#health tips of the day
storyhub1709 · 8 months
7 Rock-Solid Tips for Peak Physical Health - Westoryhub
Taking charge of your life and truly experiencing everything it has to offer begins with taking care of your well-being. This involves making your physical health a top priority. However, in a world full of conflicting information and advice, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. But don't worry, fellow advocates for healthy living! Our comprehensive source for all the latest news and lifestyle trends is here to simplify things for you. Keep reading for 7 practical and effective tips to help you achieve a strong and vibrant body.
Boost your engine's performance by incorporating a rainbow into your diet. Get rid of processed junk and instead, opt for a vibrant, plant-based eating plan. Filled with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and nourishing healthy fats, your body will appreciate the added vitamins and long-lasting energy.
Get ready to move and groove: Exercise is about more than just toned abs (although, who wouldn't love those?). Making physical activity a regular part of your routine not only strengthens your heart, but it also improves your mood and helps prevent pesky chronic illnesses. Discover a fun activity that you enjoy, whether it's grooving to the music, conquering hiking paths, or hitting the gym – as long as you get those endorphins flowing!
READ MORE - What are 7 tips for good physical health?
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Indulge in Royal Sleep: Allow your body to reboot with the ultimate recharge - rest! For optimal healing and revitalisation, ensure you get 7-8 hours of top-notch sleep every night. Switch off the lights, say goodbye to your screens, and establish a soothing bedtime ritual for a night of blissful slumber (and a radiant morning aura!).
Stay hydrated and give your body a high-five with a refreshing glass of water. Replace sugary drinks with H2O and sip on it throughout the day to flush out toxins and keep your mind sharp. Go the extra mile by adding a squeeze of citrus for added flavor and a dose of vitamin C.
"Always keep in mind that healthy habits are a journey, one that requires small steps and flexibility. Celebrate each success along the way and don't hesitate to adapt your methods. We're here to support and guide you every step of the way! For more motivation and advice on health and fitness, delve into our website – a treasure trove of informative articles, entertainment, and lifestyle content waiting for you to uncover."
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sehatgyantips · 9 months
Pet mein keede hone ke kya lakshan hain?
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study-sphere · 5 months
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Self-care isn't selfish; it's necessary. Take the time to prioritize your well-being.
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positivelypositive · 1 year
your life...
...is not a race
...is not a competition
...is not a test
...is not someone else's
...is not forever
your life is your own. live it at your pace. create your own milestones. it's not for you to constantly prove your worth.
it's for you to enjoy and really live. it's fleeting but while it's here, it's all yours ✨
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audreys-diaryy · 4 months
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20 day challenge ♡
Saw @ros3ybabe post about her 20 day challenge, so I decided to participate! 💗
I’ve been feeling unproductive these couple of days, so let’s switch that 🫡
I feel like 20 days is a manageable amount of days. Hopefully after these 20 days, I should already be in the habit of productivity! 🤭
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☀️ Morning routine non-negotiables:
Wake up at around 8:30 am
Movement for a minimum of 15 minutes (stretching or walking)
Hygiene (shower, brushing my teeth, moisturizer, lotion, deodorant, and brushing my hair)
Morning journaling
⛅️ Daily non-negotiables:
Study Spanish for a minimum of 15 minutes
Engage in my hobbies for a minimum of 30 minutes
Doing tasks in my planner
Pre-lunch (if needed)
⭐️ Night routine non-negotiables:
Going to sleep at around 11:30 pm
Night journaling
Hygiene (shower (if needed), brushing my teeth, lotion, and acne treatments)
Review my planner
���� Rules:
Post an update every day
I don’t have to do everything
No energy drinks
Be honest
Have fun
It’s 2 pm right now, so I’ll start my full day tomorrow! But I’ll do my daily and night non-negotiables today! ✨
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futurememor1es · 4 months
☆ sunday reset ☆
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oh sunday, the last day of the week. it has so much potential but people just waste it on rotting in bed, devastated about the upcoming monday.
me personally, i love sundays. i spend them recharging and preparing for the upcoming week, and it makes me feel so good and prepared. here's some things you can do to use sunday to reset and rewind:
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~ have a healthy breakfast
~ set goals for the upcoming week
~ exercise (yoga, pilates, walk etc.)
~ read a book
~ declutter and clean your room
~ everything shower
~ take time to wind down
~ plan outfits for the week
~ make sure all your homework and assignments are done
~ write a to-do list
~ do laundry and wash your bedding
~ meditate or practice mindfulness
~ water plants
~ do a face mask
~ paint your nails
~ go to bed early
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enjoy your sunday and shock everyone (including youself) on monday by how put together you look and feel ♡ have a great week !!
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
Today's Menu
barley coffee
yogurt with homemade jam
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pokè bowl
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homemade broth with miso
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[photos from Pinterest]
PS: tomorrow I need to drink more water!!!
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studentbyday · 4 months
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Hey 👋🏻 it's been a while... It feels like a lot of things have been going on, irl and in my head, and I needed to get away from social media to collect my thoughts. I'm seriously considering transferring university. It will be a more rigorous program and further from home (longer commute 😭), but when I think of it objectively, it will broaden my future options, which is ultimately what I want. But based on past experience, there are two issues that are likely to crop up:
I'm really awful at juggling many responsibilities at once (and my current threshold for "many" is very low...e.g. i take the minimum number of courses needed to be considered a full-time student at my current uni). The juggling act consistently overwhelms me and the overwhelm scares me. So far, I've been fortunate enough to be able to organize my life around this, but it's just made my fear of potentially overwhelming situations greater and it has cost me many a good opportunity. So I really do want to get better at this since I can't continue on like this and live the life I want to. It seems that this ability to juggle many responsibilities at once without feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, or anxious, improves with practice (exposure therapy!) and good energy/time management, so that's what I'm going to attempt to do in the coming months before I actually apply 🙈
I'm quite the homebody, always have been, but lately it's been getting more severe, so I'm sure the lonelier/FOMO-filled, bigger university setting and culture will be quite an adjustment for me (and I already felt the frustration of FOMO and was quite lonely at my current uni, especially in my first year 😬). When the time comes, I'll need to expand my sources of comfort (e.g. settle into new favorite study spots and routine walks between classes) and hold onto current sources of comfort I can engage in or reasonably bring with me to uni (e.g. a homemade lunch, journal, perhaps a small stuffie for a study buddy, noticing and appreciating nature 🌿, wearing soft and cozy clothes/clothes that make me feel confident).
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linastudyblrsblog · 1 year
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Four weeks in this facility went really fast , i had one of the best experiences here with the kindest professors.
It’s time to say good bye..
Psychiatry rotation done ✅
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yesmissnyx · 7 months
This Valentine's day sucked 😔🤘
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sirenizeyou · 19 days
I feel that me being so far from home is making me feel depressed and alone. I feel like I have nobody to talk to or hangout with and i just sit in my room whenever I don’t have class. I miss my family, my pets, my bed, and all my hobbies. How do I make myself okay with being alone??
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biophilianutrition · 4 months
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Sporty Chic
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 8 months
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seschigirl · 2 years
document your life: get a polaroid camera take loads of pictures, print them and stick them in an photo album, record videos and save them to a hard drive, record mini vlogs and upload them privately to your YouTube to watch later in life, journal about your hardest moments, collect things from the moments that brought you great joy and happiness….
but don’t forget to be present in the moment!
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
A very important article about self-care
Oh... to be this soft ethereal being...
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In today's world, many of us are drawn to the allure of self-care gadgets and wellness products, believing they hold the key to happiness and health. However, these items often provide only a superficial and temporary fix, masking the deeper need for genuine well-being.
True wellness is not found in the latest tech gadget or beauty product, but in reconnecting with nature. Nature is the real source of health and happiness, offering benefits that no commercial product can replicate. The most beautiful and healthy women I know are those who maintain a deep connection with the natural world. They understand that nature provides a sense of peace, balance, and vitality that is unmatched by any manufactured solution.
Investing in self-care gadgets might seem convenient, but it often leads to a cycle of constant consumption without addressing the root of our well-being. These products can create a false sense of comfort, leaving us ultimately dissatisfied and disconnected from what truly matters.
By embracing nature, we tap into a timeless source of nourishment for our body, mind, and spirit. Whether it's through spending time outdoors, gardening, or simply appreciating the natural beauty around us, reconnecting with nature can lead to profound improvements in our overall health and happiness.
Don't be misled by false palliatives. Instead, look to nature for genuine and lasting well-being. Rediscover the simple, yet profound, joys that come from being in tune with the natural world.
- Nightbunny
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lovealexhunt · 2 years
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🖤 Your Mental Health Matters 🖤
You matter. Your health matters. How you feel matters. Don't let anyone make you feel any differently. You are worthy of rest, care, and happiness just as you already are.
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