#funny adventure quotes
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Arthur: Okay, so you're my servant now. It's not really that important of a position, just like, idk, make sure you bring me my breakfast on time
Merlin: I would die for you, I would kill for you, I'd give up my humanity and become a living weapon for you, I would sit by your grave for over a millennium, awaiting your return-
Arthur: but would you bring me breakfast on time?
Merlin: Well that's asking a bit much, don't you think?
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shyjusticewarrior · 7 months
Wayne Family Adventures Incorrect Quotes
Damian: I got a pet snake! What should I name him?
Bruce: You what-
Jason: William Snakespeare.
Duke: I hate when people say "well if your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" Like obviously not, no.
Duke: Cause I'd do it first. I'm a leader, not a follower.
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apollo-justice-irl · 6 months
ankarna: I miss my wife, ruvina. I miss her a lot. I'll be back *becomes infernal*
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escespace · 14 days
Lancelot: How have you been? I feel like you recently acted a bit... strange
Merlin: I have no idea what you're talking about
Lancelot: So nothing is happening? Something for which you act like this?
Merlin: No, no, a lot of things happen all the time so I have no idea what you mean by "recently"
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jupiterslifelessmoons · 7 months
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mojofun · 1 year
Incorrect Merthur Quotes
Uther: *looking at Merlin* For the crimes of Magic and Treason, you will be burnt at the stake!
Arthur, shouting: He’s already smoking hot
Merlin: Sir, please uncuff me. I need to high five my boyfriend
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analikalee · 7 months
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gabebrodudeman · 14 days
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cheekynoz · 28 days
Part 8
In Syrup village, on the other side of the island.
Law: "So you mean to tell me, that we just ran five kilometres for nothing?!"
Cora: Laying on the grass on his back, puffing. "Man, recovering from like a hundred gunshots really takes it out of you."
Usopp: "Wouldn't be the cigarettes you smoke?"
Cora: Mid drag from a just lit cigarette. "Huh?"
Law: "Focus on me long nose!"
Usopp: "That's Captain Long Nose"
Cora: "You would actually be best friends with this other kid we just met, he was like five, and the head chef. Snagi or something."
Law: Stomping his little feet. "Cora! Focus!"
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wordswithloveee · 6 months
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nikathesiren · 1 year
Ermes tries to be subtle and cute, but Jolyne goes straight to the point 😏 😳 💦
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Another jojo comic inspired by an incorrect quote I got from a random generator. I like drawing this kind of silly stuff, I hope I can keep doing it <3
More of my art - Kofi
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
Wayne Family Adventures Incorrect Quotes Pt 6
Damian, to Bruce: I know my mother doesn't love you for your money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing.
Cass: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Duke: Cannibalism.
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arrowmaker15 · 21 days
(Jason and Tim escaping a warehouse quietly)
Jason, whispering: The amount of times I have to save your ass after you've been kidnapped is kinda insane.
Tim, also whispering: Yeah, well, it's not my fault that I'm the heir to one fortune and a partial inheritor to a second.
Jason, whispering: Shit is that why I've been kidnapped so little?
Tim, whispering: Yeah, probably.
Goon, pointing to Tim then Jason: Hey, aren't you supposed ta be bound in da otha room? And who the hell are ya?
Jason: *throws gun at his head* Run, Tim!
Tim: *grabs it quickly* Right behind you!
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dotpyenji · 5 months
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