#word of advice:
maybeamiles · 2 months
Nothing is quite as terrifying in adulting as the realization that something could be very wrong and I would have no idea because I wouldn't know what to look for. Like a while ago, the concrete outside my window had blown out and I never noticed until water started leaking in because i've never lived in a house with stone walls before so how would I know what that looks like??? How many other red flags have I missed because I didn't know they were red flags???
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vampyrsm · 2 years
nothing scarier than when your scuffed pc that you built yourself suddenly decides to turn on one day and make the most gut wrenching sound, genuinely thought it broke and i was out £2000 lol
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Don’t let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces.
k.b. // unknown
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mokeonn · 11 months
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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sas-soulwriter · 8 months
Dark past ideas
A dark past can be really intresting in books .here are some ideas:
Mysterious Orphanage Escapee: A character who grew up in a sinister orphanage and narrowly escaped its dark secrets.
Traumatic War Survivor: A soldier who witnessed unspeakable horrors on the battlefield, leaving deep emotional scars.
Secret Criminal Past: A reformed criminal who once led a life of violence, but is now trying to make amends.
Kidnapped as a Child: A character who was abducted at a young age and endured years of captivity before escaping.
Tragic Family Betrayal: A character who was betrayed by a close family member, leading to a life filled with distrust and pain.
Cult Escapee: Someone who managed to break free from a dangerous cult, but is haunted by their past involvement.
Haunted by a Violent Crime: A person who accidentally caused harm to someone in their past and has been tormented by guilt ever since.
Dark Addiction: A character who battled a severe addiction that nearly destroyed their life before seeking recovery.
Betrayed by a Friend: A friend who turned out to be a traitor, leading to significant emotional trauma.
Abandoned in Isolation: Someone who was left alone and abandoned in a desolate place, struggling to survive.
Witness to a Murder: A character who saw a murder as a child and was forever scarred by the experience.
Childhood Experimentation: A person who was subjected to unethical scientific experiments in their youth, leaving lasting physical and emotional scars.
Kidnapped and Forced into Crime: A character who was abducted and forced to commit criminal acts against their will.
Betrayed by a Mentor: Someone who was betrayed by a trusted mentor, leading to a deep sense of betrayal and loss.
Survived Natural Disaster: A survivor of a catastrophic natural disaster who lost everything they held dear.
Abusive Relationship Escapee: A person who managed to escape an abusive relationship, but continues to struggle with the trauma.
Witness to a Dark Ritual: A character who stumbled upon a sinister occult ritual in their past, leaving them haunted by the experience.
Family Curse: A character burdened by a dark family curse that has brought suffering to generations.
Identity Theft and Framing: A person who had their identity stolen and was wrongfully accused of crimes they didn't commit.
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Do you ever find yourself over-using the word “said” in your writing? Try using these words/phrases instead:
pointed out
blurted out
chimed in
brought up
wondered aloud
(NOTE: Keep in mind that all of these words have slightly different meanings and are associated with different emotions/scenarios.)
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
And the most important thing to remember is that you have time. Time to discover new people and new projects and new places; time to heal from your past and your wounds. You might feel like you’re getting nothing done and nothing is happening, but you have time to discover your soul. It will happen for you <3
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hayatheauthor · 2 months
"Why do you care so much about accidentally leaving people out?" Because I've had friend groups where they were the planets and I was their Pluto.
I've had friend groups where our dynamics revolved around a Sun, with everyone vying for their attention if only to bask in their light for a mere moment. Where our thinly strung bonds collapsed the second our Sun left.
I've had friend groups where they bonded as Saturn's rings, finding solace in their shared shortcomings while isolating those more talented than them.
But I've also had friend groups where we bond as Neptune and Uranus—so similar we could be known as twins. Friend groups like Venus and Earth: so awfully different, yet it was those differences that kept us together.
And I would rather create a social system like the latter than the former.
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 2 months
1. You are someone’s dream girl exactly the way you are right now.
We put so much emphasis on growth and getting to that “next best place”, which is fine, but we always forget that we deserve self-love as we are right now. It does not mean that you aren’t at your “best” physically and/or mentally that you aren’t deserving of love, kindness, and respect.
2. Perspective is everything
Stop stressing over that one bad grade you received at school. In ten years, you won’t even remember what teacher gave it to you. Focus your energy on things that’ll have lasting impacts. When you look back on your life, you want to see the beauty of it, not the anguish.
3. Growth isn’t linear
Don’t blame yourself for messing up. We aren’t perfect and we are bound to mess up every once in a while. Learn from your mistakes, and try to not repeat them. And if you do, that’s okay, there’s always another time. Growth has no time limit.
4. You are not a bad person
If you are sitting here constantly asking yourself if you are a bad person or underserving of love, I’m here to tell you one thing: bad people don’t worry about whether they are perceived as “good” or “bad”. Give yourself grace, and stop letting your overthinking consume you.
So much love,
A girl unfiltered 💋
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ciearcab · 1 year
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something i got carried away with last weekend, i love this wonderful little game so much
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lipikkawrites · 4 months
Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does.
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inky-duchess · 6 months
Fantasy Guide to Royal Guards
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Royals have multiple layers of servants but there is no set of servants most important that their protection. Royalty are never without some kind of protection and palaces are usually guarded to the teeth. So how do we write royal security. This is for @jamie-ties-writing
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Royal guards aren't just any person plucked from the street and put into a uniform. They are usually recruited from within the royal army, from within particular regiments across the army (a mixture of calvary, naval, artillery, infantry). The Royal Guard is usually made of of multiple regiments, not just a single one. These regiments would share and rotate duties. The British Royal family are currently guarded by the Coldstream Regiment, Welsh Guards, Grenadier Guards among others. Royal guards will be selected for their skill, sometimes their birth (they may be chosen if they rank higher socially) and of course, loyalty to the Crown. Royal guards were intended to be a show of force, strength, Majesty so they were usually impressive specimens meant to instill some power to their monarch.
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A royal guard's first order of business is the protection of the family. They may have sentry duty around the palace, guarding doors or patrolling palace grounds or corridors. A Royal Guard may be assigned to one member only but most likely they will rotate through the family as needed. Of course, a royal can request a guard to always be assigned to them if they want. They may escort their charge of the day to their engagements. If assigned a certain royal to protect, they would tail them throughout the day. A royal guard may even perform ceremonial duties such as the changing of the guard or riding in coronations or state funerals. A royal guard is expected to remain vigilant but never speak of what they see, they are meant to keep an ear out for threats but never repeat whatever is said, they are expected at all times to uphold a professional countenance and respect protocol. They will be expected to give their lives if needed, and be loyal to the last.
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Royal guards are a military division and rank is a part of their lives. Their supreme commander would he the monarch first but there would be an appointed commander. Depending on how you want to write Royal Guards, each regiment would have it's own captain and leaders. Of course, not all regiments may adhere to the same ranks but this would be a basic outline for you to follow.
Colonel: Colonels actually have no duties, they are more an honourary figurehead. Many members of the royal family would have a regiment to be colonel of. This usually requires nothing more than a ceremonial role, the wearing of the uniform while inspecting the troops for example.
Captain: The Commander of the regiment. They would undertake managerial duties, issuing commands from the monarch, assigning duties, approving the induction of new guards into the Household Division. The Captain would decide who would guard which member of the royal family.
Lieutenant: The Second in command. They will assume command if the Captain is not available. They would take on a large portion of duties and aid the Captain.
Sergeant: The sergeant would be next in command.
Guardsman: The lowest rank. They will have the least experience but usually the most duties. They would be the ones patrolling and standing sentry.
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Of course, no royal guard is complete without their uniform. Royal guards would have to stand out, especially in ceremonial duties. This uniform would be distinctive, not only because it is a great honour for anybody to be named to the guard but also as mentioned above, to add a layer of might to those they protect.
Notable Royal Guard Units
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Dahomey Mino (the inspiration of Black Panther's Dora Milaje)
The Praetorian Guard
The Imperial Guard of Napoleon
The Imperial German Bodyguard
Varangian Guard
Swiss Guards
The Kheshig
The Janissary
The Imperial Guards of Tsarist Russia
The Cossack Guard
Guardia Real
Coldstream Guards
Irish Guards
Welsh Guards
Grenadier Guards
Medjay of Ancient Egypt
Al-Ḥars al-Malakī as-Suʿūdī
Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince
Thahan Raksa Phra Ong
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Because you deserve to get back just as much of the love you pour into the world.
k.b. // you do
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rkmoon · 2 months
PSA: SAID IS NOT DEAD. Said is not an overused word you need to cull out of your drafts. Said is not the devil. Said is a dialogue tag that your reader's eyes glaze over, barely noticed, allowing your dialogue to shine. Allowing your characters to speak without the narration overshadowing them. Said is doing a wonderful, thankless job! Said is not dead, you take that back—
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sas-soulwriter · 4 months
How do we write characters authentically?
Hello, my dear writer! I assume we've all wondered at the beginning of our writing journey, "How do I find my own writing style? How do I stand out, and how do I make my characters sound authentic?" This post is dedicated precisely to the latter question. How do we write characters authentically?
Observe Different Personalities: Observe people of different age groups, from various cultural backgrounds, and with diverse life experiences. Pay attention to their language, gestures, and behaviors to develop a broad understanding of human diversity.
Take Time for Character Development: Invest time in developing your characters, including their background, motivations, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. The better you know your characters, the more authentically you can portray them.
Utilize Realistic Settings: Place your characters in realistic environments and situations that are recognizable to your readers. Describe the details of their surroundings, such as landscapes, buildings, clothing, and everyday items, to create a vibrant backdrop for your story.
Be Open to Change and Development: Allow your characters room for growth and change. People evolve over time based on their experiences and decisions. Permit your characters to learn from their mistakes, gain new insights, and undergo development.
Everyday SituationsAn additional tip is to place your character in various small situations, even if they are a fantasy figure. For instance, have your character order coffee. What happens if they encounter a ghost? What are their feelings about Christmas? Accompany them while shopping. How do they react when meeting their greatest hero? Describe everyday scenarios that aren't part of your official story but are meant for you to better understand your character.
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I don’t post writing tips myself very much anymore, but a very easy manuscript polishing tip is to do a search for the -ness suffix, and then replace the word with a more appropriate noun.
Quickness? Switch it to “speed.”
Tenseness? Try “tension.”
Easiness? I think you mean “ease.”
Even words like sadness can sometimes be traded for something more precise. Like what kind of sadness? Would disappointment be better? Melancholy? Even just “emotion,” and then add in another detail that helps the reader understand they’re sad?
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