#you know what i'm going to use that cool hashtag too
faeflowerz · 1 year
Savanaclaw Imprinting on You
I have nothing cheeky to say. Let's do this.
Warnings: My gross misunderstanding of animals, Bullying Leona for being a big chonk
Characters: Ruggie, Jack, Leona
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Ruggie imprinting on you is an "oh shit" moment for him. He lives his life so casually and when he sees you, like really sees you for the first time, he's acting unwise. Ruggie will do things for you that he wouldn't for anyone else. He doesn't ask for you to return the favor. He even shares his food.
Now this last one is particularly special for him given that he values food more than his peers. Food is how he communicates and finds pleasure. I won't get too far into the feederism side, but I think there'd be a lot of "You should eat. Have you had breakfast?"
But it's not all picnics and dandelions. Hyenas are pretty scary if you piss em off. So if one of your guy friends touches you the wrong way or tries to tease him about his sudden obsession with you, he will go on the offense. Lots of growling and hes ready to turn them into a hashtag. You gotta drag him away every single time.
"Dude, you can't just go around picking fights with everyone! What's your damage, Ruggie?"
"I wouldn’t be so mad if those assholes kept their hands off of you!"
"That's what this is about? They mess around all the time, it's not a big deal."
"It is to me! I don't like it!"
"Okay, but why though? Why would you give a fuck?" You shake your head, frustrated by the look he was giving you.
"Because I'm jealous!" He barks. "I don't want anyone else touching you but me!" Everything is quiet as you try to process what he just said.
"I like...being around you all the time. And all I can think about is you. And...ugh...this is so stupid." His cheeks are cute and pink as he mumbles his way though his confession. And you, you're smiling. Seeing him get so real with you is so sweet and touching. As he's trying to justify his behavior, you place a sweet kiss on his nose. Then he's all shishishi cause he got kissed.
When Jack imprints on you, he's pretty tsundere about it. Suddenly he's hanging around you and by extension the other first years. Its not like he loves you and how you smell and the way you laugh at your dumbass friends. He just...needs to be within five feet of you at all times. Oh, and that tail? It's wagging every single time you acknowledge him or give him attention. The most antisocial boy is suddenly craving your affection.
And of course Ace is gonna clown him for it. Though it feels a little bit different. "Is there somethin you're not telling us? No fair that you two have A Thing going on the down low."
"What are you even talking about?" Jack crosses his arms, clearly trying to keep cool.
"Come on, dude. You lit up when Prefect sat next to you," Ace pouts at the both of you before calling you out too. "Are you together?!"
"Wh-what?! What would make you think that?!"
And all of your friends have examples. Waay too many. And then, Ortho says, "You know, imprinting can happen to beast men too. There's a chance that-"
"What happens between me and Prefect is our business. I didn’t ask any of you to help me confess either."
Major self report. His tail is going a trillion per hour and he realizes what he just said. "Damn it."
"Ha! I knew it!" Ace chortles.
"Wow...that was pretty bold, Jack," Epel hides his grin behind his hand. As for you...
Well, you're smiling like an idiot. It's not like you haven't been purposefully saying and doing things to see his tail wag, make his ears flicker and see him smile a little. You can't pretend to be shocked as you look at Jack for a response. "Well, I guess I should have been honest from the start..."
So there you are, resigned to be a pillow for the biggest cat you've had the misfortune of knowing. Leona loves your thighs and like hell he's going to pass up on your free period to get some sleep. You've accepted your fate, but your legs are just as comatose as he is. As you try to shift around, this catman actually whines in protest. Inside, he's praying you didn't hear it. "Stop moving," he manages to say.
So, Leona's imprinted on you. Now what? Well, you're gonna know quite quickly. Like, it's kind of not a secret since Leona is so shameless with everything he does. Though, he won't actually say "I've imprinted on you." His actions are all the confirmation you need. Actually, he's the most overbearing because he will just drag you away from whatever you're doing just to take a nap with him. Are you in the greenhouse for a class? Well, too fucking bad. Leona wants you to give him attention. You know. Like a cat.
"M'leg's asleep," you complain. "Plus you're heavy."
"Neither of these are my problem."
"You're literally responsible for both."
"You callin me fat?"
"...maybe I am," Leona opens one eye to glare up at you. He wants to be mad. But seeing you so pleased by his reaction makes him melt a little. "What? All you do is eat and sleep what else am I supposed to think?" To your surprise, he sits up. You're about to ask but he flops on top of you, sending you both into the soft patch of grass. Leona's spooning you and your face is buried in his fat (and kind of fuzzy) tits. "Seriously?!"
"Look, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that you're one of the few people I can tolerate."
He's a real piece of work, isn't he? Still, his body is kind of warm and cuddly, huh? He would probably get mad if you said that out loud though.
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
Ta-daaa! What do you suppose this could be? That’s correct, it’s an exchange coupon for use at the Mystery Shop! You have been a consistent helping hand, so… This is a special gift for you. Happy Birthday. Incidentally, that is only worth 500 madol (5 Thaumarks). It cannot be exchanged for something pricier than that. Please don’t hold it against me.
It seemed rather rowdy in here, but now I see it was just you, pup. Are you excited simply because its your birthday? I see, well, in that case, I have a special present just for you. As for what it is... It is a special alchemy homework assignment. You should be happy; you'll be able to improve your skills even further with this, don't you think? Haha, Happy Birthday.
Whatever is the matter, [Yuu]-kun? There is a strange glimmer in your eyes… ...Ah, I see. Today is your birthday. A present? Hmph. I hardly think that it should be something you request of others… But no matter. Indeed, birthdays should be treasured. However, what would be an acceptable gift…? I am afraid I’m rather unaccustomed to this. I would hope I do not disappoint you with a poor gift choice.
Oh, my, hello there, my learned scholar! I've been searching, and finally, I've found you! I was fervently hoping to wish you well for your birthday. Here, your present. ...As fellows lacking in magical abilities, we should get along together, don'tcha think? Happy Birthday! Fwahaha!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Headcanons for mcyt x reader doing a cooking/baking stream together??
I love your writing!!!
ooooo okay okay!!! yes of course bro ; also thank you!! I appreciate it sm 🫶🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; cooking/baking stream
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, grease fires
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you guys were making lasanga
Garfield jokes every five minutes
there's pasta sauce and cheese everywhere
he's constantly screaming to the viewers because you keep slapping him with the lasagna sheets, cooked or dry
"y/n! help! I'm being assaulted with lasagna sheets!"
he stained his shirt with pasta sauce 💀💀
almost set the house on fire bc he somehow left shit in the oven before preheating it
you turn on music halfway through and it turns into a karaoke stream
you were making soup because you found a good recipe you wanted to try
you accidently spilled the broth and covered your legs in it
he cut himself chopping up the celery (very minor cut dw)
"cooking stream? more like we injure ourselves for two hours stream"
"cooking stream? I hardly know her"
very chaotic but very good soup
during the intervals where you guys were just waiting for things to cook, you started a hashtag on Twitter to ask you guys stuff
and you answered them while keeping an eye on the food
afterwards you guys watch TV and eat your food while still streaming
"normalize eating on stream 2024!"
you were making breakfast for dinner on stream
you had to go use the bathroom while the bacon was cooking and left Freddie to tend to everything for less than a minute
and he started a grease fire.
after he got it extinguished he kinda just stood there waiting for you
meanwhile chat was exploding with panic and laughter
"Hey, y/n, I don't think we're having bacon tonight!"
"What the fuck happened???"
luckily no damage to anything other than the meat
the rest of it was really good though, and the stream had enough action for tonight 💀💀
you guys were making cupcakes
you dropped like two eggs 💀💀💀 so while she was getting new ones you were cleaning up all the eggshell fragments and the insides
you got the camera to show stream your fucking mess and someone sent a dono saying "butterfingers ass"
the cackling after that 💀
you're able to get them into the oven though
and while you're waiting for them to cook, you watch dance moms and discuss everything wrong with it
commentary youtubers? I hardly know them
she begins making the icing while you pull the cupcakes out to let them cool
10/10 cupcakes they're amazing
you guys had a pride flag theme so lmao
you were supposed to be making pancakes as a little challenge
his are literally raw and he put chocolate chips from the freezer straight in them
"that banana isn't gonna help anything"
"how do you know that??"
flour is everywhere. it looks like a war started
you put to much non-stick spray on the skillet and started a little fire
but Alex to the rescue dw
he couldn't even figure out how to use it and almost sprayed himself in the face!
goes on Twitter later to update that your kitchen was completely fine but the underneath of your microwave is a tiny bit melted
you blame him every time after that 💀💀
"my microwave melted a bit because you don't know how to use a fire extinguisher!"
"youre the one who used too much spray!"
chat always sides with you, too 😭😭
you thought making fried rice was a good idea? wrong
he literally has no idea what's happening
"can you make the scrambled eggs for me while I tend to the vegetables?"
"how many?"
"they're literally on the cabinet"
chat clipping every single funny moment too
"is the rice cooker even on? holy shit you left it on warm"
"I thought that meant it was on!"
"dude you've used this thing before, how long did it take for you to cook it?"
"like, forever"
"oh my god"
fried rice 10/10
he's complaining about the vegetables like he didn't have like two hours to say something about different veggies
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disaster-racing · 11 months
I don't usually do text posts, but I just have to ask - has anyone else noticed something strange with the Screaming Meals streams recently? James and Clem have been making some weird comments about Marcus, and they sound... a bit worrying? So I went back to their previous streams to check, and here what they said:
Qatar quali stream:
C: "We're trying, you know, to really promote this channel… trying to make it grow, got no idea what we're doing. And Marcus Armstrong doesn't wanna help us." J: "Yeah. To be fair, he doesn't have a say these days in what goes on his Instagram." C: "Does he not? Oh! That's true, I forgot about that. That is true."
C: "So, so, can you… is that the real reason, the fact that you haven't got enough devices, that you're not listening to our stream, or is it sort of censored in the household, per se?" M: "Yeah, the US has actually censored Screaming Meals, umm…" C: "Oh, see, I didn't think it would have been–" J: "Sort of a North Korea situation, is it?" C: (laughs) M: (laughs) "For obvious reasons, mate, for obvious reasons." C: "Yeah, doesn't seem to be the US, but err…"
J: (talking to Marcus) "I don't know about you but the last time I checked my bank account, fuck me, there was some… there's gotta be some numbers missing, but…" C: (closes eyes, laughing)
Qatar sprint stream:
J: "Marcus gets to the UK sometime in November so we'll definitely be filming some stuff in November, as long as he's allowed to. Um, then you can get some more pods."
Qatar race stream:
J: "Marcus says please call a bit later than lap 15, with an x." C: "What a loser! Just always skiving off work." J: "Yeah, why, like… I dunno, he's probably getting screamed at or something, I dunno." C: "Marcus is? Yeah… well, he has been under quite a lot of pressure hasn't he, recently." J: "Yeah… " … C: "No, he hasn't lost control of his downstairs. He has lost control of his credit card, though." J: "He certainly has lost control of his credit card. Anyway!"
C: "Marcus joining us as well for a short trip [in Brasil]. Interesting." J: "Yeah apparently we're not allowed to talk about that." C: "No, we're not. Good times."
J: "Shall we give Marcus another go?" C: "Nah." J: "Fair enough." C: "He was being his usual 'I'm too cool for you guys'…" J: "He was being a bit, wasn't he. He's probably on another sanction from speaking to us." C: "I think so yeah. Must be one of those sanctions."
Mexico race stream:
J: "I'm gonna give Armstrong a buzz." C: "No chance he answers." J: "I believe he's due to fly out 9pm Mexico time." C: "He'll be under heavy control. …has your number not been placed on the 'banned' list?" J: "Ah, no, this is a burner." C: "Oh, mine has. Mine has." […] C: "Quite a lot of restrictions to get in contact with Armstrong these days."
Q&A stream:
(talking about what they would buy if they had to spend £1million on each other) J: "Then for Armstrong… ummm, I'd, I dunno, I'd probably just help him pay off his credit card debts." C: "True! Paying off his credit card debts would be something. Definitely."
C: "Look, we've got Loraine with the hashtag Free Marcus." J: (snorts) "No comment."
And when Marcus was on the sprint race stream last night, he seemed a bit tired and low energy, quite different to how he was on the streams earlier in the year. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I really hope he's okay and some of the things they've said aren't as concerning as they sound...
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/10/24 OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Rosie Carnahan Darby; London Billboards; Mascot Jeff's Birthday; Adopt Our Crew Saturday Sillies; Fan Spotlight; Reminders! Wee John Wonday; Watch Parties; Kudoboards; Companies doing good things!; Fundraisers! Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Okay luvs, finally catching up. I'd love to do a much bigger appreciate day post so everyone can see all the cool stuff people posted but I'd like to get some permissions first, so I'll try to do that tomorrow or sometime this week!
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== David Jenkins ==
David just sharing some soothing music for being parked. Src: Dj's Insta
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= Rhys Darby =
Out with the fam! Rhys' Instagram Story
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Rosie was kind enough to give us another shot tonight:
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= Rosie Carnahan Darby =
So I'm not going to post the tweet Rosie was responding too because that twat of a human being can rot, but I would like to highlight Rosie and her badassery and constant standing up for everyone. Just a damn fine human being that one. If you want to see who and what it was in response to, please visit Rosie's Twitter Page, but CW: TERF
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== London Billboards Meetups! ==
Tomorrow's the day folks! First set of Billboards are up tomorrow! SRC: Tumblr / Instagram
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== Jeff's Birthday! ==
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== Adopt Our Crew Saturday Sillies ==
Our lovely friends at @adoptourcrew had more Saturday Sillies for us yesterday during the appreciation event on Twitter! Just copying them over here so yall with no twitter can play :) If you do have access to twitter, please play and interact with AdoptOurCrew on Twitter! If you don't have access to Twitter, check out the puzzles here.
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Positive Content by LCWebsXOXO =
Our dear crew-mate LCWebsXOXO (you may have seen her around helping with @saveofmdcrewmates as well as all over tumblr/twitter) is starting up a youtube channel this week dedicated to positive content! Looking for something to boost your spirits? She's here to help. Feel free to check out her Tiktok and Youtube.
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= Cast Cards =
More cards from @melvisik! This time two of my favorite ladies, Selenis Leyva and Kristen Johnston!
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== Reminders! ==
= Wee John Wondays =
Just a reminder! Tomorrow (as far as we know at the normal time) Con O'Neil and Gypsy Taylor will be joining Kristian Nairn on Wee John Wonday! 10.30 pm GMT / 6:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT
= Watch Parties =
== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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== Deutsche Nachrichten / German News ==
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Twitter-Watch-Along von Our Flag Means Death:
Streamt Staffel 2 ab dem 15. März.
Samstag, 9.3. 17:00 Folgen 1 bis 3, 
Dienstag, 12.3. 20:00 Folgen 4 & 5, 
Mittwoch, 13.3. 20:00 Folgen 6 & 7, 
Donnerstag 14.3. 20:00 Folgen 8 & 9, 
Freitag, 15.3. 17:30 Folge 10
Und anschließend bingen wir zusammen Staffel 2! 
Schaut und tweetet mit! 
== Kudoboard Reminders! ==
= Taika =
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Kudoboard Link
The board will stay up until March 12th, and we will share the link with him on March 13th. The Kudoboard is monitored prior to approval to prevent trolls from jumping in (so if you don't see your additions right away, that's why!)
== Cast & Crew Kudoboards ==
In addition-- thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! Rhys' birthday kudoboard will close on the 20th, the rest will close on the 22nd. There are more! I missed some the first time! Sorry all!
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
Rhys Darby's Birthday
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Kristian "Wee John Wednesdays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Companies Doing Good Things! ==
While not OFMD specific, it's been called out that there are some wonderful things happening in regards to moms of our trans and non-binary siblings. Penzey's Spices is creating a Mother's Day catalog featuring moms of trans and non-binary kids!
You can check out more info here if you're interested!
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== Fundraisers ==
= Our Flag makes a Difference =
Getting so much closer to the goal for eSIMs and Sanity Products of Gaza Fundraiser! It's up to 71% funded! Great job everyone!
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= Team Haven Belfast Update! =
Almost at 20%!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. We're coming up on another week. It's only been a few days since Chaos Dad made the announcement, but I gotta say, it feels almost like a month. I been feeling it pretty hard, and I know so many of you have been struggling. We're all working through things in our own way, and in our own time, slowly but surely.
You really should be proud of yourselves. Look at you. Look at everything you've done in just a few days, hell in a couple months. The amount of people you've sent love to. The amount of lives you made better with a kudos/heart, or a kind word, or a message. None of us, no matter how well we know each other, know how much each of us is going through, and yet you still, throughout it all, put more love into the world. The world is such a better place with you, and your art, and your words, and your kindness, and you should be so incredibly proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you. I know we're all so very proud of you. And you know what else? You're doing so much better than you think you are. These days especially, everything feels so much worse. Crappy things, compacting on crappy things, and then they try to take our solace away from us. But you know what? You're treading water, even if it feels like you're drowning, and sooner or later, you'll be able to swim again. Don't give up lovelies. We're all still here with you, and we're all so proud of you, and we all love you. Keep on sharing that beautiful spark of yours, it's catching, and it's making the world a much more beautifully bright place.
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I hope the beginning of your week is kind to you <3 Sweet Dreams and Pleasant Days.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just some goofy finger action and smiles from these two. Darby Courtesy of @ofmd-ann Taika Courtesy of @parttimesarah
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magicalrocketships · 11 days
Butternut Squash, Bacon, Sage and Chili Pasta
okay so this recipe is a "however much you've got of anything is fine" recipe, whatever makes it easier, in whatever volume you like.
any recipe that says "cut squash into small pieces" sounds like a nightmare to me, not least because my stupid wrist can't cope with cutting a lot of raw squash. It also takes more energy than I have. To avoid this, hack a butternut squash in half, length ways. Scoop out the seeds. Make a couple of little cuts in the flesh. Spray a little oil over it or drizzle some, whatever you've got. I did a little spray oil and a bit of chili oil today because I like squash and chili but do what you like. Salt/pepper is good. Then wrap each half in tinfoil, and stick it in the oven at about 180 degrees (fan) for... 30 mins? 45 mins? an hour? Basically until you can slice a knife through it super easily. You can even let it go so soft you can scoop it out with a spoon depending on how arsed you can be with squash prep. Then when it's cool enough you can just slice off the skin and cut the flesh really easily. Also you can do this at any point before cooking. I left a couple of hours to get some energy back, but you can do it the day before. You can even do it weeks before and freeze it. hashtag energy hack.
you can use any pasta. The original recipe called for tagliatelle, which I used today, but I've used pretty much all pasta. My favourite is spaghetti or linguine. You can also use this exact recipe and cook it into arborio rice to make risotto. The flavour combo is good and easy and delicious.
if you don't like chili, don't use it, it's nice without too, I just like it.
Butternut squash. I'd say half a squash does two portions. Maybe three if you have less of an appetite than me. Also depends on the size of the squash. I'd say if you're cooking for four people, use a single squash. This is helpful, I'm sure. cut into bitesize pieces (see note above)
oil to cook bacon, whatever oil or spray oil you like
one red chili or half a teaspoon of chili flakes, honestly however hot you like it or don't like it. I like it when my lips tingle because it makes me feel alive.
pasta. if you're doing a whole squash, do pasta for four people. Adjust accordingly. We're on this planet too short a time to not enjoy exactly as much pasta as you want to eat. I recommend linguine.
bacon. like, 300g? I like smoked bacon but honestly: bacon. whatever kind you like, cut into little bits.
1-2 tsp of dried sage. i've never actually tried it with fresh sage because it's never in the supermarket but if you live somewhere where it's easy to get, why not try it. Sage, squash and bacon is a magical combination even when it's dried.
cook the pasta in salted water
while the pasta is cooking, fry the bacon until it's looking nice and bacony (I know, I can't imagine why I don't have a cookbook either)
add in the butternut squash, chili (flakes or otherwise), and sage
cook until the squash is all hot if you'd let it go cold, and season with salt and pepper if you want to (might depend on how you seasoned the squash earlier, and how salty the bacon is)
drain the pasta and stir into the bacon/squash/sage mixture
serve, eat, stare into the middle distance and feel nice things about yourself.
original recipe below the cut. You might like it better with pumpkin as suggested but don't try it with tinned pumpkin, you'll be disappointed. However I think my amendments are nicer, but i've made it loads over the years.
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WIBTA for ghosting someone in RP?
This is a very chronically online problem, I'm aware, but I could use Tumblr's input. This is kinda long, so tl;Dr at the end.
So I (ftm), Z (nb), and O (f) (ages unimportant, but we're all adults) have a server for a shared fandom of ours. There are other people on the server too, but they're relatively unimportant to the problem.
One of the major channels to note was an rp channel. Things started off peachy keen! Everyone was having a grand old time! However, little problems started to pop up. O began introducing some ocs to the rp group chat, which, while outlandish for the setting (her ocs were ghosts from 1500's Minecraft Germany or whatever? I'm still not entirely clear since she's bad at continuity). And while I'm not against more out there ocs, the issue was how she used them, constantly trying to solve problems instantly. They felt more like MacGuffin's than characters. But whatever, she's our friend so we didn't really care.
Then, the racism incident happened.
It's a cool name, but sorta makes it sound more important than it was. Basically O had "monster form" at the end of each of her characters names, since apparently they had human forms too. Well, in an argument, a character referred to the group of ocs as monsters (since, how else would you refer to all of em at once?), and in one of her ocs replies they said smth like "oh btw thanks for the racist remark".
IMMEDIATELY in the ooc chat, Z and I both go "hey man, we're not playing the racism game", which... caused O to leave the server temporarily. Fun.
The relevance of the racism incident is to show why we can't just talk to her ooc about the upcoming issues.
((Very offhandedly she also keeps trying to pressure Z specifically into rping? Even though Z has made it clear many times this month that they are busy with the holidays??))
Anyways, time passes and O keeps wanting to tack on useless shit to her characters (both canon and ocs) for literally no reason. From "Bruno esk powers" to "shapeshifting genitals", it just felt like feature creep.
Eventually this comes to a head when she asks if her 32 year old character could be a WWII veteran.
You know. In the text chat based rp where characters use hashtags and emotes and talk about Twitter.
After a small back and forth between Z and O in the ooc chat, Z just kinda, gave up. Part of the reason they made the server was to transfer their previous rp writings to a server they own, so they don't have to worry about it getting deleted. (Before anyone assumes Z is just being strict, trust me. Z had been very accommodating with letting me and O make inputs and have our characters make an impact. This wasn't an issue of O's lack of control, but rather lack of care about the setting.)
Z admitted in a group chat with just me and their partner that they basically are just going to give up on their previous rp, and just let O do whatever she wants.
This really, and I mean REALLY, ticked me off.
Now, I will not start a ruckus about it on the server itself since I know Z hates confrontation, but now I've just settled on to give O the cold shoulder in rp, not replying to her ocs, barely interacting with her canon characters, etc.
I feel like in character I have a valid reason to ignore her (her ocs made one of my ocs upset, and my other characters are upset for him), but I can't tell if this would be too mean?
ALSO quick little note I forgot to mention above, but it's basically just the three of us in the rp chat, so with Z busy for the holidays, I'm the only other person who O would be able to rp with, if that impacts the vote.
TL;DR - Someone in a rp server is being a right ass and we cannot talk to her about it without potentially starting a huge fight, now I want to ignore her in rp. WIBTA
What are these acronyms?
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blinkysrewatchparty · 11 months
Welcome to Blinky's Rewatch Party!
Hello Nighthawks, Sniggles, and Latte Hattes! You've found the official tumblr page for Blinky's Rewatch Party--where we organize semi-regular watch parties of Nightmare Time 2 episodes as part of our campaign to both share our love of NMT and hopefully get our grubby little hands on Nightmare Time 3!
Current Rewatch Party Planning Polls: None Currently Active!
FAQ with all the basic info under the cut!
The Rewatch Parties are every other Saturday, at two different times, so that as many people as possible can participate directly! The schedule for the current round of Rewatch Parties is:
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Here on Tumblr, we will be using the tag "Blinky's Rewatch Party." You can use the tag to liveblog your rewatch, or wait until the story is over to post any and all thoughts at once. If you can't make either of the chosen times, that's okay! The tag's not going anywhere; simply watch and post your thoughts whenever you can. And remember to check out the tag to see what other people are saying!
If the Tumblr tagging system isn't your ideal communal watching experience, that's cool too. We're set up on several other social media platforms that you are welcome to check out!
Also you can follow this blog! It's not super necessary, but it will make keeping up with any updates easier. Also, likes and ESPECIALLY reblogs of any and all posts are greatly appreciated--I don't really care about notes for notes' sake, but since the whole point is to keep people watching Nightmare Time, I'd love for the parties to reach as many people as possible!
We'll be hosting the watch parties here on Tumblr, but also on Discord, YouTube, and Twitter.
Our discord is currently invite only! DM this account if you're interested in joining and we'll see what we can do. The server is super chill and fun and there's a surprising amount of discussion and theorizing about Chumby.
We don't have a specific YouTube page (yet!)--we'll simply be hosting the watch parties in the comments sections of the Nightmare Time episodes themselves. This will have the added bonus of really showing increased interest in NMT, and getting us one step closer to our ultimate goal: MORE HATCHETFIELD!
The link to our twitter is here: https://twitter.com/BlinkysParty. We will be using the hashtag #BlinkysRewatchParty.
For more information on participating in the Rewatch Parties on various social medias, go here.
That would be me! Hello! My name is Brooke (she/her), and you may know me on here as @man-down-in-hatchet-town. I want these watch parties to be as positive an experience as possible, so please feel free to reach out to me on this page OR man-down with any thoughts, questions, or concerns. Unlike Hidgens, I promise I won't show you my résumé!
Our discord is also largely managed by the amazing @abarryswiftexit! They are super cool and friendly and the real hero of this whole endeavor.
I'm so glad you asked! Our awesome text graphics and unbelievable avatar are all by my wonderful fandom best buddy @its-short-for-jackalope. Seriously, guys, their art is so good and interesting, so be sure to check it all out and give his page a follow!
Thanks, Jack! 💜
I actually don't know this one (though I have lots of thoughts and ideas, help)! But I do know that rewatching Nightmare Time will help us get the chance to find out. So let's get our Bliklotep on and do this thing!
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yan-shann · 4 months
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So, this is just my opinion, based on the 9 (10) episodes that have been released.
English is not my native language, please, be nice <3
Nightshade was not developed. Ok, I'll just deal with it and move on, they're one of my fav char's list, but they still cute and genius so im fine with it.
Hashtag has gained more development. I really enjoyed watching her, there wasn't much of her in the first season. More than satisfied. I really liked her new altmod, it’s beautiful, stylish, the Hashtag are great
Cosmos was shown only for a couple of minutes and forgotten, very disappointing. Where did he even go? Maybe I missed something, I don’t deny it. Let's just move on.
We got more Skywarp and Novastorm. And by more I just mean more, there was no revelation or experience at all, there was just more. Okay, that's fine with me, okay. Im just happy with fact they are here at all lmao
The Twitch and Spitfire arc is GREAT. I mean, she's GORGEOUS. I really liked it, especially the fact that Twitch beat Skywarp, lol. Okay, jokes aside, Twitch really grew up in this arc, I really liked her more, she's grown-up a little, my lil girl
The twist with the fact that titan was expected under the city, I liked it too. The titan herself is very beautiful and wise, I will wait for her in future episodes, it’s too early to say anything more clear, but at the moment I’m in admiration
Now let's get to the part I don't really like. Another thing's was quite acceptable, but that was somewhat disappointing
I don't want to say that there were no interactions among the Decepticons, but I didn't get enough of them. I don't have enough Starscream, Soundwave, Novastorm, Breakdown, I DID NOT ENOUGH ANYONE AT ALL. I fkng needed an episode before the betrayal where they showed us the relationship between the Decepticons, Autobots and Terrans. But they showed us four or something dmn pictures and retold it, not even a two-minute flashback, I’m completely disappointed!!1!
I mean, we weren't even given a FLASHBACK. This is kind of crazy. Just like what Starscream's arc fell into.
I know he never said he would be good. I still like him, I understand his actions, but IT SEEMED TO ME THAT AFTER SEVERAL YEARS (?) IN PRISON, he finally rethought something. I didn’t expect the level of Armada, no, that’s foolish i think, but I expected that they would show more of his motives, more of why he does this, because now I have the impression that he has not changed at all and has rolled back to the state before the first season, like WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS BRO. No, of course, this could be connected to Emberstone, but Starscream didn’t seem to touch it, at least they didn’t show it or i missed something.
(I know Starscream loves Cybertron and everything of it, but it’s been showed on IDW, they don't tell something about it in earthspark. Starscream here just wanna home for him and Decepticons, but for some reasons he doesn't even try to hear Shockwave's opinion about going back to Cybertron and I wanna MORE information about it)
At first it seemed to me that the Decepticons have quite a good relationship, and Starscream is a good leader, but now I think that the others will simply kill him or just kick out as soon as they find him, after what Starscream did. (although I think there is a chance that they will understand and accept him, given Shockwave's words that "Starscream couldn't handle the weapon and lost his mind" or something like that)
BTW Earthspark is still a cool series and I'm looking forward to the continuation. I really love it. Everything written here is written on emotions after the first viewing, do not take it close to heart.
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yuusishi · 2 years
Hmmm. Could I request Ace, Cater and Jamil with an s/o who's a stage magician but does actual magic?
pairings : Ace Trappola, Cater Diamond, Jamil Viper x gn!reader (sep.)
genre : fluff
cws/tws : none
a/n : I'm currently going through a Black Butler phase hashtag help. Also I made this generally s/o who’s a stage magician cuz I didn’t really understand the “but does actual magic” part
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Ace Trappola !!
Your number 1 hypeman, but sneakily (sometimes).
He goes to all of your performances, using them as motivation to get all of his homework and studies done to make it to the venue in time.
Loves all your performances. You’d tease him that he was so focused on it earlier, but he’d say he wasn’t as if he wasn’t completely in a trance by the flashiness and the clever tricks you pulled.
Ace already loves doing card tricks, what more if his partner is a whole magician? He’d ask to teach him some simple magic tricks to brag about to his brother.
Speaking of his brother, Ace would send videos of your performances every time he went to one and gush about how cool it looked in person, leading to his brother making fun of him (affectionately) for being such a simp for his little partner.
If you ever perform at NRC itself, he would NOT shut up to the rest of the first years to join him to watch. All of them either joined in to support you (Deuce, Jack, Epel) or just to get Ace to shut up (Sebek).
He’d be in the audience silently screaming to himself “That’s my s/o!!”.
He'd buy all your merch (that he can afford) but keep it somewhere hidden because he knows he'll get the teasing of a lifetime if you or his brother found out about it.
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Cater Diamond
Your number 1 hypeman, but extremely obvious.
He has an entire highlight on his Magicam account full of pictures and videos that he took when he attends your performances.
Secretly manages a fan account of you, he tries to use filter combinations that doesn’t look too similar to his usual style on his main to not make it obvious it's him.
Possibly even made edits for that account.
Even if you weren’t a performer you’d still be all over his Magicam story, he’s there with you before and after your time on stage to congratulate and praise you.
Another one that buys all your merch, but he posts it on his social media accounts and keeps them somewhere in his room (possibly his nightstand).
He'd love to be part of your performances too!! Especially using Split Card for disappearance acts or tricks that will make it look like you cloned him.
(He hopes people from NRC aren't there, that would just spoil the act if they know his UM!!)
He'd try to learn little magic tricks from Ace to play with you a little, you end up trying to one up each other sometimes.
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Jamil Viper !!
He doesn't really have the time to attend every single one of your performances like the other two, but tries to spare little time to attend them at least twice a month, maybe 3 if he's lucky.
Kalim would buy your merch for him since he couldn't always go to your performances, resulting in Jamil accepting them but very embarrassed.
It's worse if you or any other dorm members are there to see it.
He'd probably keep the merch on his nightstand too or has a dedicated drawer for it inside his dorm room. Generally somewhere not extremely obvious (minus the nightstand option).
Honestly he's incredibly impressed you managed to make a name for yourself with something very uncommon like being a stage magician, especially at your age. Actors like Vil aren't unusual since movies and series are still big, but stage magic are usually just things for children.
He’d also help you prepare for your next performance if you have any!! But clothing and grooming are as far as he can get, you wouldn’t want to spoil the act for him, would you?
Just like Cater, he’d also be with you before and after the performance if he gets to attend, congratulating you on yet another successful show.
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blueraspberrycoke · 11 months
Best college research is in USA cost vs degree use which has a list of schools, this gives you the best loan for degree cost of the degree is the goal. Look at that and the subject then online at the best cross matches. Unless you want a social experience mostly then whatever vibes. Listen you know anti-trans bigotry like in your about has NO ethical point in feminism, it's just bigotry.
Thank you for the advice on college :)
I'm not a bigot. I'm not anti-trans. I don't think trans people are inherently evil. But I do not believe you can change your biological sex. I do not believe allowing trans women into women's sports, changing rooms, sexualities (lesbians being pressured to date trans women), etc. is good for women and girls. It's not just a belief I have, it's factually proven to be dangerous to put TW in women's prisons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and in bathrooms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [5 is written by a trans woman]).
I'm not saying I hate trans people or that I don't trust them or that teens/children who identify as transgender are "broken" or "wrong" like people have said I do. I think we have manipulated an entire generation of lesbians and homosexual boys (though not all trans-identified people are homosexual/bisexual) into believing they have to be the opposite sex. We've lied to dysphoric teens and told them they're going to die if they don't recieve gender-affirming care (see all the posts on the protecttranskids, transgenocide, transrights etc. hashtags).
This is also evident in that anytime you question someone who says trans people are experiencing a genocide, especially a younger person (like a teenager who gets all their information from Instagram and TikTok) they actually can't come up with a single example. Even when they bring up the so-called "anti-trans legislature" being passed in the United States, they can't name any specific bans, because that actually does not exist. What I linked for you is HB1276, which, if you read it, allows minors who underwent sexual reassignment surgery to sue their doctors up to 30 years after they turn 18 for malpractice if they regret surgery. Trans Legislation Tracker labels this an "anti-trans" bill.
They have reason to regret it, too. Lupron, the drug administered in FtM transition to dysphoric females, has painful and sometimes deadly side effects that gender-affirming medical clinics will not disclose with you in full. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Also, a disproportionate amount of FtM females are autistic, homosexual, and depressed. I care especially about these women because I'm eighteen, autistic, and a lesbian, so I really resonate with their pain and struggle. I'm not disgusted by transgender individuals and I'm not angry with them. I feel terrible for them. And I want to help.
What I think we have in the world now is an extreme lack of education. It's harming girls and women my age, when there are more affordable and better options. We've known for a long time doctors will push medicines that don't work/shouldn't be as expensive as they are in order to make money (I'm talking about things like selling insulin for $500 a vial. I'm not talking about things like vaccines.).
If you want to change your name and use other pronouns, cool, fine, whatever. I don't care what you do with your life, your money, and your time. But don't call yourself male or female when you're not. See my pinned post for why doing so harms women and men.
Transgenderism is motivated by misogyny. Go to any of the subreddits created for TW (r/Egg_irl, r/MtF, r/transgender [though that one contains trans men also]) and you'll see in every "How I knew I was trans" post that these people consider being female synonymous with being feminine, and it isn't. I'm not feminine. Does that make me a man? No. It just makes me a nonfeminine woman.
I'm not denying the existence of gender dysphoria. Many of my mutuals are desisted females who still struggle with it. But hormone therapy/SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) are very clearly not the answer. I hope this helps you understand my position better. I also hope I've not come across as condescending or patronizing in any way.
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ask-a-bot · 1 month
Just realised I never said hello to the Terrans!! Hey Kiddos!! I’m Cullen, one of Starscream’s friends (and enablers if I’m being honest). My pronouns are She/They/He. Mostly They.
Hope you kids are enjoying Scotland! The cows are extra fluffy.
Hello, Cullen! I'm sorry, we were asleep when your message came in. I am Nightshade. They/them. Nice to meet you!
I'm Thrash. Hey! I'm the coolest Terran.
What? I am!
You're so much like Bumblebee it hurts. "I'm Thrash! 'Nough said. Everyone knows who I am and that I'm cool."
Well, how're you gonna introduce yourself, Twitch?
Hi, Cullen! I'm Twitch! The little Terran that packs a big punch! Thrash and I are the oldest twins and we make a pretty good team. He's better at defence and I'm better at attack and that makes us a pretty formidable duo.
Like that.
You just introduced both of us!
Urrrrgh! You could easily tag onto that. I left a perfect opening! I'll show you.
Thrash is the other half of that awesome duo. Like I said, defence is his thing, so he's keeping our butts safe while I'm flailing our enemies. He's quick on the ground and he learns fast too. He's also got a big heart.
There you go. Like I said, I left a perfect opening for you.
That was... really beautiful.
Thank you.
Ooh! Is it my turn, now? Hi, I'm Jawbreaker, but you can call me JB if you want. I like running around, but I kinda break things easily. I need a lot o' space. My hero and best friend, Grimlock, says it's OK, it's just part of being a young Dinobot and he was clumsy when he was new too. It's kinda hard to imagine, looking at him now, but I guess that's the point. He said he was so clumsy he had to stay on his own island for a while. I hope Mom doesn't decide I need that.
I'm Hashtag. Internet, social media, online gaming... I love all of that! Cute videos, going on a streaming series binge... I love all of that stuff! If I can confuse the enemy with sneezing puppies, you bet I'm gonna do it! All your base are belong to us!
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
SP special containment part 8
If you are new to the special containment story of just need an update, use the hashtag sp special containment to take a look. -MJ
The Director opened a new email and sighed. They had finally gotten a response on what to do with Mitch.
"Do with as you please, recommend to destroy the human weapon", was all that was written.
The Director sighed as he read it again, "why", he moaned.
He looked through his records just to see if there was any reasons he could find to clear his conscience about killing Mitch.
"The only offenses were sneaking into my facility, and attacking Whumpee", the Director read the notes, "not the greatest track record, but not enough that I would feel better about doing this."
The Director looked over the records for the unit and who was involved in it.
Mitch sighed as the guard came in with Andy and Cass following.
He was still fully restrained and was growing tired of not being able to move.
"How are you feeling this morning", Andy set down the tray with breakfast, "we have some water and milk. Do you want a drink first?"
"I'm sore, uncomfortable, and ready to snap if I'm not allowed to move soon", Mitch grunted with an undertone of sadness, "my back is killing me, and my nose itches."
Cass came around with a smile and scratched Mitch's nose.
"Years of schooling led you to being a nose scratcher for a prisoner, congratulations", Mitch sighed.
"I think thankyou is the word you're looking for", Andy sighed, "you need to work on your manners."
"You know I can kill both of you right?", Mitch laughed.
"Yes, and I said the same exact thing to Aramais when he decided to be rude, you're no different", Andy picked up the tray and showed the meal to Mitch, "now do you want some food?"
"Yes... please", Mitch sighed.
After a bite Mitch side eyed Cass, "so who is this small fry then, they seem to be too young to be a full researcher."
"I'm Cass. I'm a junior researcher for the facility, and I'm joining the special containment unit", Cass grinned as they helped wipe Mitch's face.
"Cool, not meaning anything by this, so don't yell at me. You are about the age I was when I was turned into this", Mitch stated before taking another bite, "I was pulled off the street and turned into the weapon you see now. I'm guessing you're about twenty-five."
"Wow you got it right", Cass exclaimed.
Mitch choked a little before Cass grabbed the water for him.
"Careful", Cass smiled.
The Director watched from the surveillance room. The mic was on, so he could hear the conversation.
"It's almost like Mitch has softened a little", the guard looked at the Director, "he may actually like Cass."
"That's what I'm noticing, we do need to watch Cass though in case Mitch tries anything or if he talks Cass into undoing the restraints", the Director watched with interest. The email fresh in his mind.
"Okay here's another sip", Cass held the milk for Mitch to drink.
Andy had finished feeding Mitch and was currently untying Mitch's shoes.
"What's going on down there? Am I losing shoe privileges?", Mitch frowned and side eyed Cass, who grinned back.
"No actually I had this idea last night. Aramais loves his slippers, and has said that all he ever wore was combat boots or he was bare foot", Andy pulled a boot off, "I figured you may like to have these boots off for a while and may find slippers a bit more comfortable."
With the slippers on, Mitch moved his toes a bit.
"I can see why Aramais likes them", Mitch laughed lightly.
"Well unless you need anything else I say we're done here, and Aramais still needs his breakfast", Andy got up, "I'll leave your boots over here for right now."
Andy and Cass walked by the surveillance room and looked in.
"Oh hello Director", Cass smiled.
"Hello. I was hoping I might steal you. We need to talk", the Director smiled.
"Uh-oh, did I do something?", Cass frowned with worry.
"No nothing at all, I have a question for you before I move forward on something", the Director looked at Andy, "do you mind?"
"No not at all", Andy grinned, "I'm going to take care of Aramais now."
Once in the Director's office Cass sat and waited for the Director to sit down.
"I was wondering. What are your thought on Mitch?"
"I think he's funny, I like the sarcasm", Cass chuckled, "I feel sorry for him though, although I know what he did, I feel like he just doesn't know any better."
The Director smiled lightly, "I was given orders to destroy him, the higher ups said I could do whatever I pleased, but they suggested he die."
Cass's face turned from the smile, "oh."
"I feel though that you might be right. I feel with hard work he might learn to enjoy it here like the other three, but I need someone who may be willing to help me with that", the Director watched Cass's reactions.
"I need someone who might see some hope in him", the Director continued, "do you think you might like to try taking care of him for a little and see what happens. You won't have to do it by yourself for a while, and I need to meet with everyone else and get their thoughts on this. We have to consider Whumpee's comfort and safety with this. I wasn't wanting him, but I don't want to kill him either. What do you think?"
"I'm a junior researcher sir. Do you think I'm ready for this? I wouldn't mind doing it. I like Mitch, I think, but do you think I'm ready?", Cass looked at him questioningly.
"I don't know to be honest. I think you have the passion for this unit, but it will be a lot to take on. If you're not sure, that's fine", the Director smiled, "I don't want you to take a job you are uncomfortable and unsure of."
"What happens to Mitch if I don't?", Cass frowned.
"Let me worry about that", the Director nodded.
"I-I want to know", Cass looked down.
"Honestly I don't know", the Director looked at Cass, "I don't really have a caregiver to do it, taking care of the human weapons is a full time job. I may have too...", the Director frowned, "honestly, I have no idea."
"I'll do it", Cass looked up, "I don't want him to die, I'll try my best."
"Are you sure?", the Director looked at Cass in shock, "this is a full time job, we will have a trial period and see what happens and the other caregivers will help as much as they can. A guard will come in with you even. Are you sure?"
Cass gave a worried smile, "yes", they squeaked.
"Okay", the Director sighed, "I will send you more information on your duties then. Next step is the meeting with everyone involved. Let's see what they all think."
"When will Mitch find out?", Cass grinned nervously.
"He will be last, I need to know everyone else is on board before I offer this to him. I don't want him to get his hopes up, then tell him that it didn't work out."
In another part of the facility Aramais was being pushed to his doom.
"Are you sure you're ready to shower?", Andy leaned over the chair as he pushed it, "everything is in place like you requested, but are you ready."
"No I'm not", Aramais frowned, "but it needs to be done, I'm hoping jumping in head first like I was trained to do will work and everything will be fine. The guards will be there if I need them right?"
"Yes three guards will be there, and me", Andy rounded the corner to the showers, "we've requested everyone else to stay away."
Aramais frowned when they got into the shower rooms.
The guards stood around the room in key spots, one blocking the door, two in other corners.
"One other guard will stand outside of the showers to keep others out, and to be our last line of defense if Aramais gets out", one guard explained, "we will administer a low dose of tranquilizer to start, as requested by Aramais."
Andy took the needle and showed Aramais.
"Are you sure of this", Andy looked it over and prepped the needle.
"Yes, the drug will hopefully cut some of the edge out of my nerves, but I will be able to function", Aramais sighed, "at least until we get use to this we may have to rely on tranquilizers to help."
"Alright, I am administering the low dose tranquilizer", Andy cleaned a spot on Aramais's arm, then gave the injection.
"Guards you are not to administer more than two doses of the full dose tranquilizer, and you are not to give the doses at the same time. We need to make sure the first didn't work before the second is administered", Andy announced, "are we clear."
"Yes sir", the guards answered in unison.
Andy pushed the chair to the shower, then showed Aramais how to use it.
"You can change the temperature levels as much as you like, you have full control of what happens in here", Andy set down a few things on a shelf, "shampoo, soap, washcloth. I have the towel", Andy smiled, "are you ready?"
"What are the guards to do if they hear me say sedate, sedate?", Aramais looked at Andy worriedly.
"They are to sedate you with one injection at a time", Andy nodded, "no one is to approach you until you are fully under the sedative."
Aramais nodded, "okay, let's get this over with."
Aramais got out of the chair and removed his clothes.
Andy frowned as he remembered all the scars that littered Aramais's body.
"Like what you see", Aramais caught Andy staring.
"No", Andy shook his head, "your body was destroyed by horrible people."
"I'm well aware", Aramais looked over himself.
Aramais held his hand under the running water for a few minutes, "I am surrounded by friendlies, I am not with my trainer anymore. I am not what they wanted, I am no longer their weapon."
Andy felt his heart ache as Aramais tried to talk himself into doing this. He had never seen the human weapon so apprehensive about something.
Finally Aramais leaned into the water more until he was fully under the stream.
A small sigh was heard.
Then a grunted groan.
"Doing okay?", Andy asked.
"Flashbacks", Aramais winced in frustration.
"Uh-oh", Aramais growled, "sedate, sedate."
A blast of air was heard as the sedative left the gun.
Once into Aramais's skin, Aramais folded himself into a ball, trying to control the survival mode until the sedative took effect.
"I need another one", Aramais groaned a few minutes later, "it's working, but not strongly."
Another blast of air as the injection was sent out.
After a few minutes, Aramais went limp and fell to the side.
Andy cautiously approached and turned the water off.
"He's out", Andy announced as he checked for a pulse, "let's move."
Andy dried Aramais off as much as he could before the guards helped get him dressed.
The Director, Caretaker, and McGee waited outside of the shower rooms. They collectively frowned as an unconscious Aramais was pushed out.
"Don't frown like that, he tried his best", Andy reprimanded, "my heart broke as I heard him trying to work up the courage to do it. I have it on recording so you can have your hearts broken as well. His body is covered in scars, they did so much to him."
"I wasn't frowning at him, I just wasn't expecting him to come out unconscious, that's all", Caretaker frowned before patting Aramais's shoulder, "Whumpee has whip marks down their back. If Mitch says he did the same thing his trainers did, he probably has the same. I know this is going to take time, and I'm sorry to Aramais that he has to deal with this."
"I'm not mad at all, I was hoping he had made it through, and wasn't expecting him to be unconscious", the Director admitted, "I'm thankful he tried though. He is helping us so much."
"He said he was having flashbacks, then he said Uh-oh", Andy brushed some of the damp hair out of Aramais's face, "then he asked for the sedation."
"I'll help you get him into his room, I am calling a meeting this afternoon", the Director stood beside Andy, "I need everyone in the Special Containment Unit there, I'll have four guards stay and monitor the weapons. I'll update the four of them later."
Andy and the Director undid the straps of the chair and carefully lifted Aramais up, then carried him to the bed.
"He looks so peaceful, it's amazing", the Director admitted.
"Amazing that he could kill us both in a matter of seconds", Andy dumped some water into Aramais's cup, and placed the cup next to him.
"Exactly", the Director nodded as he watched Andy place slippers on Aramais, "he really likes those slippers, huh?"
"Yes his favorite thing", Andy smiled as he pulled a blanket over Aramais, "he should be good to go."
Andy looked into the monitor room and saw the one guard stationed to watch Aramais.
"Message me if he wakes up before I'm back, if he needs anything let me know as well."
"Yes sir", the guard nodded.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots
Special Containment Taglist. @written-by-jayy
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Superstar | football player!Joel Miller x popstar!Reader
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Prologue - you belong with me
>> next
Warnings - cursing, fake dating? Age gap based off of Taylor swift and Travis Kelce kinda hard launching their relationship last night, Joel has his both his daughters but they are way younger in this (Sarah being 9, and Ellie being 5), Joel is 37 and reader is 26, no outbreak au, and modern au (its around 2022 or 2023)
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
‘Can’t you see? You belong with me’
I let out a sigh as I throw myself onto my couch. I've been spending the last 3 months touring around the US and to say I was tired was an understatement. I pull my phone out of my pocket and begin scrolling through Instagram. my cat ollie hops up in my lap chirping in delight and rubbing his face against my arm. "Hi ollie" I coo as I drag my hand down his head and back. "Hi handsome how are you baby?" I coo as he curls up on my lap.
bringggg bringgg bringgg.
my phone that I had discarded next to me begins to vibrate and display a picture of my best friend Kailey. I pick it up and answer the call. "Yes?" she begins to talk "didyouknowthatjoelfuckingmillerwasatyourconcertlastnight?!!!" my brows furrow in confusion "k I did not understand a word you just said" she lets out an annoyed sigh "Joel miller the football player was at your concert last night" my brows stay in their contorted state because why the fuck would I care? a lot of celebrity's come to my concerts. "Okay?"
"Ugh y/n he said on some podcast that he wanted to give you his number" Joel miller was a name I've heard before, he was a popular football player one that all girl fawn over. "But he couldn't because you weren't doing a meet and greet" I have a feeling that this was all for some type of pr, to get in articles and shit. I've had an influx of popularity recently and a lot of men have claimed they went out with me or hooked up with me just for attention. "Do you really think he's telling the truth?" I can almost hear her eyeroll through the phone. "Just maybe you should dm him. maybe it will be good for you y'know after what happened with Andy." Andrew or Andy was my boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend. we broke up after almost 6 years together, it was heart breaking to not only me but my fans too. I just haven't been up to date since because I thought he was it for me. "Okay, okay maybe alright?"
once we hang up, I go on twitter to see that Joel miller is trending. I push on the hashtag to see millions of screen recordings of the podcast. it's a podcast that he has with his brother tommy miller who also happens to be a football player. "So, I heard you went to y/n's tour" tommy says with a tiny smirk on his lips. "Yeah, I wanted to give her a bracelet with my number on it, but I couldn't" Joel says with a chuckle, tommy raises his brows "your jersey number or your number?"
"You know which one."
he was cute, I can't deny that he has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, just my type, but I think he's a little too old for me. I'm 26 he's 37 I think he'd get a bunch of hate online if we got together, right? maybe I should dm him, even if it didn't end up in a relationship I could end up with a cool new friend. I type his name into Instagram and push on the first verified account I see. the account is really just full of pictures with his daughters, his brother, and teammates. no girlfriend in sight. I push on the message button and begin to type.
'Hey, saw the podcast. thought we could may-' no too straight forward. 'Hey, wanna go out?' I decide to settle on just 'hey' because everything else I typed felt cringy.
Me - hey
I let out a sigh as I drop my phone beside me and lean my head back against the couch cushions. "mreow" I look down to see ollies eyes wide open as he looks up at me. I place my hand on his head and begin to pet him.
ollie begins to purr as I pick up my phone. it's a notification from Instagram. I push on it, and it takes me to Joels chat. butterfly's form in my stomach, I shouldn't feel this excited right? I don't even know if he was serious about wanting to give me his number.
Me - hey! - 12:30pm
Joelmillerofficial - holy shit hey
Me - saw your podcast lol...was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?
Joelmillerofficial- yeah, yeah that sounds cool whenever you're up for it lol.
Me - how bout tomorrow? you could come over swim in my pool. you can bring your kids if you want
Joelmillerofficial - sure I have to see if my mom can watch my girls.
the conversation is a little awkward, I just hoped that it wouldn't be like that in real life. I don't really expect anything from this I still don't think I'm really ready to date, Andy and I broke up 3 months ago. I think it's alright for me to be single for a while after a 6-year long relationship. the press was just starting to think that Andy proposed 2 months before the breakup, I was already thinking about rings, so was Andy's mom. the breakup was a total surprise, I didn't expect it, nobody did. I thought he was in love with me, he was nothing but loving towards me. yeah, he didn't like to call attention to our relationship, or talk about me in interviews, or post me but I just thought he want our relationship to be private, he didn't want everyone to know about every aspect of our relationship. maybe I deserved a man who would scream at the top of his lungs that I was his girl.
Joelmillerofficial - my oldest want to come with me but my mom will watch my youngest.
Joelmillerofficial- what time should I come over?
Me - is 1 alright for you?
Joelmillerofficial- yup
I've never even met this man in real life and him and his oldest daughter are coming over to my house tomorrow. this is good branching out most of my friends are people in the same industry as me or people I met during childhood so meeting someone who has nothing to do with the music industry is cool. I know nothing about the NFL, and he knows nothing about the music industry, a match made in heaven. twitter is blowing up about Joel, every other TikTok or tweet is 'Joel x y/n???' or 'do you think they'll be the new it couple?'. whenever a new man enters my life it's like this, even if the guy is just a friend every article is speculating if we're dating or hooking up. I decide not to tell Kailey because I don't want her to freak out until something is official. knowing her she'd insist on being here, and then embarrass the fuck out of me. this is just going to be a cool getting to know each other thing that'll probably just end up in a friendship.
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @romeestrvjds @lightxzhan @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19 @rainyblizzardgiver
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Adopt Our Crew - Adopt Our Quiz!; Queerties Reminder; Cast & Crew Sightings; How to Help W/New Stuff; Hunt for The Pirate Home Twitter Watch Party; Articles; OurFlagMakesADifference; Love Notes; Goofy Shit For Morale
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Had some fun stuff going on across the platforms today with Adopt Our Quiz hosted by @adoptourcrew! You can still go do them! I'm including them here for those who don't have the platforms. Ordered from left to right 1, 2, 3. You can see the answers here on twitter (which have cool animations)
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Answers below in picture form:
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Twitter Thread Instagram Story
== Queerties ==
Just a reminder to vote for the Queerties if you're up for it!
TV Comedy Best TV Performance Wanna help another Taika/Rhys verse Queertie? Vote for Kaimana for Best Film Performance in Next Goal Wins!
== Cast And Crew Sightings ==
It's the weekend so as you can imagine there aren't many sightings. Definitely some personal stuff posted but nothing campaign related so I'll leave it out. Couple things I didn't know you could do was look at peoples likes on twitter, and now I know how to be a proper stalker if I ever wanna get into that kinda thing, which I don't, let me tell you. That being said, these are to make people feel warm fuzzies so here we are! Alex Sherman is out here liking our tweets all over the place! He's been doing it for days, just sweet to see the support.
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Kristian Nairn sending love and support to fans on their art!
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
Some new stuff added to our usual How to Help Lists, feel free to check them out!
== Talking About the shows Creativity ==
If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, referencing some of the awesome show-crew like Ra Vincent, Production Designer for OFMD can be great! Here's Ra Vincent's site Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks. Please be sure to credit them just like anything else you're using. Other great crew members for inspiration: Gypsy Taylor Costume Designer/Stylist!
== RADIO! ==
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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== Reminder - Twitter Watch Party ==
HuntForThePirateHome Watch Party Starts Sunday Jan 28 at 3 PM EST, 12 PT, 8 PM GMT. Hashtags for that event are:
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== Petition Update ==
We hit 82,000!! Definitely things slowing down, but I think in generally we're focusing more on going after specific platforms (not saying more signatures isn't good, just saying we seem to have shifted priorities)
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== Articles ==
I didn't see any new articles today, but I did see one I didn't notice the other day so I'm including it now:
Why Our Flag Means Death’s Cancellation Should Make You Angry
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I had a couple people ask about what's going on with some fan led Palestine Efforts so I'm linking the current thread from Our Flag Makes A Differences Resource thread on Twitter. I know there is a great tumblr thread but tumblr search sucks so please share it with me if you have it!
== Love Notes ==
Just a little reminder for tonight--- you deserve happiness. You deserve kindness, and grace and you deserve a break from all the stressors that bug you on a day to day basis. Sometimes it's other people who can give you that break, and sometimes the only person who can give it to you is you. If you can, talk a little nicer to yourself today, give yourself a little extra time curled up in bed, or watch an extra episode of your favorite show. Remember to give yourself some love too, lovelies. You deserve it. You're gonna be okay.
== Goofy Shit for Morale ==
So I'm gonna combine a couple things tonight and end tonight with some fun goofy shit also feat. Rhys, Samba, and Taika
@buckrogers2491's post
Alright, night lovelies! Let me know if I missed something or made any mistakes! (I think I double checked everything this time!)
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hangmanbradshaw · 8 months
Okay first off- YOURE AMAZING! Your hashtag made me sad because you’re not semi good- you’re one of the greatest writers I ever read - full stop. Not just in this fandom, not just on A03, IN GENERAL! (And I read 50+ books a year like the nerd I am lol)
Second: what advice can you give to writers struggling to find that creativity and that drive? I know you’ve always been a fan of outlining but what else gets a plot and foreshadowing like you’re an expert at all?
EWAFEWAIFEJWAI OH MY GOD You can't just say that??? That's so sweet omg <3 <3 you are way too kind to me.
ooh I love talking writing. Honored you'd want my advice. Hmm so I think I'd say here's my writing advice (coming from someone who is most definitely not a pro but this is my opinion):
write your passion. whatever it is you love, write about that. The love bleeds through the story, makes you want to write, etc.
outlines are so important, but I am a huge proponent of breathable outlines. Give yourself structure, but room to breathe and be creative. Hugely helpful in an outline is to go to the future chaps and make notes about things to bring up again so it builds right and comes full circle/is closed.
figure out the theme, what you want to say, what the heart of the story and characters is and what they learn by the end and use the hints to build on this. Every single scene, building block, etc is an opportunity to be intentional about this and form a complete story. Also everything can add to it without straight up saying it. The setting (the sun rises. it's a new day after a character lets something go, etc.) (in iwtby- Jake's dad leaves him to mend the fence on his own. symbolic as he is left to do that in their relationship as well. bradley sits by him as he does this. which he has done in more ways than one. asks why they're there. it's just overflowing with multiple meanings beyond the literal.) (also play with double meanings ugh they're the best)
less is more? subtle hints are the best, let it build to build tension.
write the story YOU want to tell. what speaks to your heart. what world exists in your mind. Do it for the pure love of it. And when crafting the plot/world, just think about a reader's perspective and what would be cool to see. It helps come up with cool structure ideas (i.e. starting with after bradley and jake met in iwtby with hints and at the very end circling back in bradley pov full circle. or dlp- big reveal? next chap switch pov and backtrack. the reader thinks they know what's going on, but it's limited pov and then you have those OH WOW moments. Write in ways that are ambiguous or *seem* to be something because again...you're in a biased perspective. And then you slowly reveal the full picture to the reader and the character.) (Or playing with then the reader knows something but the character doesn't. like in dlp I jump back to bradley pov and WE understand now but he still fully doesn't and as a reader you wanna scream at him.) (also keeps someone on their toes and the story from being stagnant, and you know I LOVE that things mean more or take on a different meaning when re-reading then and it's so cool)
When I'm stuck, I take a break or I sit back, close my eyes, and just let my mind follow the story for a bit like a movie in my head
there is NO boundary to it! Let your imagination run as wild as you want, throw the rules out the window. Any world can be believable if you build it right and connect the audience to the characters. Santa land? Sure! Can believe it if Jake believes it. Spooky island with def some paranormal stuff going on? as long as it makes sense, absolutely. There's no rules.
Okay! That was a lot so sorry if you didn't want all that, but I love writing and story crafting so so so much and I'm always so happy to talk about it or give advice if you want it :) write what's in your heart and it'll be amazing.
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