#Everyone is gay and trans
everyoneisgayandtrans · 5 months
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
Any merc just make em trans 🔥🔥🔥
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why ONE when you can have all of my gender headcanons!! >:)) here u go!!
(close ups under the cut)
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drawntomemes · 3 months
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Credit to @bichaels
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shingetsu-online · 1 year
i was inspired
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theartisticcrow · 1 month
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On this fine day, at 8:37 AM, I walked outside to the front of my school and saw that they replaced the Canadian flag, the flag of our country, with a Pride flag. I have never felt happier. I have never laughed so hard in my life. This is in not a complaint, I just think it's very funny that they replaced the Canadian flag with a Pride flag for no apparent reason. They have their priorities figured out.
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anti-terf-posts · 20 days
I'm currently watching a YouTube video (link) by Matt Bernstein, a gay man. In the video, they have a guest speaker named Devon Price. The video goes over how "annoying" queers (TikTok enbies, James Charles dupes, autistic queers, neopronouns users, kinksters, etc) are not the reason why queer people don't have the same rights as non-queer people.
at around 4:40, Devon mentions a type of queer protest I've *never* heard of until now. It was called "The Annual Reminder", and it was run by cis white gay men. Essentially it was a reminder to non-queers that gay (gay not queer) men looked like everyone else. they would dress in formal suits and hold signs that reminded the non-queers that they look just like everyone else. and the outcome of these protests? nothing. these protests did NOTHING to help queer rights. It wasn't until stonewall and pride that people started waking up, and I am in shock. Literally how have I never heard about this until now. I feel like it's such an important part of queer history that just gets swept under the rug, and I have a feeling I know why.
The gays that try to erase the loud, flamboyant queers, are the same ones who want to hide the fact that conforming to what the non-queers want us to act like doesn't actually do anything. They want you to believe that hiding your queerness is the way to get our rights, and that THEY'RE the ones we have to thank for what rights we have, when that's just not true. Black trans women, "annoying" twinks, sex workers, people who use controversial labels, QUEERS are the reason why we aren't treated as badly as we were 50 years ago. Instead of bowing down to Blaire White or Arielle Scarcella, thank Sock who listens to My Chemical Romance and uses star/starself pronouns for being openly freaky and queer, because stars the one who is *really* doing good for the community.
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dkettchen · 1 month
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part 1 part 3
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what if trans!regulus always found it seriously difficult to make friends even as a kid, until one day, he decides to be better in his senior year and his first ever best friend is remus, and then he asks james a favor and james confirms that their friends now?
Regulus: I really appreciate your help out there.
James: No problem. It's what friends are for, right?
Regulus: ......
Regulus: Right.
Regulus: *smiling widely* Remus! I've made another friend!
Remus: *smiles back* That's amazing, Reg. I'm really happy for you.
Regulus: His name is James. He's very nice.
Remus: *chuckles* 'Course he is.
Remus: Love, Reg made another friend.
Sirius: Really? Who had the power to tame my brother?
Remus: James, apparently.
Sirius: *blinks* Oh.
Remus: *chuckles* Oh.
Remus: By the way, we need to buy him a new binder.
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redysetdare · 1 month
"This fandom is so queer friendly!" This fandom literally hates, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, and aspec people but ok.
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 3 months
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macleod · 7 months
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Nuclear research hub, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), confirmed that it fell victim to a data breach on Tuesday. SiegedSec, a group of self-proclaimed "gay furry hackers," took responsibility for the attack and claimed they accessed sensitive employee data like social security numbers, home addresses and more.
"We're willing to make a deal with INL. If they research creating irl catgirls we will take down this post," SiegedSec wrote in a post announcing the leak on Monday.
The hacktivist group SiegedSec conducted a high profile attack on NATO last month, leaking internal documents as a retaliation against those countries for their attacks on human rights. The group commonly attacks government and affiliated organizations for political reasons, like targeting state governments for passing anti-trans legislation earlier this year.
[Source: Katie Malone via Engadget, November 22ⁿᵈ, 2023]
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drawntomemes · 7 months
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Credit to Nike
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Okay, i just saw a post about how male spiders give "back rubs" to seduce theire mates soooooo, y'all know where this is going
Back rubs with Miguel are...strange...he prefers acts of service or quality time to express his love...and he doesn't like physical touch that much
When he does is...rare, you two started getting closer and closer, one day you were really sore after a mission, you noticed that he was...a bit nervous? You asked him why
"take off your suit..."
"I'm gonna give you...a back massage.."
You laid down and he started to massage your back, with soft moves and gentle rubs, your soft skin felt so nice against his rough hands...you almost melted right there
What if it's the other way around?
You see him being tense and really annoyed about everything, so you decided that maybe some... innocent back rubs would work
You came from behind and put a bit of pressure in his shoulder, making him let out a breathy whimpery sound
"[redacted] what are you-"
"it's okay mig...let me take care of you..."
He doesn't know if is flirting it definitely is
And he hates loves it
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fatuous-frog · 23 days
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
i'm going to scream i got accused of being a transmisogynist by someone on twitter because of this specific part of my t4t steddie art
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yvesdot · 9 months
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“Comedic, witty and chilling by turns.” — A. R. Thompson, author of When Dealing with Wolves
The debut collection returns in a special fifth anniversary edition, repackaged with three new short stories, a new cover, and additional bonus content! A vampire is forced into a compromising situation; a father fears his child's growing plant collection; the undead go to high school; a butcher contemplates whether or not she can be loved. In a captivating debut, yves. opens the door to our world, slightly askew—where the crows work for witches and telephone booths serve as secret channels for prophecy; where a diverse cast of monsters and humans alike are forced to contend with what the world believes is right.
Thank you to everyone who made my weird uncategorizable "Lemony Snicket meets Carmen Maria Machado" speculative fiction an instant bestseller! If you’ve ever felt like a monster, this book is for you.
PRESS: KZSC interview | Santa Cruz Sentinel interview
signed paperback | paperback & ebook (amazon) | ebook (itch.io)
& at all major retailers!
Thank you so much for reading this post about my book. I hope you will share it, and this image of my beautiful black cat, Andy, widely. To queer weird fiction and indie pub! To you, Dear Reader, with love.
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