#spicy's batman
spicy-apple-pie · 1 year
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Thank you @cdelphiki for giving us a Damian that is a normal(ish) eight year old boy.
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Danny’s in Gotham living as a regular civilian or even just a literal tourist.
He’s out late after getting a burger from Batburger and in an attempt to get back to where he’s staying faster he cuts through a few alley ways with some help from his powers to stay safe.
One of the bat fam hears something from an empty looking alley and shines a flashlight in it, directly into the face of a exhausted looking teenager.
Danny, because high powered light in the eyes hurt, hisses in pain, and then runs away after seeing who just attempted to blind him. Because they’re a Bat and Danny really doesn’t want to deal with Batman.
The next morning the GPD issues a warning about a suspected vampire with a described appearance that matches Danny’s a bit too much.
Danny may have forgotten his eyes shine like a cats and that the red Batburger sauce ended up on his shirt… and that he has fangs.
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Tim Drake (nervously): Dick, buddy, brother, pal can I ask you a kind of evasive question?
Dick Grayson: Sure, not a lot of questions are evasive to me.
Jason Todd pretends to be reading while evasdropping.
Tim: What's your body count?
Dick (ignorant): I don't kill people.
Jason: Even I know that is not what he means.
Dick: Then what-
Jason: He's asking if you're a man whore?
Dick: Oh... Oh! Yes, yes I am!
Tim: Your reaction was... Unexpected.
Dick: Well, man whore is derogatory, I'm just a sexual person and there's no shame in that. I think we're all free to do so. Man or woman.
Tim: Oh wow, um I agree, but do you mind if I guess who you've slept with? I'm kind of curious now.
Dick (shrugging): I'll let you guess one.
Tim: Um-
Stephanie Brown races into the room knocking Tim to the ground.
Stephanie: Dibs, I called dibs. Have you slept with anyone else in the titans? Have you slept with anyone in young justice? Was it Wally?!
Jason (smirking): Was it?
Dick: No, it wasn't Wally! Or Raven, Roy, Beast Boy, Cyborg ....there was that one night with Zatanna.
Stephanie: I freaking called it! Barbara owes me 100 bucks!
Tim and Jason stare at Dick surprised.
Dick: What? She's beautiful and I wasn't with Kori... I mean would I sleep with her in my open relationship... No her father would kill me.
Jason (nodding in agreement): That's smart.
Tim: Jason what's your-
Jason: Finish the sentence and you'll be walking with a limp for the next 6 months.
Tim: Yup, yup. I wanted to give it a shot.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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“ You can stop staring now, Superman. "
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
12 am anon back at it again. my friend called me at 2 am, tipsy on i wanna say wine??? and ranted about how nightwing’s “superpower” is his charisma for like 15 mins . and then they talked about how he looks like he’d have a great spice tolerance before hanging up. i think its a hyperfixation .
I absolutely love it!! You and your friend just have the best conversations ever.
Your ask immediately reminded me of this scene from YJ Season 3
"That's just about everyone. Wasn't sure they'd all respond."
"You command more respect than you realize."
"I'm starting to get that."
Literally this boy has charisma oozing out of his pores. It absolutely is his superpower!
Charisma is known as "a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure" or "the quality of being able to attract, charm and influence those around you." And Dick is the living embodiment of it.
It's actually a canon trait of his
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #5
Dick has the unique ability to lead people. It's not just about telling others what to do, it's people wanting to follow him, listen to him, and and accepts his commands of their own volition.
In the DC/RWBY comic, the RWBY team crosses over to Gotham with all their problems so they have to work together with Batman, Batgirl, and Nightwing (Ruby REALLY gets along with Dick which for some reason makes so much sense idk why). And the batfamily get superpowers.
And DC-
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DC/RWBY Issue #3
THEY ACTUALLY GAVE HIM THE POWER OF INSPIRATION. THEY SAID "if anyone has the ability to lead people to a better life, give them light and hope, and be everyone's favorite leader and savior, then there is only one person to which we can attribute this power to."
Inspiration is the factor that leads people to moving mountains, becoming greater, and changing our entire lives and everyone else and Dick is the one who bestows that power.
He literally inspires people to be better and inspires them to follow him and became the greatest they can be.
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #33
He just has the ability to inspire people to reach greater heights. The younger generation, his own, and the older ones kind of hero worship him.
Charisma is a dangerous power to have. It's essentially the unique ability to convince people to want to do things for you.
Examples of charismatic leaders are Martin Luther King Jr, Joan of Arc, Fidel Castro, and Napolean.
These people moved nations, worlds, societies but they are only one person. And Dick, has the ability to do this too.
To describe him as a person, to describe his charismatic authority, you need to combine all those figures into one person. And that's the equivalent of his power.
Because in the comics when he wants something - the whole superhero society answers.
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The Titans (1999) Issue #39
On a separate note, Dick does have a high spice tolerance!
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #1
Also Romani food is made hot and spicy, commonly using chili, paprika, and red and black pepper. So he can definitely handle the heat.
Lol I'm just imagining Dick absent-mindedly chewing on a red chili pepper while he watches Garth dare Wally to eat a ghost pepper while Donna's rolling her eyes and Roy's hyperventilating on the floor because he's having flashbacks to Ollie's Chilli.
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Something more
Arkham Riddler x female reader: word count, 1022. This is basically a sequel to Butterflies?, Ed makes a cute gesture and he’s getting a bit hit and bothered. 🌶️
⚠️CW: subtle nsfw themes, lowkey horny Eddie.
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The soft clink of plates being set on the table was the first thing you noticed as you entered Edward’s lair, an unexpected contrast to the usual mechanical hum of his endless gadgets and monitors. The dim lighting was still there, casting the familiar shadows you had grown used to, but something was different. A faint, savory aroma filled the room—rich, garlicky, with hints of herbs that made your stomach rumble in response.
You stopped in your tracks, blinking in surprise. “Eddie?”
He was standing by the small, cluttered kitchenette he rarely used, a large pot simmering on the stove. His back was to you, but you could see the tension in his shoulders, as though he was trying too hard to appear nonchalant.
“Ah, you’re finally here,” he said, his voice just a touch too casual as he turned to face you. His sharp blue eyes darted over you, lingering a second too long before he quickly busied himself with stirring the pot. “I thought it would be... a suitable gesture. For your, ah, assistance the other day.”
Your brow furrowed as you glanced at the neatly set table, complete with a bottle of wine and a plate of freshly made pasta. The surprise was... unexpected, to say the least. You’d never imagined Edward Nigma, of all people, standing over a stove, cooking for someone else.
“You made dinner?” you asked, incredulous but charmed. “Italian?”
“I’m perfectly capable,” he replied, a bit defensively, though his tone softened almost immediately. “I don’t often have the time, but I find it... a reasonable challenge.”
You smiled, stepping closer. “You didn’t have to do all this, Ed.”
He glanced at you, something unreadable flickering across his expression. “Consider it a thank you for... tending to my injury. And putting up with my... many quirks.”
Your heart warmed at the gesture. Edward wasn’t exactly the most emotionally expressive person, and this was his way of showing appreciation—a quiet, meticulous gesture, just like him. As you approached the table, admiring the effort, you could feel his eyes on you, a gaze that felt a bit more intense than usual.
Edward watched you closely as you moved about, his fingers tightening around the handle of the wooden spoon in his hand. There was something about the way you moved, the way your hips swayed as you pulled out a chair, that had him shifting uncomfortably. He quickly turned his attention back to the food, but his mind betrayed him, wandering to the thought of those hips pressed against him. The curve of your waist, the softness of your skin—images he shouldn’t be entertaining but found increasingly harder to suppress.
He swallowed hard, pushing those thoughts away, annoyed at his own weakness. This was supposed to be a simple gesture, a thank you. Nothing more. But every time he looked at you, he felt that strange flutter again, the one he had tried to brush off the other day. His eyes trailed over the way your shirt hugged your curves, how the neckline dipped just slightly, revealing the faint curve of your collarbone. He clenched his jaw, forcing himself to focus on serving the food instead of how his fingers itched to touch you.
You looked up from the table, noticing the tension in his movements. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he replied quickly, almost too quickly. He brought the plates over to the table and set them down with deliberate precision, as if focusing on the smallest details could help keep his mind from wandering to the way your lips had looked when you smiled at him earlier.
As you sat down, taking in the beautifully prepared meal, you glanced up at him with a grateful smile. “This is really sweet, Ed. I didn’t know you could cook like this.”
He grunted softly, sitting down across from you. “There are many things you don’t know about me,” he replied, his tone cryptic as ever. But even as he said it, his gaze flicked up to meet yours, lingering for a beat longer than necessary.
You took a bite of the pasta, savoring the rich flavors, but your focus wasn’t on the food anymore. There was something simmering in the air between you, something that hadn’t been there before. It was subtle, but undeniable. You could feel it in the way his eyes kept drifting back to you, the way his fingers twitched slightly, as if he was resisting some unseen force.
“Is it to your liking?” he asked, but the question felt like it carried more weight than just about the food.
“It’s perfect,” you replied, smiling softly. “Thank you, really.”
He gave a short nod, but the moment hung between you, heavy with something unsaid. His mind wandered again, despite his best efforts. He imagined what it would be like to reach across the table, to slide his hand over yours. To pull you close, feel the warmth of your skin against his. The thought of pressing his lips to your neck, trailing them lower...
He exhaled sharply, cutting the thought off before it could spiral further. Stop, he told himself. She’s your assistant. This is a simple dinner. Don’t complicate it.
But his body was betraying him in ways his mind refused to acknowledge. The stir of arousal pooled low in his stomach, a dull ache that was becoming harder to ignore the more he tried to suppress it. You were so close, just across the table, your presence intoxicating in a way he couldn’t quite understand.
He forced himself to focus on the conversation, but even as you spoke, laughing softly at something he said, his mind kept drifting back to the way your lips curved when you laughed, the way your body seemed to lean toward him, even if unconsciously. It was maddening.
As the evening wore on, Edward struggled to maintain his composure, to keep the growing tension from boiling over. But as he poured you both another glass of wine, he couldn’t help but wonder how much longer he could keep suppressing the thoughts that were quickly becoming impossible to ignore.
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punkiebuttons · 1 year
Jason: Any toy can be a sex toy if you’re brave enough
Everyone else: What the fuck?
Y/N: ;) 😏😏
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cloakedsparrow · 2 months
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evasive-anon · 11 months
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There is nothing Jason won’t do out of spite to prove Bruce wrong.
Love that Bruce felt the need to physically turn around and stare at the meteor during this exchange as if that was talking to Jason face to face.
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spicy-apple-pie · 21 days
I think it would be fun if Dick and Jason had a podcast called Orphaned or something. Same vibes as The Basement Yard, but with more guests. Mostly their family. Tim is the most frequent, followed by Steph, then Bruce.
I like them bickering and being brothers on camera. And Bruce is there surprisingly often just cause he likes to see and talk to his boys. Dick and Jay both joke that they only have him on to rake in the views, but genuinely like the talks they have. It even translates into off camera stuff because Bruce realizes how easy it is to talk about mundane stuff and not about cases.
One scene I can’t get out of my head is them reminiscing about the first time they met.
Dick: ugh, you pissed me off so much…
Jason: wha- How?? I was literally eight! What did I do??
Dick: You just waltzed right in and got adopted while I was still just a fucking ward!!
Jason: How is that my fault?? I didn’t force Bruce to adopt me!
Dick: I know that now! It just pissed me off at the time, I was still just a teenager!
Jason: You’re adopted now though, right.
Dick: Yeah… but sometimes I wish I wasn’t
Jason: Why? Because this family is fucking bonkers?
Dick: No because I could hold that over Bruce’s head for so long.
Jason: Oh yeah, you could milk that.
Dick: I’d milk it so hard.
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The elevator to Barbara Gordon aka the Orcale's monitor room opens. Barbara turns around surprised by a visitor, but smiles when she sees it's a familiar friend
Barbara: Hi, Rose.
Rose Wilson walks over to Barbara with a smile.
Rose: Hey, how you been?
Barbara: You know, same old. In a wheelchair, I got a new pair of glasses, oh and scored myself a free drink from the local cafe.
Rose chuckles.
Rose: That's good and I'm sorry to bother, but Jason Todd and I wanted to work together for a... Mission. Traveling from Gotham, so he'll be doing that.
Barbara (adjusting her glasses): Oh, what's the mission?
Rose: A cargo ship of cocaine, searching for a mob boss, we'll be staying at the same hotel we have in the past... for missions! You know, the usual.
Barbara: Hm.
Barbara taps her chin, but looks at her computer. Rose's eye shifts nervously.
Barbara: All right, I sent Bruce the email about you two teaming up. He'll complain, but I got you covered.
Rose: Awesome! You're awesome. We're leaving tonight and will be back in three days.
Barbara: Wow, three days and you'll be staying in the same room, sleeping in the same bed?
Rose: Probably, we aren't going to do anything sexual.
Barbara nods her expression hard to read.
Barbara: Got it. Be safe and bring me back a keychain.
Barbara turns back to her computer as Rose walks back to the elevator. Barbara keeps eye contact on the screen as a smirk forms on her lips.
Barbara: Make sure to not be too rough on Jason and use protection.
Rose: I made sure to pack-
Rose tenses with a pink blush on her cheek.
Rose: Um... What protection are you referring to?
Barbara held up two fingers.
Barbara: Both. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
Rose smiles.
Rose: Thanks, Jason sent me up because he was worried you'd see through his lying. Is my poker face bad too?
Barbara: Nah, I simply can tell. You're both happy and I support a happy relationship.
Rose nods in agreement then enters the elevator.
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notnotnightwing · 7 days
Hmm...banana bread muffins or blueberry?
I wanna make you guys something nice cause you've been so nice and supportive of me throughout all this :(( im so happy thank you all, truly.
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viceofdionysus · 2 years
Mi Corazón
Bane x Reader (Gender neutral)
Contains: Size kink, Oral - Male receiving, praise, terms of endearment
Rating - E Word Count - 1.0k
He doesn’t say anything as you take in his naked form. It shouldn’t come as a shock how big he is, considering how big the rest of him is, but you’re still surprised. Your eyes flick up to meet his and your mouth goes dry. 
“I,” You swallow and try again, “I’m not sure.” 
His massive hand cradles your face, his thumb running over your cheek bone. “Corazón.”  He rumbles. 
This had been your idea. You’d begged and pleaded with him, but he’d resisted. He didn’t want to hurt you, he said. He’d told you that he enjoyed bringing you pleasure, that he didn’t need the same. But you’d continued to beg. You knew he would do his best, but that he wouldn’t be able to resist your pleas forever. And now here he is; naked and impressive before you. 
“You don’t have to do this, corazón. I don’t need you to do this.” 
But that’s exactly why you want to do this for him.
“No,” You swallow again, “I want to try.” 
Slowly, you sink to your knees, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“You remember the hand signal?” 
You nod, and then at his raised brow, “Yes. Three taps on your thigh.” 
“You’ll use it if you need to.”
He cups your cheek again, “Everything you do is perfect to me, corazón. There is no shame in not taking it all.” 
You smile and turn your cheek to kiss his palm. “I’ve alway enjoyed a challenge.” 
He chuckles, “Slowly now, don’t take too much at once.” 
“Yes sir.” You wink. 
He can’t help, but admire the way you look on your knees for him. He won’t lie and say he’d never fantasized about this, but it had always felt wrong to ask. He knows that he’s big, that other partners have struggled to take him in any way. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, so he’s never brought it up. But then you had, sitting on his lap one quiet morning. You’d wrapped your arms around him and leaned close to whisper in his ear. 
“You’re not the only one that can use your mouth.” You’d whispered. 
“No, mi amor.” He’d said and thought that it had been put to bed. 
But you’d kept bringing it up, asking, looking at him with those big eyes. And so he’d agreed to let you try, but he had conditions. And now here you were before him, knees splayed wide and beautifully on display for him. 
“Are you ready?” He asks. 
“Then you may begin.” 
You reach out to touch him, a finger brushing over his hardening cock, and you’re rewarded with a soft hiss. You already know that there’s no way you’re taking all of him, but you’ll try your best. 
The hand you wrap around him is stretched wide, fingers so far from meeting. Slowly, you pump his cock, hearing his soft groan. You do it again and then again. Each time he groans and you think he grows harder.
“Amor,” He growls when you pump him again, “If this is what you want, I won’t stop you, but this isn’t what you begged for.” 
He’s right, of course. Flicking your eyes up to meet his gaze, you wet your lips. He holds back a groan at the sight. But he can't hold back a groan when you wrap your lips around his cock head. 
Experimentally you hollow your cheeks and suck. You’re rewarded with a long groan and you let your head sink a little further on his cock. 
“Doing so good amor.” 
The praise warms you, so you take more of him in. But it’s too much too fast and you’re gagging before you realize it. He pulls back quickly, eyes assessing you. 
“Breath.” He commands, “Good. In. Out. Good.”
When he hears your stop gasping, he reaches down and tilts your head up. “Color?” 
“Green.” You say, “I want to try again.” 
You take his cock in your mouth again, slowly sinking down until you're just on the edge of your comfort level. Slowly you pull back and sink again. It’s slow going, but you can hear his noises, soft grunts and low groans. Each one spurns you on.
“Mi corazón.” He groans. 
One of his large hands comes down to cup the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. He doesn’t exert any pressure, just holds you. 
As you warm up, you take more of him as you bob down. 
“Look, amor. Look how good you’re doing.” 
You hadn’t even realized your eyes had shut. Now you open them and see how much of his cock you’ve taken. Almost half his cock remains, but you can feel the tip at the back of your throat. 
“Feels so good amor,” He murmurs, “Look at me.” 
You tilt your head to meet his gaze and he groans at the sight. 
“You look good like this, amor.” He groans, “I’m not going to last much longer.”
At his words, you hollow your cheeks and suck. He gasps roughly. 
“Amor. Corazón. I’m close. Is this where you want me to come?”
You nod as best you can while sucking. In a matter of moments, he’s pulling back slightly. 
“Now amor.” He manages to grunt out. 
And then he’s coming apart. You suck gently until you can feel he’s done. It’s so much, but you do your best to swallow it all. 
When you look up, he’s gazing down at you softly. “Mi corazón. You did such a good job.” 
He holds his hands out to you and helps you to your feet. Not that you stay there long. As soon as you’re standing, he scoops you into his arms. Gently he settles on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m going to draw you a bath, amor. And make you some tea.” 
You nuzzle against his broad shoulder, “That sounds nice.” You hadn’t realized how sore your throat was until you spoke.
“Shh, mi amor. You did so good, now let me take care of you.” 
You nod and he smiles. He turns to press a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Next time, I’ll take more of you.” 
“Si, mi corazón. We’ll work on it. But now we rest. And later I’ll make you scream my name.”
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niche-pastiche · 1 year
The superbat fandom is amazing. They're so engaged. We just have one chapter up for our fic Relationship Status, which we only posted five days ago and already there are so many subscribers.
Maybe there's just a bunch of y'all following this blog but either way it's amazing to see the enthusiasm.
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scorpionyx9621 · 11 months
So Batfamily fandom assemble I need you all to be real with me. I haven't been following the comics of the mainline family at all since 2021. Is Gotham Wars actually worth it to pick up because the art alone is amazing, especially as of late. However I've been seeing a lot of drama boiling from the Jason Todd/Selina Kyle Catwoman sides of the fandom. I almost don't want to know if it's worth getting invested in the story for that alone but I need to know honestly opinions.
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shmreduplication · 4 months
bru i cannnot even get thru the bear s3 trailer in one sitting jfc
you're telling me a very successful guy still has mental illnes even when he's very successful? a very successful guy who thinks he's only good at one thing and that thing simultaneously eases and exacerbates his mental ilnness on different axes? wow what a crazy concept that i've never experienced before hahahahhahahahaha jfc the family shit was way easier for me in comparison
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