#positive meditation
toni-onone · 11 months
Sound Meditation : Yoga- The Holistic Discipline
What is yoga? Let me enlighten you about the essence of yoga, a sacred practice that transcends the boundaries of the physical realm. Yoga is not merely a series of physical postures, but a holistic discipline that unites the mind, body, and spirit, helping to foster balance and harmony within oneself. It is a divine journey of self-discovery and self-transcendence, guiding practitioners towards…
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-Plan your day , be organized - daily planner .
-enhance your vocabulary.
-Summarizes books
-Motivational quotes
-Inspirational quotes , success stories , gratitude , affirmations.
- Track your menstruation cycle.
- Track your sleep cycle.
- Affirmations
- Create routines and track your daily habits
- Meditation
- Gratitude journal, vision boards , affirmations
- enhance your vocabulary
- Learn new language
- Facial yoga
- Workout
-Study timer
- Track your water intake
- Journal , habit tracker
-Pomodoro timer , focus for productivity
- Planner
- Flashcards , memorize words easily
- Horoscope
- Meditation
- Learn new facts , build knowledge
- Meditation
- Learn new facts
- Pomodoro timer
- Boost your self-esteem
- For art and museum lovers
- Inspirational talks
- Meditation , develop mindfulness
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faronmckenzie · 3 months
Don’t let their energy change yours.
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 months
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spiritualsrs · 7 months
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Reblog to Affirm 😇
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a-path-by-the-moon · 6 months
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lunasapphire · 1 year
✨I am proud of how far I have come✨
P.s. you got this.
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hollywood-sadcore · 6 months
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For you all.
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wandoffire · 10 months
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instantmanifestation · 10 months
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
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toni-onone · 1 year
Morning meditation and it’s beneficial 🧘🏽‍♀️
🧘🏽‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️🪑🛏️ Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! Today, I want to take a few moments to talk to you about a powerful practice that has the potential to transform the way you start your day – morning meditation. In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of taking time for ourselves, especially in the early hours of the day. But let me tell you, incorporating meditation into…
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
- Affirmations from Alanna Fox Guided mediation for Beauty , Confidence and body image.
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You can speak these affirmations while doing skincare or looking at the mirror . It will help you alot ! TAKE A DEEP BREATH😮‍💨AND LET'S START☺️
🎀I am beautiful
🍥I am protected
🎀I feel beautiful
🍥It is safe for me to exude beauty and confidence wherever I go
🎀I am breathtakingly gorgeous and my soul shines bright
🍥My skin is clear , supple and glowing
🎀My complexion is flawless
🍥My eye brows are full and shaped perfectly for my shape.
🎀My eyes are bright, beautiful and full of love.
🍥My eyelashes are long and beautiful
🎀It is safe for me to have confidence.
🍥Every feature on my face is perfect exactly the way it is.
🎀My smile is captivating and contagious
🍥My lips are soft and full
🎀My teeth are straight and sparkling white.
🍥My hair is long , strong , thick and healthy.
🎀My hair is free from split ends and breakage.
🍥My hair cooperates with any style that I choose to wear.
🎀My body is flawless
🍥I have great posture and I love my figure
🎀My body is breathtakingly gorgeous
🍥I am at my ideal and healthy weight
🎀I now have the body I have always dreamed of
🍥My body is a precious gift and I treat it such.
🎀My body is healthy
🍥I feel so good in my body
🎀I really enjoy what I see when I look in the mirror.
🍥I am a woman who possess beauty , elegance and intelligence
🎀I am proud of myself
🍥I love to feed my body healthy and delicious foods every single day.
🎀I take pride in taking care of my hair , skin and nails .
🍥My nails and toes are always beautifully manicured.
🎀I always smell simply irrestible.
🍥My beauty is mesmerizing and unique .
🎀I carry myself with poise and elegance.
🍥I attract love and prosperity.
🎀I respect myself.
🍥My personal hygiene is a ritual that I love to perform everyday.
🎀I really enjoy getting up and getting dressed every day.
🍥I take pride in my appearance.
🎀I am so grateful for a closet full of luxurious fabrics that flatter my shape.
🍥I always look my best.
🎀I am so grateful for my admirable sense of style.
🍥My mind is clear of self doubt.
🎀I easily attract success by being my authentic self.
🍥I believe in myself and my abilities.
🎀I play an important positive role in the lives of so many.
🍥I deserve to enjoy every single moment of my amazing life.
🎀My confidence inspires others to embrace themselves.
🍥Lovely things are always coming into my life for my highest good.
🎀I am the main character of my life's story.
🍥It's my natural state to be wealthy , loving and genuine.
🎀🍥REPEAT🎀🍥 link of the guided meditation- Click me !
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desultory-suggestions · 4 months
A beautiful and relaxing message for anyone feeling overwhelmed right now. Thank you and Credit: @kennovate on TikTok
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audrinawf · 6 months
Manifestations and triggers of the ego and old identity.
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Do you ever feel like whenever you try to better yourself that somehow your life just throws some drama at you? If so I’m going to tell you exactly why this happens and what you need to be doing.
When you try to manifest your new life you start to work on your self concept aka your identity. You start to asses what habits and beliefs you have currently that have lead to your current circumstances and life. You might identify which behaviors and beliefs no longer serve you and you start acting differently. The thing that happens is that as soon as you have this form of awakening and you start behaving differently from your current patterns your ego aka current identity starts to freak out.
I also want to note that I do not use the word ego in a negative or positive way it’s just a word to explain your current identity.
So our ego freaks out and tries to stop us from changing our thought patterns and behaviors cause if we change, that effectively means that we are killing the current ego. So in an act of self preservation the ego will attack you with doubts and fears as to why we shouldn’t change.
Let’s say you decide to change your self concept to someone that is in a loving and loyal relationship with a romantic partner. What your ego will do is that it will bombard you with every instance and painful memory in your life where the opposite was true in order to keep you from changing your beliefs.
Your ego will tell you that you can’t date or find the love of your life cause look at your friends, look at this person or that person.
You can’t find love cause the divorce rate is 50%. Romance is dead, dating apps have ruined romance and so on and so forth. The ego will keep feeding you as many negative thoughts and beliefs until you are so consumed by it that you forgot that you were trying to change your self concept.
Our self concept and identity aka our ego creates our reality. So when we try to change our self concept our current identity will fight tooth and nail for us not to kill it. And thus we have to wake up every day and fight ourselves. fight to break the habit of being ourselves (shoutout to Joe Dispenza for that phrase)
So when you start changing your patterns your ego is going to create situations and circumstances where the opposite of what you want is going to present itself and all you have to do is not react.
If we continue with the example of manifesting love. You might find yourself meeting men that are the opposite of what you want or you might hear horrible dating stories from your friends. What you’re not gonna do is internalizing those experiences . That’s not your reality. For every dating horror story there’s a success story as well, you just haven’t heard it yet. And either way you only need to find ONE good man so it doesn’t matter that there’s a hundred shitty men out there. That has nothing to do with you.
You’re gonna ignore anything that doesn’t serve you. The more you ignore the less these attacks happen. The more you focus on the new identity you want the old one will slowly starve itself.
So remember this. When you start to change your beliefs your old beliefs will come up to the surface. You might experience events and meet people that reflect your old beliefs. What you’re gonna do is that you’re not going to react to that. You’re just going to observe it and stay focused on the new reality you are creating. It takes time for the new reality to show up so you have to have faith and patience in the meantime.
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My Passion is Fitness, Wellbeing and Health
I have a website full of information about how to be your 'best ever self'. This is just my hobby and I love to share all my knowledge and experience with my readers. It's all free....there are no sales pitches just my love of all things healthy
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I have a free course available on my website for anyone who wants to lead a healthy and full-filling life by improving their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
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I have a FREE 32 page ebook (an extension to my free course) with even more information on how to live your best life. You will find helpful links, videos, PDF's, a weekly diet planner, nutritional information, yoga sequences and meditations, strength workout plans and cardio fitness ideas. All you need to do is FOLLOW ME
You will receive an email just *once a month only* when I publish my new articles. This will bring you up to date on all things "healthy" that you need to achieve optimal health. . 
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free-my-mindd · 2 years
Spend time with yourself, work hard on what you want, meditate, and most importantly love yourself.
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