#mr kent
ilianazzzosemanverse Β· 10 months
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I think Mr Kent and Mr Farouk could be good friends. πŸ₯°
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karaspal Β· 3 months
wanna know my favourite detail of jon’s room? the giant hannah montana poster he has on his wall.
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do you think he bought it after he figured out he is bisexual as a β€œbest of both worlds” joke or is it a childhood relic? either way, jon kent hannah montana fan, you will always be famous.
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transgnckon Β· 11 months
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no-side-us Β· 9 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Dec. 6
The Blanched Soldier, Part 3 of 3
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Godfrey's no good, very bad day; from getting shot, crawling through the freezing cold, only to wind up in a leper's bed of all places.
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Leprosy is one of those things I've heard of but have never really learned about. Seems like lepers were treated quite harshly then based on what Godfrey's putting himself through.
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What a miracle of a happy ending. I suppose it's nice, though a bit too convenient. Overall, another fine story elevated by the fact that Holmes is the one narrating and Watson's absence is decidedly felt throughout it.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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shy-forceghost Β· 2 years
Mr. Kent and Mr. Ajayi are the written visualization of "teacher who feels they somehow are supposed to help but doesn't really remember how it is to be a teenager and ends up giving generical advice" and "teacher who actually understands, protects and empatices with their students".
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jetslay Β· 2 months
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First images from season 3 of MAWS!
(Images credits: ToonamiSquad & FanboyFighter)
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incorrectbatfam Β· 7 months
May I have more gen alpha Damian but as Robin? This little boy is a menace to the rouges ... I love this idea πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Riddler: Riddle me this.
Damian: *starts recording on his smart watch*
Riddler: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great man, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?
Damian's watch: Heroine.
Joker: You see, little birdie, it all started with One Bad Dayβ€”
Damian: *plays the world's smallest violin*
Freeze: With the press of a button, I will ice over the entire Gotham Harbor!
Damian: Cringe.
Hatter: *posts a TikTok monologue threatening the batfam*
Damian: *stitches himself yawning and falling asleep*
Croc: *roars*
Damian: *pulls out the All-Blades*
Croc: ?
Damian: My brother got the DLC.
Harley: *launches her confetti cannon*
*single piece of confetti falls out*
Damian, clapping: Go girl give us nothing.
Clayface: *attacks Damian*
Damian: *rips out a chunk of clay*
Damian: *starts playing with it like slime*
Scarecrow: I've got you now.
Damian: Imagine being a grown man beefing with a middle schooler. Couldn't be me.
Ivy: *ties him up with her plants*
Damian, a vegan: *chomp*
Damian: What are your pronouns so I can eviscerate you properly?
Two-Face: ...
Two-Face: He/they.
Ra's: It's just you and me, my disgraced heir. Let's finish this duel once and for all.
Damian: *taps his phone*
Jon: *flies in and pummels Ra's*
Jon: Thank you for ordering from SΓΌberDefeats! Be sure to share your feedback.
Damian: *tips Jon and leaves five stars*
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I love the implication that this in fact the same guy just arbitrarily choosing to look different because he can.
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zndr315-blog Β· 3 months
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dailydccomics Β· 5 months
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Bat-Mite is the MVP of the DC Universe Batman/Superman: World's Finest #26 art by Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain
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glow-worms-are-believers Β· 11 months
Always room for seconds (dp x dc)
"There they go again," says Aunt Alicia as she looks at the hazmat-clad backs of her sister and her husband jumping into their mish-mash-of-a-van. "And on Thanksgiving too," she finishes to herself as she turns toward her niece and nephew. Neither of them look surprised, though Jazz is clearly more affected if the tick in her jaw is any indication.
"They promised," she practically spits but Danny just sighs and puts a hand on her shoulder. It seems to draw the fight out of Jazz a bit and she sags onto herself.
Alicia loves her sister but she can be so irresponsible sometimes.
"Come on kids, let's go back inside. It's about time to put the turk-" she stops short, then groans. Maddie had insisted on bringing the turkey on account of not wanting Alicia to go to all the trouble, and Alicia had agreed on the condition that her sister wouldn't try to make it. "...And the turkey is still in the van isn't it?"
Danny makes a face. "It's probably for the best. I'm pretty sure I saw it move on the way here."
Alicia doesn't let her head fall into her hands, but only just. Instead, she takes a deep breath to calm herself down to rally her thoughts. "Alright. It'll be too late by the time we drive to town and buy a new raw one, so we can just get some already made from the store. That good for you guys?"
Jazz and Danny make sounds of assent before all three of them pile up in the car. Town isn't too far away, and the trip is mostly silent. Alicia is hesitating over what to say to cheer up her niece and nephew. In the end, they pull up to the grocery store before she manages to come up with anything.
"Dad was also supposed to bring desert," Jazz mentions as she grabs a caddie and wheels it back to them.
"I made apple pie just in case," Alicia answers. Despite her dislike for him, she can admit that Jack Fenton is a generous man. However, as she has learned over the years, that generosity doesn't extend to fudge. Which is why she's got her famous apple pie ready to pop into the oven.
Danny nods relieved, as he files in behind his sister. The three of them are rolling past the frozen section when a familiar voice cuts through the store music.
At that, Alicia looks up to see the face of one and only Martha Kent. Her lips stretch into a smile unconsciously at the sight.
"Martha, hi," she answers as the other woman starts walking closer. "How are you?"
"I'm good," the other woman says as she stops in front of them. "Just doing some last-minute shopping." Then Martha looks to Danny and Jazz and gives them a smile. "And who might these two be?"
"This is Jazz and Danny," Alicia introduces them, "my niece and nephew. They're spending Thanksgiving up at the cabin with me."
"Oh, that's wonderful!" Martha says sincerely. "You left your sister and her husband in charge of the turkey, then?" She winks.
Alicia winces. "Ah, not exactly."
"They had a work emergency," Jazz says, unhappy.
Martha lets out a sympathetic oh.
"That's why we're here," Alicia explains. "They left with the turkey without realizing, so we'll have to settle for store-bought this year."
Martha makes a noise of sympathy before her face shifts into something more pensive. "You know," she starts. "I've got a big turkey at home and there's only going to be my son and me to eat it. If you guys would like, we'd love to have you over to help us with it."
"Oh we couldn't possibly-" Alicia starts to protest but Martha takes a step forward and takes her hands.
"You'd be doing us a favour," Martha says, her hands still into Alicia's as she looks up earnestly at the redhead. And damn it all because Alicia can feel a blush spreading on her cheeks at that.
"Alright," Alicia says, too flustered to argue.
Martha squeezes her hands once before letting go and Alicia can't help but miss the warmth of them. "Then it's settled."
"Alright," repeats Alicia. "We'll have to swing back home, though. I made pie."
"That's wonderful!" Martha's smile is radiant and it makes something in Alicia's chest warm.
She disguises it with a cough before speaking up. "Is six thirty too early for you?"
"It's perfect. We'll be waiting for you then," Martha says. "And for your sister and her husband too, if they manage to tear themselves away from work."
"That's not likely," mumbles Danny under his breath. Uncharacteristically, Jazz doesn't say anything about her brother's manners, only putting her own hand on his shoulder. Martha catches Alicia's eye and they exchange a look.
"Well, we'll be glad to have you three, anywho," Martha states firmly which gets her a hesitant smile from Jazz.
Alicia clears her throat. "We'd better get going if we want to be ready in time."
"Oh yes," Martha agrees. "I have to make sure the turkey's not burning." Then she winks, and for some reason, Alicia can feel that pesky blush coming back. It's made worse by the shrewd look Jazz gives her.
"See you soon!" says Martha as she leaves.
"Bye," Alicia answers back a little weakly. Then she looks down to the ground and sighs. When she straightens her head, she's immediately on guard as she catches her niece's smug look.
"What?" Alicia asks warily.
"Is Martha single?" Jazz asks, with a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth face.
"Yeah," the older redhead answers slowly. "Why?"
"Just wanted to know," Jazz says innocently. And even Danny is looking at his sister suspiciously now. "since you've got a crush on her and all."
"I do no-I don't know what you're talking about!" Alicia protests though she feels her cheeks warming for the third time today.
And now Danny is starting to smirk too as he exchanges a look with his sister. "Oh," he starts as he looks towards Martha's disappearing figure. "This is going to be fun."
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clotpolesonly Β· 10 months
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theknucklehead Β· 3 months
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In the episode that introduces Mr. Mxyzptlk, he changes Clark into various versions of Superman over the decades... and a crab?
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genericb34ns Β· 26 days
I have decided to merge all of my ship requests into one (killing the bird population with one stone)
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no-side-us Β· 9 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Dec. 4
The Blanched Soldier, Part 2 of 3
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This line made me audibly laugh. I admittedly have never looked at cheese in the dark before, but I don't recall any cheese being particularly white enough to be used as a comparison here.
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Holmes is narrating to us like we're Watson. "No doubt you've already pinpointed the most likely solution to the problem, my dear Wat- I mean, dear reader."
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Godfrey's face has been compared to both cheese and a fish's belly, neither of which are things I think of when needing to describe something white. Also, why "bleached" instead of "blanched."
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For fun, I think if Watson were there he would describe the scene as Holmes clumsily dropping his hat on the ground and taking a bit too long to pick it up. It'd also be written so the gloves are glossed over and ignored. "Holmes glanced readily at the hall-table, for what reason I could not grasp," etc., etc.
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Props for writing what I think is a very believable excerpt from a Sherlock Holmes-authored monograph on ears.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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itsrydagain Β· 9 months
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merry crimis
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