#im glad i gave it another chance back in the day
perilegs · 4 months
no video game will ever feel as much like home as dao does. i saw an alistair clip and got mildly emotional over how much i miss him.
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lovenonymously · 4 months
the importance of well-written stories
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watching Lovely Runner was like watching 4 K-dramas at once lol
well-written stories are so rare, you only understand that when you watch something exceptional. something unique. a once in a lifetime experience of watching it for the very first time.
this show gave me so many feelings. in truth, it was an experience. I'm glad I put aside my fear of sad endings and watched as it aired. for once, I took the leap and discovered that's exactly what this drama wanted me to learn.
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usually, after finishing really good K-dramas or stories in general, I hit a slump where I cannot function. everything feels dull and boring. a different kind of grief at realising this was just fictional.
but not this time.
all I feel is light and happy. like I'm floating. I want to carry this feeling and runaway. I want to remember how this felt and hold onto it when I get down or get bad days.
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lifetimes lived.
Sol was sunlight. bright and unwavering and unforgettable. 💛
living vicariously through Im Sol, from feeling her pain in the beginning to her sunny hope that Sun Jae gave her. all her struggles as she jumped through various lifetimes, loved and lived and loved again. crying with her, laughing with her, rooting for her despite all odds. it was a journey.
beyond her love for Sun Jae, Sol's choices changed her family's life too. they were less hurt and much happier in the future she helped them create. even giving her grandmother a chance to return to the past and relive her fondest memories.
Sun Jae was midnight rain. the comfort of a sudden shower in the middle of summer. 💙
apart from being a complete loser in love, Sun Jae was in love with Sol for a total accumulated time of 45 years.
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yep. my reaction exactly ^
I won't lie, when they pulled the "he fell first" trope in Episode 2, I was wary. one, because if the writers were willing to pull such a twist in just the second episode, then who knew what else was in store for us? my guess was pretty spot on, the twists that followed had me gasping and yelling out loud. this show was unpredictable from beginning to end.
and two, because I was worried that Sun Jae's character might get reduced to just him being in love with Im Sol.
in that case, I'm glad to say,
I was completely wrong.
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despite Sun Jae's love for Im Sol, he had a grounded personality of his own. whether it was OG Sun Jae (ep 1), who lived in the guilt of what happened to the girl he loved, or Timeline 3 Sun Jae (ep 15), who never fell in love at all, he was positive, kind, decisive and striving to live.
and i love that about him.
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for two characters whose stories are so deeply interwoven together, having shaped aspects of each other's lives, Sol and Sun Jae displayed their unique traits exceptionally well as individuals.
I cannot emphasize how happy this makes me. Sun Jae is his own person, Sol is her own person, and they are destined to be together. beyond their desperation for each other's safety and well-being, Sol and Sun Jae are genuinely good people who deserved to be together. even fate and time bent to their will to make it happen.
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"As you wait for the rain to stop, live another day."
when a story makes you feel happy, hold onto that feeling. bottle it up. write it down. come back to it on the days the world feels against you and when the times feel too bleak.
fictional though it is, for what it's worth, at least the story exists. it means there are still people out there writing and bringing such stories to life. it means artists and creators like you and I haven't yet forgotten what it's supposed to be like to live. it means there are still people who connect to such stories and learn good things from it.
and as you wait for more such great stories, live another day. perhaps, if you get bored, write the story you want to read.
in the end, it's quite simple.
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as for me, I'll be here. crying, laughing, screaming, giggling and kicking my feet while being up to my eyes in second-hand embarrassment (because goodness, these two idiots are COMPLETE LOSERS IN LOVE) throughout these past 8 weeks was the highlight of my year ✨ I will always remember that I watched a beautiful modern fairytale romance in the summer of '24 that reminded me that I was young and full of love to give.
good stories truly do make a difference 🤍
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Hey, I really enjoyed the last fanfic you did for me and I was wondering if you could do another Rhea Ripley x Reader where they're watching Backlash at home, and when JD and Finn come out to help Damien Reader forgets Rhea's hurt and says something like " where's Rhea" and Rhea's like "Im right here"
Cause I keep forgetting she's hurt and thinking she's gonna show up.
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Rhea ripley x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff
You were sitting on the couch with your girlfriend Rhea ripley watching backlash. Damien was fighting against jey uso and out of no where Finn came running out and tried to get jey but was kicked in the face by him and landed flat on his back. I don’t think Damien even noticed that he tried to help let alone him being out there.
“Bro what the fuck! Damien! Pay attention!” You huffed out and crossed your arms as you payed close attention to the match. Rhea gave you a side eye and smiled at your behavior. The dogs came over, including Bella, and sat on y’all’s laps. Luna went over to Rhea and barry went over to you, whining for your attention.
You grabbed him in your arms and wrapped your arms around his body as you continued to watch the match. Barry seemed content and stopped whining. A few moments after jey had Damian pinned down and jey was about to win when jd appeared and grabbed damiens foot and put it on the rope to disrupt the countdown.
Everyone screamed and your mouth opened in shock and you were getting anxious but relieved that jd came out to help, even though you don’t like him. Then you realized that Rhea isn’t out yet. “Where’s Rhea?” You said not realizing that your girlfriend was right beside you. “Im right here?” She said and gave you a dumbfounded look. You looked at her sheepishly and blushed from embarrassment.
“Please forget that I said that.” You stated and she smirked. “Not a chance doll.” She said and you groaned in annoyance. “You are never gonna let me live this down are you?” You said and she shook her head now. “Im telling everyone and tweeting about it now. It’s too fucking funny.” She laughed and went on her phone tweeting and making Instagram stories about it as you sat on the side and pouted at her.
“You’re mean.” You said as Rhea pointed the camera towards you and laughed playfully. She scooted closer to you and started peppering your face with kisses to make up for her teasing towards you. You started to giggle and your face flushing red at the kisses and attention she was giving you. She stopped recording and put “she’s my dumbass but she’s my dumbass and I fucking love her.” She said on her story and posted it and tagged you in it.
You continued to blush and Rhea kept smirking at you as y’all continued to watch backlash together. A few more moments later and Damien pinned down jey and kept his belt. Everyone cheered including you and Rhea then groaned when everything went to shit between the judgement day. “They definitely need mami back because what is this shit? They are so childish my gosh.” You said and Rhea laughed, wrapping her arms around you.
“Is that right?” She asked and you nodded. “Mami makes the rules.” You said shrugging, knowing that you were right Rhea nodded her head at you. “Do you want to watch some trash reality tv now?” You asked her and she smiled. “Of course.” She stated and you went onto her lap facing her and snuggled into her strong arms. Barry whining for y’all’s attention so you put him beside the both of you and started petting him. Rhea turned something on and placed the remote down to wrap her arms around you, securing you as you laid your head on her shoulder. Even though it’s sad that Rhea had to be on break because of her injury, you are still glad for this opportunity to spend time with your girlfriend.
A/n: I hope this is what you wanted @drsheperd-bartley18 ! And I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed! Remember that my Melanie martinez, Billie eilish and the rest of my characters requests are still open! And remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love yall! :)
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sturniolo04 · 3 months
I Missed You C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which Katherine missed Chris.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Chris, who was your boyfriend of 3 years, has been on tour with his brothers for the past month and a half just about. I am so beyond proud of him and his brothers but I miss him unbearingly and am ready for him to come home, according to him he still has another month left of shows and isn't even going to be back in LA after that because they were going to stay in Boston for awhile to spend time with his parents and Nate. So far now until he comes back to LA I am stuck texting and FaceTiming him.
Unbeknownst to Katherine, the Triplets tour ends the following day after she had talked to Chris on the phone, him telling her something totally different.
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"how's Iowa mom"
you ask your mom since your on the phone with her.
"it good, im ready to go home tomorrow already"
she giggles as Katherine chuckles at her mom's lacking social battery.
" yeah i bet. Am i still picking you up from the airport tomorrow morning and taking you home or are you want to uber?"
you ask her because it was somewhat true that you needing to pick her up at the airport only thing is you weren't picking up your mom you were picking up your boyfriend and your other two favorite people in the world but, of course, Katherine doesn't know this information.
"um yes you can pick me up I might just stay at your apartment for the night and not make you drive me home immediately"
she replies to her daughter as she confirms the plan with a simple hum.
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The next morning, just as clueless as ever, Katherine is sitting in the airport near the gate her mom had texted her to 'meet her at' on her phone passing time not even paying attention.
In the midst of her not paying attention, it gave her lovely boyfriend, who she is assumed was still going to be out of state for a couple more months at least, a chance to come up to her without her fully being aware of who he was.
"excuse me do you know where I can get some Pepsi"
Chris asks his girlfriend he is standing in front of currently.
"um yeah actually i do- me and my boyf-"
she trails off looking up and finally seeing who it is
"holy shit"
she gasps staring at his hovering figure trying to make sure this is a reality.
"hi pretty girl"
he replies as she stands up and wraps her arms around his neck as he rocks them from side to side.
she softly whispers as he shifts his grip to her thighs to pick her up, with her proceeding to wrap her legs around his torso.
"um hello we are here too you know"
Nick states standing next to Matt awkwardly, as Chris sets you back on your feet.
"hi Nicky"
you say softly coming up and hugging him and then hugging Matt after.
" I thought you guys weren't done with tour yet- I thought you guys were going to be gone for at least two more months"
you sigh out looking up at Chris as he wraps his arms around your shoulders bringing you into another hug.
"no tour ended yesterday"
"what- that's not what you told me yesterday"
you states pulling arm's length out of the hug to look at Chris.
"well i had to say that your mom wanted it to be a surprise"
he chuckles bringing you back into his embrace.
"and as for Boston-"
"we didnt need to go because they are coming to LA next week"
he states simply finishing Nick's sentence.
"well I'm glad you guys are back finally"
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff
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fish-eat-fish · 1 year
⋆ Gwen x f!reader ⋆ Sleep ⋆
request: @hyunslvvr can u pls do one for f!reader x gwen where they have a day in and they just stay in bed:)
tags: fluff, comfort, wlw, cuddling
word count: 2.1k
a/n: im paving away at requests rn, this one had me kicking my feet i LOVE gwen stacy _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR REQUESTING FOR HER, another one for the gays <3
Un unbelievable stack of homework and two essays due. You couldn’t believe it. The sunlight beamed through your window and shined onto your desk, papers covering its surface as you tiredly scribbled on your assignment papers. Friday night and you had nothing better to do than weekend homework, how miserable. You sighed, tapping mindlessly on your desk when a buzz from your phone interrupted you. Picking it up, you smiled seeing it was Gwen.
It read, “on the way, open ur window!”
You sighed at the words, setting down your pencil and getting up out of your chair to unlock your window. Gwen had a bad habit of breaking in when she wanted to. You’d already assured her your family was okay with her visiting, preferably through the front door. But she always insisted that it was easier this way. Socializing seemed to sometimes stress her out you noticed.
Unlocking your window with a click, you raised it open, taking a nice breather as cold air blew in. The sunset was particularly nice today, and you didn’t quite mind seeing your favorite person right now. Sitting on your bed, you spiffed up your room for Gwen, making the bed and cleaning your cluttered desk. Just as you were about to exit your room to go and grab some snacks, a few knocks on your window sill signaled that your girlfriend had arrived. You turned around and beamed.
“Hey, sorry for the late notice.” She apologized, sitting on your window sill and climbing down from it. Taking off her white mask, Gwen sat down on your bed, crashing down on it. Until she rose up again.
“Oh, sorry.”
“Thank you for remembering.” You teased. Watching her take off her beaten-up shoes, and carefully placing them near the window on the floor. She let out a huff, flopping back onto your bed. Gwen’s suit was a little damaged and scratched. She looked tired.
“I’m not keeping you from anything, am I…?” She asked. It was obvious that she felt guilty about her visit. But you’d reassured her many times before that your room was always available to her whenever she wanted. And so was your company.
Eyeing the homework on your desk, you declared your study session over. It didn’t matter all that much compared to hanging out with her. “Nope. I’m glad you dropped by actually, I was getting bored.” You explained, looking at Gwen as she folded her legs up on your bed. Gwen awkwardly rubbed her arm as she looked around the room.
She raised her eyebrow, “You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
Rolling your eyes, you responded, “Yes you can sleep over. I don’t mind.”
Gwen smiled at you, relieved. You leaned back against your desk, “I’m glad you’re here.”
She smirked, “What, you missed me?”
���Actually I did, yeah.”
Looking at Gwen, you figured that she didn’t have the best day today, being a crime fighting hero and all. Walking up to her and leaning down, you placed a hand on her cheek and gave her face a quick kiss. She chuckled and peered up at you. You held onto her cheek momentarily, “I’m gonna go and get us some snacks. Have you eaten anything today?”
“Oh uh, I haven’t had the chance yet.”
“Gwen.” You said, sternly.
“I just had to go to band practice, then there was some jerk downtown and-” She spoke quietly, her voice dying down as you stared at her, an irritated look on your face. Gwen sighed and grabbed the back of her neck, her hair falling down to hide her guilty expression.
You sighed, smiling at her nonetheless, “I’m gonna go make us some food. Stay put Spider.” Gwen grinned at you, watching you walk out of the room. She took a deep breath, lying down as she observed your room like she always did. She loved the comfort you and your space brought her. Your room was decorated with posters and fairy lights.
Gwen looked around, deciding that she should probably change. It was an unspoken ritual for Gwen to pick out something from your closet. You’d let her do it once, for a sleepover. But ever since, she’d found routine in picking out an outfit of yours for her to wear and potentially keep if given permission.
She walked up to your closet, finding a pair of pajama pants and an oversized tee. She slipped it on as she changed out of her spider suit, carefully tucking it away to where it was out of sight. Just in case. Gwen tugged the shirt towards her face, taking in your scent. Her senses were filled with just you, as she felt at ease.
Walking over to your bed, she noticed a new photo in your little collage of Polaroids. It was from your last hangout. “The Mary Janes Concert–October.” In it, Gwen was holding you by the waist, her drumsticks clasped in her hand. Your arm held her cheek for a kiss, whilst the other held up Gwen’s Polaroid camera. Gwen was laughing as she looked in your direction, feeling proud of your praise of her performance.
That night your throat was so raspy from cheering for her, and Gwen felt absolutely ecstatic as you tackled her after the concert. She was happy to introduce you to her band members after, grabbing you by the hand and speaking with pride to announce you as her one and only girlfriend.
Gwen stared at the Polaroid, taking it in. She smiled and reached out, touching the photo. Moments like these felt surreal, and being reminded that someone as amazing as you were willing to stick by her and be in her life, made her woozy. Gwen loved you a lot.
The door cranked open as you walked in, a plate of sandwiches in one hand, and a mug of freshly brewed tea in your other. You set down the food on your nightstand, glancing at Gwen as she took her hand away from the Polaroid hung up above your bed. You observed her, obsessed with the way she looked in your clothes.
“Being nosy again?”
“Just lookin’ around.” She shrugged, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.
You sat down next to her, the bed shifting under your weight. You held out the plate towards her, to which she gratefully accepted. Gwen dug in right away, mumbling incoherent words as she ate. You laughed at this, “I can’t understand you when your chewing, you know that right?” Gwen swallowed her bite and smiled at you, gesturing to her sandwich.
“This is seriously good. I’ll never get tired of your food.”
“Glad you like it.” You grabbed the mug off of the nightstand, passing it to her as she finished the last bite of her sandwich. Chamomile is Gwen’s favorite. You’d made an effort to always keep it in stock for her since she liked to crash at yours a lot. Gwen took it carefully in her hands, blowing on the tea to cool it down.
You grabbed a pillow off of your bed and hugged it to your chest, just quietly watching Gwen as she drank her tea. You gently smiled, as she seemed a little bit more energized now. Grabbing your own mug from the nightstand, you drank it quickly, uncaring of how cold it had gotten. Putting the mug down, you patted the bed. Gwen looked up at you curiously.
“I’m a little tired today, do you wanna…?”
Her eyes widened as she lowered her mug.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind.” She smiled at your offer, shifting off of the bed, and placing her tea on your nightstand. She lifted the covers off of your bed, carefully moving the pillows and occasional stuffed animals off to the side to make room. As Gwen got into the bed, you turned off your main light, allowing the darkness to consume your room. The sun had set long ago now, and it was time to wind down. You walked up to your fairy lights, switching them on so that only gentle orange light illuminated your room.
Carefully stepping over to your bed, you got in, placing the covers over yourself, noting how you were much colder before. The warmth of your covers had you snuggling into them deeper. You glanced over at Gwen, who looked a little unsure of what to do with herself. You two were still kind of new to the whole cuddling thing. It’d taken a long while for Gwen to be comfortable with physical contact like that on top of that. She let out a small laugh as you snaked your arm around her as you faced her.
“What?” You asked, curious of her amusement.
“I don’t think this position is natural for you.” She teased, noting how awkward your arm felt around her torso. Your body was also pretty stiff. Gwen’s face was gently glowing due to the string lights, her blonde hair fell down into her face as she shifted her body to face towards you. So much for being big spoon tonight.
There was a quick silence between the two of you. Your face was comfortably above the covers, whilst Gwen pulled them up to cover her exposed skin. Her heart was racing, as usual. She’d never gotten used to intimate moments like this, and she’d decided that she’d never get used to it. You made her nervous in all the good ways.
Gwen peered at you, the covers pulled up to half of her face. Nothing was said between the two of you. Leaning in closer, you gently moved her blonde hair out of her eyes. Talking no louder than a whisper, you spoke, “Your hair, I think the pink is fading, you should…”
Gwen shuffled, reaching out and grabbing your collar, pulling you closer to her. Her hair tickled your face as she hovered her face near yours, before carefully connecting her lips with yours. It was quick but intimate. And if not for the dark, Gwen would have definitely taken the opportunity to comment on the rising red on your cheeks. She pulled away, not completely leaving the kiss as her lips brushed over yours. And yet just like that it was over.
She cleared her throat as you lay there speechless, she glanced at your eyes through the dim room, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.
“We should probably sleep now. It’s getting… late.” She blurted. That statement was probably wrong, but you nodded anyways. Gwen’s internal alarms went off, as she criticized her judgment. That took a lot of courage, but she didn’t want you to know. Laying beside her, you stared at Gwen in awe and adoration. You loved this girl so much it was unbelievable.
“Fine.” You sighed. Gwen eyed you questioningly.
“Go on.” You said defeatedly. Gwen laughed at your words, smirking as she saw your expression.
“Finally.” She teased.
Turning over to the other side, you felt her cold hands wrap around your torso, pulling you in closer. Your bodies were snug against each other. Still being wide awake, you hoped Gwen didn’t feel your thumping heart as her hand was placed on your torso. She definitely did notice of course, but she was nervous too, hiding her face in your shirt.
You both lay there, nervous and awkward, as it was usually in the beginning stages of a relationship. You felt her move your fingers, playing with them.
“I think you’re the most amazing girl I know.” She spoke softly, into your back. Your heart fluttered at this. At Gwen’s voice, and the way she gave you affection.
“I love you,” you whispered out.
Gwen only smiled as she planted a soft kiss into your shoulder.
“I love you too.”
Yawning, Gwen mumbled something into your shirt, unable to really keep her eyes open any longer. You hummed, questioning what she said. But she didn’t reply. You’d finally calmed down, letting the comfort of the covers and Gwen’s warmth ease your mind. The city’s ambiance seeped into your room through the open window as you let your mind wander. Gwen’s breathing slowed down, her head placed on your back.
Readjusting yourself and the covers by pulling them up, you froze as Gwen stirred in her sleep. Cautiously, you pulled part of the covers over her. Gwen held onto your torso tighter and moved her face into your neck, her breathing tickling your skin. Holding her hand, you caressed her skin. Her hands were rough and calloused, evidence of her skills as a drummer.
Feeling Gwen twitch in her sleep, she subconsciously intertwined her fingers with yours. The only thing you could remember was Gwen’s touch as you dozed off. Gwen may have needed your comfort and presence the most after every day as Ghost-Spider, but she’d never understand that you needed her more than you let on.
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livelaughlovekny · 1 year
Hello!! I saw you accept requests so I have a scenario I have in mind, about Muicuiro x demon slayer reader who gave him a little notebook to write things that are important to him because he easly forget things (He might forgot that little notebook tho so the reader will write "A note for important things not to forget") but turns out almost 90% of that book is about the reader! Thanks before, have a great day!
a/n: ahh im so glad you requested this!! ive actually been planning on writing that so your request is perfectly timed oml. unfortunately, i wasnt able to form a full story about this and changed your request slightly! i still hope youll enjoy it!!
  “Tada! This is for you!” Placing a mint green notebook onto his hands, you beamed at him. “I bought this a while ago after my mission but never got the chance to pass it to you.” Muichirou flipped open the book, all the pages were blank. He looked at you quizzically. “I read about it in a book, writing things down can help you remember them better! Even if it didn’t, at least if you forgot something important, you could just refer to this notebook.”
  “I see. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.” You smiled at his bland reply before leaving. Muichirou waited until you were completely out of his line of sight before closing his estate’s door. Placing the notebook on a table, he went back out to the yard to train. When night came, he left to complete missions. The notebook and its purpose were long forgotten.
  A couple weeks later, the both of you had had another training session at the Mist Estate again.  “Thank you for training with me again!” Sitting down on the porch, you swing your feet. “How have you been? Has your memory improved?” Tilting his head to the side, Muichirou thought about it.
  “No, I don’t think so.”
  “Aww, I was hoping that the notebook would help.”
  “Notebook?” You looked at him, blinking quickly as if to get rid of something stuck in your eye. “Yes, a few weeks ago I suggested you write down important things in the notebook I gave you. Did you lose it?” Muichirou looked as if he was enlightened. “Ah, so that was what the book was for. No, I still have it, I just forgot why you gave it to me.” It wasn’t that you expected this to happen but such things happened too often so you laughed it off. “I see, don’t worry about it. May I enter your home?” He nodded his head. You were the only one who was allowed to enter his estate, perhaps the only one who has even seen it.
  Walking towards his room, you gestured at the closed door, silently asking for permission to enter it which you received immediately. Stepping into his room, you quickly notice the notebook lying on his desk. Grabbing a pen, you wrote on the cover in your neatest handwriting. Leaning over your shoulder, Muichirou read the words aloud, “‘Important Things “smiley face”’.” You looked up and smiled at him. “There you go! Now you won’t forget what this book is for!” Muichirou hummed slightly in response. “Thank you. I’ll try my best to use it to its full potential.” You laughed. 
  Again, he watched you wave goodbye to him and walk away until you were no longer visible. He turned back and sat down in front of his desk. He picked up the pen you used and flipped to the first page of the notebook. He stared at it, wondering what to write. He decided to write the date in the top left corner. He placed the pen down and continued staring at the blank page. There was nothing important to note down at the moment. Muichirou tried recalling his memories, deciding that whatever he remembered was at least important enough to be remembered. The only thing that formed in his mind was your smile and laugh. 
  Not wanting to scribble on the date and wait till next time to write down something else, he decided that writing about you will do for now. “Nice smile and laugh.” He felt uncomfortable writing down your name. A weird feeling would rise up within his chest. Closing the notebook, Muichirou decided that he was done writing for the day and went to the yard to train.
  A few days later, he received a letter from you. The both of you would send each other letters and you usually write about your missions and days while Muichirou would write back just to acknowledge your letters and offer advice if you asked for it. This time, you were writing about how you came across a night fair after a mission, saw the “cutest fox shaped hair piece ever” and enjoyed the “best tasting castella cake ever” and how you wished that the both of you and the other Hashiras could participate in a night fair together. 
  Folding the letter neatly, Muichirou placed the letter in a drawer where he kept your letters. After sending his response, he sat at his desk for a while before taking out his notebook. He flipped to the next empty page. He wrote the date on the top left corner like before. “Likes foxes and castella. Wants everyone to go to night fairs.” Tilting his head to the side, Muichirou wondered what else to add on. Pulling open the drawer where he kept your letters, he took some recent ones out and read them, noting down the parts where you expressed your likes and dislikes. He could practically hear your voice reading them aloud.
  “I was fighting this really mean demon that attacks with flesh-eating slugs. I hate slugs now. I did see a slug-shaped cloud, that wasn’t bad. Cloud gazing is calming, you should try it! You probably do already.”
  “Dandelions are so fun! I finished a mission and on the way back, I walked past a dandelion field. The way they flew was so cool!! I ran around and they all started flying and it was so pretty! I think you might like it too!”
  “You would not believe what I found: a four-leaf clover!! Four-leaf clovers are really rare and lucky and they’re my favourite colour! In case you forgot the colour, it’s green. Green is such a soothing colour! Your hair and eyes are really nice to look at.”
  Carefully reading through your letters multiple times to ensure he didn’t miss out on anything, Muichirou forgot about his daily training. And for the next few days, he would anticipate your letters more than usual, excited to find out more things about you. So as per usual, he gently unfolded the letter he received and read it.
  “…Oh right, are you noting down the important things in the notebook I gave you? If you are, let me know if you think your memory has improved!!”
  “I have been writing down important things and am able to remember them better. Thank you. Would you like to cloud gaze with me after the Hashira meeting next week? I took up your suggestion and did enjoy it.”
Bonus: “The Mist Hashira has sent you a letter!” Smiling at your crow, you thanked it and untied the envelope from its leg. It was rare for him to use an envelope since the both of you only used one to deliver small items. Gently opening the envelope, you find a note and something neatly wrapped. You pick up both items. “Saw this the other day.” Undoing the green wrapping paper, you realised that Muichirou had sent you a fox hair clip.
a/n: wahh i think the "bonus" i write at the end of fics are just time skips since im bad at writing them :'( i tried to not write about mui thinking of you as important and you thinking and caring for him too obviously to show the light-heartedness of your relationship but i think i just kept telling and not showing ahh i hope you guys liked this ohmygosh this is turning into a mini rant
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hangesdarling · 6 months
bad idea — m. ikishima
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REQUEST. If it's not too soon since the last one, could we get a one-shot of Midari making transfem!reader feel real pretty through the medium of sex? PAIRING. Midari Ikishima x transfem!reader SYNOPSIS. Crossing paths with Midari may have been a bad idea at first. CONTENT. 18+, MDNI, oral sex, suggestive themes, lots of worship WORD COUNT. 1.9k A/N. anon ik this is veryy late im so sorry! 😭 college entrance exams are beating my ass 😭
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"You're a damn sneaky one, aren't you?" A voice resounded from your back just as you exit the game room. The hallway lights were glowing red against the walls, an occasional green flashing in the corner. Midari's single eye stared back from that bright-hued hallway, flipping a bullet between her fingers. "You think I didn't catch your cheating?" 
The Hyakkaou Academy gambling tournament began three days ago. Sure, every new game proposes a thrill, a chance for a bigger loot in the end but you cannot stand these gamblers trying to get off with high-risk games only they could enjoy. You should have known that Midari Ikishima was one of those when she pointed a gun at the back of your head one morning after class. It was a purge, a free-for-all for the insane ones such as herself. 
You turned to glare at Midari, the green light reflecting off your eye as you spoke, "So what? You hate that I'm ruining your little morbid game?" 
Russian roulette. A 1-in-6 chance to die, you could understand why that would be fun but cannot appreciate the way Midari keeps loading all available slots when it's your turn to shoot her. 
Midari huffed, excitement creasing her face as she leaned on the wall next to you. "You're a clever one and I like that. Although, I think you're going soft at me back there."
Her eye scanned your face, searching for a hint that she was right but you only brushed her off and said, "I'm a gambler, not a murderer. Besides, I want to end the game quickly with you. You don't even bet with money."
Your eyes rolled at her obvious smirk as she said, "That'd be a bore, don't you think? But I'll do it. I'll bet you heaps of money if you play with me again."
"I'm not playing with you again." You crossed your arms over your chest. "I'm advancing to the next player."
"Oh, I know. But we can have a private session. Just the two of us." Her voice sounded almost sincere and desperate. When she came closer and leaned closer to you, the smell of fresh lavenders and a strong spiced drink wafted in the air. All of a sudden, her eyepatch and even the way she styled herself for the evening tournament didn't look ridiculous. You slid your hand off hers before any other thought crossed your mind. 
"Fine, but on one condition," you muttered, signaling to the gun holstered on her hip. "No guns."
Disbelief crossed Midari's face, taken aback by such a proposition but found nothing within her to protest. She could give up the gun to gamble with you again. 
"Hah, what a pacifist. I assume no pointy stuff as well?" she chuckled, crossing her arms. 
"You're right. So don't try to pull anything like that. I swear I'll leave you playing with yourself," you warned, trying to sound intimidating which Midari only found cute. 
"You know," Midari began, head tilted to get a good look at you. "I'm kinda glad you didn't kill me off earlier. I got another chance to play with you. Maybe even more."
With that, she gave a soft lingering pat on your head before walking past to enter another game room, gripping her revolver in hand. 
It was a bad idea to get involved with Midari Ikishima as you have realized now that you were gripping your few remaining chips. Your position in the ranking hangs perilously after a few losses, even one point off can cause a remarkable decrease in the ranking after all. 
What the hell happened? you might be thinking. You spent every day carefully planning to win, concocting a one-time strategy to pull flawlessly at your opponents. But lately, you frequented Midari's dorm for late-night gambles that eventually turned into hookups. You were lost in her risky gambles, her crazed eye urging you to a larger risk which you never found yourself obeying. 
“It's not the best way to win, you know,” you tried to argue with her on your last poker game when she was betting everything in her hand. 
“Ah, it just pisses you off that I’m having fun,” she chuckled. "Stop memorizing the cards if it hurts your pretty little head, sweetheart."
For those few days you were together, you never thought it was a good idea to learn from her. Your ways always contrast, and her methods never fit right with yours. But there was one thing about Midari that kept you returning to her: how she kept making you feel less worried. That there was nothing in the world to be stressed over. Things are bound to be a certain way within a coin flip. It's inevitable.
A strange thrill creeps up your spine as you place your last remaining chips for the final bet. Your knees were cold from being in the room for too long but, a heat in your chest bubbled up the surface, transpiring into a knowing grin. Being with Midari may have dampened your cautiousness but the inner, riskier gambler within you sought for the thrill. An unstoppable force seeking pleasure and victory with no way of convincing otherwise. You wondered if this was how Midari felt.
Your mind went back to those nights you were tangled in her arms, of how her firm kisses crawled up from your chest to your jaw. Live dangerously, Y/N, Midari would whisper, her lips pressing on yours inside her dark room. You only get a few chances so don't waste it, alright?
Your eyes scanned the poker table once again, opponents from your left to right having low-ranking cards. I win, you whispered to yourself. You stepped from that room with your money doubled, your ranking increased by a few levels. Your mind played around the possibilities: you either rose in victory or went out with a huge debt hanging by your neck. But you were snatched away from your thoughts as you saw Midari waiting outside, leaning on one arm, and grinning in your direction. It turned into a proud smile as you jumped in her arms, her hand resting on your head to pull you closer.
"You're one hell of a gambler, Y/N," she smirked, a sultry whisper right at your ear. "I watched your game. All of it."
"All of it?" you chuckled, pressing a kiss just above her piercings. "You obsessed with me or something?"
"Course I am," Midari answered, taking you by surprise when she carried you in her arms. "I'll show you how much I'm obsessed, you sweet girl"
"You don't have to hide those away from me, you know that right?" Midari whispered in a low voice against your ear, keeping your hands away from your chest. She gently kissed your bud, tilting your face to look at her. "They're cute and I love them. Next time you cover them up again, I'll tie you to the bed, I swear."
Her tone didn't even pass as threateningly with how gently she held you on her lap. The blush creeping on your cheeks was enough to prompt another tease from her. 
"What, you like that idea, don't you? Didn't know you would be so kinky," she chuckled, tugging at your cheeks. 
"Hey, I didn't say that, weirdo," you pouted. 
"No need to. It's obvious." Midari's hands grazed under your skirt before handling your hips to push you beneath them on the bed. Midari managed to bundle the skirt on your lower abdomen, pressing wet kisses on your chest before whispering, "I can tie you up some other time if you want to so badly."
She tugged on your underwear just the time you were kissing her neck, earning a soft gasp from you. Her fingers were quick at removing the material before wandering back between your thighs, stroking until she felt you moaning softly against her lips. 
Midari kept you relaxed on the bed before going down, her lips kissed your member before slowly taking you in her mouth. She kept a firm hold of your inner thighs to keep your legs apart. Your hands wandered around her silky black hair, fisting the strands into a bundle and clenching when her mouth moved just the right way. 
The rest of the night was filled with worship embraced around you. Her lips trailed on your sternum, causing a slight shiver from you. Midari made it known that this time her intentions surround at your pleasure. She wanted this night to be slow, romantic, and passionate in contrast to the rough, sloppy intimate sessions she had with you before. To make you feel how she cherished you, to grab every opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are, to tell you that she sees you above everyone else right at this moment.
Her lips would graze at the shell of your ear, finding a home on the crook of your neck as she called you her sweet girl. 
"Looks so pretty," she whispered as she kissed the lovely blush creeping on your face. Midari tangled her legs around yours, locking you in her arms before kissing your forehead. Your finger would trail small hearts in her exposed chest, mind absorbed by all the praises she whispered in your ears. Midari noticed the slight redness banding on your wrist from how she gripped you earlier and kissed it anyway. Her kisses crept even at your knuckles, making you wonder what part of you she hadn't kissed yet. 
"Listen, Y/N," she muttered, retrieving what appeared to be a bullet from the pocket on her chest. "I'm not big on promise rings and such stuff but I want you to keep this. Yes, it's a bullet but it's also my lucky charm even if I don't believe in shit like that."
Midari chuckled softly, a rarity from her usual rough behavior. But then again, this night is different. She tapped the bullet a few times on her forehead saying, "This bullet should be the one buried deep in my head a month ago but a certain someone decided to spare my life and have me here."
She tilted your chin so she could look at your eyes. 
"I could die some other time but not right now. I still got to spend more time with you like this, got it?" 
"Is this your way of properly asking me out?" you smiled, nose grazing hers as you spoke. 
"Oh, you can call it that," she smirked, that one she always uses when she gets cocky on you. "So you're tied to me now. No questions asked and no protests. I get to call you my pretty girlfriend from now on."
Your head rested on her chest for a few more seconds, your mind returning from how this all started. You've always known what kind of relationship with her would promise. A risky one full of bullets, and perhaps, life-threatening gambles. A life entirely different from your own. Having Midari by your side felt like shattering a safe bridge you carefully paved but it wasn't about that at all, was it? It was about rebuilding that bridge, adding a touch of her style to create a better one fit for a gambler's life. 
You gently took the bullet from her hand, rolling it around your thumb before responding, "Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea."
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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justalia · 24 days
hello alia
I have a situation with law of assumption.. I was wondering if you could give some advice, anything is okay.
it might be long, but I like your vision on things so I thought you were the best to ask this to:
I’ve been into manifestation since middle school like back in 2018 and it was a wild ride because I didn’t know how to apply it, so I was on the loop.
then i discovered Neville on 2020 and tried to apply his teachings and I kinda had some “tiny” manifestations but never the ones that I wanted.
in 2023 i fell in love with this sort of Instagram influencer (and this is going to be really embarrassing to confess ngl) and I had a huge crush on him, so I tried to manifest him.
i became so obsessed over law of assumption, the terms of 4D/3D, Edward Art, I was into every single corner of the internet reading and filling my brain with this philosophy.
i can’t describe to u how obsessed I became for this guy, like I replied to his stories (not in a crazy way) but since he never replied or had an interaction with me I became obsessed , like, I had PANIC ATTACKS over him. I cried and became obsessive over a guy that never interacted w me.
My day fully depended on what happened mentally w him, and it became so horrible that I developed a limerence… it was awful
So I stopped trying to manifest him, and my life got better.
Then I met another guy, and same thing happened (not as crazy but kind of obsessive as well), and then I “gave up” and then I tried again w another dude and got the same result.
That same year, I got bullied by people at high school so I was always trying visualize and affirm like crazy that people liked me and never rejected me, but of course nothing happened. So I became depressive as well.
I stopped trying to manifest. I stopped reading about it, and my mental health was better!
Now, with me saying all of this, im not discarding the existence of law of assumption or conscious creation AT ALL. As I said before, I know it happens because it happened to me. I unconsciously brought some things into my life that I’ve imagined before, but only that. Never the things that I actually deeply want.
2024 arrives and I wanted to give it another shot, but my brain didn’t not wanted me to feel the “wish fulfilled” because i feel like it’s protecting me from feeling “delusional” and “hopeful” from things again. I can feel fulfilled for a while and then this sort of chest pressure comes again and my brain convinces me to give up.
No matter how hard I try to feel the best for me on the inside, my brain rejects it and tells me “what if you end hopeful again” what if that doesn’t happen?”. And that feels engraved to my being
So I honestly do not know if there’s any hope for me when it comes to bringing things into my life. I’ve always wanted the best for me, and I don’t know if I should keep trying to get rid of that belief but I sincerely don’t know how.
Since I applied the law incorrectly it feels like I don’t even know how to do it no more lmao
It’s sad because i can imagine such beautiful things but my mind only gives me the chance to feel them as a dream not as a reality no more.
i used to imagine myself with guys a lot but I wasn’t fulfilled at all, you know?? so I screwed the ability to consciously create for myself.
I could have anything but my brain is like “nope. you’re imagining. Stop doing it.” Like as an attempt to protect myself.
The sad part is that I like a guy, I follow him on insta and I replied to him something random on one of his stories and I was like “what if I fulfill myself” and tried to change the inner man but nothing worked.
Is there any chance? Can I do something to fix this at all?
Because if I can’t, I will give up and stop exhausting myself. But I do want to trust in myself, I feel like I can do better… but how? how can I change the inner man when I feel so hurt by life?
i hope you read this and if you know what I can do, please do. I like your views
Have a nice day Alia, and I’m glad you’re combing back ♡︎
i say give up.
i say stop trying to “change the inner man”.
i say look within and discover who you really are.
find the who.
who is this inner man? is it an higher being an abstract entity? who is it?
find who you are, notice who you are and all your struggles will stop, the feeling delusional, the hopelessness will stop.
find who you are and there will be no desire no more.
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mpregjamesdiamond · 2 months
I READ THE ANGEL KAMES FIC …. ough 😭 such a shame it’s unfinished. the fact that all of that went on in the span of 5 days kinda blew my mind like you’re telling me 100k+ words and it hasn’t even been a week? this is the slowest burn to ever burn. anyways do you have anymore fic recs 🫶
HI HIIII im so glad you like it yessssss!!!!!! and literally the way they make you wait saur long for them to even like eachother in any capacity had me climbing the walls that night...... and the WINGS bro......bro what if i wanted you to keep me safe and warm in a cocoon of your own flesh forever.. haha i mean-
and i doooo :) i've been saving this ask because i wanted to do a thorough list from my laptop, but i'll rec some of my favorites so far right now, and maybe some i've been meaning to read, but haven't yet
i have read and rec:
We could take it to the highway by skyline
kendall has to go back to minnesota and james offers to travel with him through the states. REALLY nice i loved skyline's writing and depiction of the boys' inner struggles. very grounded to the show's pillars and their dynamic really hit with me. i rec this to everyone who will listen because i liked it a lot lol <3
How to stop a haunting also by skyline
supernatural universe kames baybayyy. honestly all of skyline's works are so worth it, i still have a few of theirs to read but i strongly recommend the author in general (i rec more fics of their below but there's way more, i don't want to make the list too long hehe)
Lost without you by mintrosy
ANOTHER instant fav author. the guys suffer a shipwreck and kendall gets badly hurt. and they have to cauterize the wound and so on. very nice and sweet despite that description i just gave skdjsh
mintrosy also has a kames omegaverse series, lost bets (porn lol, kendall in lacy and james going apeshit), Sharing is caring, Dude (short and sweet fic about the four of them sharing outfits <3). honestly they have a tonn of fics so you can go to their profile and go bananas
Never did run smooth by ItsyRoyal
the first btr fic i read this year i think? so it has a special place in my heart <3 pinning kendall and oblivious james, very in-canon
Patrón on ice by skyline
james/camille/kendall because jamille is my guilty pleasure lol. very funny, james has a date with two beauts and doesn't know what to do with himself.
now for fics i haven't read yet but intend to:
Sweet people by xAnimaniac (50k words)
Kendall is a lawyer, always determined to stick to business. And even after losing his husband three years ago, he's not looking for any kind of relationship. Then he meets his new client James, who is a druggie accused of murder, rude and flirty and absolutely everything Kendall never thought he'd be into. So why does he like him so much?
I tell you I'm lost here (awaiting reply) by jaded_jane (30k words)
Gustavo allows James a second attempt at an audition and offers to make him a star when he likes what he hears. James jumps at the chance, and once he's gone to L.A., Kendall's left to hold everything and everyone together. As days go by, Kendall forces James a little further back in his mind, especially as contact goes from limited to non-existent and promises aren't kept. It's only then that Kendall realizes that the people he loves, leave him and never look back.
It's so hard to breathe by skyline (11k words)
“So you let Dak Zevon fuck you,” James says, and this time he doesn’t bother amending his word choice. “Interesting decision.”
right now im rummaging through EpicallyObsessed's ffn page but haven't read anything yet. they have a looot of long kames fics, mostly AUs.
Same with RainbowDiamonds, the author of the angel kames fic in question <3
hope this helps!! if you want let me know if you end up reading any of these ♥️
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quotessharry · 2 years
Calvin Klein (Dr3 x f! F1 driver smut)
Based on this post I wrote the CK photoshoot one and I really like it so you shall receive and enjoy!
Synopsis: An underwear ad photoshoot with three of the hottest drivers in F1 sounds fun right?
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x f! F1 driver, fIf1 driver x Lewis Hamilton (platonic)
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: smut, choking
When she got the call about Calvin Klein offer, it was a no brainer, of course she would do it. Later on she was told two other drivers would join her cause it was a Formula 1 campaign but she never cared to ask who, she’d find out when she get there.
It was a week before Texas, she was in New York making her way inside the studio for photoshoot, still in the dark about who the other drivers could be. She hummed a song under her breath and pushed the door “oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” she said to herself, face palming. The two drivers were Daniel Ricciardo and Lewis Hamilton, of course it was thinking of it, she couldn’t think of any other drivers who would willingly wear underwear in front of camera and show off their balls. She was glad Lewis was there, they were close both on and off track, her main issue was Daniel. Not that they were enemies or on bad terms or even had a beef, she just liked him a bit too much and they had banters back and forth. Lando would try and convince her that it was way passed from just a crush and she was in love with him but she never listened. Before she could man up to face Daniel, Lewis turned his head and waved at her, blowing her cover. She tried to give herself the mental pep talk that it’s fine and it all will go smoothly.
The sound of Daniel’s laugh filled the room as she walked to the small group, Lewis was the first to embrace her “heyy, it’s good to a familiar face around”
She returned the hug and pointed to Daniel “what about him?”
“Oh nice of you to appreciate my existence, hello” Daniel said, finally getting her attention.
“Don’t talk to me Ricciardo I’m still mad about the collusion” she really wasn’t, the collusion was deemed race accident, she just wanted to talk more to him.
“Cmon already sour? I said sorry, and you are going to see me half naked soon so I’d say it’s all even” he winked
“Yeah I bet she would love that, wouldn’t you?” Lewis said with a laugh, elbowing her side. He was aware of her little crush and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t spend the whole day teasing her. She gave him a warning look that Daniel hopefully missed due to how hard he was laughing.
“Guys please pay attention” a woman spoke to them “we have prepared a dressing room for each of you, you can find your stuffs there and when you’re ready please take a sit for makeup”
Before she goes, Lewis grabbed her arm and spoke in hushed tone “this is your golden chance”
“Golden chance for what?” She was confused
“To finally make a move on Daniel you idiot” he said as if it’s a very obvious thing
“But-“ she didn’t have more to add
“No buts, this is your best chance I’ll help you” Lewis offered, determined to make something happen between them.
“Ok fine, Im counting on your pretty ass”
The first round was jean, shirt and sneakers, each went ahead for their solo shots, then they paired up Daniel with her for another round. She changed into a denim coat and he was still in shirt.
“Get closer” the photographer instructed, they awkwardly reduced the space between them.
“A little bit more, Daniel throw your hands over her shoulders, head held high, yes fantastic”
She was sure her heart was beating rapidly at the close approximate, Daniel turned his head to her face with a smile “well hello there, don’t you look good?” His eyes scanned her face before grabbing too much attention.
“If you think this is good wait till you see me in underwear” she flirted back, that’s how she started liking him, he always kept the flirt going on.
“That’s the sole reason I accepted this” he joked, shooting her a wink that the photographer didn’t miss to take the picture of.
“Honestly Daniel, why you keep trying to get me naked?” She teased him, liking the little game.
“Thanks you two the shoots looks fantastic” the photographer interrupted the moment, when they separated she took a long breath to keep herself in check.
“Hey, hey wait” Daniel called her before they go for a change.
“Yeah? What is it?” He stepped closer and leaned down “I just wanted to make sure you aren’t actually mad about what happened on track” he seemed like he genuinely cared about it and he did, he always tried to be the first one who would take the first step and speak to the driver he had a collusion with, even though he had already done that, her earlier comment had him thinking maybe it wasn’t enough.
She put her hand on his arm, immediately feeling how firm it was, almost wanting to squeeze the muscles but stopped herself “Daniel no, of course I’m not, I’m just teasing you dummy”
He smiled in relief, using the close distance to kiss her cheek “ok that’s a relief, can’t wait to see you naked” he was gone and she was blinking rapidly.
Lewis passed her and couldn’t keep the laugh to himself at her face expression, he seemed like he was enjoying watching her suffer.
She was told to be topless for her shoots with Lewis.
She changed the jean and kept it low enough to show off the waistband of her white CK panty, Lewis was waiting, wearing only white underwear and looking hot, she knew the girls around them were drooling over the scene.
“Nice tits” Lewis called out, causing both her and Daniel laugh.
“Does that mean I can say nice balls?” She raised her eyebrows questionably.
“Wait till you see mine” Daniel regretted making the comment as soon as it left his mouth.
“Awesome, balls competition is exactly what I need now” she hated how her hands wasn’t available to hide the blush on her cheeks.
They stood in front of the camera and she realized she should take her hands off her boobs “ok are you ready?” She asked Lewis
“Ready for what-oh!” He was pretty shocked when she wrapped her legs around his waist “put your hands on my ass” she spoke between her teeth and soon his hands were on her ass, his face pressed against her chest to cover the full view of her boobs “I’m completely pressed against your tits” he commented teasingly.
“What you don’t like it?” She asked, faking that she is offended.
“No no I do, I mean what can I ask for more?” He jokingly massaged her ass and both giggled.
Daniel was watching it all, he hated to admit but they seemed to have genuine chemistry and the way Lewis was holding her close had him gritting his teeth and the muscle of his jaw, how could they get close like that in front of him?
As if that wasn’t enough, now he had his hand on her waist and his head in her neck، he felt like he could explode. He knew her for so long but he never thought seeing her with another man could make him lose it considering she is basically surrounded with 19 other men every race week including himself. He turned so he doesn’t have to see and occupied himself with his phone but the giggles still reached his ear and boiled his blood.
“I’m sorry but are you ok? Your neck seems so red” one of the assistant spoke to him, offering him a bottle of water.
Daniel knew he was angry, but he didn’t know it’s actually obvious to those around him. He lifted his head and caught a glance of her, on Lewis’ shoulders and his hands on her thighs to keep her up. He immediately looked at the woman in front of him to distract himself “yes I’m good thank you”
She kept asking Lewis if Daniel was watching and was so disappointed to find out he was on his phone the entire time.
She loved the way she looked in those grey bralette and underwear, the size was perfect and she was impatient to see the look on Daniel’s face.
Things changed when she saw Daniel in nothing but black underwear, his thigh tattoo looking glorious and his abs begging her to run her hand on his body, hell she’d lie if she say she wouldn’t do more to him.
Daniel was mesmerized by her, the color looked ravishing on her and he was grateful to sneak a peek of her body, long legs that Daniel would do anything to throw them over his shoulders while his head is buried deep between her soft thighs and she isn’t able to do anything but to moan his name and beg. Even though he was busy checking her out he didn’t miss her eyes on himself. “sweetheart, my eyes are up here” everything about the sentence leaving Daniel’s mouth left her a mess, the way he said it, the teasing edge, the way he was practically eye fucking her. In that moment she knew she needed more from him, and by the look of it he could tear her apart.
All three made their way for a group shoot, Lewis stood in front of her and Daniel was behind “now this is the orgy I’d accept” she said, licking her lips at the two half naked men.
“Please, can we agree to never bring this up on track?” Lewis begged, but she didn’t seem to care.
“Get closer, why do you all stand like you got a beef with each other?” The photographer commented, laughing at how awkward they were.
She put her hand on Lewis’ abs and threw the other around Daniel’s neck, closed her eyes and threw her head backwards. Daniel prayed to God that he could keep his cock under control cause a boner would be embarrassing.
“That was nice guys, improvise a little bit come on”
Next thing she knew, Daniel’s hand curled around her waist and pulled her back until her ass was pressed against him and his hand landed on her ass to move her, Lewis’ hand was on her thighs. Her skin was soft, and for a moment he got ballsy, hands grabbing a handful of her flesh and he had to swallow a sound in his throat cause it felt so damn good to touch her like that, in that moment they heard the click of camera, must be a good damn shot.
If she knew self control would be tested during shoots like this she probably would have rejected, Daniel’s big hand rubbing her ass as if bunches of people aren’t present and as if Lewis isn’t giving her eyes at Daniel’s gesture. She wanted to melt in the warmth of his hand, she needed more, wanted to feel his hands all over her desperately.
What she didn’t see coming after the little stunt was Daniel pulling away her hair and keeping his head next to her neck, his hot breath hitting her skin. She didn’t dare to breath and she was hot, she just needed it to end so she could finally do something.
After few more poses, her and Daniel was dismissed.
She basically fled to her dressing room and breathed out of relief, until a knock interrupted, “come in” she shouted, still trying to catch her breath.
A very frustrated and slightly angry Daniel went inside.
“God, the things you did to me today” he rumbled angrily at her, his hair ruffling his curls. Her stomach twitched at his tone knowing damn well what was coming, the idea already staining her underwear “oh yeah? Why don’t you man up and show me?” She prayed to God the comment gonna do something and it did, he walked up closer slowly and stood in front of her to enjoy the scene before leaning down and kissing her with such a force that she was pushed backwards, his hand held her waist to prevent her from falling and he did not shy away from biting her plump lips, completely sucking her lips between his. His lips was much better than whatever she had fantasized with, so soft and fluffy. Her fingers tugging on his curls had his self control slipping through his fingers, He pushed her back and guided her carefully until she was pressed against the cold wall, pussy so wet that she was dripping in that fresh underwear.
Daniel’s hand wrapped around her throat and he felt like he got harder at the feeling, he was barely resisting not to put more pressure on her precious skin. The previous photoshoot was playing vividly in his brain as he showed his frustration “you have no idea how hard it was to watch you being too close with him” his voice was angry and firm that sends shivers down her spine, he made sure to leave his fingertips’ mark on her soft skinned throat, already impatient to catch the sight of her bruised skin around the paddock, knowing he is the one who did this.
She was gone too far to hold back anything, her eyes shut but she managed to talk “oh yeah? Are we gonna talk about what happened there? You would have fucked me right then and there” she didn’t know where the sudden braveness came from but she couldn’t hold back when it was happening, she wanted to make him tick, to make him give her the worst.
He wanted to fuck her right now, without hesitation and waiting, he needed to be inside her and fuck her rough and hard until she was a mess in his arms but now that he got the chance, he wanted to savior it. He slowed down and traced her skin until he reached her chest, her hard nipples were obvious from the thing cotton of her bralette, his thumb circled the hardened bud slowly, his eyes not missing any reaction on her face. She put her hand on his hard cock, feeling how packed he was and enjoying that it was all for her.
He pulled down the bralette until her tits fell out, his hands cupping them “you’re so cruel for hiding yourself from me”
Her voice barely came out, it was hard to focus when his fingers were fondling her so damn good “if I knew all it took for you to put your freaking hands on my body is to see me with Lewis, I would’ve done this long time ago”
The fact that she wanted this more than him, gave Daniel ecstasy.
He grabbed the back of her neck and forced her on her knees, she had been waiting for this “then show how much you want it”
She pulled down the black underwear and let her eyes to memorize the sight in front of her, he was massive, veins popping out and pre cum leaking, without wasting any time she put her lips around the tip, leaking off the sour cream, his hand massaged her neck and snipped his hips forward, forcing himself into her warm mouth and she took all of it, already drooling over her chin, his fingers grabbed her jaw firmly and force him to look at him loving the sight of her on her knees with his cock buried deep in her mouth “that’s my girl, take it so well” his hand moving to put her hair in a ponytail to control her better.
The praise hits her pussy wetter and she dragged her tongue on his length moaning . “fuck, that’s enough, I wanna be inside you now” he closed his eyes to keep his composure and dragged her up by her chin.
Once again she was pressed against the wall but this time a little more firmly and she didn’t mind it at all, his hands taking off her underwear, long fingers dragging over her stomach feeling the muscles tense under his touch, he moved lower reveling in sight of how wet she was, callused fingers finally making contact with her wet cunt “if you wanted me to fuck you this bad, you could’ve just ask” he said, putting his knees next to her legs opening them wider for easier access.
“That’s not gonna fit inside me Danny” she whined, moving her hips on his fingers not to lose the friction.
“I will make it fit” he positioned himself and nudged her open, she looked at him with those eyes and he melted ,going inside slowly to avoid causing any discomfort. She hid her moans behind her hand, not being able to take her eyes off his cock going inside her, the stretch and the pain brought tears to her eyes but she needed more, when he pushed again she felt like she was being ripped in half “you’re so tight, damn it feels too good” he growled in her ears and started moving. “Don’t you dare to stop” she whined, grabbing his neck to bring him closer and kissing him, she already felt addicted to the way he kissed and the way his lips moved against hers, his tongue entering her mouth not giving her a chance to do it first. Fingertips digging hard enough to leave a mark and the other wrapped around her throat.
No words in the world could express the way they were feeling, she has never felt so full before, as if they were made for each other. He thrusted slowly few times enjoying the feeling “fuck, do it harder” when the words left her mouth, who he was to deny her, he sped up, inside and out smoothly, coaxing sounds she didn’t know she could make causing her to drip on her thighs. Her small whimpers like a music to his ears and he didn’t want it to end.
Daniel craved to nip her skin and mark her,already planning to give her enough until he could see how dark her neck was when she would take off her helmet in Texas. His lips sucked the skin hard enough until a dark circle appeared and he moved on to another spot, repeating the process, he trailed his wet lips until he got to her boobs, bouncing with each thrust. Her hand grabbed his curls, encouraging him to go forward with his act.
The tip of his tongue touched her hardened nipple, sending jolts of joy across her body, he rounded his tongue and her grip on his hair tightened “Danny, for fuck’s sake” she didn’t know what she was saying, she needed to moan his name like her life depended on it, no one has ever fucked her as good as this.
“Danny please” his hand pressed against her belly felt her muscles tightened under his touch and he knew she was close. He pulled out completely and slammed into her hard enough that her eyes rolled back and her tears were running on her cheeks, the soft kiss he left on her cheek was in contrast with the way he was fucking her roughly.
“Im-I’m so close” she barely got the words out between his hard and deep thrusts.
“I know love I know, me too” he said, their forehead touching as he slowed down, feeling her cum on his cock as he fucked her through her orgasm, loving to put it back in only to watch it drip and repeated the process until she was shaking, lips touching so she could moan into his mouth. He pulled out and spilled the rest on her stomach, both breathing heavily. If it wasn’t for Daniel’s grip around her, she would’ve fallen.
“Wow, I had no idea you were that mad Daniel” she giggled into his neck.
“You didn’t seem to dislike it” he pointed out, admiring his artworks on her body.
“No no no, actually we should go back to hotel and continue it cause I really want that pretty face of yours between my thighs” she said, not shying away from asking for more
Daniel made a chef’s kiss gesture with his hand “I would love nothing else, but before that you should sneak me out”
“Ohhh righttt, ok I’ll see if someone is close by” she said, grabbing some clothes to sneaking her head to check around, Lewis was still busy with different colors of boxers and briefs but he suddenly caught her eyes and raised his eyebrows, she smiled awkwardly and gave him two thumbs up as a sign that it went better than expected.
“Alright they’re pretty busy with Lewis so if you go fast enough no one will see you” she concluded to a fully naked Daniel and he shook his head. Pulling up his underwear he went ahead and looked both ways before sneaking out but Lewis’s eyes caught him and he giggled, it wasn’t hard to figure out that he definitely knew what happened and Daniel was already thinking how awkward their encounter gonna get.
The next stage was easy, get ready, leave, reunite in hotel room and fuck until they both pass out.
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midnight-black2 · 4 months
prompt #8 with kai please 🙏 u can choose whether they're playing spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven
mwah thank you 😚
pairing : kai (voyagers) x reader
synopsis : uhh what the req says
disclaimers : kissing, mentions of sex, pretty mild since it's just spin the bottle lol
note : sorry this took me like three days to post ! i finished it, and lowkey forgot to schedule it for posting like a dumbass bro. anyways, enjoy !
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everyone had gathered in a circle, wearing excited grins and cheeky smirks. zach had told you all about a game named "spin the bottle," which was apparently common back on earth. it was a game that involved kissing, which was enough to persuade the entire crew to play. ever since everyone stopped taking the blue, the idea of any physical contact seemed heavenly.
zach placed an empty glass bottle in the middle, that he managed to snag from the cafeteria. everybody watched the boy move, awaiting his next action.
"the rules of this game are simple. you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on, you have to kiss," zach explained, wearing a smirk as all eyes were on him. it was forbidden, and almost felt sinful to kiss another person, and that's exactly why everyone was so eager to play. it was now their chance to revolt. you, on the other hand, were simply in it for the ride. i mean, you'd be lying if you said the idea of kissing someone turned you off, because it certainly didn't. however, you weren't actively seeking for someone to make out with.
"now who's going first?" asked zach, looking around the circle. eyes flitted around the group, and only one was willing to volunteer.
"i will," kai stated confidently, as his mouth contorted into the same smirk zach wore. everyone turned to him, and he seemed to like the attention. without another word, he got up, and gave the bottle a forceful spin.
it was awhile until the bottle came to a stop, and you weren't paying much attention. you were picking at your nails, oh so confident that the bottle wouldn't land on you. but, when you felt many eyes burning into you, you had finally looked up.
and there everyone was, staring at you.
and there the bottle was, also staring at you. the tip was directly in front of you. there was no mistaking that it landed on you. when you had met eyes with kai, he had this complacent look. you sighed, because you were secretly praying that you wouldn't have to actually end up kissing anyone. unfortunately, your prayers were not heard.
although...there was a fortunate side to this. kai was an attractive man, it was just his attitude that made you want to slap the absolute shit out of him. and now, with everyone staring at you intently, you had finally gotten up. kai followed suit, and you two met in the middle of the circle. everyone was whispering amongst themselves, waiting for one of you to actually do something.
kai was unmoving, there was something holding him back, but his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. so that left you, and without another thought, you attached your lips to his. he kissed you back with a sort of fervor you couldn't miss. he let out a very very small noise, that nobody else but you heard. it was a high-pitched hum, which made you kiss him even harder.
your hand flew to the back of his head, forcing him closer to you, as his hands rested at either side of your face. almost subconsciously, you had slipped your tongue into his mouth, and he invited it. you could feel his smirk against your lips, but at that point you didn't even care. it was insatiable, and you hadn't noticed just how long you two had been at it until someone had cleared their throat in the circle.
you pulled away, and the both of you were breathless. it was awkward, but i suppose all things after everyone stopped taking the blue were. there was kissing, and hickeys, and even sex. it was so animalistic, and at the end of the day, you were all just teenagers. no one knew what they were really doing.
"surprised you guys didn't just fuck then and there," zach said, and everybody erupted into chuckles and soft laughter. you felt a twinge of embarrassment pool in the pit of your stomach, but you didn't let it show. as you went to sit back down, kai did the same. eventually, the night progressed, and it became less and less weird. the game was almost...entertaining.
the entire rest of the game, kai couldn't take his eyes off of you. he was checking you out, and not so subtly. god, this was exactly what you didn't need.
and it was then that you knew, your relations with kai would not end at just kissing...
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐩𝐭.𝟐 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭? 🌚
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shurislover · 2 years
All Of Me
Letitia Wright x Black Fem Reader
Baby Mama Drama Part 2
idk how many words but this is kinda long
- It’s been 2 years since Letitia’s big turn around. She has been in Aria’s life ever since , she’s gained your trust and love back. She non stop shows you and Aria love in the media anytime someone asks. This is the Letitia you’ve loved from the start and you were glad to have her back.
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“ Babyyyyyyyyy wake up I have a surprise planned for you “- Letitia laughs as she shakes you awake
“ I don’t want to get out of bed, and quiet down I don’t want Aria waking up , we trynna take our naps“ - You groaned
“ Aria isn’t here , I dropped her off at my mothers house. She’s staying the night because I have something special for you. “ - Letitia smiled
During these 2 years Letitia changed drastically. She was there for you and Aria 24/7 , her anger issues were pretty much non existent, She was 2 years sober from drinking. She cut off every person she’s slept with expect Eva because they started off best friends and you loved Eva she was a great Godmother to Aria.
You groaned
“ Alright alright fine , let me go shower. What am i wearing today ?” - You asked
“Something sexy”- Letitia smirked
You jokingly rolled your eyes and gave Letitia a quick kiss on the lips and walked into the bathroom.
You finally finished blow drying your curly hair and was satisfied with the way you looked
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You decided on wearing a gold dress with shoes to match
“ Mmm you look so good I could kiss you “- Letitia smirked
“ So do it “ - You teased
Letitia softly grabbed you by the chin and pulled you closer, your lips connected to hers like a magnet. At this moment nothing else mattered.
Her hands slid down from your face
to your arms
to your waist
This kiss felt like you guys were in Heaven. You were so weak in the knees for this woman. You craved her 24/7.
Her hands then slid down to your ass as she softly grabbed you.
You could help but moan in her mouth.
At this point y’all have been kissing for a few minutes and your lungs couldn’t take not having air anymore, so you gently pushed her away and licked your lips
“ Let’s go before we end up not going anywhere & I end up eating you out on this couch “ - You winked
“ I mean I wouldn’t stop you “ - Letitia grabbed you hand and guided you towards the couch
“ Nope we are going. I need to know what you have planned, I got woken up out my nap for this” - You giggled
Letitia surprised you by taking you to a restaurant, but not just any restaurant it’s the exact restaurant she asked you to be her girlfriend for the first time.
She had gotten a private and secluded part of the restaurant so we could have less distractions from others.
She had set up the tables with your favorite flowers ( sunflowers ) , rose petals sprawled all over the floor and your favorite R&B playlist playing in the background.
“ I’m so lucky to have you. “ - You broke the comfortable silence
“ Actually i’m lucky to have you. I appreciate you so much y/n and i’m very grateful you gave me another chance to redeem myself. Im so lucky to have Aria too, that girl is my whole world and i’m grateful I can be there for her every moment“ - Letitia smiled
The moment she brought up Aria , it made you think about a question that’s been on your mind for a couple months.
Honestly you were ready for another baby. You and Letitia have spoken about it but the conversation just drifted off into another conversation. You knew Letitia wanted another baby but didn’t know when.
“ Hey pretty mama. Whatcha thinking about ?”- Letitia asked as she sipped her sparkling water
Before your brian could think of a lie you blurted out
“ Another baby”
Letitia choked on her water
“ Woah , I was not expecting that answer “ - she smiled
“ Do you not want another baby ?” - you questioned
“ I definitely want another baby. The other day i watched you hold your best friends baby and couldn’t help but imagine you with another one. Just thinking about Aria and you with a baby on your hip waiting for me to come home .”- Letitia sighed
“ Let’s go make a baby then ?”- You shrugged
“ You’re so bold today, maybe later I have the surprise to give you but first let me use the restroom. - Letitia jumped up and jogged out the room.
You sat and admired the flowers for a bit wondering what’s taking her so long to pee.
Before you could continue your thoughts the lights automatically dim.
“ Um ? Tish ?” - You stood up confused
Cause all of me loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Then your all time favorite song starts playing.
All of Me by John Legend
Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose, I'm winning
And that’s when the water works started. You watch as your girlfriend walked out with her hands behind her back
“ What are you doing this time ?” - You sniffled
She stood right in front of you and smiled
“ The moment I met you for the first time will always be one of the best memories in my life because it was the day my life changed. I remember you on the red carpet at the Black Panther premiere and I couldn’t take my eyes off you. That day I knew you had to be mine. “
You couldn’t help but smile.
“From that exact day we spent every minute together and I fell more and more in love with you. I loved having you by my side. I loved taking you to different places. I love how you always wanted to travel with me to promote my movie. You stuck by me through the toughest times in my life and I am forever grateful.
After months of being around each other I was so excited for to you meet my family because I knew my mother would love you. And I was absolutely right. Not sure if you know this but my mother and I watched how you played with my little sister and was in awe of how much of a kind person you are. My mother whispered to me “ you gotta marry this one, she’s a keeper “ From that day I knew you were the one I wanted to share every single moment of my entire life with.
That next day I made you my girlfriend and I couldn’t wait to show you off to the world. I remember putting in my story “ Incase you guys are wondering what’s making me so happy it’s this girl right here “ Man being with you made me so damn happy. So happy I proposed 3 months later.
“ That was the quickest I ever moved in a relationship “ - You laughed
Letitia couldn’t help but laugh with you.
Y/N , you encouraged me to get up every morning and do great things. You encouraged me to go out and have fun, to let loose. Ever since losing my brother it’s been so hard for me to be myself and not hide away from everyone. But you helped me come out of my shell and I’m the happiest i’ve ever been. You are truly my inspiration, my rock , my sun , my everything.
You stuck by me for so long even when I didn’t deserve you by my side. I did so much in life I regret. I made so many bad decisions to the point I lost you and our child, and till this day I still regret my decisions. I made sure if I wanted you both back in my life I had to change my ways. And i did just that. I took time away from everything to make sure I could be a good person not only to you or our baby but to myself. I’m extremely grateful for you giving me another chance even though sometimes I don’t think I deserve it. I love you so fucking much it hurts.
I am making a promise to do everything I can to be the perfect person for you and to be the wife you absolutely deserve. I will do everything in my power to make sure your beautiful smile never fades. God has given me the greatest and most precious gift I could ask for and I am so thankful. I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become yours again. And yes I did say again. I want our love and support to be even stronger this time.
You watched as she took a small step back
“ Y/N will you make me the luckiest woman on Earth. “
Your heart started beating so fast, it felt like it was gonna pop right out your chest.
Letitia got down on one knee
“Will you marry me ?”
You stood there in shock ? Because the love of your life was there in front of you with your dream ring.
The tears poured right out
Letitia slid the ring on your finger and picked you up in the tightest hug.
“ I love you do much baby “- You mumbled
“ I love you even more.”- she smiled
On the car ride home you were beaming. You’ve waiting to experience this day again. You felt like a kid on Christmas getting a gift they’ve waited all year for.
You wondered why your phone was blowing up because you haven’t announced anything yet. You opened your eyes home and seen you received over hundreds of text messages , phone calls , notifications from different apps so you checked Instagram first and couldn’t help but smile
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liked by evssofficial and 348,768 others
letitiawright - found my Mrs Wright
view all 22,000 comments
kehlani - finally, happy for you both
evssofficial - YES YES !! been waiting for this one
letitiasbbygrl - IM SO HAPPY IM SCREAMING
lupitanyongo - proud of you tish , can’t wait for the wedding
You scrolled through the comments and were soo happy with all the positive comments , you turned off your phone and gave Letitia a kiss on the cheek.
“ I love you forever and always “ - you mumbled
“ And i love you to infinity and beyond “- Letitia answered back
i finally finished lmaooooooo i changed the idea of this so many times , and im very thankful for how patient you guys have been. and thank you for showing Part One so much love.
I’m always open for some ideas you guys might have. Hope u enjoyed 💕
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simmyfrobby · 6 months
Hi, I'm back actually, sorry if you like, moved on, still thinking over here, because like. It's Flower. Of course it's Flower who knew. Nicest guy in the league who can pull a prank on anyone. Who has all the connections. Who gave him the helmet and who Brandon got in a fight for and who hid Brandon's clothes and who drew on Brandon's face on the shirt but not on Connor's and- and- and-
And there's a picture of this kid who looks kind of like Connor but also like someone else (and also kind of like his kid but all kids look alike when it's only been a few months right?) and Connor never said anything about anyone who could he possibly- whatever, whoever he is isn't there. Or maybe he is, Connor's been hiding a kid, after all.
It's the same onesie. He figures he'd find a lot of the same onesies in Connor's place in Toronto that he has in Denver. Because the Fleurys think they're funny, probably. Matching onesies because that's what Deweys do, match (they both got traded, and now they're both wearing blue). And it's all right there, Connor and the kid and the onesie, so easy to believe for a moment that this isn't a second hand photo that came from Flower but that it's just Connor texting him. A snapshot of a different life. It's all right there except it's not because it's all in fucking Toronto half a continent away and the only person Connor told wasn't Brandon.
hi good morning im glad you decided to start your day by going: you know who deserves to suffer? joy.
little sprinklings of flowerdeweys that’s so delicious actually.
the timeline kind of depends on whether or not the wild make the playoffs. minnesota doesnt play the leafs after the deadline and neither do the avs so like.. if the wild makes the postseason none of them have a chance to go visit connor and potentially discover the baby until after one of them is eliminated. if the leafs are the first team out then connor could disappear up north for the entire offseason to figure things out & stay out of the limelight and just…
unintentionally make duhaime so so angry.
every single one of his teammates, past or present, has stopped by to admire his baby or lend a hand and all he gets from connor is a few texts and the occasional call where connor sounds.. just.. drained.. and duhaime is disappointed worried furious.
anyway shaw goes to visit connor and figures it out that way. flower, i think, maybe suspects something the second he sees duhaime with a baby. hes been around the deweys for years and around hockey players for decades and he knows unrequited pining when he sees it. he directs all of his prank energy into parent trapping the deweys (and also anonymously sends connor a bunch of baby stæsj which connor, sleep deprived and paranoid as he is, gets zero enjoyment out of because the very first care packet came w a note saying “i know your secret :)” and now he thinks someone is threatening to out him to the toronto media)
anyway the first time duhaime sees dewar w a baby he quickly looks away and thinks about normal bro stuff (bench pressing and pr-ing his deadlift and um. maybe he should up his macros or something) because he is genuinely worried he’ll accidentally manifest another baby out of thin air w the force of his longing
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
Watching and waiting...
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to part 2 of "A joyous wedding..."!
If you haven't read part 1 link is below
and if you'd like to check more of my stuffs here's my masterlist!
Thank youuu @whatevermywpis for the idea!!! I hope you read this and enjoy itt >o<
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Enjoy everyonee!!
gn!reader x dorm leaders
Overview: How nice, how sweet! Were finally married!....Hey?.... Do smile! It's a happy occasion!...H-hey! Please stop crying....im sorry, I...I love you...
(don't mind me making poems knowing I terribly suck at it :'VV)
< previous (part 1)
Dance and sing whilst joyous music play,
as we are to be wed on such a bright and sunny day.
oh how glad am I my favorite flowers decorate thy special place.
how happy am I that people I love gather unfazed.
As I, the bride mat be long gone
they're celebrating as they mourn.
Amidst it all their spirit watches sorrowfully
As they're lover's sanity degrades woefully.
They miss their warmth, the sound of their voices and the sweetness of their touch, and their loving kisses.
from the day they mourned cried and screamed, to the day they all began to break, they saw it all.
Through a little hand mirror in an endless dark void...they saw everything crouching as they silently prayed to return to their side.
Are they even truly alive or is this the after-life.
If they are living...how is it that their soul is most likely far from their body and all they could do is watch as they see them all suffer.
Does their lover knows that there's a chance they could still be alive?
Hah, How lonesome...it was their wedding yet they couldn't 'fully' attend. Only a shell of what they left behind...
"How long am I supposed to live on here?" They thought out loud, the sound of their voice bouncing all the endless void.
they want to go back in their arms...and live their lives happily...yet here they are stuck in an unknown space...it could be hell or heaven...or it could be both or none
They're alone. Like a genie in a lamp, waiting for a miracle to be set out...but unlike a genie, they had no way out...well so far that's what they know? They don't really understand how they got here...and if they're really living or dead.
To be fair they knew they sorta died(?) one way or another...they're practically considered dead, it's just that at the same they felt very much alive just...sorta detached?
They watch their lovers go down down down into the pits of insanity as they marry and live with their corpses as if it truly alive....it's sickening and very much painful to watch....
Unconsciously their lovers sorta knew they were still sorta living. But people took this as madness and them going down to the pits of insanity.
Well yes, they are one way or another doing so by now...marrying a corpse, and still trying to go with their daily lives trying to find some way to revive them.
Using all types of spells, brewing all kinds of potions, and researching cases similar to theirs.
Their friends and families have been begging them to get rested whilst some recommends for them to give up.
Foolish, give up?? How could they!!
Their lover gave them their everything and did tons of shit just for them...so now that they're in a pitch obviously it's their turn to do anything and everything for 'them'.
Even if it means it would take years or centuries as long as they get them back breathing, laughing, talking, and running around like they used to.
They would do everything just to get them back...so open your eyes please
great sevens please give them power and strength to get them back...
if they're watching please just wait for us, love...you'll be with us anytime sooner.
Even if people starts seeing them crazy and mad...may their reputations be stained as long as they get you back.
None of them understood them better other than they...
No one knows they're still alive just waiting....so hold on for a little more ok?
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jiamiuxin · 8 months
i played honkai star rail as a genshin player
highkey exceeded my expectations!!! i thought i wouldn't be toooo into it bc i like open world games but the fact that iit has some small but still explorable maps was nice.
so as a gi player some things that i thought hsr ate with:
higher trailblazer power (resin) cap
better story pacing
SOOO GENEROUS ?!??! i feel so spoiled in hsr and then when i went back to genshin i felt like i was scraping the bottom of the barrel. but at the end of the day ik hsr has more competition but genshin doesn't so everyone be serious and understand that's why there's a disrepenacy there
i like how you can talk to the characters vis messages and you can still see them out and about in the world.
REPLAYABLE EVENTS HELLO???? not having this is one of genshin's biggest flops like?
back to the quests, i like how it'll show new quest locations on the map, no matter how far you are. on genshin, it'll only show up temporarily if ur nearby
skip dialogue button LOL also can't rly apply this to genshin but i also like the fast forward combat feature
i feel like trailblazer is more viable compared to traveler
things that made me appreciate genshin:
super nitpicky but i use a dual shock controller and i find it easier to open the map on gi rather than hsr
rly could j be that im used to genshin but i feel like the genshin ui is more clear/simpler (in a good way) compared to hsr. i think hsr's is fine tho
not reliant on missions/story for content; u can literally j explore the world
going off of that genshin HAS been out longer but it j has sm more content. i get from a business standpoint there's no reason to release a game with hella content if u dont even know if it'll do well but w hsr it's just so little idk what og hsr players could even be doing rn. like nearly another whole year for one more planet ,,, bruh ? unless there's j a lot more side quests idk about
this is all i can think of rn but all in all i think i'll keep playing both. so glad i gave hsr a chance bc it was like a breath of fresh air
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ateez-himari · 23 hours
Hi bb!!!! Thank you for the heartfelt reply you gave me cause like mingi has to be the most geniune idol out there❤️‍🩹, I'm not saying that he shows us everything cause obviously there's plenty of emotions or actions he can't show us but the fact that he always acts out his emotions makes me happy🥹
It's rare to see idols being natural(they're not to blame cause it's basically the idol standards put by fans) which I think is stupid, "fans" should know better than to hate on their idols for doing basic human activities such as eating normally, and should instead be happy to see their idols acting naturally and being comfortable enough with their fans to show this domestic side of them
But speaking of my actual question I knew it's gonna be MATZ I mean they're the oldest and they always think two steps ahead💓, but it's so cute that all of the members supported them and I'm so glad kq has this rule cause honestly I wouldn't expect such fine men to be single🤭, and it's stupid when comapnies put a dating ban like what? that's a basic human right to have someone love you in a romantic way
And I honestly feel sad when people focus on woosan or seongjoong just for their closeness and moments rather on their skills and talent, but I mean we're already so far into that no one could change their mindsets🤷
And im so happy they're going to couple events like that's so cutee🥹
And I wanna ask a question because I wanna do a little something hehe🤭if you were to choose a song that perfectly fit mingi's and hima's relationship what would it be??
Love you mwahhh💗💗
Hey sweets 🥰, I'm so sorry it took so long but I've finally caught up with everything so I can answer this! I completely agree with you honestly idols are humans just like their fans and they fall in love, they make mistakes, they get their heart broken, but they should get to experience this as openly as the rest of us. (Seeing how boyfriend material all of them are, I refuse to believe they're single too dw 🤭)
MATZ being the oldest meant that they were very involved in her life specifically especially because of the environment she came from (she was loved a lot but people also made many mistakes, so she was always unconsciously older than she should have been). Actually I'll give you a little spoiler for a draft that I have; When they lived in LA Himari used to sleep alone on the couch but one night Hongjoong fell asleep on it while everyone was washing up, which made her share a mattress with Seonghwa and from that day forward nightmares became rare, so they kept that sleeping arrangement until moving back to Korea.
This is a tough question so I went through quite a long playlist to answer this (it was fun don't worry) but I would say Intro: Serendipity by BTS (Jimin). The title means 'the occurrence and development of events by chance (in a happy and beneficial way)' which is essentially what brought them together, it was simply the chance of them being the same group as one another that led to the meeting of two soulmates.
The song itself talks about the fact that two lovers fit one another perfectly while the speaker asks whoever is listening "Let me love you" and since both struggle with loving themselves, it illustrates perfectly that the love they cannot create is simply given by the other. There's also a line saying "As much as my heart flutters, I'm worried", which expresses the deep rooted anxiety both have to this day (although that worry can extend from their relationship to truly anything in their lives). In a very cute coincidence, Jimin also refers to the person listening to this song as "my angel" which is Mingi's nickname for Hima🥹
I always write them as two puzzle pieces created solely for one another and this is what the song talks about, people that fate brought together by pure coincidence which led to the blooming of a beautiful relationship. The overall sound of this track also suits what their love is like, very gentle, calm, complete and despite being simple flows ever so perfectly throughout time. (Euphoria by BTS (Jungkook) would also have been a good song for them)
The fact that they were made for one another doesn't mean that she didn't truly feel love for Eunwoo or Mingyu, but it was different than what the two of them have. It was adoration, affection, love, and she felt at peace when they were together but it was not the sense of completion she has with Mingi, it didn't feel like their hearts beat in sync, their voices didn't sink into the depths of her mind when hearing it even for a brief moment.
As usual sweets thank you for your question (and your patience)! Love you too, MWWAAHHH 🥰💕
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