You grinned at him, exaggerating his swooning.
“It'd be my pleasure ma'am, you can hit me wherever you like, hmm?”
‘You were a lady!’ Sanji reminded himself, trying to bite back a growl. You just loved to get under his skin, didn't you? He was flushed in embarrassment. It's not like he wanted to lose the match! It's not his fault he had a weakness for pretty women! 
The crowd was aroar, you could hear your crew shouting. Oh. Zoro was out. Sanji began yelling at the swordsman, before he turned his attention back to you.
“So?” Sanji tried to sound unaffected. Your cute giggles reached his ears. Seriously! You were such a little tease, so cute, but so unattainable. You seemed to love riling him up, and he wanted nothing more than to make you his. He wasn't used to women not only reciprocating, but flirting back at a rate that made him dizzy. 
Honestly, the both of you needed to stop being cowards and just confess already.
“Who's the ‘saucy’ one now? You're out here parading your little masochist streak.”
“I am not!” He blustered.
“Where were you hoping they'd hit anyway?” You purred out the question. Sanji tried ignoring you, focusing on the match, but he was one man! One currently very weak man.
You pouted. “I was just joking, Ji. Your kinks are your own. I'm not here to shame you for it.”
“It's not a kink!” He argued. You were relishing this. Sanji was always such a gentleman, so giving and dedicated to worshipping women. And yet, you, you were one of the only women you'd ever seen him snap at and lose his cool with, his hot temper getting the better of him.
Taking advantage of this you leant closer, your thighs touching. Sanji snapped out of his anger, eyes darting to where your half naked leg pressed against his long suit trouser-clad one. Too caught up in where you were touching him, he didn't notice how close your lips were to his ear.
“So you wouldn't like it if that pretty Porche lady pelted you with those dodgeballs? Or tied you up? Or manhandled you to make you be a good boy?”
Sanji was sweating, his heart eyes betraying him. Yeah, you knew your chef. You dropped your voice lower, bracing one hand on his chest.
“Forget hitting, what if she stepped on you? Would you like that, Sanji?”
The man in question whined, quiet pants escaped him, his eyes swirling with lust. He let his eyes fall closed, the dodgeball match long forgotten. Bingo! You felt yourself grow wet. Yes, you were a bad guy! It's just so easy to rile him up. Besides, Sanji would never spare you a passing glance, clear that you annoyed him. So what was the harm in airing out your frustrations like this?
“Love.” He gulped, shuffling around to change how he sat. You grinned at him wickedly. His reactions were so cute, you definitely overstepped the line.
“You didn't answer the question, cook. What if she stepped on your cock, hmm? Only lightly, of course, wouldn't wanna damage the goods.”
Sanji made a noise halfway between a groan and a choking sound, his hand darting up to grab the one you had pressed against his chest. You startled. You could see it in his eyes, the disgust, that unmistakable look of discomfort. Of course he wouldn't want to discuss this kind of stuff with you! You were one of the guys!
“Shit.” You withdrew your hand, not noticing how Sanji's tried to grab you. You'd definitely overstepped the line! “I'm so sorry Sanji, that was completely uncalled for.”
“Love.” He rasped. You were flustered, trying desperately not to stare at him.
The crowd was aroar, people around you jumping and shouting. You looked for a way out. 
Wait? What the fuck?
A brown ball of fluff was lying crumpled on the court lines. 
“Chopper! Oh shit!” You yelled, hurriedly getting to your feet. “Sanji I'm so sorry, I- you can yell at me about this later, I promise.” 
Sanji watched you speed off, hurriedly running to their youngest member. He sighed out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. You were going to be the death of him! You'd made him so hard, so quick, and then, like a true tease dashed off before he could properly engage anything. When would you realise that it was you he wanted to treat him like that?
Yeah. Yeah he could yell about it later. 
Right now, he needed a fucking smoke and a cold shower.
Looks like lingerie part 3 is coming i promise ;-; I'm just having trouble writing it ;-; here's a little drabble instead I do have SOOOOO many drabbles I've worked on in the mean time though?
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kevin-the-bruyne · 1 year
The 25th hour and the kindness Boston unwittingly pays forward to Sand
The 25th hour is such a neat yet complex concept. The fact that Sand's episode is called 'The Extra Hour' and that this extremely rigid, disciplined man's 25th hour is Ray is at once heartwarming and gut wrenching. I've seen multiple people discuss what the 25th hour is and most interpretations were to my surprise very positive! In fact, when I think back to my reaction to the start of the episode I thought it was delightful! What a delightfully irrational way for Sand to think of Ray's role in his life, for a delightfully irrational man who really needs a little bit of magic and fairy tale in his life. And yet by the end no matter how you slice it, the only thing about the 25th hour that stays absolute till the end is that it's not real. There's no such thing as a 25th hour. Whatever was happening between them was happening entirely within the 24 hours of their lives and neither were able admit to it. There is a separate meta to be written about how there are elements of healing in their relationship - definitely for Ray and maybe even for Sand who benefits from being near someone who prescribes to whatever the opposite of his 'The Grind and Hustle' lifestyle is. But there are two sides to every coin and the side that Sand had completely blinded himself to even thought it was all right there - long before Boston showed up - is that Ray is an addict. And the way Ray chases the pleasure impulse of Sand's company is - more than just a little mildly concerning. Both times that they engage in anything sexual is Sand giving and Ray receiving, but more importantly Ray talking Sand into it - not in any way that is even remotely close to coercive but doesn't it niggle at the back of your head a little - just how good Ray is at getting Sand to do things for him? I could let the list run from protecting him, cooking for him, driving him, putting on his helmet for him, dressing him, taking him to concerts all such wonderful beautiful, heartwarming, wounded inner child healing things and yet...there are patterns. 'Thank you for saving my life' once is beautiful, sexy, gut wrenchingly vulnerable. But twice?
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The guy did have a bottle so it could have been dangerous and his target could have been Ray's head but he also could have smashed it on a table to scare him, on his back, heck he could have been going for Sand too. Doesn't Ray have a tendency to slightly embellish situations to make himself more sympathetic?
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My boy Sand has literally been on the receiving end of it adjfkldshjf. Further, when Sand is aiming to bash the guy's head in turn Ray makes zero moves to stop him. Sand could get into a lot of trouble for intervening here and injuring a random customer while he's not bar security and P'Yo and her boyfriend are the only ones actually concerned about Sand here.
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Ray is so turned on by his man going all psycho to protect him (understandable) that his only thought is to fuck him (also very very understandable) but he's just gotten so good at asking for it
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Incredibly, incredibly good
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And he knows how much Sand eats it up
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He knows it turns Sand on, uses it repeatedly in the context of sex. In fact it's the only way we've watched him initiate sex this episode
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And worst of all, in the times that Sand doesn't quite take the bait Ray knows how to frame it so that it somehow still becomes Sand's idea, Sand's initiative:
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And this scene is so mind bogglingly sexy that I was legit SCREAMING because Ray is being SO sneaky and he's an addict and you can see it from a mile away and imagine being Sand and horny and turned on by how much people need you and then having the cutest puppy of a man constantly wagging his tail at you and needing you and being so generous about how much he appreciates you and constantly telling you how big and strong you are and how you're such a great protector like help this man he is so entirely caught in the web that Ray is spinning. I was so into it but I was also like alarm bells ringing like 'Fire! Fire! Fire!' Sand this is exactly the fire that you were once conscious of playing with but he's totally been blinded to it - how could he not be??? Ray is an addict but he's also a creature made entirely of love, what defenses can Sand possibly have against Ray's innocence and sincerity? This has already gotten so long that I need to stop here or my mind will explode but there's more to be said here about how that scene where Boston outs Ray's crush plays out and Ray's complete inability to reach out and comfort Sand. What I can end this part with is that - Sand really, really needed to hear it. Boston's whole 'Sand deserves to know' thing might have been the shittiest cover to his real motivations of just totally fucking up Ray's life but he's not wrong about this. Boston is not wrong about the farce of Sand and Ray's relationship that he so mercilessly calls out. The 25th hour isn't real and Sand knows it. The show is very heavy handed about it and it fits so goddamn well with my Sand and Mew don't exist on the same paradigm of Ray's life idea that I have been peddling since Ep2
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thatonepikminperson · 2 months
Head cannons that I may or may not have (Pikmin 4 Ones)
Dumbest ideas ever here we go (Long post btw, using the read more so it's not too long for people just scroll tags)
Just to get the relationship head cannons out of the way, Dingo is homies with Bernard, Yonny and Russ are evil besties, and Shepherd and Collin are friends, anyway time for some unhinged head cannons
Collin drinks coffee right as it's done, even if it's boiling hot just because he doesn't have the time to wait for it to cool down. His taste buds hate him for this
Russ has set off the fire alarm on the S.S. Shepherd at least 8 times during the Rescue Corps Mission on PNF-404, mostly on accident
Bernard sucks balls at cooking and is banned from the small kitchen on the S.S. Shepherd. Idk why I feel this one, but man's has 100% burnt the water
Oatchi has ate money before, how much? Up to you to decide
Dingo doesn't understand the concept of knocking 80% of the time
Yonny reads smut in public without batting an eye. I'm not elaborating more on this one, he just does
Bernard has a playlist of over 600 songs just for when he's driving, which ranges from hard rock to vocaloid
Shepherd was an adventurous child, and climbed out of her window to get out of the house when she was grounded for fun
Bernard may or may not have accidentally gotten Dingo into vocaloid, and Dingo can never live this down
Sometimes, Collin just makes rice and an egg and calls it a "good meal."
Shepherd forces Collin to eat sometimes
Shepherd often goes to dog shelters and has to physically restraint herself from adopting every single dog there
Oatchi has tried to eat Shepherd's hand on several occasions, and has failed every single time
Dingo is really good at most sports, except for dodge ball because of that one rule where if the person catches the ball your out. Dingo hates that rule with a burning passion
Bernard says "oopsie doopsie" and "lol" out loud, unironically, all the time
Yonny has once tried to add a robot leg to Oatchi. Shepherd did not find this as fascinating as he did, unfortunately
Russ is Yonny's second victim when it comes to consuming his concoctions, but he's way more willing to do than Dingo and will sometimes give the concoction a review like he's at a five star restaurant.
Russ has electrocuted himself at least 18 times before, and he's also electrocuted Yonny twice
Collin has had to drag Yonny away from Dingo to stop the doctor from experimenting on the poor ranger
And finally (For now, If I think of more, I'll add more), despite everyone's differences, everyone on the crew is very protective of each other. You mess with one person, you mess with all six of them. (Technically all seven of them if you count Oatchi)
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Request: firstly, id like to request more yanderes of your choice, maybe the newer fandoms, with that prompt i suggested long ago, about darling distancing themselves to plan on how to confess to yanderes.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, stalking, threats, manipulation
Darling distances themselves to plan on how to confess
Heiwajima Shizuo
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🚬 Somehow Shizuo can't bring himself to be surprised by this. He's scared a good couple of people away due to his temper and sheer physical strength, he's probably more surprised that you stayed as long with him as you did. Does that mean that he's any less hurt by your actions? Absolutely not, his poor heart is crushed. He's put so much effort into trying to better himself around you yet it appears to have been in vain. It's just unfair. Poor Tanaka has to deal with the aftermath of Shizuo's broken heart as the man's temper essentially becomes a brooding volcano waiting to explode at any moment and wreck havoc. Shizuo refuses to let anyone know about his feelings but his emotions are out of his own control as everyone can tell that something is wrong. He's vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to cope with it, prays to all gods that Izaya will let him be.
🚬 He nearly crushes his phone when he receives a message from you, asking him to meet you. The whole way to the place where you two are supposed to meet, he already feels like cracking multiple times but his delicate composure shatters finally when he sees you and you give him a shy smile as if nothing has happened. You know, he used to adore that smile but now it almost fills him with pain because how can you smile like that after the stunt you've just pulled? Everything he's stuffed down breaks out of him as he starts shouting at you, confused, hurt and angry all at the same time. You flinch a bit when he starts yelling but you manage to get him to listen to you and finally tell him why you've done what you've done. One might as well have deactivated Shizuo as his mind wents blank and he just looks down at you, frozen. Eventually his face twists into one of still slight anger yet also overwhelming giddiness, his cheeks turn pink as he's flustered and embarrassed at the same time. Ultimately he mutters that he has to go somewhere as this is too much for him at the moment so he sort of runs away. Give him a bit to calm down and then he'll be the happiest man ever.
Takumi Aldini
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🍝 He truly doesn't understand what has happened between the two of you as in his eyes, everything was going quite smoothly. He had finally gotten over his pride and bashfulness and had approached you and you two have grown quite close since then. So why are you avoiding him all of a sudden? Takumi tries to talk with you, wants to ask you what's wrong all of a sudden but you brush him off and always excuse yourself, barely able to look him into his eyes. This just serves to fuel a growing paranoia as he starts looking back on all interactions he's had with you, wondering if he's done something that unintentionally hurt you. He can't figure anything out though and the lack of knowledge drives him up the wall. Soon questions turn to desperate pleads and he relapses into old habits of stalking you. Takumi tries to keep it together but Isami catches him crying when he thinks that he's alone a couple of times.
🍝 Takumi's confidence is shaken and that even shows in his cooking skills so his twin brother and all of his friends try to help him. Eventually you inform Isami that you want him to retrieve Takumi for you since you have a surprise for him. Seldom has he run faster in his life, out of breath when he arrives. He's instantly drowning you with apologies for whatever he's done and pleads to just stop distancing yourself from him before you hush him and point to a plate in front of you and encourage him to lift the lid. He does so and a mouth-watering scent fills the air as an Italian dish is revealed and written on it, in tomate sauce, is a love confession. His brains stops for a moment, his eyes nearly pop out of his head and he looks absolutely flabbergasted. As his brain slowly processes what's going on, a blush starts spreading across his face. It starts from his ears until it covers his entire face. You finally reveal to him that you've practiced to cook Italian Cuisine to surprise him and hearing that you've put so much thought and care into this for him finally makes his heart burst. He probably starts crying a bit, hides his face behind his hands out of sheer embarrassment and happiness. Very much happiness.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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🐮 Hatsuharu is normally always nonchalant, although also quite shameless around you. Yet your sudden ignorance regarding him brings out his worst sides which is Black Haru as he grows aggressive and rude. Deep down Haru is just very hurt because he loves you and thought that you cherished him too yet your sudden absence in his life makes him feel lost and lonely, a feeling he despises and wants to go away. As White Haru he has tried to ask you what has happened but you've never given him an answer, triggering his other side. Worst for him though is that you only ignore him and still interact with others which is only another blow to his fragile heart at the moment. He expresses his hurt with sheer rudeness though. It's quite scary as he suddenly follows you around persistently, threatens your friends and even grabs people by the collar if they annoy him. He's even attempted to drag you somewhere where the two of you are all alone so he can just have you to himself and force an answer out of you.
🐮 He catches you one day clutching a letter to your chest, the hearts drawn on it immediately setting him off and before you can stop him, he yanks you closer to him and rips the letter out of your hands before running away. His heart is pounding against his chest with anger and fear. Is there someone else you like? He's tempted to just rip the letter apart but wants to know which bastard he has to beat up since you're only his so he rips the envelope open and starts reading it's contents. You find him a few moments later and realize with horror that he's reading your letter, deeply immersed. His eyes shoot up when you storm to him and a smirk forms on his lips. Before you can react, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer, his own lips smashing against yours. Your thoughts stop as for a short moment you're just in pure shock before your whole face heats up with embarrassment and you try to pull away, a fruitless effort as Haru doesn't allow you to break the kiss. When he finally pulls away, you're out of breath and feel like your head's about to explode, unfortunately the mischievous boy doesn't give you a break as he goes in for the next kiss. You owe him that for what you've put him through.
Leah Clearwater
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Leah is pure spit and bitterness, which in itself isn't anything new. It's so much worse now than it has ever been though because it's her imprint who has started avoiding her all of a sudden. It's just so unfair because Leah felt finally happy again after years of being heartbroken and sad over Sam. She physically can't stay away from you and your sudden avoidance of her drives her crazy and makes her immensely short-tempered and aggressive. It gets to the point where no one from the pack wants to deal with her antics anymore besides Seth who is at that point the only one able to approach her without her snapping at him. Honestly, Leah is pretty bad as she's relentless and unwilling to allow you to leave her. She scares your friends as she's insanely jealous that you still spend time with them but not with her and guilt-trips you.
It's a miracle that you stil pull through with your plan but love is blind after all. So you eventually invite her over to your house for dinner and she jumps greedily at the chance to just be alone with you after you've been avoiding her for so long. That doesn't mean that she's not angry at you though, she's still holding a grudge and so her words are sharp and snarky. A part of her is even a bit sceptical to why you've invited her over all of a sudden but her possessive feelings wouldn't allow her anything else than meeting you. Dinner with her is awkward for a while as you feel her hard gaze on you, at least until you decide to confess to her. Surprise flies over her face before she narrows her eyes and observes you, unwilling to fully believe you just yet even if she really wants to. When she sees nothing but sincerity in your eyes, she feels a fuzzy feeling buzzing inside her chest and head and lets out a small scoff, doing her best to play it coo, although there is a small smile on her facel. She's still a bit mad at you for avoiding her but she'll probably forgive you if you promise to make up for the time where you avoided her and spend from now on much time with her.
Hijikata Toshiro
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🚬 Toshiro officially goes crazy and Okita's comments that he's more surprised that you managed to handle the Vice-Captain as long as you did and that it was bound to happen. Normally Hijikata can ignore Okita's words but this is the first time his words get stuck in his brain as he can't help but consider if he's right. Have you had enough of him? Why? Surely not because of his excessive controlling streak and his overprotective antics. He just wants you to be safe after all, he has only the best intentions. This officer is stubborn and unwilling to slip up during his job and show any weakness but he fails miserably. He's brodding all the time, the slightest things can set him off and he shows higher aggression against anyone who breaks the law as his emotions are a mess. Any attempts to talk to you normally have failed and by now he's that close to breaking your door down, dragging you out and forcing you through an interrogation.
🚬 He snaps when he manages to catch one of your close acquaintances and asks threatens them about what has been going on with you. They stutter out that they suspect that you're in love with someone and plan to confess, words he shortly mulls over in his head before he storms to your house, suddenly having troubles to breathe. That shouldn't be possible, he's sure that he's familiar with every person in your life thanks to his "diligence". He nearly breaks your door down but you open it just in time to see a frenzied Toshiro in front of you, out of breath and slightly twitching as he instantly pushes you inside and asks you with a harsh and slightly betrayed voice if you're in love with someone. Your eyes widen an suddenly he's interrogating you who it is, his mind racing with ideas how to successfully threaten them. Unable to take this anymore, you yell at him with tears in your eyes that he's the person you wanted to confess to. Within seconds his face changes colors from red, to green to a sick-looking grey. Shit, he's messed up. He stumbles out of your house, muttering an apology for the inconvenience before leaving. He comes back the next day with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, ready to beg for forgiveness for making the wrong assumption.
Seras Victoria
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🩸 Seras has always been a bit odd, brave yet timid, smart yet childish. She's a vampire who has her fair share of battle experience and fights yet this woman is more than often a flustered mess when she's with you. Alucard obviously knows about her massive, and partially unhealthy, crush she has but he isn't discouraging her. However, when you spontanously decide to cut off contact between the two of you, Seras is shocked and shaken as she can't even begin to imagine what has happened. Sure, she is a Draculina but you knew that and it never bothered you before. The poor woman falls into a hole and is often just sitting somewhere all by herself, wallowing in self-pity. She can't even begin to describe how hurt she is and whilst she is scared of approaching you and asking you what has happened, she still ends up stalking you as she stays true to her protective instincts. She doesn't want to lose any more people important to her.
🩸 Eventually you send a letter addressed to her, one she rips more eagerly than anticipated out of Integra's hands when she hands her the envelope. A strange mix of hope and nervousness wells up when it says that you want to meet her in the evening but she appears nevertheless, doing her best to hide her nagging fear. She's constantly looking at her as you begin to chat with her casually, gauging your reaction. She feels like she's on fire, unsure what your big purpose is for inviting her over and eventually you notice that and decide to end her silent torment. Out of your bag you pull out carefully a single red rose adorned with a bow and give it to her, admitting to her your feelings and your reasons for having avoided her for a while now. Seras stares at you, stares at the red rose, blinks a couple of times and then starts going slightly pink, all bashful all of a sudden. She's so relieved and most of all, happy though that you avoided her because you wanted to work on your confession to her. Giddiness starts flodding her body until she can't stop herself anymore and nearly crushs you in a tight and clingy hug. Congratulations, you've earned yourself a clingy and strong vampire girlfriend.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Hayato is just such a loyal simp, it's rather cute. If one ignores his aggressive and jealous attitude because oh boy, he can definitely be very obnoxious. He tries to prove a point here though, one can never start showing to his crush that he'd be the best choice. So a long story in short, he does not take well to the fact that his darling suddenly doesn't spend any time with him anymore and straightup avoids him. Initially he thinks it's the fault of someone around you but after a good amount of stalking you and threatening your acquaintances without finding anything suspicious he suddenly starts considering that the problem may be with him. Has he done something that angered or upset you? Have you figured out his obsession? Have you grown tired of him, like Hibari told him once due to his annoying behavior? Gokudera immediately starts overthinking, quickly starts doubting himself and questions everything he's ever done.
🧨Now he's all on you, trying to ask you frantically if he's done something wrong but your shallow reassurances only fuel his paranoia as he's by now convinced that it's his fault. He becomes unbearable to be around to the point where even Tsuna and Yamamoto have troubles calming his flaring temper down. All gets resolved when one day he receives a message from you where you apologize for having treated him so coldly and that Tsuna has informed you out of concern for Hayato. At the bottom of your message is a sentence that Hayato can't help but read over and over again as if the words don't want to enter his head initially. Then his expression transforms from confused to dumbfounded to thrilled until his cheeks are glowing in a pretty pink. His legs begin moving on their own as he starts dashing outside, to your house. He's tripping over his own thoughts, far too flustered and excited to think straight. He runs past a flower shop, jogs back, buys a bouquet and finally reaches your home, ringing one too many times. You've been hoping for him to visit you after you confessed per message and open the door to be greeted by a out of breath but clearly thrilled Hayato.
Usui Takumi
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💚 Now, this here is a man who has made it a hobby to monopolize his darling's time as he's very possessive and easily jealous when seeing them being close to someone else. Honestly, he's acting almost normal when you initially start to avoid him, even if it is unusual considering that you two have been close up until now. He's going to stalk you anyways and for a while Takumi makes it sort of a game to see how long you can ignore him and avoid him until you give up. When he realizes that you're serious though about sort of taking a break from him, this becomes a problem though because you surely can't expect him to just accept that peacefully. He suspects that you're keeping something from him and that is something he can not accept. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him. Takumi becomes an utter nuisance as he tries to coax your friends into telling him your secret and follows you around, insisting on you to admit to him what's going on.
💚 It's quite difficult to plan your confession with him quite literally breathing down your neck at times, miraculously you still manage to do so. By now Takumi has become a bit impatient which is a bit of a dangerous game as he starts pulling you aside to drag you to places where no one can see you, traps you between walls and his bodies and towers over you as he questions you why you're avoiding him and what it is that you try to keep a secret from him. Only that this time when he slams you against the wall, you can actually give him an answer. His green-eyed gaze on you is intense as you nervously fumble out the poem you made for him out of your bag and hand it to him, flustered and shy. His eyes go back and forth between reading your letter and making sure that you don't try to run, until he realizes what the poem is about and his eyes hastily fly over every word. Just like that the slightly intimidating demeanor about him is gone and his green eyes shine brighter as he pinches your cheeks slightly, scolding you for making him worry over you like this before leaning down to give you a kiss, a smug grin still present on his face. You poor thing, he's going to tease and embarrass the living daylight out of you.
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