#lgbt survey
Survey Results Pt1
For my own sanity, this will be in multiple parts. Thanks!
(you will have to copy the link and paste it in your browser(can someone teach me how to do this properly?))
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EU citizens of tumbler: there's a lgbtq+ survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
The FRA claims it 'helps to ensure that fundamental rights of people living in the EU are protected.'
So here's a link to the EU LGBTIQ SURVEY
Just to warn you: apparently cross-dressing is a gender
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whyarewewlwlikethat · 4 months
I need tumblr's help on this one because I only have 5 days left (until June 5) and it's not working out. I'm writing my master's thesis on the video game industry and I've distributed a survey around but barely have ANY answers. It should only take 5 minutes to complete. Please, at least reblog this to help me out I'm desperate.
link to the survey here
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mariathechosen1 · 2 years
Do you read fanfiction? Are you queer? Well then I’ve got the perfect survey for you!
Hi! I’m a student writing a research paper on the prevalence of queer couples and lgbtq+ representation in fanfiction and need participants for my survey. This project will be entered in a national (Very prestigious) research competition and will be judged by an academic jury. The more answers I get on this survey, the more accurate my research will be, so I'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to answer! 
Update: The survey is currently being redone! You can find the reasoning behind this (and other FAQ) here [https://at.tumblr.com/mariathechosen1/queer-participation-and-representation-in/i689fhq3b2vn] and the new survey here: https://forms.gle/Tcoafs9dU627PNcn8
Here are some reasons to partcicipate: 
Science and stuff
Force a highly prestigious academic jury to read more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction 
Better my chances of winning real-life money by writing more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Help expand a largely ignored academic field (fandom studies)
It’ll only take like 8 minutes (5 minutes if you’re quick)
The only requirement is that you have some sort of experience with fanfiction or fan works (Whether that be writing or reading). You do not have to be queer to participate and all answers are completely anonymous
Reblogs are appreciated!
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etherealamoeba · 4 months
"It’s that time of year again – we are now recruiting participants for the Ace Community Survey!
The Ace Community Survey is run by the Ace Community Survey Team–a community-based volunteer organization–in collaboration with Northwestern University. It collects valuable information on the demographics and experiences of members in the ace community, including asexual, demisexual, gray-asexual, and related identities. Participants also have the option to make data available to external researchers, or only to our team.
The survey is open to anyone: ace, non-ace, or still questioning. As long as you are 15 years of age or older, we want to hear from you! We want to get a wide variety of responses from as many parts of the community as possible, so we encourage you to share this link with any other potentially interested individuals you know or any ace communities you participate in."
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gray-ace-space · 11 months
no judgements here these are all completely morally neutral ways of experiencing it!
@newpath3432 because you suggested the poll
@aegosexual-moments @cat-flavored @apples9 @arlyiahshay @limetimo because you might also be interested
rb for sample size
(especially curious to hear the allos' perspectives)
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yourdailyqueer · 2 months
Start of the month I did a poll to ask what is the queerest sport and three sport types came top three. So lets battle it out.
Original poll here.
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duine-aiteach · 1 year
Belong To are doing a survey about accessing Gender Affirming Healthcare for 14-30 year olds so if anyone can spare 20 minutes this would be a great help. As we all know the wait is long and the process is unnecessarily invasive so maybe this will help change that.
EDIT: the survey has now closed. Thanks everyone for your support! Hopefully it’ll help being about well needed change!
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rjalker · 2 years
yeah fucking PSA
there's an "aromantic" survey made by aromanticandhappy that I'm pretty fucking sure has been made by a fucking crypto TERF. It is blatantly fishing for people to answer with "Yes AFAB people are more oppressed", equates AFAB and AMAB with, and I quote, "biological men and women", and is just?????
It literally reads like it was written by a TERF who's trying to hide the fact that they're a TERF. Especially because that's a brand new blog created for the sole purpose of posting the survey.
It's suspicious as fuck. Be wary.
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I'm making V.2 of the survey
Hello! You heard that right! I am currently in the process of making V.2 of the survey. As I'm working on this I want to take into consideration your opinions on it, and make it as complete, thorough, and understandable as I can. I have made a small form that you can fill out for suggestions, comments, and concerns about the survey, please fill it out and share it! Thanks :D
Ps. If you need to look at the original survey it is in the pinned post! Don't submit it again if you already have, please.
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hjellacott · 10 months
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mariathechosen1 · 2 years
Do you read fanfiction? Are you queer? Well then I’ve got the perfect survey for you!
Hi! I’m a student writing a research paper on the prevalence of queer couples and lgbtq+ representation in fanfiction and need participants for my survey. This project will be entered in a national Norwegian research competition and will be judged by an academic jury. The more answers I get on this survey, the more accurate my research will be, so I'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to answer!
The survey is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated!
Now, some of you might be thinking “Hey, I’ve seen this survey before.” And you’d be correct. I have a full explanation as to why here [https://at.tumblr.com/mariathechosen1/queer-participation-and-representation-in/i689fhq3b2vn], but the short explanation is that the original survey was meant for a much smaller sample size and after getting 8000 (!!!) answers on the past survey we decided we had to redo it in proper compliance with the GDPR. If you have any questions about this decision, or about the past survey, please read the FAQ post before contacting me or the project supervisor.
In contrary to the former survey, this research is specifically aimed at queer individuals who read and/or write fanfiction. Both people who answered and didn’t answer the last survey may answer this one.
Here are some reasons to participate:
Science and stuff
Force a highly prestigious academic jury to read more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Better my chances of winning real-life money by writing more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Help expand a largely ignored academic field (fandom studies)
It’ll only take like 8 minutes (5 minutes if you’re quick)
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cuddles-edits · 3 months
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"Ymir" from Attack on Titan
Lesbian Pride Icons
In celebration of Pride Month 2024, I will be posting a new icon set of a canon LGBTQ+ character every day. Today's canon LGBTQ+ character is Ymir from Attack on Titan, who is implied to be a lesbian.
Ymir is eventually revealed to have romantic feelings for Krista, and shows no interest in men at any point in the series.
Happy Pride Month!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
There are more closeted trans people than you think
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gray-ace-space · 10 months
poll results
some days ago, i made a post. that post sparked discussion, and a poll was suggested. so i made one. it lasted a week with over 1000 people participating, and here are the results!
the poll question was:
when a person you're sexually attracted to tells you they're not interested in sex, do your sexual thoughts / feelings about them stop?
final results:
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i am now going to attempt to summarize these results. i will preface this by saying i have no formal training or education in statistics, so it's possible i fucked up somewhere, but i tried my best.
out of 1155 people surveyed:
23% chose one of the 4 allosexual options (approx. 266 people)
24.9% chose one of the 4 acespec options (approx. 288 people)
the majority - 44.1% - said they didn't feel sexual attraction at all (approx. 509 people)
7.9% weren't sure if they were acespec (approx. 91 people)
the latter two are quite useless information for the purposes of this survey: i only put them in because i know people like to press buttons and feel included. i will disregard them for the rest of this post.
since there was a bit more people in the acespec group than in the allo group overall, i will take each of the two groups as its own 100% so i can compare them proportionally instead of directly.
after fucking with the numbers a bit here's what i got:
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no: 33.5% of allos, 17.7% of acespecs
i won't actively think about it, but feelings will persist: 35.2% of allos, 27.3% of acespecs
sometimes yes, sometimes no / it depends: 24.3% of allos, 35.3% of acespecs
yes: 6.9% of allos, 19.7% of acespecs
for a while, "no" was leading for the allos, but at the end "won't actively think about it" won out. those are their two top options, almost equal in popularity.
"yes" for allos was the least popular of all the options by far, so i think it's safe to assume the thing i shared in the post that started this was not, in fact, very allosexual of me.
the acespec half surprised me a little: while "no" was the least popular acespec response, "yes" was only barely above it, and the two biggest groups are the "on the fence" ones. for me this really emphasizes how diverse and complex acespec experiences are.
in general, the poll confirmed my hypothesis, which was that for allos sexual attraction doesn't "switch off" as often or as easily as it does for acespecs.
thank you again to everyone who participated and reblogged!
oh, and if you're one of the acespecs who voted for "depends," feel free to add to this post saying what you think it depends on! with it being the most popular response, i'm very curious.
also, i can not emphasize this enough, if i fucked up somewhere in my labeling or calculations, pls tell me
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rotten-vivs · 1 year
Ultimate Life Series LGBT+ Headcanon Survey
The Life Series is a multi-seasonal Minecraft roleplay Youtube series that follows ∼15 creators in a fight to be the last one to survive. Due to the improvised series's nature, characters are open to fandom interpretation and headcanons. In this survey, we will find out the most common sexuality and gender character headcanons. 
This survey will close on Saturday, September 30th (check edit below), and the data will be posted a week afterward. All responses will be fully anonymous
(Edit: I decided to leave the survey open for 3 more days. The survey will close on Tuesday, October 3rd)
reblogging and sharing on different sites is welcomed and appreciated
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