#batman miraculous crossover
autla · 1 year
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I wanna put these kids in situations
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person25 · 4 months
for some reason, every time i get back into dc and/or miraculous i always end up here:
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allusivex5 · 5 months
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Rebirth of the Waynes
It’s was fun but difficult not used to a lot of figures in my drawings. Also this is my first time drawing Batman and it was so cool! I felt like on top of the world! Ps please be nice I’m not great at backgrounds.
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1moonflame8 · 1 month
So I am looking for a Damianette.
Marinette runs away to Gotham because of Lila lying to everyone and she had to escape.
She bonds with Jason and if I remember right he takes care of her.
Damian is both afraid of her and sees her as a goddess.
She gives Bruce the biggest smack down ever and it causes Damian to move in with Jason and Marinette.
This is what I remember. Can I have some help finding this fanfiction please?
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atalante241 · 8 months
Hear me out, you take both Maribat and the DPxDC (batfam) fanfics. Go through the whole omg bio kids thing, but as for how they came into existence I propose:
That time Bruce was just surfing through time with amnesia while his kids thought he was dead, he meets these two pairs of couples and they all decide to have threesomes on separate occasions bc why not. And when he gets back to the present he doesn’t rly think about it but somewhere a teenage boy will or has turned into a half-ghost-half-not-ghost and a young-teen girl will or has become a magical girl.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 2 months
Respectfully, I am just freak out about the 'death grip' the batfam fandom has on Danny Phantom and Miraculous LadyBug
I just don't like how most authors just forgot the characters themselves, their entire personality and personal plot when they turn them into a 'batkid'
Also, the sheer number of fics, like...at least 50% of the Miraculous x Batman/Young Justice/ Justice League are like that
Most genuine ignore Marinette's wonderful parents or bashing them, went to the typical Fenton-Hunting-Phantom-After-Secret-Reveal or Friends-and-Family-All-Dead
Or Long Lost Twins? Bio Dad Au? Kinda Weird
Or forgot Billy Batson's found family and his distrustfull street kid nature and independent life, not just the 'Yes, Mr Batman Sir' thats his alter ego. Pretty sure Billy, as feral 10-14 year old foster kid, would fucking bite them
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jasmine-the-fox · 2 months
It takes more than a role to be a teacher
And here we go! Another request made by azv2448 over on ao3. I believe that there will be more so i'm not hoping this is the last request i get from them.
Let's get into it then!
Mendeleiev and Bustier knew each other since college. They were rivals in everything... including becoming teachers, which everyone saw clearly back then and wondered who would win. While Olga was strict and focused with everyone to make sure that others listen so they get good grades... Caline focused on the bad people to make them feel good and happy while abusing the good students who were victims in bullying.
This caused Caline to get fired and lose her teachers permit...
Years go by and Olga works at College Françoise Dupont and is very happy with how well her students are doing in her class. She was shocked when she discovered Caline now working at the school... as a teacher. She knew about Caline losing her permit to be a teacher and how she refused to retake the classes required to reclaim her permit so how did she get the job? Olga was certain she didn't something and she was going to find out what it was... no matter what it takes.
Which is why she was in Damocles'' office right now. He was the one who had to review the people who request a job as a teacher and he swore to make sure that everything was good. So the fact that Caline got a job... means that she commited a crime, she looked around and then found Caline's file. She looked through it and uncovered that it had been documented that Caline presented a fake permit to be a teacher with false recommendations from previous schools she worked at but got fired from due to her actions.
This told Olga everything she needed to know as she took pictures of everything before putting it back and leaving...
Now that she had proof of Caline's and Damocles' crimes... she could get started on opening an investigation on them... but it was possible that they could cover it up still... which is why she needed more evidence of what they were doing... and for that... She needed evidence of Caline's behaviour in the classroom. She hates this due to the fact that Marinette was suffering badly by Caline's hands... she knew this because the other teachers notice that when she walks into there classroom she's happy and excited... but the second it's time to leave and she has to go to Caline's class... she's trembling as she walks out slowly.
Olga knew that Caline was doing the same thing she has done in the past on Marinette now...
Making Marinette do her work, letting others bully her and do nothing to stop it... it was horrible. She got a hidden camera set on her by using a gorgeous pin Mari made for her birthday two years ago and began to record everything that happened in Caline's class when she get's a chance to be near... and what she collected in just three days... made her want to quit and leave the country right now.
Caline ignored Mari's pleas for help when Chloe and Sabrina bully her, she looks away when Lila lies about Mari and she tries to defend herself, she leaves the classroom when the class attacks her verbally and or physically because Lila lied about Marinette doing something to her and worst of all... she makes a phone call whenever Mari tries to get her attention when Adrien sexually harasses her and she tells him no multiple times.
She was getting sick from it all but now she had everything she needed to destroy Caline and Damocles for good. Which is why she went after Mari who ran out of the classroom after Kim dumped his iced coffee on her and her sketchbook (fake) making the class laugh at her while Caline screamed at her to come back and apologize to the class for causing them trouble... she found her in the bathroom on the phone with her boyfriend.
She knew about the boy. Damien Wayne sole blood related son to Bruce Wayne. She actually received an email from Bruce giving her his personal number to call about anything relating to Marinette... she went over to Mari to comfort her and offered her jacket to wear before she goes home for the day to clean up and rest. Once she left. She returned to her classroom to make a phone call "Bruce Wayne" a male voice spoke after the second ring "Hello mister Wayne. My name is Olga Mendeleiev. You sent me an email with your number to call you about Marinette. Is this a good time to talk?" she explained and once she was confirmed to have time... she told him everything that happened to Marinette that she saw in three days.
Of course the man was infuriated with what she told him... and he wasn't going to let this continue "I'll send my best lawyers to Paris to help you sue those two and those kids who hurt Marinette. I will also be calling her parents and request they take her to the airport as soon as possible because i'm paying for a ticket for the next flight to Gotham for Marinette to be on to come live with us because that school is sadly a toxic environment for her now" Bruce explained and Olga fully agreed with what Bruce said. Mari needed to leave Paris so she can heal from what Caline taught her to believe.
The next day. Mari didn't come to school, all of her teachers received an email from Sabine that Mari was pulled out of school and was transferring to another school. Of course Damocles and Caline reacted in a negative way and responded to Sabine demanding Marinette to come back as she had things to fix and take care of before she could do so. But Olga knew that it wouldn't be possible since the girl was either on her way or already in Gotham by now. She did however go to the bakery and was gifted free pastries and a scarf made by Mari as a thank you for everything.
It made Olga happy as she enjoyed the gifts...
After that... it was hell at the school. Police were there to investigate and question everyone. Parents were coming in demanding answers about why there kids might be repeating the year or getting sent somewhere... Damocles was arrested for take money bribes to look the other way when bullies were hurting others and Caline was arrested for teaching without a permit and abusing Marinette. Olga smiled the whole time she presented her evidence to the police and informed everyone that she caused this to happen because she knew Caline in the past.
Bruce's lawyers were monsters towards Caline's class... they were all sued and given restraining orders for what they did to Mari, Caline was going to jail and Damocles was threatened with jail... but he somehow escaped that... Olga was certain that he somehow was able to lie about Caline and what he knew but she didn't care because he couldn't work at a school ever again.
Now here she was. The new principal at College Françoise Dupont. She investigates every potential teacher before making a final decision to hire or not. She makes sure that all students are doing well, but if they have troubles then she makes sure that they get the help they need and she receives gifts on her birthday every year for the past five years from Marinette Wayne as a thank you for saving her from Caline and her bullies.
She didn't care if Caline, Damocles or Caline's old class hate her... she would have done this all over again... if it meant Mari was alive, well and happy outside of Paris...
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I HATE that blond French twink (derogatory) because I am SICK of MLB crossover fics and posts when I am TRYING to consume Batman content! At one point some MLB fan got it in their heads that their poor baby Ladybug was being mistreated in her own universe or some SHIT, and decided to write a salt fic where Ladybug says “fuck you!” or whatever to everyone in France and hooks up with a Bat boy or something like that, and it’s like the concept caught on like a wildfire in the MLB fandom, because since then the Batman section of AO3 has been fucking INFESTED with these stupid crossover fics, written by people who have CLEARLY and BLATANTLY NEVER read a Batman or Bat-affiliated comic book even ONCE IN THEIR ENTIRE LIVES. They’ve obviously just absorbed mischaracterized and flanderized fanon and read Batfam incorrect quotes on Tumblr or whatever, and then further twisted the characters from those hollowed out dummies to suit whatever their poor precious wronged heroine needs! It’s SO FREAKING ANNOYING, and so the sight of any character from that show fills me with RAGE. AND YES, I’VE WATCHED EPISODES OF THE SHOW, BECAUSE UNLIKE THESE FIC WRITERS, I BELIEVE IN DOING MY RESEARCH PROPERLY, AND GUESS WHAT? IT MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE!
I feel like you would get along with the people reblogging the Batfam poll
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madamesmoke · 16 days
I recently got into Batman and Miraculous Ladybug crossovers.
They can be kinda cute.
I just have an issue with how many of them make Jason a disaster in the kitchen. Especially in Alfred's kitchen. Like, Marinette arrives, cooks or bakes with Alfred, and Jason (who is arguably the best cook after Alfred) is nowhere to be found.
The fuck is up with that?
Also, what is it with the JL ignoring the Paris situation in these fics. And why is it always Hal?
Like, the JL hast enough experience with reality altering shenanigans and magic. Even if the damage is reversed every time, they would take it seriously.
Especially Hal Jordan. That man has seen some shit, knows some shit and has done some shit. He would never ignore teenagers who clearly need help.
Why do so few people put Adrien in therapy? This socially and emotionally stunted kitty is still in the toddler phase of emulation. He also disregards his own physical and mental comfort to keep others safe, and that on a level that makes me think that his own boundaries have been ignored so often that he thinks this is normal.
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thecephalopodagency · 6 months
okay so im currently in a ladybug/batman/justice league phase and every time marinette is kidnapped by the riddler shes like 'your suit is so awful' but i was thinking, as someone who does love the outfit, what if she did too?
so imagine marinette gets kidnapped by the riddler who plans on doing the usual riddler thing leading batman on a multi riddle scavenger hunt to find her and the moment she wakes up and she sees his suit she loves it?
hes standing there trying to explain to her the situation she's in but she's gushing about the embroidery of the question marks and the quality of the suit and somehow, her hands are free and her sketchbook is out (how did she do that? he was watching her the entire time one second hands tied, the next shes scribbling away)
she starts designing a new suit and hes so confused and just shocked by her reaction that he just starts answering her questions about his style and color choice on autopilot while he tries to figure out what is going on
shes somehow got the tape measure out and taken his measurments (she was literally chained to the chair, maybe her hands werent secured tightly enough, but the chains?? what is happening?)
just as hes starting to pull himself together shes showing off a whole page of alterations to his suit and a whole entire new one that, not gonna lie, he instantly wants on his body immediately
one thing leads to another, a few days later marinette is walking out of his base of her own free will and the riddler is admiering his new suit and the MDC buisness card she handed him before she left
(during this batman is losing his mind trying to figure out riddlers game since he was too busy getting a new outfit to actually send the rest of his riddles so the information batman got from the first riddle never led anywhere)
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theo-notts-doll · 5 months
does it make sense that i love batman far more as a conceptual thing than i do like actual media??? like absolutely are the bats in the BatCave™️ called the BatBats™️, there for the aesthetic and bruce is terrified of them but robert pattinson can fuck all the way off
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wqterhxnei · 12 days
Hold on hold on hold on!
I have a genuine question, why and when was Danny Phantom (and Miraculous Ladybug for that matter) a common DC crossover fandom??? I genuinely mean no hate either way but I’m just confused???
Like I’ve been going through my daily ritual of scrolling through any Jason Todd tags and them BAM DANNY PHANTOM AU or BANG LADYBUG IS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH BATFAMILY MEMBER!
Man….. I’m just confused
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sundropcass · 1 year
the thing that’s always been weird to me about miraculous ladybug x batman crossovers is just. why marinette. like. i get that she has black hair and blue eyes. but miraculous also features a traumatized 14 year old boy with a supervillain for a dad. a supervillain he constantly has to fight. he is EXACTLY the kind of kid bruce wayne would kidnap. adopt. whatever.
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roseshower · 2 months
Who Would've Thought A Crack Pairing
—would have me in a chokehold like this??? Seriously, in what world (this one) would I have ever come across a Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng fanfic and loved it to the point where I'M writing about them??? Dear God.
Alright so. Hey. Shameless call out for a ficlet I'm writing about (okay so I KNOW I haven't been updating my other ones...). Wait before I continue—look. My favorite of all the Batfam is Damian Wayne. He's like. My kid. My child. Sure he stabs the shit out of his family at first but he ain't do nothing wrong bruh he's just misunderstood fr. And then there's Marinette. My favorite character from back when I was in middle school. I thought it would be silly to look up some MLB x Batman Fics and. Jesus Christ. I found MANY. (Not enough.) And then I saw "Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug" and I thought??? No fucking way??? IS THIS REAL
I read the fic. Which fic? I won't gatekeep. "No, Mr. Wayne, You Can't Adopt Me!" by ggomoz (ggomo_springtime) on Ao3 is a FUCKING BANGER I read it for shits and giggles because I was like "hah???? NO WAY" and my god. My GODDDD it was AMAZING. I know I sound like I'm glazing rn but my god y'all have to read it if you guys like Damian x Marinette shit. And also Marinette having great interactions with the BatFam. Primarily Bruce Wayne, as you can see by the title.
But yeah. Holyyyy hell. That was one of the fics that inspired mine. The other was "the reports associated with my existence have been significantly misconstrued" by davidstennant on Ao3 and ANOTHER was "for us to collide" by LadyLiterature on Ao3.
ANYWAY. Enough rambling. The whole reason for this post was to present to you the fic I've been working on...
Help! My Boss Is In Love With Me!
Rumors say that the youngest son of Bruce Wayne is in love with his assistant. Marinette immediately debunks these rumors—her grouchy boss has no love in his body for anyone, let alone for her. So then, if it's just a rumor, why does she keep catching him staring at her like she's just hung the moon?
Or, Damian Wayne accidentally acquires feelings for his lovely assistant Marinette, much to his frustrations and everyone else's delight.
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Now... I know what you're thinking... "Ana what the fuck is this" and to tell you the truth I DONT KNOW??? DAMIAN X MARINETTE IS BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF ME
but yeah if you guys want a lil taste for what you may be reading, I'll throw a crumb rn
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Internally, he wilts at the sight of her perfection.
The feelings have grown more over the years he's had the luck of having her working for him, and they came to a head months ago in the middle of a cumbersome night of dealings he wonders how his father dealt with all on his own.
And it's because he saw her run into the damn glass door of his office.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Constantine sees that Batman fathered Two half dead kids, one who is the Ghost King, one that's basically a Demonspawn who's Grandad uses magic mountain dew pools to stay fresh, and a reality warper that uses a yo-yo to said reality warp: Jesus Christ man, I thought that Himbo thing was an image. What's next? You having a child with Trigon who was in disguise or something?!
( Bruce internally thinks of Raven and remembers dating a pretty unusually tall platinum blonde woman named Teigan, over analyzes it essentially has a Blue Screen Of Death moment*
Also what's the League's reaction to all this, and would some hold this over his head?
But your right! For someone who has a thing against magic he sure do have a lot of bio kids that do magical shit on the regular!
Also what a mood! Constantine coming to the watch tower for some thing and sees bruce giving his two newly acquired kids a tour and immediately has the urge to pound his head into the fucking wall.
And when batman blue screens Danny would take a picture because: “thats a really funny face your making dad, would be a shame if someone shared it with the rest of your children.”
Bruce: “dont-“
Danny: “too late! Bye!” And he proceeds to phase through the floor of the watchtower into space for a jaunty little adventure.
Once again, i will say im not a big fan of miraculous x dc x dp (specifically just Marinette being bruce’s kid) but Marinette—sensing the tension would use the space power up and follow Danny and go explore the outside while she FaceTimes Chat Noir on her yo-yo.
Just wait until Constantine meets the chaos tornado that is Danielle Phantom.
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