#Party Tips
kilowogcore · 3 days
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I used ta' think I wuz an extrovert cuz I loved spendin' time with people, but nah, I wuz always a pretty severe introvert with social anxiety.
Doin' stuff like havin' structured activities like games at yer parties is a great way ta' make 'em introvert friendly. If ya' got some other tips fer accessible parties, tell us about 'em!
(Art sampled from "Mister Miracle" Vol. 2 #27 by Doug Moench, Joe Phillips, Romeo Tanghal, Nansi Hoolahan, John Costanza, and Kevin Dooley. Edits: Altered Dialogue.)
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pusheen · 2 months
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custardfist · 5 months
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Here’s another random short comic, while I work on something longer and, hopefully, funnier. ✍
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lavandamichelle · 6 months
Planning the Ultimate New Year's Eve Bash for 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide
As we eagerly await the arrival of 2024, there’s no better way to welcome the new year than by throwing an unforgettable New Year’s Eve bash. Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or a first-time host, this step-by-step guide will help you organize a celebration that will be the talk of the town. Set a Budget: Kick off your planning process by establishing a budget for the event. Determine…
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xxbigpxx · 9 months
Don't mix alcohol and prescription medication! You'll be too cool!
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what-marsha-eats · 1 year
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listonic · 2 years
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Eating and drinking together will spread a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere around the house and make it feel more like home. While you can ask people to come and bring their own food and drink, it’s not great to make guests do all the work. So, what should you provide? Click to find out!
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bonchobrick · 9 months
DCxDP Fic where the Batfam gets an item/ability which allows them for just that day, to temporarily be able to what someone best accomplishment(s) were in their lives. Little do they know Danny has just settled into their city (and that they were about to get the shock of their lives)
At first the Batfam decides to have fun with it--theres not much titles can do to help them with cases unless theyre particularly lucky. So they take a walk together in disguises to observe the passerbyers, curious of what civillains of gotham have done in their lives.
One gruff guy who grumbles shoving Bruce's shoulder as he walks by has the title 'KITTY SAVIOR' adorned above him and the batfam are greeted by the knowledge he had saved a cat from getting hit by a car
A kid in his pteens whose been shoving pamphlets into peoples hands has 'ADVERTISEMENT SUPERSTAR' above his head as he apparently managed to save his family's resturant with his intense marketing prowess (remind Bruce to try hiring him in the future.)
And lastly they faux browse a store trying to scope out someone else interesting and are greeted by the title... 'OPENER OF PICKLE JAR' and they decide to head home as Jason nearly crying trying to muffle his laughter.
At the manor they all cant help but agree, walking has made them hungry, and theres no harm ordering a pizza or two. It's been a long, mildly interesting day, though they weren't expecting much from thing ability.
Imagine their surprise when they open the door to see a black haired blue eyed child, pizza boxes in one hand, the other hand out awaiting a drop of money–completely missing the fact the title 'DEFEATED THE MAD KING WHO HAS TORMENTED THE AFTERLIFE FOR EONS' was placed innocently above his head
"Your total is 23.11!" The fucking 'Ghost King' kid (APPARENTLY) cheerily states????
"Uh," Bruce says blankly staring at this kid's title as his mouth blurts out, "Could you give us a second?"
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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dailyadventureprompts · 5 months
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Dm Tip: Playing the Villain/ Guidelines for "Evil" Campaigns
I've never liked the idea of running an evil game, despite how often I've had people in my inbox asking how I'd go about it. I'm all about that zero-to-hero heroic fantasy not only because I'm a goodie twoshoes IRL but because the narrative-gameplay premise that d&d is built around falls apart if the party is a bunch of killhappy murder hobos. Not only would I get bored narrating such a game and indulging the sort of players who demands the freedom to kill and torture at will (I've had those before and they don't get invited back to my table), but the whole conceit of a party falls through when the obviously villainous player characters face their first real decision point and attempt to kill eachother because cooperation is a thing that goodguys do.
Then I realized I was going about it all wrong.
The problem was I had started out playing d&d with assholes, those "murder and torture" clowns who wanted to play grand-theft-auto in the worlds I'd created and ignore the story in favour of seeing how much unchallenged chaos they could create. They set my expectations for what an evil campaign was, and I spent the rest of my time developing as a dungeonmaster thinking " I Don't want any part of that"
But what would an evil campaign look like for my playgroup of emotionally healthy friends who understand character nuance? What would I need to change about the fundamental conceit of d&d adventures to refocus the game on the badguys while still following a similar enough narrative-gameplay premise to a hero game? How do we make that sort of game relatable? What sort of power/play fantasy can we indulge in without going off the deepend?
TLDR: In an evil campaign your players aren't playing the villains, they're the MINIONS, they're mooks, henchmen, goons, lackeys. They're the disposable underlings of uncaring overseers who have nothing but ill intent towards them and the world at large.
Where as in a hero game the party is given the freedom to challenge and overthrow corrupt systems, in an evil game the party is suck as part of that corrupt system, forced to bend and compromise and sacrifice in order to survive. The fantasy is one of escaping that corrupt system, of biding your time just long enough to find an opening, find the right leverage, then tossing a molitov behind you on the way out.
Fundamentally it's the fantasy of escaping a shitty job by bringing the whole company down and punching your asshole boss in the face for good measure.
Below the cut I'm going to get into more nuance about how to build these kinds of narratives, also feel free to check out my evil party tag for campaigns and adventures that fit with the theme.
Designing a campaign made to be played from the perspective of the badguys requires you to take a different angle on quest and narrative design. It’s not so simple as swapping out the traditionally good team for the traditionally bad team and vis versa, having your party cut through a dungeon filled with against angel worshiping holyfolk in place of demon worshipping cultists etc. 
Instead, the primary villain of the first arc of the campaign should be your party’s boss. Not their direct overseer mind you, more CEO compared to the middle managers your party will be dealing with for the first leg of their journey. We should know a bit about that boss villain’s goals and a few hints at their motivation, enough for the party to understand that their actions are directly contributing to that inevitable doom.
“Gee, everyone knows lord Heldred swore revenge after being banished from the king’s council for dabbling in dark magic. I don’t know WHY he has us searching for these buried ancient tablets, but I bet it’s not good”
Next, you need a manager, someone who’s a part of the evil organization that the party directly interfaces with. The manager should have something over the party, whether it be threats of force, blackmail, economic dependency… anything that keeps the antiheroes on the manager’s leash. Whether you make your manager an obvious asshole or manipulative charmer, its important to maintain this power imbalance:   The party arn’t going to be rewarded when the boss-villain’s plan goes off, the manager is, but the manager’s usefulness to the boss-villain is contingent on the work they’re getting the party to do.  This tension puts us on a collison course to our first big narrative beat: do the party get tired of the manager’s abuse and run away? Do they kill the manager and get the attention of the upper ranks of the villainous organization? Do they work really hard at their jobs despite the obvious warning signs and outlive their usefulness? Do they upstage their manager and end up getting promoted, becoming rivals for the boss-villain’s favor? 
Building this tension up and then seeing how it breaks makes for a great first arc, as it lets your party determine among themselves when enough is enough, and set their goals for what bettering the situation looks like. 
As for designing those adventures, you’ll doubtlessly realize that since the party arn’t playing heroes you’ll need to change how the setup, conflict, and payoff work. They’re still protagonists, we want them to succeed after all, but we want to hammer home that they’re doing bad things without expecting them to jump directly to warcrimes. 
Up to no good: The basic building block of any evil campaign, our party need to do something skullduggerous without alerting the authorities.  This of course is going to be easier said than done, especially when the task spins out of control or proves far more daunting than first expected. The best the party can hope for is to make a distraction and then escape in the chaos, but it will very likely end with them being pursued in some manner (bounties, hunters, vengeful npcs and the like).  Use this setup early in a campaign so you have an external force gunning for your party during the remainder of their adventures. 
Dog eat dog:  It’s sort of cheating to excuse your party’s villainous actions by having them go up against another villain who happens to be worse than they are. The trick is that we’re not going after this secondary group of outlaws because they’re bad, we’re doing it because they’ve either got something the boss wants, or they’re edging in on the boss’s turf.  This sort of plotline sees the party disrupting or taking advantage of a rival’s operation, then taking over that operation and risking becoming just as villainous as that rival happened to be. This can also be combined with an “Up to no good” plot where both groups of miscreants need to step carefully without alerting an outside threat. 
The lesser evil: This kind of plot sees your party sent out to deal with an antagonistic force that’s a threat not only to the boss’s plans but to everyone in general. In doing so they might end up fighting alongside some heroes, or accidentally doing good in the long run. This not only gives your party a taste of heroism, but gives them something in their back pocket that could be used to challenge the boss-villain in the future.  
The double cross: In order to get what they want, the party need to “play along” with a traditional heroic narrative long enough to get their goal and then ditch. You have them play along specifically so they can get a taste of what life would be like if they weren't bastards, as well as to make friends with the NPCs inevitably going to betray. This is to make it hurt when you have the manager yank the leash and force the party to decide between finishing the job , or risk striking out on their own and playing hero in the short term while having just made a long term enemy. This is sort of plot is best used an adventure or two into the campaign, as the party will have already committed some villainous deeds that one good act can’t blot out. 
Next, lets talk about the sort of scenarios you should be looking to avoid when writing an evil campaign:
Around the time I started playing d&d there was this trend of obtusely binary morality systems in videogames which claimed to offer choice but really only existed to let the player chose between the power fantasy of being traditionally virtuous or the power fantasy of being an edgy rebel. Early examples included:
Do you want to steal food from disaster victims? in Infamous
Do you as a space cop assault a reporter who’s being kind of annoying to you? in Mass Effect
Do you blow up an entire town of innocent people for the lols? in Fallout (no seriously check out hbomberguy’s teardowm on fallout 3’s morality system and how critics at the time ate it up)
I think these games, along with the generational backwash of 90s “edge” and 00s “grit” coloured a lot of people's expectations ( including mine) about what a "villain as protagonist" sort of narrative might look like. They're childish exaggerations, devoid of substance, made even worse by how blithely their narratives treat them.
Burn down an inn full of people is not a good quest objective for an evil party, because it forces the characters to reach cartoonish levels of villainy which dissociates them from their players. Force all the villagers into the inn so we can lock them inside and do our job uninterrupted lets the party be bad, but in a way that the players can see the reason behind it and stay synced up with their characters. The latter option also provides a great setup for when the party's actually monstrous overseer sets the inn on fire to get rid of any witnesses after the job is done. Now the party (and their players) are faced with a moral quandary, will they let themselves be accessories to a massacre or risk incurring their manager's wrath? Rather than jumping face first into cackling cruelty, these sorts of quandaries have them dance along the knife's edge between grim practicality and dangerous uncertainly; It brings the player and character closer together.
Finally, lets talk about ending the villain arc:
I don't think you can play a whole evil campaign. Both because the escalation required is narratively unsustainable, but also because the most interesting aspect of playing badguys is the breaking point. Just like heroes inevitably having doubts about whether or not they're doing the right thing, there's only so long that a group of antiheroes can go along KNOWING they're doing the wrong thing before they put their feet down and say "I'm out". I think you plan a evil campaign up until a specific "there's no coming back from this" storybeat, IE letting the Inn burn... whether or not the party allows it to happen, it's the lowest point the narrative will allow them to reach before they either fight back or allow themselves to be subsumed. If they rebel, you play out the rest of the arc dismantling the machine they helped to build, taking joy in its righteous destruction. If they keep going along, show them what they get for being cogs: inevitably betrayed, sacrificed, or used as canon fodder when the real heroes step in to do their jobs for them.
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seagiri · 1 year
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unusual crush
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grey-wardens · 3 months
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
honeys guide to throwing a slumber party⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🛍️
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CUTE INVITATIONS ; when throwing a slumber party, you MUST spread the word with style. if ur sending out invitations digitally, make sure to decorate and use cute fonts and colors.
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if ur sending out invitations physically (my preference) use cute stickers, ribbons, and pens. cute decorated slumber party invitations are super fun to make and spark excitement to whoever receives them.
some information that u should include on the slumber party invitations include ;
the date of the slumber party
the time when the slumber party begins - the time when the slumber party ends
dresscode (cute pajamas duh)
also just a reminder to NOT give out invitations in front of those who aren't invited cuz thats not hot ✨
PLANNING ; a good slumber party needs a few things one of them being snacks. when planning for snacks, make sure to choose snacks that u and ur guests would like.
choose 3-5 snacks (depending on the amount of ppl attending the slumber party) then use a randomizer to assign snacks to each person, so that the expense is spread out and everyone brings something.
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a good slumber party is also coordinated, so make sure to choose and bring supplies for whatever activities that you'll be doing at the slumber party which leads to my next section.
ACTIVITIES ; this is the fun part, choosing what activities to do at a slumber party. i'll list some possible activities that u can do at the slumber party with ways to prepare and coordinate each of them.
watch girly 2000's movies or whatever movies u prefer
some movie recommendations include the bratz movie, mean girls, clueless, legally blonde, 16 wishes and the princess diaries.
sing karaoke songs
fan girl and watch kpop fancams and music videos
i love to watch older gen kpop music videos, some of my favorite groups include AOA, sistar, SUGAR, after school, and KARA.
build a blanket fort
do facemasks and paint each others nails (try nail designs too)
take buzzfeed quizzes and tests
make ice cream sundaes
make a video diary entry together/make tiktoks
girl talk is SO much fun, but rule of thumb with girl talk is whatever u talk about doing girl talk stays between you guys. whether y'all r gossiping or just chatting.
dreams, goals and aspirations that u have
if they're doing well physically and mentally
beauty secrets
SECRETS in general
crushes and who has their affection rn
past experiences/experiences u wanna have
i think that having a slumber party is such a cannon event and all in all just a rly fun and cute way to spend time with ur friends + grow a stronger bond. ✨
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singeart · 2 months
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Bit of hurt/comfort after 731 ❤️
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 69
Danny is known to the league. Not his civilian identity but they know him as phantom. He was smart enough not to call himself Danny phantom for this.
Amity set off a lot of alarm bells for the JLD. Who have been led to believe it’s just a hot spot for natural portals due to the thin layer. Totally not because of a stable portal into the realm. Controlled by two adults who like to fish inside it. That’s just silly. Who in their right minds would even try to tear a whole between the dimensions.
Danny has a way to contact them if he needs help but never has. The league is unsure what to think of him. He often shows up to help but is only sociable with the teen hero’s. John said they couldn’t accurately gauge the age of a member of the infinite realm.
There really wasn’t any reason to assume he had two identities given he reads as a member of the realm. The bats likely still did there due diligence. With amorpho and duplicates it may be hard to pinpoint if he has two or one identity.
Over time the more Danny is around them he gets more talkative to the adults. Often fanboying over the alien side of the league. It’s common to see him around at least one of the groups at minimum once a month. Then it increases in how often he’s around. Nearly 1-3 times a week.
Then for a month or two radio silence. They couldn’t even find him in his supposed haunt in amity.
He makes a reappearance during a massive invasion. Refuses to talk to anyone. Is stiff and nervous and even flinching away from some of the adults. The same is true of the teen hero’s.
He always shows up to help never staying around after. He takes a bad hit, maybe a ray that disrupts his powers. Danny is forced back into human form unconscious.
This leads to medical finding recently healed Y on his chest. Or maybe one that red and puffy stitched together. You know whatever floats someone’s boat. As well as other scars and stuff.
Ones indicating a vivisection and other experimentations.
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sashasspace · 4 months
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How to set up the FUN party in the sims? 🎉
Questions to ask yourself
What is the event?
Who's invited?
Is there a theme?
Where is the party located?
What's the age of the sims?
Who is this party for?
Do I have to do any CC shopping for this event?
Do I need to download a mod for this party?
Gameplay Tips:
Take advantage of the seasons calendar to set up the event. Example: party spirit tradition, sims will do autonomous interactions that show they're feeling festive. Example: Give Gifts tradition, sims will give you gifts If you want sims not to work during the event, you can click for them to not go to work that day too
Set up VFX, if that's what your party needs [RVSN mod]
Create a menu for your sims, and prepare the food a day in advance
Consider sim's lifestyles. Is a sim a vegetarian, or lactose-intolerant? Are there any kids to give them pizza? Is there a junk food lifestyle sim you want to give them something greasy?
Buffet Table [use bb.moveobjects] to get more slots available
Set up Cannons in correct placement aligned with where you want your sims to celebrate
Have a recovered copy your save, if you don't want to go through the mess of cleaning/removing build mode objects. Not only that, but sometimes, you may need to film again. If you save before the party starts, you can keep replaying the party until you get the party you want (hope this makes sense)
The baby shower event from growing together, sims give the host gifts autonomously and sims celebrate properly when the cannon is fired
Set up cannons from growing together expansion pack, in a correct placement that is aligned with where you want your sims to celebrate accordingly
MWS wedding events are perfect for events you need sims to follow your instructions such as "dance" "gather around"
Steady seat is perfect for seating arrangements
Have a photoshoot area ready, if the party needs it, so you can pose your sims. I recommend custom pose shopping in advance, but after the fact isn't bad either; just don't delete the copy of your save until you've completed that.
Place gameplay objects you need for the party around the lot. Example: If it's a birthday party and there's space, have the pirate ship "rented". You know how parents add bouncy castles and stuff for events? Think of it like that.
When it comes to arranging the table, have your sim add the placemat from parenthood around the table. Sometimes, your sim may not be able to add the placement, you can go into build mode and move the placement to the one your sim couldn't and go back into live mode and have your sim do it all over again until every spot has a placemat. If you have better-build-buy mod, you can copy the debug object yourself and place it around.
When it comes to decorating and you are having issues with slots, I recommend OMSP. It is explained in my video at 28:18♥
If you're having a dinner party, have your sim "pick up serving" for drinks and food, your sim will place the food in their inventory and you can place it yourself around the table. Perfect example to see this is Joy of Life Legacy challenge when my sim had a Winterfest dinner party (33:26)*
Don't forget to add kiss of freshness lot modifier on your lot, so food doesn't expire
Place the food over the placemat, and have their drink to their right side.
Zero's drinking mod works like placemat where your sims can place drinks around the table. There's age appropriate drinks too like juices and sodas for child/teen sims.
The Sims 4 gallery contains rooms where there's food for your sims and if you didn't have time to cook. Miss_frogstar has a bunch of rooms for your sims that contain food. It's really detailed for you.
Have a serving table, if your party is meant to have a lot of guests and food. It takes the load off you, when you don't have to worry about table slots for larger events.
Create sims you can hire for events. Think of these sims like Nurse Joy from Pokémon. You can have this sim be a townie in all your saves. Cheat their skills and hire them for events/set their outfits.
Lock them doors LMAO! Sims love to misbehave and go everywhere, so it's easier to have them be in certain areas by locking the door of the rooms you don't want them to be in.
I also recommend saving the party decorated home in your gallery, so you can just place it again in the future and remix it to how you want it
Sometimes you got to combine different events to create the atmosphere you want in your game, so don't be too hard on yourself, if you feel like it's not going how you want. We all know parties in the sims isn't perfect at all
Mods Mentioned Sasha's Space party mods recommendation More Icons for seasons TheGoldSims Better Birthday Set Better build buy Zero’s drink on table mod Gala place setting by somik and Sevrinka  Surelysims placemat mod OMSP OMSP SHELF Pick up all servings by brazen lotus
WCIF SYB UNICORN COLLECTION Sims 4 ACNH birthday cc BrittPink adopted mods Rex Baby Shower set + Birthday set Platinum Luxe Sims wall letters* (I saw on Platinum Luxe's website, you have to contact them atm) Dreamteamsims birthday Anye Party Inabadromance birthday Happy birthday sign by simmerkate Birthday photoshoot set by simmerkate SG5150 (idk the link for the party banner if you know pls help)
The Sims gallery to follow miss_frogstar (food rooms)
It is best to prepare in advance, so things fall into place by the time the event is set up for you in game. Thank you to all the simmers who helped me create this bday party, CC, Mod creators💕
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