#I'm non-binary and ace (biromantic)
wundergeek · 5 months
Having fun with ace representation
Comments I have made to my editor while talking about one of the main characters in my queer poly triad fantasy romance who is ace, pan, and demi. "Hence why he's such a wholesome dumbass"
"I was being intentionally vague on whether Rav was demiromantic, demisexual, or both. For people like me who are so asexual that I've literally only ever been attracted to. Like. Less than twenty people, it's a meaningless distinction." "I literally forget that people experience attraction all the time" "Me, routinely: why do people do X? My friends: you forgot sexual attraction exists again, didn't you? Me: oh. Yeah. I did." "Honestly trying to provide ace representation is infuriating as an ace myself because. Look. I love me a label, okay? I collect them. I'm a connoisseur. But the aces went too far." "I would die for all of them, but Rav in particular. He is my wholesome asexual son."
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kalcifers-blog · 10 months
PISSA DESIGN REFS + Headcanons <3333 (I'm ignoring the current lore don't mind me)
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I did two versions with slight alternative designs :3333 I'll reblog a proper reference for Philza's tattoo once I've made it!!
Philza (he/they)- Pansexual, Demi-Romantic, Agender
Missa (he/him but doesn't really care)- Gray-Ace, Biromantic, Non-Binary
Can you tell they're my favourites
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twistyprefect · 1 year
happy pride 🌈
here are some pride headcanons :)
i included everyone because i had ideas for everyone!
i actually included all of my identities here as well in one or more characters B)
Disclaimer: these are my personal headcanons. i will not argue with people about them. i'm not implying they are canon and while they inform how i write about certain characters, i will not try and tell someone they're 'wrong' for disagreeing with me.
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Riddle: Aroflux , Aflux
[Aroflux - romantic orientation where someone's level of feeling romantic feelings fluctuate, but almost always stays on the Aromantic spectrum]
[Aflux - sexual orientation where someone's level of feeling sexual feelings fluctuate, but almost always stays on the Asexual spectrum]
Trey: Biromantic, Greysexual
[Biromantic - romantic orientation where someone feels romantic attraction to two or more genders, sometimes with a preference for one gender over others]
[Greysexual - an asexual spectrum sexual orientation where someone feels some level of sexual attraction, but it is less intense, frequent, etc. than allosexual sexual attraction]
Cater: Panromantic, Pansexual, Demiboy
[Panromantic and Pansexual - romantic/sexual orientation where someone feels romantically and sexually attraction for all genders, with no preference for one gender over another]
[Demiboy - a nonbinary gender identity where someone feels some level of attachment to masculinity, but also is not entirely male]
Ace: Biromantic, Bisexual
[Biromantic - romantic/sexual orientation where someone feels romantic and sexual attraction to two or more genders, sometimes with a preference for one gender over others]
Deuce: Panromantic, Demisexual
[Demisexual - an aseuxal sexual orientation where someone only feels sexual attraction to people they have already formed a close romantic, platonic, or sexual relationship with]
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Leona: Demiromantic, Demisexual
[Demiromantic - an aromantic orientation where someone only develops romantic attraction to people they have already formed a close platonic, sexual, or otherwise intimate relationship with]
Ruggie: Panromantic, Demisexual, Transgender (Binary Trans Man)
[Transgender: a gender identity where someone identifies as a gender they were not assigned at birth; this includes both binary and nonbinary genders.]
[Binary Trans Man: a transgender man, someone who identifies as a binary male but was not born a binary male]
Jack: Panromantic, Asexual
[Asexual: a sexual orientation where someone feels little to no sexual attraction to anyone. Asexual people may still engage in romantic and/or sexual relationships, regardless of not feeling sexual attraction.]
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Azul: Demiromantic, Demisexual
Jade: Demiromantic, Bisexual, Polyamorous
[Polyamorous: someone who engages in ethically non-monogamous relationships, i.e relationships where more than two people are involved in some way]
Floyd: Panromantic, Aflux, Polyamorous
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Kalim: Omniromantic, Omnisexual, Polyamorous
[Omniromantic, Omnisexual - a romantic/sexual orientation where someone feels romantic and sexual attraction to all genders, and may have a preference for one gender over others]
Jamil: Biromantic, Demisexual
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Vil: Aroflux, Pansexual, Genderfluid
[Genderfluid - a nonbinary gender identity where someone's gender fluctuates and changes, either throughout the day or in general]
Rook: Aromantic, Pansexual
[Aromantic - a romantic orientation where someone feels little to no romantic attraction to anyone. Aromantic people may still engage in romantic and/or sexual relationships, regardless of not feeling romantic attraction.]
Epel: Biromantic, Demisexual, Demigender
[Demigender - a nonbinary gender identity where someone only feels a partial attachment to gender in general, and may or may not identify with one or more genders partially rather than entirely]
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Idia: Demiromantic, Asexual, Agender
[Agender - a nonbinary gender identity where someone feels no or little attachment to gender, or an attachment to having no gender specifically]
Ortho: Aromantic, Asexual, Agender, Queerplatonic
[Queerplatonic - a platonic form of attraction or relationship with others, more intense than a normal friendship but not romantic in nature. People in queerplatonic relationships may have or adopt kids together, live together, get married, go on dates, etc.]
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Malleus: Polyromantic, Polysexual, Nonbinary
[Polyromantic & Polysexual - a romantic/sexual orientation where someone feels romantic and sexual attraction to multiple genders. Polysexual and/or polyromantic people may or may not also identify as bisexual, pansexual, or omnisexual.]
[Nonbinary - a gender identity where someone identifies as a gender that is not strictly on or related to the male-female binary. Someone who is nonbinary may or may not identify as one or multiple genders, and may or may not present androgynously]
Lilia: Panromantic, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Pangender
[Pangender - a nonbinary gender where someone identifies as all genders, or all genders of a specific variety i.e all nonbinary genders, or all xenogenders]
Silver: Aroflux, Aflux, Agender
Sebek: Demiromantic, Pansexual, Bigender
[Bigender - a nonbinary gender where someone identifies as both or between two genders. These genders may be binary or nonbinary, and may or may not 'contradict' one another.]
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transgenderpolls · 4 months
OP has stated that for the purposes of this poll, they want only those who are specifically sexually bi to count themselves as bisexual in their answer. In other words, for the data that op is trying to collect, biromantic asexuals should select 'not bisexual' or 'it's complicated'. The owner of this blog is aware, however, that the 'sexual' suffix refers to gender and not the act of sex, and that in general it's not inaccurate for a bi ace person to call themself bisexual if they choose.
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fumiko-matsubara · 7 months
Do you have sexuality and gender hc for the characters in AssClass? If so, which ones?
I think I'm only gonna do hcs for the characters that I'm quite firm about, if you don't mind anon ^-^
For the characters that weren't mentioned, there are different interpretations made by others that I'm very open to, especially since this isn't really something that I think about that often 🩷
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Chiba - Achillean Bi
Kaho - Polyamorous Bi-curious
Nakamura - Sapphic Bi
Isogai - Gay Demisexual
Maehara - Bi with preference for women
Kanzaki - Lesbian
Yada - Lesbian
Kataoka - Aromantic
Kurahashi - Pan
Nagisa - Biromantic Ace Trans boy
Karma - Unlabeled Achillean
Muramatsu - Gay
Yoshida - Bi
Hazama - Lesbian
Hayami - Unlabeled Sapphic
Sugaya - Aroace Non-binary
Mimura - Gay Ace
Fuwa - Aroace
Karasuma - Gray-Ace
Koro-sensei - Bi Genderfluid
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junimo-hexed · 10 months
Batfamily sexuality/gender headcanons
Bruce Wayne: cis/repressed bi. He doesn't realize that he's into dudes. It's normal to think that your guy friend is cute right?
Dick Grayson: cis/hetero. Sorry lads, dude is straight. He is also the kind of guy who is super comfortable in his sexuality/gender and doesn’t him other pronouns or being perceived as feminine.
Jason Todd: cis/doesn't like to use labels. Whenever someone asks he just shrugs.
Tim Drake: cis/bi. He has a preference for blondes and people who get themselves into risky situations.
Damian Wayne: cis/aro/ace. Possibly demi, but he just doesn't like anyone and values friendship more.
Barbara Gordon: cis/hetero (possibly bi-curious). She’s not opposed to dating women.
Kate Kane: cis/lesbian... That's it.
Helena Bertinelli-Wayne: cis/biromantic/homosexual. She just hasn't find the right guy is what she tells herself, she's just gay.
Jean-Paul Valley: cis/aro/ace/pan. He's either demi or gray aroace and completely unaware of his attraction to dudes.
Stephanie Brown: tranfem/bi. Her response to Tim coming out as bi was "oh my God! Me too!"
Cassandra Cain: demi girl/lesbian. Idk if I'm a girl, but I want to call myself a lesbian.
Alfred: cis/hetero. Although he hasn't dated in years and is rather picky.
Leslie Tompkins: cis/???. We don't know and that's fine.
Harper Row: cis-ish/bi. She/they pronouns. She's flexible in her gender expression and pronouns, but describing herself as a woman just feels the best. Demi girl also doesn't feel right.
Duke Thomas: I don't know enough about him to give a proper headcanon, but based off vibes: non-binary masc/gay.
Selina Kyle: cis/pan. She has in fact dated Ivy.
Also characters who are poly: Dick, Babs, Selina, Steph, Jason
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Hello there! Oh, wow, isn't this something? I don't really know what universe I dropped into this time, but I'm sure you and I will be great friends!! :)
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Hey! My name is Ace, welcome to the Multiverse Traveler Acey blog! This blog is mainly a roleplay/ask blog, as the name suggests, surrounding my AU traveling Welcome Home OC/insert Acey Love. Consider this my introduction/rules post, I suppose! Do note I am very new to this so I apologize if I do things wrong!!
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Do NOT send any kind of inappropriate asks. This isn't an ERP blog & I do NOT allow NSFW here. If this happens I will turn off media asks.
Please do NOT bring around or start pointless drama and/or discourse to this blog, unless it's something actually serious. This blog was made for fun, don't ruin it.
Please do NOT steal, repost, or trace over any art I may post here! REBLOGS are okay, obviously!
I am okay with you being flirtatious/wanting to simp for Acey, but please do not flirt with ME, Ace, as it makes me uncomfortable. KEEP IT APPROPRIATE! Seriously.
I may post horror-related art, including things such as scopophobia, demonic imagery, light/moderate gore, flashing lights, bright colors, etc, and it can be considered disturbing to some, so this is a 13+ blog! Please keep that in mind BYF!
My answers may be slow, so please don't rush me! I will get to your ask eventually, I promise!!
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FULL NAME: Acey Love HEIGHT: 3'2" (3'0" without her boots) AGE: early/mid-twenties (22/23, somewhere in there) SEXUALITY: biromantic, asexual GENDER: non-binary (she/they) Acey Love is your local multiverse traveler! She's also your multiverse artist as well! She's a selective mute, only able to communicate through her pencil and notebook. Their interdimensional pencil allows her to traverse from AU to AU, meeting new Wallys, neighbors, and other travelers, and their infinite-paged notebook allows her to not only communicate but draw as well! Kind, considerate, brave, and determined, join her in all her adventures as she traverses this newest dimension: Tumblr!
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Ah, I think my "ask box" is open now! I can't wait to hear from all you lovely folks!! :)
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jaxfromthatcircus · 6 months
(mod are you straight?)
[mod coffee: mod coffee is non binary and biromantic! I'm ace actually!]
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androdetective · 9 months
can we hear your gender hcs? maybe sexuality/other queer hcs too if you want. (no one in particular, just talk ab who you want)
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Giggling and kicking my feet at this ask
Ermm so
Tulio is gay polyam and genderfluid (got hooked on these hcs bc of friends) (also transfem but I'm not sure the world is ready for that)
Bodoque is bi aroaceflux, polyam, intersex, and non-binary
Juanín is grayaroace gay, intersex, transmasc non-binary (also a bear 👆 real and true) (also polyam bc he has two hands)
Patana is transfem and an aroace lesbian with comphet
Mario Hugo is transmasc bigender, biromantic ace, and sapphilean (Although I also like butch tmasc lesbian Mario hugo)
Policarpo is transfem genderfluid and a lesbian (also intersex bc I hc the reason he went bald early was bc of an intersex variation)
Huachimingo is aroace non-binary
Guaripolo is non-binary and bi
Ccrm is non-binary and pan
I posted this image a while ago but I updated it with my current hcs
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Extra hcs
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stele3 · 1 year
So. I might not have considered. The strength of gendered feeling. That must go into transitioning. Until you said it.
Okay then.
(I haven't finished working through 'I think I might be ace' yet. Which is kinda like mourning a loss, you know? Not because there is anything wrong or lesser about being ace, of course, but because the label i had before was also a part of who i was, and realising it was probably wrong is like losing part of myself and doing that again is... not appealing)
Anyway, that's the first time I've said that 'out loud' as it were, and typing it made me cry, so I think I might be on to something...
Sorry for dumping that in your inbox, random Internet stranger. I think it just needed to come out. So thanks, but also feel free to ignore!
If I could, I'd want to make sure that you're drinking water (crying can cause dehydration!) and being gentle with yourself today.
I, too, am asexual. I don't know how often the two go hand-in-hand, but I'd be interested to see the statistics about it. It took a looooong time for me to figure out the asexual thing, but once I did, I realized that I'd always been asexual? So for me it wasn't a loss, it was a relief. I'd been trying to fit myself into different labels for so long and it wasn't really working.
It might be that your previous label is a comfort to you. In which case, why not keep it? I've seen people refer to themselves as ace lesbians or ace gays. Or you can go with the split-model labels, like biromantic asexual (my wife).
Labels can hurt us because we're trying to fit into them or they can help us feel less alone. There's no right or wrong way to do this, and anyone trying to police what other people call themselves are just that, police. (ACAB!)
For me, I was definitely born a girl, and then I became a woman, and then it was kind of like...my subscription ran out. No big body dysphoria, no sense that I was in the 'wrong' body, just -- a lack of strong feelings on the subject. Which can mean you're non-binary! Or not. Me, I've gone on testosterone just to check it out and I am loving the bigger muscles. I've always wanted to be buffer than I am, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be a dude?
I wish you all the luck with your journey. And again, drink water!
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evilwickedme · 1 year
What are your sexuality headcanons for all your superhero faves?
Oh my god do you know how many superhero favs I have
The OG, first in my heart, first in my tags, Buffy Summers: bisexual. End of story thank you
Willow Rosenberg is also bisexual tho whether she's a superhero I guess is more up to debate. One of the biggest cases of bisexual erasure in the history of television, in this essay I will
Actually warning you most of these are going to be bisexual
Peter Parker? Bisexual. Literally always. There has never been a straight Peter Parker the media is lying to you
Mary Jane Watson? Bisexual
Tim Drake? Bisexual (obviously as this is canon but it needs to be stated)
Matt Murdock? Bisexual
As are all his friends so Elektra, Foggy, Karen, etc, all bisexual
(I am working off the show for daredevil characters I'll get to the comics I swear I promise!!! I've read two whole issues that's progress right)
Gwen Stacy, in any and all iterations? Bisexual. ESPECIALLY Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider but also 616 and 617 and tasm!Gwen
Emjay I believe is canonically a lesbian but it might be up to audience interpretation. Either way I can also see her as bisexual
Dick Grayson is bisexual, obviously
Roy Harper is also bisexual
Kory is bisexual
Actually there has yet to be a teen titans member who isn't bisexual
Except for Bart who's gray ace biromantic
Kon is bisexual, obviously, following this path
So is Cassie
(I've been reliably secondhand headcanoned that Cissie's a lesbian but a. she wasn't a teen titan b. I've read very little YJ)
Deadpool is omni or pan! That's different!
We've gone over this before and we'll go over it again: Jason Todd is aroace, maybe demi aroace. Maybe even demi aroace and gay
Murderdock is gay
Clark Kent is heterosexual, actually. He's biromantic tho
More importantly he's lois-sexual
Lois is bisexual tho
Smallville!Oliver Queen specifically is also bisexual because a. I love him and this is the highest honor I can bestow upon him and b. He like everyone else on that goddamn show was also in love with Clark
Actually now I need a Smallville!Clark/Lois/Oliver threesome fic. Something to think about
Magneto is, and I know this is going to be a big surprise to all of you, bisexual
Stephanie Brown is bisexual
Cassandra Cain is an ace lesbian
Diana (WW) is another canonically bisexual character but everyone's too big of a coward to write her a female love interest. It's worse than Wade he just got his first non binary love interest and he's only been around for 32 years
Idk I'm probably leaving someone important off just assume they're bisexual unless they're canonically queer in which case I respect that. Unless it was bisexual erasure in which case they're once again bisexual
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gabapple · 1 year
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I made this Pride Month primer for work, and thought y'all might enjoy it, too. It's meant to be just the VERY BASICS, and does not cover everything. Feel free to ask questions, though I'm not an authority. There are lots of other great resources out there!
Transcript below:
Pride Primer
Pride started as The Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. This served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world. (from History.com)
Pride is a protest against those that oppose the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQIA+ community
Pride is a statement: LGBTQIA+ people have always existed and always will
Pride is a reminder to never take our rights for granted
Pride is an opportunity to educate and liberate
LGBTQIA+ Definition
Lesbian: Women who are exclusively attracted, sexually or romantically, to other women.
Gay: Umbrella term for homosexuality and/or
men who are exclusively attracted, sexually or romantically, to other men.
Bi: A person who is attracted, romantically or sexually, to two or more genders.
Trans: A person whose gender identity does not match with the gender assigned at birth.
Queer: Umbrella term for anyone whose sexual or gender identity does not match established heterosexual norms.
Intersex: A person born with a combination of male and female biological traits.
Ace: Umbrella term for a person who does not experience sexual and/or romantic attraction to anyone.
Plus: A catch-all for all other related identities in the community.
Sex and Gender
Sex is generally defined as male, female, or intersex, dependent on chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. As complex, biological organisms, humans can and do exist anywhere within these metrics. Intersex individuals are as common as being a natural red head. For example, PCOS is a genetic condition that is considered intersex, as it affects a person’s hormones in development. Sex is biological, gender is a social construct, and varies from culture to culture.
CIS: A person whose identity matches their assigned gender at birth
Non-Binary: An umbrella term for someone whose identity does not fit in the male/female gender binary
Trans: A person whose identity does not match their assigned gender at birth; they may or may not take steps to physically match said identity
Everyone has pronouns. Some common ones are: he/him, she/her, and they/them.
Sexual and Romantic
Attraction has two components, sexual and romantic. A person can be any combination, and some of the most common types are:
Heterosexual/Heteromantic: exclusively attracted to the opposite gender
Homosexual/Homoromantic: exclusively attracted to the same gender
Bisexual/Biromantic: exclusively attracted to two or more genders
Pansexual/Panromantic: attraction without regard to gender
Demisexual/Demiromantic: attraction ONLY with a strong emotional bond
Asexual/Aromantic: no attraction for any gender, no interest in a romantic relationship
For example, a person may be asexual/heteromantic, meaning that they have little to no desire for sex, but are interested/open to a romantic relationship with someone of the opposite gender.
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atlasisntdead · 1 year
14/✨ (non negotiable <3)
3/💖 what's your favourite thing about being queer?
For me at least, being less in my own head about fitting in and being normal and accepted. Like I used to but then I reached a certain level of queer and at that point I realized I didn't give a fuck lol. Like even if no one accepted me ever I feel way more free and not just in terms of gender and sexuality but everything.
8/🌠 when did you first figure out you were queer? do you still use the same labels you did back then?
At 14 I realized I liked girls after watching Blue is the warmest color lol. I considered myself bi but was confused about my attraction to guys for years, going back and forth from bi to bi with a preference for women, to aroace, greyro/ace, to the split attraction model (biromantic homosexual), back to bi when I was dating my girlfriend but then she came out as a girl and I thought I was a lesbian, then last year I was undeniably attracted to a guy and realized I'm definitely bi and my weirdness about guys comes from the fact that they always liked me as a cis girl, which is when I finally realized I was trans. As for gender, at around 18 was the first time I truly questioned gender, at 19 I considered myself nonbinary, agender at one point, nb again, cis again (my irl best friend has that pro trans anti nb view that I hate but that was the point where it got into my head that it's pointless cause no one will accept me so I went back into the closer and denial) and then trans/nb at 20. Idk I'm a guy but I relate to non binary as a label in a way, but not as the sole or main label. As for sexuality I feel like I only fully understood it last year, I'm completely confident with both labels for the first time, I have a way better grasp of my identity than at 14.
14/✨ tell me something you really like about yourself
This is relevant to being queer, but honestly the fact that I tend to intuitively guess things about myself, and others too, pretty early on when literally no one around me would agree with me. I just like how I'm not afraid to consider things despite how ignorant and hostile my environment can be and how I literally have avpd. For all that I hate about myself, I'm impressed that I was so open to consider the idea of being mentally ill at all, or queer at all, especially so easily/early. I didn't really resist it as much as one would expect and I kept learning more about myself and looking for answers cause I was sure I would find them and then I did. And it's good bcz I'm also very accepting of others and know what to say and how to help usually.
Thanks for the ask <3
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creampill · 2 years
Could I get a match up for TFA? A bot or con is fine. I'm a demi/biromantic ace and non-binary that has a mixed sense of fashion ranging from alternative to video game and comic book tees. I like to cook and bake and hope to open my own little cafe someday. I also like drawing, painting, writing, reading, photography, dying my hair wild colors, and playing video games. I love nature and animals and like to do walking trails in forests and parks. I also love to visit museums, aquariums, and art galleries as well. I love horror stuff too! I really enjoy horror movies and games and going through those fake haunted houses/spooky trails.
I'm mostly on the quiet side but once I warm up to someone I can get a little more talkative and love to make jokes. I also try to be polite and formal to strangers and tend to avoid confrontation so people tend think I come off more serious than I actually am. I've been told I'm a hard worker too, and sometimes when I focus on a task I love I get so enthralled that I sometimes forget to eat and will keep working to the point of almost passing out from exhaustion.
My love languages are mostly quality time, acts of service, and gift giving because I'm not that great with verbal or physical expressions.
Not really sure what I'd want in partner tbh, maybe someone who is ok with someone that is basically a cat in human form I guess? Someone who understands that I need space sometimes and I show affection in mostly non-traditional ways like just enjoying each other's presence even if we aren't taking and focused on different things at the moment.
Oho, no question, I am matching you with Prowl!
- both of you adore the natural world, and you bond over your love of it (and of each other ;)) while going to museums or watching documentaries together
- Prowl is very inquisitive about human culture, and he’d love to watch you paint or whatever other creative outline you happen to choose! He might not understand it, but he wants too
- he is probably the best of the TFA autobots to just sit and do something near, alone but alone together. He gets the need to be close but not touching, to fill the space with someone else.
- your hair is very interesting to him. Humans can colour their hair different tones with chemicals? Fascinating. He likes how the colours change steadily, like how humans do: always changing. It’s pretty.
- you can try to teach him how to bake, but homeboy gets real nervous when he’s handling someone else’s fuel. Gentle encouragement will guide him through but he really doesn’t want to poison you.
- he understands your fragility as a human but doesn’t talk down to you or treat you less for it. he does worry about you, but that’s because he cares for you: he knows you can take care of yourself… but, he is the kind to check in on you randomly to see if you’ve eaten or slept and will gently force you to do so.
- Prowl shows his affection through quality time and most other nonverbal means, and so you two would click quite well.
- also, you’re looking for cat-like? This man literally pounces on people. he’s cat.
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geekalogian · 2 years
Any pronouns. Get weird with it. I'm always at least three genders in a trenchcoat.
Not clergy anymore, not officially. I resigned my credentials at the beginning of this year in protest of the Church of the Nazarene's teachings and treatment regarding the LGBTQIA+ community. Still preaching and vibing with since incredible progressive clergy, still love Jesus, it just looks very different now
When last I was on this site I was just figuring out that I was probably ace???? Gosh how time flies. I'm demisexual, biromantic, and polyamorous. Husband and I have opened our marriage and each have other partners. Still married after 12 years.
S came out as non-binary last year. They/them pronouns.
C is in MIDDLE SCHOOL??????
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Anyway he plays flute and also Minecraft and wants nothing more than to design video games.
I review ttrpgs now?
I'm still entirely too hyped about Pokemon?
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
hi! this is gonna be a long request! these characters are all from TF2 comic! pyro is a asexual non-binary person! all the mercs are bisexual! miss pauling is a lesbian woman! the administrator is a bisexual transfeminine woman! zhanna is a butch polysexual woman! saxton hale is a bisexual man! bidwell is a transgender man! reddy is a transmasculine man! i'll send the next text in the next ask!
maggie is a bisexual woman! charles darling is a gay man! redmond mann is a gay man! blutarch mann is a bisexual man! gray mann is a asexual biromantic man! merasmus is a gay man! zhanna and solider are married! saxton and maggie are dating each other! and the mercs are a found family!
hi!! i'm the tf2 comic requester here! hope it's not too late, but pyro is still ace but can you also make him bisexual as well please?
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