#a few good men fanfic
mqverick · 2 months
scummy man || ✮⋆˙ .
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“Cause he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?
I said he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?”
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The moment Daniel Kaffee walked into your office with his stupid apple and his stupid, childish ‘hi’, you knew you were fucked from top to bottom. Of course, they hadn’t taken you seriously when you petitioned Division to have counsel assigned. They brought you the first idiot they came across.
You’d written a seventeen page memo to Bronsky outlining the situation, you’d pleaded your case for a half hour in his living room on a Sunday afternoon, and Division assigned a Lt. Junior Grade? They had too be kidding (or hate you).
You’d managed to scare him, at least, and that you were proud of. He seemed like the type, who was particularly full of himself, which was proven as quite the right accusation, after a few minutes of speaking with him. He was just a bunch of royal bullshit, you’d decided — fucking wanted him off the case, even though he hadn’t even started yet.
He was never going to take it seriously, judging on how loose and cool he acted. For crying out loud, Dawson and Downey were at his sake, while Daniel could not care less about them, opting to practice baseball instead, because he claimed he had a critical game coming. Was that guy serious?
“Lieutenant, would you feel very insulted if I recommended to your supervisor that he assign different counsel?” you threatened, face burning as you struggled to contain your anger at his complete indifference to the situation.
“Why would you do that?”
He had the nerve to ask. “You’re not fit to handle the defense. One second more with you and the marines will have sealed their poor fate.”
Daniel nodded, unimpressed with your tone.
“You don’t even know me. Ordinarily, it takes someone hours to discover I’m not fit to handle a defense. You’ve known me for less than ten minutes.” He walked away from you, as if your threat was a joke to him, like he didn’t believe you.
You stupidly stared at him, blood boiling as you wondered how impossibly scummy one could be.
“I do know you. Daniel Allistair Kaffee, born June 8th, 1964 at Boston Mercy Hospital. Your father's Lionel Kaffee, former Navy Judge Advocate and Attorney General, of the United States, died 1985. You went to Harvard Law on a Navy scholarship, probably because that’s what your father wanted you to do, and now you’re just treading water for the three years you’ve gotta serve in the JAG Corps, just kinda laying low til you can get out and get a real job. And if that’s the situation, that’s fine, I won’t tell anyone. But my feeling is that if this case is handled in the same fast-food, slick-ass, Persian Bazaar manner with which you seem to handle everything else, something’s gonna get missed. And I’d be damned if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than absolutely necessary, because their attorney had pre-determined the path of least resistance,” your monologue prevented you from taking a breath, confidently crossing your arms like you’d just won an argument, as Daniel took a quick sip from his Yoo-Hoo, staring intently at you. The sun was hitting his face and if you allowed it to yourself, you could’ve observed how stunningly green his eyes were.
“Wow,” he admired, very taken aback. “I’m sexually aroused, Commander. I may be picking the wrong time to ask you this, but are you seeing anyone right now? ‘Cause I think you and I would be perfect together. It’s clear that you respect me and that’s the foundation for any solid—”
“Shut up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You let out an angry exhale and grabbed him by the collar of his thin baseball shirt, pulling him towards you. He gasped in surprise, breath caught in his throat as you stabbed your finger into his chest as a warning.
“Listen there, Kaffee, I will have you removed from the case, so don’t go around being cute and unbothered. Mark my words, you just waisted your last chance with me.”
And with that, you threw him back to the bleachers, storming away in annoyance and over the top frustration. Never had another human being ever crawled up under your nerves so quickly, it had to be an astonishing world record.
When you walked into your office the next day just to find Daniel sitting on your chair already, you neared the dreadful experience of going into cardiac arrest. You silently wondered how he’d managed to sneak in, but decided to ignore him.
“You didn’t do it.”
His words were softly spoken, causing you to look at him, undoubtedly baffled. “I beg your pardon?”
“You didn’t do it,” he repeated with more emphasis, as if that would help you understand what he was referring to. “I thought you really wanted me out of the case, so I went to check, see if you talked to my supervisor. You didn’t.”
Oh, so he was talking about that. You played it off as something frankly unimportant, not even bothering to reply anything to him. If you turned your back around just for one second, you could’ve seen exactly how distressed he was.
Daniel got up from your chair, walking up behind you as he towered over you, hands unexpectedly nervous, seeing as they couldn’t stay still for a full minute on the waistline of his uniform trousers. You chuckled silently to yourself, nose scrunching in pride as you turned your back, looking dead into his eyes, your own ones fixed on the way his Adam’s apple moved in his neck as he gulped.
“Good job, Lieutenant. I see you took my words seriously for once. Need to keep into mind that you shit your pants way too easily, threats have you following every order you’ve been given.”
Daniel’s eyes were blown with disbelief of your manners, brows raised in offense. There was no doubt that you were prepared to make his life a living hell, had every intention to cause this case to be his first and last one, because the way it was going, he’d either rip apart his diploma or plain out kill himself. And who had the delightful opportunity to hear Daniel complain day and night? None other than Sam.
“She hates me, I don’t even know why,” he cried while pacing back and forth in his small living room, bat placed over his shoulders as he rested his hands on it, mind far away from the case. Sam sighed, sinking back into the couch. “She barely even knows me! I always do stuff wrong for her, she’s never satisfied. Little miss perfect,” he continued without a break, swinging the bat now as he ignored the board that stood in the middle of the place. Sam felt nauseous, having baring his unstoppable yapping for what felt like decades, even though it’d only been less than ten minutes.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his unlimited boredom and he got up to see who it was, ignoring the way Daniel kept going on and on. He looked over the eye on the door, almost letting out an audible groan at the fact that it was you who had knocked, meaning that your appearance would drive his friend even crazier.
“Come in,” he whispered lowly to you as he unlocked the door and let you in. You shrugged your jacket off your shoulders, noticing that Daniel hadn’t even acknowledged the fact that someone else had gotten into his house. “Damn, I’ve never seen him like this before. Normally he loses interest in a girl after a date or two…” he commented with a smirk, but you ignored him.
“You know, I wish she could’ve taken me out of the case, so that I wouldn’t have to see her face again,” Daniel admitted frustratedly, stopping dead in his tracks momentarily as he laid his eyes on you. Suddenly, hitting his head as hard as possible with his bat didn’t seem like such a terrible idea. Oh, he was fucked to the core.
A smug, proud smile spread across your lips.
“Talking about me, Lieutenant Kaffee?” you rhetorically asked, crossing your arms and puffing your chest out arrogantly as you strode confidently across the room to get to him.
Daniel pretended to turn a deaf ear to your question, head strictly observing the case’s board as he gripped on the hand of his baseball bat. He wished the earth would open up and swallow him out of existence, his brain bleeding at the pure satisfaction he’d so universally given you by admitting the very phrase that you’d been accusing him of; dropping the case, because he couldn’t take the seriousness of it. And oh, well, because he couldn’t bare another second with you breathing down his neck and constantly criticizing him without even caring enough to get to know him — not as Daniel Kaffee, but Marine Lieutenant Kaffee. You had no idea of his potential, yet you still found it in you to look down at him, underestimate and humiliate him.
Sam incredulously just existed there, not taking any stance against either one of you. He’d been friends with Daniel since ages, which cast him to be very close to his way of thinking, and he knew for an undeniable fact that his friend was building up a brick wall of denial, hatred and irony just because he wouldn’t want to face the reality of the situation that pained his mind.
Daniel was captivated by you, Sam claimed.
He silently watched the way his eyes never left your face the entire time you spent in the small apartment, while working on the case, the split second that Daniel subconsciously let his jaw slightly hang open when you determinedly explained every detail of how to teach the marines how to act in the courtroom. Of course, Daniel was going through a matter of confusion.
You stood an obstacle to his limitless confidence and that wasn’t something he particularly wanted to experience every passing day, thus why he’d convinced himself that he hated you. But that was simply not true, at least according to Sam’s observations, which always proved to be right.
“I hate her,” he’d say all the time, but even the sound of his voice gave away the fact that he didn’t. How could he, anyway? Despite the hard time you were giving him, you actually worked by his side, boosting him even more. Come on — he was going to be in a courtroom — he’d never been in one before. All because of how stubborn you were with this case. Daniel loved it.
“Nobody likes her very much,” he’d said in Cuba, shouting his statement loudly enough for all the people in the convertible to hear despite the dizzying noise of shots and fighter planes. You’d rolled your eyes, opting not to give him the chance to stupidly smirk at himself for managing to piss you off (that was exactly his only goal).
Predictably enough, Daniel was laying down on his couch as a baseball game faintly played in the background, preventing him from concentrating. Truth be told, his mind was blank. He’d prepared himself mentally for what was coming; they’d lose the trial, make complete fools of themselves in front of an entire courtroom. His father was shaking his head disappointedly at him, Daniel knew it. He fiddled with his bat, glancing at the remnants of the two days old pizza he’d heated up in the microwave fifteen minutes ago, lazily thrown in a piece of kitchen paper, next to a half empty bottle of Yoo-hoo. His white uniform from earlier was thrown in a pile in a corner, like a piece of garbage he was itching to get out of his house.
A sudden buzz from his bell was heard, throwing him off as he jumped a little, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he went to the door, wondering who it could be at that time, since he wasn’t even expecting anyone. Or so he thought. The moment he opened the door, you stormed inside without even waiting for him to invite you in. Daniel stood speechless for one second, then shrugged it off, simply because it was you, and your ignorance of him was unquestionable. He looked shit, he realised; dressed in a dark gray T-shirt that had small oil stains on it because of the pizza, an abstract, unbuttoned red, brown and green colored shirt thrown over it.
“I’ve really missed you. It’s been almost three hours since I last saw—” he began sarcastically, but you cut him off abruptly, while placing a stack of papers onto the living room table.
“I can already tell that you forgot we had to meet up to discuss about the case by the way you’ve shamelessly displayed your gross dinner all over the files we need to present tomorrow. Good job, like always, Kaffee.”
Daniel didn’t bother to huff or give out any reaction, at that point, he knew that you were aware of the fact that you pushed his buttons just by breathing the same direction as him. He let his bat against the arm of the couch, taking a folder into his hands and pretending to examine it.
“Is Sam not coming?” he asked without raising his eyes to look at you.
“I don’t know, he’s your buddy. Aren’t you supposed to know better than me?”
You judged his choice of childish drink with a long, disgusting glare, then buried your face into the papers as well. Dawson and Downey relied upon the three of you deeply and if proving them not guilty meant you had to spend your Friday evening in Daniel Kaffee’s apartment, then so be it. It was a lot quieter than usual and the unfamiliar emptiness had you wondering. The baseball game was still on, distracting you from thinking clearly. “I think Kendrick ordered the Code Red. So do you,” you mumbled out of the blue, catching his attention in a second.
“You didn’t just come here to bother me?”
“You’re the worst lawyer I’ve ever met,” you spoke rudely, noticing Daniel’s face drop. “Why don’t you get the poor guys a new attorney, huh? You stand no chance anyway, you’re too afraid.”
“You still haven’t taken the time to get to know me, so I don’t think that you have any rights to go around telling me what to do, Commander,” the boldness of his tone matched yours as he sat on the couch, still denying the urge to look up at you, gauge your reaction to his words. He liked to ignore you, it gave him the impression that he had some sort of power over you that drove you as far mad as you did to him. Ignorance was kind.
“Think I’m going to change my mind about you the moment I hear your childhood sob story? They can all say you’re the best damn lawyer it’s ever been their pleasure to have as an attorney, and I still wouldn’t be convinced. But go on, though, I’ll humor you for tonight. Were daddy’s expectations really that high that they scare you off to do your job correctly?”
He pursed his lips, a slight furrow between his brows again as he stared pointedly at you. His heart crashed every time you went down the family path, not fully understanding how you’d figured him out so quickly and with less effort than even Jack put into his conversations with him. “Okay, then, if you really believe all that, get me replaced, I won’t stop you. Or did you already try that with no luck? Please, spare me the psycho-babble father bullshit, though, it’s your only argument and it’s getting tiring.”
“At least I have an argument.”
“Fucking congratulations! That’s just splendid!”
“Another lawyer won’t be good enough!” you accidentally admitted on your temper. Your eyes widened at the echo in the dead silence, that grew in the apartment, after what you’d just blurted out. Daniel’s eyes softened, filled with pure bewilderment, jaw going slack. His upper front teeth were visible as he stared at you stupidly enough to have your cheeks burning the brightest shade of red. You tried to find an excuse to reason yourself, but nothing could cover up the royal bullocks you’d thrown all over yourself.
He’d never let you live that moment down.
“You frighten me. I’m involved in a situation now, in which the stakes couldn’t be higher. I’m not going to take time out to give tutorials in criminal procedure to an internal affairs schoolgirl who doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing and still has the nerve to threaten my lead.”
“I just melt when you sugar-talk me, Danny.”Daniel felt a sudden rush of heat form in the back of his neck, traveling all the way up to his face at the sound of his nickname falling out of your lips. It wasn’t even a big deal — everyone called him Danny, yet the way it sounded in his ears when you uttered it out, it felt as though someone had turned up the dial on his internal embarrassment thermostat to maximum, and now he was sure he was ready to burst at any moment. The awkwardness of the moment had both of you completely mute, blankly finding random things in his house to interestingly stare at, as if they were suddenly very important. “Anyway, I think you know exactly how to win. They need you.”
A dumbstruck smile lightened up his face.
“You really think so?”
“Do you have something to drink?” you dodged the question, knowing that you’d revealed too much of your genuine feelings about him. Of course you admired him, how could you not?
“Yeah — Yeah! Something to drink, yes, just a second, let me see what’s in the fridge,” he exclaimed, inexplicably jumpy as he practically flew to the fridge. The corners of your lips turned upwards, enjoying the way he struggled to roam through the drinks and food, some things falling over in his attempt to search in the back. When he finally approached you, he was proudly holding a small bottle with a yellow Yoo-hoo tag on it.
You sighed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s chocolate milk, you’ll love it.”
What the hell, you thought, taking the drink from him as he handed it over to you with a warm smile. Your face was filled with disgust, almost hollering at the smell. When you let a few drops touch your lips, you coughed dramatically and shook your head in denial of what you’d just drank, placing the bottle back on the table.
“That’s the most foul thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Wait until you try my cooking. I usually save that card until the fourth or fifth date, though,” Daniel smirked, eyes gleaming under the bright yellow light of his living room. He looks so dumb, how is this man a navy lawyer? you questioned yourself.
“Explains why you’re single, then.”
“Maybe I’m just waiting for someone.”
“Is it Jack Ross? ‘Cause I think he likes you back, you should totally make a move,” you teased him.
“Maybe said someone is annoying me as we talk.”
“Come on, Danny, can’t take a joke?”
He didn’t say anything, just rolled his eyes and twirled his bat on the ground, while pacing around the coffee table. “Can I ask you something personal?” he asked out of the blue, causing a pit of anxiety to form into your stomach.
“I suppose you’ll ask even if I refuse.”
“Look at you, you’re finally getting to know me.”
“Shoot, Kaffee.”
“What made you become a lawyer for the Navy?”
Your expression changed, now fully confused. You wondered how he’d possibly come up with that question all of sudden — was he doing some sort of research on you, get you exposed and out of his lead case so that you wouldn’t annoy him anymore with your constant complaining? Or was it more just Daniel being… well, Daniel and randomly coming up with the most out of context questions and things to discuss about?
“They wouldn’t let me fly the planes,” you simply gave and he tsk’ed with a dramatic head shake.
“Pegged you for the one that never gave up. You are becoming less of a role model on Junior Lieutenant Kaffee now, Commander. You’re like seven of the strangest women I’ve ever met.”
“That’s rich of you to say,” you added a little too quickly and loudly for your liking, hating how you were always so eager to defend yourself in situations that didn’t ask for it. “I’m the girl guys like you hated in sixth grade.”
Daniel’s eyes softened as he hesitantly took a seat next to you. “You’re wrong,” he muttered through his lips, looking down at his entwined fingers before exhaling exhaustively. “You’re the girl guys like me pulled the pigtails of at minor interactions just because they were too afraid of letting her know how they really felt about her.”
A pause. Silence built up in the room as Daniel kept looking down on his lap, eyes closed as if he was hoping for something, as if he was scared that the moment he’d open them, you’d be gone, because he’d screwed everything up again. But you were still there when he eventually decided to look over at you, staring blankly at him with no emotion whatsoever. He despised the fact that he couldn’t read you, hated the thought of not knowing exactly what went through your mind during that moment; it caused him too much anxiety, plus, with his little experience with girls, he’d never lived anything similar. They were all so chattery and urgent to fuck him that they didn’t hold anything back… and then, there was you.
You, who Daniel didn’t know how to feel about.
And suddenly, he couldn’t stand — bare — the fact that you’d been staring at him with so much to say, all that visible through your glassy eyes, and it was killing him, causing his stomach to flip, because he was ridiculously unaware about whether he did the right thing to reveal so much with that metaphor, or if he’d just ruined every aspect of professionalism between you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, his voice worn out, shaky as if he was about to break down right there in front of you. Your lack of response made his heart feel tight. “I’m not going to reassign Dawson and Downey to another lawyer, by the way. Neither will you ever be able to replace me, because I’m going to stick here.”
You instantly warmed up. For the first time, his confidence gave you that slight ounce of reassurance that you needed to get, put the colour back in your eyes as you grinned proudly at him, not caring about the so though Commander title you’d been given. “What made you change your mind?”
“Not you,” he replied, reciprocating the calmness and brightness of your face. “Just… don’t wear that perfume, it wrecks my concentration.”
“Really?” you asked in awe. Daniel just smiled. You noticed his Adam’s apple bob as he inhaled the courage to say something, then…
“This might be the wrong time to ask this, but would you really hate the idea of me taking y—”
“I am so sorry,” Sam interrupted, barging into Daniel’s apartment while panting, struggling to take his coat off as he put a hand over his chest. “I had to take care of my daughter, she got sick and my wife wasn’t home, I — Oh, I walked into something there, didn’t I?”
You think? Daniel mutely thought of saying to his friend, so mad inside as he glared at him with burning passion to slam the door shut into his face and returning to the conversation he was having with you less than twenty seconds ago.
“I need to go, anyway, I promised the Marines that I would visit them and help them prepare for the court. I’ll see you tomorrow, Danny. Bye, Sam,” you dismissed them, getting up from the couch and waving goodbye to the two of them as you walked outside with a small smile.
“No wait!” Daniel called, but it was already too late. “What the fuck, Sam?! You know something called knocking on the fucking door?”
Sam didn’t reply, simply because he was too busy explaining the story of why he thought he wouldn’t make it to the case preparation as he cleaned Daniel’s living room. He realised that his friend was paying no attention to him at all, only staring at the almost full Yoo-hoo bottle you’d left on the table from earlier, and that was all Sam needed to know exactly why he was being ignored. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
Daniel never replied.
“Hi!” he greeted you with the following day, head peaking in your office through the half closed door. He looked dumb, his oversized blue varsity jacket covering most of his palms as he held onto the door with a wide grin, eyes sparkling. You couldn’t understand his excitement.
“Hey,” the reply was dry and held back.
“I think we might actually have just enough evidence to prove Dawson and Downey innocent, all thanks to you,” he claimed happily, allowing himself fully into your office. You gave him a weird look but didn’t question anything, instead ignored him as you organized the discarded papers on your desk into folders. Daniel’s face dropped at your lack of enthusiasm for him, worry written all over his face as he quickly began fiddling again.
“That’s quite literally my job, Daniel.”
“Did I do something to offend you?” His heart was racing now, mind stuck in the loop of any words that he could’ve said to cause your so indifferent reaction. “You’re giving me the cold shoulder. I thought we moved past that.”
“It was just one conversation about the case. It’s not like we’re expected to act like friends after not bickering for a total of five minutes.” Oh. Daniel’s stomach was tied into knots, he felt as though he’d been kicked in the crotch with the worst possible amount of strength. His face was paled, eyes growing blurry as he nodded at your statement, not finding himself strong enough to say anything back to you, and instead choosing to walk out with his last pieces of remaining dignity.
He thought you might had started liking him. Even a little, he didn’t care about the numbers.
Daniel got easily emotionally influenced, though, and his performance at the court was screwed. He wouldn’t communicate with either you or Sam, interrogating the men on the stand with such frustration that the jury sighed every five seconds. You pinched the bridge of your nose and tightened your fingers into fists, crumbling a paper in front of you as Sam touched your shoulder in a way of telling you to calm down.
But how could you? You were losing the case already and it hadn’t even been a day. What is he doing? you thought, relentlessly questioning his choice of tone and movements. You had no idea how you restrained yourself from slapping him against the wall when he returned to the desk, hands shoved into his pockets as he set his jaw.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you whispered yelled at him, but he didn’t even bother to look at you. When the judge dismissed everyone, Daniel walked away as if nothing had happened. Your head was going to explode, you decided, as you followed him, high heels slamming against the floor. You’d strangle the soul out of him, who would even defend you? Sam followed silently, keeping it low-key as he whispered at you not to create any more trouble. Daniel was seemingly upset and at the back of your mind, you wondered if the reason was the fact that you’d neglected him less than an hour ago back in your office. You felt like you should’ve kept that for yourself and tell him later eventually, when the trial would be over. “Do you have any idea why he’s like this?” you turned to the other attorney.
“Why do you think?” was the only thing he left you with, his words ringing in your head as your pace quickened unnecessarily faster than expected. Your breath was coming in short, eyes stinging as you repeatedly called for Daniel’s name in the corridors without any response.
He was proving you right by all this.
All your doubts and fears about him being unable to thoroughly handle the case were bursting one by one, getting huger and huger until you’d start breaking down in a corner on his behalf. You hated Daniel Kaffee more than any other person.
“Daniel, fucking stop!” you shouted and he finally stilled. Your immediate instinct was to take a break from the intense walking, hand over your chest as you tried to regain your balance.
“Maybe you should’ve asked for them to keep me out,” was all he said before disappearing outside. He was mad, but mostly exhausted with everything, especially overwhelmed by you. He was done trying; finished with the case, finished the way you treated him — how one day you loved him and the next day you pretended he wasn’t even there, as if he didn’t exist. And he was fine with that, you didn’t want him, he could live.
But you gave him false hope, or so he thought.
“Lieutenant!” he heard you yell again, your pants mixed with the sound of your heels against the hallway floor. He decided not to turn around, didn’t want to hear anything that you had to say. “Lieutenant Kaffee!” And suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks, letting out a breath as he slammed his arms against his sides in defeat.
“What? What do you want from me?” he asked with frustration, voice raspy and shaky as he firmly loosened the black tie that felt like it was cutting the air out of his lungs, suit all messed up and wrinkly from fighting it off his body. He felt heavy, bothered, didn’t want to exist anymore.
“What do you mean what?” you asked with fragility, and it was the first time he’d ever heard you speak a sentence so softly and fearfully.
“I mean what is it?”
“I wanted to say that you did quite well in there, even though it was your first time and that—”
“Please — don’t even — don’t even start…” he cut you off mid-word, eyes squinting close as he tried not to look at you, afraid that just one glance at your face would be enough for him to bend.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re giving me mixed signals!” he abruptly bursted, making you jump a little. You’d never heard him raise his voice like that before, despite the fact that you’d been into countless bickers before with him. No, there was something different this time, something more into it.
“You’re — you’re confusing the shit out of me! One day you fucking hate me and the other you get so nice with me that it almost makes me believe that maybe, just maybe, I could have a chance with you… Start things over. And then you go back to day one — and no one has ever… I feel like one day I’m saving you from a burning building and the next I’m throwing you to the sharks, this — this is exactly how it is with us and it’s all your fucking fault! I’ve tried so hard with you, to make myself worthy, to catch your attention, to make you realise that I don’t think I’ve never admired a person more than you in my life before… and you keep throwing everything away! And I’m fine with that, but for the name of love, stop giving me hope that one day maybe you’ll actually start liking me.”
His monologue left you speechless, every word, every breath engraved and buzzing into your troubled brain as he walked away, this time without being stopped by anyone. Daniel felt like rubbish. On one hand, he felt relieved for letting the thoughts that had been eating him alive out, but on the other he felt even heavier. He knew he’d risked so much for speaking up, but the final straw had been put into his overfilled glass.
For a short moment, he considered turning back.
Perhaps you’d have something to say to him, but that was exactly what he dreaded. The more he’d spend looking at you, waiting for an answer or even the slightest reaction, the more he’d want to listen to what you’d have to say to him, and that was cautionary for his condition. Obviously, he’d fallen for you along the line. You’d screwed him over so deeply that he didn’t know where to grasp at to save himself from losing the grip he had by the end of the cliff. No, he decided, if you wanted him half as bad as he wanted you, you’d go after him, search for him, ask people, show that you cared, even if the amount wasn’t a great deal.
It was insignificant to him, if you cared about him as much as he did for you, he just wanted you to care. Even as a companion, or a respected fellow attorney. You didn’t follow him, though, and the sad part was that he wasn’t even surprised. Of course you had nothing to say to him, you’d made that very clear by wanting him so badly off the case that you were prepared to move the sky and earth just to earn the satisfaction of watching him be defeated. And if you so utterly needed him uninvolved, why did you give him motivation not to quit? Why did you keep pushing him?
Every ounce of feeling that he had for you was a big, unanswered why that tortured him inside.
Daniel wished he could erase from your memory what he’d just confessed. Make you forget all about it, have you look at him with the same hateful eye that you always did. Because now, you’d look at him with pity, scared of what to say to him (he’d revealed way too much and he was only just realising it) — gosh, he’d ruined it. He was so exhausted, both mentally and physically.
Ethic violations were involved in the mess, as well, because of course they would be. A sexual relationship with a fellow counsel in the middle of a trial? What was he thinking? As if you even wanted him breathing near you in the first place.
It had only been three, going to four hours, ever since Daniel got his heart crashed, made a fool of himself not only in the courtroom, but also in front of you. For him, it felt like days, even a full week. His only company was a bottle of Jack Daniel’s that he’d almost finished, stuffing it in his coat’s large pockets as he walked back home.
This was how you felt about him. You hated him.
And he’d have to make amends with that, but not without the encouragement of cheap alcohol pouring into his system. Thank god for Ross, who always bought him all the booze he needed.
You, on the other hand, had wasted all of your breath trying to look for Daniel everywhere. It’d almost been an hour and you were at the hands of Sam, trying to think about all the possible locations that his friend could be at. You searched for him at the O Club, down at the basketball court, even his own apartment, but he was nowhere to be found. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest, caught in your throat as you walked back to his neighborhood, opting to give his apartment another try. It’d been more than thirty minutes ever since you first went, maybe he’d returned by now. Your hands were shaking as you brought a loosely balled up fist to the surface of the door, hesitantly knocking on it once, twice — then heard steps from inside.
“Go away.”
Your entire body eased momentarily at the sound of his voice. Good, he wasn’t dead. His tone was cold and distant, nevertheless, and you knew that he was in no mood for seeing or even speaking to you after how you’d behaved during his speech, or even earlier, during the trial. Your mouth went dry at the first attempt of speaking back to him.
“You’ve got no place to call me that.”
Oh. So, you’d really broken him.
“Daniel,” you corrected yourself halfheartedly, your hands rubbing up and down against the sides of your outer thighs, “can you let me in?”
Your face dropped. You weren’t used to Daniel being so… you didn’t even know how exactly to describe it. The relationship between the two of you hadn’t started on a brilliant basis, neither did it get any better throughout all the time, but even though he didn’t seem to like you very much, he’d always been open for you, in some sort of way that your mind still struggled to comprehend.
“Daniel, please,” you begged, stepping back, surprised when his door creaked open just an inch to reveal his heavy lidded, blurry eyes.
“Do you have anything to say to me about the case? Otherwise, get moving, Commander.”
“Did you… Are you drunk?” you found yourself asking worriedly, ignoring his previous question.
“Why do you care, huh? Last time I checked, you didn’t give two shits about me!” he yelled, slamming the door back shut into your face, causing you to flinch. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“So this is it?”
Daniel swore he was only a second away from exploding, your question sending him over the edge as he chuckled in frustration, not knowing whether you asked what you asked simply to piss him off, or if you were genuinely placing an inquiry that you had been unclear about.
“This is what? Are you fucking with me?”
“You’ve hated me ever since you stepped into my office. You always did, say it. Just say that you hate me, you can’t stand me anymore, come on. Or is this just for Sam’s ears? That you wished I’d taken you out of the case just so you wouldn’t have to listen to my voice any longer. Come on, Kaffee, that’s all you’ve got to say.”
Daniel backed away in disbelief, then made you silently wince as he punched hard against the door, the sound of his skin hitting the processes wood ringing in faint echoes inside your eardrums. You’d driven him out of control.
“Me? Hate you? How could you possibly say such a thing — I — I…” Daniel wasn’t sure how to continue the sentence. There were too options and both of them would have a negative impact upon your relationship with each other and case.
One; he could let his tipsy mind ramble on and on about how you hadn’t once left his mind ever since he saw you for the first time, that he’d never felt so intimidated by anyone, never had fallen into such a deep awe of someone’s passion and ability to pursue their goals in life. That he wished he could possess the one thirds of your courage and determination, because you were honestly scared of nothing, got all the questions you wanted answered within a heartbeat. You didn’t back down in any occasion, you were your own person and Daniel had fallen so deeply in love with everything that you so proudly owned in your character that he thought he was a lost card.
Two; he could never continue the sentence, trail off and stay completely silent, see if you had anything to reply to him — and of course, he opted for the safest option, which was the second one. He was too scared of wearing his heart on his sleeve, knowing that you’d break it anyway.
“The fact that you’re so fucking scared of being a lawyer is beyond me. You’re in the Navy for crying out loud, get a hold of yourself,” was all you muttered in response, leaning against his door, completely unaware of the fact that he was also in the same position, that if the door disappeared in thin air that very moment, you’d fall on top of him with your mouth so dangerously close to his own that he’d pass out (and so would you, in some extent.)
Daniel’s every muscle was so tightly contracted, that he believed they’d crash altogether without any warning if he spent one more minute, forehead pressed against the door, knowing damn well that you were still outside, that you breathed just as heavily as he did, that he’d tied himself to the tracks, ready to be run over.
He knew that whatever was happening in that moment would reek of runny makeup and salty tears, sweat of agony running down the faces of two attorneys, bewildered and scorned as they fell into silence in preference of doing what they’d studied in law school for four years; defend their own selves, master the words. The ability of speaking had died down your throats near the day you chose bitterness over respect for each other.
Daniel averted his eyes to the ground, mustered all the courage he could possibly get and loosened his fingers in his fist. He called your name once, twice, but no reply ever came back. He knew you’d left, could understand it by the way he peaked through the glass hole in his door and saw that no one was there. His logic screamed at him to stay where he was, crash in the couch, close his eyes and sleep, forget about the case, forget about you, the conversations, the feelings, the tension, everything. Take down the entire Jack Daniel’s bottle and lean into the cushions without any further thinking.
Thank God that Daniel hated logical reasoning.
His door flew open as he hurried outside, not caring about his half unbuttoned dress shirt and blowsy uniform. It had been raining for hours now, the steady patter of water hitting against the windows of his small apartment long since faded to a dull rush in the back of his mind. He stepped out of the building, the thick material of his coat almost getting soaked through instantly. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out how far ahead you’d gotten, the pouring rain blurring his vision as he eventually spotted you on the road.
“Commander!” he shouted, but you didn’t turn, so he called for your name instead, numerous times until your feet gave up. A piercing gust of wind shook the trees above your head, showering your already miserable frame with a fresh deluge. You wiped the water from your eyes with a wet sleeve and tucked a lock of long brunette hair that fell into your eyes behind your dampened ear.
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” you said with a steady voice, barely audible in the downpour. Daniel tried to catch his breath as he finally reached you, looking like he was about to either melt along with the rain, or simply vanish.
“No, I can’t accept that. We — We braved extraordinary circumstances to get over here. You need to give me one chance,” he begged, but you kept walking, tired of his mediocre speeches and dramatic overreactions everywhere possibly imaginable. You wanted facts, wanted to listen to him fully, crystal clearly admit what he had to say. Not dance around it like he’d catch on fire. “Hey, I’m talking to you! Fucking listen to me!”
“Fuck off, Lieutenant Kaffee!” you screamed back, not caring about the fact that the rain would probably give you a deadly cold the following day, if not kill you by throwing you off at a very abrupt road pit. Daniel was soaked, hair sticking to his forehead and still very drunk. He felt embarrassed of how high pitched his voice got whenever he yelled from the top of his lungs, almost sounding like a complaining kid at the supermarket, who wouldn’t get the sweets he wanted from the counter while waiting to pay.
He needed answers. Did you even like him?
“You’re saying I’m scared and you can’t even face how you feel!” he shouted catching you off guard. “You can’t even look at me without lying.” Your blood was boiling into your veins as you gave him that chance, which he so desperately wanted, to explain himself to you, to see what he had to say.
“What did you just say?”
Daniel came closer, hands shaking from the temper building within him, looking pathetic as his hair dripped along with the rain down his face.
“You say I’m scared, but you’re terrified. At least I’ve shown you how I feel about you. I give myself away, because I can’t hold back everything that goes into my head the second you walk in it. I’m too weak to defend myself when it comes to you — look at me, you make me forget how to do my job — and I’m one of the most qualified lawyers out there, according to the Navy.”
“What are you talking about? You haven’t even once told me anything about how you feel about me. I’ve overheard you say to Sam that you hate me, that you wish you couldn’t hear my voice. What the fuck were you on about, huh, Kaffee?”
Daniel threw his hands and looked up, gulping down his worn out feelings as he tried to collect himself from breaking down in front of you, yet once again. “You know what Sam said to me when I kept telling him all that stuff about you?”
“I don’t care about what he said to you,” you scoffed in annoyance, ready to leave again, when you heard the words fly out of his mouth.
“That I’m in love with you!”
Daniel ached to prove that you were the scared one in this, breath wasted as he summoned every single ounce of remaining strength he had to grab you by the arm and yank you close to him, crashing his lips into yours forcefully. He never imagined the first time he’d get to kiss you to be that way. His body was trembling in fear (and because of the weather), heart hammering in the most literal way possible. The kiss barely lasted, seeing as you pushed him away almost instantly.
He felt crashed into millions of pieces, exploding like they did in the cartoons. He’d gathered so much courage to finally kiss you, and there you were, looking at him like he’d committed some sort of unbelievable crime, like he’d offended your honour. Daniel felt like an idiot; he’d ruined everything even worse. Had he really misinterpreted every look, every conversation, every fight? He wanted to cry, so he did. His tears ran down his salty cheeks, mixing with the rain, which allowed him to sob as hard as he needed to, not caring whether it made him look more pathetic and weak than he already was.
Who was going to see anyway?
You weren’t saying a word and Daniel was sure that another heartbeat was all it would take for the organ to crawl up inside his throat and hurl out, break; rip in two. He’d said his biggest fear, had actually put the exact words in it, then proceeded to throw an action. And he was destroyed, not because you didn’t kiss him back or because you pushed him away, but because you had chosen the mute torture of silence.
“…What else do I have to do to prove to you that I’m so fucking head over heels for you that I can’t possibly concentrate on anything else? I might lose the case and make a fool of myself, because you make me not think,” he tried again, this time with a fragile and weak voice. He honestly had no idea what more he could do to convince you about his feelings, about how nuts you drove him with your attitude and insane personality.
But again, you opted not to say anything. Instead, you quickly took a few steps forward, grabbed him by the ends of the collar of his long, black coat and pulled him into you, mouth capturing his own swiftly as you tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss. Daniel was paralyzed for a short second, not knowing if he’d been struck by some sort of lightning that had killed him and brought him to a different reality, or whether you kissing him was an actual, real, skin to skin thing.
Stupidly enough, he allowed his lips to turn upwards into a broadening smile, responding with such enthusiasm, even though he was ridiculously taken aback by your choice of action. It took him a minute to regain his composure, the storm — hell, the entire world — around you feeling meaningless as his hands laced with yours, causing your grip on him to relax a little.
Daniel was falling fast, faster than ever, craving more of your scent and the feel of you pressed closer and tighter to him, the taste of alcohol mixing along with the buds of your mouth, unsure how this whole story had even began for him.
But his stupid, stupid lungs had to find air, and he was forced to separate from you with the feeling of gravity being torn out of his core. You’d disconnected your hands from his (with another pitiful drop in his stomach) so you could run them through his disheveled, wet hair, and his eyes fluttered close at the touch. You looked up at him with an emotion that neither of you could really find the words to explain, and Daniel wanted to kiss you again, heat rising to his face, forming a what he thought could be a permanent blush as his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
“I’m so wet,” you realised out loud with a dumb smile, trying to hold back a giggle as you watched him bemusedly, eyes glowing brightly at the way he looked at you with such confusion, a bulge straining into his damp uniform pants.
“What — wha… what?” his voice was high pitched and shaky as he cleared his throat. “Oh! Shit — the rain, let’s — let’s get you inside!” He was so flustered and hard, just from one kiss, and he stuttered in every word he spoke. He took his coat off and covered your head with it as he grabbed you by the hand, hurrying back to his apartment.
When you went inside, you acted all unbothered, like nothing had even happened just a moment ago, and it was killing Daniel, because he was terrified of you throwing him away once again. He helped you to the couch, then rushed into his bedroom, pulling out every piece of clothing that he had in the wardrobe with such anticipation as he anxiously roamed through the selves to find blankets to offer you, get you dry from the rain.
“Okay, this is all I have. Do you prefer the pink or the... what color is this — orange? Coral? Erm, which one—” he was getting tongue tied and you found it adorable, taking both blankets off his hands as he stared at us, mesmerised. You looked over your shoulder, as if he was looking through you, then returned your gaze at him, getting nervous. “I’ll — I’m going to make coffee!”
You heard him smack his forehead as he went in the kitchen and grinned like a child. “Daniel?” you called from the living room with a slight chuckle.
“It was coral, by the way.”
“The blanket. It was coral. Can I change my clothes? I’m getting your couch wet,” you asked.
“Sure! Closet’s in the left.”
You got up, wrapped in the blankets as you walked into his closet, shamelessly going through all of his ridiculous, childish, cheap shirts that you so deeply hated (loved). You found a black shirt, which you threw over your body as you picked a checkered shirt to put on as well, feeling a little lump from the chest pocket. You went through it and pulled out an unused condom, cheeks turning pink as you held out the object and went to the kitchen, proudly exposing it in your hand.
“Is this a gift?” you questioned, laughing wholeheartedly when you noticed Daniel’s cheeks burn red in earth swallowing embarrassment.
“Oh… uhm,” he snatched the condom off you, “you’re wearing my special shirt.”
“Your what?”
“My special shirt. It’s for… good luck… for when I go to baseball games and everything. Or — Or dates. Nothing important, no need to make a great deal out of it.” He felt dead inside, still very confused by the fact that you still hadn’t made the smallest reference to the kiss you’d shared. Was it just a thing that occurred due to the heat of the moment? It broke him just to think so, because for a split minute, he gave himself the permission to picture the two of you together, as an actual couple in love. Was he supposed to bring it up first? Were you waiting for him?
Daniel felt like a jerk, unintentionally pouting.
“Please,” you mumbled. Please stop being pathetic, I really like you too. “Danny?”
“It’s still raining. You can stay… I mean, if you want to, of course.” And gosh, both of you were about to melt, saying nothing, just staring at each other with millions of words being exchanged just through the different kinds of gleams in your eyes. You fucking hated Daniel Kaffee so much.
“Danny?” you repeated and he urgently shook his head, letting you know that you could keep going with the question. You smiled warmly, wrapping your arms gently around his neck, then, “I’d love to stay overnight. Oh, and you’re like seven of the strangest men I’ve ever met.”
for your information, me and @honeymvnt wrote this together. might be one of the best things i’ve ever had the chance to write, ilysfm lia 🫵🏼🎀
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indagonightmare · 1 year
Going to list off some blorbos of mine from throughout the last 10 years or so and let's see if you can identify a pattern:
-Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
-Zack Foster (Angels Of Death)
-Kovit Sangwaraporn (Not Even Bones)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Sebastian (Black Butler)
-Sebastian Morgenstern (The Mortal Instruments)
-Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
-Pitch Black (Rise Of The Guardians)
-Harry Hook (Disney Descendants)
-Dipper Gleeful (Gravity Falls Reverse Falls au)
-Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
-Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
-Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
-Francis Dolarhyde (Red Dragon)
-Courtland Gamboge (Shades Of Grey)
-Alex Angel (gender-swap of Alice Angel, Bendy and The Ink Machine)
-Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact)
-Peter (Your Boyfriend)
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yourstory-teller · 1 year
Very serious question here, guys: Would you mind it if this account expanded to have stories about a few other fandons too??
Asking for a friend smh
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love2write2626 · 2 years
Story Request Form
Hey all!
Here is a link to request Stories! Yes I will still write stories requested through comments, but this will just make it easier for me, and you. It is super user friendly
Request Form
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cult-of-husbandos · 8 months
yami ai [yandere] - Hot Yandere Singles Near You
Tumblr media
synopsis: you click on a random pop-up ad and are visited by weird smiling man in suit.
genre: pure crack (like fr), fluff, tbh there's not really a plot
word count: 4.4k
warnings: implied stalking
Isn’t insomnia just the worst? Like, seriously? What’s the point of being a human being with antiquated thoughts and impressive cognitive and motor skills when your brain fights you on the most basic stuff. For example, like sleeping!!
You must’ve refreshed YouTube and Twitter over a thousand times. Over 8 billion people in the world and there’s no new content anywhere? You groaned and jumped back over onto Twitter, silently praying and pleading for something new to show up on your feed. Maybe a wacky billionaire got eaten by a mob of homeless people or maybe a news article about a Floridian doing something gross and outrageous and virtually impossible.
But nope. Nothing.
Not a single thing piqued your interest. You groaned again and looked at the time on your dimly lit phone. It was past 2 a.m. and you were bored out of your mind. You then lazily clicked on Google and sighed.
‘Maybe someone posted a new fanfic over something…’ you hoped. And even if there wasn’t a new fic uploaded you’ll just read the old ones you favorited. Perhaps reading something might put you to sleep.
As you were scrolling through your favorite ship tags, you were startled by a pop up ad covering up 90% of the screen and flashing emojis.
“Ugh… seriously?” you groaned. “They should make ad-blockers on phones for this shit.” You squinted at the bright lettering emanating from your phone even though it was at the lowest brightness setting.
⚠️(99+) Hot Yandere Singles NEAR YOU⚠️
Yandere’s…? Singles? Near me?
The pop-up ad had flashing peach, cherry, and eggplant emojis with a water splash emoji at the end to signify… well, you’re not sure what it was trying to signify. On the sides of the ad, it showed pictures of very gorgeous men and women, all striking suggestive poses. Underneath the title was a small summary that read. ‘These lonely desperate yanderes wanna meet you! They’ll most likely find you anyway, but wouldn’t you rather be the honey to a bee instead of a fly? Try it NOW for FREE!! No hookups! No catfishes! No sign ups!’ Then below that were a few empty boxes to fill out requiring your personal information.
Was this a porn ad?!
No way at 2:45 in the freaking morning did you just get a porn pop-up ad while googling mafia au fanfiction. This has to be some kind of joke. Maybe it was prank and someone was just fucking with you. And how and why would there be 99+ yanderes in your area?! You couldn’t be surrounded by that many psychos. Could you? Whatever the case may be, it was now past 2 a.m. and as the rule of life states ‘Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.’. You don’t know if it was the lack of sleep or just reckless curiosity, but you gave your shoulders a shrug and mumbled a ‘fuck it’ as you put in your information. Your name, number, gender, age, preferred sex, email, and mailing address. As you clicked submit and continued scrolling, you gave very little thought about how this would go down.
On one hand, the ad turns out to be real and you get a partner out of this. Or
You get quartered, stalked, doxxed, and murdered like the dumbass you are for putting your personal info into a sketchy porno-like pop-up on Google.
Or, it turns out to be a prank and some asshole sitting in a basement has a good laugh at you.
Meh. You’ll deal with it in the morning.
You were jolted awake with the sound of rapid knocking coming from your front door. You groaned into your pillow as you tried to ignore the person desperately wanting your attention from outside your apartment. You finally got some sleep only for it to get interrupted. Only minutes and minutes of continued knocking without any signs of letting up, you decide to get up and shoo away whoever it was. You wearily grabbed your phone to check the time.
8:02 a.m.
You huffed as you stormed towards the front door.
“If this a fucking Jehova’s Witness, I swear to god…” you grumbled. You swung open the door and threw the person a harsh glare, only to be met with popping sounds as confetti flew in your face.
“Good morning, my dear darling~!! Are you ready to begin on the road to happiness and love?” the stranger shouted a far too happy tone for 8 in the morning.
You took a step back in shock, fully awake as you waved and dusted the confetti from your face and hair. You looked the strange man up and down. He was smiling ear to ear and wore an expensive looking suit to warm for the summer weather. A briefcase stood right beside him along with dozens of other party poppers and a white plastic bag filled with brown bottles with oddly enough no labels on them. You looked at the man’s face. He was surprisingly attractive and without a single flaw anywhere. His hair was jet black and shined a very prominent gloss. You were honestly kind of embarrassed to be seen by him when you looked like such a mess. The man let out a chuckle.
“Oh my.” he said, gently putting his hand over his mouth with vague concern. “I hope I didn’t startle you too much. I probably should’ve sent you an email notifying you of the time I was coming. I’m sorry that must’ve been a troubling awakening.”
You quirked your eyebrow and took another step back, grabbing onto the doorknob so that you could slam it right in his face if things got too weird.
“And… you are?”
“Oh my, oh my. Where are my manners? How careless of me to assume.” The man bowed with a curtsy. “I am the ‘Matchmaker’. My job is to pair two people with their fated soulmate and give each of my clients their happily ever after. It’s very nice to meet you, (Y/N) (L/N).”
You felt a chill crawl down your spine. How’d this weirdo know your name?! You tried to close the door as fast as you could, but the ‘Matchmaker’ was even faster. He clicked his tongue at you, his smile unchanging, but his eyes seemed to harden his gentle tone.
“My, how rude. Is that any way to treat a guest?” He let out another chuckle. “You’ll never find love that way.”
“H-How did you know my name?” you stuttered.
Again, another chuckle. What was so funny? “My dear~. You gave it to me.”
What the hell was he talking about? How could you have given this creep your name? Was he a stalker? A junkie? Noticing the confusion on your face, the man spoke up again.
“Oh my dear. Do you really not remember?” he asked, tilting his head in feign innocence. “You filled out an ad to meet singles in your area. And here I am, coming to fulfill that ad.”
You eased up on the tension you had on the door and tilted your head in surprised confusion. “That was a real ad?”
The man stood up tall and smiled earnestly again. “Of course. However, you are the first person to actually fill out that ad. Really, this is more of a celebration to both of us.”
Huh, so the pop-up ad was real.
Not a prank.
And now there’s a psycho standing at your front door promising you a partner from an actual yandere.
“I honestly thought it was a prank. I mean… yanderes? Isn’t that just an anime thing?”
“Oh, I assure you my darling.” he said with a snide smirk. “Yanderes are real. And when they heard about signing up, it was like tossing chicken in a sea of alligators. All clamoring to be the first person to take a bite.”
Okay, gross but kind of sweet.
“May I come in?”
“Well, my dear. It would be easier to come in and talk through the process of how this goes instead of standing here.”
“Oh, um… Suuuree-”
“Great! My my darling~. What a lovely home. Very well decorated.” The man quickly strided into your house and made himself comfortable in your living room, looking as if he was analyzing every detail about your house.
Richard Chase would’ve loved your dumbass.
You shut the door and followed him into your own apartment and offered him a seat on your couch. Might as well, right? You’ve gone this far and you're still alive.
“Umm…” you hesitantly shifted from one foot to another. “Do you… um… want some coffee maybe? Or tea? Maybe a glass of water? If you haven;t eaten breakfast yet, I whip you up something.”
Yeah, sure. Feed the man with only a title for a name and waltzed right into your house after showing up after you put in your personal information into a random pop-up ad at 3 a.m. promising you a happy life with hot single yanderes in your area. You are the pinnacle of human genius. The apex of natural selection. The creme de la creme of common sense. Charles Darwin would be so impressed.
“How thoughtful. Just coffee would be fine. Thank you.”
After brewing a quick pot, you sat across from the man facing him heads on and gently slid him his steaming cup. After a while of taking little sips in weird silence, he spoke up again.
“Before we continue, I’d just like to say: Thank you so much for applying for this wonderful opportunity!! Not many people would click on an ad requiring doxxing information to meet their soulmates! Again, congrats on being our number one willing client!”
“Willing client?” you asked.
“Well, of course! For some reason, humans seem to really love the idea of a yandere until there’s one standing on their front porch!” he laughed.
“Humans? I’m sorry. Are you not human, Mr…?”
“Ah ah! No need for formalities! Just ‘The Matchmaker’ or simply ‘Matchmaker’.
“Oh, so… you don’t have a true name? Or is that just a title?”
“Oh darling~.” he sang sweetly. “That’s none of anyone’s fucking business, is it?”
Your eyes widened and let out a nervous chuckle. “Okay, got it! Just Matchmaker. Lovely name. Adore it. In fact, I love when strange mysterious men only give a title for a name.” What the hell does that even mean? You had no idea what you were saying anymore.
“Heh, smart cookie.” He winked. “Shall we begin?”
“Um, yeah, so… how does this work exactly?” you finally asked.
“Simple, my dear darling. Think of this as an ordinary matchmaking appointment. I have a stack of potential soulmates all ready to meet you. I have the same information about them that I also have of you. Each potential soulmate also has a picture so if you don’t really feel up to meeting face-to-face just yet you can look over the picture and see who captures your heart.”
“Face-to-face? So these guys have my picture too?” “Of course! And might I say, those pictures don’t do you justice. In all my years in this business, I’ve never seen such an obsession and overload of potential soulmates for just one person.”
You lightly blushed. “I-I don’t know about that… I barely got any sleep last night so I probably look like a zombie right now…”
“Au contraire, Darling. You look absolutely stunning. If I weren’t such a professional I would burn all these forms and claim you as my one and only~.”
You felt your entire face flush red as the Matchmaker pierced your soul with his longing gaze. It felt like he was staring into your very essence – like he could read you like a book. You nervously cleared your throat and shifted your eyes away, hoping to bring down your blush.
“S-So! Um… should we get started?” you stuttered, internally kicking yourself for being so easily flustered by a couple of smooth words. Ted Bundy would’ve had a field day with your dumbass.
“Ready whenever you are, my dear.” The Matchmaker set his briefcase on your coffee table and pulled out a single form and slid it over towards you. “Let’s start off with an easy one.”
You looked at the form along with the picture of a very attractive man paperclipped to the paper. According to the form, his name is Hamazawa Akita. He was in his early 20’s, had a varying array of hobbies from hiking to scuba diving, and was very much in love with you.
“Well, what do you think?”
“Hm, well, he’s very cute. And very active.”
“Would you like to meet him?”
“Um, sure… is there a number I could call or…?”
“No need! We can bring him in right now.” The Matchmaker snapped his fingers and you whipped your head towards the front door where Akita strolled in, all smiles. You looked back over the Matchmaker. “Did I not lock my door? Wait. More importantly, how’d he get here?!”
The Matchmaker smiled. “My dear, when you’re in this business you pick up a few tricks.” He then turned his attention towards Akita who now stood in the middle of the living room. “No. 1 would you like to introduce yourself?”
Akita stood tall and his eyes seemed to beam directly at you. “My name is Hamazawa Akita. Ever since I saw your picture I’ve dreamed about sweeping you off your feet and claiming you all to myself!”
“So, like 8 hours ago?”
“Yes!! But those hours feel like years when being away from you.”
“So, what do you think? Are you feeling the butterflies?”
You looked up Akita up and down and your face twisted as if you’re deciding on whether or not to buy a car or a piece of clothing.
“Um, to be honest my guy. I’m not feeling it.”
“Excuse me, my darling?”
“Weeeelllll…. I mean, don’t get me wrong! You’re very attractive and your words are sweet, but I don’t think I believe any of it. Like, you just admitted to wanting me all to yourself only 8 hours ago, but I don’t really feel anything. Not even a shiver.”
The Matchmaker and Akita both looked at each other like they weren’t really expecting that. With a quick wave of his hand, Akita slumped his shoulders and headed towards your front door. You shouted out an apology as the dejected suitor walked out.
“Well, I didn’t expect that. I don’t normally get such competent clients. At least those that get past kicking and screaming.” The Matchmaker grinned. You shrugged.
“I guess I just know what I like. All the anime I’ve watched kind of gives you that high standard of what makes a yandere a real yandere, y’know?”
He nodded. “I cannot agree more. Well, we have plenty more where that came from. Shall we continue?”
Papers were strewn across your coffee table in an unorganized fashion as both you and your estranged guest were tired beyond belief. You had no idea how many hours had passed nor how many guests were in and out of your apartment. You’re honestly surprised none of your neighbors complained or called the police. Your apartment would’ve looked like a clown car if anyone had been watching from the outside. You honestly lost count after No. 256. You let out another yawn and laid on your side trying your best to keep your eyes open. Maybe 2 hours of sleep wasn’t enough for the multiple interviews you had to conduct today. Maybe your 9th grade biology teacher was right. Maybe you are going to die alone. A weary sigh brought you from your thoughts.
“My, my. You are definitely the most high standard client I’ve ever had. I didn’t think we’d get to the triple digits in just one day.”
You also sighed and sat up in your seat. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just… All these guys are cute and all, but they’re all lacking something. They’re either too forceful or not forceful enough. Too wimpy or too strong. Or too obsessed or just incredibly so lovesick that I feel like they’d fall in love with just about anyone who’d be willing. Ugh, why can’t this be simpler like adopting an animal?” You groaned. You also hadn’t thought this would take this long. You didn’t really think of yourself as having high standards until today. Until today, you’d be happy with anyone close to you in age and with a heartbeat. Who knew picking out a yandere soulmate would be so challenging. And who knew that there’d be so many willing participants! The Matchmaker reached into his briefcase and pulled another stack of forms and slid them over to you. There must be at least over a hundred papers in front of you. How did he have so many?!
“How about we switch things up, hm? You’ll look over the papers and when you see someone that catches your eye, I’ll bring him in.” He made it sound like you were adopting a dog or a cat. But if this made it go any faster, you were willing to try.
After about 3 more stacks of papers, you were starting to lose hope and patience. When you got to the last few papers, you stopped dead in your tracks. Woah baby!
“Woah baby!” you exclaimed.
“Did you find someone you like?” The Matchmaker asked hopefully.
“Oh yeah. This guy.” You showed him the paper. He furrowed his brows a little.
“Are you sure? I don’t think I remember this man. His name and face don’t seem familiar.”
“Really? Maybe he’s a late entry or something?”
Matchmaker stroked his chin in thought. “I’ll go check it out. Be right back, dear. I’m very sorry for this inconvenience.”
You waved off his apology with a smile and he left your apartment. You then leaned back with a groan. You just wanted to find your ‘soulmate’ or whatever and move on with this day. You closed your eyes for a second and waited patiently for Matchmaker to come back.
Tap tap tap
Just like deja vu, you were awoken by rapid knocking. Except this time it wasn’t coming from your front door.
Tap tap tap tap
It sounds like it’s coming from… your window?
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
You quickly got up and walked towards your window and opened it.
“Woah!” You jumped back a little as you were met face to face with the man that you had picked out and that the Matchmaker went to go find.
‘Wow… he’s even cuter in person!!’
He let out a delicious chuckle and gave you a charming smile.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, darling~. Hehe, though I think that fear in your eyes was worth it. So adorable~.” For the second time today, a complete weirdo stranger has made you blush. Wait…
“Wait! I don’t have a balcony and I’m on the third floor. How’d you-?” You peeked over the window to see if he was pulling a Criss Angel.
“I have incredible grip strength~.” he winked.
“Oooh I’m sure~.” you swooned. For a weirdo, he was a smooth talking weirdo.
“Oh, I got these for you, sweetheart~.” He pulled himself up and sat on your windowsill and pulled out a bouquet of roughly cut flowers from behind him. You gasped and grabbed them, giving them a smell.
“These are my favorite!! How did you know? I don’t think that was one of the pieces of info required for the Matchmaker.” you asked.
The stranger chuckled. “Easy. I never filled out that stupid application.”
You looked up from your flowers and titled your head like a confused puppy.
“I already know everything about you. I don’t need a stupid piece of paper to tell me what I already know about you. Like, how I know that you have secret sweets hidden all throughout your room. Or that whenever you have a good day you love to sing Stray Kids.”
He inched closer to you as you backed up further into the room.
“You won’t eat frozen pizza, but every so often you eat a lobster roll from a food truck from Gary on Main St.. You have life destroying evidence of your boss that you’re planning on using on your last day. You’ve seen the Barbie movie 5 times. And…”
You felt your legs hit the couch and tried to keep yourself from falling onto your back like a defenseless turtle.
“Your favorite anime is… Dar-” You quickly covered the stranger’s mouth with a furious blush.
“I only watch it ironically!! I don’t love it! It’s not my favorite!” you quickly clarified. The gravity of the situation was made perfectly clear after that. This man really knew all about you. Honestly, you’re so loud that you’re pretty sure that people on the ground outside could hear you singing. And you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings so it's easy for someone to know that you eat from a food truck every other week at specific times. But, knowing your favorite secretly watched anime?
“W-Who… are you?” you stuttered. You’re pretty sure you already knew the answer.
He laughed and you felt his lips brush against your fingers. You blushed and tried to pull back, only to be stopped by his hands.
“Sweetie~. You already know who I am.” He grabbed the paper from the stack and put it next to his face. “See? I’m Yami Ai. Your soulmate.”
Before you could even process what was happening, you were gently pushed onto the couch with Yami hovering over you holding your hands beside your head. You couldn’t stop the blush erupting from your neck to your face. Your heart was beating way too fast and your stomach felt jumpy and queasy. Butterflies.
You cleared your throat. “Um… so, if you didn’t fill out a form then how come The Matchmaker had your profile and picture? And why didn’t you use the front door?”
Yami smirked and leaned in closer. “It’s pretty simple to pull off when your apartment does security checks on new guests entering the building.”
“But, my apartment doesn’t–” you stopped. “Ooooh… So you impersonated a security guard, slipped your profile and info into his briefcase, and were planning on showing up as one of the potential singles? That’s… convoluted. But, smart.” You shrugged. “And since you obviously knew which floor I was on and which window was mine, I assume you’ve been watching me for a while and were watching me last night when I couldn’t sleep?”
Yami laughed again. “You are so smart~. You really catch on quickly, don’t you?”
You shrugged again with a nervous smile. “W-Well, obviously not smart enough to not put in my personal info and have strange men come in and out of my apartment.”
Yami was quick to turn his gentle smile into a hard, harsh frown. His grip on your wrists grew tighter and you winced under the force he placed in you.
“You know, my darling. It’s partially my fault. If I hadn’t backed out and taken you that night, you’d never be in this situation. With those men eyeing you up and down like you were theirs. Having that smiling freak calling you ‘dear’ and ‘darling’ when only I can call you that. I was planning on getting rid of the competition, but you did that for me.”
Yami loosened his grip and lifted you up, staring into your eyes. You blushed again.
“Rejection after rejection. Some guys didn’t even get 2 words out before you turned away. Of course my darling would only want the most perfect man. Isn’t that right, darling~?”
“Hehehe~” you leaned in with a giggle. “You’re so sweet~.”
You are such a baby for flattery.
“My dear darling, I’m so very sorry for the inconvenience. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long, but I could not find this person you–” Matchmaker explained, rushing in and stopping dead in his tracks when he saw both you and Yami, the man who left 30 minutes ago to go find, eating breakfast in the living room.
Sitting in his lap.
And feeding each other.
“Oh! Matchmaker!” you exclaimed, quickly swallowing your food. You didn’t notice Yami tightening his grip on your waist nor did you notice the cold glare and tense atmosphere enveloping the room. “Look who I found~.”
“I see…” he said hesitantly.
“He climbed up the building and came in through the window.”
“My~. How romantic~.” he sang. “So, I take it that you are satisfied with your soulmate? Or… do you wish to continue searching?” he asked teasingly. Before Yami could say anything, you quickly spoke again.
“Yep! I’m sure.” You ruffled Yami’s hair and nuzzled up against him. “I wouldn’t trade him for anyone else.” Yami hugged you closer to his chest as you giggled. “Plus, he makes the most amazing breakfast in the world, so extra points!” you cheered. You reached out towards the Matchmaker’s briefcase.
“Here you go! I put all the papers back in for you.”
Matchmaker quickly walked over and grabbed his briefcase along with your hand. “Well, my dear. It’s been an honor. You are truly the most remarkable and memorable client I have ever had.” he said with a bow and made his way towards the door. However, before leaving he chuckled and looked back at the both of you. “Although, it’s a shame,” he sighed. “Maybe if I had stayed, I would’ve snatched you up myself.”
And with a final loud laugh, The Matchmaker disappeared, but not before Yami stood up to lounge and attack the fleeting man like a guard dog. You snorted and caressed his face to calm him down. “Relax, Yami. He’s just joking.”
“Well, I hated his joke. Fuckin’ freak…” he grumbled. “And it’s Ai. You’re mine now. You should get used to calling each other by our first names.”
You smiled and leaned against him. “Okay, Ai. Whatever you say.”
“And if a man comes to the door, never EVER answer it, got it!”
“I’m serious, darling. I’ll gouge their eyes out right in front of you.”
“Yes sir.”
The rest of your life was going to be very interesting. Suck it, Ms. Braxton. I guess you’re the one dying alone. Because you have a yandere boyfriend! And she has gonorrhea. Bitch.
a/n: this is so shit. i'm so sorry that i've been MIA for a while. work has been pretty crazy and i haven't really felt much motivated to write. however, i'm trying to get back into it now. with this goofy shit. kind of a joke piece, but i needed to write something silly and not serious at all to relax. (also i've been writing since 4 a.m., so...) anyways, i'm going to try and update regulary or at least post something.
Here's my YouTube. I make anime playlists.
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liselke · 2 years
whats the book called 👀
its literally Jiri Brdečka's Lemonade Joe (1946) help me
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Trans made TTRPGs
Due to… recent events that I would rather not talk about, today's post is a highlight of different tabletop games made by trans peeps! These games are fantastic in their own right, of course, but you can also know that they were made by incredibly cool and attractive people
(Also, these are flyover descs of the game, they'll get more in-depth singular posts later, this is because I am lazy)
Perfect Draw is a phenomenal card game TTRPG that was funded in less than a day on backerkit, it's incredibly fun and has simple to learn hard to master rules for creating custom cards, go check it out!
Songs for the dusk is fucking good, pardon my language, but it's a damn good post apocalyptic game about building community in a post-capitalist-post-apocalypse-post-whatever world. do yourself a favor and if you only check out one game in this list, check this one out, its a beautiful game.
Flying Circus is set in a WW1 inspired fantasy setting full of witches, weird eldritch fish people (who are chill as hell), cults, dead nobility, and other such things. It's inspired by Porco Rosso primarily but it has other touchstones.
Wanderhome is a game about being cute little guys going on a silly adventure and growing as the seasons change, its GMless and very fun
https://weregazelle.itch.io/armour-astir Armour Astir has been featured in here before but its so damn good I had to post it twice. AA demonstrates a fundamental knowledge of the themes of mech shows in a way that very few other games show, its awesome
Kitchen Knightmares is… more of a LARP but its still really dang cool, its about being a knight serving people in a restaurant, its played using discord so its incredibly accessible
https://grimogre.itch.io/michtim Michtim is a game about being small critters protecting their forest from nasty people who wish to harm it, not via brutal violence (sadly) but via friendship and understanding (which is a good substitute to violence)
ok this technically doesn't count but I'm putting it here anyways cuz its like one of my favorite ttrpgs of all time TSL is a game about baring your heart and dueling away with people who you'll probably kiss 10 minutes later, its very very fanfic-ey and inspired by queer narratives. I put it here because its made by a team, and the expansion has a setting specifically meant to be a trans "allegory", so I'll say it counts, honestly just go check it out its good shit
Mystic Lillies is a game inspired by ZUN's Touhou Project about witches dueling powerful foes, each other, and themselves. Mystic Lillies features rapid character creation and a unique diceless form of rolling which instead uses a standard playing card deck.
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/141424/nobilis-the-game-of-sovereign-powers-2002-edition I… want to do a more general overview on Jenna K as an important figure in indie RPG design, but for now just know that Nobilis is good
https://temporalhiccup.itch.io/apocalypse-keys Apocalypse Keys is a game inspired by Doom Patrol, Hellboy, X-men, and other comics about monstrousness being an allegory for disenfranchisement. Apocalypse Keys is also here because its published by Evilhat so its very cleaned up and fancy but I love how the second you check out the dev's other stuff you can tell they are a lot more experimental with their stuff, this is not a critique, it is in fact a compliment
Fellowship! I've posted about this game before, but it is again here. Fellowship has a fun concept that it uses very well mostly, its a game about defining your character's culture, and I think that's really really cool
Voidheart Symphony is a really cool game about psychic rebellion in a city that really does not like you, the more you discover for yourself the better
Panic at the Dojo is a phenomenal ttrpg based on what the Brazilian would call "Pancadaria", which basically means, fucking other's people shit up. Character Creation is incredibly open and free, meaning that many character concepts are available
Legacy 2e is a game about controlling an entire faction's choices across time, its very fun
remember to be kind to a trans person today! oh also don't even try to be transphobic in the reblogs or replies, you will be blocked so fast your head will spin
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mqverick · 3 months
diet mountain dew || ꕤ
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“Baby, stoppin' at 7-Eleven
There in his white Pontiac heaven.”
───────── ˚。⋆ ( ၴႅၴ ⟡ ─────────
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
Daniel was looking at you with the smuggest smirk you’d ever seen on a man’s face before. His eyes were burning into yours, glistening under the light as he stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. You tried not to gulp as the question echoed in your ears, face hot and flustered.
You never thought you’d find yourself outside of Daniel Kaffee’s door, contemplating whether to knock on his door or not. You’d always had the first word with him, ever since the moment he burst in your office with that stupid apple of his.
He’s looked like an idiot then and he looked like an idiot now, all proud of himself, looking at you — forcing you to use the actual words you’d been practicing and itching to say to him for God knows how long. It was deeply humiliating.
“No,” you simply and coldly replied, but your voice weakened by the end of the two-lettered word.
“It sounded like you were asking me out on a date,” he argued, crossing his arms as he took a few steps closer to you, ignoring the baseball game on the television that played uninterrupted in the background. He slyly raised his eyebrows as if he was questioning your previous ‘no’.
You stood there robotically, fumbling with the end of your thin jacket as you avoided eye contact with Daniel, knowing very well that your knees would buckle under just one look from him.
“I wasn’t,” you continued firmly.
“Mm,” Daniel hummed, his face so close to yours that you swore he was asking to get roughly hit in the balls. You were a woman with dignity and respect, though, you had to be stronger than that. God, you were aware of the fact that he had one of the most self-absorbed, cocky personalities, but when had he gotten like that? “I’ve been asked out on dates before, and that’s what it sounded like.”
Regretting your life’s choices should’ve been a paid occupation for you at that point. You wondered what came over you, thought hard about the nerve in your burnt brain that screamed and cried for you to get up from the bed, have a good day and then ruin it all by finally gathering the courage to go alone to Daniel’s place and talk to him about something that wasn’t related to the case. Ask him out on a fucking date like the desperate, little, touch starved loser you were.
Men had been going after you, begging for a chance since forever… yet, there was Daniel.
Daniel Kaffee, who had graduated from law school a year ago, had gotten in the Navy freshly — around nine months ago — who was so admirably impressive and intelligent and a whole person of his own. Daniel, who couldn’t come to a realisation without his thinking bat.
How had you fallen so hard in love with him?
“Do you like seafood? I know a good seafood place,” you blurted out, mentally kicking and cursing yourself for how stupid you’d sounded.
“I’ll tell you if you admit you’re asking me out.”
You weren’t going to, not even if he held a gun to your forehead and threatened your life. He did not need that kind of boost for his ego, nor did you care for getting embarrassingly paralysed in front of him after the smile he’d give you in case you actually did convince yourself to admit that this was your horrible aspect of asking him on a date.
“N-Not a date,” you stuttered, hating yourself.
“The sweat forming on your forehead says otherwise.” He snickered when you hurriedly snatched your hand from your jean’s pocket to wipe the non existent sweat off your face. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. You know, I really wouldn’t say no to going out with you.”
“Well, you’re not. I just want to grab some dinner with my colleague is all. Will you come or should I get going? It’s late, they’ll close soon.”
You eventually gathered the courage to breathe, backing away from him as you headed towards the door, placing your hand on the handle. Daniel snatched you back by the arm, catching you off guard as you silently cried, mind short-circuiting after noticing how much closer he’d pulled you to him. His grip was strong on your elbow, fingers tightly pressing into your warm, reddening skin.
“Are you dismissing me?”
You cocked your head to the side.
“I want to go on a date with you. Do you want to go on a date with me?” Fuck, he was killing you. You were an exceptional lawyer, distinguished, had even won service medals. And all of that just vanished, the words dying in your throat, just because Kaffee was holding you so painfully close to him that part of your mind subconsciously dared you to move your head just an inch further into him, invade completely his personal space.
“I…” you began, but trailed off, seeing as you were truly incapable of understanding what was going through your blinded head in that moment. Had his eyes always been so dazzlingly green and big? Had Daniel always looked so unbelievably pretty?
“I didn’t even know you liked me. I mean, if you like me. I won’t make you say it — I just want to know if you’re asking me out on a date. Which is sort of like asking you if you like me, so that automatically cancels out what I just said.”
Daniel was getting nervous as well. Both of you were so utterly fucked with each other, but none ever spoke about it out loud without jokingly throwing flirtatious innuendos. He was done with just guessing how you felt about him, though, decided to take the matter into his own hands if you didn’t have the guts to make a move first.
He didn’t know what he’d do if he lost you to another man just because his stupidity was too much of an obstacle to overcome. Died in silence every time he had to say goodbye or goodnight to you wherever you had to leave his apartment after judging that you’d all conversated enough about the case. Daniel knew that you had to be feeling something for him — even if that was a tiny spark.
All the secret glances, the way you commanded and spoke to him, the contained smiles; they had to mean something right? But why weren’t you trying anything with him? He thought he made it pretty obvious that he felt the same way about you, had been feeling like that for a long time.
He knew you knew.
“Danny, can you let — fuck, I can’t breathe when you hold me so close to you,” you accidentally confessed, eyes bulging the moment your words played loudly rent free in your brain right after they so easily and boldly left out of your mouth.
“You can’t?” he repeated softly, in awe as he tried to comprehend what you’d just said. “You can’t — you can’t say stuff like that to me and then tell me that you don’t want to ask me on a date. You can’t do that — you can’t fuck like that with my mind.”
You jerked away from him, brows furrowing.
“Me? I can’t say stuff like that to you? You’d known me only 12 hours when you told me you were sexually aroused. You’ve been looking at me as if I’m some sort of grand lawyer, like I amaze you or something — you know how hard it is for me to keep a fucking professional stance around you?” you were shouting for no reason now, practically admitting your feelings for him due to the anger that had fogged your brain.
Daniel closed his eyes in wonder, then looked at you dumbfounded. “What?” Fuck. “What did you just say?” he repeated hesitantly.
“No, don’t give me that bullshit. I thought you hated me. I always try so hard to impress you and I’m so afraid that I’ll do something wrong or offend you in some way I won’t even realize and you… You feel the same way about me?”
The question fell off his lips like he was terrified of the answer you’d give him. And it was true; he was, beat himself up for how little confidence he had around you even though his actions showed the opposite. He’d been melting for you.
Was captivated by your determination, the way you could make him feel so worthless just by giving him a weird look. Scary?
To Daniel, you were divine.
“I—I don’t feel a certain way about you, Danny.”
“You kill me,” he rushed to comment, cutting you off the second his nickname was mentioned. “Every single time you call me that, a small part of me dies. That sounds horrible, I didn’t mean it that way. You know how it feels to walk in a courtroom for the first time?”
You nodded with a slight chuckle. “Yeah, I do. I could never forget. Do you?”
“Because of you, I do. If you weren’t so damn stubborn and annoying, I couldn’t even dream of it. When I walked inside, my legs were trembling. It was a confusing, but beautiful feeling.”
Your knees were bucking — what was he doing?
“Fuck you, Kaffee,” you muttered under your breath, running a hand through your hair.
“That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. Fuck me. Fuck me, Commander, I’m already yours. I have been ever since you listed my entire life in front of my very own eyes, then proceeded to threaten my position in the case. How can you not know that? How can you act so surprised when the only reason why I keep calling both you and Sam at my place repeatedly every day is because I believe that there couldn’t possibly be any way I’d ever see you in my little, humble apartment under any other circumstances? Don’t you think we could’ve perfectly arranged another meeting spot?”
You’d lost touch with the environment. Daniel’s eyes looked as though he was about to burst into tears; all glassy and red, holding back a million words and emotions that he’d so successfully held back for such a long time, that they almost didn’t even feel real. He had to be kidding you.
“Is it too late to ask you on a date, then?”
Daniel let out a sigh of relief, a gorgeous smile cracking on his lips as he finally shut the game on the television off, moving dangerously toward you. He cupped his hands over your cheeks and pulled you tightly into him, capturing your lips with his own after what felt like ages. His eyes were forcefully closed, afraid of opening them and waking up to what could be just another dream. But no, this was reality, he decided after he discreetly opened them just an inch to make sure that the person he was smushing was real.
You weren’t kissing him back, though, and it made him pull away, feeling like a complete fool. Had he misread anything again, had he done something wrong? Had his hurried intrusive thought to kiss you been too much?
“I’m really sorry, I—”
Embarrassment welled up inside of him as he stared down at your feet, his mind still unable to process the taste of your lips as it barely even functioned for any other reason; talking like a normal person, for example. Harvard lawyer, they said. Lawyer his ass. What kind of lawyer was ever known to get so tongue tied in a situation?
“Your lack of response to my question makes me believe that you haven’t truly been asked out on any dates before,” you eventually spoke, opting to break the silence with sarcasm, just like it had always been between the two of you.
You pressed your mouth against his this time, smirking nobly as you heard him take a sharp inhale. You walked backwards, forcing him to do the same, then pushed him against the outside arm of his pathetic couch, causing him to fall.
You wasted no time with getting on top of him, straddling his lap firmly as your back arched on top of him, making the kiss get profoundly deeper and wetter as tongues got involved. You’d never been French-kissed like that (or in general, ) — your head felt like it would explode.
Daniel wasn’t skilled just as a lawyer. He was awfully good at kissing, sending you over the edge just by adding a little extra saliva in the kiss and letting his hands roam freely in your back, pulling you closer and closer to his scorching body. His soft brunet hair softly brushed against your forehead as he titled his head for a better angle and you could almost feel yourself die.
He winced when his bat dug into his back and the miserable sound he made caused you to moan.
“Are — Are you going to ask me out?”
You ignored him, grasping on his shoulders as you accidentally ground against his crotch, losing your mind and grip over yourself when you felt his semi-erection rub just the right away over your jeans and panties, your wet core clenching around absolutely nothing disappointedly.
“Let’s go to the seafood place, yeah?” you exclaimed against his mouth.
“As a date?”
You untangled yourself from him, still neatly seated on his legs as if you couldn’t feel him flush and hard, aching to be freed from his trousers.
“You know I’m very intimidated by you, right?”
Daniel gave you a peck on the before getting up to sit normally on the couch. “I do not, Ma’am.”
“Shut up.”
“Pretty impressive, huh?” he mocked, just like he’d said to you the first time you met. God, you really, deeply hated his self-absorbed guts. But you loved him. Loved him like crazy.
“I changed my mind.”
“About what?”
“I don’t want to go out to eat.”
Daniel’s face dropped when you got up from the couch and began putting your jacket back on. He’d messed up, he’d messed up, he’d messed up… Fuck him and how he never thought before doing. You were going to leave him, of course you were. You were scared of how fast he’d moved.
Except you really weren’t, you just really found joy into toying with his lowered remaining patience.
“What?” he asked, nearly like a whisper.
“I’ll see you at court tomorrow at 10. Don’t be fucking late, Lieutenant, or I’ll just might have to cancel the dinner reservations I’m planning. Up until then, you’ll do well with your very manly and grown up Yoo-Hoos,” you walked up to his door, feeling your heart beat rapidly in your chest as the corner of your eye caught him almost stumbling into the coffee table in his hurry to get to you.
“Is it going to be a—”
“And before you ask, yes, it’s a date.”
@honeymvnt 𝜗𝜚
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loveindefinitely · 3 months
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༊*·˚ FOREVER WINTER (IF YOU GO) — task force 141 x reader
featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish + kyle 'gaz' garrick + john 'bravo six' price + (non-endgame phillip graves)
warnings. nsfw, fem!reader, fmmmm, enemies to lovers, slow burn, polyamory, ghostsoap, pricegaz, alerudy, heavy angst, requited unrequited love, graphic violence
series masterlist. read on ao3. read on wattpad. fanfic playlist.
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When you had taken down the organisation by Shepherd’s side, it was the beginning of everything.
The first time you had drawn someone else’s blood was with a rifle in your hand and a vengeance burning in your veins. A single order from your General – your only support – to kill anyone with the organisation’s uniform. Anyone who raised a scope to you.
It’s difficult, usually, to remember what had happened. 
Sometimes, in your deepest of sleeps, the nightmares of your past came to haunt you. Flashes of blood on your skin, corpses underneath your feet, the crackle of a radio sounding in an empty room.
A congratulations from your General.
Congratulations for seeking revenge, and executing it like a soldier well-trained. Another cog in the military’s rusting machine. A weapon for them, more than a human with free will and determination.
You’d thrown up, after it all.
Heaving, sweating, crying, the endless guilt of what you’d just done. Were you no better than them? Sure, they’d killed your mother, but you had just carried out the same in turn. Tenfold. They had families that they’d never report back to. Families that they’d never get to say goodbye to. Dinner left untouched.
Shepherd had pat your back – then, he’d been in service, active duty. You hadn’t known it, but taking down the organisation was his last mission.
You never even learnt the name of the organisation. Shepherd had said that it was better that way, to detach yourself, not get yourself muddled with the logistics of it all. You weren’t meant for that. You were meant for weaponry and death and destruction.
That night, when you laid awake in the small camp set-up just a few klicks out from the organisation's site, you determined that you wouldn’t take another’s life without certainty. Unless it was for defence.
That night, you’d known that you would ask to be trained for field medicine.
Oh, how naive you had been. Young, aching for a chance to get revenge, to get what you felt you deserved.
Ten days later, you met one Phillip Graves.
A day after that, he offered you a place within the beginning of his mercenary company.
Half an hour after you signed the contract, General Shepherd announced that he was no longer suitable for active duty.
How naive indeed.
You think, in the very back of your mind, with the smallest grip you have on thought, that you’ve been carried to safety by men more than you have in your life, these past few days.
In and out, your mind wavers, senses completely gone, consciousness an impossible thing.
Minutes, hours, days. You’re not sure. How does time even work? What is time? Are you alive? Is this death? Another third, universally unknown state, an in between?
These past few days, the utter mess your life has become, has it finally worn you out? Destroyed you from the inside, shrapnel embedded into your flesh? A direct hit, a ticking time bomb gone wrong? A suicide mission with no preparation, no warning, no hope?
If you could, you’d cry.
Let tears fall down your cheeks, crystalline and pure against your dirtied and sinful skin. A mocking of all things good and right and beautiful.
Oh to be beautiful. To be right. To be good.
Heaven would taste like fairy floss melting against your tongue, you think. Sweet and pink and soft. It would furl around your tongue, season your mouth with the feeling of cotton and freedom.
White blinds every inch of your body, the darkness of your eyelids lit with the shade. Chemicals fill the air, a stagnant, all too damning smell. Beeping, too, a constant background noise as you slowly come to.
Hospital – or, at the very least, a Med Bay. It’s something quite familiar, but the feeling of being a patient in one is a very rare instance for you.
That feeling of blood, sticky against your face and arm, has gone. Instead, the itch of fabric and bandage replaces it, an IV drip attached to your inner arm an annoying sting. Your hair feels as if it’s been carefully spread over the pillow underneath your head, a blanket wrapped over your form.
If your spatial awareness is at all correct, you think you can sense a few other people in the room, too. Soft murmuring chimes in over the beeping, now, as you return to full consciousness.
“Can’t believe all three of ‘em are down.”
Gaz – that honey-esque, smooth voice instantly has you recognising the Sergeant. From where his voice is coming from, he seems to be sat beside your bed. 
“It’s not your fault, Kyle.”
Price. Captain. He sounds… softer than you’ve ever heard him. Lost, maybe, upset. Disappointed? It’s hard to place, his tone, but it seems almost forlorn.
“Had a whole fuckin’ team of Marines and we couldn’t make it to ‘im in time. If it wasn’t for her–”
“I know, Sergeant,” Price snaps, shutting down the younger man’s nervous, distressed rambling. A scrape of a chair sounds, the sound of pacing footfalls a moment later. “There wasn’t anything we could do – and it’s not like any of ‘em are dying, now are they?”
“Don’t act like this didn’t affect you either, Captain,” Gaz bites back in return, his chair, too, scraping against the linoleum floor. “I heard your yell clear as day.”
“I can and will write you up for insubordination, Garrick,” Price warns, stern and cold.
Gaz’s responding laugh is biting, grating. “No, you won’t, Price. Because if you do that, you’ll have to report the others too. You really wanna risk losing us all?”
“Don’t test me.”
“Thought you liked that about me, Cap.”
“Kyle –”
“Good morning to you, too.”
Both men turn, then, to look at you with wide eyes. With a small groan, you move to sit up, eyes burning with the sudden overhead lights. Your shoulder aches, your cheek, too, but not as badly as they had before.
“Be careful, don’t –” Gaz goes to say, moving towards you, before you show him your palm.
“I’m fine. I know my limits, Gaz,” you say, a small reprimand as you shift into a comfortable position. “I’ll be out of this bed within the hour if I can help it.”
“You dislocated your shoulder,” Price says, insistent, brows furrowed as he looks down at you, arms folded over his chest. “It’s in a wrap. You’re lucky, Colonel, that they could perform the surgery here.”
Your brows raise.
“Surgery? How long was I out?” You frantically ask, sitting up straighter, wincing when you bump your shoulder. Your mind races with theories, fear trickling down your spine like a cold vice. There was so much you had to do – had to investigate, now.
“Only about a day. You were under anaesthesia – and your body near shut down,” Gaz leans forward as he sits, elbows on his knees. “You were awake, under high-intensity stress, for nearly four days.”
Four days? Had it really been that long? What had only felt like a day – it had been four?
You must show your inner panic on your face, because Price takes a step closer, hand moving to rest comfortably on your shoulder. He has a calming, understanding tilt to his lips that you appreciate. His eyes examine your body, before his blue eyes meet yours.
“Graves is already planning his next movement,” he says, gruff and true. His hand squeezes. “We were playing checkers, seems like he wants to play chess.”
The beep of the machines sat beside your bed and the overall feeling of hospital and gauze and injury has you realising something. A flash in the back of your mind, a bell ringing for you like a dog on a leash.
“Where’s Soap and Ghost?”
Price and Gaz share a look, before Gaz flits a nervous grimace to you. “Ghost… refused to be treated unless he was put in the same room as Soap. Soap, is, well…”
“Get yer bloody hands off me, aye am fine, let me see ‘er–”
Soap’s voice carries down the hallway, the standard-issues curtains surrounding your small area doing nothing to block the sound. Your eyebrows shoot to your hairline, Gaz buries his face in his hands, and Price heaves a long-suffering sigh, muttering something under his breath about decorum.
“Sergeant, the doctor’s –”
“Tell Sarah tha’ aye can bloody well handle maself!”
A crashing noise follows the last statement, along with the sound of confused yelling, before the curtain surrounding you gets ripped open by none other than Soap MacTavish.
His grown-out faux-mohawk is messy, obviously having been laid on for a fair bit, his eyes wide and chest pounding in sweeping movements. Fist clenched in the scratchy fabric of the curtain, his frantic eyes focus on Price and Gaz, respectively, before landing on you. His shoulders loosen, and he lets go of the curtain as he trails down your form, analysing for any injuries or a single hair out of place.
“Sweetheart,” he breathes, sounding all too like that single nickname is a lifeline, “Yer alright.”
You softly shake your head, disbelieving and confused and shocked and. 
And maybe slightly grateful. Lucky, even, to have someone care for you enough to act like your very presence is their saviour. Like your blood is as worthy as their own, your lungs virtually theirs, too.
“I’m not the one that nearly fell to my death,” you exasperate, voice as soft and vulnerable as you’ve heard it. At the very least, the most open you’ve sounded since your mother was around. “Did you just kill one of the nurses to get here?”
Soap’s creeping smile turns into a full, toothy grin as he shakes his head. “Nah. That’d be Lt.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Price mutters from beside you, along with Gaz’s choked off laugh. You can’t help your own private smirk.
“And here I was, thinking you were the dog, Soap,” you tease, except for the first time, it isn’t with the intention of goading. Of poking the beast. You’re… teasing just for fun. Because it feels natural and right and.
Soap scoffs. “Aye, ye did say that, didn’t ya? Ye haven’t seen a guard dog like Mr. Lt, lass,” He taunts, freckles dusting his nose, the hospital lights doing nothing to wash his tan skin out.
He says, as if your world hasn’t been flipped over, shaken about, and sat down on your shoulders like a snowglobe.
He says, as if everything is fine and normal and not cataclysmic.
“The nurse is fine.” 
Everyone, including Price, jolts where they are situated, eyes darting to where Ghost leans against the wall opposite your bed, picking at his nails.
Unlike the balaclava, of which is all you’ve known of the bulky man, the only thing covering his features is a standard black medical mask, covering his mouth and nose. No ink stains the upper half of his face, either, and for the first time – you see his hair.
Dirty blond.
It oddly suits him, the shortly cut mess, the strands hanging over his forehead and ears. What strikes you is the lack of scars from the skin you can see, the unmarred skin, the softness of it. 
He’s pretty, in a rugged, unabashed way, and what a realisation that is.
With just a black compression shirt, sleeves cut to the mid-section of his upper arms, sleeves of talented ink cover his pale skin. A snake, intricately designed, covers his left, curving around the muscle. On his right, what looks to be a Greek god, its depth shadowed with blacks and greys.
“Good to see you in one piece, too, Lieutenant,” you say, and if it was at all possible, you’d swear that sparks shoot up your spine when his deep brown eyes catch onto yours. 
He raises an uncovered brow – pale and soft. “I meant what I said,” he threatens, a glint in his eye.
So, you suppose, not all has been forgiven. Your memories are shaky at best, but a few words stand out from your confrontation – kill, belonging, rank. A promise of death, but a vow of protection, too.
“What’re you talking about?” Gaz asks, looking between the two of you with a confused expression.
Neither you, nor Ghost, break eye contact as you simultaneously say; “Nothing, Gaz.”
Both Sergeants share a look, a cheeky one, the type that no one else in the room can decipher. You had seen the way that the two shared comments, winks, hits up the back of their heads. Joking and full of life, but with an unbreakable bond between them.
Yearning was becoming too familiar of a concept for you, you were finding.
“Laswell found a hit on some intel,” Price breaks the tension of the room, hands bracing on his knees as he looks to the four of you. A grim expression settles on his face when he looks to you. “It’s in the home of one of your Lieutenants.”
Your heart stutters in your chest as you swallow around a dry mouth. “What kind of intel?”
Everyone seems to collectively move in closer – Ghost’s hand rests at his belt, Soap’s at his back pocket, Gaz’s on the chain adorning his neck, a guitar pick attached to the gold.
“Intel on an ‘organisation’,” Price says. “A group of people wanting to overtake the military, one with a rising number of members.”
It’s as if you can feel nothing but the beat of your heart, the sensation of your fingers, the pain in your chest. The organisation. They were. You and Shepherd, you hadn’t eradicated them. Maybe stumped their growth, for a while, but you hadn’t.
You hadn’t realised they were still around. Growing, even, thriving.
The urge to just cry, pour out your emotions and weep is the strongest it’s been since your mother’s funeral. To just pull up the covers over your head and let tears fall down your cheeks, mourn in your misery, scream and claw at your skin and feel.
If only you could be that woman. Just for a day.
Instead, you reply.
“When are we going?”
Soap is, both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, the first one to speak up. His hands land on his hips as he studies you with a narrowed gaze. “Ye need to rest, lass. Yer broken.”
You throw your unwrapped hand in the air, waving in their general direction. “Have you guys seen yourselves? How the fuck you’re out of your gowns is almost crazier than you storming into here gunsablazing!”
“We didn’t get a concussion, a wound on our cheek, a dislocated bloody shoulder,” Ghost challenges, and your hackles rise in turn. When he gives, you return. The moon and the sun – the two of you, always taunting the other with a bone just to see if the other will bite.
“I saved your ass,” you seethe back, and with only a small wince, you pull the IV drip from your arm. If Price or Gaz debate that move, you ignore it. “And his. I don’t seem to recall hearing a single thank you, either.” You rise on shaky legs, pushing through the ache, pushing through the thunderstorm in your chest. You turn to Soap, “So don’t tell me what I can and can’t do,” you turn to Ghost, “And you don’t tell me what injuries deem me weaker! I’ve survived this long without the lot of you, and you don’t need to start babying me now.”
The silence in the room should dispel your nerves, but it only serves to increase them tenfold.
“We’ll scope out the area and decide what to do after. Five days ‘til we perform an undercover mission, I suspect.”
With a small tilt of your head, you look to Price, who rubs at his jaw, scratching at the hair lining it. He looks deep in thought – ever the calculating leader.
You sigh, quiet enough to not be heard. “Thank you, Captain.”
The wrapping around your set shoulder seems recently done, and when you move the ligament in small circles, the pain is nothing more than a dull ache. Your cheek, too, has been bandaged, but the sting is nothing if not prevalent.
Someone had spent the time putting socks on your feet, so you’re grateful for the small mercy as you move to the side table and swallow down mouthfuls of water from the plastic bottle placed there.
A thought comes to mind then.
“Where do I sleep? Or should I, um…” You trail off, because the idea of finding a shoddy motel in the middle of nowhere is definitely not a pleasant one.
Slowly turning around, bottle in hand, your brows furrow when you see that none of them are meeting your eyes. Even Ghost, which is most definitely a first.
“Are you banishing me? Worried I have cooties?” You tease, bouncing on the soles of your feet. When no one responds again, you truly start to worry. “That was a joke,” you confirm, as if they didn’t know that.
“There’s no spare rooms,” Gaz blurts out, and your eyes go wide.
Of all the things that had briefly crossed your mind, a lack of space was most certainly not one of them. The consequences of that fact is the next thing to be brought to the forefront of your muddled ideas.
“Right,” Soap nods, as if this is a newly found concept. He gestures to Gaz, a smile creeping onto his face. “Thanks for offering to let ‘er crash with ya, lad.”
“I didn’t say that –” Gaz starts, expression slowly creeping into one of exasperation as Price interrupts with a slap to the Sergeant’s shoulder.
“Real generous, Garrick,” Price commends, moving to stand from his chair and leave the room. Ghost follows closely behind him, shooting a look between you and Kyle, simply saying, “Thanks, Sergeant.”
“You’ve got to be joking,” Gaz groans, head falling against the chair backing as he slides down the wood. Soap is quick to bound away from the room, too, with a cheerful, ‘See you tomorrow!’.
Gaz, eyes squeezed shut, seeming to try and melt into the floor, flutters one eye open to look at you where you stand. He grimaces, before slowly getting to his feet, too.
“Sorry for,” you bite at your lip, looking everywhere but at the man who seems to want to die more than host you, “Being a nuisance. Really, I’m fine sleeping at a motel, or whatever. Seriously.”
His hand grasps your chin, moving it so you’re forced to look up at him, his analysing gaze searching your own. The brown of his eyes glisten in the bright light, his features shining with it, and you’re hit with an overwhelming want to be cherished by this man. 
How bad had your concussion really been, to be making you think this way? You should really talk to Sarah about it, ask what kind of side effects came with one.
Oddly enough, you don’t think that this realisation is as sudden as you’re forcing yourself to believe.
“I didn’t,” Gaz begins, quickly looking away and setting his jaw before meeting your eyes once more, “I didn’t mean it like that. Just. Embarrassing, y’know?”
“How? Got a secret collection of pornos you don’t want me finding?” You quip back, a soft tilt to your lips.
He chuckles, a soft, girthy thing, shaking his head. “Nah. Nothin’ like that. Just… havin’ a girl in my room on such short notice is a bit scary. Gonna kill them all when I see ‘em tomorrow,” he mutters the last few words under his breath.
“I really am sorry,” you promise, “I didn’t realise that I’d have to impose on you like this.”
“You’re not imposing,” Gaz says, stern, thumb brushing along your jawline. “My bed should be big enough, anyways.”
Your cheeks heat at the implication, mouth opening and closing around nothing. “Your – Your bed? I can just sleep on the floor –”
“No,” he interrupts, shaking your head side to side softly. “If anything, I’ll crash on the floor if you’re uncomfortable. I won’t let you sleep on anything but my bed.”
“Such a gentleman,” you lean in, whispering the words over his lips, a smirk forming on your face as you pull back. Heading for the door, you miss the way his fingers raise to hover over his mouth, gaze flitting to you before he follows behind.
“Do I need to see Sarah? The only reason I was really in there was ‘cause I was passed out, right?” You ask, turning around as Gaz meets you, opening the door for you to walk through. His hand falls to the small of your back as he directs you down the hallways.
He shakes his head. “Nah, Price messaged ‘er. If your pain starts up again, just take some pain meds or see her.”
“I like the way you run things here,” you hum, looking around at the concrete walls and linoleum floors, barren of personality. “No wasting time or resources.”
A draft carries down the hall, and you find yourself rubbing your arm, biting at your lower lip from the cold. Gaz’s hand wraps around your waist, pulling you into his body heat subtly, and you’re silently grateful. “I’ll give you some of my spare clothes to sleep in,” he says, thumb rubbing against where his hand sits in tight circles.
Your stomach growls, then, and you can hardly find the energy to be embarrassed when you haven’t eaten in four days. Yikes.
“Sorry –”
“I made you. Um.” Gaz looks away, bringing up his other hand to rub at the nape of his neck nervously. “I made you some wraps to eat, because the guys love ‘em, and Price kept getting pulled into meetings. So.”
The smile that pulls at your cheeks burns as you softly say, “Thank you.”
His grip around your waist tightens, the smallest amount.
You don’t comment.
“While you change, I’ll go get them from the fridge,” he says, as the two of you pause outside a standard door. The barracks look the same as every other corridor in this base, you’ve found, three other doors sitting close to this one. The 141’s rooms.
Unlocking the door, he switches on the light, and as you step in, you look around at the small room.
A double bed, narrow but long, sits in the corner next to a small window. Next to it, a wooden bedside table, with photos atop it, and a few random medals and gum wrappers. A single poster is stuck to the wall – and as soon as you see it, a laugh bubbles up in your chest.
“What?” Gaz asks, looking through his chest of drawers, looking to you with flushed cheeks. “It isn’t that bad.”
Your laughs continue, racking your body with each inhale as you point to the poster, eyes watery as you look at the man. “Didn’t realise you were into the Spice Girls, Garrick.”
He shoves his clothes into your face, only making you double over with laughter. 
“It was from my mum,” he grumbles, and you grab for his cheeks, squeezing them as your eyes near-shut with the manic laughter bubbling from you.
“Mama’s boy,” you tease, pulling at his cheeks until he’s face level. He huffs, pushing you away with a hand to your jaw, making more giggles erupt from your chest. “It’s cute, Gaz, I’m not being mean, pinky promise.”
“I’m getting the wraps, you twat,” he tries to sound accusatory, but his dimples deepen in his cheeks, his mouth pulling into a stubborn smile as he shoves you onto the bed, slamming the door shut behind him as he goes.
The fondness in your chest aches, and as you pull on his clothes, taking off the medical robe, you realise something. A niggling, in the back of your mind, one you can’t seem to shake as you tie off the oversized grey sweatpants around your waist.
A singular realisation, but a damning one, nonetheless.
Your smile doesn’t fade.
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taglist. @lilpothoscuttings @jng-yuan @iruzias @insatiablekittie @1wh4re1nova @kaoyamamegami @supernaturalstilinski @inthemiddle0feverywhere @msecho19 @nogood-boyo @alfa-jor @lalashhyl @letmeapologise @honeybeeznutz @1mawh0re @oreo-cream @lalashhyl @someonepleasedateme @letmeapologise @uhhellnogetoffpleasenowty @inarabee @simp-sentral @littlecellist @clear-your-mind-and-dream @browtfyoudoing @oreo-cream @fanngirl19
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Reminder; Don't Forget
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❥Park Seonghwa x fem reader
➯a/n: i want park seonghwa to be mean to me while wearing a tank top, that is all ➯a/n: i'm going to start posting drafts that haven't been touched in over a month so they don't just collect dust, enjoy ya filthy animals
✃ "You need a reminder of who's good girl you are."
✫彡wordcount: 2.7k
(>ᴗ•)♡´・ᴗ・`♡genre: YANDERE SMUT (hinted mafia/crime au)
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: THIS IS A DARK FICTION. EMPHASIS ON DARK FICTION. i do no condone pretty much anything seonghwa does in this fanfic. this is very dark, the darkest i've gone so if you are uncomfortable with that check out something else. we have here: dark/yandere/savior complex hwa, degrading, unsafe physical restraint, choking, destruction of personal property, shaming, dubcon, extremely possessive behavior, some ddlg themes, slapping, praise, yelling, captivity, crying, knifes thrown at reader as a punishment(none hit!!), threats of violence, manipulation, mind break, hair pulling, mention of edging, face humping, throat fucking, messy bj, not proof read
"Did you forget your place, hm? It certainly seems like it, acting like a slut when you're mine!" His grip on your neck tightens, a chuckle leaving his furled lips as you grab at his tank top desperately trying to force out apologies through the pressure he puts on your wind pipes. "What, you can't even say that you're sorry? Another's man's number in your phone and you can't tell me you're sorry?"
Oh he's evil, he loves to see you squirm. And squirm you do: pushing against his heavy weight on your hips and clawing at his arm as your lungs beg for air.
He lets go, arms crossing his chest as he leans back nonchalantly, every bit of his weight in your lap as you heave. "Hwa-seong...Hwa, I'm s-sorry! I thought, thought, it'd be okay hes just a f-friend-"
   "You thought," he laughs cruelly, "are you even capable of that? Dumb little girl," he slaps your jaw, lightly, but it still makes you face the wall with a look of defeat.
"I think for you, is that clear?" You nod, tear stained cheeks gleaming in the light.
"Hey, am I clear?" he shouts this time, making you jump.
    "Yes! Yes, Hwa, clear..."
   "There's my good girl—" He brushes back your hair, cooing as you lean away, "you're the prettiest girl I ever laid my eyes on, and you think men don't see that? You think they're blind? Or are you really just that naiive, pretty baby?" His cool finger tips trail down to the blooming bruise on your neck, pressing softly to make you whine. "Give me your phone."
   He's up and off your body in a second flat, letting you catch your breath as you slowly manage to pull yourself to your knees. He doesn't press you to hurry or yell, he doesn't do anything but sit back in the bean bag chair he gifted you for previously good behavior and watch you like a hawk. His legs spread and hands on his knees, resisting the urge to snatch you up. When you turn and see him on the other side of the room, you simply outstretch your arm with the old prepaid phone he provided you with a few weeks ago. "Bring it here," he commands lowly, eyes tracking your every move as you slowly move towards him on your knees- having no energy to stand.
He spreads his legs further, a silent instruction. You slot yourself between them and hold the phone to him tentative, shoulders relaxing as he takes it. "Thank you, beautiful. See, isn't it easy when you listen to me?" He unlocked the phone quickly, eyes flicking to you darkly when you go to take it back. "Got something to hide?" You shake your head, looking down as he takes your hands and places them on each of his thighs. "Don't move."
So you don't, simply breathing deeply to replenish your abused lungs while he combs through your phone with a fine toothed comb. You know you haven't done anything truly wrong, but it seems like he has different definitions to you.
"Good girl..." He whispers to himself as he sees the message of you shooting down the idea your friend tried to corrupt you with, to go out without him. "Stupid, but good..." He continues as he reads through every message with the phone number of the man. He monitors everything you do, it was only a matter of time before he got around to checking all of the numbers in your phone and their owners.
"Aw, you really are just naiive, huh? My poor little angel. Cant even tell when someone's trying to take you away from me-" He tuts his tongue, setting the phone down on the floor. When you go to pick it up, he kicks your hand away. "Sorry, Baby, you can't be trusted with big girl stuff yet. Gotta learn first." He smashes the device beneath his booted heel, a squeal passing through your lips at the loud metallic crunch.
"Hwa!" A pouty whine comes before you can stop it, tears welling up in your eyes all over again. When he cocks his eyebrow up, you cower between his legs, stuttering quietly. "Sorry, m'sorry..." He swipes the destroyed phone to the side with his boot before tapping your hip with it. You shuffle quickly, untying his shoes with a shaky breath.
"I know you get bored baby, but I can't have others corrupting your mind. I'll get you some new books, maybe even a TV for in here if you're extra good." You whisper a soft thank you, and a promise you will be as you set his shoes off to the side neatly.
"Look up at me, Doll. C'mon don't be angry," you look up at him as softly as you can, a groan of affection bubbling past his throat, "there's my pretty little thing." You rub your fingers on his jean-clad legs in an attempt to ground yourself as he looks down at you like a predator that's spotted it's next meal.
"Aren't you so happy you have me to take care of you? Who knows what others would do to that pretty face of yours— not to mention that pretty cunt."
A heat immediately finds it way to your face, and he laughs deeply. "Oh, please, don't be coy. You know as well as I do that if I didn't take you out of there that that little hole would be ruined in an hour. I saved you."
You hide your face in his lap, mind racing. It's true that he's more gently than other people you've had the dis-pleasure of encountering in his line of work. But that doesn't make him any less over bearing and obsessive. His possessiveness bordering on ownership. Sometimes you're truly thankful he scooped you up before anyone else could touch you- other times you curse him for it.
He rubs the back of your head gently, leaning up in the slouching chair, like he can sense your thoughts. "You aren't going anywhere, Baby. You're mine- until the day you die and even after that. Even God himself couldn't pry you away from me. You are mine. Do you understand that?" You nod into his lap, a quiet 'yes,hwa' muffled by his jeans. "Such a sweet thing," he whispers before gripping your hair and pulling you up, earning a gasp.
That glint in his eyes- "Hwa, wait, wait—" he did no such thing, standing up with his clothed crotch in your face, pulling your hands up to his belt.
"You need a reminder of who's good girl you are-"
"No?!" He laughed in disbelief, nails digging into your scalp as he makes you look up at him, the stretch of your neck uncomfortable as he cranes it up. There's a sharp hunger in his eyes, "you're so cute -so, so, so, cute when you're defiant... but I'm not in the fucking mood. Get your ass up," he tugs you up by your hair, ignoring the sharp yelps that tremble past your lips.
     "Ple-ase don't take me downstairs! I'll be good, I'll be good!"
    "It's okay baby, we aren't going downstairs," he positions you back to the wall and backs up, pushing you back when you try to follow and apologize. "I'm too tired." The glimmer of hope is stomped out as he unlocked his side of the nightstand. "You can take your punishment here."
   "Hwa... I'm real sor-" A skinny throwing knife that thuds into the wall next to your head shuts you up quick, a squeal replacing your pleas.
   "Been looking after you so much, I'm rusty-" He throws another with a groan, hiding his smirk as you jump, "stay still baby, I'm out of practice." You can't help but duck as it thunks into the wall just above your head.
     "Stand up straight!" His booming voice shakes you to your core, and you stand as straight as you can manage with the knot forming in your gut. You grip the wall with your finger tips, looking down at your feet so you don't see the sharp objects coming. You've found that it's less fearful that way.
Knife after knife is thrown, each dull thump making you twitch as they're buried into the drywall in the outline of your body.
When they finally stall, his sock clad feet come into view, his curved knuckle lifting your chin. The flame in his eyes has faded to a simmer, an almost fond one. "Are you done being a brat? Or should I let my hand slip next time I need target practice?"
   "I'm done..." you speak with a gulp, body still frozen against the wall lest you move and graze against the blades.
He seems to sense your thoughts once again, cooing softly as he notices your tense shoulders. "C'mon, sweet girl," he carefully pulls you straight out from the wall and twirls you around.
He wraps his arms around under yours and grips your shoulders, holding you close to his chest and resting his chin on your head. "Your life in my hands... Such a delicate thing you are." You eyes trail over the outline of your body, traced with throwing daggers. "If you just behaved, I wouldn't have to scare you. It's the best way for you to learn, my love. That fear you feel when we go downstairs, when I have you pinned up- that's the fear you would feel every waking moment without me. Just be a good girl, and let me protect you..."
"...Okay, I'm sorry, Hwa... I don't know why I act out," You don't know if you're telling the truth anymore. It is even acting out? You sometimes think you have a right to.
Maybe— "Maybe you like it when I'm mean to you."
You don't know what you would have thought, but that wasn't it. You think he likes being mean to you. He always finds a reason to punish you: whether it be with bone chilling fear or being pushed to your sexual edge and then repeatedly denied.
    Some days, he's softer with the sexual aspect of his obsession with you.
He turns you back around and shoves you to his knees, right back into his clothed bulge where you started. "I want to claim you, I'm going to claim you. Every part. Take it off now before I decide to skull fuck you." Your breath hitches in your throat, lip trembling at his threat, knowing full well he will follow through.
Today is not one of those days, you realize.
You hands quickly find their way to his belt, unbuckling the golden buckle and letting it dangle, the button undone next and the zipper followed. He didn't bother to kick his jeans off, or even pull them down. Only his cock out, twitching to life infront of you inpatiently. "You belong to me, I'm gonna get that through your thick skull" -he flicks your head- "even if I have to use my cock."
He rubs against your cheek, sighing out in pleasure at the feeling of your hot embarrassed face. "Say my name," he whispers deeply, eyes swirling with an unreadable mix of emotions.
"Seonghwa," you pant out shyly, eyes closed as you feel him rutting against your face, his pre cum smearing on your cheek bone. His grip is continually becoming softer, loving as he lewdly humps your head. Your hands find purchase on his sock clad feet, helping you lift up your body into him. "Seonghwa," it comes out as a moan, and a thick groan comes from him in response.
He steps back just an inch, looking down at your tear stained face, his fresh pre-cum glimmering on the side of your face.
His full lips curve into a smile, his previously angry facade fading as quick as it came when he busted in the door earlier, while he lifts you to the bed and lets your head hang.
He's even beautiful when viewed upside down-
    "You make it hard to ever leave your side, pretty girl. I could spend the rest of my life buried in any of your gorgeous holes, I love you so much."
"I love you, Hwa. I-" Your breath catches in your throat as the words tear through your throat. "I do want you to claim me, I want to know I'm yours." One of your hands seems to sprout a mind of its own, wrapping around the base of his thick and smooth girth. "Let me take care of you, and you take care of me."
A groan dies on his lips, shuddering as you slowly stroke him, the words you speak shooting through his heart and down to his balls. "Let me be your good girl. Please, I know I can!"
The fear he instilled in you just moments ago festered into a need to please, to solidify your place by his side so he would never leave. He never would dream of it- leaving you. You are his heart and soul personified. You hold his entire being in your hands, and you have no idea.
"Yeah? Gonna be my good girl again? Make it up to me?" His heart flutters as you nod enthusiastically, your mouth opening wide for him and tongue lolling out."Fuck, that's a good girl," he spreads his legs around your dangling head, slim fingers gathering yours to your chest and holding them ever so softly as he slips right down your throat.
The hot, velvety skin encasing him makes him moan loudly, squeezing your hands to ground himself and keep himself from fucking your skull like his life depends on it. But, oh, how he wants to—
"Good fucking girl, that's it, just like I taught you," you gulp around his overwhelming length, eyes closing as you focus on breathing through your nose, the smell of his body wash somehow soothing to your fried nervous system.
   He holds himself back as long as he can, thrusting in your throat slowly and basking in the warmth of it. But as your saliva builds, nowhere to go, and the wet and lewd squelch of your throat grows louder, he can no longer do that. He intertwines his fingers with yours and lets you squeeze tightly, a soft growl letting you know his arousal is at a peak before he loses all control-
   His hips draw back and slam into you, the head of his cock poking at the very depth of your throat and making you gag, and the noise just stirs him on, going again and again and again to hear that sweet sound of you choking around him. Sticky saliva tainted with the white of his pre-cum drips from the corners of your stretched mouth, dripping up your face. It seems like the onslaught will never end, but he has bigger plans for his building release.
     The moment your throat is free of his cock, you draw in a large gasp, all of the wetness in your mouth dripping like a waterfall, letting you heave as he watches with dark eyes. Not that you can see the lust driven look on his face, if you were to open your eyes you'd be blinded by spit and cum.
  He discards his pants and top as he lets you catch your breath, cooing all the while about how good you just did for him. He uses the softness of his tank top to wipe away most of the filth on your face, and you finally peek your eyes open as you feel him lift you.
   You swear there's hearts swirling in the darkness of his eyes as he scans your messy face, a permanent smirk plastered on his features. "Pretty girl, you're such a mess for me," you can only pant in response, leaning into the palm he places on your cheek as he lays you down right-side-up, letting your head collide with the soft pillows.
The moment he put a pillow under your back, you knew you were in for a long ride.
And by the end of it, you wouldn't forget who you belong to.
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von2dutch · 2 days
Sugar Baby | Jey Uso
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 3.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
A/N This is my first time writing on here so bear with me I’m new to learning the app I hope you all enjoy it it’s also my first time writing a Jey uso fanfic so please go easy on me. A few writers inspired me to want to write about him I’m not sure if they want to be tagged I don’t want to seem disrespectful but if they do I’ll gladly @ them!
Lastly , Enjoy
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Dakota groaned in discomfort, "Ugh, jeez, I'm so sore, I can barely stand..." Jasmine chuckled in agreement, "Haha, I know right? I didn't expect that workout to be so intense.
“Me neither, my whole body is killing me right now…girl remind me to never come to the gym with your ass!” Dakota Murmured in a low breathing trying to regain her breath, her hands kneeled down on her knees taking each breath one at a time. Before standing tall grabbing her water to follow jasmine lead to the front desk.
“girl please all that ass you got you should want to be in shape for your old man sugar daddy.”
Dakota stopped in her tracks staring a hole into her best friend of 6 years in the head, with a mug plastered over her face she spoke again “Omg for the last time that man isn’t that old and he ain’t my sugar daddy!”
Jasmine looked back pursuing her lips together looking at her best friend like she was dumb “whatever you say ms.like em’ old.”
“But ion blame you because last time you came to me with your wig completely fucked up after seeing him, fuck he got super dick?”
Dakota chuckled at her best friends antics seemingly use to it but without jasmine in her life she wouldn’t have any entertainment without her silly jokes.
“No he just knows how to work this thang!” Dakota laughed before sticking her tongue out as the two walked up to the front desk.
While Dakota was focused on making another week ahead for the gym next week, Jasmine eyes were stuck on whoever just walked into the gym.
Jasmine Nuged Dakota shoulder before she turned around with a mug irritated already by her bothering her with Dakota already being tired and trained from an intense workout the two just had “Ain’t that your boy or should I say ol’ man.”
Dakota knitted her eyebrows together in confusion and also curiosity as she turned her body and attention to wherever jasmine focused was and there he was.
Jey Uso
In the flesh there he was looking ever so good , his presence so commanding and charismatic that she couldn't help but admire him with his twin brother Jimmy and a little behind them was their younger brother solo, walking. As they approached a group of men, it looked as if they beckoned them over with friendly gestures.
As Dakota glanced over at Joshua, she couldn't help but take notice of his impressive attire. He was sporting a pair of blue Nike shorts that hugged his body in all the right places, along with black Nike socks that were neatly tucked into his white gym shoes. On his head, he wore a fitted black bloodline hat, which was turned backwards and allowed his mullet to peek through the back. The red tips of his hair added a touch of boldness to his overall look, which suited him perfectly. As he stood there with his bare chest on display, his chiseled abs were impossible to miss. Tribal tattoos adorned his arms and chest, with two more visible on his back. All in all, Joshua's appearance was a sight to behold.
She watched as he greeted the three men before grasping both hands onto a pull up bar his palms facing away from him lifting his entire body going up and down up and down as she watched closely.
She couldn’t help but to stare at his bare back moving ever so smoothly, he hung his body up back and forth downwards she got a flashback from their last meet up two months ago which made her bite her lip titling her head slightly watching as he kept going.
“Move yo hand this what you wanted right?” Jey responded to Dakota as she pleaded for him to slow down she tried to push him back away from her as he dicked her down so deep she could Hardly breathe.
she burried her head into the white colored sheets of the hotel room she couldn’t help but cry tears of joy but also pain as his strokes got deeper and deeper from behind “Jeyyyy…b-baby slow down…ugh.”
“Nah you talked all that shit on the phone, I wanna see you take all this dick don’t run from it.”
“Ion even know why you like to play with me princess, you know I’ll fly yo’ ass out to fuck you up.” Joshua spoke with Venom in his voice as his chest heaved up and down, chest beaming with sweat. he pushed a hand down on her neck to pin her down further her ass purked up nicely in his view.
It all started with Dakota missing him which resulted in her being a bitch towards Jey, calling him out his name as far as a “bitch” because he hadn’t been paying her no attention at all the past few weeks. She knew he had a tight schedule as a professional wrestler which has his undefined attention at all times but she also wanted his attention as well even with her just being a sugar baby known as a woman he just used for sex and entertainment when he wanted it.
Now here she was ass up face down and burried into the white sheets of his hotel room as he fucked her viciously from behind pining her down to the bed so she couldn’t run with no where to go. He wanted her to feel all of him from anger slightly misplaced with lust.
“Nah baby use this dick and fuck me back , daddy ain’t going no where.”
Dakota did as told throwing her ass back on him but with much more force while she occupied her fingers underneath her playing with herself. She felt so much pressure and pain all in one her feet became hot with them curled up as he went deeper with each stroke he took.
Taking her breath away literally.
“Mhm you taking this dick like a good girl huh?” Jey rasped slamming into her making Dakota let out a loud moan.
She could feel her body become hot as she felt a knot in her stomach indicating she was about to cum.
“shit!” She cursed under her breath, Jey thrusting into her wet gushy insides.
Joshua watched his dick slide in and out Dakota’s hole, her white creams painting his beautiful Carmel dick, his balls slapping against her clit with every hard thrust he took.
Dakota let out beautiful whimpers, her ass and titties jiggling with the rhythm of Jey’s hard strokes.
Jey grabbed Dakota’s hair, wrapping it around his fist as he thrusted into her harder.
Josh pulled on her hair, forcing her head up as she looked at herself through a the mirror which was in the corner of the room. Her make up smeared with tears , hair all over the place she knew she would need a redo on her hair when she got back home to Atlanta. Her mouth agape as she let out loud moans which couldn’t be heard outside of the hotel room from how thick and sound proof the walls were.
“Uh huh, daddy deep in his pussy ain’t he?” he questioned panting, his tattooed chest heaving up and down.
when Dakota didn’t answer Jey yanked her hair making Dakota let out a loud moan.
“shit! Y-yes daddy it’s fucking deep!” she cried out as tears cascaded her pretty Carmel cheeks.
Jey smiled deviously at her through the mirror, sliver jeweled grills peaking through. feeling her walls clench around him he groaned. he sent a hard snack to Dakota’s ass, “you throwing that ass back like a big girl , baby? You gon’ keep taking this dick like one too.”
Dakota did as told, her taking control again as she bounced back and forth on his length, Joshua bit his lip watching his dick disappear into her whole every time.
The one thing he missed the most was her ass jiggling from behind as he buried his dick deep inside her, her smooth toned back arched ever so slight but at the moment her chest laid flat on the bed while he continued his torture.
“fuck!” Dakota moaned with her face planted in the bed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she continued rocking her body.
“Un huh, Baby take this dick.”
“you gotta cum, ma?” Jey questioned, grunting afterwards.
“yes!” Dakota whined reaching her hand underneath her and rubbing at her clit once more, her legs trembling outrageously.
Jey bit his lip harshly, blood drawing as he groaned at the metallic taste.
“gon head Dakota .” He rasped, on cue Dakota and Joshua reached their limits. Her white creams painted all over his dick, her juices squirted out of her and onto Jey’s lower stomach.
Flashback over
“Dakota!” Jasmine's voice echoed through Dakota’s empty ears as she called out to her best friend Dakota, who seemed lost in thought. "Dakota! Dakota, Dakota?!!" she repeated, her tone growing more urgent and annoyed with each call. She wondered what could be occupying Dakota's mind so much that she didn't even hear her friend's voice.
Then it hit her. Jey he was who had her so snapped out of it she watched her best friend bite her lip in daze a, watching him do repeated pull ups.
Finally After staring into the distance for a while, Dakota was brought back to reality when she heard someone calling her name. With a confused look on her face, she looked up and stuttered, "H-huh, what did you say, Jas?"
“I said there go ya’ boy and there he is right now making his way over.” Jasmine said as he indeed was making his way over to them while Dakota mouth hung low she tried her to best to maintain herself. She often felt nervous around Josh and she herself didn’t know why because she wasn’t a shy woman but with him? He had her shy like a school girl.
“Wassup jasmine.” Jey greeted Jasmine with a friendly head nod and a warm smile, before turning his attention to Dakota. With a mischievous grin and a wink “and hey pretty mama.”
With a mischievous grin, he knew exactly what to say to make her radiant smile light up the room. As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her gym outfit, appreciating the way it hugged her curves and highlighted her strong physique.
She wore Black gymshark vital seamless neck sports bra with vital seamless black shorts that hugged her body waist down ever so gently which showed her ass out more flaw. Her breast glazed with sweat as it stucked together almost peeling out of the sports bra her nipples hard as ever from how cold the gym was. Accompanied with white socks and grey gym shoes.
She looked damn good.
“Hey Josh.” She smiled dimples ever so deep into her skin that her pearly white teeth showed all of her teeth from how big she smiled. Gushing with butterflies in her stomach if she was any lighter you could see how red her face was from blushing.
“Hey Josh.” Jasmine mumbled mimicking her with an eye roll immensely laughing at how shy her best friend was. In 27 years of knowing her she never saw her best friend so shy she was always a Fierce Woman, very outspoken. So to see her like this so gushed over this man was surprising and undoubtedly hilarious.
“Shut up.” Dakota mumbled gritting through her teeth while she tried to keep a smile on her face.
To break the awkward silence Josh spoke “Uhh so you leaving?”
“Oh yeah me and jasmine are finished for the day and go grab some food then head home and shower. I see you’re with your brother.”
“Yeah he wanted to come to the gym before the big night Monday.”
“Well it was nice seeing yo— nah we ain’t gon end it like that ma gimme me a hug uce.” Josh insisted opening his arms for a hug she embraced him her hands rubbing against his bare back.
His entire body felt so soft and warm along with his significant cologne he always wore that drove her crazy with how good he smelled.
Josh hands snaked down to her ass grabbing it gently with a soft smack before leaving a wet kiss on her neck before whispering. “You might wanna cover that up uce.” He chuckled at her eyes bucking at the embarrassment she felt when she realized he was referring to the hickey on her neck that her gave her last month.
Gasping she quickly covered it with her hand before grabbing Jasmines hand leading her out the door “Bye Josh!”
“Girllll that man got you whipped huh!” Jasmine joked laughing at how school girl he had Dakota before unlocking the doors to her Mercedes Benz truck both hopping in.
• Instagram story
Dakota.Valentine • 25 secs ago
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“Bye Josh.” Dakota chuckled at a TikTok he sent her via message, before hearting it smiling ear from ear. It was a TikTok of a man buying his girlfriend chicken wings when she asked for wings as in pads for her menstrual cycle but he got her wingstop with jey replying with a “Gon be me when you come back over my house, yeet!”
“Oh you in love.” Jasmine affirmed looking at her best friend blush at her phone something she did their whole lunch.
“I am not!”
“Is too!”
Dakota fixed her posture in her seat now facing jasmine directly placing her phone face down on the table giving her undefined attention “and what makes you possible think that?”
“Hmm well for starters the man bough you a mirror vanity with a Chanel purse and a basket of fruit all because you said you wanted to show yourself this year and do beauty content for social media.”
“Then he buys you roses every month even if he misses a few days he buys dozens for each day he missed along with a stack of money, he as well spoils you with gifts, paid for you to go to talum for your birthday, bought you a ring and also rented out a mall for the both of you so you could shop dedicating the whole day to you with a massage, paid for your hair , nails, AND makes sure you eat paying for every meal plus he took you on how many dates?”
“Shall I go on?”
Dakota sat there taking in everything her best friend was saying with nothing to deflect with, she was right Joshua did all those things without her having to asking for anything he just did it because whatever he saw that he thought would look good on her or what made her smile the biggest he got it.
“Then you cook for him everytime he’s in town for his Monday night raw and smack down shows in Atl kota.” Jasmine stated pursing her lips together while she waited for a response. Dakota sat there with a dumbfounded expression.
Thats when realization sat in she realized she was in love, he did so many things for her that she never had done before not even in past relationship. He was there for her in so many ways than just sex, he was there emotionally, physically , and mentally. He cared deeply for Dakota as much as she cared for him. They’ve Had deep conversations about life and marriage something neither ever done with anyone they connected on a deeper level than Just sex he was there for her when she lost her mother a few months back and ever since then he never left her side he was always there.
Despite his best efforts to hide it, Joshua was undeniably smitten with Dakota. Though he was a more mature and experienced man, he couldn't help but pour his heart out to her, showering her with a level of affection she had never before experienced in her life. His love for her was pure and genuine, and she could sense it in every little thing he did.
Despite her best efforts to be difficult and toxic, he always handled her with care and honesty. He was the type of man who never played games, especially when it came to business. He led with authority, yet he had a soft and gentle side. He was dominant without being aggressive but real smooth but you knew he ran shit. His charismatic and funny personality, his loving nature, and his hardworking aura made her focus on him completely. Whenever she was around him, she felt safe and comfortable, knowing that he would always be there to protect and support her.
In past relationships Dakota had never felt safe nor comfortable with men but with Josh it all felt so natural.
The two meet at a bar in Pensacola , Florida where Dakota was in town visiting a client of hers for styling. She was a celebrity stylist, she loved fashion and always dreamed of being a fashion designer or stylist. While she sat at the bar alone josh couldn’t help but stare at the young women, her soft brown legs shined with baby oil along with a black dress that hugged her body so tightly and well , a face a man would die for but he thought her face was better to nut on in his dirty mind.
He walked up to her with a few smooth and flirtatious words which pulled her in instantly jey was always smooth with the ladies. A ladies man of course. With that he prospered to her a deal that he spoiled her of course as well as have sex with her but no string attached as well kinda friends with benefits or a sugar daddy which he wouldn’t call it more so tricking with sex alongside.
Jey was 32 years old and Dakota was four years younger than him at 27. Despite the age difference, the two were still deeply attracted to each other. However, when Dakota was first presented with the proposal that she didn't quite understand or want to accept, she hesitated. The idea of doing something like that was foreign to her, but a little voice in her head, which she recognized as Jasmine's, urged her to "get that money, bitch!" Despite already having her own source of income, Dakota eventually agreed to the proposal.
Starting from the summer of July 2022, the two individuals became inseparable. Their bond grew stronger as they spent time together, and before they knew it, January 2023 had arrived, marking the beginning of a new year that they brought in together. Despite the initial plan to spend only three months together, Josh kept extending their time together, much to the surprise of his companion. She found it odd that he was reluctant to part ways and kept prolonging their time together, but she couldn't help but wonder why.
Was he also in love?
All I really want to say my darling
Today is a special day we call our own
So take me in your arms and hold me
And tell me you love me
And I'll be there for you
The soft lyrics of Tony! Toni! Tone! Played throughout Dakotas high rise apartment while she finished up on the last touch’s of the cornbread. Dakota was cooking baked macaroni, yams, collard greens, fire chicken with a side of duffeled eggs.
A loud thud on the counter went off as her phone ding with a text message from Jey.
Yeet master jey!❤️
I’m here come open the door lady uce!
After meticulously washing her hands, she swiftly dried them off to ensure there were no traces of germs left on her skin. As she reached the door, she saw Josh standing outside, holding a beautiful bouquet of roses in his left hand. A wide smile appeared on her face as she approached him, and he opened his arms, inviting her in for a warm embrace. "Jey, I missed you!" she exclaimed before jumping into his arms. He caught her effortlessly with just one arm, and the two of them burst into uncontrollable laughter, filled with joy and happiness as they held each other tightly.
“I missed you too ko.” Dakota heart warmed at the small nickname he gave her.
“Aww are these for me?” She smiled widely taking the rose from jey she walked towards the kitchen sitting them on the counter. “Of course gotta get my princess something.”
Cheesing to herself she inquired him with a question “Mmhm when were you going to tell me you was in town?”
“Well I was tryna surprise you but I saw you all at the gym looking gorgeous.” He stated wrapping his arms around Dakota from behind he moved her hair out her face leaving a few wet on her neck she responded with a low moan.
“Unt unt let me finish cooking Josh.” She chuckled at his antics of trying to seduce her but she had other plans in mind.
Stepping back with his hands in surrender he spoke “alright alright but how you been? You’ve been eating?” He caressed her cheek staring into her brown hazel nut eyes. “Yes jey I have.”
“You better.” He pecked her lips a few times before moving back looking over her admiring her body.
Dakota has fell into small depression she thought maybe she was too big and wanted to be slimmer so she stopped eating to lose weight and also in the gym but Jey put a stop to that immediately because she was perfect the way she was and she wouldn’t want her any other way.
“I missed you.” Jey spoke with their soft eyes looking directly At Dakota.
“I missed you more.” She responded softly turning her body to face him.
“Missed you so much girl.” He embraced her into a hug, hugging tight as he wrapped his legs around her like spider man hanging his feet in the cabinet while she laughed at his goofy self “It’s all you girl!”
“All you girl!”
“Omg Joshua what is wrong with you.” Dakota laughed once more her stomach hurting from much she laughed her cheeks sore a bit from how hard she smiled. She was in love.
Letting her go he left a few kisses all over her face till she laughed Again before asking her something “So umm…I got a show tomorrow and I want you come.” He asked shyly as if it was the first time he ever took her one of his shows to watch him to wrestle.
“Of course! I’d love to watch you beat some ass.” She smiled punching at his chest playfully.
“Good cause Jimmy been asking about you “where koko?”josh mimicked his twin brother Jonathan earring a small laugh from Dakota.
“Aww my good ol’ friend can’t wait to see him tomorrow.”
“Plus tomorrow is raw XXX tomorrow you know it’s gon be lit.” Smiles thinking about what was in store tomorrow for the fans which included the bloodline with Sami Zayn.
“Oh tell your little girlfriend stop messaging me I’ll hate to beat a bitch.” Dakota scolded Josh rolling her eyes.
“You know who”
As jey stood there in thought as if he was dumb he then realized who she was talking about “oh Chanel?” He said still acting clueless.
“Who the fuck else Joshua!” She raised her voice slightly removing his arms from around her.
Chanel was an old mistress of Jeys and he broke things off with her two months in but she couldn’t take him leaving her due to the contract ending so she stalked him and was a bitch to every new woman he used for sex and entertainment which was Dakota. It all started in September when Josh and Dakota where out at a restaurant having a few drinks and dinner when Chanel popped up on the two “Oh so this why you’ve been ignoring for this new bitch?!” Channel shouted in the restaurant cashing a scene.
Which escalated in her and Dakota having a back and forth because in all Dakota wasn’t fighting over no man especially not jey no matter how charming he was she wasn’t but the disrespect she took from Chanel wasn’t going to keep happening.
“Look I told you she ain’t my girl and plus ima handle it.” Jey reassured Dakota waving her off.
“You better because I’ll hate to gut a bitch eyes out. Keep fucking with m— What I say?” He cut her off glaring at her with dominance.
“Okay I heard you.” She pouted “but you better handle it cause I don’t have time.” She sighed wrapping her arms around her chest.
Pulling her into an embrace he wrapped his arms around her body rubbing up and down her sides soft and smoothly. “I said I got Dakota don’t worry okay?”
For a while there was some silence the only thing that could be heard was the music being played from her speaker that was a till she broke the silence with a question “can I ask you something?”
“Yeah , go ahead.”
Dakota started to think back on what Jasmine said was she in love with Josh? Was he in love with her? The question lingered in her mind so much she needed to to know. Even with them not supposed to falling eachother because of the agreement of no strings attached she couldn’t help but fall for him.
“Do your ever….think maybe we could be a couple?” She questioned with pleading eyes but also wanting honesty with anything he threw at her.
Jey thought long and hard for a min before giving her an answer “Honestly no, I mean you’re a gorgeous and talented woman but Dakota we both know this isn’t what we agreed to no strings attached and after a divorce I went through a year ago I ain’t ready for another relationship.”
“You’re just another one of my clients.”
Everything hit her deep in the heart like someone stabbed after hearing those words everything shattered for her. What was she thinking? She didn’t know she even thought he would ever slow down things for her just because he had sex with her but she had hoped
Maybe she wasn’t in love.
To be continued.
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I hope you all enjoyed this! More to come let me know if you want chapter two of this series? Also leave comments.
Opinions on jey, Dakota, jasmine , or even Chanel?
How we thinking about the relationship of Jey and Dakota will they fall for each other in the long run?
Lmk and again thank you for reading I hope you all enjoyed! Excuse any mistakes please till next!🎀
Also if you want to be added for a tag-list comment and I got you!
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lycheedr3ams · 6 months
ℑ𝔩𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
werewolf!könig x fem!reader
Prologue | October 29th
Summary: You're a bakery worker in the small, isolated town of Heiligenblut, Austria. könig is a hunter and lumberjack who stays to himself and always has an aura of mystery and darkness. and through a series of strange circumstances, you're the one to uncover his secret. (set in the modern-day) CW: like all of my fanfics reader is fem she/her, adult content, predator/prey dynamics, werewolf-fucking, mentions of animal carcasses and blood, a bit unsettling at times. (can't think of anything else atm, this might count as dark content? not sure) WC: 1.8k
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your life had always been fairly predictable. your hometown was so small that most people knew everyone else's business, tourists came and went on schedules like birds migrating for winter, all stores in town were open from monday through saturday, the church bell rang at the top of every hour, you always baked the same things with the same ingredients each day.
and of course, you knew all the regular customers' routines. elderly customers would always come in the morning, schoolchildren in the mid afternoon, working mothers and courthouse employees during their lunch breaks. the labor-men of the town - lumberjacks, hunters, farmers - would always be the first people to show up at the bakery, even before the elderly, to get the freshest items. that was, all of the working men except for könig.
rather than get the freshest goods first thing in the morning, könig would instead come into the bakery the minute before closing. and each time, he came in sweaty and dirty to buy his typical goods: apfel strudel and hausbrot. unlike everyone else in town, könig seemed to have his own schedule. some weeks, he'd come every other day. other weeks, it would be two days in a row and then not until the fifth day. and some weeks, he'd only show up once or twice. könig was never predictable. you tried to learn his schedule when he'd come so that you could have his things ready for him by the time he got there, but it was hopeless with whatever personal clock he ran on. you had accidentally wasted a few strudels and loaves of bread a few times by setting them aside for könig, only for him not to follow the schedule you thought he had. you eventually gave up on predicting his routine, if he even had one.
also unlike most other customers, könig did not speak aside from a greeting or two for politeness. most customers would talk about the weather, the harvest, town gossip. but könig would come in, nod his head to acknowledge you, and say "guten nacht" as he left. and he learned that he didn't need to say his order after a month of you working at the bakery, since he always got the same things each time. he was secretly grateful that you were so observant and had a good memory, because it saved him from speaking too much. you didn't even need to tell him the total anymore, because it was the same every time. he'd hand you the money, and leave. he also never took off the black bandana that he tied around his nose, covering everything except his eyes.
you had heard the townspeople speak of him in admiration laced with fear. könig lived alone in a small cabin a little ways from town, surrounded by the woods. he took up apprenticeship with the local lumberjack when he was 17, and was hunting since he was a boy. he could chop entire trees down with only a few swift swings of his large axe, and could carry whole logs on each of his shoulders. and könig was, with no arguments, the most skilled hunter around. but no one had ever seen him hunt. many young men had approached him, wishing to become his apprentice, but he turned each one down. fathers came begging to him, offering copious amounts of money and supplies if konig could just teach their sons to be half the hunter he was. but konig always said no. there were rumors about the reason why: maybe he strangled his prey with his bare hands, or hunted them with only a knife. or maybe his methods were sacred family tradition, not meant to be shared with anyone. whatever the case, all everyone knew was that könig always had the largest harvest, and the town was never short on meat.
könig always seemed on edge. suspicious. he was never seen out much other than for work and to buy food. sometimes, the townspeople would ask you worriedly if könig had ever caused you any trouble when he came into the bakery at night. you always assured everyone who asked that könig had never caused you any trouble at all. but what you couldn't tell them was that you always had a crush on the brooding, mysterious giant. how could you not be allured by his strength and sheer masculinity? but that was something you always kept to yourself. you had to, because you were sure that the town's most feared and respected man never thought about you other than when you were handing him his baked goods. so you forced yourself to swallow your feelings for him, even though a bright blush would always creep across your cheeks when he came into the bakery, and your panties were always wet after he left. but you didn't know if he even noticed the way you'd shyly blush, only for him.
The town was getting ready for the annual Halloween festival, which was one of the largest festivals your town boasted. large pumpkins, countless strawbales, gourds, and squash were harvested from the farms with the most to offer and scattered around the main area of town for the entire month of October. and at night when the sun would set, orange and yellow lights draped across the streetlamps would glimmer in the dark, getting everyone - especially the children - excited for halloween.
the halloween festival culminated in a large feast on halloween night, at exactly 9pm sharp. large wooden tables made from the very trees surrounding the town would be brought to the town square, donned with tablecloths, and adorned with the best harvest the town had to offer. hams, sausages, venison, and beef were aplenty during the festival each year, thanks to könig. your bakery was responsible for supplying the pastries and other sweets, and the farmers for their vegetables. the elderly women would make stews and other warm meals, and the entire town would gather to celebrate halloween and let the children run free. it was because of this festival that october was one of the busiest months out of the year for the town.
but this year, there were rumors beginning to spread.
October 28th
an elderly man came into the bakery on a slow day and chatted with you as you packed his order. he smiled kindly at you, then looked around to ensure no one else was in the bakery.
"have you heard the word around, miss?" the old man asked. you boxed up his pastries and shook your head. "what word? there's always so much going on in this town." you smiled. but your smile quickly faded when you saw the serious look in the man's eyes. he whispered lowly when he spoke.
"word is, the hunter hasn't yet turned in any meat for festival, and it's only in a few days now."
you tilted your head in confusion. "i'm sorry, did I hear you right? könig hasn't turned in any meat at all?" the old man seemed to almost shudder when you said könig's name. "no miss, no meat at all. some say he's lost his touch, others think it's because of a pack of wolves that's made its way into the woods around town this last week."
"a pack of wolves?" you asked. "we haven't had wolves around here for so long, thanks to the men of the village protecting us." the old man shook his head. "no miss, we've been hearing howls at night for the last few weeks. i thought everyone had known about it by now. but it seems no one wants to talk about it."
you thought for a moment. könig hadn't turned in any meat for the festival? that was possibly the strangest sentence you had ever heard. such a thing could not be possible. you cleared your throat. "so what are we going to do for the festival's meat?" the old man shrugged. "i'm not sure miss. some farmers have been talkin' bout offering some of their livestock, but we'd like to avoid that to make it through winter."
your conversation abruptly ended when the hunter himself walked into the bakery and cast it in darkness, like clouds covering the bright full moon. you stared at könig, wide-eyed, for a moment, before smiling at him. "hello. i'll have your order ready in a moment."
the old man fumbled in his pocket and left the money on the counter before you could even open the cash register. he tipped his hat to könig and made a speedy exit with his pastry box tucked under his arm. why did everyone seem so afraid of könig, you wondered?
"that was odd," you smiled a bit to ease the awkward silence that had settled after the old man had hastily left. könig didn't respond, only staring at you with an inscrutable look. you looked at him back, feeling like you were face-to-face with some beast in the woods. the hairs on the back of your neck tingled, and you began to notice little abnormalities in his appearance. but before you could absorb exactly what was different about his appearance, the clock chimed for closing time. you jumped slightly, the tension between you and könig now broken as you looked at the clock. you took a shaky breath in and didn't look at him again as you packed up his order.
könig had already set the money on the counter before you put down his box, and he took the box from your hands before you could place it on the counter. he swiftly turned to leave, his shoulders seeming tense. and it was almost like someone else took control over your body when you forced your now meek voice to speak. "könig? are you okay?"
könig stopped within arm's reach of the bakery door, his wide shoulders spanning the width of the door itself. he slowly turned his head back to look at you, and again you felt like you were confronting a wild beast in the forest. the energy coming off of him felt dark and grim, and the only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the cuckoo clock and your shaky breathing.
"guten nacht," he said gruffly before leaving, the little bell attached to the door chiming in his wake.
you held your breath for a moment longer after he left, your heart hammering in your chest, before you heaved one large breath. you had never felt such tension and fear in your life. you placed your hand over your heart, trying to calm yourself down as you placed your other hand against the countertop for support.
you ran home from the bakery that night, plagued by the feeling that you were being chased.
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i hope you guys liked the prologue! it's taken me a while to decide where i want the plot to go, but now i know and expect more soon!
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fanby-fckry · 24 days
You know what, I’m just gonna say it. I think that Alastor being aroace is part of the reason he’s so shippable to me.
Before you come at me, check the flag in my pfp; I’m aroace-spec.
Maybe it’s me projecting, maybe it’s because I love exploring relationships through an aroace lens, but goddamn. I ship him more than any other character and every time I do, his aroaceness is a major component in the ship.
Examples below the cut because it’s gonna get long:
📻🍎 || RadioApple:
There are so many versions of this dynamic and I am here for all of them.
We have the pre-canon kinky QPR that I show in UH3. I could talk about that all day, but to summarize:
Aroace x genuinely respectful allo is a dynamic that heals my soul.
Lucifer is less tied down by human constructs like amatonormativity, having never been human himself.
The Devil values consent.
Kinky cannibalism, kinky cannibalism, kinky cannibalism, kinky ca- *I am removed from the stage with a comically large hook*
Then we have the Evil and fucked up QPR dynamic:
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And of course, trying to get along for Charlie’s sake and eventually bonding over their shared love of dad jokes and musical theatre, both being violinists (yup, Alastor plays violin too, check the wiki) with niche hobbies/interests (ducks, furby organ) and accidentally winding up in a loving, healthy QPR.
📻🕸️ || RadioDust:
There’s something about an aroace and a sex worker who very rarely falls in love.
Angel would know that Alastor isn’t with him for sex, would know that he values Angel beyond his body.
With greyro Alastor, Angel and Alastor would both be inexperienced with romance, but in wildly different ways. Angel has never had a healthy romantic relationship and therefor tries not to fall in love. Greyro Alastor has probably experienced romantic attraction like less than three times in his 100+ years of existence.
And if Alastor never gains romantic attraction for Angel, that’s a whole other level to the dynamic.
It’s got some great angst potential with Angel wondering if he’s not good enough to love romantically or Alastor feeling guilty or confused as to Why It Hasn’t Happened Yet when he cares for Angel so deeply, and eventually it gets resolved with the two of them accepting that their attractions don’t have to match up for them to love/appreciate/care for each other and they smash the amatonormative relationship hierarchy as queer platonic partners.
Or, Angel’s just totally cool with it from the start because he’s spent decades in the kink scene and has potentially been exposed to more relationship anarchy than Alastor.
Kink and queerness have a great deal of historical and cultural overlap, and that includes aroace queerness. Because Angel’s had way more canon exposure to both, it’s possible he knows more about Alastor’s orientation than Alastor does, and I love the idea of Angel introducing him to terms or just being super chill about not labeling things.
📻♥️ || RadioHusk:
Drawing like 90% from pilot dynamic and headcanon on this. They’re just two old men. They get drunk and cuddle. Alastor is one of the few people who knows Husk can purr and takes advantage of this fact. Alastor considers Husk a friend in a fucked up, possessive way. Husk considers Alastor a pain in the ass, but does care about him on some level.
It’s Fucked Up and Evil QPR: Remix Edition.
And the versions where the author puts them through fanfic couple’s therapy and actually gets them into a healthy point in their relationship? One where Alastor no longer owns Husk’s Soul? *chef’s kiss*
📻🌹 || RadioRose:
For me, personally, this is an exclusively nonsexual, non-romantic ship. They’re besties; they’re QPPs. They’re married for the tax benefits and so that they cannot be forced to testify against each other in court.
Rosie knew Alastor was aroace before he did and rather than sit down and explain it to him, she decided to make ace puns.
📻💋 || RadioSiren: [edit, context here] RadioFemme
Ok, so this is entirely based on non-canon-compliant Lilith. Or, I guess, non-series-compliant Lilith. More of the old WOG stuff from the pilot era, with a healthy dose of headcanon for flavor.
I love the idea of Lilith and Lucifer having an open marriage; I love the UH3 style polycule dynamic.
Lilith being the original seductress and Alastor being aesthetically but not sexually or romantically attracted to her is very near and dear to my heart.
I’m an aroace with a voice kink who is aesthetically attracted to Lilith and I think Alastor is an aroace with a voice kink who would be aesthetically attracted to Lilith, ok?
📻📺 || RadioStatic:
I’m gonna be real with you, 90% of my interest in RadioStatic is in the one-sided version where Vox is a pathetic little incel simp and Alastor is either oblivious, mildly annoyed, or finds the whole thing hilarious.
Whenever there’s any reciprocation on Alastor’s part, I always imagine it being in a very aroace, very Alastor-esque way. He needs to be get something out of it completely unrelated to sex/romance. And he needs to be manipulative and sadistic in the process.
Whether that something is kink-related, a business transaction, or simply the quality entertainment provided by Vox being a cringefail TV-headed little bitch, I love to see it.
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shuarush · 1 year
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foolproof stupidity
» pairing: mingyu x fem!reader
» word count:  54,442
» warnings: alcohol, drinking, a bit of angst i guess, smut, a bit of an existential crisis tw for the young adults like me, cursing.
» genres: romance, fluff, eventual smut, vacation, adulthood, developing friendships, awkward flirting, secrecy, stupid ass people being emotionally unavailable and constipated.
☆✎ synopsis:  after giving your blood, sweat and tears to your company, you found yourself lost in whoever you are and were, and in the middle of an uncomfortable event you decided to throw caution out the window and go out of your comfort zone. meeting mingyu wasn’t the reason for it, but it was a good consequence. the feelings that emerged in your heart, on the other hand, were something you simply couldn’t handle at the moment, and you might just let your traumas get the best of you and push away the thing you fear the most: love.
☆✎ a/n: hello babydeul, 
this time around i came with a mingyu x reader and i wanted to make it as light and youthful as i could, since that's how i see mingyu: a very kind-hearted, youthful and sincere person. i’m really thankful to my friends julia and mari, who helped me out at the beginning of it, as well as every single one of the people who followed me in the making of this fanfic while i was posting it on ao3.
i hope you can enjoy this one as much as you did with play again, and don’t be shy to interact with me in any way or form. thank you for giving foolproof stupidity a chance ♡  
☆✎ some final notes:
⇢ i’ll mark the chapter with smut so you can skip it if you want or need (minors please dni with those);
⇢ again this is a first, but this time it is my first smut, i hope it is a good reading, i did my best to make it to my liking;
⇢ english is not my first language, so i apologize for any mistakes i might’ve made along the way;
⇢ i hope you enjoy it, and if you decided to read it thank you sm :)
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chapter one - the girl i used to know
The unrequited attention you and Rae were getting from every single male eye sitting on that table was scrutinizing. Even reaching out for a beer would make at least one of them look at you like you were some weird attraction on a road circus. 
“Seriously, Seungkwan, you said you were hanging out with some friends.” Rae hissed between her teeth, giving the dirtiest look she could possibly come up with for her soon-to-be-ex-best-friend. Since you didn’t even want to be there in the first place, you ignored all the side-eyes from the unknown men and kept slowly drinking the beer that you had ordered as soon as you got there. 
“I am hanging out with some friends.” Seungkwan muttered unconvincingly and you saw Rae’s eyes roll dramatically. They always ended up bickering, and you’d only intervene when they were about to rip each other’s face off, but that was far from happening that day, so you just enjoyed the few hours Rae had convinced you to give yourself while she regretted her own decision.
“This is a fucking bachelor party, Seungkwan. Boys only.” she grunted and it was his time to roll his eyes. Seungkwan was wrong in that situation, but for him to admit that it would take about another three hours of complaining and maybe two beers, so you kept watching to see what excuse he’d give this time. 
You weren’t worried at all. In your line of work death threats were so common that a bunch of men looking at you like you were unwelcome almost felt recomforting. At least there’s no paperwork to dig in on the table, you thought to yourself, feeling the small paper cut you had gotten a few hours prior burn just by thinking about looking through files.
“Yes, but they started talking about a show I haven’t watched yet and I got bored…” He was soon to confess and you held Rae’s hand as it was starting to move towards Seungkwan’s chest. She was fast, but you were faster. You finally decided it was time for you to meddle, since you wouldn’t be there much longer anyway and it was best if you three could just spend some time together: “Ok, there’s no point in fighting over this, let’s just drink two beers and go home, shall we?” You proposed and you felt a dirty look being directed towards you. 
Raena was always like that, sensitive - and in denial about that anytime you’d bring it up -, but the good thing about it was that it never actually lasted. She would nag for a few minutes and then just come to the resolution that it is what it is, and then would simply get hammered. It wasn’t always good for you since it was always your job to carry her ass home, but it was definitely better than her being moody the entire night. Besides, drunk Rae could be pretty fun most of the time.
“You always take his side. I want a fucking tequila.” she blurted, raising her hand and ordering two shots of that devilish shit-enabeler. You took the small truce opportunity to look around the table. Seungkwan’s oldest friends were there, many that you only knew by name. You tried, to the best of your knowledge and abilities, giving names to the faces that surrounded you, but that task was easier said than done. 
Firstly, you saw Jay - the husband-to-be - fervently denying the presence of strippers, which was being strongly suggested by the shortest one of them. Taking by his bright red hair and his lack of discretion, that could only be Rugel. You continued your analysis, circling the table and laying your eyes on someone who you actually knew. Chan was sipping some whiskey while trying to not frown at every single one of Rugel’s proposals, and beside him there was someone who - by the way he looked - could only be Vernon.
Seungkwan would continuously talk about Vernon to you and Rae at any given opportunity, but his allegedly best friend was never free to hang out with us so we could properly meet. You and Raena had the conspiracy theory that, in fact, Seungkwan was madly in love with Vernon, but their situationship got to a point where it was so comfortable neither of them would leave their comfort zone, and Seungkwan knew you - specifically the lesbian Patti Stanger who was sipping tequila as if it was meant to be drank that way - well enough to know that someone amongst the two would notice his crush and do something about it, consequently ruining Seungkwan’s chances and friendship. 
After scanning a little bit more, you saw another familiar face amidst many unknown ones. Seokmin was one of Seungkwan’s oldest friends, and you’ve met him many times before, but you never got to actually saying more than a few words. The bright-smiled man always seemed to be walking on eggshells when he spoke to you, and you were never interested enough in making friends to try to engage in any conversation whatsoever. He was laughing widely about something a man, who was sitting beside him and that you definitely didn’t know, said. 
His honey skin was glowing almost as much as the small fangs he’d show while smiling. He had broad shoulders and a wide torso, and you found yourself wondering what would be under that black polo shirt he was wearing. His glossy brown hair was about at ear length, and he would constantly flick it back while talking avidly. You didn’t know his name, but you knew you wanted to. 
“... Are you deaf?” Seungkwan’s heavy hand met your shoulder as he howled at you, taking your attention from the other side of the table. You were bearing a confused expression, and he looked at you completely outraged, but just repeated the question he had just asked: “You’re going on the trip, right?” 
You bit your lower lip, knowing damn well that the answer you had wasn’t even close to the one your friend wanted. He knew what your answer was by that small gesture, and quickly started to get distressed. You could see by the way his nostrils widened and he opened a very unfriendly smile.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Scoffing that phrase was easier than you thought, especially because you decided that your beer bottle was way more interesting to look at than any other place at that moment - especially your best friend’s sulky face. You heard the loud sigh Seungkwan let out before turning to you. “It’s too close and I didn’t buy the plane ticket… And I have to work.” You tried explaining yourself even before he said anything. 
“Well, maybe you need a bad idea. You haven’t gone on a vacation in three years. I’ve counted. And it’s my birthday. Can’t you come just this time?” He said the last phrase in the cutest way he could, but seeing you bit your lip once again made him almost shout a cuss word. You looked at Rae, hoping that she would save you from that situation, but by the look on her face she agreed with Seungkwan. You were completely alone on that one, and that usually meant that it was the situation you hated the most: you were wrong.
“I bought your ticket, you know? It was a “two for one” deal and I secretly kinda wished you’d go…” Her confession took you by surprise. You hadn’t been much present in anything of their lives lately, you knew that. Work had consumed you deeply, and each case you got at the law firm was another reason for you to be unable to go anywhere they would invite you. “Come with us… pretty please?” 
It broke your heart to say the next phrase. Even though you wanted to go, you had so much work to do, and any slip could be the end of you at the law firm, so you felt like your hands were tied. “I can’t.” 
“Let’s leave it.” Seungkwan declared to Rae, immediately ordering hard liquor, what made you sure he wasn’t ‘leaving it’, but only trying to cope with the fact that your mind was already made. After that, you didn’t have the heart to leave the bachelor party as soon as you finished your second beer, so you ordered a third one. Seungkwan, on the other hand, was already on his (probably) sixth or seventh shot, and Rae wasn’t much behind. 
“At least let loose tonight OK?” After throwing back another dose he begged you, putting a shot of some clear beverage in front of you. It was the least you could do, and you just chugged it, feeling the liquor sliding down your throat, making a burning sensation spread on it. You blinked heavily trying not to make a face, and finally saw a smile appear on Seungkwan’s mouth, which made you smile back. 
You and Seungkwan kept chatting for a while, noticing a bit later that your other friend had silently left the table and was nowhere to be found. After scanning the place inch by inch, you found Rae on the dance floor, kissing passionately the tallest girl you’ve ever seen in your entire life. You looked stunned to Seungkwan, who brought his hands to his mouth as he gasped. 
“Ok, we should do that too!” He was drunk and you could see that not only by the way he was speaking, but also by the fact he was trying to kiss your cheeks at every single opportunity he got. Nevertheless, that wasn’t actually a bad suggestion. You couldn’t even remember the last time your mouth touched anything other than your moisturizing cream.
Your eyes went straight to the other side of the table, quickly finding that tall man that caught your attention earlier still talking to Seokmin. This time around, Seokmin was saying something that was making him cringe deeply, and even with that strange motion of his face you found him attractive. You pointed that direction with your head, turning your gaze to Seungkwan next. 
“Set me up with him. He’s handsome.” you asked and immediately saw another big smile appear on Seungkwan’s face. That man would root for you to leave your chastity era since you’ve entered it, always pointing out that just because you weren’t good at love it didn’t mean you should give up on it that easily. He looked at where you pointed, pressing his lips into a fine line before turning back to you. 
“Seokmin?” he looked confused and you denied, swinging your head from one side to the other. He once again turned his head, finding the person you were talking about just then. “Ah, Mingyu.” Seungkwan made a funny face after taking your words in. It was a mix of disgust and smug look, almost as if he hadn't fully decided which concept to commit to. 
“Ok, that one is Mingyu.” You vaguely remembered Seungkwan mentioning him on some random occasions, but his looks were definitely not brought up before. “Yes, yes. Mingyu. Wingman me, please.” 
Seungkwan raised his thumb up, getting up and swiftly moving towards Mingyu. Walking seemed a bit more difficult than he remembered, and for some reason things were spinning much more than he expected, but still not enough to make him quiver. He sat next to Mingyu, almost demanding his and Seokmin’s attention. “Gentleman…”
“Did you just find out we stopped talking about the new season of the Witcher like forty minutes ago?” Seokmin asked and Seungkwan declined promptly. He raised one finger, and pointed it directly to Mingyu, and then Seungkwan’s right hand met Mingyu’s left shoulder. 
“How about you… smooch smooch… with my bestie over there?” He asked, completely ignoring Seokmin’s previous comment. Mingyu looked over Seungkwan’s shoulder, seeing you fixing your glasses on your face. Your eyes were glued to your phone and you were furrowing your eyebrows at an email you had just received. 
You were attractive, he wouldn’t deny that. Your hair was very well tied back in a ponytail, a gray suit fitted you perfectly, reaching every inch of your body and leaving only space to imagination. There was some sort of nude nail polish and he could see very light makeup on your face. It was clear that you went there straight from work, and Mingyu thought that a person like that wouldn’t enjoy listening about how he does art for a living. It was always people dressed like you that kept telling him his job wasn’t actually a job, and he just grimaced remembering all those experiences.
“Um…” He took one of his fingers straight to his mouth, ripping a bit of his cuticle in the process. “... I don’t think she’s really my type. She seems to be kind of…uptight?” Seungkwan was about to protest, but Seokmin agreed with Mingyu instantly. 
“Yeah, I’ve never felt comfortable to really approach her because I feel she’ll just call me childish and, I don’t know, break my spirit. Yell at me like my mom would, tell me that my life prospects are garbage.” He confessed in an amused tone, but Seungkwan felt his mouth dropping, switching his gaze to Mingyu, who was agreeing with Seokmin, and then immediately to you. 
You looked nothing like the person he met in high school. Your hair wasn’t messy as it always used to be, you had gotten rid of the bangs that made your small face look even smaller, the gray suit was completely covering your arms and showing no parts of the places where you used to draw what later on became tattoos.
Even the expression on your face seemed a bit off. He knew you were wearing makeup to cover up the huge bags under your eyes, which only began to appear when you started your corporate job; your lips were completely bit off because that was the best way you knew to relieve stress, and you must’ve been under a lot of it. None of it reminded him of you in any way.
Seungkwan had met you in your most rebellious phase, after spending years doing anything and everything your parents expected from you, and he truly believes that the one he met was the real you. The one who always talked about being a professional photographer; who wasn’t afraid of taking risks, of leaving her comfort zone; the one who would climb up his window with a bag of m&ms telling him that you’d left only the orange ones for him cause it was his favorite color; that you. 
When your parents insisted that you wanted to pursue photography because “you weren’t able to do anything else with your life”, Seungkwan watched you study your ass off and quickly pass the entrance exam for law school. He was there during the many nights where you drunkenly promised that you would just shove that diploma into your parents face and then go back to doing what you actually wanted and liked. 
Looking at you being exactly who your parents wanted completely disheartened him. All because of your damn competitive nature and colossal pride. He left Mingyu and Seokmin by themselves without thinking twice, taking you by your hand and leading you to the outside area of the bar. You looked relaxed, opening a smile that he knew very well, one of the only things that still remained from your past self. 
“So?” You asked him. He shook his head from one side to the other with a hurt expression, but you just shrugged. “Well, trying never hurts right?” As usual, you were OK with being rejected. Seungkwan knew you’d be, it was never something that harmed you deeply when it wasn’t someone you actually liked. He had only seen you suffering because of a person once, and ever since that day you just went for one night flings, running off from the possibility of having your heart broken again
“Do you know what he said, though?” Your silence was enough for him to keep going. “He said you weren’t his type because you were too uptight. You. Uptight.” Repeating himself felt necessary for the words to sink in, but you just giggled. 
“Someone who doesn’t know me at all, I’d say.” Even though your mood was good, Seungkwan’s piercing look made you drop the tiny mocking smile that was emerging on your face. 
“No. But you are. Now you are the most uptight, moralistic and puritanical person that I know and that realization just scared the shit out of me.” Seungkwan confessed without taking his eyes out of yours. “You said you would just give the diploma to your parents and do what you wanted. When is it gonna start?” 
You were speechless. Not because you were mad, or because Seungkwan was being unpleasant in any way, but because he was completely and utterly right. “What if you never see yourself being anything more than what you are now? Aren’t you going to regret it?” His words were like knives being stung to your heart. 
“I can’t leave a good job because of my childish dreams, Kwanie.” You tried convincing both of you. Truth was you were scared of not being as good at what you like as you were in that lame ass job. What if you tried and failed? Should you simply throw away something certain for a “what if”, a naive adolescent dream you once had? 
“When did you start hanging onto your comfort zone so cowardly?” Probably the alcohol had a big part on Seungkwan’s unrelenting words, and it probably had a part on your stomach aching as soon as they reached you. “Aren’t you sick of the way you’ve been keeping yourself from actually being happy?” 
“I gotta go.” You blurted, feeling dizziness take you over and a small urge to put all those extra shots you took out of your system. You left him there, and Seungkwan regretted his words as soon as he saw you marching towards the bathroom. Sometimes the truth would only hurt someone and he felt like that was one of those times where he should’ve kept quiet. 
You passed straight through Rae as you ran to the small door with a lady painted on it, feeling your dinner coming back as soon as you kneeled in front of the vase. After leaving the stall you knew it was time for you to go home. Seungkwan was sitting on the table again, but got up as soon as he saw you approaching. Rae was still making out with the same girl on another corner of the club, seeming to have so much fun you didn’t even think about bothering her. 
“Kwanie, I’m not feeling well, I’m going home. Tell Rae I’ll leave her key on our secret spot, ok?” He hesitated first, but called your name in a sad tone that almost made you want to puke again. Before he could say anything, you just reassured him what you wanted to believe was true.
“It’s okay. I’m okay. We’ll talk tomorrow?” You asked and he nodded, knowing damn well that chatting in his drunken state could possibly bring out more things he shouldn’t talk about. “Love you.” You said as you left, hearing him say it back as you walked out. 
It’s true that most days you don't recognize yourself anymore. If you told your past self, she would never believe that this is who you were now, that this was your current life. “I’m a lawyer now. I work overnight for multi millionaire companies and I haven’t seen the beach in years. I wasn’t able to go to Egypt and take that picture with the pyramids. I now have money to do so, but I don’t have time. I don’t have time for anything. It has been so long since I’ve done something for myself… But at the end of the day I have a job. I’m not unhappy.” What would she say? 
Would she call you out for being a coward like Seungkwan did? Probably yes. She would ask when did you become someone who was content with so little. You couldn’t tell when it was that you fell exactly into your parents trap and decided to be everything that you’re not. That you weren't. That the girl you used to know wasn’t, but you are. 
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chapter two - bad idea
“I thought you’d come around eventually. Seungkwan spent all of his savings renting this place and all we had to do was be there.” Rae was explaining to you once again why she bought your plane tickets when you had said with every single letter that you couldn’t go. Your face was buried inside your hands and you were about to lose all of your patience. 
“Yes, Raena, but that does not explain why on earth you did the check-in for me. I said a thousand times I cannot go. I wrote Seungkwan a fucking letter and gave it to you and you read it because you wanted to know what we talked about when you weren’t there, and it was 5k words on how sorry I was for not going.” You growled, knowing that now Seungkwan would feel your absence even during the flight by the empty seat where your ass should be. 
“I really wanted you to go, ok?” Rae lashed out, sticking her tongue out, and turning around in order to leave you alone in the kitchen as she always used to do when she was confronted and wrong. Your soft tone stopped her, and made her pout in front of you as she sat down on the other chair. 
“I really wanted to go.” You purred, mirroring the pout that just formed on your best friend’s face. “But my boss said that we’re about to get a big case, and also that I would be fired if I dared to ask for any vacation.” A huge sigh came out of you unintendedly and Rae stretched her hand to take yours, squeezing it in a comforting way. 
You hated every single bit of it. You hated missing Seungkwan’s birthday another year. You despised having to work for three years straight without even a glimpse of possibility to get some days off. You abhorred the fact that Seungkwan would be so disappointed at you, and more than that, the fact that he would never tell you how hurt he was by that until he was over it. It wasn’t your fault and you hated that it wasn’t. Not having a choice over your own life was excruciating and it made you ache deeply. 
“I should pack my luggages now, I still have a client tomorrow before the trip and I won’t have time to put everything together if I leave it for later.” She informed you and you clicked your tongue showing how frustrated you were by not doing the same thing. “By the way, when I come back I can retouch that ugly thing on your shoulder.” 
Raena knew you like the palm of her hand, so she knew dragging the subject even more would just harm you, and not convince you like she would like to. Your personality both amazed her and made her deeply angry, how stubborn you were but, at the same time, how you would always give 100% of yourself in everything you set your mind to. The way you took forever to make decisions most of the time, but eventually would wing some stupid idea and go through with it like you had planned it all along. And how loyal you were to everything you committed to: your friendship, getting to nationals with the raggedy college basketball team, that one painting class you took and simply couldn’t figure out how paint worked, and lately your stupid job.
 You both met at college, specifically when Raena spent about a month taking “Feeble Contracts” classes, absolutely sure it was the “Female Counteracts” optative she had chosen when the semester started. 
The look on her face when you told her there would be “no practice classes” because we wouldn’t want to make a weak contract was simply priceless, and you decided that she was someone you’d want to have around. 
Taking her to grab a coffee after explaining which class she was actually attending made you discover that she was taking an Arts Major and that she was without her glasses when she enrolled on that course, and was also dead sure that it was about personal defense for females. 
“Now all the men attending that class made sense.” She scoffed the word ‘men’ as if it was one of the vilest things on the planet, and you burst into laughter in no time. You also figured out her dream was to be a tattoo artist, and you told her about your passion for photography. 
On your 19th birthday she gathered her money with Seungkwan’s and they both gifted you your first film camera, a Pentax K1000 that, since that day, you used to take everywhere with you. And on her 19th birthday you gifted her your skin, for her to practice her tattooing skills - and also her first machine, but she never mentions that and you know for sure that the first one was more important. That “ugly thing” she had just mentioned referred to the first tattoo she ever made in real skin: a strawberry lined in red and green with a smiling face inside. It was your favorite tattoo because it was the most special for you and Rae. 
As you looked at your arm, reminiscing every fond memory behind those tattoos, you also remembered what Seungkwan told you two days before. “He said you weren’t his type because you were too uptight.” That phrase made a bitter laugh come out of you. So that’s what you had become after all, the thing you hated the most… how ironic was that?
You decided it was time for you to check your phone and discover what absurd request your boss had sent you on a Sunday night. Unsurprisingly you saw a lengthy email asking you to elaborate an appeal for a case that he told you he was sure wouldn’t need one when you suggested having it prepared beforehand. Jackass. You moved swiftly through your daily ritual of preparing enough coffee to keep you awake for the next six hours and sat on your bureau, adjusting your glasses, cracking your knuckles and getting ready to succumb to capitalism once more. 
Time flew as always, and before you realized the sun was already rising. You looked desperately at the time, realizing you still could have about two hours of sleep before going to work, and you decided to take that chance, practically passing out as soon as your face hit the pillow. Rae woke you up in what felt like an instant, asking you if you wanted some coffee. You mumbled a yes with your eyes still closed, and forced yourself into getting up. 
Every morning you used to give Raena a ride to her studio, and this morning was no exception, which helped lessen the burden of not enough hours of sleep you felt while driving. Nonetheless, eventually you found yourself alone in your car, listening to the same old morning radio show that played old songs, and that you were weirdly attached to. Thankfully it didn’t take you long to get to work, and when you least expected, you were being called at your bosses’ office for the 9 A.M. conference. 
Something felt off, especially because this time you were the only one there, and the head of the department had a weird sly smile on his face. You sat where you usually did, taking your glasses off for a second and cleaning in your button up shirt while you waited for the rest of the lawyers to get there. 
“So… I actually only called you here.” His raspy voice startled you, but you were able to compose yourself before he’d notice. You put on your glasses once again, taking a look at him. His fingers were tapping on the wooden table almost in a frenetic way and you could see small droplets of sweat forming in his forehead. This probably wasn’t good. 
“You know, you’re the best lawyer when it comes to any sort of corporate law, and we are super lucky to have you on our team.” The pampering was the second indication that whatever he was about to say wouldn’t be good for you, he didn’t usually compliment you at all, so listening to him doing so made a shiver work its way up through your spine. 
“Thank You, Mr. Luvidich.” Your dull tone couldn’t be helped, and you just hoped he was worried enough with whatever was going through his head to not be bothered by it. Once he just nodded and cleared his throat to continue to drone on, you knew your small act of insubordination passed by unnoticed.  
“I’m thinking about giving you the biggest case this law firm has taken in yet, and for that I’ll need you to do something for me. A big corporation had contacted us after being sued for some embezzlement allegations.” You were paying attention to his every word, wondering where it was going. “They gave us their accountability sheets and we need some of them to… Go missing. Would you be able to do that for us, sweetheart?” It took you a moment to fully understand what he was saying, but when realization finally hit you, you felt your mouth drop. 
“Are you asking me to destroy evidence?” You fumed, and his fingers hastily made their way to his mouth as he shushed you. You were infuriated that he would even think you would do such an unethical thing. 
“Look, sweetheart. We’d be just protecting our client. They have the right to our undivided loyalty. And I can’t do that, so I need you to do it.” He seemed angry, probably the idea of you refusing anything he’d proposed never crossed his mind, but neither did it cross yours that you’d receive such an absurd request. 
“Yes. But we, lawyers, also have to be truthful in our statements to others. How do you expect me to lie in court when I know that the truth is that the allegations can't be proven because I meddled with all the proof?” You kept your voice low, knowing that getting sensitive would only make you lose the argument. You are a lawyer after all, so one thing you knew you were good at was rationalizing your way out of things. 
Mr. Luvidich, on the other hand, didn’t seem calm at all. His forehead was wrinkled forming a huge frown and his lips were pressed onto each other as if he was trying his best not to yell at you at that very moment. 
“Work. Is. Work.” He spitted the words one by one. You looked at him, skeptical. If work is work, why wouldn’t he do it then? Why did he have to ask you? It was as clear as the day for you that you were his scapegoat. If you weren’t caught, they’d win the case and earn tons of money, and if you were, the only one with a dirty name and a failed career would be you. “And if you don’t agree to this now you won’t have a job tomorrow.” He said, deadpanned. 
Rage was burning inside you as you looked at that man dead in the eyes and saw him look back at you, shameless. You thought of many things to say, but he was quicker: “Don’t think I wouldn’t fire you just because our clientele likes you. There are hundreds of good lawyers in every corner of this damn town. This opportunity, whatsoever, is unique. And not taking my friendly suggestion is a bad idea.”
Seungkwan’s drunken words said on friday hit you at that very moment. “What if you never see yourself being anything more than what you are now? Aren’t you going to regret it?” You avoided thinking about them the entire weekend, fearing those few words would make you give up on everything you had built so far, but they came back to you vividly. 
The red light was right in front of you, and, at that moment, there was nothing you wanted to do more than running it, inconsequentially and thoughtlessly run it. And so you did. A smirk appeared on your face and the words left your mouth like you were dying to say them for a long time: “Well, maybe I need a bad idea.” You turned on your heels, hearing his voice sound once again before you reached the door. 
“If you leave this room you are fired.” He threatened, and you just turned around wearing a polite smile and a courteous expression. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave my resignation letter before I leave. I wouldn’t make you pay for my health insurance anymore, Mr. Ludovich. Have a good day.” You marched out of the room. In spite of your calm and collected expression, your heart was pounding as you wondered if that was actually the correct decision, but there was no turning back anymore. 
You wrote the smallest resignation letter in the world, leaving it to the firm’s secretary and telling her that you’d transfer your clients to other lawyers, and then you left the building you had spent - for the past three years - more time in than your own house. 
As you entered your car and started driving, you knew there wasn’t enough time for you to go home, let alone pack anything, so you just took your phone and called Rae instead. She picked up after a few rings, and you could hear the loud noises surrounding her. “Hey… Are there any cities near the lake house?” 
“Lake complex. Get your informations right, lady. And yes, the plane will land in the capital and then we’ll rent some cars to take us upstate.” You could hear Seungkwan’s voice in the background and a faint smile appeared on your face. That was the right thing to do and every step you took towards it made you more sure of it. You’d cross the bridge of unemployment when it came to it, but now you would get on that plane and see the proud smile on your friends faces when you tell them you quit your job. 
“Ok. Could you pass me my boarding ticket? I think I’ll be there in about 15 minutes. Is that enough time?” The loud squeak that came from the other side of the line almost made you deaf, and you said the first cuss word that came to your mouth when she did it. 
“Don’t fucking play with me you know I’m a fucking cancer I cry easily.” Rae’s comment made you giggle. “You should run, I think you’ll have to meet us on the plane. I’ll hang up now, I’m sending your ticket A.S.A.P.” 
Warmness filled your chest and a silly smile showed up on your face as you made your way to the airport. Maybe all that you needed was a pretty good bad idea like that.
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chapter three - rough starts
Mingyu was in complete distress and it showed. His cuticles had been almost completely removed by his teeth as he examined every person that was entering that aircraft. He was terribly afraid of heights, so the fact that his ticket landed him on a window seat was consuming him with fear that the person sitting next to him wouldn’t want to trade seats and he’d be forced into seeing the plane taking flight. 
As he looked around he saw many familiar faces, but none of them seemed to be paying attention to him. Seungkwan was crying about something one of his best girl friends had just told him, but since he had a large grin on his face Mingyu knew it was a good thing. Seokmin was talking to Jeonghan, who sat next to him, and he could see how fond Jeonghan was of him just by the way he paid deep attention to whatever nonsense the younger one was talking about. 
Wonwoo was reading something that, from that distance, seemed like a self-help book, but Mingyu could never be sure when it came to Wonwoo. Sometimes it was the most uplifting book he’d ever read, and sometimes Wonwoo would recommend a book that would completely break his spirit and leave him crying during countless dawns. No one familiar was sitting next to Wonwoo whatsoever. 
Many people were still getting into the plane, but none of them seemed to be going to the seat next to Mingyu’s, and when no one else appeared to be entering he sighed in relief, changing seats to the corridor one and just assuming that he’d be alone in that row for the flight. After fastening his seatbelt, he stretched his arms as much as he could. Even though it wasn’t a long flight, being as tall as he was always made those small spaces for his legs uncomfortable.
“Hey, this is my seat.” Mingyu turned immediately to you, seeing a rather odd scene. You were panting, and as much as the heavy breathing was starting to get controlled, it still was not completely. Many strands of hair had escaped the pony tail you had, and your face was blushing crimson, but it seemed that it was because you ran all the way there, and not any type of embarrassment. In spite of that, you held a friendly smile on your face as you adjusted your glasses that were almost in the tip of your nose. 
“Uhm… Mine is the window seat, but I’m kind of scared of heights. Could you change places with me?” He was a bit embarrassed. Everybody knew he was a big baby when it came to heights, and he remembered you from the bachelor’s party on friday, so he was pretty sure you were there for Seungkwan’s birthday trip and sooner or later the blond man would mention his greatest weakness only to annoy Mingyu, so he didn’t think twice before confessing it. 
“Sure.” You agreed, and he stood up quickly to let you pass. Mingyu observed you as you did it. You seemed different from friday. In a reckless movement you placed your bag under the seat in front of you, fastening your seatbelt and letting your hair down after a failed attempt to put the rebel strands back on the pony tail. As soon as you let your head rest on the seat, a small smile showed up on your face and Mingyu felt one forming on his as well. “Aren’t you sitting down again?” 
Mingyu nodded, taking the place he was before and sitting without glancing at you again, afraid you had noticed his silly smile. Not long after that, the plane started moving, and once again Mingyu felt uneasy, clutching onto the arm of the chair next to him. When the plane was about to take off, he felt you gently sliding your hand onto his, holding it in such a soft way it felt comforting. 
“You can squish it if you want.” You mentioned, not even hinting at looking at him, but that didn’t stop him from turning his gaze to you. He could see your words were sincere and there was no malice on them whatsoever, as you avoided looking at him to not make him more embarrassed than he already was. He held it as softly as you did, and you just squeezed his big hand in a reassuring way.
You could feel his grip getting tighter as the plane took flight, but soon enough the aircraft stabilized and he loosened it. When the “fasten seatbelt” sign turned off, you slowly let go of his hand, looking at him and seeing a rather sheepish expression on his face. 
“Don’t worry. I know I’m not your type. It’s just that I have claustrophobia so I know how dreadful it can be going through these kinds of situations.” Mingyu’s mouth dropped as you mentioned Friday night so carelessly, and mostly because he was now sure you knew what he said to Seungkwan that very night.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to know what to say, and you enjoyed watching him being shy for those seconds. He was cute. “That’s not…” Mingyu muttered, his voice was slurred and you just giggled at that. 
“Hey, Mingyu… It’s OK. You’re entitled to not feel attracted to someone, you know?” He was speechless, especially because at that very moment he was, indeed, faintly attracted to you. The way you said things so nonchalantly and the way you held his hand without even asking anything was something that made his heart flutter. “I was just joking, chill, bro.” You sounded playful and Mingyu allowed himself to smile, showing you his sharp teeth for the first time since you’ve been on that plane. 
“I guess we had a rough start, I didn’t even get your name…” He confessed and you nodded, blurting the word that always felt so weird for you to say out loud: your name. Maybe it was because you didn’t say it much, but introducing yourself always made you a bit uncomfortable, almost as if your name had no meaning. When Mingyu repeated it back to you, though, you felt completely different about it. He made it sound so soothing for some reason. “So maybe we could start over?” He had a flirtatious smile and he blinked slowly as he asked that, but you simply nodded. 
“Nah, you already called me uptight. I won’t ever forget that, Kim Mingyu.” You murmured, and his name coming out of your mouth in such a low pitch made him raise one side of his mouth and touch his canine teeth with his tongue. Yes, he was definitely attracted to you. “However, you calling me uptight was the main reason I ended up here, so if you agree on pulling this curtain down so I can sleep a bit we can work on being friends.” 
He observed you. Contrastingly to his way of speaking, you didn’t seem to be flirtatious at all, and Mingyu decided it was better to drop it at that point. “Thought you’d never ask.” He said, pointing to the curtains in a polite way, as to say that you could close it. 
It didn’t take long before your eyes closed shut, and when you opened them again you found yourself leaning on Mingyu’s shoulder. His head was leaning towards you as well, as he slept peacefully with his arm coiled up to yours. You feared that any abrupt movement could wake him up, but the loud cabin announcements started at that very moment.
“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you, or in the overhead compartments. Thank you."
Mingyu noticed the same you just had. You both fell asleep coiling to each other. Your glasses were crooked, almost falling from your face and that made a small laugh come out of Mingyu as soon as he realized. You clicked your tongue as you untangled your arms, stretching instantly and fixing your glasses on your face. 
Once the aircraft started descending, Mingyu held your hand again, and you just let him. Clapping started as soon as the plane landed, and checking some seats behind you, you saw Seokmin excitedly putting his hands together as another person that you were pretty sure was also one of Seungkwan’s friends looked at him clearing judging that choice. 
Shortly after that, you were inside Seungkwan’s arms as he muttered “You really came” a thousand times too much. They were waiting for their luggage, and you were taking advantage of the latency to explain what happened. You told them everything, and both Seungkwan and Rae badmouthed Mr. Ludovich almost as much as you had in your head. 
“... Now I gotta buy myself some clothes ‘cause I came empty handed.” You finished your monologue when they had retrieved their luggage, and Rae quickly offered to accompany you. Looking around you could see that there were about thirty people that came for Seungkwan’s birthday trip, and you thought to yourself how could someone have so many friends, but again, Seungkwan was very likable, so it made sense. 
All of his friends that you knew were there apart from Jay, that - as Raena told you - was on his honeymoon. Mingyu smiled at you as soon as your gazes met, and you smiled back. He was waiting for Seokmin, who was fighting against the treadmill to fetch his suitcase. Everybody else seemed to have their belongings with them, and eventually you were all crossing the street to rent some cars. 
You and Rae decided to rent one to yourselves, while everybody else got divided into minivans. Since you were rummaging for some much needed clothes and utensils, you parted ways with all of them before they could decide who would be in which car, leaving Rae’s luggage with Seungkwan and driving through the city. Mingyu saw you leaving, approaching Seungkwan as soon as you did.
“Where did she go?” He had a blasé expression that could have fooled anyone, but not Seungkwan, who rapidly squinted his eyes in Mingyu’s direction. “Did I say she? I meant ‘they’. Where did they go?” The half-hearted smile that took place on the tallest face made Seungkwan need to hold back a loud laugh that tried coming out. 
“They went shopping. But she is gay. Like 100% lesbian. She even lets me call her dyke some days. That gay.” Seungkwan said and Mingyu looked extremely confused by that. He bit his lower lip softly, frowning at the sound of that.
“Then how come did you ask me if I wanted to, and I quote, smooch smooch?” Seungkwan raised both of his hands, covering his soon-to-be-red face, remembering exactly that those were in fact the words he used. But then he realized. 
“Oh, I thought you were talking about Raena…” Mingyu sulked blinking a few times while Seungkwan looked at him bewildered. His lips turned into a huge pout as Seungkwan asked the following question. “Why the fuck do you want to know about her? Didn’t you say she wasn’t your type?” 
“People make mistakes, Seungkwan. And I hadn’t talked to her yet when I said that... Do you think I blew it already?” Seungkwan chuckled, dismissing all the eyes that turned to him as he tried not to loudly burst into laughter again because of Mingyu. “Seriously. Answer please.” 
“Well, unless you are very straightforward she probably won’t realize you’re flirting with her, because, in her head, she’s not your type. Like, she was rejected once, she wouldn’t set herself up to being rejected twice.” His analysis started and Mingyu paid close attention to his words. “But…”
“Yes. There’s a but. There’s a but!” He cheered, and Chan looked at him with a fuming gaze, pulling the strings of his backpack just enough so that it would cover his bum. “Hopefully not my butt.” He murmured and at that moment Seungkwan decided that it was his best birthday so far. Simply exquisite. Top notch entertainment and it hadn’t been a day in yet.
“But, if you don’t, like… Annoy her in any way… I think there’s a chance.” Mingyu smiled brightly, making his under eyes bulge and his sharp canines appear. Jeonghan showed up just as Seungkwan was finishing his phrase, giving Mingyu the car keys and asking him to be the designated driver, and after a small briefing about who would take which car, they all headed towards the Lake House Complex Seungkwan rented for the next two weeks. 
When you and Rae got there, it was already dark and you felt awfully tired. There were about six buildings surrounding a margin of the lake, and one of them didn’t seem to have any bedrooms in it. It was also the first one you both entered in. The wall had many key holders with letters on top of them, but only two of the keys were still there. 
“Seungkwan said these were the room keys, we get to choose our letters. I’ll take R, you can keep N.” Rae shot the words, picking up the key ring with her first letter engraved in it and you looked at her, outraged. It was, of course, just an act, and you intended to let her choose anyway, but seeing her justifying herself was fun for you. 
You both found out where your rooms were, and thankfully they were in the same building. Rae called Seungkwan, who told her he was - with mostly everyone - in the kitchen. Unfortunately the lack of sleep took a toll on you, and you told Raena you were skipping dinner that day and would just rest a bit. 
The room was bigger than you expected. It wasn’t big, but it had a double bed and a bathroom, alongside a porch with a beautiful view of the lake. After taking a hot shower, you took one of the clothes you had just bought from the shopping bag, put it on, and went straight to bed, falling asleep as soon as you did. 
Next thing you knew was a loud alarm sound waking you up. It was coming for the room next to yours, but you felt so tired you refused to even open your eyes, and not too long after that it stopped. The second time it went on, you opened one of your eyes, seeing some sun rays entering your bedroom while you took your own phone. 6:32 a.m. could be read on the led screen and you decided it was still too early, you’d sleep a bit more. The sound stopped again and you closed your eyes, hoping to get at least one more hour of sleep. 
When you were about to sleep again that damn alarm rang again. Your hand went straight to your phone, and you saw it was 6:57 a.m. This time it kept ringing as you covered your head with the pillow and tried to ignore it, but after about one minute of unstoppable ringing you decided to do something about it.
You got up, marching out of your room and going to the one where the loud noise was coming from. The strength with which you knocked on the “M” door was bigged than you’d antecipated, but you were so fucking pissed off you didn’t really toned it down in the following knocks. 
After a few knocks you heard the alarm being turned off, and some steps going your way, and you took one of your hands to your hair, brushing it back knowing damn well you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep after getting up like that. Mingyu’s face was puffy when he opened the door, he was wearing sweatpants and nothing else, and his hair was a complete mess. He looked disoriented and his eyes widened as he recognized you.
Mingyu felt his heart skip a beat as he scanned you from head to toes. Your hair was messy, but they framed your face so well that it seemed you intended them to be like that. As his eyes made their way down, he saw you were wearing a black shirt that was probably five sizes bigger than yours, and the big collar made it drop a bit on your left shoulder, leaving a snake tattoo you had on your collar bone exposed, as well as the countless other smaller tattoos that covered your arms. The shirt was so big it almost covered the shorts you were wearing, but he could still see the hem of them, along with another snake tattoo that ended in the middle of your thigh, but started somewhere he couldn’t see. 
He gulped at that vision, but when his eyes came back to yours they were piercing. “Turn that fucking alarm off, for fucks sake.” You hissed, turning back to your room and slamming the door shut.
Mingyu kept looking at the floor for a few seconds, still half asleep, and as he slicked his hair back with his hands he remembered Seungkwan saying that if he didn’t annoy you, he’d still have a chance. “Fuck. I only had one job.”
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chapter four - awaken
Rae was talking to Seungkwan in the kitchen when Mingyu showed up. He had thrown a shirt on top of his sweatpants and went straight to look for his friend, easily finding him drinking some coffee and chatting with the chocolate skinned girl. 
“I think I fucked up.” He had a half-hearted smile on his face and was scrunching his nose in a way that his small mole became very apparent. Rae stopped talking immediately, and both of them turned their gaze to the tall man. 
“What do you mean? Why are you awake? Didn’t you say you were waking up at seven thirty?” Seungkwan asked. Mingyu was completely shameless, so he didn’t mind that your best friend - who had never exchanged one single word with him - was also in the space, he was going to whine to Seungkwan until he reassured him that things weren’t completely lost. 
“So… You know how I always put like five alarm clocks so I can get up, right? The thing is…” His words fell as soon as you entered the kitchen. Your gaze was sharp and you scanned the whole place hoping to find yourself some coffee so you could be a functioning human being. Mingyu observed you with a faint smile on his face, almost as if he felt guilty. 
“Good morning, sunshine.” Seungkwan greeted you, but Rae touched his hand, calling out his attention and swayed her head from one side to the other, indicating that it wasn’t a good idea. 
“She’s not in a good mood, this means it’s only safe to speak to her after her first cup of coffee…” Rae whispered and Mingyu lowered his body in order to listen to it as well, receiving a confused look from Rae for his proximity. He just smiled widely at her, taking a seat at the chair next to her.
“Is she like that every morning?” Seungkwan whispered back, and Rae denied promptly, swaying her head once again and making her heavy curls swing gently from one side to the other. “Nah, just when she wakes up unexpectedly. Usually she’s… OK.” 
Seungkwan frowned at that, wondering if the almost twelve hours of sleep wasn’t enough for you, but again, your eyebags were so big he just figured you were as much tired as necessary  for it not to be enough. “Why the fuck did she wake up, then?” his question came out louder than he expected, and Mingyu was the one who regretted it the most. 
You sat down in front of them as you poured coffee in the biggest mug you could find. Your sharp eyes were fuming in Mingyu’s direction and Seungkwan realized, bursting into laughter as soon as he did. Rae got it a few seconds later and Mingyu once again had that embarrassed smile on his face. 
As soon as the gray smoke started to disappear from the coffee mug, you chugged it entirely, feeling the caffeine run through your veins and finally a bit of happiness surrounded you on that day. “Good morning.” You declared after a while, opening up a small smile and swifting your mood. “I’m a person again.” 
“You…” Your index finger pointed straight to Rae as you squinted, pressing both of your lips together into a thin line before continuing the phrase. “... Let’s switch rooms.” Rae giggled, denying promptly. 
“Hell no, you know I’m worse than you when people wake me up. For… Mingyu?” She turned her attention to him, asking if that was actually his name, and when he nodded she continued. “For Mingyu’s sake, I must not stay in a room next to five alarm clocks.” 
“There were five?!” You squeaked and Mingyu scrunched his nose, giving the fakest closed-mouthed smile you had ever seen. Your hands went straight to your forehead, as you tried to make peace with the fact that everyday you’d be woken up by that infuriating sound. 
“You should go for friendship. I guess that’s the max you're gonna get with this.” Seungkwan whispered into Mingyu’s ears and he dropped his shoulders, defeated. “Ok. Since you guys are here, you are going to receive this first hand!” The blond man blurted, getting up, but not before giving you a dirty look when he saw you pouring more coffee onto the mug, and getting out of the kitchen for a few seconds. 
“Do you guys want breakfast?” You asked Rae and Mingyu. The first one denied, it was rare for Rae to eat anything in the morning and even though you’ve lived together for almost five years now, you still couldn’t fully figure out her meal times. Mingyu, on the other hand, stood up just as you did. 
“I could make you something. I’m a good cook.” He mentioned, slurring the words because of how fast he was talking. It almost made it sound like he had a lisp, but you could tell it was not the case. At that very moment, a loud growl came out of your belly, as if it was demanding for food. 
“Shall we both make something? Then it can be ready sooner.” You proposed and Mingyu agreed. He suggested some omelets and you promptly agreed, going straight to the fridge and getting all the vegetables you used to utilize to make that plate. Seungkwan came back not much later, with a bunch of papers in hand. 
You slided a slice of carrot inside your mouth, calming your stomach, and then started slowly drinking the second mug of coffee. “Are you guys making me one as well?” Seungkwan asked, sitting exactly where he was, and watching amused as you and Mingyu were almost in perfect synchronization while cutting vegetables. 
“Yes, can you see that there are no tomatoes on this pile? It’s yours.” Mingyu responded and Seungkwan smiled brightly. He slid a piece of paper to Rae and cleared his throat, putting one of those in front of him, and started reading. 
“Booday S(eung)chedule: Fifteen Days of F(e)u(ngkwa)n” Rae was astonished while looking at the paper and as soon as Seungkwan announced the content of it you knew why. You and Mingyu shared a look before bursting into laughter. Seungkwan never ceased to amaze you with his amazing brain and lowkey cringeworthy sense of humor. You loved it, and even though you were almost crying with laughter, you let an “I fucking love you.” slip out of your mouth. 
“Puns intended.” He clarified and that almost caused you to cackle again, but you were able to recompose yourself, and so did Mingyu. You got up and started beating the eggs while he finished cutting the vegetables. “First Day: S(eungk)wan Lake. Where I take you to marvelous Lake Richboro and force you to do water activities.”  
He kept reading his plans for that first day on the lake, which included jet skis, waterboarding, wakeboarding and many others. As you were still stirring the eggs, you felt Mingyu’s presence behind you. “There are some slices of carrot left, do you want some?” His voice was low since he didn’t want to disturb Seungkwan, and you felt a small wave of electricity moving through your body, leaving from the exact point his breath touched your skin. 
“Yeah.” The word was murmured, and you saw Mingyu nod, before going back to the table. Seungkwan was still talking about what else all of you could do in the lake that day, and advising you to use sunscreen, when Mingyu’s hand appeared in front of you. He was holding one slice on that hand, and a few more on the other. Since your hands were busy, he took his hand straight to your mouth, placing the slice of carrot in front of it, and you felt a bit shy before taking it. 
He seemed unconcerned as he waited for you to open your mouth, and after a few seconds you did. His sharp teeth soon showed up in the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen, and he proceeded to put one slice into his own mouth. For some reason that disconcerted you a bit, seeing the same finger that had just touched your lips touching his. Mingyu offered you another slice as soon as he started chewing, and you took it without giving it much thought. 
“Ok, now leave it with me.” Mingyu asked as soon as you finished beating the eggs, standing in front of the stove and flashing you another smile. You sat down, holding the mug with the coffee - which by that time had already cooled down -, and waited patiently for your omelet. 
“Did you know I got the wakeboarding just for you?” Seungkwan called your attention and you were finally able to take your eyes off the small veins that were starting to appear on Mingyu’s arms as he flipped the omelet on the air. Your forehead puckered and your head tilted slightly to the side as you thought about it. 
“I… wasn’t coming, Kwanie.” You said slowly. A line could be seen between your brows as your face contorted itself into a confused look, but the corner of Seungkwan’s mouth turned up into a presumptuous smile. 
“Yes, and I was gonna use that against you.” He said blatantly. “I even rented a wakeboard and you didn’t come. Do you think that’s right? My gift better be expensive.” He dramatized every single word and at the end of it your mouth was opened wide with his audacity. Before you could complain, Mingyu placed the omelets on the table, taking a seat next to yours, and blinking at you while he made a small noise with his tongue. 
On top of yours, the word “sorry” was written with thin pieces of carrot and he was smiling at you like a puppy who just brought back the ball you tossed. You nodded, and he beamed. All of you - with the exception of Rae - started eating, and you could tell just by that simple dish that Mingyu wasn’t lying when he said he was a good cook. 
Some others arrived at the kitchen, making themselves some breakfast as well. Eventually Jessica, Seungkwan’s oldest friend, was the only one missing, and he decided to go after her to deliver the schedule for the next two weeks. 
Seungkwan had thought of many fun activities, including - of course - karaoke basically every night. He was a good singer and, because of that, he was completely obsessed over karaoke. You never complained because his voice was way too good for you to not like hearing it, but things started to get a bit messy when Rae drank enough to think that she was pitch perfect. 
Sooner than later the big kitchen started to look small, packed with many faces and filled with the noises of random unsynchronized conversations. That was when you decided it was time for you to leave, so you got up quietly, taking all the empty plates that were left on the table, and decided to wash the dishes.
Chan’s hysterical laugh echoed in the kitchen as soon as he started reading the paper Seungkwan had left in front of him, and that probably covered the sound of Mingyu’s steps towards you. It was only when you heard his voice that you noticed his presence. 
“I can wash that if you want…” He said, almost making you drop the plate you were thoroughly washing. It flew from your hands, but you were able to catch it before it hit anywhere near the sink, and then you sighed. “Wow, those are some good ass reflexes. I could never do that.” 
“And you expect me to let you wash anything? I mean… that comment did not help your case at all, Kim Mingyu.” You said it facetiously and you saw Mingyu biting his lower lip trying to contain a smile. “It’s OK, you cooked, I clean. Next time I’ll cook and you’ll clean. It’s the sacrifices we must make for a good coexistence.” You gave a lopsided grin, making a small dimple appear on your face. 
“Do you expect me to turn off all the alarms? I don’t think I can wake up without them…” He stammered and you let a small giggle emerge as you denied, moving your head slightly from one side to the other. 
“No, but can we tone it down for like… three?” Mingyu felt something flourish on his chest with the gaze you gave him after the question. Could anybody deny you anything ever? If he had to bet, he would bet in “no”. She must’ve been a good lawyer. He thought to himself, convinced that you were using some sort of technique to get what you wanted from him, and to make him feel that weird way. 
Mingyu knew damn well that three alarm clocks usually weren’t able to wake him up. He would instinctively turn off the first four, and only on the fifth he would actually wake up… Or activate the snooze mode. Either way he sounded confident when he responded, and decided that he would make that work. He wanted to make that work, and he didn’t quite figure out why, because it was still too soon for him to believe that the reason was right in front of his eyes: you.
“I’ll make it two if you can beat me on wakeboarding today.” 
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chapter five - no way in hell
Feeling better after the - maybe too much - coffee and the breakfast you just had, you decided to go on a reconnaissance mission on the property, that seemed way prettier now than it did the day before.
The building you were currently in was the main building. Differently from the other buildings, it faced the road and not the river, but at the left side of it there was a path that led straight to a huge pier. You realized how tired you were last night because it had gone completely unnoticed by you until that very moment. 
The pier was wooden, and there was an apparent rustic lounge in the middle of it, which obscured your vision of the rest of it. The building you had just left was bigger than the others, even though they were all two story ones. 
On the ground floor of the main building there was a living room, with some round tables, many beanbags, a huge sofa that could probably fit two football teams, and wooden stairs that could take you to the first floor. There was where you could find the kitchen. When it came to rooms, there were seven buildings arranged in a semicircle, with a huge pool in the middle of them. Three of them facing the lake - including the one where your room was -, and the other four facing the mountains. 
You took the long way to your room, circling the pool and seeing that everything was mostly deserted. “Of course, they’re all in the kitchen”, you thought, deciding to speed up and get ready for Seungkwan’s plans for the day. 
Taking way too long in the shower was something you haven’t done in a while, since you always seemed to be in a rush lately. As you felt the cold water hitting your head in a soothing massage you thought to yourself what kind of life you were living, if that small, mundane thing, had caused you such a happy feeling. 
“How can I be this happy if I’m fucking unemployed?” The words came out of your mouth in spite of you being alone. No. They came out of you because you were alone. This was the first time you confronted reality since yesterday and you couldn’t let a small sneer come out alongside that realization.
As your mind started spinning, the drops of water stopped feeling like a massage and started feeling as torture, so you turned the faucet off. Math was never your strong suit, but you started adding up the numbers: You had enough money saved for you to last about a year, could you find a job until then? Yes. The answer came promptly. A small smile replaced that self-harming sneer you had just now, you had time. You could enjoy this. Looking for a way of living would be a problem for the “you” that lived two weeks ahead. Not now-you. Now-you were going to put on a bathing suit and relish this. Rae knocked on your door as soon as you finished putting sunscreen on, asking for you to lend her yours. 
“How come you forgot sunscreen?” You asked, while helping to reach her lower back. It was a surprise for you that Raena would forget anything skin-related, since she was practically an ambassador of skincare. There had not been a day since she hadn’t forced you to put sunscreen on to go to work, mumbling something about you thanking her later. 
“I brought sunscreen… But just the facial one. I was so worried about bringing my lotion so I don’t get ashy that I forgot the body cream.” She sounded defeated, and as soon as you finished covering every last spot of her body - especially her tattoos - you handed her your sunscreen. 
“Take this one. I bought two because I forgot to mark it on my emergency bucket list when we went shopping yesterday.” Her face lit up with the most beautiful smile, and she held your face with both hands, landing a kiss on your right cheek that almost felt like a slap. 
“What would I be without you?” She asked, pulling you out of the room. Once you entered the main house, Jessica was coming down the stairs by herself. She hadn’t arrived in the kitchen until you left, so you could only imagine that she was going back to her room after breakfast. Rae tensed up a bit as soon as she saw her, and you both were greeted by a warm smile on Jessica’s face. 
“Are you guys already going to the pier?” Her bangs were perfectly aligned and she was already wearing a bikini that was peaking out around her neck from her shirt. You nodded, and Rae followed you along. “Great! I’ll just brush my teeth and will be there in a minute.” 
“See you there. It’s a date. Haha.” The awkwardness on Rae’s phrase was almost palpable for you, and were you not too shocked to do anything other than stare at your best friend, you would have wheezed at the very fake laugh she gave at the end of the phrase. “The door, let’s…” She mumbled at you, pushing you towards the glass door that led to the pier. Your mouth was still open, but as soon as Jessica got distante enough you smirked her way.
“So we’re attracted to Jessica. I see.” You commented nonchalantly, and Rae raised her middle finger without giving you a glance. “I’ll take that as a yes. Is she… you know… a woman-kisser-type?” A huge pout appeared on your friend’s face as she sulked, and she dramatically shrugged her shoulders. 
“I. Don’t. Know.” She said the phrase slowly and in such a low whisper you mostly read her lips instead of actually listening. Both of her hands went to her cheeks, framing her face and making the pout grow bigger. “I mean she has short nails. Yesterday in the kitchen she said her favorite show was Orange is The New Black… That’s pretty gay. But I don’t know.” 
You watched her scrutinizing the whole interaction they both had while you were sleeping and for the first time you wished you had decided to have dinner the night prior. Rae’s gaydar was shit. Yours was way better, even though she was much more involved in the LGBTQ+ shenanigans. “Did you ask Seungkwan?” You checked, knowing her well enough to realize that such an easy way out of the doubtful state wouldn’t be perceived by a panicked Raena. 
“Shit. Seungkwan must know. I’m an idiot.” The wheeze you held in earlier came on full force, of course she didn’t ask. What that indicated to you, whatsoever, was that Jessica was an actual crush, and not just some pretty girl Rae would like to hook up with and never talk to again. “How about you, are you eyeing anyone here? Jeonghan’s cute.”
“Of fucking course you’d pick the most feminine man out of them all. You are so predictable.” She just shrugged again after saying that he was her type. Rae went silent for a while, stopping you as soon as you both stepped on the pier. 
“How about Rugel?” An expression of complete disgust took over your face and Raena remembered Friday, where Rugel was almost getting on his knees, begging Jay to bring some strippers. “Ew. No. You’re right… Just Kim Mingyu then.” 
You looked at her, sticking your tongue out before admitting. “He’s my type, what can a girl do?” She giggled at the way you said the phrase, but your shoulders dropped after you said the next phrase: “I’m not his, though. So I’ll just… enjoy my friends on this trip I guess?” 
“Leave me out of it, don’t fucking cockblock me.” You pushed her softly, and she pushed you back, giggling at your fake pout. “You are very charming. Couldn’t you change his mind? He seems to be more open to you… I noticed today. But that could also be him being terrified, I can’t understand the straights.” She gestured vaguely, and said the words as if she was talking about a totally different species. You bit your lower lip, trying to keep your voice down. “I actually don’t know? Mingyu seemed to be flirting a bit with me lately, but I don’t know if…” 
“Nah, that’s just Mingyu being Mingyu.” Seokmin’s voice startled you, making you blurt out a jumble of words that made no sense. “Oh sorry. Did I scare you?” He asked and you fumed him, feeling your heart trying to burst out of your chest. 
“You think?!” He smiled awkwardly, but it still made his eyes vanish. Rae was squinting at him, she knew Seokmin was also good friends with Jessica and she was struggling between deciding if she should ask him about her sexual orientation or whether he had heard the conversation you both were having. 
“Were you listening?” She decided to go for the safest option for her. She knew Seungkwan well enough to know he would keep her secret, but she knew nothing about Seokmin besides that he had great teeth and apparently was good at entering conversations. The man denied, swaying his head from left to right, making his silky hair glow under the sunlight. 
“No. No.” He was quick to explain himself, a bit surprised that the most scary of you two at that moment seemed to be Rae, and not you. “I went to get UNO cards for us to play and I heard you talking about Mingyu flirting… He’s like that. He flirted with my grandma when we went to visit her. It’s… the only way he knows how to be nice I guess?” You nodded and Rae let out a sigh of relief. Her secret crush would live another day.
“It’s okay with me. I wouldn’t want to hook up with him anyway. I still have some pride, you know?” You declared, and Raena giggled at the rapid change of heart you had when Seokmin got involved in the conversation. 
“Oh, come fucking on. His boobs are bigger than mine, of course you would hook up with him.” That damn slick smile on her face made your blood boil. She knew you well enough to know that when you want something you get, but at the same time you’re a prideful bitch that misses out on opportunities because of some hurt ego. Mingyu, whatsoever, didn’t hurt your ego, so there was no way in hell you would pass up that opportunity if it came to you eventually.
“What’s the point of such big manboobs if there’s no heart behind them? There’s no way I’d hook up with Kim Mingyu. End of story.” You guaranteed. Seokmin was switching his gaze from you to Rae, but he soon cleared his throat, almost demanding your attention.
“Changing subjects, do you guys want to play UNO? I must warn you, though… Seungcheol is a bit competitive…” A grin showed up on your face as you nodded excitedly. Rae and Seungkwan usually avoided playing with you because they said that you could get too worked up when it came to any sort of card games, but deep down you felt like they were just bad losers and you were a good player. 
Rae looked at you, and then to Seokmin. She knew you, and she knew what a competitive bastard you were… Probably she couldn’t handle two of you in the same game, that would be too much of a hazard for her to take. Besides, she could always lay under the sun to get a bit tanned while you were cursing yourselves over colored cards. 
“Are we playing UNO? I love UNO!” Jessica’s voice echoed from a small distance, and you saw Rae’s gaze change. The person that seemed settled on setting the game aside had vanished from her eyes, and a Rae that was willing and excited to play UNO appeared instead. 
“Yeah! I’d love to play UNO. UNO’s the best…” She seemed unsure, but probably you were the only one who knew Raena enough to notice. Her feeble smile made a presumptuous smirk show up on your face, but as Seokmin and Jessica finally entered the lounge, she just place her index finger on one of the lenses of your glasses - something she used to do constantly simply to annoy the shit out of you - and stuck her tongue out marching in. 
“You’re no better than a man.” You declared, taking off your glasses to clean that stupid fingerprint.
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chapter six - draw four
“You cannot stack a draw four on top of a draw two. It’s against the rules.” You nagged as Seungcheol’s cheeky grin faded after trying to turn your two remaining cards into twelve. 
“Says who?” His eyes turned big as he sulked, almost like he was defying you with a presumptuous look, but you just sulked back, squinting your eyes and trying to assert your dominance. There was no way that man would make you draw ten cards when you were so close to winning. 
Since the UNO games had started, you had won twice and Seungcheol three times. The small spark of competitiveness turned into a fire as soon as he said your first win was “sheer luck”, and even though Seokmin had also won three times, he was completely ignored by the two of you, who started competing against each other to see who would win more.
“UNO rules.” You picked up the draw four card from the pile, giving it back to him. “Now be a man, pick up the fucking six cards and make me pick up four next time.” His mouth dropped, but when he looked around he could see that everyone was on your side. Fuck, Seungcheol thought to himself. He reached for the draw pile, counting the six cards as you smiled victoriously.
“Good boy.” His head turned to you quickly, bearing a fuming gaze and pierced eyebrows. He took the hair elastic from his wrist, and tied the upper half of his hair, leaving just the bleached part down. “It’s on.” The words came out in a low pitched voice, and you just replied with a cocky smile and a wink, that seemed to make him more frustrated. 
“The last time I’ve experienced this kind of unnerving match was soccer I guess…” Jessica whispered to no one in particular, but was easily heard by Mingyu and Rae, who were sitting by her side. Mingyu was observing your interaction with a weird feeling on his chest that he couldn’t distinguish what was. 
“World Cup?” Rae asked. At that time, you had just reversed the game and called UNO, making Seungcheol more pissed than he already was, and the small kiss you blew to him was enough to make Mingyu turn his attention completely to the girls next to him, wanting to see no more of that interaction.
“Nah. FIFA. My 12 year old brother was playing against our 31 year old neighbor and things were… intense. Charles moved out with his wife after that game…” A loud cackle came out of Rae while Mingyu pushed his lips together trying not to laugh loudly. He closed his eyes and let his body fall back as Rae murmured “Poor Charles” while she tried to gasp for air. 
“Which one is which, though?” Mingyu asked after recovering, wiping a few tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. The laughter called the attention of Wonwoo, who was sitting next to Mingyu, and Robin - one of Seungkwan’s closest co-workers -, who sat next to Raena. 
“That depends on who wins at the end…” She was serious, and that made Mingyu want to laugh all over again. Joshua asked what was that about, being filled in by Mingyu and wheezing as soon as he did. 
“I actually think they’ll end up dating. That's the classic “rivals to lovers” trope.” Robin commented quickly and Mingyu sulked, biting his lower lip and feeling an animosity appear between him and the small girl. 
“Oh, that’s my favorite fanfiction trope.” Wonwoo commented unintendedly, and as the four of them gave him shocked looks he cleared his throat and adjusted his posture before correcting himself in a very unconvincing way. “Book trope. I meant book trope.”
“Pay attention to the game, please?” Seungcheol’s voice echoed amongst the lounge, and Wonwoo noticed it was his turn to play. He dropped any card, being followed by the other four one by one.
“I don’t think he’s her type.” Mingyu resumed the conversation, talking specifically to Robin, but making himself be heard by the other people that were paying attention. He glanced once again to you, watching as you smirked at Seungcheol while he sulked watching no one changing the color that he knew for a fact you had. 
“Oh, he is. Competitive... Nice smile... Funny… Defying her like that, but also was kind to her, giving her his pillow for her to sit down as soon as we arrived… Fire sign... He’s totally her type.” Rae raised a finger at every characteristic she could point out that made Seungcheol someone who you would be attracted to, and Mingyu’s mouth formed a pout that got bigger for every finger she’d raise. “Actually yeah, that could turn into something more by the end of these weeks, you’re totally right, Robin.” 
“That’s 3-3, Cheolie.” You said as you discarded your last card, and Seungcheol dropped his cards furiously. Mingyu dropped his as well, and suddenly he didn’t feel like playing UNO anymore. He couldn’t cope any longer with the discomfort on his chest and decided it was time for him to do anything else. 
“Aren’t you playing anymore?” Your voice caused an electric wave to run through his body, and suddenly the discomfort grew into a throb on your chest. The bright smile you had on your face contrasted deeply to the audacious smiles you threw Seungcheol’s way through the last four games, but it made him smile back. 
“Yeah. I’m just… going to get my phone.” He scanned the room and made up an excuse last minute, seeing his phone charging on a corner not that far. Your smile grew and Mingyu felt hypnotized by it. The way your nose scrunched, the way your cheeks would lift so much that your eyes almost vanished, the odd placement of your tongue that made the smile look so pure and at the same time so provocative… Everything was endearing to Mingyu, and made his heart pound. 
“Guys, it’s almost time for the beginning of my morning schedule.” Seungkwan nagged. Apart from the two of you, everyone seemed to be playing just to pass the time, and just the mention of the beginning of the - so called - “S(eungk)wan Lake Day” started to lift everyone’s spirits. 
“Ok. I’ll just beat Cheol’s ass on this one last game and then we can go to the lake.” Once again the presumptuous smile showed on your face, and Mingyu sat down to see Seungcheol copy that look while you fixed your glasses. 
“How about that? We’re 3 to 3, whoever wins this will be the champion, and the loser will get flicked on the forehead.” Seungcheol suggested and you promptly agreed.
“I’m in.” Seokmin blurted out, seeing the two of you look at him like adults watching a six year old saying they’ll go all in on a poker game where he was just a spare wheel. You just ignored it, dealing the cards. You and Seungcheol kept bickering the entire game, stacking attack cards on top of each other to prevent the other from winning at every possibility. 
“UNO. I want the color yellow.” Seokmin yelled the words, and both you and Seungcheol let a loud “Fuck” slip out of your mouths at the same time. Seokmin wasn’t sitting next to either of you, but he was closest to you. Chan was in between you two, and Seungcheol was sitting on the other side, making the order be: Seungcheol, You, Chan, Seokmin. 
Your nemesis looked at you as the others played their cards, and he slowly showed you a yellow +2 card he had on his hand. You smiled brightly, showing him two +2 cards you had in your own hands, and as if your brains were connected you understood perfectly what he was indicating when he waved his head slightly to Chan.
“Pss, Lee Chan.” You whispered, sliding one of your +2 cards his way and winking. He, on the other way, looked displeased, denying the card with a sulky face. You insisted, sliding the card to him once again, and he swayed his head from one side to the other as he slid the card back. 
“I just have two cards, I won’t get one of yours.” He seemed obstinate. Seungcheol, who was paying attention to every single bit of it, made a discontent sound. You bit your lower lip, trying to think of a way to prevent Seokmin from winning. 
“What are we gonna do?” As you pretended to stretch, you closed the gap between you and Seungcheol to whisper in his ear, but before he could answer, Jeonghan dropped a Wild Card, calling out for the color red. You were relieved and you could see Seungcheol was also. 
“Bet he stole that before the game began just so he could use it now.” He whispered at you and you let out a small giggle. That round was truce between you two, neither of you needed to word it for you to know, and that was why Seungcheol discarded a red four, even though you knew he had a plus four that you’ve got a glimpse of when he was showing you his plus two. 
“UNO. Yellow.” Chan howled excitedly, making both of your smiles drop at an instant. He was so focused on his own game that he paid Seokmin’s game no mind, and that bit you and Cheol on your asses. Chan was smiling brightly, gaze fixed on his card and waiting for someone to discard the same number so that he could win before his turn could arrive - it was a house rule that you could ‘cut’ the game if you had called UNO. It obviously didn’t happen, as Seokmin placed his last card on the pile, making you and Seungcheol throw your cards completely vexed. 
Everyone seemed excited with that outcome but the two of you. Seokmin ran towards Mingyu, throwing himself in his arms to celebrate, and Jeonghan couldn’t stop laughing at Chan's confused face, realizing he had just lost. Seokmin got up, starting to crackle his fingers. 
“Give me your foreheads, I’ve won four times. I am THE champion.” He stretched the word more than necessary and you felt vanquished. He was the champion and you were the loser. Fuck. 
With a big pout on your face, you brushed your hair back with your fingers, exposing your forehead. “Ok. Get it over with. I admit defeat.” Mingyu giggled at the way you said it, you looked outrageously cute. Seokmin crackled his fingers a bit more, shaking his hand and suddenly holding his middle finger with his thumb. 
“Don’t hit her too hard.” Mingyu found himself speaking without even noticing, and that distracted Seokmin, who ended up missing the right spot on your forehead and only grazing his middle finger. He looked furiously at Mingyu, who just raised his hand slowly, giving him a thumbs up with a half hearted smile. Seungcheol didn’t have the same luck, and you giggled at the red mark that started forming on his forehead. 
Everyone headed towards the lake, but you decided it was best for you to leave your glasses at your room before losing them like you did on your last trip to the beach. As Seungkwan started to guide everyone out, you faced towards the path that led to the main house. 
“Are you always that competitive?” Mingyu started to trace the same way you did, catching up with you in no time. You slowed your pace until he did, and then you started walking together. Looking at him, you saw a curious look on his face, and a closed-mouthed smile waiting for your response. 
“Yeah…” You were quick to confess. It was a part of you that you weren’t exactly proud of, but it still was a part of you, so you never felt like hiding, and Mingyu had just experienced the whole thing, so you were sure lying wouldn’t be effective. “To be honest I usually don’t give up until I win. I just didn’t suggest another UNO game because Seungkwan would murder me, and by murder I mean…” 
“Not talking to you for six months and then crying while nagging about you not respecting his wishes on his birthday?” Mingyu asked and you just raised one of your eyebrows. He opened another smile, making his teeth show up this time and immediately biting his lower lip especially with his canines. 
“I was going to say ‘yell’, but damn that was specific. Are you ok?” His face made you giggle, and he giggled as soon as you did. He pretended to be wiping some tears off his face as he rambled “I’m ok. I’m ok.”, which made you giggle again. Mingyu felt accomplished. He would do anything to hear that sound once more, but his fast brain made a connection that it probably shouldn’t and he got serious all of a sudden. 
“If you don’t give up until you win, why did you give up on me so easily?” His question made you stop giggling, but you didn’t notice how serious he was about it, continuing to walk thoughtlessly. 
“Simple. You’re not a game.” You responded unhinged. “Winning a game is up to me, someone being attracted to me is not.” Silence took over as Mingyu thought of your words. There was something else he wanted to ask, but no combination of words seemed to express exactly what it was. 
“What if I wanted it to be a game?” He was actually trying to say that he did not want you to give up, but as soon as the words were spoken he realized that not even he understood the phrase that way. 
“Well, if it was a game… It’s like you stacked four plus fours, making me pick up sixteen as soon as the game started. Does that make sense?” You had finally arrived at the building where your room was, but him following you along didn’t seem odd since his room was next to yours. You’d just figured he also had something to leave or take from his room. 
“I annoyed you?” He asked, slightly worried, but you giggled, stopping at the front of your door, and seeing him stop as well. You slowly moved your head from one side to the other. 
“No. I just knew that it was a game I couldn’t win.”
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chapter seven - bitter secret
When you left your room again, Mingyu was still standing in the same position he was before. You squinted involuntarily, trying to get a better glimpse of his face, but since he was more than ten inches away, your attempt was unsuccessful. 
“You’re still here.” The remark was more to you than to Mingyu, but he nodded, tilting his head slightly towards the only way out of the building, as if he was inviting you to leave. In a very natural movement he offered his hand for you to take, and once again you found yourself squinting, this time to make sure that it was actually happening. The step you took was reckless, but your actions were more reckless than that, as you reached out for the hand he was offering you and let him pull you out of the building. 
“Had to make sure you weren’t cheating, I’m way too accustomed to Yoon Jeonghan, I fear.” Mingyu was walking in front of you as he guided you through the corridors, and for that tiny moment you let him do it, ignoring the soft touch of his hand on yours, the absence of sweat on his palms this time, the warmth of his fingers that contrasted with your usually cold ones. You ignored all of it, because if you thought for a second about it you would know that holding his hand was a stupid thing to do. 
When you left the building you let go of his hand, and for the first time he seemed flustered, as if only then he had noticed he was holding your hand so nonchalantly this entire time. “Have you done it before? Wakeboarding?” You asked, making the awkward tension that had installed between you two vanish, and you walked a bit faster to get to his side. 
“Uh hum.” Mingyu answered. He had a small smirk on his lips, but you couldn’t actually see it well enough to fully understand what he meant by it, so you just decided to look where you were heading and not the one beside you. “I’m actually pretty good at it, you’re screwed. Have you done it before?” 
“Nope. Never.” The words made him stop, running your way as soon as he saw you almost hitting your head on the branch of a tree that was a bit too low. Your eyes were fixed on the ground, and because of that you missed the tree, but Mingyu’s hand went straight to your forehead, getting in the way of it and the branch, as he gently placed his hand to protect your face. 
“Hey! Be careful! I’m not used to being the least clumsy one, you know?” He nagged and you giggled at that comment. “You’ve never been wakeboarding and yet you made a bet with me? That’s a bit stupid.” 
“Just because it’s stupid it doesn’t mean it’s wrong… And stupid’s usually more fun, you know?” You justified yourself, watching him trip on absolutely nothing as he tried to match your pace. “I’m very athletic, I’ll be fine. You, on the other hand, are about to be beaten by someone who has never wakeboarded before… That’s a bit embarrassing.”
“Guess I’ll be keeping my three alarms then.” His smug look made you want to win so bad you almost started running towards the pier to get the competition started. You probably wouldn’t win, you knew that even before Mingyu told you that he had tried it before, but seeing him smile like that made you glad you agreed to that bet.
As you approached the pier, you saw the boat already connected to a tow cable, alongside with a wakeboard and a few wakeboarding boots scattered around the place. Jeonghan was trying to find boots that would fit him, while Rae was standing next to Jessica and Seungcheol, who were playing rock, paper, scissors for some reason you didn’t know. 
Some people were on the water, playing on a separated part of the lake that was shallower than the one where the boat was in. They played with a ball and you wondered if you would have time to do that too. 
“Yes!” Jessica screamed, and you decided to go there before finding out what you would need to go wakeboarding. She was holding two fingers up and Seuncheol was looking at his open hand regretfully. “Do you wanna go jet skiing with me, Raena?” 
Rae’s face started tinting gradually while Jessica had her eyes directed towards her. She nodded awkwardly and the redness spreaded more when the red-haired girl grinned brightly and started to look for life jackets. “Dude, get a grip.” You whispered to your friend and that was enough to wake her up. She went after Jessica, helping her with the life jacket and letting the girl help her to put on hers. 
“You lost again… How lame.” You murmured to Seungcheol and his eyes started fuming you. A big pout formed on his mouth and you knew he was about to nag, but Mingyu’s loud voice muddled any train of thought Seungcheol had going on, and he just stood there glazing at you.  
“Ya… Yoon Jeonghan is pretty good at it.” His voice was a bit louder than normal and he just meddled in between you and Seungcheol, stopping in a way that made you both take a step back, furthering away from each other.  Mentioning Jeonghan’s name was enough to rip the pout out of Seungcheol’s face and turn the frown into a mesmerized look. He was, indeed, pretty good at wakeboarding, despite his not-so-athletic looks. 
While you were almost hypnotically following Jeonghan with your eyes, you landed on Jessica and Raena trying to hop on a blue jet ski that was parked on the last spot of the pier. The red-haired girl was cackling at something that Rae said, and the latter was smiling proudly at the scene. 
“Is Jessica single?” The question was blurted out unintentionally, but it was enough to make both Mingyu and Seungcheol take their eyes off of Jeonghan and turn them to you. There was no point in going back with your question, so while they looked at you, unsure if the question was rhetorical or actually aimed at one of them, you simply raised one eyebrow, almost demanding an answer. 
“Yeah. She is.” Seungcheol answered, and soon enough Mingyu jabbered something that sounded like a “Maybe, why?”. You nodded at the answer, turning your eyes back to Jeonghan and asking the following question without properly looking at any of them. 
“Does she like girls?” Mingyu’s eyes went straight to Seungcheol, and he waved his head from one side to the other, begging with his eyes for Cheol to deny it. He, on the other hand, seemed too intrigued by Jeonghan’s abilities to actually pay attention to Mingyu, and just answered casually: “Um hum. She’s pansexual.” 
“Why?” Mingyu’s question came at the same time as your response. You just shrugged, noticing that Jeonghan had fallen for the third time and was, because of that, coming back to the starting point of the wakeboarding to pass it onto one of you. “I was just curious.” You said, starting to look for a life jacket and boots that would fit you. There was no way in hell you’d sell Rae out like that, and if they didn’t notice her obvious interest in Jessica, you weren’t going to be the one to tell them. 
Mingyu was sulking while he also looked for equipment for him. You paid him no mind, finding out that all life jackets were the same size, but they were adjustable. After a few minutes trying to figure out how the fuck you should tighten the belt for it to fit your body size, you saw Mingyu approaching you and noticed that his sulk was still on his face. 
“You have to pull this part.” He said it, pointing to a strap that was on the right side of your body. Pulling it was harder than you thought, and you imagined it was broken. You pulled it up, down and sideways but the belt wouldn’t budge even a little. 
“Gyu, help me.” Your voice was soft and looking at you made something inside Mingyu crumble. He got completely stuck in place, mesmerized by the way your mouth folded when you called him by that nickname, trapped by your kind gaze and the way you - for the first time - seemed helpless. You weren’t. You weren’t helpless at all, Mingyu was sure of that, he was the one who was helpless, feeling his heart burn inside his chest with a simple word. 
“Please?” You pleaded once again and that made him finally move. The smile you flashed at him when he approached you was enough to make him almost trip on his own feet. You raised your arm a bit to make it easier for him to reach the strap he should pull, and Mingyu felt glad you did so, because that way your arm stood between your eyes and his trembling hands. 
“S-sure.” He stuttered. Even though he imagined taking his eyes off of yours would make things better, seeing a small glimpse of flesh from your waist and some drawing he couldn’t distinguish from so little disclosure made him shiver. Mingyu simply pulled the strap as fast as he could, inebriated by the proximity of you two and hoping that it would be over soon so he could come back to his senses. 
“You know, what? Let me tell you a secret…” Mingyu stepped back as soon as he helped you adjust your life jacket, but the heat that took over him after getting close to you didn’t seem to go away, but to only get worse when you murmured those words so quietly he was sure to be the only one to have listened to them. 
His hands were still trembling and his heart was pounding on his chest when you approached him once again, standing on your tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. The hand you placed on his shoulder to help you to stand taller burned like coal and he wasn’t sure about actually listening to what you had to say because of how loudly his heart was palpitating. “I’m kind of glad you rejected me. That way we can be friends. I think we’ll make good friends.” 
Before he could say anything else, Jeonghan’s high pitched voice took over the pier, as he asked who was next. You raised your hand excitedly, and ran over to Jeonghan, asking him some tips for you not to fall, and Mingyu just stood there, letting those words sink alongside a bitterness he never felt before. 
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chapter eight - gratitude
“... Then she simply held my hands and placed them on her waist!” Raena was gushing words one after the other while pacing in circles inside her room, and you and Seungkwan were lying on her bed, too tired to do anything but listen. Your arms were so heavy you felt like they could fall off at any time, and your legs felt weak, both from the wakeboarding and from following Jeonghan’s advice to “no matter what you do, don’t let go of the handle.” 
Fuck. You should’ve let go of the handle when it hurted, but some part of you still wished you could last longer than Mingyu and win yourself that stupid bet, but no. You didn’t win anything more than an aching body and the taste of utter defeat. Oh, and also three alarm clocks to wake you up the following morning, hurray.
“I think I’m in love.” After telling you all the excruciating details of her interaction with Jessica during that day, she concluded, throwing herself on top of you two and making Seungkwan curse loudly when he felt her weight mostly over him. 
“You say that every six months. Chill out, miss ‘I’m a cancer’”, you closed your eyes, not needing to see her to know exactly the face your best friend would make after listening to those words, and also knowing damn well what her next words would be. 
“This time is different…” She pleaded, but Seungkwan let a small giggle slip from his mouth, and when Raena gave him the dirty look he simply shrugged nonchalantly, spitting the words she also knew well, and also knew were true: “You also always say that.” 
“She’s gay though. I mean, panssexual, but nonetheless she kisses women, so I say go for it.” You informed her and next thing you knew was Rae’s weight shifting completely from Seungkwan to you, as she hugged you awkwardly because of the weird position you both found yourselves in.
Seungkwan started laughing when Raena decided that showering you with kisses - that he knew for a fact that you didn’t actually enjoy that much but only endured because they came from Rae - was a good idea. Your phone started ringing and while Rae murmured a bunch of gratitude words for the universe for “making her crush like women”, you asked Seungkwan to see who it was. 
Your mother’s name popped up on the screen and he remembered how shocked he was when he figured out that you wouldn’t simply put “Mom” or “Dad” on their contact informations because if somebody kidnapped you, they wouldn’t know who to call for money and your parents wouldn’t be worried about you being kidnaped and shit. Made absolutely no sense to Seungkwan, who had his mother saved as “Mommy” until this day. 
“It’s your mom.” His announcement created a discomfort that was almost tangible. You felt every single cell of your body stiffen, and your eyes opened wide towards the phone. He could see you processing the information slowly, and even Rae realized something was off about your reaction, which made her roll her body away from yours. 
“Decline it.” You said after giving it a little bit of thought. You weren’t ready for that conversation yet, and you were just starting to enjoy your “vacation” - you decided to not call it unemployment until you came back home for your own sake -, so getting scolded by your mother after texting her that you’d quit your job was not on your plans for the week. 
“You should talk to your mother.” Seungkwan said, passing you the phone without declining the call like you had asked. You did it yourself, pressing the red button and turning your phone off after you’ve done it. 
“I will… Just… Not now.” You explained after seeing his scandalized expression. Seungkwan was a good son who had an awesome relationship with his parents, and sometimes you hated him for it. No. Not him. What you actually hated was that he couldn’t understand how bad communication was between you and your parents. They were good parents, they’d always provide and make sure you felt loved and belonging, but they didn’t know you also wanted to feel heard. And, unfortunately for you, that was never the case. No matter how hard you tried conveying your thoughts, they would never try to understand. The miscommunication often made it seem to them - and, in some ways, to you - like you were a bad daughter. 
“I gave birth to a beautiful girl, and for what? For her to keep things from me! For her to not tell me shit about herself!” Your mom would always say the same things when you wouldn’t answer her questions, or even when you would answer them, but not the way she wanted. “Don’t lie. I know you’re keeping something from me.” It was always the same. Sometimes she didn’t even say anything, but her expression proclaimed the words louder than she would or could. And you’d feel like shit. Always feeling like you were not enough, like your experiences were never enough. 
You remember the look on her face when you showed her and your dad your acceptance letter to Law School. It was a first for you: the first time you actually felt she was proud, the first time you felt her smile was genuine. 
How would you explain to her that she wasn’t happy for you back then, but for herself? How would you explain to someone who never tried to understand you that you had found yourself dancing to a song you didn’t like and simply decided to turn off the music? You didn’t want to let that familiar feeling of being a disappointment ruin those next weeks, so you would let that conversation for later, for when you could endure the harsh words without letting them slip into your mind like poison.
“Ok, just let her know you’re alive then, for fuck’s sake. Don’t be a dick.” You puffed, rolling your eyes to Seungkwan’s comment, but still did what he suggested, fishing your phone once again and turning it on. A message showed on your screen as soon as it was activated. 
Answer the damn phone. What do you mean you quit?! Without talking to us first? What is going on with you lately… [Tuesday, 10:19 p.m.]
You let a huge sigh come out, starting to type something almost immediately. Seungkwan and Raena watched you doing it in silence, just being there like they always were. 
I’m alive, well and busy. I’ll text you eventually to let you know if I’m ok, and I will go to your house when I come back from the trip I’m on right now for us to talk. Sorry about the mess. [Tuesday, 10:28 p.m.]
Your phone was tossed across the bed as soon as you sent it, and you tried getting up but an agonized moan left your throat at the same time you felt your arm failing you and aching terribly. “Ok, I’ll have to sleep here, I can’t get up.” You let yourself fall into Rae’s bed again, spreading your arms as slowly as you could to a position that wouldn’t harm them.
“No fucking way, what if Jessica sees you leaving my room and think we’re something?” Rae protested, and you couldn’t help but laugh. It was reassuring to have her and Seungkwan beside you, and you realized what a shitty friend you had been for the past years by not doing the same, not even once, because of a job you didn’t even like. That wouldn’t happen anymore, you were obstinate. 
“But we are something… We are besties.” You said with a huge pout on your face and in the cutest way you could, and Seungkwan whimpered, covering his mouth as if he was holding vomit. 
“Ugh, that was disgusting. How old do you fucking think you are to speak with that kind of voice?” He complained and Raena started laughing. You couldn’t help but laugh along with them. 
“My Boo can’t handle my baby voice? I can’t believe it.” He formed a fist with his hands by the side of his head and closed his eyes with a lot of strength, as if he was physically in pain because of the way you were speaking. If you could move you’d definitely hug him, but it wasn’t possible for you, so you just threw a kiss his way, making a tiny heart with your thumb and index finger. 
“Stop it. It’s scary.” The heart slowly turned into you giving him the middle finger. You couldn’t even explain how much you missed this, and while Seungkwan threatened to hit you - which he definitely would if he actually wanted to, you knew that -, you felt a silly smile appear in your face. 
“Thank you, guys.” You said suddenly, and both Rae and Seungkwan looked at you a bit confused. “For not giving up on me even when I had.”
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chapter nine - pain killer
Some knocks on your door woke you up. You rolled in your bed, still trying to get used to the brightness that was consuming your room, but the knocks didn’t seem to stop. After a few seconds you recognized they were the rhythm to one of King Princess’ songs that Rae liked, making you assume that it could only be her. 
“I’m awake, stop knocking for fuck’s sake.” You muffled the words as loud as you were able to do with your morning voice, and the door knob turned slowly, as Raena put her head inside of your room with a cheeky smile on her face. You indicated with your head that she should come in and she promptly did, throwing herself on your bed and making you almost fall from it. 
“We’re going hiking. Do you want to go?” She asked you and you finally noticed her outfit. Rae was wearing leggings and a loose t-shirt with a drawing that you were pretty sure she made a few months back. You contemplated for a bit, but felt once again the muscle pain your wakeboarding experience had gifted you the previous day, and you simply denied it. 
“Nah, I don’t think I can move that much today… Maybe tomorrow?” You asked, and Rae agreed. Hiking was not your favorite activity, but it was definitely something you’d like to try in that beautiful landscape. “Who are you going with?” 
“Basically everybody, it’s on Seungkwan’s schedule, so anyone who’s not completely broken from yesterday is going.” She explained and you pouted, wishing you weren’t that sore. You didn’t regret wakeboarding, it was fun and you actually were pretty good at it, but you hoped that the pain would fade quickly so you could do all the other things Seungkwan had planned for those two weeks. 
“Hm.” You murmured, hugging her and closing your eyes once again, as if you were about to go back to sleep. “I’ll get up and eat something then…” There was nothing in your actions that indicated that you would actually get out of bed, and Raena simply flicked your forehead, making you open your eyes once again. 
“You should go to the pool, I heard it’s good to make muscular pain go away. Now let me go, get the fuck up and don’t over sleep.” She threw your arms away from her and got up from your bed quickly, and since you knew well the consequences to not do so, you obeyed her, sitting on it with your eyes still half open. You looked for your glasses, placing them on your face and finally getting up. “Bye, baby, I’ll be back before lunch!” Raena took leave and once again you found yourself alone in your room. 
Taking cold showers would always wake you up, and that time wasn’t any different. It didn’t take long for you to get out of your room and head to the kitchen. The lake complex was deserted, you couldn’t see a single soul walking aimlessly on your way to the main house, and when you got there things were equally silent and empty. You ate by yourself, taking your time and enjoying being alone as much as you could. 
After eating breakfast, you went straight to the pool. When getting ready, you put on your bikini and tons of sunscreen, intending to do as Rae said earlier, but you didn’t expect the sun to be so hot that day, and you regretted not taking your UV shirt with you. Afraid to get sunburned, you didn’t even take your clothes, just putting your feet inside the big pool and hoping the sun would give a truce eventually so that you could jump in. 
Getting back to your room to get your shirt was not an option. You knew yourself well enough to know that once you saw your bed you would give up on leaving it until somebody arrived, so you just stayed there, with your feet immersed and letting your head wander freely. 
“Where’s everybody?” Mingyu’s voice woke you from the trance you had entered without even noticing. His hair was a bit messy, he was wearing prescription glasses - which, by the way, you didn’t know he needed -, but still seemed to be well awake and was in swimming clothes. The white UV shirt he was with was different from the black one he wore the previous day, but his shorts were the same. He sat next to you, putting both of his feet inside the pool, almost mimicking your pose, and murmuring a complaint about the water being cold as soon as he did. 
“Everyone went hiking… I thought you did too?” You seemed confused, but he let a sound of understanding come out of his mouth along with a very dramatic expression as soon as he remembered Seungkwan’s schedule for the day. He swung his head from one side to the other, being quick to explain. 
“I just set one alarm today, so I ended up not waking up in time.” His phrase made a cheeky smile show up on your face, and Mingyu was the one to look at you confused that time. You giggled, staring at some waves that were being created by the soft movements you made with your feet. 
“You won yesterday, you could’ve set three… Are you that desperate to get into my good side, Kim Mingyu?” You teased him and could see him getting flustered more quickly than you anticipated. Seungcheol was right… It was fun teasing Mingyu.  
“No, I-” He started mumbling, which made his phrases come out more slurred than they usually would, almost making it sound like he was stuttering. “I didn’t do it because of you, I wouldn’t do that, I won yesterday. I did it because… Because I wanted to… Uhm… I wanted to see if I could wake up with just one, you know, alarm. I couldn’t, tomorrow I’m setting three, you’ll see.” You giggled, nodding your head. “Why are you here, then? Why didn’t you go hiking?” Mingyu asked, and you gave him a half-hearted smile.
“My whole body hurts. Because of wakeboarding… Rae told me I should get into the pool but I forgot my UV shirt and I’m pretty sure that if I leave this place I will not only sleep until noon, but also get scolded for not listening to her when she gets back.” You explained and he nodded in agreement, taking his feet off the pool and standing up right beside you. 
You observed him doing so, a bit startled by his sudden movement, and almost choked when realized what he was actually going to do. With his right arm, he pulled the back part of the collar of his shirt, taking it off swiftly in a very smooth and fast movement. You felt your body stiffen by the sight of his pecs and from how large you just realized he actually was. Even though you tried, you couldn’t get your eyes off of his tanned skin, and it was only when he threw the shirt your way that you actually looked at his face again. 
He was bearing a rather innocent smile and you felt like punching him in the face for it. “Wear mine, then. Let’s get into the pool.” He said nonchalantly, taking his glasses off and jumping right after that. You took your time, but soon enough threw yourself onto the pool. 
You held your breath to dive in, emerging with your hair completely soaked and a happy expression staggered across your face. It was, indeed, relaxing to be surrounded by that much water, and you weren’t able to enjoy this silly thing the day prior because you were too busy trying to learn how to wakeboard properly. Mingyu watched you quietly, keeping his distance without taking his eyes off you for even a split second. 
“Do you think the deep part of it is too deep? I kinda wanna swim there…” You asked him, and Mingyu finally seemed to be pulled back to reality. He shrugged, starting to walk to the other side of the pool, where it would gradually become deeper. 
“Let’s see.” He got to the deepest part of the pool with not much effort, still being able to stand on his feet without submerging even the slightest. “Seems ok to me! Try coming here!” Mingyu shouted and you started walking towards his direction happily. 
Before you could get to him, you got almost completely submerged, being obligated to push yourself up and start moving your arms so that you would float. “Ok my ass, I almost drowned!” You nagged and Mingyu laughed at you, approaching quickly. 
“Maybe you’re too short?” He asked with a teasing tone, and you swam forward, getting close enough to splash some water on him while still struggling to remain floating and not sink to the part that was definitely too deep for you. 
“Or maybe you’re just too tall, how about that? I’m tall enough.” You asked and he couldn’t help himself from smiling like an idiot while watching you making a big effort to seem stable when you clearly weren’t. You felt his grip on your waist not much long after, and with his two hands he held you up, making it consequently easy for you to remain there. 
His touch, however, provoked a strange feeling in your skin. It was a soft pressure, but everything about it electrified your body in an unnatural way, and his pretty smile only made it worse. You could feel every single inch of his hands while he sank his fingertips on your skin, and you got so distracted by it you almost didn’t realize he had pulled you closer, until you saw yourself nearer than you’d expected from his tanned skin and sharp teeth. 
“What are you doing?” You asked a bit flustered, but his grip never got looser. Instead, he ran his fingers a little bit further up the UV shirt, which was so big for you that it was practically floating with the exception of the parts on your arms, and pulled you even closer to his unclothed chest. 
“Keeping you from drowning…” His voice was two tones lower and quieter, and his eyes were burning onto yours. You felt your heart pounding on your chest when he reduced the distance between you two even more. He slowly shifted his gaze, almost as if any abrupt movement would startle you, and kept bypassing every inch of your face as he did so. You could almost feel the heat created by his intense stare as his eyes went down, stopping only when they reached your lips.
“Oh! You guys are here!” Even though Seokmin’s eyes were almost closed shut, he was wearing one of his bright smiles while he walked your way. Your hands went immediately to Mingyu’s shoulders, pushing them in a desperate movement to free yourself from his grip. Seokmin’s voice startled him enough to make it an easy movement for you, and once again you were flapping your arms to keep yourself with your head above the water level. “Where’s everybody else?” 
“Hm… They… Went hiking.” You answered, starting to swim to the edge of the pool, and griping one part of it. “Did you just wake up?” There was no trace of emotion on your face, and you were doing the utmost to keep it that way.
Mingyu, on the other hand, looked angry. Hell, he was enraged. What a shitty timing his dumb best friend had, for fucks sake. He glanced at you, but your eyes were fixed on Seokmin, who didn’t seem to notice that he had just meddled with something, unmindfully getting close to you and sitting next to where you were holding, dipping his feet on the water and smiling like he hadn’t just cockblocked you. 
“Um hum. I thought they would be back by now… Why didn’t you guys go? Am I… hindering something? Were you guys…”
“No. Not at all. You’re not… hindering anything. We were just together because we woke up a bit later like you. There’s nothing… Nothing would happen between us.” You mumbled, almost forgetting all of your speech abilities while you said things mostly to convince yourself, and not Seokmin. “Never.” You guaranteed, and Seokmin laughed loudly. 
“Oh, that’s true. You’re not Mingyu’s type, right?” He bantered, looking directly at his friend and sticking his tongue out to make sure he knew he was teasing him. The huge splash of water that Seokmin received, on the other hand, was not in his plans, and didn’t seem to be a joke at all. He looked shocked at Mingyu after getting hit, but his friend didn’t seem to be remorseful. 
“Honestly, how long will you guys hold that against me, and rub it into my face?” He retorted. You were too occupied trying not to laugh at the vision of Seokmin completely soaked trying to scoop the water from his arms with one of his hands to notice the seriousness of Mingyu's voice. He was already done with himself for rejecting you in the first place, but still people kept reminding him of the poorest decision of the past two years.
“I know I should be the most infuriated by it, but I actually find it funny. You should’ve known better before rejecting me, Kim Mingyu, you set yourself up for that one…” Deciding to join Seokmin was easier than trying to use your brain to do the math and figure out what Mingyu was going on about, so you just did it, seeing the man next to you smiling slyly and blinking your way. 
“Right? I mean look at you! Any man would be lucky to have you, and yet he called you uptight. Can you believe that?” He said it in the most boastful way he could, and Mingyu almost growled at him. 
“You called her uptight first!” Mingyu hollered and you just looked at Seokmin with the most heartbroken expression you could make yourself fake. He started trying to justify himself to you, but you just giggled, letting go of the pool edge and letting your body upthrust itself while you lay down into the water with your head looking up. 
“Oh look, that cloud looks like a cat!” You changed the subject abruptly, making them a bit confused at first. Mingyu tried floating in the pool like you just had, and Seokmin layed on the ground, never taking his feet off of the water. And just like that you lightened the mood, while the three of you kept pointing figures in the sky until the rest of everyone arrived back home. 
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chapter ten - sour grapes
The day went by swiftly. After everyone else arrived from hiking, they all went straight to the pool, making Seungcheol almost lose his voice by screaming that they should at least hit the pool shower first and clean the sweat up a bit. Your hands got wrinkly sooner than everyone else's, and that made you leave the pool first, finding Mingyu still in his swimming trunks, cooking lunch like oil wouldn’t burn his naked torso if it hit him the wrong way. 
Deciding to leave the kitchen and find your friends was hard - you definitely could spend ages just watching Mingyu being domestic like that… and shirtless -, but watching Rae missing every single cue Jessica would give her to flirt was way harder. You and Seungkwan were almost permanently binding your eyes on the back of their orbs from all the eye-rolling you kept doing. 
Raena was a phenomenal flirt. If there was a cure to heterossexuality, Rae was it, as she had countless times made girls question their sexuality just by making a friendly comment in a deeper tone than usual. That was, of course, when she wasn’t truly interested. She’d lose all her social skills on the sight of someone who’d make her heart flutter, and from the looks of it, Rae’s heart was about to bounce out of her chest because of Jessica. 
It was nice spending time with them. Rae and Seungkwan. You’d also noticed how close Vernon and Seungkwan were on that trip. Vernon seemed to be very lonely most of the time, or independent, however you’d like to call it, but Seungkwan matched him perfectly in every way. It was like Seungkwan was always bringing Vernon’s best side out, and in exchange you could see how devoted Vernon was to him. It was a beautiful friendship, and you almost felt jealous about it. 
“The Singing Boo. The one where I sing so many ballads they stop meaning anything to you but you still have to clap” arrived in no time. Seungkwan had really thought about every single thing, and you happily complied with all the activities - with the exception of the hike, of course - and the karaoke night wouldn’t be an exception. 
Karaoke night was fun. You came to learn that Seungkwan was not the only good singer amongst all the people surrounding you, and you were almost sure you saw Robin cry when he and Seokmin decided to sing a duo. Regardless of all the fun you were having, when Raena started typing Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley on the machine, you knew it was time for you to leave. Things were about to be ugly. 
Seungkwan was somewhere with Vernon, and most of the people had already left the area declaring it was too late. Two bottles of vodka were emptied on the counter and Rae was holding the microphone in such a familiar drunken-state way that you felt chills all over your body. That would be bad. Like really bad. You looked around, seeing that Jessica was nowhere to be found and a sigh of relief left your mouth. 
“What’s up?” Seungcheol whispered, probably louder than he intended because of his inebriated state. You bit your lower lip, being unable to think straight yourself, so you just decided to act on your instincts. 
“We should get the fuck out of here. Things are about to be ugly…” You said, tilting your head slightly towards Rae���s direction. Seungcheol watched as she kept trying to write Presley while missing so many letters that the machine wouldn’t recognize the name. “When she’s drunk she thinks she can sing… She cannot.”
“Is it that bad?” He asked you. Your eyes were slanted, almost making a thin line, but his almond eyes were completely opened. His face didn’t deny his intoxication whatsoever, since a silly smile was almost stuck on it. It wouldn’t budge a bit, only growing larger at some of Jeonghan’s phrases and jokes, and then immediately going back to the silly gummy smile. 
“Yes. We must run when there’s still time. She just typed the ‘Pre’ of Presley, we will be doomed in no time.” He giggled because of your phrase and the worried look it carried with it, getting up and reaching out his hand to yours, helping you get up from the couch and starting to slowly get out. 
“Are you already leaving? I was about to start singing.” Unfortunately you weren’t as stealthy as you thought you were, being caught red handed by Rae, who made all the remaining people look your way. “Wait… Are you leaving… together?” Her tone changed and you suddenly dropped Seungcheol’s hand, waving your head from one side to the other. “Ok, I’m singing Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On… can someone for fucks sake put it on for me? I can’t type in this little control with my big ass fingers.” 
“That’s not…” You tried explaining that she misunderstood the situation, but seeing her willingly telling you to get the fuck out of there while Robin was typing - way better than her - the song she’d just decided on singing, you thought it was best to leave it at that. You looked around. The only ones left there were you, Minghao, Soonyoung - who was passed out on Jeonghan’s lap -, Robin, Rae, Seungcheol and you. None of them would misunderstand the situation apart from Rae, and maybe Robin, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed, so you held Seungcheol’s hand once again and left the building without even looking behind. 
Rae’s screechy voice was loud enough for you to listen even when you left the main house, and seeing Seungcheol turn his gaze to you in complete shock made you burst into laughter. “Let’s not let her sing tomorrow. Or ever.” He declared and you nodded, saying goodbye to him and walking straight to your room. 
The following morning consisted basically of you babysitting Rae while she threw her intestines up and promised not to drink at all that day. Which, of course, wouldn’t happen, because today’s schedule for the night was “Blame It on the (Boo)ze. The one where I get you all fucked up.” As you expected, at seven o’clock sharp - the exact minute Boo Seungkwan had planned to start the Blame It On The (Boo)ze night -, your best friend was holding a red cup while Seungkwan filled it with beer. 
Games started in no time. You all sat on the ground, making what should be a small circle but ended up being a huge one because of the amount of people that were in that place. The first game that was suggested was Mafia, and the rule was that the team who loses should take a shot. Vernon volunteered to pick the roles and everybody seemed to be okay with that.
“I honestly wasn’t planning on having them both here for this… I think I set myself up with this schedule…” Seungkwan mentioned to Rae while they both watched you and Seungcheol bicker about who was the Mafia. 
“Listen, you little shit, don’t you think I would’ve covered for Joshua the last round if I was the mafia?” The way you grabbed his shirt and pulled Seungcheol closer made Seungkwan squat down, watching closely the - and he hated to admit that - most exciting mafia game he had ever participated in. It sucked that he was killed in the first rounds, but watching you play that game like your life was depending on it was great. “Much like goddamn Seokmin did… Are you dumb?” 
“I’m not dumb. I’m smart enough not to trust you, that’s it.” He lashed back and you ran your hand through your hair, pulling it back and breathing deeply. “But… I will trust you with this.” He declared, starting the voting by choosing Seokmin to be arrested.
Mingyu was, once again, livid. He was clutching onto his beer cup with so much strength that anyone could see it was empty, or at least anyone who would take their eyes off of the game that was unraveling in that seemingless small place and paid attention to the coolers where the alcohol - and Kim Mingyu - were. As soon as he was killed, Wonwoo approached to fill his cup, shifting his gaze from Mingyu to you, to Cheol and back to the tallest one. 
“Do you really think enemies to lovers is the best trope?” Mingyu’s eyes didn’t flinch for a second, and Wonwoo almost didn’t realize that his friend was actually talking to him, and not to anyone else. Wonwoo filled his cup slowly, waiting for Kim Mingyu to run out of patience, just because it was always a bit fun teasing him. “Wonwoo. Do you think enemies to lovers is the best fanfiction trope?”
“Book. Book trope.” Wonwoo corrected him, as if Mingyu hadn’t seen him giggling like a fifteen year old at his iPad many nights during what they used to call “boys night” - which was basically an excuse for Wonwoo to play video games at Mingyu’s house without his parents nagging about it. His eyes finally left you and Seungcheol, meeting Wonwoo’s, and the older one just shrugged. “I mean, it’s one of the best ones. I’d say enemies to lovers and friends to lovers are top notch. Book tropes.” He repeated himself, and saw Mingyu dismiss his last comment with a silly smile on his face. 
“Friends to lovers, huh?” Mingyu sneered, letting a smirk appear on his face. Wonwoo finished pouring his beer and saw Mingyu hanging his cup in front of him, asking with a light expression for Wonwoo to fill his too. That was the reason Mingyu got up in the first place, anyway, he was just too consumed by the game to do anything other than observe everyone playing. Everyone.
“You lost that one, buddy. Robin told me that she and Seungcheol left the main house together yesterday while Rae sang - terribly - Let’s Get It On… Maybe next time?” Wonwoo smiled faintly when he saw Mingyu’s expression turn into complete despair. It was only for a split second, though, and suddenly Mingyu smiled sheepishly again. 
“Lost what? I don’t know what you are talking about. It was just a small interest, but I won’t suffer because of it. I hope they are happy. Hope they date eventually. Oh, can you imagine? Those two together? Like… Can you? Seriously Wonwoo, can you? I can. I can imagine them dating. Oh, I hope they date. I hope they’ll invite me to the wedding.” Mingyu started babbling, slurring every single word that came out of his mouth, making Wonwoo hold a small laughter that was trying hard to come out of his mouth. 
He was fine, though. Mingyu was fine. It was just a small crush, and since you were such a pretty girl, he’d be happy to see you with his friend. Good for him. Good for Cheol. “Good for him.” The words came out faster than his filter acted, and Wonwoo finally let the giggle escape. Mingyu kept repeating the words “it was just a crush” to himself, as he chugged down the entire cup Wonwoo had just poured for him.  
When the cup was empty, he allowed himself to check up on the game once again, and Wonwoo watched amusingly his friend crush the red cup completely as he saw Seungcheol hold you tightly, raising you in celebration for your win. It’s. Just. A. Crush. 
“Hey, the game's over. What are you guys talking about?” Robin asked, still sitting in the pseudo-circle that was half empty now that many people were scattered around the room intending to fill their cups before the next game. Wonwoo pulled Mingyu, sitting next to her. 
“Our favorite book tropes.” He declared loudly. “Yours is ‘enemies to lovers’ as well, right, Robin?” She nodded and Wonwoo smiled innocently. “How about yours, guys?” He threw the question to the other side of the circle, where you, Seungcheol, Seungkwan, Rae and Vernon were sitting.
“There was only one bed!” Rae cheered and you clapped your hands agreeing with her. That didn’t make Wonwoo let you off the hook just yet, and he turned to you right after that. “How about you?”
“Hm…Book? Enemies to Lovers is nice...” You answered and Mingyu seemed to be getting more annoyed by the minute. “But fanfiction is definitely Friends to Lovers. I mean, in real life I like friends to lovers better, so when it’s a book I’m OK with enemies to lovers, but when I try to bring it to the real world it just…” Trying to explain your train of thought was harder than you expected it to be, but Wonwoo’s eyes were glowing as he nodded, making you feel seen and heard. 
“I hate Friends to Lovers.” Seungkwan uttered, chugging his beer down. “It’s dumb to ruin years of friendship because of feelings that can eventually pass. I wouldn’t go there. It’s dumb.” You and Rae shared a look, feeling a small tension appear with his answer. “There was only one bed is the best, though. The only correct answer, I’d say” He finished, and the tension vanished in an instant. 
Vernon stood up without giving a proper answer, saying that he was already tired and, like many other days, he’d leave first by himself. The night continued on, and the drunker you all got, the funnier all the games started to become, and the less you all wanted to get out of that room.
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chapter eleven - testing waters
Looking around the room, you decided that it was the best time to ditch on movie night. Block(boo)ster. The one where you can’t sleep afterwards seemed very exciting at first. Seungkwan told you that it would be a horror film marathon, and you were expecting to see the most recent releases that you missed due to working. Disappointment kicked in when you saw that the movie was Insidious.
Not that it wasn’t a good movie - that was not the case, you actually liked it very much on your first time seeing it -, but you never had the patience to watch any movie more than once. Knowing how it ended just always made it seem boring to you, and you thought you could use your time doing something better than watching the same movie twice. That was why you silently left the room in the first ten minutes of it, hoping that Seungkwan would be too scared to notice your absence when the marathon finally ended.
Part of you wanted to stay because you saw Jessica asking Soonyoung to change places with her, sitting right next to your best friend - and most clingy person watching horror films-, Raena, but thinking about sitting in front of that low screen for two hours watching a family being tormented by the ugliest demon you’d ever seen made you give up on that idea. Minghao had just screamed in an - successful - attempt of scaring Seokmin, and you took that opportunity to get out of there unnoticed. 
It was a chill and cloudless night, the sky looked beautiful and the moon was shining so bright that its reflection could be seen perfectly in the lake. You wondered if you were still able to capture such a beautiful image through any lenses, since it had been so long since you’ve taken pictures of anything other than a pile of papers to send Rae and tell her you were “too busy”.
The moon was almost full, yet not completely, but its reflection seemed to be whole. There was some similarity between the two of you, you couldn’t help but notice, or maybe you just had too much free time on your hands now and could let such silly thoughts cross your mind. On your way to your room, you thought about how you could capture exactly how you felt with the picture you decided on taking. 
To anyone who wasn’t close enough, you did seem to be fulfilled. Just like the turbid waters of the lake masked the missing piece of what soon would become a full moon, the idealization of your parents and their expectations over you clouded completing that missing strip that actually made you shine completely. 
This is dumb. The rational part of you kept nagging, but that didn’t stop you to turn on your phone - the only camera you had available at the moment - and run to your porch, trying to capture your feelings and make them somewhat palpable. 
“Nice picture.” Mingyu’s voice startled you. You were so exhilarated and consumed by the feeling of finding a spot worth taking a picture that you didn’t notice his presence on the balcony next to yours. To be fair, he was sitting down, so it wasn’t an easy task to spot him right away. He, on the other hand, could perfectly see you deleting all the notifications of your phone and opening the camera app, skilfully climbing up the rail and finding the best angle for the shot. 
“Motherfucker.” You cursed, almost dropping your phone, and then you simply glared at Mingyu, who had an indistinguishable expression. “You scared the shit out of me.” While climbing down, you explained, and then went to the far end of your balcony, eyeing inside of his and trying to see what he was up to. 
There was tons of eraser dust all over his porch, and he was holding a pencil with an odd grip. It was between his thumb and his index finger, and he held it underhand. A paper was laying in front of him, with a bunch of lines that - from that distance - you couldn’t tell exactly what they were meant to be. At last, you saw two Bacardi bottles, which you soon realized must’ve been the two bottles missing from the kitchen. The ones that Seungkwan was desperately trying to convince himself he didn’t put on the coolers the previous night and should definitely be there.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be screaming and using the movie as an excuse to hold Seungcheol’s hands?” His tone was bitter, but he looked adorable while nagging like that. You were not dumb, even though sometimes you were a bit clueless, but since the pool incident you’ve been pretty sure that Mingyu’s previous disinterest in you might’ve changed. 
You also weren’t one hundred percent confident that he was interested. Being that Seokmin told you about how Mingyu flirted as a method of communication, you couldn’t be totally sure that he wasn’t just being nice. What was left for you was to test the waters. You had no clue what the fuck he was talking about that time, but playing along had always been your strong suit. 
“I hate watching the same movie twice. How about you? Why aren’t you there?” You leaned on the rail, facing his balcony this time and not the lake, and watched him - with a small pout on his face - go back to the drawing he was making before answering your question. 
“I’m scared of horror movies. Can’t sleep for days if I watch any… So I just grabbed some alcohol and came here while you all had fun there.” The knuckles of his ring and pinky fingers were sliding gently across the paper as he drew steady lines all over the page. Mingyu was doing it in such a natural way it almost made it seem easy, but you were well aware it wasn’t. 
“How can you be so straightforward about that?” You giggled a bit, making him raise his head to look you in the eyes. He was a bit confused about your phrase, so you just continued talking. “The whole being a scaredy cat thing.”
“Ah…” He came back to his drawing once again. “Because it’s true… What would lying about it accomplish besides me being potentially placed in uncomfortable situations? There’s no point in that. Why? Does that bother you? Do you find it weird?” His lips were pursed and he was shifting his gaze from the drawing to you, turning them back to the drawing when it would meet yours. 
“Nah, I find it cute. Can I join you?” Mingyu was baffled once again by how nonchalantly you’d say things, but he just nodded, putting the notebook and his pencil down in order to open the door for you. It wasn’t necessary whatsoever, as you climbed the rail, jumping daintily and landing on his balcony. 
“Are you nuts?” He stood up quickly, rushing to catch you, but it was not necessary. Mingyu simply couldn’t believe how dauntless you could be sometimes, and that deeply made him regret calling you uptight in your first meeting. If only he hadn’t, maybe you wouldn’t be with Seungcheol now. Not that it mattered to him. It didn’t. 
“It’s not far, Gyu, I’m ok.” You tried to calm him down, and he was quick to do so since you were well and standing on his balcony. “What are you drawing?” Mingyu sat down on the floor, a bit further to the left than he was before, and, indicating his right side to you with his head, where you promptly seated. 
“Can you see how the moon seems to be a full moon when you look at its reflection, but it’s actually waxing? I was trying to draw that, but from this perspective right here.” He said the words while he showed you his drawing, pointing out every single aspect of it while he talked about them, and you couldn’t help but to let a smile appear on your face. Just like that he made you feel less stupid, even though you were absolutely sure that it was not his intention. “What’s that smile about?” 
“You’re impressive.” You said simply. “This is the most beautiful drawing I’ve ever seen.” When you glued your eyes to him after saying those very truthful words, you could see his pink-stained cheeks and his small fangs showing in a shy smile. Mingyu couldn’t help but to smile at those words. His heart was fluttering inside his chest and your glimmering eyes, shining because of his drawing, only made it worse. 
He cleared his throat when he realized he had been staring at you - who was still looking at his drawing - for way too long, dropping the first question that popped into his head: “D-do you… want to drink? I brought Bacardi with me.” 
“Sure.” You answered, giving him his notebook back and watching his big hands groping the floor looking for the booze. He opened one of the bottles dexterously, completely breaking the clumsy image you had of him in your head, but then he started scanning the place, coming to a realization. “Uh… I forgot to bring any glass…” 
You took the bottle off of his hands, purposefully brushing your hand against his when you did so in order to see his reaction, and just tipped the bottle inside your mouth, drinking what you thought was enough for that moment. Mingyu was stunned, blinking slowly as he watched you do so. 
“Who needs glasses, right?” You commented, handing him the bottle, and still with a  shocked expression he did the same as you, chugging a bit of bacardi and immediately grimacing because of the taste of the alcohol. You giggled at his expression, and took the bottle again, drinking a bit more. “Why were you so sulky today? Did anything happen?” 
Mingyu gulped at your question. Once again he felt a small annoyance inside his chest, but he just dismissed it, smiling teasingly at you. “I wasn’t sulky. I just wasn’t in a post-sex good mood like you were.” His words were meant to sting, but he was caught completely off guard by your loud giggle. 
“Dude, we all drank our asses off yesterday and passed out in the main house. We were both in the same ‘no-sex-no-fun-just-hangover’ mood.” It was his time to take the bottle out of your hands and tip it over. His mouth turned into a pout and he compressed his eyes in a sulky expression. 
“You know what I mean. I mean you and Seungcheol…” His voice was low and the pout in his lips made it seem like the words were being said by a child. Mingyu was fucking adorable. “Wonwoo told me. About the karaoke night. You don’t have to hide it…” He forced a smile, but his eyes were still compressed, making the smile look completely fake. “... I’m happy for you guys. Really. You are my friends.” 
“Ah, you mean me and Seungcheol escaping Rae’s terrible singing skills by letting her drunk self believe we were going out to hook up, when in fact we just parted ways on the door and went to our rooms because we’re not interested in each other like that? Are you talking about this?” 
Just like that, Mingyu felt happiness invading his body once again. “Fuck you, Wonwoo, ‘maybe next time’ my ass, it was this time!” His dumb ass friend understood it entirely wrong and made Mingyu worry for absolutely nothing. No. Not worry. Be happy for them. That was what Mingyu was, of course. Happy. But now he was happy for himself, so the happiness could only be bigger, right? “Oh… So you guys are not…” 
“Hell no. That man sucks at mafia games, I could never do that to myself.” Mingyu grinned widely, laughing at your joke and passing the bottle to you after sipping the bacardi himself. “You look in a good mood now, Kim Mingyu. It can’t be… Were you jealous?” You queried amusingly, and Mingyu panicked. 
“No. Of course not. Alcohol just kicked in. That’s all.” He did the same thing he always did when he wasn’t being completely honest: his words were coming out way more slurred than usual, and his lower lip was suffering from repeated small bites. Yes. That man was into you. That time you knew for sure. Regardless of that, you wouldn’t hit on him for the second time. If he actually was into you, he should at least make up for the whole “dumping you” situation by making the first move this time. 
“I’m glad not. Can you imagine if you actually were into me?” You teased him once again. Just because you weren’t actively hitting on him it didn’t mean you couldn’t have a bit of fun with the whole situation, and Kim Mingyu being completely flustered was actually pretty fun. “That would mean that I couldn’t ever get close to you like this without making your heart flutter. That would be a bummer.” You said the words while diminishing the distance between you two. His breathing was heavy, and the innocent smile you were bearing was almost making him go crazy. 
“Or whisper in your ear how hot I think you are. That would probably make you shiver, but I’m glad to know that it won’t.” Once again you acted your words out, seeing the chill you provoked emerging from the nape of his neck, and getting lost inside the shirt he was wearing. 
“But since I’m not your type at all…” Your face was inches from his, and you smiled brightly and innocently, watching him glare at you, completely speechless and almost hypnotized by your every move. “I can look this closely to your eyes without fretting even a bit.” You felt Mingyu tilting his body towards you and, not even a second later, he started closing his eyes and tracing his way to you.
“How exciting, right?” And just like that, you abruptly moved away, planning on taking the Bacardi from his hands and drinking a bit more. 
Pulling away wasn’t as easy as you imagined it would be. Mingyu’s hands instinctively grabbed your waist, trying to prevent you from going any further, but before he could even process what he had just done, your phone started ringing.
Quickly the sly smile you had on your face fell flat, turning into a frown as you read that forsaken name once again on your cell phone screen. 
Mr. Ludovich
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chapter twelve - full moon full me
The power that the slight mention of that name had over you should be studied, because just reading it on your phone screen already made your good mood completely ruined, and you hadn’t even realized that you were not working for him anymore. You sighed, thinking how could that man always disturb you when you were having fun, but then it hit you: you quit. 
No matter how instinctive it was for you to simply take the call and have your night ruined, you didn’t need to do that anymore. While analyzing your face, Mingyu could almost see the engines of your brain turning as you blank stared at your phone, which kept ringing non stop. 
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” He asked. You both were still pretty close, since his hands kept you from pulling away any further, but he started loosening his grip, keeping them away from your body, but not far from it. 
“Not picking this up would be stupid…” Your gaze was locked on the screen. The call ended, but no more than three seconds later your phone lit up again, with that same enerving name popping up instantly. Mingyu wasn’t sure how to proceed, you didn’t seem to want to pick that up, but something was keeping you from simply declining it. 
“You told me a few days ago that just because something is stupid, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Is this one just stupid or also wrong?” He inquired and you started processing again, rationalizing it. 
What reasons could there be for this asshole to call you on a Friday night at eight o’clock? He could be drunk, that had happened once, but if that was the case it wouldn’t be neither stupid nor wrong to deny his call. He could have regretted his words, and was now calling to beg for you to come back. If that was the case, not picking up would be stupid, since you’d be missing an opportunity to have your job back, but it wasn’t wrong. 
“Stupid is usually more fun…” The words left your mouth unintended, but Mingyu nodded. You raised your index finger, hovering it over the decline button, but once again the phone stopped ringing before you could make the decision to decline the call by yourself. A bitter taste of disappointment started to flourish in your mouth, but it didn’t take long, since a few seconds later your phone started ringing again. 
An excited smile showed up on your face, and Mingyu kept watching you, intrigued by what on earth that was about. You sank your finger on the screen of your phone, pressing the red button as hard as you could, and then you finally glanced a Mingyu, smiling so brightly that it made him think that, even though it was stupid - he wasn’t even sure about that part -, it couldn’t possibly be wrong, seeing you smile like that. “Should we open the other bottle?” 
‘Y-yeah. Sure.” He stuttered a bit, but his hands went to the still closed bottle of bacardi and he opened it once again very skillfully, drinking a bit and then tossing it your way with a small wink. “Who was that?” Mingyu asked, noticing that the alcohol had started kicking in. His filter was already a bit broken while not under the influence, but when he started getting drunk it simply vanished, and every thought was rapidly verbalized. 
“My boss.” You answered, and watching Mingyu’s slanted eyes almost turning into balls with how much he had opened them in shock, you nodded, explaining it: “Not boss. Not anymore. My Ex-Boss.”
"XBox?" He asked, fully aware of what you had just said, but hoping that with that silly joke he could’ve got a glimpse of your smile once again. You looked at him dead serious, but seeing him childishly smiling, biting his lower lip completely and covering it with his sharp teeth, you couldn’t help but to giggle. Mingyu realized that that had got to be Mingyu’s favorite sound in the entire world, and he would make any effort necessary to listen to it as much as he could, even though it meant making a fool out of himself constantly. Your eyes were already small because you were also a bit inebriated, and that laugh made you close them completely.
“Stop making me laugh. I can’t see when I’m laughing.” You whined and it was Mingyu’s turn to burst into laughter. His hand went straight to your glasses, and he softly took them off your face, repeating the same movement to take off his own glasses. 
“There. Now neither of us can see. We’re even.” He had a presumptuous smile on his face, and you simply laughed again. Murmuring something amongst the lines of “you’re so stupid” before drinking a bit more and handing the bottle back to Kim Mingyu. 
“Can I ask you something?” After a few minutes in silence, you decided to speak up once more, calling Mingyu’s attention almost instantly. He nodded and you mimicked his movements. “Why did you want to draw that?” Your hand pointed to the notebook that had been tossed to the side since you both started drinking. Mingyu looked at it, squinting a bit to check the drawing and turning his eyes back to you.
“How can I put this…” He adjusted his posture, tilting his body slightly so that he could face you directly. “I don’t usually draw that. Landscapes and stuff like that. My drawings are usually more abstract.” You nodded, indicating that you were understanding what he was saying. “But it’s also the way I can express myself, and… I swear this is not drunk talk.” He warned and you giggled.
“Yes, yes… Go on. I’m not thinking that it is the booze who’s talking… Go on. It’s nice watching you talk about this, your eyes glisten.” You insisted for him to continue, and so he did. Sliding a little bit closer to you as he would say the next few words. 
“I kinda saw myself in that situation. The moon not being full and the lake making it seem like it was, that situation. Not now me, though. Now me is full… of alcohol, but full.” You smiled at him. It was comforting to know that you hadn’t been the only one to think that. Maybe you weren’t as lonely as you thought after all. “Are you… full?” 
“Of alcohol, yes.” You answered amusingly and he giggled. It was cute seeing him laugh at - in a sense - his own lame joke. “What made you feel like you weren’t?” 
“Let’s just say that I could never tell the difference between just stupid and plain wrong by myself, and that caused me to… Do some very wrong things before I actually found what I liked.” He was quick to confess and you nodded. 
“Well, if you ever have that doubt again you can just… knock on my door. Ok?” You didn’t notice, but you also moved a bit closer to him during the conversation. Mingyu raised his pinky finger, holding it in front of you with a sweet smile on his face. 
“I’ll knock on yours if you knock on mine.” He said simply, and you agreed, raising your own finger and intertwining it with his. Mingyu smiled brightly, letting both of your hands fall without him ever letting go of your finger. “Can I ask you something?” Your head moved up and down, agreeingly, and he pointed with his free hand to your collarbone. “What’s up with the snake tattoos? I saw you have at least two.”
“Oh, so you were staring at my legs? Is that it?” His ears started getting red, along with his red-tinted cheeks, and you let a giggle escape. “Seriously, you shouldn’t let making you get flustered be that fun, Kim Mingyu. I keep wanting to mess with you every single time.” His gaze shifted completely, and a seemingly dangerous smirk appeared on his face, so you just decided to do what you were best at: not engage and stand your position while playing dumb. Answering his question was easy: 
“I like snakes. You know how there is always that weird kid that is way too much into dinosaurs, or… or astronomy, or maybe…” 
“Tigers.” He blurted, watching you look confused to him as soon as he said it. “Soonyoung. Soonyoung is obsessed with tigers. His dance studio name is Hoshi, “Eyes of the Tiger’”. 
“Yes, kind of like that. I was like that with snakes. My cousin had a pet snake and I got so obsessed over it I memorized different species. When Rae asked me if she could tattoo a snake on me I got so excited I almost cried.” Alcohol made you awfully truthful, maybe a bit of an oversharer, but Mingyu didn’t seem to be bothered with all your jabbering. 
“What’s your favorite snake, then?” His hand made its way to your collarbone, softly sliding his fingers bypassing the tattoo. You tilted your head slightly to the right, welcoming his gentle touch, and thinking a bit before answering his question. 
“I think Epicrates cenchria. Their skin is iridescent, like…Their scales have some different ridges that end up refracting light and creating this beautiful pattern. They’re called Rainbow Boas because of it.” 
“What a nerd.” He joked, receiving a nice friendly punch on his arm and a middle finger raised in his direction. “I’m joking, it’s cute watching you talk like that, especially because I can tell you’re drunk just by the way you pronounced iridescent just now.” You stuck your tongue out, making him laugh once again, and you followed him in no time, giggling alongside. 
You both kept talking about the smallest and silliest things your drunken brains would come up with, and it all felt so comfortable that it was only when the first rays of sun started emerging in the horizon that you noticed how long you’d been there. 
“Fuck. What’s the morning schedule?” You blurted as soon as you realized how late it was, and Mingyu ran inside his room, getting the sheet of paper and giving it to you. After putting your glasses on, you started scanning the page, feeling a huge relief when you saw that - because of the Happy BooDay. The one where we celebrate my life. - the morning was marked as “sleep tight cause we’ll be up all night” on the schedule. You gave the good news to Mingyu, getting up and climbing the rail once again to go back to your own balcony. 
“You can just… use the door, you know?” He commented and you just shimmid your head from one side to the other. 
“No. It’s already daytime, someone could see me leaving your room and misunderstand something. I figured that happens often here.” You gave him a sassy look and he pressed both of his lips against each other, closing his eyes lightly. Before you got inside your room, he called your name. He was still standing in the same position, but his expression almost caused chills all over your body. With a sheepish smile he uttered words that for sure would keep you awake for a little longer:
“If you want, you can use the door next time.”
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chapter thirteen - secret mission
“Close the door behind you!” Seungkwan whispered as soon as you walked into his room, finding him, Seungcheol and Minghao all sitting in a semicircle on top of his king sized bed. You squinted, still unsure what that was about. Seungkwan had knocked on your door a few minutes prior, calling an emergency meeting, and telling you to go by yourself to his bedroom. To your surprise, Rae wasn’t there, nor was Vernon, and it all seemed a bit odd. 
As soon as you sat down next to Minghao, someone knocked on the door again. Robin slid her tiny figure inside the room while Seungkwan whispered once again to shut the door, and indicated his bed for her to sit on, almost like he was a robot or an NPC, giving the same instructions over and over again. 
“What’s this about?” You asked Minghao. Your head was hurting a bit, but your hangover wasn’t even half as bad as what you thought it would be, so you couldn’t help but to feel a little victorious. The black-haired man looked at you, seeming as clueless as you were, and just shrugged a bit before talking. His glasses were so low on his nose you couldn’t help but to ask yourself if he actually used them to see or was just a stylish choice, and his mullet was a bit messy, but still looked good enough to be on the cover of any magazine.
“I have no fucking clue, he just knocked on my door and told me to come.” Seungcheol nodded, showing that he was paying attention to the conversation and also had no idea what on earth he was doing in Seungkwan’s room at that moment. When Robin finally sat down, the blond man turned his room key, locking the door, and then returned to his spot. 
“Ok. So I gathered you all here today with a mission.” He started talking and you couldn’t help but to giggle a bit. You loved him so fucking much that you were sure you’d do whatever nonsense this was about. Hell, you’d do anything Seungkwan asked of you in a heartbeat, he was too adorable for you to deny him of anything. “Keeping Raena away from the microphone.” 
“Oh god, I’m in.” Minghao declared, not needing more words than that to agree with this “mission”. He was in physical pain listening to her singing, completely drunk, to Marvin Gaye’s song on karaoke night, and if he had to stand that torture again, he wasn’t sure if he’d be alive afterwards. The problem wasn’t that she was a bad singer, no one is obligated to keep a tune, but her drunk self was absolutely sure she was the next Beyonce, and that ended up making it unbearable to watch. 
“Why? I liked her singing last time.” Robin commented, and every single person on that circle looked at her completely baffled. 
“Oh, shut up, you probably were too drunk to notice.” Seungkwan nagged and you and Cheol laughed at his angry tone. He was pouting a bit and his eyebrows were puckered, and, with just that as an indicator, you knew he was one hundred percent serious. “Anyway, today is my birthday party and I’d like to spend a lot of time with my friends, and that won’t be possible if Rae kicks everyone out with her lack of skill.” 
“Jessica should be in this meeting…” You commented, and Seungkwan opened his mouth wide, as if he had just realized he’d forgotten the most important thing he had to do. “I don’t think I’m able to stop drunk Raena, last time I tried, she cried, and then I cried along… Suddenly we ended up singing this trashy song about friendship.” 
Seungkwan trembled with the memory, remembering exactly what day that was. “Yes. Yes. I will… No. Seungcheol will talk to Jessica.” He declared. Making Cheol pout and furrow his eyebrows in response. 
“Why me?” The oldest person in that room whined like a child and you just felt glad that Seungkwan hadn’t delegated that task to you, since Raena would probably take it as a treason if she ever found out and, knowing her like you did, she would - eventually - find out this masterplan. 
“Because I have shit to do. And you’re the closest to Jessica amongst us all.” He rationalized and Seungcheol couldn’t help but to agree. He was right, after all. You all promised Seungkwan that you’d try your best to keep Rae away from the microphone after her third dose of liquor, and he soon dismissed you, telling you that it was time to get ready for the party. 
Shortly you were all meeting each other again at the lounge of the pier, which was filled with party decorations, a bunch of food spreaded around, alcohol on basically every single table and a happy Seungkwan, smiling brightly at what he had accomplished. He didn’t let any of you help with the decorations, insisting that “it should be a surprise”, so you didn’t expect it to be this well put together. It was foolish of you, anyway, Seungkwan had never done anything half-heartedly. 
Party started in no time, and to the sound of Seungkwan’s party playlist you all started dancing, drinking and having fun. Next thing you know, you were with your arms wrapped around your best friend at midnight, wishing him a happy birthday and trying to pull him to the side to give him his gift. You were a bit drunk, but not as much as he was, and you loved to see his silly smile and scrunched red-tinted nose. 
“Ok, this is just… a little thing. I bought it in town. Your real gift is at home, ok? I was gonna give it to you when you came back.” You kept handing him over the little package you had in your hands, but pulling it back while warning him about that. Seungkwan was about to run out of patience, so he just spreaded his hand, demanding you to give it to him already. 
“I know I’ll like it anyway. Don’t worry about it and just give it to me, please.” He was pouty, and as soon as the package was delivered into his hands, he kissed you on the cheek, grinning brightly and starting to open the gift.
Inside the package, he found a hand-made bead bracelet, with white and transparent beads shaping the circle, and being closed by a small tangerine ornament that was delicate and yet beautiful - at least to Seungkwan at that moment. “Hm… So, since I always feel home when I’m with you, I made this for you to always remember your home when you think of me too.” You said timidly.
You felt something wet on your shirt when he pulled you in for a hug, and as soon as he sniffled you knew he was crying. His grip was tight around you and between some sniffles and sights you heard him say a few words that almost made you tear up alongside. “Thank you for coming this time, it would be so empty without you.” 
How could you ever consider not going? What the fuck was going through your mind for being such a terrible friend, for staying away for so long, for changing so drastically thinking that it wouldn’t impact the people around you just as much as it did to you? The fact that you wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Seungkwan shaking you into reality once again didn’t have to be mentioned. As soon as you looked into his eyes he shook his head, and you could almost hear his intentions in your head: I know I helped. But you chose to quit yourself. 
Being an adult could be very lonely most of the time. You constantly regretted so many things you’ve done, but yet the burden of the consequences were always something you had to carry by yourself. Oddly, Seungkwan never let you feel like you were alone, it always seemed like he was carrying that weight with you, but if you looked closely he wasn’t. Just like your father used to guarantee you that he was holding tight onto the saddle of your bike when you were first learning to ride it, Seungkwan would always make you feel safe enough to defy yourself, learn and do new things. If you paid close attention, he was just running beside you, ready to sustain you if you ever needed him to, but letting you have the glory of conquest by yourself. 
Before you could say anything else, some cold hands took Seungkwan off of your arms, holding him while he screamed a happy birthday. Seokmin was drunk as fuck, and you were sure of it when he saw Seungkwan’s tears marks and started crying himself. You decided it was time for you to step away, since Joshua had told you earlier that Seokmin could be a very clingy drunk, and you didn’t want to be dragged into a group hug just yet. 
Soon there was a crowd of people around your best friend, and you were quick to see Raena slowly walking towards the karaoke machine while everyone was too busy to stop her. You’d seen during the night Minghao talking - way too much for it to be normal - to Rae about tattoos. Seungcheol also approached her eventually when she was on her way to “declare her love to Seungkwan” on a mic, and Jessica kept her very busy the entire night, but that didn’t seem to bother her at all.
“Aren’t you gonna wish him a happy birthday? It’s midnight! It’s already the 16th.” She was definitely caught off guard, jumping a little bit when you uttered the first words and almost dropping the microphone she was trying hard to turn on. She soon opened a furtive smile, squinting her eyes and showing the microphone that she was holding with so much strength that the tip of her fingers were white.
“I am. Now help me put the song for me to sing. That one…” She was gesticulating at every single word she’d say, and you - in your slightly-less-but-not-that-much drunken state - started to follow the microphone with your own hands, expecting to take it from hers. “It’s like ‘happy birth… day… to… you.” She started singing the words in a very slow and slurred way, with her eyes closed, and her hands swaying on top of her head, and you giggled at the scene. 
“Ok. Before you do that, I’ll tell you a secret.” You told her, waving your hand asking her to get closer to you and, after a bit of a stumble, she did, placing her right arm over your shoulder and lowering her body to listen to you. “Seungkwan told me he really wanted you to wish him a happy birthday with just the two of you. For intimacy purposes.” Even though you were drunk, you didn’t usually stammer or look as drunk as you were, so to Rae, who was already absolutely busted, your words seemed extremely reliable. 
“Damn. That man wants e-ve-ry-thingy his way. Lucky him that today’s his birthday.” She was once again with her eyes a bit closed, and she would speak the words as if connecting them was the hardest thing she had to do that day. “Here, hold the mic, I’ll be right back.” And just like that she handed you the microphone, holding Seungkwan by his collar and pulling him out of the lounge in a very clumsy manner. 
You scanned the place looking for someone who you could trust with the mic, but the only thing you saw was Mingyu walking towards you. He was wearing a black shirt under a gray-ish jacket. One of the corners of his mouth lifted when he locked eyes with you, and he started walking a bit faster, getting to you in no time. This was the first time you’d properly talk to him during the party; for the first part of it you were too busy keeping Raena away from the drinks, then you were keeping drunk Raena away from the karaoke, and Mingyu also seemed to be pretty busy playing silly games with Seokmin. 
“No glasses today?” He approached you, and you simply denied with your head, just throwing the microphone anywhere and turning your attention back to him. “You look pretty without glasses.”
“I wouldn’t know. I can’t fucking see myself in the mirror without them.” Mingyu giggled, stopping in front of you and smiling brightly, so much you could actually distinguish his pointy teeth even without your glasses. “My makeup is fire, though. I took a picture to see it before leaving the glasses in the bedroom.” You bragged. 
“Is it? I can’t see it that well, I should…” Mingyu’s hand went to your hair, pulling a small strand of it that was falling on your eyes and plucking it behind your ear, using your makeup as an excuse to approach a little more. His face was inches from yours, and you could finally see it clearly. You didn’t dare to close your eyes, but he seemed intrigued by the eyeliner wings that could be seen. 
“Oh, you have a mole right here too. I hadn’t seen it before.” You said nonchalantly, holding his face with both of your hands and having it as close to yours as possible before your lips actually touched. His eyes were dark when you changed your gaze to it, but you simply opened a cheeky smile, touching the point of his nose - as to mark where the mole was - and abruptly pulling away. 
Once again that task wasn’t as easy as you’d anticipated, and Mingyu’s hands were quick to find your waist once again, almost as if they were magnetically connected to them somehow. “Wanna dance?” He inquired and you just nodded, finally noticing that Seungkwan had returned to the lounge and was currently swinging Vernon from one side to the other in the impropted dance floor. 
Mingyu held your hand, pulling you to the center of the lounge, and when he was satisfied with your position, he took it straight to his neck, surrounding you with his own arms. The song wasn’t exactly slow, but it was definitely slower than all the other songs that had been played that night. You started swinging from one side to the other, making a gentle movement on Mingyu’s neck and quickly noticing the small shiver you’ve caused with that small gesture. He smiled at you, pulling you a bit closer and closing his grip a bit more so that neither of you could leave that position.
“Did you survive today? I had a terrible hangover… light was my worst enemy.” Mingyu started small talk, but none of his other movements seemed to be any less than calculated. The way he’d press his fingertips each time deeper onto your covered skin, the way he got closer to your neck than to your ear to whisper those words, the sassy smile he was holding when he moved his head back again… His words were friendly, but his actions were far from it, and you enjoyed every bit of it. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t take you as a weak one, Kim Mingyu.” Your voice was provocative, and you saw him biting his lower lip while he raised his head a bit, looking you from higher than you were used to. He spread his hand on the back part of your waist, using it to pull you even closer to him, making the distance between your bodies vanish completely. 
Once more he lowered his body, placing one of his hands on your neck and using his thumb to tilt your head upwards. He whispered the words, and if you weren’t as close to him as you were, you probably wouldn’t hear them, but you did, and they made a small fire lit up inside of you. “Want me to change your mind?” 
It was your turn to bite your lips, still fully unable to process everything as quickly as you would if you were sober, but you soon opened a cheeky smile, “You can try…” You could almost see fire in his eyes, but you weren’t sure if that just wasn’t the reflection of your own, because judging by the way you felt, it might just well have been. An innocent smile took place on his face, but his eyes contrasted completely with them. He loosened his grip, but it didn’t make you pull any further, and that seemed to please him more than you would’ve thought. 
It’s happening. This shit is finally happening. Mingyu’s intoxicated brain couldn’t think of anything else. His heart was pounding on his chest, but there was no doubt that the two of you wanted that. To his surprise, a dark slender hand appeared between the two of you, covering your mouth and pulling you a bit away from him. “You said you wouldn’t kiss him. Be strong my friend.” 
And suddenly his mind could formulate another thought: I will fucking kill drunk Raena.
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chapter fourteen - two truths and a lie 
If cockblocking was a sport Raena would definitely take the first place on this trip, and that says a lot about the situation since Lee Seokmin was also on that said trip. Your eyes were open wide while she kept pulling you away from Mingyu without ever taking her hand off of your mouth, and you did the most mature thing you could think of at the moment: you stuck your tongue out and hoped she got disturbed by you licking her hand.
“Ew. Mouth sweat…” She complained, shaking her hand in an attempt to get rid of the saliva. Mingyu was static, feeling that if he moved he would either kiss you right there or scream like a child whose toy just got taken from him. Fearing the latter, he kept quiet, silently watching and deep down praying you would kick Raena’s ass for interrupting the two of you like that. 
“What the fuck, Rae?!” You barked, and she rapidly turned her head to you. Not her gaze, though, since her eyes were so low she had to lift her head a bit to actually be able to look you in the eyes, and then she just repeated herself, pointing at Mingyu with her recently licked hand. 
“You…” Her palm spreaded on your chest with a bit more strength than she probably intended, but that didn’t bother you at all. “.. said you wouldn’t kiss this man.” And there it was, her index finger pointed directly to Mingyu’s chin, which apparently was the higher she could point at that moment. “Be strong… my friend.” She concluded, shaking you a bit with the hand that was still on you and smiling innocently afterwards. 
“We were not-” You started arguing, but the finger she had just pointed to Mingyu went straight to your mouth, and you were still able to feel it a bit wet from your saliva. If it had been anyone else’s “mouth juices”, any second of it would be too much for you to bear, but since it was yours, you were able to prevent yourself from kicking her ass.
“Don’t lie to me, my little Mrs. Darcy, I…” Her finger went to her chest, and she tumbled a bit, but Mingyu was able to hold her and keep her up and ready to jabber some more nonsense. “... am an empath.” Your eyes went to Mingyu immediately, finding him looking at you as well. His lips turned into a line and he closed his eyes, looking to the other side, as he held a laugh the best he could. You simply bit your tongue, nodding and pretending that she was being reasonable. 
“I can feel the sexual tension here. It’s… palpable. Check this out.” She made a move that would put her in between the two of you, stumbling a bit before acting like she couldn’t go through anymore. “See? The tension!” 
“But why can’t we-'' Mingyu wasn’t even thinking about hiding his intentions anymore, for him it was crystal clear that you reciprocated his feelings and, because of that, he could just tell Rae off and finally do what he had been craving to do for the past week. You, on the other hand, weren't thinking the same. 
“There’s no sexual tension. Mingyu and I are friends. I’m not his type, remember?” Trying to reason with a drunk person was never a good idea, and seeing Rae swing her head from one side to the other made you realize your attempt was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, Rae wasn’t the only drunk amongst the three of you, and your intoxicated brain was yelling at you that you should keep your pride and not admit to wanting to kiss Mingyu after saying you wouldn’t so many times. 
“Whatever you want to believe, Miss Ariel and Prince Eric in that canoe while the crab was singing. Just keep it inside your pants today, ok?” She shushed you and Mingyu, who had just opened his mouth to protest. “Kwanie said he wanted to spend the entire night with his friends. Look how fucking cute I am… and I haven’t made a move on Jessica at all for Kwanies sake. Be good friends and do that too, will you?” 
You looked at Mingyu once again, and Rae’s eyes followed your gaze. She turned his attention to him completely, shifting her weight from one leg to the other and smiling like a salesperson would before offering you the most hideous outfit ever. “Ok. She says she won’t hook up with you and this bitch is prideful as fuck, but I can’t trust you… What do you say, Kim Mingi?”
 He sighed before opening his mouth once again, not being cut before finishing his phrase this time: “Yes, I won’t make any moves on her tonight, Raena.” He declared in a monotone, and your best friend clapped happily, entangling her arms in yours and Mingyu’s and pulling the two of you closer to where Seungkwan was still dancing with Vernon. 
“GROUP HUG!” She yelled and you felt your eyes rolling back. Fuck, you felt it coming, but you thought Seokmin would be the one to do it, not fucking Raena. She squished you inside a hug, caughting Vernon and Seungkwan by surprise, especially when Seokmin appeared out of thin air and smashed them all together. Soonyoung got there almost as quickly as the other man had, and brought Jihoon with him. Next thing you knew, the only people outside of that ridiculous hug was Minghao and Wonwoo, who looked terrified at the mash of people swinging together in the middle of the lounge. 
It felt nice. It felt so nice you hated it. You were more of an introverted yourself, and you could never fully understand how Seungkwan had so many friends, but you had to admit that standing there, surrounded by smiley drunk people that loved each other to death felt great. Your eyes crinkled at the corners, vanishing as soon as you let the stubborn smile that was trying to emerge finally take form on your lips, and when you looked to your side you saw Mingyu looking at you, with a smile flickering across his face. 
“You loved it. Admit it. I saw you smiling.” Seungkwan teased you when the group hug dispersed itself and everyone scattered on the lounge to either drink, eat or dance. You were sitting on a table with Raena, Jessica, Seungkwan, Mingyu and Seokmin, while Vernon was carefully picking out food to take to you after he lost the rock, paper and scissors. 
“I was smiling just as much as you.” You hissed, but you saw Seungkwan pout and lifted his shoulders a bit, smiling at Vernon when he placed the food right in front of the birthday boy and sat next to him. 
“I loved it. Point proved." He said before throwing some snacks inside his mouth. Everyone seemed to be sobering up, and most of the people had traded the alcohol for water in order to be alive and be able to participate in the following day’s activities. Seokmin seemed to be a bit bored, his face was propped up onto his hands and he was looking nowhere in particular. 
“Why don’t we play a game?” Seokmin proposed, and most of you dangled your heads from one side to the other, denying anything that could make you drink another bit of alcohol. “Losers drink water, come on…” He started poking Seungkwan’s arm, trying to convince him because he knew damn well that all the others would do whatever Seungkwan asked of them that day. 
“Ok. Ok. Let’s play a game.” Seungkwan complied and Seokmin beamed at it, finally straightening his posture and thinking about something he’d like to play. “Nothing too stupid. Or complicated, I’m still a bit drunk.” Seungkwan insisted, making Seokmin scrunch his nose and go back to thinking. 
“How about this… We all say three things about ourselves, two truths and a lie, and whoever can’t find the lie must drink.” He seemed so excited by it that you almost felt a bit excited yourself. Maybe it had to do with the fact that, with that game, you could know a little more about Seungkwan’s friends, maybe it was just the remaining alcohol in your blood making you think that it was a good idea. Whichever it was, made you start thinking about three things about you. “Ok, Seungkwan can go first.” 
Everybody got Seungkwan’s right, and him going first was probably a bit silly since everyone on that table knew him better than themselves. Vernon was next, and you were surprised to find out that his name wasn’t actually Vernon, but Hansol, and Vernon was simply one of his last names. Only Seungkwan was able to guess yours, but seeing Mingyu actually trying his best to figure you out made a small dimple show in your cheek. It was on her turn that you all realized Rae was deeply sleeping on her seat. 
“Ok. We should wrap it up. Later we’ll have a busy day!” Seungkwan declared, standing up and clapping twice in order to wake Rae up. Seokmin seemed to be a bit bummed, but you decided that taking Rae to her room and not standing there to figure out if he actually was was the best decision for you at that moment. 
The alcohol on your body was almost completely gone, and thankfully there was no sign of hangover whatsoever. Not mixing beverages was the best decision you had made that day, and watching Rae - who mixed up a lot of shit - stumbling on your way to her room, even with your arm wrapped around her, made you twice as glad. 
After what seemed to be hours of you trying to give your stubborn friend a shower, you slowly started your way back to your room. There was no one in sight and you probably had spent more time tucking Rae in than you thought, because your expectation was to find at least one person outside. You raised your arm, intending to see what time it was, but the absence of your glasses made it impossible for you to see, so you just kept walking towards your room, throwing yourself on the bed while deliberating about showering. 
As soon as you got up, decided to suck up your laziness and get yourself cleaned up before sleeping, you heard a few knocks on your door. It started as just one, but after a few seconds two more followed the first. You made your way there, opening the door and finding Mingyu standing outside, ready to knock a fourth time. “Hey.” He said, smiling a bit and raising his hand in an automatic movement. 
“Hey… Is there something wrong?” He had never knocked on your door again, and for some reason you remembered the pinky promise both of you made - yes, in a slightly inebriated state - about knocking on each other’s doors if you wanted to know if something was not correct. He nodded, and you got out of your room, leaving the door half open. 
“I never got to tell my two truths and a lie.” He pouted and you couldn’t help but to laugh. That was what this was about? Mingyu tried really hard getting yours right, so he probably was interested in the game after all, and wanting to tell his propositions so bad he ended up knocking on your door. Once again you found yourself thinking that that monument of a man was cute, seeing him standing in front of you and being three heads taller made the word seem off, but you couldn’t see no other way to put it. 
“Ok. Go ahead. I’ll try my best.” The corners of your mouths raised in a toothless smile, and he showed his fangs listening to your answer. He bit his lower lip, raising one of his fingers before speaking. 
“One. I’m terribly afraid of heights.” He started counting and you kept watching his lips moving. The alcohol was making them look hypnotic, especially because of the way he would stick them out to pronounce the words. “Two. My name is Kim Mingyu.” His gaze started shifting and you felt a small shiver run through your body. Those options were obviously true. “Three. I won’t make any moves on you tonight.” 
It took him no more than a second to eliminate any distance between you two, and soon you felt his mouth nudging onto yours. His hands went to your face, lifting it gently and the soft peck turned into a small bite in your lower lip, which he stretched a bit before moving away, leaving you with a parted mouth and a racing heart. 
“I have three more.” You said, still too close to him to feel anything but fire all over your body. “One. I gave Seungkwan a beaded bracelet. Two. I have tattoos.” You put your hand on the handle of your door, opening it behind you. 
“Three… You shouldn’t lock it after you get in.” 
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[SMUT WARNING FOR MY FELLOW BABIES WHO DON'T LIKE IT] chapter fifteen - green lights
There was a lingering silence between the two of you, and then your back was clashing onto your room’s door. You grinned upon the pressure his lips made on your mouth, but that only left space for him to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue in, and dipping his fingers on your waist once again. The heat from that slight touch radiated through your body, and immediately made you realize how much you were craving for it, how much you needed his touch; ever since the day he’d sink them there, it always felt empty without his strong grip. 
Your hands went straight to the handle of your door, opening it and then pulling Mingyu in by the collar of his shirt. Every cell of your body seemed to be intoxicated by the faint smell of his sweet perfume, and you could tell just by that that you were already addicted to him. 
Mingyu’s hands went under your shirt, and started to slowly move up as he was pulling you closer and closer, until there was nowhere to go anymore. His sharp teeth bit your lower lip once, and even with your eyes closed you could feel a smile appearing on his face, even with his mouth still glued to yours. 
The sound of your door being closed shut made you open your eyes again, only to see Mingyu with one foot up and his eyes glued to you in an almost adoring way. You couldn't help but to smirk at him, who immediately ran his fingers to your nape and asked you in a rusky voice a simple: “What?”, smiling sheepishly right afterwards. 
“Such an odd thing to do to someone who’s not your type, Kim Mingyu.” You provoked him, but the only impact your words caused this time was to widen his sly expression and pull your hair just a little bit, making you tilt your head slightly to the left and clearing a path for him to whisper in your ear. 
“Oh… I haven’t even started yet.” A small shiver ran through your body as he began to give small pecks on your neck. You almost didn’t realize his hands leaving your hair and moving slyly to your thighs, grabbing them and pulling you up with such low effort that you couldn’t help but to look at his arms, watching the small veins popping up one by one while his lips still went down on your neck spreading kisses. 
The slight nervousness that had made your heart tremble for a moment vanished when he pressed his mouth to your collarbone, and it was replaced by an unbearable heat that started spreading through your body. To the best of your abilities, your tried not to moan shamefully when his tongue went back to the side of your neck, tracing all the way up to your ear, sinking his canines slightly close to your earlobe, sucking the place instantly and making your head spin simply from that small pressure.
“Now would be a terrible time to say I just noticed the moon tattooed behind your ear, wouldn’t it?” He took his lips out of your neck and looked at you while uttering the phrase, and your mouth contracted into an involuntary smile. 
“No, cause I also just noticed another mole you have.” You mumbled and Mingyu’s gaze was filled with an innocent and a youthful expression as he secured his hands around your thighs and started to slowly walk towards your bed. 
“Which one? The one on the nose?” He asked, sitting while still keeping you on his lap, and for the first time you felt the hardness under his pants, which made your arousal only worse. You waved your head from one side to the other, placing a wet kiss just below his jaw. His eyes closed instantly and his hands once again held your waist underneath your shirt. 
“This one.” Your mouth was almost glued to his neck and he could feel the warmness of your breath softly brushing against his skin. Without being able to take any other second away from them, you rushed to his lips, brushing your tongue on his and diving deeper than the other kisses. 
His hands started to make their way up, pushing your shirt inch by inch in the meantime, and when he finally got it at your chin level, you pulled away from him, letting Mingyu remove that piece of clothing from your body. As you started undressing him as well, he took his time finally taking a good look at your tattoos. You were a work of art, with the tattoos framing beautifully every inch of your body. 
There was a small thud when his shirt met the floor, but it couldn’t barely be noticed, because not long after that Mingyu was pinning your body against the bed, nudging into your lips with a heated kiss. 
You gasped with the feeling of his big hands cupping your chest in a soft massage, but he left you no space to react as his lips found their way back to yours in a heartbeat. He thrusted forward, making his erection rub exactly the right way in your slit, and your mouth - still between his lips - opened letting a small pant come out. 
“Fuck, Gyu.” The words left your mouth unintentionally, but they made Mingyu’s smirk grow, as he started to trace your tattoos with small kisses and went down until he reached the snake on your collarbone. He continued his path down, sucking the skin from your chest and almost making you beg for him to give some attention to your very hardened peaks. The way he ripped your bra open from the front made a shiver run through your body, but instead of finally feeling his lips on your breast, you felt a huge emptiness when he got on his knees and pulled his body away from yours. 
“Shit. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone so bad in my whole life.” From your point of view, you could see his darkened gaze, the stiffness underneath his pants and the damn adoring smile staggered on his damn lips. This man would be the death of you, and you would enjoy every single bit of it. 
Your hands went straight to his pants, but he took them off before you could unbutton them, holding your wrists with his right hand over your head while slowly grazing his fingertips on your exposed skin. “You always want to do things in your way, don’t you?” His face started getting closer to yours, and you felt your eyes closing shut, craving for the velvety touch of his lips on you, but you’re given nothing besides his hot breathing against your skin and the agony growing on your stomach. “Unfortunately I’ve spent too much time thinking about what I wanted to do to you to let this opportunity pass.”
Mingyu wrapped his lips around one of your nipples while his free hand made small circular massages on the other one. You dug your feet into the mattress, feeling so much pleasure from that single movement that you couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like to have him inside you. Once again you whispered his name, with an airy voice, doing your best to keep the volume at minimal. 
His mouth engulfed the other breast, and he carefully took the hand that was pinning your wrists, putting two fingers inside your mouth, which you promptly sucked and gave a broad lick while he took them out. He purred your name, but didn’t let that small teasing affect his next actions, which were taken regardless of your pleadings. That hand went to the other nipple, pinching it slowly and making small movements to dismiss the pleasure before he did it again. 
You made the mistake of peering at the man on top of you, and felt your blood buzzing at the scene. Mingyu’s eyes were completely darkened, so focused on you, and when he saw you looking, his sharp teeth bit the pebbled flesh, sucking right after. You felt the sheer desire aching between your thighs, as it got wetter by the minute. Your hands went straight to Mingyu’s hair, pulling them as soon as you touched his strands as you watched him enjoying your every reaction to his touches. 
The quickness in which your hand went back to his trousers, unbuttoning and unzipping it before he could even realize it, got him off guard. You felt your body quiver when he stopped what he was doing and took both of his hands to pin your wrists beside your head, grinning at you and waving his head from one side to the other. 
“For someone who likes to tease you’re pretty impatient, you know?” His husky voice murmured in your ear, and you couldn’t help but to bite your lower lip, turning his head to match his gaze. Mingyu could drown in those deep eyes any day, feeling them immediately pulling him inside just like a sea current would once he got inside its waters. 
“I don’t like teasing…” You murmured, feeling him leaving small kisses on your mouth and almost losing your train of thought when his knee went between your thighs. “... I just like teasing you.” You stretched the last word and that made small fires burst through Mingyu’s body as his face shifted to a big smile he was unable to hide. 
His mouth started lowering your body inch by inch, as his kisses got wetter and with more pressure than before. After playing a bit with your chest, he lowered his body once again, and the hot kiss he left just a bit above the hem of your shorts stirred the pressure inside you, and you instinctively begged him to take them off.
Mingyu stopped what he was doing, holding your wrists and moving so that he could see your face. You were already panty, with a deep pink shade spreaded on your cheeks. The way that man looked at you could cause your heart to stop, making you fall apart in an instant. Mingyu bit his lower lip, smirking and kissing you before uttering the next phrase: “Well, I guess I can say I like teasing you too.”
He was good at that game, you must admit, but the thing Mingyu didn’t know or at least pretended not to know was that you were definitely better. Your gaze suddenly darkened, and your mouth turned into a sneer just for a second before you wrapped your legs around his waist and made him feel that damp spot he had just caused. Your mouth enfolded his in the deepest kiss you’ve shared so far, and you made sure to whisper against his mouth with the utmost lip movement you could put on the phrase so that your lips would graze in every single word: “I can wait cause I know you’ll fuck me real good. I’m very patient.” 
Mingyu’s body squirmed above you as you jerked once to make his intimacy touch yours once again, and a low moan formed on his throat as he puffed loudly, closing his eyes and clashing his lips onto yours. “Actually, I don’t feel that patient anymore.” He murmured, with no trace of a smile in his face, that was overthrown by the deep darkness inside his eyes. He let go of your hands, but you didn’t move them even a bit, watching as - with his eyes glued on yours - Mingyu started to trace a way with his finger nails through your stomach to your shorts. 
He moved his fingers inside your pants, going straight to your dripping cunt, and letting your name escape in a moan when he felt the wetness of your slit with his own hands. “Fuck, fuck.” You cussed as he gently brushed his fingers on your bud, but he didn’t spend too much time there. 
“God, I wanna eat you out so bad…” The fingers that had just been inside you went to his mouth, and he puffed after finally feeling your taste, continuing his phrase afterwards: “But I fear you’ll wake everybody up if I do.” The knot on the bottom of your stomach tightened itself and you jolted in expectation. Your mind was so clouded by lust that the only thing you could do at that moment was to think about how much you wanted him to touch you with his big hands so badly.
“M-Mingyu, please.” That day was the first time in your life you’ve ever bagged for something. The biggest possession you had before that day was your pride, but fucking Kim Mingyu rook it’s place and now a bit of pride was noting compared to how much you wanted him. How much you needed him to touch you, to fill you. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl, then?” He asked, calmly taking your pants off, but without ever breaking eye contact. He’s not clumsy at all, he’s a fucking liar. A stupidly hot liar that should take these fucking pants faster. Your mind took the opportunity of Mingyu’s hands away from you and your brain actually made sinapses again to think, but all that was there was him. He was ruining you, and you wanted to be ruined. 
“Yes.” You blurted, making him laugh with a deeper voice than usual, but you weren’t able to rejoice in that small moment because he finally took his eyes off of yours, staring at your intimacy and biting his lower lip again before starting to give wet kisses all over your inner thighs while taking them out of his hips. 
Your body was already tingling with the warmness of his mouth being pressed against your bare skin, making your toes curl beneath him as he approached your cunt with his upward trail of kisses. You bite your lip, suppressing a loud groan that almost came out when his tongue dragged along your slit. “Good girl.” He whispers in a melting voice. 
Incoherent words start slipping through your mouth accompanying his name every time you felt the velvety touch of his tongue right on your clit, and you covered your mouth with your own hand, even though - at that moment - you weren’t caring that much about who could hear you. He continues to lick and suck your slit in an addictive way, making your body respond to his every single touch.
“You’re perfect.” He mumbled before slipping one finger inside you, making your back arch almost completely and your lips part as a strangled noise that sounded like his name left them. “Look at me.” Mingyu commanded, holding your hips down with one of his hands in a grip that you were pretty sure would leave marks, and sliding another finger inside of you. “I wanna see your eyes when you come.”
His fingers started moving inside you in a way you’ve never experienced before, and eventually hitting a spot that would make your legs weak. At the same time, his tongue was making calculated circular movements on your most sensitive part, and then licking it up and down, causing the knot on your stomach to grow. 
“Oh, shit.” His slender eyes were pierced in yours as his tongue sweep skilfully on your bud with broad strokes, and you could see him opening sassy smiles everytime he saw you struggling to keep your eyes on his and to keep the moans to yourself. “Oh fuck, please don’t stop that.” The way he angled his tongue and started swirling it on your bud was igniting tremors all over your body. “Fuck. Gyu, please…” 
Mingyu then buried his mouth deeper, sucking the area and twirling his tongue in a controlled, yet skillful way. The hand that was inside you left your cunt, but you were so numb that you only noticed when you felt the pleasuring pain of a small pinch on your right boob, followed by a massage that almost made you scream in pleasure. 
With a last stroll of his tongue you felt it. Your body spasmed as his mouth was still buried in you, and you felt the trembling worsening as your head spun. You saw everything blurring in front of you as your back arched and your eyes rolled back with the sheer pleasure you were feeling, but feeling Mingyu sucking and licking every bit of your glistering arousal made you almost dissolve into pleasure. 
“I never thought I’d see you beg…” He teased you, but you had no strength to fight back, especially when you saw his rosy cheeks, the messy hair and the proud smile on his face. I am fucked. You just wrapped his neck with your arms, pulling him closer and kissing him passionately, knowing damn well that inebriating yourself with Kim Mingyu was the best thing you’ve ever done in your life. That movement, however, made another unintentional contact between your intimacies, and you realized how fucking hard he was.
“I guess now’s my turn right?” You sneered, taking him by surprise and - because of that - being able to switch your places and sitting right on top of his erection. His shorts were already untied, and you just pulled them down along with his underwear, having Mingyu to help you out when they came to his heels. Before you could realize, Mingyu’s hands were on your waist, and he pulled you carefully to the position you were in previously, not letting you even touch his cock. 
“Wrong. Today’s about me and all the shit I’ve been wanting to do to you since the day you woke me up…” He held you inside his arms and pulled your torso closer to him, consequentially making your cunt slide on his erection and a synchronized moan leave your mouths at the same time. You both giggled, and he held your face, pulling it close enough for him to kiss you gently. 
Suddenly a small problem struck you. “Do you… have a condom?” You asked, biting your lower lip but not making any effort to change your position. Mingyu nodded, pointing to the shorts you had just taken off and blinking once at you. 
“Oh, you were expecting this, then…” You teased him, grabbing his shorts and picking the pockets until you found the single condom, but had no time to even go back to his side before feeling his arms wrapping around your waist and positioning you back onto his lap. 
“I could tell you what I was expecting, or…” He glued his lips to your neck, sucking it in a not so gentle way while he moved softly beneath you, which made the condom fidget in your hands and fall onto his lap while you tried to suppress a loud moan you felt forming on your throat. “I could just show you.” The slutty smile that showed up on his face made you sure you never wanted someone so bad before and, thankfully, a smile appeared on your face when the realization hit you: you were about to have him.
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chapter sixteen - a true friend
A shy knock on your door woke you up, and you found yourself wrapped around Mingyu’s arms, who was still sleeping unfazed. The person behind the door knocked again, and you finally convinced yourself it wasn’t a dream, it actually happened.
“Are you sleeping?” Seungkwan’s voice was timid, but recognizing it made you almost jump out of bed, waking Mingyu up in the process. He opened his mouth, probably to ask what happened, but you were quicker into covering it with your left hand. Another knock on the door and it started to seem like a clock was ticking in your head, showing you that you were running out of time. You looked around your room, finding only Mingyu’s shorts and your shirt, but you honestly didn’t think it through before putting them on, shoving Mingyu into the bathroom and running towards the door. 
“I’m awake.” Your eyes were only half open, and your voice sounded way raspier than you imagined it would be at that time. You cleared your throat, glancing at Seungkwan and watching him frowning, and immediately tossed another word in: “What’s up?”
“Were you sleeping?” He seemed to only then have realized what time it was - 5:15 a.m., you checked on your phone before opening the door - and now he seemed a bit flustered to have woken you up, but you simply shook your head from one side to the other, giving two little spanks on your face and smiling at him. 
“Yup, but I’m awake now. What happened?” Your room was silent, Mingyu made absolutely no sound in the meantime and you were fighting your urge to look inside and see if he was still there, but you couldn’t because Seungkwan was right in front of you, looking a bit lost and very confused. 
“Oh… Nothing. I just… I just thought about coming here.” He murmured unconvincingly, and you tilted your head to the side, closing the door behind you so that Mingyu wouldn’t dare to listen to whatever he had to say. You were a loyal bitch, and if Seungkwan reached you he didn’t want anyone else to know what it was about. 
“Do you want to talk?” You ran your fingers through his messy hair, trying to pull it together somehow, and waited for him to answer. It took him a while, he was actually thinking about his response. Seungkwan wasn’t great at sharing his problems. Showing affection? He was ok with that. Showing when you had pissed him off? Damn, he was the best. Actually asking for help? Oh, no, no. Seungkwanie would rather die than ask anybody’s help before things got too out of control.
“No.” He declared, both to you and him at the same time. You nodded, biting your lip and trying to think of a way to help. Raena was the best at squeezing the truth out of Seungkwan, and probably that was the reason he came to you and not to her: he wasn’t ready to talk yet. 
“But you do have something to talk about, right?” Your question was quickly answered with a significant nod from the blond man standing in front of you. “Do you wanna go to the pier and sit in silence until you start crying and then pretend nothing happened?” You suggested and he looked at you, livid. 
“Fuck you. No.” His long face didn’t last long, and as soon as your giggle was heard he followed you, already feeling better about his deadlock. “Can we… do a small under-the-table schedule tomorrow night? The… Hm… A-Access Holly(boo)d?” You cackled, covering your mouth and hoping that no one had been woken by it. 
“Honestly, your mind is fucking amazing. Did you just come up with that?” He nodded and you placed your hand on top of your heart: “Respect.” Your words made Seungkwan smile once again, and you felt like you made something right - fucking finally. “I’m obviously in. It’s your birthday today, if you asked me to hide a body I would say ‘Kwanie what the fuck…’ but would end up doing it anyways.” 
“You are ridiculous.” He said, feeling glad about coming to talk to you. You bowed twice, rejoicing on Seungkwan’s mood change thanks to you. This is what you should have been for him in the past three years, and what you weren’t because of your stupid ass job. You were glad it wasn’t too late. 
“Should I call Rae?” You asked him and he looked you up and down, raising his hands and making such vague gestures that you couldn’t even understand what he meant by them. The confused look on your face made him roll his eyes. 
“Of fucking course. Us, emotionally constipated bitches, can never solve this shit on our own. We need our emotional cancer support.” He uttered like it was obvious and you just nodded, once again holding a small giggle that would often come out when you were hanging with Seungkwan in any given situation. 
“How about Vernon?” His gaze shifted and he simply denied, waving his head from one side to the other while looking at nowhere in particular. “Oh, ok. I see ya. I got it. I can see right through you, Boo Seungkwanie.” 
“I can also see right through you. How’s Mingyu?” His eyes were piercing and, had you not been a lawyer for the past three years - and therefore an excellent liar -, you probably would have been shaking until now from how spot on he was on his damn guess. 
“I don’t know. You should knock on his door and ask… You’re gonna have to knock five times, though.” He looked you up and down again, staying a little longer on the shorts you were wearing than you would like, but suddenly shrugged, waving his hands dismissively. “I’ll sleep a bit now. Sorry for waking you up.” He said, turning on his heels and heading to the exit of that building.
 After his blond hair disappeared into the corridor, you finally let out a huge sight, getting inside your room and seeing no trace of Mingyu. You opened the bathroom door, and found him sleeping while sitting on the ground with his head resting on the sink. He was holding your shorts and his shirt tightly and his mouth was a bit open. The man was fucking adorable. 
“Gyu…” You said softly and he opened his eyes, smiling faintly at you and then brushing his face with his hands in order to wake up, dropping the clothes he was hanging onto. He got up, stretching his back and following you out of the bathroom as you guided him by holding his hand. 
“What was this about?” He asked in a very raspy voice and with only one eye opened. “Why did I have to go to the bathroom? Are we… hiding this?” A small pout formed on his face and you just stood on your tiptoes, leaving a peck there and seeing his sharp teeth show up after you did so. 
“I think it’s the best thing to do for now…” You confessed and he pouted again, pulling you closer into a hug and leaving kisses in your head. When you lifted your gaze, he placed a kiss on your forehead, and started going down leaving kisses all over your face until he reached your lips. 
“I don’t want to.” He said it like a child and you giggled a bit, flicking his forehead and watching him sulk over it. “Why should we?” 
“We don’t know what this is yet…” You started explaining, and saw him paying close attention to every word that was coming out of your mouth. “... Maybe not making a big deal out of it will cause us to avoid a lot of trouble… Besides, do you know your fucking friends? For instance, Rugel won’t leave us alone with the lame jokes about sex.” 
“Well… I did get the condom from him, so I’m guessing I’ll already be suffering those consequences…” He confessed and both of your hands went straight to your face, covering it completely while you tilted it back. Mingyu took your wrists, wrapping them around his own waist and, by that, pulling you closer.
“Don’t drag me into it, Gyu, please!” You begged him and he giggled a bit, nodding in agreement as soon as he did it. “Not to mention the fact that I might’ve said a couple times I wouldn’t hook up with you and I have a bit of pride inside myself…” You said it like it was nothing, but it made him drop his arms that were still holding you and look at you with another pout on his lips.
“Ouch? That actually hurt a bit?” He said. His eyes narrowed and a line appeared between his brows. You were quick to pull him closer, placing a small kiss on his collarbone and watching him shiver just by that small gesture.
“You also said that… Mr. ‘You’re Not My Type You Ugly Bitch’.” And once again there he was: Kim Mingyu visibly distressed by the tiniest thing you’ve said to tease him. It should not be this fun, but fuck… it was. You felt a small mocking smile show up but you tried your best to keep it to yourself, as he opened his mouth almost insulted.
“ONE TIME. I said it one time. And I never said you were ugly, I always thought you were fucking hot… You just happened to be way more than that… And I’m not someone who only sees people by their looks” He blurted the first words out, but then you started to leave small kisses on his chest as he went jabbering the following words, each one being more slurred than the others and his eyes closing because of the soft touch of your lips.
“Ass or Boobs?” You asked him jokingly and he giggled, forcing himself into seriousness once again to answer blatantly: “Personality.” You both bursted into laughter, as you buried your head on his chest while you did so. 
“Seriously, though. When you walk through that door this…” You pointed at you and then to him. “... never happened. Deal?” He looked at you for a bit, and once again he was thinking that you must have been a great lawyer because there was absolutely no fucking thing you would ask of him that he could’ve possibly think about denying. His eyes rolled before uttering the forsaken word, but you were determined enough on that idea and Mingyu was too tired to fight over his wishes.
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chapter seventeen - hopeless
“Are you sure that this pancake isn’t burning?” Seokmin had woken up a bit earlier than he usually did, and so thirsty that it became almost impossible for him to go back to sleep, so he decided to take the opportunity and see if anybody was already up. He found Mingyu in the kitchen by himself, looking to the most absolute nothing and missing all the indications that the batter on the pan in front of him was about to taste like coal if he didn’t take it out of the fire at that exact second. 
Mingyu looked confused at Seokmin, only noticing his presence after his friend spoke, taking a few seconds to make sense of what was just spoken, rushing to turn the batter and hoping that the pancake wasn’t completely lost. Seokmin bursted into laughter, murmuring a “classic Mingyu” about the fact that he did all the moves in a very clumsy manner, but knowing that messing up cooking wasn’t anything like his friend. 
“What’s up? What were you thinking about?” DK asked the tallest, sitting on the counter and nibbling on one of the pancakes that were already done on a plate to see if they were any good. Mingyu was thinking about you, but he couldn’t say that because he fucking promised that he’d forget what happened inside your room after leaving it As if it was possible. Nonetheless, the only thing that was going through his mind was you and this weird feeling that kept emerging every time he’d see you, or think of you.
“Nothing…” There was absolutely no credibility in Mingyu's words and Seokmin knew him well enough to know that. He squinted, looking his friend up and down, and after he shoved the recently approved pancake inside his mouth, eating the rest of it in only one bite, he came down off the counter, pushing Mingyu’s shoulder carefully, and making sure his friend knew he wasn’t buying any of his excuses. 
“Come on… You can tell me. I’m great at keeping secrets…” His smile made his eyes almost vanish, but a pout soon took its place, caused by Mingyu’s expression that Seokmin could read pretty well: are you shitting me? “Fine. I’m terrible at keeping my own secrets, but when it’s somebody else's I’m pretty good. You wouldn’t know because you never fucking tell me anything.” He nagged and Mingyu turned off the stove, just then noticing that one of the pancakes was gone. 
“Do you want some pancakes as well?” He asked and Seokmin smiled again, nodding and making his way to the coffee machine, making sure to prepare enough for him, Mingyu, and someone else who could eventually show up. They both finished making their breakfast and there was no sign of anyone else whatsoever, so Seokmin decided to push Mingyu a little bit more. 
“Why don’t you tell me just… superficially? For me to get the gist of it without you giving me any details?” He proposed, and Mingyu seemed to be actually considering that possibility, as a small frown started to appear due to the taste of the slightly burnt pancake he decided to eat anyway. 
What could he say? That he couldn’t stop thinking about you any second of the day? That now that he’d finally tasted your kiss he didn’t want to have anyone else’s? That he had left your room at five a.m. and was since then thinking about knocking back, but was afraid to wake you up? That he was dying to scream out to every single soul in that place that he had finally kissed you, but he couldn’t?
“I think I… kinda like someone.” He just said instead, and Seokmin nodded, once again eating the pancake in one bite and drinking a bit of coffee while Mingyu waited patiently for any response he could’ve had. 
“The best phrasing would be I think I’m hopelessly in love with someone, but ok, go on…” Seokmin mimicked Mingyu’s tone, including a small lisp that he kept insisting Mingyu had, even though the tallest one knew he didn’t - his mind just worked a bit faster than his mouth and words would come out a bit slurred. 
“Wait, what?” Mingyu finally assessed Seokmin’s words. He wasn’t in love, it was just a crush. Besides, how the fuck did he know who he was talking about? The shortest one giggled watching Mingyu enter his deep analysis state once again, eating while he processed the information. When his friend’s gaze pierced on Seokmin’s, he just shrugged. 
“It’s kind of obvious. Have you seen the way you fucking look at her? The way you were holding her in the pool? The way your eyes were sparkling watching her rap to ‘Lose Yourself’ by Eminem on Karaoke Night?” Mingyu’s jaw dropped at Seokmin’s words, and he fumed his friend, asking something he was hoping to have an opportunity to ask a while ago. 
“Why the fuck did you tell her I flirt with everybody then, jackass? And why on earth you sat in that damn pool if you noticed?!” Mingyu’s voice was getting louder by the minute, but he was trying his best to be heard only by the ass he had for a friend. 
“Because it’s true that you flirt as a means of communication, how would I know that it was for real this time? Just because of your googly eyes and loud sighs? I’m not psychic… And the second one was because I didn’t want to be alone.” He pouted and Mingyu took the rest of the pancakes that were on Seokmin’s plate, shoving them all into his own mouth and concluding that he wasn’t deserving of his culinary skills. “Dude?” 
“You don’t deserve eating my pancakes.” Mingyu explained with his mouth still full, but Seokmin simply took a few pancakes from his friend’s plate and did the same Mingyu just had. “And I do not flirt as a means of communication.”
“Tell that to halmoni, Kim Mingyu. She’ll be heartbroken, though.” Mingyu’s hand went straight to Seokmin’s arm, hitting it while he stuck his tongue out, and returning that affectionate gesture was the least he could do, so Seokmin rejoiced with the sound of his palm hitting just the right spot on Mingyu’s arm. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Rae’s voice was so husky that, for a split second, Seokmin thought that the person entering the kitchen was actually Wonwoo. She looked like she hadn’t drunk at all the previous day: there were no undereye bags, her curls were glowing and her skin seemed the best they’ve seen so far. There was, however, an odd expression on her face, almost like she was using every single strength in her body to cope with the sunlight. 
“Heart problems.”
“Seokmin’s halmoni.” The two of them answered at the same time, and Rae looked a bit confused at first, while Mingyu pinched his friend’s legs under the table and hoped he would shut his big ass mouth for once. 
“Is she ok?” Raena seemed truly concerned, and Mingyu just got up, proposing to make her some breakfast while he left the small mess for Seokmin to fix. The latter nodded, smiling brightly to the girl who had just sat down in front of him. 
“Yes. Yes… We were saying that she’s very healthy and hadn’t had any heart problems.” He lied, but Rae was in no condition to make judgments about the veracity of said words, and since she couldn’t even think of a reason why Seokmin would lie, she just nodded, agreeing with him and closing her eyes to avoid any clarity to reach her for a while. 
Seokmin kept jabbering about some things that happened the previous night while Raena ate the pancakes Mingyu had prepared for her. He was still in the kitchen waiting to see if anyone else would come in and ask for pancakes, looking avidly to the door while biting his cuticles off. 
“Everyone’s passed out. I checked…” Rae mentioned putting the last piece of her breakfast in her mouth, and Mingyu turned his gaze to her, raising both of his eyebrows and watching her drink a bit of juice and dry her mouth with a no longer white napkin. “You kept looking at the door, I don’t think no one’s coming any time soon.”
Defying her recently spoken words, you suddenly appeared in the kitchen, raising one of your hands in a small greeting. Mingyu’s face lit up as soon as you appeared, and a silly smile showed up in his mouth, which was soon reciprocated by you. Seokmin got up almost instantly.
“Oh, guess you were wrong, Rae. Wanna check if there’s anyone else awake?” He asked, blinking to Mingyu and almost forcing Raena to get up and follow him. She seemed a bit lost by the suddenness, but she followed him willingly, leaving you and Mingyu alone in the kitchen in no time. 
“Want some pancakes?” He asked, getting up from the chair, and you nodded, thanking him in such a low voice that you feared he hadn’t listened to you. While he was concentrating on preparing the batter, you took a look outside the kitchen, finding no one around.
Mingyu felt your hands softly wrapping around his waist and a small kiss being placed on the highest point of his back that you could reach without him bending over, and he looked back, seeing your small eyes and the big smile you were flashing his way. He took your arms, leaving the batter behind and turning one eighty degrees to face you. His lips were quick to find yours and you just kept looking at him when he pulled his face away. 
“How am I supposed to hide anything when you do this kind of thing to me?” He asked, and you giggled, standing on your tiptoes to reach his face, leaving small kisses all over it until you found his lips. 
“There’s no one around.” You had a childish smile on your face and Mingyu felt his heart bursting with the way your nose scrunched while looking at him that way. “The best phrasing would be I think I’m hopelessly in love with someone, but ok, go on…” Seokmin’s voice reached Mingyu unconsciously, and the more he looked at you, the more they seemed to make sense. In love? He wasn’t sure yet, but hopeless? He definitely was, and it was all because of you.
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chapter eighteen - look around
The absence of the white cloud blanket on the night sky indicated to you that it would be a cold night, and you cursed yourself for not buying anything that would cover you up for that. Your secret meeting with Rae and Seungkwan to talk over anything that was bothering Kwanie was supposed to happen a few minutes later, but there you were, on the balcony of your room, thinking that near the water would probably be colder than there, and you were already pretty cold. 
“Oh, what a coincidence.” Mingyu’s voice startled you. For a clumsy man, his steps were way too silent. He was standing next to the edge of his balcony that was closest to yours, wearing very familiar jeans, a black beanie and a cardigan that you were pretty sure that should be worn with something underneath - which he decided was not necessary. “We met here again the same day I happened to have two bottles of Bacardi and was thinking about drawing something beautiful… Wanna be it?”
You giggled with all the cheesiness, but Mingyu seemed proud of his previous words, bearing a bright grin that made his nose scrunch a bit and his eyes sparkle. You once again jumped to his balcony, making the man almost drop the bottles he was holding behind his back to try and catch you. You were a bit faster than he expected, and landed gracefully beside him. 
“I can’t. I have a thing to do today…” Your words made him pout, but your icy touch on his face made his mouth quirk up and his eyes went straight to yours. Mingyu placed the two bottles on the rail, letting his hands wander on your back and making a small shiver run through your body because of the coldness of his touch due to the freezing bottles he was holding just now. 
“Wow, that was a violent shiver. Are you cold?” He asked and you simply nodded, feeling him pulling you closer and starting to rub his arms around you, attempting to warm you with them and his presence. You rest your head on his chest, feeling his arms tightening around you, and wishing you could be there just for a little while. “Why are you wearing these clothes, then? Don’t you have anything warmer?” 
“The only long sleeved clothing I own here is the shirt I was wearing when I… you know…” Quit my job. Ruined my future. The dramatic words got lost in your mouth while you tried to explain to him, but Mingyu simply nodded, pulling a bit away to look you in the eye, but without letting you further away from him even the slightest.
“Ah, yes, when you held my hand for the first time… I can only imagine it is hanging in your room like a trophy…” The dry noise that the encounter of your hand with the uncovered part of his chest made was louder than you intended, but Mingyu’s loud giggle and the smirk he was displaying made you sure that it wasn’t because you put too much strength into it.
“Jackass.” You murmured, trying to get out of his hug, but he just stiffened his arms, making his grip on you stronger and pulling you close enough for him to be able to find your lips, leaving small pecks while you kept jokingly trying to escape. He is way too good at this for it to be legal, you kept thinking to yourself while Mingyu’s lips would wander through every inch of your face in a very soft and warm caress. “If you didn’t have such a handsome face I would’ve punched it already.” 
“If it is sensual and consensual… I’m ok with it, you know?” His words masked the redness that was spreading through his cheeks because of your compliment, but you couldn’t help but notice how red his ears had gotten and how adorable he looked with the youthful smile he showed everywhere lately. “Talking about sensual…” 
His arms left you, and - maybe because of the cold night, maybe because of some deep wish within you to keep being held by him forever - their absence was almost painful. You felt a pout forming in your own mouth, unintendedly, but it dropped when you saw him opening one button of his cardigan at a time, taking it off in no time and placing it over your shoulders. 
“Kim Mingyu!” You nagged, pushing him inside of his room and trying your best to avoid that he would get sick. His body was in flames when your cold hand touched it, and you finally looked down once again, inspecting his stiff torso and having vivid images of him on top of you popping in your head unconsciously. 
“What? You said you were cold…” He had a sheepish expression on his face and he could see exactly how your eyes were wandering through his body in a hypnotic way. The bottles of Bacardi were still on the rail of the balcony, but drinking didn’t seem that interesting now that you were in front of him. “I was just helping you out.”
“I am not one of god’s strongest soldiers, Kim Mingyu, you cannot take your shirt like that and hope that I will simply move on with my life, seriously.” You finally came back to your senses, watching him beaming at your comment and slowly caressing your hair while he kept getting closer and closer. “But thank you, do you have anything else to wear? Can’t let you get a cold… You’re already a big baby when healthy, I can’t even imagine how impossible you must be when sick.” 
“Should I also take off my pants and show you how impossible I can be?” His eyes were piercing through yours and you bit your lower lip, gathering all of the strength you had on your body to swing your head from one side to the other. 
“I can’t, Gyu. I told you I have something to do…” You checked your watch, seeing that you were officially late for the secret rendez-vous. Slowly a tint of regret from jumping to Mingyu’s balcony and making it harder for you to want to leave him and go meet your friends emerged. Nonetheless, Seungkwan needed you, so you didn’t have a choice, you should get going before it was too late.
“What’s that? Schedule is free tonight, I checked…” He asked, walking towards his suitcase and pulling a long sleeved shirt from it, and - thankfully for your mental health and self control - covering his fine ass body with it. 
“It’s a secret…” When Mingyu looked at you after you uttered those words, he saw a completely new expression on your face. The smile was almost childish, like you were a kid who was about to do something bad, but somehow wanted someone to know. Mingyu raised his brows and you bit your lower lip once again while the smile kept staggered on your face. “... Like a Confession Session for the besties who hadn’t talked in ages because one of us has been too busy to be a human being.” You explained and Mingyu nodded: you, Rae and Seungkwan would gather and tell each other about your lives, he got that. 
“Are you gonna talk about me?” His voice was deep and he held your hand softly, intertwining your fingers and grazing his thumb very gently up and down. Your heart fumbled with that small act, and you could feel it beating stupidly loud, almost making you embarrassed. This is ridiculous, this feeling. Your head said that constantly, but your heart was beating so loud that those intrusive thoughts couldn’t barely be heard, and you would simply enjoy these little things, fearing that soon they would go away. 
“What would I say? We decided on keeping it a secret, remember?” You smiled and Mingyu frowned, sticking his lower lip out, scrunching his nose and puckering his eyebrows. He tried letting go of your hand, but you held it still. Even though Mingyu made it pretty obvious that he would rather just tell everybody, you still didn’t know what the two of you had. What would you even say? Hi guys, Mingyu and I had nasty sex two nights ago and now we hold hands and kiss eventually? That simply didn’t make sense. Besides, what if this was only because of the environment? What if you came back home and Mingyu realized that you weren’t his type afterall? How embarrassing would it be for you to retell everyone that the nasty sex was just a mistake? No, no. That wouldn’t do. 
Oddly, Mingyu understood exactly what was going on in your head the moment he laid eyes on you. It felt weird, being able to read you so well after just a few days felt at the same time weird and as if it was meant to be. For now, he knew that it was a lost battle, so he decided to do what he knew would please you: diverge the subject and let this conversation for later. You already had much in your head anyways. 
“That I’m super cute and a good kisser…” He answered finally, stealing a kiss before pulling away with a toothless smile. You felt glad he didn’t insist on the matter, smiling back at him and raising both eyebrows in response. 
“Can I change that to ‘Gyu’s super cute, smart and handsome’ and leave the good kisser part aside? I don’t think Raena would believe me if I said I kissed you, she would call me a sore loser and a liar.” You proposed and Mingyu bursted into laughter, nodding while he patted your head in a very caring manner. 
“Deal.” Once again he was blushing. He fucking loved being complimented, you could tell that by his very obvious reactions to every single good thing you’ve said about him so far, and he also liked when you called him either by his nickname or full name. He was very transparent and expressive, even when he tried not to be. 
“Ok. I must go now. I’m already late, if I take more time they’ll start searching my body in the water and be certain that I’m dead by now… I am never ever late.” Mingyu nodded, opening the door for you and, after seeing if there was anybody on the corridor, you slid your body out of his room, rapidly striding to the pier. 
Seungkwan was sitting with his back completely straight on one of the sun loungers looking nowhere in particular, and Rae was staring deeply at him, probably waiting for him to say something - the scene wasn’t even close to unusual -, sitting in the lounger next to his. You cleared your throat to avoid scaring anyone, and sat right next to Rae on her chair. 
“You’re late.” She remarked and you smiled half-heartedly, knowing damn well that she was right. Usually the late one was Seungkwan, because you would always push Raena out of the house — even when her make up wasn’t still completely done —, and make her finish getting ready on the way. “And Seungkwan hadn’t said anything other than…” She forced her voice to go deeper and tried her best to mimic your best friend in the next phrase: “I will only speak when the one who will agree with me arrives.” 
“Is this Mingyu’s cardigan?” Seungkwan finally looked at you, gushing the words instantly when he noticed the piece of clothing that definitely did not belong to you. You nodded and Rae made the slyest face you’ve ever seen her pull out, so you decided to explain — lie —  before things got out of control. 
“Yep. I’m late because I didn’t buy any long sleeved clothes, so I knocked on Mingyu’s door and asked for one. He took his time looking for this and I took my time lying about wanting to stroll along the pier by myself so that I wouldn’t rat you out.” 
Raena hated how good of a liar you were. She couldn’t tell if that was the truth or not. She had seen Mingyu sneaking into the kitchen and grabbing some bottles earlier, but she simply could not remember his outfit, and you seemed pretty confident in what you were saying, so she decided to believe it.
Seungkwan, on the other hand, knew it was bullshit. You never explain yourself this much when you have nothing to hide, and the tone of your voice always had slight changes when you were on what he liked to call “lawyer mode”. However, if you were lying it probably was because you weren’t ready to tell them whatever was going on, so he decided to do the thing he hated the most: pouring out his feelings. 
He didn’t hate attention, nor hated people knowing things about him. That was, of course, when it came to things he could control and slightly manipulate how he would be perceived. Those two jerks that were bickering while he processed the new information he just received were the only two people in the world to whom Seungkwan would confidently talk about the most reckless, enerving and uncontrollable things in his life: his personal feelings.  
“Ok, can we talk about Kwanie now, Raena? Geez, I’m only ten minutes late.” You begged, hoping that the damn woman in front of you would simply drop this one mistake you made. You never dropped anytime she got late before, so she wasn’t very willing to let this one go without at least a bit of nagging, but Seungkwan nodding made her forget about it and pay attention to him.
“Right… It’s one of those things…” He started saying, noticing that both of you were paying close attention. “... That I don’t like talking about.” Putting in words the things that were bothering him was way harder than he expected. Seungkwan kept trying to formulate words and nothing was coming out. “It’s better if you guys just ask.” 
The light echo of the small water movements made by the wind twirling in that shimmering nothingness was the only sound that could be perceived. It seemed like even your breaths had taken a break and were being held as the two of you started to think of what Seungkwan could possibly want you to ask. “I have nothing…” Rae finally broke the silence, unable to think of anything that could be bothering her friend.
“This is about… Vernon… right?” You asked carefully, afraid to trigger anything, and Rae’s jaw dropped when Seungkwan nodded affirmatively. You nodded back and Rae kept shifting her gaze from him to you nonstop, until you spoke again: “What? Weren’t you an empath? How did you not realize this, Raena?” The phrase made Seungkwan giggle a bit, and Rae puffed loudly, throwing her hair back with her hand and steaming at you. 
“I am an empath. I’m a cancer…” She confirmed, sticking her middle finger up and tucking the framing strands of hair behind her ears. “But I do confess that I have been so focused on Jessica that I haven’t paid much attention to my two babies.” 
“You didn’t make your move yet? For fucks sake, Raena.” Seungkwan scolded and she raised her index, swinging that long and slender finger from one side to the other in a slow pace, and starting to swing her head alongside. 
“No. No. No. No. No, Mr. Boo Seungkwan. This is not about me. This is about you. I see what your earthy sign ass is trying to do but I won’t let it happen. You can scold me about being a hopeless romantic and a panicked gay later.” She said, and as oddly as it sounds, Rae was making… sense. That was a new one. “So let’s go back a bit, shall we? Chwe Hansol… do you like him?” 
“Hard question. Rephrase it.” Seungkwan demanded, and Rae squinted. How the fuck could that be a hard question? You were thinking about questions to do yourself, but your mind was blank, only being replaced by eventual images of Kim Mingyu that would randomly pop out with no previous warnings. 
“Did he do anything to annoy you?” You finally asked, shaking the mental image of Kim Mingyu in his pair of jeans and with no clothes on that was coming back no matter how hard you tried to dismiss it. DAMN. THIS FUCKING MAN. Seungkwan nodded.
“Was it something he said?” Raena asked, and Seungkwan denied promptly, waving his head from one side to the other with his eyes shut. “So… It was something he did…” She concluded and Seungkwan nodded. “Ok. Now it’s with you, champ. Can’t dig any more than that without context.” 
Kwanie nodded again, looking around and preparing himself to vocalize the thing he had been trying to not think about for the past day. He had been ignoring Vernon ever since it happened, so scared to let that situation get out of control that he ended up making the situation get completely out of control. “Vernon k-ki… k-kissed me. And I kissed him back. On my birthday. But I don’t… I don’t know…” 
Your mouth dropped. You had been so focused on your own problems you missed all the cues Seungkwan had given you for the past week. The way he kept caressing Vernon’s cheeks, the way they were together all the time, the way he angrily said that friends to lovers was his least favorite trope and how Vernon walked right out of there, the way he was constantly asking you to do something just the three of you but you kept denying because of such silly problems that they weren’t even worth to mention… This man was dying to tell you about him, he was dying to ask for help, and just like for the past three years you forgot to look around you. 
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chapter nineteen - old scars
January 16th, 03:32
After dragging himself across the saloon to take the last red cup that was tossed on the ground, Rugel greeted the last two people left on the pier: Hansol and Seungkwan. The latter insisted that Vernon should just go to sleep, that he didn’t need to help Seungkwan out with all the cleaning - which could not be left for the following day because, of course, Kwanie had planned many fun activities for his birthday. Vernon, on the other hand, was set on helping the birthday boy out, collecting every piece of trash he could find and taking anything slightly heavy from Seungkwan’s hands before he could lift any sort of weight. It was his birthday, afterall. 
“I just have a few things to put away, Vernon, you can go to sleep now if you’d like.” Seungkwan’s words were a bit slurred and his cheeks were crimson, but to Vernon he seemed very sober while uttering them. He was trying to portray himself as sober, Vernon knew as far as that, and he simply waved his head from one side to the other, promptly denying Kwan’s demands and continuing to do what he was doing prior to that disturbance. 
After a brief silence, Vernon decided to speak up, feeling his friend’s eyes burning on the nape of his neck for not doing as he was told. “I want to help you out, ok? Have I ever done anything I didn’t want to?” It was Seungkwan’s turn to swing his head, a small pout formed on his lips and his eyes partially closed while he did so. 
“No… It’s just… You know…” He kept wandering nowhere in particular while he said the words, and his hands were gesturing vaguely, stretching his long fingers to whichever direction was closer. “I don’t want to bother you. I can do this alone. I’m sorry” He explained himself and Vernon picked up the chairs around the table he was in, placing them on top of the others before approaching Seungkwan again. 
“You don’t bother me. Ever. Remember when you called me two in the morning asking if I was up on the day before my field trip? You didn’t even bother me then. It woke me up to speak to you until it was 5am and I left for the trip with energy - which I almost never have by the way.” He confessed, just staring at the boy in front of him, who had already forgotten about the main reason he was there: put everything together before morning came. “I love just being by your side, and I told you already to stop apologizing, you did nothing wrong.” 
Seungkwan’s ears turned as red as his cheeks, and he could feel his whole body tingle from those words. He stopped a smile from emerging, afraid that anything he’d do would trigger Vernon the wrong way. He didn’t, however, have much control over his words, mostly because of his slightly drunk state. “You have to stop saying things like that. They make my heart flutter. I don’t like it.” 
“Well, I like it.” Vernon wasn’t much of a doer, he had always been a more observant kind of guy, the kind of person that felt dislocated from society and reality in some ways. Seungkwan made him doubt everything he knew about himself. There was this emerging explosion corrupting every bit of Vernon’s beliefs that he should just watch by, which made him give small steps towards the blond boy in front of him. Seungkwan kept retreating, but his eyes almost begged Vernon to keep chasing, so he never stopped, he always gave another step, hoping that soon enough Seungkwan would stop avoiding it. Avoiding them. 
“Why?” That was the first time Vernon found himself walking alone, with no step back from Seungkwan, just his confused gaze and a new willingness to listen to him. Vernon, who was always so ecstatic, saw a small crack on that door and just ran for it, afraid that Seungkwan would never let that opportunity arise again and close it for good.
“Because I like you. And I know you know I like you, so you can stop playing dumb everytime I do things like this.” He grabbed Seungkwan’s hands, feeling how cold they were. Seungkwan would blame the alcohol for this whenever he stopped enough to think about what he was doing, but he let Vernon hold his hand like he always did, and pulled him into a hug. “And you also know you like me too, that’s why you do things like this.” Inside his arms, Vernon said the things he had been keeping for so long. Seungkwan buried his face on Vernon’s neck, not caring if he would hear how loudly his heart was beating at that moment. Blame it on the Booze tomorrow. Say what you want today. 
Vernon’s hand went to Kwan’s chin, stroking gently that place, but Seungkwan’s conscience took over him, pulling one step away from the man next to him and saying what he’d been dreading all along: “What if it ruins our friendship?” Vernon sneered, and Seungkwan regretted his words, changing the subject almost immediately. “Talking about friendship, have you seen how close the ‘she’s my type now’ and the ‘i’m a prideful bitch and will pretend i’m not interested in him anymore’ duo are?” 
“Um-hum…” Vernon answered, making his way to another table, intending to collect the chairs from that side of the venue. Seungkwan started to get desperate by how dry Vernon’s words were. He was mad. He knew that for sure, but he couldn’t let that small rational part of him aside, even though his heart was aching with the sudden lack of contact he had caused by stepping away. 
“They’re cute, right? Last time I saw Mingyu looking at anything or anyone like that it was at that exposition from his favorite artist… What was his name again?” Vernon sighed, knowing that if he didn’t participate in Seungkwan’s desperate attempt of changing the subject, he wouldn’t shut up. That small window Seungkwan had open was slowly closing and there was almost nothing Hansol could do about it. Better late than never. He repeated to himself, uttering words that hopefully would take the conversation to where he was intending. 
“Yeah. I saw them dancing pretty closely today. I’m glad Raena meddled before they could kiss.” Vernon commented, seemingly over the previous conversation - at least on Seungkwan’s under the influence judgment - and hoping on his cue to change the subject. 
“Glad?! I almost went there to hit her. They like each other so fucking much, everyone can see it… I hope they get together soon. I hope that bitch that I call best friend gets over her attachment issues, because I really think this won’t be just a fling for Mingyu.” Seungkwan had already given up on cleaning, sitting on the nearest chair he could find and just staring while Vernon would finish what he was doing. 
“Yeah, glad. I could see them bonding a lot over the lake the other day, a kiss could jeopardize that in an instant… Maybe they should just keep it that way.” The way Vernon said the words was so innocent that Seungkwan didn’t realize the trap he was getting into. He opened his mouth wide, approaching Hansol enough to hit his arm once, pouting at his response and making Vernon raise both of his eyebrows, with a youthful grin forming on his lips. 
“Why worry about that now, if they could just live in the present? Their feelings are real right now, so why worry about the future and whether or not it will jeopardize anything?” Seungkwan bit his lower lip as soon as he heard himself. Fucking Hansol Vernon Chwe, he had set him up and Seungkwan fell for it like a duck. A victorious smile emerged on Vernon’s face as he held Seungkwan’s arm, preventing him from moving away again. 
“Do as I say, not as I do, right?” Vernon’s light brown eyes were glistening looking at Seungkwan’s, shifting from them to his mouth in such subtle movements Kwan wondered if it wasn’t just his imagination. “I like you, Seungkwan. A fucking lot. Right now.” 
“I like you too, Vernon. Right now.” It was everything that it took for Vernon to glue his lips on Seungkwan’s. 
“Yeah, you fucking broke him, Raena.” Your voice made Seungkwan’s head come back to that place, leaving the memories from the night prior fade slowly. “Should we hit him or something? It’s been five minutes.” 
After Rae asked Seungkwan to tell them everything that happened, their friend entered an almost catatonic state, remembering vividly every bad decision and every wording he decided on using that led him to the moment that was making him so confused. 
“I don’t want to give details.” He finally spoke up, making you and Rae stop arguing about whatever nonsense you were at the time. “We kissed. You get the gist of it. Now just… fucking help me. What should I do?” The man before you was a wreck, and you actually wanted to help out that time. 
“Talk to him.” Both you and Raena said at the same time, which made them look at you deeply concerned. When it came to advice to the heart the only constant in your friendship was you and Rae disagreeing with how to proceed. Raena was a hopeless romantic, while you had had your share of disappointments to simply avoid getting in such a vulnerable position again. That was why it startled them hearing you utter the same words as your friend, and not something along the lines of “avoid him forever”. 
“What?” You asked them, turning your face into a frown from all the judgment you were receiving without them even listening to the rest of the advice. “Talk to him. Tell him your were fucking drunk and can’t remember shit. ‘Love, Rosie’ the shit out of him, tell him to not mention it ever again because you were so drunk you’re embarrassed. Make him never speak about it again. It never happened.”
Seungkwan sighed in relief. Yes. That was a good plan, you always had the fucking best plans ever to match with his already pretty much made mindset. Raena was the voice of emotion in that relationship, because both of you knew that being non confrontational and overly rational was not exactly the best thing to do all the time. “Good. Good. I like that.” Kwanie said smiling brightly, and Raena rampaged until she sat between the two of you. 
“NO!” She growled, shifting her gaze from your slightly embarrassed face and Seungkwan’s innocent one.  “God. You two!!” That was the angrier you’ve seen Rae so far, and maybe - just maybe - your solution came towards the wrong direction. Just maybe. You couldn’t be one hundred percent sure yet. “Seungkwan you are fucking in love with him, don’t just ‘Love, Rosie’ him. We watched that movie together… Remember how miserable Rosie was? Do you want to be miserable?” Raena knew damn well that anything she would propose something it needed to be a bit logical, otherwise the two emotionally constipated mother fuckers would just ignore whatever she was saying. 
“Relationships just mess things up, Rae. Eventually they leave and, one way or the other, you’ll end up miserable.” You counter argued. Raena was rooting for the ship that she and Jessica had been calling “Verkwan” since the S(eungk)wan Lake day. The way they looked at each other, the way they interacted… Everything made her believe that Vernon was, in fact, Seungkwan’s soulmate, and she wouldn’t let his emotional maturity of a five year old and your attachment to your old scars prevent her best friend from being happy.
“Not always. Not every relationship. Besides, getting hurt is a part of life. We grow out of it, you know?” She hissed, her curls were flying because of the cold wind that was blowing in your direction, but that didn’t make her piercing stare move an inch from yours and Seungkwan’s eyes. “So suck up your emotional baggage, learn from them and stop thinking that everyone will be like Michael and fucking leave you. Vernon and Seungkwan's relationship is not like that.”
“So mine was…” This wasn’t about you, you knew that, but it would be a lie to say that her words didn’t hurt you in some way. Seungkwan was quiet, observing the way that conversation was unraveling. 
Michael was your last serious boyfriend. After many people went in and out of your life, convincing you that nothing would ever stay, he made you think differently. He was kind, used to always say that you were the most beautiful person he’d ever encountered, he was warm and your parents liked him very much. You allowed yourself to talk about it for the first time: love. 
When he left one day without giving you much explanation you just accepted it as your fate: no one would actually stay after you called it love. At first you thought that the word was what scared them, but receiving his wedding invitation three months from that day made you realize that the problem wasn’t love itself, but you. Maybe you were just the one people should meet before finding love. Maybe love just wasn’t for you, and because of that you ran from it every time you could see it slowly approaching you to hurt you again. 
“No. I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant…” Rae realized she had just crossed a line you two hadn’t in a very long time. Bringing Michael up was a desperate attempt to convince Seungkwan and you, but he hadn’t been a topic in so long Rae almost forgot how hurt you got over it. Remembering how she would always find you in the middle of the night drinking a beer by yourself in the living room, and telling her that you were cursed, made her regret saying anything at all. 
“No. No. You’re right.” You spoke lifelessly, eyes lost somewhere in the lake and a faint sneer on your face. “I’m sorry, Kwanie. She’s right. I can’t help you out with this.” Seungkwan took your hand, but you smiled at him. “I was never actually happy with someone like that. Maybe this time you should just listen to Rae and I should just be quiet. You don’t want to end up scared of trying like me, right?” 
You got up. The silence was almost painful, but you kept a toothless smile on your face, pretending to be ok, hoping that you were ok. “I feel a bit tired now. I’ll just leave this to Rae, ok? I agree with her.” And with no response you left, letting the tears you’ve been keeping to yourself come out only when you were, as usual, alone. 
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chapter twenty - keep you close
Your friends knew you enough to know that following you around was not a good decision. Rae, who was very open about her feelings and these kinds of things, hated this part of you because she always felt powerless. It made sense even for her that, whenever you had a feeling, you couldn’t verbalize any of it, and also that you needed time to process and understand what to do with the feelings, but when it was her who hurted you she just hated that she couldn’t apologize until you’ve already made peace with it. 
Nonetheless, she didn’t follow you. She saw you standing and walking away from them, striding blindly through a path that had become usual to you: through that rock path, climbing a few stairs, to the corridor, into your room, and straight to your bed. 
Crying never lasted, because rationalizing things always took such a big part of your self-loathing time that the tears would just evaporate into fuel to your - maybe a bit biased - self harming thoughts. Bringing Michael up wasn’t the best thing Rae could do to your mental health, since you had thrown those feelings and the disappointment inside a drawer in your mind where you would never have to touch them again, but you could clearly see that it was necessary to convince Seungkwan. That’s why you didn’t take her words to heart.
This was about Seungkwan, not you. You knew that, so it shouldn’t hurt that much, but it did. It did because usually suppressing things wasn’t very healthy - even though it was the only way you knew how to cope with pretty much anything. Maybe being the perfect child made you unsure on how to show weakness, and that would backfire anytime you’d feel anything, which made you raise a wall between you and anyone who wasn’t scared of facing them like you were. Them being, of course, the deepest and darkest parts of you that made you not perfect.  
Your face was buried into your pillow, but you were just lying there, doing the thing you dreaded the most: thinking about your life. A few knocks on your door made you lift your head, feeling a bit dizzy because of the lack of oxygen the position you were in was providing you. You hoped that not answering it would make the person go away, whoever it was. The lack of response in those kinds of situations usually meant what you hoped they would understand: there’s no one inside. 
There was no one inside, indeed, at least no one worth talking to, no one worth anyone's time at that point. You avoided your feelings not only because you felt shame, but also because sometimes they could be so stupidly strong that you would wish to be a robot, just not to feel anything at all. Just to not feel as pathetic as you felt at that very moment. So overwhelmed as you felt. 
“Are you back?” Mingyu’s voice was soft and you could almost see the smile he was giving while he said them. That innocent smile that he would flash your way whenever you were saying something that interested him, the kind of smile that made you feel like you - and whatever it was that you had to say - mattered. You smiled back, eager to open the door and, for a second, be able to think about anything else but that sweet man that was standing in the corridor. 
The bitterness of realization hit you when you stood up, professing words inside your mind that you have said many times before, and that you knew from experience to be the most utter truth: “He is going to leave too. Don’t get used to it.” Your intrusive thoughts reminded you. Everybody leaves, and the more you let those feelings flourish inside your chest, the more things would hurt when he did. 
You opened the door anyway, driven by an instinct that you assumed to be curiosity, and watched his smile turn into a worried look when he faced your slightly puffed and clearly unpleased expression. Before saying anything and without a glimpse of anything that could look like a warning, Mingyu wrapped his arms around you, making no questions and not doing anything other than holding you tightly. 
Your face started to get wet, and you realized that the damn tears that you thought had already been gone long ago came back. In a way you only did when you were alone, you started sobbing. The tears would come down like rivers, with no permission, but instead of pushing you away, complaining about the way you were wetting his shirt or saying things about how you shouldn’t cry, Mingyu just let you do it, tightening his grip whenever the shivers from your body would get so violent you thought you could fall apart from them. 
His warm skin, the soft touch and the way he was holding you like you were the most precious thing he’d ever had inside his arms made everything you’ve been bottling up emerge in a powerful wave of despair. Being jobless. Not knowing who you were anymore. Being so unlovable that even your best friends thought the same about you. Even the smallest of things, like that one time you stubbed your toe and your toenail almost fell, started to bother you once again, making your body expel those negative feelings in the form of tears. Everything you decided to compartmentalize once in your life rushed back into the surface in the form of those stupid drops that wouldn’t stop running down your face. 
Mingyu’s started to softly rush his fingers through your back, being the most silent you’ve seen him be so far. When did your body feel like that was a safe space for you? A space safe enough to bring all your emotional baggage out while you were so powerless and pitiful inside his arms? You felt pathetic, but that feeling only made you cry more, and as soon as Mingyu heard a noise on the corridor, he softly pulled you inside your room, closing the door behind him so that no one would see you this fragile. He imagined you wouldn’t like it. He wasn’t even sure if what he was doing at that very moment was something that you were comfortable with, but there was nothing else he knew how to do.
“This is scary.” You confessed, still letting Mingyu’s arms revolve around you, and his hands went to your hair, stroking it softly as he realized you would slowly stop crying. Your voice was choked up, but your impulse was to speak everything that you would usually keep to yourself. “I think I really like you.” The words left your mouth unintendedly, and realizing how dull they seemed by the inaccuracy of them caused a shiver to run through your body.
Mingyu’s heart flipped over with the sudden confession. He wasn’t expecting to feel this fired up from those simple words, but they made small bursts of energy explode through his body, while his heart pumped loudly on his chest. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing seemed to truly express how he felt towards you. Would it be okay to say them at that moment? His grip loosened and made you regret your words.
You took his unresponsiveness to the thing you were most used to: unrequited feelings. It only made sense to you that Mingyu wouldn’t feel the same. He didn’t have many options on that situation and you were very good at the game you both played, so it could be assumed that you won him over, but little did you know that it would make this silly feeling stagger on your chest for someone who wouldn’t even consider hooking up with you at first sight. 
While the man before you tried his best not to dance like a moron to express even the slightest all the bombarding of feelings he was experiencing, you buried your head on his neck, standing on your tiptoes to do so, and choosing carefully your next words so that they wouldn’t express so freely the deepest feelings of your heart like your previous ones did. 
You didn’t want Mingyu to leave, you knew this much about the situation. “Like” wasn’t enough to describe how he would make your heart fumble inside your chest, that was also an undeniable truth.
“We should end this now.” You declared, feeling his body stiffen as soon as you did. Mingyu felt like you had clipped his wings as soon as he started flying, and it made no sense at all. How could you say you liked him and, at the same time, say that you should end this?
“What? Why?” He finally spoke out, feeling like if he didn't he'd be silenced for the entire trip. Mingyu was never a big thinker when it came to making decisions, but this one particular decision you made in such a rush seemed like it could be a little more thought out, especially because he didn't like the outcome of it. “Do I have a say in it?”
His face broke some part of you. He had held you by your shoulders, furthering away just enough so that your eyes could meet, and when they did you felt like a monster. He wasn't pleased with your one sided decision, but there was no doubt in your mind about that being the best approach to your situation.
“You do, if you’re agreeing with me.” It was the best decision. You were sure of it. You could be selfish this time in order to keep Mingyu in your life, couldn't you? He fuzzed his brows, pouting a bit, clearly displeased with your answer, but before he could protest, you decided to take control of the situation. “It takes two to tango, Gyu, and I made up my mind.”
“We are not tangoing, we are kissing.” His lips were pursed out and it made his cheeks puff, making him look adorable. Mingyu glued his mouth to yours, kissing you in a desperate attempt to dissuade you, and you cherished that small act, obstinate that it would be the last time. 
“But I like you. I want us to be friends for a long time.” Oh. You liked him as a friend. Mingyu felt bitterness all over his mouth. He misunderstood you once again. He thought he knew you enough by then, but it seems like he didn't afterall. You didn't like him like he liked you, and as much as Mingyu wished it didn't, that realization made him deeply sad.
He looked at you. There was so much going through his mind that his impulse was to simply hold you and not let you go until you gave up on that crazy idea. No words seemed enough, no words seemed good enough. On the other hand, Mingyu didn't want to lose you, and learning that his feelings were unrequited made him fear that any other movement towards what he actually wanted could make you run away, so he did something he could never do in the past, something that he would only do because you were the one making the proposal he hated the most in his whole twenty five years of life: give in.
“Ok. Friends, then.”
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chapter twenty-one - good luck to us
“Either knock on my door or get the fuck out of here, you pacing from one side to the other is preventing me from resting, Kim Mingyu.” Seungkwan opened the door suddenly, startling the tallest a bit before he could even process what had happened. When the blond man’s words sank in, Mingyu looked him dead in the eye, knocking twice on the already opened door and making Seungkwan almost close it on his face. 
“It makes no sense, Seungkwan.” He said, walking inside of his friend’s room and ignoring the dirty look Seungkwan was giving him while he threw himself in his bed. The blond one closed his door, tossing his body on Mingyu’s side and waiting for him to explain whatever nonsense he was going on about. 
Seungkwan wasn’t in the mood to be anyone's support system, since he was also going through a small crisis at that very moment. He wasn’t, as well, in the mood to pester Mingyu until he said anything other than it makes no sense, so he soon came back to doing what he was doing before that overgrown puppy came in: thinking what he would do about Vernon and ignoring Mingyu’s presence in that space. 
He liked Vernon. A lot. He could never deny how crazy he was for that man, but the fear of taking the next step was consuming him in such a way that paralyzed him. Pretending that what he was doing was one hundred percent platonic and fraternal was his comfort zone, where he would allow himself to touch Vernon as he pleased with the excuse of them being very good friends, but since the kiss that was no longer possible. 
Losing Vernon didn’t seem to be an option either. He couldn’t afford that. He wouldn’t let that happen. Maybe Raena was, for the first time, right, and Seungkwan hated to admit it. Mingyu puffed beside him, but it was not enough for Kwan to bother asking him anything.  
“Seriously. I’m trying to understand it, but I can’t.” Mingyu tried once again, and it was Seungkwan’s turn to puff, raising his head and watching as Mingyu showed on his face that he was waiting for his friend to ask anything. Why didn’t he go to Seokmin or something? Christ.
“What? What can’t you understand?” He gave up, watching Mingyu lay on his belly and raise his feet like a fifteen year old about to gossip about their crush. He rested his head on his hands and his mouth turned into a pout while he whispered your name, so low that Seungkwan wondered if Mingyu really wanted him to listen to it or not. 
“It makes no sense. She was the one who wanted to kiss me first. She teased me. She said she liked me, so why does she say she just wants to be friends? That she wants to end it?” Mingyu started jabbering the words so fast that, had they not been friends for a long time, Seungkwan would’ve gotten lost amidst the phrase. He raised one eyebrow, and Mingyu pressed his lips against each other, realizing that he had done once more the only thing he shouldn’t - tell anyone about you and him. 
“End what?” Seungkwan asked amused, watching Mingyu almost fall out of bed trying unsuccessfully to evaporate from that bedroom and pretend he said nothing. Seungkwan’s smug face made everything worse, but ahem… he couldn’t take it back anyway, might as well just say what he had been storing in his chest and making it hurt like a bitch. 
“Our situationship.” He declared, watching carefully as Seungkwan's expression changed from teasing to curious. The blond man raised both of his eyebrows, hoping that Mingyu would continue it, and he didn’t need that much effort, as Mingyu didn’t wait for him to do anything else before continuing his monologue: “So we’ve kissed. And did other things. But she said ‘as soon as you walk through that door nothing happened’…” Mingyu tried mimicking your voice, which made Seungkwan giggle, but that didn’t make him stop. 
“... But she kept hugging me, and touching me in such a comforting way, and I don’t know, it makes me sick to not be able to hold her, it makes me physically in pain being in the room next to hers and not knock on her door and kiss her and just lay in bed with her and touch her soft soft hair. How can a person have such soft hair? She keeps saying it’s messy but to me it looks perfect all the time, it’s infuriating. And… and it makes no sense because she said she liked me. She acted like she liked me, then she said she liked me and that was the reason she wanted to stay just friends? Make. It. Make. Sense. Boo. Seungkwan.” He begged, and Seungkwan’s mouth dropped at the sudden confession.
Damn, Mingyu was not with a small crush on Kwan’s best friend like the latter had anticipated. No. No. He was in deep shit. He was as bad as Seungkwan was when it came to Vernon, and - for some strange reason - that made Seungkwan happy, because seeing Mingyu struggling with the exact same thing (or partially same thing) he was, and knowing what his advice would be, he knew for a fact what he wanted to do about Vernon. 
“She’s emotionally unavailable. Move on.” He said blatantly and Mingyu’s expression turned into the most heartbroken one he had ever seen. Seungkwan giggled loudly, slapping Mingyu softly on his arm. “I’m joking… But let me get this straight, she said with every single word that she liked you?” That wasn’t common for you. Admitting this kind of thing just indicated that, whatever Mingyu was feeling, maybe you were feeling it amplified. 
Mingyu nodded. “She said ‘this is scary’ and then something along the lines ‘i think i really like you’ and then dropped the friend bomb.” You were both so stupidly in love that it made Seungkwan sick that you were making this so hard for yourselves. Is that how people see me and Vernon? Kwanie thought to himself, imagining how pathetic he might’ve seemed for people who weren’t, as Raena would always put, emotionally constipated like you and him. 
“Ok. She really likes you. She has some… issues… with people not committing to her ever. If she said she liked you and then friendzoned you it means she likes you so much that she doesn’t want you to leave.” Seungkwan explained, and Mingyu felt life filling his chest, flourishing, felt the air turning cleaner, the day turning brighter, hope knocking on his door again. 
“I won’t leave. I don’t want to leave. Everytime I left her room I felt cold and…” 
“That was probably because you were naked, Kim Mingyu.” Seungkwan teased and Mingyu stuck his tongue out, unable to deny that very truthful phrase. “You should tell her that, not me. And like… make her believe it, don’t just say it. She’s… stubborn.” Kwan warned, seeing Mingyu starting to bite his cuticles like he would whenever he got slightly nervous. 
“How should I do that?” The older asked, watching his friend shrug and stand up from his bed, putting on his shoes and scattering his suitcase for a very specific shirt, one Vernon had gifted him on a random day, saying that he had remembered him with the shirt and - because of that - decided to buy him. That “random day” was also valentines day. 
“That’s up to you.” He answered. Seungkwan was determined: he wouldn’t let Vernon go because of his stupid fears, seeing Mingyu whine like a little boy made him sure he didn’t want Hansol to do the same, and that he also didn’t want to lose any more time. “I should go now.”
“Good look with Vernon, Kwanie.” Mingyu said, making Seungkwan stop midway and turn to him in complete shock. Have you said anything to Kim Mingyu? That little trai- “What? Jessica, Raena and I are the co-founders of Verkwan Shippers. I’m glad you’re jumping into this, Vernon really likes you, you know?” 
Seungkwan giggled once again. Of course you didn’t say shit, how crazy must’ve he had been to even consider this possibility. You were a loyal bitch. “Hope when you also take that jump you don’t fear the fall. Good luck to us, I guess?” Seungkwan asked, seeing a small fire lit up in Mingyu's eyes.
“Good luck to us.”
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chapter twenty-two - walls down
“I seriously didn’t mean it.” Rae said for the twentieth time, and you just rolled your eyes behind your sunglasses. There were only two days left of the trip, and soon you’d have to deal with your current situation - jobless, aimless, maybe a bit sunburned -, but you kept pretending like that wasn’t a thing. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. 
It was, to say the least, draining to keep avoiding Mingyu for the past few days, since he seemed to be set on talking to you whenever you were alone. That made you make up such lame excuses that you even wondered if you were actually good at lying in the first place. There were, in fact, many things you suddenly got bad at. Suffocating your feelings -  which used to be pretty easy for you previously - was also hard, and your heart kept loudly reminding you how fond you were of Kim Mingyu anytime he would approach. 
The schedule of the day was the pool party, but since that day where you had informed Mingyu that you two should remain friends, you didn’t get much sleep at all, unable to keep your mind shut for a split second, so you acquired the routine of waking up before everybody, walking a bit around the property and then waiting by the pool until anyone would actually wake up and keep you company. That guaranteed that you and whoever was your scapegoat for the day could keep your distance from Mingyu and his sweet eyes. 
Raena found you laying on a sun lounger, solving a crossword puzzle she had no idea where you found, and started apologizing like she had many times before. It had also been two days since the two of you had been completely alone like that. You, on the other hand, were already over it. Or, at least, over talking about it.
“Dude. Get over it. And pass me the sunscreen, I can feel my nose burning right now.” You asked, and she took the cream, tossing it your way and making clear that she was not pleased with your phrase, shoving her outraged expression in front of your eyes. 
“Don’t ‘dude’ me.” She nagged, making you giggle with the high pitched tone that she said the words in. Rae hated how fucking stubborn you could be, and she hated more the fact that she could never win in these kinds of situations. Ever since the last conversation you, her and Seungkwan had, you seemed to be avoiding every single person in that space. She wouldn’t see you during breakfast, you’d pass on the activities Seungkwan had planned using the excuse of being too sunburned to stay out, and would ignore any knocks on your door past seven p.m. “If you’re over it, why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not avoiding you. Four letter word for wanting something so bad it hurts…” Rae puffed as you muffled “Ache!” while writing on the paper in front of you. You could be such a bitch sometimes, it was excruciating watching you avoid your feelings all the time. “Besides, you were right. I’m glad Kwanie took your advice this time, I saw him and Vernon being clingy yesterday, there was so much honey dripping from their eyes I almost puked. Oh! Gore!” You proceeded to write on the puzzle. 
“Fine. How have you been?” Rae gave up, and you finally took your eyes off of the small magazine-ish book on your hands, shrugging and smiling sheepishly at her. 
“You know… I’m a bit sunburned. See my red nose? I can’t touch it at all. How about you? Any news about Jessica?” Changing the subject to anything but you was your speciality, and even though Raena knew exactly what you were doing, she missed talking to you about anything at all, so she played her part for you not to shut her out again. 
“I am fucked. I can’t make a move for the life of me, everytime she approaches me I just… panic.” She confessed and you closed your crossword puzzle, finally interested in whatever she had to say. “You must drink today and work your ‘kiss her you fool’ magic that you always do when you are drunk enough, seriously.” She begged and you giggled. (B)ool Party: the one where we pretend to be on spring break and get smashed was the perfect situation for matchmaker drunk you to arise, so you agreed.
You missed talking to Rae so fucking much that you didn’t even notice other people’s presence until Seungkwan yelled at the two of you to go to the kitchen and eat before the party. It felt weird being in that crowded room after so long, and it was weirder to see Mingyu smiling at you so innocently, with his messy hair and sharp teeth, making you undone by the sheer sight of it. 
Smiling back at him was only necessary, but you didn’t expect his eyes to glimmer and his smile widen with this crumb of attention. You hated him. No. You hated how much you liked him, and how impossible it was to avoid these stupid feelings that would eventually push him away. Actually… you hated yourself. 
“Want me to cook you something?” Mingyu took your smile as a permission to approach, and you felt your insides crumbling with just the faint sweet smell that reached your nose as soon as he got close enough. Your heart was beating like crazy and you felt pathetic. Your head moved from one side to the other, denying promptly. 
“I’ll just eat some cereal, thanks Kim Mingyu.” You tried smiling again, but you couldn’t even convince yourself that it was a genuine one. However, it didn’t disheartened Mingyu even a bit, who simply agreed, taking the cereal out of the highest shelf and two medium bowls, placing them side by side on the table. 
“Ok. Get the milk then, I’ll eat it with you.” His smile was so warm it melted something inside of you. We must stay friends, so that’s something I have to get used to... his smile. You reminded yourself, doing as he said and pouring the milk inside the two bowls. You two ate in silence, and you thanked him for the company as soon as you finished, getting up to clean your bowl and getting the fuck out of there with the excuse of getting ready for the pool party. Mingyu murmured something, but you were so desperate to leave that you just ignored it, alongside the bit of curiosity that would always rise whenever he said anything.
The party started in no time, and loud music started playing from somewhere you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. As you made your way to the pool, you found Vernon and Seungwan midway. Vernon was carefully cleaning something off of your best friend’s face with his right hand while his left hand was intertwined with Kwanie’s fingers. You made the best effort you could to not be perceived, trying to not to burst their bubble, and because of that you took the longest path to the pool. 
You felt glad Seungkwan decided on giving it a chance. Vernon loved him, and he also loved Vernon, just a quick glance could make you notice how fond they were of each other. Vernon’s eyes would light up anytime Seungkwan showed up, and Seungkwan couldn’t hide a silly smile that always rose up when their eyes met. They were fucking adorable. Disgusting. 
The worst part of it was that it made you believe for a split second that things could work out like that between you and Mingyu as well. You hoped they could. You wished they would. Seungkwan’s and Vernon’s relationship made you wonder if you couldn’t be wrong just this one time. You knew you desperately wanted to be wrong. But you probably weren’t, neither wrong nor ready to make yourself vulnerable again.
Almost everyone was already at the pool when you finally got there, and Raena shoved two shots of a green beverage into your mouth without even asking anything. The liquid burned in your throat and you felt almost an instantaneous buzz from it. It was strong alcohol, you knew that much.
“Wingperson me!” Raena said with a big smile on her face, and you nodded, taking a third shot from her hands and drinking it promptly. You took her hand and made your way to where the rest of the people were dancing, starting to move from one side to the other and, to the best of your no-glasses-abilities, started scanning the place looking for Raena. 
“What are you doing?” Seungkwan approached the two of you, and you smiled at him in a way that made him sure you were already a bit drunk. You wrapped your arms around his neck and Raena’s neck, pulling them closer to you and swinging from side to side in a clumsy manner. 
“I fucking love you guys so much. You…” - You shoved your index finger on Seungkwan’s squishy cheeks before proceeding - “..are already happy, so I must make Raena happy now.” You declared, and Seungkwan giggled. “I’m wingwomaning the shit out of Raessica.” 
“Are you happy, though?” Seungkwan asked, stressing the word you and glancing quickly at Mingyu, who was with his gaze glued on you since the moment you stepped foot on that place. You first nodded, but then your head started shifting from one side to the other, denying.
“No. I’m a mess.” You quickly confessed, afraid of how blunt you had been about that. “But… I will be slightly happier when Raena kisses that damn ginger. Fuck, what is that? A slowburn 500k words fanfiction? I’ll cupid the shit out of them!” You answered. The small amount of alcohol in your body allowed you to take a quick glance at Mingyu, and you regretted it as soon as his eyes lingered on yours. Seungkwan followed your gaze, sighing almost at the same time you did. 
“Did you talk to Mingyu today yet?” He whispered, and you looked confused at him. Raena was close enough to listen, but she made the decision to pretend she didn’t, since she had no idea what that was about. You smiled half-heartedly, trying your best to pretend that it was genuine. 
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Oh gosh, look, there’s Jessica. C’mon my dear senpai, let me wingwoman you to your waifu.” Changing the subject was the best option, and getting Raena by the arm and ignoring Mingyu’s gaze was the best strategy you could find to avert Seungkwan’s questions and the stupid loud heartbeat coming from your chest. 
You approached Jessica dragging Rae with you. She was near the deepest part of the pool, chatting with Seungcheol, and you could see her eyes light up when you called out their attention to you and your best friend. Cheol moved swiftly to a place that made Jessica and Raena side by side, and you felt glad about how well he could read a room.
“Look who actually showed up.” Seungcheol teased you, receiving a middle finger in response, which made him giggle a bit. “If I was a little bit more soft hearted I would even say I kinda missed you, ya know?” He confessed, making you pout a bit and kiss his cheek in response. “But I’m not. So I didn’t.” He declared.
“Yeah, right…” You sneered, and Jessica giggled alongside Raena. That caught your attention to them again. You blinked at Cheol, and he grinned your way, knowing exactly what you were doing there. “Do you guys wanna play something?” You suggested, and Cheol promptly agreed, making Rae and Jessica nod their heads in synchrony. 
“How about this: We put a condition, and if it is met, we do a dare.” Cheol offered, and you looked at him confused. Alcohol made that sentence make absolutely no sense in your mind, and he rolled his eyes. “Like this: If you slap Seungkwan’s butt I’ll drink two shots at once.” He explained and you clapped excitedly. 
“Yes, yes, let’s do that. Is it on yet? I’m going to slap Kwanie’s butt.” You said, leaving them behind and doing exactly as you said you would, coming back with two shots, one in each hand, and making Seungcheol drink both one right after the other. You kept playing for a while, doing so many stupid things that mostly everyone joined the game, hoping to have as much fun as you seemed to be having. 
“Ok. My turn…” You said, looking around and noticing that no one had entered the pool yet. “Two birds with one stone, I’m hot as fuck”, you thought to yourself, smiling sheepishly at Raena and Jessica. “If you two…” Your index finger went from Rae to Jessica in a very drunk movement. “... Kiss, I’ll jump in the pool with my clothes on.” You declared, hearing a cheer behind you. Not because of your stupid dare, of course not, but because everyone was waiting for the damn day those two would finally make a move on each other. 
Rae’s cheeks turned pink, and it spreaded all the way to her ears. She turned to Jessica, ready to say that it was OK if she didn’t want to, but she was met with Jessica’s hands taking a small strand of hair off her face and gently placing her hand on her cheek before pulling in for a kiss. Seokmin’s loud scream was your cue to simply throw yourself on the pool, with your arms open and watching your friend grab Jessica’s waist on your way down. 
You felt a bit of a thermal shock when your hot skin was surrounded by the cold water, but there was barely not enough time for you to feel the water, as two strong arms grabbed you by your waist, pulling you up. That was how you found yourself inches away from Mingyu’s face, who had jumped in the pool to pick you. 
“Gyu, I was not drowning… I jumped.” You said, unintendedly dropping his nickname and feeling his grip tighten as soon as you did. He pulled you a bit closer, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You looked up, noticing that everybody was still cheering on Rae and Jessica, who were far from your field of vision by that time. 
“I know. But I wouldn’t have another possibility to hold you like this if I didn’t jump.” He confessed, locking his eyes on yours. He was serious, and there was no trace of a smile on his face, only a burning fire on his eyes that kept dragging you in anytime you tried looking away. 
“We agreed on…” You started blabbing, but he moved his head from one side to the other. His hands were gently stroking your skin in such a familiar touch that made your whole body shiver. You shamefully drew yourself closer, letting yourself feel his sweet scent and his naturally hot body. You would blame the alcohol for it, but the wall you had built to surround yourself was so thin that his simple breathing blew the thing off, making you want to throw caution out the window and just kiss him right there.
“No. You decided and told me to do as you said.” He declared, coming close to your ear to whisper the next phrase: “Thing is… I was never very good at obeying blindly.” He left a small kiss on your neck. You had no idea if anyone had seen it, and at that moment you didn’t even care. You wanted him. You felt that word popping on your chest again. Love. And it got worse when he gently stroked your face and said the next phrase: “I really like you too, you know?”
“Stop it. You’re making me wanna do something stupid…” You begged, unable to bear the loud beating of your heart and the knots on your stomach. 
“Just because it’s stupid doesn’t mean it’s wrong…” He said before finally closing the gap between you two, and you were sure the loud cheer you heard afterwards wasn’t because of Raena and Jessica. Feeling his lips made you forget about self preservation, at least for that time. You wanted to have him just one last time.
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chapter twenty-three - resolve
As soon as your eyes opened they met a sleeping Mingyu. Light was coming inside your room through a small crack on the curtain, making it easy to observe the sight right in front of you. His mouth was parted as he breathed slowly, his chest would lift until it would almost touch you, and suddenly retract again. His hair was a mess on the pillow, with few strands lost on his forehead and most of it pulled up, probably by his own hand while sleeping. His arm was resting on your waist. There was no pressure in it, as if he was just keeping it there in order to make sure you didn’t move, that you wouldn’t leave. That forsaken word flooded your heart once again: love. 
You sighed loudly, and that made Mingyu start munching air, and his arms reached out to you, wrapping around your body and pulling you closer, placing your head onto his chest and pressing his lips on the top of your head in such a subtle movement you truly believed it was just a sleepy reaction. 
Mingyu was so warm that you felt like you were melting into his arms, so you just closed your eyes shut, cherishing what you had promised yourself would be the last time you could touch him like that again. You ran your fingers through his bare skin, desperately trying to memorize his back with your fingertips, and took a deep breath, feeling his sweet scent inebriate your senses so that you could keep stroking his arms without guilt.
“Are you awake?” Mingyu’s voice was deeper and raspier than usual, indicating that he had just woken up, and you stopped moving your hands suddenly, hoping that he would believe that it was - like he had just done previously - an unconscious movement you did while sleeping. You remained static even though you wished to protest when he pulled a little bit away from you. 
When his hot breath reached your face you almost flinched, but were still able to hold it together. His proximity was very sudden, but you were resolute in pretending to be asleep and postpone the conversation you would need to have as soon as you weren’t anymore. That was, of course, until he glued his lips to yours, which made you open and widen your eyes, taken completely by surprise with that movement. You found him smirking at you, and as soon as you pouted he let a small giggled escape from his throat. 
“Yes. I’m awake.” You answered as if you hadn’t just pretended to be asleep five seconds ago. Your shameless response made Mingyu giggle loudly this time. He couldn’t help but to find every single thing you did adorable. With a silly smile on his face he closed his eyes, giving you another kiss while you were still stuck in his arms and being reciprocated by your fist hitting his arm and another pout on your face when he opened his eyes. “Kim Mingyu, we agreed…” 
“No, we didn’t. We’ve been through that before, you decided by yourself and hoped I would agree with the terms.” He nagged, sitting in the bed and glancing at you. His eyebrows were pinched and his lower lip started to stick out as he tried his best to hold the pout that was forming on his own mouth. “Thing is… I don’t agree. Can we talk about it before making any decisions? I’d like you to hear what I have to say.” Mingyu asked with a rather imposing tone in his voice, contrasting with the words that were coming out of his mouth. 
This wouldn’t work out. It never did. You knew it, you had been through that before. So what if he liked you? It would fade, it always did, and this time the fall would be too hard for you to take and to put yourself together again. You had no job to bury yourself into in order to forget, you had nowhere to put your energy. “Talking won’t change anything, Mingyu… This is just a crush, let’s…” You started mumbling, using your best lawyer voice to try and convince that man that you two should remain friends. 
“A… crush?” He was livid. How could you not understand that he was burning like a flame just by the sight of you? How could you not feel how much he wanted you and how physically in pain he’d get every single time you made him leave your room? The thing was he wasn’t going anywhere anymore. He wanted and he would stay as long as your stubborn ass would have him. Hopefully forever. “Listen, I won’t leave ok?” He snapped, running his fingers through his hair and throwing the strands behind. Why couldn’t you simply understand that he wouldn’t let you go? He didn’t want to. He couldn’t. Just thinking about it made his blood boil. “I…”
“No, Mingyu. You should leave.” You said emotionless. Your heart couldn’t take this anymore, any other word from that man and you’d abandon all of your self preservation and just throw yourself into this messy feeling. That couldn’t happen. “Leave my room now. And when you walk through that door we will forget everything that happened here. Like always. It’s my choice.” 
“You should tell her that, not me. And like… make her believe it, don’t just say it. She’s… stubborn.” Seungkwan’s words rang through Mingyu’s head. Stubborn was not even close to the resolution this woman in front of him had, but unlucky for you, he was just as stubborn when it was about something he really cared, when it was about something he truly loved. “Hope when you also take that jump you don’t fear the fall.” That memory made Mingyu smile, a small smirk showed up on his face and you shivered with the thought that maybe, just maybe, you were too harsh and now you ruined not only that… thing… the two of you had, but also the so wished friendship. 
“Ok.” Mingyu said bluntly, and you felt your breath vanish for a second. Fuck. This hurt more than you expected. Him giving up hurted much more than you could have anticipated. “As soon as I walk through that door I’ll just forget every single thing that happened here.” He said, pointing through your room’s door while getting up, and you took a deep breath, nodding your head so slowly that not even you were sure about your determination anymore. “Fine.” 
Your mouth dropped when you saw him walking towards your balcony as soon as the last word left his mouth. Tumbling from bed you followed him, too stunned to speak anything and, once more, unable to understand what on earth was going on through that beautiful head of his. 
“What… are you doing?!” You watched him tremble from head to toe as he approached the rail from your balcony, but he didn’t flinch, he just kept walking until his hands were testing out the firmness of that piece of wood. “Mingyu? What are you doing?” You asked again, but there was no response before he lifted himself up and stood on the rail. 
“AH SHIT.” He screamed, hands still shivering and head glued on the ground before him, where he was pretty sure he could fall and die at any given moment now. “You…” He started stuttering, his stupid fear of heights taking the best of him. “You said… that… when I… FUCK FUCK HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT?” He looked down again, letting a squeak out before grasping the rail with both of his hands and stabilizing his body before continuing talking to you. “You said that when I leave through the door I have to forget everything, so I’m not fucking leaving through your stupid door. I FOUND A LOOPHOLE.” He screamed the word you had taught him you hated in one of your many conversations about law with a childish smile, and you simply didn’t know whether to laugh or curse him. Why the fuck was he going the extra mile for a stupid crush? 
“Ok… ok…” He said mostly to himself, standing up again, and you could see not only his hands, but also his knees shaking. “I can do this… I can do this…” Mingyu checked the height he was in and another loud squeak was verbalized before the words “I can’t do this.” He turned his gaze to you as he grabbed the rail one more time, looking you up and down. You were flabbergasted.
“Gyu, you don’t have to…”
“There’s no fucking way in hell I’ll let you leave me. I’m fucking jumping. Just… just wait a bit, ok? Give me a second.” His voice was squeaky and you took a deep breath in order to not simply cackle with the scene unraveling in front of you. Fuck that man and the way he could make you fall in love with him by being a fucking coward. “Ok. I’m going… I’m… I’m going. Now.” He squatted again, saying something to himself that you couldn’t hear, and then standing up again. 
“AAAAAAAAAAH… SHIT!” You almost couldn’t believe your eyes as you saw that six foot man throwing himself to his own porch, screaming so loudly that you were pretty sure that if someone was still sleeping before that, they weren’t now. You saw him touching every single bit of his body, making sure he landed in one piece, and panting while he did so. “I fucking did it. YA! I DID IT!” He smiled proudly at you, raising both of his arms and you smiled back. 
“Are you fucking stupid?” You asked giggling, and his smile dropped right away, as he approached the rail from his own balcony, trying to be as close as you as possible to say the words he was about to utter for the first time in his entire life. 
“No. I’m fucking in love with you, that’s what I am.” And just like that you were the one shaking, not him anymore. Love. He said it. He used that word. You stared blankly at him, and he took it as a permission to continue blabbing until you would give up on that stupid “just friends” idea. “A fucking crush? Are you out of your mind? I can’t stop thinking about you for any single second of the day. Yes, I am stupid. I was stupid when I said you’re not my type. You are totally my type. In fact, you are all that there is to my type, no one else fits it but you. I’m hopeless. I never felt this way before and it makes me feel dumb. I’m stupidly in love, yes. So stop being scared that I’ll leave you and please, for fuck’s sake, please, don’t you leave me as well, ok? I don’t think I can handle it.” 
Your breathing started to get uneven as his words started clouding your mind. It never occurred to you that the possibility of Mingyu being feeling the same things as you were real, and now that he had just blurted all those things you simply couldn’t process reality as it was. “W-what?” Was the only thing you were able to verbalize, and Mingyu rolled his eyes, and started to speak loudly, as if your difficulty in understanding was because you didn’t hear him properly, and not because of the amount of information he had just thrown your way. 
“I. Love. You. I wanna spend every single day of my life listening to you talk about snakes and explaining to me the difference between civil and common law. I want to wake up and get out of the room with you and make you breakfast, you can repay me with kisses, I don’t mind, I’m a better cook than you anyway. And I want to hold you in front of people, I want to fucking scream right now that I am completely, utterly and hopelessly in love with you. I want to fucking go back in the past and hit on you on the bar the first time we met so that we can have more time together. I want to hold you and never let you go. I want you so bad it’s driving me mad. And I know you want me too.” A silly tear ran down your chin, but you weren’t completely sure about why and how it got there. Mingyu was looking at you hopefully, and you couldn’t help but to smirk. 
“Wow, that’s… very presumptuous of you to assume.” You commented on his last declaration, and you saw his mouth drop in awe. In less than a second you pulled yourself up the rail: “Catch me.” You asked him, jumping directly to his arms. He grabbed you as tight as he could, preventing you from touching your feet on the ground, and you simply wrapped your legs around him. “You’re lucky that you are absolutely correct.” 
The bright smile that painted his face looked like the sunrise. Warm, but not blinding. Beautiful in every aspect. Something you could stare for as long as people would let you. “I fucking love you, Kim Mingyu. Loving you is the stupidest thing I’ve done this last month… and I quit my fucking job… But I don’t want to regret it anymore.”
“Yeah. Fuck, Mr. Ludovich.” He grinned, and you giggled. 
“Not that. My feelings. I don’t want to regret feeling like this anymore. Dumbass.” You stuck your tongue out, but he took the opportunity to give you a small peck on the lips. Your eyes got so small from the large smile that showed up on your face that you almost couldn’t see. “Sorry for… being stubborn, I guess?” 
“I’ll forgive you if you forgive me for telling everybody about our secret relationship later on dinner…” He raised his eyebrows and smirked like a delinquent, but you just kissed him and took your legs off of his waist, standing up without moving away from him. 
“What secret relationship? Neither of us walked through the door…”
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Every eye of the table was turned your way as you raised your glass in a slightly drunk but very happy toast. Almost everyone was there. Seungkwan was not holding back his tears as you thanked him for all his support. Raena was squeezing Jessica’s hand so hard that, had you not been too happy, you’d scold her for it. Your old friends and your new friends were all there, cheering for you as you finally reached a point in life you dreamed about for so long. 
“... The last year was far from easy. The path I had chosen long ago finally opened itself to me, and I could never have the courage to pursue it if it wasn’t for each and every single one of you sitting in front of me right now. Apart from Minghao, of course, you judgemental bitch.” A loud cackle erupted on the table, as Minghao stood up and made a small courtesy bow. He was, in fact, one of the biggest reasons for you to stand there at that moment and he knew that. 
After getting into the Photography Major, Minghao, who was also in the same area, would often help you with works, give hints and critiques to your pictures and, overall, help you mold your style to the way it was currently. He single handedly chose almost every picture you had exposed that day on your first exposition, and was the reason why it was so successful. 
You finished your toast, and the whole bar cheered alongside your friends, probably too drunk to do anything but to scream when somebody else would do it, and before you knew Raena was approaching the table with a tray of shots and a smiley face. 
“Look at that handsome man getting into the bar, he looks like he’s your type.” Seungkwan said slyly, pointing with his head to the tall man with honey skin getting into the bar with a lost gaze and furrow eyebrows. You winked at your friend, getting up and walking straight to the place he had pointed before. As you approached the entrance he smiled at you, showing his little fangs and scrunching his nose just a bit. 
“Hey, handsome. How about we… smooch smooch?” You asked with a juvenile smile and he giggled, putting his arms around your waist and leaving a small kiss on your lips. 
“I’m sorry, I have a girlfriend.” Mingyu said jokingly and you just kissed him back, thankful that he finally arrived at your post-exposition party. 
“You’re super late, you know?” You nagged, and you could feel him rolling his eyes back before taking his arms off of your waist and holding your hand tightly. 
“Babe, you know your mother loves me. It took me forever to take them home and convince her I should get going. Besides, I got to the exposition before you even got there, so if anything I was super early today.” Your mother insisted that Mingyu was the one to take her and your father home before going to the bar, and you knew for a fact that he was not exaggerating when he said he had to convince her that it was time for him to leave. Maybe your mother liked Mingyu more than she liked you, but you would never ask, you didn’t need that answer just yet. 
“Maybe you taking them was a bad idea…” You started making your way to the table where Seungcheol was throwing back not only his shot, but the one that was right in front of your chair while Raena scolded him for it. 
“Sometimes we need a bad idea.” His tone was mischievous and you couldn’t help but to look at him and see his expression, like a child who had just done something terrible and wanted you to find out. “For instance…”, he let go of your hand, reaching out to his back pocket and taking something out of it. “... I was able to ask your parents if it was ok for me to do this, and your mother loved the place by the way.” 
“P-place?” You were confused, trying to peek at whatever was in his big hands without much success. Mingyu simply nodded, opening his fist slowly and showing you a pair of keys. 
“I was serious when I said two years ago that I couldn’t stand being away from you. Let’s move in together. The place has the porch you wanted and I bought some allergy medicines so I can survive being around the cat we’ll adopt.” That man wasn’t real. He couldn’t be. That love couldn’t be real as well, everything was just so easy with Mingyu that each day you found yourself more and more in love with him. You wrapped your arms around him and that clumsy man in front of you dropped the damn keys, but neither of you minded, neither this nor the loud cheer your friends gave without even knowing what was going on. 
“You are so fucking stupid. And I love you so fucking much.” You said with your head buried in his neck, and Mingyu giggled because of the soft touch of your mouth on his skin. 
“Is that a yes?” His puppy eyes looked at you hopeful, and you nodded your head.
“When was I ever able to say no to you?”
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the real final notes (again)
i don't have much else to say other than thank you for reading if you got this far, i hope you can enjoy reading this fanfiction as much as i did writing it <3
let's see each other in my next work, shall we? :)
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
I Don’t Deserve You {Part 2} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: post-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, protective joel, age gap (reader is in her 20s and Joel is in his 50s), stalking, sexual assault attempt (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: You were popular in Jackson but you have been single your whole life. Despite many men flirting with you, you have never found your ideal type. Until one day, you saw Joel and you fell in love at first sight.  But he felt insecure.
Words count: 2.9k 
A/N: This is part 2 for I Don’t Deserve You Part 1. Thank you to everyone who read my fanfic! 
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
It was a usual Monday after the night Joel saved you from Josh. You woke up early and got ready to work and meet your students. 
“Good morning, kids! How was your weekend?” You asked the students with a soft tone.
“I watched a movie with my dad last night!” A girl shouted.
“It was my birthday yesterday!” Another girl shouted.
They were active and you were always happy to listen to their stories. Their stories were always interesting to you. You loved how children were so pure and innocent. 
“Oh really? Well, happy birthday to you! Why don’t we all sing happy birthday to Samantha?” 
You invited the other students to sing the Happy Birthday song for Samantha. Each of the students followed your clap and sang the Happy Birthday song together. The day went and it was already time for the class to be dismissed. 
“Okay everyone! Class is dismissed! Don’t forget to do your homework!”
Everyone was packing their bags hurriedly and you glanced at the door. The door had a rectangle transparent glass and you saw Joel. When he caught your eye, he quickly hid. You found him so cute and felt butterflies in your stomach. It felt like you were in your teenage years all over again. You shook your head and smiled. The kids were starting to leave one by one and you began to pack your stuff on the table. 
“I saw you there Joel.” You teased Joel who was still hiding.
“Uhm.. Sorry.” He slowly walked inside the class and cleared his throat.
“You caught me.” He smiled shyly and put his hand on the nape of his neck.
“Are you stalking me now?” You joked.
“Absolutely not. I was just around and thought I’d stop by to see how you’re teaching the kids. Hope you didn’t teach them curse words.” He joked remembering his last joke at the bar that was cut off by Josh’s appearance.
“Of course not.” You scoffed and slightly hit his chest. 
“Are you heading home now?” Joel put his hands on his waist.
“Yes, all the kids have gone home so I should go home now.”
“I’ll walk you home.” Joel gestured a movement from his hands as if he was asking you to follow him.
“Sure. Thank you.” You grabbed your purse and jacket.
Joel wasn’t actually around the area. He was not patrolling that day and couldn’t keep thinking about last night. He was worried that Josh might come to you and bother you again. After thinking about it for a few hours, he decided to visit you at school and walk you home. He thought that it was the least thing he could do to protect you. Without realizing it, he was starting to have feelings towards you. 
“Do you want to come in and have dinner with me tonight? I can cook something for us.” You hoped Joel would say yes before you got in your house.
“Sure. Ellie is making friends now so she often stays out late.” 
“Great. Come in.” You welcomed Joel.
You hung your jacket and Joel did the same. 
“Please make yourself at home while I cook dinner.” You smiled at Joel.
Joel nodded and sat on the sofa in your living room. You walked to your kitchen, opened your fridge and took out some ingredients. 
“Can I help you with somethin’?” Joel suddenly stood up and walked towards you.
“No, no. I’m good. Let me serve you dinner tonight.” Joel was your guest so you wanted to serve him.
“Okay.” Joel walked away and started to look around your house.
“You have a lot of books.” Joel stopped at your bookshelf.
“Oh, yes. I love to read. I’m a teacher.” You laughed.
“Right.” Joel chuckled.
After a few moments of banter while you were preparing dinner, you were finally done.
“Dinner’s ready.” You called for Joel.
He looked back from the sofa and hurried his way to the dining table.
“Smells good.” He sniffed.
You both started eating. You were nervous because you were scared Joel might not like your cooking. And your legs were shaking under the table.
“Hmm.. It’s delicious. Thank you.” Joel praised your food.
“Phew.. I was scared you didn’t like it.” You sighed.
“Are you kidding? This is the best meal I’ve ever had in the past 20 years.” He chuckled as he shoved another spoonful of your cooking.
“Thank you, Joel. You’re really sweet.” You were touched hearing his words.
The two of you had conversations as you finished your dinner. 
“Let me wash the dishes. You cooked so I will wash the dishes.” Joel offered.
“Sure.” You gave your dishes to Joel.
You watched him from behind and got lost in your fantasy. You were imagining a life where you and Joel lived under the same roof as family. And you were the wife making dinner for your husband when he got off from work. He looked dashing from behind and his shoulder was broad. You imagined how it would feel kissing him. But you didn’t want to rush so you had to hold yourself. You hit your head and got back to reality. 
“Done.” Joel wiped his hands with a towel.
“Thank you, Joel. For washing the dishes.” 
“It’s nothin’. You cooked for me so it’s fair if I wash the dishes.” He shook his head.
You wondered how a man like him treated you so nice. You kept wondering why he didn’t come into your life sooner. Then you remembered why. You were half his age. But you didn’t care. As long as he made you happy, you didn’t care about anything.
You and Joel spent a few hours hanging out at your house then it was time for him to go home.
“I should probably head home.” Joel looked at you.
“Yeah, sure. Thank you for walking me home today.”
“Anytime. Thank you for the meal. It was delicious.” Joel thanked you.
You chuckled as you walked him to your door and grabbed his jacket.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“Sure. See you tomorrow.” You waved your hand goodbye to Joel.
The next day, Joel came and picked you up from work. He walked you home and had dinner with you for the second day, third day, fourth day, and it went on and on. Except when it was his turn to go on patrol, he couldn’t walk you home. But he would always tell you in advance if he couldn’t walk you home. 
Joel and you often hung out in the city as well. Since you got close with Joel, Josh had never shown up. He just stared at you from afar but he had never approached you. You even had less guys flirting with you. As time went by, people were starting to recognize your relationship with him. People were making rumors and talking about you and Joel. They were talking about how far your age gap was and how Joel didn’t deserve you. He was old and ruthless but you were young and kind. You didn’t care what anyone said. Joel had never hurt you, he was always respectful, he was definitely not like what other people said. As a matter of fact, Joel had never been kind to anyone but you. 
Your feelings towards Joel have grown deeper and deeper. On the other side, you had no idea how Joel felt towards you. Did he like you or did he just see you as a kid who needed protection? But you didn’t want this to end so you kept your feelings hidden until it was 2 months since you and Joel spent time together. You couldn’t hold your feelings hidden any longer.
It was another usual dinner with Joel. You watched him as he was walking outside your front porch. 
“Joel.” You stopped him before he walked his way home.
“Huh?” He raised his eyebrows and looked back.
“Can I ask you something?” You wiped your sweaty hands to your jeans.
“Sure. What is it?” He walked his way back to your porch where you were standing, resting his hands on the handrail.
“What are we, Joel? I mean - I - I like you, Joel.” You confessed your feelings to Joel and stepped closer to him.
Instead of telling you the way he felt about you, he took a step back. 
“No.” His voice was really low, he shook his head and looked down.
Your eyes were getting blurry as tears welled up in your eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” Joel quickly walked away from you.
“Joel.. Please..” You tried to stop him but you thought it was better to stay.
You were heartbroken. You went to your bedroom, covered your face with your pillow and cried all night.
On his way home, Joel was also heartbroken. He couldn’t see you cry like that, especially because of him. He regretted leaving you hanging like that. He wished he could hug you and comfort you. But he knew he shouldn’t. He had heard the rumors and he agreed to what people were saying. He regretted treating you nice if it would end up breaking your heart. He shouldn’t give you hope in the first place. Since then, Joel started avoiding you. He didn’t walk you home and didn’t have dinner with you. You and Joel ended just like that.
You hadn’t seen Joel since. Your days went so slow. Days felt weeks, weeks felt months, months felt years. It has been a month and you hated this feeling. You wanted closure so you decided to find Joel. You walked to his house and knocked on his door.
“Hi!” It was Ellie.
“Uhm.. Hi! Is Joel home?” You asked Ellie.
“Yeah! Joel! Someone’s here looking for you!” Ellie shouted and called Joel.
Joel made his way down stairs and his eyes widened when he saw you at his front door.
“We need to talk, please.” You begged Joel.
“Okay.” Joel gestured to Ellie to go, he closed the door and invited you to sit on the patio chairs at his front porch.
You sat with him but he didn’t say anything. So you started the conversation.
“Did I do something wrong, Joel?” You tried to find what was wrong to fix your relationship with him.
“No.” He replied coldly.
“It’s okay. Just tell me, Joel. Let me fix us.” You begged him.
“It’s not you. It’s me.” Joel wanted the best for you.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. What do you mean?” You were confused.
“I know you heard about the rumors. They were right. I don’t deserve you. I’m old. I’ve done bad things. I’ve killed people. And you’re young, beautiful…inside out, kind, perfect and everythin’. You deserve someone way better than me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have started anythin’ with you. I realized I was crossin’ the line, that's why it’s better that I stopped before I hurt you more.” Joel put his elbow on his knees as he explained to you.
“That’s not right. I don’t care what people say, Joel. You treated me so nice. You’ve never hurt me. You protect me, Joel.” You shook your head in denial.
“Don’t you get it? I don’t deserve you.” Joel started to raise his voice.
“No, Joel. Please. Give me a chance. I can’t live without you. Please. Give us a chance.” You cried as you begged him.
Joel wanted to cry but he held it. He didn’t want to look weak. Instead he stood up and asked you to leave. 
“I promise I won’t see you again.” Joel’s words made your heart even wretched.
“Joel, please..don’t..Can you at least give me a hug as a goodbye? Please?” You grabbed his wrist.
Joel wanted to hug you. He really did. But it would just make him change his mind. If he hugged you, he might not be able to let you go. So he let go of your hand and walked inside his house. You cried so loud and kneeled in front of his door. Hoping for Joel to come out and change his mind, but a few hours went by and he didn’t appear. You were getting hopeless so you decided to go home. You cried on your walk and you didn’t realize someone was following you. You grabbed your keys and went inside your house. Someone was holding your door before you closed it. 
“Joel?” You hoped Joel was following you home.
“Nuh-uh baby. It’s me. Josh.” Josh smirked.
You gasped and started to shake. 
“Wh-what are you do-doing?” Josh could hear you were scared.
“I told you that old man is no good, baby. You should have been with me in the first place. I wouldn’t make you cry. I’m way better than him. That old man knows it. He really doesn’t deserve you. But I deserve you.” It turned out that Josh had been stalking you and he was eavesdropping your conversation with Joel.
“No. Josh. Please get out of my house.” You tried to act like you were not scared but he could see you were shaking.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. You’re mine now.” Josh claimed you as his because he knew Joel wouldn’t be there to protect you from him anymore.
“No, please go.” You walked backwards as he slowly walked towards you.
On the other side, Joel kept thinking about what he had said to you. He knew it was for the best but somehow he felt something weird in his heart. He guessed maybe he should have hugged you goodbye. He didn’t hear your cries anymore so he decided to walk to your house. He saw your door was left open and he heard a loud thud and your scream. Joel’s heart was beating faster as he rushed inside your house.
“Stay still!” Josh was on top of you, holding your hands, trying to take off your pants.
“Josh, stop it!” You tried to push Josh away but he was too heavy.
Joel’s eyes widened as he was shocked to see what was happening. He ran towards you, grabbed Josh from behind and threw him aside. Josh was hurting laying on the floor. Joel’s eyes locked on Josh and punched him over and over again. Josh’s face was full of blood and he was begging for Joel to stop. 
“Don’t you ever touch her again! You lay a hand on her again, I’ll break your arm!” Joel lifted Josh by his collar and yelled at his face.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Josh begged Joel for his life.
“Now get the fuck out of this house and never show your face again!” Joel pointed his finger towards the door as he raised his voice again.
Joel closed the door after Josh crawled his way out of your house. You were in shock, crying, hyperventilating, shaking, and holding your ripped shirt to cover yourself. You had never seen Joel like this before. He was scary when he was angry just like what other people in the town talked about.  
“Hey, are you okay?” Joel’s voice was different from seconds ago.
He sounded very soft. He took off his jacket and put it on you. 
“I got you, babygirl. I got you.” He looked at you with worried eyes. (TLOU ep 8 reference 😘)
He wiped your tears with his thumb and hugged you. His hands rubbed your back in circles until your breathing was normal again. 
“Can you stand?” He asked you.
You nodded and guided him to your bedroom. He kept holding your arm, holding your weight as you walked. You opened your closet to get new clothes and changed into a new one. Joel faced the wall as you changed your clothes. He was always respectful to you. Not like the other guys you had met.
“Here.” You gave Joel his jacket back.
“Do you want me to stay?” He thought he would stay for the night to make sure you were safe.
“Will you?” You asked Joel with your puppy eyes as you sat on the bed.
“Of course, darlin’. I don’t want Josh to come here again and hurt you.” Joel walked to your bedroom door.
“Where are you going? I thought you’re staying.” You were confused.
“I am. I’m sleepin’ on the couch.” 
You chuckled. Everytime he did or said something, you fell in love with him more.
“Joel, stay here.” You pat the empty space beside you on your bed.
“No. I shouldn’t.” He still kept his chivalry.
“Joel, please. I don’t think I can sleep if you’re not next to me. I feel safe when I’m with you. Please.” You begged Joel.
“Okay.” Joel shyly moved his way to your bed and laid beside you.
You moved closer to him, put your head on his chest, and rested your hands on his stomach. You could hear his heart beating faster and his body was stiff because of your movements. Joel took a deep breath and put his arms around you. He rubbed your back in circles.
“I’m sorry. I know I don’t deserve you. But can I get that chance for our relationship? Give me a chance to be better for you?” He rested his chin on your head.
“You should stop being insecure, Joel. You’re the best man I’ve ever met. All the guys who flirted with me.. They weren't like you. I know for a fact they only want to get in my pants. But you’re different. Am I right?” You caressed his chest.
“No. You’re wrong.” You were shocked by his joke and raised your head to face him.
“I’m joking. Relax.” He laughed.
“Don’t ever do that again.” You put your head back to his chest and hit his chest.
“Oh! You’re bleeding! We need to get your fist cleaned up!” You took his hands worriedly.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ve been worse.” Joel chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“Okay, then.” You kissed his bleeding fist that saved you from Josh. 
The two of you spent the night cuddling, talking and getting to know each other. Joel told you about his past, Sarah, and Ellie as you drift into your sleep. 
To be continued...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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May I request a fanfic with Dean Winchester x fem!reader, who is into cars and drives an Rx-7? She should be really sweet and innocent and her car-hobby is something you wouldn’t expect first glance. She loves drift events and works at a garage. Thank uuu!!!
Have a lovely day and remember to eat and drink enough! 💕
We Have Time
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Title: We Have Time
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Word Count: ~3,825
A/N: Thank you so much @milkb0nny for the request!! I really got into this story, and I hope it lives up to what you were imagining.
And thank you for your kind words, I hope you have a great read and an amazing day!
A 1967 Chevy Impala.
You couldn’t help but stare, your jaw slack as you admired the car. You had a pretty nice car too, if you did say so yourself, but you hadn’t seen a freaking 1967 Chevy Impala in a while.
Your head tilted to the side as you slowly walked up to the car. You’d absolutely love to get your hands on it, but you could tell that the car was loved and well taken care of, and that the owner would probably never let another person lay their hands on it.
You were startled out of your thoughts when someone cleared their throat behind you. You whirled around in surprise and were suddenly standing face to face with two men. They were both tall, though one was taller than the other, with long brown hair. The other was a bit shorter, with cropped blond hair and piercing green eyes.
You could feel blood rushing up to your cheeks in embarrassment. “Sorry,” you said.
The taller man smiled kindly. “No worries. What’re you up to?”
You shook your head, your cheeks still flaming. “Nothing. Well, I was headed back to work, but I got distracted and now I’m a little late, but I should be fine, I think. I just love this car and I had to stop and take a closer look and now here we are.”
The taller man chuckled at your tangent, but the shorter man was looking behind you. You followed his stare and came face to face with your own lovely car. Your 1995 Mazda RX-7.
You turned back towards the two men when you heard the blond one finally speak. “That’s a damn nice car.”
You felt pride brimming in your chest. Of course it was. You’d kept it in pristine condition, and if there was one thing that you knew for sure, it was cars.
The man looked back towards you and offered a small smirk. “You like my car, sweetheart?.”
You smiled easily. “I love it, actually.”
His smirk grew as he put on a flirtatious voice shamelessly. “Oh, yeah? You wanna go for a ride sometime?”
The taller man made a face of disgust, but you were practically jumping for joy. “Really? You mean it?”
The shorter man blinked in surprise, as if he hadn’t expected you to say yes. Why wouldn’t you, though? It was a freaking Impala.
You reached out a hand, still buzzing with excitement. “I guess if you’re offering me a ride, I should introduce myself. Hi, I’m y/n.”
The taller man reached out a hand first, his handshake gentle. “I’m Sam. Nice to meet you.”
You moved your hand towards the shorter man, who took your hand in his. His grip was firm. You smiled as he introduced himself. “Dean.”
You nodded and looked back towards the car again. “So, did you mean it?”
Dean hesitated, looking you over, before nodding slowly. “Yeah, I meant it. We’re only in town for a few days, but why don’t you give me your number? I’ll take you on a ride.”
Your smile widened and you quickly recited your number as soon as Dean had his phone out. 
Sam shoved his hands in his pockets and raised his eyebrows at you. “You sure about this?”
You nodded vigorously. “Yeah, of course. If you guys don’t mind me hitching a ride for a bit, obviously. I’d sit in the backseat, and I’m a good passenger.”
At that, a smile of amusement grew on Sam’s features as Dean cleared his throat. “I think you misunderstood me, sweetheart.”
A wave of disappointment crashed over you. “Oh.”
Dean’s eyes widened. “No, not like- I was thinking I’d leave the lunkhead behind and the two of us could go for a ride.”
“Oh,” you said again, relief filling your chest. “Yeah, that's fine.”
You could see Sam stifling laughter, though you weren’t sure why. You looked towards your phone and gasped lightly. You started walking backwards towards your car as you spoke. “I’ll definitely take you up on that, call me whenever. I really gotta go, but it was nice to meet you, though!”
You turned and ran the rest of the distance, hurriedly entering your car and driving off as quickly as possible in the hopes that you wouldn’t get fired for being so late.
From the same spot that you’d left them in, Sam burst out into laughter as Dean rolled his eyes.
Sam bent over, trying to catch his breath. “I don’t think she got the hint, Dean. Or maybe she’s just more interested in your car than you. You’re losing your touch.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Dean muttered, sulking towards Baby. Who cared what Sam said? You’d said yes to the ride, right? That had to count for something.
He looked off in the direction your car had gone in. “I can’t believe that’s her car.”
Sam threw him a look as he walked over to Baby and opened the passenger’s door. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing. If you know how to take care of it.”
“Right. Because you’ve never even gotten a scratch on your car.”
“Hey,” Dean said warningly. “Baby’s been through some tough times, but she knows she can count on me.”
Dean stood still, staring at Baby. 
Sam stood to his right, staring at the damage as well. They’d been standing here for a few minutes. The worst part about it was that the hunt was already over. There was nothing and nobody for Dean to take out his anger on.
Sam glanced towards Dean, hoping that this wouldn’t cause him to go feral. He opened his mouth to offer condolences, but Dean stopped him before he could speak.
“Not a word.”
Sam nodded silently and looked back towards Baby. It definitely wasn’t pretty. 
Dean had been able to fix his car up plenty of times, but Sam had a feeling that even Dean might need some help with this one, if only so that he didn’t mope around in silence for hours as he fixed his Baby.
Not that he’d say that right now, of course. He’d wait until Dean finally stopped staring at the wreckage, first.
Dean stood a safe distance away from the car garage, leaning on Baby. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger and his arms were crossed over his chest. He’d love nothing more than to just drive away, but he’d have to come back for Sam anyway, so there was really no point.
Sam was talking to someone about the damage that Baby had sustained during the hunt. Dean wasn’t even sure what cover story they were using. He’d been too upset to ask.
Not that it mattered. They shouldn’t have come in the first place. He could’ve fixed Baby up on his own.
He still could. Maybe Sam could just walk back to the motel.
He glanced towards the voice and immediately dropped his arms down by his side when he saw who the voice belonged to. He smiled, the anger in his chest subsiding slightly. “Hey yourself, sweetheart.”
You looked behind him and your eyes widened as you saw the state of his car. To say that you were surprised was an understatement. You’d definitely wanted to get your hands on that car, but you really hoped that you hadn’t just manifested an accident or something.
You looked back towards Dean. “What happened?”
Dean shook his head and closed his eyes. “Don’t remind me.”
You nodded slowly, your eyes still stuck on the poor Impala. “Okay.”
Dean looked over at you. “Eyes are over here, sweetheart.”
Your eyes snapped over to Dean. “Yeah, sorry. It’s just… sorry. Anyway.”
Dean smiled slightly. “Anyway.”
You grinned. “You said you were only in town for a while, right? What brings you here, of all places?”
Dean felt a warmth in his chest, thankful that you were kind enough to try and distract him. “My brother and I are travelers. We just wander wherever the wind takes us.”
You scoffed and crossed your arms. “The wind picked a horrible time to send you here. There’s been a bunch of accidents lately. I’m getting a bit worried, honestly.”
Dean felt a small smirk creep onto his face. “Is that right? I have a feeling it’ll die down.”
You made a face. “Horrible choice of words.”
Dean’s eyes widened and he let out a small cough. “You’re right. Sorry.”
You shrugged and smiled. “It’s fine. Wandering where the wind takes you sounds fun, though. I’ll have to try it some time.”
Before Dean could respond, you heard someone call out your name. You both turned in the direction of the garage to see who it was. Your boss pointed towards the Impala and cupped her hands around her mouth to shout, “These boys need a hand with their car! You got it?”
You waved a hand to show acknowledgment. Your boss nodded and walked back into the garage.
Dean whipped his head around to face you. “You’re a mechanic?”
You smiled with pride. “Only the best in the business.”
Dean looked you up and down. “Is that right?”
“You’re the one with the beat up car.”
You grinned unapologetically. “Sorry.”
You looked up as Sam approached the two of you. “Hey,” he said, “is there anywhere around here where we can get some food?”
You nodded and pointed. “Five minute walk that way, you’re going to hit a few places and a market. Is that okay?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, that’s perfect, thanks.” He looked over at Dean. “Come on, let’s let her work.”
Dean looked over at you, who sent him a sweet smile. He shook his head slowly and turned back towards Sam. “I’ll stay here, help out with whatever.”
Sam made a sound of disbelief. “She’s a professional, Dean, she can handle it.”
“Oh, I know she can. I just want to see her in action.”
You blushed, looking away with a smile.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’ll be back.”
Dean nodded and watched for a moment as Sam walked away before turning back to you. “So. How long is this going to take?”
You shrugged and looked behind him, cringing at the damage. “Three days, minimum.”
Dean closed his eyes in pain before shaking his head. “Alright. Alright, that’s fine. We have time.” He opened his eyes and smiled. “So. What other surprises are you hiding?”
“That’s bull!”
Dean watched you fondly as you yelled at the television that was set up in the garage.
You were multitasking, watching Formula Drift as you worked on fixing up the Impala. Which isn’t what he had expected from you, but really, he should have known better by now.
After all, this was the third day that the two of you had been busy repairing Baby. 
Your time together had started out quietly. On day one, when you had gotten Baby to your workspace, you’d started crooning as if she were a living thing. Dean had taken a liking to you immediately after that.
As soon as you started working, the two of you made progress quickly, much faster than he could’ve ever done it on his own. It was made even faster by the fact that you were splitting tasks and helping each other out whenever possible.
The first day of work was mostly silent, except for a few short exchanges here and there.
But on day two, you two had gotten to talking. You were an open book, no secrets or lies to you at all. Well, except for the fact that you were “sweet and harmless on the outside but a tough mechanic here in the garage”, according to Dean. You’d laughed at that, causing that warmth to appear in Dean’s chest again.
You had told Dean a bit about your life, and how your family was no longer in the picture after an accident that had happened a few years back. 
“I’m sorry,” Dean had said softly.
You smiled. “Thank you.”
Dean had found himself telling you a bit about his life as well. That Mary had passed away long ago, and that John had gone more recently.
You had looked at him with such compassion in your eyes as you said, “I’m sorry, truly.”
He had nodded once in acknowledgment before he’d steered the conversation towards something else.
You were easy to talk to. Almost too easy. Today, on day three of working, Dean had almost told you what he had really been doing that had caused so much damage to the Impala. He caught himself just in time, but still marveled at how easy it was to be honest with you.
Luckily, your conversation had been cut short when your boss walked in and turned the television on. “You’ve got to see this,” was all the context that she had provided before walking out once again.
Dean had glanced at the screen in surprise when he saw Formula Drift playing, and looked over at you with even more surprise when you immediately repositioned yourself so that you could work on Baby and watch the TV at the same time.
You’d been working and watching the competition for a while now, instructing Dean to hand you a tool every once in a while or giving him a job to do when you didn’t want to tear your gaze away from the screen.
But even with your focus divided, Dean could see how loving and careful you were being with Baby.
He couldn’t help but let his gaze linger on you when he saw how passionate you were with both the Impala and the competition. You were muttering to yourself as you worked, and looking up at the screen every once in a while to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
He wasn’t even really paying attention to the screen, or Baby, to be honest. His gaze was focused on you.
You threw your hands up in frustration and shouted at the screen before looking over at him. “You saw that, right? You saw that, I know you did.”
Dean nodded, not really even sure what he was agreeing to. “Yeah, I saw it.”
You huffed out a breath of anger and stood. “I can’t watch this anymore, it’s too much. We’re almost done here, do you want to see if Sam has some food for you?”
Dean looked down in surprise to see that you were indeed almost done with your work. A quick glance at the clock on the wall let him know that the two of you had been working hours.
He looked over at you. “Yeah, sure. We’ve been at it for a while, don’t you get breaks or something?”
You smiled. “Yeah. I’m trying to subtly ask you if I can take my break now.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh. Yeah, no, of course. Let’s eat, I’m starved.”
He turned away from you, but stopped when he heard you groan again. He looked back to see you bouncing on your toes as you watched the screen.
You made eye contact with Dean. “I’m coming, just give me two seconds.” You looked back at the TV.
Dean shook his head in amusement and walked back over to you, gently placing one hand on your shoulder and using his other hand to grab one of yours. He slowly led you away even as you stared at the screen.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he mumbled.
“It’s just-”
“I know.”
“It’s so stupid, he didn’t even-”
“I know, I’m sorry. Come on.”
“Dean, are you seeing this?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. Come on, you can do it, I believe in you.”
He finally led you away from the screen, releasing you as soon as the tension faded from your body.
You laughed in embarrassment. “Sorry about that.”
Dean smiled back. “What’re you sorry for? I get it.”
You grinned, looking down at your feet. “How long are you staying in town for?”
Dean’s heart sped up. So you had definitely caught on to his not-so-subtle flirtations over the last few days. 
You looked up and smiled hopefully. Dean had been nothing but kind and sweet, and you were hoping that he’d at least entertain the idea of the two of you spending more time together. Especially since he’d been hinting at it for a while now.
But as you watched his smile start to fade, you realized that your hopes had only been silly little dreams. Nothing more.
He looked away. “We don’t usually stay in one place for long. We’ll probably be out as soon as Baby’s ready to go.”
You could feel your heart drop down to your feet, but you forced a smile on your lips. “Yeah, that makes sense. Traveling with the wind and all.”
Dean nodded, still not looking you in the eye.
You cleared your throat and nodded. “Okay, then. I’ll get Baby up and running soon. I’m just going to grab some food and I’ll get back to it.”
You turned your back on Dean before he could reply and walked away swiftly. You furiously wiped at your eyes as you felt them well up. 
You didn’t know why you were so upset. Why would Dean put his life on hold for you when you’d only just met? Just because the two of you had some things in common? Or maybe because he had allowed you to be open and vulnerable without judgment. Or maybe because you had seen the way that he was looking at you as you worked, even though he hadn’t seen that you were looking at him the exact same way.
You stopped walking when you knew that you were out of Dean’s sight and leaned against a wall. There was no one like him in your small town, and you doubted you would ever meet anyone like him again. Someone tough but kind, eyes haunted by his past even as he tried to make sure that others didn’t have to suffer the way he did. Someone who made you feel like you had time to take things slow, and let things click into place.
You straightened and took a deep breath. You couldn’t let this affect you. Yeah, it hurt that Dean had led you to believe that you might become something, but when it came down to it, you’d only known each other a few days. No matter how much you liked him, you had to stay focused.
Even if Dean didn’t stay, you had a job to do.
“She asked you to stay?”
Dean shook his head. “No. No, she didn’t. She asked how long we’re staying for.”
Sam threw his hands up. “Same thing! What’d you tell her?”
“The truth.”
Sam spluttered. “The truth?”
Dean made a face. “Not the whole truth, I’m not insane.”
“You’ve done it before,” Sam pointed out.
“We’re getting off topic. Look, I just told her that we never stay in one place long, and that we were leaving when Baby was ready.”
“Dean,” Sam said in exasperation. “You’ve been flirting with the poor girl for days. Now she probably thinks she did something wrong.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t know what you want me to do about it.”
Sam stayed quiet for a moment. There was nothing that Dean could do to fix this. Not really. Not unless…
Sam sat up straighter. “Okay, listen. Maybe we can stay a bit longer.”
Dean shook his head. “We have a job to do, Sammy.”
“What job, Dean? We don’t have any new leads. Garth hasn’t called, and Cass hasn’t told us that the world is ending again.”
“Yeah, but-”
“We have time, Dean. Take advantage of it.”
Dean shook his head again. “Sammy, listen-”
“No, Dean, for once in your life, you listen to me. I can see the way you look at this girl. Hell, her boss sees it, too. I know our life makes it almost impossible to settle down, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.” “Sammy-”
“Wouldn’t you say the same thing to me if Jess was still around?”
Dean stayed silent. Sam was right, of course. He’d love nothing more than for his brother to be able to settle down peacefully with the love of his life. 
He took a deep breath and looked up at Sam. “Alright, I hear you.” Sam nodded, satisfied. “Good. Now, go get her, tiger.”
You looked up and smiled as Dean entered your workstation again. 
“We’re almost done. Just a few last tweaks and you’ll be out of here.”
Dean stood across the room from you, his hands in his pockets.
You frowned in concern. “Hey. You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’m alright. But, uh, there’s been a change in plans.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Oh?”
Dean offered you a small smile. “We’re actually going to be staying here a little longer than we thought.”
You could feel your heart speed up in your chest, but tried to squash down your expectations. “Really?”
He nodded. “I still need to give you that ride, don’t I?”
You laughed in relief, allowing the flood of feelings that you’d been pushing back to move forward, front and center. “Yeah, you do. What made you change your mind?”
At that, Dean walked forward until he was standing beside you. “I think you know.”
You smiled. “Maybe. But I’d still like to know.”
Dean grinned and gently patted his Impala. “Well, Baby, of course. I need to be nearby in case you’re not as good as you say you are, so that I can make you pay for damages.”
You laughed. “Fair enough. You want to finish her up with me?”
You hummed. “We’re almost done, though. Where are you going to take me?”
Dean shook his head. “It’s a surprise.”
“Not always a great idea to keep a first date destination a surprise,” you said, surprised with your own boldness.
Dean chuckled. “First date, huh?”
You took a step closer to him. “Maybe. Is it?”
Dean lowered his head towards yours. “Absolutely.”
You could feel warmth radiating off of him in waves, allowing yourself to be comforted by his presence as you tilted your head up towards him. 
Before you could even register what was going on, your boss burst into the room. “Hey, I have a guy out here asking for help, are you-”
You buried your face in your hands in embarrassment as Dean stepped back, looking up at the ceiling to hide his flushed cheeks.
Your boss slowly backed away, pulling the door closed behind her. “Sorry about that. Carry on.”
You peered out from behind your hands and looked up at Dean. “Maybe we should save that for our date. You know, just in case my boss decides to walk in again.”
Dean smiled, the warmth in his chest stronger than ever before. “Don’t worry about it. 
We have time.”
A/N: Part 2!
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