#lion serving tea
zhongrin · 25 days
spending your weekend with...
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© zhongrin | 2024 ✼  [✘] no repost・translations・plagiarism of any kind・ai data mining. [✓] rebloggers get a free cup of tea ♡
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✼ characters ┈ zhongli, al haitham, wriothesley, jing yuan, blade
✼ tags ┈ fluff, established relationship, more fluff, your honor they’re all so whipped it’s cringe /silly
✼ a/n ┈ she lives!!! and oop, off she goes back into hermit mode after posting-
ᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴍᴇɴᴜ (ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ)  ✼ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱʜɪᴘ (ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ)
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... the husband of all husbands, zhongli ー your feet walking along the familiar path of nature's trails and having picnics between the green-yellow grass of liyue’s vast fields. pretend you don't see a familiar shade of seafoam-tinged feathers flying past into the dense leaves of the trees adjacent to the one you take refuge under. maybe one of these days, the yaksha will finally accept your invitation to have a family dinner in your abode.
delving into the harbor's market, buying groceries and getting sidetracked by knickknacks. too many times, you've let the mora in your pouches pass across the merchant's for yet another antique teapot or an accessory you can never seem to have enough of. perhaps a dragon's hoarding nature is contagious to its partner? either way, you never fail to finish up at night with tea served in delicate glazed earthenware, brewed by your husband's expert hands. and if those same hands decide to spoil you further as you both cuddle in your nest-bed, even better, no?
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... your al haitham, who, on rare occasions, would have a junior akademiya scholar approach him while you were out, in hope to acquaint themselves with the former acting grand sage. he's always quick to shut them down, the bluntness of his words deterring the situation to progress further. you think you see him smirk when the poor lad scurries away, but as he returns towards your side, his hand finds home around yours and all is forgotten.
a café isn't exactly a place he would choose to frequent on a crowded weekend. but the coffee's good, and you seem content as you chatter across the table. while it's scientifically impossible and irrational, there's just something in your voice that seems to create a vacuum bubble that allows him to focus on your endearing rambles. he listens, and he thinks he should record you talking, just so he can play them in his soundproofing headphones whenever.
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... the one and only duke in fontaine, wriothesley, who follows you around like a loyal guard dog. it's probably thanks to you that he's not growing shrooms on his fur jacket from all the time he spent down in the damp fortress underwater. you take him shopping, persuade him to try out coffee, sample some foods that isn’t wolsey’s cooking… and if you so happen to bump into your friends, you're both usually always more than happy to adjust your schedule ー a sudden tabletop game session with clorinde and forcing persuading neuvillette to perform dereliction of his duties for a moment to relax are a few examples.
but above all, his favorite has to be bringing some snacks to sit down under a tree with you, watching fontainian poodles frolic around the dog park. maybe one day you'll have a puppy of your own, but for now, your beloved is ‘content with just you’, he says with a cheeky grin.
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... your dozing general-arbiter whose brain seems to only want sleep and cuddles whenever the week starts to wind down. waking up to jing yuan who’s akin to a very sleepy big cat draped over your body using you as a pillow is how you would always start your weekend, and it's only at these peaceful moments that the man turns into a heavy sleeper. had he been a real lion, you think he might be purring up a storm as he snoozes, pillowed shamelessly against your chest.
your lover prefers a slow, lazy day with you whenever he has the rare time to take himself out of his duties, and naturally his free weekends are included in this. maybe start with a morning cuddle (in bed), a nap (in bed), both of you cooking lunch (in the kitchen), another nap (maybe on the recliner sofa because why not), a leisure night walk around aurum alley, and a night cuddle (yes. again. in bed)? hmm. yes, that sounds perfect.
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... blade, who doesn't exactly have 'weekends', per se. chances are, he doesn't even know what day today is. plus, there's no guarantee that you were with him if he's away on a mission, anyway. but when you were around? you have his full (nonverbal) permission to drag him wherever and to do whatever you want.
you want to travel to the nearest planet for a bottle of soulglad when everyone else is asleep? pick a ship, he'll steer. you want to have a spa day and pamper yourselves senseless, braid his hair while you both have an overpriced face masks on? a useless act for him, especially considering his circumstances, but he'll massage your head if you give him enough puppy eyes. you just want to rot in bed and contemplate your existence? as long as you let him lay his head on your chest so he can hear your heartbeat, he’s good. either this man does not realize how much you have him wrapped around your finger, or he just does not care. it’s probably the latter.
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✼ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱʜɪᴘ (ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ) ┈
@abyssmal-skies ! @hamdehlesmis ! @sunnshineflxwer ! @queen-belial ! @silentmoths
@dustofthedailylife ! @marina-and-the-memes ! @mixed-kester ! @lordbugs ! @anonymousficreader
@irethepotato ! @sassy-cat-in-town ! @syrenkitsune ! @smokipoki ! @cakeboxie
@crystalflygeo ! @ciexuvia ! @illaasya ! @celestewritestoomuch ! @pams-comfortzone
@spidermanluvr444 ! @ourstrawberryclouds ! @ryuryuryuyurboat ! @hrts4hanniehae ! @fiannee
@frosts-intuition ! @florapocalypses ! @genshin-impacts-me ! @scarasmood ! @hellcatinnc
@beloved-brynn ! @malachitemischief101 ! @average-yandere-enjoyer ! @euniveve ! @centralballad
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Oooh how about some yandere headcanons of Tang , Redson and Azure lion with a reader who’s very reckless? They’re always throwing themselves into danger whenever the team is fighting, and reader just insists they’re trying to help. Please if not no worries XD
Sure thing! Also, I think I’m going to grind out a few more requests before I wipe my inbox. I let it grow shamefully out of care during my hiatuses. Then I’ll open up Character x Character (still platonic) requests for a while.
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“Y/N, I find that I have warned you many times about this kind of behavior…”
You look up to the leonine demon with a frown, gripping one of your upper arms as a form of self-support. How many times have you heard this lecture? How many times would you hear it in the future? Every time that you so much as try to help him in a fight, you’re sat down for this same spiel.
But you don’t remember him ever being this stern. In fact, he seems-
“Cub,” the lion says, carefully taking your chin between two massive fingers. He says it pointedly, as though preemptively arguing his stance- you’re young and small, still a child to him. One he sees as worthy of his love and protection, even if you might try to reject it.
“Y-yes, Azure?”
“I would like you to pay close attention when I’m talking to you, please.”
Even upset, the demon remains polite and gentle, if rather firm. His fingers are soft to the touch, claws carefully sheathed. He’s never used them against you, not even once. Nor has he even threatened you with them.
His massive hand shifts to your hair, stroking the unruly strands back into place. His metacarpal pad squishes into your cheek, and you can’t help but lean into it, savoring the brief moment of warmth he offers during this long scolding.
“It seems I must switch my methods- clearly, my words will continue to fall on deaf ears if I continue down this path.”
Azure outright scruffs you- snags you by the cape attached to your pauldrons and lifts until your feet leave the ground.
“Come along, cub,” the lion says, as though you have a choice at the moment. All you can do is dangle from his blue-furred hand and try not to squirm, hoping that your cape won’t rip and sending you tumbling.
The training grounds are a familiar sight, hours and hours spent here together, learning all of Azure’s skills.
He presses a wooden training blade into your hands, then takes up one of his own.
“If I cannot teach you, perhaps a full day of training will. We will be sparring from this moment to your bedtime,” he sternly informs, a blush creeping up your face at his final word. That your mentor saw you as so young that he enforced a strict bedtime was…
Well, you tried to tell yourself it was reasonable. After all, if you were growing stronger and exhausting your body, you’d need lots of rest, wouldn’t you?
Didn’t justify the constant checking on you through the night, tucking you in every time the blankets come loose, and ensuring that all the windows were shut and locked.
And you had no doubt that was where you’d end up, exhausted and face-down on your bed, letting Azure gingerly knead out your aching muscles with his massive paws.
But all of that was for later. For now?
You had a full eight hours of training ahead.
Good luck, Y/N.
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“Wuh- what the hell do you mean, no?! I haven’t said anything yet!”
“And the answer is still no, brat.”
This is the most frequent conversation you and Red Son seem to have, constant preemptive denial of whatever scheme you’re dreaming up.
He’s viciously protective of you, serving as an ever-vigilant guard. Not only is your every move tracked and monitored, but your actions are under constant and fierce scrutiny.
“I see you went to that cheese tea stall, Y/N. After I told you that you weren’t allowed to go.”
“Red, they moved it to the inner city! It’s way safer there, so all your arguments before don’t even matter anymore!”
“…hmph. I suppose I’ll let this slide, then. But I’m not going to be so merciful next time.”
Constant restrictions on where you go and what you do, which could theoretically be lessened to some degree, if only you’d just stop being such a damn fool.
To him, your actions are proof of immaturity, preventing Red Son from genuinely trusting you or letting loose the stranglehold grip he’s taken on your life.
To you? You are genuinely just trying to help the people you love, if a bit recklessly.
But Red doesn’t see it that way, and even when you try to make a convincing argument as to why he should, it’s promptly shot down.
So with debate and brute force both proving pointless in changing his mind, you switch to stealth and subterfuge instead. Expect to get caught about fifty percent of the time, then forced back inside and placed under lock and key.
He loves you, dammit! Why do you have to be so stupid?! Why do you have to try and sneak out?! Why can’t he love any other idiotic mortal around?!
Why does it have to be you?
Red Son can’t imagine that he’ll ever find out why he came to cherish someone as small and weak and stupid as you… but he does.
And since he can’t force himself to stop caring, he’ll just have to impose harsher and harsher restrictions until you finally submit to his care.
Maybe then he’ll finally be able to berate thoroughly talk you out of your heroic ‘delusions’. Maybe you’ll crack and break down, finally discouraged from your kindness.
Just this once, he’ll let you cry into his shoulder.
It’s the least he can do for the person he loves most.
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Oh, this poor man. Weak ankles, frail body, fragile heart. You are not doing him any favors by acting recklessly.
“Y/N, NO! Put that down! You- you can’t just go around swinging random swords- stop spinning it!”
“It’s fine, Mister Tang! Mei’s been teaching me!”
“Teaching you to what?! Get yourself killed as quickly as possible?!”
Yeah, he’s constantly on the verge of falling apart. Given that the scholar genuinely just wants to keep you safe and sound, it’s absolutely nerve-wracking for him to deal with you.
Expect him to turn to the Noodlefam for help eventually. Given that they cherish Tang as much as he cherishes them, it’s not hard to rally them into lending him a hand.
He’ll speak to MK about the whole matter, talking him into keeping an eye out for you. He might even convince the young hero to whip up a clone to keep surveillance on you, trying it’s hardest to keep you out of trouble.
As for Pigsy, well… if Tang sees you as a child, let’s be honest- so does the chef. Man has a ladle locked and loaded for the backside of your head, and a sharp remand to go with the sting. “Enough messing around, Y/N! Put the damn sword down and help me with these dumplings already!” And at his words you reluctantly clamber down from the windowsill you were crawling over, settling back at the counter to help the porcine demon prep a meal.
All three of them together have zero issue with keeping you under control, but Tang is clearly the most dedicated here, and sometimes on his own in tending to the matter.
You have to sit through hours of scoldings and lectures. When he’s finally done trying to impart upon you why what you’ve done is dangerous, Tang sends you off to bed with his worried words ringing in your ears.
He’ll stop by to tuck you in, of course. Even when caught in the maddening throes of obsession is Tang kind, always looking to dote on you in some way.
There’s definitely worse people to be dealing with, at least.
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evans23 · 3 months
The first and last one
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Pairing : Lionel Shabandar x Reader OC
Summary : For the first time, Lionel wants to really settle in with a woman. Yet, you always shy away when he wants to make love with you. You eventually find the courage to admit to him you're a virgin and Lionel is quite aroused with the information.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Smut, loss of virginity, blood.
A/N : Hello dear 😁 I imagined this fic after having watched a show in which the main female character was a thirty years old virgin ashamed to admit it to her partner. I had three characters in mind for this story : Sinclair, David and Lionel. I wrote for the three of them but Lionel won my preference at the end. Hope you will enjoy it.
*** Thank you to @muiitoloko who has inspired I these lines.
Sinclair's version is here - David's version is here - Also read on AO3
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Your meeting with Lionel has been fortunate but totally hazardous.
Indeed, six months ago, a colleague of yours had invited you to an exhibition. The crowd was overwhelming, and you had to find a secluded place to give your mind some respite. You were sitting down in front of a painting from an Italian painter, Titian, when you heard someone walking behind you.
You pretended to not have heard the intruder who came to perturb your need of privacy but the newcomer sat down next to you oblivious of your need to be alone.
“I’m glad you like this painting. It is my favorite,” he said with a baritone voice which had send shivers through your whole body.
You had turned to meet the most beautiful hazel eyes you had ever seen. Speechless in front of the alluring man, albeit older than you were, you just nodded coyly. Yet, the true was that little did you know you were talking to Lionel Shabandar. Of course you know the man by name, but you weren’t interested at all about his business. You didn’t even know he was the lender of most of the painting displayed at the exhibition. Lionel didn’t realise how oblivious you were of who he was, thinking that everybody present at the party knew it was organised, patronised and hosted by no one else than the incredibly generous Lionel Shabandar who will serve up in preview the new ideas to extend a little bit more his company and in the same way his power overall the Brits’ media.
“Of course, nothing is better to the eyes than the real beauty of a real woman.”
You had blushed hearing his compliment but not totally gullible about his motive, you kept some distance from the man. He transpired sex and he definitely wanted to shag you. However, you had to recognise he had for him some subtlety.
He talked a bit about arts with you and, even though you weren’t really knowledgeable in that field, your mind was sharp and bright enough to give a perceptive, interesting and lightening opinion about what you were looking at. Never ever would you admit to Lionel that at the time you weren’t interested at all about his arts. You fueled the conversation because his company was quite enjoyable even if he wanted something you wouldn’t let him get so easily, even less to an unknown man, but arts wasn’t your cup of tea. You grew to appreciate it thanks to Lionel's company and your desire to take an interest in his passion when you became more than acquaintances.
Little were you conscious that Lionel knew. You couldn’t fool a real passionate and your answers to his questions were sometimes to hesitant if not off the bean, but he never mocked you or did any mean remarks because he really appreciated the fact that he meant so much to you that you took up an interest into his. Besides, you were such a smart person to talk with that it didn’t matter if you were from a less background than his.
Indeed, you were just a mere saleswoman in a well-known bakery, even though since you were official, Lionel was insisting for you letting down your job. He was even ready to hire you in his company if the idea of just being his girlfriend was so infuriating for you.
What had captured the interest of Lionel was the fact that you had resisted him. That night, at the exhibition, not only were you utterly unaware of who he was but you refused his advances, two things which had aroused him more than anything else in his life.
He was definitely engrossed with you and he thought it would only be a matter of time before putting you in his bed, but he was so wrong. You revealed yourself as a stubborn, independent and thoughtful woman who wasn’t one to open her legs for everybody.
Therefore, he tries the good old method, which means he courted you and eventually fell into his own trap by falling truly, madly, deeply in love with you. In the beginning, he was awfully terrified of these new feelings.
Of course, he had already been in love, but he was so much younger. Another problem which wasn’t a problem at all as it didn’t bother any of you was the age gap. He was from 20 years your oldest but it made no difference for you as his mind and his body were much younger than some of your acquaintances. No, the worst part was to have fallen in love so easily, yet again you were such a clever and pretty girl and his relentless pursuits couldn’t have ended up in any other ways.
After one month being undettered by the desire to conquer you, he became your friend, your confident and after another month, your companion. The fifth months he asked, almost ordered, you to move in with him in his awfully huge mansion and you had accepted. Anyway, Lionel wouldn’t have it in any other way, he wanted you by his side.
He thought he would be the beginning of something else. Something more serious. To put in a nutshell, he thought you will let you make love to you as he had dreamed to since your first meeting. He had thought that your shyness from being more intimate came from the fact that your relationship wasn’t official enough. After all, he was quite aware of his reputation, but now, you were living under the same roof, sharing the same bed and he was in the desperate need of touching you. No, he could touch you actually, but past the forlorn, you inevitably back down, shutting yourself off.
The first week of your common life, you came with the excuse you had your period. He told you it didn’t bother him at all, but the disgusted look on your face had spoken louder than yourself about your stance on it. The second weeks you had a cold, which was true, and therefore you were too tired. Then, the two others weeks, you find any possible excuse to escape what should be a sheer pleasure between two lovers.
Lionel was seriously annoyed with your avoidance and his mind had him think you were maybe with him only for his money before shaking his head from left to right, not convince at all by this assertion. After all, you didn’t know who it was during your first meeting and even during the second. Indeed, during the exhibition, when he had understood you didn’t know who he was, he had introduced himself with his second name, William, and when, between the second course and the desert of your second meeting, he was sure you were utterly oblivious of his identity, he had revealed to you the true. A smile grew on his face at the memory of your shocked look. He would never forget how you had grabbed your phone to check on the internet if he was saying the truth and how much he had laughed when you had gawked at him, totally speechless.
If you asked him, he would tell you this moment was the moment he had understood you were different and that maybe you could be just something else than another woman in his bed. You were smart, shy but with a sharp mind and more than agreeable for the eyes, even though your appearance was more normal than some of the bimbos he had hung out with in the past. But more than anything else, you never talked about his money or even his company except if he was the one starting the conversation towards those topics. No, you were genuinely interested by the man. The real man. By him, Lionel. Yet again, he thought with a frown, why after so much time to spend together were you so distant at the idea to make love with him ?!
You were sleeping together every night since you had move in, he had already seen you naked in the shower and multiple times in your underwear as you weren’t the kind modest around him, you were really touchy, always brushing your fingers through his hair, landing your hand on his back or hugging him now and then, so why when you were obviously arouse with his attention in bed did you perpetually refuse him the pleasure to make you his ?
Tonight, he thought firmly, tonight you will have to explain yourself or it will put an end to your relationship. If the idea to receiving his cock was so repulsive for you, then your motives to be his girlfriend were standing somewhere else and he didn’t like that at all.
When he arrived home this night, a severe expression on his features, well decided to go through your shenanigans to the bottom of it and discover what you were up to.
Bracing himself to be subtle and not distressing you by calling you out for maybe no reason, he entered the living room where, as usual, you were waiting to have dinner with him. His expression soften immediately at the sight of your sleepy form and his heart swelled with affection. No ! He scolded himself, you have to stay firm, don’t less this pretty face of her prevent you from digging out the true.
He brushed the tips of his fingers along your cheek and smiled when you stirred without waking up. How a man like him could have fallen so hard for a woman when he had sworn to himself after his costly divorce that never would he be trapped in a serious relationship. And here he was, with you in his mansion, head over heels for you, but also frustrated as he had never been before with a woman. Why, when he thought to have finding the real happiness again, should it be so convoluted ?!
He was definitely infuriated, frustrated and in an immense need. He wanted to ruin you in all the way possible into his bed, in his office in the Shabandar Tower, on the counter in the kitchen and on his personal gallery floor. All of it the same day. If possible right know !
But sometimes you were like a little bird, shy and ready to fly away, so his cunning man had a plan to make you admit if you were really into him or if you had wronged him and you were just one of these insipid girl who only see the £ symbol in replacement of his pupils. If it was the case, and he hoped it was not, he would be far more than disappointed. He would be devastated. And even his first wife didn’t have the honour to say she had destroy the most powerful of the UK, so it will truly be a prowess you could gloat about with your relatives.
The mere idea you could not be the one he thought you were terrified him more than anything, because Lionel wasn’t easy to mislead. He was a thoughtful, educated, intuitive and clever businessman. No one, even his worst enemy in the cruel game of the stock exchange and the media business had ever succeeded in deceiving him.
He tried chasing away those thought. If tonight was your last night together, he wanted it to start in the less painful way possible. Therefore, he leant down to plant a kiss on your temple. You opened your eyes in a light startle, but when you recognised Lionel, your heart began to beat faster and your eyes became brighter.
“Oh, I felt asleep,” you said, rubbing slightly your eyes to eliminate the remains of weariness.
“Indeed,” answered Lionel with this voice of his which was like the roar of his beloved lion and never missed sending shiver all along your spinal column.
You got up, giving him a welcome kiss before asking him about his day.
“Too much meetings, follow-up meetings, then in the afternoon more meetings. Did I talk to you about my meetings ?” He said jokingly.
“I think so,” you said with a smile.
“And you bunny ? How was your day at the bakery ?”, he asked with a frown.
He couldn’t fathom why a woman as intelligent as you was losing her time selling cupcakes in a cliché little store, all in pink and unicorn. You had told him once that not everybody could pay the fees of an expensive university and because you were from a really modest class, you had no other choice than to forget your university dreams and find a job. But you were at peace with that now and you were rather happy with your job. People were regular customers, all pleasant and smiling and your boss wasn’t really demanding as long as you did correctly your job.
“Tiring,” you answered, kissing the top of his hooked nose.
He smiles at you and you immediately recognised the predatory look on his face. You swallowed down your saliva, inwardly conscious you must tell him the true. You have been refusing him for too long and you were now afraid he could think you weren’t really interested in him which was far from the truth. In fact, you weren’t interested in Lionel. No, you were in love and yet again it was a litote. You couldn’t quantify your love because it was so humongous that sometimes it was overwhelming.
Neither your parents nor your friends approved of your relationship with Lionel. Your parents thought he was too old for you and your friends, your so-called friend, were saying behind your back you were with him for his money. Therefore, you didn’t have any friends anymore and your parents being your parents loved you anyway… but not Lionel, who they thought was taking advantage of your gullibility for his own pleasure. Nothing could have been less true but you knew the worth of your love for him.
The problem was that you were afraid to take the plunge and losing your virginity. Actually, you weren’t afraid about the action itself, but about admitting to Lionel that you were still a virgin. An almost 35 years old virgin. How the hell could you still be cursed with it, seriously.
“Bunny, are you listening to me ?” asked Lionel with a grin.
You came back to your sense, forgetting your little problem, at least for the moment.
“I was asking you if you wanted to eat pasta tonight ?” he asked again, squeezing your ass.
“Yours ?”
“Of course dear. No one can match up my Carbonara Pasta.”
You nodded happily and Lionel leaded the both of you towards the kitchen, a pride look on his face. Any other day, you would have joked, telling him it was quite a stance for a man who could only cook pasta, but not tonight. Lionel could see you had something on your mind, but he didn’t say anything. He was imagining everything, the most likely being a breakup. He was so far from the reality. You were thinking about your damn virginity and how to explain that to him. Tonight, you thought. Tonight I tell him everything. Yes, you had made up your mind.
You helped him to cook the diner, the both of you chatting happily. You listened to him talking earnestly about his company and you couldn’t prevent yourself from feeling an urge of proudness at such a hard-worker and accomplished man.
While he was having a shower, you were pacing back and forth in your sharing room, trying to figure out how to tell him your little secret. You were afraid of his reaction. Would he laugh at you ? Would he be angry ? Would he have the desire to be your first one ? After all, Lionel was such an experienced man. What would he do with such a useless girl ?
No university degrees, no money and not even a man to fuck her. You felt the tears filling your tears. You tried to conceal them when Lionel came back in the room, but it was too late.
“Bunny, what’s the matter ?”’ he asked, genuinely concerned.
“No… nothing,” you stuttered, not missing the fact he was only wearing a towel around his hips, his skins still glowing with a rest of dampness from his shower.
“Then your’re crying for nothing ? And I am the king of England,” he said sarcastically.
Your soft laugh died in your throat while he cradled your face with his large hand.
“It’s just… my insecurities… you know…”
Lionel sighed heavily, a bit tired to have to constantly reassure you. Yet, if he needed to do so every day, he would.
“Bunny, no matter what is in this pretty head of yours, nothing is true. I am happy with you and I don’t care about anything else.”
So, right now, it wasn't totally true. He desperately wanted to fuck her, make her his by ruining her. And this little demoness has too many times refused him that pleasure which she would have been obsessed with as much as he was. Tonight, he thought again. If tonight she refused again to succumb to the pleasure of the flesh, it would be the end.
Unknowingly of Lionel thought, you too were deep into the recesses of your mind, thinking tonight.
"Let me show you," growled Lionel, caressing your arms with his hands.
He leaned on to kiss you, one of his hand finding its way to your ass, squeezing it while kissing your neck with hunger. He made you back into the bed, where he pushed you softly. You felt flat on your back, your heart bumping quicker and quicker. You knew what was coming. And this time you couldn't be a coward. Either you told him, either you remained silent and did the whole thing while keeping him in the dark. After all, how could he know ?
Lionel's hand yanked down your pyjama pants, kissing your legs in the process while you shivered under his attention. He was on his way to taking off your underwear when you stopped him in spite of yourself.
Lionel sighed heavily. It was enough.
"Bunny, I need to know," he began, pulling away from you to sit in the chair in front of the bed. "Are you with me for my money ?"
"What ? No ! Lionel ! No," you panicked.
"Then why are you refusing me the pleasure of having you in my arms ? And what I really mean is why can't I fuck my girl as it please me ?" he asked bluntly.
You blushed, looking down. It was the moment you were fearing. You understood immediately by the way his eyes looked at you that you had to tell him the true.
"I thought you were in love with me. But I'm not that sure anymore and it terrifies me," admitted Lionel.
You looked up at him, surprised to hear such a confession from the so confident Lionel Shabandar. For the first time, you sax a mixture of vulnerability, sadness and anger on his beautiful face.
"I love you," you whispered, crossing your arms in front of you in a vain attempt to protect yourself from all the strong feelings which were radiating off Lionel.
"Then what is your dirty little secret ? Was it a wager ? Luring an affluent man to prove to someone you could do it with your sinful charms ? Or are you such a good actress that you had always known who I am and all you wanted was deceiving me to get my money ?"
“No, Lionel !” you said with a sob.
“Then what are your motives, woman ?” he almost shouted.
You were now crying, your heart pounding heavily. You scolded yourself, telling you it was the decisive moment, either you told him the true or you will lost him and it would break your heart, losing the only man you had ever loved just because you were ashamed of your condition as a virgin.
You muttered the truth indistinctly, yet the redness on your cheeks was a good indicator for Lionel that you were trying to confess to him your little secret.
“Bunny, I need the truth. You know you can trust me,” he said in a softer tone.
He sat down next to you on the bed, taking both of your hands in his large one. You leaned up your head and your eyes dived into his hazel one. You could read his sincere devotion towards you, a far cry from his womanizer reputation.
“Bunny, you can’t let me imagine things about you,” he insisted, letting his vulnerability showing on the surface, “I can’t stand it anymore but I don’t want our relationship to bog down.”
It was the straw that breaks the camel's back as you started to cry harder.
“I’m a virgin,” you said, hiding your face with your hands.
The silence following your revelation was deafening. You finally found the courage to look at him and saw Lionel looking at you with a mix of curiosity, softness and hunger.
“Are you angry ?” you asked coyly.
“Angry ?” repeated Lionel, shaking his head, his fingers lingering on the top of your left tigh, “angry because you are such a pure marvel ? It’s that so ? You were afraid not to tell me the true and suffering for your first time or you were afraid of me discovering it while taking you with sheer passion ?”
“Both,” you admitted, blushing even more.
“Don’t be ashamed, bunny ! Do you… do you want me to be your first ?” he asked, gulping his saliva, his other hand grazing your arm.
“I want you to be my first and last one,” you whispered, rubbing your eyes reddened by your tears.
“Bunny, what a treasure you are offering me.”***
You surveyed his face, looking for mockeries, but all you could see was his sincerity and maybe more love than before. Also, a predatory glint that promised you a night nothing short of unforgettable.
“You’re not disgusted ?”
“Disgusted about what ? Tell me ? I just don’t understand how such a beauty like you is still a virgin. Don’t tell me never a man had tried anything. I wouldn’t believe you.”
You admitted having had some flirt but nothing serious enough to raise your sexual appetite while you could satisfy yourself with your own fingers. You explained to him it was nothing to do with religion or anything of that kind. You just wanted to do it for the right reason and not because someone, one day, had declared you should get rid of it before a certain age. You had seen your friends losing their virginity with random guys, sometimes at a very young age, just to feel more “woman” and you didn’t want your first time to be a better memory just to join the club of “now I’m an experienced girl”.
“Well, [Y/N], I’m honoured. I couldn’t fathom why you were always shying away from me when I wanted to lavish you with my skills, but now that I know… Don’t worry darling,” he said with a cheeky smile, “I’ve always enjoyed a challenge and tonight you will be my more beautiful masterpiece.”***
His hungry look send shivers down your spine while his hands ran around your thigh, pulling you towards him.
“You want it ?” he asked, genuinely concern at not forcing you to do something if you weren’t ready for it.
You nodded once, catching his lips with yours. You moshed when he pulled back, looking at him with uncertainty.
“I want to hear you say the word. I won’t do anything if I don’t have your full consent.
“Yes Lionel, I want to do it with you. I told you I want to be the first and last one and I want I know.”
His features soften, hearing how much you wanted him to be the only one to treasure you as you deserved.
“Oh believe me, after that night, you will wish to have known me sooner,” he said with a smug before adding, “and I will never let you go. From today on your'e mine and only mine to love and cherish.”
With those words said, he fell on you, kissing savagely your neck where he will definitely let his marks in the form of small bruises, but you didn’t care. You wanted to wear his love marks all over you.
“Be gentle,” you bashfully asked, “I’m a bit afraid.”
Lionel promised you he will be tender. He will definitely make this night memorable for both of you. Yet, he had to be careful. It’s been a long time since he had a virgin in his bed and you weren’t just any virgin, you were you and he was decided to keep you by his side for the long run.
He trailed kisses along both of your legs until he arrived at your entrance. Slipping his fingers inside your panties, he pulled it down in a deliberate slowness, not missing one inch of your reaction, looking for any sign of discomfort. Once he discarded your underwear, he grabbed the hem of your shirt and tucked it off too, throwing it down with the rest of your clothes. To your surprise, he got up, looking at you with a mixture of desire and joy.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, more for himself.
Feeling too exposed, you tried to cover your breasts, but he stopped you with a growl, eyebrows frowned.
“Don’t hide from me ever. Enough of that now. You're mine and I want to admire what’s mine whenever I want.”
If your cheeks reddened more, you will soon look like a tomato, but it only makes Lionel chuckle with affection.
”Do you want to touch me ?” he asked, for the first time unsure of what he was doing.
Of course, you had already touched him. His torso, his legs… everything except the beast under his towel. Your hands wander from his cheek to the grey hair on his torso. You descended a bit more until your hand reached the towel around his hips. You looked at him uncertainly but he nodded to encourage you to tear it off and that’s what you did.
It wasn’t the first time you saw a penis, after all you had read really peculiar books through your life and you had traveled far enough to not be that innocent, yet you couldn’t prevent yourself to gasp when you saw the said beast.
Lionel was big. Not that you have a lot to compare with, but his member, already ready for you, was clearly above the average. Lionel observed you, attentive to your reaction, repressing a laugh when he saw you gawking at his cock.
“Don’t worry, bunny, I will take it easy on you. First, we need to prepare you, I want you to enjoy it as much as possible, but I can’t promise it won’t hurt because it will certainly.”
You nodded, shyer than before and also with a feeling of stupidity to have had so much apprehension about the reason for your distance when it came to sex. Indeed, Lionel’s reaction was far above your expectations and you felt guilty about having thought he could reject you for such a thing. A completely trivial thing as it appeared Lionel was everything, but disgusted by the revelation. Actually, he felt more aroused than ever knowing he would be your first and you could believe him, he won’t let you slip through his fingers after that.
“Did you ever touch yourself ?” he asked while caressing one of your breast, his other fingers playing with the earlobe.
“Obviously,” you answered before adding you were a virgin, not a nun, which makes him laugh genuinely.
“Oh, after this night you would not be either a virgin or a prude.” he gloated.
He began to bit your nipple, making you moaned softly.
“Don’t keep these pretty sounds, bunny. They are the proof of my talent,” he said, licking your breasts down to your navel.
“Lionel,” you moaned, eager for more.
“Patience my love, it’s your first time, I can fuck you without any foreplay. You can trust me, you’re going to have more than one orgasm tonight.”
You closed your eyes, feeling his hands moved down to your entrance. He grazed softly across the hairy area, his lips kissing your thigh. Then you felt his thumb rubbing your wet slit with a grin.
“You’re already so wet, bunny,” he said, more for himself.
You couldn’t say anything, your focus on his finger playing with your clit. Your hands reached out to grab his shoulders when he touched your sensitive clit with two others deftly fingers hidden beneath your folds.
“It’s here, isn’t it ?” he asked, continuing his slow rubbing against your flesh. Lionel continued until he felt her muscles contractions against his hand. He insisted a bit more until she moaned loudly.
“And here it’s the first,” he said proudly. “And I didn’t even put my finger inside you,” he added, intrigued to know how much pleasure he could give you just with his fingers before taking your purity forever with his cock.
He finally inserted one finger inside her, making her legs tensed to the feeling of his finger inside her fold.
"Lionel," you said with a moan.
"How does it feel ?" he asked, even though he could see just by looking at your expression how good it felt.
You were so overwhelmed by him, his love, his touch, everything that you couldn't find your words.
When Lionel put another finger, scissoring you slightly, you felt your legs tremble as well as your back while he continued his slow dance with his fingers within you while his tongue was playing wis your nipples, increasing your pleasure.
"You're so beautiful," said Lionel with his baritone voice that makes your body bristling.
"And you so handsome," you managed to say between two moans.
"Of course I am," he answered with a smirk.
He continued to pleasure you with his fingers stretching you, bringing you to the edge of your second orgasm. You eventually came when he pressed another finger against your clit, circling it at a slow pace. You threw a glance at his hard cock, not sure if you would be able to fit around it but you didn't have the time to think about it for too long as he made you come when he found your sensitive spot, making you squirmed under him while a scream of pleasure died in your throat.
You were still a bit hazy, in the midst of all the lavish pleasure Lionel was giving to you, when you felt his nose between your legs, then his tongue licking your wetness and playing with your clit. You weren't sure if you could bear another orgasm so close to the two others, but Lionel was sure you could and he certainly had his way with women. You were so wet and aroused, you couldn't prevent your hand from gently scratching the roots of Lionel's hair, who worked harder with his nose around your clit.
The sounds you were making were like a song to his ears, he knew he was pleasuring you and he took great pride in it. He knew he had a flair for make a woman cum but the feeling to make you his, make you wet and cum for him was almost overwhelming as his heart was swollen with love and joy to have find such a treasure like you.
Flicking your nipple with his callous hands, you involuntarily thrust your hips against his.
"Careful here, we don't want to rush anything, do we ?"
You let out a frustrating sound, which made Lionel laugh.
"You have been waiting until now," he said, looking up at you, "you can wait a bit longer before having me inside you no ?" he teased, pleased with himself.
He didn't wait for your answer, diving down his head between your legs, his tongue working around your entrance, kissing you there while his hooked nose was stroking your bundle of nerves aptly.
"Lionel," you said in one breath.
He smiled, licking your sex again and again, his own arousal becoming unbearable. He felt the need to be in you as his member became harder and harder. But not yet. Before, he wanted you to have another orgasm, to be as wet as possible to make you suffer the least possible.
You didn't last very long and Lionel stood up to cover you entirely with his body.
"You taste so good, bunny," he said with a smirk.
You blushed under his piercing eyes, yet he told you not to be embarrassed.
"Bunny, you're beautiful and there is no shame in doing what we are doing. You honored me by offering me your virginity and I want to lavish you as you deserve for trusting me in such a way that you abandon yourself in my favor."
You grabbed his shoulders to bring him closer. Understanding your intention, Lionel leaned towards you so that you could touch his back and his chest more easily while your lips captured his in a tender kiss.
"I love you," you said coyly.
It was not the first time you told him that, but it was the first time you said it orally. Ordinarily, you wrote it on a sheet of paper that you strewed on the kitchen counter or inside his briefcase to give him something to think of during his work.
"And I love you," answered back Lionel with a genuine expression.
He didn't say the word before and you were taken aback. You didn't think he will say it back, but you were more than happy to hear him confess his feelings for you, though you never doubt it.
"You still want to do it ?" he asked sincerely.
You nodded vigorously.
"I want to hear you say it, [Y/N]," he said firmly.
"Yes Lionel, I want you. I want you to make love with me, please," you almost begged.
With a satisfied smile, he placed his hard member in front of your entrance. You push a little bit your nails into the skin of his back, your eyes full of apprehension but also desire.
He pushed himself as slowly as he could, careful to be gentle, assessing the slightest sign of discomfort. He kissed your neck, your cheeks, your forehead and your lips while he continued to stretch your insides. When he filled you up entirely, he stopped, waiting to see your features relax. He felt a warm liquid enveloping his cock. He glimpsed down to see a small amount of blood tainted the Egyptian silk sheets and he felt a strange sort of vanity, knowing he was the one you had chosen to offer yourself to.
“Are you alright ?” he murmured in your ear.
“It’s hurt a little bit,” you admitted.
“It’s normal, bunny,” he said with a soft tone, “It will be better in a moment, I promise.”
Of course, you trusted him and he was doing his really best to be gentle when all he wanted to do was thrusting hard and fast your tight insides.
He kissed you again and again before asking you if you were ready. You weren’t able to verbally answer any of his question, but a mere glimpse at your eyes full of desire was enough to him starting to move inside you. The initial pain ebbed away while you felt a fire invading your whole body.
“You feel so good,” growled Lionel while sucking one of your nipple.
“Lionel, oh Lionel... oooh,” you moaned while your insides were throbbing with pleasure.
Soon he thrusted faster and you let out a strangled cry when he accidentally stroked your G-spot. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer to kiss his neck, totally lost in your building pleasure.
“Please Lionel, faster,” you pleaded, the stretch of your walls making you feel sensations your fingers had never let you experienced before.
“Bunny, you’re so tight... aaah... so tight and only mine,” he stuttered, licking your breasts.
You felt your muscles tensed and you knew you were close.
“Lionel... I… I will…” you couldn’t think clearly, even less talking while your back was arching to let your cunt receive more of Lionel’s cock.
He tried his best to hold back, wanting to let you come first.
"Don't close your eyes, bunny, I want to see you when you will come," he ordered.
You didn't last very long. He stroked your sensitive clit with his thumb, which had for effect to make you finish. You clung to him, letting out a cry which was a mixture of his name and other nonsense, as you were totally hazy with pleasure.
Lionel thrusted into you three more times before releasing himself with a loud groan inside your clenched cunt.
Out of breath, Lionel slipped out of you cautiously. You were panting and sweaty as well as was Lionel. He looked at you with adoration, his eyes twinkling with love.
"How do you feel ?" he asked while you cuddled up, your head on his chest, trying to find solace into his arms, still basking in the afterglow of your encounter.
"I'm happy," you whispered.
"Are you sore ?" he asked with trepidation.
"A bit," you answered honestly.
"Do you want me to run you a bath ?"
"No. I just want us to snuggle in bed."
"As you wish, my love."
He planted a lingering kiss on your forehead, a fond smile on his lips while you fell asleep. He felt a surge of love for you, one he never felt before for anyone and certainly not for his first wife.
You were certainly something else, a strange pretty little thing who had miraculously fallen into his life by the chance of your stars which were made to be crossed at some point in your life.
He took a glimpse at the blood in the bed and inwardly, he felt a wave of happiness at the mere thought of you who had been waiting for such a long time to be sure to give your virginity to the right man and knowing that he was the one for you made his heart swelled with pride.
"I will never let you leave, bunny. You're mine forever," he whispered in your ear.
You stirred a bit in your sleep but didn't get awake. Lionel let out a chuckle while his hand grabbed possessively your hips. Maybe you had waited for a major party of your life to find the right one, but so did he and now, with you in his arms, he felt the relief of the certainty. The certainty that he will have someone to share the rest of his life with.
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
Six of Crows future head cannon:
Alby Rollins joins the Dregs.
Picture it: 1920’s-esque Ketterdam, 10 years post Sweet Reef/ Ice Court. Slick Rolls Royce cars line the cobbled streets, a city spiraling toward a new age. Rain drenches the obscure signs & hidden arrows pointing to the Speak-Easy halls. In a time of prohibition… down, down, down must one go in the Barrel to find the most notorious of them all. A slice of sin, six feet under. A crowd drunk off vice served in black tea cups.
The young man walks into Kaz Brekker’s office (after fighting his way there), sits himself in a chair opposite a great obsidian desk. Winded & lip still bleeding from his tousle with the men at the doors, Alby wheezes: “Teach me.”
In turn, A near 30 year old Kaz smirks. “I thought lions preferred their pride.”
Alby, barely pushing 17, gives a smile of a golden boy, nervous but strong enough to hold the gaze of a devil. (He’s practiced.) “I thought Crows scavengers. Here I am, a shine for the taking.”
“Still have that crow, little lion?” A feminine shadow whispers from the corner. Unnoticed by the young man previously, he clicks his teeth but still refuses to show fear. A serpent-like bead of sweat slides down his spine, a shiver chasing after. He holds firm, biting his cheek to hide the startle.
He knows this shadow, this phantom. She haunted him, once.
“I buried it with my father,” the Kaelish prince whispers, “or rather, in place of him. Never did find a body. Pity.” He shrugs.
Kaz’s eyes glint like a cat’s, his smile a loaded gun. A gloved hand stretches halfway across the table in offering. “All right, cub. What do you want?”
Alby reaches forward, feeling the cold black leather of Dirtyhands’ grip between his fingers. The moment is a stormy crossroads, a whip between his shoulders reminiscent of his father’s favorite belt. He smiles, for this is a pain Alby has been walking toward since the day he woke up clutching stuffed black feathers.
(His blood never did bleed emerald.)
More than one answer to Kaz’s stinging question come to mind, nettles along the path of his thoughts. Yet, only one pricks Alby into speaking, the rage in his voice real rather than bravado. “Revenge.”
The Wraith giggles roughly, slipping herself to the arm of Kaz’s chair on silent feet. Alby swallows.
“On me?” The leader of the Dregs rasps, a brow peaked with amusement. His wife smiles with closed lips, knives glinting along her body like hungry specters. For here, her teeth are shown. Alby knows she Captain’s a fleet of the deadliest ships in the True Sea. He drags his gaze from her quickly.
“No.” Alby stutters, but he does not lie. Kaz Brekker bested his abusive father, and he does not care about Pekka’s death. In fact, sitting with the suspected murderers, Alby finds he rather prefers their company.
Kaz reclines in his chair, a hand lazily splayed on Captain Ghafa’s knee. He regards Alby with black eyes, a sharpness that pierces through his strength but doesn’t shatter it. A blade meant to probe. A test of mettle. Alby has waited too long for this audience, he cannot lose it. A moment passes.
Dirtyhands looks to his wife, his Wraith. She quirks her head in the silent exchange. Six heart beats have passed, and Alby Rollins is certain he won’t leave this room. He waits for the snap of a cane to bank his vision, a warm blanket of red to cover him from the jugular down.
He waits for death, but does not invite it. It does not come.
Instead, a voice like choking smoke, “Then let us begin.”
Alby Rollins releases a breath. His knuckles loosen in parts. A tattooist is called in.
The Crow & Cup bleeds as it settles, accepting the fresh skin as it’s master’s tithe.
Alby sits taller, a prince of a different kind, a darker throne.
I don’t make the rules but this is now my personal agenda & important that u agree
Crap now I have to put it in a fic
Should I do it?
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renxholics · 2 years
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ❝ 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! ❞
﹟riddle : leona : azul : kalim : vil : idia : malleus : x gn!reader. cw indirect kissing. snippets of having indirect kisses with you, their crush. however, you may seem a bit oblivious… or did you do that on purpose? mutual pining, not established relationship.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎perhaps you should of learnt your lesson, but you sometimes learned things the hard way, like never taste testing one of Riddle’s sweets, for example. banging on your chest you let out a few coughs as the burning sensation got worst and worse by the second, tears prickling your eyes as you reach for the cup of tea on the table. “so delicious…” you lied through your teeth as you swallowed it all down with one big gulp, hoping your sense of taste would return within the next few days. you really should of learned after the oyster sauce fiasco that Riddle had no idea how to cook, and that even if he looked so happy offering you something he made, you shouldn’t of eaten it. he just had such a proud look. “i just think that maybe,” you wheezed out, trying to wipe the tears from your eyes, “you may have mixed up the sugar or added something with a bit too much spice.” you cough again, trying to smile as you finally manage to look at him. his face was red but no angry words or disappointed words spew, only him bringing his arm to cover his mouth as he cast his gaze from the cup in your hands to you, then towards the ground. “r-right! i’ll make sure to double check next time…” he stuttered, in the tiniest whisper, “prefect.”
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ sighing, you cross your arms and shake your head as you glare down at Leona in the middle of the greenhouse. his upper half leaned against a tree as he raised his arms behind his head, yawning and opening his eyes. “if you want me to head to class then try doing something that will motivate me, herbivore,” he mocked, clearing enjoying your frustration. as you rub your temples you take a second before an idea strikes, grinning at him as he quirks his brow up at you. “do something to motivate you? well then, hopefully this is motivation enough,” you concede to his wish, brushing your fingers against your lips, pressing a kiss onto them. kneeling down between the legs of lazy lion, you press your fingers against his lips as a cheeky smile forms on your face. “do a good job this week and i’ll give you a proper one next time.” you said with a wink. growling, he tried to grip at you but you bounce back up too quickly, running off laughing to yourself.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ savoring the bite of your chicken you enjoyed every last bit of it as Azul watched with a gentle smile, him enjoying the way you looked while eating his cooking. it wasn’t everyday someone could eat food personally cooked by the head of the monstro lounge, nor exactly be served by him, so please, take the hint already prefect! “it’s delicious, Azul. have some with me, won’t you?” you casually asked, turning to face him as you twirled your fork around the noodles, stabbing a piece of chicken and blowing onto it to cool it down. although your actions were presumably innocent, Azul felt himself short circuiting as his face flushed against his will at the mere thought of you feeding him, not only that, but using the very same fork you had eaten from. really, how scandalous you were, prefect. with one hand underneath the fork, you raised it to his lips, “say ahh,” you smiled expectantly as he finds his mouth opening before his mind could process anything, the fork entering his mouth as you pull the fork back, twirling it already for your next bite. “prefect!” he tried to respond but only uttered gibberish as you continued eating, enjoying his reaction. “i’m glad you’ve finally taken a break, even if you’ve combusted.” you whisper to yourself as a little giggle escape your lips.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “it’s like grim, but nicer,” you commented in awe, petting the magic carpet which nuzzled against you. you weren’t sure who was more like a puppy, Kalim, or his magic carpet. “come on now, i’m gonna fall over!” you half heartedly chastise as you press a kiss onto what you assume to be the head of the magic carpet as it looped around happily in the air, all the way back over to the scarabia dorm leader, nuzzling into him. “grim is pretty fluffy and cute too!” he responded, laughing and feeling tickling from the happy carpet. similar to a cat, the carpet nuzzled it’s head where you kissed against his lips, head butting him. “maybe it wants a kiss from you, too,” you conclude, kalim eager to give him one. “i wonder, does that count as an indirect kiss? i hope it does…” he heard you muttering to yourself, barely catching it. it seems the carpet acted just like it’s master, in both carefreeness and expressing it’s love. in an instant, you felt yourself swept off your feet in between kalim’s arms as you were up in the air once more, being taken for another ride. “prefect, it definitely counts!” he cheerily responded to your muttering before giving you a direct kiss with the starry night sky and carpet to witness.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Vil’s hand was slightly cool as his long and delicate fingers grasped at your chin, tilting it upwards at him. you tried to avoid squirming in your seat from close proximity as he brought his face to your’s, expertly applying bright red lipstick to your lips. “you should be lucky, spudling. i don’t normally share my makeup with others.” he huffed, backing away and finally allowing you to look in the mirror. you had to admit, you looked amazing with your makeup done, he even did your nails earlier just for you. “thanks! it looks perfect, just like you,” you praised, thanking him before heading on out to do your daily chores. popping out of seemingly nowhere, Rook clapped and beamed. “merveilleux! i assume it was on purpose, was it not, Roi du Poison?” the huntsman asked, giving his dorm leader wearing the same bright red shade of lipstick a knowing look. it really isn’t everyday or nearly ever he shares his personal makeup. “i have no idea what you’re assuming.” Vil laughed in response, packing up his makeup as a little smile tugged on the corners of his lips. maybe now other’s would realize you’re not available to flirt with when you have him already marking you as his.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “take a second, pause, breathe,” you scold, wiggling one finger back and forth with one hand as the other pulled your lollipop away from your lips, shoving it into Idia’s agape mouth. “nothing bad is going to happen, we can figure a way to finish this event before midnight,” you continue, stretching your arms as you make your way back to your chair beside Idia’s, taking a seat and pressing away at your keyboard, rearranging your party for optimal speedrunning. as you tried to review your account setup, the blue haired dorm leader’s mouth finally shut as his eyes widened to the size of saucers. his face flushed and matched the color of his fiery hair as he tried to stutter out a coherent sentence, failing each and every single time as he watched your every single move. “alright, done. i’ll do all the healing, shielding, and buffing. you just focus on damage, okay?” you ask, spinning in your chair as you turn back to Idia who was still stuck like a deer in headlights. raising a brow, you snatched your lollipop back out from his mouth and put it back into your’s. “as cute as you look right now, there’s no time, we’ve got less than twenty minutes. i want my event loot real bad right now so let’s leave the teasing you about this and maybe asking you on a date later… depends how you do.” you teased, giving a little wink.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “you like ice cream, tsunotarou?” you ask as you tilt your head in the direction of your favorite dragon fae. “indeed, child of man…” he begun, explaining his like for the tasty dessert. taking one more nibble out of your ice cream cone, you hand it over to him as he watched you quizzically. “here, you can have the rest! i’m full anyways.” you offer, trying to find a napkin on your person. Malleus’ eyes widened momentarily at your bold offer, he couldn’t recount anyone else offering him something they ate out of before. taking the cone out of your hand he had a small smile adorn his face. you were always so interesting, the way you never feared him but even shared with him. handing you his handkerchief in return for the ice cream, you thank him with a smile and encourage him to take a bite, to which he does quite gracefully. “it taste better than normal..” he commented as you wiped your lips, grinning. “eating with friends is always better! i’ll bring some more next time. and ah, just don’t tell Sebek about this, he might try to fight me over getting to have an indirect kiss with you first,” you joked. “indirect kiss?” he replied with a knowing smile. if you wanted a kiss, you could always just ask directly, child of man.
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@𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐗𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐒 : no plagiarizing, reposting, or claiming as your’s.
following channels [tag list] : @h0n3ysgh0st : ((: snippets are adorable. you know what’s more adorable? flustered guys. i can’t guarantee daily uploads but i can guarantee i’m trying my best. it’s kinda hard to come up with seven different scenarios.
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silentmoths · 1 year
HSR thirsts 2, Electric boogaloo
I promised @ainescribe I would write her a sacraficial Jing Yuan thirst bcs she is desperate for the mans, figured I'd add a couple more in here too ehe
Jing Yuan, Welt, Lan x Reader
NSFW but not exactly explicit, Monsterfucking i guess??? looks at lan???? godfucking??? idk??
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Jing Yuan
Careful hands and soft lips explore your skin, your own hands tugging at his silky soft hair, pulling it free of its tie as you watch a wall of white cascade down his shoulders.
Jing Yuan’s gaze only seems to smoulder more, his smile is soft, but his eyes give away the lust and the intentions as his lips return to yours. He’d been fighting today, you can smell the residual Ozone that always seems to linger on his skin after a fight, mingling with the usual scents of his favourite tea, and freshly polished wood.
“How many Mara-struck today?” you whisper as he pulls back just a hair, enough for you both to catch some air as his hands slide to your waist. 
“Too many.” he responds, his smile never faltering, but you know deep down, he’s so very tired of dealing with it all, which is why you’re always waiting with open arms when he returns home for the evening. Some nights you both simply exist in each other's hold, other nights turn out like this, a more… primal stress relief that neither of you minded. Careful, practised fingers working your clothes off so he could access more; he always wanted more, and you were always happy for him to take as much as he needed.
“I love you.” he murmurs against your collarbone as he settles between your knees, revelling in the soft shudder it sends up your spine, it happens no matter how many times he says it.
“Love you too…” you whisper, tugging his bicep until he comes back up to kiss you again-
Skrrt, skrrt skrrtOh, not again.
“Mimi-” He gasps softly against your lips. The Lion was at the door, again.You hear her familiar, growling moan from behind the door as she continues to scratch at the wood. 
Every. Fucking. Time. 
Skrrt, skrrt skrrrrt.
“Mimiiiii.” you whine in frustration “Not noooow.” “Mrrrrrrrrough.” comes the indignant reply from the other side of the door, which only serves to make your boyfriend snicker. 
“Should we…let her in?” he asks, you look at him in absolute horror.
“No!” you cry at him.
“Why not? She just wants to cuddle.” 
Sometimes, you think your boyfriend is only pretending to be stupidly smart. 
You motion at your naked body, and then at his mostly naked one.
“You see nothing wrong with this!?” you sigh, exasperated when he simply shakes his head.
Another round of scratches at the door, and then a mighty thud, followed by a pitiful, grumbling meow. You knew that thud, that was the ‘I’ve fallen over, come dote on me, dad’ thud.
Jing Yuans golden eyes land on yours again, wide, soft and pleading.
Sometimes you think you let him get away with too much. Then again, it’s always you who ends up receiving most of the aforementioned Lion cuddles at the end of the day.
So perhaps it's you who wins.
“You’re up late.” the familiar voice calls as you trudge through the parlour car at some ungodly time of the night.
“And so are you, Mr. Yang.” you respond as you quietly sit beside him. 
In the dead of the night, when everyone else was asleep, the parlour car was truly a lovely place to sit and watch the stars.
“Another nightmare?” Welt asks as he gently pushes his glasses up his nose.
“How can you tell?” 
“You learn these things when you’ve been around long enough.” He responds as he leans back against his seat. 
“And what brings you to the parlour car this late in the evening?”
“Just…restless I suppose.” He sighs “Sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and watch the stars.”
You nod, leaning back as well as you both simply sit and admire the view out of the large glass viewing windows, Pom Pom had obviously cleaned them today, not a single streak or speck of dust to be seen. 
Usually, you came to look at the stars after a nightmare to decompress and distract you from them, but tonight it seemed, not even the stars could help you. Your leg is fidgeting, bouncing up and down repeatedly as your mind lingers on darker places, on decisions made and on lives you could have saved-
Until a hand rests on your bouncing leg, and the touch is enough to cease the thoughtline entirely as you look over to the man beside you; he’s watching, his gaze soft, concerned, his thumb slowly rubbing circles along the top of your thigh.
“Sorry, Mr. Yang…” you murmur, “Usually the stars are a good enough distraction…”
He simply shakes his head “Don’t be… and you can call me by my name, you know.” he points out “I don’t know who it was that decided to call me ‘Mr. Yang’ but it’s never bothered me either way.”
You let out a soft noise in response and nod.
“Thank you…Welt.”
At this, he smiles softly, his gaze slowly slipping from you, back out to the stars.
“You said you come here to use the stars as a distraction?” he asks after a long moment of silence.
“Yeah…there's something both…calming, and kinda terrifying about it.” you muse “it’s beautiful, but it also puts things into perspective, we’re just…specks of matter in the grand scheme of things…” 
“And you find that thought…distracting?” He asks with a raised brow.
“I mean…yeah, usually.” you nod as you shrug your shoulders “not tonight apparently.”
Welt hums in thought for a moment.
“Are you still in need of a distraction?” He asks after a moment.
“I mean…if the stars aren’t gonna do it, I don't know what will- mph!” Your sentence is cut off as nothing but a surprised squeak, you’d been so unfocused as you stared out at the universe, you hadn’t noticed him leaning closer until his lips pressed over your own. 
Something sparks inside you both, how long has it been since either of you had done anything like this? What was meant to be a simple kiss, breaks for a moment, lips an inch apart as you both blink. 
And then your on eachother like rabid animals, the next series of kisses only growing rougher as you find yourself pushed back against the plush seats of the parlour car. You grip at Welt’s jacket as his cane clatters to the floor. 
Somewhere amongst it all, you both regain enough faculty to move from the car and to welt’s room, neither of you wanted to deal with Pom Pom yelling about any mess when he woke up.
You wake the next morning to Welt sitting on the edge of his bed, stroking your hair, and you realise your mistake, what would the others say if they saw you leaving Welt’s room? 
“Stay here, you should be safe to leave in fifteen minutes. March 7th is already up, and Himeko is like clockwork.” He tells you softly, seemingly reading your thoughts. 
He leaves you then, after pressing a short kiss to your temple.
This may have been the first intimate encounter with the enigmatic Mr. Yang
But it certainly was not the last.
Lan, Aeon of the hunt, Archer lord of fate.
Never in your life did you think you would be standing before his mighty presence.
He stamps a single, mighty hoof and you kneel, he needn’t say anything, his sheer power alone was enough to command respect.
So colour yourself surprised when the indomitable god of the hunt lifts you, One of his mighty hands easily wrapping around your waist and pulling you from the ground.
He has no discernable face as he holds you up, only the sleek, black facets of the horned mask, even still, you can feel something akin to hot breath ghosting over your body as he holds you. It’s impossible to tell what he’s feeling, is he angry? Pleased? 
And then he does something… unexpected. 
He tilts his head at you, curious, almost confused at your presence. 
With a gulp, you slowly reach out, your hand caressing one of the facets of his mask, and you feel his massive frame shudder as one of his hooves gives another stamp; you couldn’t kneel this time, so you simply continue, hoping that it’s what he wanted. 
It seems like second nature when he pulls you even closer, to press your lips against the mask, your hands gently tugging at strands of his cosmic hair, it feels soft in your fingers. And yet also feels noncorporeal, as if it would simply vanish if you clutched at it too tightly. The massive lord lets out what you can only describe as a hum.
It’s the only word he utters, but to hear it, and for it to be directed at you? 
It might as well have been the only word you’ve ever heard.
You feel his other hand as it begins to explore, as if the mighty lord had never actually laid hands on a mere mortal before, and you let him do as he will. You feel his fingers roam across skin and tear at your clothing, all while you grip at his hair, one of your hands eventually coming to grab at one of his horns, just seeking a more corporeal anchor point.
That is, until Lan shudders once more, dragging your body down his torso, until something slides between your thighs.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
Refuge | chapter four. 
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chapter four: changes. 
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wordcount: 2.1k summary: the aftermath of everything that has been warnings: estrangement, recovery from trauma, mentions of child death. some fluff a/n: reshuffling over! lmk ur thoughts <3
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You stayed true to your word. 
You started your own book club; letting the gossiping, brutal women of Jackson into your safe haven and their shrill giggles fill your bookshop. You even smiled along, a quick flash of your teeth assuring them all that you considered yourself one of them even when theydidn’t think so. You knew it’d get back to Maria if you didn’t cooperate. 
It wasn’t too bad, though. The book club whispered about Joel, sure - but only until you walked into the room. It was all nervous grins and terrible changes of topic after that, with their breaths held and eyes darting. They were scared of you; you’d gained a reputation after the…incident. 
Speaking of Maria, she hadn’t so much as approached you. No, she lurked in the shadows, with tight-lipped smiles and apologetic winces. Fred was eating solids now, and Maria practically had her tongue in his ass every time you saw them. You saw the judgement in their eyes. Straigtening, you turned away. 
Tommy had come by and sat down for a cup of tea, spending hours straightening everything out. You’d forgiven him, despite not understanding why he hid Joel from you.Maybe he was a coward. Maybe he was just an idiot. You didn’t care. Either ways, he was truly sorry. That was enough. 
You looked different now. Like a lion with blunt, rounded claws, and teeth that had been pulled out by a merciless owner for his amusement. Your hair and your nails and your appetite were better, easier to look at. Gone was the animalistic fervor that had once been written on your face. Your cheeks were fuller now, flushed in the cold; eyes softer too. 
You looked like her again. Sarah’s mother, Joel’s wife. You. The mirrors in your house found themselves draped with old bedsheets. Their reflection was a jarring, cruel sight you’d long stopped looking at. 
You couldn’t shake the thought that Sarah would have hated what you became - weak, timid, broken. You could picture it - the frown; Joel’s frown - and the way she’d curl her bottom lip out. Aching for her was inevitable. 
If there was a God, you would have begged Him to let you die in her place. But there wasn’t, so you decided to live for her, instead. 
Each rise of the sun signified battle, more ground to cover and another step to take. To get out of bed, to change, to shower. To open the shop, to wave at people, to smile. 
 And in the dark hours when the sun’s warmth abandoned you, familiar shadows crept into your room to wrap themselves around you once again. They crawled into your mind and festered within you; a sickness with no cure. Under the safety of your blanket, the tears would come - and with them, the panic. All you had to ground you were two words that served as both your blessing, and your curse. A brand marring the flesh of your psyche; seared into your soul. 
I lived. 
Sisyphus was punished for cheating death, too, wasn’t he? 
You established a strict routine. Wake, shower, change. Go on a walk, pick flowers, go to the store, open the shop. Repeat. 
A lifeline, really, to stop you from scratching at the plaster on your walls. You’d forgotten how exhausting it was to pretend being okay when you weren’t. You’d forgotten how exhausting it was to fall apart alone, too. It left a bitter taste on your tongue. 
The good days were good, but the bad ones were terrible. Hands would grasp at your mouth, your neck, your chest, limbs growing heavy; and you’d be underwater again. 
You stayed in bed longer on those days. The routine would fall apart, and so would you. 
Against all odds - and intent - you made a new friend. It started with a grin from across the street, making you look over your shoulder in confusion. Surely that was meant for someone else? Brows furrowing at the empty street behind you, you’d reciprocated- but the grimace on your face was unyielding, lips stretching in an awkward baring of your teeth. You walked home faster that day, that replying laugh ringing in your ears. A warm, infectious grin turned into a smirk, paired with a “Hi!” you couldn’t resist replying to. Until you walked into her at the store, not having the heart to turn down her offer to walk home with you, realising you couldn't resist replying to everything else, either. The circumstances of your initial meeting were forgotten, and a bond was forged; purely because of the way her eyes twinkled with excitement, forgoing pleasantries for an exclamation that made you laugh. 
“I can’t believe you’re such a badass, I mean-not that you can’t be, just that I wasn’t expecting it, y’ know?” 
You’d quickly found that once she started talking, it took the threat of a clicker for Ellie to stop. And since you were in Jackson, and the threat non-existent, she prattled in your ear for nearly half an hour before you excused yourself. Initially, you’d been overwhelmed with her monologues - and a little concerned with the low number of breaths she took in between the rush of words that came tumbling out of her mouth. Nevertheless, there was something about the adorable way that she said exactly what was on her mind that warmed you up towards her, her constant chattering carving a way into your heart. 
I didn’t know Joel had a wife. God, when I met you I thought you were a little scary, maybe even a little weird, y’ know? I mean, you did kinda try to stab me with a pen? But that’s ok - Joel told me you didn’t know about Sarah. I’m really sorry about her, by the way. I know you said you didn’t want people to be sorry but like, I am. Plus, you’re nice to me now, so it doesn’t matter. You run a bookshop, right? Wait-do you have comics? Or joke books? 
Her answering squeal at the dip of your chin had made you smile - the first, genuine time your lips had stretched and lifted of their own volition - and so began yet another ritual. Ellie came by almost everyday, ignoring you when you said she could take home whatever she liked, arguing with a I have an excuse to visit you now! It all works out, see. She’d sit, and you’d make her some tea-she hated coffee, and her description of no wonder Joel’s so bitter all the time nearly made you giggle- and you’d both talk, or read, or just sketch together. 
It quickly became your favorite part of each day. 
Sometimes, she’d bring her friends too. They’d giggle about stupid jokes and shoot each other longing glances while thumbing through the pages of books they hadn’t even read the cover of, clearly neglecting their reading in favor of much better, important things like how stupid is Eugene’s new haircut? The fact that they got to have these moments at all - in your bookshop of all places (adolescence breeds fragility in spaces considered “safe” enough) - soothed a raw, gaping wound you hadn’t noticed before. The sounds of their laughter scared the nightmares for a few hours. 
Though, you suppose calling them nightmares wouldn’t be quite so apt anymore. Memories, more like. The image of Joel’s knees on your vinyl tiles, was one you saw every time you closed your eyes. Shoulders slack, hands trembling and bloodshot eyes. Lips wobbling and voice cracking; the deafening silences of his confirmation. Repentance. 
You wanted to turn back time; to pull his hands into yours, to kiss away his tears and let him bury his head into your shoulder, like he used to. To hold him and tell him over and over not to join his palms; not to kneel. 
One repents only for the sins they have committed. 
Sarah’s death was not his fault. 
Tommy told you how it happened. And you hadn’t slept for a week when you found out she died in his arms. The distance between you and him was suffocating. The gaping maw of a chasm threatening to swallow you whole.
It hurt more to know he was within your reach, yet just out of grasp. 
He had shut himself away this time. The fight with Ellie had supposedly gotten worse - though you hadn’t yet intervened; you didn’t know if you still had the place to. Joel didn’t leave the house except for necessities and to go on his patrols. You only knew because you'd been at the store one day when you saw him. Eyes sunken, cheeks hollower, beard overgrown and scraggly. Fingers inching towards him, you’d barely opened your mouth when his eyes had locked on yours, and he’d promptly turned away to walk out. 
You didn’t open the bookshop that day. Or leave your bed again, for that matter. 
Ellie had stood outside in the cold for hours. 
You didn’t blame him for his isolation. The lack of contact between you both had become another scandal in Jackson, providing many ladies with the wondrous opportunity to appoint themselves to make him casseroles and cookies and cakes and whatever the fuck else they were making him, shameless enough to leave it at his door when he stopped opening it for them. Again, you said nothing. Again, you didn’t know if you still held the place.  
The attention he got was unsettling, but expected. It had been the same before the outbreak, too. Jealousy, however, was a feeling that didn’t come to you often. Joel hadn’t ever given you anything to be jealous about. 
Which was why you weren’t sure what to make of that woman - Tess. You weren’t upset with Joel. You just didn’t know how to feel. He thought you were dead, too. The world ended, Sarah died. Tommy left. He had no one. If her presence eased the burden on his back, the smudges of blue on his lips, or the wild, haunted look in his eyes, you felt comforted by the fact that she was with him. She had died for him and Ellie. That alone, made you pick a flower in her remembrance every single morning, putting it in your window as a reminder for yourself. She saved him; she was the reason he was here at all. 
Which was why you hated that the idea of her still stung a little. You felt stupid, wanted to claw your hair and pinch the back of your hand. You didn’t even know if Joel still considered himself your husband, and yet the thought of him with someone else still made your clothes feel too tight. 
You always picked the brightest flower. 
It was on one of your worst days, when your mind had been spitting vile, spiteful quips at you that you cracked. That the silence between you and him transformed into a brutal, merciless thing; gripping your throat and making you choke on your tears as you lay in bed. 
You hated him. 
For the limbo he’d thrown you into. He’d defend you to Maria but he wouldn’t talk to you. He’d fight with Ellie, threaten Fred, but he’d walk out of a store if he saw you. 
He hates me. He hates me and blames me and Tess would have been so much better. Tess should have survived. He hates me for living. Sarah should be here. Tess should be here. But they aren’t, and he’s left with me, and he hates me. 
All you knew was you needed him. You flung your blanket off and bolted down your stairs, without thinking. A steady chant of his name overtook your mind, wiping away everything else. You flung your door open, defenseless against the frigid bite in the air as you stood in nothing but a shirt that hung loose on your frame and shorts that didn’t even reach your knees. And you ran, barefoot, until you were shivering, staring at his porch. Wracking your mind, you tried to come up with an excuse or an idea or something to explain your presence at three fucking am, sinking your teeth into your lip in irritation at the absolute blank you faced. 
Until you heard a sniffle, from the other side of the door. 
You didn’t realise you’d reached his door until your fist was rapping against it, softly. You didn’t know what to say until the words it’s me had already left your mouth. 
The sound of a muffled thud reached you, and a shuffle. A pause at the door - as if in deliberation. You held your breath. 
And waited. 
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hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist (message to be taken off, no issues): @imherefordeanandbones, @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore, @millerscoffee, @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio, @pedrosaidsheispunk, @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel, @mandoisapunk, @bastardmandennis, @pawnshopb1ues, @amanitacowboy, @party-hearses, @planet-marz1, @chiogarza, @jenispunk, @spookyxsam, @obscurexsorrows, @lunxramour, @anavatazes, @joeldjarin, @stunkbiggu, @joels-darlin, @casa-boiardi, @noisynightmarepoetry, @jasminedragoon, @daddy-din, @moonlightdivine, @stickthegremlin, @jamesmasbone, @avampiregf, @wannab-urs, @for-a-longlongtime, @javierpena-inatacvest
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
2 - One Day It'll Be Just You and Me
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( @beautifulguycollector - gif belongs to this blog )
Part 3
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Should the new couple of chapters just be Flashbacks of Aerys rule with Vaella and Jaime’s romance or Should I keep going from Flashbacks to the present timeline??? Let me know in the comments pretty please it would help a great deal 🤗
Breaking through the clouds I soar down towards the castle courtyard where we kept our dragons at. My dragons wings raised down, throwing some dust when her feet were planted and I brushed hair out of my eyes seeing my brother Rhaegar coming over to me watching with a huge grin on his face. “I assume you had quite some fun out there riding.”
“Indeed I did, brother. I rarely ever get to escape these walls flying on Amethyst.” I slid down her right wing, getting some mud stains on my boots when I landed in a puddle of water. Sticking my tongue out at him I teased. “Don't lie. I know you need an escape as much as I do.”
“I never said that I didn't enjoy it.” Rhaegar changes the tone in his voice reminding me that we still have to worry. “Regardless of how free we feel, it could be dangerous. If father finds out especially-”
“Rhaegar!” I growled underneath my breath at him.
He dropped his shoulders knowing that his tendency to worry too much would get old between him and I. I wanted him to just live in the moment with me instead of having his head stuck in a book or worrying about father’s stability as king. For he could not even ascend the throne till he died so there was nothing more for him to do. “I’m just thinking of us and our safety, your safety especially. You’ve heard how he treats our mother, imagine what he would do to you.”
“I don’t want to imagine it everyday, brother!” I raised my voice at him clutching my hands into fists at my sides. “Look if anyone asks what I was doing I’ll tell them I came to watch you fly above the Red Keep and get some fresh air. I was absolutely not riding a dragon myself. Are you happy now?”
His purple eyes lifted up and over the top of my head speaking about someone off in the distance coming over to us. “You’re my little sister and I’ll always worry about you. But I must admit I am happy to see he is coming to look out for you when I must check on my wife.”
“Jaime!” Whipping my head around his name flew from my lips with such cheer.
The golden lion gave my brother and I each a bow of respect. “Good morning, my prince, my princess.”
“I'll leave you two alone. Elia and I need to take care of some things for Dorne.” My brother disappeared, turning on his heels for the castle entrance.
Jaime tilted his head seeing the expression on my face was worrisome to him. “What’s troubling you, Vaella. It's starting to show on your beautiful face.”
“My brother's constantly worried about my father going mad. I just want to enjoy my life, for example riding my dragon without having to worry will my father ground me from riding her ever again.” Throwing my hands up from my sides I huffed.
The Lannister knight wasn't sure what he could truly do for the princess he served except to offer sympathy. “I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe one day things won't be like this and you won't feel so um-”
He nodded back yes. “Exactly, if the old gods and new are kind to you of course.”
“If I'm ever so lucky in their favor I'll gladly accept the idea of freedom. So long as you get to join me.” Jaime smiles down at me watching me cross my arms over my chest wondering what it would be like to not be trapped inside the Red Keep.
Sitting at one of the bar stool seats I pushed ten gold coins towards the center of the table holding my cards close to my chest. I was wearing a dark red dress with a slit at my right knee that had no sigal attached to it. “Oh darn I don’t have enough for a full deck. Whatever shall I do?”
“You’re bluffing.” One man said to me with his four friends.
I clicked my tongue, throwing my hair around in my face with a flirting look. “Oh what. None of you are brave enough to fight me for my cards to prove I’m wrong.” I had two strands twisted into a braid at the front with the rest of my hair covered by a dark brown bandanna tied up into my hair to conceal my very obvious appearance of being a Targaryen.
“You haven’t lost the last two games we’ve played.” Another guy said knowing they’d soon be out of money. These four men never thought that a simple tavern bartender lady would be this good at poker. But I had been taught by the best youngest Lannister.
The man sitting in the middle scooped up his coins heading towards the exit. “I’m tired of this.”
“Wha - where are you going. We haven’t finished. You - you think I’m gonna behead you or something if you lose or win.” I slur some of my words picking up my cup of wine, downing half of it in one sweep. “I want a full table. I want everyone at this table!”
“Where is Clarrise Arther?” I recognized the male voice that came through the loud crowd of people inside the tavern.
The owner pointed in my direction. “She’s right there, Ser Jaime.”
“Excuse me jents, but it is the end of her shift so this game must end tonight I’m afraid.” Jaime pushed through the crowd with his golden armor of the Kingsguard brightening in the burning candle lights inside the tavern.
Throwing back the remainder of my drink I licked my lips feeling a little tipsy when he tried to tug me by my arm to leave the table. “You’re scaring away my opponents.”
“With your track record you would have beat them in the next three cards.” He responded by looping my arm through his seeing I wasn’t good with my balance.
I corrected him with a cocky smile. “I already had a full house in one move.”
We made our way through the tavern and upstairs to the private rooms me and the other owner had since it was where we lived. Jaime’s younger brother had made a deal for my safety in exchange for a large sum of Lannister gold at the end of every month to pay the rent. Stepping inside my small room I closed the door and locked it once Jaime had entered inside leaving the noisy downstairs voices out in the hallway. “So what is the news of John Arryn’s death?”
“There will be a ceremony at the capitol tomorrow morning. But I already told you that you had nothing to worry about from him.” He answered my question.
I throw my hands up and away from my sides whispering nervously under my breath. “We need to be afraid. John Arryn was friends with Lord Owen Merryweather.”
“I still don’t see what the problem is.”
Putting a hand to my forehead I sighed heavily. “Owen Merryweather was my fathers hand when your father stepped down. He saw you helping me escape with Tyrion once you killed my father and sat down on the Iron Throne. What if he ended up telling someone?”
“But who would he tell?”
Meeting his deep green eyes I muttered the king's name. “Robert Baratheon.”
“If he told the king both of our heads would be secured on the city gates by now.” Jaime slowly walked forward running his hands up and down my arms trying to calm my nerves. “Whatever John Arryn knew and didn’t know died with him. And Robert will choose a new Hand of the King someone to do his bidding while he’s off fucking boars and hunting whores, or is it the other way around?”
I giggled looking up into his eyes with a smile gracing my lips. “Jaime.”
“There’s my princess’s smile.” He chuckled, nuzzling his nose against my own. I raised my hand hitting him lightly across the cheek where he sent me a smirk turning his face back towards me.
“You know I hate you calling me by my title, Lannister.”
Jaime didn’t drop his smirk touching my nose with his a second time. “My princess.”
“What did I just tell you!” I made my hands into fists punching his chest thankful that he had removed his armor so I didn’t injure myself. Which left him in his light gold tunic and trousers with black boots.
Jaime allowed me to punch him lightly for a few seconds before he snagged my left wrist twirling me around where my back was to his front. “Vaella, I swear to you I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
“Mmm - you can't guarantee that.” I held back a moan when he kissed my neck lightly.
He nuzzles my hair vowing to me. “Yes I can. I did so after I had to murder your father and I will continue to do so.”
“But what if someone figures us out?”
He spun me around resting his right hand to my cheek. “No one will find out and if they do I'll be there to protect you. One day it'll be just you and me with no one coming to kill us.”
“Thank you, Jaime.” Wrapping my arms around his neck I buried my face underneath his chin and he buried his face in the crook of my neck doing the best he could to keep me safe.
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queenscodex · 2 years
Love Languages
Dorm leaders; Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Gender Neutral Reader
No warnings
Notes: wrote this before my hiatus, I am not caught up with the story yet(I'm very behind TwT). I still hope you enjoy :]
Riddle Rosehearts
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Quality time
Riddle is a busy person to say the least. He is constantly swamped with things he needs to do; members to scold, meetings to attend, getting ahead of his studies, etc etc.
Safe to say he doesn't have much leisure :/
So he cherishes those moments of free time, fading from his usual facade of being a hard working student. And Riddle loves to spend those moments with you
Cuddling with Riddle roseheart?
Yes please !
"It's very improper" He would say as he continues to wrap his arms around your waist.
Because he is a busy person, spending time with him needs to be planned in advance unfortunately. But it doesn't really matter how you spend that time, Riddle savors each and every second of it.
But among his favorite ways to spend that time is taking care of hedgehogs together !
He finds something soothing about nursing the little creatures while having his partner there to spend that time with him
He also loves the moments when it's just the two of you away from prying eyes, his focus solely on you and away from the duties that have strained him.
Really, Riddle is happy to spend whatever time he can with you considering his schedule. It can be studying, dates, or something casual.
He's just really smitten for your attention (^▽^)
Words of Affirmation
Riddle doesn't get praised enough for all the work he does! His efforts tend to be overlooked by others and although he claims he doesn't require the recognition, part of him always yearns for your sweet compliments.
He feels his face go red every time
He loves being told 'I love you' the most. It serves as a reminder that there is someone who accepts him despite being painted as the crimson tyrant.
Words speak louder than actions for some, and the thing Riddle wants is to hear you say you love him. Tell him how much you love, that will certainly make his heart beat fast.
It might be simple, it stays with Riddle for the rest of the day :D
Last thoughts: Acts of service; simply pouring him some tea, or organizing his work goes a long way to make him feel loved.
" Please tell me those words again? Your voice is so sweet to my ears, my rose. I love you too."
Leona Kingscholar
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Physical Touch
Leona is secretly touch-starved, change my mind. You can't
He enjoys the moments he can cuddle with his partner. And it's no secret that he adores sleeping into the late hours of the day in garden, but to the displeasure of the staff
Leona isn't one to explicitly state his emotions and feelings. He would much rather show this through subtle actions that he does not reciprocate with anyone else.
You're his one and only pillow <3
Napping together is a must for him. He likes having you close to him, resting his face within your shoulder or stomach.
Just having your there in his presence is enough to soothe him into some sleep
Although he isn't the fondest of kisses, Leona does like having you within arms reach, being able give you quick kisses whenever.
When you both sleep, he holds onto your hand sometimes <3
And when he holds your hand in public, be grateful this is a rare moment to behold 😤
Physical touches is enough to make his mood better by a lot- a lot of times it leads to sleeping but who are you to complain?
Acts of service
He's a lazy lion. What can I say?
Leona appreciates someone who goes out of their way to make his day easier by doing little things for them- bascally like Ruggies job(expect you get kisses as a reward)
Things like getting him a snack when he's hungry, or helping him clean his room when he's too tired speaks a lot on itself since it's coming from his lover's own obligation and he does appreciate your little acts though he isn't one to voice it out loud.
He'll repay you in lots of cuddling followed by some rest in the botanical garden
Followed by a series of angry words from the staff who attempted to chase you away.
Last thoughts: words of affirmation; Leona always saw himself as the second best. He might roll his eyes at the cute things you say about but it might just earn you some rare flustered moments from the lion~
" You got me lunch? Herbivore, if I hadn't known better you were trying to get my attention."
Azul Ashengrotto
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Words of Affirmation
Growing up, Azul has only been met with negative comments about himself, usually regarding his physical appearance. He has become insecure of his octopus form and tried to ease that part of hum entirely
But the first time you complimented him on it, Azul swore his heart skipped a beat.
It was genuine and made him feel good about himself despite what others had said him
The compliment itself doesn't need to be anything extravagant, something as simple as praising him for his grades is enough to get him blushing.
Imagine his cheeks burning up your words. "I like your hat, Zul." Boom, tomatoes would be jealous of how red he is.
While he may be far from loving his mer form, your words do a lot to bring him closer to accepting himself.
Physical Touch
Simply holding your hand is enough for Azul to go beet red, but the action also makes his heart flutter knowing his partner is right there beside him.
Actions such as cuddling and kisses are also a way for him to unwind after a day of work.
Imagine, laying in his private quarters in the afternoon, his face resting in the crook of your neck. All the while, incoherent mumbles are leaving his lips, explaining the events that had passed.
Cuddling makes him feel secure and safe, away from the prying eyes of the twins and anyone who threatens to embarrass him. Kisses on the other hand serve as a reminder that someone loves him and trusts him enough to share something intimate
While Azul is very reserved when it comes to physical touches, he soon becomes addicted to your little affectionate gestures.
Even if he becomes flustered in the process, that doesn't hide the small smile that appears whenever you press your lips against his cheek.
Of course, most of this mainly occurs behind closed doors, but being to hold your hand as you walk through the school makes him forget about his insecurities for a moment as he can relish being in the embrace or hold of his partner
Last thoughts: Acts of service; he lives a busy life running the Fish mafia a restraunt. And he falls ever so more in love with you whenever you grab him his pen or bring him food when he's overworking himself.
" Please kiss me once more, you make me forget about the world and its impurities. I am weak to you, my dear."
Kalim Al-Asim
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Quality Time
Kalim loves to pass the time with his partner. Mundane things such as studying become a lot more fun with his partner there to chat with.
Admittly, the homework become disregarded jn a manner of second, but that's for future you to worry about, this is cuddle time with Kalim !
Like Riddle, Kalim is open to do anything his partner wants to do. He isn't picky, if anything hes looking for excuses to pass some time with his partner.
Sends you a lot of "Can I come over please, I'm really bored" text messages.
Though he isn't picky with how to spend that time, he adores carpet rides. What's more fun than feeling the wind sweep through your hair as you can admire beautiful scenery in the distance? Kalim finds the moment to be a source of distraction and by the end of it he's going to have a big grin
However a lot of time you do spend together is often accompanied by someone meant to overlook Kalim's safety, mainly being Jamil.
Jamil third wheeling, Canon. But don't worry though, Jamil will keep his judging to himself
But mornings are a favorite as there aren't those added pair of eyes and so he can spend that time with his partner alone.
Imagine all the silly things you two can go off for hours in the early morning :D
Physical Touch
Kalim loves physical affection! He would cuddle all day if he could.
Kisses are among his favorites. He especially holds a preference towards butterfly kisses, playfully grazing his lips around your face, laughing in between each peck while holding your face with his fingers. And he becomes so bashful whenever his partner return does the same to him
Hugs and hand holding are something Kalim wants to do all the time, the expression of joy curving his features whenever you open your arms for a hug or invite him for cuddles
Give this boy all the love he deserves <3
Last thoughts: gifts; Kalim spoils you rotten. But the gifts you get him? Treats it as though it was made of the world's most expensive jewels. A stuff animal animal from you or a random gem? You can sure bet that he's gonna hold onto that stuff animal and keep it safe until he takes his last breath.
" Can I kiss you? One more kiss before class, a quick one too! I promise!"
Vil Schoenheit
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Acts of service 
Vil lives by a pretty busy schedule, he is constantly swamped by things, juggling both highschool responsibilities and that of his professional career. 
He is always on his feet and days can become hectic sometimes. So having a partner who helps make his life easier by just doing little acts makes his heart explode on the inside !
The tasks itself don't even have to be anything tedious. Something simple as grabbing him his shoes, or setting out his makeup products in the morning ready for use, makes Vil's day to day go by much easier. 
It's similar to Leona, in which his partner is doing it because they want to. To Vil, putting in that extra effort shows care and love and his heart flutters by that alone
But his favorite? Bringing him lunch after an exhausting photoshoot. He may be worn out from taking dozens of photos, but seeing you approach him with a smile on your face with a packaged bundle of goods makes that drowsiness disappear 
Vil appreciates all his partner's efforts. And he is sure to repay the favor, doing little things to make his partner's life a little easier to the best of his ability.
Quality time
As mentioned, Vil has a packed schedule. He regrets that he can't spend as much time with his partner as he wishes and thus dates have to be planned ahead of time.
And nothing hurts him more then he has to cancel plans for work. Makes it up to you the moment he gets that free time again. 
Despite that, mornings are easily a favorite time of his. It's a moment he can share with his partner, often spending the time helping each other get ready for the day followed by some face masks.
And when you do those face masks, it is so comforting you may just fall asleep again. 
But Vil really finds comfort in these moments, able to dissociate from the outside world and spend some quality time with his partner 
 Likes to take you to the premiers of his movies as well, taking his partner as his special guest.
Que the wave of fangirls trying to undercover who this y/n is.
Having one-on-one conversations are among his favorites and being able to spend that with someone he cares about makes his heart skip a beat at the thought alone. 
Last thoughts: Gifts; he's kinda similar to Kalim in which he values a lot of the things you get him. Yes, he's use to get some of the top makeup products around the world, but it doesn't compare to the tokens of affection you gift him :]
" Sweet potato, why don't we do something this weekend. I spoke with my managers and I'll be free both days. I heard this new restaurant opened, my treat~"
Idia Shroud
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Idia is pretty inexperienced when it comes to romance which is reflected when it comes to the other love languages.
Physical affection and words of affirmation makes him red in the face and nervous. Acts of service makes him feel awful for making you do things for him. However when it comes to gifts, that's something he appreciates dearly
Growing up, he has only received gifts from his family, rarely from anyone outside that circle. So when his partner suddenly gifts him with a new video game that he had been rambling about, he almost explodes on the spot
The gift doesn't even have to be video games, Idia is grateful for anything you get him, small or big! And when his partner goes through the effort to get him something special for his birthday or anniversary, he almost passes out on the spot.
If it's a stuffed animal he sleeps with it every night, clutching it close to his chest. Denies it profusely when you discovered this
Receiving an item from someone outside his family is rare, but the feeling it leaves is warm and lasting.
Whenever his eyes fall upon the little things his partner gets him, Idia can't help but show off a love struck smile, the memory of his partner handing it to him replaying in his mind.
And he is sure to give you something in return every time too. Though he feels as though it lacks in comparison.
Quality time
Idia has spent most of his time alone, playing video games and watching anime by his lonesome with the exception of his brother passing by from time to time.
And Idia likes it like that, he prefers being alone.
But when he meets you he very quickly gains a new perspective, enjoying all the moments with you. Especially if it's someone who's shares similar interests as him
And just like that, spending time alone feels so gray, something lacking as he clicks over the control buttons. The victory felt pointless without you cheering for him. Anime, while still enjoyable, lacks something.
And from that point on forward, he follows you like a puppy, looking for any way to get your attention and spend time with you
Of course watching Anime with his partner is a favorite as well as playing video games, offering you a seat beside him as he boots up the t.v(even better if it's a game you bought him!).
Even though he is someone that would rather spend his time alone, he will always spare some time for his partner, you're his player 2 after all~
Last thoughts: words of affirmation; physcial touch still makes him uneasy but your voice? Hes so smitten by that alone. tell him he's pretty. That you love and cherish him. I guarantee it would earn you blushes from Idia, literally putty in your hands.
" F-for me? Why? Is today something special- sorry, I didn't get you anything b-but I will!"
Malleus Draconia
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Physical Touch
Malleus is touch-starved, he has been deprived of romantic affection most of his life. So when he first experienced cuddling, kissing and hand holding, he becomes addicted in matter of seconds
Putty in your hands, and isn't ashamed of it
He always wants to have his hands on his partner in some way, whether it be on your shoulder, waist, or simply holding your hand. Malleus likes the feeling of his skin against your own.
Also to show to the surrounding people that he is in fact your boyfriend and should think twice before making a move on you
At the beginning of the relationship he was a bit hesitant to initiate anything. But he would inch close to you when you're both standing, before finally interlocking his fingers with yours.
Kisses are also among Malleus favorite gestures, the feeling of his partner's lips against his own is something addicting to him. He can never give you enough kisses, often grazing his lips against your skin affectionately at any given point.
The dame applies to cuddling. Holding you in his arms is reassuring to the fae, it's also how he can protect his partner, keeping an eye out for potential dangers
Quality Time
As mentioned, Malleus has spent a lot of time alone. However, unlike Idia(who prefers to be alone), Malleus has always had the desire to spend his time with someone. Unfortunately, due his reputation both as a fae and heir to the briar Valley throne, many students have avoided thus leaving him by himself
That all changes when he finally has someone to call his lover and friend. Malleus becomes glued to your hip, wanting to spend every moment he can with you. Of course, this is not possible so he savors what he can get
The first time his partner suggested they do something together, Malleus had to take a few seconds to comprehend your words.
'They want to spend time with me?' He is truly blown away
Malleus doesn't care how that time is spent, he just wants to be beside his partner and serenade them in love just as you do him <3
Last thoughts: gifts; will this man spoil your rotten with presents? Yes he will. Can you stop him? No you can't. Malleus just loves to spoil his love, he's putty in your hands.
" Child of man, you want to spend time with me? You aren't afraid of me? Hmm, you'd be the first.''
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
The Fallen Lovers
Alastor x GN! Reader
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TW: Established relationship! Murder and talks of cannibalism. ANGST BUT THEN FLUFF, I PROMISE. Paranoia and anxiety, crying
A/N:The long awaited prequel of my latest work ‘The Monster That Lurked’! I left what you look like very ambiguous but did describe them as having claws. You do use a cane in this. Rosie is the best wingwoman.
Word Count: 5k
When you had arrived in hell, you were very surprised to see that it wasn’t the fire and brimstone that people had talked about. Well..there was fire but the lack of brimstone confused you greatly. Instead there were buildings lining the walls as random looking demons walked past you like this was the normal thing to do. You guess it was for them, slowly standing up you watched a few demons further down the block kill a weaker looking demon before running off with money and valuables in their pockets.
You turned the other way and started to walk down the street, a limp in your walk, it still hurts to put a lot of pressure down onto your leg. You stopped near a shop and looked into the large window, it was selling different kinds of products and was that…fingers? Your heart dropped and your stomach twisted painfully, where were you at? Hell obviously..that was a stupid question on your own part. Blinking, you watched a very tall woman with a very beautiful maroon dress and a large sun hat as she worked. It couldn’t hurt to ask her right? She seemed quite friendly despite being in hell, you had to try. Walking over to the doors the best you could with the constant limp bothering you, you shyly walked in ignoring the dreading feeling that you had just walked into a lion's den.
As soon as you got close but still kept your distance if you needed to run, you rubbed your palm onto your shirt. “Excuse me ma’am?” You called out to the much taller lady, she immediately turned around smiling. Your undead heart jumped seeing her black eyes and smile that was full of sharp teeth. “Yes? Oh! A new face, I’ve never seen you around here before, Darling!” She called out, putting the box of more fingers down on the counter. “I-I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am..truly sorry I just..arrived here and I’m quite confused.” You reply trying to calm your nerves as she stared at you, the fact you were dead and in hell of all places is just something you couldn’t wrap your mind around. All you could remember is just wanting to surprise your husband after his rough day.
“Oh of course! Come in, come in. Let’s get you relaxed and I’ll answer any questions you have.” The woman had said, guiding you towards a table near the back, you sat down and looked around the store seeing the different types of clothes, medicines and treats that lined the shelves. It was comforting on some level, it reminded you about a shop not too far from your own home that a friend of yours worked at. Well..get rid of the ever lingering smell of blood and flesh then it would’ve been perfect. Leaning back in the chair as the tall lady had walked back in holding a tray with a teapot and some cups on it. Sitting the tray down, she quickly took her place across from you and served you some tea. You were thankful as it had calmed your nerves greatly.
“So dear, how can I help you?” Her voice was soft, almost motherly to an extent as you slowly drank the tea. “I know I’m in hell and I know why or at least I know why..Hell seems different than what the priests have described it..it’s not so fire and brimstone-y with an eternal lake of fire.” You explained placing the cup down before frowning, staring at your own hands. Your nails had morphed into sharp claws as it looked like your hands up to your elbow were dipped into black tar. “It’s hard to wrap my head around and..I don’t want to say I’m scared because I’m truly not…I’m sorry, I ran off on a tangent.” You mumbled out sitting up to stare at the lady before you, a soft smile on her lips.
“No no it’s okay, get it off your chest. This…Is a lot especially to someone who has recently just got down here. Well, as you know Hell is not just one place. 7 rings of hell to represent the 7 deadly sins,” She hummed, waving her hand much like Alastor did when he was about to go off on a tangent and you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding. “We are on the Pride Ring, where sinners much like yourself stay. I can’t say much about the other rings but sinners can’t go to the other rings, only hellborn demons and imps can.” You slowly nodded and looked down, listening to her talk. You soon found out her name was Rosie, she was the Overlord of Cannibal Town and you were now even more confused cause what the fuck is an overlord?
The questions in your head swirled as you held the tea cup as the conversation lulled for a little bit, “How do I..in a lack of better words, live? I don’t know where to start and I’d rather not be out on the streets if I’m just going to get killed again.” You replied as Rosie hummed before her grin widened. Gosh, she really did remind you of Alastor at the best of times..you missed him so much. “Why don’t you work with me so I can help you get settled into this new way of living your afterlife?” She hummed and you perked up nodding too stunned to actually question her intentions if she had any. You didn’t speak much after that, only nodding your head if she had asked you a question.
You felt incomplete knowing you were gonna wake up without hearing Alastor’s broadcast and going to bed without the latest gossip from around town. You’d manage right? It’s not like there aren’t other radio stations out there for you to listen in on. A soft hand on yours snaps you out of your own thoughts as Rosie smiles at you, “Is everything okay? You have that far away look on you.” You blinked at the question, you could trust her couldn’t you? She’s been helpful so far..she doesn’t seem like the one who would betray you so easily. “I..I just miss my husband is all..” you whispered out watching as she smiled softly nodding, “I’m sorry, Dear..” She whispered, causing you to smile.
The conversation picked up once more as you both sat there for hours, talking about everything and nothing all at once. 
It’s been about 2 years now or you’d hope so, time is weird when you are dead. You were currently locked up in your apartment with the windows and curtains drawn, your dresser blocking the door just in case as you heard screams echo from outside. You sat in the darkness of your own bathroom, a bottle of whiskey sitting on the edge of the tub that you were currently laying in, thank Satan you didn’t take a bath this morning. Rosie had warned you about the yearly extermination that takes place to get rid of the overpopulation problem, the first year it had happened you almost got killed (again) and it left you with a pretty nasty scar on your leg that still throbbed in pain every now and then, it sucked now that you still had that damn limp but add the extra burning pain and some days you could barely even stand. Thankfully, Rosie was super understanding about the whole thing.
You yawned and played with the cup in your hands as you patiently awaited for the extermination to be over. You closed your eyes keeping the cup close to your chest as you leaned your head back, you wished you had grabbed a book and a candle, you didn’t want to drink yourself stupid as you waited out this extermination. Your mind drifted back to Alastor, in your final moments the smell of his cologne stuck in your mind and how his bloody and shaking hands held your head to his chest. Tears that weren’t your own hit your cheek as your vision slowly blacked out, you missed him oh so dearly. You don’t think he would love you now, the more demonic looking you..how scars decorated your body to remind you of your gruesome death and even more fatal almost second death. Tears pricked at your eyes at the thought of your beloved Beau and how he would react.
Now you weren’t a fool when it came to Alastor, you knew exactly why he had constantly disappeared for days on end. Why would he point out the latest death to you in the papers? Was he constantly trying to keep you away from him or was he just telling you outright that he was the rampant serial killer around New Orleans? 
A loud horn echoed through the now silent Hellscape, the exterminators retreating back to Heaven. You let out a sigh downing the rest of the whiskey that was in your cup before slowly moving to get out of the tub so you wouldn’t put too much strain on your leg. Your back popped uncomfortably as you stretched, grabbing the whiskey bottle as you slowly walked out of your bathroom as fireworks sounded out, it was officially over and now you had a whole year to wait to do it again. You turned on the lights in your bathroom watching as the golden light spilled out into the darkness as if someone had left a piece of heaven behind. The light illuminated the darkness and showed how you left your room as you rushed to push the heavy dresser in front of your door, how your bed sheets were in disarray and your clothes laid on the ground from how you tried to make the dresser less heavy. It didn’t work and you basically had to strain yourself to get it over there in the first place. You looked at the bottle in your hand, unscrewing the cap off to take a swig to give you the strength (and stupidity) to move that damned dresser back over to where it usually sat.
It had been an hour at best into you slowly cleaning up your apartment when the old radio on the counter had started to turn on by itself. That wasn’t a problem usually, this is hell and weird things do tend to happen but what caught your eye is that the dials started to move by themselves as if it was trying to tune itself to a certain radio station. Now it never did that before and it scared you a little bit, in a matter of seconds green electricity erupted from the speaker as screams- horrid screams echoed throughout the apartment making you drop the bottle of whiskey on the ground to cover your own ears. Your head felt dizzy and you practically busted your own ass as you tried to take a step back as the screams suddenly disappeared and left the room silent except for a few gruesome sounds of bones cracking. You uncovered your ears as you blinked allowing your vision to fix itself as you let out a deep breath.
“Salutations Dear Listener’s!” His voice rang out causing you to freeze as you glanced down at the now shattered bottle on the ground. Was this some sick fucking joke? Whoever was using your husband’s voice to play on the radio? Who would do such a fucking thing? You couldn’t move from your spot on the floor as your breathing came shorter with every word from the radio, you felt your throat close uncomfortably as tears cascaded down your cheeks. Who was using his voice? If he was down here as well, he shouldn’t be. Not yet. 
You sat like that for hours even after you stopped crying, too scared to move in case the radio turned itself on again. You had only just begun getting used to your afterlife.
It had been a few weeks now from the extermination and you were helping Rosie with folding some of the clothes in the shop, as she dealt with the customers. The first few days working with her was quite a scary sight as she had to hold back some of the cannibals from devouring you, that was a mental breakdown you weren’t expecting to happen. Now, no one really tried to eat you and happily greeted you as you walked by, you try to stay away from Susan.
You tried to leave Rosie alone when she was working, she was such a busy woman and Overlord, which you finally found out what that meant and to say you were unsurprised was an understatement. Focusing back on folding the clothes in front of you, you tried to listen into anything really as it got boring some days and you just wished to listen to some juicy gossip. You could always ask Rosie..she would gladly sit down and unload some of it onto your shoulders. She was always open for some “girl talk” with you no matter what, hell you could be a literal cat and she’d talk your ear off if you’d let her. So it surprised you when she had called you over to help her, you didn’t disdain being around the other cannibals but they did scare you a little bit..especially that butcher..but you swallowed any nerves you had as you walked over to her.
“Yes, Rosie?” You asked as you watched her help the seemingly last customer of the day. You waved the lady off as Rosie guided you to her favorite spot to gossip after work, “Wait here for a moment,” She hummed quickly, leaving to close up shop and possibly going to get some tea. You looked back at the table in front of you as your fingers tapped away to some tune you couldn’t quite remember, did you hear it from the radio after hearing your husband’s voice broadcast all over hell or was it just some tune some poor fool was destined to play, maybe it was that tune you heard from that mysterious red jacketed man that always disappeared when you got closer to him? Why did that jacket seem so familiar to you? Why did his presence enrapture you so much? Blinking your eyes as Rosie sat in front of you happily pouring you both some tea, “I’m guessing you’ve heard about a new overlord rising up recently,” She hummed out placing the kettle back in the middle of the table. You nodded, “Yes ma’am, I’ve heard whispers about it.” 
She smiled and took a sip of her drink, the conversation lulling into a comfortable silence once more. You watched her for a moment, she had a glint in her eyes, “You had a husband before..what can you tell me about him?” She asked looking back at you, placing her cup down. The thought of just gushing about Alastor to someone made your undead heart flutter and something akin to butterflies in your stomach. You never dared talk about him when you were alive, in fear of accidentally starting a whole snowball effect. You didn’t want him to get caught so easily.  Your face heated up as a small smile graced your lips, “Are you sure you want to hear me talk about that?” You asked hands nervously cupping the warm cup as she nodded her smile much more soft. “What drew you towards him or what was he like in life?”
You looked down and cleared your throat, “Well..His presence was always one of a man filled with confidence and his smile was so gorgeous. But he was a very..how do I say this..private man and organized man. He’d like everything where it needed to be and I’ve only heard parts of conversations where someone pried too deeply and he got upset. So I never really asked a lot of questions, and didn't feel like I needed to at the time.” You explained waving your hand as if his little quirks rubbed off on you. “Funnily enough, that’s how we met..I was walking by with a drink and some poor fool had hit the drink out of my hand onto his new suit.” You explained with a slight chuckle, “I didn’t bat an eye when his anger had redirected towards me..but I paid for a new suit with the money I had saved up and seemingly all was forgiven. I somehow wormed my way into his presence after.” You looked up at Rosie and sighed, “His eyes were the most expressive parts of him, if you knew what you were looking for. He had such pretty dark brown eyes and paired with that smile it’d make anyone look twice. But he was such a gentleman and he had a lot of secrets to keep but he allowed me in and allowed me to keep those secrets safe.” You looked down once more fiddling with the cup, tears brimming your eyes but never falling as you quickly blinked them away. “I miss him, miss waking up at the early hours to hear his voice on the radio and our late night adventures across town going from speakeasy’s to the local jazz show..we would always end up at the park. A middle ground for our hectic lives and we would just talk..there was no judgment or anything of that nature. Just us..” As you finished a warm hand covering your own fidgeting one, Rosie’s soft smile had reached over. “He seems like a dream,” She hummed out, causing you to smile and nodded.
But dreams never last.
Rosie softly hummed as she walked arm in arm with you, you had started to walk her towards her meetings ever since you had landed her a couple years ago. At first it was mostly so you could see what Pentagram City had looked like. The soft taps of her heels hitting the pavement and the occasional tap of the cane she had gotten you so long ago had soothed her nerves a little bit. The first time you had accompanied her your leg had given out on you due to the stress of constantly putting pressure on it, scared her. Her favorite little Sinner had just collapsed on the sidewalk with a loud thump but you didn’t fret, which scared her more as surely that had hurt. You waved off her concern but happily took her arm as she helped you back up.
Now here you both were walking towards the Overlord Meetings, you wouldn’t be welcomed in as you weren’t an Overlord yourself but you happily walked all the way with her there and then came back to walk her towards Cannibal Town. You usually didn’t speak much even when working, you were as silent as a mouse at times. “Is the cane helping?” She asked, watching as you smile and nodded, “Yes ma’am, I can pay you back if needed.” That made her almost stop in her tracks but she simply waved your words off. “No, no, no need my dear!” She hummed as you continued to walk. Your smile had dropped and you had that faraway look in your eyes when she glanced back at you once more, what made you go into your head so much? Was it a bad home life when you were alive? She was curious but knew better than to pry, she’s seen you rip someone apart with just your words, how venom laced your tongue as you showed your fangs waiting for the chance to attack. Someone or something made you feel voiceless.
After you had left, she waltzed into the meeting greeted by Carmilla and Zestial amongst other Overlords there. She sat next to Alastor who politely nodded and helped her sit down. “You know Alastor, I have this Darling little helper at my shop, you should come by sometime and see how they live up to your expectations.” She whispered watching as his ears swiveled around to listen to her but he hummed, his smile growing a little bit more. “I suppose I should, is there something special about this helper?” He asked glancing at her, “Maybe so~” She hummed her attention going back towards Carmilla. The conversation stopped right there as Alastor sent her a quick glance, what was she up to? He hoped she wasn’t trying to set him up again, he was a busy man and didn’t have time for such things..unless she found his little mouse, his darling spouse that he killed for after their death.
Nonsense, they shouldn’t even be down here in this cesspool of filthy degenerates. You couldn’t be down here, he didn’t want to believe it. Even if you had murdered your ex husband, he happily took the blame and fell for the kill, he wouldn’t let your reputation be tarnished as something as dirty as murder. But he must admit, the color of red looked great on you. He only wished to see it more, he only wished to see you more. After you died he had lost himself, he didn’t know another person would affect his ways much like you did. Your smile, your laugh, the way you looked over at him as someone did something insanely stupid. His Mama absolutely outright adored you.
After the meeting had ended, Alastor walked Rosie outside listening to her speak before quickly saying her goodbyes. He looked over to see a familiar figure..one that haunted his dreams when he was alive. But of course you looked different, his smile dropped to a frown as you didn’t even notice him. But the way you happily guide Rosie back to Cannibal Town, using a cane to help you walk. He could see the way you put weight on the foot that got snagged by the trap years ago, had caused you to flinch and put more weight onto the cane. He frowned, he wished he could take that pain away from you.
It had been too long since he had seen you, much too long that he almost forgot the sound of your laughter and the way you smiled. Yet he didn’t forget your face, the same stone cold look you had when you were far into your head or just simply elsewhere, physically next to him but mentally gone. The years he’s known you, the amount of times he has prodded at you to just know what was going on in that mind, he never did find out. He stopped trying after a while especially when you got married to your first husband, he didn’t want that buffoon to find all your weak spots he had found. He didn’t want to share his knowledge of how if he pressed just right he’d get you to crack open that shell and get your blood boiling, he’d occasionally do it when you were alive. Set that thought into motion and allow you to show people how truly venomous you were.
But now, seeing you through the glass of Rosie’s Emporium with that same look on your face made his heart race, that hope he had lost so long ago ran back to the forefront of his mind. He’d get to see that smile again, get to hear you laugh once more. Everytime in the last few months he’d miss you by arriving too late or you were simply not working that day. It had infuriated him to no end, it was like you were trying to ignore him. He’d been looking for you since he had got down here and he was starting to think that you must’ve gotten into Heaven, you deserved it even if you took a life.
But from what Rosie had told him he had been a fool to think you’d forget about him. You talked about him all the time, even going so far as to listen to his radio broadcasts around. Hell..she even told him about the time when he had first done his broadcast, how you were so terrified. He felt horrible for sending his little mouse into a frenzy like that, he’d have to make it up to you instead. So without a second thought, he had waltzed into the shop happily greeted by Rosie and motioned to sit down at the table, as he watched you from the corner of his eye, his crimson gaze upon your form as you fixed up a display from across the room, seemingly in your own world. He didn’t know how to approach you after all these years, he was..if he dared say it, he was scared to see how you would react to him. But all of his thoughts were interrupted when a loud crash was heard making his ears stand up and swivel towards you, you who was standing stock still as a wall staring him down in fear? Or was it disbelief? Your legs trembled as you stood, it was him. Alastor was here, oh fuck..you looked stupid just standing there, say something to him. You opened your mouth but nothing came out before you made yourself look down, quickly cleaning up despite the strain in your leg making pain shoot up. Shaking hands cleaning up the mess as you bit down on your tongue, ignoring the tears that had collected in your eyes. He couldn’t be here, it was way too early for him..he had a career ahead of him. He was THE famous radio host, but he was also a killer and a good one at that, maybe the cops found out or maybe your ex husbands family found out and ratted him out. You shouldn’t have gotten twisted in the game, it was his eventual downfall. It was your downfall but he wasn’t the ruthless killer in your eyes, he was just Alastor the radio host and good friend you’ve known for years. You hated how your jaw clenched and throat closed up uncomfortably, you didn’t like allowing him to see you so vulnerable.
When you finished cleaning up the broken glass and ignored how your throat hurt, you realized that you couldn’t stand back up. Your muscles had locked up from the pain and now you were simply sitting on the ground. That is until gloved hands had slowly helped you stand up, your injured leg curling up like a fawn trying to stand for the first time, a familiar cologne clogging your senses. You missed him so much but you caused this to happen, one arm wrapped around your waist as the other held your arm with a softness unbeknownst to most, the broken glass disappearing in a matter of black and green smoke. “Let’s go sit, Darling.” His voice broke through the ringing in your ears and interrupted the thoughts racing in your head. Slowly moving towards the seats, he helped you sit down allowing your muscles to slowly start to ease up. Alastor watched you, he saw how your jaw clenched and how you seemingly struggled to get a breath in, he wished he knew how to help you properly. He brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles, “What’s on your mind?” he asked softly. 
The simple question races through your head before snapping you back into reality, you took a deep breath and shook your head trying to stop the tears. Your voice was nothing but useless to you right now but all you wanted was him- his arms around you as he hummed his tunes. The way it was before you were killed, but nothing could go back to the way it was. Things change and if you don't change with it, you’d be left in the dust awaiting a slow and agonizing death. Laughter intertwined with each sob as you looked up at your husband, “I’m pathetic, surely. I couldn’t even fight off my own murderer.” You hissed out but you weren’t directing it towards him, no..you could never direct the venomous and toxic anger you held in for so long towards him. “I’m the reason you're down here.” Your gaze returned towards the table wiping your own tears away from your eyes. 
Alastor reached over grabbing your hands, watching your gaze shift from the table to him in a flash. “You are not pathetic, Dear. You are a wolf amongst sheep, waiting for the moment to strike. You are stronger than most of these buffoons down here, I should know. I’ve seen you make a grown man cry.” He slowly pulled you closer to his body allowing you to lay your head on his chest, “I’d kill for you over and over, you never were the reason I am down here. Toss that thought out of your head, it would be the other way around.” He whispered out rubbing your cheek with his thumb, “I missed you, Alastor..” You whispered out your voice breaking, his smile softened. “And I missed you, Dear. Even death couldn’t keep us apart.” He hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. 
Alastor never believed in fairytales or ‘love at first sight’..but yet again, he was proven wrong. 
You huffed, allowing your husband to carefully pull you down the street, “Dearest, are you sure you want me there to help at the Hotel?” Alastor looked over and slowed down his pace, “Of course! I can’t have my darling spouse sitting at home all by their lonesome!” His chest puffed out as you rolled your eyes playfully, “It’s not like I’m bored, Al!” You hummed and leaned your head against his shoulder, his smile softening as the arm that was holding yours moved to wrap around your waist as he chuckled allowing the conversation to fall into the comfortable silence he was so used to by now. After decades of being together and the seven years he went missing made this hotel seem like a good idea after all. 
After a couple of moments you had stopped at the door, allowing your husband to pick up his pace to open the doors. You walked in and were immediately greeted by a run down looking Hotel, you grimaced a little before Alastor had appeared beside you. “Holy shit, Smiles! Who did you lure over here?” A voice called out to look over to see a tall spider smirking at him, a soft growl escaped your husband’s smile allowing everyone to look over except Husk, who had met you a while back. “I didn’t lure them over here,” he snarled out before he carefully pulled you closer as his arm wrapped around your waist once more. “This is my spouse.” He finished allowing you to wave at everyone, ignoring the laugh that came from The King of Hell which sent your husband into a frenzy, it hadn’t been a minute yet and you were pulling him away from possibly murdering or being murdered by the King.
Calmly turning him towards you, you carefully smoothed out his suit and smiled up at him, his radio dials switched back to normal as he softly gazed at you. “No killing the King for my honor, Dearest. You’ve been talking to me all day about this Hotel, show me around?” You asked as he kissed your knuckles, “Of course, Darling.” He hummed gently, taking your arm and walking off down the hallway to show you around. 
You’d get used to this. After all you had Alastor by your side and nothing could stop you both now.
Taglist:@fairyv-ice, @kurosstuff
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello may I request twisted wonderland 1st years reacting to ciel! g/n reader calling Sebastian to fight overblots?
Yes you can! Btw, Ciel is 13 I believe, so reader will be 13 and all of this will be platonic.
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Ace Trappola
You were always very rude to him, especially when he ran his mouth longer than he should have. Plus, you never covered for him. How could you have this much audacity? To be fair, you were 13. Ouch, you just slapped him for making that comment.
You eventually get closer through the unbirthday parties and bond over some tea. He always pours it for you and makes sure you get some sweets. However, he likes to act as your older brother and doesn’t allow you to have too many sweets. You act like you’re constantly annoyed by him, but you actually are fond of the idea of having a ‘normal’ sibling for once.
When Riddle overblots, his first instinct is to protect you. You, however, had a smirk on your face. It made Ace think that you had seen this coming and were prepared for it. You whispered, “Sebastian, I am here.” The first year was about to ask what you said when a demon appeared out of nowhere and started fighting Riddle.
You sat on a chair, crossing one leg over the other while propping your head up with your arm on the chair’s arm. You had a devious smile on your face, and in the matter of a few seconds the demon was right by your side again and Riddle was on the ground. Ace, trembling, asked the question, “who are you and how did you do that?” to the demon.
You and the demon had similar expressions. He responded with, “I am the butler of the Phantomhive household. These types of things are within my repertoire. I am one hell of a butler after all.” Welp, Ace is now out cold on the ground. Congratulations.
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Deuce Spade
Mans would probably ask you for help on his homework. You’ve been in Twisted Wonderland for a very short time and you still knew more about the material than he did. He was struggling for real. You didn’t have a problem with it, as long as he didn’t belittle you for being so young like Tweedle-Dumb (Ace) did often.
You actually become close very quickly. Again, he acts as a very protective older brother. He will make sure that you know your way around, that you have an inhaler on your person, and that you always have your cane to help you around. If anyone makes fun of you for it, he will gladly give them a knuckle sandwich.
When Riddle overblots, he goes to pull you behind him. What he doesn’t notice is that you go back even further, grab a chair, and sit down gracefully as you watch the chaos unfold. If Deuce had looked back, he would have been reminded of a king on his throne by the way you were sitting.
You had a confident smirk as you whispered Sebastian’s name. Said demon emerged out of thin air and greeted you calmly. The entire battle was paused out of pure shock. After serving you a cup of tea, your butler grabbed a few silver utensils off the tables and threw them at the overblotted victim.
Within a few seconds, Riddle was defeated. Sebastian had to introduce himself to everyone, and Deuce was just shocked. Since when have you made a deal with a demon?? You explained that you had made a deal with your current butler so that he would help you find whoever killed your parents in exchange for your soul. A 13 year old had to go through so much? 
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Jack Howl
You both didn’t get to really know each other until you figured out that Leona and Ruggie were the ones sabotaging the other teams and getting their star players injured. You brought your suspicions to Jack, and he confirmed them.
Alongside each other, you both worked to spoil the lion and hyena’s plans. However, everything went downhill. Diasomnia was in the lead by a multitude of points, and Savanaclaw was in second place. That pissed Leona off, to say the least.
When Leona overblots, Jack’s first response is to jump in front of you since you had no magic. However, you shook your head in pure amusement and whispered something to yourself. He was about to ask you to repeat yourself when he saw a silhouette in the sky, going straight for his Housewarden.
Once the lion was defeated, Sebastian (the silhouette) introduced himself properly after making a small scene about forgetting his manners. The expression on your face made it seem like this was normal to you, and that was very concerning to Jack. This guy even smelled shady, but you made a deal with him anyway?
From then on, the three of you got closer as a ‘friend’ group. You didn’t really put a label on your unexpected friendship, you were more acquaintances that would call upon each other for help. Plus, you both are the only ones at NRC with common sense, so have fun!
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Epel Felmier
You didn’t get the chance to become close, but you both related to each other. You both were constantly called ‘adorable’ and it pissed the both of you off. However, you had a more sophisticated approach, while Epel always solved the problem with his fists.
You are invited to Pomefiore from time to time, so that is how you grew closer to Epel. You were a positive influence on him, deemed so by Vil himself. You knew how to act elegantly and like a person of status, so the Housewarden was glad to have you around. 
When Vil overblots, Epel is scared. He has never witnessed this and had to face it in person. However, you seemed to be confident. In fact, you sat yourself in Vil’s throne and whispered the name Sebastian Michaelis while reaching up and taking off your eye patch. The purple-haired first year is very confused until he sees a figure packing Vil up like he was taking him on vacation.
Within a few moments, Vil was on the ground and the figure was making sure you were alright and unscathed. Epel came over and asked who the heck he was, at which you rolled your eyes and Sebastian ‘smiled’ and gave his classic and iconic introduction. 
You made a deal with a demon?? Oh, hell no. He has seen too many horror movies for this. You, however, being as smart as you are, assured Epel that it was a very fair deal. You only wanted to catch your parents’ killers and Sebastian would get your soul. Like Ace, he faints out of shock.
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Sebek Zigvolt
How did Crowley think letting in a literal child was a good idea? Let’s not forget about the fact that you don’t have magic either. You were also sickly. It’s literally the worst case scenario for you. The amount of times you have had shouting matches with each other is unfathomable.
He is that annoying older sibling who leaves the door open, and you can’t tell me any differently. He acts like he’s the boss simply because he’s older, until he realizes that your wit rivals even Malleus’s. Even Lilia has a hard time competing against you. That’s when it clicks: maybe you weren’t totally horrible…
When Leona overblotted, he was there on the field with everyone else. He spotted you standing still in the midst of people much bigger than you running past you. You took a seat on a nearby bench that was on the field and whispered something. The half-fae was too far away to hear what you had said, but he can see the smirk you had.
Within a few moments, Leona was brought to his knees and a man dressed in a suit was standing above the overblot victim. Sebek was just shocked. Then, you called out to the man (who he now learned is Sebastian) and you talked to him as though he were an employee.
Sebek walked over and asked who or what the guy standing next to you was. After Sebastian’s magnificent introduction, you explained that he was a demon that you had employed under a Faustian contract. You even removed your eye patch to show the mark. The poor crocodile was on the verge of fainting.
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Petty Shit Viz Has Done to the TWST Cast
She's not normally petty, and it takes her a while to feel comfortable enough to 'play around' this way
Rearranged the tea cupboard in Heartslaybul and Riddle couldn't decide whether he should be mad or not bc there are very loose rules regarding the storage of tea but. she colour coded it so now he gets to have a dilemma over it (bc he got after her for a rule she thought was ridiculous)
swapped salt with sugar because she asked Trey if he tastes his baking as he goes and he said basically 'everything's muscle memory at this point, I know what I'm doing, I leave taste testing to people who happen to pop into the kitchen'
made ice cubes from boiled hot dog water so when Cater came over he put it in his iced latte (he likely took something of hers without asking, probably something innocent enough it didn't really warrant that reaction but she's gotta be a shit sometimes)
Deuce would have no petty crimes committed against him. He is Baby.
She took a seam ripper to Ace's dorm uniform so at the next Unbirthday party he'd get in trouble (this is just retribution at this point)(yes she will fix it for him)
Leona is her favourite person to get petty with tbh bc shes willing to go to lengths with him she won't do with anyone else. (and he puts up with her more than anyone else, lowkey, in my brain it's like. you know when adult lions pretend to be hurt by lion cubs "attacking" them to gain confidence in their hunting skills? He's doing the same thing but in letting her explore Fun and what safe boundaries look like). ANYWAYS he told her she couldn't ever pull something on him he didn't see coming so she made him play sniper chess without explaining the rules first.
I honestly think Ruggie is safe??
If Jack ever stays over and desheds his tail in the bathroom without cleaning up properly, she won't let him back into ramshackle unless he puts a plastic bag over his tail
When she's mildly upset with Azul, (who she works for), she and Floyd only speak pig latin to each other. Jade understands but refuses to speak it. Azul doesn't get it whatsoever and it drives him nuts. When he finally gets it, the two end up switching to "egg".
She doesn't do petty shit with the tweels. It's either they're on great terms or they're not, there's no in between. She has a generally playful relationship with Floyd, and she and Jade are gossips + both enjoy mycology
Kalim is exempt simply because they don't interact enough to really warrant a petty reaction, though she does get snippy during chapter 4
Her and Jamil on the other hand, their entire relationship is petty personified, but it's mostly through words not action. (Exes, but they've never dated.)
She took all the cutlery from Pomefiore when Epel told her Vil was serving bite sized meals anyways so she figured they could all just eat with their hands
She has a lot of Impulsive Thoughts regarding Rook, but she wouldn't act on most of them. (they don't interact much)
Idk what caused it, what made her do it, I just know she took all of Epel's lightbulbs at one point. Didn't even leave him one to which kind he needed to replace them. (Vil knew she was gonna pull this shit and thought it was funny)
She won't mess with the Shrouds, Idia and her don't interact until like chapter 6 and uh. shits awkward between them. and Ortho is baby.
She isn't close enough with anyone in Diasomnia to feel it's appropriate to be petty, though she might get there eventually
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
⚖️ Subtle Themis Worship ⚔️
Try veiling
When you have a big decision/judgement to make, blindfold yourself for a moment; be in a place where you're alone and can think quietly
Vote if you can
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Stay up to date on local politics
Join a local activism group; LGBT rights, POC rights, women's rights, etc.
Support humanitarian organizations or homeless shelters
Have a stuffed animal lion: have a stuffed animal of any creature you associate with justice, order, custom, prophecy, or judgement
Have imagery of the earth/sky, scales, blindfolds, swords, or lions around
Volunteer at a homeless shelter; volunteer at a soup kitchen
Spread the word about injustice, especially related to humanitarian causes
Speak your mind; be honest and direct with others; note that honest does not mean cruel
Get more comfortable with the idea of conflict; look into healthy conflict resolution skills
Join a debate team; spectate or participate in formal debates
Write letters you will never send to people who have done you wrong; burn them (SAFELY!!!)
Try to get involved with your local community; help run events, join groups/clubs, meet new people, etc.
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Ask someone in need for the things they need most; buy/give them those things if you can
Practice restraint and grounding, especially when it comes to people who annoy you
Try to stay away from gossip; don't spread rumors about others, especially those that you're unsure the integrity of
Get curious about the world around you and the way things work; encourage yourself to question things
Trust yourself; listen to your gut
Work on setting boundaries with others and yourself
Let people know when they've done something that hurt you; ask them to change their behavior or wording
Feel free to give people chances to change, but if they continue not to make changes, don't put yourself through the extra work of keeping them around
Release things that no longer serve you
Work on accepting constructive criticism; try not to take criticism too personally
Get to know yourself better; feel confident in the fact that you know yourself better than others
Keep a self-growth journal; write down things relating to self improvement, how you're feeling, goals you're working towards, etc.
Learn any discreet form of divination; cartomancy, carromancy, pyromancy, tea leaves, etc.
Hold onto family heirlooms
Practice family traditions or create new ones c:
Learn self-defense; learn how to properly use weapons; pepper spray, pocket knife, etc.
Clean up after yourself; don't litter in the environment; pick up litter you come across
Try your best to take the advice you give to others (easier said than done, I know)
Practice patience and mindfulness; release control over the things that you can't control
Ground yourself if you're feeling anxious or stressed over an issue; learn about healthy coping skills for stress or anxiety if you don't know any
Take regular breaks from screens; walk around outside, and enjoy yourself; get some fresh air
Take a walk/hike outside; connect with nature
Drink a calming, soothing, or grounding tea
Take care of yourself after a hard day; be kind and gentle with yourself; engage in comforting activities
I'll likely add more going forward, but for the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Themis. I hope others find this helpful! Take care, everyone. 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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uzumaki-rebellion · 6 days
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 14
Masterlist HERE.
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"Look at my face
It look like a painting
Certified trapper
But I look like I'm ancient
I look like I'm peaceful
And I look like I'm patient
But I will slap a nigga
With the same hands
That I pray with"
The Royal Talon Fighter touched down on the talon port with a gentle ease that only Okoye could provide. The offramp slid out like a lion's lazy tongue and the children raced ahead of them to greet Umama, Grandpop, and Leona.
"Oh, my babies!" Umama cried out, smothering her great-grandchildren with kisses.
Yani hugged her aunt and then Dante, and N'Jadaka stood back to watch the elders reunite with the youngsters.
"Hey boy, your honeymoon did you good. Look like you gained thirty pounds!" Dante teased, patting N'Jadaka's stomach before hugging him.
Umama gathered Yani in her arms before she saved the rest of her affection for her biggest baby, the king.
"Umama, I missed you," he said.
"Oh, I am so happy to have you all back," Umama said with a singsong voice.
"Auntie Leona," he said, and Leona held her arms out to hug him next.
"You both look wonderful," Leona said, admiring their new deeply bronzed skin and radiant smiles.
The king escorted the older women in and Yani walked with Dante. Their children bounced around on happy feet, all chatty about the fun they had on the cove and seeing all the flocks of flamingoes come in for their seasonal time on the lake before heading to the shores of the Wakandan coast.
To N'Jadaka, the palace felt more expansive since he'd been away. The staff that bounded here and there on duty gave them warm smiles and pleased head nods on their return. The squeals and pattering of young feet made Umama and Leona grin from ear to ear.
"Finally! The palace sounds like itself again. It has been so strange not having the children here," Umama lamented.
"Umama," Sydette said with sparkly eyes, looking at her great-grandmother.
"Yes, my baby?" Umama said.
"Riki sang his song for Mama and Baba and they loved it!"
Umama reached out and held Riki's hand.
"You finally shared it with them. I am so proud, great-grandson. I told you it was a beautiful song they would enjoy."
"You've heard it before, Umama?" Yani asked.
"I helped him with the chorus."
Riki buried his face in Umama's robes, acting bashful.
"Leona, I'm glad you stayed until we came back," N'Jadaka said, putting an arm around his favorite island auntie.
"I decided to stay until you returned so I could hear about everything firsthand."
"You can stay for as long as you like. There's always a place for you here."
He kissed her cheek, and she squeezed his hand that dangled off her shoulder.
"Umama, do I have time to make some calls?" N'Jadaka asked.
"No, you do not. We are having an early dinner with everyone on the moon deck and then you and Yani must rest for your first day tomorrow," Umama said.
They headed for the family tea room where the rest of their family and friends who stayed after the wedding gathered to greet them on their return. Libations and finger foods were served and N'Jadaka caught up with his male friends Shaun, Walter, and Tahir, while Yani shared gossip with Twyla, Shuri, her two sisters, and Ladies in Waiting. Within minutes, more relatives arrived from Yani's side of the family.
"Where's Auntie Ramonda?" he asked Shuri.
His cousin sipped on lemon tea and snacked on a sweet biscuit, enjoying all the festive feel with all the people in the room.
"She's packing for the States. She'll meet us at dinner."
"She wants to leave early after all, then?"
"Yes. President Ellis is having a state dinner, and she prefers to be acclimated to D.C. a few days before going to it. She figured it was the least she could do to smooth over you not inviting him and his wife to your wedding. The First Lady there was extremely upset by the snub."
"I don't give a fuck."
"Yes, cousin…we know."
N'Jadaka threw his arms around Shuri and gave her a sloppy kiss on her forehead.
"I think I missed you the most," he said.
Shuri slyly cornered him near a table filled with towers of tiny cakes and cookies that the children hadn't discovered yet. She made sure his back was to the family.
"Has Leona spoken to you about Yani's cousin Cee Cee?"
"No. Why?"
Shuri glanced over his shoulder to survey the others.
"She's been vocally complaining to Twyla about her position in the family. She petitioned your office for a meeting tomorrow inside the throne room, and I'm sure they fast-tracked her on your schedule."
"What does she want?"
"I'm not sure because they keep that private on the throne room docket. But know for sure that Twyla is very unhappy, and it agitates Leona."
"Yeah, well, Cee Cee never liked me. She always gave Yani a hard time about being with me."
He turned his body around to look for the troublesome woman.
"Don't make a scene cousin, just be prepared tomorrow, that's all," Shuri whispered to him.
Cee Cee drank from a champagne flute and held a plate of finger foods in her hand. She directed her targeted gaze at Yani, who was talking animatedly with her circle of women. Yani's cousin was taller than her, with a plump build that many found pleasing in Wakanda. A pretty woman with a warm beige complexion and thick stylized hair piled high on her head like a crown, Cee Cee's inside didn't match the pleasant-looking outside. He had to steer his friend Shaun away from her at their wedding reception because she thought he was part of the royal family too and wanted to catch a nobleman by throwing ass on the dance floor. Any other time, N'Jadaka would've encouraged a little debauchery at a party for his friend, but Cee Cee was too jealous and vindictive to trust.
"Thanks for letting me know," he said.
Shuri looked as if she were about to say something else, but a staff member entered the room and announced that dinner was ready on the moon deck. N'Jadaka swept over to Yani's side and held out his arm for her to take. Their children walked in front of them as their Dora led them all to the elevators to swoop up a few floors.
The mild temperature made it a pleasant spot to break bread together. Once N'Jadaka made sure the children were fed well, and his wife was sated, he bid everyone good evening and took his family back to their own home. Their personal housing staff clapped their hands in a rhythmic celebratory way to greet them and Yani allowed the children to cut loose to their rooms to play, freeing up time for them to decompress. Yani went to her room to shower and change into lounge-wear, and he did the same in his bedroom. He slipped into an over-sized pale green cotton shirt and loose matching pants. Fresh garden flowers filled their home, and their staff had cleansed it thoroughly. The scent of lemon and lavender saturated the air. He fixed himself a glass of strong bourbon in the living room. Yani joined him wearing a soft powder blue half tank top covered with a thin powder blue robe with feathers at the end of the sleeves. The matching pants sat snug around her thick bottom and thighs, giving her an old-time glamour feel.
"It's so good to be back. I just want to look around at our beautiful home," Yani said, spinning on her kitten heels.
"Drink?" he said, offering to make her one.
She took a sip from his glass and he walked with her from room to room to room…so many rooms. So many decks with views of the city. Three floors of obscene space filled with beauty and comfortable charm. Yani's eyes twinkled like stars, and they settled into their luxurious and spacious family den. Stylish wall tapestries and tasteful artwork decorated it. They spent many evenings entertaining the children and relatives there.
"I'm so glad I had my clothes and crown prepared before I left," she said, snuggling into his side on a couch that felt like sitting on a cloud. "I'd probably panic about what to wear on my first day in the throne room tomorrow morning."
He could only imagine the stress of choosing an outfit for the first day.
"Aren't you glad I had you push back your hospital schedule for the week?"
Yani sucked her teeth.
"You were right to convince me. I can't even imagine thinking about hustling over to the hospital just yet."
"It's not too late to reconsider halting that part of your life for some time."
Her brow crinkled.
"I want to give myself time doing both until I can see for sure what I can handle."
Yani's kimoyo beads lit up. She tapped them and a voice came over their home intercom.
"Yes, Kora?"
"My queen, I am sorry to disturb your private time with the king."
"It's okay Kora, w'sup?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Would you like the children to be bathed now with an extra early bedtime following their school night schedule, or do they have permission to stay up for another hour since it is their summer vacation?"
"They can stay up for another hour and then have their bath. We'll hand them over to Umama on the way to work after breakfast and she'll tell you your schedule for the day," Yani said.
N'Jadaka jumped in.
"Kora, the queen will sleep in my bedroom tonight. Tell the children we'll tuck them in before we turn in."
"As you wish, kumkani."
The intercom went off with a cute bell sound the children liked to mimic with their voices.
"Ooh, I get to sleep in the king's bed tonight."
"It'll be best if we're up at the same time in the morning."
Yani gave him a coy look.
"Somebody wants some tonight."
N'Jadaka pulled her in closer on the couch. Yani lifted onto his lap side-saddle and held his neck.
"It's been two weeks since we had the kids. Tryna sneak some pussy on the boat didn't work out, so having them turn in early is a win for me," he said, smacking her rump. "Daddy needs to sink in all this."
He gripped and shook her backside, and Yani giggled. She glanced toward the entrance, listening for the children. They were above them on the second floor, no doubt playing or telling their friends about the pool/slumber party. Yani reached for the controllers of game consoles and handed him one. She tapped a button and the giant viewscreen on the wall across from them flickered on and she loaded a race car game for them to play. They carried on together side by side, racing F1's across snowy mountain terrains. Yani shit-talked him down, but he led their races with high scores. He kept getting distracted by her outfit and let her play a solo round. She became focused on beating his high score and he lifted her on his lap, letting her use him as her race car seat so he could indulge in the feel of her behind wiggling on his crotch and thighs. Although she led her race in the game, he had the true pole position.
He raised his hands and cupped her breasts.
"You're trying to prevent me from beating your score, hands off man," she said, swatting his hands away.
He cupped the full weight of her breasts again and moved his hands up and down, exciting himself with their fullness spilling out from his fingers. Yani gyrated on his lap with slow rotations and he held the underside of her tits in his palms. He used his index fingers to circle her nipples until they poked out of the tank top.
"You wore this on purpose knowing I wanna see these big titties tonight," he whispered in her ear. "Wait…whatchu doin'?" he asked.
Yani lowered her strapless tank top and turned side-saddle on his lap. Her breasts spilled out like a big brown avalanche of flesh, and he immediately latched his tongue on a nipple, sucking greedily as saliva gathered in his mouth. She stroked her fingers along the back of his neck, encouraging his tongue play. Her soft puffs of breath above his head turned into soft moans giving into the pleasure. He squeezed a breast and looked at her voluptuous chest closely, like he hadn't seen it in ages. They would look so pretty with the nipples brushing against his sheets while he took her from behind. He huffed out a needy breath of arousal and relished the feel of blood rushing to his dick, thickening it. A quick switch in positions could have Yani on her knees right there and he could take what he wanted, but the children were unpredictable. He released a fat nipple from between his lips and played with her tits, his dick throbbing from the need to be squeezed by her hand. Pulling her closer to him in case anyone walked in on accident, he kept groping and pinching nipples, feeling the turgid growth of his dick in his pants.
He stuck his face between her breasts and brushed it back and forth inside the warm bounty. Yani lifted them and rubbed his face against the pillowy clouds of joy for him. He gasped out loud when she rubbed the tip of his dick through his clothes. The silk was already sticky with pre-cum and she milked more of it out until he had a huge wet spot on his lap.
It was time for them to retire to a more private place while the children bathed.
He held Yani's hand and pulled her to an elevator that led straight to his bedroom. She locked his bedroom door the moment they arrived there, and he shucked off his clothes. Yani did the same without haste. The staff had set up a fruit and cheese platter in his room for them next to a bottle of white wine, and they both nibbled grapes and shared a glass on his bedroom couch.
They couldn't get around the fact that his dick stood at attention while he fed Yani a strawberry. She leaned back on the couch and he kissed all over her tits, loving the sound of her moans every time he grazed his teeth across both nipples. He nuzzled her neck and teased his tongue along her throat and up to her lips.
"You're so pretty…so beautiful…my gorgeous wife," he hummed in her ear.
Yani touched his chin and scratched at his beard softly. She brushed her lips across his in a teasing way before kissing him fully, sliding her tongue in his mouth. All he could think of was that she was his wife and how much he wanted to please her. Make her happy. He made her his queen, but what more could she want in the years to come?
"Hey…are you okay?" she said.
He looked at her.
"I was just thinking…of our future."
"What about it?"
"I have to come up with new ways to make you happy."
"I'm already happy."
"Are you?"
"I have everything I need right here. In this house. My children and my husband."
N'Jadaka lowered his head and continued sucking on her tits, teasing his large tongue across her skin with long licks around her areolas. Yani dragged her nails over the sensitive parts of his back, waking up his skin to fiery tingles. The build-up in his lower parts rushed him to do more before he exploded from the lust coursing through him. It didn't take much for Yani to crank him up with her lush body and sensuous eyes, daring him to show her more.
He pulled her across the room to his giant bed and helped her get on her knees. She scooted back until her knees were near the edge and her legs dangled over comfortably. He dropped to his knees and smooshed his face into her ass, letting his tongue drag across her vulva, enjoying the ticklish scrapings of her piercings. Yani lowered her face to the bed and her ass cheeks opened wider to allow him more access to heaven. Eating her out from behind had him slurping and moaning into her labia. He stroked his dick while he catered to her pussy, the hard rod of his length hot and slippery in his hands. Two weeks without tasting her forced desperate lunges of his tongue inside of her and she purred on the bed, enticing him with the juiciest pussy in the world.
She came in his mouth with her soft moans jammed down into the blanket. He sat back and watched her vulva throb with the last tremors of her orgasm. The wet pink of her opening beckoned his thickness to fill her up. Tracing his tongue all around her clit to push aftershocks into her quivering back, the king raised onto his feet and lined up the head of his dick against her waiting pink entrance and paused his action.
"Face the other way," he said.
Yani wiggled around and he climbed onto the bed, positioning himself behind her again.
"I want you to face the mirror," he said.
She widened her thighs. He reached for a pillow to cradle her elbows.
"Comfortable?" he asked.
She nodded and he sank into her depths. He snapped his eyes shut, unable to keep a loud groan ripping from his lips. Yani's wet and deep center sheathed him in divine heat. Her vaginal muscles clenched twice and his toes bunched up. Every fucking time she did that, it made him feel like he'd never had pussy before. He threw his head back and stared at the ceiling as a "Fuck!" flew out of his mouth like an amazed virgin getting his first piece of ass.
Yani only whimpered, relaxing into the weight of his dick inside of her. No matter how many times he fucked her, she reacted with startled eyes at how hefty he was. They locked eyes in the mirror, and he got his wish. The moment he started thrusting, her breasts brushed against the blanket, showing him how full they were and how lovely they looked hanging in that position. It was hard being a simp for big titties and an ass so sinfully fat that it brought tears to his eyes. No man was immune from a body she possessed. It was humanly impossible. Yani rocked back onto his dick.
"Oh…oh…oh…oh…" was all he could muster as a language in that moment.
Nothing needed to be said with good pussy swallowing his erection like a lollipop. Yani's pussy displayed the dexterity of a mouth sucking on dick, and he let her have at it while he passively watched and slapped her ass. His moans grew louder, yet neither one spoke to each other, their exchange of conversation taking place between hard dick and wet pussy. She twisted her hips in a slow rotation and the grip on his erection became slippery suction that had his balls ready to pump cum. Those bountiful titties had him down bad and he watched their gentle bounce as they slapped together with each thrust he threw back at Yani. Eventually he gripped her waist and pumped into her, wanting to hear the cheeks clap loud in his ears. Her pussy choked his dick with a grip so tight his eyes watered and became blurry. He wanted to savor that moment of them together. It would be the end of their old lives because the next day, they would embark on a new chapter as a ruling couple. Right now, the world was just the two of them joined in physical perfection.
Oh Bast!
She yanked on his dick, turning him powerless. His balls slapped against her plush ass and the orgasmic surge moved from his sack to the root of his dick, pushing through to glory. There was nothing he could do. The queen was fucking him into submission, and he gave in willingly.
The first three spurts of cum stopped her grinding, and she accepted his hot offering with glassy eyes and parted lips. Cum pulsed through his dick in an urgent release, and he pulled out, letting her watch how it shot across her back and painted pale lines of gratification on sweaty skin. The final sharp throb at the base of his dick dragged out a roar from him that even had his sphincter tightening.
"Oh, shit…baby!" he mumbled.
His lips jammed together as he watched her backside jiggle. Yani stared at his reflection.
"I'm still hard," he said, shaking his hips and waving his erection at her.
The blessings of having an Udaku king for a husband glowed in her eyes.
He glanced at a clock on the wall. The children were probably in their rooms for an early sleep already. Yani sat at the edge of the bed and he jumped down from his spot and stood in front of her. Lifting her chin, he studied every part of her round face. He kissed her forehead and then her chin.
"I love you," he said.
Her eyes crinkled and she turned her head slightly away from his intense gaze. She slid her warm fingers up his chest and touched the dimples in his face that appeared from smiling so hard at how lovely she was. Yani acted shy, and he found that quality alluring in her.
"I love you, too," she finally whispered into his lips.
Her tender kiss brought him back inside a warm glow that enchanted him by being in her presence. The woman was everything to him and he was cognizant of how he would work hard to make every moment with her precious as long as he had her by his side. Yani threw her arms around his neck, anchoring him to her. She twirled her tongue around his and gave him a noisy smooch before releasing his eager mouth. He reached for another squeeze of her breasts, and she stared at him with those dreamy eyes that had always captured all of her love for him. Unbending his back, he stood to his full height. She fondled his dick, keeping those sexy eyes on his face.
She already had cum all across her back. No point in wasting the rest of the canvas. He shoved his dick between her lips and she engulfed it like the good queen she was.
"Dassit," he crooned.
Yani turned his dick into a magic stick and sucked it slowly, letting her full lips pucker around it as he slid in and out. She hummed and let the vibrations flow across the slick skin as she wet it even more with her warm mouth. He spit on his dick, adding more lubricant, and her pretty lips sucked his inches down easily. The head of his dick bulged against each side of her cheeks as she played with it in her mouth. She constantly kept her big beautiful eyes on his knowing that shit got him off. Pulling his dick out, she licked under it and sucked on his balls like they were summer peaches. They had to hurry. The children would expect them to say goodnight soon.
Yani spread her legs and played with her puffy labia. It was only a matter of time before she sent him off to glory. The anticipation of knowing that in another thirty minutes he would be back inside of her, pounding away to another exhilarating nut, thrilled him. He looked forward to fucking her in the ass and having her face ride him while he jerked off later. Then he would buckle down and slow-fuck her until she wept in his warms. They had a lot of lovemaking to catch up on.
She closed her eyes, already prepared for what was about to happen. He shot a powerful load all over the side of her face as he palmed a breast. The finest woman in the world belonged to him for the rest of his life. What a gift.
Slick ribbons of hot cum drenched her lips, and she stroked his length to pull every drop from his balls.
They showered together and cleaned each other with perfumed, lathery pink soap. She checked for the special lubricant cream she needed for the evening with him inside his cabinet. He helped her dress back into her lounge-wear and he pulled on a long blue sleep tunic to meet the children in.
They went to Sydette's room first. Kora helped their eldest tie her hair up for the night inside her bonnet. She wore a colorful magenta satin nightgown and cuddled a small stuffed gray elephant.
"Happy to be back in your own bed?" Yani asked.
Sydette thought about it, and Kora left them alone.
"I'm happy, but I miss sleeping on the houseboat, especially on the floating platform. Can we take a boat trip again for my birthday next year?"
"Of course," he said, lowering hand to touch her bonnet.
"Cozy?" Yani asked.
"Yes, Mama."
"Sleep well tonight. We'll have a big breakfast in the morning with Umama, Grandpop, and Aunt Leona before Mama goes to work with me," he said, with pride in his tone.
"Night Baba, Night Mama."
"Night Sweet Pea," he said, watching Yani kiss her cheek first.
He kissed her forehead and tapped the lighting control on the wall that would gradually darken until the only lights in the room were from the skyline outside.
"Want your curtains closed?" Yani asked.
"No, I like seeing the lights of the city."
They took their leave from Sydette's room and walked past a room that used to be Joba's. She no longer stayed in her own room, preferring to share space with her brother, so they skipped her old bedroom and padded down the hall to Riki's room. The door was closed. They heard singing behind it. Riki instructed Joba on a few lines and they sang together.
"Another song," he said.
"They sound so sweet, harmonizing."
"Should we come back?"
Yani pressed her ear to the door.
"I think they're done."
N'Jadaka knocked on the door and waited for the children to welcome them in. Inside, both children sat on their beds, waiting to be tucked in. Yani helped Joba snuggle under the thick covers in her bed, and N'Jadaka pulled a buttery soft blanket over Riki.
Yani didn't mention the singing, and neither did he. They didn't want to hamper their children's creativity when they knew Riki was shy about it. As much as the boy loved singing out Top 40 Wakandan hits at the top of his lungs, sharing his own personal work didn't bring out his immediate confidence and they wanted him to nurture his talents without being overbearing in encouragement.
"Today was a nice day seeing everyone again, huh, Dumpling? Sunshine?" Yani said.
"Will everyone go home soon now that we're back?" Joba asked.
Yani tickled Joba's chin.
"I think most will linger a few more weeks. Wakanda is so beautiful in summer," Yani said.
N'Jadaka tapped the remote to make the bedroom curtains close. Their bedroom was bigger than most living rooms, and yet he still had to fight his way past so many toys on the floor. He glanced at Riki who watched him with shiny eyes. Joba did the same. Shuffling over to each bed, he kissed foreheads and patted bonnets.
"Door open or closed?" Yani asked.
"Closed," Riki said.
Now that Joba was with him, he was more comfortable having the bedroom door closed. He wanted to be a big boy, but deep down Riki was still nervous sleeping alone and he loved having Joba with him all the time. N'Jadaka suspected Joba asked to be moved to her brother's room to save face for him.
Yani clasped his hand after he shut the door. They took time to walk through their home and admire the view in the family room. The golden city sparkled like diamonds down below. He put his arm around Yani.
"We are responsible for all of that," Yani said.
He walked her back to their bedroom, and they used the stairs so they could listen to their home settling down for the night. They undressed and snuggled in his bed for over an hour, marinating in the warmth of their arms cradling one another. A clock in the bedroom struck a late hour and N'Jadaka made love to Yani again. He talked her through a long orgasm in missionary and afterward she climbed on top of him and let her breasts hang in his face. He clutched at them like he was a drowning man and they were his only life preservers. She loved on him with her plush body molding against his rock-hard muscles until he cried out her name over and over. He watched her lift on her feet and pry her labia open gently so he could witness his throbbing dick pumping cum into her pussy. It looked like his heart moved to his length as it beat out a steady, throbbing motion. When his body couldn't release anymore in that moment, she lifted off of his tip and let him see his ejaculate run out and back down on his tip. He handed her a warm cloth from the basin left on his nightstand and she wiped herself down. She cleaned him off too, and then sat her vulva on his lips where he kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed…until they fell asleep.
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Yani stared at her reflection in the three-sided mirror inside her spacious dressing room. Her personal tailor, Keeya, fussed around the short train on the aquamarine-colored skirt that fanned out on the polished floor. Keeya's assistant Ipuo helped tighten the cobalt-blue corset, accentuating the top of Yani's ivory puffy sleeved blouse.
"Okay…now my queen…your crown," Keeya said.
Keeya's saucy dark brown eyes widened when she stepped back to look at the overall presentation after gently placing the queen's isicholo on her head.
"Gorgeous, simply gorgeous, kumkanikazi!"
Ipuo concurred and Yani ran her hands down her sides and twirled around to see the other angles of the designer outfit.
"A solid choice for your first day," Keeya said.
She pointed to the racks of custom clothes already lined up for the queen to wear for the rest of the summer.
"We'll bring in your fall line at the end of August for your final approval," Keeya said.
Yani nodded.
"Leave me," she said to her clothing staff.
Keeya and Ipuo, lowered their heads and stepped out of the dressing room.
Yani touched the rings on her fingers, including the long gold and silver finger armor on her pinky fingers. Her make-up was immaculate and dewy-fresh, giving her youthful round face a touch of summer glow.
Being in Wakanda had given Yani plenty of opportunities to look fabulous, but this time, and this look, she was truly stepping into her queendom with class and an erudite style that took in the stylish couture of queens long past. She worked hard with Keeya and Ipuo to mix and match the historical fashion of N'Jadaka's people with the future in mind. That meant adding more island touches that represented her own culture. That morning, she had a conversation with her style team about incorporating billowy slacks and mix-and-match blazers for her travel pieces. This required them to custom make her jewelry and repurpose older pieces to make a firm statement about her vision of herself. She was a child of Mama Wati and wanted the world to know that. Keeya was pleased with that, since she was a member of the River Tribe.
Yani took a deep breath and exhaled, waving her arms above her head to fight off nervousness. She lifted her skirt to look at her heels. Even they were custom made to her specifications and dyed the color of her ocean back home.
The isicholo looked like it always belonged on her head. She ran her fingers up the sides to feel the power of that crown. No one could tell her shit now. She was N'Jadaka's legitimate wife and his right hand on the throne. Yani giggled and touched her nose, thinking of her time being his maid and cook. She also thought of the uncertain time when she sat in a Planned Parenthood clinic with her legs in stirrups, almost removing the fetus growing inside of her. If she hadn't chosen to have Riki, would she be standing there now in fancy raiment with a crown on her head?
She brushed the thought away and embraced her power.
Her walk out of the dressing room and down the long stairs to the living room was slow and calculated to help her focus on the day. She gripped the polished guardrail and lifted part of her skirt as she descended. Before she even touched the first floor, a round of thunderous applause greeted her. N'Jadaka and the children waited for her at the bottom with all of their family and friends. They fawned over her with so much excitement, but she only had eyes for N'Jadaka. He wore stately black robes with his hair tied back. His golden panther claw necklace gleamed around his neck. He held out his hand to take hers and all of their well-wishers walked with them out of their home and down to a wide hall that led to the throne room.
Yani waved at their entourage, kissed her children goodbye and waited for armed guards to open the double doors of the throne room.
The council of elders stood at their arrival and watched them with pleased eyes as they strode toward two throne chairs. The bigger, more impressive one belonged to N'Jadaka, but the one next to it made Yani's heart skip. It was so regal and intricately carved with ancient figures in the dark iron wood and silver scallop-shell framing. The color scheme matched N'Jadaka's throne, but it also had its own flair and feminine touches with the cushioned seat and arched ottoman that stood next to it. Yani had seen pictures of her throne before laying eyes on it and was told the ottoman piece was for when she became pregnant and could rest her legs and feet when needed. It once belonged to Umama.
The elders weren't the only people in the room. Part of N'Jadaka's office staff was there who handled his PR and international affairs. They sat to the right of the throne to observe the proceedings and provide input when necessary.
N'Jadaka guided her in front of her chair and she waited for him to sit before she positioned herself in her seat. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.
"You sit at the same time I do," he said.
She smiled, and he kissed her cheek in front of everyone, making Elder Zinzi grin. Yani placed her hands on her lap and felt the cool breeze of the air conditioning circulating inside. She leaned back in her seat and loved how the throne design gave space for her isicholo.
Elder Efetobo spoke first.
"Welcome Queen Yani. We are so pleased to have you with us. May your voice and presence strengthen our leadership in guiding Wakanda the right way."
"Thank you Elder Efetobo," Yani said.
Her voice sounded loud in the cavernous room and she became mindful quickly of how to speak. Elder M'Kathu smiled and held out his hands wide in greeting.
"We hope your honeymoon was as splendid as you look, kumkanikazi. The nation is pleased to have you both back."
"Thank you, Elder M'Kathu."
Elder Bhira chimed in.
"Queen Yani, my people back home spoke highly of your visit to the River Market. They hope you will return and stay longer to enjoy more of the culture there."
"I would love to. I look forward to taking my children there too," Yani said in a River Tribe dialect she had practiced.
Elder Bhira's green-plated lip lifted from the smile on his face. Elder Zinzi gazed at Yani with loving eyes.
"As the others have said, kumkanikazi, we are so pleased that you and the king have returned to lead the nation. We have a lot to cover in a short time. Is there anything you would like for us to add to our agenda this morning?"
"No, Elder Zinzi. You may begin," Yani said.
Zinzi nodded and faced N'Jadaka. She tapped a kimoyo bead on her wrist and tossed an agenda schedule in the center of the circle. Yani sat through the first hour listening to tabled items from the last gathering they had with the king. In the second hour, parliament provided detailed report overviews they missed while being on honeymoon, and in the third hour, they discussed military updates and set war dog goals for the month. She found it all interesting and tried to keep up with any objections or concerns the council had with each actionable item. One thing was for sure, N'Jadaka had a brilliant leadership mind and, for the first time outside of their personal lives, she could witness him wield political savvy with his own people. She had to use her earbud translators for some conversations that were spoken in Wakandan, especially when their meeting moved into listening to the personal complaints of individual Wakandan citizens who had permission to seek redress through the king.
Four different individuals gained access to the throne room with nervous energy facing N'Jadaka. Yani glanced over at him from time to time, watching his expression look intimidating to people. His aura crackled with intense concentration as he listened intently and gave his opinion of the petition. When he brought her into the conversation, she was surprised. She did not expect to have input so soon on serious matters. However, she quickly learned her position with the two of them seated on the throne together. The people appealed to her as the voice of reason when the king didn't side with their case. Most of the petitions dealt with property and land rights, while one brought up lineage and rights to lead a family's fortune after a matriarch had passed and didn't leave a will. Yani sided with a middle sibling who ran the matriarch's affairs for twenty years when the other five siblings left home for careers in the military and politics. The middle sibling, a woman in her forties, wept openly as she listened to Yani explain how she interpreted the fallout between the family members and their rights to finances and a thriving business enterprise.
N'Jadaka took Yani's take into consideration and made a decree granting the woman full power to continue running the matriarch's affairs and divide up assets as she wished to do equally. A staff member brought Yani and N'Jadaka some tea, and did the same for the elders as they took a respite before seeing the last case. N'Jadaka appeared fidgety on the throne. Yani was about to ask what was wrong and she noticed the name on the new petition floating in the center of their circle.
Cecilia Anne Galiber.
Yani sat erect on her throne as her cousin Cee Cee strode in with a haughty air wearing her best purple wrap-dress and severe make-up that declared she was ready for business. Not bothering to read the abstract of the case, Yani fixed her lips in a tight line, staring down her relative.
N'Jadaka sat back in his seat and rested his hands on his throne's armrests.
"You may speak your case," he said in a dry tone.
The king's voice halted the assertive drive in Cee Cee's stance. She looked at the council elders and gave a curt glance at Yani before directing her ire at N'Jadaka.
"I am the first cousin of the queen and today I would like to present my case requesting that I receive a title like the rest of my family who reside in Wakanda."
N'Jadaka tilted his head.
"What kind of title do you think you deserve?" he asked.
The king's low tone knocked a bit of the wind out of Cee Cee's sails. She locked eyes with Yani, and Yani's lips curled into an angry sneer. How dare she strut into her husband's domain and demand a title like some entitled brat. She gripped her armrests and leaned forward.
"Cee Cee, you couldn't speak to me in private about this?" Yani demanded.
Her voice went up an octave and the council elders lowered their eyes out of respect for the queen.
"Yani, you know it's not right or fair that Twyla, your sisters, and Auntie get to have prestige while the rest of—"
"First, you will address my wife by her proper title, Queen Yani!"
N'Jadaka's voice boomed so loud it made the elders and his personal staff jump. Cee Cee looked shocked by the aggression and took a small step back.
"Second…you have no right to march in here demanding anything from the Udaku clan. My wife's grace is the only reason you're allowed to stay here. I have seen you disrespect her and also say disparaging things about me when you thought I was a no good thug sitting on a hill using your cousin. Remember that? Wasn't it you who said all I wanted from her was pussy and a good time?"
"Kumkani, please, the queen is present," Zinzi gently chided.
"It's okay, Elder Zinzi," Yani said.
Zinzi nodded and cast her eyes back down. Cee Cee tried saving face and held her head high.
"Back then, I could only speak from what I saw happen with my cousin from past relationships. I didn't know you were rich and royalty. But now that we all know who you really are, I think it's right that I share a respectable title like the rest of my blood. Twyla's a princess and Auntie is a queen. I'm a Galiber descended from Queen Mary, too. I want to be a princess like Twyla."
"You think a bitch like you deserves to be a princess?" N'Jadaka barked.
Yani leaned in her seat toward her husband, relishing the dressing down he gave her disrespectful cousin.
Taken aback, Cee Cee's eyes narrowed. She glared at Yani.
"You won't say anything?"
"What is there to say when my husband has told you what he feels? You have always treated me foul, Cee Cee. You never wanted me to be with the king."
"He was working as a lowlife! Why can't anyone in our family see that all the things I said were to protect you from heartbreak and ruin? Huh? Mi stand here now, gyal, all proper-like to ask for what is a fair thing, yeah? Your mummy trusted mi to look after you. Why yuh think I go live with Auntie and work for her at that compound? Am I not a Galiber with the fiyahbun blood run through me veins too?"
Tears stung Yani's eyes and she willed them not to fall. Cee Cee never did anything that didn't benefit her in the end.
"I gave you permission to live at Our Lady's Manor. You're taken care of financially, and so are your children. Twyla is a princess because she stood by my side through thick and thin. The king adores her and granted her a title because she was good to mi and him. My husband knows who is for mi and against mi. You never treated me kind. My life was gossip and entertainment for you. But now that I'm a queen and given respect and a nation to rule over, you want to come here and demand something from we? Do you seriously think you're worthy to represent our family when you questioned and belittled my life?" Yani said.
N'Jadaka stood up and walked toward Cee Cee.
"I grant you nothing. You may stay at Our Lady's Manor, but you are no longer welcome in Wakanda. Pack your things and your children's. I will have The Royal Scorpion Fighter take you home this evening. You are forbidden from setting foot in Wakanda ever again. I also proclaim censure in your current behavior. You are also forbidden from speaking about the Udaku clan and especially anything about Queen Yani in public. Leave us."
Cee Cee's face broke into a scowl of disbelief. She turned toward Yani.
"Queen…Yani…I only want what Twyla has…"
Yani turned her head away and stared outside the window, and surveyed the beauty of Birnin Zana. Her husband had spoken her feelings. He was generous in letting her stay at their compound, but he wanted the best for Cee Cee's children, despite her selfish and hateful nature.
Okoye tapped her spear twice and throne room guards stepped forward to escort Cee Cee out. Yani's cousin limped out the throne room visibly defeated.
N'Jadaka fixed his gaze on the council elders.
"What's our last agenda item?"
Yani glanced at her kimoyos, surprised at how fast the morning went in the throne room. Five hours had passed, and she stayed keyed up for more.
Zinzi stood up and so did N'Jadaka's PR head, Qwara.
"Kumkani, something has come up that we have shielded from you while you were on your honeymoon," Zinzi said.
Qwara turned toward the king, but her eyes fell on Yani's too.
"Kumkani," Qwara said, "The queen is privy to everything that happens in the nation, but this matter is very sensitive and may embarrass her. Shall I proceed?"
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka. Whatever was to be presented, he was unaware of.
"Proceed," he said.
He reached for Yani's hand, and she threaded her fingers with his. Qwara stood near Zinzi and waved her hand in front of the floating screen. Several news outlets appeared with well-known journalists doing interviews.
"During your absence, various international television markets and streaming services broadcasted the royal wedding on repeat for several weeks. Recently, four women have stepped forward with lascivious stories they have peddled for financial gain in several media platforms. Two are from the U.S., one is from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the final one is from the queen's home island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands."
All four women's pictures took up the center circle from the kimoyo projection.
Qwara gave the king time to digest the information before him. Zinzi stepped in closer to the throne.
"Kumkani, the women have not said anything that vilifies you as a king or your past life as a mercenary, however, their stories are of a sexual nature that we don't feel is appropriate for your reputation and the image you have built for your reign," Zinzi added.
The king turned to Yani.
"If you don't want to see or hear this, I'll understand if you prefer to leave," he said.
"I'll stay," Yani said, squeezing his hand.
"Play the first one for us," N'Jadaka said.
Yani's cheeks burned with second-hand embarrassment for her husband, even as she feigned a brave face to listen to potential lewd commentary.
A popular CNN broadcaster in New York held a panel discussion with three attractive women sitting near his news desk. Two of the women were from D.C. and detailed trysts with N'Jadaka a decade earlier. They shared photos of themselves with the king, wearing bathing suits at a five-star hotel pool. Both women were sexy, bubbly, and had only fond memories of him. They were shocked to find out that their former ménage à trois lover had royal connections and were set to peddle a future book about their hook-ups over a two-year period.
The third woman brought an annoyed look on N'Jadaka's face. She had been a childhood friend of Marisol's and the king's until she developed a sexual relationship with him in their teenaged years and beyond. That woman also had media proof and shared clips of videos she made when they were in their late teens and early twenties on his visits there doing capoeira. None of the women had scandalous videos of the king naked or in a compromising sexual position. But their graphic and detailed descriptions of his love-making did enough damage.
The fourth woman was a random jump-off named Isis that N'Jadaka slept with one time and dumped. She had no photos to prove her connection. However, her ties to the island must've given enough legitimacy for the media channel. Isis swooned over her re-telling of how she met N'Jadaka in Yani's favorite club and how she never got over him for years. She claimed to be present at the club where she thought Yani first met the king at Kendall's first live performance. The interviewers asked each of the four women on the two different shows how they felt watching his nuptials, and each one calmly stated that they wished it had been them. However, they believed he didn't seem like the type to settle down or want children.
Qwara tapped the images, and they winked out, giving everyone a moment to sit with the sordid information.
"There were two other women we could get a hold of to sign confidentiality agreements with compensation in Oakland and Atlanta. We confiscated pictures and video to destroy any proof of connections. Luckily, none of these women had anything negative to say, but their poor financial situations forced them to attempt media sales for capitalistic gain," Qwara said.
N'Jadaka looked at Yani. She placed her other hand on top of their joined ones.
"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," she said.
"I tried to be discreet, but you can't always foresee the future."
Zinzi cleared her throat, and they turned to look at her.
"What would you like for Qwara and your PR team to craft in your statement?" Zinzi asked.
"There won't be a statement," N'Jadaka said.
"Kumkani, these interviews are already going viral. We must have you respond to these attempts at tarnishing your reputation and the queen's."
"He doesn't need to make a statement," Yani said.
All eyes moved to her face. She perked up, knowing nothing horrible was at stake.
"Those women were with him before he was king. Before he was with me. They all seem to treasure their time with him and were not disrespectful to me or his family outside of the sex talk. I think this will all wash out in the next news cycle."
"But my queen, those two women in America plan to write a tell-all. It is already in poor taste to hear about the sexual prowess of our nation's leader," M'Kathu chimed in.
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka. He pondered her words and M'Kathu's.
"No statement. You can try to get an injunction on their book to block publication, but I won't add fuel to their tiny fire."
"Are you sure, kumkani? A terse statement from you and the queen could prevent others from trying this stunt," Zinzi said.
Efetobo tapped her cane on the floor.
"The king has spoken. Who are we to question his wishes on this matter? Queen Yani supports the decision. So be it," Efetobo said.
Qwara bowed slightly to the two of them on the throne.
"I will prepare the injunction, kumkani," she said.
Another staff member approached the king from the side.
"Kumkani, your lunch is ready. We have it set up in the side room," a young man in a pearl-white chef's uniform said.
"We are done here for the day. I'll see you all in the parliament gathering in one hour," N'Jadaka said."
The council of elders stood, and N'Jadaka helped Yani up from her seat. The clicking of her heels echoed in the throne room as they headed to a side room where N'Jadaka ate his meals alone after council meetings.
"Smells delicious," Yani said to the chef.
"Thank you, Queen Yani. I hope the meal pleases you," he said.
He pulled out Yani's chair for her and she took her seat next to N'Jadaka's. The chef quickly brought them full plates of steamed halibut fillets, grilled asparagus tips with a side of herb stuffing, and small fried fish cakes. N'Jadaka poured them sparkling water and waited for the chef to leave before he spoke to her.
"Yani, that whole thing with the women took me by surprise. I can't say I wasn't expecting it one day, but I thought I would be the one to know first and get ahead of it before you got wind of it."
"We were on our honeymoon and those women were only taking advantage of something that created a splash in the news cycle. You're a famous public figure. I'm surprised nothing has come back to bite me on the butt."
"That's because I took care of all that easily. St. Thomas is a small island and people don't want smoke with me over you."
"So how did Isis slip through on your end?" she said with a smirk.
"Well, Isis wasn't her real name, and she had left the island before we could find her. We scrubbed videos and still monitor social media on your behalf. I didn't think I was much of concern, and that was my fault. You really don't think I should make a statement?"
"It's pointless and makes it seem like you have something to hide. Most people understand what it is. They saw the wedding. Know how good-looking you are. Who wouldn't want a chance to brag?"
"I hope it doesn't embarrass you."
"Not so much as my feeling awkward for you. Although, I would be curious to read that book from the D.C. women. You made quite an impression," she joked. "I thought M'Kathu and Bhira were going to die of shame listening to the interviews!"
"You seemed tense in the beginning, though."
He sliced into his fish and she speared one asparagus tip with her fork.
"I think I was more worried about someone jumping up with a secret child to be honest."
"That won't happen. I can promise you that."
"Can you?"
"Yes. The only children I have are the ones here with Umama. Any woman who jumps up and claims otherwise will play at being sued because blood tests don't lie in Wakanda."
Yani trusted his confidence in the matter. She also had ancestral back up. If there was another child in the world, Califia Stevens would've told her because she had been present at each of his biological children's births with N'Jobu.
Their meal was filling and Yani helped herself to more before they had to head over to the West Palace to oversee a larger meeting with various members of parliament. They strolled over together rather than ride an indoor shuttle to help their lunch digest and keep them from getting sleepy.
Staffers and government workers greeted them with much enthusiasm and Yani wondered how many were gossiping about the women capitalizing off of his celebrated marriage. She didn't detect any sly snickering as they moved through halls and up escalators to the meeting hall. If anything, the atmosphere seemed laced with more excitement at their return. Their Doras who flanked them opened the grand hall doors and over one hundred politicians stood at attention waiting for them to enter and take their place at the head table. People cast admiring glances at her attire, and N'Jadaka escorted her to her seat with a bounce in his step. She remembered to sit down with her husband this time, and he grinned at her. Her eyes fluttered across the expansive gathering and caught sight of Remy seated on the far left next to Elder Efetobo and members of the Merchant Tribe. His eyes lighted upon hers and that dark desire for her was still blatantly there, even with the king seated beside her.
Yani wrenched her gaze away and focused on listening to the agenda the head of parliament presented before the governing body of Wakanda and their king and queen.
She had enough drama for the first half of her day. No old paramour was going to add more.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about the kinda shit the people of Uzushiogakure would eat, though? Their cuisine, their food traditions, etc… Obviously a lot of seafood (likely both raw and cooked alike), and given how connected they are to the sea, and with the idea of them Needing more salt than others, I could see a popular tea for them being konbu-cha (kelp infused in hot water and sometimes salt, a rather savory and apparently salty tea!), but what about specifics?
Obviously they’d probably eat a lot of sushi and sashimi, but what kind? Do you think they’d often eat poisonous and lethal fish and other ocean life, what with the god killing thing? Would it become a common delicacy for them to eat things like fugu (a highly toxic blowfish, if prepared incorrectly) with little prep, even or especially raw? Is that toxicity just like zesty seasoning to them, or a flavor most can’t comprehend?
What’s the more popular cooking method in Uzushio- Steaming, grilled, frying, something else? Why would it be that popular, and what would work best in that environment?
What about alcohol- Do they favor sake? Shōchū? Something else? And other drinks- What kind of teas would they have?
Just! I’m sorry for rambling but I’m a Nerd and Uzushiogakure gets me Every Time.
Don't apologize! Details like this are something I get caught up in too!!
I think I've said it before but when it comes to relating Uzushio to a real place I, personally, tend to very loosely model Uzushio off of Okinawa.
So you have that influence plus the general nature I tend to give the Uzumaki.
There were other Clans too on Uzushio of course, but the Uzumaki ruled from time immemorial so their preferences influenced things a great deal.
For beverages: Konbu-cha served either plain or with Uzushio brown sugar for those who want a hint of sweetness. Water, obviously, though serving it with slices of fresh fruit and/or sprigs of mint mixed in is also common. Various fruit juices from native fruits are also popular, especially with children. The Uzumaki also have been known to drink sea water both casually and medicinally as they require higher alt levels than other Clans do. Flower teas are also popular, specifically fire-lily and hibiscus teas.
Traditional alcohol on Uzushio is awamori, which is distilled (like shochu) instead of brewed. The Uzumaki are known for making and consuming a specific type of awamori called hanazake which tends to be at least 120-proof and flammable.
Like you said seafood is the backbone of the cuisine in Uzushio with Clans like the Uzumaki having the ability to eat even the most poisonous of fair without too much in the way of preparation.
Fugu, stone and lion fish, as well as certain sharks are all common foods for Uzumaki that most other Clans do not consume regularly if ever. Young Uzumaki are often fed higher concentrations of normally poisonous dishes to help them develop a healthy constitution.
Crab is a common meat source as well, since the Uzushio spider crabs are prolific, breed quickly and easily, and grow to unsettling sizes.
Sea turtle used to be a common dish too but Something Happened in the past and Uzushio stopped all consumption of sea turtle meat.
Pig is also a very very common meat in Uzushio as the island is the perfect place for wild boar to flourish. There was an entire Clan, in fact, who was in charge of the cultivation of Uzushio's boar population.
Steaming and hot stone grilling are the most popular cooking styles in Uzushio. There's also an abundance of hot and cold soups. Frying tends to be reserved for desserts and specialty dishes.
Bitter melons, taro, ube, coconuts, papaya, and bamboo shoots are also also common.
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Hi would it be alright if I request yandere Redson x Mei story /one shot please 🙏 💗 I really like their dynamic and I heard that demons back then would kidnap woman to marry them (even by force if necessary)
Would it be possible to request yandere Redson kidnapping Mei to marry her please ; if you wanna go dark you can do! I look forward to seeing what you come up with 💗 ^^
(if romance makes you uncomfortable, then maybe yandere platonic Redson doesn’t wanna share his only friend Mei with others )
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Caleo Courtnapping
(Romance isn’t usually my cup of tea, but it’s nice to try new things! Also, a new Azure Lion bot is in the works!)
“…you’re very pretty,” Red Son finally says. He’s been sitting at the table for nearly an hour, seated opposite his bride-to-be. Each minute not spent staring at her is spent brainstorming and sketching on blank sheets of paper. “You’ve always been pretty. I only wish it hadn’t taken me so long to realize something so obvious.”
In his other hand is a custom cocktail, made by a well-dressed Bull Clone- there’ll be alcohol served at the coming wedding, and he’s been combing through a list of potential options.
“Strawberry daiquiri, sweetened with sugar and served with a splash of lime for freshness. It’ll match our colors, too.”
The fiery prince turn to his ‘darling’, wearing a smug grin that vanishes when he sees the furious expression apparent in her eyes.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, Mei.”
From behind an intricate and gilded muzzle, the swordswoman snarls.
“I tried to take it off, darling. You wanted to breath fire at me. Bad idea, by the way- fire’s my thing. I’m not too sure what you expected, actually- stop thrashing around!”
Red Son rounds the table to his intended bride’s side, groaning at her fury. He hadn’t intended for the wedding planning to be a matter of trying to coax nods or shakes from his beloved dragon-horse girl. No, he would’ve much rather spent a lovely evening together, trying wine and sampling sweet pastries for the inevitable day of union that they would share.
But she had made the decision to get physical, so the prince had made a decision of his own- that restraints were now necessary.
And now Mei sits on a sturdy redwood chair, cushioned by lush velvet and installed with many metal shackles to hold any unwilling spouse defiant individual in place. With her wrists and ankles firmly latched down, she found it hard to do much more than writhe.
But writhe she did, so Red circled the chair and slapped a button on the side with little fanfare. A clanging SHUNK sounds as two crescents of metal meet around her waist, tightening slowly to adhere her more closely to the thick wooden chair. Another button, a loud banging of metal that leaves her forearms bound with steel.
“There. That should keep you from ruining your-“
Pause. What did Mother say? Be honest with her instead of playing coy or being proud?
“…you have lovely skin, my dearest spitfire. It would be a travesty if you broke it by thrashing about. That wasn’t a threat, by the way. Please stop writhing.”
Nailed it. Mother would certainly be pleased by his efforts to open up to his future wife, and his expanding complimentary skills.
Or she would start expecting grandkids.
Maybe it would be better to keep this to himself, actually.
With a sigh, he moves one hand to the woman’s muzzled cheek.
“I’ll let you have a drink, darling. But only if you promise to behave.”
There’s a clear enthusiasm in Mei’s burning green eyes- no doubt that she believes Red Son is about to hand her another chance to try and escape his care.
He dashes those hopes by procuring a blindfold. “Misbehave again and this will be going on next,” is his level-voiced threat. “Do not make me cover up those gorgeous eyes, my sparkling cinder.”
Red Son carefully unhooks the muzzle from around her face, taking the moment to brush one of his thumbs across her bottom lip.
“…you really are very pretty,” he comments, a striking note of simple sincerity in his voice.
If she hadn’t been kidnapped and shackled down, Mei might have been flattered.
But all she can manage is a roll of her eyes and a shrug. “Sure, whatever. Give me a sip.”
Seethed through clenched teeth her words may be, they’re still some level of non-violent. So, as he is drawn to do- Red obliges the the wishes of his darling dragon.
“A toast,” he proposes, taking up the wine glass. “To our enduring union.” The glass is tipped to the lips of the swordswoman, allowing her to imbibe the frosty spirit. Made with frozen strawberries to keep ice from diluting the flavor and a shot of internationally imported and very expensive white wine, bright and refreshing- so very like the woman he vied for.
“It’s fine,” the tempestuous woman scoffs in turn. “The sangria was better.”
Watermelon sangria- served with a handful of frozen blueberries in the glass to keep the drink cool, with orange wedges soaking in the pitcher to add a dash of vibrant citrus.
“We’ll have both, darling,” he reassures. “And I suppose we’ll have to rummage up something spicier, too. It won’t be any good if all the spirits are sweet.”
“Pineapple margaritas,” she excitedly says, forgetting for just a moment her predicament to instead gush about something she enjoys. “With jalapeño slices! Ooh, and mezcal!”
Even just that spark of exuberance reminds Red Son why he’s so intent on marrying this warrior of a woman. The light that sparkles in her eyes, the upwards pitch of her delightful voice- how could he not love her?
“Anything for you, darling,” he says, and certainly not for the first or last time.
“I would do anything for you.”
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