#This is the best rare pair!
stitchthelilo · 7 months
me thinking about my ships instead of going to bed
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 79
  When Pariah was awoken from his slumber, he wasn’t exactly expecting it. One was never expecting to awaken when they were supposed to be sealed for eternity after all. He also wasn’t expecting for the reason the sarcophagus was even opened to be a pair of literal infants. A pair of very sick infants.
  One was a newborn ancient for Realms’ sake! Two years dead, if that, and the other- Where was their guardian?! Who had let an obsession get that bad?! How long had he been sealed away that no one had caught an obsession turning toxic and harmful towards a ghostling?! 
  Why was he even sealed inside this area of the zone?! Why had his Keep been moved in the center of one of the zones where ghostlings formed?! He’d never harm a ghostling, but if he’d been any madder (And he knows he had lost it near the end there, that he’d gone too far as he cracked under the weight of the Realms, he’d had an eternity to realize) it would have been a catastrophe! 
  Who has been in charge, the observants!? … What the fuck, that was supposed to be rhetorical! No! They’re good for paperwork but they seem to have failed even at that and- what do you mean they’ve sealed Clockwork away?! 
  The already traumatized Time Primordial who was in this type of area specifically to care for ghostlings, and was now being prevented?! How long has this been going on- No! He’s fixing his realms-damned kingdom before he even thinks about conquering other ones, because who the fuck let it get this bad!
   Pspsps, here little sick ghostlings, he’s trying very hard not to hurt you but you are very tiny and he has been locked away for a long time so please stop squirming…
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odillisea · 30 days
I love being a multishipper in the marauders fandom. Two characters exist? Yeah, sure they can kiss why not. I can see it. And we can literally just change bits and pieces of the characters to make them fit better if we really want to because we made them up in the first place.
It’s like a small child smashing two barbies together to make them kiss. If we say they can work together as a ship, then it will happen. Literally nothing can stop us.
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maladaptivewriting · 2 months
i will forever maintain that the nicest people in this fandom are the ones who ship peter x barty because when i wrote a moderately long party fic, the comments were so kind and appreciative.
not that the comments on my other fics are mean necessarily, but sometimes jegulus and wolfstar shippers can be a bit overcritical because they have so many fics to choose from and those kinds of comments can get exhausting when you’re just trying to explore your own versions of the characters.
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hhhhunty · 9 months
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Hello lusopp fans I know there's at least two of you
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #123
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ambrosethedarling · 4 months
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‘Always Forever’ by Cults playing in the distance
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daddiesdrarryy · 9 months
Remus: Prongs, don’t you think if things were gonna happen with Sirius’s brother, they would’ve happened already?
James: I’m telling you, he said he’s looking for a relationship with someone exactly like me
Remus: Reg really said that?
James: Well, I added the 'exactly like me' part
Remus: …
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transmeowsculine · 2 days
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tommytomatoe · 30 days
say what you want but im a firm believer that cutie x porter is the BEST rare pair in the redacted fandom. fight me, i can support this thesis.
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teecupangel · 1 year
man I know you've got a million what ifs and I don't expect you to spin this anywhere but I was just looking at some Yusuf fanart and wondering how Desmond would feel if he was reborn as Yusuf
It would be such a weird intersection of Ezio and Altaïr memories for him
and the twin pulls to go to Ezio and help him however he can, and the rancid bile that is Templars making their home in Masyaf
and of course the Petruccio problem, that Desmond feels like he took someone else's life, someone he knew enough to know he's not him, that he's an identity thief.
(And also the continued tragedy of Desmond being born in Ezio's era, but too late to help him in his youth.)
We can keep Desmond from going ‘fuck it’ and either joining Ezio or doing something about the Templars’ occupation in Masyaf thanks to Yusuf’s backstory of having no father and only having his mother raised him. His mother would be the only reason why Desmond continued to stay in Constantinople. Honestly, what we know of Yusuf’s life is from the novelization of the movie where his descendant relived his early years. From that though, we can get Desmond into accidentally creating a Brotherhood made up of street urchins. They’re more on the side of thieves than actual Assassins because Desmond focused on keeping everyone alive and healthy.
So when the Brotherhood heard of an organized Thieves Guild, Ishak Pasha is the one to look into it.
There, he meets up with Desmond (who goes by Desmond with only his mother being the one to call him ‘Yusuf’) and Ishak mistakes Desmond as one of the leaders’ main messengers.
Desmond didn’t bother to correct his misconception and lets Ishak watch them in action with Desmond talking to himself in 3rd Person much to the amusement of his fellow ‘thieves’. Ishak learns they call their leader ‘mentor’ and realized that a lot of them move like Assassins.
When he sees Desmond’s Hidden Blade which he had received from his mother a few years back, Ishak finally realizes that Desmond is the mentor.
After this, we can go either:
Desmond and his Brotherhood of ‘street rats’ are taken in by the Brotherhood for formal training or
Desmond and his Brotherhood remain to be a separate organization that are closely allied with the Brotherhood but do not bow to any mentor.
I feel like Desmond would pick to remain independent for various reasons but mostly, he decides to be independent because he doesn’t see himself as an Ottoman Assassin, clinging to his Levantine roots. Ishak might even think that Desmond was truly a descendant of a Levantine Assassin of old, maybe of even the great Al-
Probably not.
With Desmond’s Brotherhood being an independent organization, he gets to train people he trust to keep his mother safe. Once he’s sure they’d be fine by their own, years have passed and Desmond…
Desmond knows Ezio would be making his way to Masyaf this year.
He goes to Masyaf as well.
Okay, so we know that Desmond would searched for the Masyaf Keys as soon as he could and we can give him maybe most of them… except one. The key that seemed to have disappeared, most probably in Templar hands that Desmond is still searching for.
This way, we have an excuse for Ezio to go to Constantinople with Desmond after they cleaned up Masyaf.
Ezio tries to reason that even if they kill every single Templar in Masyaf, they’d just bring in more and finds Desmond’s insistence to clean up Masyaf as a fool’s errand. At the same time, he’s jealousy of the passion Desmond has for the Creed but worries of how Desmond seems to be stuck in the past as well.
Desmond would be a bit cagey of who he is but he’d tell Ezio that his name is Desmond. Ezio would be surprised but he wouldn’t believe Desmond is the same Desmond that Minerva talked about because, as far as he knew, Desmond was meant to be alive centuries from now. Desmond didn’t bother to tell him the truth. Not yet, anyway.
Maybe after they have said their goodbyes to Altaïr…
The Petruccio problem will definitely rear its ugly head every time his mother would call him ‘Yusuf’, the first time Ezio would learn his real name is ‘Yusuf’ and whenever he sees the Brotherhood have a different mentor instead of… the real Yusuf Tazim. 
That was also a reason why he decided that his Brotherhood (maybe we’ll name it the Brotherhood of Shadows? It would be funny if Desmond goes “we’re the Hidden Ones” without having any ideas that that was the original name of the Brotherhood) would work independently. He’s trying to step away from Yusuf Tazim’s footsteps, like an exact opposite of the initial plans of the Desmond Miles who became Petruccio Auditore. 
He wants to carve his own path because he believes he’d only be sullying Yusuf’s memories if he pretended to be him.
……… Wanna fuck with Desmond some more?
Of course you do XD
How about Suleiman and Desmond actually meet and they sorta-kinda grow close in a ‘I think of you as a friend’ way for Suleiman and in a ‘I know you’re gonna be sultan later so I’m being nice to you’ way for Desmond.
But the more Desmond talk to Suleiman, the more he notices…
Suleiman sounds a lot like Malik.
And his memories of Malik make Desmond feel… a kinship with Suleiman that may or may not even be there. And Desmond is now worried.
That Suleiman would become the Lorenzo to his Giovanni and compromise them all.
(And yes, I did think of this because Suleiman and Malik have the same voice actor!)
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i do love the idea of praying for people. i get why my grandma always mentions that she is praying for me, bc its a way of saying 'you are in my heart at my most sacred moments' like !!!!! what a beautiful kindness that can be
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canadiankakashi · 3 months
My 3k fic has turned into a 12k and counting fic and I'm ever so slightly afraid of how long it's going to end up being
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yami268 · 2 months
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Ending this week off with Amelia and Cyclonis in a My Little Pony crossover.
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99simproblems · 4 months
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Kiet's cowboy outfit is done and his horse is sitting is the tray folder. I just need to pick some poses for him and find new tattoos(I imagine him having a neater and more cohesive geometric design).
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haroldlover24 · 1 year
i love my followers especially the harold appreciating ones
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also silly duncan and harold gif
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