#like i know when i’m reading a fic that’s referencing canon stuff that i don’t know. this ain’t that
silentwalrus1 · 3 months
in all my random tag/fandom hopping years i have never encountered the sheer incoherency of star wars fic. It’s amazing? Like, most top kudosed stories will have nice staid comprehensible paragraphs tracking perfectly well from sentence to sentence but once you’re like 700 words in you start to feel like you’re in some kind of funhouse mirror dimension. Nothing makes sense. It’s like the authors somehow built a story without any story in it. It’s the storytelling equivalent of hearing that one song where all the lyrics are in a fake language meant to sound like english in order to show native english speakers what their own language sounds like to those who can’t understand it. It’s the narrative equivalent of simlish. Is it all written by AI? Am i having a stroke? I have to understand how this is done
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 1]
Much more recently written fanfic I started to distract myself from the "mild" trauma of Season 2 finale based on ideas that wouldn't work for "Rough Stuff". This fic is absolutely RIFE with my personal headcanons. Clones deserved so much better, and I will be a giant mess when I get to Pong Krell in TWC as I have since started rewatching it.
Warnings & Information: Intended audience is 13+, 18 if you squint. Hurt+comfort material primarily; there is still a fair amount of angst, fluff, and all the good stuff. Reader has she/her pronouns. We really like italics in this house. Peep this for funsies for why I decide to use Mando'a. By no means comprehensive, in no particular order there will be: Mild injury description + care, blood, vague medical terminology (read as: pretending to understand medical stuff), use of restraints, needles (autoinjectors), near-death(s), nausea and non-descriptive mentions of vomit, Star Wars swearing, drugs (both medical and recreational references), minor adult themes + implications, avoidant behaviors, trickery and light mean teasing in the forms of siblings and crushes. 
Series-inaccurate allusions to Crosshair never leaving Bad Batch post Order 66 execution [because while this is an AU fic, I am also very much an Avoidant Mess™], Batchers never meet Cid, fair chance of misremembering any referenced events from TCW series. Series accurate allusions and references to canon violence (AKA: literal war crimes, weapon injuries, etcetera).  
Word-count: 4,637
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She couldn't remember the last time she had a really, really bad day outside of her medical clinic. There was a tip-off that an abandoned medical center on a neighboring mining planet within the system had supplies too tantalizing to ignore. Valuable paraphernalia that was being phased out by this emerging Empire, ripe for the taking. Did the mining company really have to build this settlement on the steepest face of the mountain? No, they probably didn't realize how unstable, unsafe and ultimately unsuitable this location was while they riddled the inside of the mountain with tunnels as they harvested precious ore and minerals. This was a boomtown and it had completed two of the three strikes typical of such: strike it rich, strike it fast, strike it down. The people living and working here had to abandon it in a hurry before they demoed the place. This mining company hadn't done their proper research and now the shells of their temporary structures were all that remained. 
But a scrappy little scavenger had found the medical center was still fairly flush with supplies and let the first medic who was willing to help them with their injuries know about the score. 'It'll be dangerous. If you're going, tell a friend so they know to come looking for you if you don't get back after a certain time. But these items are pre-Empire, they aren't making them like that anymore, so you'll want these. Trust me. I think you'll find them worth the risk of a rock slide or two.' 
It. Was. Not. Not really, anyways.
She was just glad to be home now. Put the day behind her. No more rock slides. No more rusted shells of buildings that made for excellent deathtraps. No more falling halfway down the mountain she climbed up in the descent to her ship in the foothills and losing almost every last med supply she came with after slipping on a patch of loose, fine-grain sand just after navigating the maze of the medical center. She had to hobble down the rest of the mountain with nothing to clean out the open wounds and prayed to everything and anything that she didn't contract something that had leached into the rock as the by-products of mining and refinery. She had to stumble into her ship and send a message to her back-up at home that she was 'hurt pretty kriffing bad' but alive and would be back planet-side after dinner; don't wait up for me, I'm too damn tired to swing by after all. Tell the others I'm sorry.
Her instructors in med school would be having a conniption if they saw the way she had tended her wounds so lazily and would never let her hear the end of it for the juvenile, sloppy attempt to bandage the laceration on her dominant arm, but she was too tired to care. (But if she ever saw that scavenger again, she'd kill them for failing to mention several things. The collapsing roof in the west stock room, for starters.) She'd deal with it all properly in the morning. She just wanted to sleep after sucking down two tubes of nutrient paste and a mixed handful of painkillers and antibiotics to ward away pain and infection.
She picked up her datapad one last time and hissed a deliberate dictation into the mic after tugging the knot to the wrapping one last time for good measure. "I'll deal with that bantha fodder in the morning… Home safe. Going to bed. Goodnight." 
She'd accidentally sent it to the wider group beyond the singular contact when five messages popped up in short succession. 
Glad you're home safe. Sleep well, kid. 
Yes, goodnight. 
We'll see you in the morning, burc'ya. 
Hopefully she'd feel well-rested with the sunrise. Crawling into her bed, she dropped heavily on her side and clutched a well worn Tooka doll in her favorite colors named after her very first childhood pet to her chest as she drew the covers up over her shoulders. Maker, she was so tired. It wouldn't take long before sleep came for her, feeling the first beckoning pulls on her eyelids after just a few moments. 
Her comms gave a harsh screech, jolting her awake in her bed. Just when she had drifted off… This better be important. An actual karking emergency. Someone who had her personal frequency had better be dying if they were contacting her. "What."
There was a lot of shuffling and keypad beeping on the other end of the comms channel, but no one spoke right away. Just when she was about to either call out a hello? or simply disconnect her comlink, she heard someone speak up. Clone Sergeant Hunter. "Tech is this really necessary to keep the-"
"If we want an accurate oral temperature, yes." 
There was a groan over the channel, then the sharp rustle as the comms got bumped or adjusted in Hunter's hand. "Well the longer I have it in my mouth the closer I feel to gaggin-"
She shot upright in her bunk, slightly grossed out and confused all at once. "What the kriff are you-!?"
The two Clones on the other end of the comlink gave their own startled shouts, realizing they had a disembodied voice suddenly joining their company. "[____]! How-?" 
She was quick to cut Tech off, pulling the comlink closer to her face to amplify her furious tone of voice. "Did one of you seriously call me - in the middle of a medical check - when I'm trying to sleep!" 
"Sorry, [____]." Hunter mumbled shamefully. "Must have switched on my comlink by mistake… Didn't mean to disturb you when I know you've had a hard day." What an understatement, Hunter. The impulsive venom in her mouth was hard to hold back, encouraged by her frustrations and discomforts bubbling over. "Hard day made harder thanks to you." She regretted it in a heartbeat. Thank the Maker the enhanced Clone wasn't in the room with her; he'd probably have been able to hear the way it skipped a beat if he was able to sense the beginnings of seismic activity, smell the way she felt her body begin to shiver in a forming, cold stress-sweat as the shame of her anger washed over her. 
"You're right: let me make it up to you." 
She was told to come over to the Batch's housing. Crosshair opened the blastdoor for her before she even had a chance to knock to avoid waking anyone sleeping if she used the buzzer. "He'll be in the main area."
"What, no "Hello, taking care of yourself like I told you to?" tonight, Cross? Even as a joke, after the day I've been having, to lighten the mood?" 
There was a half-hearted scoff (or maybe that was a soft laugh) from the Clone at this."That's more Wrecker's thing," Cross drawled in a casual voice around a toothpick, sidestepping to let her squeeze inside, "and I'm not really interested in pretending I can't see that you are not taking care of yourself."
"No, of course not Mr. Sharp-eyed, Snarky Sniper. 'Cause I fall down the mountains of abandoned mining settlements for kriffing fun." 
If Cross was phased by the uncharacteristic anger of the medic tonight, he didn't really show it. Just a little twitching pull of his upper lip on one side and half-lidded eyes that betrayed a bit of amusement and disappointment. "Mmp. C'mon, kid. I'll see if I can't find a half-decent ration bar somewhere around here for you." 
"Not hungry, Cr-"
"Don't care." He interrupted in a brusque tone, not giving her the opportunity for excuses. Crosshair was the kinda guy who didn't like excuses, either in giving or getting, and could be quick to shut that kriff down. It was refreshing sometimes, but tonight it was just another mild annoyance of [____]'s day. 
Whatever. She was going to go find Hunter where Cross said he'd be rather than waiting around in the entryway forever. "Skipping meals again, are we burc'ya?" As a medic, she often missed out on a meal or two while she was aiding the galaxy's sick and injured, and the unintentional habit carried over when she wasn't at the clinic. Something that made her friends fret over her like this. "For once I had all three meals. Only thing I swear went right today…" There was a pause as the medic heard a comment from the small kitchen on the left from the common room and she added with a gentle sigh, "aside from not breaking any bones during that nasty fall, too I guess." 
Hunter looked relieved and genuinely proud of her, sincerely surprised she wasn't tired and hungry like many nights in the past. Crosshair just turned on his heel back into the kitchen unit without breaking his stride, after a little shuffling around in the cabinets [____] could hear the sink running. "Well that's… good! Proud of you, kid." 
Cross set the glass of water he'd filled for her in lieu of the ration bar down on a low table in the common room in the middle of the light conversation she was having with Hunter. "Here. I'll leave you two to it. Goodnight."
"U-um, thanks, Cross. Goodnight…" Cross nodded nonchalantly at her, next turning to his brother, who was quick to avoid his eyes before Crosshair just turned and left the two of them. Leave you two to it, what did he mean by that that had Hunter looking so nervous with a wave of color creeping up his neck from under the collar of a fresh nightshirt? "What's going on, Hunter? Do I need to be worried about something? Something show up on the health check? Do you need some nysillin tea or- s-something?" 
Hunter shook his head, a tender, reassuring (and touched) smile slowly building. You could take the doctor out of the clinic, but you couldn't stop her from thinking about her job. "Nothing's wrong, k'uur... Just thought I was feeling a little under the weather, but I'm perfectly fine. It's nothing more than just making it up to you after waking you. Plus, for once, you won't have to patch your own wounds. Why not have someone take care of you the same way you take care of others?" It was the same thing he'd said to her at the end of their first of many interactions in this seedy little travel-hub. The time she'd undoubtedly saved Crosshair's life after he'd picked up a nasty little parasite while slogging through the swamps of some distant planet. Kashyyyk? It was probably Kashyyyk. 
[____] was in a sour arrangement then with some smugglers with hair-trigger tempers to come and go as they pleased with her small clinic, and these Clones had been kind to remove the problem clientele "with discretion" as a way of paying her back. She'd saved their "stubborn vod". They saved her and now trusted her to treat their injuries no matter the cause, turning up at odd hours for the oddest of injury or malady. Complete faith in her in a hostile galaxy who now wanted… whatever it is they wanted with these Clones. She didn't ask. She didn't want to know. 
She'd heard the stories from those who fled the war encroaching nearly every part of the galaxy. She'd heard of the war crimes, seen the horror and gore and bloodshed step into at least two of the medical centers she once worked in… known of an Order 66 and what became of much, if not all, of the Jedi… She didn't want to know. They often didn't want to tell, beyond giving vague recollections when they were making arrangements for short-term prescriptions for sleeping supplements with the medic when the nightmares were overwhelming. 
Much like scouting the abandoned medical facility in an old mining boomtown for various 'sillin supplies, life seldom goes the way you wish. 
"C'mere, ad'ika. Let's get you patched up." He patted the space beside him on the couch in invitation, pulling a medkit closer with the other hand all while looking at her with the same softness he often reserved for his sister. When [____] first met him, she could have sworn Omega was his daughter. "Unless you're not okay with that." Hunter added, addressing her hesitation he could hear in the rhythm of her pulse, her heart. 
"I'm fine with it… just really tired and brain's kinda closing shop for the night. Sorry." Taking the seat indicated, [____] sunk back into the furniture, sighing. She didn't want to bring up why she was hesitating on him. He carried enough guilt as a participant in the old GAR… Hunter broke the seal on the new packet of medical tools, prepping everything he thought he'd need. "Don't be, ad'ika. Now, have you taken something for the pain already?" 
"Rhetorical question for a medic, don't you think?" The tired, teasing question was met with a single chuckle. He knew she would have, he was just making small talk. "Anything else? Ask me if I'm taking any other kind of stim packs, or maybe I should lie about eating all my recommended fruits and vegetables?" It was a laugh from Hunter this time, deep and hearty and genuine from his chest. 
"Are you?" Picking up a pre-moistened cleaning wipe from the little packet within the medkit, Hunter removed the sloppy wrappings around her dominant arm that [____] had applied before trying to call it a day and properly deal with everything in the morning. Dried smears of red lay underneath the gauze, something that made Hunter's gut drop slightly. Either she had done an uncharacteristically poor job cleaning her injuries, or these were more intensive than believed and they were slow-bleeders that hadn't scabbed over completely. 
"Tck…Can't say I'm any better than most of my patients, if I'm honest." Hunter hummed slightly, gingerly blotting along the length of the mild laceration. It had to have been an unpleasant injury after losing all her emergency supplies and nothing to ease it right away until she stumbled back to her ship. It looked fairly deep to him, but couldn't be certain. "Mmh! That stings." 
"'It's supposed to, little guy. Means it's working.' I swear Cross could have killed you with a look if the parasite wasn't actively killing him over being called a little guy like he was a kid." 
"Ha-ha. Very funny, Tech." [____] half-heartedly mocked Hunter's sharp recollection of their first encounter, trying to stifle a coming yawn. That time felt so long ago now; longer than it actually was. "I was only trying to keep him calm and comfortable. I see a lot of children at my clinic so it's a habit I've de-developed… excuse me, sorry about that. People… don't exactly love doctors." 
Hunter paused mid-blot, giving her a firm look to show her he was serious. Something in Hunter didn't like the way she'd said it, it didn't sit right with him. "Nonsense, cyar'ika. People love doctors; they just don't love going to them. Big difference. Trust me." Trust me like I trust you he wanted to say. He wouldn't. He believed it was mutually understood, no need for explicitly stating so (partly an old habit in thanks to how he communicated with many a vod during the war). "People…" Hunter tried further explaining, leaving out the "like us" he again believed didn't need to be said "...might be embarrassed, or fearful, or worried about going to the medic, but they understand they need to go because the medics will be able to make them better. They don't hate the doctor; they hate the doctor's office…" Hunter paused, digesting his own words with a questioning expression as he set aside the pre-moistened wipe, now soiled. "Now of course I think I just sound like I'm condescendingly explaining your own job to you." 
"Heh. Don't worry about it. Too tired to care," the weary medic offered with a reassuring smile, leaning into the backrest of the couch with a slowing blink-rate. "I'm just more concerned about staying awake, while I'm the patient for once, for you." 
For you. Something about it was unintentionally sweet to Hunter and made something within him flutter for a moment. That was happening a lot lately, every time he thought of her. He kept chalking it up to his enhancements and memories of the Kaminoans testing him and the others that remained of the experimental unit, the sharp sterility of antiseptic that lingered in her clinic and her clothing and her hair that sometimes turned his stomach, or simply a disconnected unfamiliarity with those who were not Clones… though, while perhaps he never felt truly connected with them and the way some called them the 'Sad Batch' (or called Omega a lab scabber) when they thought they could get away with it, they had still been his brothers in arms in the war.
A war they were still running from. One they nearly lost Crosshair to after 'things went screwy on Kaller' as Wrecker put it once. What an understatement… if Hunter hadn't been so insistent with the Shock Troopers down in the brig that the Batch stayed together to the point that they tased Hunter to shut him up instead of extracting Cross, then Crosshair likely would have been siphoned off to some corner of Tipoca City and had the activation of his inhibitor chip nudged along into unpleasant possibilities Hunter had nightmares about in addition to so many things he'd seen… done, during the Clone Wars. It'd been difficult, and he'd hated part of himself for it, but as they made their initial escape from Kamino, he threatened to stun Crosshair if he didn't kriffing shut up about following orders they didn't even understand for five minutes! so hard he wouldn't wake up until they reached the next star system. 
There had been so much bickering. They still bickered even after Captain Rex got in touch with them, somehow, after they left Saleucami visiting the Lawquane family (which had been tricky and Tech worked the loophole that Crosshair could not report Cut for desertion because it had been the GAR when he went AWOL and now it no longer existed, it was the Empire now, right? half to death before Crosshair reluctantly let it be), and they got their chips removed in the rusted out shell of a Venator on Bracca and had been lured into a trap set by Tarkin back on Kamino. Because if Tarkin could not have this SpecOps force, nobody in the galaxy could; he'd aimed to wipe them out and they'd narrowly avoided being swallowed in the eternal seas of the closest thing they had to a homeworld. 
It took a long time for the bickering to stop. They were at their throats for a while still until… Crosshair had gotten really, really sick. 
That's what led to this friendship with a medic who had been willing to help them nearly a year ago. Though lately, it was feeling… different.
"Hey…" [____] broke the building silence while Hunter had been searching for a bacta patch, and Hunter initially worried he'd done something to tip her off to the personal burdens, the memories, he shouldered. "...weird question for ya, if that's okay." 
"How weird?" Hunter tried, careful not to let the hesitancy and budding anxieties show in his voice. There's the karking things. He'd probably need a couple of them to make sure he had it covered so it would heal up nicely, quickly.
"Oh, not very. I just wanna pick your brain a bit." 
Ah. Just curiosity. He affixed the first patch over the first half of the laceration, careful not to prod the bruised flesh with unnecessary pressure. "Alright, pick away." 
"What is… your favorite memory? When you're having a bad day… what's the thing you think about that always cheers you up?"
"Heh… your day was really that bad that you're looking for advice from a soldier, doc?" Hunter teased, applying a second patch over the laceration. He wasn't sure what he could truthfully answer with while he was carefully measuring out a length of sterile gauze to hold the patches in place on her dominant arm, there being too many little, fleeting happy moments rather than significant memories to spin some story from. But he'd try. "I guess for me… it's less what I think of and more of what I do after a bad mission. Clean my gear. Tidy up my rack. Buff out my helmet-" 
The medic smirked, a solitary, quiet laugh interrupting Hunter's train of thought. 
Oh, Maker… he'd forgotten the suggestive context behind the phrase she often heard in the infancy of her profession in the midst of the Clone Wars. He'd heard she'd get the stray Clone on occasion at the large health center she was employed at once on a different planet but didn't know how much truth there was to it. "K'uur: that was not a euphemism." 
That was met with a nervous giggle that made his stomach flutter. "S-sorry; old habits, and a non-professional setting where I can actually laugh." [____] offered meekly, face flushing with color while he wound the wrapping around her forearm. "C-continue, Hunter, please. 'Buff out your helmet' and...?" The unspoken what else on her tongue was permission enough to show she was serious about him continuing. 
"And… check in with the others, I suppose. Make sure that everyone is okay. Spend time with them. Strengthen personal bonds."
A lot like what the two of them were doing now, he supposed. The unintentional check in. Taking care of her injuries while they sat side by side in the common room as the rest of the Batch were sleeping. Except maybe for Tech who often tinkered away on his datapad or the desk he'd squeezed into the room he shared with Wrecker (who wasn't bothered by a roommate with a propensity to dink around with some little gadget or piece of equipment when he was sleeping or resting) at these hours. Or Crosshair, who was often awake and asleep around the same times Hunter was, since they'd have muffled "conversations" through the walls when neither could sleep on occasion. But all was relatively still and quiet in each of his brother's rooms, and the steady rumble of the noise machine in Omega's room meant his sister was asleep. 
Drumming rain and swirling waves. The perpetual ambiance of Kamino. He hoped the little machine replicating the soundscape engrained in her memories wouldn't cause her to dream of the Venator class ships bombing the cloning facilities tonight… 
While Hunter had been lost in his senses, his worries, the medic had been busy mulling over his words. There was a ghost of a smile taking the place of the pained frown she previously bore. "That all sounds… really nice."
The last injury tended to, Hunter set everything aside and gave [____]'s shoulder a tender double-pat, feeling the tense muscles under his hand as he held his hand there after the friendly gesture. "There you go, ad'ika. All patched up." 
"Thanks, appreciate the help Hunter. Could I… trouble you a little further by crashing here for the night? I don't think I'm in a fit state to get back home around now. Far, far too tired." It was definitely not a safe time for a woman to be walking by herself without a blaster, nevermind a tired, injured woman who'd been an invaluable friend to Clone Force 99. He'd never have sent her home to begin with, giving how deeply her chin dipped into her chest with fatigue. "No trouble at all; you're welcome to take my bed, if you want." Hunter offered, giving her shoulder a friendly squeeze. He'd sleep out here in the common room so none of his brothers would get any funny ideas if both he and the medic emerged from the smallest of all the bedrooms in the housing together. 
Why the Sith's hells did he just think that?
[____] winced in mild complaint, laugh laced with pain. "Ow, that's quite a grip there, soldier!" 
"Sorry," he apologized, "didn't realize how hard it'd be. You carry a lot of stress and tension in your shoulders, ad'ika… I can feel how stiff your muscles are. I… have some experience with providing some relief for that, thanks to all the practice I've had with Wrecker and Tech. Tech's posture is a mess-" He rolled the palm of his hand against her shoulder experimentally, gauging the pliability of the tensest muscle, and she leaned into it eagerly with a whimpering 'oh, Maker…!' surprising even herself. Hunter decided he'd stubbornly pretend not to imagine how not-so-innocent the sound was, to keep talking about his brothers and ignore the heat in his lower belly, another flutter of his heart. "Tech spends hours hunched over his datapad, or some little gadget, or spends hours in those rigid crash seats in the Marauder with his muscles wound so tight he's practically locked in place. Wrecker takes such a beating each mission it's just… uh,"
"A w-way of taking care of him afterwards?" She helped him where he faultured. 
"Yeah. That's one part of it. Here, turn so I can get both shoulders." He had her melting under his touch quickly, the practically unhurried worship in this massage he was working into the medic's shoulders, neck, and the dominant arm. The muscles were so stiff and taut under her skin, under his ungloved hands. They were afraid to speak and break the reverence of this moment, the silent work of friend helping friend between each little involuntary sound of great relief or wince of brief pain as each tight, brow-bunching knot slowly surrendered. Her breathing pattern slowed as every minute elapsed between them beyond the gentle moans of relief as Hunter methodically kneaded the muscle free of tension with dexterous fingers. He wouldn't need to dig in so deeply like taking care of Wrecker's messes of well-defined muscle, for which he was grateful, to make any kind of progress, or go so tenderly to start with like he has to for Tech (on occasion) that the goggled Clone sometimes became a little impatient because he wasn't feeling any external relief. He could dip his fingers just a little deeper and just a little shallower, like those perpetual waves of Kamino replicated on Omega's sound machine, as he worked one muscle at a time for the unlikely friend who sat with him on the couch. 
It felt roughly the same to strengthening the bonds of the squad to Hunter, but again there was that fluttering in his heart that suggested this was so very different when he realized that when he moved back to [____]'s neck one last time, at her asking, and planted one of his palms on the opposite side of her face to keep her steadied as he dug little circles around the tight muscles under the base of her skull with his thumb that she took one last deep breath and was soon asleep in half a heart's beat between them. 
Hunter froze as he was, face hot in panic with the reality that he was now entirely supporting, for the moment, a female friend who was upright and asleep in his hands. Not knowing what to do just as the medic became more limp, he effectively locked himself in place when, on reflex, he caught her upper body against his before lowering it into his lap. A move he'd done a hundred times when one of the squad was this close to fainting out in the field.
Oh, you're kidding me… why the kriff did I do that?
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gffa · 1 year
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Everyone has my absolute sympathy for trying to sort this stuff out, because there is so much source material to sort through and so much of a game of Telephone being played (ie, one person says something they believe to be true, the next person picks it up as hard fact and repeats it as such, then the next person also believes it but adding a bit of their own assumptions to what the previous posts said, on and on until we get to where we are now in fandom) that it can be hard to sort it all out. My best advice is to just start paying attention to sources on things--like when someone posts a quote from Wild Space, I automatically think, okay, that's in the Legends continuity, because I've looked up which books are in which continuity enough to know that.  Once you start doing that often enough, you start naturally understanding what comes from what continuity. Like, for a specific example--the idea of Jedi aging out at 13, when someone posts about that, where does that come from?  It's always sourced back to the Jedi Apprentice books, so, okay, that's a Legends thing!  Can you think of any time that came up in the movies or in TCW?  If not, then it's not Lucas' continuity and it never happened there.  In fact, The Clone Wars (Ahsoka's 14 in the movie and said to be on the young side for being a Padawan) + Disney (the Dooku: Jedi Lost audiodrama has a 16 year old Initiate who will have to wait another year before trying to be a Padawan again) both show that's not part of those continuities. That's pretty much it, I just constantly go after the source, figure out where something is from, and if I can't find a source, it's probably Legends or fanon.  (Which is no shade!  People should do what they want!  But I do like knowing what's fanon and what's not.) For the Jedi stuff, I can definitely help you out--I have a Jedi reference project, which is a collection of citations from Lucas continuity + Disney continuity (if it's quoted from Lucas, the movies, or TCW s1-s6, then it's Lucas continuity, everything else is Disney on that list) and Part II has an intro section that lists the different continuities as I see them. But I would say the primary differences between Lucas/Disney and Legends Jedi are: (None of these are value judgements!  I have read so many good fics that mix and match all of these things and I hope people continue to do what makes them happy, re: what goes in which continuity!) - Aging out does not seem to exist, the AgriCorps do not exist in the same fashion if they exist in Disney canon. - While Bant and Siri have been recanonized, Garen and Reeft do not exist in Disney canon, nor does Feemor or Komari.  Rael Averross is Dooku's other Padawan in Disney continuity, he does not exist in Legends. - Male Cereans are not endangered, Ki-Adi-Mundi is not married in Lucas or Disney canon. - The post-ROTJ world is massively, massively different, like Luke married Mara Jade and they had a son, Ben Skywalker, Han and Leia had three children (Jacen & Jaina the twins, Anakin their youngest son), Luke trains more Jedi as adults, while in Lucas' views and in Disney, he trains younger students. - The clones are not Mandalorian, in Lucas canon and Disney canon, they consider Kamino their home and they've never spoken any Mando'a.  Honestly,  I'm not sure any Mando'a has ever been spoken in any of Disney's stuff?  (Also, Mando'a was heavily linked with Karen Traviss' writing and, given that she's a Trump supporter and anti-BLM irl, some people really don't want to touch her stuff.) - The Jedi meditation mantra of "there is no emotion, there is peace" is purely a supplementary canon thing, it started in an '80s roleplaying book for the OT, then made its way to PT Legends stuff, and is referenced in Disney's continuity, but it does not exist in Lucas' continuity at all.  Also the "emotion yet peace" version is a prequels era thing, a lot of people will say it's an "older version" of the Jedi Code, but the only time we see it is during the Clone Wars (from the Kanan comics' flashbacks). - Grey Jedi do not exist in Lucas Canon or Disney canon.  I’m not sure if they’re around in some form in Legends (a lot of wild stuff happened in Legends), but they seem to be actively impossible to have in these canons, given the story group’s commentary about how you cannot use the dark side without consequences.  You can’t be a Jedi and use the dark side, pretty much. Oh, no, I'm kind of stuttering to a stop on trying to think of more major differences between the continuities, because honestly I'm better at answering direct questions than trying to come up with something.  (And even then, if I can't write a 25k essay, I feel bad, like, "Is this enough??  Or am I FAILING  here??" because sometimes Star Wars just Does Not Give Us Answers.  orz)
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Ok so I’ve seen your thoughts on Talia being a good mom to both Jason and Damian and generally being a better person vs when she’s morally gray and really only good to Damian, but how do you feel about Bruce being a bad dad? Like personally I don’t like him being abusive but unfortunately…canon does not disprove it 😕🫠. Like do you have hcs or prompts where he switches from one interpretation to the other? Genuinely curious bc my thoughts on him going between these two have me conflicted bc I don’t LIKE him being a bad father, specifically in regards to Jason, but it does kinda fuel some ‘Jason leaves the batfam to go find himself’ stories I’ve seen, but you could argue that Bruce doesn’t NEED to be terrible for that to happen. Idk maybe modern comics have poisoned my ability to ignore Bruce’s history of abusing his children in some way by cranking up that abuse to a solid 20/10 (I’m sure I don’t have to mention what I’m referencing lmao), but it just makes me think. So much would be nicer if he was just a flawed father, but that’s not what his character fully is y’know (this is why I brought up Talia, just realized I was rambling without making that clear lol)
Phew ok, I’ll try to answer this to the best of my abilities!
So keep in mind that these are my personal thoughts and I’m actually not that well versed in comic lore (the comics I’ve read can be counted on one hand sadly but I’m trying to get my hands on more ksksks), and majority of my knowledge comes from research and fanfic.
Okay back to the topic at hand!
Generally I write/read fanfic for some fluffy family feels (and angst) and the occasional romance, hence why I prefer to write Talia and Bruce as being good parents and likable characters in general. I enjoy reading about it, so I enjoy writing it that way.
In regards to Bruce and his canon actions… well, that’s a tough one to answer ngl.
On one hand he’s displayed as a loving adoptive father who absolutely adores is children, on the other hand he’s shown to be ruthless when they violate his no-kill rules (reference to the Batarang incident).
To me this kind of juxtaposition makes little sense, but I’m afraid there are quite a number of character inconsistencies in the franchise from what I’ve seen so…. I don’t know. It’s just such a 180 turnaround to the early concept of the Batman who considers everyone to be redeemable regardless of their crime. Why would that suddenly not apply to his child?
I don’t think I could ever stomach writing him as a genuinely bad father, most I could do to mix it up a little and have him struggle to reach an understanding with Jason regarding his rule over Crime Alley and dealing with his own inability to communicate properly.
Batman was always supposed to be a protector, the “good guy”, but he’s also human. A human with significant trauma that he’s never properly worked through which… can screw with your people skills significantly.
So that’s usually the way I try to look at it whenever I want to write a Bruce who isn’t the World’s Best Dad at the moment. He’s trying, he just doesn’t know how to show it in a way that others can understand, especially his kids. (Yes tho I take full liberty with the more heinous stuff Bruce pulls/pulled in the comics and discard them as if they’re expired candy >.<)
To sum it up, I’m afraid you won’t ever find a fic where either Talia and/or Bruce are genuinely, irredeemably bad. Simply because I personally don’t think that’s how people work in general and because… well, I’m soft and I need some soft parenting in there somewhere. Sorry dear 🥺
Phew ok I think I was rambling a bit here, but I hope that answers your question somewhat? But if you’d like I could totally cook up a prompt for you that deals with Jason and Bruce struggling to come to an understanding and making compromises to be a family again. Feel free to let me know or send another ask if you’d like to stay anonymous 💚💚💚💚
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Hi! I really love and appreciate your analyses work because I find it so rare to come across these days. Most content about TWST I found is either about in-game stuff or fics of various genres and AUs. It's refreshing in a way, and I just want to tell you that I absolutely adore your work.
I just read your analysis of Cater in canon and how romance comes into play, and I couldn't stop thinking about something when you mentioned how he lights up after taking pictures. Since Cater moves around a lot due to his father's work, I think the pictures immortalize whatever connections he had regardless of how long he got to stay in the area before he eventually moves away with his family.
Aside from Magicam and pictures being his coping mechanisms, it's what little Cater has to connections and relationships even if he distances himself due to his fear of rejection and of being forgotten. I only know bits and pieces of Cater in-game because I don't have many cards of him, but the little I do know of him made me think that he would take pictures to keep memories that would be forgotten once distance and time come to pass. He yearns for deep relationships similar to Riddle and Trey's friendship, but he's so afraid of what comes with such a sentiment that he would resort to pictures and a memorable, public image to keep everyone out of arms' reach.
Even if the people he was friends with (prior to moving away) forget him and move on with life, Cater would have his Magicam account and the pictures. He'd find solace in the memoirs he had taken himself, whether it was just a day inside the Heartslabyul dorm or something as grand as Beansfest. He also takes pictures of the latest trends such as the newest cafe or dessert in town, maybe even a once-in-a-lifetime traveling circus if that's a thing in TWST. Those trends are probably his gateways to finding people with similar interests (I'm using similar doubtfully because Cater does craft his personas so well that he might as well be a pseudo-INFJ) aside from meeting a Magicam influencer quota.
I believe Cater cherishes pictures this way aside from maintaining an image and switching personas in order to be liked and remembered—because those are the closest things that could resemble deep and close relationships to him without compromising his fear.
I may be wrong though, so feel free to correct me! I did say I don't have many cards of Cater so I'm not entirely sure if my speculation is justifiable or otherwise. I'm so sorry this ask became so long 😭 Cater is such an interesting character to analyze, and he's not even in my top 5 personal favorites. I hope you have a nice day!!
[Referencing this masterlist!]
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Hello, I’m glad that you enjoy my works! ^^ I kind of do some of everything, but analyses are a big passion of mine. I’m happy that they’re being appreciated since they often take me a lot of time and effort to put together.
Ah, that must be in one of my older analyses, so it’s probably suuuuper outdated by now 😅 Mmmm, I do think it’s generally accepted that Cater desires deep and genuine connections like what Riddle and Trey have (but is too scared to open up to others). However, I don’t know if he actually places a ton of value in the pictures he takes. In my initial post, I meant to imply that Cater likes taking pictures because of the inherent clout that he can rake in from it, not that he necessarily attaches precious memories to those pictures.
Cater may use social media as a coping mechanism, but he also uses it to project what is knowingly a manufactured image of himself and his life out into the world. He takes so many pictures and posts so frequently (and not all of them are associated with doing things with friends; a lot of them appear to be selfies); it’s debatable whether it’s all just for show to feed the social media algorithm/his need for online validation or if he actually cherishes each and every photo (and thus the memories associated with them).
Social media is a means for him to find stability because the internet provides him with a way to keep in touch with everyone no matter where he physically is. However, social media also promotes an environment in which you’re encouraged to put your “best face” out there, to get the most attention and social approval (likes, shares, etc.). In heavily relying on social media for his socialization, it has probably fostered some of Cater’s currently observed insecurities (ie the fear of rejection or being seen as vulnerable if people learn about the not-so-perfect parts of him that he keeps off of Magicam—because what is social media if not a carefully curated photo album of all your “best” moments?).
How Cater engages with others online actually isn’t detailed often; whenever he mentions his socials, it’s almost always in the context of posting something or tagging someone. It sounds very “one way” and passive; Cater seems to be posting more than actually interacting with others or having extended dialogues. We see in his Robes vignettes that he likes comments, but the way he speaks about them makes it sound like he has to like back as an obligation to thank a particular user for the engagement. He confirms in his latest JP birthday interview that he’s always thinking of new places and things to post, but he doesn’t say his motivation is to make friends, he says it’s to get likes. Even when he’s by himself and doesn’t have to put on a show for anyone else (ie post-party in his Ceremonial Robes vignettes), Cater is concerned about getting likes. He presents his intentions as very shallow ones (whether you think he’s a reliable narrator or not is another question though 😂).
Cater also mentions using horoscopes as ice-breakers, which gives him a chance to show his social intelligence and skill at making people feel comfortable talking to him. I don’t think he’s really intending to find people with similar interests or actively going out of his way to try and make new friends; when Cater approaches someone, he usually wants something from them and he knows how to use his cheery and laidback demeanor to do it (ie he asks Malleus for a photo of him in Malleus’s PE Uniform vignettes, he gets cozy with Adeuce to get them to do his chores for him in the main story episode 1, he talks about using the freshmen for “good material” for his Magicam in his Robes vignettes, he consistently asks Vil to collab or take pics with him so he can get some of Vil’s clout, etc.). Cater uses his amicability to get others to lower their guards and play along with him. Then you have Trey, whom we know Cater likes and has said before that he wishes he had “someone like Trey” in his youth. It’s clear that Cater wants to be Trey’s friend, but this isn’t reflected in Cater’s behavior. He doesn’t go out of his way to try talking to Trey or inviting him to hang out; he seems to spend more time with his club friends Lilia and Kalim, but even then, they mostly get up to shallow activities like sitting around, eating snacks, and talking. Cater doesn’t push beyond that boundary, and the limitations of his own comfort. Likewise, we don’t really know of instances when he made efforts to befriend people online or via his socials.
Cater has a conversation specifically on the topic of memories, experiences, and departures in Silver’s Halloween vignettes. In it, Silver talks about how once he graduates, he won’t be able to visit his school friends like Kalim anymore and how that will make him feel lonely. Cater says that while he could worry that “I might not see you guys again someday”, he could also just as easily decide to have a good time with his friends while he still can. “That way, I’ll always have the memories”. Notice his use of “I” rather than “you”, referring to Silver. Cater may be speaking vaguely about his own experiences moving around and leaving friends behind. If we accept this interaction at face value, it does seem to imply that Cater puts value in making real connections and spending time with his loved ones, without necessarily having to immortalize the moment in a picture. It is the memories he cherishes—so while it can be said that he may place more value in pictures associated with certain happy moments, it’s also true that he's capable of just enjoying himself and appreciating what he has without commemorating the event with a photo.
dbksbskwwb Anyway, it’s hard to say for sure just how much Cater cares about those individual pictures just because 1) he’s an unreliable narrator, 2) you really wonder if he has more selfish reasons for acting as he does sometimes because he has demonstrated the capacity to manipulate others, and 3) his best memories don't always come with pictures. This doesn’t mean Cater is heartless or a bad person! I definitely think it’s possible he has some kind of attachment toward his pictures, since those are the closest approximation Cater has for the intimacy that he seeks without leaving him vulnerable to others. It’s just that I’m not sure if he places as much value in the pictures he takes as we may think he does. He has other motivations mixed in there, and it's possible to isolate Cater's feelings attached to happy memories from the pictures.
P.S. Just so you know, you don’t necessarily need Cater’s (or any character’s) cards to learn more about him; sometimes Cater lore is dropped in other peoples’ vignettes and event stories. Additionally, you can almost always find a source for his vignettes online by either Googling it or just accessing the unofficial Twisted Wonderland wiki.
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the-lavender-creator · 9 months
could I please have some more of my favorite pathetic wet cat- I mean Toralei? Preferably something angsty. I just want her to suffer. A lot. Preferably thunder angst. If you can’t tell by now I’m a whore for thunder angst. And proud of it. Anyway. I want angst. Like a gallon of it. Oooo let me think. Okay so remember when you wrote the thunder fic and there was a line where Clawdeen was all like ‘I don’t know who told you it was bad to be afraid. But they’re wrong’. Or something like that.
WELL TIME TO FIND OUT! So! I’m obviously gonna blame Raterina- Oop I mean Caterina (no I don’t. Im lying) anyway. Let’s say Raterina shows up to check on her daughters progress. Idk like a literal queen leader of the were society would. Make sure the school is up to her daughter’s standards and all.
Well you guessed it! Theirs another storm! Except this time Toralei can’t slink away to her room with Clawdeen. Cause her mom is here! And like. The boo crew is too. And the group hadn’t been like. Officially told Toralei is scare of thunder or anything. But like. They kinda just. Know from past experiences. (Like the origin fic) and just other times toralei has been on edge specifically during a storm. And they might make a comment about it whenever toraleis being especially mean, but they never like truly make fun of her for it. Cause that would be so unlike monster high.
Buuuuut Caterina notices Toralei’s clear discomfort with the storm and immediately berates her. Probably very loudly and meanly. Basically shaming the fear out of her. Probably some stupid high class talk about how rulers don’t fear sounds or what not. Emotional manipulating bullshit on how it’s weak and bad to feel. That stuff.
And like. Toralei was already on edge and now her moms berrating her for it. So she’s probably a good five seconds from crying. And the Boo crew has seen all of this and they all kinda unanimously think ‘Ok. We don’t really like toralei but we all agree we don’t like her mom much more’ so they all kinda burst into action. Half of them slide in to defend Toralei. The others secretly create some distraction. And then once Raterina is thoroughly distracted, that’s when Clawdeen slides in and slips away with Toralei unnoticed. Where they deal with the storm together. (Oh and Clawdeen of course has to stare very clearly that everything toraleis mom just said was utter bullshit and fear is not weak and Toralei is not a weak monster for feeling it).
Famn. That was long. So sorry about that. Did I mention I love thunder angst?
you of course don’t have to write this. I just thought it would be a fun new part of the Toradeen series (featuring the boo crew somewhat accepting toralei as their own and defending the fuck out of her)
Much love! Thanks for putting up with my rambly prompts! ❤️❤️❤️
This one was originally meant to apply to my Furious Fur and Calming Claws series, but I decided to do something a little different! (Also, please send future prompts to my writing blog @vwritesawholelothm!)
Many thanks to @hodgepodgeoffandoms for beta reading!
Fandom: Monster High (Cartoon 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Toralei Stripe/Clawdeen Wolf, Minor Cleo de Nile/Frankie Stein Characters: Toralei Stripe, Clawdeen Wolf, Catarina Stripe, Frankie Stein, Lagoona Blue, Meowlody (Monster High), Purrsephone (Monster High), Cleo de Nile, Draculaura (Monster High), Headless Headmistress Bloodgood Additional Tags: Thunder and Lightning, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Catarina Stripe is a Bad Mother, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Childhood Memories, now that i think about it this is basically the plot of Descendants lmao, canon is a mere suggestion at best
Summary: The talisman owed to Catarina Stripe pops back up when Serena Wolf's daughter finds her way to Monster High. Like mother like daughter, Toralei takes it upon herself to snatch the pendant right under Clawdeen's nose, to present to her mother in a bid for love.
How fitting that her means of stealing involves inspiring a certain love, as well.
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barbiejedi · 9 months
I just have a lot of feelings about Pash Cracken and Judder Page okay
Okay so you know how when you're a wee babby fan, and you read stuff, and maybe you don't know what shipping is yet, or you've juuuust about advanced to the point where you pick up on the ships that most writers are going HEY HEY LOOK THIS IS A CANON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A CANON COUPLE, AND THEY ARE TOTES DATING AND MAKING OUT RIGHT HERE ON THE PAGE LOOKIT, but most of the time you're just going WOAH SPACESHIPS MAN PEW PEW PEW
And then sometimes there are characters you can see in your head because they were in films, or were referenced in films, and you attach to them because they've got names like Wedge or Janson or Darklighter, and you pay attention to them because the writer is going HEY LOOK AT AWESOME PEOPLE DOING AWESOME THINGS
And THEN sometimes there are these characters that don't have names you remember from movies, and you have a hard time seeing them in your head because they don't look like anyone you know, but then the writer has them doing AWESOME THINGS and you go WOAH AWESOME CHARACTER
And then somehow in your head these awesome characters start hanging out, despite the fact that they never really had a whole lot of interaction in the pages of the books you first loved them in
And then suddenly you're writing fanfic where they're space-married.
Because like, they're three years apart and Pash grew up in a family of freedom fighters during the Galactic Civil War he followed his daddy into service, and was a kickass A- and X-wing pilot, and Judder was the son of a rich Imperial senator who went to the Imperial Academy and defected after hearing Princess Leia give a speech about how SUPER SPECIEST THE EMPIRE WAS, and HE was a kickass commando.
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(This has been in my drafts since Sept 11 2012, as evidenced by the SPN gif, and I'm finally setting it free. idk what happened to fic, I don't remember writing anything, but it makes me want to reread Legends stuff.)
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“Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love” by Isthisselfcare (commentary, not a review! Just my inner thoughts as i read)
Day one: Of course I couldn’t wait and started reading last night 🫠 Currently on chapter 4 and i’m already laughing out loud and loving the small details. It’s so refreshing after reading three rather “serious” fics before… glad i made that choice! I think i’ll be updating my reading process in this post! So I’ll be editing it as i go and have it pinned to the top of my page for easy access… let’s goo!!
Day one update: how fucking GREAT and literally up my alley it is that this fic HAS VISUAL AID for places and such???! I’m the type of person who NEEDS a clear mental image so the story can flow in my head, whether is the layout of a house, a characters clothing, etc. (I literally have to remind myself how would 20-30’s Draco or Hermanione would look like bc i’m so used to them being teenagers in my head. I will look up more recent pictures of tom and emma to get an idea (is it only me who finds is hard to imagine Draco with a beard/facial hair and as an older guy still with white-blond hair? It’s like Tom but with bleached hair) and also VOICES, i can literally hear them talking in my head while reading dialogue… I know, my head is very stubborn and weird with the way it forms images and characters, am I the only one? Anyways, loving this “plus”!
Day two: how is it possible to LAUGH OUT LOUD SO MANY TIMES? My face hurts from it! I’m on chapter 8 and i’m so obsessed with Draco’s charcter: he’s witty, funny, sarcastic and charming while ALSO being a prat lol this is right up my alley, gosh I’m so happy right now… And Hermione’s demeanor is so well done! I love that this is more of a “draco’s pov” because all of the ones i’ve read are more from a Hermione’s pov and i find myself more drawn to know D’s thought process rather than H’s, i guess it’s bc we get to know much more of her through the canon storyline… ah, joy!
Day three: currently on chap 15. This HAS to be the best thing that i’ve ever laid eyes upon. It’s so well thought, places and references amazingly described and REFERENCED (i can’t get enough of it). The french references and dialogues, ah! Fabulous! the author said they’re half french so I love how much they included it. Anyways, i’m GIDDY every two minutes, i laugh my arse off with every joke and “quirky moment”, this is definitely a “slow burn” but it’s so well done, you can *actually* see it progressing but it’s so effortless that it just makes sense. I have a feeling i’ll finish this one before the weekend ends and i’m already sad! Will update soon!
Day four: ah! Finally, a kiss! I have to say, i’m loving this slow burn, because there’s so much interesting stuff happening in between, i can’t complain; love their outings, and parties and intimate dinners and everything! It all feels so organic and it’s entertaining, the story advances flawlessly. I love that, even when there are no romantic things happening, the story in itself is so good and captivating… you know i love my references, and they add the perfect amount of *pzaz* to help my brain create an entire scene.. As always, BRILLIANT! Favorite characters so far (aside from d&h): Henrriette is the GOAT; Nott, always a fave through the fics i’ve read; Crooks, a king as always. And honorable mention to the Magdalena’s skull, she was iconic!
Day five: UNHINGED NUNS!!!! Chapter 33 was So fucking good! I’m at the end of it now, only a few chapters left i believe, and i’ve enjoyed it so much! Honestly, what a beautifuly worded story, i’m in awe of the genious of Isthisselfcare, i don’t think i’ll ever be over this fic! Final stretch, here we go!
Update: ah! It’s over, me heart is full, i laughed until my face hurt, i screamed, i squealed, i felt every emotion possible~ and it was perfect! Thanks to the ppl who said i should read it first after The Fallout (which was rather dark at some points), because it gave me the dose of chill/happy/funny dhr i needed before jumping on to the next fic! I believe i’m leaning toward MoaM or should i grow some ovaries for a change and go straight into Manacled? Help! Anyways, just to conclude, of course this gets 5 out of 5 freaking golden, shinning, up-in-the-sky stars! Cheers!
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Purimgifts Letter 2023
Hi everyone, I’m doing Purimgifts again and here’s my letter. Apologies to my assigned author for being late. Under the cut for length.
Hello content creator. I’m glad you’ve joined this exchange. I’m sure  I’ll love anything you make. Obviously nothing in here is required except for DNWs. (If you’re here for Austins/Murray-O’Keefe please also read the note under that fandom.) I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. Largely copied from other exchange letters.
General fic likes:
Kindness and helping others.
Cuddles and snuggles.
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft and/or quiet moments between friends or significant others.
Characters sharing a love of music or movies or books or hobbies.
Pet owners.
Cute kids when those kids are canon children of requested characters.
Living together, either platonically or romantically.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Characters who speak languages other than English slipping into those languages occasionally.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Everyone being accepting of the characters and their differences and/or relationships.
Women who get stuff done.
Bi and Ace-spectrum Headcanons.
Shippy stuff:
Soulmates (both common and creative varieties),
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,
Friends to lovers.
Rivals to lovers.
Annoying each other constantly to lovers.
Established relationships.
Couples knowing each other really well and doing things the other one likes just because.
“Man I really love my wife” guys.
Asking before kissing someone.
Stopping a kiss or a touch immediately when asked.
Surprise kisses in an established relationship.
True Love’s Kiss when fairy tale elements are present.
Only One Bed snuggles.
Marriage Proposals (doesn’t have to be the man proposing to the woman in het ships, the woman can propose to the man too.)
Platonic/familial stuff:
Becoming friends.
Female Friendship
Friends who stay friends (they don’t become romantic and they don’t stop enjoying each other’s company).
Found families.
True companions.
Healthy families of origin.
Any sort of death
Abuse of any sort.
Anything that AO3 has under major warnings.
Unhealthy relationships.
Cheating, especially cheating being presented as a *good* thing.
Character bashing.
Explicit sex (implied or referenced sex between consenting adults is fine).
Illness beyond the common cold.
Non-canonical pregnancy.
Discrimination or bigotry unless in the context of characters working to end it.
Unhappy ending.
Fandom Specific:
Austin & Murray-O’Keefe Series:
Note: The canonical fandom on AO3 is annoyingly broad, I really only wanted to request the Austin family rather than the Murray-O’Keefes. Also, I hate to be hyper-specific, but I’m only interested in the first book, Meet The Austins. That’s the only one I’ve read because I really prefer to keep them as they are in that book.  
Fandom content notes: Meet the Austins deals with the aftermath of the death in a plane crash of a family friend and his co-pilot. The co-pilot left a young daughter (Maggy) whom the family is caring for. Maggy is an orphan who was fairly neglected by her own family. There’s also a part where Vicky has a bike accident and spends some time in the hospital. Most of the book is pretty happy though.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: N/A
Characters of Particular Interest: Vicky Austin. I love Vicky and would really love fics from her perspective. Alternately Aunt Elena or Victoria Sr. would be amazing POV characters.
Ships involving eligible characters: Aunt Elena/Uncle Doug. Victoria Sr./Wallace (The parents).
Fandom specific likes: Despite the sad elements, I see this as a very happy book and would like fics that are reasonably happy as well.
Fandom specific DNW: Going too deeply into the sad elements, a little bit is okay but I’d rather not have any fics that are focused on them.
Optional Prompts: I’d be happy with anything sweet about the Austin family, including Maggy. But fics about how Aunt Elena and Uncle Doug get married and adopt Maggy are my absolute ideal.
I picked up the second book at the library hoping to see the Aunt Elena/Uncle Doug wedding, but it basically just said “after the wedding was over we went home.” I badly wanted to read about that wedding and I was very disappointed that I didn’t get it.
A Countess Below Stairs:
Fandom content notes: The book is set shortly after WWI and the Russian Republic so the characters are all coping with the aftermath. A main character is combat wounded and has nightmares about his experiences. A lot of death happened pre-book and is discussed a little bit. The book’s villains support eugenics, to the horror of the rest of the characters. The villains also express antisemitic and ableist views. A couple of disabled characters are mistreated by the main villain. A minor character dies in a hospital off screen. A character who gets a bit grabby with the maids is treated as quirky but harmless by everyone including the maids.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom:  N/A
Characters of Particular Interest: Anna is pretty much a given. I absolutely love Susie and her uncomplicated-ness. Ollie is such a fascinating character and I love how much joy she has. Minna might be my favorite character, I want to be just like her. Mrs. Park is so loving and kind and I love her relationship with Win. I love basically all of the women characters really. Except for Miss Hardwick.
Ships involving eligible characters: Anna/Rupert, Susie/Tom
Fandom specific likes: Anna still being friends (as much as she can) with everyone below stairs even after she marries Rupert and becomes the lady of the house.
Fandom specific DNW: I’d really rather not get any fics about Miss Hardwick or Dr. Lightbody. Mentions of the harm they caused are okay, but I’d rather receive happy stories set before they arrive or after they’re gone. Or stories set during the book where they just aren’t mentioned at all. I’d prefer not to get stories focused on the Nettlefords or on Cynthia either.
Optional Prompts:
Something about how Susie IS complicated in regards to Tom, how she loves him and wants to marry him, but is afraid that if she accepts his proposal he might wake up one morning and decide that she isn’t what he wants after all. And how worried she is that he doesn’t see her for who she truly is. We’re told all throughout the book that Susie is uncomplicated, but in this particular aspect, she’s quite complex indeed.
Why did Minna choose to marry a man she hardly knew who was looking for someone to help take care of his children and his home? We’re told that they became a love match, but when they married it was out of convenience for Lord Bryne. What did Minna get out of the arrangement at first?
I’d love to see Minna quietly becoming exactly what Heslop and the Brynes need.
Something about how there are several marriages (The Brynes, the Rabinovitchs, hinted at with the Herrings) that start out as arranged or convenience marriages but become love marriages later on.
I like to think that Sergei’s marriage to Larissa isn’t as convenience as Anna believes when he tells her. That Sergei realized that Larissa actually was who he wanted to spend his life with and that they’re happy together. It makes me happy to think that’s why he chooses to propose even after he doesn’t need her money. Something about that would be sweet.
I’d love to see something where Doreen Lightbody doesn’t die but instead leaves her husband to live a better life somewhere else.
Everyone always asks for it, but I’d enjoy getting to read about some of the other 15 or 16 proposals between Susie and Tom.
I know these are all rather involved, so I’d also be happy with nothing but fluff.
Enchanted Forest Chronicles:
Fandom content notes: Cimorene runs away to avoid an arranged marriage. A few bad guys are mentioned as being eaten by dragons. Mendanbar is imprisoned for 17 years between books 3 and 4. Two characters in the 3rd book are transformed into something else. One by accident, the other as a punishment.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Enchanted Forest Chronicles  
Characters of Particular Interest: Cimorene, Morwen, Shiara, Alianora
Ships involving eligible characters: Cimorene/Mendanbar, Daystar/Shiara, Morwen/Telemain, Alianora/The Stone Prince
Fandom specific likes: Mentions/Appearances of Alianora even if she’s not the focus. Morwen’s cats being snarky.
Fandom specific DNW: A story where the focus is on the time between Calling On Dragons and Talking To Dragons.
Optional Prompts:
I would love anything about the women being friends, (I didn’t specifically list Kazul but I’d love to see stories featuring her as well.) Or Alianora confronting her aunt finally. Or even something about an OC coming to canon characters for help with a problem.
A few shippy prompts taken from another exchange letter:
- Cimorene/Mendanbar: We don’t get to see very much of their married life so I would love to see some fluff taking place after their wedding but before Book 3.
- Daystar/Shiara: In an AU where they found some way to rescue Mendanbar sooner and Daystar grew up as the prince knowing both of his parents, how does this effect his and Shiara’s first meeting? Do they get along better or worse? Why is Daystar out in the forest at the right time to find her?
- Morewen/Telemain: I am down for basically anything with these two as long as it’s fun. Growing up together. Being classmates in magic school. Quests/adventures. Spending time together between adventures. Married life. Anything that appeals to you.
How exactly did they manage to get engaged? I would love to get the story of what conversations happened that we aren’t shown.
-  Alianora/The Stone Prince: I just want to see anything about their relationship. We don’t get to see a lot of it in the book but I find it fascinating. I like how by the rules of this world, their one-day courtship and falling in love incredibly fast is normal and would enjoy seeing more about it.
Magic School Bus:
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Magic School Bus
Characters of Particular Interest: Do I even have to say anything? Ms. Frizzle, Wanda, Phoebe, Keesha, Dorothy Ann. Arnold is Jewish so he also counts for this exchange, but there’s a lot of Arnold focus as it is and I would probably prefer one of the female characters as a POV character.
Ships involving eligible characters: Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot
Fandom specific likes: The kids all being close friends and no matter how many arguments they have they always make up quickly. Appearances by Mikey.
Fandom specific DNW: Romances between the kids. I don’t mind occasional references to crushes, but I don’t want shipping with them.
Optional Prompts:
Honestly, just anything about the characters doing science or working on their various projects. I love the friendships between the kids so much and would adore reading about that.
What do the kids like to do for fun when they’re not in school or doing science?
A favorite headcanon of mine is that after college, the eight of them chip in and buy a house to use as home base. And they all travel around researching in their respective fields, but sometimes they just stay right there and do science. I would love any sort of story set in that world.
Sesame Street:
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Characters of Particular Interest: Maria, Linda, Olivia, Susan, Gina. Mr. Hooper is Jewish.
Ships involving eligible characters: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Susan/Gordon, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia, Harriet/Mr. Hooper
Fandom specific likes: Mr. Hooper lives. The characters making sure to sign for Linda so that she knows what’s going on. Miles and Gabi being best friends. Bob and Maria being metamours and having a very sibling-like relationship. Mr. Hooper refusing to tell anyone what his orientation is. Big Bird basically being everyone’s child. Bob being in both of the above polyamorous relationships at the same time.  
Fandom specific DNW: Anything involving the death of Mr. Hooper. Making Linda hearing instead of Deaf.  
Optional Prompts:
I can’t really think of anything specific for this one. My Tumblr tag and AO3 tag probably cover a lot of what I like. I just like happy fluffy things in this fandom. The street as a giant happy family is my favorite thing and I love all of the friendships so much.
According to The Muppet Wiki, Gina’s actress Alison Bartlett once met Will Lee as Mr. Hooper at a Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade when she was a little girl. Since Gina and Mr. Hooper never got to meet in canon, I would love to see a story where they got to meet. Perhaps even at the Macy’s parade.
I didn’t want to put all of my shippy prompts into a letter for an exchange that isn’t ship themed, so here’s a link to an old Chocolate Box letter if any pairings listed above are what you’re interested in writing. https://releasing-my-insanity.tumblr.com/post/639541205404975104/dear-chocolatier-letter
0 notes
aftgficrec · 3 years
Thanks for doing this kind of stuff! I was wondering if you guys had any fics that dealt with the aftermath of drake, either directly after the dinner incident or more of a recovery type of thing. In general I just really like reading about Andrew centric hurt/comfort or angst stuff so if you can’t find anything specifically regarding drake/the dinner I’d also be down anything in that ballpark. I don’t have a word limit or anything. Again! Thank you sooooooo much for this
Andrew’s abuse at the hands of Drake and others is at the heart of his struggles with mental health issues, and there is a lot of hurt/comfort written for him with varying degrees of angst, trauma, violence, and personal violation on the hurt side of the equation. We try to guide through this minefield with detailed trigger warnings, and we sometimes upgrade fic ratings if warranted. If you see something G or T rated, please be aware it may still carry heavy themes. - A
previous recs:
contains bulk of previous asks: Andrew bad day comforted by Neil/Foxes here
Thanksgiving pov Andrew or Kevin here
Andrew dealing with past sexual assault here
Andrew sees Cass post canon here
Neil kills Drake 1 here 2 here
Andrew + self harm here
Andrew’s childhood before Neil here
Neil helps Andrew overcome insecurity here
angst w/comfort Andreil/Nerik here
people being protective of Andrew here
Foxes react to Andrew’s past here
Andrew or Jean’s mental health here
Andrew + therapy here
Bee & Andrew’s relationship here
‘right side of rock bottom’ here
‘No Hope in Solitude’ here
‘Haunted’ here
‘Sometimes I’m (not) Alone’ here
‘until i see the light’ here
‘I'm No Good Tonight’ here
‘The Words that Cut’ here, now with fanart by @ajaxcos on twitter
‘Baby, Don't Tread’ and ‘Speaking In Silences’ here
‘tealights in the dark’ here
‘When love takes you home and says you belong here…’ here
‘Serendipity’ here
‘never fallen (from quite this high)’ here
‘on tenderness; a guide to taking better care of yourself’ here
‘copper sea turtles’ and ‘Andrew Needs a Break’ here
‘I Know You From A Nightmare’ and ‘The Marks We Make’ here
‘like someone you've chosen’ here
‘Something Better’ and ‘If you must’ here
‘it's all semantics, isn't it,’ ‘by my side when i fall asleep,’ and ‘on quietness and the refuge found within it’ here
‘Even the Darkest Night Will End and the Sun Will Rise’ here
‘Sleeping with ghosts’ here
‘monster (under my bed)’ here
‘If I Don't Keep Up My Light’ here
‘claw marks’ here
‘Neon Lights’ series here
‘Two Roads Diverged’ here
‘Not the Final Dance’ here
Hail Mary by JuiceGremlin [Rated M, 3493 Words, Complete, 2021]
Part 2 of Journey to Feeling (Andreil) series
They amble along the highway for what could be any amount of time. Neil reaches over to turn on the radio at some point, leaving it tuned in to Andrew’s usual station. He tries to focus on the faint beat of the music and not the way Neil is looking at him from the passenger seat, trying however successfully to read Andrew’s mind. These days, he might actually be good at it.
It’s an unsettling thought. It shouldn’t be. After all, isn’t that what Andrew has always wanted? To be known? Understood? Believed? Isn’t that why he spent countless parts of himself to belong to families that never really saw him?
Neil is here. Neil sees him.
So why does Andrew feel scraped raw?
tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced self-harm, tw: nightmares, tw: ptsd
Fall Apart In My Arms by Fuzzzzzz [Rated M, 13130 words, Complete, 2021]
He thought about what he could do or say that would make things a little easier for Andrew to deal with, without Neil next to him. “Can we go sit out on the balcony?”
“We?” Andrew asked, confused.
“Yeah. You go sit in yours, I’ll go sit in mine." Neil took a small sip of his drink. "Tell me about the stars.”
Or, where Andrew has a nightmare and Neil flies down to surprise him. Featuring a blue hoodie, bubble baths, discussions about stars (and baking shows) and a pair of adorable cats. Oh, there's a sprinkling of Exy in there too!
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: urge to self harm
do i hold the answers (should i find them in the silence?) by cake_lovin_ace [Rated T, 9458 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2021]
Part 4 of light a spark and let it burn (keep the flame alive) (parts 1-3 recced here)
….a story about andrew's inner journey as he struggles to reconcile with his wounded inner child.
tw: ptsd, tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: vomit, tw: depression, tw: mental breakdown
no one wants to know whats in his head (it should be enough) by alwaysayes [Rated M, 1283 Words, Complete, 2017]
“I don’t want to be alone this time.” Andrew’s voice broke on the last two words as he fought back the tears that were threatening to spill. He bit his lip.
“Oh,” Neil said. Andrew nodded. Andrew’s shoulders were shaking with silent sobs because someone was actually staying with him for the first time in his life.
The Consequences of Falling by imagined_melody [Rated G, 1048 Words, Complete, AFTG Valentine’s Exchange 2017]
Andrew thinks about falling, and the things that keep his feet on the ground.
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: depression
Silent Gestures by illusionistweiss [Rated G, 1605 Words, Complete, 2020]
Part 3 of the Recovery series; find Part 2 ‘A Firm Reminder’ here
In which Andrew has a rough night and Kevin and Neil let him know he's safe with them.
tw: ptsd
I wanna come home (to you) by aceofreaders (Kickasscookieeater) [Not Rated, 2116 Words, Complete, 2018, Locked]
Andrew Minyard used to live in California.
In South Carolina.
In Boston.
Always so lonely.
Andrew Minyard lives in Denver. In Colorado. And he does not live alone.
Just hold me by xSmallTownGirlx [Rated G, 2266 words, complete, 2018]
Neil had seen quite a few of Andrew's bad days over the years they spent together but there hasn't been one this bad in a long while. Andrew wouldn't move, he wouldn't speak. He'd just lay there in their bed, on his side and do nothing. He was wandering in his mind, lost in bad memories and hurtful pasts.
(Andrew has a very bad day and Neil just wants to help him. Hot Chocolate, Ice Cream, cuddles and talking about feeling involved.)
tw: depression
I learned from my pain by aceofreaders (Kickasscookieeater) [Not Rated, 3095 Words, Complete, 2019, Locked]
When love is bleeding, and love is pain, you learn not to bother with it at all. You learn to sacrifice instead. You learn to close your eyes and wait until it's over.
But then.
One day when you're all grown up, you start to relearn. And it's strange and new and you don't understand it.
But it's Valentine's Day and even though Andrew Minyard doesn't want to relearn love, it's happening anyway.
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: alcohol, tw: referenced conversion camp
Hazes by orphan_account [Rated E, 5553 Words, Incomplete, Last Updated 2016]
Their entire relationship could be viewed through a series of hazes - ranging from the sweetest of affections, to the deadliest of diseases - that broke down their carefully constructed defense mechanisms. When Neil felt the need to run, Andrew always grounded him to a home. When Andrew felt the need to self-destruct, Neil always gave him a reason not to.
For that, Neil will take on their difficulties any day.
tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: nightmares
breathe by carminesunset [Rated G, 724 Words, Complete, 2018]
neil wakes up bc andrew is having a nightmare and whispering ‘please’ in his sleep
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: nightmares
Rain isn’t a friend by Rennie_5 [Rated T, 216 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew’s memories resurface in the middle of the night and Neil helps without knowing
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
The first Thanksgiving after the disaster that was Colombia by @i-want-delfeur [Tumblr, 2017]
OK so the first Thanksgiving after Colombia is utter chaos. The Foxes are all there, plus the freshmen. And come on, the thing with Drake was highly publicised, so the freshmen all know just how important / horrific Thanksgiving and the weeekend before it are for the Foxes. This is what happens…
Andrew and invasive interviews by @crows-and-crumbs [Tumblr, 2021]
Tw: Andrew’s Past and all that entails
So the Drake case was part of a media frenzy, even though they weren’t let into the court they must have known some of the details however vague
it’s currently time to make my comfort characters suffer along with me by @one-black-coffeee [Tumblr, 2021]
- Andrew locked that word away long ago. a hastily designed cage to muffle the resounding trauma. he tightened the bolts until all that was left was ringing silence
NB: Referenced in the post, we recced ‘Of Monsters and Pain’ here
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rococospade · 3 years
Regarding my characterisation of Laurence, the First Vicar
Okay so anyone who’s had to talk with me for more than five minutes knows I have *a lot of feelings* on the First Vicar and while I’m going to try and keep this to stuff I can support via lore, that will almost certainly bleed over in here and I apologise in advance. I’ll try to stick to things I can support from canon.
Other notes: I will be referencing deleted content for this, and it is a long post because I have a lot of thoughts. So post under the cut, beware of spoilers, so on.
(As an aside, if you read my fics, dear god does this post have spoilers for those too, since a lot of my fic world building is me trying to piece lore together!)
@fishbowlcarnage thanks for getting me to write this. It’s incomplete and unfinished, and I’ll definitely want to add to it as I play through DS3 and the Fishing Hamlet in BB, but I hope it’s enjoyable as it is. Also thanks to Marie for gently pushing back on my assertions so I have to find a basis for them, and to every lovely person who’s chatted with me about lore and this strange and beloved game.
General notes:
Most of this is predicated on a handful of things:
Laurence was probably a Choir member. He stole the Choir from Byrgenwerth, and it’s noted that the church uniforms are based on Byrgenwerth’s. And if you look at it, what does it most closely resemble? Willem’s clothes. So either Willem had disciples’ outfits designed to look like less fancy versions of his, or else Laurence chose an outfit that visually conveyed “I’m taking your job” for himself and his own minions. 
Laurence was not from Yharnum: it comes up in deleted lines that the person who founded the Healing Church was a foreigner. While that line was cut, we do still hear the huntsmen blaming foreigners for their plight, and while I will admit that nationalism and xenophobia are a big part of Bloodborne it would make an… interesting sort of sense if the Healing Church was actually headed by one. Also, Laurence and Willem have different accents to the rest of Yharnum, at least to my ear. I’m also a filthy American, so feedback on this point is very welcome.
Laurence was probably a combatant: this is probably my hardest argument to make because it relies on the most abstract points. Laurence is found with the Gentle Beast’s Embrace rune. That’s a combat rune. Even if he’s trying to heal the scourge, if we operate on the presumption that he did want to help people, and he found a rune that seemed to safely turn him into a stronger bestial form, don’t you think he’d take up arms if he hadn’t already? Aside from that, the clerics use a lot of blood. Now, @msoftserved has pointed out to me that that was probably a religious thing as much as a functional one, but I’m still fascinated at the idea that the clerics could somehow take enough blood to over a long enough period to become giant beasts without also being hunters (since hunters are noted for their extreme willpower, and being able to do things like force themselves to stay awake under the effects of blue elixir). I also suspect the clerics fought, since it’s noted that the Hunters of the Healing Church made the Hunter’s Workshop redundant, and the hunters we see from the Church are dressed like… clergy. I may add to this section later, as my brain is currently refusing to articulate my thoughts in any sort of useful manner.
Actually! Coming back to this, with something a little less tenuous: the Vicar’s Pendant has a blood gem inside for hunting beasts. Why would they have that if they weren’t actively hunting beasts themselves? It’s not on display, you have to break the amulet to get at it. So… if it were purely decorative, you’d expect it to be visible. And if it weren’t, one would expect them to have something support based. But no, it’s an attack up specific to beasts. Which to me implies two things: the amulet could be used for offensive casting/spells, and the owner of the amulet was expected (at least some of the time) to fight.
In addition to this, Gehrman also refers to the Clerics of the Healing Church as “the guardians” of Hunters, and cries out for Laurence to help him in his sleep. Even if Laurence was not a combatant, I found that to be a really interesting detail; it speaks to Gehrman’s belief in Laurence’s competence. Especially once you finish the game. He’s not crying out for a god to save him. He’s crying out for Laurence, and Willem. 
About Laurence’s personality:
I think it’s fair to argue he was probably charismatic. He managed to repeatedly amass a following; first at Byrgenwerth, where he stole Willem’s best students from under his nose (including Micolash, someone who seems to fundamentally disagree with Laurence on how to ascend humanity? Which is pretty wild in and of itself) but also convinced several major characters to help him, including Gehrman (who seems to have had heroic intentions, though he’s of course Not Okay because this is a Soulsborne game) and freakin’ Ludwig (first Church Hunter! First man to organise the hunts instead of having everyone do whatever with 0 coordination! And canonically stated to be from a long line of knights, which implies Ludwig was probably a noble or at least a member of the gentry, but signed on to work with this foreigner. 
Laurence was likely either ostentatious, or found the appearance of being so valuable: dude has a weird skull elevator and I’ve never been able to forget it. I thought it was weird when I found it but wrote it off as typical Bloodborne… until I read “fool me”, which pointed out that the elevator was probably, in fact, something Laurence either designed or commissioned. It was definitely way more expensive than just installing a ladder or stairs… But organisations thrive on symbols. And the Healing Church is rife with symbolic imagery, from the architecture to the decorations to the uniforms. There’s really no functional reason to have the members dress like they do, which means it was likely a case of needing to present a certain image or be immediately recognisable to the public. (On a loosely related note, the Church Giants wearing items from the Black Church Set is… kind of cute in a weird way. Who made the clothes? Who dressed them up? These questions haunt me.)
Laurence may have been capable of miracles or pyromancy: this one is a big stretch, but I’m going to bring it up anyway. Laurence’s attacks in his Cleric Beast form (specifically the ones that leave lava in their wake) resemble a pyromancy from the Dark Souls series. We also see patients from the Research Hall that cast miracles in the Hunter’s Nightmare. Seems like a jump to attribute miracles to Laurence from there, right? Well… the Vicar’s Pendant that Amelia uses to heal herself is noted to have been passed down amongst the Vicars of the Healing Church. Presuming she’s using the ‘heal’ miracle, then the pendant is apparently her talisman. She had to have learned the technique somewhere, and talismans in the Souls series aren’t unique to one caster — anyone with sufficient faith can utilise a talisman to cast miracles. So it stands to reason that if Laurence had the necessary faith, he could have wielded the amulet in the same way. 
Misc notes:
Willem was doing some horrifying stuff at Byrgenwerth. I’m kind of surprised more people don’t seem to address that? Byrgenwerth is the only area with the garden of eyes enemy in the main game. Those things are wearing patient gowns. “What we need… is more eyes” seems rather chilling in the light of that particular enemy, and its official name.
In addition to that, at least two of his prized students turned out to be… you know… insanely charismatic cult leaders. I’m talking about Micolash and Laurence, of course. What are the chances he collected two dangerous twinks that would betray him entirely on accident? Oh, but two’s a coincidence, right? Except… Gehrman. You know, the First Hunter. He was apparently rather attached to Willem too, since he calls him ‘Master’… so that’s… three students of Willem’s that decided, actually, let’s do this extremely morally dubious thing in pursuit of knowledge/power/good of mankind? Oh! And Gehrman amassed a following too, actually. The original Hunter’s Workshop. That’s… That’s definitely a pattern by now. 
The Gentle Beast’s Embrace rune grants reduced fall damage. I ran with the idea from there that cleric beasts (probably beasts in general) have an instinct common to both canines and felines — get the high ground. Now. This is also supported (as much as anything is supported) by where you find Cleric Beasts — the first one is sitting atop a roof over the great bridge, essentially the highest suitable platform in central Yharnum, while Laurence the first Vicar is sprawled dramatically in the arms of a statue over his altar in the Hunter’s Nightmare. So I tend to depict him perching in high places when left on his own, especially once he’s begun falling to beasthood.
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demigoddreamer · 3 years
Batfam Fanfic Recs Part 2
I can't believe Sun moon stars jedi said reblogged my post*check out their tumblr and ao3*. I loved the story because it had one of my favorite theories about Jay having to do some prostitution to survive while on the streets and it's realistic considering Jason probably had to do whatever it takes to survive. oh you poor baby boi i'm so sorry but it makes for some heart wrenching fanfiction.
I also apologize to who didn't like it I did warn it could be rather serious, and the tags probably said so too. I just really like when stories talk about deep issues and stuff like insecurity and body image and whatnot. But sorry I understand if you're not into that. I'm the type of person not phased by dark topics blood and guts could be flying on a screen and i wouldn't flinch
I was just too lazy to do tags which i'm sorry but I really I don't have as much time to do this as you think so i'll write some warning but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't trust me after that
Anyway this is another bunch of fanfiction that follows the rules of the part one listed here(no x reader or incest etc): https://demigoddreamer.tumblr.com/post/647924403914571776/batfam-fanfic-recs-part-1
These are from my bookmarks and since canon bruce is well abusive I struggle to read fanfiction that has bruce as a good parent cause fluffy bruce just doesn't make sense besides i do love some good pain and trauma in fics and batbro bonding against bruce
Different Dad, Same Story by haras_onom
Teen and Up Audiences
*implied/referenced child abuse
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Jason Todd is still dealing with the aftermath of Bruce beating him and kicking him out of Gotham. Luckily, Dick Grayson (big brother extraordinaire) is there to help.
fuzzy gray by envysparkler
Teen and Up Audiences
*implied/referenced drug use
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Dick has a bad day. Good thing he has a little brother.
(Bonus chapter: Tim has a bad day. Good thing he has his brothers.)
Wayward Birds by LanternWisp for Lysical
Teen and Up Audiences
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Jason Todd & Eddie Bloomberg
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Jason learns that maybe not all of Bruce's rules are fair, but a fair few are there for a reason.
Lost In My Mind by alexandredumas_eatyourheartout
Teen and Up Audiences
How do you run from your mind? You can't, considering your head is attached to your body. The fact was Jason could never run from his mind, no matter how fast he went.
Now his brothers have to save him before it's too late. Will they save his mind, or lose him forever?
(Rated Teen because I'm paranoid but there isn't super graphic stuff. I'm still rating it as graphic because it might get to that point.)
inhibition by envysparkler
Teen and Up Audiences
*implied/referenced underage prostitution
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Batman gets hit by a Poison Ivy special. Jason is unfortunately caught in the crossfire.
Proximity to Power by Sohotthateveryonedied
Teen and Up Audiences
*implied/referenced underage prostitution
*implied/referenced sexual assault
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Dick could almost enjoy himself if he didn’t have to endure the constant grabby hands from drunk aristocrats who are too used to getting what they want. Dick can’t get a second alone without someone grabbing his ass or pinning him with a conversation, telling him how much he’s grown up, which everyone knows is code for “you’re finally legal now.”
He feels bad for Jason, who has only been Bruce’s son for a few months now. This is his first upper-class party. Dick can already imagine how he’s being treated like a shiny new toy, fawned over and getting his cheeks pinched by elderly ladies who’ve doused themselves in musty perfume and the finest jewelry they own.
a heart just can't contain all of this empty space by TheMermaidLord
(THIS REC IS A YOUNG JUSTICE FIC shoutout to young justice fans i'm one too :))
General Audiences
Artemis Crock/Wally West
Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Roy Harper/Jason Todd
The Batfamily shares information on a strictly 'need-to-know' basis. The Team is of the opinion that this basis is a little too 'need-to-know'.
It starts when Dick disappears for months with no explanation, and, apparently, there's no end in sight.
Learning to Breathe by A_Bright_Idea
Teen and Up Audiences
*implied/referenced child abuse
Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Whilst taking down a sex-trafficking ring, Jason get's caught in an explosion and almost drowns. Saved by Nightwing, Jason is horrified when his brother refuses to leave his side until he's fully recovered. There's just no arguing with a guilt-ridden Dick, but maybe this is exactly what Jason needs? Maybe it's what Dick needs too. ------------------- Sequel to 'I'll be Home for Christmas' and 'A Little Unsteady'. Can be read alone.
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hmslusitania · 3 years
Honestly I've lost hope and it really hurts at this point. When I just watch the Buddie scenes in 4x13/14 it's all good but then I remember that they gave Buck and Taylor a solid foundation and they showed Chris clearly liking Ana and the three of them acting like a family so I feel like Buddie is done for at this point. I know I never should've gotten my hopes up, I know I'm a stupid idiot, and yet here I am crying over a fictional ship yet again
Hey Anon. I'm sorry you're in pain, that's a bad place to be.
Many, many people in this fandom are much better at meta analysis on these fronts than I am (I would even hazard to say most people, tbh) and they have written extensively on the relationships the boys are in right now and their future trajectories. I can't personally see either as having potential for an endgame setting, but we all see different things when we watch the exact same shows so your mileage may vary.
As far as hope and Buddie being canon, this is gonna get a little autobiographical here because as I said, I am not great at meta, so just like. bear with me.
I've been involved in fandom stuff (mostly fic writing; didn't start actually talking to people about fandom stuff until ff.net implemented their messaging system whenever that was) for fifteen years now. I don't think I count as a fandom old, but maybe comfortably middle aged. I have been involved in a lot of fandoms, and have been a fan of even more things that I never quite ventured into fandom spaces for. I initially joined tumblr for Supernatural, ffs, like. I have Seen Things, Anon, and a lot of them were ugly, and a lot of them were cruel to the fans on purpose, especially us queers here, and I have been sucked into fandoms specifically because of Tumblr's exceptional skill at finding all the little moments and giffing them and sharing these beautifully charged acting moments. I started watching Teen Wolf back in the day because of Tumblr telling me about Sterek and we all know how that worked out. And when I went from tumblr's eloquent and lovely gifsets that pulled out all the little pieces and complied a compelling narrative to actually watching the show? You know, it fell flat. It was definitely all there but it didn't have nearly the same prominence that I had been lead to believe by the talented and dedicated people here in this blue garbage can.
And so when a few people I'd been following for years started posting these gifs about 9-1-1 and about Buddie, I was like "oh, it's gonna be Teen Wolf all over again" but I needed to know the context of the grocery store fight and I needed to understand why a lawsuit would prevent Buck from talking to Eddie and Eddie's son (were they getting divorced? Who was suing who?) and so I read all the episode summaries that existed to that point (up to What's Your Grievance) and then I read a metric fuck tonne of fic, and then I finally caved and watched the entire show. I absolutely expected all the Buddie moments I'd seen giffed and referenced in fic to be small, throwaway things that didn't really stick with the plot or were played as a joke.
As a few of my friends can attest, I proceeded to send them about eighty billion texts of "HOLY SHIT ALL OF IT IS CANON WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" and dragged one of them in all the way (sorry @starry-eyed-guttersnipe) and one by proxy (@rhysiana thanks for still talking to me anyway).
I am not, by nature, a hopeful person. I am primarily obstinate and spiteful, but like, I'm chipper about it? So do I recommend having hope about Buddie being canon? Meh. But I have never seen a set up like this in any of the seventeen hundred television shows I've watched in my life. And I will be shipping it until the show ends, and probably a little longer. If you can find it in yourself to hoist a hefty goblet of "fuck you" at whatever current nonsense canon's giving us, the still-shipping-despite club is a fun and comfortable place 💖
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My Thoughts About High Guardian Spice And Other Stuff...(Toxic-Feminism Sucks)
[No One Has To Read This If They Don’t Want To, Just Need To Get Some Thoughts and Feelings Out....]
I like the show so far, and I am a bit new to  it.
but it seems that one of the writers is a Toxic-Feminist. yes I can agree that some men are jerks, and well so are some women....
they can be just as much as jerks as some of men can be.
my being Semi-Misanthrope, included the Toxic-Women too, Not Just Toxic-Men.
even if there may be some good in the show's Season 1 so far,
but if there are some things that need to be improved, then we can hope it is.
Positive-Feminine is important, plus the whole Feminine, Masculine energies is part of who all of us are, even the Androgynous energy too.
Positive-Masculine energy is important too, it isn't just some Men that can be bad, some Women can be too, and it even showed on The Simpsons, where Bart tried to befriend those Toxic-Feminist Brats.  
if the show does have some bad stuff in it, it is possible it can be worked out and given a balance of Feminine, Masculine and Androgynous energies to them.
plus the whole three of those energies, don't always have to do with the binary or biological.
also Anime can come from anywhere in the world, not just from one place.... it's possible that the positive side of the show, is being over-shadowed by the negative side. one of the positive sides to the show, is the marriage between Anise & Aloe, a Human and Elf.
I don't know if there is Nonbinary in the show, but I hope there is or if there isn't at the moment, I hope there will be.
also they need to make sure to do a Fair Use Reference, and make sure it's okay with those who had worked on the series that they are referencing.
it's like, if you write a fan fic, with Ice King in the refrigerator, then some time later in one of the episodes of show has a scene where Ice King is in the refrigerator. that could be a reference to a fan's fan fic or a fan may accidentally predicted what Ice King would end up doing in the future in Adventure Time.....did that happen in Adventure Time, in the canon...? 
I will need to watch all the episodes of High Guardian Spice, to look out for any of the negative bad stuff in it, and if the show does have a Toxic-Feminist problem, then it needs to be fixed to make it have Positive-Feminine, it could have some toxic-men and toxic-women be told off and given a glare by others, maybe to show that their toxic views on others for being different, isn't okay.
plus some stuff that put up in videos about the show, could be just made up while the other half being true....
one of the positive sides to the show, is that Snap and Caraway are being true to themselves.
not everyone can be openly true to themself, because of their family....
I can’t tell them I’m Gray-Asexual.
also my view of Toxic-Feminist is like this....
"I don't care about your Stupid Toxic-Feminist Kingdom." 
"And T.F. I'm So Over It."
I love the song "Woke Up", and it seems to fit the feelings...just replacing the words "Candy" with Toxic-Feminist and "P.B." with "T.F."
it might be for the best that Raye Rodriguez, does something about [Redacted]....and their Toxic-Feminism.....and if it’s more than one Toxic-Feminist, I hope they do something about it.
being told to "Smile" when my family wants to take a picture of me, sounds a little bit more nice compared to what I had just learned about whats going on.
I should only smile, if it is what I want, and not be told to by my family....plus I can't help but think I may have developed Bipolar Depression, but I'm not 100% sure...my pendulum did give a Yes when I asked if I have Bipolar Depression, I mean, yeah I didn't feel all that great yesterday, but I might of just been having one of those days...
but I'm feeling okay now, and at times it feels like no one at home gives me enough space at time when I need it, or understand the reason why I don't clean my room right away,might have to do with how I'm feeling, and they shouldn't pull something to get me to clean it, and I freaking regret cleaning my room and leaving my guard down....
if I knew some of the stuff that happen was going to happen, I would of made sure to keep it from happening in the first place.
I just need to try not to think about it, even if it is just a another thing that ended up hurting me, and making me wish I could go to another dimension for a little vacation every once in a while, just to escape.
I still need to watch more of the seasons of Steven Universe, I know the problems that Steven was having in Steven Universe Future, wasn't first in that show, but was from the Original series....the boiling point just happen in Steven Universe Future....
we all get to the point where we end up not being able to pretend that everything is okay, and Steven might of did that a lot in the Original series... so I like the Steven Universe Future, so do a lot of other fans who like both the Original series, The Movie and Steven Universe Future.
and those who watched Steven Universe Future, and saw the episode where Steven had finally saw a Doctor (that Doctor Being Connie's Mom.)
the flashbacks seen in that episode that came from the Original series, shows that the problems that Steven was having, didn't start in Future, but started in the Original series.
not everyone has to like Steven Universe Future, but they need to understand
that Steven was going fully break at some point after the stuff he went through in the original series.
I don’t know how many fans figured it out, that the problems that Steven was going through in Future, was really not started there, but in the original series...
what happens in Future, is just Steven reaching the breaking point where he is no longer to hide how bad it has gotten for him.
some of the dislike for High Guardian Spice, like the Art Style, might be not as bad as the whole Toxic-Feminism thing....Toxic-Women & Toxic-Men are the worse, they give a bad name to the good ones around the world.
I see no problem with the art style, not all art styles will be the same.
just like how some Anime will be from different places in the world, and not just from one place that everyone is use to thinking it being the only known place that creates anime.
I want to try to give High Guardian Spice a Chance, and maybe see if any of the trash-talk about it, proves to be right or not.
 I know not everyone will agree about what I just talked about in this....
but I know Toxic-Feminism isn’t okay, and they can take things too far...
at least when one of the characters from Moxie Movie, was almost fully corrupted by the dark side of that Toxic-Feminism....she was brought out of it by one of the girls who asked for help because of a Toxic-Boy....
 even if there are some who can be brought out from the Toxic-Feminism, there is some you can’t fully make understand that they are being just as bad as some of the Toxic-Men who have not only had a hand in dethroning the Goddess around 2000 to 3000 BCE...
we know it has taken time for Femininity to be given the full proper respect.
there are some men who aren’t jerks, and are in touch with their femininity, which is a good thing just like how some women are in touch with their masculinity.
I know this is weird thought, but I can’t help but think BCE
could stand for Before Colonization of Earth....I guess that is a weird thing to think about....but then there is the theory about the whole one half of the human race being born from Clay and the other half being Primates,
plus if the Humans (Not Our Clay-Human Ancestors) back many generations ago, were genetically altered by some Anunnaki, then they could of did the same for the other species, and it wouldn’t just be the Homo-sapiens in the Primate Family that would be the only Humans.
not everyone has to agree about it.
some theories about how humans came to be, like the scientific and spiritual way, can be like a puzzle that just needs to be put together.
not all theories have to be right, and that’s okay.
anyway like I said, I’m gonna try to give High Guardian Spice a chance.
don’t know if they have done anything about the Toxic-Feminism already or not, but I guess I can try to look it up and see if there is any changes.
just gonna hope things are worked out....anyway that is all about this... 
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
What are the fanfics you keep going back to again and again when looking for something comforting and familiar to read (shamelessly stolen for Waterrolls’ Anon, sorry bro)?
For fics that are comforting and familiar, tbh I usually just reread my own stuff 😄
But when I want familiarity from writing that’s not my own, these are the fics I turn to!!!!!
What these all have in common is....culture.  Fanfics where the characters are decidedly Japanese, and so they’re quite literally familiar and comfortable for me.  All the rest of the people who’ve been asked this and then equate comforting with AnGSt,,, I really don’t get them.
“Unless the World Were to End” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for smut, Modern AU, One-shot.  Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again and again!!  This fic (along with Torch Song below) really opened my eyes to the potential of Alternate Universe.  Bunny made Naruto and Hinata exactly in Tokyo, referencing real life places I’ve been to, as if Naruto and Hinata could be real life people.  I hadn’t read any fanfic like it before.  And despite the giddy premise, she took her time with the smut.  It’s full of awkwardness, sweetness, hesitation, and joy.  Overall, just a very tender fic.  Like any of her other fics, the details stay with me (Naruto shouting “I’m a god!” when Hinata squirts, Naruto shuffling Hinata off to another hotel, Hinata’s face as she gets overwhelmed, Naruto paying for both of them on accident, etc. etc. etc.)
This is one of my major writing inspirations!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️  21 Days giving the full background to the title of this one-shot was just 🙌🏼
“Komorebi” by CuriouslyCunning (Dizzydodo) - Rated E, Demons/Soulmates Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata wakes up from a fever-dream, finding herself married to a nine-tailed fox that claims they are destined for each other. If he can convince her of it by the first day of Autumn, then she will take her place as his bride. If not, he must return her to her family and release her from her vows.
I don’t know what’s not to love about this fic!  Classic Japanese mythology with the red thread of fate and the fox impersonating a human into a marriage.  When he goes to meet her in the middle of the night, I feel like I’m reading something out of a Ghibli film, like the arrival of the spirits from the ferry in Spirited Away or when the cats greet Haru in front of her home in The Cat Returns.  The writer really nailed the otherworldly/dreamlike feeling throughout the marriage, and then again during the rain scene.  Overall, the fic has a really enjoyable, relaxing tone.
“Torch Song” by @mmmbuttery​ - Rated T, College/Pre-War/Historical AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. "You're my girl, Hinata. Promise you'll write." "I-I promise, Naruto." How could she say no to a man going off to war?
I mean this is it.  This is what inspired me to start writing my own fics.  You mean Naruto and Hinata can be exactly like me??  I can have romance stories for free about people like me??  My grandfather grew up on the sugar plantations on the Big Island during WWII, met and courted my grandmother on Oahu during college at UH Mānoa.  Finding “Torch Song” was just crazy to me.  The last time I read a published book about people exactly like me was in 5th Grade (Under the Blood Red Sun), and literally I can’t think of any other books.  Representation matters, and this story opened my eyes to the power that fanfiction can have.  It can be an avenue for minority voices and little known experiences.  Some of my favorite fics are the ones that lean heavy into culture.  It’s unique and personal, and I learn!!!!  at the same time!!  I love social studies, so fics that teach me about other cultures are some of my faves.  “Come and Find Me When the Weather is Fine” and “A Shirt, A Neckerchief, and my Bag on my Shoulders” by @badluckbrebis are a couple of recent faves for me because of the fascinating bits of French culture Imanga naturally folds into the stories.  “August - Cultures/Around the World” from “Still Falling for You” by @chloelapomme is another recent fave because when have you ever read a love story about Hmong people????  A minority among minorities!!  And interracial love, too???!!
Since reading “Torch Song,” I decided I would put a personal bit of myself in almost every fic I write 💝 and I would love it if more poc and ELL writers wrote NaruHina AUs with bits of personal culture.
“Lady Usagi” by @mmmbuttery​ - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. A quiet girl working in an inn meets a noisy young lord, but all is not what it seems.
Okay, I just love this so much, it feels like I’m reading some kind of Japanese historical romance drama a la Atsu Hime style.  Again, same as my other faves, I had never read any NaruHina fic quite like this before.  Also, it’s short and easily digestible, which I prefer over long fics.
“Master Servant AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Some relationships are forbidden but there are no rules when it comes to love.
Another super well-balanced story!  It has everything.  Action, smut, pining, jealousy, Neji, arranged marriage trope, bodyguard trope, a happy ending...!!!!!  This story is just nice to read.  I read it and relax because it’s perfect.
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Canon Divergent
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Evitative by Vichan Rated:  Teen Words:  222,452 Tags:  Slytherin Harry Potter, Re-sorting, Dark Arts, Slow Burn, Dark!Harry Summary:  In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn. Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Secondary Task by ProfessorFrankly Rated:  Mature Words:  50842 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Frank discussion of teen sex, No actual teen sex, Canon-Typical Violence, If you've read GoF you know the last bit's where the violence and stuff is, Most of this fic has a "T" rating, Quantum Bang 2020 Summary:  When Harry Potter’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco Malfoy decides the Boy-Who-LIved needs a friend, whether he wants one, or not. With his mother’s backing, Draco sets out to make sure Harry knows he has someone in his corner, for now, and if Draco has his way, for always. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Outtake: The Second Task by MickeySLee Rated:  Mature Words:  30824 Tags: Secret Relationship, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Triwizard Tournament, Hostage Situations, Draco Malfoy is a Good Boyfriend, Harry Potter is a Good Boyfriend, Plot Twists, Romance, Fluff, Homosexuality, Homophobia, Good Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's A+ Parenting, Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole, weekly updates!, Hogwarts Era, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Bashing, POV Hermione Granger, Hurt/Comfort, Consent is Sexy, Fairy Tale Elements Summary:  Part of the series Outtakes and A Hard Story. Fourth Year. The Triwizard Tournament. The Second Task. What would happen if Dumbledore made a different decision when it was discovered Draco is who Harry would miss most? Instead of covering it up and declaring Ron to be Harry's hostage, Draco is the one at the bottom of the lake. No one could have foreseen how much trouble that caused. You may want to read A Hard Story or Throughout the Twists to Times first. This story is completed and will be uploaded one chapter per week on Sunday. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Parades, Pansy, and fuck I’m too gay for this by false_heteros Rated:  General Words:  2227 Tags: Pride is at the end :), A lot of pureblood bullshit, Loneliness, Draco is Sad, Harry Needs a Hug, Pride, Pride Parades, Modern Era, Sirius Black Lives, Mentions of past child abuse, Cedric Diggory Dies, past homophobia, Gay Harry Potter, Gay Draco Malfoy Summary:  After the war, Draco, who had been staying at home like a fucking hermit till Pansy came along, finally finds out about the LGBTQ+ Community, he dives head first into research and is amazed at what he finds. Harry wanders muggle London once every few days. Blending with the crowd and not feeling different for once. He comes along a group of people with beautiful colours around them. “What are they doing?” ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Closure is a state of mind by Quicksilvermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  12229 Tags: Morally Grey Draco Malfoy, Inappropriate medical/therapist relationships, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, Lies, Self-Esteem Issues, low key stalking behaviour, Loneliness, Guilt, Therapy, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, taking advantage of a grieving person, Death of a Spouse, Character Death, (not Drarry), Disfigurement, Scars, Brief Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Drinking, First Time, Polyjuice Potion, Sex While Using Polyjuice Potion, pensieve sex, Voyeurism, wanking, Concealed Identity, Bittersweet Ending, H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 Summary:  After Harry's husband Charlie is killed, his Mind Healer recommends a Polyjuice therapy company, so Harry can see 'Charlie' again and find closure over his death. Draco, whose life over the last ten years has gone from bad to worse, gets assigned Potter's case. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Harry Potter and the Yuletide Waltz by LakeWitch Rated:  General Words:  3042 Tags: Yule Ball, Dancing, Hogwarts Fourth Year, six years later, Awkwardness, Meddling, Oblivious!Harry, more dancing, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Christmas, Holiday Season, Canon Divergence Summary:  At the fourth year Yule Ball, Draco Malfoy asked Harry Potter to dance. Six years later, Harry Potter just might ask him why. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 When It's All Over by Erebeus Rated:  Mature Words:  9292 Tags: Rape/Non-con, Unhealthy Relationships, Self-Hatred, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con (not between main pairing), suicidal/death idolization, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Non-Graphic Violence, Spy Draco Malfoy, Loneliness, H/D Hurt!Fest 2020, Betrayal, Attempted Murder, Brief flashbacks and moments of panic mentioned, non graphic torture, Azkaban (brief), Off screen therapy Summary:  If killing you makes Harry happy, you really don't mind. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Catch 22 by jad Rated:  Explicit Words:  49895 Tags: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Complete, Letter!fic, Sexual Content Summary:  As if NEWTS weren't enough, Dumbledore's gone and had another one of his 'bright ideas.' If all ends well, the Houses will be getting along in no time. Or according to Harry's correspondent, an Apocalypse will be in order. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 (I don't know) what's right and what's real anymore by Ladderofyears Rated:  Mature Words:  2101 Tags: Harry Potter and the half blood prince, canon divergence, no septumsempra, guilty Draco, pov Draco, ghostly Myrtle, attracted Draco, pre-slash, pre-relationship, Harry is a hero Summary:  An alternative sectumsempra scene from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Kiss by xErised Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  10764 Tags: Hogwarts Era, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Secret Relationship, Getting Together, Kissing in the Rain Summary:  For the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, it's not Ron that Harry rescues from the Great Lake, but Draco Malfoy. Hogwarts-era. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 It’s Not Christmas (without you) by LittleBozSheep Rated:  Explicit Words:  79213 Tags: Fluff, Family Feels, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Getting Together, Christmas, Slow Burn, Serious Slow Burn, Everyone ships Drarry, Apart from Drarry, Divorced Draco Malfoy, Divorced Harry Potter, Kid Albus, kid scorpius, Everyone makes a camo, side wolfstar, Besides the last chapter it's rated G, Christmas Fluff, 25 Days of Harry and Draco, Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Drunkenness, Drunken Shenanigans Summary:  Maybe agreeing to host everyone for Christmas wasn’t Harry’s best idea. Luckily Albus’s best friend’s dad is an events planner who agreed to help, only issue, turns out the dad is Draco Malfoy. Sarcastic and grumpy to everyone but his son. Will Harry managed to catch him and keep Christmas from being a complete disaster? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Leaves by TheLostLibran Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1190 Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff without Plot, Healing, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-War, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:  A lot of work goes on underground, invisible to the naked eye. Though it doesn't mean that no development is occuring, the hopes of a huge, fully grown tree standing strong in the near or distant future only start sprouting when the leaves do. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Okay But That’s Hot by Fuschaslime Rated:  Explicit Words:  3640 Tags: Anal Sex, Riding, Dirty Talk, Frottage, Lapdance, Slut Shaming, Established Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, Teasing, Begging, Safe Sane and Consensual, Bets & Wagers, Poker, theyre both over 18, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Banter, Perverted Harry, Slight fluff, Shameless Smut, AU where Lily Potter defeated Voldemort for good, and now everyone at hogwarts is kinda cool with eachother, apart from house tensions, Verbal Humiliation, Kinda Summary:  Draco immediately regrets agreeing to a certain bet made at poker night when he realises he’ll actually have to hold up his end of the deal. Harry is ecstatic. OR Draco Malfoy bets Harry Potter a lapdance. He loses. ❤️ Read on AO3
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