#he’s still Damian’s favorite somehow
little-pondhead · 2 years
DC Prompt:
Modern-day Batfam member (take your pick) gets swapped with their alternative self from The Adventures of Batman (1968) or one of the earlier comics. Everyone has to deal with the modern!Bat in the cartoon world, and the cartoon!Bat has to deal with the modern world.
Cartoon!Robin: Gee, Batman! We’re in a real pickle here! *proceeds to body a man with a comically large hammer*
Modern!Batman: I’m sure I can work with this. Damian, don’t stab your brother, you’re the older one now.
Modern!Nightwing: Old man, I love you, but sometimes violence is the answer. *proceeds to commit several war crimes that haven’t been invented yet*
Cartoon!Batman: what the f u c k
It’s important to note I know absolutely nothing about this particular show or the earlier comics, I just thought it’d be really funny to see cartoon!Dick or someone else use cartoon logic on modern-day Gotham rogues.
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captain-sirius-stark · 3 months
I want to see a fic where all of the Batkids end up in Gotham during the early Batman and Dick!Robin days and eventually end up in the cave with a much younger Batman and kid Dick. There is the disbelief and ensuing genetic test to confirm there really are two Dicks, but Bruce is still questioning who the others are.
One of the batkids says something like “We’re all your kids” and Dick replies “Well almost all of us”
Jason ribs at him “This before Bats actually adopted you? Still just a ward?”
Dick just stares at him confused “What?… You do know he never adopted me right??”
Jason glances over at Tim, not believing what was said, who looks up from his laptop and just slowly nods, intimately aware of the complexities of the early Batman and Robin situation.
And Jason gets Mad. Rips into Bruce for adopting the rest but never the first, for not hesitating with him but apparently never bothering with the one he’s called his brother all this time. He’s not even sure why he’s so angry about this but it rubs him really wrong. Dick is so confused by this sudden anger on his behalf, still having a rocky relationship with Jay on a good day. Though he would never show it, it gets to Bruce even though he’s still reeling from the idea that he will adopt these several children.
This could lead into a heartfelt conversation between Jason and Dick a la “How could you stand it when he adopted me?” “We talked about it a little when he first decided to do it. I asked him why he never adopted me. Sometimes his answer is enough for me; sometimes I want to punch him off a rooftop when I think about it… I hated it back then, the title ‘ward,’ that he accepted you like that after he threw me out, that he gave you my name, my suit… But I never hated you, not really.” Or to an introspective reevaluation of everything Jason ‘knows’ about Dick ‘Golden Boy’ Grayson-Wayne, the favorite son who was never even a son. There could also be some angsty interaction between big Dick and little Dick (I had to), trying not to reveal too much but also trying to prepare his younger self a little for the upheaval his life will go through when Bruce decides to take in another kid (and then another and another).
(Bonus points if somehow they get Damian in the original Robin suit and then never let him live it down. Maybe even the extra angst of Dick putting on the batsuit to fight a modern rogue in the past without debuting Nightwing early, taking Dami with him. Tim gets plenty of stalker like photos for blackmail purposes)
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brucewaynehater101 · 7 months
After the timestream, the tension between Tim and three of his brothers (Dick, Jason, and Damian) is a bit high. He's been polite and cordial with them, but there's this emotional distance that wasn't there before. When he was mad or upset with them, he'd actually show it. Now, it's like talking to an underpaid customer service representative.
In one of the sitting rooms, Dick is lamenting to Jason and Damian about Tim's distance. The two of them aren't that interested in Dick's woes as he prattles on and on. Yes, they no longer hate Tim, nor do they try to kill or maim him. They also just don't like him at this point. Going from antagonistic to grudging indifference was already a huge step. It's not like they've really conversed with Tim either. There's absolutely nothing to build a relationship on besides their not so great history. They don't really care to get to know him either.
So the two are listening to Dick vent about his relationship with Tim when something the eldest says sparks a slight incredulous irritation in them. Dick acknowledges that Tim probably felt hurt by the older's actions. Therefore, Dick concludes that it's obvious that Duke is Tim's favorite brother.
Now, listen. Both Jason and Damian like Duke. He's funny, kind, and somehow still has Bruce convinced the kid isn't the chaos gremlin he absolutely is. There's bets on how long it will take for Bruce to notice some of his headaches are coming from Duke (it's like the man doesn't remember Duke's origins). Neither Jason nor Damian have any issues with the kid.
However, Duke has been a family member for a few months at best. They're still getting to know each other. Both Damian and Jason have been brothers with Tim for years. There's absolutely no way this newbie wins best brother.
The two are not happy with the revelation, but Dick keeps talking. He, as if to himself, wonders aloud who Tim prefers more between Jason and Damian.
The two turn to look wearily at each other.
The final nail is the coffin is Dick giving up on finding out because neither of them are good at talking to Tim anyways. What's the point on speculating?
This cues weeks of the two competing with each other and, unbeknownst to him, with Duke to be the better brother. That's not what they're calling the competition, but they won't lose.
Duke is confused why every time he hangs out with Tim he gets glares from both Jason and Damian. Fearing that the two might be returning to their fatricidial ways, Duke sticks around Tim even more. Tim, clueless to Duke's reasoning, is happy that someone wants to spend time with him and chat about Tim's gadget upgrades.
Jason and Damian become even more aggressively affectionate after this.
Tim, confused as hell why the two brothers that hate him are suddenly hanging around him more, starts implementing his previous routines. He starts scanning all his food, checks his room for traps, ensures his equipment isn't tampered, and tries to avoid the Manor. The fact that his checks aren't revealing anything freak him out even more.
He doesn't know what their end game is, but there's no reason Damian is asking Tim about his photography techniques and Jason is handing Tim home-cooked goods.
Dick, the master emotional manipulator of the family, uses the chaos to mend his relationship with Tim. He also pats himself on the back for tricking Jason and Damian into putting the work in for finding common grounds with their estranged brother.
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 months
Cave boy Danny AU where he's half asleep and rambling as he mentions some people back home like his exes (especially Valerie), his English teacher, this stalker of his who he likes messing with, and the annoying fruitloop who's the bane of his existence! They're concerned. Only once he's fully awake when they ask for names.
Lancer is Alfred, Talia is Val, maybe Paulina is Julie Madison but idk, Wes is Edward/The riddler (I'm pretty sure there was a time he had a reddish orange hair. Either way, he was the same model as Danny so maybe Wes dyed his hair to not be confused with the Fentons in this AU), and Vlad is Ra's!
Hello! This actually falls out of my planned plotline for Cave Boy, but I will write something for you that is close to the prompt to make up for it! Hope that's okay and that you like it
Flash sends them a message sometime in the early afternoon before any of the Bats are ready to go out. In fact, Damian, Duke, Steph, and Jason are in class when his message arrives.
Bruce, Dick, Tim, Cass, and Barbara are at work. As the Flash is one of the few who knows what the Batfamily is doing during these hours, it is rare for him to bother at this hour. He would have usually waited until after five as that was when a majority of them became available.
They all quickly check their phones when they vibrate to ensure it's not a world-ending threat, just in case.
Since the messages would be sent to their civilian phones- anyone in the know of the Bat's real identity chooses to text in a very specific code. This way, no one would know what they were saying, and the Bats would realize they were speaking to who they thought they were.
Barry Allen chose Disney theme GIFs as his code.
A gif of Mulan singing Reflections lets them all know that somehow, the speedster has again opened a portal into a different dimension and/or mess with time.
"Why is my reflection someone I don't know?" meant "A double of one of you has crossed over from a different dimension and/or timeline"
This causes a brief ripple of anxiety. The last time someone had a double, it was Tim, and his future version of himself was crazy, evil, and surprisingly capable. It took Tim almost ending his life to beat the guy.
Thankfully, the second GIF comes through seconds later. This one is Mulan's Honor To Us All.
"Please bring honor to us all" meant "The double is friendly."
The last Gif was from Lion King, Timon cheerfully singing Hakuna Matata. "It means no worries for the rest of your days" meant "Sorry for the trouble."
Those in class return to their various lessons, but Tim quickly responds, "I love that movie! We should watch Mulan again the next time I see you, Uncle Barry!"
This means, "We will meet the double tonight."
The rest of the day drags on as they all slowly start to make bets on who the double would be for. They all agree that Cass is long overdue to face herself again. Still, Dick makes the complying argument that Duke needed to have his first "My counterpart from another dimensional/ Timal plane" moment.
They all actively hope Duke can clear another block on his Bat-bingo card. He gets two more and a complimentary tray of any of his favorite Alfred's desserts.
That night, they all meet up in the watch tower, each clutching their bingo card just in case. (The game resets every month, and so far, Jason has written down the most accurate predictions. He needed two more squares for a cooking lesson of his favorite meal, and he was out for blood)
They all silently go to the conference room, where Barry entertains the guests. Apparently, they were trying to find discrepancies in their world's history and the double's life to help find which world they came from and send them back.
They were being shown the main rouges to test the timeframe.
"Is that Wes!?" A young male teenager yells. Sadly, Steph swears, staring at her "A new Batgirl from a different world" box.
"We call him Edward when he's not in his costume. Otherwise, his name is the Riddler." Barry answers, amusement clear in his voice.
"Riddler? How is Riddler menacing? What does he tell you, riddles of death or something?"
"You be surprised......."
Bruce gets to the door, pushing it open with a quick flick of the wrist, and inside is Barry sitting at the conference table next to a boy with dark hair and blue eyes. In front of them is a hologram showcasing the Gotham Rouge files.
There are papers and pencils scattered on the table. Likely, they have been writing down notes of the differences they have spotted.
Barry's eyes flicker to them, but the boy is too distracted to count on his fingers.
"Okay, so Wes is Riddler, Val is Talia, Fruitloop is Ra's, Sckuller is Bane, and ugh....for some reason, Spectra is Harley Quinn." The boy finishes checking his notes.
"For some reason? I thought you said Spectra studied psychology too."
"yeah, but Harley Quinn actually got a Ph.D. What did Spectra do? Land a school counselor position? Please." The boy rolls his eyes dismissively, and Barry frowns.
He's never taken kindly to people disregarding another person's profession, especially if it was connected to the educational system in some way.
"Hey now, that's an important job, and you need years of study before you can be a school counselor-"
"I bet Spectra peaked in high school. That's why she's like that." The boy cut him off, nodding as though he had found the universe's answer.
Well.....this was either a version of Jason, Tim, or maybe early Dick, that was a little too sassy but not angry? It's not sad either; it's more like, fed up? Or teenage tired.
"Oh, who are they?" The boy asks, and Barry zips right next to Batman.
"Danny, meet Batman...the you of this world. And his kids."
Danny squints. "Who is your mom, and how easy am I? Because there is a lot of you that I fathered for me to not be easy."
Jason burst out laughing, checking a box. "Yes, someone calling Bruce easy in costume. That's on bingo for me!"
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laythestar · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about Damian Wayne rambling about his animals and how he's thinking about adopting another cat because there's one surrounding Gotham Academy and even though he already have Alfred Pennyworth (the cat) he still thinks there's enough space in the manor for another ten animals and how his father "wouldn't mind if we say that it's our son Habibti I will even let you name them just please help me adopt this cat because I swear that there's another student trying to adopt him and we CAN'T let them win!"
It's the first time he rambles about something so passionate that isn't about any Robin related thing, and maybe it's the way his eyes sparks with determination, or the way he's sulking about this other student trying to adopt the cat, or maybe it's because Damian is so cute hyperfixating on this cat so you help them
In the end, you two suceed into adopting the cat, Damian lets you name the cat, since it's a girl cat, you name it after your favorite character from a TV Show that you made Damian watch it with you
You ignore his brothers complaining that your girl cat is so grumpy and is always attacking their ankles, the only one safe (besides you and Damian) is, surprisingly, Bruce, who somehow got attached to the cat and always brings cute toys and even little dresses for her.
Alfred doesn't get his ankles attacked, but it's because he is always fast and knows when the cat is going to attack him. But sometime he doesn't win these little battles and have his ankles attacked from time to time :(
But hey! At least Damian is happy!
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blueboybot · 2 months
Your Husband Is A What?
Damian/Duke is trapped in a weapon (like one of those cool big ass anime swords) and it's up to Danny to get him back to normal.
Travelling back to the past seemed fun but unfortunately all the other heroes think he's a little crazy, and yes, he may have a few screws loose but his husband really is trapped in this weapon damnit.
How they met could be made into a book with the title Love At First Fight, because that's exactly how they met each other.
Danny had taken a route that was basically a dark alley, so there really wasn't no surprise when a couple of guys tried to rob him. Well, Danny was not one to back down and with a trusty steel pipe he found right next to the dumpster he began taking them down.
In the aftermath Danny's jeans had become ripped jeans but he wasn't sure if they could be considered proper clothing to wear anymore, which pissed him off so he got one more hit in with the steel pipe to the nearest man next to him.
Footsteps as light as they were still alerted Danny to one more thief in his vicinity. Without much hesitation he turned swiftly and dashed towards his opponent. Steel meet steel as his attacker counteracted his attack with a weapon of their own. Danny still had powers though, so using a bit more strength he sent the other's weapon flying in another direction, giving him the opportunity to strike.
He didn't know when he lost his own weapon but somehow him and his attacker were now fist fighting on the floor. It was only after the adreneline had calmed down somewhat that Danny was able to see he was fighting one of Gotham's heroes.
Quickly separating himself from the hero he profusely apologised before dashing off to deal with the action of beating up one of his favorite heroes.
What followed afterwards were a series of events that always ended up with the two meeting each other and engaging in a 'battle' of sorts. One thing led to another and for some reason they ended up kissing in the same dark alley they first met, away from any prying eyes. After that night things changed significantly.
Danny always knew the indentity of the one that became his love because of the otherness he could feel beneath their skin that reminded him of himself and eventually he told them about Phantom.
It took a lot more meet ups in secret before they were finally comfortable enough to officially meet each other's family and it had gone a lot better than they were expecting.
Sometimes they would help each other out on missions and this time was no different. They were dealing with another crazy magician who thought he could take over the world by using the power of an ancient deity. They managed to stop him but before he could be detained he fired of one more spell that trapped his boyfriend in his weapon and used some sort or artifact to send them careening through a portal.
Luckily for them they ended up with the JL, unluckily for them no one seems to know who they are.
Flash: Are we sure he should be in the watchtower?
Black Canary: He's not doing anything bad, look at him.
Phantom using his lover as a swing: ^o^
Green Arrow: He thinks that's his husband trapped in there.
Black Canary: He could be.
Flash: How old is he anyways, he looks too young to be married.
Superman: C'mon everyone let's not talk about him while he's right there.
Greenlantern: Look at him! Does it looks like he cares?
Phantom still using his lover as a swing: ( ≧ᗜ≦)
Superman: It's still rude.
Based slightly off of Aba from Guilty Gear.
I imagine Danny pulling a Sayaka (from Madoka Magica) and stabbing the sword through him for a power-up and everyone panics for a hot minute before realizing he's fine.
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bluetooththereptile · 10 months
Can I request a part 2 for His Mother (Yandere Damian Wayne x naga reader x Yandere Bruce Wayne)🙏🙏🙏
Yes! For sure you can!
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: this oneshot is continuation of this fic.
Tw: mentions of drugs
The faint scent of soaked wood was in the air, and your den's condition was stimulated so well that if it wasn't for the walls around you, you'd feel at home. Minus the sunlight of course, and a fresh breeze, the air made you feel weak and sleepy and its scent was sort of sweet on your tongue, as if it was spring already and the flower petals were in the air. Every day, all you did as time passed was either spent sleeping or taking care of the little one who unlike you was extremely energetic, cooing and babbling as she crawled around with her tiny hands, still not old enough to learn how to crawl with her tail. She could be a menace and a little angel at the same time, crawling on top of a few branches and then jumping down onto you, giggling, which was her favorite pastime that left you alert most of the time to her presence. Lately, a few teeth had grown into her mouth and she had started to nibble on things, including your tail, and feeding her with your hands had turned into a challenge. Now that you looked around, you could see her bite marks on the plants around you. That little thing had explored the whole invisible cage so many times that you'd wondered if she had learned to crawl on the walls as well...it wasn't that unlikely of her.
Speaking of the devil...
Lulu's head popped up from under the water as she splashed the water around her "Mama, mama!" She reached out for you, and you slowly reached out and took the baby in your arms, she could breathe underwater unlike you, which meant her parents were water-based Nagas. Handling her wasn't easy, but it was for a few hours before they came along. Bruce and your boy, Damian. They somehow knew how to handle both you and little LuLu, or as they called her, Lucy.
You looked down at the cooing baby in your arms, smiling softly, Lulu was pure white, her large eyes having a red hue to them, you thought the poor thing was sick for not having a color to her scales or little puffs of hair, not knowing that she was a very rare albino, oh how many nights you had spent on worrying about her health not noticing that she was chubbier than most of baby Nagas you had seen, which meant she was quiet healthy.
As you held the baby, she nuzzled into your chest, liking the fabric of your topwear. Bruce would provide you with them, and not much to your liking, he'd take it off or put it on you himself. Lulu's tail wrapped around your arm as you rocked her, watching her play with the tip of your tail, poking it with her chubby fingers. You let out a soft sigh of irritation as she reached for the tip and started playing with it, you didn't know when you found that abandoned egg you'd end up like this, you were mateless and young, without much experience, you didn't know how to handle the baby, and she didn't help you with handling her either...well, except Damian, at least he'd listen. Your mouth turned downwards, remembering that he was the reason you were now captive. Poor you, you didn't have much luck in both parenting and mating...well, as for mating, Bruce still tried to woo you, you could easily deduce that, but how did he know of Naga culture and their ways of courting, you weren't sure.
Lulu squirmed out of your arms and swam into the shallow pond, splashing around as she swam to the other side of it, you sighed again, too tired to follow her around. "Lulu...honey come back" You tried to take her attention, but she was already on her way to creating chaos once more. You relax your upper body on the warm sands close to the pond, and your lower half rests in the water, soaking in. Today none of them came along, were they unwell? The thought made you feel bad, both with the image of them being sick and your thought of caring about them made you feel bad. You couldn't deny you worried about them as well, but...Were you being tamed like a beast? Never! You wouldn't allow that!
You were too busy rubbing your temple as you let your thoughts circle in your mind like a swarm of irritating flies, to notice the door of your gilded cage opening. Damian and Jon's heads popped in, noticing that you were far away from their side of the cage they let out a sigh of relief. Knowing you, if it wasn't for the sedatives you'd be charging at them already. You looked at the two humans entering slowly, struggling with blinking to keep your eyes open, you rested your head on top of your hand, watching them walk to Lulu, who was already crawling toward them.
"Dami! Dami!" Lulu squealed with excitement as she spotted Damian, her chubby cheeks flushed with the struggle of crawling faster to her brother. Damian smiled at the little one and bent down and picked her up, her giggles filling the air. You smiled softly at the scene, looking at how Damian's one snake-like eye's iris widened at the sight of his sister, a sign that he loved her.
You hummed his name under your breath, remembering the time you had to put your special balm on his wounds, made out of your blood and a few different herbs, unknowingly giving him some sort of mutation, making him gain some snake-like features. How precious he was when he held onto you tightly, seeking comfort, fever haunting his body because of the infection in his blood. You wanted to be mad at him for bringing that man, Bruce, to take you away from your swamp, but you couldn't, he was your boy.
When Damian turned around to take Lulu away you felt a little surge of panic rush into your reptilian heart, where was he taking Lulu? "W-wait-!" You were too slow and the boy and his friend had left with the little one, leaving you there, filling your heart with worry. You moved into the pond, getting closer to the door of the cage, you knew you couldn't move past the invisible walls of it, naturally you didn't know of glasses, thinking of them as invisible walls, you didn't know how to move past them, but you still tried. You moved your hand and slammed it on the door of your confinement with the remnants of your energy in a struggle to make it open, you knew it would be in vain, but you still did so, but much to your surprise, the invisible door opened, letting clean air come into your cage, you could see a different light coming from there...oh?...oh...OH!
"Just be quick, I need to put Lucy back with Mom..." Damian told Jon as he put Lulu in the little tub to keep her from crawling around. The baby Naga was a little distraught by the unfamiliar nature of her surroundings, her small fist tightly holding onto Damian's finger. Jon moved closer, with a few little dresses that his mother had tailored for little Lucy. "My mom said they are water resistant," Jon said with his proud smile and helped put the dress on top of Lulu's body, she giggled as her head popped out of the neckline of the little pink dress, finding it amusing that Damian tried to pull her little arms into the holes of the sleeveless dress, to her everything seemed like a game.
"If you want to take pictures, I have a camera you know" Dick appeared behind the two young boys startling them slightly. Jon nodded enthusiastically, while Damian huffed "Let me at least tidy up her hair". He said as he ran his fingers into her white messy locks. "Say cheese!" Dick spoke as he used a rattle to gain Lulu's attention as he held the camera, chuckling slightly as Lulu looked up at him with a large smile, her few teeth shining. The picture of the Naga in her cute dress was taken with a bright flash from the camera. The bright light made a huge shadow behind them appear on the wall the three humans tensed up visibly, turning around slowly, their eyes widening in shock.
"E-easy, Y/N..." Bruce groaned out as your tail made another circle around his legs, tightening around them not so gently. You were on top of him, your hands holding him as you glared down at him with your snake eyes. You had crawled out of your cage and since you weren't inhaling sedatives, you were gaining back your strength, so you had startled Bruce on his seat in the bat cave.
You looked down at the man you had pinned to his seat, unconsciously moving your hand to trace the different parts of his face, you were too focused on his blue eyes that you didn't notice his hand move to push a button, it'd give you an electric shock to stop you from doing something reckless, but his hand paused as he watched you lay slowly on top of him, trying to get some warmth from his body. "Mate..." the word came out of your mouth in a whisper, you had realized that struggling was futile, Bruce was the alpha predator of your chain of family, and you should submit to feel happier, he knew how to handle Lulu and Damian and seemed to like you, even now that Lulu was away from you she seemed happy enough, so why resist?
"Mine..." you added, making Bruce smile nervously, something that he had thought would happen with force, now had happened easily. His hand moved away from the button to caress your hair, chuckling slightly as he heard Lulu's voice as Damian approached them with her in his arms "Mama! Mama!" Her voice echoed in the cave, promising a new future in a much different world for you with your new family.
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vinelark · 4 months
do you have comic recs for someone who wants to get into tim and timkon? I read superman comics but your fic made me wanna know more about this character who makes me want to eat metal with how weird and scary he is (affectionate)
hello! and welcome to the “weird scary little guy who makes you want to eat metal” (or perhaps put him in a salad spinner) club
tim has many, many comics, so for the purposes of this i’ll go with some big arcs/series and then some random personal favs
a lonely place of dying (1989): aka tim’s intro, in which 13 y/o tim engages in his favorite pastime (stalking dick grayson), tries to be a family therapist, and somehow ends up in a cape and pointy boots at the end of it.
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robin (1993): so much content spanning so many batman plotlines; this is just issue after issue of tim being the most 90s kid to ever 90s kid (and then 00s kid to ever 00s kid). also much of it is written by chuck dixon, who is good at being so homophobic that the characters loop right back around to being queer.
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young justice (1998): for both tim and kon (and bart and cassie and the whole yj crew)! also featuring tim and kon both wearing gloves that are way too big for them. no idea what's going on there but it's kind of like when puppies have giant paws they haven't grown into yet.
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red robin (2009): THE tim comic to me, partially because marcus to draws most of it (issue 6 on i believe) and the way he draws tim here is peak tim to me, and partially because tim is just balls to the wall bonkers in fucking yonkers the whole series. this spans his brucequest and damian becoming robin (and damian in this is so!! and dick is so!!) while tim takes his shaky next steps. he’s in his messy bitch era but also stuck at 17(?) so that just means he’s randomly making out with sort-of-adversaries on rooftops and thinking longingly of kon and getting fake engaged(??) to a girl he can barely ask on a first date. (it has scant few but still some good timkon moments here and there.) (and speaking of marcus to: this and this.)
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a lonely place of living (detective comics) (2017): an arc in which everyone thought tim was dead but surprise! he was just stuck in a pocket dimension prison and now he has to come back and stop gun batman (again). feat. tim being wildly competent from page one. kon is, iirc, currently erased from the timeline but never fear, tim still manages to find a way to think about him.
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random/short comics:
WF3: superboy & robin (1996): tim & kon solve a case together in a two-parter that is, as described by a reviewer on its league of comic geeks entry, "…a pretty fun meet cute, I mean team-up…" (basically: see above re: chuck dixon.)
knight terrors: robin (2023): a two-parter in which tim and jason are trapped in a sentient nightmare together. if you like those vibes definitely check out this fic.
nightwing (1996) #25: tim being an annoying little brother is something that can be so personal—
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
Dani A(Clone)
**An Arctic Siren Aside**
***Thank y'all for 200 followers!! I look forward to getting to know y'all!***
Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow of Star City, was not easy to startle. He went through too much training, too much pain to not be on the alert all the time. Letting out a breath, he shot his arrow, hitting his far away target with an ease that he was familiar with after so many years.
“Wow, Mister, you sure have good aim!”
Oliver Queen, when startled, screamed like a goat. He spun, looking for an enemy, but instead was met with the curious face of a young girl sitting on the ground behind him, leaning her chin on her fist.
Oliver took a moment to recollect himself.
“Hello, young miss. Can I help you?”
The girl tilted her head.
“I’m looking for my brother. Are you a hero?”
Nodding, Oliver pointed to his bow with the hand not holding it.
“I’m the Green Arrow.”
She didn’t seem impressed.
“Tell me more about your brother? Is he older? Younger? What’s his name?”
“Stranger danger, what’s your name?”
Oliver paused.
“Green Arrow.”
“His name’s John, in that case. John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith.”
“His name is my name too.”
By the glint in the girl’s eyes, Oliver was being pranked somehow and neither child was named John. He tried a different approach.
“What does your brother look like?”
“Like me, but a boy.”
Helpful. He knew he was supposed to be kind and gentle with civilian children, but Oliver almost wanted to pick this girl up and shake her until she had useful information.
There was a crunch on the rooftop behind him, and by the sounds it was Arsenal coming to find out what was taking him so long.
“Oh wow, you’re cool!”
The girl bounced up and darted around Oliver to circle Roy, looking him up and down.
“Now there’s a hero! Baseball cap? Clean shaven? Be still my beating heart!”
Oliver’s only solace was that Roy looked about as off-put as he himself was.
“Can I be a hero? My brother’s a hero, we’d find each other that way!”
Roy smiled at the kid.
“Well, it takes a lot to be a hero, you know? What would your hero name be?”
“Phantom, like my brother. And it’s fine! I’ve got powers, see?”
The girl lifted off the ground, hovering, and crossed her legs underneath her to sit in the air.
“I can do some other stuff too, but the flight is the coolest.”
Oliver looked at Roy, who seemed to be seriously thinking about the girl’s proposition.
“Arsenal, you can’t- What about her parents?”
The girl’s float drooped a little.
“They’re… gone. It’s just me and my brother, and I don’t know where he is. I’m from the Infinite Realms, and I can’t get back without him.”
The Infinite Realms sounded like Justice League Dark shit.
“Let me introduce you to the Teen Titans, then. Phantom, right?”
Phantom lit up, and Oliver stared in shock at his teammate.
Batman would be so pissed at him.
Dick Grayson smiled at the girl in front of him. Damian had convinced him to come meet her, claiming that she was an ‘integral part of the team’, only a few weeks into her tenure with the Titans.
Phantom smiled back, too sharp teeth on display.
“Hello, Phantom. I’m Nightwing, Robin’s brother. How are you today?”
“Stellar, thanks!” She did a little twirl midair. “How are you, Mister Nightwing sir?”
“I’m doing well. I heard that you didn’t allow for a DNA sample? It would make life in the tower much easier if we had your biometrics.”
She scowled, suddenly dropping to the ground and crossing her arms. She was short, for a sixteen-year-old, but Dick was still a little thrown off by the ferocious look on her face.
“Don’t you Gotham folks know when no means no? Consent is sexy and you are not. I’ve met heroes with better etiquette than any of you.”
He held his hands up in a gesture of peace.
“I won’t force you. Who’s your favorite hero?”
Immediately, as if a switch had been flipped, Phantom was up in the air again, grinning like a loon.
“Phantom Prime, of course! My brother is the strongest person I know.”
Kid Flash looked up from where he’d been assembling a puzzle.
“You met Superman the other day, though?”
Phantom scoffed.
“My brother could kick his ass. Ancients, I'd kick his ass if you guys would let me. He deserves an ass-kicking.”
Dick would admit he was just as confused as Kid Flash.
“Vibes? What kind of vibes?”
“Fruitloop vibes.”
“That doesn’t make much sense, Phantom.”
“Sure it does! Hey, Superboy!”
Kon-el startled at being caught listening in to the conversation. He turned to address Phantom from the tower kitchen.
“What’s up?”
“Is Superman’s secret identity rich?”
“Uh, no?”
“Does he have a lair?”
“How is he about clones?”
Kon must have made a face, because Phantom pointed at him.
“Ah-ha! Those vibes! Clone hater vibes.”
Stepping out of the kitchen, Kon tried to downplay the issue.
“I mean, he’s gotten better, but…”
“Nope! He’s still an asshole and deserves an ass-kicking.”
Nightwing held up a hand like a kid in a schoolroom.
“You have an opinion about clones?”
Phantom nodded decisively.
“My brother says that clones didn’t ask to be made, just like any other kid. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of their creator. He says that the sins of the father should not be visited on the sons.”
Kon stepped closer, curious.
“But. Isn’t it a violation? If someone makes a clone without the donor’s knowledge?”
Phantom looked over at him with big, sad eyes.
“My sister says that’s between the donor and the creator. No kid should be painted as the one in the wrong when they were a victim, too.”
Nightwing spoke up again, sounding a little out of his depth.
“You deal with a lot of clones?”
She grinned, and Kon could tell there was a secret behind the twinkle in her eyes.
“One or two.”
Dani heard a knock on the frame of her open door and turned to greet her visitor. It was getting late- she was pretty surprised that anyone was still awake.
“Hey Superboy! How can I help?”
“Would you-‘ he looked sheepish. ‘Would you really beat up Superman for me?”
She cracked her knuckles. Someone had said that Kon-el was a clone, but she hadn’t really expected him to admit to it. They weren’t even properly teammates- he was part of Young Justice, not Teen Titans.
“I’d beat up anybody to protect the honor of clone-kind, Superboy.”
Making a split second decision, Dani leaned in close.
“Can you keep a secret, Kon-el?”
“You’d better. Us clones have to stick together, amiright?”
Superboy looked at her, stunned, and she winked.
“Just don’t tell the bats. Batman has both rich and secret lair vibes.”
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eyeheartboobiez · 4 months
bruce wayne x gn!reader
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a/n: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG PLSSS😭 i really only planned for this to be a couple of hundred words but it ended up being a couple of thousand lmao but i hope you like it🫶🏿
summary: you’ve been stressing yourself over a case at work, leaving your loving husband home alone. luckily, he knows just the thing to help you wind down.
wc: 2.4K
warnings: smut, barely proof read..
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Just when you think you've gotten a step closer, you end up taking two steps back.
For hours now, you've been stuck at work, desperately trying to break what may just be the toughest case of your career. The only light illuminating the room was the lamp positioned at your desk, as the office was completely void of life – aside from you of course.
You were supposed to be back home hours ago, yet the pile of reports stacked in front of you was nowhere near finished. The forensic evidence wasn’t matching up with the alleged suspect, and the words on the paper before you got blurrier by the second.
Rubbing at your eyes, you let out a heavy sigh, coming to the devastating conclusion that you wouldn’t be able to solve this on your own. While integrity was one of the most essential parts of the job, a little help from a certain someone couldn’t hurt, right?
However, before you could pick up the phone and call your beloved Bruce, a knock was heard at the door. Who the hell could be here at this time of night? Despite your immense fatigue, you were sure your body couldn’t have gone to the point of hallucinating.
Well you weren’t imaging things, because lo and behold was all six feet and two inches of your husband standing at the entrance.
“You missed dinner, you know.” he said, arms crossed and leaning against the doorway.
He made his way towards your desk, his strides slow but formulated as always. The way he stalked towards you had the likeliness of a predator shadowing its prey. Somehow, the darkness of the room became even dimmer.
You weren’t scared though. Nervous, maybe, but this was your husband after all.
As much as he likes to parade the streets striking fear into the villains of Gotham, you know he was a sweetheart at the end of the day. However, if he couldn’t stand you staying late at work for one night, then he’d just have suck it up and deal with it.
“I know baby, but really, I have to get this done tonight.” you sighed, refusing to go down without a fight.
Stressed enough as is, you really weren’t in the mood to deal with Bruce’s antics right now. Closing your eyes, you put your head down on the pile of papers in front of you, hoping to subdue your worsening headache.
“Alfred even made your favorite.” A pair of large hands found themselves at your shoulders, “He was disappointed when you weren’t at the table, love.”
His digits kneaded at your traps, skillfully working their way into all the knots of the muscle. “C’mon darling, let’s get you back home and fed, ‘kay?”
You let out a deep groan, the tension in your shoulders had dissolved in an instant. Oh you already knew where this was going. 
You see, Bruce was a master at the art of persuasion, as if he had the secret ability to make anyone and everyone bend at his will. It was a power that even your eldest son Dick had picked up (to both your delight and disdain).
While you’d usually fall victim to his schemes, now was not one of those times. You were determined to wrap this case up, even if you passed out in the process.
Noticing your stubborn behavior, the dark knight leaned down and began nipping at your ear, “Damian was even hoping you’d make it back in time to say goodnight to him, you know.”
It was a compelling argument, you’ll give him that, but still you refused to submit to his tactics. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you started to get irritated. Why was it so hard for him to understand you were busy? 
“Bruce, seriously, cut it out. I gotta stay here and work my way through this evidence.” Lightly shoving him off, you picked up your pen and went back to sorting out the documents before you. Although the break was much appreciated, Bruce was proving to be no help at all.
Hoping he’d actually listened to you this time around, you jokingly made a last remark, “Since Alfred cooked too much tonight, how about you show me how much you love me and go grab me a plate.”
“How about I show you how much I love you right now.”
Before you could even question it, Bruce’s lips found themselves back at your earlobe. Except this time, his small pecks quickly transformed into open mouthed kisses.
His fingers went back to rubbing your shoulders, his workmanship more intense than ever. His fingers stealthily trailed up to your throat, squeezing at the area.
As you felt the pressure increase more and more, you finally became aware of what was happening. This entire time, he had been shadowing you like a wild animal.
And now he was ready to pounce.
“I see how stressed you’ve been recently,” He murmured against your skin, “Do you think I like seeing you exhausted like this, sweetheart?”
Eyes closed, you could do nothing but focus on how he sounds, how he feels. Your chest felt heavy, your mind felt hazy, and you couldn’t seem to get the words out to respond.
“Don’t know how to speak when your husband is talking to you? Guess you must be more tired than I thought.”
“No, Bruce I— ahh!”
Your voice was cut off as his hands began fondling your nipples, the hem of your shirt bunched up at your chest.
“Y’know how much I miss you on nights like this?” he spoke up again, leaving wet, languid kisses along your nape. 
“Waiting on our couch, laying without you in our bed, aching for you. Do you actually like leaving me alone like this?”
Your chest heaved at the thought, has he always been this desperate for you? As he continued to ravish you below the chin, your head moved against his lips, mimicking the harsh circular motions of an ocean wave.
Feeling his hand trail lower and lower, your breaths became more and more shallow. Case work be damned, you’d be an idiot to go back to working at a time like this.
“Bruce, this investigation was really important.” You mewed, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“If that’s the case, I think I deserve a little something in return, hm? Lemme look after you, angel.”
With that, you were pulled out of your chair and immediately brought to your feet. Strong thighs pressed themselves firmly against your bottom, leaving Bruce towering over you. 
His dominating aura was overpowering, and you were left heaving at the thought of all the ways he could take you, all the ways he could claim you.
All at once, he skillfully moved to pull at both your trousers and undergarments, leaving them pooling at your ankles. “Open your legs for me, love. I wanna see you.”
In all your glory there you were, lying chest down against your desk, pants to the floor, with your beloved husband practically rutting into you from behind.
You habitually arched your back, aching to be filled. Bruce sighed in pleasure, stepping back to take a look at his beloved spouse. Just the sight of you like this damn near made him go crazy.
His hands circled our waist, thumbs thoroughly messaging the small of your back, “I jus’ wanna help you out, baby. Would you like that? Hm? For me to fuck the stress out of you?”
“Yes Sir! Anything you want from me.”
As soon as the bedroom name hit his ears, Bruce let out an audible groan. As many cases you’ve solved in your career, you still didn’t have a single clue of the things you do to him.
Emphatically pulling at his belt, Bruce frantically released his throbbing member from his slacks. Violently spitting in his hand, he began stroking his arousal, lining it up with your tight opening.
He teased his cockhead around the swollen area, his pre-cum painting the heat between your legs. It was as though he was playing with you, as if you were some toy solely meant for his leisure.
Finally, after edging you for what felt like forever, he finally plunged inside of you. His sex speared into you with unrelenting vigor. Slowly, his shaft inched its way inside.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good that you wont be able to get up for work tomorrow,” his husky voice was leaving you in a trance, “Would you like that, angel? For this cock to take all your worries away?”
“Mhm, please sir,” your wanton moans were like music to his ears, as if the pearly gates of heaven were calling his name.
At your request, Bruce’s demeanor did a complete 180. His unrushed pace being switched out for something much more barbaric. Wet smacks could be heard throughout the room as his hips jerked into your swollen entrance.
The table shook at the force of his thrusts, leaving your pencil case to fall as a result. Papers were scattered about, some even sticking to the dampness of your skin. Your hands went to grip the edge of your desk, looking for something, anything to keep you stabilized.
“This is what you’ve been missing out on,” Bruce heaved, “This is what you could’ve had all those nights you decided to stay here and work.”
You practically begged him to slow down, the abuse to your hole was getting to be exhausting, “Bruce, mmn— ‘s too much.”
But your pleas fell on deaf ears, as his girth did nothing but continue its relentless assault. Your moans started to match his movements, pitch getting higher with each thrust.
“Shittt,” the hero groaned, “You're doing so good for me, sweetheart. Jus’ be good and lay there for me.”
His words were lulling you to sleep, that deep, velvety voice paired with his raspy grunts were more than soothing. Your lids started to get heavier by the second, you knew you were close. Any more of this and you were sure to tap out.
Your cheek was pressed against the surface below you. Eyes rolled so far back, it seemed like you could take a peek of your brain if you tried hard enough. It felt like your soul momentarily left your body as you started convulsing below him.
“Sir ‘m gonna, fuckkk, I’m coming!”
“There you go, love. Ease into it for me.” Although you were well over your limit, Bruce’s movements were still as vigorous as ever. 
You could tell he was close. As his thrusts got sloppier, your hips dug further into the edge of the desk, leaving marks along the surrounding skin.
“Broosh, please, I can’t ‘nymore. ‘M tired baby.” you babbled. Your barely formed words were only proof of how your consciousness was holding on by a thread.
“Shhhh. Just let me put you to rest, angel. Let your husband take care of you t’night.” Bruce’s cock throbbed, the thick appendage desperately looking for release.
Your entire body was limp by now, overstimulated beyond belief. It didn't even register how lifeless your legs were until you felt two arms scoop you up, hugging your midriff. You could just imagine how insane the scene must have looked, two grown adults humping over a table like a pair of wild dogs.
Eyes shut, you were nearly asleep at this point, the only sign of life from you were the light whimpers slipping past your plump lips. Your only purpose by now was to let your husband use you as he pleased, like some ragdoll.
Bruce couldn’t take it anymore. His movements stuttered as his senses came to a peak, “Mmm s-shit Y/N, just stay right there for me sweetheart, I got you.”
Once again, your insides fluttered as cum coated your heat. You felt his weight collapse on top of you as he tried to collect himself. Feeling him pull out, the thick, white liquid painted your skin as your hole throbbed from the aftershocks. 
Bruce’s member continued to pulsate, airy ‘ahs’ nd ‘mhms’ could be heard throughout the room. Bringing you down from you high, you heard a voice speak up from behind you, “You okay, darling? I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“Mm-mm,” you rumbled, not having the energy to give a real response. 
“Don’t give out on me yet, angel,” affectionately rubbing at your exposed skin, Bruce moved to tidy you up, “Let’s get you dressed so we can go home alright?”
Grabbing some spare napkins from a nearby tissue box, your doting husband wiped you down. He made sure to clean up every ounce of the thick cream dripping down your thighs.
Kneeling down, he moved to pull up your trousers, softly kissing the expanse of your legs along the way. You could barely react to his touch considering how spent you were.
As you wobbly stood to your feet, Bruce quickly went to pick you up bridal style, your head slugging against his firm chest.
Honestly, you should have known you would end up in this position the second he walked through the door.  As resistant as you were in the beginning, you can help but feel appreciative of Bruce’s actions, the love you have for him growing by the minute.
Unbeknownst to you, however, there was a reason your husband decided to surprise you tonight.
The case you had been working on, well there was a reason the forensic reports weren’t matching up. There had been a new villain roaming the streets of Gotham, and while Bruce didn’t know who he was yet, he knew he was more than dangerous.
As he placed you in the passenger’s seat, Bruce’s mind traveled to all the innocent lives that had been taken by the hands of this corrupt individual. He surely wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you ended up one of them.
Although he admired your determination, the dark knight knew better than to allow the love of his life to follow a path of such evil. 
So if this little “distraction” was the only way to throw you off their trail, then so be it.
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a/n: feedback is always welcome and reblogs are always appreciated!! ilyyy
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
He doesn’t know how they got here, but Jason’s thankful for it. It’s not often that he speaks to Cass, when Jason’s passions are words and righteous murder and Cass’s passions are distinctly not that, but when they do speak, they manage to get along. Somehow.
“So, why don’t you kill?” Jason leans back on the couch, his favorite mug filled with Alfred’s hot chocolate.
Cass is curled against the arm of the sofa. She looks at him, head tilted. Jason knows she’s reading him, but he’s not sure what she’s finding. It’s humbling, and intimidating, to know she sees more than what he allows to show.
“I can see,” she says. “That one time… I killed. I saw. Pain. Fear. Desp- des- not wanting to die.”
Cass nods. One of her fingers fiddle with the material of the couch. Jason knows she’s allowing him to see the motion. He knows it’s her silent way of showing him trust.
“There is more. To dying. Like… like they see their lives-They think- remembers. Loves. Their life- regret, love, everything. It goes through-” Cass taps her temple.
“Their lives are flashing through their heads?”
“Yes. Good. Bad. Everything. I see.” Quieter, Cass adds “I know. I know them, then. I killed a life that I know. They love. Everyone, have something they love. I kill, I kill that love.”
“That must suck.”
Cass leans back. She nods, neck releasing their tension and eyes less hunted, more accepting.
“Yes. I don’t want to- I don’t want to be the end.” Cass swivels her shoulders towards him, now. “Why… why do you?”
“Me?” Jason… hasn’t thought about it for a while, nor too deeply. But this is Cass. And her honesty deserves an honest reply. “I kill because some people shouldn’t be left alive to hurt and kill others”
“Not about… Bruce?”
Jason took a sip of his hot chocolate. Cass settled more into the couch, her eyes clear and watchful.
“It used to be,” he admitted. “About him, I mean. It used to be about vengeance. But then I came back to Crime Alley, and then I saw the kids getting hurt instead of being protected. They’re innocent. And then, it wasn’t about Bruce anymore. Killing is just the means to an end now, for me.”
“Do you- not regret?” She makes a gesture at his leg, where on a normal day, his holsters would be.
“I try to make sure I don’t kill people I’d regret, no. Like, you know how sometimes you guys arrest muggers?”
Cass nodded.
“Sometimes,” Jason said, remembering the days of digging through trash for food and the lingering hunger that rumbled through his younger self’s stomach. “They mug people because they’re desperate. I don’t kill those guys. But people deal to kids? Who hurt sex workers? Rapists? They’re doing irreparable harm, with full knowledge of their actions. For profit, mostly. If they’re willing to ruin lives, then they should be ready for their own to be ruined. It’s justice, for people like me.”
Cass studied him. “Justice…?”
“The only kind us Alley kids could ever appreciate. Arresting an abuser, a threat, and having that stick is for the privileged. Having that threat removed completely is relieving.”
“Can’t trust the world to be fair. But death, is fair.”
“Yeah. I think if I saw as much as you do, it’d be harder to do. But I think I’d still kill, because one person’s suffering after a life of being evil is worth the safety of so many others. To know… well, I guess I’m glad I don’t know what that’s like.”
“I see.”
“I know you do,” Jason grins at her. “But not killing is an act of courage too. Even if B makes it seem like it should come instinctually.”
“Yes. He does not connect, with Damian. Does not understand, fully, how hard. To unlearn.”
They sit in silence for a while after that, listening to the sounds of their family clambering around in other rooms.
“Hey, Cass?”
Cass turned back to him.
“I would kill David Cain for you.”
He would. It makes the Pit seethe when he thinks about how much David Cain and Lady Shiva hurt Cass for her to get this insanely good at reading people. He hopes she sees the pure honesty and sincerity he feels at that declaration
Cass puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezed once. Twice.
“Okay. Thank you.”
“No objections?”
“… would not feel too bad.”
Jason snorted.
“Yeah. You and me both.”
He doesn’t know how they got here, but he’s thankful for it anyways, because he understands his sister just that much more now.
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spider-jaysart · 4 months
Some Damijon headcanons inspired by me being sick rn
As kids, when Damian became sick one time, Jon was at his house right away to see him. Damian was ready for their patrol with a stuffed nose, baggy eyes, and coughing with a sore throat and everything else, but Jon didn't let him go and made sure he stayed in bed, then he made his own space in there too and got in somehow to cuddle lol. He didn't wanna leave until his boyfriend was much better again and Damian just had to deal with it. Damian's annoyance about it later faded away though, cause being in Jon's loving arms definitely made it feel all so much more easier to deal with
When Jon got sick, he called Damian for comfort and chatted with him for a good while. What he didn't know though is that during the call, Damian was actually busy getting things for him the whole time, and then he later surprised Jon with a visit. He brought him so many things, like for example a box of tissues, some new mangas of his that he's been meaning to lend him for a while after their last swap now that he was finally done with them, his favorite candies, some cookies that Alfred had made earlier (which he had to fight his siblings for before they could even snatch the last ones away lmao), some sunflowers held together by a red bow, and some fresh, hot tea and soup he made at the Manor with Alfred's help, which were made using the special, delicious recipes that Talia uses all the time when making it for him. Jon was so excited to see him and also very delighted by all the items and gifts he had brang for him too, and so so much that he wanted give him millions of kisses to show it, but Damian immediately stopped him right there because he was NOT willing to get sick lolll, even though he really wanted to kiss him too. Damian then spent the day with him masked up, making Jon's previously horrible time a much more better and fun one that he enjoyed now, all while also taking care of his dear boyfriend. They later ended up cuddling and falling asleep together and when Damian woke up the next day in Jon's arms...he was sick and Jon was all perfectly better again. Damian was in distress with this but Jon just hugged him even tighter, seeing it as just more lovely time with his boyfriend and to also payback for yesterday's wonderful favors
Another time when Damian got sick, they were both in their teens. Talia found out and told Jon everything she knows on how to make Damian feel better again, which were things she would used to do for him all the time herself. She also told Jon that if he succeeded in making Damian well again, he might just gain her approval in dating her Son (that was a total lie though, because he had actually gotten it a long time ago already, since she had been noticed his good qualities before and how happy he makes Damian). Jon made sure to do everything he could after that, especially because Damian definitely needed it. Damian was also secretly in on this the whole time too, since he knows Talia already really likes Jon loll, so he was really enjoying all of the wonderful pampering he was receiving
As young adults living together, one time Jon was making out with Damian and then later he was like "Oh yeah...I'm sick btw." And Damian jumped away and was like "WHAT?!?!" He was so upset that Jon didn't tell him before and caused him to become contaminated now as well. Then Jon was like "Damiiiii! Take care of me plssss!!" And Damian was running away like "NO! You did this to yourself now!" Once Damian soon became sick too, Jon ended up being the one taking care of him instead for most of the time, while he still had to do many things for himself too lmaooo (plan failed lolll)
During their more mature and married years, whenever their daughter Nadja got sick, she would usually jump into their bed in between them both for comfort and pass it onto them that way. She has done this multiple times no matter how many times they told her she's spreading it to them like that, because she just really needs her Dad's whenever she's feeling terrible. They usually end up getting sick lol but always try to take care of her together still no matter what and then she starts feeling bad later and ends up taking care of them both herself like a sweet daughter
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currentfandomkick · 4 months
Desiree overhears bruce wish for a do-over with his robins.
Said robins end up aged down and only with those memories of when they first were acknowledged as Robin by Bruce. Anything after? Gone.
Now Dick is 8 ready to destroy these people stealing his mom’s nickname for him. Yes he is deranged and feral. Yes he is assaulting Damian the most, as the kid also attacks him. He’s also certain Damian is mew to the states too and annoyed he cant understand the kid.
Jason is 12 and dealing with a Lot of homeless kid truama and whiplash of rich place and who are these other kids and why is the tiniest one trying to kill the second tiniest? Stop that! (Jason, the most responsible somehow) Damian listens to him best without the use of orders. (Only way to get Damian to listen otherwise) and is working on teaching Damian about how the states and Gotham work. Jason is the Great Culture Teacher, and hoarding food stashes and go bags everywhere. Just in case. Yes he has some for everyone and is only a little upset his peer Tim vanished before he could give him his.
Tim is 12 too, realized Batman had Jason Right There and fucked off back home to see what happened timeline wise. He decided to visit his apparent step-mom, Dana, and gets to meet his apparent(?) boyfriends (deal’s choice, just have there be two for Tim’s confusion as ‘i pulled not one but two hot boys? How?) reasons. Tim is Learning what he did in the last 6 years and is questioning how his older self stopped with a semi-regular sleep schedule and.. had no spleen? Dana, can we get that checked for me that mine’s still there and if i keep it? Yay. Oh, this should last a few months? Okay! He can work from home online and have Lucius handle the meetings—why was he made a teen CEO again?
Stephanie? Is the oldest at 15, and is baffled by the whole situation. She goes to see Oracle and handles patrols under Babs’ eye with a confused Cass. Yes Stephanie is mad at Tim and believes he was cheating on her at this time, but knows the Tim she saw was smaller. And this is in the future from her POV. She’s still mad. Also the least likely to cause problems on patrol atm as she’s already trained and threatened to break out Spoiler if he tries to stop her. Her favorites and Damian (he gets killing should be an option, but needs to work on his selection process) and Jason, who Gets being a poor kid. Dick stops attacking her on sight but is a savage and insults her form. He ranks below Tim due to proximity, and the fact this is a Tim before they dated.
Damian? Back maybe 2 years, to the mindset of ‘if i dont kill my predecessor, i am unworthy of my role by Father’s side.’ Problem: he and Dick are fighting (both initiate) and Alfred and Jason (when did his zombie guard get so small?) are the only ones able to separate them successfully. He is not allowed on Patrol, but Brown is as she’s able to run solo otherwise and Father has recruited her using Robin. Father has explicitly forbade attacking her in the manor, cave or otherwise on property, and forbid killing. Brown is the only one besides him questioning this, even if it’s mostly over comms… and he is absolutely working on learning magic to undo this spell and return to his rightful place damnit!
Bruce has Many Regrets about that wish. And hates magic
Meanwhile Danny is trying to work out which wishes of Desiree’s are safe to undo, as apparently her last spree included taking out Joker, who was well overdue for that, and helping a lot of families reunite. He’s not undoing that. But also she did help gorilla grodd take over a city. He. He’s gonna need help, isn’t he?
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whateversawesome · 9 days
Spy x Family Headcanons
All right! Thanks to some mutuals' encouragement, I decided to write down some of my Spy x Family headcanons. Some are more theories than hc, but hey, it's all in good fun 😊
1.Yor will be the one who kisses (or tries to kiss) Twilight. It fits her character arc, there's been some crazy hints and she has a crush on her husband.
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2.When Yor confesses to Twilight (or kisses him), he'll have the opportunity to set up a honey trap again. He'll think it's convenient for Operation Strix; he'll rationalize the same thing he did during the bar date and conclude a honey trap is the right thing to do for the mission. However, when he sees Yor's eyes and realizes she's totally in love with him, he's going to freak out and won't be able to go through with it. Which brings me to my next hc...
3.Twilight is going to reject Yor. It will be devastating for both of them. Yor will think she's not good enough for him to love her when it's exactly the opposite: he's in love with her and that's why he rejected her. He doesn't want her to be another honey trap. In fact, this will probably be how Twilight realizes he's in love with his wife.
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4.Anya knows her parents are in love. She can read their mind! More on that here.
5.At some point, Twilight and Yor are going to share a bed. It will be very exciting because it will probably happen right when they're both in the middle of figuring out their feelings for each other.
6.Maybe I'm wrong about this one but I still think Martha is somehow involved with The Garden. That whole arc was about her, yet she wasn't in the cover of the volume. I'm thinking her story is not over; we still have to know how she ended up with the Blackbells.
7.The relationship between Damian and Donovan Desmond is a foil of the relationship between [Redacted] and his father. It will be a trigger and mess things up for Twilight, because he will see his own story with adult eyes now.
8.Twilight's dad is alive. And not only that; I suspect he's a double agent. In fact, there's a chance we won't know which side he really belongs until the very end.
9.Anya was an accident. I don't think Project Apple experiments with children, but Anya was just born there so they experimented on her. I'm not sure if she was an accident between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war and a scientist, but I think she's one of a kind.
10.There's a third country involved in all this. It has been casually mentioned a few times.
11.Yor will be the one who leaves the Forgers first. Here are some reasons/theories of why this could happen. This, of course, will throw everything out of balance. Which brings me to...
12.Without Yor, there's a chance that Twilight will do something really stupid. Whether it's for the sake of the Operation or even thinking he's protecting Anya. It will be the wrong choice.
13.Yuri is not a bad guy. He's just a kid who has been brainwashed with nationalism. I think he'll be the one who discovers Twilight's identity (he already suspects Loid). At some point, he'll probably have to choose between his family and his duty to his country. He'll choose his family, of course. (More on Yuri here).
And finally, my favorite hc/theory, the [Redacted Theory]:
14.Yor is not in love with Loid or Twilight. She's in love with [Redacted], which means Yor sees the real person behind the mask, that it's impossible for him to hide his true self from the person he loves and, of course, that she's in love with his true self. I love this headcanon so much I wrote a whole fic about it 😊
That's it!
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charlotteking23 · 5 months
Hello! I know what I'm about to write here may seem strange, but in my head, it's just perfect. Imagine a scanario of Batmom×Batfamily where S/N(batmom) is a witch (like those in the Harry Potter universe), but she's always been afraid to tell her family because she feared they would start to hate her and that Bruce would ask for a divorce (and also because, as we know, there's a law that prohibits them from exposing this to not-witch). However, somehow they discover her secret, but in the end, everything turns out fine.
Sooooo... I am a witch
Bruce Wayne x witch reader
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It was an average day, nothing out of the ordinary, the boys were looking through their old stuff planning to donate it. They decided to start in the attic which they didn't even know they had. But boy was it filled with a lot of stuff in labeled boxes.
"Hey look my old toy car, I forgot I had you well time to donate you", Jason said tossing the car in a pile of stuff he didn't want.
"Hey guys look what I found", Tim said picking up a box with a do not open painted on the top of the box.
Damian took the box, "I think we're not supposed to open it, Oh well". He hurriedly opened the box, and the other boys peered their heads over Damian to see what was in the box.
Surprisingly when they opened it they saw a book, some photos, and other weird things. It all looks so cool like from a movie, Dick slowly took some photos out scrutinizing it.
"Guys look at this", Dick said holding out the photo in front of his brother's face.
"That girl she looks familiar", Jason said reaching out for the photo it was of a girl behind a tree wherein a green and black color robe.
"guys, that's Mom, see the girl has the same birthmark as Mom", Tim said pointing at the girl and the picture of his mom he had taken on his phone.
The boys hurriedly raced down the attic trying to find their mother. Damian had the box in his hand while Tim had the picture. They raced down the stairs almost knocking into Alfred in the process. Finally, they saw their mother in the living room watching one of her favorite movies Princess Diaries.
Y/n heard the sound of footsteps looking in the direction of the noise. She looked at what Tim was holding, and immediately Y/n got up and took the picture out of his hand. " where did you get this" Y/n demanded taking the other things from the other boy's hands.
"Mom, what is this? what have you been hiding? Dick said pointing at the picture. Mom, it's okay you can trust us", Jason said while nudging Damian to go and hug Y/n.
" I am a Witch, I am from Hogwarts where I learned to train and use my power. But not too long ago I fell in love with your father hiding the secret I was a witch, for I was prohibited from telling any non-witch about my powers. So I hid all my stuff in an attic before we got Dick, but you kids must have found it".
"so father still doesn't know", Dick said still trying to process this story. Y/n shook her head no. "You have to tell him Ummi", Damian said. "your right, I will tell him right when he gets home", Y/n said confidently.
Soon Bruce came home, greeting all his children before going upstairs to his and Y/n's room. There he saw Y/n sitting on the bed looking straight at him not a single emotion on her face.
Before Bruce could talk, Y/n started to cry heavily, slumping her shoulders, and looking away from Bruce. Bruce quickly rushed over to her scooping her up in a hug and whispering soothing things in her ear trying to calm her down.
"my pretty girl, what's wrong?", Bruce said continuing to massage Y/n's back. "Bruce, I have something to tell...I am a witch", Y/n didn't wait to see his reaction before continuing "You are probably mad at me but I understand so if you want a divorce then I am fine with it", Y/n said so fast it was hard for Bruce to even comprehend.
"Y/n were not having a divorce, I love you too much for that, no matter if you kept a secret you probably had your reasons and I am not mad", Bruce said in a reassuring tone. Bruce stood up holding Y/n close to him swaying them side to side and humming a beat. Y/n started talking about her past as a witch telling everything to Bruce. She felt so happy to finally tell Bruce after so long, feeling so much better.
"So does that mean since I have powers I can fight crime like you", Y/n said with her best puppy dog eyes. Fuck, it was so hard for Bruce to resist those puppy dogs eyes. "Fine", Bruce said letting out a groan and seeing Y/n jump up and down clapping her hands, smiling widely at Bruce.
Question for the readers: what is your house in Harry Potter?
mine is a Slytherin
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laythestar · 2 months
Dick Grayson headcanons
Author's Note: After so long, I finally came back, and with my first Dick headcanons, yay!! Hope you guys like it! Give a lot of love to these headcanons because I made with lot of care <3
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⋆ Dick Grayson who looks at you with stars on his eyes;
⋆ Dick Grayson who always have tea/coffee ready when you wake up, because he knows you can't function without your favorite drink;
⋆ Dick Grayson who loves to hug you tightly at night, because it makes him feel that you are real and okay every time he wakes up from a nightmare;
⋆ Dick Grayson who talks about you to anyone that he meets, always showing photos of you that he took, babbling about how beautiful you are with your hair disheveled (he doesn't seem to notice about how this can somehow make you feel embarrassed);
⋆ Dick Grayson who picks you up at random times, always carrying you around the apartment. Even if you are chubby, he's a strong man and you weigh nothing compared to the weights he picks at the gym.
⋆ Dick Grayson who, sometimes, can't contain himself and just…Bites you, but in his defense!!! It's his way of showing love! Can you blame him? Your cheeks are so biteable! It's your fault for being cute!
⋆ Dick Grayson who, in the moment that realized that he was in love with you, already made a huge plan of how he was going to ask you out. His brothers were obviously involved. (Jason is still demanding the 50 dollars he was promised);
⋆ Dick Grayson who, even after months of dating, still asks permission to kiss you;
⋆ Dick Grayson who can't sleep without you by his side;
⋆ Dick Grayson who demands morning kisses everyday;
⋆ Dick Grayson who only raises an eyebrow every time a woman tries to make an advance on him. Because can't they see the hickeys you left on him?
⋆ Dick Grayson who isn't possessive, but can't help always having an arm around your waist, he just absolutely needs to touch you somehow;
⋆ Dick Grayson who adopted a dog with you, even thought Damian tried to steal the dog, claiming that he would be a better father than the older Wayne son;
⋆ Dick Grayson who just loves you so much that can't see a life without you;
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