#Talia Al Ghoul
ghost-bxrd · 11 months
Platonic Hanahaki Edition
Jason, after the whole fiasco with Bruce not shooting the Joker, being replaced by Tim and what-not, starts coughing up several kinds of flowers…
It’s cool. Really. He can just leave the blood covered petals as the Hood’s signature or something. He’s doing fine. Really.
(Spoiler: he’s not doing fine.)
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terrestrialnoob · 2 months
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arachnesbich · 2 months
I'm seeing a lot of cryptid!batman/assumed to be cryptid!batman lately, but now I'm just thinking about someone other than Batman being a cryptid and he thinks They're Just Like That TM for one reason of another.
Like, the al Ghuls are actually ghouls, just to the left of human. (I headcanon the Adams family as ghouls, so if you see Adams family themes, its because they're who I base my idea of ghouls on) Also, I head canon that ghouls can't physically hurt or be hurt by the people they love, that's why they feel so comfortable with things like throwing knives at loved ones and adding poison to one another's food. It can even be seen as an act of love and affection.
Ras and Talia have a good relationship, in their own way, but from an outside perspective it looks like they're actively trying to kill each other. Bruce knows that they 'fight' constantly, throwing knives at each other in greeting and when they're back is turned, sneaking poison into each other's food, calling each other monstrous names. He just assumes that Ras and Talia are testing each other's vigilance, in a thinly veiled attempt to kill each other. They are assassins after all.
Any time it Bruce questions why she does the things she does, she answers something along the lines: "I'm a ghoul, this is what we do." but what Bruce hears is "I'm al Ghul, this is what we do." and it reinforces his assumptions that this is a raised-as-an-assassins thing.
Talia: *info-dumping about where major arteries are located and sharing her 'studies' of all the ways she can paralyze someone*
Bruce, to himself: Either she's threatening me or this is the only way she know how to make conversation, because of the way she was raised...Hmm.
He is seduced either way.
Eventually Bruce leaves to Gotham and becomes Batman and Talia doesn't tell him about Damian.
Bruce was never really able to understand her ghoulish needs, always insisting that she could leave the League and "do better." That's how their relationship inevitably came to an end, with him trying to humanize her (ugh). She knew that Bruce wouldn't change just because she was pregnant and she knew her son would have ghoulish needs that couldn't be compromised just because Bruce was uncomfortable.
So she decided to keep Damian to her herself until he's old enough to know what it means to be a ghoul and shows that he wants to meet his father.
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May I request h/cs for the Gotham City Sirens + Talia on a beach day?
Beach Time
She prefers pools, less messy with sand. Also mostly ends up sunbathing.
Loves whistling at her S/O when they emerge from water.
You bet she choose the most sexy bikini she could find.
Drinks coctail while petting her cat.
Would join volleyball game and be great at it. Beside the great movement opponents didn't really looked at the ball.
Harley Quinn
Oh be ready to stop her from jumping straight into water without splashing herself first or putting sunscreen on.
Loves to be on their S/O shoulders while fighting another duo.
Suncastles? Be ready for new Quinn on the beach! She'll find cool shells and put it on top, there's gonna be ford.
Honesty most fun person to be around on the beach.
Be carefull with volleyball, she doesn't hold back.
Poison Ivy
Honesty really likes them. Water to get under, strong sun. Only thing she would preper is for sand to be replaced with ground. And there are few places like that next to livers so she'll probably take S/O there.
Just goes into water to get wet and then lays on the towel, ends up sleeping.
Would sleep on her S/O chest.
Someone trashes? Be ready to get slapped by a plant and thrown into water.
BTAS! Talia al Ghoul
She would have a bodyguard with her even thought she would be able to take care of herself anyway. But what's the point to dirty her hands while on vacation?
Loves the beach, would choose one that cares about not leaving trash around. And if she catches someone doing it her bodyguard is ready to show why it's a bad idea.
Might throw ball in water with S/O, she never misses. Laughs when S/O falls but then gives them kiss on the cheek.
Great swimmer. Would swim on other side of shore and back. She definitely did that to show off.
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maj-3k · 2 years
Bruce: Y.N do you have any contact to Talia?
Y.N: Why should I give you contact to my sister?
Bruce: I'm going to annoying her for a while.
Y.N: Take paper and pen
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 1 year
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Part 1
In the Shadows, Chapter 2
Part 3
“Do you think it's my fault?” Bruce asked softly.
Alfred shook his head, "I don't know what to think. But I know one thing: your awakening is providential, despite the circumstances."
He scoffed, "Providential for what?"
“You, sir, will save Wayne's legacy.”
Thanks for every comment you will left
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ghoulscoutcookies · 2 months
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kiradical · 8 months
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Aaaaaaaaand again (yes the black one is behind me too)
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thevoidstaredback · 4 months
Damian lost. Damian has never lost before. He never loses! Losing means you're weak, and Damian is not weak. He grew up fast and strong and is only ever getting stronger!
But he couldn't kill her.
Damian had been raised to think that love of any kind was a weakness. Grandfather did not love mother because he is not weak. Mother loved father and that made her weak. Damian could not love Danyal because that would make him weak. Grandfather expected great things from him. He could not afford to be weak.
Before they were set to leave Nanda Parbat to live and train with their father, Damian and Danyal had one final lesson with Grandfather. A fight, two versus one, on the edge of the Lazarus Pits.
Danyal did not survive. He did not resurface from the depths of the green water.
Grandfather called him weak. Mother said nothing. Damian was given no time to mourn before he was handed to his father with strict orders not to tell him about Danyal.
For all Grandfather and mother had done to him, Damian could not bring himself to kill either of them. His father had taught him to love, that it was a strength.
Damian loved his mother. He realized this as he stared into her eyes, his katana at her throat, his boot pinning her down. He could not kill her.
"You are foolish, habibi." she scolded, kneeing his back and sending him rolling forwards off of her and to the edge of the Pits. "You have discarded all I taught you."
"I have only added to those lessons," he faced her, "I remember everything you have taught me."
"You lie like your father. Obviously and bluntly."
"I have never lied to you."
"Then you have forgone my lessons!"
"Because you abandoned me!"
"I sent you away to learn. I came back for you. You abandoned me."
"A mother's role to teach her child just as the father's role is to protect." Damian leveled his weapon at her again. "You left me in the care of everyone but yourself, Talia Al Ghoul. You were only ever our mother in title, not name."
Talia lunged forward, meeting Damian's sword with her own. "You know not of what you speak, foolish child!"
"I know plenty!" He pushed back, forcing her back several feet. He followed if only to get away from the edge of the Pits. "No thanks to you."
"I gave you everything, Damian."
"No. You took everything from me. You held it all as a reward out of my reach."
"You wouldn't be where you are today if it wasn't for me and your Grandfather." she stated as though it were an undeniable truth, "Whether you acknowledge it or not, we raised you."
"I raised myself."
"We taught you everything you know."
"I taught myself!"
"We made you perfect!"
"You killed half of me!"
The silence overwhelmed the fighting in the tunnels, the shouting and running and bubbling of the Pits were all drowned out. Talia's sword lowered shakily. Damian's remained raised and steady.
"You allowed Grandfather to take Danyal from me. You forced me to forget him. You killed half of me."
"No!" He was shaking now. "He was my better half, just as I was his. And you took him from me."
"You took my brother from me!" He charged madly at her, rage and grief overtaking him. "I will never forgive you for that!"
Talia matched him blow for blow. "Love is weakness, habibi. That is why he died. Danyal loved you and he paid his price for it."
With a scream, Damian doubled his efforts. His blows grew weak with rage as his mother pushed him back.
Damian knew he could not kill her. Some part of him still yearned for her approval. Some part of him still loved her.
Talia's sword impaled itself into the area below his sternum, piercing the armor and skin and muscle, stabbing through to the other side, the hilt stopping it from moving ant further.
Suddenly, the silence flooded over the cavern again. A shrill ringing filled Damian's ears as his grip weakened. His katana fell from his grasp, clattering to the floor so loudly, but so, so quietly. Blood spilled from Damian's mouth with a cough.
Talia drew her sword back, throwing it behind herself as she caught her son. Love is a weakness, but that had not stopped her before. Why hadn't it stopped her now?
"Damian? Habibi?" She cradled his body on her lap, her hand turning his face to her. "My darling?"
Damian's eyes were vacant, staring into a distance unseen. He heard nothing, felt nothing. He knows what was coming next. Sleep. Release. Soon, he'd be in his brother's arms again, just like when they were children. They'd have so long to catch up with each other.
Damian closed his eyes with a soft sigh.
Storyboard Part 2
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frownyalfred · 9 months
saw this post that gotham thinks that Bruce adopted Cassandra bc she's Kate's daughter (Cain=Kane) and like everyone knows that Shiva is Cass's mom she claims that shit all the time so but nobody's gonna ask her so villains and heroes keep going to Kate (not knowing she's batwoman) to ask "did you sleep with lady shiva??????" as if bruce didn't sleep with talia al fucking ghoul lmaoooo
bonus: Bruce happily accepts this claim because he can send cass to Kate for the weekend for bonding and he can't exactly send Tim home (he knows all the codes to get in) or Steph (she knows all the she secret entrances) or Damian (talia will use it as an excuse meet up and that leads to THINGS 🫣) but at least there's only 6 of them in the house of 7 🤣😆
I love this so much. Kate catches the tail end of these rumors for the first time and calls up Bruce like "you know this is your fucking fault." and Bruce just laughs and tells her he's sending her daughter over and to have a fun weekend.
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elizabethemerald · 10 months
The Child of Lazarus
Master Post
Talia often found herself admiring her Beloved’s dedication. While she personally considered Gotham a foul city that should be burned to the ground and the earth salted, she admired Bruce’s unending battle against the criminal elements of the city. He put his crusade in front of everything in his life, even his own life and health, and sometimes even his own children. Normally she would even admire his dedication to chasing after her, and considered it their own private romance as they danced among the rooftops. 
Now she found Bruce’s dedication to chasing her all the more annoying. He would follow her no matter where she was as long as she was in his city, and she absolutely could not risk him following her back to the Child of Lazarus she had found. He would be all too willing to adopt the boy and take him in, permanently taking another child from her. And no doubt ruin what could be the perfect killer if she understood the boy’s skills properly. 
It had taken her several weeks to lay a trail out of Gotham and away, to convince her Beloved that she had fulfilled her interest in her city and would not return until the next time she decided to check in on him and her son. Then she had to disappear. She utilized every ounce of her training with the League to vanish as thoroughly as possible and then sneak back into the city. Usually she allowed herself to be seen, to lure Bruce out for their usual confrontation and rooftop liaison, but this time she was all but invisible. 
Talia finally made it back to the burned out apartment building where she had first met the Child of Lazarus, Danny. She carefully snuck her way through the building, her approach made all the more difficult by the structural damage. She could barely hear the sound of someone playing on the floor above her as she crept forward. 
She had to use some creative climbing skills to get up to that floor, the stairs were completely destroyed. She could only imagine how her child got up and down regularly. Now that she’s closer, Talia could hear what sounds like the child explaining something, and for a second her heart grew colder, that someone had found her boy while she was gone, but she strained her ears and it sounded like he was explaining something to a doll in the way children are want to do. 
Talia crept into the room almost completely silently, yet the boy still looked up at her as she entered, his eyes shining with a familiar green light and a wide smile on his face. He waved at her, an old and slightly dirty teddy in his hands. She was about to greet him in turn when something cold and metallic pressed to the back of her head and she heard the whining hum of an energy weapon. 
How had another person managed to sneak up on her? She was the daughter of the Demon’s Head! The only small relief was seeing that her boy was unafraid and thus likely knew the mysterious person. 
“Jazzy! This is the woman I told you about! She wants to give me a sword!” Danny said, a wide smile on his face as he looked over Talia’s shoulder. 
“Who are you and what do you want with my brother?” A harsh, yet young voice said. Talia could read into the voice well enough. The voice belonged to a young woman, scared, and tired, but steady. If Talia had any interest in harming the boy she had no doubt she would not leave the room alive. 
“My name is Talia al Ghoul. I found Danny alone on a rooftop some weeks ago, and I was impressed by his skill with stealth. A skill you seem to share. I merely wished to cultivate this talent, to provide for him a safe place, and to prevent those with less savory intentions from harming him.” 
Talia didn’t take her eyes off the boy, and saw him watching her just as closely with his head tilted to the side. Once she was finished speaking he glanced to his sister and sent her a small nod. Interesting. Perhaps his hearing was superior to that of a regular human’s and he was listening to her heart beat. A skill that was useless against someone trained by the League of Assassins and had perfect control of her own body, but very useful in the fields she wished to train him in. 
She felt more than heard the young woman step back as the pressure from the gun left her head. She also took a few slow steps, keeping her movements clear and controlled. The woman before could easily be called beautiful, red hair that flowed down her back, taller than most men even and built like a fighter. If Talia didn’t know better she would assume the woman was an Amazon. The most important detail Talia can now see is the dedication in this woman’s eyes. More than even her Beloved, this woman is dedicated to her brother. She can see in an instant that she would do anything, even kill for him, and maybe already has. 
“I’m sure you want all that just out of the goodness of your heart.” She said derisively. 
Now, Talia could lie, with her training from the league she could lie and even the Supers wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. However, this wasn’t like her assassins who had been raised from birth to believe her word to be law, or with young Jason, whose mind was heavily altered from his experience in the Lazarus Pits. She would have to tread carefully at all times with this woman, so it was easier to tell her at least some truths. 
“By no means.” Talia allowed her body to relax as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “There is very little goodness left in my heart, long years and a hard world have taken much from me. Perhaps I merely consider the skills two of you already possess, that I wish to cultivate and grow, to be something of a retirement policy. There is no end to the value in training two such capable individuals as yourselves.” 
The woman watched her closely, her head tilting slightly to the side, just like her brother, though Talia wasn’t under the impression that she was listening for her heartbeat. However whatever she saw led her to relaxing her shoulders somewhat, though her aim still didn’t waver. 
“You are very hard to read. It's like everything about you is focused toward hiding.” She finally said, with a slightly confused tone to her voice. 
“Right?” Talia couldn’t stop her eyebrows rising in surprise as Danny floated into the air and darted to his sister’s shoulders, as if gravity were a mere suggestion, one he could simply ignore. “She’s unlike any of the others in the city. I mean, Red Hood is practically screaming how angry, scared and sad he is.” 
Talia did her best to retake control over her expression as she took in the information given her. Perhaps Danny and his sister shared some kind of empathic ability? She had no doubts about the veracity of his claims, she knew Jason had always been emotional, and his anger and fear from his death were written into every line of his body. Yet, for some reason, her own emotions were hidden. How fascinating. 
“I believe you’re telling me the truth, or at least as much of the truth as I’m going to get without beating it out of you.” Danny’s sister said, finally lowering her weapon, though she didn’t fully relax. “I’m Jasmine. Why would we want any of that? We could stay perfectly happy right here.” 
Talia glanced around at the burnt out wreck of a building Danny had been squatting in. 
“I could take you away from this… house. I could provide food, clothing, other supplies and just about any training you could wish for. We could leave this city and-”
“NO!” Jasmine said immediately. “Whatever else happens, we can’t leave Gotham.” 
Danny had landed next to her and hid partially behind her, his face marred by fear just like hers. Talia narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked quickly between the two? Why? What was so special about Gotham that they were not just defensive, but terrified to leave? Very curious. 
“Of course, if you want to stay in the city, then your stealth work would have to be flawless.” Talia said. “The Bat of Gotham keeps a close eye on his city. He doesn’t take kindly to interlopers. Or metas.” 
Danny started nodding happily at how defensive Talia’s Beloved was of his city, yet didn’t seem to take into account that he might be excluded because he is a meta, despite flying around his sister’s shoulders. Is there perhaps someone they are running from that they think Bruce will keep from them? These two were just filled with mysteries, she’ll have to send some of her agents out to see what they can discover. 
“More important than all of that! When are you going to teach me how to learn a sword?” Danny asked, once again hovering slightly into the air. Jasmine looked at him with fond exasperation. 
“Before any sword lessons we need to find some place cleaner to live.” She said, rubbing her brother's head and pulling him in with a one armed hug, though he still hovered a little off the ground. 
“I have several safe houses in the city, I’m certain one will be suitable for your needs, if you would like to follow me?” Talia offered, gesturing toward the door she had entered through. The siblings looked to each other for a moment, having a silent conversation that even with her perceptiveness she couldn’t catch, possibly linked to their shared empathic abilities? Then they finally turned to follow her out of the burned apartment building. 
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Congrats on 500 followers 🥳 ! I know that the weapon!reader fic came out today but I so badly want a fic about how he got adopted into it, like Ik you told us but could do you do write it out, if you get what I mean? Sorry I suck at explaining lol
I’m so sorry to request so soon, so take your time ❤️
Thanks, it's time for the origin story it seems. Also, I'm closing request for a while, I got 9 of them in my inbox and I would like to catch up with them, so just watch my blog description to see when they open. Also, I wrote 2.9k words... What the hell?
Summary: How (Y/N) got adopted.
Warnings: violence, murder, (C/S)= call sign, (F/N)=fake name, (F/L/N) = fake last name, a random target for (Y/N) to kill.
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A weapon. A thing. Not even a human being. That was the motto he was told over and over again. He doesn't remember the life he had before all of this training. Or maybe he was just training from when he was born? Who really knows.
He was always on a strict schedule. Wake up at 6 am, have breakfast at 6:30, then it was time to do training. Whether it's martial arts or just being at a shooting range, his days were often filled with training or missions.
He was always a shadow. A person who just melted with people, who blended in with the crowd and who could disappear easily. More appropriate name would be ghost.
He met the best assassins in their world and he earned their respect for his skills and undying devotion and motivation for the mission.
Even Ra's al Ghoul respected (Y/N) and that was something that is not easy to achieve. Even more so, he was shocked when Ra's wanted to meet with him. It was something about a mission that he was going to get.
It was in Gotham city.
And by meeting Ra's al Ghoul, that meant going to his own base. He closed his eyes as he was driving in the helicopter. The vibrations were slightly comforting as he watched the base materialize in front of his eyes.
He was always in awe of Ra's al Ghouls base. The man was untraceable and the fact that he popped up somewhere in the middle of nowhere and the fact that he led (Y/N) to his base was incredible.
When the helicopter landed, (Y/N) took of his headset and stepped out. He squinted due to the sun shining in his face. He bowed his head when he saw Ubu, Ra's al Ghoul's second in command.
" Welcome to our base (C/S). Please follow me. " Ubu said, turning on his heel and walking back to the base. On both sides there was a row of assassins, just ready to strike at moments notice.
It was eerie. He walked right behind Ubu, looking up at the big base. And that man is untraceable too. This base is massive and although in the middle of nowhere, it's easy to find something massive.
They stepped inside into the shade and (Y/N) was relieved to be shielded from the sun. He saw Talia al Ghoul as she walked by, always gorgeous, but fatal. Femme fatal and black widow mixed in one really.
He remembers one altercation that he had with Talia a few years back. Turns out that they were on the same mission and Ra's and (Y/N)'s handler didn't bother to let each of them know before they tried to kill each other.
(Y/N) still remembered the fight and how brutal it was. Talia might not seem to be physically strong, but she most definitely is strong. She could really punch and the entire room was completely trashed. It wasn't until the room was trashed, faces were bloody and (Y/N) broke Talia's nose and Talia broke his wrist.
Ra's and his handler were shocked when they saw the state of them. Talia and (Y/N) were glaring at each other and if not for their handlers, they would have gotten at it again.
But now, they had mutual respect.
Where was that mission anyway? Metropolis? It could be. He remembers hearing about Superman in the news and he also read the newspaper, seeing that Superman was on the front page.
Talia and (Y/N) nodded towards each other, a sign of saying hello and respect for each other. She walked off down the corridor and (Y/N) turned his head back to look forward.
They stopped in front of the big doors and the two guards opened it. (Y/N) stepped into a lavish room. My God, does Ra's have money to burn. Marble, gold... On the left there was a big bookcase with first editions of the biggest literature works. The said man was sitting down at the balcony, seemingly drinking bourbon.
Who even drinks bourbon this early in the morning?
" (Y/N), please, do sit. " Ra's said, pointing to a chair opposite of him.
(Y/N) sat down and Ra's poured him a glass. (Y/N) sat, hand grazing the gun in his holster. It was still there, loaded and ready to go.
" Now, you must wonder why I summoned you here. " Ra's started, turning his entire body to look at (Y/N).
" I can only assume that it has something to do with my upcoming mission in Gotham. " (Y/N) said, leaning slightly back, putting his arm around the back of the chair, but still keeping his other hand near his gun.
" That is true. I know you are no stranger to Gotham, but you are a stranger to Batman's modus operandi. "Ra's started, picking up his glass, before twirling the liquid around.
" I'm familiar to how Batman works. I'm afraid you are wasting your time if you called me because of that. " (Y/N) said, watching as Ra's smirked.
" I have no doubt you know how Batman works, but that was all in theory. Your handler never fought with Batman. I have. " Ra's replied, taking a sip of his bourbon.
" Not a drinker I see. Well, I know your mission is not about Batman, you have assassinate a prominent politician, but Batman will be all over it. That man can tell when somebody very well trained does it. He can recognize assassins and he can tell if somebody of your caliber entered the city. " Ra's stated, turning to look at his people training.
" Batman is like a dog with a bone, I believe that's the term that Americans use. And it's a good term for Batman. Once he has something, he won't let go of it, no matter what. I just want to warn you, once you do this, Batman will look high and low for you. " Ra's explained, turning his head to look at the young man, who looked back at him with confidence in his eyes.
" I'm pretty sure that I will be pretty quick with my mission and will be gone by the time I'm done. I will be in the city for just a few hours. " (Y/N) said, now taking the glass.
" And those few hours might change your life. " Ra's said, taking his glass too. He raised it and (Y/N) followed. " A little toast to your mission. May all go well. " They clinked their glasses and (Y/N) murmured hear hear.
A few days later, he was landing in the Archie Goodwin airport. He has a small sports bag with him, containing his suit, some extra clothes and a burner phone. He walked out of the airport, seeing the car already waiting for him.
He got in, already having the keys in on him. He turned the car on and he drove to a small, shabby motel in Gotham. He turned on the radio, listening to news.
" Welcome back from our brake. Tonight, at the city hall, Richard Peterson will be starting as a mayor. In the attendance are a lot of prominent Gotham citizens, including Bruce Wayne himself. Mister Wayne hasn't been so present in these types of events, but since it's a charity party, mister Wayne is always ready to show up. But don't get me wrong, that man did more for our city then anybody in the mayor's office and the government combined. Thank you for listening to our news and we are going to be back with our regular program. "
(Y/N) turned the volume down a bit, not really interested in music. It was a rock song, but (Y/N) didn't really listen. He watched the road in front of him. The said road was empty, expect for a few cars. He was never a fan of Gotham. It was a dirty city, both with actual garbage and by metaphorical garbage.
Corruption, drugs, murders, muggings... Crime all around. There wasn't a single sign of changing until Batman showed up. His handler told him that. he also told him that Batman coming onto the scene in Gotham has changed the world.
And Batman also changed it by creating the Justice League. Many were happy, and by many, he meant civilians. Villains were not so happy and they created their own league, the League of Light. He took a turn and he drove into the motel parking lot. He turned of the ignition and stepped out. He frowned a bit at the smell.
Ew. He took his sports bag and went to the reception. There was this old lady, probably old enough to retire. She was smoking and it seemed like he was her first guest of the day.
" Hello ma'am. " (Y/N) said politely, leaning on the front desk
" Hello sugar. I assume you need a room. "
" Yes ma'am. "
" Give me your name. "
" (F/N) (F/L/N). " (Y/N) said, taking the key from the lady. " Is it possible to pay up front? " (Y/N) asked, feeling a stack of cash in his pocket.
" Of course. I presume cash. "
" Of course ma'am. " (Y/N) said with a fake smile.
" I still got it. " She said, giving (Y/N) his key and (Y/N) gave a hundred dollar bill.
" You can keep the rest ma'am. " (Y/N) said, making her smile.
" Thanks sugar. "
(Y/N) nodded, taking his sports bag and he went to his room. He saw a pool, but there was no way in hell that he would go in there and swim. And besides, he has way to important things to do rather than to take a swim in the pool.
He dropped the sports bag on the bed. Now he had to go check out the city hall and the surrounding buildings. And he also needed to pick up his weapon from his contact here.
This was going to be a fun evening.
(Y/N) huffed as he set him self down onto a roof. He prepared his rifle to stand on the edge. He was in all black, with a black mask covering the bottom half of his face. He also had a black beanie, covering his hair.
He had his gloves on too. He can't have any fingerprints linking him to this. That is the most armature thing ever to be caught over. He sat down on the roof, waiting for the ceremony to start.
He watched the politicians rolling in their expensive cars and wives or husbands under their arm, used as trophies. He never saw the appeal of it, but he himself in a way was a trophy to his handler. Although, not because of his looks like in this case, rather for his skill set.
Also, why do you pay so much for clothes? (Y/N) could see without his binoculars that the dresses were expensive and he never saw the appeal of it.
He took out a small protein bar, munching on it as he waited for his target to arrive. One tip he learnt is to never shot from a rifle when you are hungry. So, it's better to eat something.
He put the wrapper into his pocket and he got down. His target just got out of the building and stood in front of the podium. (Y/N) looked through the scope, setting his sights on the politician.
When everyone settled down, (Y/N) took a breath and pulled the trigger. (Y/N) shot him through his forehead directly. Screams started and the police started scrambling to secure the area. (Y/N) took his rifle and separated it into parts, to fit into his backpack.
And then he ran from the rooftop, sinking into the shadows. The plan for this was to get to a bridge and throw this backpack into the river. And then get to on a plane get out of here.
Batman knew that this assassination had something to do with somebody of high caliber. It was dead on in the center and the fact that whoever did this didn't leave any traces on the roof where he stood.
However, there was a security camera.
" Tim, I need you to hack into a security camera on the building across from the City hall. Look who was there at the time of the murder. "
" Will do B. Alfred is looking into this politician, trying to figure out why he was killed. " Tim said, already hacking into it.
" I will show you the footage now B. " Tim said.
Bruce tapped a few buttons on his gauntlet and the video feed was shown. Bruce just looked at the eyes, saw the munching on the protein bar. And it seems that when he was escaping that the wrapper fell out.
Maybe the wrapper had something on it. " Tim, look for other footage of him. We need to get a face for the recognition. "
" Already on it. "
Bruce hanged up and scanned the wrapper. It had some DNA on it and he could probably have a DNA sample from this. He scanned it now and put it into every database known to man, even through the Justice League database.
Oh my. It got a hit. It was by the name (C/S), aka (Y/N) (L/N). He started making waves in the assassin community. But what ticked Batman off was the fact that he is a teen.
Whoever trained him... Whoever trained was going to be maimed.
" Everyone, I have a name and a face. Track him Tim. I want to know when he got into Gotham. Look at the airport, stations, everything. "
" Okay, but I put his face to find him through the city. Right now, he is on his way to... The airport. Robin and Red Hood could intercept him."
" I will. Let me know where he is and the car he is driving. " Batman said, calling the Batmobile. Time to find (Y/N).
(Y/N) was driving peacefully, just ready to get out of this city. Batman and the others, however, had other plans. (Y/N) never saw them coming. Batman rammed the Batmobile into the right side of (Y/N)'s car, making it turn a sharp left. (Y/N) braced for impact and more importantly, he got his seatbelt on.
He was a bit shocked, but that quickly wore off as he saw what hit him. He wasn't staying long enough to fight Batman. Nobody in their right mind would.
(Y/N) got out, gripping his gun. He saw a fire escape and ran for it. He can't fight him, he needs to get out of this city and far away from Batman and his sidekicks as humanely possible. He looked down and he saw Robin. He knew who Robin was, he saw a photo of him once though.
He climbed even faster, getting onto a roof. Nope. He stopped in front of Batman, who didn't look impressed.
" Hello (Y/N). You need to come with me. "
" I'm afraid not. I have to go back so... " (Y/N) said, ducking to the side to run. He jumped to the next roof, but somehow Red Hood jumped him from the right putting them trough a window on the roof. They both fell down and (Y/N) hit his head against a beam.
The world got dizzy and he heard voiced mixing. He closed his eyes, hoping to die instead.
(Y/N) wasn't so lucky as to die. He woke up with a big headache and he knew that he didn't escape. He opened his eyes and was met with a glass ceiling. He turned his head and was met with the sight of Batman and the others.
" Morning (Y/N). " Batman said, moving closer to the glass.
(Y/N) sighed, sitting up at the small bed here. " Yeah, sure. How can I help you? "
" You can start with telling me who your handler is. " Batman said calmly.
" I'm afraid not. Besides, I only know him as the handler so... "
" Where is the base then? "
" Aren't you supposed to be the detective? " (Y/N) retorted.
" And you are supposed to be a normal teenager. Enjoying life. Going to high school. And not be an assassin for someone. " Batman retorted back.
" Either way, I can't tell you anything. And you are going to keep me here? "
" Yes. And I don't care about the fact you are not telling me who your handler is, I will find him either way. I won't allow you to go back to him. "
" So what are you going to do? Adopt me? " (Y/N) asked sarcastically.
" Yes. " However he didn't expect such serious response.
" No. "
" I mean, I need to keep you here. " Batman said, making (Y/N) go eye wide.
" Now I wish that Red Hood killed me. " (Y/N) said laying back down, making Jason smirk a bit.
" Likewise. " Jason said, making Bruce give him a quick glare.
" You will be better here (Y/N). You will have a chance at a free live. Your own life. No control, not anything you don't like. " Bruce said, trying to appeal to him.
" Hmm. No. " (Y/N) said, closing his eyes.
" Well, I can't send you back to that hell. " Batman said, finality in his voice.
" Well, I still don't like this. "
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zweetpea · 3 months
quick question!
Why do people like Talia Al Ghoul?
Like she’s a rapist. She raped Bruce. And kind of a groomer if we want to count her abusing Damien and putting him through years of torture I mean “training”.
I wouldn’t normally be asking but I saw some fan art and everyone was saying how much they love her.
I get that you can like her as a character without liking her as a person or approving of her actions but it just feels insensitive to people who are victims to tote Talia up as a bastion of innocence. (Which it feels like people are doing)
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Talia raises the ghost prince???
Talia was in mourning though she hid it well, she lost her son to the gothem knight, bruce. She knew it was what is best for damian but still she couldn't help but want her son back by her side.
Father wanted there to be guards around the Lazarus pit incase one of the gothem knights sought it out. It was ridiculous they had no interest in the pitts, but father was stubborn.
During one of her guarding changes, she couldnt help but think if this is the life damian would lead if he continued in the league of assasins, the though brought her pain, she didnt want that for her son.
While her thought clouded her mind briefly the thought were not enough to distract her from the Lazarus pit GLOWING that itself was cause for concern but then somethig CAME OUT OF THE PIT.
It was what looked like a todler, he had black and white hair mixed in an odd way, one eye was Lazarus green while the other a cold blue. He was in a plain white shirt with a green circle in the middle with black pants with blue stars, he was hilding a stuffed green dog, and had a flaming crown on above his head.
One of the guards got out of their shock first and stupidly decided to attack the child. Talia tried to stop him before he got close to the child that had a resemblance to her son.
Before talia could get to the child sitting on the pit, the Lazarus pit ITSELF interfeared, it shot out tenderals and wrapped around the stupid guard, the Lazarus pit squeezed the guard you could hear his bones snap, that it pulled the guard still screaming under the surfaces.
They'd never seen the Lazarus pit react to anything let alone something this extreme so talia was quick to tell one of the guards to get father immediately and tell him it has do with the Lazarus pit.
When she turned again she saw heard the child make a noise she didnt comprehend, that sounded like a whisper but was so loud and felt like drowning but lighter. Then the Lazarus pit MADE THE SAME SOUND!!!
The child seemed to understand what that ment. Then tenderals rose put of the pitt and looked like it'd wrap around the child but instead it pulled slowly away, the child chased it with a smile, this continued while they all came to the realisation that the pit was PLAYING with the child.
They all watched the child and pit play, until father, Ra al ghoul, enter the room. The pit seemed to pause before glowing once. Farther appeared shocked at what he walked in on but seemed to get put of it faster than they were. He approached the pit, and at first it didnt react. Then he must have goten too close bacause the pitt wrapped the tenderals around the child and pulled him back while the others went upfront of farther as a warning.
Father stopped and took a step back.
Then he sat down and asked the child.
"What are you doing here? How did you get here? What are you doing to the Lazarus pit!? And how are you doing it?"
The child poked its head away from the tenderals and looked at father. He looked to the pit and back at father before he said in the voice of a child.
" hi! I'm danny, and Lazarus it taking care of me!"
He looked back at father like that answered all the question in the world. The child, now called danny, and farther started to talk, though danny avoided answering the important questions. At some point talia sat down and started to talk with danny too.
Than another idiot guard thought trying to take danny away from the pit was a good idea. Without telling anyone what he was doing. The same fate as the first idiot guard happened again. This time father was there to witness it and was intrigued, he asked where they went, but the Lazarus pit seemed to have enough.
The pitt picked up danny gently before submerging danny in the water and returning to the previous state.
Father and talia talked about what danny could mean and what the Lazarus pit really was.
In the end it was decided that they would try to befriend danny and get answers out of him.
After the time with danny talia thought back to raising damian, how he never had that look of excitement and wonder, and decided that if she did see danny again, maybe she could have a son at her side.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 10 months
The train station where Clark had landed with Bruce was deserted. There were barely two lights on, which added to the ghostly feel of the place.
It was windy, but he wasn't affected by the low temperatures, unlike Bruce, who was wearing a heavy jacket and had a duffel bag with him.
“Bruce, there's no one here.”
“The train is coming,” the man said, shaking slightly. Clark wasn't sure if it was the cold or something else.
“Can I at least know why we are in Toronto?”
“It's the most logical destination.”
“More logic for who?”
Bruce didn't respond, keeping his secrets to himself.
Clark hated it when he did that.
He hated it more that Bruce asked him for help.
Because it meant that he was desperate, and that this was so important to him that he had to put his pride aside.
Whoever was on the train that was supposed to arrive had Bruce's heart in their hands.
“It has to be Talia Al Ghoul. He always becomes irrational when she's involved.”
The woman was nothing if not bad news. But Bruce had an extraordinary talent for choosing who hurt him.
“You're brooding,” Bruce croaked.
“I'm not brooding! I'm just curious."
“Keep your curiosity at bay until the train arrives.”
“Bruce, it's late.”
"I saw the timetables. It will arrive."
Clark he clenched his fists. What had Talia al Ghoul done to deserve so much devotion?
READ MORE Birds of a feather
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kiradical · 1 year
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It’s her bed, obviously. She just lets me sleep in it.
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