#wally because he's still young and still has a ton he wants to do
popculturebuffet · 1 month
Pirate Month III: The Wiggles Movie (Comission by Lachey V )
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Ahoy me hearties and welcome back to Pirate Month III a look at pirate media and in this case media tha thas a pirate in it.
Today we're looking at the 1997 Wiggles Movie as Lachey has a lot of weird microfixations and this being the blog it is I support that. This is what he wanted when offered a part of pirate month,. The WIggles movie is pirate adjacent, but still a lot of fun. For those who haven't heard of them the wiggles are an australian band aimed at kids formed by three men studying child devleopment who happened to be musicains and decided to make a childrens band and their musician friend who they brought along for the ride. They've gone through multiple iterations, but we're focusing on the origianl fab four. In 1997 to expand their reach after a few succesful vhs takes and albums, they launched this movie. It was a gamble as in australia three year olds get free tickets which should be a thing everywhere.. but it paid off: theatrically it made back it's budget and it waas a success on home video. It later came here direct to videos. I don't have much other than that on background.
The Wiggles movie is... to put it gently.. a tad nuts, the story of a bumbling magicain who steals lead wiggle (the yellow one) greg's magic wand from a childrens party, ends up persued by the wiggles adopted daughter/younger sister/dinosaur dorthy who they spend the movie gaslighting by refusing to acknowledge her brithday to hide a suprise party instead of just saying happy birthday and not telling her about the party.
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This one's going to be a lot of fun to talk about and with not a lot of intro to cover (I felt a full dive into the wiggles neat backstory wasn't fully necessary), let's begin under the cut.
The plot is really simple but i'm not against it as just as a comedy films plot can be pretty straightfoward to cram in jokes, a film for young toddlers dosen't need to be an epic generatoinal tale of the wiggles battle against an evil wizard. I'd love to see that, but that's not what five year olds are coming to see and i'm not the target audience.
The film follows Wally, an inept magician living in the shadow of his grandpa Waldo the maginifcent. He reacently died and the local magic club is holding a contest for the winner. Wally badly wants the wand as he thinks a magician needs it when the guy running it assures him no you just need self confidence dingus. Wally is played by stage actor tony wally.
So while peddling around on his trike wallowing in his own lack of confidence, can relate, wally comes across the wiggle doing a kids party becaus eit's what they do. If you want deep lore about how greg wears yellow to honor the bananana man who gave his life to save him again this isn't the movie. I will make that movie someday I promise, but this isn't that.
The film works for what it is: while I do prefer my kids media that tries to appeal to adults theirs no shame in making stuff for young kids. I may not enjoy this because i'm 27 years past the target demo.. but I can repsect the craft, how the wiggles at the time , Anthony Field, Jeff Fatt, Murray Cook and Greg Paige, have a LOT of manic energy. Their basically human muppets ala peewee herman and I can see why kids love them. Personality wise there isn't much: Greg's the leader, Anthony is constantly hungry, Jeff has untreated narcolypsey they constantly wake him up from and Murray drives. But they really work best as one singular unit and don't really need a ton of dividing traits kids would loose track of. Their just four goofy loveable guys who sing songs what good and have a dinosaur who may also be their sister or they've been raising since she was a baby or after a burglar killed her parents.
Greg happens to be doing a magic act so Wally does the natural and noble thing: HE'LL STEAL IT AND NO ONE WILL EVE RKNOW. Naturally dorthy catches him because Wally is a bit of a klutz. And because the wiggles have been gaslighting her.
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Yeahhh let's talk about the other main plot which is intertwined. Dorthy is there to see the theft because it's her birthday.. and the wiggles are acting like they forgot. Now they DO have a reason for this: their having a suprise party and she can't know!
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Yeah it's never come up before in the 600+ reviews i've done on this blog but I HATE this stock plot. So much. Yes I get it, you can't let someone know your having a suprise party from them. It's in the name. But the problem I have with this plot is the part where the people throwing it either act like they FORGOT about the birthday or can't go. The latter is a bit more understandable. The comic strip heart of the city used that just this week. I shit you not
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This one admitely worked better for me as it's revealed every excuse they had, going shoe shopping , getting their hair done, makeup etc, was all one of her presents. It's still not perfect, but it's about as close you can get to me liking this trope.
In contrast the wiggles movie.. has them all claim to forget her birthday entirely. The wiggles, wags the dog and his various children he adopted either out of love or for the money it's never explained, Captain Feathersword, Henry the Octopus. They all pretend to not remember... for no reason. It's why the trope sets me off so much: you can make up a fucknig excuse. YOu don't have to act either suspicious as fuck or the mayor of jackass town who forgot their friends birthday. Just agree to it for now or make up an excuse. I didn't go INTO this knowing conciously i'd have the perfect counter argument but the heart story really is: yes they lie, yes they dispaoint her but the big twist and the dramatics of it help. Heart is someone who LIKES dramatics, she probably loved this. Where as Dorthy is.... well she should be 30 by my count as jeff was 40 in 1997 and we get a child flashback where the wiggles promise to always be there for dorthy. The good news is it's actual kids playing them. The bad news is those actual kids sing hot potato
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I will get back to this "song" later. But for now just know it sucks and I hate it.
Point is this is her only family we know of , her best friends.. telling her they dont' care about their birthday. Like fucking christ just ADMIT it's her birthday. It's not that hard. She ends this subplot dispoindent planning to mope at home and ONLY ends up at the party because an inept magician happens to be performing there. And yes I know what some people reading this are probablys aying "Jake it's for toddlers".. but I see this plot so fucking often in stuff not for toddlers done the same way. I once saw all of Ponyville break pinky pie's spirit because they lied to her about her suprise party. Gratned part of that was also making applejack lie as she' sa very honest person but my god. Just admit you kjnow what day it is, your going to the party they think their having, and be done with it. And againt here at least she's throwing a party and dosen't know it's her own birthday, I get there's some neurosis there working against them... but if the choices are hurt your best friend or spoil the suprise... SPOIL THE FUCKING SUPRISE.
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... I.. didn't agree to reviewing the wiggles movie expecting an angry tangent about a trope in media I dislike. Shame on me for not being more prepared.
So after a child tells them all what happened Greg does want to find Dorthy so she can get to the birthday on time. The fun thing is... Greg.. isn't worried about wally. He's heard of him. Greg knows everyone in town. Greg's the man. He knows he's harmless just a bit self loathing and bumbling.
So the rest of the film is pretty much just: dorthy and wally go somewhere to try and get the wand fixed, while the wiggles go somewhere, possibly somewhere they've been to find them. That's about all you get. It does work: the wiggles parts are mostly excuses for jokes or songs, while the dorthy and wally part has him slowly gain self worth by befrending wags and captain feathersword, and foiling the rose burgalar what killed dorthy's parents.
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They even dance on stage. I'd ask at this point if it was wierd I kinda ship these two as their support of ecah other is adorable as is the fact that while pissed and trying to fix gregs wand after wally done breaks it, Dorthy geninely wants to help wally an dat the end Wally wants to tell greg himself and replace it , realizing he did a bad thing. But honestly... I ship so much weird crossover stuff that this is a drop in the bucket. I ship nifty and young neil. I crossed the threshold of sanity.. also nifty and hooty would make a good couple. Just saying.
The songs... aren't bad but aren't for me. Their fun have a lot of motion and I paticuarlly love the openign song hey there wally sung as a theme song for him as he pedals along, but mostly ti's just.. okay. it's not BAD music, but music can be good and still not for you. I do like the number where they caper underwater, and the medly over the credits and honestly DID want to go over all the music in this film.. but I just don't have any thoughts on it other than "this is pleasing to he ear and oh look i'm zoning out." i do give them credit for doing a pretty much all new soundtrack for the film though, with only a few signature songs thrown in. Enough to please the kids watching but give them some new faviorites
There is one song I do want to talk about... now where were we
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Ah yes. I've heard the regular hot potato, it's not bad, a lot of fun, and I can see why it's one of thier biggets hits... now have a bunch of children tonelessly sing it and you've got my own personal hell. I don't hate kids, I respect media for them and despite all the jokes do like this film.. but I don't like "kidified" music that dosen't try. The wiggles... usually does, making genuine songs that just happen to appeal to kids. It's not for me but I get why their superstars. But this is just.. gahhhh .And I point it out as besides the whole gaslighting dorthy thing, which while not great is more inherent in that stock plot than them being bad storyteller, it's the only part of the film that really infuraties me. I could overlook the birthday nonsense to enjoy the vibes, but this... why did anyone ask for this.
So before we talk about wally some more, let's talk about the wiggleds other friends. We've got the octopus who wears a sailor hat, so you know he's cool and I genuinely mean that. His segments fine and I do like the underwater bits with the wiggles. Wags has a bunch of kids the waggettes. I can't tell if this is a heartwarming adoption, a donald duck situation or a bender rodregiz scammnig child service situation but i'm going with the forth. They peform a weird song that enchants wally.
Finally ooo it's captain feathersword. His song's a lot of fun, his actor hams it up nicely and his gimmick of just tickling people and smugglign cocaine is delightful. And he at least offers Dorthy a dance to distract her and thanks wally for saving his crew member. The wiggles friends aren't bad, their fun enough it's just not really anything for me... which given i'm 8 times the target demographic is fine just fine.
Wally does get a nice little character arc: he dances on stage, stops a robbbery, and realizes what his magic coach was trying to teach him: it's what's inside that counts my friends it's not the peel it's the nana. So wally decides to enter the magic contest not to win for himself but for dorthy so he can give greg his granpaps wand.
The magic contest is genuinely hilarious: wally is up against his douchey rival, whose only real roll in the film is to show up and be a dick to wally: he shows up in the intro to mock him, drives by to mock him, does so AGAAIN in the climax as he's trying to register, and does so AGAIN in the dressing room. At this poitn i'm not convinced he dosen't pop otu of wally's closet in the middle of th enight to mock him too.
His big trick is also just.. tosisng a bucket of glitter. Which I gotta admit is impressive: avengers endgame probablyw oudlnt' of happened if dr strange just had a bucket of glitter hanging around to throw in thanos eyes.
But lucky for wally he too has mastered the blade.. and the bucket of glitter. He also inherited his grandpa's outfit and magical trunk so he wins as you'd expect
The ending is rather sweet. Wally encourages Dorthy to come with him after they go back to the wiggles house and OH CHRIST I FORGOT THE DOOR
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This horrifying monstrosity opens the wiggles house and tests them or dorthy whenever they wnat to enter. Thankfully they pass as this film was about to get a LOT bloodier if they failed. I don't know if ti eats them, puts them in a saw trap or just sicks the tall man on them but frankly i'm better off not knowing. Really happy they phased this guy out after season 1 of the tv show. I don't know how many 90's australian kids nightmares he still stalks but at least he stalked slightly less.
So they go IT WAS A SUPRISE PARTY and yeah yeah but I lke the bit iwth wally: wally genuinely apologizes, is accepted by the wiggles who are like "no harm no foul what's some theft between friends" and as you'd expect greg gives him the wand. and look this flim is predictable, kind of insane.. but i'ts charming. The wiggles movie didn't give me much to analyze: it's a simple work and does what it does well. But I can't deny the wiggles charisma, creatvity or charm> even with the stock plot I hate... I still like this movie. It's relaxing which is what a film for toddlers should be but not SUPER obnoxious for the adults watching.. Not full on something they can enjoy too, but not something that will drive them insane being played a hundred times. It also made me want some fruit salad and that ain't bad. Thanks for reading
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
Each of the cast learn they have 6 months to live. How do they react?
Henry: Quits his job immediately and goes home to be with Linda, telling Joey off when he tries to convince him to stay
Joey: Either sacrifices himself to the ink machine to try to be immortal, or sacrifices everyone else in the hopes of at least getting one good cartoon out of it
Sammy: Goes into a depressive funk and also starts praying way more and panicking over all his potential sins
Jack: Doesn’t tell anyone else until the last minute, spends most of his time with his husband trying to check things off his bucket list
Susie: Returns home to be with her parents but mostly tries to go on like normal
Allison: Donates all of her savings to charity (and Tom), gets married immediately
Wally: Freaks the hell out initially, then moves into anger before finally accepting it. Spends a lot of time trying to rehome his many, many dogs and trying to finish his bucket list
Norman: Tells no one but his wife/kids about it and goes home to be with them (without telling anyone, making it seem as if he vanished)
Thomas: He’s not as surprised as he should be due to how much he smokes. Tells only Allison and spends most of his time trying to make sure she’s set for when he’s gone
Shawn: Goes from straight-up denial to being super angry about it and trying to change his circumstances.. probably proposes to Wally because what does he have to loose at this point? also does a bunch of crazy bullshit for the same reason
Grant: It’s weird because he’s kind of suicidal and thinks a lot about how much he wants to die, but when faced with actual dying he kind of panics and realizes he maybe doesn’t want to die possibly? probably just ends up in an even deeper depressive funk that turns into a last-second mental breakdown and self-realization
Bertrum: Completely panics and throws himself full-force at his work in a desperate attempt to finish the park before he dies, probably nearly kills himself from overworking n the process
Lacie: Isn’t really all that surprised. Goes home to be with her wife. Possibly kills herself close to the end, not because she’s suicidal but because she’d hate to have anyone see her withering away in a hospital bed.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
DP + JLU crossover prompt: I wanna see Flash as Danny's mentor, so--
Danny has survived (Sorta?) 2 years as a ghost without being discovered. Until their field trip to Central City. First day there and immediately Flash catches him phasing out of some locked container (Thank you, Dash). Danny thinks he's screwed, "Hello GIW, dissection tables, and ecto-uranium cages for the rest of my life", but Flash just asks "Meta?" and Danny rolls with the out, figuring he can just let the hero believe he has some sort of intangibility ability and not get caught doing anything else for the week. The League hero even asks if he's out about his ability and helps him with a cover story for where he was when Mr. Lancer asks.
Cue Danny getting a surprise mentor. Turns out, it's something of an open secret that Flash likes to help out young metas with their abilities. He's willing and able to set things up so he can visit Danny in Amity Park regularly, so Danny doesn't have to move. He's got a ton of experience helping kids feel out different abilities safely (and Danny's almost a little disappointed he only told the guy about intangibility because he wishes he could get this level of guidance on other abilities. Like duplication. Or teleporting.). And he's not afraid of acting as a go between for kids who want to keep their identities secret while learning their abilities and other heroes with similar powersets, either.
Flash is aware there is a lot more to Danny's powers than he's been told, but he's willing to let the kid come to him with the full story in his own time.
ooooooooo alrighty okokokokok. sO.
this brings me so much seritonin I love Flash x DP crossovers, I simply haven't read much stuff on Barry since the guy since he was dead for like a solid 25 years irl time for comics. It's a good thing that I can write this since Justice League Unlimited Flash is Wally West. Barry straight up just doesn't exist in JLU and sO:
Wally damn well knew the kid had something else going on. He's not sure exactly what but he's seen enough to know that this kid is more powerful than he's making himself out to be.
He's spotted Danny's foot almost on reflex turn invisible when his hands slipped and he dropped a knife on the ground. The knife clattered to the floor harmlessly and Danny was fine. The flickering of his lower limbs was for less than a second. Flash can think as fast as 100 attoseconds in one second. That's what a second is to 300 million years. He may not be able to perceive just as fast but it's still far far quicker than any meta he's ever known. He watches the boy for what seems to be days but to Danny it's quick as a flash, how he realizes that he's invisible and hastily flickers back to reality. No one should have spotted it, but Flash saw. He knew. He kept it to himself. It was not his secret to tell.
Danny thinks he's subtle. He might be for the average human, but not to fellow Supers. Danny's drinks are somehow always perfectly chilled even when its been sitting in the sun for hours. The kid's nightmares cause him to yell in his sleep. Wally had to ask Batman for some custom glassware made out of the same stuff the Batmobile's windows are made of cause the kid keeps shattering every new set he buys.
The other day Danny showed Wally that he could turn invisible. On his own terms. Wally acted as if the dozens of times he's seen Danny blip out of existence never happened and accepted the new development with ease. He knew he gained even more of Danny's trust when the young meta laughed and for the first time didn't worry about hiding his sharp canines from his sight.
Progress is slow going but eventually he'll get this boy to open up so he can get the proper help he needs.
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It’s crazy how, despite being the C plot of the episode, the highlight was still the OG team being together. Honestly made me wish that was the entire season. I hope S5 gives us more of that. Side note, I’m starting to wonder if they’ll actually get SB back by the end of the season. What do you think that means for Wally? After all, we only have three episode left and a ton of stuff to wrap up. Speaking of which, is it just me or are we super late in the game for Markova plot? Part of me thinks that might just be set up for the comics.
SPOILER ALERT: Seriously don't read this if you don't want to know
Conner is coming back and he's going to be fine. He's in the previews of Young Justice: Targets which takes place after Young Justice: Phantoms.
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We know this isn't a flashback because Gar and Perdita broke up in Young Justice: Phantoms and Gar is looking forlornly at pictures of Perdita in the preview with Conner.
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Cassie and Dick are also in their new costumes here and Gar has his corgi which also sets these after Young Justice: Phantoms and means that they aren't flashbacks. From this we know that Dick, Artemis, Jeff, Vic, Steph, Cass, Traci, Gar, Cassie, Babs, and Brion survive Season Four.
I wasn't really worried about any of the above dying but it's good to know.
The previews show that Brion and Markovia will be involved at least somewhat so last episode could be building up to Targets. I think that it's pretty likely that the Markovia plot will continue into season five as well because I don't think they'd wrap it up entirely in a tie in comic.
They're bringing him back super late in the game here so I could see his story being touched on in Targets. It's Arrow family focused and Artemis is a member of the Arrow family so her boyfriend coming back to life would probably be talked about. They might even deal with the Artemis, Wally and Jason Bard situation in Targets. Actually, scratch that, they're 100% dealing with that in Targets.
Maybe I'm in denial but I'm not worried about Wally coming back. I'm upset that it's so late in the game but I'm not worried about it happening.
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How about your top 4 pokemon rivals of choice, as Dads? :>
It’s tough narrowing down my favorites sdfghgfd [except for Barry, he's always at the top of the list]
Kind of a follow-up to the big rival post
Silver really shapes up as a dad; he’s still grieving his relationship with his own father, and even though he’d never thought he would have children, now that he’s here, he’s determined to do better. He’s well aware of the fact that he’s gruff and difficult to get along with— because of that, he shows his affection in other ways. Very much an acts of service kinda guy when he’s involved with someone; he might struggle talking about Emotions as the kids get older, but he really is always there whenever they need him for anything, no matter how big or small it may be.
Barry is a surprisingly nervous father— once he’s got children of his own, he’s wondering how on EARTH his own parents let him run off with you to save the world as kids. And, predictably, the children inherit his disposition; they’re loud, and happy, and always wandering off when you’re not looking. Thankfully Barry didn’t change much as he got older, because now he’s able to predict when the kids wanna do something Really Stupid, and he can step in to stop them— or join in on the fun. He’s definitely not the responsible parent out of the two of you.
Wally is an absolute sweetheart, and is naturally really good with kids. He’s also still a pretty big crybaby— he can’t help being so empathetic, and the babies are tiny and cute, and when one of them gets upset it upsets him too. It’s not a bad thing, though; he’s deeply in-tune with your children’s emotions as they grow, and that helps a ton when they’re too young to really convey their feelings, and it’s even more beneficial when they hit their rebellious teenage years. He’s a very open father, because his family trusted him enough to let him travel even while he was ill— he intends to show that same trust with his own family, because it will help them grow.
N takes a long time to truly adjust to humanity; there’s a massive difference between traveling and chasing his goals, and settling down with you and being responsible for another life. He doesn’t dislike it, though— he has no memories of his birth family, and even before he knew what was going on, his childhood with his sisters and Ghetsis was always disjointed. He’ll never be able to get those years back, and he’s adamant that his children get to live however they’d please; and amusingly enough, his children just want to run around in the yard for now, climbing trees and pretending they’re Pokémon. He’ll absolutely join them— you’re gonna come home to find your husband tangled up among the branches as the kids laugh.
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My ideal YJ season 4, because SOMEONE can’t follow directions and stop making unnecessary time skips that no one wants
(This is written with enough salt to fill the fucking Pacific, I swear.)
First off, no time skips!!! Why, you ask? Because we don’t fucking need one, that’s why. I didn’t turn on Young Justice because I was hoping it would be about a bunch of thirty-year-old has-beens who aren’t even in the superhero game anymore because they can’t throw a punch without shattering their hip. For every year that this show skips, my patience thins just a little bit more.
HOWEVER!!! The introduction of the Legion of Superheroes means we’ll be getting some time travel shit, right?? Some good ol’ time fuckery?? Some timeline shenanigans?? Then how about we get some flashbacks between the past and the future?? Pretty please??? There is no better opportunity to bring back all of the phantoms (literal AND figurative) of the Team’s past than to do it in a season that is LITERALLY titled “Phantoms.” Show us big milestones from the five years between seasons one and two like Dick becoming Nightwing, Wally and Artemis quitting, when all of the freshmen joined up, etc. Have the season center on linked conflicts between the past, present, and future because this is seriously the PERFECT season to do that! Connect Jason’s death to his resurrection! Connect Wally and Artemis quitting the hero gig to Wally’s triumphant return! The possibilities are limitless! And if the writers don’t take this golden opportunity for whatever reason, then guess what!! They’re dumbasses who just missed a huge opportunity that we’ll probably never get again!!!
(Also, let me just say real quick that if Artemis is in a relationship when the season begins, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind. This is an opinion thing so you don’t have to agree, but if she is dating someone to try and “fill the void” after Wally which leads to a whole love triangle thing when he comes back, I will break things. Buildings will fall. Trees will be uprooted and yeeted across nations like goddamn Paul Bunyan. Don’t fucking do it.)
This one goes without saying by now, but Wally West is going to come back. That’s happening. That’s gonna be a thing. I’m almost positive about it, unless of course all of the hints at his return in season 3 were just Voltron-level baiting, which is highly probable at this point. Still, I’m sticking with my faith that Wally will be back before the season ends. Have him be stuck in the Speed Force. Have him be stuck in the Phantom Zone. I don’t care where he comes from, just bring him back home and reunite him with his friends and family, please. Maybe then I can finally rest. (Bonus points if he’s got boosted speed and/or a red and silver Rebirth-style suit!)
Bring in Inertia, AKA Bart’s clone Thad!! I know I had a super good reason for this when @damthosefandoms​ and I talked about it weeks ago, but I honestly forgot all of it. Regardless, I think it’s an excellent idea because Bart deserves the screen time, PLUS he’s already our resident time traveler so why not give him some spotlight in a season all about time travel? And while you’re at it, introduce a wonderfully crafted character who could make the season SO much more interesting, whether he takes Bart’s place in an echo of the mole plot from season one or just as a wild antagonist who is ACTUALLY a teenager like the rest of them. (Looking at you, Lex Luthor and Deathstroke and all of you bad guys who already have gray hair and aren’t remotely interesting anymore.) (Okay, that last part was a lie because they are pretty interesting, but still. Give us some younger villains.)
Also I would really like Bart and Ed to be official because. I mean, did you see their interactions in season four?? The whole “Virgil being a seventh wheel which implies that Bart and Ed are a couple” thing?? Come on, man.
The Phantom Zone!! It’s a thing!!! Use it!!!
This one is more wishful thinking than anything, but I would really dig a huge final battle on Apokolips in the season finale. As wild and shocking as the season three finale was, I was expecting a cool battle sequence between those who were under the influence of the anti-life equation and those who weren’t that never happened, which made the ending seem a bit...empty. What better setup for a battle sequence than the entire Justice League, Team, Outsiders, and Legion fighting together against Darkseid and his minions? It would be incredible.
JASON TODD!!! OUR FAVORITE PHANTOM WHO IS ALREADY REVEALED TO BE ALIVE!!! In my ideal “Under the Red Hood” arc, they would give us a ton of flashbacks (see??? it fits in perfectly with what I said earlier about bouncing between the past and future!!) to Jason’s death which probably happened during a Team mission instead of with Batman and Joker since it’s a Young Justice-centric show and all. Then we get to see the Red Hood operating with the Light as their secret weapon or maybe even their new enforcer until, after a whole season of watching the Batfam struggle to bring their wayward son and brother home, he switches sides and fights alongside them in the final battle. Fucking splendid you funky vigilante.
Additionally, a Red Hood arc gives perfect reasoning for some Batfamily content! Let us know what Cass is like and how she joined up as Orphan before season three. And while you’re at it, let Tim get some spotlight too?? Please?? Maybe even give us some Tim/Stephanie content because the writers wouldn’t drag out a whole boring breaking-up-but-not-really-because-nothing-actually-happens-there-and-they-get-barely-any-screen-time thing for Tim and Cassie if it wasn’t for a good reason. They could show Barbara training Steph to take over as Batgirl, or at the very least have her last scene in the season be of Steph opening a present from Barbara that turns out to be a purple suit with a bat symbol on the chest. It would be spectacular.
And lastly, this one isn’t really relevant even though it is, but. I am more than okay with Damian Wayne not being present in this season. It’s not that I don’t love him, which I do. But the kid was an infant last we saw him, and the only way he could become Robin anytime soon is if Dick were like thirty and I’m Not Here For That. Save Damian for future seasons when you actually need new characters, rather than cramming in a million easter eggs for no reason when you already have a perfectly good main cast right there.
Seriously, Grandon. I’m fucking begging you here.
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chaptersofnow · 4 years
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Triplets of Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder
Bio’s under the cut
Name: Cloudburst Showers Nickname(s): Drippy
Age: 25
Pronouns: They/Them/He/Him
Identity: Nonbinary gay man
Parents: Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder
Sibling: Cyclone Whirl, Monsoon Gale (triplets)
Special Talent: Vocal Mimicking, acting 
Occupation:  Voice actor
Location: Las Pegasus
Likes: Anime, cool weapons, comics, salty snacks Dislikes: getting babied, being called cute (its embarrassing!)
Bio: One of the three triplets born from Lightning Dust and Rolling thunder Often mistaken for the oldest sibling being much taller, deep voice, and full time job (not to mention act the most mature). Drippy has always tend to stay away from spending time with their siblings finding their competitive natures very annoying. He wants nothing to do with their flying challenges, only wanting to be alone and watch his shows. He is very quite, and very drab in nature. However when he does speak up he has a deep smooth voice and a sharp tongue, he can scare the living hell out of Cyclone and Monsoon. None the less his mothers love him loving giving him many nicknames, and teasing him relentlessness when they show up basically uninvited to his house to eat dinners together.  Drippy know's their mother's show up to eat at him place the most as the is the only with a steady and well paying income. To top it off he hates being babied and tends to get in fights with them about their an adult and that they shouldn't treat him like some kid, which always get dismissed by some jokes and comments from the two mares. Drippy, despite most of what can be gleamed from them, they love anime. They enjoy loud action packed animes with cool fighting, and can be found spending their free days at home binging TV and eating a ton of snack like a highschooler.
Name: Cyclone Whirl Nickname(s): Wally
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Identity: Straight Cis Girl
Parents: Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder
Sibling: Cloudburst Showers, Monsoon Gale (triplets)
Special Talent: Flying 
Occupation:  Professional stunt flyer
Location: Califoalnia 
Likes: Stunts, action movies, explosions Dislikes: money problems, birds
Bio: Cyclone whirl, one of Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder's triplets While Wally and her siblings are triplets they grew up feeling more like they were twins with Monsoon while Cloudburst was their older brother, who often isolated from them and called them annoying. Cyclone thinks Cloudburst is pretentious as hell and hates it, but its ok because she knows their mom's like her and her brother Monsoon more anyways because they got cutiemarks for being really good fliers just like their mother's wanted. Cyclone Whirl learned all she knows from Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder and joining them in their line or work with Monsoon when old enough. They love the crazy stunts they get to do. When word got around that Ex-Wonderbolt leader Rainbow dash was bringing back the Wonderbolts after they disbanded and was looking to train fliers for the new generation, Cyclone and Monsoon were quick to sign up. They may have learned to hate rainbow dash with every fiber in their body but, the chance to be a wonderbolt like their mother's themselves once dream was a once in a life time opportunity. They trained hard for the Cloudsdale audtions, with on a moon's time before the wonderbolt's crew would arrive left Cyclone came in contact with the worst luck. Breaking her wing during one of their stunts, rendering her incapable of even audition to be a wonderbolt. Her brother Monsoon, however did make it in and she has never hated her own brother more. she's incredibly jealous and wishes she could have had the chance to compete. Not to mention their mother's keep dragging them to any training's their allowed to watch (as long as the behave, in the words of rainbow dash)
Name: Monsoon Gale Nickname(s): Moon
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Cis bi man
Parents: Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder
Sibling: Cyclone Whirl, Cloudburst Showers (triplets)
Special Talent: Flying 
Occupation:  Wonderbolt in training
Location: Califoalnia
Likes: Magazines, scrapbooking, storm flying Dislikes: getting yelled at, being a dissapointment
Bio: One of the three triplets of Lightning Dust and Rolling thunder Monsoon Gale grew up feeling more like a twin to only his sister Cyclone Whirl than their other sibling Cloudburst who often snapped at them when he wanted to be alone. Monsoon and Cylcone were taught all their flying tricks by their moms growing up, developing a passion for it. He likes how it feels to be so far above it all, feeling the clouds and wind and weather through his mane. While taking on a bit of a mean side from his family, he is one of the nicest ones of them. He tends to be mean for no reason with comments he makes, sometimes not really understanding the thing he is saying are rude having just picked them up from those around him. He is does have a sense of good nature with helping out others and even being a genuine fan of the EX-wonderbolt member, Rainbow dash. Which he would NEVER tell his family. His sister would never let him know a moment of peace ever again and his mothers might go ahead and disown him. So when THE Rainbow dash began recruiting young pegasus to begin training them to become a new generation of wonderbolt he was ecstatic. Even his sister could look past the rainbow dash part of it and be excited by the potential to become one of the biggest things known to flyers. When the auditions to cloudsdale rolled into town, well Monsoon feels a little guilty feeling this way, but he was secretly happy that his sister ended up unable to join. He knows her accident is terrible and she's lucky to only break the wing, but she did only break the wing and she's fine now. Now he could openly work along side his hero and openly admire her skills without his sister causing them trouble. Though his family still shows up to as many training as their allowed to and he gets very awkward, often giving rainbow dash the cold shoulder out of no where when they watch him.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 years
Batfam during New Years?
This would’ve been more appropriate three months ago, so I’ll be doing it for the 2019-2020 New Year’s
Also I realize this is a lot more than just batfamily and is probably the biggest crossover I’ve ever done but it feels right
Instead of having a blowout gala, the Waynes just invite a few close families. Namely the Supers, Speedsters, Wonders, and Arrows
Lois, Joan, and Iris help Alfred prepare a marvelous dinner while Clark, Jon, and Conner literally fly in with tables from elsewhere. Conner brings a table that looks suspiciously like the one from Mount Justice
Bruce jokingly allows everyone to bring a plus one because he assumes that all the plus ones were on the original invite. He forgot to account for Barry and Bart’s partners, so they have to send the Kents out again to find more chairs
Speaking of speedsters, Dick forgot to keep an eye on his and Wally nabs all the champagne, much to Jason’s chagrin
They have an early dinner because there’s still a lotta people and they want time for other things. That and it takes forever to make speedsters and Kryptonians feel full
There’s a kids table with Damian, Jon, Jai, Irey, little Lian, and toddlers Don and Dawn. Bruce makes an executive decision to move Bart there halfway through the meal
The teenagers gather in Tim’s bedroom to play Never Have I Ever with a stolen bottle of champagne, with a little help from Wonder Girl’s lasso of truth. And after a few drinks, it turns into a really weird game of Truth or Dare where a couple couples officially come out and Tim admits to to eating ketchup with a spoon, which Khaji Da does not react well to for reasons unknown even to Jaime
Meanwhile, the Outlaws find a corner to themselves to play Cards Against Humanity, but it’s rather hard when Lian keeps peeking over Roy’s shoulders and ask difficult questions like “What’s a [REDACTED]”
The adults gather and gossip on the couch with some wine that Selina totally didn’t steal from another party. They talk and reminisce, bittersweetly wondering where on Earth the time has gone. Because at one point, they were all young superheroes, and now they’re together in a manor full of legacies and holy cow do they feel old
Dick bundles the children up in poofy layers before they go outside to play in the snow. Cass declares an official snowball war and single handedly takes down a team made of an assassin, a super kid, two speedsters, and Nightwing
Duke asks Damian what his New Year’s resolution is. Damian replies, “Try not to kill anyone”. Duke is proud but also yeets away from the conversation faster than the Flash
Alfred also had an enormous croquembouche prepared for dessert stored in the other room. Stephanie, Donna, Kara, and Emiko take turns keeping lookout and shoving cream puffs down their shirts
They hook up a karaoke machine and literally everyone scrambles to do a duet with Black Canary (but Oliver gets first dibs). Barbara tricks the machine out so everyone’s voices come out as hilariously autotuned
Jay, Barry, Bart, Wally, Jai, and Irey still continue their annual tradition of racing around the world and experiencing New Year’s in every country. Jean Paul, Mia, and Hal all have a stopwatch in each hand (like those have any use). Irey wins the race, and they suspect Grandpa Garrick threw the competition for her. Bart comes in last because he stopped in El Paso to chat with Jaime’s family
Harper Row arrives late because of a last-minute mission but everyone instantly forgives her because the mission led to her bringing an entire ice cream truck to the party
Diana jokingly dares Clark to kiss Bruce at midnight. She didn’t think he’d actually do it. Lois and Selina have pictures
Barbara puts the ball drop on TV about half an hour before midnight and everyone gathers around in the main room. Tim and Dick also bring a ton of phones and laptops so they can Skype all the folks that aren’t there, from other hero families like the Atlanteans to Arkham inmates like Harley Quinn and Riddler. After all, they had all been through a lot over the years and the turn of the decade seemed like a better time than ever to put differences aside for one night and celebrate as they count down the seconds together
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zayray030 · 4 years
Iris West Allen Birthday Headcanon
Barry Allen-Her Husband
Barry wakes up at the crack of dawn and always gives makes her the best birthday breakfast ever. He also runs around preparing the area for her when she wakes up.
And when Iris wakes up, it's always to the amazing smell of food and sees her house full of iris's.
Barry tries to stop her from leaving the house, using some *ahem* conventional methods.
(The turtle necks can be unbearable but she'll survive the rest of the day with dignity considering her friends are crazy.)
Team Citizen (Linda, Cynthia and Chester included)
Confetti is poped the moment she walks into the room.
A ton of pictures are taken and put on everyone's insta.
They all sing her happy birthday. No matter how off key it is.
They all make a group effort to make her a cake. She tries not to judge it by its cover and was so happy that she didn't.
Chester makes her a fancy gadget. (Be creative on what it can be cause I honestly don't know.)
Allegra always makes her a nice card, gives her a hug and gives her a cool leather jacket.
Kamilla shows her a scrapbook of all the photos that she's taken of Iris. Some are sexy, some are goofy and and some are cute. She looks good in every single one of them.
Linda let's her use her account for a week to buy as much coffee as she wants. That's probably the greatest gift given, considering how many articles that girl has.
Cynthia alway breaches over and gives her something unique from another earth. (The multiverse exists. Fuck you bitch)
West Family
Her dad always sings her the most unique birthday songs that has everone in tears by the end of it.
Cecile always makes sure to drop in subtle hints about new cases she can work on. (Joe hates it but the look of pure happiness on Iris's face stops him from talking)
Wally gives her an important gem or rune from his travel that symbolises something important. He also squeezes her real tight in a hug to remind himself that it's actually Iris there.
Joe also gives her a huge hug and tells her a story about her mother before the drugs happened. She's always grateful.
Jackie (fuck you she's a West) gives her some pretty clothes and make up that suits her skin tone.
Jenna (although young) gives her a hand drawn card and it's the cutest thing ever.
Team Flash
Oh my Lord, it's humiliating.
Cisco, while amazing, can't sing. It's basically a screach.
Iris just sits there and takes it because he seems so happy.
Well at least until Killer Frost has enough and threatens to throw an icicle at him.
(he takes the hint quickly)
Caitlin gives her a pare of really nice earrings and a nice jacket. She also brings a note with it that says sorry.
(Iris has tried to get her to stop but she won't listen.)
Killer Frost gets her an icicle pendant along with a chocker. She also makes her a custom ice sculpture. She also has a little note that says sorry for killing her. She also grants her infinite hugs for the rest of the day.
Cisco, my boy, gets her 3 different outfits. 1) Work. She needs to look elegant but he adds his own Cisco twist to it. 2) Meta fighting. Even though she doesn't have powers she's a bad ass and he makes sure her outfits are useful to fight. 3)Lounge wear. That boy knows comfy mood and he's got her
Ralph always gives her some new article to work on and they team up for one day any day when Iris wants.
Sue gets her beautiful jewellery .
(she still doesn't know whether she stole it or not)
All the Wells team up to help give a iris her gift. They always either tell her a story, give her beautiful relics or write up a book for her. She's always grateful for them.
Team Arrow
It's madness.
They all like to pretend that they have this in the bag.
But they don't.
They're scared that something would go wrong after Oliver (who's alive) brought her a mirror.
(it was the scariest moment of everyones life when she dropped it and started screaming and crying.)
So after that they always panic and try to get her a perfect gift.
Thea always gets her clothes. She makes sure that they would suit her skin type and limited make up.
Roy, bless his soul, gives her mint chip chocolate and is instantly swarmed with a hug.
(he didn't comment on the small tears.)
Felicity gets her 2 bottles of expensive wines from the Queen cellar along with with chocolate strawberry.
Oliver always gives her an exclusive interview and a really expensive gift.
(he tried to joke that he would show her his abs but when Barry zoomed over and his eyes crackled with lighting he shut his mouth up. Barry's scary when someone else tries to make a move on Iris.)
Laurel gets her purse and a gift bag. In the gift bag there's a small knife and gun along with jewellery.
Diggle and Lyla team up on the gift. They give her a pretty ring that Diggle made (Oliver gave him lessons.) Lyla also makes sure to fill her on in what happens at ARGUS.
The rest all buy her a chocolate cake.
Lisa gives her a hug and a golden accessory.
(the gold goes really well with Iris's skin tone and Lisa is always jealous.)
Snart gives her an ice sculpture and teaches her a few words in Russian.
Mick writes her a book. It ranges from writing a list of reasons why people like her to a fantasy story about vampires.
The rest of the rogues make sure not to attack Central City to the week leading up to her birthday to the week after the birthday.
Team Supergirl
Kara gives her a huge hug. No matter what. Iris will always get a hug and a fly around Metropolis.
Alex gets her a gun. She knows it's not exactly normal but she knows it'll protect Iris against aliens that don't take a hint.
Mon-El (fuck you. Him and Kara are amazing) gets her a gift bag full of twizlers.
The rest of the team make a bunch of cupcakes.
Winn makes her some new tech and tries to out make Chester and sometimes Cisco to see who can make the best gift.
Lois gives her a coupon to an amazing spa because she understands the pain of having an idiot husband who's a superhero.
Clark gives her an exclusive for CC Citizen.
Mary makes sure that she gives Iris a shout out on her Insta because she adores her newspaper.
Kate gets her the most expensive gifts and tries to out do Oliver. It's always a competition between those two.
Luke makes her some fancy gadgets and bakes her some cookies.
Everyone teams up to get her a ton of bottles of wine, a dozen boxes of chocolates and a ton of roses.
Sara gets her artifacts from the different time lines even if it ruins the time line.
Ray gets her a pair of heels
(the first time he does it it was inside joke between him and Iris. After it became a tradition)
John Constantine makes sure to ward her. He places a ton of protective spells around her.
(everyone's grateful)
The rest of the Legends get her books.
Charlie gets her make up knowing what will suit her skin tone.
All Together
It's a fucking nightmare.
There's balloons and tinsel everywhere.
The mess is unreal.
They get dumb drunk.
They sing her happy birthday.
They eat all the cake.
(they're all glad that everyone bought Iris so much cake with Barry and Wally there along with Jesse.)
All criminals are taken care of by the rogues
In the end Barry helps Iris carry all her gifts home and as they lay down she remembers she's still loved and everyone will always protect her.
Iris West Allen is fucking loved.
Spread the fucking word.
#Iris West is loved #fuck anyone who doesn't think so #i love this queen #A lot of references to the mirror verse #im still fucking salty #protect iris West Allen #Iris West deserves better.
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water-writings · 4 years
Questions for the Author
I was tagged by @nightwingshero Thank you!!
I tag @starsandstormyseas @loopally @morganwriteblr @witchofinterest @randomestfandoms-ocs and anyone who wants to try :)
Name: Mel
Top 5 Fandoms Written:
➼ Young Justice/DC Comics
➼ Marvel
➼ The Mandalorian/Star Wars (does this count since I haven’t published yet?)
➼ Voltron
➼ Disney Descendants
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More:
I’m honestly not sure. I constantly create OCs in my head that never see the light of day. I think for sure Avatar the Last Airbender, but other than that I’m not sure.  
Stories You Wish More People Knew About
My Disney Descendants story, In the Drowning Deep. I really like how I’ve been writing for that, but I lost steam and I’m hoping to get back to it at some point. Shards for sure. I’m very slow on updating and I am really excited to see how people like it :) My Voltron story maybe, but I don’t think I’ll ever update it again, not sure. My Harry Potter story, but I really don’t like how it is so far, but also like my OCs, Leila and Thorn. My Four Brothers story. I haven’t touched it in maybe three years, but Alex is one of my favorite OCs I’ve created and I hope to get back into her soon. Jo is definitely helping me get inspiration for her so maybe soon.
Ship(s) Written The Most:
➼ Tracey/Bucky for sure! Marnie/Wally, Casali/Mando I can’t wait! Aria/Harry, Lyra/Shiro, Thorn/Fred, Leila/George
Character(s) Written The Most:
I’ve written the most for Tracey and I guess Marnie. I had an old story for her with another Young Justice OC, but completely revamped her for  Shards. I’m really excited for her. I have stuff written for the new story that I haven’t published yet and I guess that would count. Thorn and Leila. Aria definitely.
How Many OCs Do You Have:
Oh god too many. There’s Marnie, I guess Kat since I had her in Marnie’s original story, but I don’t write for her anymore, Tracey and Barry, Leila and Thorn, Lyra, Aria and Wes (and all the side characters of the VKs and AKs), Casali now, Alex, and a ton more that I haven’t touched in years or were oneshot characters. 
How Many Series Do You Have? 
Series wise just The Winter Series. That’s the only one that has multiple stories following the first and it’s the first time I ever finished a story.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?:
I keep them. I leave them on the fanfiction.net. I feel accomplished that I wrote something, but I know I’ll never get to it. Maybe someone will enjoy it down the road and maybe i’ll get back to it. But I’m never sure. For the most part I won’t continue it, but every so often I might touch it again.
Coming Soon:
Shards chapter 2 and Petals of Beskar!
Line From A WIP:
Mando didn’t say anything, following the ex-soldier’s path into town. He glanced up at the archway that created the entrance to the city. It was still standing after the fight, so were most of the buildings. The fight wasn’t as destructive as it could have been, but Mando could see charred parts of stone that were still spots that were smoldering and charred from where blasters had hit. Chunks of the stone were scattered about on the ground that hadn’t been picked up yet. People were milling about smiling as they sold their wares or helped fix up any spots that were in more need of mending than others. “How’re repairs coming along?” 
“They’re good,” Cara answered, nodding her head at a passerby. “Most of the damages have been taken care of, just the small details here and there that need to be fixed, but those can wait. For the most part life here has picked back up since the Imps left.” 
Do You Accept Prompts?
Sure! I used to do them all the time for Life at the Tower. My other blog @winter-is-ending.is where I first started Tracey’s story before I made this blog. I used to have people sending in prompts for goofy things for the oneshot series. I can do the same for any characters on here now, but I can’t guarantee how often I’ll get to them. Depending on the inspiration, but I’m always down to get any prompts :)
How Do You Feel About Kudos?
They make me smile! I don’t post on AO3 often but every so often I get email notifications about kudos. Or favorite/follow on ff.net I’m always happy to see someone likes my writing. I do love reviews because it lets me see what people really think about my writing and any advice they might have for improving my writing skills!
Do You Read Fic As Well?:
Heck yeah I do!! It’s the reason I have so many friends on here. We read each other’s stuff and support each other. I do feel bad when I get far behind a friend’s work because they are amazing and I’m just slow at reading or my hyperfixations get the best of me and I jump to a different fandom to read something. It’s not that I don’t want to read them, it’s just my ADHD getting the best of me!
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curlybookwriter0294 · 5 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Artemis
Summary: Artemis think that Valentines Day is a sham to get people to spend money on cheap flowers and chocolate and doesn’t believe in it. Wally wants to change that.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Mount Justice
February 14th, 08:00AM
“Recognized: Artemis B07”
Artemis sighed when she had walked into Mount Justice common area. She looked around at the empty space but could smell something that was cooking in the kitchen.
When she walked into the kitchen, she saw M’gann singing and floating about in the kitchen as she stir a cake batter and licked the spoon.
“Oh, don’t you just love Valentine’s Day, Artemis?!”
Artemis raised an eyebrow. “Not really, I believe it’s a sham.” She said, crossing her arms.
M’gann almost dropped her cake batter at the surprised answer coming from her friend and teammate. Highly confused as to why she would say such a thing. This is her very first Valentine’s Day on Earth and she’s excited of spending it with her boyfriend Connor. “Why would you think that?” She asked, flying over towards her friend.
Artemis groaned, crap, she forgot that this is M’gann’s first Valentine’s Day on Earth, but still, she should know the truth. She looked up at the ceiling, trying to come up with a way to explain it to her without hurting her feelings. “Uh, well,” she muttered, scratching the back of her head. “You see um,”
“Recognized Kid Flash B03”
“Recognized SuperBoy B04”
Artemis sighed in relief at the computer’s voice signaling the arrival of Wally West and Connor Kent. The two girls quickly ran into the common area and M’gann flew over to give her boyfriend a kiss when she landed in his arms.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” The two said in union and laughed.
Artemis rolled her eyes. She has got to get out of here and fast. She could feel a pair of eyes on her. She glanced over to see Wally wiggling his eyebrows at her. “What do you want Kid Idiot?”
“Don’t you just love young love?” He asked her.
Artemis scoffed. “Valentine’s Day is a sham.”
Wally cocked his head to the side, confused at what she meant by that. “What do ya mean? It’s the best holiday ever! I just loveeeeee chocolate!”
M’gann giggled at his answer.” Hello Megan! I completely forgot! Artemis was about to tell me why she believes that Valentine’s Day is sham!”
Suddenly, three pair of eyes were on Artemis and she hated being on the spotlight. Artemis balled up her fists in frustration.
“Fine, you want to know why I think it’s sham? It’s because it makes everyone buy gifts and spend tons of money on one freaking holiday that shouldn’t even existed!” She threw up her hands in frustration when she approached the zeta tube to leave Mount Justice.
“Recognized Artemis B07”
M’gann, Connor and Wally looked at each other, confused as to what just happened. “Did she really mean what she said?” M’gann asked, rubbing her arm.
Connor brought his girlfriend closer to him for comfort, glaring at Wally. “She didn’t. Right, Wally?”
Wally laughed nervously at the seriousness of Connor’s glare. “R-right!” He replied with a nervous laughter. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in his head, he came up with an idea. “In fact, I just came up with an idea!”
Gotham City
February 14th 20:00PM
Artemis spent the day avoiding couples that were hand in hand in Gotham City, she spent the day inside with her mother who went on and on about how she should go out even if she didn’t have anyone. That got annoying. So, when it was finally late enough for her to suit up and patrol the city, she finally felt at peace as she stared up the clear blue sky on top of an abandon building, swinging her legs at the edge.
All of a sudden, she felt a small breeze around her. Great. She didn’t even turned around to find out what it was because she already knew. “Go away.”
Wally hummed as he sat down next to her on the edge of the building. He too, was in his superhero uniform even though he technically didn’t have to. “No can do,” he said with a smile at her. “So, what’s your story?”
Artemis scoffed as she flicked at a small pebble that was next to her and watched it as she fell from the rooftop. “Like you want to know.” She muttered.
Wally hummed as he leaned back, glancing up at the sky as he swung his legs back and forth. “Try me.” He said, sending her a toothy grin.
Artemis rolled her eyes at him and sighed. “I never had someone to spend this stupid holiday with.”
Wally hummed, trying to debate whether or not should he believe her. The two stared at each other until he finally broke the silence. “Wait, are you being for real?”
Artemis scoffed at him. “You seriously thought I was lying just now Kid Moron?”
Wally coughed, trying to clear his throat as he rubbed the back of his head. “W-well, I mean,” he said, biting his lip. “It just took me by surprise is all.”
Artemis raised an eyebrow at him as she brought her legs up to her chin and placed her head in between them. “Why is that surprising?”
“Because there’s no way a beautiful girl like you never had a Valentine.”
Artemis tried her every might to hide her blush that was forming on her cheeks. She laughed at him. “KF, you think every girl is beautiful to you.”
Wally laughed at her, biting his lower lip. “Uhhhh, anyways.” He said, clearing his throat. “I got a story too!”
Artemis side glanced at him. “Sureeee you do.”
“I never had someone to spend Valentine’s Day with either.”
Now it was Artemis’s turn to laugh at him in surprise. “There’s no freaking way.”
Wally didn’t respond which told her that he was in fact telling the truth. “H-how?”
Wally shrugged. “No idea. Not the right time I guess. Who knows. Not really worried about it. I haven’t really thought about it much to be honest with you. I just love the chocolate!”
Artemis shook her head at him and sighed. “Thanks for trying to cheer me up.” She looked down at her watch, “listen, I should head back. You should too.”
She groaned when she got up from her spot of the roof, dusting her hands. She was about to take a step forward when she felt herself being pulled down and a pair of lips were touching hers.
After a few seconds the two young heroes came up for air. Artemis touched her lips gently with her two fingers, staring at Wally who was grinning.
“I didn’t really thought about this holiday until I met you, Artemis.”
Wally shushed her by placing his own fingers on top of hers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Arty.” He told her before smirking at her, disappearing right before Artemis’s eyes.
Artemis blinked several times. “Wow.”
Author’s Note: Spitfire has been my favorite pairing since the very beginning YJ came out and I firmly believe that they will be reunited again in season 4. Lol, tell me what you guys think!
BTW: This takes place in season 1
Also, I already posted this on my FF.net account like during Valentine’s Day week so this is an old fic lol. Follow me on there too CurlyBookWriter94!
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mymistakewriting · 5 years
Bart Allen (Impulse) Headcanons
Let me preface this by saying it’s a weird mix of comics!Bart and Young Justice!Bart. Most of his past is based on what it was in YJ with splashes of comic canon thrown in (keep in mind, these are all headcanons for a rp group)
Can draw - it’s a good way to slow him down and pass the time when he’s bored. 
Drawing style: graphite pencil or colored pencils. Mostly graphite, he saves the color for very special pieces or for when he's genuinely happy about something. 
He never. stops. vibrating. Unless he's putting in a crap ton of constant focus on staying still, but even then, the second he gets excited or startled, that focus is gone. 
very clingy. If he hugs you it lasts until either he gets distracted or you physically pry him off you.
Bart seems to thrive on physical touch. He's clingy and will latch onto anyone he meets. However, he isn't sure how much of it is a Trauma Response and how much of it is him actually enjoying the contact. If anyone asks, he's just a huggy guy!
He thrives on affection, but only when he initiates it. He's not quite to a point where he's completely okay with someone else initiating some kind of affection (Wally is currently the only exception to this).
horror movies and games don't tend to phase him. It takes a lot to get a reaction out of him considering his past. 
has times where he's randomly confused because the future didn't have this help what is this
There's a long list of things from the current time that Bart doesn't understand because he hadn't ever experienced it in the future. It's a mix of stupid stuff and things that are... honestly, he's a little pissed about regardless of if he understands or not. (It varies from certain plants and animals to heavier things like racism and homophobia. Relationships are in there, too. He doesn't understand how they work, and honestly, he's a little afraid to ask)
You know what, good luck communicating with Bart. He's a mess of movement and quick speech and slang terms that are almost completely foreign. Easiest way to get a read on him is through touch - he clings, nuzzles more when he needs support or just needs to ground himself, whereas his usual lingering hug and then moving on shows he feels safe or at least content in his present situation and company.
He gets a lot of stares and comments because of his eyes - understandable, yellow eyes aren't exactly common - but he will always pretend he doesn't know what they're talking about. ("Yellow? You must be seeing things, they're green! Like my grandpa's.") It's a source of constant anxiety that it's just going to be another thing that keeps him from forming any real connections with people. 
he's all pastels and bright colors. Mismatched clothing and soft textures and too-big sizes. (He wore too many dark colors in his past, he wants this to feel different so it has to look different until he gets it)
fan of soda, should not be allowed to have soda. When he crashes from caffeine, he crashes hard
Bart is a strange duality in a lot of his life. Trust is no different. He trusts easily, but having his trust doesn't guarantee he won't be watching you for any wrong move. But then, what can you expect of a kid from a dystopian future? He desperately wants to trust and be trusted, he just hasn't quite gotten down how that works yet. It's nothing personal if he doesn't trust you. Mostly.
He remembers his mom, misses her, but make no mistake - she was dead in his time by the time he came back to the past. Both of his parents were
Here's the thing about Bart: He's a fast learner. He didn't learn to read properly (more than was necessary to survival) in the future. He's learned quite a bit since coming back to the past - just don't ask him to read out loud. He's not quite to that point yet and he WILL make up words if he hits one he doesn't know how to say. For the most part, his mom and Nathaniel taught him how to read/write what they could and numbers and mathematical symbols. 
This also means that he does take a second to let autocorrect tell him what he did wrong on most messages - he hopes that people don't question if it takes him a few moments to answer them, but he doesn't want anyone finding out about his lack of knowing basically anything that kids learn in elementary school.
If Bart thinks he can get away with it? He'll ask questions to learn more about a specific topic. But it's one of those things that if he thinks it's too risky, he won't ask. He'll find a way to learn it on his own.
It's canon that he has a near perfect recall for anything he learns. Whether or not he uses it is completely dependent on the situation. As of late, though, he feels like it's failing him - he's been struggling to remember details about his mom, or about Nathaniel. It feels like he's losing part of himself along with those details. 
surprisingly enough Bart's worst habit comes in the form of sitting himself down with something he can zone out with on bad days - usually drawing, sometimes video games. He's always still enough on these days that it seems like he's sick. (You'll never catch sight of his cheerful act on these days. Just full out, raw jaded behavior. He dreads the first time it happens around someone)
Listen, his mom was part of a rebellion. So was his dad. He was raised knowing about it and seeing things slowly take form. Rebellion is just part of who he is at this point. Give him a cause that he can believe in, and you can damn well bet you'll see every bit of influence his mom and Nathaniel had on him. 
He's so bad at making friends. He's still got the concept of needing people to trust him immediately or it'll end in someone (read: him) getting hurt. But everyone trusts different things and he's getting tired of having to switch between acts to be trusted. He just wants friends who like him for him - every part of him, the messy cheer and the bitter jadedness and everything in between.
He doesn't actually want to be a hero. Sure, he wants to help people. He wants to save as many people as he possibly can. But he's marooned in a time that he doesn't understand, he wants time to adjust - and help figuring out how to do that. He just won't ask. He doesn't know where to start that won't get him hurt for trusting the wrong person.
Bart's a gray area. If it's an injustice he feels he can relate to, he's going to fight like hell. He came from two parents who were rebels, of course he doesn't know how not to rebel himself. But if he believes, for even a millisecond, that him pursuing something will harm those he cares for and wants to protect? You can bet your life he'll put it to the back of his mind. His priorities are gray at best, right alongside his morals. It's a fifty fifty shot as to which side of him you'll be getting at any given point, best of luck.
surprisingly enough Bart's worst habit comes in the form of sitting himself down with something he can zone out with on bad days - usually drawing, sometimes video games. He's always still enough on these days that it seems like he's sick. (You'll never catch sight of his cheerful act on these days. Just full out, raw jaded behavior. He dreads the first time it happens around someone)
Coping mechanisms? Bart? Adorable. Closest he comes is destroying old drawings. Doing new ones. Repeat. He lashes out, takes any small chink he can find on anyone he talks to, and will destroy any chance at a working relationship with that person the second he feels even slightly overwhelmed or upset. He's used to people fighting back - people hurting him for how he deals with things. He doesn't quite feel safe and adjusted in this time enough to have anything healthier. (He wants to try, but let's face it, his grandfather doesn't exactly make a great example of how to cope with things going wrong with how quick Barry is to throw himself into work and self isolation in canon. It's going to take Bart a while to find a balance, even if he does eventually get some help with it).
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icewitcher · 5 years
Bluepulse week 2019
Day 6: Season 3
That's how I think season 3 will end because we all know there's consequences to time travel and they are more important than the heroes thought. And when I post this we are technically at day 6 so don't be surprise since bluepulse week 2019 is running the 8th July to the 14th July.
They've done it, they finally done it. After a long battle, Apokolips was finally down along than the female furies, Granny Goodness and Darkseid. Savage too is defeat. All the heroes has fight against those dangerous enemies and they were all injuried but with no more danger, they could rest peacefully for a while. Jaime was happy, it could return to his family and finally concentrate on school. But Flash interrupt his thoughts by talking to a familiar speedster. "Kid, what's wrong ?" "It seems that something is happening to the Kid Flash, Jaime Reyes." Jaime turned around and saw Bart, a hand on Barry's shoulder and it looks like very tired, ready to collapsed. But something was off because the young speedster was smiling. "Yeah I'm fine, everything will be perfectly fine." "No Bart, you're not looking fine. So tell us what's happening that we could help you." replied Blue "There's nothing you can do to help me except.... To let me go." answered Bart "What !?" exclaimed Tigress. "The future, my future is gonna to be erased, there's so many things who has been change since my arrival in the past. The Reach, Darkseid..." "What do you mean and what Darkseid has to do with it ?" asked Blue "With someone in the future, the professor Martin Stein, we made research before I go to the past and mostly about what could happen if we defeat the Reach. We search for all the variants that the timeline could take but there's one who drawn our attention in particular." "This one." understood Barry and Bart nodded. "Yeah because if we haven't stop Darkseid or Savage my future would have still be the same at the difference it was Vandal Savage who ruled the world. But because we defeat them here, it will never happen." Kid Flash explained "But we knew the price to pay so I'm not really surprised." "What price ?" asked Jaime, really worried. Bart stayed silent, Flash and Tigress seems to have understand. It's scarab who answered him. "Jaime Reyes, the fact that Bart Allen has change the future doesn't only erase his timeline, it will also affect him. In a few minutes, Bart Allen will disappear." "No, No. There has to be a way to stop this." shouted Blue Beetle "Jaime, we are not gods and I knew it will happen." "YOU KNEW !?" exclaimed Jaime but at the second he said that he saw Bart hands to disappear. "It starting but it's for the greater good and that means he will come back." "Who will come back ?" asked Artemis and Bart looked at her with a smile. "Wally." he answered, the revelation take them a bit by surprise "and he will return more faster than he was. That's why he has disappear two years ago because he was two slow. If he was as fast as me and gramps, it would have been me who would have disappear because I don't belong to this new timeline." "Wally... will really come back ?" asked Artemis, tears in her eyes and Bart nodded. "But at what price ?" replied Flash and Jaime was agreed with him. "Gramps, it was my choice." "A choice who will cause your death." replied Jaime and Bart didn't like the ton in Jaime's voice. "Can you let us alone ?" he asked to Barry and Artemis. Of course Barry didn't want to leave him because Bart will live his last moments but Tigress said him something. "Barry we should let them alone. Besides we still have to tell it to the others." he nodded then they left. Then Bart turned around and walked towards Jaime with difficulties. "What's wrong with you Blue ?" "You knew it will happen and you haven't said anything to anyone. How can I stay calm knowing that my first friend, my best friend hide he will die because he change the past by saving me from the Reach !?" "First, I know if I told to anyone what will happen, the information will be spread to everyone and some of them couldn't focus on mission because they'll search for a way to make me stay. Two, Jaime I disappear not dying, you'll meet me again in this new future, you even could watch me grow up." "But I couldn't watch your baby self without thinking at you." "I'm sure you'll do a great job." reassured Bart by giving a hug to Jaime and Blue Beetle return it. Kid Flash could hear his friend sobbing. "Please, I'm begging you stay. There has to be a way." "Blue, you know it's impossible. Even if you found a way, you know that time will catch me and reclaim me the day my younger self will be born." he explained. Jaime couldn't accept the truth but he knew he was powerless against time so he hold tightly his friend. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Bart broke the silence. "Blue ?" "Hm ?" "I love you." The realization of his true feelings for Bart hit hard Jaime Reyes but came when there was nothing left between his chest and his arms. "Blue ! Where is he ?" asked Robin "He is gone and I didn't tell him how much he meant to me."
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the-angst-lord · 5 years
Okay can we talk about this for a second.
Is it weird to anyone else that no one even says Jason’s name, in the entire show?? 
Because let’s put this into perspective, in this essay I will-
Season 2, Artemis “dies” and we see the cave of 3 more dead people holograms; Tula, Ted, and Jason.
Ted died in the line of duty, protecting the scarab and was known among the team (I’m going to assume he was a member of the league for the sake of this) but is really only mentioned by Connor and Jamie. The second season is about the scarab and he plays an indirect role for most of the main plot as he was the previous holder of the scarab. Even though he was off screen we knew who he was an there was a positive opinion about him.
Tula died in the video game (not a good game, but it does have good voice acting). She sacrificed herself to vanquish an ancient evil, and in the process was Aqualad’s motivation for his entire undercover mission, even taking a place within his mind. Tula isn’t talked about a lot but when she is brought up it’s always in important moments. She had a good character and was a badass all around.
A year after Wally died, people are still mourning over him as he was loved by a ton of people that we see. Heck, even a few days after Artemis died we were shown what kind of impact her death had. (Miss Martian even got her form of “revenge” for her friend) 
Y’all see where I’m going here? Everyone who died so far has an impact on the main plot of young justice in one way or another.
All except for one. (perhaps for now at least, as this is written still in s3) 
So far we know only 2 things for sure about Jason’s past, he was on the team, and he died ( literally, the only two things the creators said about him when asked). No one on the team has talked about the “second Robin” even to any new comers as a warning or and offhanded bad joke. There are probably allusions to Jason but not unless they’re paired with other dead folks. Batman doesn’t even have Jason’s Robin suit in his batcave on display, nor any memorabilia anywhere in sight. Even in the two episodes where he was in, one was just another hologram within a hallucination, and the other was him saying Grayson’s name and fighting.  Heck, if there wasn’t a hologram within the grotto and Watchtower no one would’ve known he was even a part of the team or show to begin with. (TBH I do think people who don’t know Jason Todd, has no idea who he even is or who the other hologram Robin is) 
Now, one direction I can see them going into is the direction of the outlaws. Except, there is only half of both teams present within the YJ universe; Arsenal, and Bizzaro (only within the comics tho). I don’t see them adding the Amazon Artemis in the main cast (as it would seemingly cause confusion) but with the rise of the Alien themes, Starfire is fair game. 
If the do add him within a future season, one thing I would really like to see the writers capitalize on is Jason’s connection to magic (something the rest of the bat family lacks). Always within media we see that each robin is connected to a signature weapon; Dick with his electric Escrima sticks, Jason with his twin glocks, Tim with his Bo staff, Damian with a katanna, even Kelly had her sling shot. But Jason has always been tied to his glocks and the only member within the bat family that uses them. 
As in the comics he was equipped with are the All-Blades. Weapons that can be summoned and attack beings of pure evil. And I mean- 
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They are badass af, who wouldn’t want to see this baby of an edge-lord dual wielding swords that come from your soul instead of guns. This would be the best weapon animated, you cannot change my mind. 
Within the comics and The Red Hood movie, and Arkham Knight, Jason was always very angry one way or another that he never got justice. I can see him trying to hurt Bruce by going after Batman’s team, or directly going after Dick. However, with the season 3 ending there is something that Jason’s character can do that no other character beside Biron has been shown to do. Actually kill people. 
Mind you, Jason doesn’t like to kill, but has no trouble killing villains or people he believes doesn’t deserve to live. And with the show no longer being on cartoon network, there is a wide open place for an anti-hero who would is completely okay with killing villains and who has also been trained by the best. I could see this happening if they took Jason down a more sympathetic route, having him come back from the dead years later to see the world moved from from him. Practically no one even remembers his time as Robin, or that he even existed. Even new faces to the team have no idea who he is, and all the while the Light is still alive and well kidnapping children and turning them into weapons. Minimally, I would just want Jason kill someone off of the Light to prove he’s a threat. 
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Also he has a dog, named Girl, who he loves. 
(can’t have enough animated puppers) 
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9 Review
Tephi was upset that I didn't include this in my last post:
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Ah, Farquaad. Who I just looked up the voice actor of- John Lithgow?! Wow, ok then. Farquaad, you may have been one of the few characters who had absolutely no redeeming qualities. I mean, at least the pictures I posted were of characters who had beneficial goals, even if they went about them in the most cartoonishly evil ways possible. Farquaad was just a dick. But that quote does a damn good job of summing up Bunny-Cat.
Afraid that I’ve been busy studying for a test this Monday, but I think I can snag some time Tuesday morning to start Ep 10. Until then, maybe a short post on my thoughts-
Keeper of Tales said:Ranubis you have probably noticed the sharp up-swell in conversation since you began hitting oh, episodes three, six, eight and nine. Part of this is that you came into this series with a very different mindset than usual and there was a real risk of ruining that. If you read this before the next episode could you tell us what your thoughts upon the characters are and how they have changed? The entire cast if you can. Thank you for your time.
Ok, make that a detailed response on each of the characters. Here we go!
Madoka Kaname
Our title character and protagonist… who’s kinda just been along for the ride all this time. She really bucks the trend of main characters that I’ve gotten used to in most shows. No powers, no real strengths of her own beyond her kind nature. Heck, if she wasn’t the first character to appear and the show wasn’t named after her it wouldn’t be hard to call her a side character. I think back to Gurren Lagann, how Simon had the same meek attitude and was overshadowed Kamina. But then, he got his mini-mech by the end of the first episode, Madoka has yet to pick up any tools. Even Sayaka showed up next episode with a baseball bat, Madoka’s just been tagging along.
And yet, everything revolves around her. Madoka had the Future Dream at the very beginning. Sayaka got involved because she was Madoka’s best friend. Homura focused on Madoka that first school day and tried to warn her away from the trials of Magical Girl-ing. Mami tried to recruit Madoka because she sensed she would become a powerful MG in helping defend the city. Kyoko, who showed up as a hard-line Magical Girl, in the space of apparently a few days joined the Madoka Protection Brigade. And of course, it’s clear now that the Incubator’s been manipulating things to ensure that Madoka makes a Contract, that will net it a ton of emergy.
Still, we’re nearing the end of the show, and I’m 50/50 on whether or not that Madoka will actually make a Contract, especially if Homura has anything to say about it. I mean, if the Incubator flat-out tells her that only she with MG powers can save the day, her helpful attitude is going to steer her straight into selling her soul. The question remains: how far is Homura going to go to stop that?
Sayaka Miki
Best friend of the main character, initially I was amused at how she bucked the Red Oni, Blue Oni trope as being much more outgoing and aggressive than Madoka (pink is a lightish-red, it fits). That got flipped around later when she turned into a Paladin and contrasted with Kyoko. Such a fun character, cheerfully bringing a common baseball bat to fight the monsters, calling herself an Ally of Justice, a great heroine. Unfortunately, it seems that that is Urobuchi’s favorite character-type to stomp on, the show could probably be called “Everything goes wrong for this poor girl Sayaka”. She loses her soul, her crush, her idealism… guh,
It was just depressing, seeing how Sayaka kept going further and further into her Paladin identity until she had nothing left. Losing her optimism, going on a Roaring Rampage of Despair fighting familiars instead of getting Grief Seeds… I keep thinking about Homura about to kill Sayaka. She said it was to protect Madoka from more suffering, but I think that there was at least a little bit of mercy to Sayaka there too. Kill the girl, before she becomes a Witch.
I just wish that things could have been better for Sayaka. She meant well, wanted to save people. Yes, there was an element of wanting to be with Kamijo in her Wish, but can you really blame her for that? She wanted to be a hero. Instead, she became a monster.
Kyubey (Incubator)
Yeah. I can only imagine how you jerks were sniggering in my early posts. I mean, I start out thinking “Ok, here’s the show’s mascot, I’m a little creeped out by the red eyes but whatever.” Then I start thinking he’s cute, plays off the girls well. Then I get annoyed at how he keeps acting like a salesman, really pushing the girls on the Contract. Then… well, then Bunnycat was revealed for the absolute jerk it is.
Seriously. The show’s mascot turns out to be the main villain, twisting plans and leaving snide little comments to achieve it’s goal of turning these young girls into batteries. No, not batteries, coal: fit for one quick burst of energy, who cares where the smoke goes afterwards. All that smiling, those cute comments, those pushes for a contract to be made, not telling the girls the true cost of the Contract even when he knows, or rather because, it knows how they will act, implying (but never outright lying) actions that play right into its tiny, bloodstained paws.
And we can’t even kill it, apparently. Homura shot it what I would normally call an unnecessary amount of times. But as it turns out, it was just a waste of ammo, since the Incubator can just show up in a new body. It can show up without an invite apparently anywhere, it can’t be killed… in a show of murdering Witches, it is the real monster.
Mami Tomoe
Mami… :’(
I was so happy when she showed up that first episode. An experienced Magical Girl who can summon a ton of muskets? Standing up to the (apparent) Bad Girl, taking our main character and sidekick under her wing? And she only got better from there, teaching our characters about the world, fighting a Witch one-on-one, destroying it with an artillery piece and then landing for tea.
Then we get a tragic backstory, she’s shown to be lonely. But our characters are there to help her fight these monsters and stop whatever plan the Bad Girl is brewing up! And look at that, she and Madoka are so adorable together, I can’t wait for them to-
And then Urobuchi took my heart and stabbed it.
Mami’s story should not have ended there. If she had just listened to Homura about the Witch, if Madoka or Sayaka had Contracted and could help her, if she had not gone into that fight distracted and happy about the future and focused more… but she didn’t. And she died.
Ever since that episode, Mami’s absence has cast a pall over everything. Madoka is understandably terrified from seeing her mentor eaten right in front of her, Sayaka was driven to imitate Mami’s lone fighter style, Kyoko got involved because she was attracted to the “open territory”, and Homura seemed to hope that it would scare off the Muggles from Contracting.
For a while, I thought that “Ok, that took me completely by surprise, but now I see what will make the girl’s Contract! Madoka will wish for Mami back, we’ll get our lovely team fighting these monsters a little more cautiously now that they know the risks but it’ll still be exciting and they will be adokrable on these missions and Sayaka will tease them for being so cute and…”. But nope, it was just the start of the Pain Train.
Kyoko Sakura
Oh jeez, has my perspective of Kyoko changed from that first scene of her looking down on the town. At first I thought she’d just be a competitor, maybe an ally of Homura. Then she spouts off her philosophy of letting Familiars go to kill people, and she supplanted Homura (who I thought planted that Hospital Grief Seed and caused Mami’s death) on my List. Urobuchi then worked his magic and made me sympathetic for a character who had so much working against her, with a backstory more tragic than Mami’s, the discovery of the true nature of Magical Girls, and her growing attraction to Sayaka even as the Ally of Justice was crumbling, all culminating in me screaming at my computer as she kisses her Soul Gem and sacrifices herself to defeat Sayaka’s Witch and save Homura and Madoka.
Kyoko, I would like to apologize. I can understand where you started from, seeing your family die in connection to your well-meaning Wish, and how you would focus on yourself after being hurt so badly. I am so proud of you, for rising from that and regaining your morals, to the point of helping out Madoka.
Homura Akemi
Homura. Homura, Homura, Homura.
I started this show convinced that you were the Big Bad, or at least an agent of them. Then, before I learned the true nature of the Incubator and thought that there was an anti-Kyubey running around causing the Witches (I can only imagine how much you lot enjoyed that, thank you so much for not spoiling me), I considered that maybe she was just trying to secure her own power, remove competition so that she is secure. Then there was the huge “Homura summons Wally-Witch to get a Super Grief Seed, cannot put down what she called up” theory that I thought would culminate as the series finale, give our main characters time to shine and teach Homura the power of Friendship.
Then the true nature of Magical Girls was revealed, and she was not surprised. Then she attempted to kill Sayaka, citing that doing so would spare Madoka pain. Then she killed the Incubator (but not really).
Then we learned that she is a time traveler.
Just… just wow. It actually makes sense. All of my crazy theories, and time travel trumps them all. She knows the truth about Magical Girls because she learned it in the previous timeline. She knows Bunnycat is a dick because it pulled all this shit before. She tried to warn the girls away from Contracting because she knew the costs, and that they would turn into Witches. She knows that Wally-Witch is coming, to the day, because that’s what happened before-
Oh! I get it now! I really get it! That Dream Vision, Homura fighting the Super Witch but losing, reaching out to Madoka… I get what happens now. Madoka arrives to see Homura is losing. She knows that with all the other MGs dead, there’s no choice. She makes the Contract with the Incubator.
And for her Wish? She Wishes for Homura to get another chance, or something along those lines. And the Incubator (who is a dick) ‘interprets’ that in the way that best suits its interests, and throws Homura into another timeline, so that they can harvest Madoka twice.
Damn it. If I understood the credits-teaser right, next episode is going to be Homura’s story. If we see this happen, Homura reaching our timeline only to try and warn people, but no-one believes her… this is going to be rough.
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So I'm pissed and here's how I would do DC.
(This is kinda based off a post I read on here and just imagine all current stories ended but are still canon.)
Action Comics:
Superman action and team-ups. Two book arcs with teams between older less used heroes.
Clark Kent Superman:
Here's the big story. It's family based. A long story about how important his family is to him now. Conner is there, Kara, Jon, and Lois. They also bring back Chris. The Superman family.
Detective Comics:
Like Action Comics it's a team up. Batman with his family, the GCPD, and many smaller street level heroes that might help with the push. Maybe Robin will be an important character in this.
Bruce Wayne Batman:
Bruce trying to fix his Bane shit. Tom King did his story, messed up the Bat family. Now a new villain or team of older that Batman can't take alone. He slowly regains the trust of his family. Dick and him talk. He apologizes to Jason. Tim gets a hit back. Damian is already okay with him. So on, so forth. They take on the bad guy as a team and we get cute family stuff. They're all reluctant sure, but it's a build up for anything later.
Sensation Comics:
Like action and detective comics. Team-ups with a ton of lesser known female heroes.
Diana Prince Wonder Woman:
Diana is the weirdest member of the Trinity. She's rarely written right but when she is she is an amazing character. This book is all about her legacy, a book with Cassie and Dona. Man Hunter and even a new Wonder Boy? A cute story that's meant to build up her family like Superman or Batman.
The Justice League:
Just kinda... Just kinda keep it up. It's good as it is. It's exploring the universe and helping people.
The Flash:
Barry Allen explores the new forces for an arc. He reintroduces Bart for an arc. New force, character growth. The Flash is good but it's been just Barry Allen. There are more characters out there to use.
Wally West The Flash:
Wally is in his own little world. He's dealing with that event... Bart and him team up to fix it. He finally talks with Linda Parks and they mention the kids. Bart's like. "You've been looking for them?" And disappears. He comes back with them. The rest is just hero stuff.
Green Lantern:
Hal Jordan team up vs space bat guys. Guy is there. Simon gets his story. Other lanterns that aren't humans get a story.
The lanterns:
This is meant to push the other corps. Hope Corgy and a small blue lantern boy. A new pink lantern stealing a ring, he uses it for mischief. A story in the orange lantern field, a big fight. Also a new team of other lanterns. A push to the other lanterns that aren't yellow, red, or green.
Keep it up, I've been enjoying it. It's pretty good.
Fresh with his old memories he gets attacked almost right away by a new Talon. They're smaller and have some to most of their memories. Dick wants to help him but at the same time refuses to take him down the same path Bruce did to him. But what if that's the only way?
Jason Todd laws meant to be broken:
So just like with Tim it's revealed Jason Todd lost a shit ton of his pre new 52 memories. He got them back with the end of Doomsday Clock and he's sickened by what he's done. That one sidekick? What? Orange hair? Really? His white streak. Now with the little character developed new him he has to take on his older self with his new friends.
Cassandra, Stephanie, and Barbra do team stuff I their Batgirl costumes. Batwoman helps them.
Young Justice:
Tim Drake just got back to Earth. He and his friends have faced so many versions of themselves. But now it's back to just classic Young Justice. Old characters return, they fight Lobo. Slowbo? Yes! Inertia? Story arc?
The Teen Titans:
Damian disbanded the team after recent events with Slade and Red Arrow. But with the new Titans Tower build it needs to be used, right? So Batman has his newest sidekick Single and Cyborg help find a new team. The new team being Those two, Sideways, Beast Boy, Ravanger, and Jericho.
The Titans:
Dick Grayson is back baby! He finds out his team isn't really in the best place though. Wally is a murderer, Dona and Garth and both drunken messes, Roy is still dead, and no one has heard from the rest. He's going to try to fix that. All while
The Supersons of today!:
Jon is older now, Damian is being a little shit. Oh hey, it's Billy Batson what's he doing? Collin's back too! And a new Wonder Woman kid? 16-year-old FtM trans kid Wonder Boy.
The JSA:
Old WWII stories about older heroes. Jay Garrick, Allen Scott, Wild Cat, and even Wonder Woman? Some nice golden age stories about some nice folks.
The Legion
Legion stuff with the legion. They fight racism, homophobia, and xenophobia. There's not much more to them in this. Sliver age type stories about them going all Captain Planet on some bad guys. They can even get Chris Kent.
The Watchmen
I'm putting this here as a short 6 issue thing just because they're there. It's the Comedian and whoever's left from the old universe trying to pick up what they have left.
These are just ideas I think sound fun. Wonder Woman always deserves more, Batman and Superman get their own books as they do. I would push Wonder Woman a lot more(she is so underused still!) While featuring older heroes with the Trinity as a way to help continuity. I may have placed in OC ideas here and there too. But like, this is just an idea I had. Dick gets a sidekick because the story with that would be so cool. The JSA book with Wonder Woman is kinds pulling with her movie thing and also replacing Superman as the oldest hero.
Dc has so many heroes with suck a large continuity. With old heroes, it's fun to tell the stories. I feel like legacy characters are one of the coolest things they have. Right now, they should not be treating characters like this. It's dumb.
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