#Ra's al-Ghul
obaewankenope · 2 months
I've had a Thought™ in my head for weeks now about an AU where Tim Drake is the grandson of Ra's al-Ghul and also Bruce's son through Janet (accidental kid of Ra's?? Idk). Like... Idk why, or how, but imagine the whole situation with Bruce technically finding another son (who blackmails him into being the Robin to his Batman) but not knowing this (because reasons idfk) and then we get the whole Damian reveal where he's certain he's the only blood kid of Bruce's and then we get the Red Robin arc and Tim actually finding out the truth (at the Worst Time™) from Ra's of all fucking people and then he has to take this knowledge with him back to Gotham and strained relationships and idk how it'd come out but imagine Ra's showing up for his "grandson" or sth and everyone assumes he means Damian because, obviously, except then it's Tim and there's Questions™ after and Ra's just giving a parting promise to catch-up soon (creep). And then you just have them all in the Cave interrogating Tim while the DNA runs and bam! Not only is he Ra's' grandson just like Damian, he's also Bruce's biokid just like Damian. Imagine the angst and the chaos that'd cause for Bruce "I fell apart after Jason died and needed a kid to keep me alive" Wayne realising that the way he treated Tim was Bad and also that's his son, how could he have even!!!
And through all this, Tim is like "I thought you knew and didn't care" or "it didn't matter, you didn't choose me, it's fine" or "well Ra's is an asshole and I'm gonna go ruin his League servers in revenge" because it's not a Big Deal for him (it is, he's just not able to handle this right now... Or ever).
And then we just get some healing and apologies and everyone becomes better and Tim basically gains Talia for an quasi-aunt and "oh no, refund please" while Damian has to come to terms with the fact he genuinely tried to murder his brother from the moment they met and everyone needs therapy yesterday.
Idk where I was going with this... It's just been In My Head Forever.
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Can I ask for a ranking of which rogues have the most to least rizz (ability to flirt) and why?
"The Rizz" General Rogues Party
OKAY. Best flirters to Worst! Note that a several of the middle people are same-ish in my mind so take solid rankings with a grain of salt.
Tw: Mentions of crimes such as drugging, hypnotism, etc. One suggestive line.
Poison Ivy- Before being poisoned by her colleague/boss, Pamela was incredibly shy and socially awkward. The poisons and toxins injected into her body did something... peculiar. She became an expert in knowing exactly what to say to ease into people's minds. That plus the chemicals she can leak out as an aphrodisiac, it doesn't take much to pull someone to her embrace.
Ra's Al Ghul- He's been around the metaphorical block so many times. He has the charm, the wit, the looks- It's probably a good thing he's so invested in his own plans and less on romance, or he'd be sweeping people off their feet right and left. His powers of seduction would be unreal.
Mr. Freeze- Okay, hear me out. You hardly see the game because he's so in love with Nora. That and the genuine trauma and angst of his whole backstory. However, he is a romantic man and knows the meaning of a gesture. If he was able to find room in his heart for another, they would know the what real devotion felt like.
Riddler- The main reason he's considered good at flirting is that silver tongue. He has the intelligence and grand vocabulary to charm the pants off of someone. His big issue comes down to him being so fucking arrogant and smug. If you ignore that, though, and embrace any awkwardness that he shows... he's still on the end of good flirter.
Killer Croc- Honestly? He's average. He's not bad at flirting but he's not particularly great, either. The real problem for him tends to be past anger issues flaring up which is very not sexy.
The Penguin- He's not the worst at flirting but he's decidedly below average. He doesn't have the best table manners, sometimes he can be rather crass and he's used to having to buy things to get them. Like "people" and "affection", for example.
Harley Quinn- She's her own brand of flirting which can be very hit or miss. You love it or hate it. It's goofy, in your face and sometimes she takes it that step too far. It's needy. As confident as she is, there's still this gnawing desperate need for the approval of people she likes.
Two-Face- The unfortunate thing about Two-Face... Harvey is all schoolboy loveliness, considerate, and caring. Harv is adrenaline rush, passion and "showing you a good time." While they're technically good at flirting, having both styles in one person and sometimes back to back can be disorienting, particularly if one puts you off.
Mad Hatter- Listen, it's not that he doesn't know how to flirt. He knows how to court someone and make them feel special. If he's lucid, he can have the most stimulating conversations. The problem is that he tends to make most romantic interactions incredibly creepy. That's leaving out the drugging, hypnotism, and abduction habits.
Bane- It's not that he can't flirt with someone he's comfortable with, but just meeting someone? He's blunt, calculating and sometimes even smug. Growing up in a prison didn't do a lot for his social skills, particularly soft, intimate ones. Logically he knows what to do and might even be able to play at it if he wanted, but really a lot of his genuine rizz wouldn't come out until later on in a relationship.
Scarecrow- For all his intelligence and capacity for witty wordplay, flirting is not this man's game. He is bristly and a lot of his ideas of romance is very macabre metaphors of fear and death. For some people that works and for others it's just way too intense. That, and he's just arrogant enough that if someone doesn't get his gestures, he writes it off as them being the problem.
Black Mask- Anger issues, entitlement, gruff as hell, and has enough of that rich douchebag in him still that he thinks negging is a valid form of flirting. The sex is hot as hell, though.
Zsasz - Anything he thinks is romantic or even sexy flirty is going to be obscenely sleazy and/or threatening. At one point he used to be charming which eased his path to the criminal life. Now he'll make gestures that are not only creepy, but zero grace or finesse behind it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
One of my most behated superhero fan trope's is 'Calls itself a villain au but in reality is just an excuse for the creator to have kid hero characters romantically paired up with adult bad guys and fails to actually excecute villanous aspects in a well-written way or even put them in at all'
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I think it's a little weird to imply any of the Batkids are into in///cest or age gaps because they have parental trauma.Just like...Do you not think that has unfortunate implications regarding how you view irl traumatized people or do just not care because you think abuse is oh so hilarious.Also if you're gonna say it's projection,please leave the fandom and go to therapy.You deserve it(insult)
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wellwrittenevilbitch · 8 months
Not a year goes by that I dont agree more with Ra's Al-ghul more than the last.
The Deamon's Head, leader of the league of assassins, and ecological terrorist. He thinks batman is cool and wNts to adopy him. Is functionally immortal because he stays moisturised, in his lane and thriving (by bathing in youth restoring lazarus pits)
He thinks humans are destroying the planet and he's not wrong.
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guns-n-robins · 2 years
Wild AU where Jason finds a dragon egg in the Lazarus Pit as he is resurrected. I think that would be neat. Oh he's the cautionary tale? Naw I want a crazy chosen one storyline for Gotham's favourite zombie. Jason hatches a damn dragon and is set to inherit the League because clearly that is the will of the Demon of the Pit.
What crawls out of the rough stone of an egg is a wiry, serpentine thing, covered head to toe in metallic sanguine scales that shimmer in candlelight like ripples in pooling blood. It's face bears acid-green eyes and a maw lined with needlepoint teeth. Leathery wings are woven onto every one of its' four quick limbs and gills line the entire length of the thing's neck, which in turn is crowned by a pair of fans that perk up when the creature's attention is piqued.
It's clearly semi-aquatic, and it thrives in the warm waters within League grounds, but flight comes naturally to it with time. It answers willingly to Jason's commands and queries, innately understanding his intent and able to 'speak' to him in return.
Jason names him Redhood, for the cobra-esque suggestion he takes on when he flashes his frills and hisses in warning. The dragon grows fast, spoiled with sumptuous fruit and fresh-caught fish, but taught to hunt to feed himself as needed in anticipation of stormy times. Not everyone believes in the claim of the Demon's Keeper, putting it down to chance that what Ra's had been trying to do for centuries -the raising of a Demon made flesh- was achieved by an uninitiated stranger with not a drop of League-associated blood running through his veins. Some want him dead, again, for the transgression.
Talia, having taken Jason under her wing, works together with her father to protect her new protegé, taking the time to teach him how to lead in a culture he does not know. Eager to learn as he is, he feels like an intruder all the same, a sense of wrongness lives in his bones since coming back alive, as if there are scales stuck under his skin. The very same morning he determines Redhood to be mature enough to be ridden, Jason Al-Ghul reaches for the sky, and turns his eyes homewards.
They'll make camp as needed, living off the land as they do, and cross the ocean together. Just for a little bit, he wants to see Gotham. Wants to see how she has blossomed in his years spent away, and show his dragon, his son in a way, what happens to those who bring Robins down from the sky.
(He finds Joker not in the grave, but merrily cackling to himself behind Arkham's revolving door. Fed, sheltered, disgustingly undeservingly alive.)
Talia had told him he could not leave the League's grounds because there were rebels beyond the walls, agitators intent on removing his piece from the board to preserve the status-quo. He didn't doubt some of that was true, he didn't know what was so remarkable about him as to name him heir to the Demon's Head, but he wondered. Was that all? Or had Talia been trying to keep him from discovering this?
Redhood's frill rattles and shudders as he notes his guardian's rising anger. Jason's throwing dagger has found it's mark in Joker's guts easily enough, but now he's got a family visit to make. Redhood breathes not fire but liquid madness, a fast-precipitating green mist of temporary insanity, and Jason will make sure it rains above the Manor tonight.
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batfamquotes · 2 years
talia al-ghul: you are just selfish and cruel!
ra's al-ghul: whoa! selfish! maybe! but cruel- well… also maybe.
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thealexanderfiles · 2 months
Jason, to himself: If I can catch Tim off guard when he comes back from patrol he'll confess about breaking my favourite Wonder Woman's mug
Jason, as Tim wanders in: Got anything to confess??
Tim, very very high off Gotham Harbor fumes: Ra's pickled my spleen.
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puppetmaster13u · 25 days
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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ditzybat · 2 months
damian: mother spoke to me today, said grandfather has been cherishing drake’s spleen?
duke: tim… you have a spleen right?
tim: …
duke: right?…
tim: it’s been displaced at the moment..
dick: tim! you need that!
tim: i’ll be fine.
jason: you literally won’t.
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yrkhn · 2 months
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2022. still proud of this one btw <3
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vodrae · 5 months
AU where Jason, Cass and Damian meet in the League and cause so much chaos that a burnt out Ra's just dropped them with a note
"Two of them are yours the third one is free"
And Bruce rolls with it
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Let's be real, the rogue who'd be the most thrilled to have his S/O pregnant would be Ra's al-Ghul. How would he react to them telling him?
Ra's al-Ghul finding out his S/O is pregnant
Oh? The first Ra's al-Ghul ask, and it's you? Color me shocked. Who could have ever guessed this?
TW: pregnancy
- He notes your nervous energy and tries to mentally prepare himself for any poor news. He's lived this long, he's heard most everything.
- When you finally tell him, he's tense. You might confuse this for coldness or him being unhappy with the news. In truth, he's thrilled. Another heir, and with his beloved?
- the reason he's reeling that in, however, is being keenly aware you might not feel the same way. A child is a legacy... some do not wish that responsibility for themselves. More than acceptable. He waits to hear what YOU want.
- There's a good chance you're nervous which is fair. He assures you if you want to keep the child, you have his support.
- If you do keep the baby, expect to be pampered for the pregnancy. Ask him or his men for pretty much anything and they'll get it for you. Cravings and comfort are merely a request away.
- He loves spooning when you're pregnant, just feeling his hands over the belly for kicks. And expect all doctors appointments to be prompt and with experts. He wants to know everything as it happens for development.
- Talia might be a tad jealous at first because she suspects he might not be as harsh on your child as he was with her and Damian. It's another issue to add between her and her father but she does do her best not to begrudge you that.
- In fact, expect her to play a rather nurturing role. These are what she used for morning sickness. If you put your feet up like this, the swelling will feel better. She would like to be present at the birth... if you're okay with that.
- Talia, Ra's and even Damian are all excited to see the baby... as well as start teaching them hand to hand combat asap.
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arrowheadedbitch · 7 months
Concept: Ra's al ghul and Tim see eachother but tim wants nothing to do with Ra's so he just ignores him, won't even fight him, until Ra's starts talking shit about his grandson and Tim almost kills that old ass whore.
Ra's: Hello, Detective
Tim: Immediately turns around and leaves
Ra's: Oh, come on!
Tim: Nope.
Ra's: But you would be such a better heir than my stupid grandson!
Tim, stops walking:
Tim: What the fuck did you just say
And then he kills him.
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cologona · 2 months
I think it’s hilarious that Ra’s is the only mfer to give a shit at all about the circumstances of Jason’s resurrection. No one else even talks about it. Jason doesn’t care, Talia doesn’t care, Bruce only cares insofar as he needs to confirm that Jason is who he says he is.
I imagine him going around shaking people by their shoulders demanding are you not at all curious or at least worried how this came to be?!!?? Just POOF? No necromancer, no science experiment. Nothing, just- Boy is dead, boy is alive. That’s fine to you?
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24hrsoda · 2 months
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sleepy damian and his “evil” grandpa…
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