#Fanfic Ideas
drawing-write · 2 days
The urge to write a fanfic where Tim Drake has a venom symbiote that bonded with him when he was just a tiny Timmy. And through a series of coincidences and misunderstandings, everyone thinks he’s a trans kid.
Tim, angry and irritated because his Symbiote keeps pestering him for the blood of the goons: “Someone get me chocolate right now, before I kill a bitch.”
Jason: “Oh shit, Tim’s on his period again.”
Batfam: *Panic*
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It would be funny if xie lian had a spy Network in the mortal realm only he is completely oblivious to the fact it is a spy network and calls is his many acquaintances and friends he talks to after he helped then or they helped him so imagine him getting random notes or messages from random strangers or beggars or him turning to a random beggar and asking something crazy or whatever for a mission and in 1-3 days having all of the needed knowledge for it
It would just freak everyone out it would be hilarious because you would just have a incredibly better knowledge network than anyone in heaven and ghost realm or imagine this hundreds of years prior or more this happening, and it leading up to having an entire sect made of spy network beggars being created just for him and and helping out the common people only everyone doesn’t know about it, except the people in the sect and him being considered a honored God or elder to them and their worship being the main reason he ascended for the third time only no one really knows 
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pinkk-girl · 1 day
The crazy thing about being a writer, is that, I can just spill out all my deepest, most disgusting emotions, on some random document, and post it. And there'll be people, who willingly read it.
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madrabit · 2 days
@ your tags - god SAME. I've been thinking about detective!Nace ever since I saw that video and that as an AU would be so good. Like, I have way too many wips consuming my mind to think properly about plot and stuff but it's just been in the back of my mind and I just *know* it'd be amazing idk aghzhzjanx
#someonewriteadetectivenaceauplease 😔
Oh god, Maca, please don't make me add another thing to my list 😭😭😭 the list for potential fic ideas North and I share is already WAY too long and it keeps growing, but it sounds so SO TEMPTING!!! Like shshbsbsndndndndndn ofc it would be such a perfect idea and Nace would be such a hot detective!!! But I can't possibly write that rn 😭😭😭
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I saw a post somewhere about how Percy is probably jealous of Jason's relationship with Nico, because Nico can connect with Jason as an older brother figure, while with Percy there's all this baggage and the reminder of Bianca hanging over them.
And I realized. Nico is probably jealous of Jason for similar reasons. Jason and Percy have this casual bromance going on. They fight together, they make storms together, they regard each other as equals. And Nico is just. There. The youngest one. The weird one. And there's too much stuff between him and Percy for them to ever be completely comfortable together, even though, I think, Nico would secretly love to get a Percy fistbump.
Idk now I want to write a fic about it
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How the Wayne family handles injuries sometimes
Bruce: My arm feels weird.
Clark: It's broken!
Bruce: Oh is it?
Clark, using x ray vision: I can see the bone snapped in half.
Bruce: Oh, that's why I winced earlier.
Clark: What the hell?
Nightwing: Okay, I can fall down now.
Nightwing falls to the ground.
Wally: Oh my god!
Nightwing, unphased: I'm fine, they didn't break my hip too bad... I just can't stand for an hour or two. Can you carry me?!
Wally: Okay this was in a dream I had.
Damien: Hello Jon.
Jon: Hey pal- You hand is bleeding.
Damien: I got stabbed in the hand. I must've done the stitching wrong.
Jon: You sewed your wound?
Damien: Yes, probably missed a stitch.
Jon: ... Awesome!
Tim: Hey, question is the wall over there purple or blue?
Bernard: That wall is white.
Tim: I'm going color blind again, be right back.
Bernard: I should look into that, but... he fixed it last time.
Roy: There's an arrow in your arm!
Jason: Ah shit, yeah it is.
Jason yanks it out with ease.
Jason: You can keep this.
Roy: How strong is your pain tolerance?
Jason: I died once so... super strong. I am numb to the pain... sometimes it feels good.
Roy: Why have I heard... all of you say that?
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greatwyrmgold · 4 months
The new Jenny Nicholson video makes me want to write a Star Wars fanfic based on her experience in the Star Wars Hotel. Amiithia Tope, a wealthy influencer from Coruscant (Jenny's actual choice of "character," if I spelled her name right), trying to help the First Order but getting ghosted by them even as the Resistance tries to recruit her.
Chewbacca escapes because Lieutenant Croy assumed her attempts to warn him that a high-profile prisoner was escaping, come on, were just a youngling prank. On the Baatu excusion, Amiithia and her sister end up doing a mission for the Resistance out of boredom and confusion, but it turns out their Resistance contact gave them inaccurate instructions and they have to check all the crates again to find the Holocron. Amiithia meets Hondo Onaka and discovers she dislikes him. Sammy thanks Amiithia for helping him steal a TIE Fighter even though she never even responded to his text messages. Maybe Lieutenant Croy hears this and Amiithia gets in trouble with the guy she wanted to surrender, which is why Kylo Ren Force-tortures her to get Rey to talk.
Worst cruise ever. There was a support column in front of her table at the dinner show!
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hiroyildiz · 2 months
Claim: Tim Drake could be spiderman.
Evidence 1: interested in photography (of vigilantes in particular)
Evidence 2: good at science stuff/ deadly smart
Evidence 3: bisexual
Evidence 4: selfless acts (bruh do I even need to give examples?)
Evidence 5: dead parents/father figures
Evidence 6: cool/funny inner monologue (The whole Red Robin comic y'all)
Reasoning: it is absolutely possible that Tim Drake went on a school trip to Lexcorp when he was 14 and got bitten by a radioactive spider resulting in a terrible fever but he wouldn't say anything to anyone because he is emotionally stupid and wake up next day with spider powers and say, and i quote,: "cool"
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wispeth · 3 months
(doppelganger Merlin au. Arthur is looking at two Merlin's, who both have all of Merlin's memories, except the imposter doesn't have magic. which is perfect, because the real Merlin lied so flawlessly to Arthur that imposter Merlin would have a real chance to take over Merlin's life. oh and, uh, Merlin was drugged w a truth serum. so he can't lie about the magic if it comes up. The imposter is able to pretend to be Merlin better than Merlin can bc ofc the magic comes up.)
Arthur: What's the first thing you ever said to me?
Imposter Merlin, confidently: Hey, that's enough. You've had your fun my friend.
Real Merlin, dazed, looking over at the imposter in horror as he realizes that the imposter has all of his memories, and that the imposter is actually capable of lying rn unlike himself, which means Real Merlin can't even keep up his own facade, but the imposter can: (says exactly the same thing in perfect unison with the imposter, but looks a lot more lost and shaken about it)
Arthur, narrowing his eyes at them both: What is your favorite tunic to dress me in?
Imposter Merlin: The red one. (It was a fair enough assumption. It was the one that Merlin picked out for Arthur to wear more than any of the others.)
Real Merlin, unable to believe he's about to admit this, but he has truth potion in his system: Your nightshirt, when you decide to wear it... It is--you look the happiest, in that one. (gay sweatdrop)
Arthur, kind of floored by the vulnerability: (was honestly expecting Merlin to say the red one, but now he wasn't so sure because that also sounded like something girlish that Melrin might say) Alright... How many times have you saved my life?
Imposter Merlin, gleeful on the inside because he finally has a chance to play Merlin's part while Merlin can't even maintain his own web of lies because of the truth potion: (to this imposter's credit, he is very good at pretending to be merlin. he starts mumbling to himself and counting on his fingers, just as Arthur thought Merlin might have done.) Let's see, there was the dagger, the poison, the... (proceededs to ramble off most every single one that Arthur himself is aware of) ... so that's about, a dozen? I'd say?
also Imposter Merlin: (places his hands on his hips in Merlin's sassy way) I'm starting to think you owe me a day off.
Real Merlin, voice shaky, because they are getting nearer and nearer to the topic of magic: Twice a fortnite for as long as I've lived in Camelot... That's got to be in the hundreds by now.
Arthur, suddenly remembering all the creatures of the week that suddenly disappeared before they became a problem. He knew of about one every month or two, but he started reconsidering if his guardian angel had been taking care of threats that he perhaps DIDN'T know about: Erm... (still can't tell who the real Merlin is, because one of them is giving all the answers he's looking for and is acting exactly like he would expect Merlin to, but the other Merlin is being so damn earnest right now, as Merlin was wont to do in times of crisis) What is--what's an honest truth that you've told me that I have mistaken for a lie?
Imposter Merlin, knowing that he's being quizzed on the memories of their shared history, without missing a beat: Valiant's shield. It was enchanted with those snakes. You got into a world of trouble for confronting him about it in front of the entire court. (aka exactly the answer that Arthur was expecting from the real Merlin)
Real Merlin, with a knot in his throat and tears in his eyes because he knows he's doomed: (the first instance that came to mind was that time he saved Gwen's father from sickness using magic and Gwen got thrown in the dungeons for being an alleged sorceress--and of course that was his first thought, he is very very paranoid about the magic so it's all he's thinking about--he has to say the first one for the sake thought for the sake of honesty, even though it's damning) Gwen's not the s-sorcerer... I am. (is also making exactly the same face that he was making the day that he told Arthur about Valiant's shield, the face where he is pleading for Arthur to believe him. The imposter only has access to Merlin's memories through Merlin's eyes, so the imposter wasn't able to see what Merlin's face did that day, so he wouldn't have known)
Arthur, now even more unsure, just gapes for a moment because how fucking stupid does someone have to be to confess to sorcery in Camelot? Twice?! And it was worse yet that he still couldn't tell for sure which Merlin was the real Merlin because he'd never had to combine the image of Merlin with magic before and gods damn it all he needed a moment to process: (decided to start asking Merlin questions about himself instead of quizzing him on information that Arthur already knows) Who was your first love? (fully expecting to hear Gwen's name, although, Merlin was quite flamboyant....)
Imposter Merlin: It was Will... (blushes a little, looking flustered and matter of factly at the same time, in that awkward way that mimics merlin perfectly) You met him, in Ealdor.
Real Merlin, sneering at the imposter in the way that he did Cedric when he was bitter about replaced by a possessed man in the Cornelius Sigan incident (a/n: even though the episode I mention in this line is a totally different one. I think I mix referenced a lot of episodes in this ramble actually): H-her name was Freya. You killed her.
Arthur, alarmed: Killed her? Wh--Merlin--not Merlin--Merlin? (stammers on how to address this Merlin, tosses his hands up after 0.5 seconds) I do not recall killing any village girls in Ealdor..!
Real Merlin, shaking his head: She was the bastet. It wasn't her fault, she was cursed by a sorceress to become a bastet at night. It wasn't your fault either, you did what you had to; I don't blame you for what happened.
Arthur, suddenly remembering that night, remembering how Merlin was reaching for the dangerous feline beast as if it were only a kitten, as if Merlin was going to pet it, or shield it from Arthur, or any other number of things that also seem so very Merlin. Arthur hadn't even considered it before, but now? Looking back? Merlin certainly had been remarkably upset in the passing days after that: (more confused than ever) Wh... Where did -- where were you, yesterday? (Gaius already told Arthur that Merlin was at the tavern)
Imposter Merlin: At the Rising Sun. Gwaine took me out for a round of drinks. Something about a lucky charm?
Arthur, nodding along: (it was true that Arthur has heard Lancelot and a few other knights call Merlin a lucky charm) Hm... (turns to look at the other Merlin)
Real Merlin, with a wobbling lip: (laughs weakly, rolling his teary eyes a bit) I told him to stop using that excuse... (refocuses) I was crawling out of the mirror, if you must know. I TOLD you I had a funny feeling about it. (motions to the imposter) (he has tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, and his voice sounds exactly the same as it did that one time when he said to Arthur 'you're certainly not' after Arthur told him that no man was worth his tears)
Arthur, now watching Real Merlin more closely than Imposter Merlin, searching: Who was your favorite guest to mock at the feasts and whatnot?
Imposter Merlin: (kind of stumped bc he wasn't expecting a question like this)
Real Merlin, who is actually able to answer first after some thought: ..... (snorts) Does-- (snorts again) Would the Lady Catrina count as a guest, d'you think? Or should I--no--I'll say it was the Lady Vivian. You get this, LOOK on your face every time she sits near you at the banquet table when she comes 'round.
Arthur, jaw dropped in mock offense: Because she is rather touchy! We've been over this..! (doesn't even realized that he just responded to Real Merlin as if he were for sure the real Merlin, and momentarily forgot that there were two convincing Merlins present)
Imposter Merlin: Are you mad? Arthur, the fake me said it himself that he crawled out of the mirror and practices sorcerery..! (looks so earnest, so genuine, but it's just... not quite how Merlin would say it)
Arthur: (narrows his eyes at the imposter with slight suspicion)
Imposter Merlin: (gives Arthur a flat look, exactly like the real Merlin would do when Arthur says something stupid) Arthur, I am not a sorcerer. You would know. (a/n: last episode style)
Arthur, who had never once suspected magic, but did always know that Merlin had been keeping a secret from him (he'd always assumed it was the alcoholism, but now....): You'd think so, wouldn't you.... (glances at the real Merlin, looking a little hurt)
Real Merlin, not denying the magic at all: I was born with it. I use it for you, Arthur.
Imposter Merlin: You can't honestly--
Arthur, looking deep into Real Merlin's eyes: Swear to me, right now, that you are telling me the truth. Prove it to me.
Real Merlin: (grabs the hidden dagger out of the imposters hands, who had apparently been gearing up to attack Arthur, which is confusing enough all on its own because it made it difficult to tell which one of them was truly intent on attacking Arthur with it, and then charges Arthur)
Arthur, who normally has keen warrior reflexes but not when his enemies wear Merlin's face: (freezes up, and then watches in shock as the dagger clashes against the thin air about an inch in front of Arthur's chest, cast aside by some glowing shield that fades after a second)
Real Merlin: Why do you think it takes me three hours to polish your armor? Do you have any idea how long it takes to enchant the space between every link of chainmail? (drops the dagger at Arthur's feet so he knows it was just a demonstration and not a genuine attack, similar to the way that Arthur always aims just to the left of Merlin when he's throwing blunt objects such as goblets because he never wishes any actual harm on Merlin)
Arthur, blinking dazedly: (can't help but think of that one time that Merlin spontaneously became talented at juggling. it's such a strange thing to remember, and completely unrelated to the current happenings, but Merlin's smile was small and smug just like it had been that day, and it just--clicked)
also Arthur, looking slightly more sure of himself now: (needs one final test to make absolutely certain, but he thinks he knows just what to ask) What would you have me do, if I cannot tell you apart?
Real Merlin, without missing a beat: Arrest us both. (shrugs casually) I am a sorcerer after all. Better safe than sorry.
(And that's just it, isn't it. It was just like Merlin, to sacrifice himself like that. It was just so, unmistakenly Merlin.)
Arthur, smirking in mock offense: Better safe than--excuse you, I could take you apart with one blow!
Merlin *cough*hearteyes*cough* "Emrys" Hunithson™, the one and only: I could take you apart with less than that
(In the end, Merlin walks himself to the dungeons as the imposter is arrested, just to give Arthur peace of mind so there's no pressure to second guess his decision since even if Arthur chose wrong, there is no assassin Merlin imposter on the loose. Merlin and the imposter both spend 3 days in their respective cells before the imposter finally does some decidedly out of character shit and Arthur can have him executed with full confidence that it's not Merlin... since the guy really was very good at mimicking Merlin. Arthur didn't even realize that he'd needed it at the time, but looking back, he probably would have had a panic attack as the imposter was marched to be hanged. He probably would have doubted himself at the last second and wondered if he really did believe the right Merlin those few days ago. But thankfully, Merlin thinks ahead sometimes and is actually quite thoughtful and wise on these such rare occasions.)
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DP x DC Writing Prompt
For whatever reason, Tim hires Danny as a bodyguard/assistant (unaware of the ghost powers until later). Tim only did it for appearances but hey, Danny is actually really good at his job and understands completely that sometimes, Tim just needs to disappear for a bit and that it just happens to coincide with there being a problem in Gotham. Danny even lets Tim drink all the heavily caffeinated coffee he wants and doesn’t try to limit it like Tam tries to do (considering Danny drinks just about the same amount… (Tam tried to have an intervention, it did not work)). It’s going great…
… then Tim realizes that Danny has been bodyguarding him and secretly assisting him while Tim is out as Red Robin (how does Danny know Tim is Red Robin? Who knows). Eventually, Tim learns to accept it and you know what? Danny is a great partner to have… on the field… behind the scenes, that is definitely what Tim meant…
Then one day, while Tim is drinking the coffee Danny prepared for the both of them, he realizes where they both are and has just one question:
“When did Danny become his roommate?”
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riptunezune · 6 months
Fanfic idea: Damian gets deaged for a couple months and Tim spent a good month avoiding his baby brother which almost worked until no batfam member could stop Damian from crying except Tim… now the issue is baby Damian won’t let Tim out of his sight
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Please SOMEBODY make it happen!!!!
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1spooky2me · 2 months
I Have BillFord AU ideas that are too elaborate for my hands to keep up with so let me yap (there will be drawings later)
OKAY, so I basically wanted an excuse to make my human Bill art make sense so here ya go:
As it was brought up in the book of bill (spoilers ig) the teens in gravity falls are really into Bill worship after Weirdmaggeddon so what if Bill took advantage of that after he leaves (or more likely escapes) inter dimensional rehab. He somehow communicates with the teens and they help him perform some ritual (using some spare corpses, don’t ask me where they come from) that lets him make his own human form. It’s half dead, half alive, but enough for him to re-enter Gravity Falls once again. Yadda yadda, Ford investigated the teens beforehand but comes in too late and Bill is back….HOWEVER, this human/corpse/flesh golem thing is imperfect, he can’t use too much of his powers or else that crack he had in his triangle form starts affecting his human form. He also finds out that he can’t leave the human shell, effectively trapping him. Ford takes advantage of that a BOOM BABY ROLE REVERSAL. Bill’s basically at Ford’s mercy until he finds a way out or until he kills everybody.
BBBBBUT I think it would be more fun to give Bill some sort of a redemption arc, if that’s even possible.
Could be a fun lil thing to play with so if any fanfic authors stumble upon this have fun.
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perpetuallyburntout · 2 months
S4!Five Hargreeves x Reader
Strawberry Blonde - Mitski
Okay so I know I wasn’t the only person absolutely crushed by season four of Umbrella Academy, but in the middle of grieving over it, I had the best/worst idea. Technically a fanfic idea, but I don’t know if I have the commitment to write the whole thing, so if someone else would like to, by all means :)
The events of season four start six years after the end of season three. Six years of (mostly) peace. Let’s just say Five met someone in that time (for the sake of making sense, I’ll refer to them as Lover). Met someone he found himself falling for. And they fell for him, too. And it was perfect. And for the first time in a painfully long time, Five was happy. Content. He had his suspicions about how long this peace would last, but… for now, things were good. More than good, they were wonderful. He’d met the love of his life.
And then the events of season four begin to happen. And Lover is there with the group the whole time. At this point, they’re family, too. They want to help, and Five wants them to stay close to him.
Until he and Lila decide to go on their own on the subway, leaving Lover with the others. And in the seven years Five and Lila are stuck together, the same thing happens. And when they finally return, Lover knows something is off. And when the truth comes out, their whole world comes crashing down.
Diego grows angry. Lover just grows somber. It’s even worse, because when they look at Five again, his expression is different. The aching love that used to shine in his eyes whenever he looked at them… it’s dulled to something faint. Still there, deep down, but… unsure. As if he’s questioning himself. Questioning what he should do now. Who he’d pick if given the choice.
Of course, he’s not given the choice. Not even the choice to take Lover far away and talk to them and really explain and try to do something. No, no… the world’s ending. For the final time. And he knows how to make sure it never comes to an end ever again.
Lover’s there for the entire conversation. Every bit of grief and anger they’d felt towards Five suddenly melts away, replaced by desperation. They’d let the world end for the rest of eternity if… if it meant maybe things could be different. If it meant maybe he’d love them, and maybe he’d never love anyone else besides them.
They’re eventually forced to leave with Lila’s family and get on the subway. And while everyone else is confused and emotional, they’re curled on the ground, gasping and sobbing, knowing what this means.
And the Hargreeves stop the world from ending. And all the timelines reset. And everyone else in the world gets their happy ending.
And Lover thinks they’re happy. They do. But they never fall in love again. For some reason, every time they think they find someone, an aching pain in their chest makes them hesitate. An unfamiliar voice calling their name makes them pause. A flash of something, perhaps a memory, too fast to register but not fast enough to ignore the heart wrenching pain of, makes them withdraw. It’s almost as if…
They’re waiting for someone that never existed.
So! When I had this idea, I was listening to Strawberry Blonde by Mitski, and here’s how the lyrics played out in my head:
I love everybody because I love you
When you stood up, walked away, barefoot
And the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape
I looked over it and I ached
(12:00 PM. August 8th, 2024. Lover’s enjoying their day in the park, sitting in the grass, eyes shut against the light breeze and warm sun. They turn to their side, almost as if to tell someone about how lovely the weather is. But no one’s there. A weird pain begins to ache in their heart.)
I love everybody because I love you
I don't need the city, and I don't need proof
All I need, darling, is a life in your shape
I picture it, soft and I ache
(Others—perhaps friends or family—come over and greet Lover, noticing their confused and distant expression, and ask what’s wrong. Nothing, they say, though they can’t escape the deep longing in their chest for… something that was never there.)
Look at you, strawberry blond
(Flashback timeeee- or… alternate timeline time? Flashback to a time in an alternate timeline, there we go.)
Reach out the car window tryna hold the wind
You tell me you love her, I give you a grin
Oh, all I ever wanted was a life in your shape
So I follow the white lines, follow the white lines
Keep my eyes on the road as I ache
(Shows Five and Lover together, in love, making memories together. Happy.)
Look at you, strawberry blond
Fields rolling on
I love it when you call my name
Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?
Watching your arm
I love it when you look my way
Look at you, strawberry blond
Fields rolling on
I love it when you call my name
Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?
Watching your arm
I love it when you look my way
(Events of season four began to play out, but ofc with Lover being part of the story.)
Look at you, strawberry blond
Fields rolling on
I love it when you call my name
Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?
Watching your arm
I love it when you look my way
(The climax of the story. Flashes of the last two episodes. Five and Lila returning, the explanation, the heartbreak, Five finding out how to save the world for good, Lover meeting his gaze one last time as the subway pulls away forever.)
Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah
(Lover repeating his name to themself, trying to remember for as long as possible, not able to let go.)
Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah
(Flashback ends, returns to Lover in the grass on that sunny day, murmuring the name to themself. They’re not quite sure why.)
I hope you all enjoyed this little idea! I got a little rambly and wrote WAY MORE than I planned on, but it’s an idea I’ve fallen in love with this past hour and I wanted to be able to share it with all of you <3
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blooms-in-april · 1 month
Bruce, sweating as he climbs an arduous mountain on his I'm-finding-myself world trip: 🥵
That dorky guy in the glasses and flannel who somehow manages to get everywhere before him: Um. Hi?
Bruce: *kicks rock and breaks foot*
Clark, who flew to the top of this mountain for the view like the lazy slut he is: Um. I'm sorry? You know that's broken, right? Should I - carry you?
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sonicman66 · 4 months
Dum DpxDc idea time again
Beneath a cut for length, and tldr at the bottom.
A reveal gone well leads to the Fentons branching out in tech and reconsidering their 'rip the ghosts apart molecule by molecule' stance. They gain enough renown for their new approach, as well as people finally noticing how good their tech is when they're not focused on ghosts.
This is all fluff, of course, to provide an excuse to get the Fentons in Gotham.
Gotham starts to change within a day of the family arriving. The constant fog and overcast clears up a little, letting sunshine pierce through. The oppressive aura of fear, despair, and hopelessness lightens, and people smile a little bit more.
Meanwhile, Danny is sicker than a dog, feverish, coughing up nasty stuff and destroying it when he foes hack something up. He's enjoying his tour, despite his sickness, and everywhere he goes seems a little brighter.
He goes out one day as Phantom, just to see the sights, flying around invisibly. He's also searching for what's making him sick, bc the last thing he hocked up was glowing bright green, and that is definitely not normal.
He finds a goddamned lake of boiling, corrupted ecto beneath gotham and now his sickness makes sense. The damn stuff has been acting like ghost-pollen, making him sick!
So he flies down and purifies it, something which escalates his sickness to unexpected levels, and he barely makes it back to the hotel his family is staying at before collapsing.
Meanwhile, on the Bat's end of the situation, they're confused and Panicking, just a little bit. Gotham is improving, suspiciously so. Normal people wouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth, but Bat-Paranoia is powerful. They look into this phenomenon, and find that the improvement coincides with the arrival of the Fenton family, and each location experiencing the best conditions is one they had visited.
Then, Signal sees an invisible boy flying around, wearing a crown of frozen flames and a ring pulsing with righteous fury, and now he's got... a lead? Maybe?
Everything goes bananas when they find out that a teenager apparently dove into the Lazarus Pit and flew off after turning the entire thing into water. They have so many questions right now.
Tl;Dr: Fenton family goes to Gotham, and Danny acts as an ecto-filter, purifying the ambient ecto of the corruption that the Lazarus pit was putting out. This makes him sick, but improves Gotham greatly, leading to very sus bats.
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