#I made an attempt to make the hearts look like they are trey in his most simplest form: Green with clovers in them
mightbesmall · 5 months
Uhh a lil doodle or smth
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I’m not very good at drawing Ruggie, he looks like a fluffy dog and a wet cat had a baby. Wait, that’s just a hyena. Perhaps I did do good!
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etheries1015 · 1 year
You were standing in the kitchen, your shirt exposing your shoulders whilst leaving a majority of your back uncovered. You were cutting up veggies for dinner, swaying back and forth as you hummed a tune that was stuck in your head, not realizing he was standing behind you and gazing at your figure lovingly, admiring your fluid movements...
He smiles gently. He loves moments like this, walking in on you doing something so mundane made the rhythm of his heart even out with tranquility. Next thing he knew he was behind you, bending over to allow hands to wrap around your waist. You let out a startled gasp, halting your movements. Malleus then pressed his lips gently against your shoulder, planting a gentle yet warm kiss. You blushed and leaned your head towards his, chuckling at his sudden affection.
"You're skin looks soft right now...if you're not careful, I believe you may be eaten by a dragon," He joked. You chuckled and rolled your eyes, your hands continuing to work on the meal at hand.
"Would you like to help me?" You asked with affection in your tone, turning your head enough to give him a kiss upon his cheek. He smiled at this before standing up straight, heading towards his apron hanging up.
"I'd love to, dearest."
The short Fae hovered over to you eagerly as you worked the veggies you cut into the pan, however you already knew his tactics. You turned around swiftly spatula in hand, quickly knocking whatever monstrosity was in his hand. You were successful and causing him to drop the strange shaker of spices he had attempted to sneak into your dish. He raised an eyebrow as you turned back around with the roll of your eyes before sneaking his arms around your waist and his lips heading towards the crook of your neck.
"You're getting better at that," He chuckled, "Although I'm feeling a little rejected! This meal could of course use some more ingredients...that dried lizard skin spice I acquired is supposed to be incredibly good for you. I was rather excited to try it..." You huffed in exasperation, not replying to his antics. You hadn't much of a reaction until you felt his teeth grazing your shoulder , biting down. You hissed slightly, giving him a side glare.
"What a glare! I couldn't help myself my little bat. You look far more appetizing than food right now..."
"Are you making dinner?" The voice of your loving boyfriend called out, walking over to you before putting on an apron and taking out various amount of ingredients. You glanced over at him before grimacing slightly.
"Trey..." You said hesitantly, "if you keep insisting on making dessert every night, I'm going to inevitably gain a lot more weight than I want to..." Trey looked startled at this, turning to you with eyes wide open with shock. He immediately rushed to your side, giving you a brisk embrace. His hands held you around your sides as he caressed your hips lovingly, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"Don't worry about that," Trey said, pushing his glasses up and onto his head , staring into your eyes with nothing short of affection, "What matters is you enjoy what you're eating. I won't force you of course, but if gaining weight is what you're worried about, get that out of your head right now." He used his strong arms to hold you tightly to his chest, his lips trailing kisses down your jaw. You smiled and hugged him back, taking in his warmth. He always knew how to make you feel loved as he whispered into your ear, "you're perfect..."
He spent a few moments simply basking in your beauty, staring at you with his hands folded leaning against the frame of the kitchen door. He could honestly stare at you like this all day, he never was bored of you in any way shape or form. He finally took a few steps forward into the kitchen, arms widening as if ready to give you a hug.
"Chéri," He called out. You gasped and dropped your spoon, turning around before your face lighting up at the sight of your loving boyfriend. You eagerly jumped into his arms, Rook catching you with ease and his lips pressing a firm kiss against your forehead. "Is that chicken fricassée I smell? My dear you know my heart~" You chuckled and looked up at the (rather dirty) male.
"How was hunting? Successful I presume?"He gave you a nod and hummed peacefully, leaning over to give you a kiss before your hands interupted him, your finger held up to prevent him from planting that kiss. "Great!" You said, "Which means you get to shower and clean up. You smell like rode kill." Rook dramatically tilted his head back and placed his hands over his heart, acting as if he were in pain.
"Oh you wound me!" He cried out, before chuckling and turning on his heel, "then I shall be quick! I wish to claim that kiss as soon as I can~"
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Sending Love - Part 1
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SUMMARY: How do they react to seeing you make a heart with your hands for them in the classroom? And how do they reciprocate you?
CHARACTERS: Heartslabyul (Riddle, Ace; Deuce; Cater; Trey); Savanaclaw (Leona; Jack; Ruggie) & Octavinelle (Azul; Jade; Floyd)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Bullet Points
WORD COUNT: An average of 180 words per character.
COMMENTS: Some are longer than others because some of them would take longer to reciprocate your heart. Or at least I think they would. And since I decided to write for all students and there are 22 of them, I divided this into 2 parts.
Sending Love - Part 2
I hope you enjoy 🫶
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CONTEXT: You two are in the same classroom (for whatever reason) sitting relatively far from each other. It was a class with Professor Trein.
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It's rare that Riddle isn't paying full attention in class, but for some reason, he decided to look at you for a moment.
You might have already been looking at him and you didn't look away when he was the one looking at you. Which also made him keep looking at you.
He had a slightly reproachful expression on his face that you weren't paying attention in class.
When you make a heart with your hands for him and smile, he blushes! And he diverts his gaze to the blackboard, in an attempt to refocus on what he should.
A few minutes later you look back at him, who was discreetly looking at you. He looks away back to the blackboard, but you see his hand, resting on the table, but forming a heart with thumb and forefinger in your direction.
After class, he'll give you a little lecture about paying more attention in class. And he takes the opportunity to invite you to the next Unbirthday Party.
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You look at Ace and he looks at you. He gestures at you, showing that he is bored.
You laugh softly and make a heart with your hands for him.
He is slightly surprised at first, but makes a heart with his hands back at you with a smile and a wink.
Chances are he's going to keep doing that for the rest of the class because he's bored.
Also, high chances of both of you getting caught at some point by Professor Trein. He will call you two out and the other students will laugh at you and comment on what happened.
Ace will defend you, saying that the others are just jealous. And the professor will have to shut him and the others up again.
After class, if the two of you aren't grounded, he'll continue to tell you not to mind the others, they're just jealous.
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Deuce always tries his best to pay attention and try to understand everything he can from the lessons.
But he can't stop himself from getting distracted by looking at you every now and then.
You see him with that slightly desperate face of someone who is having difficulties in class despite the effort. And make a heart with your hands for him, like a lovely "hang in there".
He is clearly taken by surprise, to the point that the colleagues next to him noticed him suddenly straightening up in his chair.
He will try to convince his colleagues that it wasn't nothing. And if, for some reason any of them try to insist, he will threaten them with something like "None of your business!"
He'll be so worried about not getting either of you in trouble that he'll forget to reciprocate the heart for a while.
When things are calmer, he will look back at you, waiting for you to look at him and, shyly, smile at you and make a heart with his hands for you, discreetly.
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Like any other student, Cater lets himself be distracted from time to time. And this time, he gets distracted by looking at you.
He is the one who starts, smiling at you. And you respond by making a heart with your hands.
That lights up the smile he already had on his face. He rests his elbows on the table and rests his chin on the back of his hands and in the most discreetly ingenious way, he makes a heart shape with his forearms. And still winks at you.
In the end, you're the one getting the most flattered.
After class, if you let him, he might walk up to you and kiss you on the cheek. After all, you made his day with that cute heart of yours. He wants to reciprocate in the best way.
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Obviously, Trey isn’t a bad student, but even he gets distracted from time to time. And he ends up looking at you.
When you look at him, he gives you a soft smile. You take the opportunity and make a heart with your hands for him.
He looks surprised at first and smiles sweetly at you in response. He surveys the classroom and notices that neither the professor nor the other students are paying attention to either of you.
He looks back at you and also makes a heart with his hands for you. With a sweet and somewhat confident smile.
The next day, you will find a small bag with heart-shaped cookies of your favourite flavour, with a little note saying "You should pay more attention in class."
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When you look at him, Leona is already looking at you, indiscreetly. He doesn't like the classes, they're all boring to him. And he decided that you would be the most interesting thing in the classroom.
He smiles amused to see you getting flattered by see him paying more attention to you than in class.
He winks at you to mess with you even more.
You look around to see if anyone is looking at you, and when you see that they are concentrating on what the professor is writing on the board, you look back at Leona and make a heart with your hands for him.
He laughs, not too loudly, but loud enough to get the attention of some of his classmates and Professor Trein. It's not that common to see him laughing like that. Not his usual sarcastic laugh, but an amused laugh.
Professor Trein asked him what was so funny that Kingscholar himself laughed? But he says it was nothing and the professor didn't need to worry, that he wouldn't do it again. In his carefree way.
Congratulations, you got Leona's attention for the rest of the class.
The next time you look back at Leona, he'll be leaning back with his arms crossed. And he will purposely uncross them to make a heart with his thumb and forefinger for you with a smile on his face.
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Jack is a good boy and he was paying attention in class. He's kind of cute looking so intently at the professor and the blackboard.
When he looks at you, probably because he sensed that you were already looking at him, you can't resist making a heart with your hands for him.
You see him raise his eyebrows and put his ears back in surprise. What you couldn't see was his tail wagging.
He looks undecided for a few seconds, not knowing what to do first: go back to paying attention in class or reciprocate you. Not reply you must be impolite, right? Or you might think he doesn't reciprocate the feeling.
As soon as he sees another opportunity, where no one is looking at you two, he will look at you and, as soon as you look at him, he will look at his hands on the table for you to look at them too.
You see him making a shy heart with his index and middle fingers.
As soon as he sees your smile, he will smile back at you and go back to paying attention in class. He will have a slight smile for, probably, all day.
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Ruggie probably looked at you because he was getting bored in class.
When you notice and look at him, he smile playfully.
You decide to answer that smile by making a heart with your hands for him.
His smile widens, turning into a small chuckle. He stretches out, bringing his hands behind his head. He waits a bit, to give the other students time to get back to focusing on the lesson, or anything else. And put his hands inward over his head, making a big heart with his arms around him for you.
You weren't expecting that, which made you laugh a little. And consequently, him too.
Every next time you look at him, he'll make hearts with his hands for you, just to entertain himself by messing with you.
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Azul is one of the best students in the school and for that reason he is also usually one of the most attentive in class. However, he’s not usually attentive only to the lesson.
He also tends to glance over the students to figure out who the next poor and unfortunate... I mean, the next student in need of his services might be.
And inevitably, his gaze falls on you. When you look at him, he smiles, that classic, confident smile that is his signature.
What he didn't expect was for you to return that smile with a heart made with your hands for him.
His glasses even crooked on the bridge of his nose. He quickly straightened them, using the hand to cover his mouth and, possible, blush.
But he cannot be indebted to you. He must reciprocate that.
Then, he recomposes his posture, checks that neither the professor nor the other students are looking at any of you, looks at you with his smile (trying to hide how flattered he really was) and makes a heart with his hands for you.
And don't you dare blow him a kiss! Or at least that's what he's thinking. Neither his pride nor his heart can take it
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Jade tends to be quite observant in class. Mainly to try to find possible "clients” for Azul.
Inevitably, his gaze falls on you. When you look at him, he smiles at you.
You decide to respond to him not only with a smile, but also with a heart made with your hands for him.
He raises his eyebrows slightly, in surprise, before chuckling. Then he makes a heart with his hands for you, just like you did, with that charming smile of his.
He did it so naturally and without concern for the glares of others that his deskmates looked almost in shock at his heart-shaped hands.
And then to you, with the look of someone who asks "Who is capable of making him do this?" And unfortunately for you, if you don't like being the centre of attention, it will attract the attention of other curious students.
If Jade starts noticing too many people for his liking looking at you, he will clear the throat loudly, causing all heads to look away from you.
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Floyd couldn't care less about that class. So he decided to stare at you. And, eventually, he'll feel like messing with you.
You will start to feel little balls of paper hit your hands, arms, cheeks... until you finally look at him. He was using a rubber band as a slingshot. He smiles at you, like a naughty big child.
You show him your sulky face for what he did, but then you decide to mess with him too, in your own way. And you make a heart with your hands for him.
His smile only grows. As if he knew he could count on you to entertain him a little in that class. To the point where he laughs out loud, not caring in the least if he caught the attention of the other students and even the professor. What happened.
Knowing Floyd already, Professor Trein warns him not to do that again and to contain his laughter next time if he doesn't want to be kicked out of the classroom.
To pretty much everyone's surprise, he nods, as if he doesn't want to leave the classroom.
He waits until everyone stops paying attention to you two to return the heart to you. And start a game that whenever you look at each other you have to make a heart for the other. At least during that class or until he had had enough.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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azulsluver · 2 months
Ur bully au is so good I could slurp it up but it got me wondering
How would all the students react to the reader just. trying to kill themselves because of the endless torment? would they keep harassing? would they say something about it? or would they tone it down? I must know because If I was in that situation i know damn well unaliving myself would be the first option
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There’s more than one asking but ima just get this over with
tw. yandere, attempted suicide, suicide, cutting, bully!characters, mentioned torture, humiliation, blood, slight gore, neglection, fucked up reader (deadass).
Here are some thoughts and reactions bellow!
When asking, what role does this character do in this so called ‘bully!au’? You have to look at a deeper perspective of how each person behaves, what the intention is, and how it’s done.
So when the subject of suicide is involved it can get confusing depending on what caused it. Self worth is hinted in the reader, insecurities are brought and laughed at because it needs to hit a spot. Because YOU have feelings, watching it be stripped by people in far greater power than you, people with money, influence, and within number. Standing up to a bully is difficult, the struggles you go through should’ve been realistic.
When push comes to shove, they’re not all coming for you. If you enjoy the idea of every character ruining your life— that’s fine— but, it’s usually one or three. I think it’s childish, when I first made this AU, some sort of amusement in finding hurt but comfort when writing, they’re not trying to kill you, you know. You just catch their eye, more than they could like. Rejection is one thing, but another is a fair game of a sadistic approach. Whether they verbally or physically abuse you is up to place bets on what kills you.
For NRC years, yes, they constantly nagged and followed you around. But the times they would actively seek you out would be less than you think, the focus on bullying would be isolation. They don’t have to hurt you everyday. Some time for yourself to heal and think over your situation. What would you eat? Would they play nice and ignore you for tonight? Did your look piss off someone from afar? Let them cheat off you! Don’t be such a bore, it’ll all go back to just you and Grim.
If you picked up self harming, it’s noticeable. Hiding it is nearly impossible. They grab and bite at you already so what makes you think hiding was a good idea? It’s nasty and unplanned, miss them? Miss their touch that you havta recreate it? It’s horrible to mention, but caring really depends on who calls you out.
I can say you like it. Or you fucking hate it. You hate, hateee, how they treat you. You crawl on all fours for them to laugh and pat your head, do a dare and lick off from their hand but money is involved.
What did you do, was it simple, messy, perfect headshot if you will. If your need to die was to simply hurt them in any way— it might work. Poor them, they can’t imagine being away from you for too long. Some are more uninterested than the others. Who gives a shit you died? Whoever had the luck of finding you, dead or in the act, serves a purpose of letting you live or die. Cruel as they may be, you tug at a couple of heart strings.
Let’s say it was an attempt:
Sprang into action, either holding you down or taking whatever object you’re using to harm yourself. They’re gonna make sure this doesn’t happen again, you gave them quite the spook. Have fun being watched 24/7, and if they couldn’t, everything will be baby proofed for your safety, isn’t that nice, they care. Thrash all you want, screaming and crying won’t get you anywhere, but they’ll bite their tongue once and a while to prevent this from happening.
Trey, Riddle, Azul, Vil, Jack, Deuce, Sebek,
Oohh…he’s so sorry. Please forgive him, crying on his knees and rubbing his head against your chest. It doesn’t matter if the blood stains his clothes, you nearly died and he feels awful. He promises so many times for harm to look the other way, twisted, yet unavoidable. Trapped in a tight, monitored schedule were his scent and voice is all you’ll ever need. But at least there’s a change of heart, your health is improving and that’s all that matters to him, but speak to him, he wants to hear you.
Silver, Malleus, Kalim
Should he have stopped you, but what good will it do for him? Frozen in the moment, their bodies do the thinking, rational, to prevent you from escaping them. You’re funny, reaaal funny, got good jokes at time. But, he’s not really laughing. A little, but it’s hysterically funny and scary. Because he’s still so rough, even when he apologizes yet calls you stupid, his fingers hurt you more than whatever you had planned, gripping, as if you really died.
Jamil, Ace, Cater, Ruggie, Leona, Idia, Floyd, Epel
Does it hurt? Did you find your ulna? Was the rope too tight? It feels like he’s only here to see the end credits, the finale. The sick fuck is smiling too, gross. Giving up just leaves you with him by your side, pressing it deeper to help you get the job done…just kidding! That was quite a show you put on, this is why he likes you. Being responsible of another’s cause of death isn’t ideal, so he’ll try to watch you as of now.
Lilia, Rook, Jade
From that list alone you can guess who’s to mourn, and who savors what is left. Death is inevitable. Everyone dies one way.
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lancermylove · 8 months
Drunk (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Leaders x gn!Reader.
Warning: None
Prompt: They get drunk and try to kiss you. Assume all of them have reached the legal drinking age.
You watched as he drunkenly stumbled over himself, trying to be suave and seductive. However, he looked like a drunk idiot tripping over his feet. His attempt to woo you ended with a sloppy kiss on your forehead before he slumped his body weight on you. With a squeal, you tried to hold him upright, but the two of you fell back on his bed.
You laughed softly and wrapped your arms around him. "What made you get drunk?"
"To tell ya...I love ya." He mumbled, burying his face in your chest. Drunk people speak the truth, right? So, it would be no different with Leona, right? For the rest of the night, you lay wide awake.
Malleus would not stop talking, but you were enjoying his slurred rambling. Seeing the way you were looking at him, he felt his heart skip a beat. Was it your look or the amount of alcohol? The prince had no idea but leaned over the table, his movements somewhat erratic.
"(Y/n), you look enchanting," he said, his breath smelling of wine.
Malleus went to capture your lips but stumbled and fell flat on his face. You winced at the sight of his face meeting the wooden table with a thud. How were you going to explain Malleus' red face to Lilia, Silver, and Sebek? It wasn't like you could openly tell them the prince tried to kiss you.
Vil made his way to the bed with his arm stretched out. Earlier in the day, he had texted you that he was attending a party, but you had not expected him to return home drunk. Chuckling, you held your arms out, ready to embrace him. But instead of hugging you, Vil stumbled towards the tall bedpost and embraced it.
“Uh, Vil?” You chuckled. “I am right here.”
He blinked his eyes and narrowed them to focus on you before returning his gaze to the bedpost. The next moment, Vil started laughing. You watched him slump against the bedpost and laugh. Even after a few minutes, he didn’t stop. Though you had no idea what was so funny, you watched him with an amused smile.
Riddle had been eyeing you all evening but didn't want to show you affection in front of his friends. Unbeknownst to him, some of the prankster friends added strong alcohol to his drink. In an hour, he was stumbling all over the place, his vision blurry and his mind unwilling to focus on anything.
But when he saw you sitting with a smile, he stumbled over to you with red cheeks and a goofy grin. Before he could lean in for a kiss, Riddle tripped over the leg of a nearby table and landed face-first in your chest. You stared down at him with wide eyes while Trey and Cater spit out their drinks.
You wondered if you should tell Riddle tomorrow that he had much fun nuzzling his face in your chest while commenting on how warm you felt and how calming your heartbeats were.
Kalim stumbled over to you with his arms wide open and lips puckered. He had way too much alcohol and couldn't keep himself standing. The next moment, he fell to the ground, face-planting on the floor; instead of your mouth, Kalim's lips met the cold, hard ground.
You quickly covered your mouth and chuckled at the sight. If only you had your phone, you could have taken a video. A few seconds later, he looked up at you, his lips still puckered. Even in his drunken state, he hoped you would give him a kiss.
Azul got one too many drinks, and you wondered just how strong the alcohol was to make him this drunk. His motor skills were just as shot as his thinking abilities. But his mind was still able to recognize you, his secret crush. Or he thought it was a secret, but you already knew he liked you.
He looked at you briefly with softness in his unfocused eyes. Azul wobbled close to you with a sheepish grin. He puckered his lips and went to meet yours, but due to this double vision, he went right past you and headbutted into the wall. He groaned loudly, causing you to chuckle at his cute attempt to kiss you.
Idia rarely drank, so you couldn’t fathom his reason for getting drunk. As your eyes followed him, wobbling towards your bed, you saw him purse his lips. Thinking he wanted a kiss, you prepared yourself to give your boyfriend a big smooch. But just as he attempted to kiss you, he fell face flat onto the mattress. You blinked rapidly and got a little worried when he didn’t move.
“Idia?” You gently shook him.
As soon as he hit the mattress, Idia passed out. You laughed to yourself and watched him sleep with a warm smile, snuggling up close to him.
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twstedstoryshop · 11 months
Prize for @windalchemist001 from my fan event in August. I apologize deeply to the prize winners for how long these are taking as my life is taken up a lot by my new job and that drains me of working on these. But these are slowly but surely coming along, I assure you. Until then, please bear with me. -Shopkeep
Finding Out You Have A Crush On Him
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Trey I believe would come to figure out your crush through overheard conversations or someone having to spell it out for him. Either due to Ace and Deuce unknowingly gossiping over your crush or Cater just straight up telling him in his own Cay-Cay way.
Now Trey wasn’t a romanticist at heart, especially considering how he blundered with the Ghost Bride way back when. So with this newfound knowledge, Trey would do the best thing he can think of… Sit on this knowledge and never let it surface.
What else is he supposed to do? Go charging up to you, declaring he likes you too and should totally start dating? That wouldn’t be fair to you, putting you on the spot.
Instead, he allows you to let you sort out your feelings, whether you pursue them or not. There’s no pressure in whatever choice you do.
Though it wouldn’t be too hard to notice on your end that Trey would start acting a bit awkward and stiff. He doesn’t mean to come off like that, but when in the face of someone he knows who likes him, he can’t help but maybe straighten his posture more. Maybe act a bit more softer.
Trey is always marked as the reliable older brother type. So with a highschool crush on him, it wouldn’t hurt to maybe act a little like his age. An awkward boy unsure of how to navigate this newfound affection. Who knows, maybe act a bit selfish and roll a little in your attention just for him alone.
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Malleus could either or having someone tell him about your crush. Most likely Lilia in his teasing ways. Or perhaps with his keener senses, noticed your affections for him.
With the knowledge of your crush, Malleus would feely content in the way a satisfied cat would smirk after finishing its creme. It would be hard not to catch Malleus’ very good mood for the following days.
The weather would be pleasant, not a single cloud in the sky, and the wind is gentle. Something that may or may not catch some of NRC’s attention, especially if it’s expected to be cold or rainy weather for the season.
Malleus, while eager, would wait with baited breath to see what his dear child of man would do to convey their love. It gives him a great satisfaction to be wanted and chased after, so he would want to hear it from you first.
Even if you have stutters or slip-ups, Malleus finds it all so endearing and locks your attempts of confession under lock and key in his memory. What he wouldn’t allow is if someone dares to interrupt you when you’re working up the courage to tell your feelings.
A quick thunderclap and a venomous glare gets his point across before he immediately looks back to you with a softened expression. “You were saying, my dear child of man?”
It would be a relatively peaceful courtship until the confession is made thanks to some sway from the dragon prince himself.
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Silver would definitely have to be told outright of your feelings. For comedy’s sake, it would be hilarious if the one who had to spell things out for him was Sebek of all people.
The loud-mouthed proud guard would be aghast of how oblivious Silver was. The fact that he could pinpoint something beyond Silver’s recognition has him smug one moment but also a little annoyed for your sake. Not that he would ever admit that.
Once Silver truly digested Sebek’s words, Silver’s handsome features would burst into a magnificent shade of pink. Flushed either from embarrassment over his crude unawareness and a part deeply flattered by your affection.
Silver wouldn’t make any moves though as you mulled over your feelings. He wouldn’t dare try to put you on the spot, but you do notice how lately he feels a bit more caring and gentleman-ly personally for you.
If Malleus or Lilia didn’t need him, Silver would often escort you wherever you needed to go despite you knowing your way around. He even tries to lend a hand in helping you study. Despite his own grades suffering a bit with his sleeping habits.
Silver would be uncertain about all this though, truth be spoken. He’s never really had romantic feelings before or felt much need for a romance in the first place. But the idea that someone liked him so innocently and sincerely does charm him profoundly.
Like a shy forest creature, daring to come near him and be in his presence, he only wished to offer his hand towards you. Who knows, maybe falling a lil bit in love wouldn’t be so bad during his high school days…
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mobbu-min · 1 month
☆ grandma's best friend ☆
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summary: in which you’re tasked with picking up your grandma after her knitting club and can’t help but fall in love with the handsome man sat right beside her.
a/n had this in the wip hell for forever. i was going to add azul but.... i have the hardest time writing him, so maybe he'll appear in another piece. also this takes place after they have graduated from nrc!
characters trey clover, deuce spade, jack howl, silver & lilia vanrouge
tw cursing
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 Despite living in the same house with your grandma since the day you were born, there were still plenty of things you didn’t know about her. And truthfully you weren't one to pry into her, what you considered, pretty mundane life. Early morning walks, baking a mountain of cookies and breads and watching soap operas weren’t really your things. 
 So not once, never in your life, did you expect that you’d be stopped dead in your tracks the moment you entered through the glass doors of your grandma’s friend's sunroom. It was supposed to be a knitting class for older women, right?
 Well, apparently your grandma decided to be super mean and not tell you about the absolute hunk that came every week. 
 You watched from the entry as he laughed along with your grandma. It was like you could hear church bells in the distance. You instantly could tell with the way your grandma and the other ladies flocked to him and talked so sweetly to him that they were absolutely smitten with him. 
 As if sensing your rising temperature, your grandma turned her head around and waved you over. “What are you doing all the way over there? Come here, sweetie.”
 You suddenly felt so shy and quickly averted your gaze. Your stomach doing backflips the closer you got. Why did you feel like you were going to explode?
 As your grandma introduced you, you peaked up at him only to freeze in place the moment your gaze caught his. And the moment his lips stretched into the prettiest, most dazzling smile you’ve ever seen, you knew you were down bad. 
 Like really bad.
Trey Clover <3
⋆ Trey Clover, the baker’s son. Everyone knew him as a kind and gentle soul. You’ve known him since you were young, going to the same elementary school as him and his feline friend, however that all you were. Simply classmates and your desire to know him outside of that was zero to none.
⋆ So safe to say, you haven’t seen him since he was a preteen and suddenly the image of a lanky, nerdy looking boy with a shy smile dispersed when you saw him.
⋆ Tall, strong and handsome, not to mention a fine looking ass. He’s definitely changed since you last saw him. And suddenly, all the older women talking about trying to hook up their daughters with the baker’s son suddenly made a lot more sense. He was the definition of husband material.
⋆ And you were determined to make him yours.
“Hopefully you remember my granddaughter, I know she can blend into the crowds easily.” You grandma laughed joyfully and despite her fraile statue, the heaviness of her hands persisted causing you to stumble forwards.
Chuckling awkwardly, you smiled crookedly at Trey who smiled easily at your grandma’s antics, seemingly used to it. Placing a large, yet comforting, hand on your shoulder he steady you, “Don’t worry, Mrs. (l/n), I have a pretty strong memory.”
“Hmpf, and hopefully you keep it then, lest you end up like your grandmother over there.” Your grandma jabbed playfully at the chubby woman who glared softly in her direction.
And yet despite your best attempt to listen to the both of them bicker back and forth, the warmth sweeping through your thin sweater was enough to keep your attention on the young man. Catching your gaze, Trey’s honey eyes twinkled with curiosity, “Hey, (y/n), it’s been awhile.”
Like water hitting oil, your heart exploded into thousands of little sparks the second your name rolled off his tongue. How can one person sound so sweet? Like sugar and sprinkles and everything sweet? It was not far!
“Hehe, yeahhh.” You drawled out, your cheeks ablaze and hot to the touch. Doing your best to reign in your heart eyes, you coughed into your fist and smiled sweetly at him, “H-how have you been? Last I checked you were in dentistry school, right?”
Scratching his nape, Trey hummed, “I was, but after my dad hurt his back I came back to help with the bakery. It didn’t feel right to leave my mom to take care of the bakery, my dad and siblings all by herself.”
Ah, a family man, how nice, you cooed internally. Now, you haven’t thought of settling down anytime soon, but for him? Your ass is sat.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Trey. That sounds horrible.” You said with full sincerity, your heart aching for him. “Have you thought about going back though?”
“I’ve thought about it, but…” His gaze roamed around the room filled with elderly ladies laughing and joking around, to them greeting their partners with warm welcomes and honey eyes, until settling back to you. Mirth swam through his pretty eyes, “I kinda like it here.”
Your heart, the romantic thing it was, was set zooming into the sky and exploding into fireworks. While you knew it was merely coincidence that you just happened to be here and asked that particular question, it was all you needed to decide that whatever future Trey wanted was one you were going to be a part of.
The world can call you whatever, a romantic, a simp, you didn’t care.
Tilting your head, you smiled sweetly at him, “Yeah, I do too.”
This was going to be your happily ever after.
Deuce Spade <3
⋆ It took you a second to recognize the boy that struggled to untangle the yarn on his lap, but the moment his wide blue eyes scanned the room to see how far behind he was, you knew.
⋆ Deuce Spade, the former bad boy turned honorary magical student.
⋆ You wouldn’t say that you didn't like him, more like you don’t know him. Your paths never really crossed, with him always skipping school and all. Though you did always have a soft spot for him, afterall he would consistently turn a blind eye every time you snuck out of p.e.
⋆ And you couldn’t deny the tiny crush you had on him either. Something about his bad boy behavior that made your young nerdy heart swoon.
⋆ So who could blame you for blushing the moment he laid eyes on you.
 Pretty, was the first thought that crossed your mind. Also, that he looked a lot like his mom, who you’ve tried to get with multiple times before hand. Sadly your homemade lunches and pathetic attempts at flirting did nothing to convince her to give you a chance. However it did convince her not to bill you every time she had to fix up your old beaten up car. 
 He looked a lot older too. His big bright blue eyes, a little narrower yet still glowing like the sun shining down on the sea. His soft cheeks were gone, a lot more slender and mature, yet he still maintained that youthful pink hue to the apple of his cheeks. And if you looked closely enough you could see the black ink of tattoos peeking out of his cerulean sweater. 
 You could feel your cheeks blossom into the all too familiar hue of the cherry blossoms that grew outside the windows. You hoped your makeup would mask the heat radiating off your cheeks. Clutching onto the straps of your bag, you shuffled towards your grandma, who stared at you with knowing eyes. Curses, I should have never left my diary where she could see it. 
 Just as you opened your mouth to greet your grandma, your breath hitched. It was like you were staring into the ocean, the glimmers in his eyes like clear waters. You were in awe at how a simple look from a guy you haven’t seen in ages could leave you so breathless. 
 A sharp jab to your ribs quickly ripped you out of whatever shoujo-esque moment you were having. Crumbling over, you gingerly held your side and wheezed. Your grandma, the blunt old lady she is, paid your suffering no mind and was quick to chastise you. “Goodness (y/n), have I not taught you nothing? It’s rude to stare.”
 Like a knight you’ve read about in plenty of romance novels back in your preteens and teens (even now honestly), he came to your rescue. 
 “It’s alright, I don’t mind Mrs. (l/n).” You could hear your grandma huff and turn away, probably to gossip with the other ladies. Despite her old age, her strength has yet to fail her and her elbows were, unfortunately, sharp. Yet, all that pain disappeared with a gentle touch to your shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
 Raising your head, your eyes widened at the closeness between you both. You were sure at this point your makeup did nothing to help the ever darkening color of your face. If anything it was probably being wiped off with how much you were sweating. 
 Laughing nervously, you shook your head and smiled, “Y-yeah, I’m good. It’s nothing I’m not used to.”
 Amusement danced in his eyes. Rubbing at his own side, he nodded along, “Tell me about it, she sure packs a punch.” Familiarity sparkled across his features, “(y/n), right? You were a grade above me?”
 “Yup, it’s been awhile, Deuce.” Sitting in your grandma’s spot, you took one of the sweet strawberry jam cookies and popped it in your mouth.”What have you been up to lately?”
 Sitting down, Deuce hummed, “You know, uni and stuff. Studying isn’t really my forte, but I’m trying hard.”
 “Making your mom proud?” You teased softly. With how often you were over at her house, you heard plenty of stories of his recent endeavors. Not to mention, you could never get over how fondly she spoke of her only son. The type of love and proudness that was totally unique to her. 
 Sighing, Deuce ran a hand through his hair, “I sure hope so…”
 Punching his shoulders, you scoffed, “Oh, c’mon Deuce, give yourself more credit. You're practically the light of her life. No matter what happens, she’ll always be proud of you.”
 Warmth flooded his gaze at your words. Despite knowing that, it was always nice to hear it said out loud. Playing with the loose threads of his sweater, he easily turned the conversation around, “Uh, but what about you? My mom says you're at the house every week to get your car fixed.”
 “Oh, yeah…haha…” You laughed bashfully, praying to the Sevens that she didn’t mention your flirting. Placing a finger on your chin, you stared up at the ceiling, “I’ve been good. I work at the local tattoo shop as a receptionist. I’m hoping that Mr. Stevens will finally accept my portfolio, but from the looks of things…I think I’m better off trying to get an apprenticeship in the city.”
 Nodding along, Deuce grinned, “I remember you always doodling on everything. I’m surprised you didn’t try…um…professional painting? Is that a thing? Like galleries and stuff?”
 “I wanted to, but it was too expensive. Tattooing though? Pretty accessible money wise, it’s just a pain in the ass to get someone to take you under their wing.” You sighed tiredly. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned your gaze to Deuce and grinned, “I guess we’ve both been busy trying to make something of ourselves huh?”
 “Yeah, I guess we are.”
 Hearing your grandma call out your name, you knew your conversation had to come to its end. Rising up, you fixed your bag and offered Deuce a soft smile. 
 “It was nice talking to you again. I’m kinda sad it was cut short.”
 Scratching his cheek, he averted his eyes, “Well…it doesn't have too.”
 Tilting your head, you looked at him in confusion. Something warm and electric blooming in your chest. 
 Reaching into his pocket, he took out his phone and offered it to you. Smiling nervously, he stuttered, “L-let’s exchange numbers and if you aren’t too busy, let’s get some drinks sometime this week.”
 It was like thousands of angels came down from heaven at his proposal. This was everything your little preteen heart had ever wanted, and who were you to deny her?
 “That sounds like fun!”
Jack Howl <3
(reader is a wolf beastmen too!)
⋆ Muscles….
⋆ So many muscles…
⋆ You could feel your knees quiver and threaten to crumble under your weight. You’ve seen plenty of muscular people in your life, but never one with such a gentle touch as him. The way he held the croquet needle was as if he was afraid he’d break it with his full force.
⋆ To the gentle sway of his fluffy snow white tail told you everything you needed to know about him.
You considered taping your own tail against your leg with how fast it wagged behind you. Don’t be fooled, you loved who you were, but you didn’t love how easy it was for others to decipher your emotions through the simple beat of your tail. And it appears that, no matter how hard you try to feign a cool and mysterious persona, everyone could see how much of a dork you were by simply looking behind you.
Your grandma stifled her own chuckles behind a wrinkled hand, “Jack, this is my granddaughter, (y/n). I hope you can both get along.”
Both of your ears perked up the moment your eyes caught his, golden like the sun surrounded by fluffy white clouds. Again, your grandma giggled and busied herself with other matters. Deciding to let fate take charge.
Nodding your head, you smiled shyly, “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. It’s not often I meet other wolf beastmen here.”
You liked to think that's why you were so excited, and certainly not because he was practically your dream guy. Oh Sevens, it felt like you were in a dream. You wished you wouldn’t wake up.
Jack nodded, his expression stoic, but much like yourself, his curiosity was clearly shown by the twitch of his ear and wag of his fluffy tail. You instantly realized he wasn’t much for talking. Typically with anyone else, you’d find it awkward, but with Jack, you found yourself at ease.
Leaning against the window frame, you gestured to his green and brick brown coasters, “I like your coasters, they're so pretty. Are they for anyone in particular?”
Shaking his head, he moved besides you, “No, it’s actually for me. I thought it would look nice underneath my cactuses.”
His voice was deep, but not too deep that made you shudder, deep and smooth like you were floating through a river. A steady beat unlike your heart. From your spot you could smell his cologne, a light sandalwood fragrance that mixed well with his natural woodsy scent.
Humming softly, you pulled your tail to your lap to prevent it from hitting him and gently ran your fingers through the soft fur, “Cactuses, huh? You must take very good care of them.”
“I do. They seem easy to care for, but they need a strict schedule to make sure they grow strong.” Jack said proudly. A smirk that sent your heart into cardiac arrest present on his clear brown skin. And then as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked down almost bashfully, “And well, some are also for my family.”
Ugh, he just keeps on getting more and more perfect! You internally squealed. Calming yourself, you asked, “That’s nice of you. Handmade things from the heart is always the best. Is that why you’re taking these classes? I typically don’t see guys like you willingly hanging out in a place like this.”
Leaning his head back, Jack thought, “I thought this would broaden my horizons. Knitting and crocheting requires patience and discipline. So in turn that would help me out when I work out.”
“Training the mind, while training the body!”
“Mh-hm.” Glancing down at you, he grinned, “I’m glad you understand. The guys in my work out group were jerks about it.”
Grinning, you gently nudged him with your elbow, “They sound like a bunch of airheads then.”
Jack chuckled under his breath. They type of laugh that would have every head turning. The type of laugh that you would hear rarely, like a special treat. The type of laugh you knew you wanted for yourself.
Right then and there, you decided you were going to do your hardest to make him yours.
Silver <3
⋆ Beautiful, stunning, angelic, you could go on.
⋆ The boy in front of you was straight out of a romance novel. The knight perhaps, judging by his build. But his face totally screams prince.
⋆ You could feel your heart racing in your chest that it was almost painful.
⋆ And dear sevens, he just smiled.
⋆ Yeah, you were screwed.
“I am so sorry!” You apologized profusely, hastily taking out napkins from your bag to dap onto his soft pastel blue sweater. Searing heat painted your face. Pure embarrassment piercing your chest.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He said softly, gently prying your shaking hands away. “Things like this happen, no need to get so worked up about it.”
If this was any other instance where you weren’t fighting your demons, you would be swooning and thinking to yourself that your dreams of becoming the main character of a shoujo anime finally came true. But no, the world hates you. So you were having a difficult time not feeling bad, especially when his sweaters looked so…
Expensive… you sighed internally, trying your best not to eye the large weird shaped blob staining his chest. “Still, I am incredibly sorry. Maybe I can pay for dry cleaning?”
A smile, soft and so, so, so pretty, formed on his face. A gentle shake of head caused his silky silver hair to fall delicately across his clear glasslike skin, you weren’t sure if you were feeling awe or envy at this point. With an amused tone that held no annoyance, he reassured, “I told you it was okay, didn’t I? I’m not mad at all, so you shouldn’t feel bad.”
Then his smile fell. Looking crestfallen, he sighed, “If anything, I should apologize. Your coffee is all gone now.”
Immediately alarm bells began to ring all throughout your head. A boy as pretty and nice as him should never be sad, it said. Fix it, it demanded.
Holding up your empty cup, you laughed nervously, hoping to ease his imaginary burden. “No, no! I have so much left! See!” A sad single drop touched your lip. You wanted to end it all.
Despite your pure hatred for the world right now, the boy in front of you found it funny. Or maybe he was pitying you. Either way you’re taking it as a win.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you laughed alongside him, “Maybe if I was an ant, then maybe that would have been enough.”
Clearing his throat, he gazed softly at you and held out his hand, “I’m Silver.”
Without missing a beat, you shook his hand, “(y/n). It’s nice to meet you, Silver.”
“Likewise.” Leaning against the wall, he asked, “What brings you here?”
Perking up, you swayed back and forth on the balls of your heels, “I’m here to pick up by grandma. Though she’s typically not this late.”
You spared your phone a glance. She was twenty minutes late. You would have gone in to see, but last time she scolded you big time. You weren’t really in the mood to deal with her nasty temper.
Silver nodded. “Me too. I came to get my father, but it seems like the class is running longer then expected. -sigh- I shouldn’t have fallen asleep earlier.”
“You feel asleep?” You asked with a light laugh.
Pink dusted his face and his auroral eyes stared up at the sky, “Yes. It’s a bad habit I’ve had for a long time. Anyways, I was supposed to attend today, but well…”
His bashful expression made your heart swoon. Was it possible for a angel to look any more angelic? Apparently yes, judging by the way the sun perfectly hit his features and the sudden appearances of birds and little critters.
“It happens. I was supposed to come too, but I spent too much time getting ready that my grandma left without me. Something about her having to get there early.” She has been acting so strange lately, you hoped she wasn’t getting sick.
“Odd, my father had to get here early too.” Silver hummed, remembering the way his father buzzed in excitement.
A few seconds passed by in silence. Mulling over each other words, you both began to piece together the reasons for their odd behaviors. Looking up at Silver, you gasped.
“You don’t think…”
As if answering your questions, the doors to your grandmother’s friends sunroom burst opened. Followed by her friend’s exasperated yells and two gleeful gigglings. Spinning around the both of your gasped.
“I told you both! Next time I catch you guys kissing in my sunroom, I’m kicking you out!” She huffed.
“Ehehe, Mrs. Eliza no need to get so pent up! We were merely getting acquainted!” The small, youthful looking fae giggled. Hugging your grandmother from behind.
“Acquainted! In my sunroom?!” She gasped indignantly. Her face was hot in anger.
“You’re just mad I’m getting more action than you have in the past 30 years!” Your grandmother cackled, kissing the fae’s cheeks lovingly.
Before the older lady could lift her broom up to wack your grandmother, Silver stepped fowards with an apologetic smile, “Ms, I’m so sorry for my father’s behavior.”
Instantly her anger died down at the angelic boy. Her frown turning into a sweet smile. “Oh, you sweet boy. No need to apologize for your father. Goodness, how did that thing even raise such a sweet boy like yourself.”
Despite Silver's smile, you noticed the way his fist clenched at his side. You rose a brow at him. Ignorant to his quiet anger, she waved the two older figures off. “Just get out of here.”
Once she was outta sight, they both burst out in laughter. Holding each other up as their lungs expelled any air left. All of your grandma’s odd behavior suddenly made sense.
“What the heck?” You finally said, earning their attention. Pointing to the mischievous looking fae, you asked, “This is why you’ve been getting home late? Because you were getting…getting…”
“My freak on.” Your grandma giggled. You suddenly regretted setting up her tik tok account.
Placing at hand on Silver’s shoulder, you gagged, “Oh god, I’m going to puke.”
“Oh please, no need for your theatrics dear.” Your grandma hushed, already making her way to your car. Over her shoulder, she jabbed, “Unless your jealous that I got a boyfriend before you!”
You gasped so loud that it made Silver jump. “Grandma!”
The fae, floated towards your grandma and kissed her cheek. Rubbing her shoulders, he grinned, “Now dear, don’t be so harsh on the youngin’s. I fear it’s a common issue among them all.”
Silver bristled next to you. His cheeks heated up at his father’s remark. Romance has never been his top priority.
“Do you hear them, Silver! They’re mocking us!” You hissed, your face hot with embarrassment.
“I hear them loud and clear.” He sighed. Looking at the fae, Silver asked, “Father, I never expected to find out you were seeing someone. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
His magenta eye widened at the hurt in his son’s voice. You and your grandma looked at him quizzically. Placing a hand on Silver’s arm, you rubbed it reassuringly. And definitely not because you could feel his toned and defined muscles.
“Ah, well your old man is entitled to his secrets.” Pointing to your grandma, he added, “Like my dearest!”
“I never kept it a secret. She just never asked, Lilia.” Your grandma retorted.
All three pairs of eyes fell on you. Suddenly finding your shoes the most interesting thing in the world, you chuckled stiffly, “Well…she's not wrong…”
Shaking her head, your grandma offered joyfully, “How about a nice cup of tea and muffins to settle things out!” Then nudging, who you now know as, Lilia, she winked, “We might not be the only one’s in a relationship soon enough.”
Catching her drift, he eyed the both of you playfully, “Ohoho! Oh lovely. I’ve always wanted grandchildren.”
Confusion fluttered through your features. Looking at each other, you were suddenly very much aware of the lack of space between you both. Jumping back, you both stared at each other bashfully. Your grandma and Silver’s father’s laughter floating in the distance. Your heart drumming against your rib cage at Silver’s shy face.
Sevens, I think I’m going to die!
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Hmm I wonder if Crowley and the school staff, Riddle, Dence, Ruggie, Azul, Jamil, Epel, Rook, Idia, Malleus, Sliver and Sebek found out that some certain people skipped the school and went to the amusement park? Also how would they react?
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I’d imagine they'd mostly have the pretty normal and expected initial reaction of being shocked that the others snuck out on a school night to a sketchy theme park and managed to come back from a human trafficking operation in one piece. To give a little more detail to each:
Riddle would collar Trey, Cater, and Ace, then lecture them for breaking various school rules, putting themselves in danger, disobeying his command to not sneak out and skip school, etc. He especially lays into the seniors for "not setting a proper example" for the Heartslabyul students.
Deuce awkwardly stands off to the side and watches as they get berated, occasionally nodding and going, "That's right!" in response to their dorm leader. (Ace gets annoyed and tells Deuce off, probably saying something like, "Don't act like YOU weren't interested in going earlier, dummy!")
Ruggie wails about how he would've enjoyed hanging out at a place that offers free everything. He makes jokes to cope with the situation, like poking fun at how the "straight-laced" Jack has a rebellious streak and how Leona's soooo responsible and selfless for chasing after his juniors. Ruggie also jokes about how he's glad his walking wallet "best" employer Leona-san made it back safely... and hey, he wouldn't have happened to have brought back a souvenir for his ever-so loyal hench-hyena, would he?
Azul tries to present as cool and uncaring to the twins; he tells them that if they fucked up and lost their autonomy because of their poor decisions and giving into their curiosity... well, that's their bad and they deserve the consequences of their actions. Jade and Floyd pal around with him, draping themselves over his shoulders and teasing him about how "It's okaaay, just admit that you missed us, admit that you were worried!" Deep down, Azul really was (but he'll never say that out loud and let the twins have an upper hand over him).
Jamil has a fucking heart attack knowing just how close he was to a dead and/or missing Kalim. Not because he cares or anything, but because his own ass would be grass if anything happened to Kalim. Jamil looks him over like five times to make sure not a hair on his head is harmed (all while Kalim is laughing, reassuring Jamil that he's fine, and telling him stories about all the fun times he had at Playful Land). When Kalim starts to suggest inviting Fellow and Gidel to their next banquet, Jamil silences him with a firm, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!"
Rook waxes poetic about how he's so relieved that their beautiful Vil has returned to them. He'll faithfully fetch Vil whatever he needs to rest and recover from such a heart-pounding adventure!
Epel grumbles about how he wishes he could have gone too ("'N shown those puppets what fer!!"), only to get bonked and told off by his dorm leader. (Ace will tell him stories later, which makes Epel super envious.)
Idia tells Ortho that "touching grass" does them no good, it only brings misery and suffering like what he went through at Playful Land! The worry dies down and is replaced with keen interest the more Ortho tells him about the island's operations. They have a jammer that prevented Ortho's normal functions from working? Idia takes it as a personal challenge--who do they think they are, trying to trump this genius inventor? He'll show them what he's made of by powering up his little brother!
Sebek loudly insists they need to go and dismantle the shadowy organization responsible for attempting something so foolish as to entrap and sell THE Lilia Vanrouge off! Who do they think they are?! Man's absolutely appalled and enraged but also choking back tears at what he perceives is Lilia's nobility, so willing to throw himself into the heat of battle to save others!! Sebek tells Ace he should be "grateful" that Lilia saw it fit to save "such a pathetic lot of humans" from absolute destruction.
Silver frets over his father, but he's ultimately proud of him for acting the role of a reliable senpai and looking out for his underclassmen. (This is the reason he assumes for Lilia going to the shady park.) And, of course, he's glad to have his father back home with him. He insists on looking after him the day of his return, saying that Lilia has gone through a lot lately--and as the triumphant hero, he deserves to relax!
Malleus isn't worried about Lilia (he knows that Lilia can handle himself just fine) so much as he's disappointed that he wasn't invited to go along. He's curious about all that Lilia experienced in Playful Land and listens to his tales with wide eyes. Malleus is not really paying attention to the dangers present (after all, he is confident he could blow it all away if it dares to encroach on his autonomy). Lilia laughs and says they should take a trip to another amusement park sometime.
The staff would be collectively sad that their students would act out like they have. This is especially true of Trein, who is more disappointed than mad. He chastises the boys in a way that makes you feel bad for making like... a grandfather upset. He wonders if he has somehow mentored his students incorrectly or instilled the wrong values in them.
Crewel expresses his disappointment in a different way. He's harsher with his students: "Since you bad boys thought it fit to skip Crewel-sama's lecture, you must have already mastered the materials. Pencils out for a pop quiz!" That's his tough love out on full display, stemming from the desire to ensure that his students can survive on their own out there in the cruel wide world.
Vargas tries to not linger on the negative feelings for too long. He'll encourage the boys to get back on their feet and moving. Movement means more blood circulation, and less of a reminder of the stiff puppets the kids almost turned out to be. Vargas never vocalizes his intentions for fear that him having a negative outlook might influence his students. So instead, he wears a grin and belts out a hearty laugh to keep their spirits high.
Sam will listen to his customers' woes, just as any good shopkeep would! There's a lot of useful information to pick apart from the people who drift in. A strange business like Playful Land? It piques Sam's interest in the mysterious and the unknown--he's delighted with such fantastical tales, and invites his customers to tell more. Sam's always here to lend an ear! And hey, if you get thirsty from all the gabbing, why not buy a drink from the Mystery Shop since you're already there? :)
Crowley wipes his brow and sighs in relief... What could have been a massive PR nightmare was just narrowly avoided!! (He still crows at the students that snuck off though, since he's suuuuuch a caring instructor that deeply cares about their education!!)
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Dependable Senpai
They swallowed the bitter spoonful of liquid before leaning back against the pillows behind them. Sitting in bed sick, their body ached, weak, and fatigued from the fever that had come on suddenly the night before. The room was dim, the only light filtering in through the curtains Trey had drawn earlier in an attempt to ease the Prefect’s pounding headache. He sat at the edge of their bed gently dabbing their forehead with a cool cloth, a worried crease between green brows.
"Well done, I didn't even have to change the taste for you to take it," he praised. "Eh, it's just a bit bitter. No reason to throw a fit," they rasped out in response, their throat sore from coughing throughout the night. He let out a small laugh and replied, "I wish the others were as easy to manage when they're sick."
"Don't tell me...the other guys actually throw fits about taking medicine?..." they asked in disbelief. “But we're in freaking college…” He tried to smile but it looked pained as he responded. "Let's just say you're my favorite for a reason." 
Always such an obedient little thing…
"That's sweet...still I'm sorry I made you worry and come all the way out here, senpai," they apologized, their voice rough and strained. He simply smiled kindly and shook his head, taking their smaller hand in his own and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You have nothing to apologize for. I came because I wanted to. Besides, I enjoy spending time with you," he replied sincerely. Though his words were meant to provide comfort, they couldn't help but feel a bit guilty knowing how busy the third-year student usually was with his duties and responsibilities.
Sensing their swirling thoughts, Trey gently spoke their name in a questioning tone, his concern for them obvious despite the calm demeanor he tried to maintain. "Are you feeling okay? You're not getting worse, are you?" he asked gently as he studied their flushed face.
“Oh, no...I, uh...” they fidgeted beneath the blanket wrapped around their shoulders. “I’ve just never really had anybody take care of me like this, even my own family back in my world. So I was surprised, I guess I wasn't expecting you or anyone to do this kind of thing for me.” They admitted softly, a tinge of sadness in their voice. 
He felt a little bad for them but still had to keep from smiling. What a chance to show them what the gentle affection their dear dependable Senpai can provide…but also…
“You haven't? Well, I…”
Though he wanted to know more, he knew he shouldn't ask too directly. Still, when would the right time even be? They were a little loopy right now, so it would be easy to ask subtle questions and see where the conversation led. Maybe he could find out just how inexperienced they really were…
He clears his throat. “So, not even by a...boyfriend?”
Well, that was about as subtle as a brick through a window.
He couldn't help but cringe and regret the words as soon as they left his mouth. But before he could apologize, they looked shyly to the side before responding. "Ah...I've never actually had a boyfriend before or anything like that...so no.” 
He takes a deep breath.
Well then…
They sighed heavily, their shoulders slumping in embarrassment. “Pretty lame, right?”
Of course, his sweet, innocent darling had never had a relationship before. 
At his lack of response, they got even more flustered. “S-sorry, I said something dumb-”
"Not at all." He quickly reassured them, wanting to erase any doubts from their mind. "Whoever goes out with you will have all the luck." He leaned towards them bracing a hand against their headboard, causing them to blush at his sudden closeness.
“S-senpai?” they responded in surprise, not expecting just how...excited he sounded.
"Going out on dates, eating together, holding hands..." They felt his breath against their face as he spoke, making their heart race as he described the simple pleasures of a new romance.  He glances at their lips before meeting their eyes. “First kiss...they'll be the first to do all that with you...very lucky." 
He then leaned back, removing his arm from the headboard, and proceeded to adjust his glasses, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. 
“Once you're better I’ll bake one of your favorites. How does that sound?”
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 3 months
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⋆ 𝓐𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓪: 𝓕𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓼 ⋆
Just a cute idea I had, based on the Trey wedding thoughts I posted about! ♡ Enjoy! ♡
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⋆ You sat at your table, hand holding your head up as your eyes were glued to the dance floor. Trey and his partner were currently having their first dance, whispering and laughing into each other's ears as they moved. The ceremony had been beautiful, located in one of the many gardens in the Queendom of Roses. Chairs sat on either side of the aisle, leading to an arch of flowers where Trey stood. Once his partner walked down the aisle, they took each other's hands, their eye's meeting.
⋆ The love and adoration they held for each other was obvious, even writing their own vows to recite. Vows filled with so much emotion, so much love and care. At one point Ace nudged your side, getting your attention and asking if you needed a tissue. You knew he was teasing you, a small grin on his face while he subtly checked to see if you were crying. The gesture made you smile, with Ace putting his arm over the back of your chair, his hand resting on your shoulder. Near the end of the ceremony you couldn't help but tease him back, nudging his side and asking if he still had the tissues he brought. He stuck his tongue out in response, making you laugh in an attempt to shift your attention away from his face. That didn't stop you from noticing how watery his eyes looked, or how your own eyes felt the same, standing from your seat as you watched Trey and his partner walk down the aisle hand in hand.
⋆ Your thoughts are broken as Ace joins you, handing you a drink before sitting across from you. He notices where your eyes are drawn, focusing his attention on the couple dancing.
"I always thought they would get married one day," you say without thinking, Ace nodding in agreement.
"Me too. We even placed bets on when it would happen. Looks like Cater won again..."
"Wait, you guys made bets? When?"
"Back when they first got together, of course. It was obvious it was gonna happen eventually."
"Did you guys bet on anyone else?"
⋆ You meant it as a joke, noticing his reaction out of the corner of your eye. His body seemed tense for a moment, looking almost...nervous? You shift, watching him turn away as the tips of his ears turn red. Your heart starts to pound at his actions, causing you to repeat the question.
"Did you guys bet on anyone else?"
It takes a moment before you get a response, his face still turned away. He moves to take your hand in his, gripping it before holding it more gently.
"Look, sometimes with these things...you just know, ya know? So..."
He turns back towards you, avoiding your eyes as he tries to find the words to say. After a moment he locks eyes with you, his words sounding more like a promise.
"Give me a few more months...then I'll answer your question, alright?"
⋆ You nod your head in agreement, heart pounding at the implication of his words. You were looking forward to what the following months had in store for you, already having an idea of what the answer to your question was ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
TWST Story Idea (7)
Yuu = They/them.
Yuu did not go to NRC and instead went to RSA.
Every day, Yuu woke up not to the sun, but to some goddamn random RSA students with cheery faces barging into their room. People followed Yuu wherever they went, dragging Yuu off to somewhere they dubbed 'somewhere fun,' which was definitely not fum at all. and it annoyed Yuu to no end.
It was suffocating, and Yuu swore they were going to die just being surrounded by these goody-two-shoes who wouldn't leave them alone.
If Yuu had gone to NRC before, they would say that RSA was better than NRC in terms of accommodation and peacefulness. In RSA, Yuu could live a lavish life with a soft bed, delicious food, and wonderful decoration. The only thing that ruined their experience was the existence of RSA students.
Despite Yuu's attempts to avoid them, they still managed to find Yuu, whether it be Yuu sleeping on a tree, sitting on a very tall roof, or hiding in the dark under their bed or in the attic. They always found Yuu.
Yuu openly showed their displeasure with no hesitation, unleashing some inappropriate words in front of RSA students and sternly said not to find them. If they failed to understand, Yuu would smack their reaching hand away in anger.
RSA students were unfazed by the whole thing, smiling fondly at Yuu and indulging in Yuu's whims as though Yuu were a child. Their optimistic view sickened Yuu so badly that they couldn't help but distort their expression into disgust and annoyance every time they locked eyes.
Just like before, Yuu's ill-mannered behavior was met with laughter that was rather happy instead of being offended. Yuu was tired of dealing with a bunch of extroverts; they couldn't possibly entertain them all.
Despite being an outsider with a foul mouth and personality, Yuu still got treated right and kindly. Sure, some of them looked wary and were kind of rude, but somehow, they still opened up to Yuu over time. Yuu had no idea how their crude language, rough appearance, and behavior attracted them.
Anyway, the point is, RSA was too friendly for Yuu's liking and too clingy that Yuu doubted if this school really raises royalty because their clinginess sure reminded Yuu of a monkey from how tight they're holding unto Yuu.
They couldn't even understand the meaning of 'don't touch me' and 'I don't want to be friends, so back off,' much to Yuu's chagrin. It must be that optimistic view that made them a brainless bunch of idiots. Well, some of them were smart, but the fact that they still got close to Yuu proved that they were idiots.
In the eyes of others outside of RSA, Yuu was the black sheep of the prestigious, kind-hearted, and good-natured RSA, the dirt on the pure white canvas, the stain on a fine fabric, the one that would never fit.
In the eyes of RSA, however, Yuu was nothing more than a black cat they wanted to spoil despite its temper. Yuu's actions were nothing more than a cat throwing a hissy fit to them, a very endearing, 'scared' little kitty that still hadn't opened up to them.
Grim can be the mascot of NRC, and RSA is Yuu.
Now, imagine a scenario where Neige is talking nonstop to Vil about his new friend, Kitty, with so much sparkle that Vil wanted to barf. He didn't of course, he have a reputation to keep.
Suddenly, Neige called out the name loudly and is vibrating on the spot from sheer joy, and Vil, assuming it's just a kitty, turned around and was met with the most irritated person, oozing dark, gloomy aura at the sight of Neige.
Neige started to direct his attention to Yuu, and Yuu make the ugliest face they could ever make that definitely didn't sway Neige's opinion judging by the stars in his eyes. Yuu then shot a dead look at Vil that clearly said, "take him back before I'm commiting a crime."
Another would be Chenya sneaking into an unbirthday party in NRC to see Riddle and Trey while dragging a very reluctant Yuu who looked like they just wake up from a sleep.
As they sat for the party, Chenya clinked his cup with Yuu, who held it lazily, while speaking in riddles, which Yuu responded to with "shut your damn mouth, fcking cat. You're giving me a headache" prompting a loud gasp from Trey and Riddle and gigglings from Chenya.
Just Yuu trying to live their life in RSA as they stared longingly at NRC.
If Yuu from NRC turned the villains into good, naturally, the Yuu in RSA turned them bad. Can go with the "white=bad, black=good" prompt or yandere route, etc. This is just an idea. Feel free to branch from it.
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-eleven
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Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: for this one, no theories or what ifs. it's all from our owns personal experience which makes it cathartic for us and maybe some of you. MUST LISTEN TO EILEY BY TOO CLOSE TO TOUCH! DURING THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. HEADS UP: there will be talks of suicidal thoughts throughout this chapter so please please please, read with caution.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake
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My feet took me almost in autopilot mode to the end of the hallway where the door urged me forward while my heart kept screaming at me to turn around; go back. The tears that gathered in my eyes were blinding me and I could barley see as I pushed through the door, quickly ascending the staircase. So many questions filled my brain and nearly knocked me on my ass, I had to grasp at the railing. I gasped for breath, my lungs being crushed by the weight of leaving him. His broken eyes begging me to come back, not to leave. But my own issues kept me from following my heart.
Why did I leave? Why did I fucking leave? Why couldn’t I just talk? Why did I leave him like that?
Those usually bright eyes filled with so much darkness and sadness, it made me stumble over my feet as I neared the door that led out to the roof of the hotel. The wind brushed around me in rapid waves as I came to a sudden halt in the middle of the roof. Even though it was four in the morning, the hustle and bustle of the city noise carried all the way up here.
Why was I so worried about a future I wasn’t even sure I was going to have?
My mind was clouded with images of Noah and how I left him I didn’t realize I was standing at the edge of the roof until my foot slipped. I cursed while steading myself on my feet and stared down at the passing cars. If I was being honest, I wish I didn’t save myself from falling.
As I stood at the ledge, memories of Noah and I played in a loop in my brain as the weight on my chest caved in. Two hearts that beat in sync but they could never be.
When he first stepped off the bus, taking all the breath out of my lungs.
The day at the zoo where he bought me the stuffed wolf; the one Trey tossed out of the bus in his rage.
Our afternoon at the beach where we had a heart to heart conversation, one of many, and it made me realize Noah was someone I could trust. He made me feel so free and alive that day; like the crow.
When he analyzed my lyrics that first night of tour in the green room and how passionate he looked.
A choked sob crawled out of my throat when the memory of the night we lost Keaton slammed into me. Then his funeral and how broken Noah was that entire day. I thought I lost him into the darkness that was grief but no, quite the opposite happened. My lips tingled as I remebered our first kiss, the one we shared that night.
I should have known how fucked I would be for Noah Sebastian from that moment.
“Fuck!” I screamed while falling to my knees, sobs plowing through my entire body.
My chest finally caved in, bones crushing into dust, as that negative voice that buried itself so deep within years ago continued to chastise me for my decision.
You’re a fucking idiot.
How could you leave him like that?
He begged you to come back. He wanted you to stay until the morning.
Did you expect him to be okay with never having a family?
What man doesn’t want a future like that?
I told you he wouldn’t want to stick by all that bullshit.
“Stop it!” I smacked my palms onto my forehead repeatedly to quiet the voices.
It didn’t work; they only got louder and more persistent.
I tried to tell you, babe. Being with him only leads to heartbreak.
“Just get out! Get out of my head! I beg, please, just get out! Get out of my head before I cave in!” I screamed, now digging my palms into my eyes.
I was absolutely exhausted and unbelievably unhappy. I hated myself and was so angry for what I did. Noah and I were so happy and to see him smile that grin, the corners of his eyes crinkling made my heart burn in my throat. The tattoos that covered his toned stomach with slight pudge in the center. Soft skin and a comfortable smell I wanted to be buried in.
A mochi. My mochi.
No, not yours. You walked away.
I ruined it. I possibly, could have, most definitely destroyed the best thing that could have happened to me, besides this band. My hands shook, my body, my knees were weak. I should have stopped by my hotel room to bring some alcohol with me on this venture up here but knew if Chase or Malcolm saw me, they’d want to know what happened.
Everyone had to know by now what happened, I’m sure they do.
Oh god, what did I do? To hurt Noah was like walking on broken glass. I never wanted to hurt him.
But you did, you bitch, you did!
“Oh Keaton,” I sobbed on my knees. “I ruined everything. You knew him better than me, what would he have done if I told him the truth and stayed!?”
Besides Chase and Malcolm, Keaton knew about my secrets only because he was there when the pain was unbearable. He helped me through it. So now, in this desperate time of need and confusion, I called out to the one person who couldn’t give me an answer.
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“Fuck, what do you think happened?” Malcolm wondered while tossing on a sweater.
I quickly stepped into a pair of sweatpants then ran a hand over my buzzed head. “I don’t know. But whatever it was, fucked both of them up.”
His hands shook as he tried to type something out on his phone and knowing Malcolm better than anyone, I knew he was seconds away from his own panic attack.
“Steven,” he wiggled his phone. “He’s wondering if there’s anything they can do to help find her?”
“No,” I said a little too quickly. “Tell them to take care of Noah; we’ll take care of Y/N.”
She was our responsibility; we made that promise to her father years ago when he came to visit. He couldn’t watch after her so he entrusted us to. We failed with Trey; we let him burry his claws so deep into her and now we’re afraid that whatever happened with Noah we wouldn’t be able to get her back.
Malcolm realized that too because his hands shook and breathing became uneven.
“Hey,” I said softly while covering his hands with my own. “We’ll find her, we always do.”
“I know,” he swallowed. “I’m just-worried. She told me earlier that she was going by Noah’s room to hang out. I didn’t think-.”
I cupped his cheek and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “Why don’t you stay here in case, she comes back. I think I know where she might be.”
Malcolm eased into my touch, emerald eyes glowing from the moonlight casting in through the window, and if it was any other moment, I’d tell him I love him.
He knew already, but I still liked to remind him.
“I love you,” he breathed a long deep breath.
With a final kiss, I muttered I loved him back against his lips, before pocketing my phone and slipping out of the room. I didn’t bother checking throughout the hotel for her. There’s only one place she’d be.
The roof.
Y/N’s always had this fascination with behind higher than others. She wanted to feel like one of the Gods on Mount Olympus. But I didn’t doubt right now, she felt smaller than a peasant in past Athens.
The door to the roof was open, cold winds blowing down the fire escape stairs as I reached the top, eyes immediately landing on a figure curled up with their knees to their chest, sobs being drowned out by the noise from down below in the streets.
Panic set deep within my stomach as I neared her. “Y/N?”
At first my voice was quiet, so I said her name again, this time deeper; louder as I kneeled in front of her. “Y/N!”
Her eyes struggled to open due to how swollen they were from her crying, mascara running down her cheeks and staining her face.
“Sweets,” I sighed with slumped shoulders.
“Chase?” My name came out raw, a clear sign that her voice had gone horse; from what, I wasn’t sure.
“What are you doing up here?” I questioned while taking off my sweater and wrapping it around her shoulders.
She was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Her lips were blue from the cold of the predawn air and she shivered as I rubbed my hands up and down her arms.
“Oh, gods. What did we do?” Y/N cried while falling into my chest.
For a moment, I didn’t move her although I knew I needed to get her inside to warm up, but I decided another minute wouldn’t hurt. She needed that extra minute to let out all of her pent-up feelings and doubt. Something happened in that room between her and Noah tonight and I didn’t care how long it took, she would tell us what happened.
I hushed her cries with a soothing hand to her back, cradling her, until the cries lessened and her body went limp against me; she must have dozed off again. So lifting her into my arms, I carried her back down the stairs towards our floor and as I turned the corner, our room only two doors down, I stopped mid-step when my eyes landed on Steven and Matt.
Anger filled me for the briefest of moments but I tried to let it go. None of knew what happened so it wouldn’t be right for me to get upset with either of them. They weren’t in the room with Noah and Y/N.
“She okay?” Matt asked.
I nodded. “Found her up on the roof. She’s fucking freezing and I don’t know how long she was up there for.”
Steven sighed while running a hand over his tired face. “I’m glad she’s alright; given the circumstances. We’ll let the others know.”
Not bothering to say anything else, I stepped between the two of them so they could get a good look at how broken Y/N was; blue lips, puffy eyes, and face stained with makeup and tears. Noah wasn’t the only one hurting, she was too.
When I knocked on the hotel room door, I could physically see the relief fall away from Malcolm’s shoulders as he opened the door, letting me step inside.
“Get the blankets,” I motioned towards the bed.
He pulled them away so I could lay Y/N gently into the bed, both of us covering her with the mounds of blankets; and a few from the closet. As I stepped away to let her sleep, cold fingers wrapped tightly around my wrist.
My name came out broken on her chattering lips and I laid a gentle hand on her face. “Get some rest, sweets. We can talk in the morning.”
She shook her head. “No, I n-nee-need-.”
Malcolm sat on the edge of the bed next to her while I stood behind him. “What do you need?”
“No-Noah,” Y/N forced out through the chills her body continued to attack her with.
“Y/N,” I sighed. “He’s not in a good place right now.”
Her eyes glimmered with tears before they fell from her eyes in groves. “It’s all my fault.”
Malcolm tensed under my touch on his shoulder. “What happened?”
Y/N remained silent as she stared up at the ceiling for a few long beats then she turned over in bed so she could face towards us, clutching the pillow closer to her chest.
Now I kneeled down in front of her so I could look directly into her eyes. “You need to tell us what happened.”
Malcolm wiped away her tears as she let out an unsteady breath. “I asked him a stupid fucking question.”
“What did you ask Noah?”
There was a slight hesitation in her words. “Where he wanted to be in 10 years.”
Malcolm and I shared a look with each other, not sure how that simple question could cause this much damage between them. Y/N could read us like a book, from start to end, so she immediately knew what we were thinking.
“Noah said one day, he wants a family, a dog and cats and a little wooden house,” she explained flatly.
Then it all clicked into place, the puzzle of the night with that simple word; family.
That subject always had been a sore subject with Y/N so we never brought it up. We knew how hard she had to work for things, especially that, so it was understandable why she freaked out the way she did.
“Sweets, it’s alright,” I cooed while brushing the hair away from her face. “He didn’t know.”
Malcolm agreed with a nod while rubbing her back. “I’m sure if you talk to him about it, Noah will understand.”
Suddenly, she was pushing away from us and stumbling out of the bed, both of us watching her pace with worry in our eyes.
“You guys don’t understand the pain. You don’t know how he looked!” Y/N pounded her chest. “It’s like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. This pain is the reminder, he is real.”
“Y/N,” I cautioned while rising to my feet and slowly walked over to her. “Everything will be alright.”
She jerked her hand away from me. “No, it won't! I did what I always do, Chase! I panicked and ran away. I so badly wanted to stay. Fuck, you guys should have seen his face when he asked me to stay- the crinkles, the cheeks, so sweet I just- I can’t believe I did this. I’m so damaged, guys, so damaged.”
I stood there frozen, unsure how to console Y/N because we’d never seen her like this; so broken. Tears fell from her eyes as her chest caved in with each deep, stuttering breath. As Malcolm pulled her into his arms, I took out my phone and typed out a message to Nicholas.
I know what happened.
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“Are you sure you two will be alright?” I asked while adjusting the bag on my shoulder.
Chase nodded while wrapping a protective arm around Y/N’s shoulder; she hasn’t slept since he brought her back into the room just a few hours ago. She was running on fumes, we all were, but I knew the long day she had ahead of her. She needed every ounce of energy she could find.
“We’re mostly going to pick up Salem,” Chase said.
Fuck, the cat.
I cringed at the mention of Y/N’s cat; soul as dark as its fur.
“I swear that cat fucking hates me,” I grumbled while leaning closer into Chase.
He chuckled while leaning up to kiss me, since I was a few inches taller than him. “I would say thats not true but we all know it is.”
Y/N let out a soft chuckle. “I’ll do my best to make sure he stays out of your guys’ room.”
I had to admit; it was really good to hear her laugh, even if it was a quiet one.
“You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” I asked.
Her face flinched with my words but she quickly recovered. “Yeah, we’ll be fine.”
“Last call for flight 3E for Los Angeles. Now boarding.”
The three of us glanced over towards the group of people that were sitting in the same lounge we were. Nicholas was sitting next to Noah, who refused to lift his gaze from the chip nail polish on his fingers. Jolly was talking with Folio and when he felt us staring, Nicholas gave a curt nod to Chase.
Without Y/N noticing, he pulled out his phone to send a text to Nicholas. After we told him we knew what happened, we promised we would tell him everything; about Y/N, her condition, and why she left.
“Do you?” I asked Y/N, nodding towards Bad Omens.
She shook her head, not daring to look any of them in the eye. “I can’t.”
“Okay,” I smiled weakly. “Call me when you guys land, I want to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
Chase and I shared a kiss before I pulled Y/N into my chest, her arms wrapping around me.
“Thank you,” she muttered into my shirt.
It was hard for me to show affection but for her; I found it easier.
I placed a kiss on top of her head. “Anytime, buttercup.”
With a final wave towards the two people that mean everything to me, I turned my back and fell into line with the large group of others that were flying back to Los Angeles. I stood a few spaces behind Noah, who could barley lift his head up, the weight of what happened last night pressing down on his shoulders. Guilt ate away at my insides knowing that I could fix it but it wasn’t my place too. The part of me that needed to fix the bad with something good was overpowering. Any time something got too tense or awkward, I was always there to smooth it over with my humor; but this wasn’t one of those times.
Turning on my heels, I gave a small smile towards Jolly. “What’s up, man?”
“You’re not going to Vegas?”
We both took a step forward as the line moved slowly. “No, I’m heading back to LA to get our new place set up.”
“Right,” Jolly nodded. “You’re only a few miles from us now.”
Silence fell between us and I shifted on my feet, my anxiety about this whole situation suddenly becoming too overbearing. I felt as if my lungs were being crushed from the inside out. Knowing that someone I loved was hurting because of a choice they made killed me. I wanted to fix things. I needed to fix this. It’s what I’d done all my life as the middle child. I was there to fix my younger brothers smile when our dad hit him a little too hard. I was there to fix my mom when my dad took his anger out on her instead. I hated not being able to fix the division that stood between Noah and Y/N.
Breathe, Chase’s voice cooed in my mind. Deep breath in, long breath out.
“They’ll be alright,” Jolly’s voice broke me out of my inducing panic.
We watched Noah’s head lift finally from the ground as the flight for Las Vegas was called. His eyes danced around the room, searching for someone, but it was too late. Y/N and Chase had made it to the other end of the airport, their flight leaving minutes after ours. Defeat and possibly anger radiate off of Noah as he handed his boarding pass to the attendant behind the desk and grumbled his thanks before slipping down the long hallway towards the plane.
“She didn’t mean to break him,” I defended Y/N. “She’s going through something that takes a lot out of her every month. It’s a constant battle between what she wants and what her body needs.”
“I know,” Jolly nodded. “We’re here if any of you guys want to talk.”
I bumped fists with him. “Thanks, man.”
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There’s a thousand voices in my head, all saying the same fucking thing, and I hoped they didn’t take a rope around my neck.
You can’t give him what he wants.
He won’t wait for you. He’ll find it with someone else.
I slammed the pillow over my head to smother the voices away. The darkness that clouded over my room did nothing to help the raging pain that pounded within the confines of my skull. Everything hurt and screamed for release but I did nothing. I’d rather let my body succumb to it than ease it because once the pain was gone, memories of Noah crept back in and I didn’t want to be reminded of what I did.
How beautiful his face looked when he asked me to say until morning.
How broken his face looked when I said no.
And how destroyed his face was when he begged me to come back.
Noah’s face haunted me every single night the last two weeks that I refused to sleep for longer than a few hours because I would eventually wake with a scream, his name echoing off my walls. The guilt of walking away sat heavy on my chest as I sat in bed, scattered pens, papers, and a fully charged laptop at my feet.
Rain pelted hard against the large windows of my bedroom and I sighed, knowing there was another full day of storm's head; figuratively and literally.
Salem’s soft meow broke me from my frozen trace and I picked him up from the floor to set him in my lap. He purred loudly as I scratched his head, letting the softness of his black fur calm my racing heart.
“I know Chase already fed you, stop trying to get second breakfast.”
It had been a few weeks since I moved in with Chase and Malcolm, all of us falling into living together quite fast, until the pandemic hit and forced us inside. I didn’t mind it, being holed up in my room with my writing and Salem, but Chase was going stir crazy. He was the social one out of the three of us, and knowing he couldn’t go out to see friends or even go for a hike was making him bang his head against the wall.
Malcolm, on the other hand, loved staying home. He spent the time writing music on his bass or baking bread. According to Chase, the first few batches weren’t that great, but he didn’t dare tell Malcolm that.
I stayed in my room most of the day, only seeing one of them when they occasionally checked in on me or brought me something to eat; like right now.
A soft knock on my door made me tear my gaze away from the page full of lyrics.
“Hey sweet,” Chase said while leaning against the doorframe. “Are you hungry?”
I shook my head.
Salem jumped off of my lap and scurried towards the light that poured in from the hallway, clearly having enough of the dark somber of my bedroom.
“You have to eat something,” Chase sat at the end of my bed.
I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. “I’m not hungry. I’ll come down and eat something for lunch soon.”
“It’s almost six in the evening, Y/N,” he sighed. “You’ve been up here all day.”
Shit, have I?
Glancing to the clock on my nightstand, I realized he was right.
“Oh,” I shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”
Chase pointed to the papers in front of me, a silent way of asking if he could read it so I agreed with a nod.
I wanna feel something. That's not the touch of your breath on my neck. I wanna feel something. That's not the weight of your world in my head. And all the walls are caving in.
“This is really good,” he mused while handing it back to me.
I simply hummed in response, not exactly sure what he wanted me to say.
“Anything else?” I asked after some silence, keeping my eyes trained hard to the rain splashing against the window behind Chase.
His jaw ticked. “You’re killing yourself, Y/N. I hate seeing you like this.”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Just call him and explain-.”
My eyes snapped over to Chase. “No, there’s nothing to fucking explain. I walked away from him, I hurt him, Chase. He won’t forgive me.”
“You don’t-.”
“Yes, I do! You don’t see what I see!” I pointed to my head. “Every fucking night his face haunts me. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat because it makes me fucking sick.”
I choked on a sob as tears slipped from my eyes down to the scatter of pages on my bed. My cries drowned out the rain as Chase pulled me down to bed, letting me lay against his chest, the wetness of my mistakes staining his shirt.
Memories of Noah will always fucking haunt me; how devastated he looked as I turned my back to him. I tried to force them away by thinking of anything else but truth was is I didn’t think he was going anywhere, soon. I’ve done some things that I can’t speak and I tried to wash Noah away, but he wouldn’t leave. Although, part of me was almost begging him to keep haunting me just, so I had an excuse to see his face.
I think I’m possessed, that was the only explanation. He put a fever inside me and I’ve been cold since I left him in that room weeks ago.
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I walked passed Y/N’s door again; she needed to eat. She hasn’t eaten anything since dinner last night and that was a small bowl of cereal. It was nearly two in the afternoon and if she continued at this rate, she’d be a mess of skin and bones. I was supposed to be out with Malcolm but felt as if I should stay back. Something was deep-rooted in my gut that I needed to be home with Y/N today.
My knuckles raised to the wood of her door, ready to knock, but stopped when I heard that song play yet again. Y/N’s had it on repeat every day for the last three days, nothing else coming from her room besides Keaton’s voice.
Fuck, why did she have to torture herself like this?
I sighed, knowing this was going to be a whirlwind, and pressed my ear to the door. Her soft, broken, voice singing. Suddenly the music stopped for a few seconds before Y/N replayed it and got louder.
Who was she talking to?
“How can you say this was all part of your plan, start explaining?”
“I knew you wanted me to meet him! I fucking knew it! Well guess what, Keaton?! I did; I fucking did, and now look! Look what happened!”
I ran a hand over my buzzed head and quickly typed out a message to Malcolm, who was out shopping. Since the ban had been lifted a few days ago, we were planning a small vacation just the two of us in a few weeks and he was buying things we needed.
Well, as long as Y/N was in the right headspace, we would leave her. But with what I was hearing on the other side of the door, I was afraid our vacation would have to get pushed back.
She’s blasting Eiley again. But now she’s talking to Keaton, blaming him for her meeting Noah. I don’t know what else to do, Mal.
What sounded like something falling over and breaking made me press my hear against the door again.
“Left with this hole, six feet of dirt I can’t fill,” Y/N’s raw but powerful voice called out into the air.
My phone buzzed with a text from Malcolm.
We need to talk with Nick. There’s not much else we can do, babe.
I sighed, knowing he was right, and quickly sent a text to Nick to see if he was free sometime next week. I remember him saying in our Hollow Omens group chat he was flying back from Virgina on Friday to see everyone.
Of course, neither Noah nor Y/N would ever respond in the chat, not wanting to risk saying something to each other. Maybe if they did, she wouldn’t be talking to the ghost of her best friend.
“Oh god, it hurts,” she wailed and I could picture her clutching her chest. “Why did I do this? Why did you fucking leave us both like this?”
A loud thud had me taking a step away from the door, thinking she was about to come barreling through but realized she was throwing things against the door and walls of her bedroom.
“I’m no better than you! I fucking left him. He wanted me, all of me, and I fucking left!”
“Oh, sweets,” I let out a shaky breath, hands reaching for the doorknob.
“He was mine, he was mine!”
She was mine; she was mine!
I hesitated opening the door at what I heard. Did she? Did Y/N change the lyrics of the song so it was as if she was saying Noah was hers?
Something fell to the floor, glass shattering, and Y/N’s ear piercing screams dug the knife deeper into my heart and I slammed through the door, it slamming against the wall next to me. All the blood drained from my face at the scene in front of me; Y/N was curled up on the floor crying, a framed photo on the floor smashed to pieces. She was clutching a piece of glass in her hand, droplets of blood falling to the wood floor beneath her.
“Fuck, Y/N!” I cursed while sliding on my knee’s in front of her to snatch the piece of glass from her tight grip, slicing my fingers. “Oh, come on sweets, get up! Don’t-don’t do this.”
Fear of what would have happened if I went out with Malcolm dug their nails into me but I refused to acknowledge the pain. Not right now, I can think of the what if’s later. Righ now, Y/N needed me.
Hollow, sunken, and bloodshot eyes stared up at me through the tears that clouded her vision. “I ruined everything, I ruined everything! His face! You didn’t see it! You don’t know!”
Her ramblings had been the same for a month now, never changing.
“Sweets, hey, it’s okay.” I cupped her face. “You didn’t, you’ll figure this out! You’ll talk to him, he’s not gone for good, Y/N. He’s here, he’s here.”
It killed me holding her; she was in agony. She felt like she ended Noah for good. It was almost as if she confused her feelings of grief and heartbreak into two. Noah was alive, his flesh and blood was still awake, he was numbing but he was there. She needed to remember this; she needed to know the feelings she was suffering through had a chance to get better.
“He’ll never see me the same,” Y/N kicked the broken frame away from us but I could see what picture it held; Noah and her at the zoo while they waited for the wolves to come out of hiding.
Unbeknownst to them at the time, I smacked Bryan’s chest so he could take a few pictures of them.
“Just give it time, just give it time.” I said while holding her, rocking her back and forth.
A little kiss on her head. My sister, my friend.
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“Hey sugar baklava,” I knocked on the door frame to Y/N’s room.
She was sitting at the large bay window, sunshine brushing its bright rays across her pale face and dark floors. It's been a few days since Chase found her with the piece of glass in her hand and ever since then, we made it a rule that she had to keep her door open. We didn’t care if she continued to hide away up here but the door needed to be open. It might have been a teenager rule, but we didn’t want to take any chances. We already knew she was hiding things from us so this was the only way.
“Where’s your head at?” I leaned up against the wall while crossing my arms over my chest.
Y/N chuckled at the nickname but I could see there was no light behind those usual bright eyes. She’d been sitting in that same spot for the last day and a half; hair not washed since I can’t remember when, clothes piled up, notebooks out with a variety of lyrics scribbled on every pages and her laptop always had a full charge due to the plug remaining inside it.
Through the pain, she smiled up at me. “Just the usual, contemplating my fucked life and all its wonders.”
I inhaled deeply while stiffing up straight. “I know what you’re going to say, but you are more than welcome to hang out with us at Applebees later. They have dollarRitas.”
“Thank you, maybe,” she smiled weakly.
“I’m worried about you.” I sighed with concern. “We all are.”
Salem clawed his way out from underneath her bed to stretch wide in the one spot on the floor the sun touched. If it wasn’t for that furry little creature that hated my guts, I don’t want to think of where Y/N would be right now.
“I’ll be fine,” she reassured while holding up a granola bar. “Bring me back some tacos?”
“Deal,” I smiled.
Turning my back to leave, her voice called after me. “Mind feeding Salem on your way out?”
My eyes cast down to my feet as the black cat sat between them, dark green eyes staring deep into my soul.
“Fuck, Y/N. Your cat wants to kill me,” I shivered at the thought.
She chuckled. “As long as you feed him, you’ll live!”
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The noise of the city faded to a dull buzz as I set down my second empty margarita class and pushed away the rest of my lunch. We were sitting on the patio at Applebee’s, the warm Los Angeles air doing nothing to ease the shake in my bones.
“How’s she doing?”
I nodded towards Nick who sat across from Chase and I. “Depends on the day you ask. But after the other day, we’re watching her like a hawk.”
He raised a brow. “What happened?”
Chase and I shared a look before eventually telling Nick about catching her with a piece of glass in her hand.
“You don’t think-?”
“I don’t know what to think, man,” Chase took a long drink of his beer. “I catch her breaking shit then holding a piece of glass in her hand so tight she cuts herself? Thankfully, she didn’t need stitches but if I wasn’t home, who knows what could have happened. She’s playing with her health and I don’t know what to do to help her.”
“What do you mean?” Nick wondered.
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. “She hasn’t been taking her medication. There’s at least six more pills than there should be. And two extra vials.”
“What about Noah?” Chase asked, suddenly not wanting to change the subject.
He adjusted the sunglasses that was perched on his nose. “His drinking is getting worse. We want to be stoked because he’s written two really great songs but the alcohol dulls the excitement.”
Chase spun the ice in his drink with the straw and sighed. “Y/N has Eiley on blast until 2 am, hunched over in pain and screaming into her pillows. Writing at random. It’s killing me, to watch her like this.”
“Noah’s been playing Sympathy a lot too, while downing the bottle of whiskey and writing. A fuckin mess, man,” Nick leaned back into the chair.
“Can I tell you something?” Chase asked.
“Shoot,” Nick nodded.
“If fucking hurts to hear this but sometimes, when she plays Eiley, so faintly I can hear her singing. There’s a part in the song where Keaton’s broken as he says she was mine-fuck- I hear Y/N sometimes crying and changes the words-.”
Chase paused, trying to find the right was to convey what he was feeling and Nick tilted his head in wonder.
“He’s mine, he was mine. He was mine,” I finished for Chase, knowing he wouldn’t be able to get the words out.
“She regrets it all, Nick.” Chase rested his arms on the table so he could look directly at Nick. “I think-no I know, she loves him. Y/N fell for him so hard, and I don’t think she’ll ever forgive herself for leaving that room.”
“I know,” he sighed. “That’s why I’m on her side for this as well. You told me what she’s going through, it makes sense why she freaked out the way she did.”
I shifted in my seat. “Did you tell Noah?”
“No,” Nick firmly shook his head. “That's something you two or Y/N has to tell him.”
Chase reached for my hand under the table and once our fingers were linked, I gave Nick my best stern gaze. “We have to do something.”
For a long few beats, we were silent, thinking of ways that we could help these two talk again. They weren’t going to do it on their own; the needed help.
“We’ll shoot them both a text,” Nick began. “Same time, telling them to get their heads out of their asses, because let’s be real- they’re stubborn as hell and won’t listen to us directly. They need an outsider to call them both out to wake the hell up.”
“So what? I text Noah while you text Y/N?” Chase wondered.
Nick nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. They need help, they both do, desperately and they need each other. They’re just being ridiculous about it.”
There was a clear hesitation in my expression with Nick's idea. “You know it’s not gonna magically happen over night though right?”
“Of course not, but I have a hunch it’ll work,” Nick assured while throwing some money on the table for his lunch.
“What we need to do is get them to seek help. They have soon many unresolved issues, deep-seeded. They need to get help and get them to at least be friends again. They’re in love with each other. That won’t change, but the circumstances have to.”
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The pillows muffled my screams as I clutched my abdomen, the stabbing, sheering pain spreading through my veins like wildfire. Every fiber of my existence was screaming at me to stop the pain, make it all go away, but I ignored it. I needed to feel this; it was the only thing that made me feel anything at all.
Eiley played on a loop through my speakers as I spoke into the air above me.
“Choose me over him, I often wonder why.”
“How can I face him again, Keaton? How? How can I ease the pain, he’s mine. He was mine.”
Rolling over to my other side once the pain stopped for a few moments, I started at the basket on top of my nightstand. 1, 2, 3, 4, bottles, and one syringe. They just stare at me. I counted each bottle, and that syringe repeatedly. A reminder of the work it takes to make myself normal. A reminder of what happens every month like fucking clockwork. A reminder that no man would ever want to stay with me and deal with this alongside me.
“Noah would,” I muttered into the pillow that was stained with my tears.
Yeah? Well you ruined that, sweetie.
I’ve had fans ask me, “how do I keep myself from losing myself entirely?” All I can tell them is that it can’t rain all the time. I hide the pain behind a smile and slip into a parallel universe.
I’m constantly making a series of small holes in a row, mistakes I made in my membrane between here and there until an opening exists. And who can resist an opening?
So do I take the meds? Or do I lay here and rot?
I’ll take them tomorrow. It’s already too late in the day, no need to take them.
It was the same thing I told myself every morning when I would wake up and stare at the medication. The same thing for the last month.
Maybe if I stopped taking them, I would go back to my natural state. I could succumb to the natural order of things, or maybe the pain would be so severe I’d be fine with dying.
No. Stop. Stop that!
The voices continued to fight with each other as I dug my palms into my eyes, hoping his haunting face would leave; even for a few seconds.
Maybe I could wait for the dust to settle.
Eiley started playing yet again and I narrowed my eyes up towards the ceiling. “If this is all part of your plan, Keaton then start explaining because this is fucking bullshit. You wanted us together, well fucking give me a sign it’s worth it.”
I stared at those bottles and wondered why any of this mattered when my phone buzzed from underneath my pillow. Groaning, I had every intention of ignoring it, thinking it was the Hollow Omens group chat of Folio saying something he thought was funny; most of the time it was. But today, the pain was so debilitating that I wasn’t in the mood for jokes.
Nicholas: Hi.
I sucked in a breath, not expecting a solo text from him. I wanted to leave him on read because there was no reason for him to be texting me. What’s there to say? He's my friend, but Noah is his brother, why would he care about me at all? I hurt his friend.
That one word weighed heavy on my mind as my shaking fingers typed out two letters back.
The bubbles popped up and stopped, then popped up again, before proceeding to another text.
I hope you’re alright, Y/N. and doing okay. I hear you moved in with the guys, a great idea and I’m glad you’re settled in.
That message I left on read only because I was hunched over my bed now, dry heaving saliva into the bowl that had a permanent spot next to my bed on the floor. The pain was becoming too much; like an animal with razor like claws were digging through my skin to be set free. My stomach was being ripped to shreds.
It wasn’t until almost an hour later once the pain and my screams of agony finally stopped that I had the courage to look at my phone; the text from Nick smacking me in my face.
Y/N, first I just wanna say this: it isn’t my business to step in or to make assumptions I know everything. I had a talk with Chase and Malcolm, and I understand to a degree what you’re feeling right now. I will admit, I was angry at you; you hurt my friend. Noah isn’t doing well right now, but he’s trying. However, I’m trying to remain mutual about this. I see what you both have; I see what you’re both capable of even if you don’t right now. He needs something; he needs someone stable in his life who can give him the comfort he’s been searching for; I thought that could be you; you acted as if it was. Maybe it still is?
Ten minutes in between this text and the next one.
I would never step in and say something like this to anyone, but because of our current friendship and the situation that’s in front of us, I had to. Because I care about you both. Noah deserves better than what you did; he deserves better than walking out with more questions than answers. But you deserve better than the trauma Trey left you with. My friend’s not perfect but he’s not that fucking guy. All I ask is that you dig deep and see that you can really work through this. Not just alone but together. Don’t be a stranger, Y/N. Please don’t. We miss you.
My eyes blinked a few times at the screen, wondering if what I just read actually was there. Everything Nick said was one hundred percent the truth. Especially the part where Noah deserves better than what I did. But so did I. I also deserved better than what Trey left me with.
I gazed back up towards the ceiling, a small smile pulling at the corners of my lips. “Thanks, Keaton.”
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When I was supposed to be awake, I was asleep. When I was supposed to sleep, I was silent. When a pleasure offered itself to me, I avoided it. I wrote that fucking song repeatedly, a better perspective- a perspective of what I wanted to do that night.
I’ll face my fear of the cold nights
When you leave me behind
I felt your hands in my hair
I felt your breath on my neck
Yeah, I need to feel you again
Just wanted to say good night
Our eyes fighting the light
But I’m not ready to say good night oh
I try and hold on tight ‘cause it’s just not time to say good night
To say good night
One song completed last week and another one just needing the finishing touches. It was all falling into place; well, most things. All I wanted was for Noah to call me when he woke up. I wanted to be in his sweet dreams. But almost three days after Nick texted me, my phone remained silent. Nothing, no texts or calls from Noah. Which at the moment was fine because currently, Malcolm and Chase stood at the foot of my bed with their arms crossed over their broad chests, eyes staring daggers into me.
“The syringe?” Chase asked.
I nodded. “This morning.”
“Pills?” Malcolm then questioned.
Playfully rolling my eyes, I filled my palm with the variety of differnt pills and tossed them into my mouth, swallowing them down with the orange juice they’d brought up minutes ago. I even opened my mouth wide to show them I wasn’t hiding them under my tongue.
Malcolm physically relaxed but Chase wasn’t convinced quite yet.
“Did you call?”
I groaned. “Yes, dad. I have an appointment on Tuesday at ten in the morning. Did you want to drive me there too?”
“You bet your ass I am,” he narrowed his eyes before breaking out into a huge smile. “I’m proud of you, sweets.”
“Me too, buttercup,” Malcolm ruffled my hair.
I playfully smacked his hand away before motioning towards the open door of my room. “Feel free to close it on your way out.”
Salem meowed from his perched on the open window and I realized it was nearing five in the evening. “Oh, dinner time.”
I went to stand from the bed but Malcolm playfully pushed me back down.
“I got it. Let’s go, Salem,” he tapped his thigh a few times, my cat quickly following out of the room.
Chase watched with amazement in his eyes as I let out a lighthearted laugh, one that he hadn’t heard in so long, no doubt.
“What?” I asked, grabbing my phone that buzzed on my bed.
He shrugged before walking out. “Nothing, it’s good to hear that laugh again.”
Smiling, I looked down at my phone but nearly dropped it as I read the message over and over again. Chase noticed my face right before he stepped through the doorway and motioned towards my phone.
“Who is it?”
Mochi 🧋🥟: Hi.
My heart hammered against my chest and it felt like I couldn’t breathe, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering wildly with life I thought would never return.
“Shit, shit.” I muttered while showing Chase the message.
“Well fucking answer him, Y/N.”
“I- what do I say?” I asked as my breathing became erratic.
Fuck, it was like I was a teenager texting her crush for the first time.
“Start with a simple hello. Today’s the first day of you getting your life back in order.” Chase left a kiss to the top of my head before leaving me alone to my own choices.
I stared down at the phone, thumbs hovering over the screen, wondering what the fuck I was going to do.
Do I take Chase’s advice and get my life back in order? Or do I remember all the pain and agony, dark nights where I contemplated ending it all?
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
Could I request headcanons of Ruggie, Trey, and Jamil with an s/o who's good at textile design 🪡 (sewing, knitting, embroidery, etc)?
Of course!! Also, did you guys know that Crewel’s name isn’t just a play on “Cruel”, it’s also a type of embroidery?
Ruggie, Trey, and Jamil + S/O that’s good at textile design!
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie won’t say it out loud, but he really does like it when you give him things you embroidered. It makes him feel special; knowing that you went out of your way to give him something handmade.
He is definitely flaunting your work to anyone willing to listen. And some who aren’t. It’s gotten to the point where even Leona knows about your skills.
The best way to get him to practically swoon is by patching up some of his old clothes without being asked. Something about you noticing it and going out of your way for him makes the poor guy’s heart flutter.
He’s gonna try to get you to make a business out of your skills. There’s definitely a market out there for custom embroidery, and you two could definitely get in on it!
“Hey, just think about it. You could make a killing doing this for the students. They’d pay a stupid amount of cash to make them stand out a little!”
Trey Clover
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Trey enjoys watching you work on your projects. He loves how focused you are and how much you love doing it.
He’d never ask you to, he knows how stressful it is to be a student here already, but he’d love it if you put some of your own touches on his clothing.
Finds himself getting inspired by your work while thinking of how to decorate his cakes. Obviously frosting and fondant are very different from string, so it isn’t a perfect replica, but he does get pretty close to it.
Going back to an earlier point, if you embroider something small like roses or really anything you’d like, he would spend forever admiring each and every detail.
“How you can add so much detail on such a small space is something I can never understand. It’s really incredible.”
Jamil Viper
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While I’m sure Jamil has some skill with a needle, it’s mostly just to stitch up some holes quickly. He honestly doesn’t think about it until he sees what you’re able to do with it.
He’s very impressed with your patience while sewing, he knows that he’d get frustrated if he attempted something similar.
If you give him something you made yourself he’d treat it like it was made of gold. He hardly lets anyone touch it, partly out of fear of damaging it and partly out of his own pride.
He enjoys watching you plan out your next projects, helping you choose the colors and designs. If you ask nicely, he might model some of them for you.
“Does this look how you pictured it? It does suit me quite well, I must admit.”
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merakiui · 1 year
meraaa !! consider this : 
it's late at night, and you're leaving a party; all your friends are drunk, so none can give you a ride home. you call an uber, and [insert yandere twst character] is your driver. all is going well during the drive; you're engaging in cordial conversation with him until you notice he's not following the directions on the map. you question him –
"don't worry, i'm just taking a shortcut,"
suddenly, everything feels off. his smile didn't look as kind as before, and his attempts at reviving the conversation were fruitless. whether to fill the uncomfortable silence or because he's confident he'll get away with what he'll do next, he reveals the truth. he's been stalking you for the last four months; in those four months, he's learned everything about you. innocent things like your pet peeves, favorite foods, and friend group to not-so-innocent things like the size underwear and bra you wear, how many hook-ups and partners you've had, how many times your heart beats a minute (*cough cough* rook), etc.
you sit there in mortified silence, mind racing to think of a plan to escape, call for help, hijack the car, anything. he watches you through the mirror, observing your countenance, awaiting your response. the doors have a child lock on them, your phone is dead, and you figure he probably has a weapon in the compartment next to him in case you attempt to seize control of the vehicle. even if you manage to, you’ll likely both be killed in an accident.
amidst your anxiety, the car stops. you look out the front window to see woods ahead of you. is he going to kill you here?
he turns back to face you, flashing you an eerie smile.
“don’t forget to give me a five-star rating.”
you hear the doors unlock. 
you quickly open the door and decide to make a run for it.
anddd.. the rest is up to you ! i based this on a horror short on yt. i think this concept would fit characters like rook, jade, trey, and maybe even jamil.  
also, can i be 👁️‍🗨️anon?
AAAAAA this concept is made for characters like Rook and Jade, but then I also agree that it can fit Trey and Jamil. The latter two fall into the unsuspecting types category, in which they just seem so friendly or so average and normal that they couldn't ever do something so horrible. They don't have to try very hard to catch you either. You're intoxicated and it's dark; you'll stumble and possibly injure yourself if you aren't careful, or you'll run yourself lost and they'll easily catch up to you. The night ends with you captured and packed neatly away in their car, where they'll drive you to your new home. It may be difficult at first, having to get accustomed to shackles and a mattress and a cold, eerie basement, but you'll learn to find comfort in him and your surroundings.
And the "don't forget to give a five-star rating" part... please, that's so Jade. T_T he's about to hunt you down, and yet he still wants that rating... he's so troublesome! Although it's not much of a hunt if he's just casually trailing behind you while you stumble blindly through the woods. ^^;;; depending on who kidnaps you, I think the situation will be slightly different. Trey and Jamil are definitely the better out of the four because they won't do anything rash, whereas Rook and Jade just like to walk the line of danger when they're able to. The rush is what invigorates them. But Trey and Jamil are determined to keep you captive, so they won't risk losing you just for temporary excitement.
It's all varying types of logic with the four of them. >_< but we can agree that the worst of them all are Jade and Rook. They're just a different level of crazy and dangerous. ;;;;;;
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Hi can I request Ace x male reader where we try to protect him during a fight/overblot and he gets really upset 'cause he doesn't want us to get hurt, but, being Ace, it comes out as him yelling at us that we're just in the way? 🫠
Protective! Ace Trappola with a M! S/O
Character: Ace Trappola Requester: 🫠Anon A/N: I love the emoji choice, 🫠Anon! Anyways, hope you like this! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of being 'hospitalized' and in a coma-like state. Nothing very heavy though! ⚠️
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╚═════ Ace Trappola ═══════════════════════════╝
🪅 Ace is a tough cookie to crack, but when you do, he's one of the best people you would be in a relationship with... at times
🪅 He has an issue with expressing his more vulnerable side, even if you guys were to get married, this issue would be present. And it more than obvious when Riddle overblotted and began attacking everyone, your boyfriend and you began getting fearful
🪅 What if his tacks got to one of you?
🪅 You stood back-to-back with him, attempting to keep your unique spell, which made a protective shield, stay up while Riddle raged and tried getting through
"Y/N! Stop the shield! You'll accumulate to much blot yourself!" Trey yelled.
🪅 Your hands began to fall to your sides as the spell faded, and you noticed that your pen had begun to hold blot itself. Not too much to where you would be concerned, but enough for you -a very observant person- to notice
🪅 Yuu looked at everyone after giving a plan before looking at you and asking if you could keep another shield on him for a couple minutes max
🪅 You nodded and held your hands up, making a spade-shaped shield surrounding the magic-less human
"Alright! Let's go!"
🪅 The others launched as you sat behind a somehow-not-destroyed bush, and you were beginning to feel weaker as you heard the attacks being set off by the group
"Y/N! Keep it up! You've got this!" Cater yelled at you.
"What do you think I'm trying to do?!"
🪅 As the others finally landed the final hits and Riddle began to de-blot, your shield flickered before falling fully down as you swayed in your position
"Hey! You good?" Deuce asked.
"Yeah... I just think I need a nap..."
🪅 The sound of a heart-monitor's beeping awoke you, and as your eyes opened, you saw a certain small group of people leaving the room
🪅 You chuckled as you saw Grim's ears down and his tail swaying sadly behind him. You had grown close to the magic-less human and his cat in such a short time as you defended them from many kinds of harm without a care for yourself
🪅 They all looked up and turned around, and when the younger ginger did, his eyes widened and he ran towards you, wrapping his arms around you. Anyone would also be able to feel the tears falling from his eyes
"Y/N, I am so sorry for what I did. If I had know-"
"No, no, Yuu. It's fine. Besides, we got Riddle back to normal." You replied, motioning your hand to the red-haired male, making a small amount of blush cover his face and him smile gently at you.
"You should give you guys some privacy. Come everyone." The Housewarden say, directing his fellow Heartslabyul students and the Ramshackle duo to follow him.
🪅 Ace looked up from your neck and you noticed he had a small glare on his face, which alerted you slightly
"What were you thinking? You could've gotten seriously hurt!" He said.
"I was protecting you all. I can't help that I care about all of your well-beings, especially in such a deadly situation."
"That doesn't matter, Y/N! You- you just... you were so heavily in the damn way that it took even longer for us to take that tyrant down!"
🪅 Cocking your eyebrow at his claim, you sighed. You understood what he truly meant, but that didn't stop him from sitting down and pouting expectedly
"First off," you raised your hand and showed a finger, "I was behind a nearby rose-bush, I couldn't be in the way. Second," you raised a second, "I was using my magic heavily, I wouldn't be able to get in the way unless the fight moved towards me."
🪅 You then grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers, making Ace look up with a surprised face
"And thirdly. I know you don't mean it like that. I can read you like a book, Ace Trappola."
"Heh... I guess that's obvious now, yeah?"
"Correct-a-mundo!" You exclaimed, pecking his hand.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Based on that one post about the bottoms getting creamed up inside how would the tops react if their partners are demanding/begging for them to cum inside them?
(this is related to this hc list)
My first instinct was to say that everyone would go “you don’t have to tell me twice 🫡 “ and doing just that, and Floyd going “wtf? Now I don’t wanna” and coming outside lol but If I think about it…
Ace – he’ll get so shook. He didn’t know stuff like this happens in real life, why would his partner (presumably Deuce) do something so sexy?? He’ll cum way before he finishes his attempts to comprehend what he’s just heard.
Trey – he would get surprised because this isn’t something he expected to hear from Riddle EVER, but that would just make him become even more aware of the fact that he is doing something lewd with a boy that he spent all those years afraid to hurt in any way. It would be such a hot contrast to how innocent and naive Riddle usually is…
Cater – he would grab his phone and ask for his partner to repeat it lol Well, he wouldn’t do it all the time, but I think he might get into this kind of mood sometimes. And if he doesn’t repeat, he won’t get what he wants from Kei-kun~
Ruggie – he would roll his eyes because yeah yeah now you’re demanding me to cum inside, but then you’ll say that I am the one to clean it up, right right, thank you so much Leona-san. Cumming inside does feel good though.
Jack – he is probably the type to start thinking about pulling out when he starts to feel his knot growing, you know, being responsible and stuff, but if he hears his partner begging or demanding him to cum inside, his brain would shut down completely and he would go even deeper than before and fill his partner to the brim :( He would be very embarrassed of himself afterwards.
Azul – he never even considered doing it anywhere but inside…. Like, it wasn’t an option to him… but he would still get surprised, maybe even give a cute surprised gasp, but ultimately do what he always does – cum inside.
Floyd – like I already said, he is very likely to go “the fuck, don’t wanna”, and he could either cum on his lover’s face right after that, or slow down suddenly and start teasing him. Like, why would I do that? Now that you asked for it, I don’t feel like it. He doesn’t necessarily want his partner to beg for it, mind you, because that might also be boring. But if he gets mad and yells at him, like Riddle would… maybe then Floyd will consider doing it inside.
Jade – there are similarities between the tweels in almost every hc list, but here? They are almost identical lol Even though Jade seems more obedient than Floyd, in a sexual setting he is pretty mischievous. And this is such a “one-on-one” thing, so his true self could show. But he wouldn’t tease verbally like Floyd does, he would just stop and look with a smug face, as if asking “what are you going to do if I don’t?”
Kalim – he would be super surprised because Jamil NEVER says stuff like that in general, he is usually pretty quiet during sex; but also for him to ask for this?? When he always does the opposite, i.e. begs Kalim not to do it?? Kalim has no idea what kind of a sudden change this is, but he sure as hell is excited lol Jamil is going to regret this right after saying it…
Rook – who is he to deny a request made with such eagerness and passion? He wouldn’t break his lover’s heart like that! Yeah, I guess Rook isn’t really an asshole when it comes to these things, but maybe he just loves doing it inside this much. He loves making his lover wait though, plus he is abso-fucking-lutely going to address the fact that his lover begged him for that afterwards. Vil won’t hear the end of it. Or any other boy who is in his place…
Ortho – he is supposed to go “roger” and execute the command, and he might really say “roger” and then just add “….just kidding” and look at his lover all smugly, turning his speed up to x 3 and not releasing any fluids until his lover’s almost passed out.
Lilia – similarly to the Tweels and apparently Ortho, he might tease the partner. If the boy is horny enough to beg for something like this, he is horny enough to get sent to Nirvana by Lilia going “should I?” and pulling the dick out or stopping all movement. But this isn’t always the case, sometimes he just praises the boy for being honest.
Sebek – of course he would cum instantly as he hears that, he is a good soldier (+ one horny boy). Especially if it’s Malleus who asks for it, and if that is the case, Sebek is also probably going to cry a little. But if he hears a comment this obscene from any other person, he would scold them. How dare you be this indecent??
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