#Oliver does not know Bruce’s secret identity
ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne are childhood best friends.
Green Arrow hates Batman’s guts.
That animosity— and his aim to subtly piss Batman off at every turn— results in Green Arrow and Red Hood collaborating on a trafficking bust.
This somehow results in discovering that the Red Hood is his best friend’s supposedly dead son.
Oliver doesn’t know how he’s going to fix this, with Jason refusing to want anything to do with either Bruce or the Batman of Gotham (who everyone knows is dating the former)… but one thing’s for sure:
He needs to bring the kid home. Oliver can’t bear to watch Bruce suffer any longer when the cause for it is sitting at his kitchen table, alive, and stuffing his face with waffles.
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You ever have those moments where an idea just... won't leave your head?
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secretidentie · 4 months
My Superbat prompts
I've been reading superbat since forever and I finally got a tumblr account so I thought I could ask some writers to use these.
Clark kent is at the manor to interview Bruce Wayne when Dr Freeze attacks and they're basically snowed in. Bruce trying to hide secrets and Clark getting the chance to write the story of the year in the form of an I depth exposé from inside the home of billionaire blah, blah, blah... Chaos and fluff.
Bruce is in a love triangle with superman and Clark Kent. Clark assumes Bruce knows he's one person. Bruce decides to solve this by brooding and going on a series of dates with them both until he decides who's his perfect match. (you decide if Clark knows Bruce is batman but think both versions are hilarious)
Bruce Wayne has to go undercover as a carnival worker in a small town on batman business. After the Daily Planet is bought out by corrupt government officials, Clark quits and goes back home to Smallville. He feels like he's changed and isn't as fulfilled by the simple life, not to mention how much harder it is to keep being superman. He doesn't even feel useful on the farm and can't find a job he enjoys to make some money of his own and leave the house. He starts visiting the fair to take his mind of things and meeting this handsome carnival worker who he definitely would have recognized in a small town like this.
LexCorp frames Wayne enterprises for some shady dealings putting the company under investigation which might even lead to it filing for bankruptcy. While Fox and others fix this, Bruce, as the face of the company, is advised to lay low and leave Gotham for a bit. He decides to get an apartment in the cheap side of Metropolis, since all his assets are frozen and he only has one working bank account. On top of that he has to deal with his hot new roommate (or neighbor depending on how you write it) who keeps leaving and coming back at the weirdest hours while also trying to keep tabs on Gotham and maybe getting himself a job in the mean time. (to be clear Clark is the roommate)
During an argument batman says he could easily do superman's job and superman says the same. So they swap cities for two weeks. First to call for backup looses. (feel free to add romance if you want but it's not compulsory)
Clark final gathers the courage to ask out batman but right before he does, green lantern starts flirting with batman too. Harvey dent is recently released from arkham and claims to be reformed and wanting to rekindle his well known public relationship with his collage sweetheart Bruce Wayne. This causes Oliver queen to also try to win his childhood best friend's heart. It's a very long week for Bruce. (all povs if possible. Also Bruce knows everyone's identities but no one knows his. This also doesn't have to end up superbat, choose your favorite ship. Make this love-pentagon as messy as you can)
These are just a few of my personal favorites. I have a lot more. Let me know if you want me to post them. If fics with these premise already exist let me know coz I would love to read them. You can make it as explicit as you want or make it for general audiences but for my sake please add fluff. If you use these prompts also make sure to tag me here or on AO3.
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Identity conspiracy board
This is where you can put whatever conspiracy’s you have about a superhero vigilante or villain secret identity.
Ok so I have a friend at Gotham U who thinks Batman is either Jim Gordon or a relative of his and the Joker is the poor man who turned to a life of crime after his heart was broken!
There is NO WAY Batman is Jim Gordon, not with how many times they’ve been seen together.
There’s some things that everyone has concluded about the bat. He’s gotta be rich, like super rich, he’s gotta be someone who can act, and he’s gotta be someone with access to a lot of kids.
My theory?
Batman is Oliver Queen.
Think about it! Billionaire, check! Acting, check (we’ve all seen THAT video)! Now you may be saying “but he doesn’t have any kids” and you’re right. You know who does have a lot of kids?! His best friend, Bruce Wayne!
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professoruber · 5 months
Quick Thoughts on Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023-) #12
Spoilers for Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023-) #12
Maps! As some might realise, I am quite the fan of Maps Mizoguchi. Gotham Academy was one of the first comics I read in great length and Maps herself is quite the fun character. So I’ve been looking forward to each part of her appearance in Brave and the Bold.
And let me say; #12 did not disappoint…
Maps is OFFICIAL Robin! Woohoo!
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Maps is now an official Robin! Not only that but she also knows Batman’s secret identity. Interestingly though; Alfred is alive in this which means this all happened sometime before “the present”, which means chronologically she’d actually known this info for quite the while now.
Does kinda make me wonder what exactly she’s been up too during all the events between “the present” and her discovering Batman’s identity. I’ve seen it suggested on Reddit she might’ve been off looking for Olive; which would make sense since Olive’s whereabouts a very major hanging plot thread.
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They made a point of starting this arc in #10 with a flashback to Olive; so that could suggest that a return to her plot line and what she’s been up to since the conclusion of second semester is being set up.
Overall though. I really loved this arc, and it was great to see Maps as Robin and even get acknowledged as such by Bruce. And I have enjoyed both seeing Maps in action as Robin and also her dynamic with Bruce.
Having Maps be skilled a researching monsters like Kappas and such has been a pretty neat reoccurring skill Maps has displayed in her appearances. Gotham Academy did tend to lean towards the more supernatural aspects of the Gotham setting and so it seems fitting for Maps to have this speciality.
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Batgirls (2022-2023) #11
Also, while I'm not the biggest expert in comic book continuity and stuff; I think Batgirls probably takes place after Alfred's death, right? So that means Maps already knew Batman's secret identity when talking to Cass here. Kinda odd she's taking some random girl (from her perspective; since its later established she doesn't know Cass' surname and this is before Cass reveals she also has a Batman connection) to find the Batcave... although in hindsight, her having already visited the Batcave at this point would explain how she knows of its existence in the first place.
I do wonder though what Maps is up to in the present though.
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Poor Isla MacPherson. Dating a billionaire with a playboy reputation is hard enough, but she got attacked by an infected Bruce in her own home and had her dog knocked aside. Granted, Gotham Academy has some strange stuff, but getting attacked in her own home (especially while being a normal teacher instead of a vigilante or anything) would be a special kind of terrifying.
And even if Maps is often involved with strange stuff at the school, her presence must be quite bizarre from Isla’s perspective. Maps just straight up broke into her house, saved her, and then nonchalantly explained the situation.
Gotta wonder if either of them ever mentions this night, or if Isla just tries to ignore that time her billionaire ex turned into some kinda vampire and got knocked out by her student.
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fanfictionlord · 6 months
Do you know that one brooklyn nine nine eposide where holt tells jake he hurt his wrist while hula hooping and jake is like why are you telling me this and holt is like bc no one will ever belive you imagine that but as a JL idenity reveal senario superman convices everyone to reveal their civilian identitys and everyone execpt batman is like okey sure but batman is like "I get that you guys wanna do that but thats not me and also I already knew all of your identitys so for me nothings changed" and superman is being a good sport and is like "of course we wouldn't ever ask you to do something you aren't comfortable" so the reveal happens and everyone leaves exept either of these tree oliver queen , barry allen or hal jordan but batman dosen't actually wants to hide his idenity it just turned into a game for him at this point so he stops one of them on their way out after everyone leaves and is like "do you wanna know my secret idenity" and whoever it is is so exited that batman trusted them with this information and isn't yet reilized that they are the butt of the joke so they are like "yes batman" and batman takes of his mask and is like " I am bilonere playboy bruce wayne." and whoever is on the other side is horrifed bc of two reasons first is "what the fuck our fearless leader is the silverspoon bimbo of the business world." And second is the fact that they are all so thirsty about bruce all the time when batman is around and batman had to listen to them be horny on the main about himself so the person he told is eventually like "wait why are you telling me this" and batman is like " bc no one will ever belive you." and true to his word no one does
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dragonpyre · 2 years
Secret Robin AU; I can imagine that the heroes who know about Bruce’s identity and home life have a bet going on about how Bruce might find out.
Barry+Wally; Thinks Bruce will run into a grandchild from the future who’ll just straight up call him an idiot for not figuring it out.(Based on their experience with Bart)
Hal+Kyle+Kory; Bruce runs into Robin with Batcow, and realize that it’s his son’s cow.(Kory: How many of the cows can one find with the bat branding?)
Diana+Donna+Cassie; Bruce runs a DNA test with a blood sample he got from one of them and sees that it matches his children’s.(Cassie; Pretty sure he’ll try to collect a DNA sample of ALL his kids., Donna; Including those vigilantes he “adopted”., Diana; He would do that…)
J’onn+Arthur+Oliver; Bruce sees Alfred ironing one of their costumes as if it were no big deal.(Oliver; You just know the old man would do something like that for his own amusement!)
Kara; Bruce realizing that Nightwing and Dick have the EXACT SAME BUTTCHEEKS.(Jon: Gross, that’s my best friend’s brother Kara!, Kara; Barbara said that his butt is one of his defining features!, Lois; She does have a point...)
Kent brothers; Completely expect one of them to get hurt by a villain, causing Bruce to go full “Daddy Bats” in response.(Conner: That’s if Selina doesn’t go “Mama Cat” first., Clark: I almost forgot about Selina!)
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Connor when it actually happens (Jon learned a new word that day)
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Idea: batman knows the leagues secrete identity's and they don't know his and they're (Hal and Iliver mostly) kinda passed. Because of course Mr. Needstoknoweverything went and stalked them and found out and is gonna lord it over them
But no, actually, Bruce has just met them all pre-hero meeting and they're all just a lil bad at hiding it like
Hal - met this test pilot when WE was partnering with Ferris Air once, kinda cocky and a loudmouth, but overall good at what he did. Around the time the partnership was ending he heard the pilot was missing, tried his best to help cause, ya know, world's greatest detective. But couldn't come up with anything. Then bam there's this glowing green space cop in the same city, really into jets, same kinda cocky loudmouth (Hal does not change how he talks or acts in or out if the suit)
Barry - little harder but maybe another partnership with Wayne tech where Barry was working. Was doing a tour and met this ultra smart guy working there. He was still young so B keeps an eye on him in so he could maybe offer him a job later on down the line. Hears the guy got hit by lightning and then bam a speedster is running around the city
Oliver - went to high-school together. Weren't very close but still friends, B knee Ollie was always amazing with a bow, amazing shot. Drifted apart after high school but when the Green Arrow first shows up he knows. Also. The facial hair. Its just very distinctive. At this point B is just wondering how no one else has pointed that out
Dinah - met her at a gala, Ollie interduced them. Was at their wedding. It wasn't hard to connect her to Black Canary when he already knew Ollie was green arrow
Clark - it was an interview. Superman was already becoming pretty well known, at least the suit was becoming iconic. Though The Bat and Supes had yet to meet. Clark rushes in a bit disheveled (he had just been heroing and thought he'd be late for the interview) except he's actually early and only B is there. Clark had missed a button on his shirt and that iconic S was just peaking out of this very buff black haired reporter so B pulled out the full Brucie on him and "fixed" his tie, fluttering Clark who doesn't notice B discretely and secretly fixing the shirt to hide the S
Diana, Arthur, and John don't have secrete identities really so they don't count
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Battinson and the JL ft. His Eventual Identity Reveal
by Athi816 Bruce Wayne is not the founder type. He wouldn’t voluntarily join a book club, much less join a league of super-powered vigilantes whom he does not know personally. Hence, why he refuses to entertain this “Justice League.”   It starts with a friendly visit. Words: 5620, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman - All Media Types, DCU, DCU (Comics), Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Arthur Curry (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, Shayera Hol, tho I kept her maiden name Thal for this, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson Relationships: Justice League & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: POV Alternating, First Meetings, Developing Friendships, yes this is Battinson, Bruce Wayne-centric, Minor Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, tho tbh it's more like, Clark Kent Loves Bruce Wayne, Autistic Bruce Wayne, as always for me, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Socially Awkward Bruce Wayne, i don't feel like adding the superhero name tags but y'all know who's who, well maybe one, Dick Grayson is Robin, Justice League Family Feels, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Inspired by Tumblr via https://ift.tt/Wk3FzE1
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vee-crytraps · 4 months
we kind of know what the general public's perception of reader is, but i'm curious, what about the heroes? like, we know she at least knew jon from before, and clark went to her party, but how does she get along with the heroes (the league, young justice, titans or whatever)? is she just batman's normie daughter to them? since in the party she mentioned most people went because of their relationship to her brothers. hope this makes sense lmao love your writing!
Pretty much, yeah! Anyone who knows Bruce's secret identity just thinks about her as Bruce's normie daughter. She's more or less uninteresting to them and Bruce kinda likes to keep it that way. He's been actively discouraging people from interacting with her for years, and since she doesn't have any powers or anything, everyone's fine leaving her alone. I think she's only really talked to the people that the batfam hangs out with off the clock. So the Clark, Conner, and Jon Kent, Diana, Kori, Donna Troy, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Artemis, Roy Harper, and Wally West. Clark, Diana and Oliver think she's a sweet girl, but Diana is made a bit uncomfortable by how sheltered she is. Even she knows it's a sensitive subject for Bruce though, and doesn't see her enough to make her bring it up. Jon obviously has a big ol' crush on her. Like his dad, he's most attracted to people without powers (though he has some other small crushes on other superheroes because he's a teenage boy, but they're fling material). Conner has probably spent a good amount of time teasing Tim about how hot his sister is, though no one is sure if the interest is genuine. Wally probably thinks she's cute, but doesn't talk to her much. He gets the same weird vibes Diana does about her being sheltered, but Dick is pretty sensitive about it. Jason is only just getting to spend time with her, so Roy is only operating off of the whole 'this is my annoying little sister' narrative. Artemis has noticed the same 'weirdly sheltered for a teen girl' thing but their paths don't cross enough for it to bother her. I think maybe there was a time when everyone was more interested in spending time with her, but her mother is a very sensitive subject for Bruce. Clark, Diana and Ollie did know her mom, since she knew about Bruce being Batman from the start.
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ainti-pretty · 2 years
a list of dc/batfam headcanons:
- jason cried during twilight: breaking dawn part 2
- tim drake was in weezers .1 top listeners on spotify
- dick does heels classes and looks great doing it.... except when he broke his ankle walking up stairs in his heels
-justice league nightmare blunt rotation includes hal and clark (hal gets panic attacks, clark cant get high but tries to get high and smokes everything)
-damian has three identical cats named alfred. as far as anyone else knows, damian has one cat. except duke. they agreed to keep it a secret.
-if he had to choose one song to sing to save his life, oliver queen would choose free bird. hes done it before
-justice league dream blunt rotation is oliver queen, dinah lance (they both smoke constantly) , booster gold (he just gets siller), elongated man (somehow?) any of the older robins (dick gets really cuddly and jason rants about theatre)
-barry has one very specific hair gel that he uses, and if it goes missing its over
-bruce used to have a bleached hair phase. enough said.
-diana has a really large collection of weird shit from missions. and pictures of league members doing weird shit. for example: barry allen in drag, bruce desperately trying to explain to oliver how to tie a tie (his is lopsided), bruce and oliver getting really drunk and forcing everyone to do karaoke (the song of choice was in fact sweet caroline), john stewart covered in glitter, and hal very passionately explaining how planes fly to a group of children, all while his pants are on fire
-dick unironically enjoys pitbull and brought kori to a concert. she enjoyed it
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Anything For You
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(Hi. I own nothing DC owns. I wanted to add Dick Grayson to the Bad Things Happen card! I wanted to add some other characters in the bat family. Enjoy!)
Being stuck in a terrible situation is bad enough.
Being stuck in a terrible situation is made worse when you are in the gala as your secret identity and can not do anything about it.
One moment, Dick was keeping Damian from yelling at some rich person and looking for Roy and his family, who were running late. The next, gunshots rang through the entrance. 
“Everyone freeze.” The man in the middle yelled. 
Dick pushed Damian behind him. This is bad. None of the other siblings are here and Bruce has a gun pointed at him.
“Richard--” Damian started to complain but Dick stood his ground. 
Unfortunately, this caught the attention of the men with the guns. 
The leader smirked and called to them, “Damian Wayne!” The men walked to them. 
“Move out of the way, Grayson.” The man demanded. 
“No.” Dick declared.
The gun pointed at Dick’s chest, causing Damian to try to step forward but Dick held him back.
Dick did not move but he saw Roy and the other Arrows come in...in civilian clothing. The leader saw them and laughed.
“So many rich people!” He laughed and the gun lowered a bit.
Dick saw the moment the idea hit for Damian, who ran to change into Robin. 
One of the men moved to shoot Damian but Dick fought the gun out of his hands.
Dick got punched for that but it was done. Damian got away. Guns pointed at different civilians, Bruce, Oliver, and Dinah.
“You lost me my target, Grayson!” He was hit again.
Bruce, Oliver, and Dinah let out a yell but the men ignored them.
Roy rushed forward but a gun pushed against Dick’s head stopped Roy in his tracks, a little closer to Dick but still too far.
“Like I said,” The man started. “Grayson lost me my target, so now he’s gonna beg for me and I maybe won’t kill him”
He said nothing. Dick had to stall. Any moment now, Robin is gonna break this up. Hopefully, Damian gets help from some of the others.
“Fine. Stay quiet.” The man taunted.
The man growled and moved the gun from Dick’s head. He had only a second of relief before a shot sounded and Roy fell to the ground with a groan. He was shot in the leg.
“Roy!” He called out and tried to reach out to him.
The man held onto Dick. “Now you can beg for his life.”
Dick wasted no time. “Please leave him alone.” Dick pleaded.
The man smirked. “I don’t know. Boys, does that sound like he really wants this guy to live?”
The men laughed and shook their heads.
“Please. I’m begging you. You won’t get anything from this.” The man pushed Dick to the ground. He was closer to Roy now.
“Dick…” The other man trailed.
“You lost me my money. So, I think you should lose something.” The man said and aimed his gun at Roy. Dick moved before thinking and just as the gun shot, he threw himself in front of Roy.
Bruce screamed again, glass broke, sounds of a fight. However, Dick only felt pain. Then he felt someone hold him.
Waking up in a hospital bed is nothing new to Dick Grayson.
He slowly opened his eyes to see Damian sleeping on a chair next to the bed. Damian’s upper half was on the bed. His Robin was sleeping but Dick could tell it wasn’t very peaceful.
Roy and Bruce were not far from them, arguing quietly—but slowly getting louder.
“You’re going to wake him up.” Dick complained. Both men looked to him. “What happened?” He whispered.
“You were shot.” Roy said.
“The men are in custody.” Bruce added. “I’ll get your doctor.” Bruce left.
“Is he hurt?” Dick asked about Damian, then his head snapped to Roy. “Are you okay? Should you be out of bed—“
“You can’t be serious.” Roy sounded absolutely done. “I’m okay. I was released two days ago.”
“I’ve been out that long?”
“Yeah. Some of the others came around, too.”
Dick smiled at that. Then the smile fell. “What were you guys arguing about?”
Roy looked away. “Actually, for once, we were agreeing on something.”
“Are pigs flying?”
“Only when you convince Donna to take you flying.” Roy said almost immediately. Dick chuckled—even if they had this conversation a million times. “I admit it didn’t feel good but I understand.”
Oh. Oh. Bruce, you can’t be serious.
“You know,” Dick started as casually as he could. “This wasn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it was. If I hadn’t—“
“They would’ve picked someone else.”
“You jumped in front of a gun for me.”
“You make it sound like there was ever any doubt we would do that for each other. For any of the Titans.”
Roy looked away.
“I would do anything for you, Roy.”
Roy rushed and hugged him.
“I would do the same.”
Hope you enjoyed!
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emma-d-klutz · 2 years
IMPORTANT DC QUESTION: which Justice Leaguers have Wikipedia pages for their secret identities? Obviously Bruce and Oliver each have one, and probably Clark, but I’m curious about anybody else
You are asking me to know every member of the Justice League and their civilian jobs. I cannot complete this task. I will do my best. Wonder Woman's secret identity has gone through loads of different careers, and while I don't expect Diana Prince, the army nurse, to have a wikipedia page, I do expect Diana Prince, UN ambassador does, and I don't think public records show them as a the same person. I don't know how many papers your name has to be on to net you a wikipedia page, but I bet scientist characters who have invented things are more likely to have at least a short blurb, so Ray Palmer? Zatanna might have one, and her dad definitely has one. Teddy Kord does. Kyle Rayner does not have a wikipedia page; he is struggling just to get fairly credited in an indie game, and we all know it. Booster Gold's identity is very intentionally public as far as I know, so same dif... Yeah idk I give up. There's too many people. Thank you for asking though
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titanstroia · 2 years
about donna
Just a few notes before I jump in here:
There are a number of origins for Donna making it very complicated. The issue with these origins is that removing some or altering some can alter her later storylines. I’ve tried to simplify it while not destroying story that impact Donna and also giving her solid thoroughlines with themes. It’s fine if you don’t like my choices or interpretation or want her to be interpreted differently, I chose this because it’s what works for me. 
I view Diana as more of a mother to Donna rather than a sister. Before I explain please know I will never push this onto Diana rpers, I will always discuss how you want to approach them. Just in Donna’s head typically and other non-related threads this is how Donna feels about their relationship. In my view Bruce, Barry and Oliver are all seen as parents to their wards and sidekicks but Diana is never allowed to be a mother to Donna, despite Donna coming to her as both a baby and later a young teen (same as the boys). The age difference also speaks more to a mother figure than an older sister. DC are cowards, let Diana be a mother. Even one that was maybe a bit too overwhelmed or young to be a mother at first with the baby and handed the child to her mother, essentially letting the child be partially raised by the grandmother (Hippolyta). 
I view Cassie as a younger sister to Donna.
Roy and Donna, and Kyle and Donna, are default are exes in my interpretation. That’s canon. I will also always contact you if you play Roy or Kyle to see how you want to approach them. 
Donna is a clone of Diana made by magic (from the sorceress Magala) intended to be a playmate for the young Diana. However a woman known simply by ‘Dark Angel’ kidnapped Donna, thinking she was Diana. Diana and Magala assumed the magical spell had just run its course and she had dissolved. Donna, though, was cursed by Dark Angel to live life after life of pure tragedy until she was born into her current existence. Donna does not remember any of these past lives.
In this life Donna was in the foster care system and while with a foster family their home caught on fire. Donna is rescued from the fire by Diana, who bonds with the two year old immediately. She keeps Donna for a while but ultimately realises that sending Donna to Themyscira might be better for her and asks Hippolyta to raise her. Neither Donna or Diana know this but the reason Diana was able to find Donna in time was that she was blessed by Rhea of the Titans.
Diana visits Donna throughout the years as she grows, and they’re loving but there’s a distance, Donna remembering when she used to stay with Diana. When she’s around thirteen, Donna asks to go live in Man’s World with Diana and train alongside Wonder Woman. Hippolyta thinks it would be good for both of them and agrees, leading to Diana bringing her home and Donna becoming Wonder Girl. At almost fourteen, she joins the Teen Titans alongside Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad and some time later Speedy. She even gave them the Teen Titan name! While living with Diana she gives herself her own name beyond just ‘Donna’ and chooses Donna Troy as a nod to the Greek heritage she was raised on.
Donna stayed on the Teen Titans for years, staying with every new iteration of the team. She and Roy Harper aka Speedy flirted on and off. She also formed deep friendships not just with all the original members, but also later with members like Starfire. Donna finished high school and attended college, while also developing her skill and talent with photography. 
TW: grooming/predators, age gaps, possible student-teacher relationships, various forms of abuse, traumatic pregnancy, traumatic childbirth, death (various)
While in college she meets a college professor by the name of Terry Long. He loved her work as Wonder Girl, and knows her secret identity. Despite being a fairly older man, in a position of power, and already divorced with a young teen daughter, a year after his divorce, he pursues Donna. They start dating. 
Note: Despite the comics claiming that Terry is 29 (or ‘at least 29’) I don’t believe he’s 29. His daughter seems far too old for him to be 29. And while there’s no explanation for how the two meet in canon but I don’t see why Donna would be mingling with a much older, about to be tenured, college professor of history unless she was IN college and met him there (even if he wasn’t HER professor he was still A professor, likely at the same college). There are no similarities between these two, no common shared interests, nothing that would link them besides this fact. College co-eds also throw themselves at him like it’s common knowledge that he dates college aged girls. He starts dating Donna a year after his divorce is finalised. Donna seems to not be in college when they start dating, could she have left to facilitate their relationship? He is a little TOO into her time as Wonder Girl (and says some creepy comments about her friend Kory, who is also far too young for him, and while he is dating Donna). Furthermore, if you read further into their custody battle era you can see just how much of a manipulative dick Terry can be. 
While dating Terry she starts working as a professional photographer. She’s still on the Teen Titans and has changed her name from Wonder Girl to Troia. She experiments with her uniforms, too. During this period she sometimes leads the Teen Titans, or is a major support for Nightwing as he does so. Getting engaged, Roy seems to finally let go of a possible future together. When she marries Terry Long, it’s Dick who walks her down the aisle. After marrying Terry, she goes on a short honeymoon. But soon after returning, she falls pregnant. The pregnancy lasts 3-4 days, a rapid speed due to her own biology and the mixed heritage of Rhea’s intervention. During this accelerated pregnancy, Donna was almost assassinated by a team of heroes from the future, trying to prevent the birth of her son who would turn into a future tyrant called Lord Chaos. She is kidnapped by the future iteration of her son who kills her shortly after she gives birth. The magic granted to her by Rhea and the Titans, that gives her godlike powers, resurrects her but the power overwhelms her and causes her to seek ruthless destruction in the pursuit of finding her infant son. Once she does locate him and subdues Lord Chaos she chooses to give up her powers and her son’s powers in order to try and prevent such a dark future. She agrees to focus on being a mother and wife and move to the middle of nowhere in a farmhouse away from all her friends. The marriage quickly goes downhill. They’ve let some displaced heroes stay with them, leading to them being in danger consistently. Donna is unhappy and Terry is controlling. Donna asks for her powers back, and while she doesn’t get them yet, she still joins the Darkstars because she misses the superhero life. Terry can’t handle any of this and gets very manipulative and aggressive. He constantly goes to his ex-wife for support and ultimately he asks for a divorce from Donna. She’s rejoined the Teen Titans. She starts dating Kyle Rayner, though it becomes something on and off as she goes through her divorce. While the divorce is happening, Terry warps facts and stories in an attempt to gain sole custody of their son, Robert Long, now a walking and talking toddler. He claims that Donna’s work as a superhero puts the family in danger. He winds up winning custody of Robbie. Donna is distraught but while visiting Kyle’s mother and being introduced she receives word that Terry has been in an accident with Robbie, and his daughter Jenny. She’s asked to come identify the wreck. Once there they inform her all of them died in the crash but the bodies are beyond recognition. 
This tragedy brought Dark Angel back, as Dark Angel’s goal was to make Donna suffer through the worst tragedies imaginable. She forced Donna into a new life, where everyone but Hippolyta (working as Wonder Woman) and Wally West as the Flash, forget her existence as the Donna they knew. But Wally and Hippolyta were out of the time stream and retained their memories. They go to rescue Donna, and break her out of the curse. Together they defeat Dark Angel but several things happen: the first being Donna had lost her memories and had to be reformed as Donna using Wally West’s memories and perception of herself, the second being that they all discover that she is in fact a clone of Diana. Donna struggles for some time with being constructed only using Wally’s perception of her and from his point of view. She’s got gaps where he doesn’t know things or just has things as he perceived them - like her relationship with Kyle. There’s also the question of ‘is she this person or is this the person that Wally sees when he sees her’. She is also granted the privilege of a royal station and title on Themyscira. A coronation was held and ever since Donna has been an official Princess.
During this period she rejoins a new Titans team, restarted by some of her original Teen Titans teammates from childhood. She moves in and lives with members like Roy and Garth, but also Kory, Roy’s daughter Lian, and returning mentee members Grant Emerson and Toni Moretti. Donna is trying to reestablish herself after not only the death of her exhusband and toddler son, but also losing her memories and struggling with her sense of self. She leans on Roy throughout this and they slowly start to date again, having not touched the idea since they were still teenagers. Donna also grows very close to Lian, taking care of her often. She and Roy break up when Roy deals with the return of Cheshire. Donna remains in his corner, however, and someone for Roy to lean on. As always Donna’s unwavering love for her friends shone through.
During a meeting between the Teen Titans and Young Justice a Superbot went rogue and while they attempted to stop it both Troia and Omen were killed.
Like everyone else after the destruction of the multiverse, Donna discovered that she was an amalgam of every alternate version of Donna Troy in the former realities. But unlike everyone else, Donna was the repository of knowledge of every alternate universe version of herself. After Dark Angel was defeated, Donna became the sum of every Donna Troy that existed on every Earth. A living key to the lost Multiverse.
The Titans of Myth, including Rhea, brought Donna back to life on New Cronus, believing her to be the child who was destined to save them from a new and impending threat. They implant false memories to make her think she’s the actual Goddess of the Moon and wife of Coeus. She was, however, found by the Titans and the Outsiders. They helped restore her memories. The Titan of the Sun, Hyperion, ordered her to create a passageway into another universe, meaning for the Titans of Myth to conquer it. Scared by their ambitions, Donna banishes them all to Tartarus. Coeus, who had learned humility and compassion from Donna, saved her and Arsenal from death at Hyperion’s hands and vowed to guard the gateway so that the Titans would be forever trapped. Afterwards, Donna gained the knowledge of all her alternate selves and was entrusted with the Universe Orb. This knowledge extended to the gaps in her own original memories. This event also marked the return of Donna and Roy to each other, he’s especially happy to see her and they share a kiss.
She was present during Infinite Crisis where Jade and several other members of her team died.
When Diana decided to step down as Wonder Woman, Donna Troy assumed the mantle for a time. 
She also worked alongside Kyle Rayner (now Ion) to prevent both him and her being erased from the newly built time-stream (apparently they were unwanted anomalies). 
She joined several former Teen Titans in their battle against Deathstroke and his Titans East Team.
Donna travelled the multiverse with Jason Todd and Kyle Rayner to stop the corruption of the Monitors. After that adventure she returned to Earth and reunited with the Titans. The group had reformed after they found that Trigon was systematically hunting down members (new and old). 
During Blackest Night Donna was faced with the bodies of both her exhusband Terry, and her child Robbie. Zombie Robbie bites her, and she becomes ‘infected’ by the Black Lantern’s power. Furthermore, she, like every other resurrected hero, was targeted by Nekron. Her previous deaths made her vulnerable to the Black Rings. But she was actually converted by the infection, becoming a Black Lantern herself. Hal severs the connection between the Black Lantern rings and those affected. This serves to turn Donna, and several others, into White Lanterns.
Donna would go on to become part of the new Justice League lineup. It’s the conclusion to a storyline wherein Roy is gravely wounded by Prometheus. Donna takes him down after he defeated the rest of the team but not before he destroyed Star City. This destruction included the death of Lian Harper. Wonder Woman tells her in the aftermath that she would benefit from being on the Justice League. She joins the team, recruiting Cyborg, Starfire and Batman (at this time Dick Grayson). Green Arrow kills Prometheus leading to a number of people leaving the JLA, but her and Batman stay. She says she would’ve done a lot worse to Prometheus for killing Lian. 
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
The First Date (Damian Wayne X Reader)
So in this, you are the daughter of Green Arrow, Oliver Queen (NOT THE ARROW VERSION!! THE ANIMATED AND COMIC VERSION), and Black Canary, Dinah Lance. Also in this Dinah is dead and you have taken on the role of Black Canary
"Done!" Abby (moi!!!) exclaimed, tying the hair tie in my hair. "Aw, you look so good!" She backed up, admiring her work.
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, smiling slightly. "I mean, I usually look beautiful but now I look even more beautiful," I joked.
"I know," Abby said, making me chuckle.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "What time is it?" I asked.
"Six on the dot," Abby said, looking impressed. "Wow."
"It is Damian," I shrugged before my eyes widened. "I'm going on a date with Damian Wayne."
"Chill," y/b/f said, noticing my panic. "You asked him out, remember?"
"Hey Damian," y/b/f said from the living room.
I looked at Abby, a panicked expression on my face. "You're okay," she whispered before leading me out of the bathroom.
Damian looked at me before mumbling something in Arabic. I was rusty when it came to other languages but I thought I caught "Beautiful..." which was enough to make my entire face turn red.
"Hey," I said, putting on a confident face. "You look good." My eyes scanned him. He wore a pair of nice black jeans and a matching skin-tight turtle-neck.
"You look..." His eyes scanned me.
"Gorgeous? Beautiful? Sexy?" I guessed, smirking at Damian blushed.
"Yes," Damian said, making me blush.
"Okay... well," Abby said, pushing me forward. "You two have fun," she said as I slipped on my shoes. "But not too much fun." She eyeballed Damian in a very best friend way. "And have her back by 10."
"And be safe!" Myloh added.
"Bye guys," I said, quickly ushering Damian out the door before closing it. "Sorry."
"I had a similar conversation with my brothers before I left," Damian said before cringing slightly. "Although it was a bit more-"
"I don't want to know," I said, shaking my head. "So, what do you have planned, Mr. Wayne?" I asked, walking down the apartment hallway.
"That's a surprise," Damian said with a stoic face.
"Not a huge fan of surprises," I said as we reached the elevator.
"You'll like this one," Damian stated matter-of-factly, pressing the button to the last level.
"Is that a fact?" I challenged as the elevator lowered.
"Yes," Damian stated, making me tilt my head. "I did some research and I'm sure you'll enjoy this."
"I don't know if that was meant to be sweet but it came off as creepy," I chuckled, leaning on the elevator wall.
"I just meant- I asked Abby what you're interested in," Damian explained, slowly going pink.
"What'd she say?" I asked, both worried and curious.
"She explained your love of movies, books, the stars, and food," Damian stated as the doors slid open.
"So, which did you choose?" I questioned, walking backward out of the elevator.
"Still a surprise," Damian smirked, following me.
"Mhm, game on Mr. Wayne," I said, turning around and walking out the apartment building's front doors. My eyes widened a bit as I saw Damian's motorcycle parked in front of the building. "Seriously?" I asked, looking at him as he stood next to me.
"Complaining?" he asked, looking at me sideways.
"Not as long as I get to drive," I chuckled, approaching the motorcycle.
"No," Damian said, standing next to me. He grabbed one of the helmets before handing me the second one.
"I know how," I frowned.
"No," Damian repeated before blinking. "Strange, that felt familiar." He then shook his head before getting on the bike. "Come on," he said looking at me. I rolled my eyes but climbed on the bike behind him. "Hold on," he said before putting on his helmet.
"You sure you don't want to drive as a way to get me to hold on to you?" I teased, resting my head on Damian's shoulder. Damian tensed up, making me chuckle. "I was kidding," I reassured him, putting on the helmet and grabbing his shoulders.
Damian cleared his throat. "I-I respect you, but for your own safety, I suggest you put your arms around my waist."
I blushed, wrapping my arms around his waist. Damian started the bike and drove out of his parking spot. My grip tightened as Damian sped up and we reached the highway. I grinned under the helmet as the adrenaline rushed through me due to the speed.
"You have to take me on your motorcycle more often," I said, letting out a breathy laugh and taking off my helmet.
"It's not really mine," Damian corrected, taking off his helmet and getting off the bike.
"But with Promythous-" I furrowed my brows, placing the helmet on the bike's seat.
"That was Robin's bike," Damian explained, leading me to the secret destination. He had parked a block away from the surprise place, just to keep the secrecy. "Damian Wayne does not have a motorcycle."
"Who's-" I continued, getting into pace next to Damian.
"My brother's," he shrugged with a small smug smile.
"You stole your brother's motorcycle?" I asked, laughing slightly.
"He told me, women love men with motorcycles," Damian said. "So I took that as an invitation for me to 'borrow' his." He smirked to himself at the thought. "Also, my other brother said I should. I'm not one to listen to him but, I did enjoy the idea of stealing Jason's bike." I smiled at his mini-rant. He seemed to notice. "I'm sorry for oversharing," he said, his face returning to it's neutral state.
"No, it's fine," I reassured him as we turned a corner. "It's nice hearing you talk more."
Damian blinked, obviously surprised by my answer. "What... would you like to talk about?" he asked slowly.
"You," I said. "I don't know much about you."
"O-oh," Damian stuttered, which was a rare sound. "I grew up with the League of Assassins."
"The group your father trained with?" I asked, interested to learn more. "Lead by Ra AlGugl?"
"My grandfather," Damian confirmed. "When my father was training, he met my mother. She- she tricked him into having... intercourse with her. That's how I was created. My father left before I was born and I was raised by my grandfather and mother. I was trained from birth to be the master assassin. I was supposed to be the best. There was no room for error."
"That doesn't sound like a fun childhood," I said.
"I suppose not," Damian hummed. "I loved my grandfather very much, or more admired him. He told me we would destroy the world and rebuild it in our own image." He scanned our surroundings, almost as if he was imagining how he could make each detail superior.
"That's still partly your mindset isn't it?" I asked, making Damian's gaze turn to me. "You see the world and people and just imagine how you can make them better." Damian blinked. "You even yourself believe you're better than everyone. You think you'll be a better Batman, a better hero."
"I don't-"
"I'm not critiquing, just observing," I stated. I blushed under Damian's intense stare. "I-I interrupted, I'm sorry. What about your mother?"
"She's dead," Damian said.
"Oh," I said.
"She wasn't a mother anyway," Damian continued. "Last I saw her she tried to create an adult 'perfect' clone of me and killed him."
"And I thought my dad was hardcore," I mumbled. "How did she...?"
"Helicopter crashed after trying to kill me, my father, and Grayson," Damian said almost casually.
My eyes widened. "You didn't deserve it," I said as we turned yet another corner. Damian turned to me. "You deserved a loving childhood. Not one with a group of assassins and Batman."
Damian's eyes softened. "I did get, what you call, a loving childhood with my father," he said. "He would set up movie nights. And my brothers are... overly loving, at least Grayson."
"He's Nightwing, right?" I asked, grinning a bit. Damian nodded. "I've met him. He has a bit of an older brother feel. And I'm sure he understands how hard it is to grow up with someone like Bruce."
"He has made it very clear he does," Damian scoffed. "As had Todd." I gave him a questioning look. "Red Hood."
"Oh, never met him," I mumbled.
We walked in comfortable silence for a minute.
"Here," Damian said, stopping in front of a small and quaint ice cream shop.
"Ice cream?" I asked, giving him a lopsided grin. "On Friday."
"You said you and your mother used to always had ice cream on Fridays," Damian said shyly.
I let out a small laugh. "You- this is really sweet," I said, a bit surprised. I remembered when I told him that detail about my childhood.
"Tell me more about your mother," Damian said after a while of silence. "I assume she's where you got your power?"
"Yeah," I said quietly, looking up at the ceiling. "She was- awesome. She was the first Black Canary. Trained in thousands of martial art styles."
"You're telling me things I already know," Damian stated, making me look at him.
"She was a pretty cool mom," I chuckled, crossing my legs on the bed. "She couldn't cook though. That was something she wasn't taught. She'd always make time for us to have an ice cream night. Every Friday." I smiled at the memory. "Sometimes she'd come back from patrol at midnight then wake me up, just so we could still eat ice cream."
"Do you still do it?" Damian questioned, turning to face me fully. "With your father?"
"Not usually," I stated, trying not to sound bitter. "He's usually busy with the Justice League and his company."
"How did she die?" Damian asked softly, making me go stiff.
"I was thirteen," I recited. "She and my dad went to face Prometheus. It was just in the early stages of my training-at least for the Canary cry, so I wasn't allowed to go. I- I remember my dad calling the house. He told me he'd be home soon, but something happened to Mom. Apparently, Prometheus slit her throat. She didn't want anyone to find out her identity so she insisted that only Martian Manhunter or Batman operated on her."
"But it was too late," Damian assumed. I nodded.
"Dad and I hardly even spoke after that," I sighed. "It hit us both- hard, but after a year, we got through it. He's still protective though."
"What about your powers?"
"I don't use them," I stated. "My mom died before we got far in training."
"Why don't you continue?" Damian asked. "I assume the league would be open to help or your friends."
"I can't," I sighed. "My vocal cords are too old."
"That sounds like an excuse," Damian stated. "I was unaware you were a quitter, Queen."
***End of flashback***
"I just figured you'd enjoy it," Damian shrugged, turning his head to the side to hide his smile.
"I do," I chuckled. "Although this is very cliche."
"I have seen as such in many of the movies Grayson forced me to watch," Damian admitted.
"Thank you, Damian," I smiled before rushing towards the outside counter, Damian following. "Hello!" I said to the person at the counter.
"Hello," the person said. She was a pretty girl, seemingly teen age with flawless makeup. She looked like she belonged at Dutch Brothers.
"I would like two scoops of y/f/i.c (your favirote ice cream) in a cup, please," I said before turning to Damian.
"Awesome," the girl said. "And you?"
Damian glanced at me. "None for me," he answered.
"You're not going to get anything?" I asked.
"I've never had ice cream," Damian admitted.
"Never?" I asked in shock.
"No," Damian said, his face showing me he didn't understand the problem. I scanned his face before turning to the girl.
"He'll have one scoop of almond in a cup," I stated.
"Alright," the girl smiled. "Be right with you."
"I said I didn't want any," Damian said, looking at me.
"You've never had it and you can't just sit there watching me eat," I protested. "Plus, I think you'll like it."
"Why is that?" Damian challenged.
"I'm an observer of people and you seem like an almond guy," I summarized.
"Explain your thinking Miss Queen," Damian said.
"Well, almond is more of a traditional Arabic ice cream flavor (please correct me if I'm wrong, I got this off the internet), and knowing you, you prefer salty and savory over sweet," I explained before leaning back and spreading my hands like I was presenting an amazing discovery.
"We shall see," Damian just said.
"Here," the girl chimed in, interrupting our discussion. She handed us our ice cream.
"Thank you," I said. I placed my ice cream on the counter before pulling out my wallet, but Damian had already paid. "I was going to pay," I said as he handed me my ice cream.
"It's proper etiquette for the man to pay," Damian said, leading me away from the ice cream shop.
"But it's not required," I chuckled. "Besides, we're both the children of billionaires." Damian didn't answer as he led me to a small park beside the shop. "I'll just pay next time."
"Next time?" Damian asked, stopping in front of a blanket with a projector on it.
"Yeah," I smirked. "If I haven't scared you away."
"Not at all," Damian said, sitting on the blanket. He motioned for me to sit down and I obliged.
"Try the ice cream," I said excitedly. Damian glanced at the tan-colored ice cream before taking a scoop and eating it. I stared at him, waiting for some type of reaction. His eyes widened before he took another scoop. "I told you!" I smirked.
"Coincidence," Damian scoffed but took more bites.
"Mhm," I hummed, leaning back on my free hand. I looked around, noticing a screen across from the projector. "You set this up?"
"Pennyworth did," Damian corrected. "Although I choose the film."
"Oh really?" I asked. "What'd you choose?"
"y/f/a/m (your favirote animated movie)," Damian stated. My face lit up. "Abby told me it was your favorite. Although I don't understand how or why a film made for children would be your favorite."
"You've never seen it have you?" I asked. Damian shook his head. "Then you'll figure out that it's not really a children's film. And you'll discover the superior soundtrack."
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 3 years
So, pre-identity reveal Bruce and Oliver at parties would be incredibly funny because-
Ollie's always been the less mature, more wild one, right? Like obviously they're both messes but when they both ended up in jail that one time in Vegas Bruce was there for counting cards way too obviously and Ollie was there for climbing up onto the Bellagio fountain buck-ass naked with fistfuls of Bruce's winnings and making it rain
But to the world, it looks like Bruce Wayne just fucked off for an indulgent gap-decade and then returned as the same old Bruce Wayne
Oliver Queen was stuck on an abandoned island for a year and survived with his bare hands and his fists alone and everyone knows
That's a horror story
"I don't really know if I can explain it, Bruce," says Ollie, sipping champagne. "I had to dig deep within myself to find the courage and determination to survive. I get that you, like, changed on your magical tour round asia or whatever, but. Brucie. Come on. You went and got high in Tibet. I had to hunt for my own food with my bare hands. It takes grit, man."
"It really changes you, Brucie. It really does. It's a crucible, man. Digs out the iron of who you really are inside. You probably can't relate, but I hope one day you go through something that shows you who you really are. Probably won't be as tough as my thing, though."
Bruce, gripping the marble sink in the bathroom so hard it cracks as he glares at himself in the mirror: "Your secret identity is more important than proving Oliver Queen wrong your secret identity is more important than proving Oliver Queen wrong your secret identity - "
Zatanna, who was a rich-kid wild child with both of them, Knows. She finds this hysterical.
"Ollie's right, Bruce. You of all people wouldn't get it."
Years later when the cowl comes off, Superman doesn't even get 'wow, you're Bruce W-" "Yes I am Bruce Wayne and I learnt to be Batman over my ten year pleasure cruise where I trained with and then defeated the League of Assassins but hey, some people had to forage their own food for a year, what could possibly compare to that? It's a crucible, right Ollie? Wouldn't you agree, Ollie? Really shows the man you are inside, right, Ollie?"
"Look, man, I'm sorry for not assuming that the man who had a threesome with Ryan Gosling just last week was actually the Batman - "
"I'm sorry, you did what?" says Hal, already opening up TMZ
"Jordan, don't you dare - "
"Hey, they got pictures! I mean, they're grainy but I'm pretty sure I can make out your nutsack - "
"I'm Barry Allen," says Barry to nobody. "This was...kind of a big moment for me. I guess no one cares, huh?"
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