#mistaken Identity.
jonesatheart · 8 months
Mistaken Identity
It had been something of a routine exercise for the boys. Every few months Master Splinter would have them draw one of their brothers names from a bowl and they would trade masks and weapons for the day or longer depending on how badly they'd been fighting with one another. Of course, it was occasionally rigged, but it always had been for the benefit of his sons, his beloved boys.
Such had not been the case of late. In fact the boys had been getting on remarkably well considering it had been the middle of winter and usually at this time of year they were beginning to get a little stir crazy as it was harder to go to the surface level with the snow. Being underground was also cold of course, but his brilliant Donatello had long been able to make each of them their own heat lamps and Ms. O'Neal in her kindness had gifted them each a heated blanket. She had even given one to Master Splinter. If she had noticed how it helped with his arthritis she was also kind enough not to mention it.
All in all, the boys had been doing well in their training and with one another, which was why Master Splinter had decided now was a good time to try the exercise again.
So that the boys could learn to see from their brothers' perspective not just in times of adversity, but also in times of peace and joy.
And so, rather than just engaging in sparing with each other's weapons Master Splinter had also encouraged them to try out each other's hobbies, music, and other recreational activities.
This had led Michaelangelo to the junk yard to scavenge for metal wiring and such to try out some of Raph's wire wrapping and other metal working skills. Which ultimately led this moment Master Splinter now found himself in. Knelt by his youngest child's bedside in the medbay.
It was more the cold than the concussion, Donatello assured him, that was the cause of Michaelangelo's persisting state of unconsciousness. That did not make the guilt easier to bear.
Master Splinted sighed softly and gently stroked one of the brown, splotchy bruises on Michaelangelo's head.
"Hey, Sensei," Michaelangelo murmured and nuzzled deeper into his pillow. "'S kinda cold. Raphy break the heater 'r somethin'?"
"No, my son," Master Splinter smiled to finally hear his son's voice.
"Sensei!" Michaelangelo shot up suddenly. He groaned at the wave of dizziness and nearly fell over, but Master Splinter was faster. He jumped forward and gently guided Michaelangelo back to his pillow.
"Easy, my son. You have a mild concussion."
"Sure I'm not dying? You're not usually the one babysitting."
Master Splinter smiled and rubbed Michaelangelo's shell. "No, little one, you are not dying, though you did give it a shot. I sent your brothers to rest and warm up."
"Oh. How'd I get a concussion?"
"You were ambushed by members of the Purple Dragon gang at the junk yard. They mistook you for your brother because you wore his mask and carried his sai."
"Ohh. Yup. That'd do it," Michaelangelo said, almost sagely. Master Splinter had to hold back a snicker.
"I am sorry, Michaelangelo-"
"What for?" He yawned. "You're not the one who jumped me."
"Had I not sent you to the junk yard dressed as your brother, perhaps this would not have happened."
"I dunno, Sensei, the Purple Dragon are kinda dumb. And mean. They'd probably mug a kindergartener for their lunch money. It's not your fault. I know how you and Leo can be though, so I forgive you."
Master Splinter smiled and kissed Michaelangelo on the temple. "Thank you, little one. Try to rest now. I will fetch one of the space heaters so you will be more comfortable."
"You're the best," Michaelangelo mumbled as he drifted off again.
"How ya feelin' twerp?" Raphael asked and rubbed Mikey's head as crouched next to his bed.
"That depends entirely on why you're here," Mikey teased back. "Master Splinter already apologized. It's not your fault either."
"Yeah, I know. They'd'a been happy to jump any of us. No matter what color we was wearin'. Case isn't so convinced though."
"Hey, Mikey," Casey greeted.
"Hm-mm. Nope, shut up," Mikey cut it.
Raph snickered. "Told ya so."
"I don't wanna hear it. I'm too zonked out for the emotional-guilt-trippy stuff when it's literally not actually anyone's fault."
"You guys wouldn't be a target for the Dragons if it weren't for me!" Casey objected.
"Bruh. Have you not noticed that Hun has a massive Foot tattoo? Don't think you're so special, hermano, he definitely would'a been on our tails for that anyway. Not to mention it was the armored car that they stole that we stole back and made into the Battleshell. It's not your fault. That said, if you reeeaallly feel that bad about it, you can definitely bring me a snickers about it!"
Casey chuckled. "Maybe I ain't that special, but I actually can be smart sometimes." He held up a candy bar, drawing an excited gasp from Mikey.
"No way! Don't tell the others, but you are definitely my favorite brother right now."
"Hey, I'm still here, remember?" Raph teased and lightly kicked the cot Mikey was lying on.
"Oh, hey, Raph, when'd you get here?" Mikey answered cheerily.
Mikey giggled. "For real though, you guys gotta lighten up."
"We'll lighten up when you stop gettin' into trouble," Raph replied and rubbed Mikey's head.
"Get some rest, bud."
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Danny is a Justice League member as Phantom. They know about ghosts and stuff, as Danny has taught them things.
Danny, Dani, and Dan are all relatively grown. In their human forms (Dan inhabits a clone body) they all look VERY similar. The Ghost forms of the D's don't exactly look the same, per se, but they do look very similar and it's not because they are all technically clones (though that helps)
There are more than a few days where Danny doesn't want to do JL stuff, and he figures, the JL know about his operations outside the JL, they should know about his siblings, right? Right? Wrong.
Dan, Danny, and Dani constantly swap out for JL activities and no one has noticed. They all think either A. Danny is gender fluid, B. Danny has mood swing and or multiple personalities, or C. Nothing is wrong, what are you guys talking about everyone has their off days!
The Dannies find out and OBVIOUSLY have to make a game out of it because I mean - how does the JUSTICE LEAGUE of all people not notice the difference between THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE
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flamingpudding · 6 months
Bruce stared. He had just been lecturing one of his son on his gala manners. Dick or Jason were usually the ones misbehaving like that, not Tim! What had gotten into his son to behave like that in public when he wasn't even in a sleep deprived state. Of course, Bruce had to lecture his kid and benched him for the night to get some sleep because Tim had to be sleep deprived to act like that. That was untill said son, he was lecturing, came through the front door shouting at him for leaving him behind at the gala.
His head swayed between Tim and the teen he had apparently just abducted and possibly has now knowledge of their secret identities.
Okay, maybe Alfred was right about his amount of sleep. Bruce brain went to overdrive, he could play it all of with an extended Brucie act.
That was before the teen lifted on hand in a calming manner and sheepishly smiled at him.
Danny: I get the whole secret identity thing, but i dont think it's a good idea to bench me, when ghost might come attacking. I won't tell a soul about yours if you keep mine! I can make a death vow if that helps. So can I call vlad now? As much as I like getting on his nerves and away from him. HE is my original ride home.
Tim: Wait, Vlad Masters who pestered ME all night is your guardian?
Bruce continued staring at the teen that looked like Tim and was now talking to his son while his son was parallel texting on his phone. No doubt telling his other sibling.
Good, they will never let this go and Alfred will use this situation against him next time he works through several nights.
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merchantziro · 9 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt: Watchtower Technician/Engineer Danny Fenton and Justice League member Dani Phantom
It's been a few years now since Danny Fenton had become the Ghost King. Since then, he's been working hard to maintain peaceful relations with the Living Realm and had found a system to keep his rouge's gallery from being too destructive while still satisfying their obsessions and such.
After that, he decided to semi-officially retire as a hero since he didn't need to protect Amity from his subjects anymore. Choosing to focus on balancing his human life and career, and his duties as the ruler of entire dimension of spirits.
While Danny knew he could never be an astronaut with his "condition", he was able to find a substitute that also managed to satisfy his protection obsession without needing to become a hero again.
Danny Fenton had chosen become an engineer/technician on the Justice League's Watchtower. Which, after a lengthy background check to make sure he wasn't joining as a cover for anything malicious, was ultimately given the green light since Zeta Tube transport was deemed much safer for his "condition".
Meanwhile, the Justice League had finally found a recruit they were interested in for the past few years now since information about him spread to the hero and supernatural communities. Namely, one 14 year old looking ghost named Danny Phantom. However when they did manage to finally track him down, they instead found what looked to be a now 14 year old ghost looking girl calling herself Dani Phantom who looked to be a match for their information on Phantom.
So cue the League coming to the (completely incorrect) conclusion that this must be the hero they're looking for (though he seemed to have become a she, so congrats to her) and don't say anything.
Basically shenanigans with retired Danny Fenton working on the watchtower in peace while Dani Phantom joins the Justice League after they mistake her for a transgender Danny Phantom.
I'm imagining this going in one of several different routes with some potential overlap.
- Both recognize a ghost is nearby (each other) but the League, upon realizing that Danny Fenton comes from a family of Ghost Hunters that span back to 1600s with Jack Fentonightingale, thus assuming it's best to keep Danny oblivious to Dani's existence but they can't keep each other oblivious forever.
- The Watchtower is under attack by some villains and Danny finds a heavily injured Dani among other heroes. As such Danny becomes angered enough to temporarily bring his old hero persona out of the closet (possibly going as far as showing his Ghost King power depending on the villain). Meanwhile the rest of the Justice League are losing their minds over the revelation of them working with the hero's cousin/daughter/clone instead of the original they thought they were working with this entire time.
- One of the supernaturally powerful JL members (John Constantine, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, Shazam, take your pick) recognize that the new employee radiates the same ghostly power as Dani, only stronger before recognizing him as the Ghost King.
- Dani and Danny meet and have their Spider-Man pointing meme moment before nigh-immediately realizing that the League have mistaken Dani for Danny. Thus they immediately realize after that realization they can use this to completely mess with them since they're still unaware.
Probably more ideas but I'll leave that for you to imagine.
I've seen Danny working on the watchtower, both as Fenton for a casual position and as Phantom as a League member. So why not both at the same time only it's Dani Phantom and not Danny.
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minty364 · 5 months
DPXDC Prompt #129
Danny was having fun hoping through different dimensions. He needed a vacation and was looking for a place to stay to rest. It’s been 5 or so years since he was crowned king and he had finally caught up some of the paperwork. The world he was touring right now had superheroes and it felt like the right place to relax without worrying.
Unfortunately he already existed in this world so he couldn’t stay in Amity park since he didn’t want to complicate things. Currently in a city that wasn’t in his own universe, Gotham, he spent some time checking out the city and exploring. Danny however feels something was off about himself in this universe, he felt like he shouldn’t know things he does. He slowly remembers the things that happened to him in this universe, he always did as part of his growing power. Although some of the things were things only an assassin would know which kind of started to worry him just a bit.
Everything went great in his vacation, well it was until Danny runs into someone his age, someone this universe’s version of him knew very well. His brother Damian who accuses him of being an imposter and chases Danny through his apartment with a sword.
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snarkyship-main · 3 months
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My entry for the @marveltrumpshate 2022, for MassiveSpaceWren. Beta by Illogicalkat. [Extras on chapter 2 on Ao3]
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kenandeliza · 4 months
That One Time Captain Marvel Had A "Wife"
a crack marvel family comic
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A sequel to this comic i did earlier this january
this was also based on a conversation i had with @cerealboxlore
Freddy would be so pissed that people would think that Beautia is his mom, making Sivana his Grandpa xD (also indirectly making Sivana Jr, his uncle lol)
this was made during art block, sorry if the quality sucked xd
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mkarchin713 · 9 months
Legacy of Chronos: Daughter of the Unknown God
Through her travels around the world/Infinite Realms, Ellie stumbles on Camp Halfblood and is mistaken for a demigod. She is determined to be a legacy of Cronus (Clockwork) and the child of an unknown god with a DP symbol (Danny).
Cue everyone mistaking Chronos for Kronos and thinking that the mystery god is a child of Kronos born sometime while he was in Tartarus. This misunderstanding is not helped by the fact that the Underworld is part of the Infinite Realms and portals to the Ghost Zone where often mistaken for portals to Tartarus.
Now Zeus is freaking out and wants to use Ellie as leverage against her father who obviously wants to take over Olympus. Percy/Thalia/Nico/Lester/whoever is now trying to keep Ellie out of Zeus’s paranoid clutches and get her back to Tartarus before her father goes looking for her.
(Ellie is so happy she made new friends, they’re even going to take her on a road trip to LA. Sure they seemed really nervous when she mentioned Danny would come looking for her if she didn’t check in soon, how was she supposed to know Hellhounds are cellphones anyway)
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mikesbasementbeets · 10 months
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Everyone run to this fic immediately! ! ! Good spicynoodles content!!
Quick edit: make sure to leave kudos as well!! ^^
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Five headcanons for Plot Bunny: based on “mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees”. 
Kon lived with his Jonathan and Martha Kent for about two or three years before letting his personal issues about potentially BEING an issue convince him to run off and get his own place. He was "nineteen”, he figured; that was already a year longer than he should’ve stayed on the farm anyway, even helping out with the chores and whatever. Normal people all leave home at eighteen, right? And it wasn’t ever really HIS home, anyway. ( no, Kon. no they do not. AND EVEN IF THEY DID, YOU’RE ONLY ARGUABLY “NINETEEN” ANYWAY. )
Kon and Tim have been officially/publicly dating for maybe six months, give or take, and “Conner Kent” is not exactly popular in Gotham because a) not from money and b) not from GOTHAM, and also c) what is he even doing with his life, anyway?? Kon isn’t exactly embarrassed about this, but IS slightly self-conscious about it. He’s still not good at trying to make himself seem smaller and more “normal” than he actually is, and not particularly comfortable trying to pass for a normal civilian. He swings between over-correcting and not correcting enough, and it makes him come off as kind of inconstant and weird to people not in the know. 
Aid worker Rita is kinda into this whole “meeting hot young alternate of Bruce Wayne” thing, this thing is kinda novel. Like, she knows it’s a crisis situation but she really appreciates him being a chill and supportive dude and being very helpful, actually! All the aid workers were pretty appreciate of "Baby Bruce’s" helpfulness, in fact, and mildly surprised in a couple of cases. 
Jon is from a reality where Earth-3 hasn’t happened to him, and is therefore still chronologically in step with his home reality and family. He’s still fairly new to Superboy-ing, but he’s at least met and worked with Damian and gotten slightly-antagonistically attached to him. Idk, “Annoyances To Friends” trope?? He actually doesn’t have a ton of friends in general, he gets along with a lot of people but self-isolates from getting too close to anyone. Is that because he sees his dad behaving certain ways and taking too much on himself and his mom insisting on not needing help and taking too much on HERself and just assumes that’s what he has to be like too? Who knows! ( me. I know. ) 
Kon actually has very complicated feelings about his version of Jon, and he’s currently desperately attempting to repress them because it is NOT the time. Like, at all. It is NOT. He needs to take care of this kid and do right by him and not be WEIRD about anything like how his Jon got everything he ever wanted while he was out of the reality, while everyone had FORGOTTEN him, and–that’s fine! That’s something he’s totally normal about, and always has been and always will be, and it DOES NOT MATTER! Like at all! Especially not anything he wanted from . . . CLARK, instead of just . . . Superman. Or . . . anything like that. BUT IT’S ALL FINE AND OKAY AND HE DOESN’T NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT EVER AGAIN, THANKS. 
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It's not unusual for Nightwing to fill in for Batman when needed, just slip into the Batsuit and patrol Gotham that night or even sometimes help out with the Justice League, no one the wiser for the switch
The problem comes when the League is captured by invading aliens and forced to remove their masks, for the first time showing each other who they are
And Superman let's out a shocked gasp and Green Arrow exclaims
"Batman is Dick Grayson!"
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Mistaken identity au
I need delicious protective Bruce and traumatized Danny
Tim drops off the face of the earth. He's done this deliberately, but he's gone on a mission that so big he goes completely and totally dark without telling a soul.
Like, not even Batman.
So he laid down a false trail to the middle of nowhere, and buried that trail in a million others, confident that Bruce would entertain himself.
So what if it was some weird town who's claim to fame was ghosts? That added confusion would buy Tim more time until the Bat realized he'd been duped.
So Bruce wakes up one morning and Tim is just fucking gone.
He searches, brings in the others, and cannot find this kid.
They track him to Amity Park, and from there the scent goes cold again.
Finally one of Barbara's scans pings a possible hit, from a security feed in a private residence.
So the Bats gather around the computer, eager to see where the little troublemaker is, only to see someone that could be Tim in the process of getting vivisected, strapped to a table and screaming his throat bloody.
To clarify, once cleaned up of blood and gore Danny and Tim do not look alike. But covered the way Danny is, the facial recognition just was like "I mean. Why would a civilian be covered in that much blood? Black hair, blue eyes. Prrrrobaably Tim".
Now Tim is safe in his little safe house in the Alps, and the entire Batfam is out for blood because as far as they're concerned; Tim is being tortured in a mad scientist lair, next to a green glow that they can't see the source of.
Danny would like off the pain train, please.
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ourrechte-blog · 1 year
A Funny Take on Danny being Damian's Brother
You've probably seen this. Danny Fenton is adopted by the Fentons and is actually the son of Bruce and Talia named Danyal, making him Damian's brother. Now here's the humorous take
In this universe, Damian does have a brother named Danyal. He has meta powers too. Just a lowkey version of Luffy's, so a punch that should logically pierce his chest? It just causes his back to stretch out and just hurt a lot. And due to cosmic coincidence, whenever he's angry, a random green light from the environment would hit his eyes, making them seem to glow
But he's not Danny Fenton. In fact, Danny Fenton isn't even from this universe
But Jack got the house sent to another universe. Again. So the Fentons decide this is vacation time until Jack fixes things. And while Danny's out, he runs into Damian. Or Talia
In any case, cue random friendly attack as a bonding exercise. Which Danny counters with a move identical to Danyal, leading them to believe he's Danyal. They don't believe his denials and think he's poorly pretending to not know them. His denials are especially hard to believe because they both have the same "scary eyes" and tankiness
The Fentons are not going to be amused by this random family trying to abduct their son and would insist on a DNA test just to clear things up. Except the DNA tests matches Danny with DC parent. Not willing to take things lying down, the Fentons run their own DNA and matches perfectly, to everyone's surprise. Then a third test matches Jack with Bruce 100% or Maddie with Talia, depending on who runs into who first
And the real Danyal? As soon as he hears about this, he's gonna want to smuggle himself to DP with the Fentons when all this is over. DC is kinda a shithole compared to DP. Besides, it’s not like the Fenton parents are observant enough to notice 2 versions of Danny if he gets caught anyway
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superbat-love · 11 months
Angry supervillain: Imbeciles! Because of your incompetence, the Justice League has been alerted to our presence!
Assassin 1: My lord, we accept full responsibility for the failure of our mission.
Angry supervillain: I don’t know why I hired you fools! Your orders were to capture the alien and kill the human before sunrise. Why the hell did you throw the kryptonite net at the human and gun down the alien?
Assassin 2: My lord, in our defence, we were not expecting both of them to stumble out of the closet undressed in the middle of the night. The first man saw us, kept apologizing and tried to cover himself up. The second man simply stared at us and remarked “How interesting”. So we had to make a split-second decision regarding their identities. We deeply apologize for the mix-up my lord.
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alphynix · 6 months
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Back in the 1980s, a fossil of a partial reptile skull was discovered in British Columbia, Canada, dating to the Early Triassic about 250 million years ago. Its triangular skull shape, large eye sockets, and what seemed to be distinctive spiky frills on the back of its head initially caused it to be identified as a relative of the gliding weigeltisaurids.
But the aptly-named Wapitisaurus problematicus would have had to be a very unusual member of this group. With an estimated length of up to 2m (6'6") it was much larger than any other known weigeltisaurid, it was the only one known from the Triassic side of the "Great Dying" mass extinction event, it was found in a completely different part of the world, and its teeth seemed more like those of marine reptiles like thalattosaurs.
In recent years new discoveries and re-analysis of weigeltisaurid fossil material have resulted in much better modern understanding of their skull structure – and with that came the realization that Wapitisaurus really didn't seem to match with them after all.
So a new study has finally identified what this problematic reptile really was… and it turns out the teeth didn't lie! It was a marine thalattosaur all along!
Wapitisaurus had rather large eyes compared to most other North American thalattosaurs, and although the front parts of its jaws are missing it probably had a long slightly hooked snout similar to its close relative Thalattosaurus. It's also now one of the oldest known members of the thalattosaur lineage, showing that some of their specialized skull features like retracted nostrils had actually appeared very quickly during their evolutionary history.
…Oh, and those "spiky frills" on the back of Wapitisaurus' skull? They were actually all teeth from both the upper jaw and the palate, on broken shards of bone that had been displaced to just the right spot to muddle up its identity for over three decades.
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