#me and bruce and clark
celystialskyes · 2 years
Thinking about falling asleep between Bruce and Clark so I’d always have somebody to snuggle with and be spooned by.
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fanaticalthings · 2 months
Bruce Wayne except he texts like an ominous boomer
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wdym you can't tell if he's threatening them?
Based on this post by @mysterycitrus :)
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Happy birthday, Tim 🥰
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bbbbbbbbatman · 3 months
Bruce keeping a tighter and tighter lid on his identity around the Justice League because with each new person to reveal their identity he realizes that he has fucked far too high a percentage of his co workers as Bruce Wayne and he has to take this secret to his grave
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
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RIP to Bruce. Can't get a single night to himself smh
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t00thpasteface · 9 months
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i am unironically obsessed with adam west batman not only trying to be a good dad to robin, but actually succeeding. also love robin's insane energy levels and his ability to go from seething bloodlust to manic glee in record time. i think any superman worth his S would fit right into the family ^_^
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jesncin · 1 year
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Morning run with your alien jog partner
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costracan · 2 months
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original by sweepswoop_ on twitter! redraw is by me :-)
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frownyalfred · 11 months
It must be an insane mindfuck to know that Batman and Superman, the couple everyone in the JL thought consisted of “intelligent scary guy” and “rainbows and puppies guy” actually moonlight as “bimbo billionaire with no brain cells” and “highly competent but socially awkward investigative reporter” and all of those masks are true enough, but they don’t even come close to scratching the surface of who they are. One layer down from that gets you “Bruce Wayne, Father” and “Kal-El, last son of Krypton” but again, not quite close enough.
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theerurishipper · 4 months
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I tried something new
Part 1 -> Part 2
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waveoftheocean · 4 months
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something something superbat sneaking off at a gala 🫣
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celystialskyes · 2 years
I love Clark and Bruce so much it’s not even funny.
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jonjaydami · 3 months
How hilarious would it be if there was a superbat timeline or fic that was just all the kids thinking that Bruce and Clark were dating for years but just lived separately due to work and how stubborn they both were. Cause it's not like Bruce could move in with Clark in his tiny apartment.
But they also know Clark is a man with values and knows he wouldnt just want to be a "trophy" husband so they full on believe for the sake of everything they were already married in private and full on treat them like a couple and the beautiful idiots they are just play along cause they think the kids are joking. They are not.
"B-but Bruce! I already told Steph I was going to go on patrol tonight"
Bruce sighs. Pinching his brows together.
"Tim you broke your wrist I can't let you go out"
"Well...I'll just ask clark!"
"No you can't"
Tim already calling him.
Clark: hello?
Tim: I want to go out on patrol. Can I?
Clark: what did Bruce say?
Tim: *pouting cause he knows he won't get away with it* he said no
Clark: hand Bruce the phone
I think the opportunities here are limitless. The shenanigans the bat family would commit and not to mention the artificial cherry on top is superbat. Someone can use this as inspiration to write it out or maybe I will write a one shot about it later. But if someone would be open to debating this idea or even dropping more onto dm me!!
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abisalli · 2 years
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bring your kid to work day 
★bonus:  he’s impressed 
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neuro-psyche · 5 months
I think there would be a major disconnect between the bats and the rest of the JL/super powered folk due to injuries and pain.
Let me explain.
I saw this post and it made me think of the healing factor/invulnerability of most of the JL. Clark is practically impervious, Diana’s worst injury is a paper cut at her day job, and the Green Lanterns have a passive force field, so on and so forth. But Batman bleeds. The only one who’s got any sort of healing factor is Jason, but it’s nothing compared to the flashes.
I can imagine Batman nursing some sort of injury like a broken rib from a punch he took from some super villain of the week, whereas Diana, who took the same punch, just shook it off. Batman isn’t jealous. He’s not bitter or angry. He just notices it. He knows he’s not as unmovable as them. But no one else sees that.
But I think it would really become an issue with his kids. Seeing all of his kids participate in a superhero team at some point, most of which start those teams or lead them at some point, because he trained them harder than anyone else. Because they’re not invulnerable.
And the turning point would be if one of those kids gets hurt. Like if Dick broke a bone or something and needed to have it reset in the field, Batman telling him “Scream if you need to” and it actually happening would really make the supers around them take notice. The bats aren’t invulnerable. But they’re the most dangerous of the JL.
Idk I just thought it would be interesting. I might write something with the concept because I could go on about it.
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jesncin · 1 year
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I heard it's Superman's (and Lois'!) anniversary! Here's all my Superman goofs to celebrate~
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violent138 · 5 months
Bruce: "One second I'm going to open up the files and show you."
Clark, wincing at the bright lights: "You okay if I turn some of this off?"
Bruce: "Go for it. Okay so here-- *bats rustle above and Bruce freezes, slowly glancing up* --uh, here you can see the evidence from the blast."
Clark, touching the screen: "There, that's what I saw at the crime scene. Is that from the shrapnel or something else? Bruce?"
Bat flaps overhead and Bruce flinched a little, distracted: "Huh?"
Clark: "Are you-- how can you still be afraid of bats?"
Bruce: "I'm not afraid of bats." *more chattering and flapping and Bruce nearly ducks* "For fuck's-- Clark, does it sound like they're closer to us now? Stop laughing."
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