#not willingly or purposefully
theatrevampire · 2 months
i really do believe one of the big parallels this season will be between louis and daniel and of course their inability to remember certain events. i feel like louis asked armand to take away/alter some of his memories after the trial. and perhaps daniel asked for the same thing or he learned too much in the 70s interview and armand stepped in to offer him a blank slate because he was so messed up from said interview….i don’t know….am i making sense? probably not lmao…anyway see y'all may 12th ✌️
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willowser · 1 year
trying to hide your plagiarism isn’t a good look bestie
okie !! taking this moment, for the first and last time, to say, overall: if you're coming into my inbox to be hateful, it will be deleted outright 😌 i am a grown, adult human being and this is my little space and !! i won't allow anyone to poison it 😌 thank you !!!
to you specifically, anon-dear !! you have come to visit me and left me hateful messages just about every day for going-on three weeks now !! so i will finally acknowledge you publicly and give you the attention you so desire !! 😌
you have yet to supply me with any evidence whatsoever that i've plagiarized, as i asked you to do in my first response, and that proves to me that there is none ! you claim that i locked my blog to delete evidence, but — again, i ask you — what evidence ? if you would be so kind as to give me even a smidgen of an idea, i would be glad to pull it up for you ! bc i didn't, in fact, delete anything while i was private.
again, i offer you the opportunity to message me privately, if this is a real concern of yours ! which i don't believe you will do, but ! i will be waiting ! if you're still insisting that i've stolen the "love island bakugou" concept, then i urge you to understand what plagiarism really is.
you've also called me a "white, racist piece of shit" that "steals from woc", which is hilarious, considering i'm hispanic.
and finally !! this will not continue 😌 please understand that every message you send to my inbox with no other intention than to be hateful and ugly, will only be seen by you and i and it will die there because that's what i've decided 😌 you will not exist here in my lil safe space, because, again, that's what i've decided 😌
genuinely, i wish you the best, and i hope that you will grow from this ! if you would ever like to come into my inbox to talk to me about the things you love or whatever head-canons you have for your favorite 2d men or any other thing that belongs in this place — i would love to have you 🩷✨️
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tealfruit · 8 months
apparently I've lost 27lbs in 9 months which is. really fuckin cool actually. that's a really reasonable amount to lose and rate at which it was lost. I'm still chubby but like...before I had this idealized image of myself in my head that was slightly thinner than what I actually was so I'd see myself in the mirror and be like oh ok a little bigger than I thought...but now I actually Am that size I was seeing in my head so I feel like I own myself more than I ever have
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
also i swear to gd i Need to get less weird and anxious about the mere concept of talking to maestro. i have known and played with him for seven years and in that time he has been literally nothing but kind and friendly and helpful and supportive. and yet every single time i have to ask him a question (or if he comes to talk to ME or like sends me an email or something) i swear to gd my heart starts racing like i’m about to get banned from every orchestra ever or something
#it's so weird. idk why i'm so weird about talking to him in particular cause i rarely feel the same about other professors.#ig it probably has to do with the greater level of like. formality? involved in orchestra#like i'll call other professors by their first or last name sometimes (though not usually directly to them...#only rarely like for my jazz prof in freshman year who was like 'just call me jake lol')#but i straight up refuse to refer to maestro as anything but maestro. y'know.#so much of classical music is about tradition and formality/politeness is an element of that...#which is usually nice for me and my social ineptitude but also occasionally is not. for example when i need to ask maestro a question lol#especially one that's not relevant to the rehearsal#i would make a 'going to get a bad grade in orchestra which is both normal to fear and possible to achieve' joke here#but i literally can get a bad grade in orchestra and he's the guy who'd assign it.#(y'know...hypothetically. i would die before i willingly did anything to tank my grade like skip rehearsals/concerts#or purposefully play horribly)#ig my nervousness might also have something to do with the fact that. like. i've known him since i was in high school#and so the thought of like. being a grad student and working on a much closer to equal/professional footing with him#as opposed to just like. student musician in the orchestra.#fucking weird! it's a weird idea to me#which i'm sure i'll get over myself enough to actually proceed if/when that becomes a reality#(though not over myself enough to cease all anxiety entirely lol)#i wanna talk about me#sasha speaks
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
Its actually not funny to me in the least how TERFs and general transphobes have latched onto aphobia and spun it to further target trans/GNC/cisnt kids and plenty of you are still laughing at lgbt+ people belittling other queer people for their identities.
It's not funny to me in the least how queerphobia and especially the transphobia that's being peddled in places like the UK, the US and numerous other places has strong roots in racism and colonialism yet plenty of you are determined to ignore the racism/anti-Indigenous bullshit in your communities.
And it's gross as hell that plenty of times, the only reason white lgbt+ folks give a fuck about bigotries like these and their strong hold on their communities is when they're directly threatened.
If one of us are threatened, all of us are threatened. If one of us is in danger, we're all in danger. But more importantly, it should not take direct threats to your livelihood for you to give a fuck about bigotry that is not only greatly affecting others but you're generally participating in through inaction and ignorance.
You dont have to know advanced theorizations to know shit is fucked up and that should be enough for you to ask yourself "what can i do to help."
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“Tentacles,” The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #397.
Writer: J. M. DeMatteis; Penciler: Mark Bagley; Inker: Larry Mahlstedt; Colorist: Bob Sharen; Letterer: Bill Oakley
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quiteunpersuadable · 1 year
You ever get so overwhelmed of the futility of your job?
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hiii! Your headcanons and memes are absolutely funny, I think this request fits you.
So instead of dog or cat (Husker) Wife reader saw her Husband walking around with the egg boys, and she pulls out the '🥺can we keep one?' and would like ABSOLUTELY not take no for an answer, she even pulls out a new dress for the egg boi to differentiate him from the other eggs.
I loved those goofy eggs so much 😭
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a jealous husband, Alastor being possessive of wife!reader's attention
Description: ☝️⬆️
Okay, so it's bad enough that Alastor is stuck dealing with the eggs and he's not even allowed to crack a few of them
And he's totally not annoyed with the way your eyes lit up, and you immediately started cooing over them the moment you saw them
Of course the clumsy little things just ate it up, flexing and showing off for you, even going so far as to climb into your outstretched arms
So now they're stealing his wife from him? Those eggs have crossed a line
He skipped breakfast for this?
Alastor knows he needs to keep them away from you to keep you from getting more attached than you already are
So at the sacrifice of his own needs for your attention, Alastor makes sure to keep the eggs far away from you by keeping them close to him
Even at the cost of his sanity
Alastor hadn't even realized he left one of them behind until he came back to the hotel to find you holding one like a baby
And the little imbecile is just soaking up the attention too, blissfully unaware of the error he just made
Not even Sir Pentious can get the egg to willingly leave your embrace, the little thing stubbornly clinging to you
"No! You can't sssstay with her! You're my little egg! My minion!"
It takes much coaxing from you to get the egg to leave your side but that's far from the end of it
Every morning afterwards the egg is bursting into the bedroom and crawling into bed with the two of you
Instead of waking up to your sleepy affection, Alastor is waking up to that stupid egg babbling off to you about everything and anything
Not him shoving the egg boy off the bed and tugging you against him
Alastor eats nothing but eggs for breakfasts for the next week, there's something therapeutic about cracking them that he just can't quite put his finger on
Oh wait-yes he can
He hopes that you'll get sick of the egg boy eventually, but then you start dressing the egg up, differentiating it from the others
"Alastor look! Doesn't he look darling? He's a mini you~!"
You don't notice your husband's eye twitching
You baby that egg more than you've ever babied him and he's definitely getting jealous
He just about snaps when he hears you and Sir Pentious talking about you keeping the little egg
"Aren't you a little old for those 'egg baby' projects, my dear? You're not in school anymore."
"Oh, please, Alastor! Can't we keep him? He's already so attached to me and I just adore him! I've already named him!"
"Um...Y/N...they already have namesssss..."
"I do?"
Somehow, he manages to convince you that you don't need to keep the egg but it's by the skin of his teeth
And it doesn't stop you from spending every waking moment spoiling the egg
That should be him being spoiled by you
He starts trying to intimidate the egg whenever you aren't around but the little thing is too dense to understand it
"I wouldn't follow Y/N so closely up those stairs, one wrong step and it would be quite the nasty fall for someone as fragile as you."
"Thanks Boss!"
Not Alastor trying to crack him whenever you look away
Purposefully opening doors a little too hard in hopes that your egg is on the other side
Using his staff to nudge him out an open window...
Finding extremely dangerous tasks for the egg to do only to be disappointed when he comes back unharmed
Developing a sudden interest in baking extremely large cakes
Alastor, honey, come on...that last one wasn't even subtle
Bottom line, if you care about the egg boy then you better give him back to Sir Pentious because he won't be safe around your husband
It's an emotional goodbye but Alastor's happiness at having your attention again is worth it
It's not like you won't still see each other around the hotel, chill
He's a terribly needy man when it comes to your attention but it's just part of his charm
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enkephallic · 3 months
Limbus Company: Deep Analysis of Sin
So, I decided to take a deeper dive into the different sin types in Limbus Company.
The TLDR Version:
Wrath - Unable to accept something
Lust - Having a strong desire
Sloth - Losing sight
Gluttony - Satisfaction-seeking
Gloom - Controlled by pain
Pride - Contempt of others/selfishness
Envy - Desire to surpass
Regarding the sinners' skills, the sin position is important as well. A S1 sin is a surface-level appearance, but S3 represents something deep inside them.
The detailed explanations are under the cut!
Wrath, on the surface level, can present as being irritable or hard to get along with.
Wrath S1 examples
LCB Ishmael, who seems irritable and nitpicky at first.
Seven Heathcliff "Why am I doing this stupid job?"
Hook Office Hong Lu "Don't speak so softly, I'll feel homicidal"
S2 gets closer to how they really feel. The feeling of wrath comes from the feeling of "I can't accept this" - whether it's how they're being treated, how their environment is, etc.
Wrath S2 examples
LCB Heathcliff (past speculation) - Discriminated, mistreated, resenting what's happening to him
LCB Sinclair (past) - I don't want to get prosthetics
W Corp Hong Lu - Bored with his job.
And S3 wrath represents a strong rejection - they won't accept Anything they deem contrary to their own beliefs and ideals. It is a violent refusal.
Wrath S3 examples
N corp identities who are brainwashed - Kill all the dissenters and heretics.
Pequod Ishmael - "It's MY way or the HIGHWAY, god damn it!" (Throws a fit if another ID kills an enemy)
R Corp Ishmael - Hates it to the point she's looking for Singularity information of old R corp
LCB Rodya - I can't accept this armchair revolution and endless poverty. I have to kill this old windbag.
Lust in this case is a pursuit of something non-physical - a relationship, an ideal, a core element of your self. On the surface level, this can present as really wanting to be something.
Lust S1 Examples
LCB Don Quixote - Wants to become a great Fixer.
W Corp Ryoshu - Wants to be a great artist.
Sous Chef Gregor - Wants to improve his cooking.
S2 is a little stronger than just normal desire. They will willingly hurt other people or trample them to achieve their goal.
Lust S2 Examples
Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu - Uses violence and is callous to those invading his turf
The One Who Grips Faust - Massacres Sinclair's village to get what she wants
LCB Ryoshu - Her idea of beauty ties in with violence
S3 is a little different - It's desiring something so badly on an existential level. It's pretty much what they live for.
Lust S3 Examples
R.B. Chef Ryoshu - Needs to be one of the Eight. Will stop at nothing to achieve this.
N Corp Heathcliff - Not brainwashed, doesn't really want to be. Wants to preserve his "true self".
G Corp Gregor - After an irreversible transformation, fully believes his reason to exist is to be a killing machine.
Interestingly, both LCB Heathcliff and Hong Lu have a Lust S3.
Sloth is inaction, watching from the sidelines, not seeing what is in front of you. This can start with just simply being misguided, believing something to be true when it's not.
Sloth S1 Examples
W Corp Don Quixote - "I am working at a Wing!! CHOO CHOO!! Sally forth!!"
LCB Outis - Her piss-poor act of blind acceptance and obedience.
LCB Meursault - It is simply none of my business if Sinclair hyperventilates and vomits on the floor.
S2 sloth is more purposeful, not taking action when one should or purposefully being ignorant of reality.
LCB Faust - Does not tell Dante and the others a lot of information and doesn't stop sinners from running amok.
LCB Hong Lu - Despite being perceptive, does not seem to register bad situations as bad or react to pain appropriately.
G Corp Gregor - This feels wrong but I'll just continue with it anyway.
S3 sloth is a total loss of vision, not being able to see what's important to them. Losing sight of all they used to desire, and doing nothing about it.
Dieci IDs - Lost their memory and doesn't even remember what was most important to them.
K Corp Hong Lu - Doesn't seem to mind his total loss of freedom and autonomy, despite desiring freedom in other IDs.
LCB Yi Sang - Could not care about anything he once loved or aspired to be, until he was able to gain his wings once more.
Blade Lineage Don Quixote - Once used her strength to fight alongside her comrades, but now kills for purely her own sake.
Gluttony is a desire to be satisfied, whether it's something material or psychological. This can present like greed or selfishness at first sight.
S1 Gluttony Examples
LCB Rodya - "I want meat, I want money, I want to gamble!"
LCB Ryoshu - "Let me smoke. Let me do as I please."
Lantern EGO Don Quixote - Curious about the abnormalities and wanting to know more about them
S2 Gluttony is wanting more at a crucial point in their life, or desiring more than they could chew. It could also mean getting hooked into something or addicted.
S2 Gluttony Examples
LCB Ishmael - "I quit my job, I need something that's not labour hellscape... Hm? That hag can sure talk..."
R Corp Heathcliff - Began deriving enjoyment from killing
N Corp Don Quixote - Didn't even need the brainwashing, got hooked onto the N Corp ideology herself
S3 Gluttony seems to be the final stage of seeking what they desire - being satisfied, even when they shouldn't be.
S3 Gluttony Examples
Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu - Seems completely happy and enjoying himself
Seven Heathcliff - Actually learned to like his job
W Corp Hong Lu - Doesn't want praise or a raise, just fine with how things are now
Gloom represents pain, and how it affects how the person treats their situation or other people. On the surface level, they may appear melancholic or having given up.
S1 Gloom Examples
LCB Yi Sang, LCB Gregor - Self explanatory.
Rosespanner Meursault - Crushed by work
R Corp Ishmael - Headache, pain, does not like it here
S2 Gloom is a moment of despair, when something in their heart was broken. This may also involve guilt and inflicting pain.
W Corp Don Quixote and most W Corp IDs (Except Hong Lu and Ryoshu) - The shocking reveal of what W Corp really is.
N Corp Heathcliff - "What the hell am I even doing??"
Lobotomy EGO Heathcliff - "All my friends are dead."
S3 Gloom can represent letting their pain affect how they treat others. Lashing out, being insensitive to others' pain, or simply giving up and accepting the hurt as inescapable.
W Corp Yi Sang - Abandoned hopes for freedom, just wants it to hurt a little less
G Corp Outis - Knows she cannot escape the unfair treatment
LCB Ishmael - Lashes out and hurts others because she is deeply hurting, making it more painful for her too
Pride is the belief that they are different from other people, and so the rules don't apply to them. This can seem as arrogance at first, even if they are not actually like that.
S1 Pride Examples
LCB Sinclair - Rich boy 1
LCB Hong Lu - Rich boy 2
LCB Faust - Doesn't hide that she thinks she's better than everyone else
S2 Pride can contain disdain for other people, and believing they are better than those around them. Therefore, their actions can be excused in their eyes.
S2 Pride Examples
LCB Meursault and LCB Outis - Competent and they know it themselves. Outis thinks of her comrades as dirt and points and laughs when they die.
W Corp Ryoshu - Her art comes from chopping up the dead and deformed passengers, doesn't give a single shit about them
LCB Rodya - Believed she was special enough to make a difference and split the hag's skull.
S3 pride goes a step further - their own desires take precedence over anyone else's. They may even see other people's lives as literally the same as a blade of grass. If they want something, they'll trample everything and anything.
S3 Pride Examples
The One Who Grips Faust - Probably doesn't even give a shit about the grand ideology or her minions. Just did it because she could, and wanted to.
The Middle Little Sister Don Quixote - "I can kill anyone who disrespected my organization!"
LCB Ryoshu - Has the littlest regard for human life.
Envy can start out with the simple desire to surpass someone, to become better than others. To want more than what other people have.
S1 Envy Examples
Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu - Began wanting to be stronger, to have more power.
LCB Heathcliff - Rich bastards are annoying, they don't deserve it more than I do
Shi Ishmael - Just wants to survive in a world of dog eat dog
S2 envy is the need to be better than what you once were, to surpass yourself and get something accomplished.
S2 Envy Examples
LCB Yi Sang - Bettered his own craft and created the mirror.
Pequod Members - Lay their past self to rest, and opted to hunt the whale.
R.B. Chef Ryoshu - Wants to make better and better pies
S3 Envy is the result of their desire to surpass - or that they have accomplished something, but with a heavy price.
S3 Envy Examples
W Corp Ryoshu - Extremely powerful, but her sword will suck up her health if she doesn't charge it properly.
R Corp Heathcliff - Gained insane power but lost something important to him in the process.
LCB Sinclair - Was able to avoid getting prosthetics but his whole family dead.
Pequod Heathcliff - Managed to get out of the Middle but is covered in scars he can't erase.
I will continue to write more specific theories, but this is how I feel about the sin affinities right now! I'd love to write about EGO and enemies as well soon.
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efplanning · 2 months
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making things right...
(this happens a ways into the story after both eon and sylveon have developed more as people btw)
after things boil over in a one sided argument w sylveon(sylveon figuratively ripping eons head off)("youre a geriatric eevee who clings onto his everstone like a security blanket! you dont understand evolution as much as you think you do!") eon eventually goes downstairs to apologize...
hes wanted to make things right w sylveon for years now but...he could never make himself go down there long enough in the basement where...his own father....
and idt eon could really...conceive of how he needed to. just be there for sylveon instead of what. lying? telling it they didnt mean what he said way back then? say that he didnt care? that he didnt actually love them and to forget about that? just go down to the basement where his own father did all these horrible things said all these horrible things just to add his own...maybe thats another reason he couldnt do it.
but. he finally does go down there to apologize. and i think sylveon also wants to better their relationship by this point too...they just dont know how...so they talk until(see above picture)...
idt eon intended to evolve when he went down there. he probably didnt even think it was a possibility tbh. but he did think about what sylveon said and purposefully left without his everstone...which sylveon didnt realize until...
sylveon like most of their siblings didnt think their dad would ever willingly evolve...much less...for them...
+bonus :]
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If I see another “Batman thinks he saved his kids, but really he destroyed them” or any iteration of him purposefully making the robins and co child soldiers I’m going to lose my mind.
LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN CAREFULLY: these fucking kids would have found a way, one way or another to cause havoc on the criminals of Gotham with or without the care and training of Batman.
Remember, these kids could have stopped at any point, all they had to do was say so but no. After every traumatic event, after every fight with Bruce, after every death/almost death…they still put on their cowls and fought crime.
Let’s not forget the roots of these characters:
Dick: wanted to kill Tony Zucco
Barbara: Wanted to save Gotham like her father, ended up saving Bruce Wayne, then continued to play hero in spite of Batman telling her not to
Jason: ballsy street kid
Tim: stalked and negotiated his way into being Robin
Steph: went out on her own to stop her criminal father, legit ‘spoil’ his plans
Cassandra: born and raised weapon
Damian: born and raised weapon, thought being Robin was his born given right
Duke: willingly joined the ‘We Are Robin’ movement to fight for Gotham
What are you guys not getting? This information of how each kid becomes a vigilante is free…you don’t even have to read a comic, just look it up on wikis.
That is all, good day
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stxrslut · 2 months
Rafe x chronicmigraine!reader dialogues part 2
“do not drink that ice water.”
“no. you’re drink that n’ you’re gonna be cryin’ in excruciating pain all night.”
“you’re so annoying.”
“rafe. this. hurts. so. much!”
“maybe try not purposefully hitting your head on the wall…”
“you’re fine. that’s good, try to stop cryin’ okay. you know that makes it worse.”
“it just hurts!”
“I know. I got you.”
“if you keep staring at the sun you’ll get a headache.”
“but it’s sunset! it’s so pretty!”
“I did not buy four blackout curtains just for you to willingly inflict yourself pain for the sake of ‘it’s pretty’”
“Rafe please!”
“I swear I’ll be good!”
“you can have some dick when your eyes aren’t so squinted you can’t see it.”
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m0nsterqzzz · 3 months
Happy Wife Happy Life
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pairing: Clarisse La Rue x fem!reader
summary: being Clarisse's "wife" will always have it's perks
a/n: honestly don't know how to feel about this but I'm tired. anyway, kinda hate the ending. and my writing lol.
Love is the greatest thing.
At least, in your eyes it is.
It can bring the strongest people to their knees, risking their lives or others lives just so that they can keep their person happy. It's always been amazing to you.
Not so much in your best friend Clarisse's. She'd much rather have the glory of being the strongest kid in school, or be feared by your classmates. "Love is stupid." She always tells you while she watches you study under the willow tree she likes climbing.
"No, it's not. It's powerful. You like powerful things don't you?" You'd say back with an airy laugh, then forcing her to come back down from the branches so you can help her with her math homework.
She's heard lots about the emotion called jealousy, but she'd never truly felt it until she saw Holly Bracken kiss your cheek during recess one day. The tightening of the chest, the way her throat went dry and she clenched her fist by her side from the other end of the black top and tried to stop herself from throwing the basketball in her hands towards the blonde girl's head. It wasn't a feeling Clarisse liked, and the feeling only went away when you were laying in her arms under the tree after school that day.
That warm afternoon, she'd asked you to marry her with a paper ring, one that you cherished for a whole week until it got caught in something and broke. You'd obviously said yes, the fact that you had a huge crush on her not exactly helping as you forced yourself to remember she was obviously kidding. Sealing the marriage with I do and then placing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand like she'd seen done in the romantic movies her mother likes watching, you were officially hers. As long as you were her wife, Holly Bracken could no longer kiss your cheek with that ugly smug smile.
She went on to make sure of that, introducing you as her wife to anyone and everyone that was willingly to listen. You two were young, and nobody took it quite seriously until she saved up almost a full year's allowance money to buy you a nice looking- but still cheap- promise ring from the jewelry store downtown. It was a silent promise, one that she eventually voiced as you were sleeping over at her house.
"I'll be with you forever." She'd whispered in your ear, and you foolishly believed her.
She was gone three weeks later.
You didn't get a phone call, an email, or even a letter. She just....disappeared.
Her family stopped answering the door for you, seemingly purposefully avoiding you in town. It was months before you finally gave up, and it was obvious to anyone that looked hard enough you were slowly becoming a shell of yourself without her. Without your girl.
The only thing in your life that is weirder than Clarisse's mysterious disappearance, was the fact that a boy just told you you're a child of one of the Greek gods. You couldn't believe him. You'd learned about the gods in school, but there was no fudging way they were real. You'd only finally agreed to go to some place called Camp Half Blood when he rolled up one of his pant legs to reveal furry goat legs. Nothing will ever be weirder than that.
Just in time too, because right after you left the school building and started sprinting towards the forest across from the place, some giant winged creature that no one else seemed to see crashed through a window and started flying towards you.
Your protector, someone you learned is a satyr named Joey, lead you to camp with minimal death, which you learned is very rare when it comes to leading a demi-god to camp. It didn't help with the newly installed fear inside you, but you just simply nodded along with what he was saying as your eyes scanned the crowds of campers that are doing their own thing below the hill you stand on.
The moment you step past what Joey calls Thalia's tree, all eyes are on you. A new camper means special events so they feel welcome which means more fun for the campers and the drama of figuring out who their godly parent is. 
You don’t have any belongings other than the clothes on your skin and the school pencil that’s brought you a strange sense of comfort on your long trip. A female camper with blonde hair and gray eyes comes up and introduces herself as Annabeth, helping you to the “Hermes” cabin to give you a camp t-shirt and new pants. She explains all the new campers go there, at least until they get claimed, which means the kids in there are either children of Hermes, unclaimed, or new just like you. 
Since everyone is gone doing daily activities, you decide to just change in the cabin. It’s peaceful, the sound of campers laughter, birds in the trees.
Your blissful silence is broken when someone tightly wraps their arms around you from behind you and lifts you up in the air with a squeal, your hands flying to cover your bra-covered chest. “What the hell?!” You scream, but the profanities you were going to yell out die down in your throat when the person sets you down and you turn around to see Clarisse.
She doesn’t look much different, her hair a little bit grown out and her band t-shirts and jeans have been replaced by camouflage pants and an orange camp half blood shirt similar to the one you’re trying to put on. You’re so starstruck that you just stare, her arms still loosely wrapped around your waist as you stand there in only a bra and jeans. “Clar?” She nods, grinning brightly as she pulls you into yet another hug.
You’re much more aware this time, pushing her away harshly as you hurry to put on the shirt and then leave the cabin with a quick roll of your eyes. The curly haired girl is hot on your tail, attempting to grab your wrist to stop you before you pull it away as if she’s burned you. Her face is full of hurt, but your voice shows the same amount as you ask, “Why didn’t….why didn’t you call? Or email? Or-or send me a fucking letter? Just to let me know you were okay? That you came here.”
She sighs, eyes full of regret as they fall to look at her doc martens so she doesn’t have to see your sadness. “I couldn’t call you because a phone call is like sending a message out to any monsters that could be listening and find out where we are. Email, I don’t have any electronics cuz of the whole call thing.”
“And letter? I bet monsters don’t know how to read Clar.” The girl is silent for a minute, and as the silence continues is when you realize she doesn’t have an answer for you. You scoff, beginning to walk to who knows where again before she runs to catch up with you.
“I’m sorry, okay? I was scared. Gods, I was scared.” The worlds tumble out of her mouth before she can stop them, and the campers around you fall silent as they stare with mouths agape in shock.
“Scared? What’s there to be scared of? It’s just me.” She nods, wordlessly reaching out to hold your hand. You let her this time and she feels relief flood through her. “Scared. I was scared….scared that you would hate me for leaving. I mean, what kind of woman leaves her wife?” She attempts a small laugh, and she takes it as a win that the corners of your mouth twitch upwards in the start of a smile. “I promised you forever and then left without another word. You had been looking at me through rose colored glasses our entire lives, I was scared those glasses were shattered. It’s not an excuse though. I should’ve sent you a letter, told you I was okay and told you how much I missed you.”
A small smile works its way onto your face, but she can still see the sadness in your eyes and she hates it. She hates it when you're sad. “Come here angel.” The girl hesitantly pulls you into her arms, almost crying when you relax into her hold and hug her back before she remembers where you guys are and how many campers are staring in shock at how sweet she’s acting.
“You have to understand that I’m still mad Clar. Even if you were scared, I spent years living in fear you were dead.” You mumble against her shoulder as you grip onto her like she’s going to disappear again if you let go.
The girl nods in agreement, cradling your head to her chest as she glares at the campers in an attempt to get them to leave you two alone. They do it.
Clarisse brings you to her cabin, cuddling with you in her bed as she tells you anything and everything that has happened over the past. She’s a child of Ares, and you spend several minutes that it makes sense after the amount of times she threatened other kids by saying she should hang them from the top of the flagpole. 
By dinner time, it’s like no time has passed, and everyone’s eyes are on you as you two walk in with her arm casually placed on your around the back of your waist as she leads you to her table where her siblings are trying not to make fun of her. After a lot of begging and threats, Chiron agreed to let you sit at the Ares table for your first week at camp. “Hey guys.” Her happy tone is a rare one around her by the look on their faces, the smile even rarer as she sits you down next to her spot on the bench. “This is my wife.”
The whole room goes silent, all eyes trained on you as your eyes dart up to stare at her. “What are you-” She cuts you off with amusement dancing in her brown eyes.
“What do you want to eat, honey?” Clarisse asks you, and a son of Ares you know as Mark scoffs before he says, “The last time I asked you to get me food, you poured your drink in my lap and told me it wasn’t your job.”
The smile falls from your friend's face as she glares at him. “That’s because it isn’t my job.”
“Then why are you getting her food?” 
“Because a happy wife equals a happy life alright? Now shut the fuck up.”
The smile is back as she turns to face you again, taking your order before she leaves to get that and her own food. 
The rest of the campers go back to their meals, though they’re clearly gossiping about Clarisse’s supposed wife as they eat. It doesn’t make you feel very happy, but all the doubt is gone as your girl comes back and sits down next to you, setting the food down before her hand falls to hold your hand under the table the way she used to during lunch at school.
A little bit later, you finish eating and join in the group of campers leaving the dining hall towards the campfire with Clarisse walking beside you. “My legs hurt.” You mumble while leaning closer to her. She doesn’t miss a beat as she picks you up bridal style, casually carrying you to the bonfire like you weigh absolutely nothing. Smiling at the sound of your laughter, she sets you down on one of the logs surrounding the fire. “What was that for? I could’ve walked.” You say as she sits down next to you before pulling you into her lap.
“What kind of wife would I be if I let you walk around while in pain?” She grins before leaning her head on your shoulder. She seems happy, and you recently learned she hasn’t felt that way in a very long time so you simply smile before leaving a kiss on her forehead. Her fingers lace with yours, her thumb caressing the back of your hand as she talks to her brother. It’s like no time has passed. Although you’re still upset, it’s nice to have her again.
Clarisse makes you guys some smores, a few people coming up every once and a while to introduce themselves and your friend introduces you the same way every time; “This is my wife.” By the time you’re making your way to the Hermes cabin with her walking by your side like a bodyguard, everyone in camp is aware of the “marriage”.
“I wish you could come stay in the Ares cabin.” She mumbles into the crook of your neck on the porch of Hermes cabin, and you chuckle while rubbing circles on her back. “I think you annoyed Chiron enough for one day.”
The daughter of Ares sighs, reluctantly nodding as she gives you a gentle squeeze before walking away. You watch her walk to her cabin for a few seconds, a permanent smile on your face before you walk inside your crowded cabin.
The next morning, it’s time for you to join in the routine of chores and training. It seems tiring, but Clarisse is by your side to help you with anything and everything so it’s okay.
“You’re getting better, hon.” She repeats for the 100th time in an hour, and your trust in her words is slowly fading as you sling the sword in your hands awkwardly towards the dummy covered in greek armor in front of you. The girl seems to notice your mood dropping, so she sighs and then stands up and walks towards you. You think she’s going to tell you to take the armor off just stop trying, but you shouldn't have. Clarisse was never one to tell you to give up on something. Instead, she places her hands on your hips, brown eyes straying from your face as she gently moves your body until you're standing in the correct way. You feel like clay under her grip, simply allowing her to position you as your face scans her features. 
It’s like something pulling you to lean in, and it’s only when you're inches away from her face do you realize she is leaning in too. As if realizing where you are and what you guys are doing, she clears her throat and backs away, her hands following to rest at her sides. “There. Try again.” She begins to awkwardly walk away, her confidence gone as she almost trips over some armor left on the floor by another camper.
You nervously laugh, taking a deep breath before you slash the sword forward again. The sword feels much more natural in your hand, and it’s almost like an instinct as you angle it so it hits the unprotected parts so it cuts open the material. 
Your friend cheers, rushing over to you and easily lifting you off the ground like you just won the olympics. Clarisse has always been that way, proud of every thing  you could ever do. With a small laugh, you thank her and finally get her to set you down. “Well done wifey.” The words flow out of Clarisse’s mouth like they’re the most natural thing, and you fake an annoyed sigh.
“You know I’m not your wife right?” You say with a laugh, but she clearly doesn’t find it very funny.
“Then what's this?” Her hand moves to grab your hand, holding it up in front of your face and you try to ignore the way butterflies explode in your stomach from the touch as her eyes lock on yours. With rose colored cheeks- you decide to blame it on the heat and not the feeling of her hand in yours- you finally take notice of what she’s talking about; the ring she bought you when you were kids, snuggly placed on your left hand ring finger. It was a bit too big when you guys were younger, but it fits basically perfectly now.
“It’s a promise ring.” You mumble, walking away to take off the armor and put away the sword. “It’s the closest thing to a wedding ring I could get. And besides, red is my favorite color, the jem is red. It’s basically me, in a ring.” “I didn’t understand a single thing you just said.”
Clarisse sighs, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind the same way she did your first day at camp- though this time she doesn’t lift you up. “Sorry. Let me summarize. You’re my wife, and that is your ring.” You chuckle, turning around in her arms and trying not to think about the way you’re so close you can feel her warm breath on your face. “Fine. I’m your wife.” She takes the win, leaving a chaste kiss on your cheek before she makes her way out of the training grounds to go wash up for lunch.
This girl is gonna be the death of you.
That night, Clarisse sneaks into the Hermes cabin. She’s used to sneaking out, but she’s never had a reason to sneak into this specific cabin and she almost bursts out laughing when she gets through the window and almost steps on a kid laying on a sleeping bag on the floor. 
She easily manages her way through the sleeping kids to get to your bunk in the corner, cringing every once and a while when floor boards creek. You’re awake, staring at the wall and you reach under your pillow to grab a dagger Annabeth gave you when someone puts a hand on your shoulder and tries to shake you away so you can hold it up against their neck.
“Why the hell do you have a knife to my throat?” Clarisse quietly squeaks out, and you sigh in relief before putting the weapon back under your pillow for safe keeping. “I just…I’m sorry.” You think about telling her about the nightmare you were having not even ten minutes ago, but it looks like she’s already aware of it as she sends you knowing eyes.
“You can make it up to me by following me.” One look into her pleading eyes is all you need to reluctantly agree, and she helps you out of the window and then onto her back so she can carry you to the surprise she set up in the forest.
The sight makes you want to grin and cry at the same time; it’s a picnic set on the cliff overlooking the waterfall you told her was your favorite part of camp, all your favorite foods from the outside world placed accordingly on the blanket. There are little lanterns placed all over, lighting up this specific part of the woods. You can clearly see the stars, one of your favorite things, and the cozy feeling of the date-like setting goes against the summer breeze of the night.
“So? What do you think?” Clarisse nervously asks as you look around in awe. “I….I love it Clar.” You reply, pulling her into a tight hug. “How’d you get all these foods?” You quest with a grin. She innocently shrugs, but she’s got a mischievous look in her eyes that only appears when she does something bad. She won’t tell you that she snuck out of camp the same way she snuck out of her cabin to go to the mortal world, sneaking back in a throwing herself into a bush when Mr. D almost caught her.
She sits down on the blanket, patting the spot next to her and then pulling you into her lap when you sit down. “This is so nice….but why?” “Why?” “Why’d you do it?”
Clarisse chuckles; “Because my wife deserves best.” There it is again, the phrase that brings a blush to your face no matter how many times you hear it. “Well, thank you.” She nods, grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry and taking a hesitant bite before humming in satisfaction. “That’s really good.”
You two spend the rest of the night talking and giggling as you cuddle up to her and eat the delicious foods, and by the end of the night you’re lying with your head in her lap as she runs her fingers through your hair. “One day,” She starts, leaning down to kiss your forehead before she continues speaking; “I’m gonna marry you for real.”
With a small laugh, you nod, staring into her brown eyes as you sigh. “I’m okay with that.” You whisper, and for a second it seems like she’s leaning down again. It’s proven she is when her lips connect with yours. Her lips are slightly chapped since she always forgets to put on chapstick before she leaves the cabin, but that doesn’t matter as she’s kissing you like she’s been starved for years. Technically, she has been.
She pulls away, watching with a nervous smile as you attempt to catch your breath and stare up at her in awe. “Was that-was that okay?” You slowly nod, sitting up and then turning to face her before you grab her face in your hands and kiss her once again. She seems surprised, but she quickly adapts as her hands move to your hips and firmly grip them.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since the day you agreed to be my wife.” She whispers as she pulls away and leans her forehead on your own. You giggle, giving her a quick kiss in between love sick giggles. “Me too.”
She begins to talk again, but the sound of hooves galloping near and a loud voice calling out, “Who's there?!” makes her panic. Chiron. You panic as well, and you both messily pick up the empty plates and blanket, shoving it all in the basket and taking your hand in the one that isn't holding the basket.
The galloping is getting closer, and you both begin to run back into the forest- on the way back to camp but still in the opposite direction of Chiron.
You both begin to laugh as you almost trip over a branch, and you have to bite your lip and hold a hand over Clarrise's mouth so Chiron won't hear. 
You eventually make it back to the cabins, and you both slow down to a light jog as you near the Hermes cabin. She brings you back to the still open window, and helps lift you up into the slightly cold room. You take off your shoes, and are about to wish her a goodnight and go to bed when you turn around to see her lips playfully puckered. 
You chuckle, walking back to the window and giving her a small peck on the lips. “Goodnight Clar. and thank you for a wonderful night.” She smiles. “It was only wonderful because you were there. Goodnight angel.” With that, she leaves towards her own cabin, and you're left staring at her leave with a love sick smile and look in your eyes.
At the edge of the forest, Chiron watches the sweet goodnight with a small smile. “Well I'll be damned….Clarisse La Rue is a softy.” He begins walking to his own cabin with a content sigh. “But they better not sneak out again.”
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Dp x dc idea
So every scene I’ve been introduced to dp x dc, or more specifically in this case, young justice and dp. I’ve been thinking about the fact that yj Wally west purposefully recreated his uncles lab accident (Idk if this is the case with other Wally west but I know it is for yj so) to become a speedster.
Well imagine Danny finding out about this and losing his fucking shit. I’m someone who always headcannons that Danny was a lot more affected by his accident than he let on, so imagine mr emotionally repressed Danny learning that Wally not only willingly but purposefully recreated a dangerous lab accident just bc he wanted power.
Imagine Danny losing it as Wally. Screaming at his things like, what were you thinking? Do u understand how dangerous that was? And, you could have died!!
To the last one Wally says he had it under control and while there was a risk it was minimal. “Plus fatal lab accidents are a lot rarer than you think. Think about it. How many people do u know that died in a lab accident.”
“Well I did for one.”
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reminiscingtonight · 7 months
PLEASE make a blurb of prior engagements 🥹
Prior Engagements Blurb
A/N: I think requests for this one outnumbered all the rest by a landslide
The girls are all bickering about something when Alexia strolls into the locker room. She doesn’t think too much about it, caught up with sending you a cute dog video. 
You took the day off from practice today, something about having a presentation to prepare for, and Alexia was already missing you terribly despite having come from yours this morning. Jonatan was more than happy to give you the day off, knowing how hard it is to balance school and football. With no games coming up this week, the staff have been a bit more lenient with the team. 
Alexia doesn’t realize the locker room has quieted down until there’s an arm thrown around her neck and she’s yanked down to the height of her assailant. 
Mapi has a wicked grin on her face when Alexia comes face to face with her. 
“What do you want, Maria?”
The other girl rolls her eyes at the sound of her first name. “Ale, you have to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Text your girlfriend,” Mapi drawls out the word purposefully, “and tell her to come out with us tonight!”
The Barcelona captain frowns. “First off, she’s not my girlfriend. Second, why me?”
Despite having gone out on a couple dates, you and the Spanish captain have yet to make anything official. It didn’t matter that you were glued together at the hip during the daylight hours, or that you rarely spent the night apart. The two of you have been taking things slow, and neither of you were in a rush to label things. 
“If she’s not your girlfriend, how did you know who I was talking about?” Mapi yelps when Alexia shoves her off. The younger girl rolls her eyes at the blonde, rubbing at her sore arm. “The two of you are practically married already. And (Y/N) won’t say no to you. When’s the last time she willingly came out with the rest of us?”
Alexia chooses to ignore the first part of Mapi’s sentence. “She’s busy. School is important to her.”
“Ale, please?” Jana pouts, the younger girl getting Alexia’s attention by grabbing her arm. The two of you have gotten close ever since you joined the team, and Alexia feels the tug at her heartstrings. Damn Jana and her big puppy dog eyes. 
She sighs. “Fine. I’ll ask her. But there’s no promise that she’ll agree to come!”
The locker room breaks out into cheers. 
Alexia’s shaking her head in amusement all the way to her car, mentally preparing herself for the task at hand.
The sight that greets her when Alexia gets home makes her feel both endeared and a bit guilty. 
Notebooks strewn about her own living room has become a very normal sight to see, you spending much of your free time over at Alexia’s. So today’s no different, the familiar red and blue books thrown about. 
But what she sees, what makes her heart skip a beat is you, laid out on the couch. You’re asleep, Nala cuddled in your arms like a little teddy bear as the two of you snooze together. 
Alexia can’t stop herself from taking a picture before she’s settling down next to you, pressing the lightest of kisses against your forehead. 
“Ale?” you murmur, stirring slightly. 
Alexia shushes you, gently stroking your hair until you’re humming happily. “Go back to sleep mi amor.”
Mapi and the rest of the girls could wait another day. 
All Alexia cared about was you, right here, right now. 
Shuffling a bit, Alexia manages to maneuver you so you’re half sprawled up on her chest. Your nose instantly finds the crook of Alexia’s neck, hand loosely taking a hold of her top. 
It’s warm here, wrapped up around you. Your scent is deep and soothing, and Alexia can feel sleep pulling at the edge of her consciousness. 
Yawning, the midfielder closes her eyes. 
And just as she’s about to drift off--
“Alexia! I know you’re in there! (Y/N) too! Time to get both of your asses up and go party!”
You shoot up at the sound of Mapi’s voice hollering by the door, nearly throwing poor Nala off your lap. Alexia groans, burying her head deep against her cushions.
Mapi looks victorious when you open the door with half-lidded eyes, Alexia trailing not far behind you. The captain stares at her friend with unamused eyes, annoyed that her attempt at keeping you asleep has failed. 
“And you said following Alexia home would be a bust,” she huffs with pride, ignoring the way Patri rolls her eyes at her. 
Alexia’s lips pinch into a thin line. “You what?”
Send me a fic title
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izelascendant · 4 months
Belong to me.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Joel Miller x f! Original Character
words: 781
summary: Joel likes being in control. Short, no plot. Basically just porn.
tags: Mouth Kink, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breathplay, Vaginal Fingering, Dom/sub Play, Rough Body Play, Asphyxiation, Choking, Begging, Porn Without Plot
author’s note: I’m terrified. I haven’t written anything like this in a long, long time. This isn’t usually my cup of tea, but I hope people enjoy it.
Gazing up at him, her eyes widened with a pleading intensity as he ran his thumb across her lips. Stretched out on the mattress, completely bare, she seemed almost like a trophy on exhibition for him. Despite this, he remained composed, more tranquil than ever. His expression was stern, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he observed her, almost as if analyzing every detail.
He brought his thumb to her lower lip, then pressed it into her mouth, and she accepted it obediently. Warm, wet—just how he liked it. He savored the sensation of her tongue's texture before commanding her, "Suck." Once more, she complied, her gaze fixed on him. His breathing was audible, his expression still somewhat somber, yet his demeanor remained unhurried.
"Spread 'em," he mumbled, motioning toward her legs. She complied, a slight shiver running up her spine as his fingers encountered her wetness. Wasting no time, his fingers moved purposefully over her most sensitive area, applying pressure and eliciting a small groan from her. His gaze returned to her face as he loomed over her. "Good?" he grumbled in a deep voice. She nodded, not daring to speak.
He turned his head back down to watch his own fingers expertly at work, wholly focused on his task. His efforts garnered a symphony of moans and whimpers from her, precisely what he desired. She willingly spread her legs a bit further, inhibiting any attempt to squirm away, emitting a pleading huff in response. With his hand still immersed between her legs, his other hand journeyed back up to her face. This time, his fingertips danced along her throat, appreciating the way it moved as she swallowed, almost as if she were choking on her own moans. "Ah—" she choked out, locking eyes with him. Tilting his head slightly, his expression remained unchanged as she enveloped his large hand around her throat, exerting minimal pressure. She closed her eyes briefly, savoring the sensation.
He observed every detail attentively—the involuntary quivers, the arching of her body. Lowering his middle finger to her entrance, he pushed it in, establishing a rhythmic pumping motion. He took pleasure in the furrowed brows, the warm flush on her cheeks— all reactions triggered by him. Increasing the pressure on her throat, he watched her face redden. "Hnng—" she choked on her own moan. Adding his ring finger, he intensified the curling pressure inside her. She arched her back further, emitting a mixture of whines, pleasure entwined with the pain of her constrained breathing.
"Breathe through your nose," he guided, a knowing tone in his voice. "Hurts to breathe, huh?" She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes as she struggled beneath him. Kicking and squirming, yet there was no indication that she wanted him to stop. He kept his gaze fixed on her, his expression unchanged. His brows remained tightly furrowed, his breathing heavy. Tightening his grip around her throat, his thick fingers seemed menacing, threatening to entirely restrict her breathing. Meanwhile, his other fingers returned to caress the area where she was already so sensitive, burning with heat. She cried out in a mixture of agony and ecstasy, reaching for his hand, which he loosened, a dark smile creeping up on his face. "What do you say, baby? You belong to me?" His relentless pace continued on her swollen bud.
"Please," she cried, tears streaming down the sides of her face, as if she were pleading for her life. "Say it." Almost sobbing, she continued, "Please,—please, I belong to you," She repeated the plea over and over, begging for mercy. He reveled in the sight, relishing the control of having her so vulnerable. His actions were animalistic, relentless, and dominant. His fingers never ceased their motion, his hand still firmly gripping her throat—though he did grant her more air, a privilege bestowed upon her for being so obedient.
"Joel," she tried to warn him, even though he didn't need one. "That's it." He observed intently as her body convulsed violently upon reaching its climax, her cries resonating loudly, eyes tightly shut. "That's it," he repeated, giving her the time to catch her breath. Now fully removing his hand from her throat, his fingertips traced down to her collarbone. She huffed and panted heavily, slowly letting her eyes flutter open as she recovered. He remained focused on exploring her, allowing his fingers to roll over her nipple, pinching ever so slightly. His other two fingers withdrew, carrying her juices along with them to dance around her lips, just barely making contact. "Suck," he commanded one last time, and she obeyed, earning her a final dark smirk from him.
She obeyed before smiling right back at him.
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