#high carb vegan
radlissa · 3 months
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indnwitch · 1 year
HTFDICTIBASVV: HEALTHY SNACKS (some are high protein low calorie)
Sliced cucumbers/zucchini with your choice of dip
Apples and a nut butter
Sliced bananas a little bit of coconut oil and cinnamon sugar
Low calorie pop corn
Protein smoothie
Cucumbers/zucchini’s with salt and vinegar
Baked sweet potato fries
Yogurt and fruit
Pickles (Grillo’s pickles are the best)
(Vegan) deli slices and cheese roll ups
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moogsmusings · 10 months
New video, had a lot of fun making this one, it really shows my personality lolllll
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healthyskillz · 1 year
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Scrambled apple & turmeric tofu, topped with walnuts, raisins & cinnamon
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mealbetixlifestyle · 1 year
What is a clean eating recipe
Clean Eating Recipe: by The Food Guru
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People are increasingly looking for methods to improve their lives and well-being as society becomes more concerned with health and wellbeing. These days so many are searching for the best Clean eating recipe are catching on and are gaining momentum. We're going to discuss what "clean food" is and how it could improve your life. We believe the heathiest clean eating lifestyle is The MealBetix Lifestyle.
What is Clean Eating?
The Clean eating recipe of course focuses on consuming only Certified Clean foods that are also raw. It is more than simply another fad diet. The core tenet of clean eating is to fuel your body with nutrient-dense, never processed meals, while avoiding all the highly processed and of course artificial flavors, artificial dyes, artificial nutrition and fake food out there.
The Basis for Easy Meal Prep
Choose whole foods: And not that big health food store, rather food that has not been saturated with artificial contaminants, including none of that toxic coating they now dip all their fruits and vegetables in, including the organic fruits and vegetables.
Carefully read the labels: As you read labels more closely, you will find everything sold at the supermarkets and health food stores either contain a lot of toxic ingredients or some toxic ingredients - it's enough to depress you, but don’t give up, because this is really a very easy meal prep anyone can do!
Keep Hydrated: A key component of clean eating is water. Choose water or organic herbal teas. Why not juice? Because everything is contaminated out there, even the organic fruits and vegetables, and you definitely would not want to eat or drink raw pesticides or raw glyphosate.
  It doesn't matter how much you eat: We live in a world where everyone on a diet wants to control how much they eat and how much they drink, because let's face it, everything out there is straight-up toxic, so who could blame them? But when you eat clean, you can never eat too much or drink too much, because let's face it, have you ever seen someone too healthy before? So, go ahead and eat clean all you want.
Mindful Eating: Eat mindfully by taking your time and enjoying the truly health experience. Consider the flavor, feel, and scent of the food you eat to have a more enjoyable clean meal experience.
The Advantages of a truly Clean Diet
-          Higher Energy Levels
-          Weight Control
-          Much Better Digestion
-          Increased Immunity
-          Mental Sharpness
-          Easy Meal Prep
Contact MealBetix.com Right Away
Are you prepared to start your path to a better version of yourself? Discover the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by contacting The MealBetix Lifestyle right away. We are glad to help you improve your lifestyle for the better.
The MealBetix Lifestyle is the last 100% Clean Food Lifestyle, for all ages! Start living the truly clean lifestyle right away and enjoy all the powerful benefits only The MealBetix Lifestyle can give you.
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raveninrecovery · 2 years
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onefite · 7 months
Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings
Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings Busy mornings shouldn’t mean skipping the most important meal of the day. Luckily, there are plenty of quick and healthy breakfast options that can give you the energy boost you need to kickstart your day. From overnight oats to smoothie bowls, these ideas are not only nutritious…
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forkfolly · 1 year
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highcarbheather · 2 years
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So for the past 12 weeks, I’ve been getting over 100g of protein and lifting three times a week. Hadn’t lost an ounce. But that’s what everyone says to do! Why didn’t it work??
Duh. I’m not meant to consume that much protein. I forgot that I paid for GenoPalate a long time ago and they suggested these macros. It’s close to what I was doing when I first went vegan, not caring about protein. Very high carb from whole unprocessed plant foods.
I think I got so caught up in trying all the new vegan foods in the last TEN YEARS that I lost track of what was working and tried to recreate a protein heavy meal plan for people that don’t have my body but I know what works and it worked before I just need to go back to it.
I finally stopped eating processed foods a week ago, back to lots of fruit and veggie heavy meals (as opposed to tons of processed protein bars and mock meats) and I already broke through the plateau I’d been stuck at!! I even ate an entire raw fruit tart!
So I’m posting this for accountability. High Carb Heather is back lmao.
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Personal health hacks that have completely changed my life in the last 9 months.
Absolute number one is removing carbs from my diet. I had THE WORST crashes and lethargy every single day after my morning oat meal, after my carb heavy lunch, and carb heavy dinner. Despite being vegan my body lacked nutrients and calories from under-eating being plant-based and carb-overloading. 
Introducing grass-fed meat and high quality eggs into my diet. Red meat gets such bad press in the media, but personally it has given me energy, strength and I feel much better eating this in moderation. 
Little exercise each day. Not killing myself with a hardcore workout and then not being able to move for rest of the week (which I was doing previously). I now do a little each day. 1.5 - 2mile run most days, and daily stretches and weights at home. Nothing crazy, but a little goes a long way and I find it much easier to be consistent doing smaller bouts on my own schedule daily. 
Hormone health, ensuring I am keeping my hormones balanced. I make watermelon juice daily with 1.5 heaped tablespoons of flaxseed. Alongside that. I take omega 3, DIM, Selenium, Iodine, Vitamin D +K2, Evening primrose oil for womens health. I eat foods that support healthy hormones, broccoli, carrots, sunflower seeds and removed the foods that cause imbalances (carbs, sugars).
Removing all stress from my life. Including moving overseas, deleting social media and keeping my circle small but wholesome. 
Quit drinking alcohol. Initially I thought I would have the occasional drink but I truly have no desire anymore. My life is significantly better for not drinking. My body never responded well to booze. 
Sleeping properly for 7-9 hrs per night. Meditating for 1 hour before bed usually puts me in a completely zen mode for relaxation. That means my phone is switched off, I use a lavender pillow spray and light candles to set the mood for a goodnight sleep. 
Zeolite detox for heavy metals (currently in the process). I have Zeolith Med powder each day with water to flush out any toxins. 
Learning about gut microbiome, and probiotics..in the process of obtaining kefir grains to make my own batch. Making sauerkraut on weekends and introducing a wider variety of foods into my diet. 
These are completely personal and I can honestly say I feel better than ever. I wish I had done the above years ago, especially the carbs! I got a continuous glucose monitor of Amazon to see how my body was responding to carbs before I completely cut them off and I recommend doing this if you want to know more about how your body is reacting to glucose. 
*this all took time and effort, but once I removed the distractions, the meaningless socialising, the boozing, the scrolling I’ve had time to invest in myself + my health
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Posting this before I go to bed:
The seven of them sat in the mess hall. Leo served them dinner.
“And today from Chef Leo’s kitchen, Mac ‘n’ cheese!”
“Cheese?” Frank asked.
“Don’t worry, big guy, it’s lactose-free cheese,” Leo said.
“I’ve tried that stuff before,” Frank said, “It tastes like plastic.”
“Just… give it a try. Trust me. I put my own little spin on it,” Leo assured him.
“Great,” Frank mumbled, clearly not convinced. He reluctantly took a forkful.
A look of utter euphoria spread across Frank’s face. He turned to Leo, his eyes wide with shocked pleasure.
“Oh! Oh, Leo, this is so good!”
Leo nodded, humbly.
“No, but seriously, this is Frank-friendly?”
“And Vegan. It’s also high in protein and carbs, therefore it’s great if you wanna hit the gym. So yes, very Frank-friendly.”
“Where’d you learn to cook like this, man?”
“From my mom,” Leo said, “Though I wonder if there’s any fire abilities that come into it- I always know the exact temperature to take it off the heat. And I know what saucepans to use, what the best materials are, their properties, et cetera. That plays a big part in it.”
“Wow… just, wow, man,” Frank said, and took another forkful, “You are making me this for every meal from now on.”
“Just wait until you try my cheeseless cheese pizza.”
“Pizza!?” Frank’s face was utterly overjoyed, “I love you, Leo Valdez.”
Leo was a little flustered at the confession, although Frank obviously meant it as a joke.
“No, but seriously. Marry me. Live with me forever and just cook me food, the whole time. Be my stereotypical kitchen wife,” As if to emphasise the point, he clambered off his chair and got down on one knee. Leo was barely taller than him in his lowered state, but the gesture was obvious.
“Frank!” Hazel cried, incredulously.
“Sorry, honey, but you don’t understand,” Frank said, turning to Hazel, “It’s so hard to find good food I can actually eat. I love you, but I have no choice but to leave you for Leo.”
Hazel sighed in mock-resolve, “I completely understand, Frank.”
“You do?”
Hazel put the back of her hand to her forehead in a dramatic faint, “Now go. Be with him.”
Frank turned back to Leo now. They were all grinning.
“Leo Valdez, will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!” Leo cried, and leaped into Frank’s arms. Frank caught him, and Leo could tell he barely weighed a thing to the big guy.
The others cheered.
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openmindcrimecook · 5 months
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bunniis-w0rld · 5 months
a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight
why do u think omad works? cuz ur cutting out the cals from your other 2 meals and snacks. calorie deficit
keto? you get fuller on fats quicker and youre cutting out carbs. calorie deficit
vegeterian? youre cutting out fatty meats, fish, a lot of junk food that isnt vegetarian. calorie deficit
fruit based vegan? literally no fat, and all very low calorie high volume food. calorie deficit
carnivore? protein and fats are very filling, you end up eating less and cutting out lots of food groups. calorie deficit
intermittent fasting? you have less time to snack and are cutting out extra calories from that window. calorie deficit
no sugar? cutting out literally all junk food. calorie deficit
the point is, everyone out there at the moment is trying to sell you a new fad diet promising youll lose 30 lbs like magic but the truth is the only reason they work is because youre in a calorie deficit
you could eat 1000 cals of fruit or 1000 cals of mcdonalds fries a day, and youd still lose weight because youre in a deficit. thats not to say you wont feel better eating the fruit, its more filling and contains more vitamins etc. but the point is you will be in a calorie deficit and still losing weight either way
there is no magic secret trick to weight loss, there is nothing complicated about it. you eat less than you burn you will lose weight
stop buying into fads and overcomplicating things. its really that simple
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raveninrecovery · 5 months
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saint-ambrosef · 7 months
PSA: the vast majority of commercial dog food is terrible for your dog, and you cannot feed a dog a "vegan" (or vegetarian) diet.
Dogs are what is called facultative carnivores, meaning they can and will eat food that is not part of their typical, ideal diet if circumstances call for it. This is why they are often called omnivores (the line between facultative carnivores and omnivores is debated). Comparatively, obligate carnivores, like cats, cannot process non-carnivorous food at all.
This means that although the primary and default diet of domesticated dogs is other animals, dogs' digestive systems are capable of digesting other food sources like plants if a carnivorous option is not available: in other words, if they're hungry enough, they can "get by" on less ideal food sources.
Although dogs' systems can tolerate some plant material in their diet, they will not thrive on a long-term diet high in carbohydrates. This is because while dogs' pancreases do produce amylase (the enzyme that breaks down carbs), it's not nearly as much as true omnivores like humans, and can even vary quite a bit from dog-to-dog. They also don't produce cellulase at all. So a diet high in plant material for too long can be hard on their systems and lead to long-term serious health affects that will shorten their lifespan, such as early organ failure and heart disease - yes, even if they "seem great" on the day-to-day.
Ideally, a dog's diet should not be more than 15% plant material. However, the vast majority of commercial dog food is only 30% animal-derived ingredients, because 30% is the industry required minimum in order to be commercially sold. Even a lot of brands that boast about having "high animal protein" are often only hitting the 60% benchmark. Why? Because plant foods like legumes, sweet potatoes, and grains are a much, much cheaper way to "bulk up" the dog food than using 85-95% animal products. And then they artificially add in a ton of vitamins and nutrients to make them "nutritionally complete" (because plant nutrients are less bioavailable to carnivores), whereas a dog would easily get them from a diet with correctly proportioned inclusions of organs and bones.
Don't even get me started on ""vegan"" dog foods. A diet that is 100% plant based is straight up animal cruelty for a facultative carnivore like dogs and you cannot change my mind. You're literally taking years off your pet's lifespan in the name of your ideology. If you want a pet you can feed a completely plant-based diet without consequence, get a rabbit.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an easy or cheap pet, and dogs aren't an exception. I understand that feeding a dog a proper diet is an expensive venture. The best dog food you can buy at the pet store will still be below the ideal, and it will cost $$$. Just do the best you can for your circumstances. Even occasionally swapping commercial food for a little raw animal supplementation can help. Avoid kibble with legumes or potatoes.
And if you're thinking of getting a dog... I mean this gently, but you need to seriously consider whether you can actually afford to feed them. Don't get pets unless you can afford all the care they require.
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
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I actually looked into changing my diet to be more animal friendly. Finding food that is inexpensive, lasts a long time, easy to prepare, fits with in my budget, is high protein and low carb, tastes good enough that I won't get sick of it, and isn't horrendously unhealthy... it just wasn't going to happen.
My bestie is vegan. It takes a lot of time, energy, money, and willpower. I think people underestimate how difficult that willpower aspect is to overcome. When you are exhausted, fatigued, and depressed, managing a strict diet of any kind is very challenging.
I think we should all consume less meat. And I think we need to make it easier and cheaper for folks to be able to make that choice.
But I don't think shaming disabled people for eating eggs is going to help animals very much.
Also, does anyone find it odd that the only art they ever throw soup on cannot actually be harmed by soup? They never seem to attempt that on the myriad other art that doesn't have protection. If I can put on my tin foil hat for a second, I honestly wonder if some oil lobby is hiring kids to make climate activists look bad.
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