#love ya bab
batssybaby · 4 months
u ever wondered how a sane person would react to seeing batman and the joker doing their odd shit and then fucking nasty?
do i have the fic for u (14.2k)
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ratguy-nico · 3 months
Hi! What’s a song that makes you think of your favorite character or ship from Bob’s Burgers?
Hey Babs 🤗🤗🤗
Uy, I actually don't tend to associate songs with ships, for real.
I think I have... 5 songs(?) that I can see making an animatic for a ship with, but not like from one fandom, like in general. And I ship a lot and from different fandoms so imagine jeje 😅
But for Bob's Burgers I just have one and is not even one that I'm crazy about.
Is the song "We Become We" fron the movie "Journey to Belen" (I'm not gonna put it in english is too complicated) I see Bob and Linda in this song which is funny cause, marriage goals, but I would not say Boblin is my fav ship, not even close but of course I love them.
And is also funny cause I hate the couple of this song, in the movie I mean, I love Maria and Jose's relationship in the Bible, they are so sweet, Jose is a very nice guy. Kinda love that he adopted Jesus and that he taught him the carpenter's trade (dunno the names in english and not gonna serch)
...so yeah thats my answer.
Love you Babs 💙
(I just now notice that the question was not ship exclusive. Sorry I dont know how to read, I'm a man)
So in the character deparment I associate the song "Like a Comet" from Steven Universe to Gene, a lot, I think for obvious reasons
The songs in question:
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oceanera12 · 2 years
I just want you all to know that I am playing Gotham Knights tonight, as soon as that little countdown timer hits zero.
None of you will be safe from whatever will follow.
If you want to avoid spoilers, I will be tagging everything as "#gotham knights spoilers" so feel free to block that tag for a bit.
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shuxiii · 1 year
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gonemechaniic · 1 year
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— Extremely subtle and not at all obvious secret admirer who you would never guess ESPECIALLY not after looking at this multimuse's roster
(who also doesn't think he's smart and wouldn't mark that square IC but should)
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❝ Oh wonders of wonders, now who could this be? ❞ Hands rest upon hips as she shifts her weight to the right side. Though there was a puzzled look upon her face, it soon cracked with a knowing smile
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we-r-robin · 1 month
The Bats’ Group Chat
Bruce: Remember I love you all
Tim: Please not again
Duke: Can I be Batman this time?
Steph: I wanna be Batman this time. I never get to
Duke: We can take shifts.
Cass: Don’t die. Please.
Damian: Father I don’t want to be left under Stephanie’s care.
Damian: Brown is not my Batman.
Damian: Father please.
Babs: You’ll be back, Bruce.
Kate: K, see ya.
Bruce: I’m not dead. I just wanted to show I care.
Duke: There go my batman dreams
Steph: 😔
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wondersinwaynemanor · 6 months
a mission with the Bats which involved their bestfriends.
everyone is in a circle before they can go their separate ways.
Dick, smiles, with a hair seemingly still in style as if the mission was a walk in a park: I would like to thank everyone who participated today. We wouldn't have completed this without each of our efforts.
the batkids rolls their eyes because Dick can be so extra, which just makes him grin.
Dick, spreads his arms: I just love this bonding of brotherhood.
everyone is silent until Steph bursts out laughing.
Cass brows furrow in confusion before she leans on Steph to join in laughing.
Duke, snickers: Sure.... Brotherhood.
Tim, shrieks: Brotherhood????
Kon's face turns crimson, standing close to Tim.
Tim and Kon, who just celebrated their anniversary last night somewhere in Greece.
Damian, scowls: What did you just say, Richard?
Jon, who was drinking water, nearly chokes.
Damian and Jon, who just started their relationship in the beginning of the month because finally Damian gave in to his feelings.
Jason, rolls his eyes some more: You are just embarrassing yourself, Dickface.
Roy, chuckles: Wow. Brotherhood at its finest.
Jason and Roy, who just moved in together last week.
Wally, face so red: Really, Dick?? Brothers??? Us??
Dick and Wally, who have been together before they even know it.
Dick, groans: I know, okay??? I just don't want to admit that my brothers are growing up!!
Jason: You are such a drama queen.
Duke: Maybe use another term next time, Dick?
Damian: Tt. I second that motion.
Jon, nods enthusiastically: Whatever Dami says!
Tim, yawns, leaning on Kon: How about we all go home and rest?
Kon, wraps his arm around Tim's waist: I better take Rob home.
Cass, nods: Indeed! Me and Steph. Go now.
Steph, holds her hand: We got a date planned. See ya!
the rest of the boys: WHAT????
Babs, through comms: Can we wrap this up, gentlemen? So I can sleep and you can sort out your feelings for each other.
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margaetyrell · 2 years
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs ☆ I LOVE UU AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! - babs <3
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cosmicpearlz · 4 months
my love is mine, all mine (pt 2)
summary: more glimpses of your relationship with jude!
pairing: jude bellingham x reader
a/n: i’m having too much fun writing these scenarios lol
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you rarely ever get into arguments with jude but when it does happen, it’s terrible on everyone’s part. this particular moment was about him not spending enough time with you.
“so you’re saying i can’t hangout with my friends? because that’s what it’s sounding like.”
“jude, that’s not what i’m saying! i’m just saying that it would be nice to have a day with just us. i feel like i’m left on a back burner right now.”
“we do hangout. i mean, i’m here right now but you wanna spend the time arguing!”
“tell me the last time we had a day to ourselves! please enlighten me,” you were beyond frustrated and your head was hurting from all the yelling.
“stop being so fucking clingy. i see you at home every night! we don’t need to be together 24/7.”
you felt your heart throbbing from the pain of hearing those words. is it really such a crime to want quality time with someone you love? between his training sessions and your job, there hasn’t been much alone time.
“okay. my apologies for wanting my boyfriend here with me. i won’t ask again,” you took a step back, looking down to possibly stop the tears. it didn’t work. the more you thought about it, the more it hurt.
jude instantly regretted saying that. he understood completely where you were coming from but the stubbornness in him clouded his judgement.
“baby, i’m-“
“i don’t wanna talk to you jude.”
it’s been hours since he last saw you. jude already made the guest room into his bed for the night and found himself restless. he wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but he couldn’t sleep without you near. even if you guys weren’t cuddling, at least his hand could be on you in some way. so he tossed and turned until he had enough.
jude makes his way to the room door, raising his hand to knock when the door swings open. it startles the both of you. leaving you to stare at each other in silence. jude noticed the dry tear streaks that laid on the apple of your cheeks. it made him feel worse.
“you really hurt-“
“i’m sorry bab-“
speaking at the same time wasn’t uncommon for you two, causing the both of you to let out a breathy laugh.
“you can go first honey,” his light whisper fell into the air as if he were too scared to talk any louder.
“jude, you really hurt my feelings earlier. i just wanted to spend time with you and you made it seem like i was asking for a million dollars or something bigger. i didn’t feel heard during our conversation but unfortunately i can’t sleep without you. so i was coming to drag you to bed even though i’m still very mad at you.”
“baby i’m sorry. i’m so sorry for hurting your feelings. i want you to know that i don’t mean it. hell, everyone knows i’m the clingy one! you’re the love of my life and i would spend days mending whatever hurt i caused,” his hands came to rest on your cheeks, fingers softly swiping at the dry tear stains.
“can we go to bed now? i’m exhausted and we can finish talking in the morning,” jude nods in response to you and kisses your nose.
“yeah, let’s go to bed m’love.”
“hey babe!”
jude looks up from his ipad upon hearing your voice through the phone. he was in germany for match and of course, he asked you to go with him. saying something along the lines of being his good luck charm. you couldn’t originally get the off time from your job.
“i miss you so much.”
“jude, baby you’ve been gone for like two days.”
“and your point is?”
“okay, whatever you say. anyways, i got a package for ya! just open the door.”
the boy failed to realize how close your face was in the camera and how you whispered. you had surprised him by coming to germany, being that your boss changed her mind and let you go. it wasn’t like you asked for off time a lot anyways.
“can you open the door baby?”
jude jumps off the bed and practically leaps to the door. swinging it open to find you with a toothy smile. he rushes to hug you, bending down to your hight and pulling you into his arms.
“you said you couldn’t come!”
“surprise! my boss decided to let me take the time off last minute. i found the first flight here.”
“how’d you get to the hotel? i would’ve picked you up.”
“it wouldn’t have been a surprise then.”
he detaches himself from you to grab your bag, then grabbing your hand, walking you inside. you take a seat on the couch that was sitting in the room and smiled as your boyfriend put your bag next to his.
“i can’t believe you’re here.”
“well believe it,” jude sat next to you and began pressing kisses into whatever inch of skin he could get to.
“babe relax,” you say, in between giggles as he continued his work down to your neck. only getting off you when you pushed his shoulder back.
“i just missed you.”
“it’s been two days!”
“so what.”
you’ve become familiar with jude being your passenger princess. you never minded, it was just nice having someone to drive with. so, you took him on another one of your side quests. thrifting.
“i hope i find something good this time. last time we went, it was a bunch of bullshit.”
“i’m kinda hoping i see something i like,” you gasp into response to him, quickly looking at him and then looking back at the road.
“woah, thee jude bellingham is interested in thrifting?”
“oh come off it.”
“i’m just saying! i literally never heard you say anything like that. just making sure my ears heard correctly,” you give him a teasing smile.
“i will jump into oncoming traffic.”
“no you won’t.”
“i swear i will.”
“i’m calling your bluff.”
the silence in the car became loud as you both tested one another.
“no i won’t.”
“ha! i knew it.”
“whatever, drive faster loser. all the good stuff are gonna be gone.”
you wake up finding the bed empty. jude’s side is made up, totally not uncommon. you figured he was at training and got out of bed to get something to eat. as you walked to the kitchen, you find your boyfriend with his bare back towards you.
“good morning darling,” he turns his head to face you with a small smile.
“good morning. what’s all this?”
“i wanted to cook for you! training was canceled today because of a family emergency. i was gonna surprise you in bed but of course you had to wake up early.”
“that’s very sweet of you,” you make your way towards him and wrap your arms around his waist. pressing your front into his back, hugging him as tight as you could. you leaned up to kiss the back of his shoulder blade before stepping away.
“let’s spend the day inside.”
“are you sure jude? i know today is my off day but you don’t have to stay in with me.”
“i want to.”
jude plates the food and sits it on the dining room table. you follow close behind and go to grab your chair. instead, jude pulls out your chair for you. pushing you in before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. sitting down next to you, you both began to eat. a comfortable silence fills the room as you both ate. his free hand resting on your thigh, caressing the skin beneath his fingers.
“i love you so much. thank you for this.”
“you shouldn’t have to thank me. i’m your boyfriend, it’s a job of mine to make sure you’re feeling loved at all times.”
“trust me, i feel all the love right now.”
“it still wouldn’t be enough to express how much i truly am in love with you darling.”
“don’t get sappy on me bellingham,” you teased, watching his face attempt to hide a smile.
“oh we wouldn’t want that,” he plays along and kisses your cheek, making you both laugh in the process.
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Tiny Shelby Feet - A John Shelby/Reader Short Story.
Just a fluffy lil' short that came to me this morning, besties. Hope you love it :)
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Words - 700
Warnings - None. Fluff a' plenty!
“You alright, sweetheart?” 
No, you absolutely are not alright. And it’s all his fault.  
Being angry at him isn’t an option, though, because he’s always so good to you. Hell, it was him being very good to you that got you into this in the first place, your stomach swollen and rounded with the next Shelby offspring due to arrive into the family in the next couple of days.  
You toss and turn a little more, albeit slowly, heaving your bulk to lie on your back. “I can’t get comfortable.”  
“Bet ya can’t, bab. Can’t even imagine what it’s like,” he speaks softly, removing one of the pillows from beneath his head. “Lift up.” Pushing yourself up, he slides it beneath your lower back, the downy plumpness soothing against your aching back. “What is it like, though? Is there anything it’s similar to that I’d understand?” 
It’s sweet of him to even want to try and comprehend the feeling of being pregnant, at least. “Imagine if somebody gave you a gallon of Epsom salts and sewed your arsehole up.”  
His eyes bulge. “Jesus fuckin’ wept. That don’t sound like fun.” Those eyes continue to widen when he sees you beginning to wince through gritted teeth. “Ain’t coming, is he?”  
“No, no it’s a cramp in my thigh.” 
“Left or right?” 
“Left.” Your instruction has him reaching beneath the bedcovers, beginning to massage said thigh, the tightened muscles finally relenting within the grasp of his warm, skillful hands. Bloody John Shelby and his skillful hands. Again, it’s how you ended up like this in the first place. “Okay, that’s better now. Thanks, love.” 
He props himself up on an elbow, hand lovingly stroking your bump, smiling as he feels his unborn child wriggling beneath his palm. You still remember the day you felt those first kicks, running down to the betting shop and grabbing his hand so he could feel them, too. You’ll never forget how lit up he looked at the sensation of tiny feet nudging against his big hand. “Who do you think he’ll look like most, you or me?” 
You can’t help yourself. “Me, hopefully.” 
“Oi, you cheeky mare!” Desired effect achieved. “I suppose it’d be better. I know I’m handsome, but we don’t want two freckled ginger nuts in the house.” 
“I really hope she has your hair, and your freckles,” you speak, putting extra emphasis on the word she. ”You know I love your freckles." 
“Fuck off,” he mutters, batting your hand away from where your finger trails over his shoulder. 
“Oi, no violence! I’m carrying your daughter!” 
“Son!” he corrects with a pointed finger. “You’re carrying me son. No girls, they’re too much headache for my liking.”  
“Poor thing’ll likely never see the outside of the house until she’s eighteen,” you chuckle, stroking your bump lovingly. 
He snorts, curling his lip slightly. “And the fucking rest! Ain’t having no boys round her, oh no, none of that malarkey.” He then lifts his chin a little, nodding to your rounded belly. “That is if it’s even a girl in the first place, and I’m still saying it’s a boy.”  
You smile, your eyes growing tired, yawning right on cue. Finally comfortable, you’re able to settle, drifting off to the rhythmic stroke of John’s hand over your belly. He thinks you’ve nodded off, unaware that you can hear every word he whispers to your unborn child.  
“Don’t even matter to me, you know, what you are,” he speaks softly, leaning to lay a kiss just above your protruded belly button. “I’ll love you until the last beat of my heart. I will. Anything you want, it’s yours. You ain’t gonna grow up poor and scratching around to make ends meet like we all had to. I’m gonna be a proper dad to you, little’un.” 
You can feel a lump in your throat form thickly, smiling on the inside as you drift into slumber. It’s nothing compared to two days later, though, when you see John holding your newborn son in his arms for the first time, his eyes filled with happy tears. Or, when five minutes later, you birth the twin sister nobody knew you carried, too.  
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snowberrycherry · 1 year
PLEASE GIRL, I NEED, LIKE I NEED SO MUCH: innocent Reader Fem! X Ghost! smut+ breeding kink 😭🫶🏻❤️
ghost x innocent fem! reader
warnings: loss of virginity, smut so mdni
a/n yas SRY THIS TOOK FOREVER BABS i hope u like it🐵💋
༯ when you first met he had an internal thought that you were inexperienced. When you became closer you eventually opened told him about the pointless dates and the men who left no impact on you whatsoever his curiosity started. but o when you told him you were a virgin and had little to no experience with any sexual things his interest peaked.
༯ he definitely would talk you through it, saying exactly what he wants to do to your body. he especially likes it when you have to look away from his eye contact from embarrassment and it gets him off so much he’s already lightheaded
༯ he would tell you to open up your mouth and to do your best. as your warm lips wrap around his cock he buries his fingers into your hair and guides your mouth just the way he likes it. ghost loves watching you slowly get the hang of things as your mouth becomes more and more greedy for his dick.
༯ he watches you go from unsure to absolutely cock drunk as you take more and more of him down your throat. the slick sounds echoing throughout the empty barracks. He can sense of just how desperate you are for him to finish in your mouth as he grunts become louder and you bob up and down determined to taste his hot cum .
༯ Ghost would definitely make you ride him especially if it’s your first time knowing you would have the most control over his cock. he bites his lips hard as he watches you sink down on his cock feeling your tight cunt all around him. he waits grabbing onto your hips as you adjust yourself to the new feeling of having him inside of you but he can feel his patience thinning just a bit.
༯ so when you finally start to rock your hips against his, ghosts mind is clouded with nothing but intense pleasure. his gaze his locked where his cock is buried deep in your pussy as he reassures you that you’re making him feel so good as your pace increasingly grows.
༯ as his fucking into you it’s such a spur of the moment when ghost groans out if he could cum inside of you. his proposal was unexpected but the thrill of it made it seem so good which caused him to grip your waist harder and pound into you as hard as he could.
༯ when he can feel the heat blooming in his stomach as he comes nearer to his climax pushing as deep as he can go inside of you. his right hand moves to your tits squeezing and tugging on your nipples as his other hand rubs swiftly at your clit, urging you to cum all over him. right when when he feels you tighten around his cock and let out a small scream that was his breaking point as the knot in his stomach finally let go and he filled your cunt up making a mess of you.
༯ while your both coming down from your high, ghost would pull you against his chest as he caresses your hips, his deep voice reassuring you that you did so good just for him.
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oozedninjas · 10 months
Would they love you if you were a worm?
2012 verse
He blinks at the question.
"What do you mean by a worm? Like a worm worm, or like a mutant worm?"
"Just a worm, babe. Would you, or would you not love me if I was a worm."
He would, and he's quick to say so. Yes, you're his soulmate! haha, it's definitely not that he wants to escape that killing look that you just gave him!
No, but really, he would.
"I can't believe you say that!"
You stormed out of the room, and Raph trailed behind you desperately.
"Babe, I like talking to you! A worm can't talk!" he retorted, "I didn't even answer da question yet!"
You stopped, fighting to repress the cackle threatening to blurt out of your mouth. "So, would you love me if I was a worm?"
"I would. Ya gotta live up my shoulder all the freakin' time, though."
He said it so worriedly like you were actively thinking about mutating yourself into a tiny specimen, that you just couldn't hold back your laugh any longer.
"Hey Don, I was wondering. If I, I don't know, for whatever reason, biologically turned into a worm, would you still be into me?"
Donnie looks blankly at you for what feels like a solid minute. "Just like that? A worm?" he said, "a normal worm?"
"Yeah. Would you still love me if I was one?"
Donnie smiles. "Of course!"
"Aww bab-"
"And that's why I'd try everything in my power to nurse you back into your human form. Accidents can happen! I have a lot of new devices that could potentially be useful to—"
And he's talking about experimenting with your wormy form. As if it could actually happen. Shivers.
Yeah, no thanks. You slowly start walking backward out of the lab.
"Hey baby, would you love me if I was a-"
"I would," he declares with a deadpan stare, slappin' a hand on your shoulder. His gaze gets all serious, and he repeats with a profuse nod, "I would."
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zazatur · 4 months
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Boblin Week day 4: Admire / Favorite @boblinweek I love them so much it's a little embarassing but im genuinely obssesed with their dynamic. to quote bab's in the tags of my last reblog ''They make love but also they fuck''. This is Also! a commission from @babsvibes but i would've done it for pennies anyways. i swear man you'll start watching Bob's Burgers for the funny one liners and then you'll be making fanart and watching clips for hours on end. that's how they get ya.
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psyche-reads · 2 years
Naberius’s treatment in Gideon the Ninth is so cathartic, actually. He truly represents that universal lesbian experience of seeing a man that you know must technically be attractive because the girlies keep obsessing over him, but when you look at him you just think “ew yuck die” and form an intense, burning, instinctual hatred for him. Like, every time Gideon sees him she’s all “barf he smells like hair gel” or “ew he smirked like a douchebag.” Every time he’s in the room, he does this stupid routine that you’d expect of the Draco-in-leather-pants love interest in a shitty YA fantasy, except instead of fawning over it all the lesbians in the room just immediately go “shut tf up, Babs, I hope you die.” Truly the man-hating lesbian representation we need in the world
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ifyoucandaniel · 8 months
i know we all love our jason “reads classical literature and makes obscure literature references” todd, and usually damian is the other reader in the family and they either bond over their love for classical literature or try to kill each other. however i would like to take this a step further and say that EVERYone in the batfam are big readers. i come from a big family and all of us read in some way or another so here are my headcanons for the bats:
jason, as we know and love, is a massive classic literature buff. pride and prejudice, the brontë sisters, the iliad (he swears achilles and Patroclus are the greatest love story of all time), etc. he IS pretentious and everyone groans when classic literature is brought up in any debatable capacity. however his all time favorite book is the princess bride and he would die for buttercup. when the whole family starts watching jujutsu kaisen, jason reads the manga just so he can spoil things for damian that never actually happen. the day a new episode comes out jason tells damian panda was actually a spy and kills megumi. damian tries to kill him with his cereal spoon
while damian was with the league talia made sure he was sufficiently educated in classic literature in all their original languages, and he doesn’t mind a good classic. however i think he actually reads a lot of manga and children's classics. he read where the red fern grows and old yeller and cried, but he won’t ever admit it. he loves shonen and shojo manga, he really likes naruto and attack on titan (i can’t really decide what i think he’d like actually)
Dick is a smut slut girly!! he is in a bookclub with babs and steph where they read the sluttiest books to ever make it through publishing. He read ACOTAR and was constantly facetiming babs to rant. they're currently reading haunting adaline. Bruce once asked what the big deal was when the girls were talking to dick about fouth wing in the kitchen and they all looked at him with such offended expressions he never asked again
tim is also a pretentious fucker, but he reads dark academia. he will ride or die for Donna Tarte, his copy of the secret history is always on the desk by the batcomputer and he takes if we were villians on patrol with him. jason fucking hates his books and they're always fighting on who's taste in books is better. jason actually really loved a little life a cried seven times while reading it, but he would rather die than concede
steph is an AO3 girly!! she's part of the slut bookclub with dick and babs, but at heart she's an ao3 girly. she's also written her fair share of bruce wayne x batman fanfics. she once read a superbat fanfiction out loud to the boys and dick was absolutely enthralled, duke was morbidly facinated, damian had never been more disgusted in his life, and jason laughed so hard he almost threw up
duke reads a lot of comics (spiderman is his favorite because i say so and the MCU is their comic world), and he likes X-men and wolverine. he also really likes high fantasy and has read every book brandon sanderson has ever written
Cass like romance novels and ya books. damian acknowledges her taste in books after she defends his stance on harry potter and percy jackson being classics when jason tries to argue that they don't belong in the same category as his books. she read the cruel prince and convinced bruce to get her a snake she named percy. she reads books damian recommends and he would never actually say it out loud, but he secretly loves sharing his books with her and feels a lot closer to her because of her willingness to read what he recommends
bruce isn't typically a reader (he's too busy serving justice and kicking ass) but he will read books that his kids ask him to. he read the entire wheel of time series with duke and would go on patrols with him after just to talk about it. he read the golden compass to dick when he first took him in, and he read all of jane austen's books after jason told him he must be illiterate if he'd never picked up a classic
now what about alfred...
i dont have time to do everyone else and this is super rushed, but I just couldn't stop thinking about dick and babs having a little book club and reading the sluttiest books ever
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jhoneybees · 17 days
hey! I love ur writing and was wondering if you could do a little one shot with BDE and a reader who’s kind of scared of motorcycles (maybe a family member got into an accident on one or something) and she’s always refused to ride one but Elvis ends up convincing her and she has the time of her life? I think it’d be super cute and funny haha
This idea is so cute! I enjoyed writing this one. Definitely, I can do a little oneshot for you🤭🩷
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Characters: Mid 70s!Elvis X reader
Warnings/triggers: Mentions of a family member dying, reader calling E daddy, use of Y/n, fear of motorbikes, anxiety, facing a fear
Tags: @atleastpleasetelephone @elvisalltheway101 @i-r-i-n-a-a
Ever since your uncle that you loved so much died from that motorbike accident when you were little, you’ve been terrified of motorcycles. The fact that a machine like that can kill such innocent people makes your stomach turn.
And it sure brings you anxiety when Elvis would ride around on his motor toys. He tried many times to get you to come and look at the new motorbikes he would buy every now and then but you wouldn’t budge.
You just can’t bear the memories that might flood back into your mind if you even looked at a motorbike…but knowing you, you absolutely adore Elvis and his excitement when it comes to his new possessions so today you would face the fear.
“You’ll love it, baby, c’mere.” Elvis beams happily, gently pushing on the small of your back as you stand in the front door.
Guiding you onto the concrete driveway with his hand moving to hold yours, squeezing gently.
“I-It’s not too big, right?” You stammer, nervously. Swallowing as he holds both of your shoulders.
“No, it ain’t too big, honey, it’s real pretty.” He smiles.
You nod and just when you turn around to face the thing you’ve been scared of for years, Elvis gives you a peck on the temple. “Promise.”
Your heart skips a beat, the thing is pretty.
Black leather seat and shiny steel everywhere creating something that’s…quite an interesting piece of art.
“What d’ya think?” Elvis asks with a wide smile, walking over to wheel the vehicle more out of the garage.
You step back feeling a bit frightened as he kicks the footstand down.
“It’s…interesting.” You reply, almost in a whisper. Curiously observing the motorbike in front of you.
Elvis chuckles, he sits down on the seat never taking his eyes off of you.
“Would ya want to go for a ride?”
Snapping your wide eyes up to his face, you shake your head immediately. Taking a few more steps back. “No.”
“Oh honey, It’ll be fu-”
“No, I’m not going on that thing.”
He breathes out a laugh, moving to grab your hand but you snatch it away. “C’mon, darling. You know I wouldn’t let anythin’ happen to ya.”
You frown and shake your head again, glaring down at the machine under him. “No, Elvis, I’m not going for a ride.”
“Y/n, listen!”
You cross your arms. Drifting your gaze back up to Elvis’ comforting eyes, seeing him grinning. You sigh through your nose. “I know yer scared of motorcycles…but I promise you’d have a good time if we went fer a ride, baby”
You’re not so sure about that. “I don’t want ta end up like uncle tim-”
“Uncle Timmy, I know sweetheart, I know…you know I always take care of my flower, right?”
“...Yes” You mumble, shyly, as Elvis’ hand goes to pull you closer by the elbow. Leaning in to kiss your arm. “And today wouldn’t be an exception, hm?...What do ya say? Go fer a fun ride with me?” He asks with a sparkle in his eye.
Oh, you’re really not sure about this… a motorbike killed your beloved family member, it went out of control and what if that happens to you!
“Think about it, darling…” Elvis tells you, caressing the side of your thigh with his thumb and watching your face.
…But Elvis promises nothing bad’s gonna happen to you.
And you know he means it.
Elvis smirks. “Gonna come with me?”
“Oh, brave girl.” He coos, ushering you over to give him a kiss and his arms go around your waist. Peering up at you with a proud smile. “Daddy will go slow, m’kay? We won’t go fast.” He reassures.
You nod hesitantly, closing your eyes briefly as he stands up and pecks your forehead. “Okay.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He chuckles. “Good girl, c’mon, I’ll show you how to get on.”
Elvis waited, helped and comforted you as he lifted you onto the motorbike and told you to hold his waist tightly as you both rode out the gates of your Beverly hills home. Steadily going up and down the hill heading towards the main intersection, stopping at a red light. “All good, baby?” He asks, rubbing your hand that’s rested on his stomach.
You hum quietly, shuffling your body to press against his back more. “All good.”
Elvis grins and when the traffic lights turn green, the powerful motorbike roars. Zooming straight onto the other side and squeaking into his shoulder, Elvis starts to laugh as the both of you speed down the road. Cars drive past, honking their horns in delight recognizing who you are riding on the big Harley Davidson.
Your heart beats rapidly in slight fear but as Elvis turns down through another intersection, your eyes light up at the beautiful view of the beach. Seeing little kids and parents play in the distance and couples kissing and cuddling, that uncomfortable feeling soon fades.
You start to smile, growing bigger and bigger as every second goes by.
You’ve always been confused why your uncle Timmy liked to ride his motorbike so much, everytime he would come over to your parents’ house he’d be on his Harley, whenever he would pick you up from school because your parents were out of town he’s harley would be there, taking you out on a little adventure, he’d say “Let’s take the Harley”. You didn’t understand it.
Now…Now you do.
“Go faster!” You yell, gripping Elvis’ leather jacket tighter.
“Faster, faster!”
He chuckles. “Alright!”
You look over his shoulder, watching as the speedometer goes higher and higher up in numbers.
Rumbling up and down hills, buzzing through streets and whizzing past oncoming traffic, you’re having the time of your life!
Laughing and screaming and cheering together as you two move onto the motorway, you raise your arms in the air feeling wind blowing through your hair and the orange sunset kissing your face. You feel like you’re running away from your responsibilities and that is the best but what is really the best is that you feel free, free with the love of your life.
“Hold on tight!”
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