#i am hippolyta
madmanwonder · 11 months
Jaune asks this to his partner's aunt for her honest opinion. What does Hippolyta say?
What Am I Meme
Hippolyta: You are unbelievably dense to baffling degree. Slow to notice the many many hints from your suitor, yet you are very very lovable behind all of your slow-minded denseness.
Jaune: *Sweat Drop*
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internalriot · 8 months
save me jon arbuckle youre gonna go far kid amv
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zylev-blog · 6 months
Danny: Hell didn’t want me when I died, and heaven cast me out. So now I’m stuck in between on this little place called Earth. Sometimes I like to think it’s my own personal hell, but who am I to judge?
Tim, who was on day 5 of being awake: have you tried to fight god?
Danny: oh, I did, and I won. But the bastard is manipulative and decided that I wasn’t allowed in heaven because of pure spite.
Tim: interesting. Do you still want to fight gods?
Danny: depends. Me and Hades are under a truce, and Zeus kicked me out of Olympus. Sometimes I thought about fighting with Wonder Woman to get a rise from Zeus, but Hippolyta told me I wouldn’t be invited for dinner if I messed with her daughter, sooo….
Tim, pulling out his phone: cool, cool, so his name is darkseid, and he’s an asshole
Danny: say no more
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mx-heinous · 3 months
Imagine in some universe, Bruce, Brucie, and Batman are actually a system, and that the Tired Dad TM, mildly eccentric bimbo, and the personification of vengeance itself, are all sharing a brain.
*The Trinity holding the lasso of truth to share their identities*
Wonder Woman: I am Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta
Superman: Kal-el of Krypton, also known as Clark Kent
Batman: Batman
Clark and Diana, realizing what Batman just said: *weird looks*
Batman: The other guys are asleep
Brucie, not as aware at first about the whole vigilantism, waking up mildly concussed: Man, last night was wild, what a hangover.
Bad Guy of the week: Now that you've inhaled my truth serum, I can finally ask you this! Are you or are you not Bruce Wayne?
Batman: I'm not. That's a completely separate person.
Bad Guy: But, BUT I SAW YOU–
Audience Member 1: You saw a drunk billionaire at a costume party
Bad Guy: Whatever! What's your secret identity?!
Batman: I don't have one. I'm Batman.
Audience Member 2: Look at this wackjob, thinking that the cryptid motherfucker's secretly a normal person
Audience Member 3: Thanks a lot for wasting our time, asshole
Terry: How'd you know those voices weren't yours?
Batman: For one thing, they kept calling me Bruce
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snaileer · 10 months
Wrong Number? Wrong Answer.
It was the usual deal that the Justice League Dark dealt with… way too often honestly.
Initially, it had been just Wonder Woman, investigating a cult that had attempted to abduct her earlier in the month.
Diana had defeated them. Easily. Of course. But upon questioning them, their reasoning had concerned her.
They had attacked her for a ritual to open the ‘Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep’, a ritual which required ‘a blade blackened by the ichor of time.’
Once again, she was being targeted for her parentage. Did it ever end?
Of course, she questioned them further, what other ingredients did they need, what artifacts they would be hurting others to create.
A ring carved from the bone of an unfreed slave.
A crown made of lava untouched by human hands.
And sand directly from the pouch of Dream of the Endless themself.
It was an eclectic collection of items.
And yet, they had told her that only the blade remained to be created.
Again, it was concerning.
So Diana left the fools to be taken care of by men’s authorities, and focused on tracking down just what they were doing and if necessary, how to stop it.
After depleting her academic resources, and her connections within with nothing to show, Diana finally called in her friend through the league, Zatanna.
Zatanna had been frazzled by it, showing up in her living room before they’d even finished the call.
Together they tracked down the cult to Gotham… which was also a problem.
It was the reason why Diana was running through the caves beneath the crime ridden city with one of her closest friends in men’s world and a magician by her side.
All too quickly, they were surrounded by fanatics, each carrying sharp blades solely focused on her.
Working in sync with Batman and Zatanna throwing spells above them, Diana believed it would be a well-won battle.
Until a golden light flashed across the cave, blinding her for a precious second as she felt a sharp sting cut across her arm.
When her vision cleared, her arm was dripping blood and John Constantine stood in front of her.
“Sorry about that, love,” Constantine smirks, “No harm done?”
Diana’s teeth grind together as she turns away from him, fighting her way through more followers. The one who had injured her is nowhere to be seen, and the blade with them.
Even once the rest of the swarm is beaten, their numbers no longer being replenished, Diana does not feel content. The sense of danger lingers.
“Constantine.” Batman growls, “What are you doing in Gotham?”
The Brit rolls his eyes as he lights a new cigarette, “You know I don’t actually have to tell you every time I enter the city right? But besides, that’s news to me, portals are a tricky business, I’m tracking my own problem.”
Batman glares at him.
“Someone stole from me mate. And whatever they stole it for can’t be good, so I’m here ta get it back. Thought you’d be proud of something like that, Batsy, insteada leavin’ it for someone else?”
Batman’s eyes darken, “We’re tracking a group trying to open the Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep, is your artifact related to that?”
“Fucking shit it is yeah! Bollocks I didn’t think they’d be using the dream sand for something like that, what sort of mannies are these?!” Constantine exclaims, hastily grinding his cigarette beneath his shoe.
Suddenly, there’s a rattling boom, the ground and walls shaking around them as dust rains down and they are all forced into stabilizing stances.
They barely share a glance before all three are running down the hall to the source, Constantine left scrambling to keep up.
The scene they come to is equal parts confusing as it is problematic.
The cultists are each in states of disrepair, crusting on the edges or yelling at their leader. The leader is the first to notice their arrival.
“You! You say you are a child of Zeus and yet your blood does not work! You lie of your ancestry!”
Diana steps forward, “I do not! I am the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and Zeus, grandchild of Kronos! The fault of your magic does not lie with me!”
The leaders face twists, mouth open to shout, but a flash of gold slams into him.
“Z, the book!” Constantine yells, arms outstretched as he flings more spells at the surrounding people, glowing ropes binding each.
“On it! Etativel em dna eht koob!” Zatanna shouts, lifting into the air as a book the leader had been holding flies into her hands.
Immediately she begins turning pages with desperation, “Wohs em eht stsitluc lleps!”
The book flips to a distinct page, and Zatanna’s face drains of color.
“Batman, we need to be careful, this spell looks legitimate, we might still have a risk on our hands.”
Batman hummed, looking at the chalk lines of the summoning circle drawn out before them, drawing Diana to do the same. Looking closely at the artifacts placed at each cardinal direction, including a short dagger with her blood nearly completely dry on the flat of the blade.
Batman moves towards the gathered and bound cultists as both magicians whisper over the spell.
Diana continues to look out on the evidence of the ritual, confusion warring in her.
She lays a hand on the lasso at her side. She knew she had not been lying about her heritage, so then why….
‘A blade blackened by the ichor of time.’
She looks at the bloodied dagger once more. It didn’t make sense, even if they had managed to harm a godly descendent, pure ichor would be gold; and even her blood was simply a humanly deep crimson red, not black; not until it-
Diana lunges towards the knife, fingertips brushing its hilt just as her blood dries a flaky black.
Her body slams into the cave walls in the next second, percussive force rippling through the air.
She crumples to the ground, struggling to lift her head.
White boots pass in front of her eyes.
She watches as they move towards her colleague, her friend, only to be surprised as they stop in front of the cultists instead.
As the air returns to her body, Diana lifts herself up, shaking arms supporting her as the weight of the atmosphere presses down.
She looks at the being, the sight almost making her collapse once more.
Mist curls around its form like a mountain peak, iridescent light glowing near its head, pitch black night covering its body, the pinprick of stars so small you can’t see them straight on, claws like a falcon’s beak: unhidden and meant to tear apart. And more importantly, wrapped around the leaders neck.
““̵̨̮̣̀͊̓Y̷͖̊̒o̸̤͈͍͌̈́͘u̶̗̭̲̍ ̵̬̤̞̀̑ā̴̟r̸̹̝̉e̴̞̦̮͑̍ ̴̣̩̖͑̓͛a̷̮̞͍͊͆͝ ̶͍̀̈́́f̷̖̄ò̸͈̓͝ǫ̷̅̀̔l̶̹̥̹̋͌͠.̴̤̲̈́͋̀”̶̛̫̺̈́”
The voice rattles her heart within her chest. She watches as Batman continues to try and stand.
The cultist struggles against the hand, mumbling screams behind Constantine’s bind. The creature tears it off with one claw.
“We summ-moned-… the king! Pa-pariah-!“
The creatures hand barely twitches, but the cultist breaks off in a scream. She is surprised to note the other cultists react exactly alike. As if linked.
“̵̻͝Ý̷͚o̶͈͝u̷̦̐ ̶̆͜d̶͈̄ǐ̸̢d̵̲̓ ̴͖̽n̴̘̅ȯ̸͍t̵̛̯ ̴̫̐ŝ̵̗u̴̹̇m̶̨͠m̴̡̽o̴̱̐n̵̘͝ ̴̪̈h̴̨̀i̶͝ͅm̸̰͗.̴͍͆”̸͔̔ The creature growls, “À̴̳n̸̛̜d̶͒ͅ ̴̤̃y̸̬͝ǫ̸̒u̵̫͗ ̶̘͛a̴̫̐r̷̠̈e̶͂ͅ ̶͔̋ḽ̶̔ủ̷͜c̷̥̍k̴̲͊ÿ̸̯́ ̶͓́f̷͇͝o̷͎͒ŕ̴͇ ̶͔͝t̶̞̀h̸̲̉ȧ̸̮t̷̩͝.̷͔̍ ̵͙͐I̸͎͌f̶͖͛ ̶̜̇y̵̜͗o̴̩̍ṵ̶͆ ̵̫̈́h̴͛ͅā̴̼d̸̤͆…̵͍̈́i̵͍̐t̸̡̉ ̴̭͂w̷̥̔o̷̟̅u̴̪͂l̸̞̏d̵͚̀ ̵͓̃b̴̢̽e̵̗͠ ̸͕̉m̸̠͆u̶̖͘c̷̯͘h̴̤̎ ̸̥́w̷͚͝o̸͐ͅr̶̦͐s̵̨̿e̸͕͆ ̸̙̑f̴̧̂o̶̱̓ȓ̷̟ ̴̠͗ÿ̸̥́ö̵͜ŭ̶̟.̵͎̉”̶͍̀
The man whimpers under the claws.
"I̴n̷s̵t̴e̷a̵d̸,̶ ̵y̸o̷u̵ ̴g̵o̷t̶ ̷m̸e̸,̴I̴ ̶g̵u̸a̷r̶d̴ ̶h̶i̷s̵ ̶p̸r̸i̵s̵o̵n̶ ̶b̶e̷c̴a̷u̴s̶e̸ ̵I w̴a̸s̴ ̵t̴h̸e̷ ̸o̴n̸e̴ ̷t̸o̶ ̶p̵u̴t̵ ̴h̸i̴m̶ ̵t̴h̷e̸r̶e̴ ̵o̶n̵c̸e̵ ̶m̶o̸r̸e̸.̵”̴ The creature leans into the cultist, arching ever higher, angles sharpening, body distorting, "“̸̝͋a̵̱͋n̶͓͛d̵̘́ ̵̡̍f̷̱͊o̵͚̓r̷̪̎ ̴̭̑a̷̬̓s̷͙̅ ̷͍͌ĺ̵̫o̸̻͆ņ̵̀g̶̚ͅ ̷̬͌a̶̮̿s̵̩͊ ̸̫̌t̸̲̕h̸̢̉e̷̖͗ ̴̰̋c̸̹̀ȍ̸͎s̷̡̃m̵̥̍o̷̜͋s̷̗͐ ̴̜͆e̷̛̙x̸͓̑i̶͉̿s̸̹̀t̵̛̺,̴̡͠Í̷̢ ̷̣̽w̵̠͋i̶̺͒l̴̠͐l̸̮̃ ̴͍͌k̴̰̑e̸̠͐e̷̟͋p̵̲̏ ̸̙̂h̷̘͋ị̸́m̸͕̚ ̶̳̋t̶̡̒h̷̩͆e̷̪͝r̷̒͜e̵̡̔.̵̭͗”̵̮̔
There’s a dull flash as light flashes beneath the cultists skin, beneath all of the cultist’s skin, before they drop to the ground unconscious.
All too quickly, air returns to the room, pressure lifting like a deep breath into the room.
The creature turns, eyes meeting Diana’s for just a second as he turns towards the chalked lines of the circle. Diana lifts herself to her feet, drawing closer to Batman as they both watch him, hesitant.
On the other side of the room, Constantine and Zatanna also struggle to their feet, eyes filled with fear and caution as they take in the scene.
As the creature moves, mist still rolling off him in waves, his features fall away with it, gradually smoothing to a more human visage. It looks… young. Boyish.
Those same white boots crush down on the formed crown, the cooled lava rock crumbling under one step. Next is the ring, held carefully in two hands the creature whispers over it, breathy wind carrying it away as it turns to dust. He holds the blade with one hand, flakes disintegrating off as he lifts it.
Diana’s arm tingles.
Then the creature is standing in front of the last point, holding the small brown pouch of sand with consideration.
Silence reigns in the room.
Constantine, of course, is the one to break it.
“I believe that’s mine, mate,” he cuts in, stance still laden with suspicion.
“Oh?” The creature smiles, almost mockingly as he turns to Constantine, “Is it? If I wasn’t mistaken, this ritual calls for Dream’s sand. Are you Dream of the Endless, little magician?”
Constantine visibly swallows, “I’m not.”
The creature huffs a laugh, fangs glinting in his smirk. He moves swiftly, pivoting on one foot to toss the pouch at Constantine, “Catch.”
Constantine lurches forward to try and catch it, only to find it vanish in the air before it reaches his fingers.
The creature cackles, floating backwards, “What did you do to get your hands on such an amount of Dream’s sand, magician? I’m curious.”
“It was a family present,” Constantine grinds out as he turns back to the gently levitating humanoid form, “You can drop the kid facade by the way, you’re not tricking anyone here looking like that.”
The creature shrugs, “And if I’m comfortable like this?”
Diana steps in to stop Constantine from snapping back, “Who are you, spirit, to be summoned by such a ritual?”
The creature watches her for a beat, “I am Phantom of the Dead City, Protector of infinite realms. They did not bring me here, but I knew who they wished to summon and came because of it.”
Batman steps forward, voice interrogating, “The Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep-“
“Remains sealed. The Tyrant King remains trapped and at rest, do not worry.”
Somehow Diana does not think that soothes Batman, even as a great a warrior as he is.
“Now, about that spell book,” Phantom turns to Zatanna, waving a hand and the book flies to him. He hovers a hand over it, and Diana watches in fascination as the chalk on the floor begins to burn away, the drawing in the book following.
Phantom looks at her once more, eyes too wise and strong for the age of his face, and then from one moment to the next, he is gone.
The book drops to the floor with a slam, cover open to aged blank pages as the last of the sigil burns away.
Hesitantly, Constantine goes to it, the rest of them following. When Constantine lifts the book with careful hands, they watch another image fade into view on the paper.
A cool colored image of Phantom rising over a city skyline outlined in green against a deep violet sky. Even on paper, his visage shifts constantly between the boyish figure and the ethereal danger of the form he’d appeared in.
Beneath the city lays a large coffin covered in chains.
The lock glows a pulsing toxic green before fading to a steely gunmetal grey and going still.
“Well that was the best encounter I’ve had with a dangerous dimensional figure and I still lost the dream sand.”
Zatanna’s slap echoes in the cave.
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 6
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 2946 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
'...Starting tomorrow, we prepare for Echidna's war,' Queen Hippolyta announced to those in the War Chamber.
After Echidna's kraken attack, the Queen had called for an emergency meeting in the War Chamber to discuss matters. Generals and their lieutenants discussed the right protocols and procedures they would instruct their soldiers to carry out over the coming days. It was well past midnight now, but no one in the chamber looked as if sleep would come easily when they returned to their own chambers.
'For now, head back to bed. Hera knows we are going to need all of our energy to face what lies ahead.' Everyone simply bowed their heads in understanding and left the chamber. Except for Y/N.
She was staring intensely at the small sculptured map of the entire island - as if trying to commit every stair, every mountain, every grain of sand to memory - when a hand on her shoulder pulled her from her trance.
'You too, my dear,' Queen Hippolyta said gently. 'You have endured much tonight. Go. Rest.'
'What? No.' Y/N shook off her grandmother's hand and stood up tall, but she could not help rubbing her tired eyes as she strained to keep them open. 'We should be preparing now, Grandmother. Echidna will certainly not be resting before she tries to destroy all of Themyscira. I will not let her.'
'I know, dear child.' Queen Hippolyta gently cupped Y/N's face and turned her attention away from the map. 'But what good are soldiers if they do not rest? We have three days - there will be plenty of time for sleepless nights then. For now, I am telling you to rest.'
Y/N had to admit she was exhausted. She had been training all these months, but hadn't been in a real fight with real danger since she'd left the team. Her body was already starting to ache, and so she conceded. 'Is that an order from her Royal Highness?'
'It is an order from your grandmother,' the queen replied with a soft smile. She brought Y/N's forehead to her lips briefly before she finally let go. 'Rest. Our work begins tomorrow.'
Y/N nodded then headed for the War Chamber doors. Now that she'd acknowledged it, her exhaustion was now weighing on her eyes more heavily, and the thought of falling into her crisp linen bed sounded heavenly.
As soon as she opened the door to leave, however, she was met with, 'So what did you talk about?'
Dick Grayson didn't look an ounce tired as he pushed off from his place on the wall and sauntered up to her. Damn, had he waited there for three hours? It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to her bed and he certainly wasn't going to stop her now.
'Nothing you need to worry yourself about,' Y/N deflected as she made her way down the corridor. She was hoping her stern tone would hint that she was in no mood to talk, but Dick Grayson was not one to read such obvious signs.
'What's that supposed to mean?' he asked, following swiftly after her. 'You woke up every general and their lieutenant to discuss what then? A new uniform?'
'If you want to make jokes about my people's future existence, then we definitely don't have anything to talk about,' Y/N bit back, increasing her pace as she turned around a corner.
'Then what did you guys talk about in there?' Dick insisted. Y/N had to give it to him, he was persistent. 'Look, I want to help. But how can I if you won't talk to me?'
'Just because you caught me tonight, does not mean I am obliged to answer your every question.'
'Catching you? I saved your life! Speaking of which, I think a "thank you" is at least the minimum you can say to me right now. Which, by the way, you're welcome for. But if you won't say it, then tell me why I can't possibly help you with this.'
'Because this doesn't concern you,' Y/N replied, reaching the spiral staircase that led up to floor of her chambers. She started her ascent as she continued. 'This isn't your war to fight. You weren't even meant to be here.'
'So what do I do then?' Dick asked, his tone offended as he still followed her up the stairs. 'Just jump on a sailing ship tomorrow and head back to Blüdhaven like none of this ever happened?'
'Oh, so that's where you've settled down. How noble of you.'
'I'm being serious, Y/N.' Dick grabbed Y/N's wrist with a grip tight enough to halt her charge, but loose enough to let her know she could escape any time. She had just reached the next floor when he did, leaving him two steps below her eyesight.
'So am I,' she hissed back, but her anger was superficial. Her bed was just down the corridor and Richard bloody Grayson was doing everything in his power to stop her from reaching it.
She tugged her wrist out of his grip and looked down at him with a glare so severe she hoped he would catch fire. 'Go home. To your life of freedom and abandonment, to the girl who undoubtedly is waiting for you in your disgusting apartment, to the team, I don't care! Just go.'
The pair stood looking at each for the longest time. The window beside the staircase entrance allowed the light of the full moon to shine onto Dick's flawless, sharp face. The pale light cast shadows under his eyes, hollowed his cheekbones. And for the first time since coming to the island, the cocky glint in his eyes wasn't there.
It was the most serious Y/N had ever seen him, even when they were both on the same team together doing the most craziest and dangerous missions that either of them could've died on.
He was telling her the truth, and that one fact made her soften her glare.
'Why do you hate me so much?' he asked, his voice cracking slightly as if he were on the verge of tears.
This took Y/N aback.
Hate. She'd never used the word in association with Dick. Even when he left, even when he never came back, even when he never spared her another thought or word. She wanted to slap him, tell him he was stupid because how could she ever hate him after she'd spent so much time feeling the very opposite for him?
Y/N didn't hate Dick Grayson, but she couldn't forgive him for what he'd done either.
'You left me,' she finally said, voice low so as not to release all her emotions at once. 'You left all of us behind as if we were nothing. As if we weren't family. You left when we - when I needed you the most. What? Did you expect me to just be waiting for you when you decided to come back? Were you ever going to come back, Dick? Well?'
He had no reply, only a face expressing a full range of emotions. Shock, sadness, guilt, shame.
The last one gave Y/N her answer.
It wasn't until Dick reached for her cheek that Y/N realised she was crying. She was too shocked to bat away his hand as he wiped her cheek gently, smoothing away her tears. Despite the cold night, his hand was warm, and in her moment of weakness, Y/N allowed her eyes to close for just a moment and lean into his touch.
Once or twice she'd dreamed of a moment like this, where Dick would hold her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. But that's all it was, a dream.
Remembering herself, Y/N pulled away from Dick's hand and hastily wiped her tears. His hand hung in the air for a moment longer before letting it fall to his side in defeat.
'I should go rest,' Y/N said after an eternity of silence. 'We start preparations and training at dawn. I will make sure someone sets you on your way early tomorrow. It will be as if you never had come to Themyscira.'
'But I will remember,' Dick said gently. 'I will know what is happening.'
Y/N nodded in agreement. 'But it is not your war to fight.'
Dick stared at her, the blues in his eyes swirling like tumultuous waves as if battling with himself. Eventually he nodded and took a step down.
'We both leave at dawn, then?' he asked.
'So it would seem,' Y/N answered.
'And I will never see you again?'
Y/N hadn't contemplated this, but now that it was out there, there indeed was a high chance that they would never see each other again. Not only him, but the rest of the team, her mother.
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and said, 'It is a sacrifice every warrior offers up before every battle.'
It wasn't a straight answer, but it was enough for Dick it seemed as he said, 'Then I wish you the best of luck, Princess.'
Y/N didn't like how distant he sounded when he used her title. It wasn't him, it wasn't her. All of it was wrong, but had it not been herself that insisted he call her by such? To put distance between them? To communicate her anger with him, and make it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him ever again?
She'd dug her own grave, and so now she must lay in it.
'You too, Nightwing,' she managed to get out, and then Dick was descending, leaving Y/N alone with her jumbled thoughts and emotions on the stairs. She'd been exhausted before, but now she was wide awake.
Y/n stayed at the top of the stairs well after Dick's footsteps stopped echoing, unable to move over the threshold of the past into the future. She'd just unofficially said goodbye to her best friend and the love of her life. So much was left unsaid - maybe for the best, or possibly it would be her biggest regrets if she didn't make it through this war.
Y/N finally managed to pull herself away from the staircase at that thought. I must rest now, she told herself as she finally made it to her chambers. Tomorrow, I have a war to try and win.
T minus three days until Echidna's War
Y/N doesn't remember when she fell asleep, but she does remember taking a long time to do so after her conversation with Dick. All that had been said - all that hadn't been said - had left her tossing and turning for a long time after she slipped into her linen bed.
However, she was very much awake the moment she felt warm sun rays bathe her skin.
Her eyes flew open as realisation shocked her into action. I'm late! Y/N looked out the window briefly and saw the sun high in the sky; it was well and truly past dawn.
Faster than she'd ever done before, Y/N dressed in her warrior uniform, grabbed her sword that she always had on hand in case of an emergency, and sprinted through the palace and down to the training grounds.
The other women were never going to let her live this down if they were to survive Echidna's war, but they were not going to survive by sleeping in. It only appeared to be early morning, but the warriors would've been working for a solid few hours by now. Precious hours that Y/N had wasted sleeping in, instead of training or making blockades or literally doing anything more helpful.
By the time she reached the training grounds, she was the most out of breath she'd ever been in her life. Y/N quickly spotted Calliope supervising a group of young warriors as they practised using monster nets against some wooden dummies.
'Well look who finally decided to wake from their beauty sleep,' Calliope said with a smirk as Y/N approached her.
'I slept pretty bad last night,' Y/N explained. 'And no one came to wake me up. Where is the group I'm meant to be taking?'
Still smirking, Calliope pointed to a large crowd seemingly gathered around one person. Whoever it was, they had to be interesting, as women and young girls were enamoured with whoever was talking.
'Who is that?' Y/N asked, unable to see the instructor through the thick crowd.
'The reason you slept bad last night,' Calliope answered smoothly, and Y/N felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment and shock.
Not wanting to be teased any further, Y/N staunched over to the crowd and forced the women to part so she could reach the front of the crowd. And there in the centre on the ground, pointing at seemingly random points on a map of Themyscira, was Dick Grayson.
'...Now we don't know specifically what Echidna is going to throw at us,' Dick said to the group, 'but my guess is she is going to send big and small creatures alike. With the small creatures, I suggest setting up traps here, here, and here where the passages are narrow and there is only one way out. We'll lure them into the passageway and then take them out from above.'
'What if they can fly?' one soldier asked.
'Then we lure them to places like the caverns on the east side of the island. Or we make nets to secure the creature's exits out over the passages that have no roofs. Let's go scout those areas today and start setting up what we need weapons and equipment wise there. Any questions?'
'I do,' Y/N found herself saying, finally drawing everyone's - including Dick's - attention to her arrival. 'What do you think you're doing?'
Dick stood up and made to step towards her. 'Y/N, I-'
'Give us a minute,' Y/N directed at the crowd, and they all quickly dispersed at her stern tone. When everyone had either started their own conversations or started sparring to kill the time, Y/N finally addressed Dick.
'What in the name of Hera do you think you're doing ordering my soldiers around?' she seethed, though she was more angry at herself still than him. 'I thought I told you to go home. You're meant to be on a ship sailing back to Blüdhaven by now.'
'I was,' Dick agreed, and that seriousness from last night returned to his stupidly beautiful face once more. It made him look older, wiser. He still looked good, much to Y/N's chagrin. 'But what you said last night got me thinking that... that maybe I need to stay.'
'What?' Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he mad? 'Dick, this isn't some silly little mission to complete. We are preparing for war.'
'I know that,' he insisted. 'But... all I've done since Wally's death is run away. It's true; I left the team, I abandoned you - all because I was too scared to try and be brave. Brave... like you.'
Y/N was too shocked to respond, so Dick continued.
'You may hate me, Y/N,' he said, and the look in his eyes surprisingly pained her, 'but I want to stay, I want to help.'
'If you're doing this to make yourself feel better, then you can just leave now-'
'I'm not, Y/N,' Dick interrupted her, now looking into her eyes with such sincerity she knew he was telling the truth. 'I'm doing this because it is the right thing to do. I also just can't accept that I will never see you again. You're too important to me, to the world, to leave behind.'
Y/N's breath hitched as Dick took a step closer to her, never once breaking eye contact. 'I won't abandon you. Never again.'
Those words alone almost broke her facade of cool and uncaring. He meant it. He truly meant it. If he had not just said the words, she would've seen it in his eyes for it was there - the same sentiment.
He would not leave her. Regardless of Themyscira's fate, he would not leave her.
Her Dick Grayson was back.
She regathered her composure by taking a small step away from him. He might be back, but Dick would have to prove himself still if he wanted her back in any capacity.
'Just because I was late, that doesn't mean you take over my training,' she muttered grumpily.
Dick chuckled. 'I didn't steal them. I spoke with Queen Hippolyta herself. She thought it would be a wonderful idea if I stayed to help.'
Y/N sighed in defeat. 'Of course she did,' she muttered. She made a mental note to have a word with her grandmother later about this.
For now, she - and now Dick, it seemed - had a training to conduct.
She spun around to the slightly dispersed crowd of warriors and called out, 'All right. Everyone, grab what you need for the scout today. Half of you will go with Nightwing here to the East Caverns and map out our traps there. The rest of you will come with me to the Northern Passages between the mountains. We leave in ten minutes.'
'Yes, Princess!'
'Well, then, Nightwing,' Y/N said as the group dispersed again to gather their equipment, 'are you ready to go win a war?'
Dick flashed her his signature smile, though his eyes had a renewed sparkle and Y/N wondered if it possibly was because of her.
'Always, Princess.'
'Don't call me that.'
'Oh, but I insist, Princess.'
'One more remark and I'll order the warriors to set you up as bait for the monsters.'
'Whatever you say... Princess.'
Tag List:
@valiantbouquetcloud | @epicy0n | @resistanythingbuttemptation | @lunaizhere | @nameunknownsthings | @tqrgvryen | @pariahsparadise | @edgycat | @b4tm4nn | @cynwing | @lilylovelyxo | @herondale-lightworm | @animeflower26 | @tiny-marie | @jedigrayson
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Record of Justice: Wonder Woman! Reader HCs
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I am so gay for Diana.
- Brunhilde doesn't HESITAITE to choose you as one of her champions, seeing as you're both demi-gods who come from a warrior race of women, I can see you and her honestly having a lot in common together.
- But yeah, no, Diana's whole thing is that she wants to save the world of man so even of Brunhilde didn't choose her, you would have still chosen to fight because it was your duty.
- So Wonder Woman has multiple origins: Her original one being that she was born from clay by her mother but there are versions she has a dad which kinda switches between Hades and Zeus. Zeus will be your father in this case because I genuinely like the idea of him blowing his fucking gasket when he sees you enter in the side of humanity.
- Ares and Wonder Woman have so much beef in the comics so you and him definetly don't see eye to eye now. In fact, Ares would fight you himself if he could but like, you're also kinda scary when you're mad.
- Zeus and Poseidon are literally about to blow a fucking gasket when they see you. Zeus is more subtle as usual as he's all: "Oh, well she's always been the black sheep of the family!" but in reality, he feels deeply betrayed. Poseidon isn't surprised honestly, he genuinely believes you should have grown up with the Olympians instead of on Themyscira because then maybe you'd learn to look down on those pathetic humans instead of protecting them.
- Tbh, Poseidon does have a bit of a soft spot for you as his niece because you're the only one whose ever DARED to back talk him despite knowing his power. He wishes your mother, Hippolyta, wasn't such a stubborn woman. I can totally see moments when you're absolutely destroying Gods and Poseidon just smiling proudly at you but then quickly scowling so no one can see him.
- However the Greek Gods who explicitly still care for you are definetly Hermes, Hercules, and Aphrodite.
- Aphrodite, being your big sister, absolutely adores you even if you two aren't on the same side. She smiles when she sees you and if she can, she will try to catch you in the hallways and pull you into a hug, meanwhile you're kinda suffocating in her bosom. She compliments you on what a strong and beautiful woman you've become, the only reason she isn't upset with you for "betraying" the family is because...well, you've always been like that. It's just nice to see you again♡
-As for Hercules, you both are Demi gods and while you acknowledge humanities faults, you welcomed him with open arms and appreciate his dedication. You two might not be bound by blood but the way you carry each other's ideals and respect and tease each other, its very clear you two have an unbreakable bond.
- Hermes adored you since you were born. Despite Themyscira's laws that men weren't allowed on the island, he was a God, and would happily come and see you to play with you. Taking on a big brother role in your life, he smiles softly as you glare at your father and he thinks you're just as cute as when you were a little toddler struggling to walk on the sandy beach coast of your island.
- As for the human side, they're all in literal wonder of you...which makes sense regarding your hero alias, but when they watched you at work: you impressed everyone while Brunhilde smiled at you and it pissed Zeus off even more when you both shook hands and sent him smug smirks on your faces.
Enemies/People Who Dislike You:
- Ares is a huge hater as I stated before, maybe you humiliated him in the past in front of Zeus, or maybe it was that one time you stole his helmet in a fight and became the New Goddess of War for a while but either way: you and him should never be in the same room together because not even the Gods can predict that disaster.
- Loki thought the rope thing was kinda hot but found out the hard way WHY it was called the Lasso of Truth. Even when he is shaped shifted, he will revert to his normal form if you ever catch him with it AND YOU ALWAYS FUCKING DO. He also can't even try and mislead you by telling you half truths because he just blurts out the truth right away. Everyone absolutely adores you for it, ngl since Loki doesn't even bother pulling tricks when you're around and when he sees you fight for humanity, he throws a huge tantrum...He still finds the rope thing hot tho...
- Zeus. He has conflicted feelings for you, he does love you but he wishes you wouldn't always go against his wishes...though he supposes thats what he gets for having your mother raise you instead of him. You show him respect but you clearly harbour bitter feelings for him betraying your trust and wanting to wipe out humanity and he understands that. It still doesn't give you the right to laugh about him with Brunhilde and he'll be sure to get you back for it.
Allies/Friends Who Trust You:
- Brunhilde is honestly a good friend of yours, I genuinely think she sees you the same way she sees Hercules but she relates to you a little more. (The Valkyries and Amazon's would have martinis on the beaches of Themyscira, fight me on that-)
- Shiva, honestly. He likes that you're strict but you can definetly be fun and silly in your own way. You honestly remind him of Rudra, who he totally tries to set you up with so because you two really have a lot in common!
- Obviously Hercules, Hermes, and Aphrodite but also: Poseidon, surprisingly...sometimes. Again, he does soften a bit when it comes to you and he wonders if you're simply stubborn and brave or stubborn and stupid. You are his favorite niece but also, the one that causes him to roll his eyes the most.
- Honestly, all of the Valkyries. When you heard about Brunhilde and her Völundr's, you knew that it was clever but also: that you couldn't just stand to let your fellow sisters in battle fall, the odds being against them. Also, the will all hug you and tackle you to the ground.
- Sasaki Kojiro is a human you take a liking too, he reminds you of a friend whose clad in all black...except he's more cheerful and happy and might have lost in life, but still: he never gives up. You admire those skills in a human and he gets all shy and flustered when you compliment him but I can totally see the both of you practicing sword fights and even moments where he beats you, which you're proud of him for doing, honestly.
- Adam. He genuinely just is the dad Zeus never was, even though you're not one of his own children, he'll fight like you are. Tbh, the only man that deserves to set foot in Themyscira and the other Amazon's would agree. Eve also gossiping with your Hippolyta in the crowd and complimenting her on raising such a wonderful daughter and they talk about mom things.
Admirers/Characters Who Have a Crush on You:
- Thor, just straight up. Since you're a fellow immortal, you two have somewhat known each other, you didn't really care much for the godly affairs so it wasn't often, but he's had the biggest crush on you. When he saw you fight so fearlessly in the crowd, those feelings came back 10 fold. Definetly wants to fight you because that's his way of flirting. Zeus and Odin 100% want to pair you two together to create an official alliance and while Thor wants you to choose him out of your own volition, he will suggest that it is a good idea.
- Jack the Ripper. HE HAS BISEXUAL PANIC BECAUSE HERCULES WAS ALREADY SOKIND TO HIM BUT YOU?? OH, YOU'RE TRULY DESERVING OF THE TITLE OF GODDESS, your color is so gorgeous; filled with such love and passion. After his battle, after he killed Hercules, he is ashamed to face you. But, amazingly, you do not look at him in disgust or shame. You kneel down and gently hold his face, you are in mourning, but you still kiss his head gently and tell him: "You fought well. Rest." and he just short circuits as you begin to carry him.
- BUDDHA, BABY. He loves how serious you are but also, that you can be pretty goofy honestly. Also loves how you stand up to Zeus constantly. Not to mention he certainly has a thing for strong women. But also, he finds your work inspiring, trying to guide humanity to a better life of enlightment. HIPPOLYTA ALSO TRYING TO SET YOU TWO UP BECAUSE SHE'S A COOL MOM AND SHE'S ALL: "You know, that Buddha has been staring at you~" and you have to be all: "MOTHER!" And he walks over to you and offers you a snack and you take it. Zeus hates him because he thinks Buddha would be a "bad influence" on you.
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silverwolf122 · 2 years
It was an ordinary day in the Watchtower. At least by the standards of the Justice League. Which meant that there was some kind of threat to the Earth. Batman was busy trying to establish contact with the Justice League Dark, which disappeared without a trace. The usual stopped when Wonder Woman in full heavy armor called to the meeting.
"Diana, what happened?" Bruce asked. The "trinity", as they were called, were close and had long ago learned from each other the smallest nuances of body language. It might not have been noticeable to others, but Bruce noticed a slight tremor in her hands.
"I thank you all for being my friends and comrades. But as of today, I am resigning from my post in the Justice League." Batman had contingency plans. Everyone knew that. He was just a man who stood among the Gods because he was prepared for any threat they might face. What made it even more unusual was how unprepared he was for these words. "Diana, talk to us. We can help."
"I hope you will" her tone is steal hard. This is not a Diana, thier friend is talking. It's Wonder Woman. Batman scolds himself how unprepared he is to hearing her like that directed to him he really is. "May this sword serve you instead of me." She takes her sword and stabs it into the wall. "Because when I see it again, it will be with the enemy. Find the Prince, Justice League, or you'll find out what it's like to wage war against the Amazons."
"You don't have to do this." "You're wrong, Batman. When I became Wonder Woman, I took an oath that I would always stand for truth and justice." "Like all of us!" "What if the criminals are the USA, Bruce? Will you stand with me against your government? Will you start a war against your own cities in the name of justice?" Silence reigned in the hall. "Find the Prince, Justice League. You have 72 hours before we start the search. That's all I can give you."
[Wonder Woman A-03] said the computer as Diana left the Watch Tower.
Surprisngly, it's Teen Titans that helped with the next part. Their empath, Raven, was able to sense a huge emotional mystical energy release near Jump-City. They found a well protected base, that was surrendered by agents in white costumes. Per protocol, they called the JL for backup. By their channels, they found that the base belonged to Ghost Investigation Ward, a goverment group to search, study and destroy Ghosts. "Not just ghost, but ghosts of Infinite Realms." said Raven, the only magical expert they currently had. Batman doesn't believe in coincedence. The JLD dissapearence, Diana leaving the JL, the amazons war, a huge base with a lot of magic organised by the goverment. It's all connected. He activates his comm. "Diana, we may have a lead."
Batman and his group are escorted to the ward. What he sees inside caugths him off guard. Batman hates being caught off guard. A 3 meter long blue amazon, with 4 arms, flaming purple hair, fully armored and carrying a spear. Diana and her mother stay around the table, studing maps. "Bow before Pandora, patron of Amazons, queen of Acropolys." They do. "What have you found?" "6 hours ago, was discovered a base of operations, lead by goverment group known as Ghost Investigation Ward. It consist of agents in white suits" This piqued Pandora's interest. He was right, this was connected. If 'the Prince' was not there, then they may find where he really is. "You know about them?"
"If my son is there, then you may just have prevented the war against your realm, mortal. It may depend on how much they harmed him and if we will act fast enough."
"The Justice League will be able to extract him and return him to you safely."
"If you think i will trust you to do it by yourselves, you are mistaken, boy. My son has a lot of allies in the Infinte Realms. I will gather them and will make sure that he is safe. Hippolyta, prepare your forces. No one is allowed to escape."
When the rescue started, Batman was caught off guard once again. When Pandora said they had a lot of allies, he thought it will be a couple of dozens. Instead, a couple of hundreds of ghosts were united to march against GIW forces. Snow Yetis, Greek Soldiers, knights, a big blue dragon, a pharaoh leading mummies, a driad controlled plant, a woman in red suit on a hoverboard with guns, amazons, and the missed the JLD. The problems started from the start, when they heard the loud "STOP!!!" on their comms, belonged to the driad. "What's wrong, Sam?" Pharaoh asked. "Blood Blossoms." "This sick sons of the bitches." Batman heard John Constantine swearing. "What is it?" "The base is surronded by Blood Blossoms. This are anti-magic flowers. If anything mystical gets in, it won't get out. B, they grow only if they are fertilizer with ashes of innocent people burned alive. To have so much to surrend the miles of the base..." Batman now understood what John meant. "What can we do? Should we break the circle?" "To late for that. The only option is to completly destroy every flower. Burn everything." "Flash, Superman, you heard him. Make it quick." "Your assessment is incorrect, Constantine. Demons are not affected by Blood Blossoms," Raven said over the comm. "Raven, the extraction is on you. Get the Prince out of there. J.L. will distract him."
In the end, the united army forces of ghosts and JL was able to capture every GIW agent, even if it was harder than they first anticipated. GIW was able to gather a lot of different weapons, capable to harm even more durable members of the united forces. Once Raven was able to get to the Prince with her emphath and going through walls abilities, both the Prince and Raven dissapeared. Apparently, healed by Raven, the Prince was able to open the portal to Infinite Realms. This satisfied Pandora and amazons, which was a relief. With the promise to punish and disband the GIW and anti-ecto acts, the war was prevented. Ghosts and amazons retreated, leaving only members of thenJL to take care of arrested and wounded. Now was the hard part for them. Make the goverment admit that they fucked up and officialy imprison all GIW agents for good.
A couple of days later, a green portal opened in the Watch Tower. This caused an alarm. The whole JL was ready to fight whoever tried to attack them. Only to meet a white haired teenager. "Uhm, hye". Flash was the first to speak "Uhm, buddy, i hope you won't take it the wrong way, but what are you doing here? It's not exactly an open place." "Uhm, yeah, i get it. I just wanted to say thank you. For helping with Guys in White and stuff." "No problem, bud. We are the Justice League. That's what we do. But how are you connected to it?" This was answered by Batman. "He is Danny Phantom. A small town hero from Amity Park. One of the paranormal heroes, that dissapeared with the kidnapped Prince"
This put a smile on teens face. "Good to know you know about me. Anyway, thanks for GIW. Though, they were just pawns. The Observants used them in an attempt to overthrown me. Thankfully, now i can legally throw them out."
"Wait, you mean, YOU are the Prince?!" Flash exclaimed. "Yeah, but please, just call me Danny. I don't need any pompeus names or anything like that." Batman took initiative. "Apologies, Danny. But we were not aware that we were rescuing a child. We are sorry that we came so late."
Danny stared in his eyes, like he was trying to search his soul, before shrugging off. "Eh, it's fine. I have learned to be content with what I have. Surprisingly, this opens up many opportunities to enjoy what you have, instead of trying to get what is lost." And something about that rubbed Bruce the wrong way. Such lesson couldn't came lightly. "So, now that the GIW is gone, i think it's time to return your friends." On that, Raven and Wonder Woman came from the portal. "Hey, Diana. You call sometimes, since we are apparently cousins, or something like that." "I will Danny, don't fret."
"I think the Titans will be glad to meet you and your friends." said Raven. "Really? Huh, maybe. It's nice to meet the big superheroes." "We are always opened for friends." She said with a small smile.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
[Prompt] Hippolyta tries to help her niece hook up with her crush, so she describes Pyrrha when telling him who he should go after her. Unfortunately Jaune thinks that she is describing herself, so he surprises her with a kiss and asking the older woman out on a date. [Misunderstanding]
"Kid I think you need a fine woman who's beautiful and strong but also kind and loyal to her friends and her soon-to-be-boyfriend who's just waiting for you to walk up and kiss her on the lips and take her out a date."
Jaune Arc looked at the older woman, the scary but kind-hearted woman who was looking at him with a small grin on her lips looking at him with warm fire-like green eyes.
'Never thought that Hippolyta of all people would like me in that way? Guess there's one thing to do here' He thought as he got up from his chair and walked over to the surprise older woman and...grabbed hold of her and kissed her deep and strong with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
After he was stealing the literal breath from the woman, the young man pulled away and speak with all of the confidence and charm in his voice and said. "I will pick you up around 8AM for our date Hip~" Jaune gently put her on his seat and walked out the room with a confident strut...and a goofy grin on his face.
Meanwhile Hippolyta was sitting in the kid spot with a stunned look on her face with one thought in mind...'...I am so fucked right now....'
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highlordofkrypton · 1 month
Thank you so much for the tag @zenkindoflove, I freaking love being tagged in writing games!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 32 (To think I started??? This year??? Or end of last year???)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 271,982
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR & DC Comics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Regrets (Superbats, DC Comics)
Little Secrets for my Soul (Batjokes, DC Comics)
The Lighthouse (The Aquaman Family, DC Comics)
Wildflowers (Tamsand, A Court of Thorns and Roses)
The Justice League's Mom's Book Club's Guide to Vampire Slaying (Martha Kent, Alfred Pennyworth, Hippolyta & Atlanna, DC Comics)
5. Do you respond to comments? Always! My readers made the effort to comment on my fic, so I will absolutely respond with the utmost enthusiasm. It means the world to me when I get comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh, it's absolutely Wildflowers. I mean, it's canon ending so does it really count?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think most of them have happy endings, especially the oneshots. If they're not happy, they're some kind of tender, or sweet. I do think Regrets has the most upbeat ending.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. More and more lately. I would say I write the kind of smut that makes you question yourself (and I haven't even dived into the kinkiest kinks). Are you confused? Yes. Do you know what happened? No. Do I know what happened? No. Were we all entertained? HELL YES.
9. Do you write crossovers? I didn't name my blog home of the crackships for nothing. I LOVE crossovers. I have a few on my AO3, but so many on my to-write list.
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! Not formally. I do roleplay with a partner. I tried to re-write one of ours as a fic, but it's soooo tricky.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? SUPERBATS SUPERBATS SUPERBATS. At least, if we're talking something that has a fandom. If we're talking my fav ships forreal, it's Lambert x Gojo Satoru x Clark Kent, Orm Marius x Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen x Hal Jordan x Komand'r, Lilith x Eskel, etc.
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? None that I know of. I usually circle back and/or can be swayed to finish one.
14. What are your writing strengths?
Details. I think I have a few. I get weird fixated on details that I think make the writing feel more 'lived in' and immersive.
Side characters. I think I'm very good at creating intriguing side characters that you'll get attached to. My trick is that the character is fully developed with their own story before they appear on my page. How else will I get their interactions down, even if it's for a chapter and they're never seen again?
Humour. I literally cannot be serious. I have to shitpost halfway through my story.
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  
Pacing. I am impatient, I wanna get to the juicy parts, but some stories need to cook a little before getting to the fun stuff. I tend to use the excuse that since it's fanfiction, I can #yolo and post.
I cannot write something short for the life of me. Everything needs to end up being multi-chapter, I'm TIRED.
Smut. It's not raw enough. It's not filthy enough. I need to let go and be less formal about it. Just dig right in and have a meatier writing. I just don't think my current style fits pure smut. It does fit trying to fuck an eldritch horror and soul-shattering orgasms tho 😂 But sometimes, I just wanna go to pound town, not achieve self-actualization through butt stuff, you know???
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have some foreign words in my Illyrian fic, and I am fluent in french. I do hate seeing other people write dialogue in different languages SPECIFICALLY FRENCH, so I won't be doing that.
17. First fandom you wrote for? A Court of Thorns and Roses.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? I have different favourite ones for different reasons.
I like cosmic bloom because it's unhinged smut.
I like Regrets because it's my first ever Superbats fic and got so many kudos!
I like Wildflowers because it's my first story I ever wrote from start to finish.
I like Needle & King because it's healing a lot of trauma to write it, and I get to discover my identity and explore lore/worldbuilding that I've been putting off for ages.
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @praetorqueenreyna @achaotichuman @arson-09 @unanswered-stars @matrixsss @watcherintheweyr @witch-and-her-witcher @chunkypossum @foxcort @positivelyruined @angelosearch @goforth-ladymidnight @themildestofwriters
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saessenach · 2 years
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I need my golden crown of sorrows, my bloody sword to swing,
I need my empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology
I am no mother,
I am no bride ,
I am King.
Attolia Irene in a set of three drawings for @hippolytas, for Hamiathes' Gift Exchange 2022
don't forget to click for the details
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So this is a piece of good news that I have a small stake in. The Oregon silverspot butterfly (Speryeria zerene hippolyta) once flew along the coast from San Mateo County in California to my stomping grounds up here on the Long Beach Peninsula in extreme southwest Washington. As with many herbivorous insects, the caterpillar of this species has a very limited diet--in fact, the only thing it can eat is the leaves of the early blue violet (Viola adunca). The violets grow in coastal meadows where they get plenty of sun; unfortunately, due to fire suppression and development, most of these meadows are either heavily damaged or no longer exist. And no violets means no butterflies.
Today, the last wild populations include four sites in Oregon and one in Northern California. Over the past few decades conservationists have been working to protect and restore coastal meadows, and both the Oregon Zoo in Portland and the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle have active breeding programs for Oregon silverspots. The caterpillars are raised in captivity, and then when they pupate they are placed in suitable release sites. Some of these are in established populations, but they have also more recently been reintroduced to parts of their historic range where they had been extirpated, such as Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Saddle Mountain in Oregon.
This latest release is the largest at Saddle Mountain, with over 2000 silverspot pupae being released there. It's also the site closest to where I am--maybe fifty miles away as the butterfly soars--and people here have been preparing for years for either a planned release or the natural dispersal of butterflies. Willapa National Wildlife Refuge has been engaged in multiple habitat restoration projects over the years, and this includes a restored meadow with a large patch of early blue violets. The farm owned by my friends that I live on also has extensive early blue violet plantings, and there's also a commercial native plant nursery on site that includes the violets as part of their seasonal offerings.
It is my hope that within my lifetime I will get to see the Oregon silverspot flying here on the peninsula. The latest Saddle Mountain release makes it that much more likely that my hope will become reality.
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zylev-blog · 10 months
Background info for this post:
Danielle: Diana
Sam: Demeter
Danny: Zeus
Valerie: Artemis
Dan: Poseidon
Vlad: Hades
Clockwork: Kronos
Jazz: Athena
Pandora: Hippolyta
Ghost form: Divine form
Diana was reading in the Watchtower when Danny sought her out. He stayed invisible, but he knew she knew he was there.
“Hello, Father.” Diana said formally, turning the page in her book. “What brings you by? Did Mother kick you out again?”
“No,” He denied. “She didn’t.”
“Okay.” Diana responded, “What did you do this time?”
“I didn’t do anything!” He insisted.
“Who’s that talking?” Barry asked from the other side of the room.
“Father, you may as well show yourself so that it appears that I am not speaking to myself. But a word of caution; you may want to reign in your appearance.” Diana set down her book, looking up where Danny had been invisibly floating in front of her.
“There is nothing wrong with my appearance.” He grumbled.
“Really? What happened to the last mortal you let see you?” Diana cocked an eyebrow.
“His brain melting was not my fault.” He denied instantly.
“Mhm.” Diana waved her hand. “You don’t even remember his name, do you?”
“Of course I do!” He bristled.
“Really? What is it then?”
“Steve Trevor.” He said proudly, “But you know that I won’t remember every mortal fling you’ve ever had.”
“Are you calling me old, Father? Isn’t that like calling the kettle black?” Diana smirked.
He blushed, but only Diana could see it. “I see you are getting wise in your old age. Would that be Artemis or Athena’s influence?”
“Both.” Diana responded, “But the same could be said of it being Grandfather’s influence.”
“I am so confused.” Barry complained.
“Father.” Diana prompted.
“Fine,” He grumbled, shifting to his human form. He had long since reached adulthood, and his human form reflected that. He was 6”6 tall, with spiky black hair and light blue eyes. Stubble covered the bottom half of his face, but it was immaculately trimmed. He wore black armor with a cape made of galaxies.
“Wow.” Barry glanced at Diana, then back to Danny. “Do I bow?”
“That’s not necessary.” He said quickly. “My name is Zeus. It’s wonderful to meet you, Barry Allen.”
“He knows my real name?” Barry asked, shaking Danny’s hand.
“Of course. He is King. He knows all.” Diana smirked, looking at him.
“Do not compare me to my father.” He complained, “I am not an omnipresent asshole.”
“What?” Barry asked.
“See all, know all, that kind of bullshit.” He shrugged, “I’m not God with a capital G.”
“Why are you here if it has nothing to do with Mother?” Diana asked.
“Hades.” He said as Diana stiffened, “He has… become active lately.”
“Is he back to his old ways?” Diana frowned.
“Not completely.” He responded, thinking of the days long since past when Vlad had messed with clones. “Nobody is sure what he is up to, since we can’t find him.”
“That’s not possible.” Diana sat up straighter.
“He gave up his divine form.” He said, “Taking on a new mortal form.”
“That’s…” Diana trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“You see the dilemma, then, daughter?” He asked.
“Perhaps he is turning over a new leaf, as the humans say.” Diana said slowly.
“Do you trust Hades?” He narrowed his eyes.
Diana had no comment.
“Your grandfather doesn’t think you should be involved,” He continued, “But your mortal friends…”
“I will summon them at once.” Diana stood.
“Great, I’m so glad you both pretend as if I’m not here.” Barry complained.
“I am sorry my friend,” Diana looked over at the speedster.
“It’s okay.” Barry shrugged.
“I had forgotten what it was like to speak to mortals. My apologies.” He apologized.
“You don’t remember what it was like to be a hero, Father?” Diana teased, “Perhaps I should ask Frostbite for dementia medicine.”
He rolled his eyes. “Perhaps I should ask him if it’s too late to have an abortion.”
Diana gasped. “Mother would take offense to that!”
“She will,” He agreed.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hi, I would like to ask you to write something for the new fandofandom.
Could you please write:Wonder Woman daughter reader x Platonic super sons (Damian Wayne, Jon Kent).
The little trinity first met on watchtower when their parents needed to hold an unplanned emergency meeting of the Justice League and there was no one to leave the children with.
And I would not say that their meeting went smoothly.Mainly because Damian is Damian and the reader is a stubborn, proud Amazon.
John literally had to get between them so that their verbal altercation would not escalate into a fight.
But over time, they still became best friends, even though the bickering between Damian and the reader did not stop.
They tried to spend every free weekend together with an overnight stay either at the Kent farm, at the Wayne estate, or at the Temeskira embassy.
They care about each other very much.For example, John talks about how he is bullied by a school bully and at the same moment Damian offered to dig up dirt on the bully and destroy his life, and the reader immediately after that offered to call the bully to a gladiatorial fight to the death according to the laws of honor.
In short, something cute about children becoming best friends.
Tiny Trinity?
Tiny Trinity!
Hope you enjoy!
Wonder Buddy and the Super Son's
SFW, Platonic, Amazonian reader
Buddy is Wonder Woman’s daughter.
Created the same way as her mother and a near spitting image, minus a few features.
She had stayed in Themyscira for the first few years training alongside her grandmother and auntie’s while her mother was out in Man’s world.
Buddy putting her head on her grandmother’s lap: “Grandmother? Why is mama out in Man’s World? Isn’t it a cruel place?” Queen Hippolyta gently stroking her granddaughter hair: “She has a job in Man’s World. A very important job to try and save this world.” Buddy huffs a bit: “I wanna be with Mama.” The Queen smiles and tucking in a strand of hair behind the toddler’s ear. Queen Hippolyta: “Soon my dear, soon.”
Soon came quicker than the Queen thought as she saw the features of her daughter and granddaughter fade into the sky.
It was… an adjustment, but Buddy was determined to blend in like her mother.
To become a hero, just like her mother.
Her first time up in the Watch Tower, Diana had been called for an emergency meeting.
She didn’t want to leave Buddy alone in the apartment.
Last time she had done that, Buddy figured the magical world of the freezer, her ice cream stash, and somehow ended up tied up in the Christmas lights on the tree.
That was not a good day for Diana, Buddy, or the squirrel living in the tree.
Diana walked her into one of the lounges to see two boys in there.
Diana rushing into the lounge with Buddy. She notices Jon and Damien in the room. Jon waving happily: “Hi Ms. Diana!” Damian: “It’s Wonder Woman up here Superboy.” Jon brushes the comment off before noticing the smaller version of Diana next to her. Diana: “I’m sorry for the rush introductions, but this is Buddy, my daughter.” Damian and Jon’s eyes went wide: “Daughter?!” Diana doesn’t answer because she had already run out of the room leaving the three in the lounge alone. Buddy smiles at the two and holds out her hand. Buddy: “Greetings, I am Buddy, daughter of Diana and a fellow Amazonian.” Jon is already right by her side shaking her hand. Jon: “Hi! I’m Jon, Jon Kent! Son of Superman, also known as Superboy—” Damian: “Also known as the worst person to conceal their secret identity.” Buddy gives Damian a look before turning back to Jon. Jon: “That’s Robin, Batman’s son, also known as Damian Wayne.” Damian turns quickly to Jon. Damian: “Jon! What did we talk about?!” Jon: “Its fine—” Damian now standing up next to him: “Its not fine! We don’t even know this… this…” Buddy crossing her arms: “This what Damian? This what?” Damian and Buddy start glaring at each other. Jon slightly shrinking back: “Oh boy…”
Wayne stubbornness and Amazonian pride clashing.
Poor Jon is left to play peace maker.
Yet when Buddy leaves the two to go home with Diana, she already made a secret blood oath to protect her new friends.
She practically begs Diana to meet with the boys again.
Something that nearly earned her a one-way trip to the hospital, but she eventually did ask Clark for a ‘play date’.
Clark opening the door to see Diana and… a mini-Diana? Clark: “Diana and…” Buddy smiles and shakes his hand: “I am Buddy. You must be Clark Kent, father of Jon Kent?” Clark laughs a bit before Lois and Jon show up. Buddy also shakes hands with Lois before Jon grabs her hand, pulling her inside the house. Jon: “I can’t wait to show you the newest video game I got last Christmas!” Buddy just smiles letting the boy ramble about this ‘video game’. In Gotham… Damian looks up from the Batcomputer. He picks up his overnight bag and starts heading to the Zeta tube. Tim: “Umm… where are you going?” Damian: “You’re hallucinating again Drake, go back to bed.”
A few minutes later Damian arrived at the front door, he entered the house after giving a quick hello and finds Jon showing Buddy how to play a video game.
One thing leads to another, and Damian and Jon are now playing a racing game with Buddy cheering them on.
They make plans to do a sleepover at the Manor so Damain could ‘beat them in more games.’
Clark and Lois are glad that Jon is making more friends.
Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke, Cass and Steph do a double take when Damian walks down the hallway in his batman pj’s followed by Jon in his… other Batman pj’s and a new girl with a Martian Manhunter pj’s. Tim: “Is he…” Stephanie: “Having a sleepover?” Damian turns around to look at all his siblings. Jon waves at them smiling. Buddy gives them a sleepy smile. Jason: “Why does the kid look like a mini-Diana?” Damian: “Tt. Buddy’s her daughter Todd.” Bat family: “Daughter?!” Damian takes one hand while Jon takes the other. Damian: “Now if you’d excuse us, Buddy needs to take a power nap before we go over our future patrol routes.” Jon waves them good-bye before Damian shuts his door in his family’s face. Everyone is trying to process what just happened.
Soon the three of them are having sleepovers at each other’s places nearly every day.
The three of them become protective over each other.
Buddy and Jon protect Damian on patrol and some of the other younger superheroes when they judge his behavior… unless he did cross a line.
Buddy standing in front of Jon and Damian: “I’m sure that Robin didn’t mean any of—” Damian: “No, I meant it all. In fact, I have more—” Jon puts his hand over his mouth: “Stop it!” Buddy facepalms.
Buddy and Damian protect Jon when they get wind that someone started bullying him.
Damian and Buddy put aside their usual bickering for Jon and worked well.
Damian behind Tim: “Drake!” Tim jumps a bit before glaring at him: “Oh it’s you.” Damian takes a deep breath: “I need… your help.” Tim raises an eyebrow: “You need… my help? Why? What’s the catch?” Damian: “Some miscreant is bullying Jon at school. The name is on the post note. I need everything on them so I can make their remaining time on Earth torture.” Tim nods a bit and starts with the information search. Tim suddenly stops seeing Damian move to the Zeta tubes: “Wait, what do you mean by ‘remaining time on Earth’? You’re not going to…” Damian: “No. But right now I need to stop Buddy from finding them and challenging a duel to the death in Jon’s honor.”
Damian and Jon protect Buddy from the people who make fun of her for not knowing about the modern world and help her adjust to it.
Damian, Buddy and Jon are sitting on the couch watching a scary movie at night. Jon has part of his face in Buddy’s shoulder while staring at the screen. Damian refuses to be in Buddy’s embrace, but under the giant blanket is holding Buddy’s hand. Ever so often jumping and squeezing it. Buddy can’t stop from staring at the screen, one arm around Jon tightly while the other holding Damian’s hand. ???: “Hello—” Tiny trio: “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Buddy holds the boys tightly to her chest while turning her back to the voice. The boys grip onto each other for dear life. Clark, Diana and Bruce turn on the lights seeing the kids hugging each other in fear. Bruce looking at the movie: “Who’s idea was it to watch scary movies this late?” Neither of the kids dared to respond, still holding on to each other for dear life. Clark quickly takes a picture of them and sends it to the old trinity’s group chat.
Thankfully it was too quick for Damian or Buddy to notice and for Jon still hiding his head in the group hug.
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alvindraperzzz · 1 year
One thing I want to see explored more in both canon and fandom is Cassie’s relationship with Diana’s mission.
Cassie is a powerhouse. She’s a fighter. She’s aggressive, and loves kicking butt and taking down villains who deserve it. She’s been that way from her earliest appearances, and it never really changed, all the way through the end of preboot. That may be fine for most superhero characters, but it’s a constant that just doesn’t really make sense for a protege and disciple of Diana of Themyscira, who has a mission, ideals, and an approach to heroism that differs from most. I can’t think of a single plot line that explores Cassie’s relationship to Amazonian ideals, and how they (should) affect her work as a hero.
What are those ideals? What is Diana’s mission?
The specifics tend to change between eras, writers, and reboots, but Diana’s mission is to bring peace and justice to man’s world. That’s pretty vague, and broad, and Diana is canonically often distracted from it by crimefighting and superhuman threats (which, fair, hard to teach peace when some megalomaniac is tearing up a city).
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“The superheroes of this planet and beyond… their mission is to avenge, to protect, to police. Mine is different. My mission is to teach, to learn, to serve. Hippolyta preached, as I and all Amazons believe, that with understanding and respect all things are bearable, believable, and possible.”
In its simplest explanation, Diana’s mission is one of peace and equality. She’s an ambassador, bringing Amazonian forms of diplomacy and social structure to man’s world, and creating reform through education, opportunity, and service.
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“I am trained as a warrior, Barbara, but I am trained also to think of those skills as a last resort. There is no human conflict which cannot be served better with words than with the sword.”
Her greatest tools are not her lasso or gauntlets, but reason and compassion. Violent force is her last resort; while her use of violence varies by writer, that was a recurring trait for the best WW writers.
“We have a saying, my people. Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it.” —Wonder Woman, Vol. 3, No. 25
Diana may utilize violence when the situation calls for it, but her objective first and foremost is peace. Before violence, no matter what they do to her or what they’ve done in the past, she reaches out. She tries reaching people through conversation, treating enemies and ordinary people alike with kindness, respect, and empathy. Love without discrimination. Redemption and transformation over punishment. 
Cassie adores Diana. She believes in her, and shares many traits. She absolutely believes in helping people, and that protecting another is worth her life. But she’s also inclined toward holding grudges, and often has a very black and white perspective on good guys and bad guys. She has compassion in spades, but has a difficult time putting herself in other people’s shoes. She was always gung-ho for a fight, but after Donna’s death, and the string of losses that follow, she grows increasingly angry and unforgiving in both her heroic and personal life.
I want Cassie to argue with Diana’s nonviolent principles. I want her to struggle with understanding and incorporating this pacifistic view, when violence is so ingrained into her own view of superheroes.
I want her to grapple with Diana’s teachings, and be at war with herself because a bad guy might deserve punishment in her eyes, but that isn’t always the right path to justice.
I want Cassie to act as a diplomat.
I want her to talk villains down, instead of punch first, ask questions later.
In that Titans storyline where she visits Alcatraz and sees the terrible conditions there, I want her to say, “What the fuck is this?” And force a prison reform.
I want her joining Diana on outreach efforts, advocating as Diana does for education and equality, and acting as her liaison.
Just. Stories about Cassie dealing with the teachings of her mentor and the Amazons, whether it’s enacting those teachings or coming into conflict with them.
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dcdreamblog · 13 days
As someone with WW2 expertise, maybe you can clear something up for me. What was the deal with Baroness Paula von Gunther? I've read differing accounts of her activities during the war and her relationship with Wonder Woman. Can you help me out?
I can give it my best shot! However this comes with a couple of disclaimers. 1. As far as my records indicate because of circumstances at the end of the story, Baroness Von Gunther is probably still ALIVE. Not that I think she has an interest in speaking for posterity just know that should she ever have the inclination her own word could contradict everything I am about to say 2. Certain folks on Tumblr are not gonna like this story because the lesson to take from it is that ANYONE can change and should be given the opportunity which is a philosophical stance the Amazons and Wonder Woman specifically STILL come under fire for. Records on Von Gunther's very early life are scarce but it can be inferred that she was born near the end of WWI in modern day Austria to a family of minor nobility. Noble enough to be stripped of their titles after the collapse of Austria-Hungary but not sitting on enough land to bounce back. She was married young to a slightly higher minor noble named Gottfried Von Gunther. Given later circumstances we can assume their marriage was not exactly a whirlwind romance but it DID create one of the monster important parts of Baroness Von Gunther's life: Her daughter Gerta
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(Personal Photo of Paula and Gerta circa 1937~. One thing of note is that this was torn from a larger photograph, which presumably included Gottfried somewhere which speaks to Paula's relationship with the man) It was in 1938, during the Nazi annexation of Austria that the Von Gunther family was target by the Nazi Gestapo. Seeking the family's remaining wealth Gottfried was killed in Nazi captivity and Gerta was taken hostage. Paula connections in the fashion and beauty industries built during her time as a bachelorette in the early 30s were leveraged to allow her position as a spy and saboteur. It was in this position and under the codename "Uberfraulien" (That is under the original meaning of "codename" in that it was used to refer to her in coded Nazi messages, not an intentional moniker) that Baroness Von Gunther would cross paths with Wonder Woman, the newly arrived Hippolyta of Themyscira
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(File Photo from Von Gunther's OSS records circa 1942.) In her espionage career Baroness Von Gunther unlocked a previously unknown skill in all things scientific and was the creator of many disquieting devices. Robots, mind control, etc. She was captured, imprisoned and even sentenced to death multiple times but with Gerta's safety back home dependent upon her activity she always escaped. It wasn't until war's end when she formulated a plan to invade Paradise Island itself that she was captured for good. And that Hippolyta in her Wonder Woman guise was able to reunite her with Gerta, rescued from Nazi captivity in occupied Vienna. It was after this rescue and behind closed doors she was made an offer that would be controversial today and was considered treasonous at the time. Serve out her "sentence" on Paradise Island with interest in reform rather than being handed over to the US for execution as an enemy agent. America ERUPTED at the news. Hippolyta was branded a security risk, stripped of most of her earned credentials. Only the All Star Squadron and the Justice Society refused any orders to purge her membership outright by simply not responding to them at all. And that's where the story has stood for the last...79 years and counting? Paula and Gerta Von Gunther were taken in as adopted Amazons and have been there ever since, far from the public eye. The only modern information we have on them is when some fucking asshole college leftist shouted an accusation at Diana after she intervened during unrest at Harvard University. The transcript of said response is better than I could write so this is from the lips of the Amazon herself Student (after being asked to disperse as the protest on campus was creating a risk of violence): "We don't take orders from people who shelter Nazis!" Diana (Pausing and turning to face the student directly): "One of the things of Man's World I might truly never understand is your insistence on punishment. Paula Von Gunther is a sister of mine. She has harmed no one in lifetimes, every moment since spent in contemplation and the care of others. If six decades of reform is not enough to sate your lust for retribution than the crime lies with you, not her."
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