#his bad foot is supposed to be his other foot I am just stupid
solacebean · 10 months
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Small dump of Null AU designs, including Kintsugi, Tetra, Dust, Rook, Raven, and Midna
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kaaaaaaarf · 11 months
So I watched that episode of Our Flag Means Death where Ed finds the bunny and thinks it's a wolf and thought, what if Remus was a wererabbit and Sirius had no idea? Anyways, have a drabble.
Here I Am (a rabbit-hearted boy)
Hogwarts Era. 654 words. Wererabbit Remus. G.
Remus' floppy ears twitch unhappily. He had been so careful—so careful not to let his friends see the monster he becomes every full moon. He thought he was sneaky, when he made his way out of the castle before dinner—after the other boys had already left for the Great Hall, but here is Sirius, standing above him with wide eyes. He'd seen the whole thing, the whole transformation—running into the clearing before Remus could even shout at him to stop. Before his body bent and twisted violently into a monster.  Remus' tiny body shakes in fear. Finally, after an impossibly long moment, Sirius seems to come back to himself. "R—Remus? Are you—you're a werewolf?"  …I'm a what now? 
"I thought maybe you were upset about Snape ruining your Potions final when you didn’t follow us down to dinner, so I came back to find you and saw you sneak out of the castle. I decided to  follow you, but I didn't think...Oh my God. You're so...so...cute."  Remus' nose twitches in a way that he thinks sufficiently expresses his shock and distaste. He’s not cute. He’s fearsome! An abomination! Sirius, unafraid, crouches down and strokes a gentle hand over the tawny fur on his back.  Okay, well Remus doesn't hate that.  Sirius scratches behind one floppy ear, and it makes Remus’ back foot twitch. Sirius smiles. "Are you a friend, wolf? Merlin, wait til I tell James about this! Our Moony—a real bloody werewolf!" and then as quickly as he’d appeared, he's gone, running off back toward the castle. It's just as well, Remus is dangerous like this. As much as he would love some company on the moons, one bite is all it would take and he could turn Sirius, too. He couldn't live with himself. Remus has just finished snacking on some grass, and is just about to hop into the underbrush to play chase with the rabbits of the Forest, when Sirius comes running back, this time with James in tow. Great. "See James! That's Remus, he's a werewolf!"  James, who is bent over trying to catch his breath, looks up at him like he's stupid. "That's a rabbit, Sirius." "No...I saw him transform—that’s Remus. He's a werewolf." "At best that's a wererabbit." He looks down at Remus, his face twisted in thought. "Sorry Remus, just a sec. Sirius—" he looks back up at the other boy, pinching the bridge of his nose. “—have you ever actually seen a rabbit before?" "Well, not precisely...Grimmauld is in the middle of London, not exactly teeming with rabbits and the like." "Babbity Rabbity? Surely you've read Babbity Rabbity at least." "I'm pretty sure Babbity Rabbity would never make it into the Black family library. Not macabre enough." James sighs. "Okay well, I’m telling you that's a rabbit." James points down at him, and Remus twitches his nose, hoping it conveys how tired he is.  Sirius stomps his feet, insistent. “But his last name is Lupin, not Lapin! He's Wolfie McWolf, not Bunny McRabbit!” “I’m pretty sure his name has nothing to do with which were-animal decided to take a chunk out of him, Sirius!” Remus tries to hop away while they’re fighting, but Sirius spots him and scoops him up into his arms. “Oh no you don’t! Come on Remus, I’ll sneak you back into the castle—get you something to munch on. What do rabbits eat, anyway? Hay? Flowers?”  Human flesh.  “They eat grass and, like, carrots. Good call though, better get him inside before an actual wolf spots him. Come on, Remus.” And that’s how Remus finds himself, a few hours later, in a soft bed, snuggled under the covers with Sirius’ hand gently resting on his furry back. He supposes being found out isn’t so bad, and if he wakes up in the morning—human again, Sirius spooning against his back, he thinks that might actually be even better.
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🥺 hi. I get so anxious asking for requests. So I’m sorry if it’s weird. But could I please please Pleaseee get a ghost x fem reader. Hurt to comfort. They were on a mission and she’s there for medic help. Not even to fight. But she got taken by the bad guys. And she gets tortured for information that she doesn’t have. And they play mind games with her. Making her think that they will never come rescue her. They really fully break her body and break her mind by the end of it. But before she thinks she’s about to finally die, Ghost and the others come and save her. And it’s about how the only person she feels safe with after all that is ghost and just him helping her heal and get back to the woman she was before all this. I want it to hurt my soul. 😭 but then there’s hope at the end of it bc they have each other.
My Heart Will Go On
Don't be, I love when people ask me things, and I looooved this request so much!!! I too like to torturehave fun with my OC's :)
TW: Blood, torture, manipulation
Pairing: GhostxReader
Part 2
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen at all, actually. It was just another mission, another day on the job. You went out with the boys as usual, their assigned medic as theyghost refused to work with anybody else. You weren’t sure why. Maybe it was your soft demeanor, your gentle touch, the way you never judged himthem for anything hethey did. But whatever it was, they liked you, and so with them you went.
You hung back at the evac point, also as usual. Sitting in the truck, first aid kit on your lap, a comm in your ear as you listened to your boys and made sure they were all okay. It was a tense fight, gunshots and pained grunting filling your headset. You were on edge, rocking back and forth as you listened for your que to come in. In fact, you were so focused on the comms that you didn’t even notice the danger you were in until it was too late.
Your first cue something was wrong was when the comms went silent. The sounds of battle filled your ears for hours before getting cut off abruptly. Your hand shot to the comm link, fiddling with it as you frantically tried to reconnect, worried something was wrong.
“Ghost, do you copy?”
“Can you hear me??” Your voice got more and more panicked as you got no response. You yanked the headset off and shrugged your vest on, kit in hand as you slid out of the truck.
Your second clue something was wrong was when you looked up to see the barrel of a gun pointed directly at your face. You didn't even have time to ask ‘what’ before everything went dark.
“Hello, princesa.” You blink hard as the blindfold is removed from your eyes. The light is blinding, the splitting headache you got from being pistol whipped only intensifying under the harsh lights.
“Who are you?” You manage after a moment, eyes slowly focusing on the man in front of you. He is large, easily over six foot, and built like an absolute unit. His face is covered by a black balaclava, though his scarred, tattooed forearms are on display.
“Don’t play stupid with me.” His voice is deep and smooth, and if you weren’t in the situation you are in you would have asked him to keep talking.
“‘M not! I don't-"
“Don’t lie to me Princesa. I don’t like liars.” A shiver runs down your spine as his tone darkens.
“But I’m-”
“Ah ah lovie, I am one asking questions here.”
“I wasn’t ask-”
“SHUT UP!” You flinch back at the drastic change in tone, the sound sending bolts of pain through your skull.
“Oh sorry Princesa, did that hurt?” Seriously, you are going to get whiplash from his bi-polar personality, “Forgot you have concussion. Let's get you Advil for that and then we see if you talk, yeah?"
You watch with blurry vision as he leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him. The sound sends waves of agony through your pounding head, and by the time you can focus again he's back.
All it takes is one well placed blow to the head, an attempt to get you to pay attention, and you're out like a light.
“I don’t know anything I swear! Please! I don't know anything!” The sobs tear raggedly out of your throat, already raw from screaming. Your voice is scratchy and broken, but still you can't stop begging.
“I don’t know anything” You sob. Those words, I don’t know, had become your motto over the past few daysweeks(?)
“Oh Princesa. I know.” He croons, running a finger down your bruised face.
Time was meaningless. Has it been 2 days since you were captured? Two weeks? Months? You don’t know. Your meals come at staggered times, and your captors never come at a routine time. The lights turn on and off at staggered times, nothing in a set pattern, a system created to mess with your mind.
Not that you know that. This wasn’t the kind of life you lived. You were a medic for heaven's sake. Your hands had been built to mend, to fix, to heal. Not to clutch at broken bones, to scratch against cement, to be chained and broken. You arewere a gentle creature, not designed for this world of torture and terror.
"They no come for you." You moan as the words pound through your skull, nearly unintelligible.
"Wh'...y'say?" You mumble, voice scratchy and broken.
"You're friends, Princesa. They are no coming for you." He sighs and moves next you, prodding your side with his steel-toed boot, "You are replaceable, your skills are easily replicated, they no spend time and resources to find a simple medic."
"They…'ll c'me." You wheeze, refusing to belive that Price, that Gaz, that Soap, that Ghost, would just...leave you.
He laughs in response, digging his toe into your side until your gasping in pain.
"We shall see, Princesa. We shall see."
You weren’t built for this. Weren’t built to recognize the manipulation, the mind games. Weren’t built to survive the two-face man who was reshaping your brain. The man who was your greatest source of pain, but also your only friend. The man that flayed your flesh open, but soothed and bandaged you when it was all over. This man, who was slowly becoming the only thing you could trust in your unstable world. He may bring you unbearable pain, but he brought you comfort too.
"That looks bad, Princesa." The man lightly touches the bones sticking out of your forearm. You whine in pain, clutching it to your chest. He chuckles, wiping your blood off on the cell floor.
"Let's get that fixed up, yeah?" His voice is soft, and gentle, and the nicest thing you've heard in a loooong time. His touch is the same, gentle caresses of bruised and broken skin, revolting and appealing at the same time.
Oh, it's utter agony as he sets and stitches your arm with no pain killers. You scream, back arching, lungs heaving, body seizing.
But after? Oh it's heaven. He holds you, cradling you against his warm body, making sure you don't go into shock, telling you you're a good girl, and that you've made him proud. You hate yourself for it, but you can't help but preen at the praise.
He brings you a calendar. One month. It’s been one month since you got taken.
“It’s been over a month.” He says, a deep voice tinged with pity, “and no sign of your…friends. I’d give up being rescued if I were you, because they clearly have.” You can barely hear him as you stare at the paper in his hands, 31 days marked off with big, bright X’s. 31 days that you have been trapped here. 31 days that your squad…hadn’t come for you. Is he right? Are they really not coming? Did Ghost really give up on you? Are you-
“Ay Princesa, I even did what you asked. I sent your squad pictures and videos that even the greenest tech member could pull some coordinates from, but nothing. It’s like I said. Your ‘friends’ don’t care for you. They are not coming for you. I am your only friend in this place. Tell me, who bandages your wounds, who feeds you, who makes sure your living space is comfortable?”
“Y-you do.” You whisper uncertainty, “But…you also hurt me, don’t you?”
“Oh Princesa, I wouldn’t hurt ya if y’ would just listen. It not torture if you're disobedient. It's just…punishment.” His voice is sickeningly sweet, “And you just back-talked me. Do you remember what happens when you try to give me sass?”
"I get…punished." You mumble, cheeks flushing with shame.
"Obviously, you fucking idiot. I mean how."
"I…you…I have to do affirmations."
"Look at that, y'r gettin' it!"
"Say it again." He snarls. You sit in front of a mirror, face bruised, bleeding, and swollen.
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends…'re n-no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'v'ble…I 'm r'pl'c'…able." You whisper for the hundredth time.
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends 're no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'vable, I 'm r'pl'c'…able."
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends 're no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'vable, I 'm r'pl'c'…able."
He makes you keep going, repeating those 4 sentences until you literally can't make sound anymore, a fact he tests by seeing how much it takes to get you to scream. You pass out before he gets anywhere.
"Why are you not coming for me?"
just FYI if the timing seems disjointed and the speech is wierd, that is intentiweird,
anyways I hope you liked it!!!!
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tastesousweet · 5 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (ix) - pt 1 pt 2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : heated arguments and laundry days
warnings : ANGSTY!!!, mentions of alcohol and weed, sort of proofread
mickey speaks : thank you for bearing with me!!!! SHES BACK AND ILL HAVE PT 10 OUT TOMMORROW everyone cheered.
THE music and crowd are just as rowdy as they were when the night began despite it being close to three in the morning, though the two of you only have heard muffles of it from behind matt's door.
he places a yellow card down while shaking his head in defeat, "go ahead."
you shyly smile as you place the colorful 'draw four' card on top of his, "uno out!"
you giggle when matt's head to falls into his elbow and his body collapses dramatically after losing for the third time now. "this game's fuckin' stupid, i didn't even wanna win anyway." he speaks through a roughness in his voice, smirk taking up his face as he moves his body away from the cards and towards the head of the bed.
you suck and nibble at your bottom lip as you shuffle the cards out of the way, mumbling, "mhm, of course you didn't."
he lays with an arm behind his head and slowly grows frustrated at your need to neatly place the uno cards back in the box (though your movements aren’t all that organized with the alcohol and weed in your system), “stop worrying about that and come here.” he blinks softly and childishly uses his foot to spill the open box of cards out of your hands, causing a good amount to scatter across his bed.
you finally look at him, with his silver chain proudly twinkling against his bare chest and his face that isn’t hiding his overwhelming high. “seriously?” you sigh, “now i’m gonna take longer, stupid.” you tease as you gather the cards again.
you can't help but notice his need for your attention is uncharacteristically high right now.
though matt abandoned you first- moving to the highest part of his bed without warning or inviting you -he’s starting to feel as if he was the one abandoned by you.
matt groans loudly in response, “come hereee. who cares about some fuckin’ cards?” he then lowers his voice to a grumble that he secretly hopes your perfect ears don’t catch, “‘s my birthday and i want you next to me.”
you smile to yourself and place the sleek closed package of cards off to the side of the bed, crawling towards matt. “oh really? i almost forgot?” you finally reach him and hover over his torso with your own.
your smile is relaxed and your teeth peek just the slightest bit from between your full lips in a way that drives matt a little crazy.
“yeah, i’m actually supposed to be hosting a party right now…” his hand absentmindedly finds the end of the shirt, he'd offered you after a second round of sex, and feels over the soft, familiar material.
your eyes widen as you let out a breath, “shit, am i distracting you?”
matt’s lips downturn as he shakes his head dismissively, “no…” his puffy eyes scan over you and he shrugs, “you’re perfect.” he whispers.
you dismiss him with a playful roll of your eyes and head shake- mostly to guard yourself, you wouldn’t want to cherish something matt only passively comments.
he notices you move away slightly and grips the bottom of the shirt to keep you close, “what’cha shakin’ your head for?” his face paints a look of true emotion- only you can’t quite place which.
“you’re funny,” you reply and take hold of his hand, tracing the outline of a deep vein that leads to his wrist- with thick curls of cursive tattooed across the skin reading: ‘seek divinity.’
“why am i funny?” he questions, watching as you move his hand to the highest part of your smooth neck.
he squeezes once and rubs the area, waiting for your response. “sorry- you just make me feel funny.” you correct, bringing your face closer to his.
matt wets his lips, “is that a bad thing?” his eyes squint as he stares at you in confusion.
you honestly just want to kiss him and make him forget you ever exposed any part of your feelings. “i don’t know,” you look at his lips and move closer to messily capture them between your own.
matt easily falls compliant when kissing you, frequently pulsing his hand around your throat to keep your attention.
when the two of you finally pull away his hands feel up your side and you wipe his mouth with your thumb before adjusting your body to lay against his chest.
matt rubs the plush of your hip hypnotically, “thanks for all of my gifts, by the way. you had me feelin’ so fuckin’ spoiled.” you can hear the uncontrollable smile in his tone. and you’re right, his drunken brain can’t help but smile in remembrance of your sweetness.
he hates himself a little for even wondering how much spoiling you’d do for a boyfriend, especially if you treated someone as one-note as matt this way.
you breathe in the remaining musk of matt's cologne and continue to draw swirls and never ending lines across his pale chest, “mm, you really liked it?" you know his answer but want to hear the validation nonetheless.
“of course i did, what the fuck? i got titty pics, my favorite cake made, and then some skimpy panties to fuck you in all for me? i’d say i liked every part of it.” you tilt your head up to face him as his smooth voice vulgarly shares his gratitude with you.
you smirk as much as you can with a face squished against his chest, and you want to hear him confirm it again when you probe, “really?”
he breathes before continuing, “yeah. even though i already knew you’d make us cakes.”
“are you calling me predictable?” you hum.
“no, but you’re not very slick. you fully asked me about my favorite cake flavor right after we came, like a week ago?”
“‘right after’ is exaggerating, matt.”
“i barely had my dick out of you and you went,” he adjusts your face to look at him as he holds your cheek and dramatically bats his eyes, “‘mmmm…matt that was soooo good. you’re amazing,’” you roll your eyes at his made-up fantasy. his thumb continues caressing your while pitching his voice up with a whine, “‘and what was your favorite flavor of cake again?’”
you deadpan, “okay, so now we’re just making shit up?”
“i was pretty damn close!” he has a faux look of shock on his face.
“shut up,” you laugh and remove your face from his hold to lay on him once more.
silence falls over the two of you as his hand inches further down your hip to palm at the curve of your ass. "i'll have to let danielle know you liked the embroidery."
matt's face screws up while he stares at the ceiling, "who the fuck is danielle?"
"she's a friend from school... i saw her a few weeks ago because she came into the bakery. we went out for my lunch break and-"
matt pauses from repeatedly saying "mhm" to tease you, "oh, so you were telling her all about me?"
"you wish. she was a fashion major and told me about all of the sewing and embroidery machines she uses to run her small business. so... i asked if i could pay for a commission."
"mmm, wow. possibly your sexiest idea yet," he feels your face shift to glance up at him and returns the contact, "you'll definitely have to tell danielle i say thank you." his eyes drop to your lips then back to your eyes.
you take the opportunity to lean closer to his mouth, which he willingly welcomes with a deep kiss; the most addicting part about kissing matt is the sensualness he adds with his slowed movements. it's so attractive that you almost grow resentful- because how could you not develop feelings for someone who is so deceptively careful with you?
matt pulls you closer and brings your body to lay directly on top of him, without giving your lips a second apart. the kiss never dies- with the amount of heavy petting and tongue involved the two of you can't help but work each other up.
only matt's lips now curl and he pulls away to give out an entertained giggle. your eyes question him and your lips don't know whether to mimic his or lean into a pout, "what?"
matt breathes in deeply through his nose and chuckles through his words, "nothing," he shakes his head, "just, like, crazy to me how you were for real dancin' on those dudes and shit all while you had my initial right where they wanted to be..." he runs his tongue over his front teeth.
your immediate reaction is to roll your eyes, typical ego-centric matt. he only replies with a mocking roll of his eyes as he smirks into another kiss. only now his lips make you feel disturbed- not attracted or comfortable -just sick.
so you pull away from him, "but what's so crazy and hilarious about that, matt?"
he shrugs, "i don't know," he laughs, "just nice to know at the end of the day i'm the one gettin' you."
you would swoon, if he hadn't already pissed you off beforehand with his competitive "claim" over you. yet at the same time you feel small and belittled- just like you did sat next to the blazing firepit with matt stood over you solely to rely a pathetic message to lucas. to say you're insulted is less than.
he can read your stiff body language easily, "sunny, look- 's not serious i'm just sayin' it's ironic that you have all these guys droolin' over you all while you knew you'd be in bed with me by the looks of your underwear." he says it with a smile which only makes your stomach hurt.
you pinch your eyes shut, "feels like your slut shaming me or something and that's, like, really low and fucked up, matt. i wasn't grinding on anyone tonight and even if i was, why should it matter to you?"
matt's playfulness seems to never end as he slowly and sarcastically nods his head, "'kay... so that must've been some other small-dress-wearing girl rockin' hips with lucas earlier."
"oh, fuck you." you begin to move from your place on his lap, wanting to leave before your fogged brain makes you too emotional.
"come here, where are you going?"
"anywhere but here," you mumble while searching for your phone in the dim lighting.
he throws his head back to rest against his headboard, "oh my god, i wouldn’t have said anything if i knew you’d be so serious about it, sunny."
"how else was i supposed to react, dickhead?"
"i don’t know right now but can you just come back? i’m cold now," his hand rubs over his chest while he eyes you.
"no, you can freeze. i should probably get out of here," your voice wavers a little due to your frustration.
you scurrying around his room is making his head start to hurt, "what are you looking for, huh? and i thought you were staying the night?"
your reply is snipped, "my phone." you begin to move his comforter around.
"it's right here," he grabs it from underneath a pillow next to him. but before he places it in your open palm he spares a glance at the bright screen earning an amused grin from him that you'd understand when seeing the two messages from lucas displayed on your lock screen.
"don't even start," you warn and matt only laughs harder.
"wow, he wants you so fuckin' bad. guy can't take a hint." he tsks to himself.
your tongue pokes into your cheek in irritation, "you're ridiculous, matt. truly. at least lucas cares enough to listen to me and do fun things like dance with me."
matt's unseriousness actually begins to die and there's a sharpness in his voice that you haven't received before, "listen to you? sweetheart, i listen to you run your mouth anytime we're around each other and you know that. we just sat and talked for an hour and a half so please don't tell me someone else 'listens to you' more. it's pretty hard not to."
your lips slowly pull into your mouth and you grip your phone harder, "clearly i hit a nerve..." you back away and go to pick your dress off of the ground, "you need to go to sleep or something. you're getting really mean, matt."
he rubs his hands over his face harshly, "okay, i didn’t mean to come off that way."
"whatever," you dismiss, taking his shirt off of your figure and replacing it with your tight dress. you reluctantly come closer to him and when he looks up at your face you turn around, "can you zip this so i can get the fuck out of here, please?"
"sure," he sighs and runs the zipper up your spine easily.
you lick your lips and don't even bother to look back at him as you gather your shoes and head towards the door.
you stop and glace behind you to see him lying in the same position with a hand combing through his tussled hair, "what, matt?"
"like, are we not doin' this anymore...? is this just a right now issue or-?"
you throw your head back. his head is stuck on whether you'd still fuck him after this? really?
"hold on, i'm sorry, let's clear things up..." you let out an annoyed breath and turn to face him. "we aren't and never were exclusively seeing each other, correct?"
he's utterly confused by what ever point you're trying to make now, "no, we're not exclusive."
"right. so," the way you talk with your hands makes the calmness of your voice scarily condescending, "back to our initial topic... why the fuck do you have something to say about me and what i do outside of my direct relation to you?"
"because it's with my friend, who i've made clear to be off limits. that's disrespect," matt's mouth is in a straight line and his face completely sobered.
"and erin?! what the fuck is that?" matt sighs loudly and goes to cut you off, only for you to jump in a little louder now, "but because i don't threaten her and bully her out of simply speaking with you, she's not off limits?!"
matt has lost any since of a high he was once having. he's left pissed- not only because you're pissed at him but also because he's remembering exactly why he avoided you in the first place. his voice grows loud as he finally gets up from his bed, "y/n, you fucked me after erin was already interested in me! so what does that say about you?! you're really erin's friend? you believe that? sure." he shakes his head in disbelief.
you want to rip his perfect face off, "and what does that say about you?! that you're a slut? you're trying out two berries from the same bush, so fuck you. i'm done, actually. erin can have your sorry ass, leftovers go bad after a few days anyway." you turn to truly leave this time, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
but before you make it far matt delivers his thoughts in a heated speech, "yeah, okay, fuck you, y/n! go fuck around with someone who wants to dance around with you, like lucas or one of my other friends! i know you like the ones closest to me."
he's gotten close enough that he can see your eyes are glossed over as you whisper, "i hate you, matt" through your quivering mouth. his expression is tight and he ignores your pitiful demeanor in favor of opening his door and slamming it shut as soon as you're out.
"good morning, brothers!" chris hollers as he walks into the trashed home from the garage. he places his keys into a dish on top of a table near the door (that now has old lollipop sticks and lost earrings found after the party had ended), and greets the two zombified versions of his brothers once more, "i said 'good morning brothers!'"
"chris, we heard you, now i'm gonna need you to turn that down a million notches." nick glances at him from the side before pouring milk in his bowl of cereal.
chris takes a seat next to nick at the dining room table and begins to peel the last orange from the centered fruit bowl, "do you feel twenty three?"
"no, i feel hungover and like i want you to be quiet," nick's voice is croaky as he takes another bite of his cereal and wordlessly scrolls on his phone.
"so enthusiastic." he rolls his eyes and takes a slice of orange into his mouth, "matt get in here, i can hear you doin' laundry!"
there's a slam of the dryer door and tussled noise before matt appears in the kitchen, "kid, yell again. i dare you."
"'i dare you,'" chris mocks, "no way a hangover's got you actin' this bitchy. it's the day after our birthday guys!"
"uh huh," matt grabs a bottle of water from the bare fridge, "where'd you just come from?"
chris continues to stuff his mouth with orange slices, "had to take andrea and y/n home; drea has work today."
"oh my god, speaking of-" nick places his phone down to debrief his brothers, "tell me why y/n fucking comes up to me last night- like close to the end of the party. like, i'm ready to either fuck jack or go to sleep my damn self, and she's cryin' and her hair's a mess and she's just like 'can i go to your room?' and obviously i'm terrified-" he takes a break to slurp more cereal.
"and you took her to your room?" chris questions.
"well of course i did. but i'm terrified for her and she just keeps telling me 'don't worry, i'm just being dramatic.' and obviously this morning i didn't get to talk to her so i'm worried."
matt keeps to himself, biting on his lip and twisting the cap to his water bottle on and off.
"well, she seemed okay in the car. like, she was quiet but i assumed it was after-party-recovery, you know."
"weird," is all matt adds before walking out of the kitchen and to his bedroom to go back to sleep.
you took a burning hot shower when you got home.
you let the water slap at your skin and leave it aching and numb. you felt embarrassed at the sight of your body and the deep hickeys you allowed matt to scatter wherever he wished the night before. you took out the contacts that you slept in and threw them in the trash. your eyes felt itchy and you wanted to cry.
you swaddled yourself in an old college crewneck and tiny bloomer shorts for comfort. you wore your chunky, oversized glasses as you poured orange juice into a mug. only to actually cry out of frustration when remembering you hadn't brushed your teeth yet.
your tears mixed with the toothpaste in the sink. you were grateful andrea wasn't there to pity you. and you whispered to figaro that he couldn't tell anyone that you were this shaken up over a man.
you poured the rest of the orange juice down the sink. you didn't want to wait for the mint in your breath to leave.
you texted your parents to feel something; a simple "hi."
and you eventually opened your laptop and began searching for jobs that align with your biology major. that got overwhelming quickly. so you took a break and started a season of love island.
you fell asleep two episodes in.
"no way his ass is still asleep," nathan laughs and approaches matt's door, knocking a few times, "dude! it's nate, come out here!"
unexpectedly the door opens, revealing matt in nothing but his plaid pajama pants. "yeah? what's up, man?" he steps out and daps him up smoothly.
"it's alive!" chris cackles from the couch.
nate shakes his head, "we were gonna go out to eat somewhere. they wanted to leave you but you know i had to check with you first."
"uh... sure i'll come too. i'm actually starving." matt smirks.
"wait matt, do you know where that one shirt of mine is- it's white and has like red on it and those words on the back...?" chris approaches to ask.
"you're lucky i just washed it otherwise i'd lose my mind over that bland ass description. should be in the dryer." matt suggests before leaving to go change in his room.
"cool, i'll grab it when you're fully ready so it's fresh."
matt calmly adjusts his silver chain the correct way around his neck, standing in the kitchen, when chris comes around the corner with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"what...?" nick looks at him confused and wanting nothing more than to leave the house.
"ummm... just found out that matt actually pulls and i'm shocked at how i discovered." he giggles to himself incessantly.
"what are you talking about?" matt's face twists.
"you got some girl underwear with your initial on it? you're a real ass freak!" chris bursts out laughing.
"what?!" nick asks, horrified and nathan barks out a laugh.
"the fuck are you talking about chris? why're you goin' through shit that isn't yours?" matt runs a hand over his face.
"did not know erin got down like that," nate breathes through his laugh.
"guess what? it's not our business and i would prefer to not make it my business at all actually!" nick raises his hands defensively.
"great, thank you nick! let's go now, i need a fuckin' drink or something." matt redirects.
chris can't help himself, "i'm sure you do you dirty motherfucker!"
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anxresi · 2 months
She's already been punished enough...
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...By being part of one the worst shows of all time, dufus.
A few points here, in the order of the OP presented their dubious 'case' (though I suspect this isn't actually how they feel and this is a somewhat disingenuous attempt was to provoke a reaction from a lot of others when they sent this to Reddit, in which case... JOB DONE).
1. Bullying, as bad as it can be, is not a jailable offence. especially the relative mild incidences we've seen in the show (up till S4 that is, which we'll get to later) Next.
2. As every right-minded person knows, this is 'New Chloe' e.g Chloe specifically created by Mr Astruc for the S3 finale onwards which bears no relation to 'Old Chloe'. 'Old Chloe' actually had personality, layers, humanity, humour, was a great super-anti-hero, the stirrings of redemption in her.... 'New Chloe' is just an out-and-out psychopath with no depth to her whatsoever apart from to be as ineptly evil as possible and increasingly embarrass herself with every tortuous appearance so Thomas can get his sick jollies, so this doesn't count. Sorry.
3. See: 2. Also, Zoe shouldn't exist... so, there's that. If you want to know why, please see my other posts... as I am saving up all my ire for something far more important as you'll find out below...
4. Now this is the one that REALLY boils my piss. How can I put this politely... Fuck off, you fucking cunt. Chloe's fucking father ENABLED her fucking behavior for fucking years by fucking throwing his money at the fucking problem instead of paying for the fucking psychological help she clearly fucking well needed and fucking IGNORED everything when her fucking mother regularly left Chloe alone, told her she was fucking worthless, didn't bother celebrating her fucking birthdays, forgot her fucking name time and time again...
I could go on. And you're telling me Andre is the FUCKING victim instead of Chloe, this FUCKING corrupt mayor. this FUCKING waste of space, this FUCKING pathetic excuse of a man who as her FUCKING FATHER could've put his FUCKING foot down at any FUCKING time and simply said "No?" What kind of a fucking 'mature' adult is he, anyway?! I suppose the OP also thinks fucking Gabriel deserved his fucking statue as well, in fact they should've hung fucking garlands of flowers from it whilst someone played fucking panpipes and everybody else fucking danced around. Fuck you.
Also worth noting here that Chloe fucking ADORED her father until the exceedingly unwelcome S4 'reboot' where she suddenly saw him as a fucking walking piggy bank (I won't even mention how they purposefully ruined her relations with Adrien, Sabrina, even her own butler... Chloe can't have any happiness in her life. It simply ISN'T ALLOWED).
Then they have the cheek to let his daughter be 'disowned' by him in the S5 finale and banished to London as if he fucking did nothing wrong in facilitating her attitude whilst failing to defend her against her despicable mother's abuse. (Yes, I said ABUSE I know the creator doesn't view it as such, but he's a fucking moron so what can you do?) Bullshit. Complete and utter undiluted diarrhea dripping from a bull's anal sac... that's what this is. I hope I painted an accurate picture for all of you. Sorry if you were eating.
So, it was supposably a happy ending that Andre got to fucking adopt another man's child without any reprecussions for his past actions, as he embarked on his new career as a fucking film director. What? You think that wasn't ENOUGH punishment for Chloe, OP? You think she should go to fucking jail as well, for DARING to be a child victim of incessant abuse, both in-canon and in-writing? I never thought I'd meet a person who's more radicalised in their blind hatred of Chloe than fucking Mr Astruc, but here we are. I tell you, some people on this exploding planet of ours scare me. Legit.
5. See 2 again. This huge disparity in writing between the two Chloes is getting stupid now, and anyone who can't see the contrast between now and then... I really can't help you. Either take off your Chloe-hating goggles to smell the coffee, or go read someone that agrees with you 100% and won't pop your tiny safe-space bubble with indisputable facts. Goodbye.
6. I think Chloe is more 14... but it doesn't really matter. Still a child, still should be treated as one. Which makes Astruc's obsessive loathing of her even more disturbing... and even more so this dude's.
That's it. This was probably an entirely unnecessary pot-pourri of hot topics I've regurgitated before, but as soon as I saw this article (particularly Pic 4) I just had to jump on my soapbox once more to regale the world about the kind of arrant nonsense I see about Chloe sometimes online, particularly regarding the subject of parental abuse and whether her treatment by the show's narrative was justified (SPOILER: It wasn't, and if you disagree I need you to fuck off RIGHT NOW).
Because if people like me don't defend her and the terrible writing she's been subjected to for the last few seasons (at least she's in good company there though), who will?
Not the person who made her, that's for sure. She may be a fictional character but... I get the feel her situation is similar to a lot of other neglected and mistreated kids out there who lash out at others for obvious reasons. And by handling her arc (if you can even call it that) in this inexcusable way... I don't just think the show has just done her a disservice. I think they've outright destroyed her and the hopes of many others watching.
What a great message to send to every youngster who could relate. I hope the makers are proud of themselves. Fucking idiots.
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The Wrong One 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Raymond Smith
Summary: You get caught up in the double lives of your employers.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The men leave you as the last of the sedation wears off. You languish as the worst possibilities swim through your head. You don’t know what’s going on but you know they’re dangerous. This is the sort of mix-up you can’t just laugh off. It’s not like you got the wrong drink at the cafe, this is very, very real.
You curl your fingers, only halfway as the numbness creeps up each digit. You shift in the chair, your tailbone aching from the barely cushioned seat. Your knees are no better your bound ankles keep them at an awkward bend.
You lean your head back and groan. Your efforts to breathe out the shadow of panic only sparks it. You feel a sudden surge of terror. You’re going to die here. All because those men made the wrong choice.
No! What did they even want with Mrs. Malfort? How on earth could she be mixed up with the likes of them? She’s tall and pretty and sophisticated. Her hair is always just so and her outfits are always carefully coordinated. Her and her husband are the very picture of upper class. These men are criminals at best.
You sit up sharply, the chair rocking. You lean forward, pulling against it. The frame creaks. Could you…
You push back again and swing forward. This is stupid. What are you doing? Even if you can get yourself free of the duct tape, you doubt you’ll get past these walls.
You rock again. You’re not thinking, your adrenaline is drowning out any sense. Back, front, back front. The chair falls backwards and you curl your chin down to keep from smashing your head. Great, the chair is still intact and you’re just on the floor.
You whine and let your head loll to the side. This is absurd. You really can’t accept that it’s real. Your luck can’t be that bad.
Click, the door opens. You whimper as the chair crushes your hands. Suddenly, the world tilts back to normal as the chair is pulled up. 
It’s him, the leader. You know him by his blue eyes. He backs up and crosses his arm as he stares at you, his mask barely concealing his agitation. You give a sheepish cringe.
“What do I do with you?” He asks.
You try to shrug but can’t. You suck in air and shake.
“Let me go? I won’t say anything–”
He puts a hand up and you snap your mouth shut. You don’t need him to tell you to be quiet. You’re too terrified.
“Rhetorical,” he growls. “You might not intend on saying anything but there are people who will find a way to make you.” He turns and paces to one side, then the other, then faces you again. “They will know…”
You nod and flick your lashes as your eyes burn. That means there’s only one option. You’ve seen the movies. You’re not dumb but you are fucking scared as shit.
You close your eyes and brace yourself. You sit like that, cheeks taut, mouth drawn. You can at least die with dignity. His tread scuffs and he sniffs.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
You open one eye, “hm? Oh, I’m getting ready.”
“For?” He reaches up to rub his chin through the mask.
He’s quiet as he cups his jaw. He clucks and exhales through his nose. He drops his arms straight and shifts his weight to one foot.
He reaches behind himself and wiggles something free from his belt. He brings the gun around and checks the chamber. You close your eyes again and squeak. You’ve never seen one up close. Your blood is ice. Your teeth chatter as you hide behind your eyelids.
Really? Isn’t your life supposed to flash before your eyes? All you see is black.
You wait. It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming–
He sighs and you hear a metallic click. You wait until you can wait no longer. You open your eyes, peeking through your lashes. He pushes his head back in exasperation. “Fuck.”
“Come on, dude, this is torture. I can’t wait any longer. I got a nervous stom–” you hold back a wretch, “a nervous tummy.” You gulp back again, “I don’t wanna die with puke in my mouth.”
“Shut up!” He waves his hand angrily, “shut up.”
You seal your lips, if only to stave off the swell of nausea. It’s getting worse. Now that it’s really sinking in. The end. Oh no, no, no!
“I’m gonna barf.”
“It’s happening.”
“I can’t–” You hold your breath, spasming as you fight the vomit bubbling in your stomach.
“Stop it,” he demands.
You nod and groan, bending your head forward as your insides clench. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he stomps across the room and grabs a plastic bag. He approaches you and holds it open. “In here. Not on the carpet.”
You lean as far forward as you can and hurl. You wretch until you have nothing left, acid searing your throat as the bagel you ate for breakfast floats in chewed chunks amidst the bile. You sit back and heave.
“Thanks,” you let the tension leave your shoulders.
“Ugh-gh-gh,” he shudders as he closes the bag, “that’s… that’s gross.”
He holds it with one hand, away from his body.
“Tastes pretty bad,” you grimace.
He shoots you a mean look and you wince. He twists the bag and ties it in a knot. He turns cautiously, as if it might break, and strides to the door. It opens and slams behind him.
You didn’t think things could get worse but the taste of puke definitely isn’t better.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 month
[There's something in my drafts I'm hardly going to finish, so I'll just leave this here.]
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Full: Option 1; Option 2
TW: Degradation; Public humiliation
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You meet behind the local mall.
The same one he first stalked you in, of course. You're a sentimental sap, after all, but it also helps you remember to not feel bad about anything you do to Patches. He's just a creep, always been one, and creeps don't deserve anything.
Certainly not when they arrive 10 minutes after the scheduled time.
You watch him meekly trudge towards you, slightly shadowed by the more secluded nature of this location. Patches has the decency to look embarrassed, rubbing his own arm and refusing to make eye contact while his old boots all but drag on the rocky ground.
He listened to your advice from last time, at least, making an effort to look more normal by wearing only his shirt and pants. Putting aside the garish shoe wear and the fucking ridiculous hat he refuses to part ways with, he could almost blend in well enough with other monsters.
This style of clothing isn't his preference, if the way he's shrinking even more into himself is any indication.
" Oh goodie, look who finally decided to show up! "
The dullahan immediately starts scratching at the bold veins on his arms, irritating the pockets of magic beneath his skin.
" I- I'm so sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to be late- It's- My... " He chokes a little. " My work... There was a- "
" Did I ask for excuses? "
Your tone is your most powerful weapon. In the flip of a switch, sugary, sardonic babying can become a bitter, chilling warning. It always seems to catch the undead's breath.
" No, ma'am... "
" You know, this happens a lot Patches. I'm starting to think that maybe you don't want to see me at all. "
The words make him panic, wide sockets peeking from his downturned hat to gouge the seriousness of your words.
" Ne- Never never! I lov- "
" Then don't waste my time. " You smile. " Are you getting cocky because I happen to find you mildly entertaining? Do you think you have a shot with any woman out there? " You speak as if you're addressing a crippled animal. " Oh, you dumb little thing, there's nothing in that head except seeds, hm? "
There's already some color around his face. " ... Yes, ma'am. "
" Good. " Your hand reaches to pet him under the chin. " Good boy, we keep our expectations in reality, don't we? We know you're just a loser, and losers don't get to waste anyone's time. That's rude, isn't it? "
Just this once, you allow him to nod instead of verbally answering.
There's a silent beat, before one stocking clad leg raises and your heel collides with his knee, sending the monster tumbling down. It wasn't a particularly strong hit, just something to make him smarten up.
Properly trained, Patches stays down, looking up at you with poorly masked anticipation.
" Well come on, dummy. " A foot taps against the ground, shiny black pumps that he bought you, with a small moon-shaped jewel on the front. They're pretty, his eyes twinkle with happiness just looking at them on your feet. " We're not going home until I feel like you're sorry enough. "
Patches knows what to do. He flattens to the ground like no more than a worm. Anyone could realistically pass by this nook and see him prostrated before some woman, slimy green tongue out to polish already spotless shoes.
Annoyed, you swat that large hat away, putting it on yourself instead.
" My hat-! "
" How am I supposed to know if you're doing a good job if I can't see you? " He looks back down, defeated. " God, you're so stupid. "
That gets him to work. The dullahan is nothing if not dedicated, quickly getting into the task. He lavishes the sides of your pumps, tongue flirting with your skin and hands twitching on concrete when you warningly 'tsk'. The length of them is peppered in carved kisses, and he pays special attention to the jewels, huffing with what you already know to be pure neediness. His drool leaves a translucent yet slightly green sheen behind, which looks almost pretty under the light.
Or maybe you're just mildly depraved.
Not as much as Patches, at least.
" What a good job you're doing down there! " You coo, the same way you would at a golden retriever that just handed you its paw. " You've always been good at this, maybe it should be your new profession, hah. "
He makes some kind of breathy mewl, now just retracing his earlier work. You figure that's enough for now.
" Okay okay, stop, I can almost forgive you. "
Patches looks back up at you. " Almost M- Ma'am? "
" Stick your tongue out. "
He does, a rather lengthy magical muscle protruding from that gourd head. You suppose, had you the means to, you'd also give yourself a rather large tongue.
" On the ground. "
The undead makes a face, lowering it as told and likely getting a nasty flavorful of whatever filth has touched the concrete before.
One heel rises, the flat end of your sole perching against his face, the pointed end swiftly descending into that exposed clapper. You make sure to grind it in, sink it, hearing his garbled cries as Patches instinctively tries to retract his tongue. He doesn't know what to do with his own head while trapped like this, the lights in his sockets blurring when tears form around the edges, painting his face.
You don't stop until he's sobbing quietly, shaking yet defeated.
" There we go. I think I can like you again. You're always so obedient... "
Your heel punctured deep enough that you kind of have to give it a shake to release the dullahan's tongue. He makes another pained whine before moving back, holding the damaged muscle as it limply hangs off his wide mouth. It's a tad dirty, but the most striking detail is the hole on top of its flat surface, oozing some kind of thick gel that you can't quite call blood.
He rises awkwardly, back still curved, trying to wipe his own summoned tongue clean before putting it back in his mouth and swallowing his own magic.
" Huh, you could almost pierce it, pumpkin. I bet that'd look good on you. "
And like the flattery-hungry loser he is, Patches smiles faintly through the pain.
Your eyes rake down and find what comes as no surprise. He's already more than hard. In a way, it's kind of better this way, not having to work at all to get him in such a shameful state. You could give Patches a look, and he'd probably begin chubbing in seconds. The problem is keeping it that way, and preventing him from getting excited enough to end things prematurely. Your new pet won't become a disappointment, surely. Not if his discipline continues.
A decently sized cock strains against the tight fabric of his pants, already forming an unsightly patch -Hah- of wetness. You've always liked one thing about him. Well, that's a lie, you enjoy lots of things about Patches. But- The way the prominent veins along his body continue into his endowment is also very pleasing. It makes you want to hurry things along, in spite of your modus operandi of grinding out the maximum potential of every second in these encounters.
" Try not to ruin your pants before we get home, okay sweetie? " You mock. " Did you bring it, by the way? "
The dullahan nods frantically, waving his hands in front of him in a specific pattern that, upon the snap of his index and middle finger, summons forth a collar.
This velvet dark green circle with intricate leaf patterns on its exterior. Two small white jewels frame the silver hoop where the chained leash in your purse attaches. You spent some time designing this beautiful adornment, more time than he deserves really, oh but it's in your nature to be a perfectionist. There were some hiccups. Particularly around the fact that dullahans are apparently frightened by gold... Your first purchase was trashed immediately, needless to say.
Last time you met, Patches had forgotten his collar. This was a grave offense to you, punishable by sharply diminishing his time with you. See, to truly punish this undead, you can't just promise him pain or ruined pleasure, he enjoys those. To upset him, to make consequences tangible, you deny him your time- And it's wonderfully effective!
Exhibit A, Patches has remembered to bring his collar today, after the previous session lasting only half an hour.
" Good boy! Perfect. See? You can learn. " He actually preens at that. " Now put it on. "
When you clip the leash to the monster, he's staring deep into your eyes, sockets pulsing heart-shaped lights as his breath becomes shallow and hot. Oh yeah, he's checking out already.
" Walk. "
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loveyouanyway · 5 months
i’ll kiss your scars
buck x eddie | 900 words | teen rating
trans buck my beloved for @steadfastsaturnsrings <3
“But y-you like men.” “Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.” Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there. “That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck." (Buck comes out to the love of his life)
read on ao3 or below
Buck, Eddie and Christopher are enjoying their dinner together in comfortable silence.
Christopher finishes his plate of spaghetti and meatballs first and now that he’s not eating, the silence feels weird so he speaks up.
“I’m not the only Christopher in my class anymore.”
Eddie hums. “Oh new student?”
“Nope. His name used to be Chloe but now it’s Christopher.”
Eddie and Buck look to each other in understanding.
“So he’s…”
“Trans. Yeah, it’s not a big deal, Dad. Now people just call me Chris and him Christopher.”
“How did people react?” Buck asks curiously.
“Everyone was cool about it. Some people had questions though so Christopher answered them. Then Mr. Nolan told everyone that he will not tolerate any transphobia or homophobia but he’s happy to tell us more about it. And if we ever have to talk to him about it, we can.”
Buck blinks back tears thinking how happy he is that in school, kids can come out and people will be supportive or at least respectful enough that they won’t say anything negative. He thinks about how bad it would be if he came out in middle school. He’s so glad Christopher has a teacher like Mr. Nolan.
He should probably tell Eddie that he’s trans. It’s been over a year since they’ve been friends. He knows Eddie will be accepting and everything but it’s still hard. He doesn’t want anything to change between them.
“Buck?” Eddie and nudges his foot with his own under the table.
“You okay?” he asks.
Buck quickly nods. “Yeah no I’m good.”
Eddie thankfully doesn’t push and instead asks what movie they should watch tonight.
They watch Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse and Buck suggests they watch the second one next movie night which Christopher enthusiastically agrees to.
Christopher gets ready for bed reluctantly and Buck reads him a chapter of Percy Jackson. Eddie watches them with a sickening fond smile.
Once the chapter’s done, he and Eddie both hug Christopher and tell him “good night” and Buck yearns for him to have this every night.
They walk into the living room and Buck plops onto the couch with a sigh.
Eddie sits down next to Buck and faces him.
“Hey, you know that you can tell me anything, right?” he says earnestly with his stupidly pretty eyes and it feels like Eddie's staring into his soul.
Buck breaks eye contact and nods. “Yeah of course, uh thanks.”
Eddie doesn’t reply as if he’s hoping Buck will say more.
“Just give me a moment.” he adds and to that Eddie hums and rests his hand on Buck’s thigh. Oh fuck. This isn’t helping his nerves.
Buck takes a deep breath. “I’m trans.”
A second passes.
“Thanks for telling me.” Eddie smiles, trying to act like he didn’t know this but Buck sees past it.
“You already knew. How?”
“I saw your testosterone gel thing in the bathroom once. I guess you forgot to put it away like you usually do,” Eddie answers softly.
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, Buck. You don’t owe me anything regarding that.”
“We’ve been best friends for months.”
“Yeah well did I come out to you as cis? No. Besides gender is fucking stupid. Am I even a man?”
Buck sighs. He supposes Eddie has a valid point.
“Uh, while we’re talking about more serious topics, I have something to tell you,” Eddie admits.
Buck doesn’t have enough time to panic before Eddie calmly says “I’m in love with you.”
Is this a fucking dream? Buck doesn’t know what to say. “I- What do you mean?”
Eddie continues, “Yeah that was one of the factors in the whole me discovering my sexuality process. Hen called me out so many times about my gay panic for you.”
“But y-you like men.”
“Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.”
Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there.
“That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck. I know how I feel about you. I love you beyond your body but I mean, I do really love your body too and I hope I can make you feel safe and comfortable with it.”
Yeah this is a fucking dream come true.
Eddie lifts up the bottom of his shirt. “Can I…”
Buck has no idea what he’s about to do but he’ll let Eddie do anything to him. That probably should be concerning but he doesn’t care.
“Yeah,” he says with a shaky breath.
Eddie gently takes Buck’s shirt (which actually belonged to Eddie originally) and looks at him with such adoration, it makes Buck want to cry.
He lowers his head and brings his lips to Buck’s top surgery scars. He softly kisses along the two lines, whispering “I love you” after each kiss.
Now Buck is crying. He is just so overwhelmed with love—both his love for Eddie and feeling so loved by Eddie. He manages to say, “I love you” back before the tears make unable to speak coherently
Of course Eddie understands and doesn’t tell him “No it’s okay don’t cry,” instead he embraces him into a hug that makes Buck feel all warm and fuzzy — like all hugs from Eddie do.
They stay there, holding each other and Buck realizes things have changed between them but in the best way possible.
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willowser · 10 months
hi hi willow!!!!!!!!!!! (<- absolutely not in pain whatsoever)....... i am just wondering if..... uh.... u have imagined a reason for the breakup yet? i'd love to know why you think bakugo would ever break up with you. heh heh. hah. :D (i am crying)
here are the things you don't know—yet, at this point in time after the breakup.
two weeks before, dynamight gets into an ugly argument with a civilian. over something stupid, probably; she's drunk and not listening to a word the hero is telling her, stumbling around in public and taking her shoes off and shoving at him when he tries to corral her from getting into another fistfight in the street.
it's just—bad. looks bad. before anything productive can happen, a few of her friends are stumbling out and screaming at him, too, for being a cocky asshole and putting their phones in his face and recording him and maybe he says something he shouldn't—not something terrible, just something that sounds extra bad when a group of young women are screaming and angry at you—and it gets blasted all over the internet.
two weeks before, dynamight gets dragged in the paper. for being a jerk. for being such an asshole. remember when he nearly collapsed that building last month, during that fight? so careless. and he's never friendly when anyone comes up to him on the street, either in uniform or not. is more likely to brush someone away than stop and take a picture. in high school he was a little brat, too, with the way he spoke to his peers and didn't know respect if it slapped him in the face.
his poor partner. must be miserable to be with him all the time. they deserve better.
and if they know how he is? and how he acts to the people he's supposed to take care of? well, they must condone that kind of behavior, no? they're okay with him acting like that in public? what kind of morals do they have, anyway?
the other thing you don't know yet is that katsuki has been working every day. two shifts, sometimes, to the point that there's little more he does than eat and sleep and be dynamight. there's no free time. if any tries to make an appearance in his schedule—he's filling it with something, anything; going hiking, working out, cooking dinner for his shithead friends, not being at home.
whatever he's doing, he's not being at home.
yes, he got rid of everything he could that belonged to you. because he couldn't stand to look at it and know you weren't going to use it in his house again. can't stand it. refuses to, actually. is only putting one foot in front of the other, every day, and not really thinking about that weird, awful weight sitting in his gut, that feels dark and terrifying. he can't think about it. he's not bad at avoiding those kind of thoughts—he's done it before and he'll do it again.
and lastly—he's a fucking idiot.
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eastbubble · 4 months
Was wondering if maybe we could get something with ghost x reader who’s outrageously terrified of thunderstorms and calls him sniffling and holding back tears asking if he can come over and then screaming as a very loud bang of thunder booms ? If not that’s okay! I love your work anyway🩷🫵
hello anon, i’m not sure if you wanted me to write this in a smutty way or just a fluffy one but i tried my best >_< i changed the story up a tad if that’s okay. thanks for the request ! <3 and sorry for disappearing ! school and sports r taking up my time. ><
you never really thought that a relationship had any benefits besides having someone to come home to, but when your relationship with simon began you had to realize that this whole idea in your head was completely wrong. he wasn’t just a person to come home to.
maybe because you two still didn’t live together. so you technically couldn’t come home to him.. but you almost lived at his place by now. he was for sure so tired of you calling him in the middle of the night, asking him to come over because of something so silly, something so stupid. spiders in the corner, ants infesting the house, no wifi, bad tv signal, or the worst (in your case); a thunderstorm.
you were listening to the sounds your phone made as you called simon with shaky hands, your finger on the red circle as you were sure he won’t pick up this time. you’ve annoyed him like this so many times before, there was no way he would be willing to help you after all of these — or so you thought. you kept a tissue to soak your tears up with close to your eyes, your vision already blurry from the crying you had done earlier.
“baby? what’s up?” his voice was tired and grumpy, it sounded like he just woke up, but you knew that couldn’t be because he never really slept before 4 am. he never did. “everything okay over there?” slight concern. the only thing you could make out of his words was some worry and that’s it. thank God that he didn’t sound like he was mad.
“si. ‘m scared.”
“huh? what is it? ‘s someone there?” he spoke through the phone. “talk to me, baby.” his voice was a little gentler once he heard your silence on the other end of the line.
you sighed almost silently, making sure he didn’t hear the sniffle that you just let out. you felt like a dumb little kid for crying over something like this, but when you heard the faint sound of a thunder bang you immediately knew that you had to speak up. you actually had someone that was worried for you, waiting for you to say something. “just this.. fucking rain and the whole, um.. the whole thing that comes with it.”
“the thunderstorm, you mean?” his feeling of relief was louder than the wind outside. it was like some kind of weight had been pushed off his shoulders. “don’t tell me it’s that again or-“
“it is. i’m sorry to disturb you.. especially at this hour, but..” you sighed softly again, feeling slightly threatened by his last sentence. you knew you had no reason to be worried or scared but the way he worded what he wanted to say sometimes sounded like he was mad at you (you were so wrong!). “could you please come over. please.” it didn’t sound like a question, just a request.
he audibly sighed. oh, he was annoyed!
“i’ll be there in 10. i suppose you’re in bed so.. stay under the blankets, okay?” what a rhetorical question. you wouldn’t survive climbing out of bed when it sounds like the world in ending outside. you couldn’t even roll the blinds down to make the thunders less visible, there was absolutely no way you would step foot outside your bed at a time like this.
and just like he promised, ten minutes later he was already entering your home with his own keys, making his way towards your bedroom as he immediately lay on top of you like a weighted blanket that was alive. he wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you close to his chest while you still lay under him, completely motionless as he was practically squeezing every last breath out of you. “si..!”
“i’m here, ‘s okay luv..” he mumbled, his voice raspy as he finally let you go. he rolled onto his back and gently scooped you up into his arms, making you fight back a bit and you two ended up in such a position where you were just laying flat on top of him. he chuckled lightly as he felt like he already succeeded — it seemed like you immediately forgot about the thunderstorm outside as soon as he arrived and grabbed you.
the rest of the night was basically the same thing on repeat. soft little movements, your bodies moving in unison everytime either you or him made the silent suggestion to shift positions. he always kept his large palms close to your ears in case a loud thunder were to interrupt the long cuddle-session. the whole thing was just about holding each other close through the whole night and not letting go.
soft little murmurs of how sleepy you are were the only things to be heard now, alongside the loud sounds of the icy rain hitting your window. well, summerime weather is weird.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 7
All right! Here's part 7. I hope you enjoy. I don't think I really have any opening notes to go over this time, so I'll just leave it there. Check out the ask game I posted yesterday if you're interested.
This week you get a bit more than usual at 1.6k words.
First, Previous
“What was that you meant about me being Jazz’s second dead boyfriend?”
Over his surprised laughter, he heard Jazz’s groan from across the hall. Yeah, he really did like Jason more than Johnny.
“One of my former rogues, Johnny 13, pretended to be human and started dating Jazz for a period. He was trying to mold her body into a vessel for his equally dead girlfriend Kitty. He had a similar bad-boy vibe to you but was actually awful. We might be cool now, but I’m still pissed he did that.”
Jason blinked at him before a slow grin took over his face. “So Jazz has a history of bad choices, does she? She always acts like she’s always had it together.”
“Oh definitely not. No child raised by our parents could have it always together.”
“Jazz refuses to talk about your parents, will you tell me what they did?”
Before Danny could answer, Jazz shouted his name. “Danny! If you’re done apologizing to Jason, start helping me explain!”
Danny rolled his eyes to Jason. “Later, I suppose. Duty calls! Come on, you’ve got to have a lot of questions, dead boyfriend number two, and yours will get priority answers.”
Jason’s surprised laugh made him grin despite the deepening glares of the other Waynes.
Surprisingly, it was Duke who blurted out a question in a high, freaked-out voice first. “Why do you have a crown?”
Danny, who’d turned and took all of one step in the direction of the dining hall, paused and turned back around. “How can you see that?” And then he realized the ground was still littered with broken glass and ceramics. “Never mind. Later. Let me clean up the broken glass and stuff first. Least I can do.”
Bruce’s hand landed heavy on his shoulder. “No. You will answer our questions now.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Yeah, no. Look, the short of it is that I died when I was fourteen because I was stupid. It didn’t take and now I’m only half dead. I have a ghost form and a human form and all the standard ghost powers. The main ones being invisibility”—he turned invisible for a moment—“intangibility”—Bruce’s hand fell through his shoulder—“and gravity manipulation.” He raised in the air until he was floating a foot above the floor. “I also have some more unique powers, such as ice.” With a wave of his hand, ice grew around the shards of glass.
Alfred and Duke quickly backed away from the mess, but once every piece of broken china was encased, the ice stopped growing.
“So, if you’ll just tell me where I can dispose of the shards, I’ll be happy to do it. And this way no one has to be at risk of hurting themselves cleaning broken glass. Plus I got up all the fine powder, too. No little bits that can barely be seen but will fuck up your vacuum cleaner.”
“A handy skill,” said Alfred before anyone else could speak. “I will lead you to the bins.” To the rest of the group, he said, “Jason, would you and Duke collect the desserts from the kitchen and set up the dining room? As it appears we are all allies here, there is no reason to have this conversation standing in a hallway when we could have it sitting down with good food.”
“Alfred—” started Bruce.
Only to be cut off by the butler. “Master Bruce, I will be quite safe with the young man, I am sure of it. Jason’s… ghost has explained a few things already.” Only the slight pause before the word ghost betrayed that the man wasn’t entirely at ease.
Tim stepped forward. “Let me come with you both, Alfred?”
With a put upon sigh, the man agreed. “Very well, Master Tim, if you must. Mr. Danny, please follow me.”
“Yes, sir.” Danny followed obediently, the ice floating along behind him with barely a thought.
“You don’t need to make any sort of gesture to control the ice?” asked Tim.
Danny shook his head. “Nah. It’s my ice. It’ll do what I want it to. Most ghost powers are based on thought and emotion, honestly.” They took another turn. His castle didn’t even have this many hallways.
“So when you said the ghosts in Amity, you meant that literally.” Tim acted like it was a revelation.
“Of course I did. Shortly after my accident, ghosts started attacking on a regular basis. Took years for me to get things under control and by that point I’d already failed out of high school.”
“But if it was so hard… why didn’t you call the Justice League?”
Danny threw back his head and gave a hysterical laugh. “And then have to fight an overshadowed Superman? Or, worse yet, speedster? No. No thank you. Never. A representative of Justice League Dark stopped by about six or eight months after I got my powers and I told him to keep everyone out of my haunt. He gave me a phone number in case I came across something I couldn’t handle. But I kept being able to handle it, so I never used the number.”
“Overshadowed?” asked Alfred, “I do not believe we know that term. Ah, here we are.” He opened a door that led outside to a drive where a collection of garbage bins sat. “That container there”—he pointed—“is for glass recycling. Will the ice leave the bin filled with water?”
“Not at all. It’ll be completely gone.” Danny had the ice hover over the bin and made it disappear slowly enough that the shards were released without any falling outside the container. No water remained to show how he had transported them.
“Thank you very much, Mr. Danny. Now, overshadowing?” he asked as he held the door open for the boys to precede him inside.
“Oh, um. It’s like possession. Ghosts can take over a living being’s body. But when we do, we don’t have access to memories or knowledge or anything. And after the ghost leaves, the human just doesn’t remember anything from the time they were overshadowed.”
“And is this another of those basic ghost powers you have?” Tim’s voice was hard.
“Yes,” Danny answered simply. “It feels gross, though, and I’ve only done it a handful of times. Ever. First on my dad to get out of some school trouble, but I kept making things worse. After that on my friends and Jazz, with permission, so we could document limitations and if it hurt humans. Far as we could tell, it doesn’t.”
“You sound like a very conscientious young man. I have no doubt you use your powers responsibly.”
Danny laughed. “I screwed up more than a few times before I found ghost mentors. And ghosts are always a little chaotic, so some messing around is not only expected but encouraged.”
Alfred smiled. “I’m sure we will love hearing some of those stories as we get to know you and Ms. Jasmine better.”
“I can’t… I can’t tell you everything. There’s far too much and so much of it just doesn’t matter on Earth that it’d be pointless to go into.”
Danny saw Tim open his mouth to speak, but Alfred cut him off before he could. “I only want to know one thing: will Jason be all right?”
Danny smiled in relief. “Yes. That I can promise. I don’t know for sure how best to help him, but I’ve some ideas and I’ll consult with my doctors. They’re the leading experts in human-ghost biology.”
“Then I am glad you came tonight and were able to notice something was wrong. Thank you.”
With a shrug, Danny just said, “It’s literally my job. This is what I do.” Up ahead, he could see the doorway back to the dining room.
“If it’s your job, how much do we owe you?” asked Tim.
That question brought Danny up short. “Owe me? What are you talking about?”
“If you’re doing this for work,” said Tim as they entered the dining room, “Then you need to be paid somehow. If not by us, then how?”
“What are you lying about now, Danny?” asked Jazz, shaking her head at Tim’s question.
“Nothing! Tim asked why I’m planning on helping Jason and, besides the fact that he’s dating you and I’ll obviously help, I just said it’s literally my job. You heard his reaction to that!”
Bruce grunted. “Then I suppose you know where your explanations should begin. What is your job? A full explanation this time, please.”
“Right, yes, I can totally do that. I’m so great at explaining things.”
Jazz snickered at that statement and Danny poked her as he sat down next to her. Tim and Alfred took their seats as well.
“Now, Mr. Fenton.”
Danny winced at the name. “Don’t call me that. I’m not allowed that name anymore.”
“Danny, your job,” repeated Bruce, face expressionless.
“Right. Um… Well, I do just kinda do whatever is necessary or find someone who can. Because, um, well, I’m… kinda the High King of the Infinite Realms? There’s a bunch more titles after that but I refuse to memorize them because ugh.”
Danny looked down at his plate, not wanting to see everyone’s reactions. Jazz must’ve made sure he got a piece of pie because it sat in front of him. It looked so good. Did they even know about the Infinite Realms? Justice League Dark members did, but did Batman? Jazz reached over and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Looks like Danny found another excuse to delay the interrogation! (I honestly forgot about the broken glass before Duke spoke up and asked about the crown. But I did always plan to have Danny clean it up.)
Tag List: I'm getting posting errors, so I'll be splitting the tag list in two.
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
An office shoujo think post
so you know that post from wttmcsms? The one about having a fake ring to chase off the men, a character who doesn't notice it, and flirts with reader trying to prove he'd be the better husband:
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I came up with a slight idea for a dating sim based off of it by expanding the original concept just a tad... but I would appreciate some advice lol. It would be a super simple project with the classic neutral, bad (sort of), and good endings to help me practice the coding stuff.
The Setting: it's a simple office rom-com, nothing too deep or serious. The MC has recently decided to start wearing the ring due to some bad experiences at their previous job and is encouraged to do so by their best friend who promises to help keep up the ruse.
original concept/the flirt- same as the above described scenario with no real changes... he would be the "first route." Very shojo flirty love interest who wants to prove himself to the MC and teases them a whole lot. Pretty simple not too much drama?
the pathetic guy- Lennox... he's short and normally really self assured but for some reason he turns into a pathetic mess around the MC on his route. He's a bit of a loser when it comes to romance and constantly shooting himself in the foot to the point it is surprising how well put together he is outside of it. Similar in concept to the flirt's route except he's not a smooth operator.
the tsundere- megane ceo ikmen except she's a woman. She's the sister of your best friend and doesn't remember hearing about you getting married but what if it's true? And she's lost her chance? Because she keeps sticking her stupid foot in her mouth and making it sound like she hasn't been in love with you all this time and when she learns you aren't married that just makes it worse. Because if she flirts with you now then won't she just be like all the other people who made you uncomfortable?
My problem is I would want to add a fourth normal route but I can't settle on a good trope to model it after... the reason being I have a yandere route planned and i know that's not everyone's cup of tea lol. But tropes are difficult, so here are the potential ones I was kicking around:
let's sexualize that old man- idk middle aged salaryman who works at the company tm. The problem is I wanted to also make him a little more pathetic which is Lennox's trope. I guess we don't have a kuudere, which sort of works well for the middle aged man trope.
rivalmance- the MC is a secretary and the business they work for makes some sort of product... so I guess there could be another secretary? Maybe for the cfo of the company. I'm thinking of a rich, bratty ojou-sama. A Regina George type... except less pink and more black??? I'll be honest I am not as fond of this one might need to take it back to the drawing board.
senpai- a pretty obvious trope for this sort of set up... a mentor at the company, maybe the retiring or senior secretary who is very soft and big brotherly who is really gentle in how he expresses his concern over how little your husband seems to care for you, but not because he wishes he was him. If he says that enough maybe he'll believe it?
kohai- MC is new to the company so maybe a little bit of a timeskip where there is a new secretary who really wants to prove himself. Super big golden retriever energy with a person who desperately wants to be taken seriously but is a bit clumsy so you don't at first. He insists he loves you but everyone in the office brushes his feelings off as a crush and it's super annoying!!!! But he's got really chubby cheeks so his pouting is just too cute to listen to what he's saying.
or something idk. I want to work on the demon thirst trap idea but... I really need to practice the code to do that well so I need to do something much much simpler first and office shojo is pretty simple I suppose.
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veryace-ficrecs · 5 months
Duke Thomas Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Stuck-On Sunshine by zodarii_dae - Rated G
The Signal tends to interact with kids a bit more than his nocturnal coworkers. Even in Gotham, there are more kids out at two pm than two am. Those kids want to show their appreciation for the hero keeping them safe. What better way to show that than with stickers?
A Special Expection? No, A Son by Raccoonwriter - Rated T
Duke was excited to meet the Justice League until they start to ask and talk about things Duke didn't want to here.
breathing down your neck by Batbirdies - Rated G
Duke gets sick on Friday. Joker breaks out of Arkham on Saturday. It’s radio silence, until it’s not. — When Duke is benched with the flu the Joker attacks a small Gotham neighborhood with Joker venom. Duke knows he’s not well enough to help, but with stinging memories of his parents still trapped in their own heads—he has to do something. Bruce has a few things to say about that.
Frightening, But Not Afraid by snackbaskets - Rated G
When the family is hit by a new strain of fear toxin, safety is in numbers. Unfortunately, three members of the flock are still out there, afraid and alone. Bruce may not be the best at comforting his children, but apparently, he can let his wings do the talking. ((aka, the classic fear toxin hurt/comfort but with a splash of the classic wings-make-u-feel-safe hurt/comfort))
birds and brothers and other assorted synonyms by hoebiwan - Rated T
Duke isn’t an idiot. He knows it’s a bad idea to go into the underground tunnels of Gotham where people disappear for years on end and occasionally (if they’re lucky) stumble out coated in cobwebs and madness and blood. So he takes a flashlight and a water bottle and a bag of trail mix and lots and lots of beef jerky whenever he goes. If he ends up trapped down there, wandering in hopeless circles (which Duke thinks is important to note having never happened), at least he’ll have food. Also, the weird little kid dressed up like a miniature Talon likes the M&M’s in Duke’s trail mix.
the scientific method by orphan_account - Rated G
5 stupid ways Duke's siblings discovered how his powers worked, and 1 time he figured it out for himself.
"You have no idea," Dick said. "I had to live through all of their teenage years. They were each independently obsessed with Mythbusters at separate points in their life. I'm pretty sure Cass and Tim have wanted a meta to experiment on since they were 14, but Bruce always said no."
Duke Thomas Hates Bullies by Gemini_00 - Not Rated
Everyone loves that Duke Thomas isn't like all those other crazy Waynes. Everyone loves that the Signal isn't trying to get himself killed. Duke may not see Bruce as his dad, but he is definitely part of the bat family. and nobody is going to bully his family. Or, Duke Thomas Kicks Ass.
Keep Your Head, Your Backbone, and Your Heart by MrMich - Rated T
The last thing that Duke expected on what was supposed to be just a regular patrol was being suddenly thrown five years into the past, coming face to face with a darker, more violent Batman than the one he knew, a broken family, and a Tim who was a foot shorter than Duke, and not even Robin yet.
A silent shadow flitted past him, just barely visible on the cave walls. He went rigid, tracking the shadow in the corner of his vision. And then he dropped to the floor, just in time, as a familiar black gloved fist passed overhead. He just barely missed being hit by the punishing blow that would have landed right on his temple for a sure concussion if he hadn’t dodged. “Batman?” Duke yelled. He somersaulted forward, just barely avoiding another strike. “B, what are you doing?!” “Who are you,” came the growled response. A shiver crawled down Duke’s spine at the grim hostility in Batman’s voice that promised violence, and something tightened in the back of his throat.
WHEN EARTH FINDS STARS. by orpheusaki - Rated G
"Let it be known that I completely detest the implications of what this situation is mirroring," Red Hood grumbles to himself and it's the longest string of words Duke has heard from any so-called Gotham vigilante, let alone the one who's known for shooting more than he is talking. "The fuck?" Duke mutters, because if he's already going to die, he might as well try and make sense of it. "I'm not going to care about whatever sob story you have," is what Red Hood replies with instead of explaining, "Where are your parents?" "Gone," is all Duke says, because it's really none of this guy's business. It's also the truth. Somehow, Red Hood sounds even more anguished about this information than Duke is, "Ah shit." (Duke steals the tires off Red Hood's bike and somehow gains a family.)
Leadership by PepperSoniRoni - Rated G
Nightwing offers Signal a chance to lead a small group for a mission. Duke is wary, but accepts the challenge. He proves to be a rather great leader.
Takes place after Season Two of Young Justice, and ignores Season Three (I still haven’t seen it, unfortunately).
You Would Not Believe Your Eyes by Tiptapricot - Rated G
No metas are allowed in Gotham, so what does that mean for Duke?
Dayshift Shadow Work by IzzyMRDB - Rated G
So, when he realised one day once he looked down that he was missing his shadow, the first thing he checked was to make sure he wasn’t also glowing. Can’t have a shadow if you’re the light source after all. Nope, not glowing. Weird. AKA Duke's shadow works like Peter Pan's and immediately chooses violence
Runs in the Family by motleyfam - Rated G
Duke has a migraine and just wants a bit of peace. Tim understands this better than most.
The League of Assassins: An Indepth Exploration of the World's Most Prolific Group of Assassins by Hint_of_Elation - Rated T
Duke Thomas presents a documentary about the League of Assassins. Warning: Bruce Wayne did not approve this film.
Tequila by Sohotthateveryonedied - Rated T
Bruce steps into Duke’s path, blocking him from venturing further into the house. It takes a moment for Duke to register the new obstacle before him. His mouth drags into a lopsided grin. “Bruce! Wha’s—wassup? How’s your night goin’?” “You’re drunk," Bruce accuses. “Me? No way. No way. I would never do that.” Duke hiccups. “Totally sober.”
Who, Me? by Listentothelittlebird - Rated T
People thought Duke was the responsible one. People often forgot Duke ran with a gang. A gang named after Robin, sure, but a gang nonetheless.
bathtub cookie crumbs by ghostellie - Rated G
Duke finds him in a bathtub on the third floor. It’s an old fashioned thing, a clawfoot porcelain tub settled in an otherwise empty room in a far, abandoned corner of the manor, dusty despite Alfred’s best efforts. Tim’s seated at an awkward angle, sideways in the tub with his head rested on one edge and his knees slung over the other, fully clothed and half covered in dust. A pink box of sugar cookies, no doubt stolen from Jason’s stash, rests on his chest. He meets Duke’s eyes as he enters, shoveling a bat-shaped cookie in his mouth.
Duke Thomas VS The "Good Child" Stereotype by PepperSoniRoni - Rated T
5 Times Duke Tried To Prove To Bruce He Wasn't The Responsible One, and 1 Time His Siblings Knew Better (& used it to their advantage) Because Duke is relatively new, he hasn't opened up completely to the family. He tries to follow Bruce and Alfred's rules, but he doesn't always succeed (nor try to). It's during these times Bruce still manages to pin the blame on someone else. His siblings, of course, see this. And whatever are they supposed to think? Well, Duke's clearly doing it on purpose! (This is really just me being salty about fanon characterization, and an attempt to cram as much Crazy-Totally-Not-Sane-Duke as I can into a single fic)
that which you cannot bear by britishparty - Rated T
There is no backup for the Signal. Duke reminds himself of this regularly, like a prayer through gritted teeth: there's no one to catch him if he slips, to replace him if he stops. So the Signal can't give up. Just can't, like an immutable law, an undeniable truth. He has to win every fight. There isn't any other option. Duke Thomas makes himself invincible. Untouchable. Then he loses.
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lolitawestcoast · 1 month
I rarely write or post things on social media because I am more of an “observer”, but after finishing season 2 of HOTD, I realised that I, too, want to share my “unpopular opinions” (as some may say they are) with the world. I guess I got inspired by all of you whom I follow and whose posts I consistently read that are truly in sync with what I think about the show overall, especially the greens and other characters I like.
So you are welcome to read this rant/ mini essay and give your two cents about the topic. I will be discussing a few characters who I have firm opinions about and what I think we should actually focus or take away from the series.
I will start with my personal favourite, Alicent Hightower. I swear I am in minority when I say this, because all the people that I know (including close people and friends) dislike/hate her and that’s totally fine, nobody should force others to like a character but the way they talk about her (all completely stupid arguments that miss the mark) as if she’s this insufferable, evil, bad mother. She is so layered, so tragic, ugh, it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about what Viserys himself has put her through, not ONLY Otto. I say this because a lot of the conversations I’ve had with others NEVER acknowledge his part in her trauma and when I mention it I am immediately shut down, it’s kind of sad and disturbing.
In their opinion, Alicent is a BIG part of what happened leading to the war. Excuse me? Have you seen season 1? Have you followed the plot at all? That woman is a victim. I’ve been reblogging and reading a lot of people’s posts here that were completely spot on about how many sacrifices she has made as she puts it herself (“What have I done, but what was EXPECTED of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law.”) While Rhaneyra gets to do all she wants (“While you flout all to do as you please”) with no consequences because the king favours her and turns a blind eye to her actions, forever defending her even if he CLEARLY knows (and sees) what’s in front of him.
For example, that whole Alicent-Rhaneyra confrontation in season 1 was such a divisive discussion in my family, ugh, I felt like Alicent herself against everybody saying that she wasn’t in the right but you know what? She totally was. I would have had the same reaction (“Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It’s TRAMPLED under your pretty foot again!”) Her life as a queen was forced on her by the MEN around her. What do you expect? How is she supposed to just take what’s happening to her and not stand up for herself and her child whose eye was fucking SLASHED. Aemond lost an eye. I just know, as a mother, I would have gone FERAL. No doubt. How can she not ask for justice, an eye for an eye (“And now you take my son’s eye and to even that you feel entitled.”) Couldn’t have said it better myself. Later on, when Aemond kills Lucerys, Rhaneyra herself wants “a son for a son”. Isn’t that the same philosophy? Why is Alicent unreasonable when she is asking for Lucerys’ eye in that moment? I don’t see much of a difference. This is one of the examples where I can’t look away and just hate someone like others do, because she has a point.
Another example is when Rhaneyra tells her that she doesn’t want to be “trapped in a castle” and “made to squeeze out heirs”. I swear, when they showed Alicent’s face after that line, I had tears in my eyes, I felt like I wanted to hold her because she DID NOT need to hear that, it was cruel. She broke my heart so many times, I almost want to say I rarely feel this way about a character in a show: “Sadness is a condition of motherhood”. My dearest Alicent, THEY WILL NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU.
Is she a bad mother as they say? Not at all. Would a bad mother literally SHIELD Aegon with her body when threatened with a DRAGON? Would a bad mother (again) use her body to protect her daughter Helaena from the smallfolk during the riots? Would she stand up for Aemond and DEMAND justice, putting herself in danger as well as in a unfavourable position with the king as a bad mother? HOW DOES SHE NOT LOVE HER CHILDREN? I mean, I have a mother who would do the EXACT same thing for me, literally take a bullet for her child. And like Alicent, my mother has her flaws, she’s been through things in life beyond my understanding (having an abusive husband), so she isn’t perfect, but she loves me with all her heart nonetheless. She has projected some things onto me and has hurt me many times with her words, like Alicent sometimes does with Aegon, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him. Even after the incident with Aemond happens, she regrets her actions, mainly slashing Rhaneyra’s hand: “It was an ugly thing, I regret it”. Otto is then the one who praises her for what she has done: “And yet, I’ve never seen that side of you, my daughter…We play an ugly game.” Once again, he is the mastermind, using Alicent as a pawn in his search for power. She is not power hungry herself.
I think it’s hard for her sometimes to look at her children, especially Aegon I think, her firstborn, whom may I remind you she had VERY YOUNG, a child herself and not see her whole grief, trauma and abuse through him. The way Emily has portrayed young Alicent, specifically in that scene where she holds her baby and she just looks defeated, sad, depressed, EXHAUSTED. While Rhaneyra gets to have children with whom she pleases (Harwin Strong is someone who she loves and cares about, judging by the loving and tender looks they give each other in some scenes) because she has an open marriage and she was lucky enough to get that. Nothing was forced on her. She had the freedom to look for her own suitors, a thing that Alicent calls “romantic” because in her mind, she would have absolutely dreamed to do the same.
Moreover, how can you say that Rhaneyra and Alicent don’t have love for each other? They make that CLEAR in the show so many times with small, beautiful details (the page, their 2 conversations from season 2, beautifully acted by Olivia and Emma). Didn’t Alicent vehemently defend Rhaneyra against the “claims” made by Otto that her and Daemon got into some inappropriate actions together? Even though his informer was right. She believed her and vouched for her to the king. She has never been jealous of her in that sense. She was envious perhaps of her freedom, yes, for sure, but who wouldn’t be, given her situation. She still loved and cared for her deeply.
When Otto is dismissed as hand and they have that conversation in the rain where he enforces on her that she has to prepare Aegon to be king because Rhaneyra will put her children to the sword otherwise, because she will be challenged by Aegon; the manipulation from Otto she has received time and time again runs deep into her adulthood. After he leaves she is alone at court, nobody in her corner. She doesn’t realise she is being used as a pawn in a man’s power games, but she becomes paranoid and determined to defend her own family. Cut to the wedding scene: after she finds out about Rhaneyra’s indiscretion with Cole, she fully embraces the colour green, representative of the Hightower house, subtly declaring war by showing up in that beautiful gown in the middle of the king’s speech (an iconic, awesome scene if you ask me). At that point, she was disappointed, angry and possibly fed up with her having to honour her duty as a queen, while her dearest friend lies and gets away with things. As much as you love and care for someone like that, you cannot overlook their wrongdoings.
I’ve also seen that she was called a “bitch” for wanting to see Rhaneyra’s child immediately after giving birth. However, she didn’t want HER to come to Alicent physically and show the baby, it was after all, Rhaneyra’s decision to go. Being her third child and Alicent probably seeing the other 2, of course she wanted to see for herself if he’ll look the same. She is the only one pointing out that they are bastards and everybody KNOWS IT. Her husband, Cole, all the people at court, hell even Harwin’s father. It is so blatantly obvious; it’s actually hilarious how Viserys dismissed Alicent and everybody who brought it up, which is fair enough from their perspective, even for Vaemond when they are discussing the succession of Driftmark. How can one NOT be frustrated? How can she not be furious? Later on, when the king states “Anyone who dares question the legitimacy of my grandsons, should have it (their tongue) removed” as Rhaneyra looks at Alicent with some sort of entitlement and power: “Thank you, father”. The rage I felt for her in that moment was so intense, because it is so unfair.
Here is another hard pill to swallow for some: Viserys has divided his family by always favouring his first daughter (he even refers to her as his “only daughter/child). He wants peace in his family but all he does is create “war”, hate, resentment, bitterness etc. Maybe he wasn’t Viserys “the peaceful” after all, at least not when it came to his own family. Never acknowledged or cared for his other 4 children he has with Alicent which in turn made them (particularly Aegon and Aemond) the way they are. Aegon even mentions how his father “didn’t like him”. Can you blame him? He yells in his face when Aemond’s eye incident happens, doesn’t give A DAMN about the fact that his son , “HIS BLOOD” , had lost an eye because he cares more that his precious daughter’s sons were insulted: “MY SON HAS LOST AN EYE FOR AN INSULT?” Yes Alicent, I was in fact, also enraged when that happened. How does nobody look at that man and see what he has done to his own family? Maybe HE has more of a role in the dance later on, together with Otto and other MEN who plotted the usurping. Maybe things would have been different had he been a better father/husband. But they sure like to blame the woman, the “scorned bitch” who’s jealous of Rhaneyra.
Even so, despite all this, make no mistake, the love and affection between the two women never fades away. That scene from season 1 episode 8, where she softly squeezes her hand (ironically the same one that has the scar she inflicted on her) and lovingly tells her not to leave after their children have an argument. You can feel their chemistry: it’s like they found each other again, after such a long, tumultuous time, at last, Rhaneyra and Alicent together like old times. That whole dinner scene was so peaceful, literally the calm before the storm. The poison runs deep in the family, it can’t be erased just like that, in one night. You can see that whatever foundation Viserys thought he had built within his family and the realm, it all crumbled down in the end.
Alicent needed someone to support her and remind her that it is NOT her fault: what happened to her, that she was used, abused and her innocence stolen from her. She was so desperate for this.
I won’t even have enough time to write everything here about Alicent’s life, at least nothing that hasn’t already been said (beautifully put by others that I read so far, you are all making me feel seen by the way!❤️)
Maybe I am too emotionally attached to her, but I can’t understand the constant hate she gets from CERTAIN people. It is so frustrating to try and explain everytime all the details in the scenes with her to others, I guess it doesn’t matter in the end. “It’s just a fictional character” they say; yes, indeed. I get very passionate sometimes because I was a film student and movies/tv shows are and will forever be my life and I am always analyzing all the details (force of habit, because I had to do this a lot for my assignments).
I don’t even have a side (team green, team black) fuck that nonsense. Personally, that strategy marketing which HBO constantly tried to shove down our throats is just bullshit; in the end, NOBODY (except Helaena) is truly a role model or a “hero”. The whole idea of this entire show and its events is about the smallfolk and the dragons who are nothing but collateral damage in this foolish civil war. While the privileged fight for a throne, the others suffer, the real innocents.
When I watch the show, I don’t even care about childish things like taking sides, like this is just a basic argument between two people, I just have a couple of characters that I root for or feel close to because they speak to me in a very specific manner. Also, the actors are tremendously talented so they literally make the characters compelling, maybe beyond what they get on the page of that script (which sometimes it’s not much or enough, if you ask me).
Hopefully I am not alone and I’ve seen here that I am not (I almost feel like part of a community at this point🥹), but in general I prefer the team green characters (which DOES NOT mean that I dislike or hate anyone in team black), I just think they are more complex, fucked up, relatable, and acted so damn well (although EVERYBODY in that cast is exceptional). I think I like the whole “dysfunctional” family vibe the greens have.
That being said, I like Rhaneyra as a character, for sure, I don’t dislike her at all, but I don’t know if I like what they are doing to her, script wise. Emma is exceptional in their portrayal of the character with what they are given anyway, but the writers are certainly making her more seem like the “hero” of the story, although I can see she has a lot of flaws. She is FAR from perfect. What I gathered from her as a character is that she is quite hypocritical in many aspects, especially when it comes to Alicent. In certain scenes in season 2 for instance, she points fingers at her for the things Rhaneyra herself has done. Blames her for starting this war when in fact, it wasn’t Alicent.
Unfortunately some fans are way too biased and are so blinded by what the show is feeding them to see and acknowledge her wrongdoings and see beyond this “rightful heir” tag she has. I am starting to see more interesting and complex things from Rhaneyra, mainly from season 2 and I am hopeful to see what’s in store for her in season 3. Although, I’ve always seen her as someone more nuanced, thanks to Milly and Emma’s stellar performances. She isn’t very likeable to me, because I see through her, for what she is. But I like when she gets more like her book counterpart (if you know what I’m saying). I like to see that: more complexity.
Furthermore, I was absolutely gutted when Rhaenys died (she really should have been queen🫡), what a great character. I love that Jacaerys got some more personality in the last few episodes of season 2, because I wasn’t convinced before of him as a solid character. This also leads me to the idea that Rhaneyra is definitely a bit selfish in pursuing her claim to the throne and totally overlooking his (valid) feelings towards the other bastard Targaryens claiming the dragons. I loved his speech and how he stood up for himself in a way.
You have to objectively look at these characters most of the time while watching the show and it is truly unfortunate that many people in the fandom are so blindly biased and defensive of some of their favourites, especially Rhaneyra because I see that happening mostly with her. You can’t judge them, but god forbid you tell them you like the greens, especially Alicent, Aemond (even Ageon) or Cole (speaking from my own experience) then you are definitely going to be judged because they are somehow seen as the antagonists of the show.
In my humble opinion, the show DOES NOT have protagonists or antagonists because like I’ve mentioned before, that’s not the point at all. Each one of us has their own “favourite war criminal” and that’s that. Let us, the audience just enjoy supporting the characters we like and stop judging each other. This is not real life, it’s not that deep. I like when I talk to someone and they express their love and passion for a character, even though I don’t feel the same, it’s quite nice to do that without criticising and getting into an argument with that person. We respect each other’s opinions and move on.
Anyways, went on a bit of a tangent there but moving on, Baela is also a character I like a lot, because I need somebody that supporting and wise in life by my side, for real. She is a gem. When she says something, I listen.
I know this might sound odd but I don’t actually HATE anybody in this show. I can say I dislike Daemon for pretty well known reasons at this point, no need to list them here, although I don’t feel hate for him necessarily. I am raising my eyebrow a bit at how Aemond turned out so far, although I still think that Ewan made him one of the coolest, most compelling characters in the show, especially in season 2. He is a delight to watch because his presence on screen is just THAT fucking gripping. I still see him as an underdog, especially looking back at his childhood and what happened to his eye and all that. I still feel for that child, for how he was bullied and undermined. I can’t completely overlook the things that happened to him which lead to the events of season 2. Although, as a book reader, I am a bit disappointed in some of the writing regarding his character (a discussion for another day).
This is a big one, but I also didn’t get why SO MANY people HATE Criston Cole, like he’s actually universally the most hated character in the show so far (based on how Fabien Frankel himself was harassed on his instagram which breaks my heart). It is such a sad, but funny thing to see at the same time.
This guy is certainly NOT the worst character in the GOT universe; if you rewatch GOT (which I’m currently doing) he really is no match for some people you see there. He was clearly wrong in many aspects in this show, especially with the event of Blood and Cheese and what followed. I would say that I disliked his behaviour and I certainly did not align with many of his actions and opinions at certain points in the show, although I do feel that he is remorseful and has had quite the journey in season 2. By the end of this season he went through quite a horrific experience (the battle at Rook’s Rest) which I think changed him mentally and you can see that, courtesy of Fabien’s great performance (when he has that conversation with Gwayne in season 2 finale, which I loved).
I’ve seen the memes with him and the constant topic being brought up of him being “bitter” and hung up on Rhaneyra because she turned him down when he suggested that they should run away together, but I don’t even think it goes on for too long, at least in his mind. Yes, he calls her names and talks shit about her at times (indirectly) but I think later on he’s moved on from that, at least since he started to be more intimate with Alicent (who he says is the “beacon” he follows) because rightfully so, she saved his life in many ways, I guess literally and metaphorically. He doesn’t have time to think about his bitterness towards Rhaneyra anymore, with all that has taken place since they had that encounter, at least I don’t think so.
He has had quite the journey and at this point I just think the hate and the jokes are getting old and more like, there is no other character we can hate so we are all pointing fingers at “Crispin” as I’ve seen and heard people call him. I just can’t even bring myself to hate him, I respect how smart he is and how skilled in battle he proved himself to be. Surely he is not as one dimensional as people are making him out to be. Yes, the memes are funny and all that, but some people are too mean spirited, it makes me think they are projecting a little bit too much. Even Fabien himself is moved when somebody praises his character or says something nice about him (I saw that in an interview some time ago, he was genuinely happy someone complimented him because he has seen the hate and I just wanted to go through the screen and hug him, he is so kind, bless him). Give him a break guys, please.
Again, this might be quite an unpopular opinion, but isn’t Cole justified in a way to be upset and resentful over what happened between him and Rhaneyra? Wasn’t he used that night to satisfy her needs and quite frankly her frustration because she didn’t get what she wanted from Daemon? She could care leas about him as a person, about his honour, his duty. Most of the time she was too carefree and ignorant of these concepts. Wasn’t there a power imbalance between them? He tried to resist, he didn’t pursue her. What was he to do? I wondered often what would have happened if he denied her that night.
After their affair, he asks her to run away with him (which I admit it was a bit funny the way he put it, to leave behind her privileged life to go somewhere and sell oranges or whatever) but in that moment, the way she looks at him and answers, I’m sure broke his heart, because he thought she might have feelings for him. I didn’t even see them as simply having “sex” but more like “making love”, it was quite tender and beautiful. I don’t think he was wrong in assuming that, after all, they were each others’ firsts. He feels hurt, cheated and used: “So you want me to be your whore?”. I can’t lie, I felt for him in that moment. Everything he had to his name, as he says, was taken from him. Can we not feel some sympathy for this man? Is he not justified in thinking that Rhaneyra is “a cunning spider”? As far as he is concerned, she has fooled him and stolen his honour, left him with nothing to his name. He was already by the standards of those times, a nobody.
Can we just be reasonable as an audience and just stop following others like sheep on this “chain” of hate?
Don’t even get me started on Aegon. I won’t even expand here why I also never hated him (although I want to make it CLEAR that I DO NOT condone what he did in the show, under NO circumstances) even though again, I am disappointed on how his character was changed from the books (if you know, you know). I feel he has been treated unfairly just like his mother and there are a lot of reasons he is the way he is. Like I said, too much to get into. But once again I praise the actors for giving such nuanced performances, THEY are making the characters come to life.
I feel I already said too much and I don’t want to get into the book and the parallels with GOT because I would have to write a thesis then and this has already become an essay.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you, I appreciate you reading this; it is my first time posting something like this. I don’t really post my opinions online because the internet is mean and toxic but I really wanted to get this off my chest. Maybe in hopes that someone else shares the same views (which I think we’ve established there are quite a few people here on tumblr who do). I am so excited to read more posts/opinions and hopefully be part of healthy discussions about this show and its characters. Please be respectful.
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wolfawaycamp · 3 months
Would it be possible to get a Furblyg drabble where the roles are reversed and Nick is taking care of a sick/slowly turning Abi 👉👈
🌦️ um. infected abi wanted to go a little feral my bad. she's insane in the membrane
Something was pulsing, red-hot and crawling, under Abi’s skin. She had never felt so hungry before. She wanted to take that cup of water Nick was trying to give her just to pour it over his stupid pretty hair. She wanted to kick him in the shins, watch him fall to the floor, then kiss him at her height. She wanted to sink her teeth into the flesh of his neck and—
“Abi? Do you… want this?” Nick asked, with awkward posture and with his eyes flitting around. She could hear the water sloshing quietly in the cup and it made her sick to her stomach.
“No!” was what came out of Abi’s mouth before she could even think about it— sharp, angry. She had to be normal. This wasn't her. She was just… tired. “Um— no… thank you?”
Nick looked worried, but put the cup down by Abi. Fuck off, Nick. She was fucking fine. He sat down by her and she found herself salivating. She felt like she was losing her mind.
“Are— are you okay?” Nick asked gently. Why did he think he had the right?
Abi looked at him directly then, anger gnawing at her insides like a wild beast. “Do you like me, Nick?”
Nick flinched back as if he was scared of her. “Yeah,” he murmured.
“Then why did you let me get fucking mauled? Big strong six foot man would rather run than help the girl he likes?” she said, pissed off but distantly aware that she wasn't one to voice things so directly.
“I thought you were behind me— I swear. Then I looked back… and you were gone,” Nick said, on the verge of tears, and Abi felt like she might cry too.
“Oh,” Abi said, wrath still still thrashing inside her, now aimless and making her feel like she was burning. It turned back to Nick with no other target in sight— she grabbed him by the collar, and asked, “How am I supposed to trust that?”
She watched his Adam's apple dip in his throat. “I don't know. But— but I'm not lying, Abi.”
Then she was looking at his lips— they were going to kiss in the woods, but something in her had been… hesitant. She wasn't hesitant anymore. What if they kissed right here? Someone could walk in at any moment but his lips just looked so… biteable. His blood would probably taste good. It smelt good.
His hand was over hers on his collar and pulling it away. “You— you look really sick,” he said, shuffling backwards.
Dizzied by her own mind, she admitted, “I feel it.”
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 8
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I knew he dug up the time capsule before they got rid of the tree!
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Look at him rehearsing how to look chill. I love him
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OH SHIIIIII! The serial killer is out of jail! Wait, how is he out of jail? And why is no one keeping tabs on him to make sure he doesn't go after Im Sol again?
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Sometimes I forget that Korea is a very conservative country until a woman freaks out at the prospect of being alone in a hotel with a man. Can't possibly have sex when we're not married or even dating!
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LMAO she gave this whole big speech that she has nothing against people who have casual sex but she has more traditional values and he let say all that and was like 'we're just going to the bar to have a drink'. I love them they are both so ridiculous.
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So much for those conservative values 😂
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I mean how bad can a gift from a gaming company be?
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HAHA! I mean it could definitely be worse than a carboard cutout sexy video game girl
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NOOOO! Don't hide it in your bed! Hide it under the bed! Or in the closet! Dude! This is not going to end well for you I can see it coming.
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He thought it was funny when she was very insistent that she didn't want to have sex with him. Now he thinks she wants to and he's scandalised. Shoe's on the other foot now :D
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Sunjae. Sunjae, that magazine you are pretending to casually read is upside down. Sunjae...
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I'm not an idol who has to watch their weight so I'll just eat in front of you
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Now he thinks she has legit prophetic dreams because when they were at school she told him she had a dream he got hurt and couldn't swim anymore, which then happened.
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How did she manage to spill this much ramen all over her sweater and jeans. The bowl was pretty much empty when they showed it a couple of minutes ago
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She is a tiny girl and you are a very tall man. I think it will definitely be too big
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Not sure why he let her change in his bedroom after they made a big fuss about how it wasn't appropriate for her to be in a man's bedroom earlier. But also, LMAO, the time capsule he denied going to get because he was trying to be cool is right there on the table.
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I AM WHEEZING! Dude, why did you use your entire duvet to cover the time capsule? Like what was the plan after that? Anyway, now his secret video game girl fetish has been exposed. They are both such disasters I love them so much.
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I am such a sucker for 'accidentally falling on top of each other'. Even more if they accidentally fall into a kiss. It's so stupid but I never get tired of seeing it.
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Oops. Busted.
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Ah, so that's why she stopped seeing him. I totally get it she went through something incredibly traumatic. It's just sad that the person she loves and who loves her reminds her of that time.
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Come on you need to tell him that you went too. You just arrived a bit late and missed him.
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I legit keep forgetting about this dude
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This is very random but it's nice to see someone working in a well lit office. So many kdramas have people working with just a tiny little desk lamp to see by and all the main lights are off for no reason
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I'm assuming the sasaeng that Im Sol got mistaken for is going to become plot relevant at some point. God, is she going to try and kill Im Sol? Like she doesn't have enough problems with a serial killer already after her
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Wait, am I supposed to know who this is? Im Sol looked really shocked when she saw her face
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Why have you taken her out for dinner instead of calling the cops? Is it just because of how young she is?
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OMG was he after Sunjae this whole time?
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