#it’s just the SSR ones go SO HARD
OH MAN OH BOY 👁️ 👄 👁️
Consider this post the sequel to my unhinged gushing over the Tsumsted Wonderland Riddle and Leona cards 🤡
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Like the previous two Tsumsted Wonderland SSR Groovies, the Azul and Kalim uncap artworks are references to the short animation that plays out whenever Tsum!Azul and Tsum!Kalim's abilities are used in the TsumTsum mobile game. They translated over really well to TWST, but there are also just enough new elements to make the illustrations stand out on their own and be representative of each respective dorm!!
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ADBHAFSUFYOAVADFI I LIKE HOW AZUL'S GROOVY IS SO FUCKING AFSNHBHIASDOBIYSABI OVERDRAMATIC?????? It makes me think about all the crocodile tears they shed, especially during episode 4. FWJvskudgyoDWBWIdb OBVIOUSLYT I'AMDS BIASED TOWARSD ATH i S ONE OVER THE TSUM!KALIM onE , SORRY nOT SORRYB ASMD KALIM You can see from the background that they appear to be standing at the top of a stairwell and that the angle is a slight worm's eye view; Azul is also framed in a theatrical spotlight (similar to how he was spotlighted in episode 3 when he introduced himself as 220 students' new "master"). The twins, his beloved minions, on either side of him, shrouded in the shadows. Even the bubbles floating up appear ominous in the dim lighting, so high in volume that it gives the impression of franticness, like someone's been kicking and thrashing about, struggling in the water... until Octainvelle approaches. Everything about this image is such that you, the onlooker, is being forced to look "up" to them as your "saviors". Azul seemingly points right at you, a confident expression on his face--almost like he's calling you out specifically, daring you to approach him with your woes and wishes. AGVSVIUtaidsOVASD thE n THER'S E HIS TSUM JUST. BOUNC IN' ON DOWN WITH THE LITTLE HAT 😭Floyd regards you with barely a care in the world, tossing his magical pen up into the air before he catches it again, waiting for the order to close in on his target. And then Jade... YLDDlvhvyldQTF376324O8QERVUOQEFOYQFWOY He's on standby also waiting orders (and probably also just “standing by” in the sense of enabling his brother) but. 🤡 Unlike Floyd’s very open posture, Jade's keeping his own magical pen close, just like he keeps all of his metaphorical playing cards close to his heart. The magestone embedded in his magical pen is pressed to his lips, sealing the secrets within with lies. A ABSHJFAHAFLifI GoD I WANNA BE THAT MAGAICAL PENa SO DC BAD A NMRIGH TNoW 3yug41go8ayofoqegfyofyg2tdafogfadpbadfbfeyqcbaiyoidf OTL
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Kalim's Groovy is also framed from a slight worm's eye view angle, but it creates a very different atmosphere! It feels more jubilant, like they're pulling off one last, big stunt to close off a night of partying and merrymaking. (The background here reminds me of the closing scene to Aladdin!) Are you ready? 1, 2, 3...!! And then the dark desert skies are born anew, bathed in the warm lights of fireworks popping off, fiery flowers blooming between the diamond-like stars. At that moment, Tsum!Kalim excitedly leaps up. Its rotund body is painted in shades of crimson and gold--as though Tsum!Kalim was the sun itself, come to pay a visit to the moon. Scarabia's dorm building and all the palm trees around you become nothing more than shadows, and you're taken in by the explosions above, sound and light rippling through the night. But the party's not over yet, the Scarabia duo reassure you. Come on, let's sing! Let's dance! The night is still young. Kalim may be holding his special staff in the Groovy art, but it doesn't really make him seem more authoritative or serious. It feels like he's just dropped an easy-going command to try some crackers or to join him for a dance! By contrast, Jamil kind of already looks like he's mid-dance 😂 with a leg lifted up and the fabric at his waist flowing out. With his magical pen pointed up like that, it gives the impression that Jamil set off the fireworks?? Which makes me think back to the Scalding Sands Fireworks event, when he had a very similar honor. ABHLDbkfvuoafvqeou1357968o2rb BY THE WAY IF YOU LOOK CLOSe3l y JAMIL'S DOING HIS INFAMOIUS TONGUE BLEP TOO qnisqtiyfetqfqvioad S NE V Er CHANGE, JAMIL. NEVER FUCKING CHANGE. THE TSUMSTED WONDERLAND SSR GROOVIES ARE TRULY UNMATCHED 😩 THIS IS THE HILL I WILL DIE ON, MY MIND CANNOT BE CHANGED. MY ASKN I N IS CLEAR, MY CROSPS HAVE BEE N WATERED, ALL IS RIGHT Wi TH THE WORLD and yes, I still want to chew up the Tsums and become one with their marshmallow-like cuteness--
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adhdvane · 11 months
i love that last gw i barely participated bc i was so burnt out (and also playing totk), but afterwards told myself: you know what? for all gw going forwards i will work hard if it’s dark or wind favored but everything else i’ll just take it easy. do the prelims to solo into c tier, do a little interlude, and then do around 100mil honors at most for each final day to put less pressure on myself. and then next gw gbf is like lol we have added sands of eternity to the honor rewards. you know, the drop item that has a worse drop rate than gold bricks :) you know, the thing you need one more of for the final uncap of the binds of the hanged man. the thing you need to uncap so you can 5* caim. so you can unlock the world fight in the arcarum. :) you can get it now instead of waiting for another crucible event (or waiting for 2 more sunglight stones for the last two evokers for the trophy). me: OH THAT’S GREAT NEWS! gbf: it’s 800mil honors :) me:
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Dire Crowley - Raven Jacket Vignette
"A dramatic encounter"
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[Lecture Hall]
Crowley: Good morning. It is beautiful out, what an absolutely splendid start to such a lovely day.
Crowley: Incidentally… Have you noticed any changes in the apple tree growing in the courtyard?
Crowley: Yes, that's right. I'm speaking of the smallest, most recent planted tree within the courtyard.
Crowley: It feels as though it was only yesterday that it first started sprouting, and yet… It truly is growing at an astonishing rate.
Crowley: Whenever I chance a glance at that ever-striving tree growing each and every day under rain, shine or clouds, I also feel a twinge of self-reflection to be better.
Crowley: As if telling me that in both happy times and sad, one cannot forget to continue to strive for growth.
Crowley: And also… At the same time, I feel as though that tree represents all you students enrolled here at Night Raven College.
Crowley: That is, with respect to the point that with a good environment and proper nourishment, you all are able to grow and mature so wonderfully.
Crowley: …Well? Wouldn't you say that was an inspiring speech!?
Leona: Zzz.
Azul: It was magnificent! I was utterly enthralled by your wonderfully deep analogy. As one should expect from someone like you, Crowley-sensei!
Riddle: Really? I could have done with a little more tangible explanation, myself.
Riddle: What especially caught my attention was what you said about having "proper nourishment." Headmage, sir! What would that constitute?
Idia: Forget that, was this student assembly even a need? It's not even lol-worthy to think about how much time we've wasted having to listen to the Headmage's self-indulgent monologues on loop.
Vil: I concur. If all you wish to do is chit-chat, could you not gather the entire student body? I would rather use my mornings for my stretching exercises.
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, it's always some kind of useless speech.
Heartslabyul Student: I wanna go back to my dorm~
Crowley: Anyway! What I was trying to say is…
Crowley: I would like everyone here to carry yourself with pride as befitting a student of Night Raven College.
Kalim: Oh! I was totally lost with what you were saying earlier, I see, so that's what you meant!
Kalim: I totally get it. I'll work hard just like an orange tree does!
[door opens]
Crowley: Hm? Who could possibly be showing up this late to… Ah.
Malleus: …
Crowley: Right, did anyone tell him that there was to be a campus-wide student assembly…?
Everyone: Not at all.
Malleus: Was I not extended an invitation once again?
Malleus: You have the gall... To leave me outcast…
[lightning strikes down]
Crowley: W-Wait, Draconia-kun! Do not cast your lightning indoors!
Leona: Yaaaawn… Done blabbering, then? 'Kay, meeting over. Everyone back to their dorms.
[everyone nods]
Crowley: Aah, everyone, wait! If you're leaving, please take Draconia-kun with you!
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Crowley: For goodness’ sake. This morning could have gone much better.
Crowley: However, no matter what tribulations I may come across… Once it is time for lunch, I immediately feel much better!
Crowley: And that's all thanks to the delicious fare our school provides. What is the recommended meal of the day?
Ghost Chef: Welcome, Headmage. Today's recommendation is an exceptionally filling meat pie filled with large chunks of beef!
Crowley: Sounds fantastic. Please, I would have that, then.
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Crowley: Oh, hello, Crewel-sensei and Vargas-sensei. I see Trein-sensei is with you too!
Crowley: Are you all taking lunch together? May I join you?
Vargas: Absolutely, yes, come and sit with us! I bet it'd be more than a hassle to find another seat when it's this crowded, anyway.
Crewel: I also was unable to find other seating, so here I am, reluctantly keeping company with a scold.
Trein: I do believe if you wish to avoid a lecture you would do well to not do anything warranting one.
Trein: …Oh. I see that you've ordered the beef pie, Headmage.
Crowley: That's correct. I am an avid connoisseur of meat, yes.
Crowley: Of course I'll eat it all, including beef, pork, chicken, and even wild game.
Trein: Wild game?
Crowley: Indeed, gibier, it's called. Have you ever tried it?
Vargas: Oh yeah, gibier! Last time I had some was when I ate some venison, and it sure did taste so delicious that I was overflowing with energy~
Crowley: You have a distinguished palate, Vargas-sensei. How wonderful.
Crowley: There are a multitude of other gibier meat to try, you know. I do hope you all have a chance to…
Everyone: AHH!!
Crowley: S-Sam-kun… I implore you to not pop in from behind us like that!
Sam: Nyeheehee. You all looked like you were lost in such enjoyable conversation, I just couldn't help myself.
Crewel: This is a rare sight, Sam. You're usually tending to the Mystery Shop around this time, aren't you?
Sam: The cafeteria ghosts had asked for a delivery of some ingredients, is all.
Sam: Headmage, if you're interested in some gibier that's a little more difficult to get your hands on, you know I got you.
Sam: Whatever kind of food you may want, I can procure it for you.
Crowley: You're fantastic, Sam-kun. How wonderfully supportive. However…
Crowley: In all actuality, I also have a fondness for vegetables, fruits and sweets in addition to meat. I love anything that is not spicy!
Crewel: I am fully aware. For as long as I remember, your omnivorous habits have made for quite the reputation.
Crowley: Omniv… Could you possibly say that in a more appropriate manner!?
Sam: …Hm? I just noticed that everyone's ordered very different dishes. Really goes to show each of your preferences.
Vargas: Since I always have my muscles on my mind, I make it so my lunches are egg dishes packed full of protein!
Crewel: I do like meat pies myself, so I did consider it… But that size is far too much for me.
Crewel: It may be perfect for those growing students, but it is most likely in excess of the recommended nutritional intake for us adults.
Trein: Indeed. I also selected something else when I saw it with my own eyes.
Trein: If I ate such a thing for lunch, I would still feel it weighing me down during afternoon classes.
Crowley: Is that so? Such a shame. It's so delicious~
Vargas: Nice, that's a great appetite you got. I'll have to work hard to keep up!
Trein: Look at him, devouring that hearty and greasy meat pie so easily… He truly is young at heart…
Crewel: You're not wrong, he hasn't changed one bit from my student days.
Trein: For that matter, I don't believe he's changed since I started my tenure here at Night Raven College…
Crewel: Headmage… How old is he truly? I'm curious, and yet I'm not sure I want to know…
Sam: Nyeheehee. He's truly a man of mystery. It piques one's curiosity.
Crowley: Ah, so delicious. Past me deserves such gracious thanks for hiring these Five-Star restaurant chefs.
Crowley: And what a dramatic encounter it was meeting those chef ghosts.
Crowley: That was… Oh, hm. How many decades ago, now?
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[Main Street]
Crowley: Now, what shall I do this afternoon? The other professors are busy with classes, so mayhaps I'll go while away the time at Sam-kun's shop…
???: We ain't gotta sweat the small stuff, c'mon.
Crowley: Hm? This voice…
Grim: No one'll notice if we skip one or two classes. We should totally just snag a few z's instead, myahaha!
1. Let's hurry and head back towards the classroom. 2. Maybe you're right and no one will catch us…
Crowley: That certainly was Grim-kun's voice, I see…
Crowley: Even if it is just those two, how could there be anyone with the audacity to cut class at my academy! I absolutely cannot believe it!
Savanaclaw Student: Hey, we'll be using that bench to relax on while we ditch class. Get off.
Grim: Huuh!? I'm the one who found this sunny spot first!
Crowley: Not only are there multiple students missing class, it seems a fight is about to break out, as well… What is with this break in decorum at this school?
Grim: Urgh. Someone annoying's found us.
Crowley: [Yuu]-kun, it is most troublesome if you cannot look after Grim-kun properly.
1. I'm sorry.
Crowley: How refreshing… It's so moving to have someone apologize so forthright immediately after breaking a rule…
2. Grim just doesn't listen to me.
Crowley: Y-You're just running yourself ragged, I see… Poor thing to have to deal with Grim-kun like this.
Crowley: All of you return to class this instant. It should be an honor that you have the privilege of attending classes here.
Crowley: Magic is not something so simple that can be controlled on talent alone.
Crowley: Of course, natural talent may be important, but what truly matters is maturing your abilities through daily growth and experiences.
Crowley: You all do remember my very loving speech from this morning, yes?
Grim: It was all about somethin' boring, so I wasn't listening.
Ignihyde Student: Yeah. Same.
Crowley: EXCUSE ME!? [Yuu]-kun, please tell me you had your listening ears on this morning?
1. Of course I remember.
Crowley: Whew... At least you're a good student.
2. Something about grape trees, right?
Ignihyde Student: Man, you're so annoying… You keep yammering on, but there's really no reason to listen to you, is there?
Diasomnia Student: Seriously. It’s not like I've ever seen the Headmage do any kind of crazy strong magic or anything, and even the Housewardens were ignoring him at the student assembly…
Savanaclaw Student: He ain't scary at all. Just ignore him!
Crowley: …What pitiful children.
Crowley: Well, I suppose I have no choice. I'll just have to show you exactly how important incremental advancement in your studies can be.
Students: HRRGHH!
Grim: Oh hey, that stuff wrapped around those guys is the Headmage's uh… weird rope thing!
Crowley: This is not rope. This is my lash of love! A slightly stronger version than before.
Savanaclaw Student: OW, OW! I'M GETTING SQUEEZED~!
Diasomnia Student: This kinda magic should be no problem to break out… Hurng, I can't!? Wh-Why? Our magic's not even making a scratch on it!
Crowley: That should be expected. You do realize I am the Headmage here, yes? This level of magic comes as easily to me as breathing does.
Crowley: It's one thing when those who comprehend my power, like the Housewardens, speak in jest…
Crowley: But it would be completely disgraceful of me as an instructor to be belittled by students like you who have no knowledge of the difference in our abilities.
Crowley: You should try to comprehend how unripe your magical abilities still are.
Grim: Yeah, yeah, get 'em, Crowley! Show 'em what little they know!
1. I wouldn't get too carried away… 2. Wouldn't it be better to run before…?
Crowley: And a lash of love for you! My more heedful version!
Grim: GRRAAH~!
1. Astounding, no matter how many times I see it! 2. Your lightning quick flick made quick work of him!
Crowley: Heh, you don't have to go that far in praising… Hold on now, Grim-kun! No matter how much you thrash about, nothing will come of it. Calm yourself.
Crowley: After all, I have such high expectations for you, Grim-kun. That includes you too, [Yuu]-kun.
Crowley: I fully believe that the two of you will be integral to changing the future of this academy.
Crowley: I'm sure you two will be all I hope for and more, don't you?
Grim: Yeah, yeah, I gotchu. Just leave it all to the genius Grim-sama.
Crowley: Well then. I suppose I'll just take you all to your assigned classes just like this now.
Grim: Huh!? If you drag us along all tied up like this, everyone that'll see us will all point and laugh…!
Crowley: I must make sure that you Night Raven College students properly reflect on your actions and learn from each experience.
Crowley: And that is because you are all one of my very precious, precious apple trees...
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Requested by Anonymous.
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egophiliac · 10 months
not yet, it's just been Oops! All Riddles! over here. 😭 I've hit the point now where I have to decide if I want to keep trying, or if I want to save my remaining keys for future cards. like, on the one hand, I'm not really in the market for another defense SSR right now -- especially a fire-typed one, and especially when I have to be realistic about my chances of getting that third-element attack, you know? but on the other hand, his battle sprite looks like this:
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he SURFS AROUND with STITCH how am I supposed to say no to that
on the third hand, I just know that if I blow all my keys on this event, they're going to drop another main story card of, like, Silver going super saiyan or something and I'm going to kick myself so hard I go into orbit.
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ruggiethethuggie · 5 months
POST GAME || Ruggie Bucchi
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wc: 1009 tags: ruggie bucchi, fem!reader only because reader is referenced as a “girl” in a boys locker room, established relationship because i said so, ruggie post game after a win, rugbert is cheeky as always, he also likes kpop because why not, slightly suggestive, never proofread- we type and upload
a/n: i sat for an hour in an unstable mental state after seeing this ruggie bucchi card. yana put her whole ass into this card. me thinks yana has a secret favorite, i mean have you seen ruggie's ssr cards ??? bangers
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You tapped your phone screen once more, checking the time. It had been at least 20 minutes since the spelldrive match had ended and the NRC team had gone back to their locker room. You were trying to be patient, but it was killing you how long your boyfriend was taking. One after one, the team started to leave, but there was no sign of your biscuit brown, tousled-haired beau. You checked your phone one last time before you huffed and pushed past the entrance doors. You made your way past the short hallway of lockers into the open space where only a few team members remained, gathering their gear and belongings. Ruggie sat on the bench in the middle of the room.
He had already taken off his black athletic shirt and was in the process of taking off his cleats. He had music playing from his phone, feeling the rhythm and quietly singing to himself as he unstrapped his knee braces and put them in his bag. You stood there in front of him, hearing the sounds of the other lockers closing and the not so subtle whispers about a girl being in the boys’ locker room as the last of the team left for the night. You rested your hands on your hips and put on your best pouting face for him to see when he finally acknowledged you standing there. You watched as he continued to take his time removing each of his things and tucking them away in his bag. He softly changed his gaze to look at you, raised one eyebrow and grinned as he sang to you. “Baby, you a gangster, got my hands tied. Fallin’ for you deeper girl, I can’t lie. So sweet, like honey, honey.~ ” 
“Ruggie, come on. It’s getting late and I want to go back to the dorms. It’s already cold and I’m tired,” you whined, grabbing his hand and tugging on it. “Honey, Honey, Honey, workin’ for you like a bee. Buzzin’ for you baby, baby. Tell me what you need. What you need, ha, you can say please,” he continued to serenade you with a look that on normal occasions would have you melting, but not at this moment. You dropped his hand harshly and lightly pinched one of his ears. “Hey, hey, those are sensitive,” he groaned before chuckling to himself and pulling out his normal everyday clothes from his bag. “And you’re tired? I forgot you just played in the match, my bad, chief.” He grabbed your hand back and pulled you onto his lap.
“Stop, you’re all sweaty and gross!” you exclaimed, clambering to get out of his grip. Your need to get away only made him pull you closer into his embrace. “But, I thought you liked this,” he snickered as he nuzzled his sweat soaked forehead on your shoulder. His eyes were beaming as he looked up at you, his fangs peaking through his mischievous grin. It was a hard sight to be upset at, and he knew that all too well. He knew you all too well. “Ruggie,” you whined again. “Say please, or we stay here all night,” he teased. “Please, Ruggie, hurry up,” you replied, your voice monotonous. His ears drooped a bit as he looked at you. “That doesn’t sound very sincere.”
“What? You want me to get on the floor and beg?” His ears perked up at your suggestion, which was supposed to be more of a rhetorical question. “Ruggie, I’m not getting on the floor and begging you to get undressed so we can go home.” You watched as his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips and then back to your eyes. “You don’t want me undressed? I’m hurt. What do I do all this working out for then? For the boys?” he asked playfully. You lightly pushed him back and rolled your eyes. “You know what I mean. You’re still partially in your uniform and have to change. Don’t you think we should go home and rest? You guys just won another placement match, so you’ll want to be ready for the semifinals.”
“Yeah, yeah. We can go soon.” He moved you off his lap and onto the bench before standing up. He grabbed the hand towel that had been on the opposite side of him and used it to dry off the droplets of sweat on his face, neck, and chest before tossing it back on the bench. The locker room didn’t have much going on visually besides the random “team spirit” and “sportsmanship” posters hanging up on the walls behind a row of lockers. Ruggie was much more aesthetically pleasing to look at than them. You watched observantly as he searched his shirt for the tag so he put it on right, his forearm flexing every time his grip changed on the fabric. He pulled the shirt over his head, making sure to let his ears through first so they didn’t get tugged on.
He noticed you looking at his arms as he pulled his shirt down and straightened it out. “Don’t ogle me, weirdo.” He stood in front of you and leaned down to meet your eye level and placed one hand on either side of you. “Y’know, we did just win, and we don’t have to leave the locker rooms just yet.” Again, his fangy grin had you enamored as you felt your blood rushing to your face. You took the damp towel he had used previously and shoved it in his face between you both. “I wanna go home, Ruggie, please, you’re the one being a weirdo,” you teased playfully. “Yeah, okay, I’ll remember that. See if I share any of my snacks with you then,” he sighed as he ruffled his hair.
“Snacks?” you said intrigued. He bit his lip and shrugged as he grabbed his pants and walked off to the bathroom. “Ruggie, wait- are the snacks here??” you shouted to him. He just snickered as he closed the door without saying anything more.
© Orange Divider | banner by me | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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blackrabbittwst · 10 months
Hi! Can i have a request a hcs of idia and malleus (seperate) with his s/o who is loving/affectionate, loyal and caring towards him?
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A/N: Awww of course! These shy/awkward bois deserve so much love! They just don’t understand haha
A/N: I did try to briefly reread this, so I hope it is okay. I basically wrote Idia a year ago and never finished Malleus until now.
Synopsis: A loving and affectionate s/o who is also loyal and caring
Characters: Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Pairings: Idia Shroud x Reader, Malleus Draconia x Reader
Gender/Pronoun: Gender Neutral
Warnings: N/A
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Idia Shroud
To be honest, he wouldn’t understand how and when you both even started dating. You were such an incredible, kind person that he feels like he doesn’t deserve to love someone like you! Even with the experience playing dating simulation games to boost his confidence while also getting comfortable talking about his feelings, he would still be a big bumbling mess.
He would think that the moment you both agreed to date, he somehow scored the best SSR gatcha, ON HIS FIRST PULL.
Even though he loved you dearly, once you both started being more romantically intimate, he would be apprehensive in the beginning.
As an introvert with very few friends, he’s not used to be praised so sweetly, or being told that he was actually cool. It was such an alien concept to him that he believes that he somehow landed in some sort of alternate universe. It would take some time for him to eventually open up and comfortably accept the love and affection (especially more so in a private space).
It was already a lot of effort to get him to trust you to date him in the first place, to be honest. He was attracted to your caring nature, which made him feel calm and safe, but he never wanted to risk ruining your friendship. He didn’t think he had the RNG luck that was capable having someone like you attracted to someone like him. So you would have to approach him and confess (because unless an event happens and it forces him or he gets emotion, this shy baby won’t take the initiative).
If you do any PDA, he’d freak out. Once he’s more comfortable in a relationship, he might be okay with holding hands but anything more, he’ll become a puddle of a mess. He’s such a private person, so please be patient with him. He would stiffen up at a hug and if you kissed him, his face would flush so red and his hair would turn a bright orange. He’d be such a stuttering mess, but as a loving s/o, you’d still find him so adorable.
In private he’d have to get used to being doted on. He wouldn’t understand why you were being so nice to him outside of a video game. He’d be used to giving him some rare loot from a raid, but nothing in person. When you tell him how much you love him in person, he’d get bashful and wouldn’t know how to reply while muttering something. This is especially true when it comes to physical intimacy in private. Hugging and kissing would make him very nervous so you’d probably have to take the initiative at first. Sadly those dating simulation games didn’t prepare him for this…
Eventually he’d appreciate all the caring words and touching you give him in private, like leaning into your touch. He would even start yearning for your touch and enjoy wrapping his long arms around you while playing games. You could be playing games with him, reading or even sleeping, but he’d want to be cuddling you no matter what, never letting you go. Of course he’d appreciate you playing games with him, but he knows he doesn’t need much sleep compared to others and games throughout the night.
Even though you would both be dating, the thing that makes his heart thump hard are moment when he sees how loyal they are to him. Like making plans to do a raid one night, but you get invited to a party by Kalim. While you would enjoy the party, you did promise to play games with Idia and kindly decline the offer. When you mention that offhand in his room, he’d feel so happy and grateful to have someone like you who prioritizes him and enjoys spending time together.
Malleus Draconia
While he was the one to confess to you, he didn’t know what to expect from a relationship. Over the years, he’s had dinners with prospective partners (arranged by his grandmother), but he didn’t share any feelings for them. So overall, his dating experience is quite lackluster.
While he did know he had feelings for you (that he didn’t quite understand yet), he didn’t know how to exactly show it, so of course he wouldn’t know how receiving love would look like either. While he loved Lilia, Silver, and Sebek as a family, this love was different than he had ever felt. Receiving hugs from you felt… warm, safe, and nice while hugging the other guys felt like a lighter happiness that made him smile. They were definitely different but it was hard for him to completely understand
He isn’t used to being doted and loved on so much. Everyone in the Briar Valley was nice, but they were never friendly to him like they were to each other. It was as if everyone was always walking on eggshells around him, and it was isolating. He did grow up with the company of Lilia and his grandmother, but it isn't entirely the same when the rest of the town is basically kissing up to you or appeasing you for a little clout.
He’s used to Lilia, Silver, and Sebek’s love but it’s not nearly the same. This love is more… smothering, in a good way. It was like being wrapped up in a big comfy blanket. He almost doesn't even know what to do with himself with all the love and affection you give him. The idea of someone giving him hugs, kisses, and even holding hands is such a foreign concept.
He’d be awkward with any physical touch that entails hugging or holding you in any kind of way. Let’s be honest, he ripped open a coconut with his bare hands. This man is brutally strong (which can also be a good thing) and just doesn't want to hurt you with his inhuman strength. Can you blame him? He'll get over it easily with enough coaxing and baby steps. Eventually, he'll grow to become a huge cuddle bug that will never want to let you go.
He eventually starts to adore the gentle touches and constant attention to where he even seeks it out. None of the other NCR students thought they'd see the day when the Prince of Briar Valley is wandering around aimlessly for someone like a lost puppy.
Unfortunately though, even if he could parade you through the campus, a prince cannot be seen doing scandalous PDA in public. So any form of intimacy past holding hands cannot be tolerated, but he is sure to make it up in the comfort of his own room.
The moment he notices how loyal you are, he’ll be so appreciative and full of love. While he is used to the constant adoration of a certain half-fae (*Cough* Sebek), this sort of loyalty is completely different since the foundation lies more on himself rather than him being a prince. He would know that this commitment was from the bottom of your heart and it really tickles him pink.
The moment when you loyally report back to him about all the events that occur on campus is the moment where he feels included, finally. You would go out of your way to find Malleus and relay the message that the Housewarden meeting was coming up in the next hour. He would be so surprised that someone ACTUALLY remembered to tell him! He'd be tempted to pick you up, kiss, and twirl you in place right then and there, but there is a time and place for that. Instead, he will gently grab your hand and kiss it while making eye contact while a simple thank you escapes his lips.
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
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Happy (fanon) Birthday Mister Crewel!
Yes....it's happening, ...Did I gave fanon birthday to the twiwon's cast leftover.....Yes!
And what better than Valentine's Day for our alchemy'fashionista teacher as his own birthday!
We don't really know if Valentine's Day actually exists in the Twiwon lore/universe regarding their Valentine's card, they all seem surprised by our behavior toward them!
(When I decide to make something special about it ...tadadadadaaaa SSR Crowley popped out of nowhere....THAT BIRD THAAAAT BIIIRD!!!)
I mean it, you can see that my "shojo"-ish art style still goes by.... Imitating another art style is supah hard.... But it's a ...render fanart... I guess.... I mean I can draw....just to remind it
I went berseck ultra-instinct with his outfit...(yes Cruella please praise me, headpat me!) He's such a supah stylish classy punk british gentleman!
DIVUS CREWEL~ SSR Birthday roses and chocolate
Summon Line: “STAY! Today is your master birthday! Praise me more!” Groooovy!!: "I'm just getting started darling! Hear me roar!" Home: "Yes today is my birth... Valentine? What is it? That is not my name, don't you know your master name?" Home Idle 1: "That outfit is very on point with Queendom of Roses fashion line." Home Idle 2: "You know puppy, you need to dress up properly no matter the situation, and add extra effort on special day like this one~" Home Idle 3:" Arggwwhhh,...even today that trio is going to give me another headache!" Home Idle - Login: "My age.....? STAY STAY!!! Is it because of my hair ...AGAIN?" Home Idle - Groovy: "Yes take photo of every accessories, this one too puppy. It's a Ténèbre one~" Home Tap 1: "That roses bouquet is actually not for me, but my mother back home. My whole family is waiting for me to party this night~" Home Tap 2: "Mister Trein congratulated me on getting older while smiling... he can be so... Ah well actually everyone wished me an happy birthday! Even my friends Arty, Anitta and...Roger *sigh*" Home tap 3: "My minions from back then sent me extra coupon for vintage car accessories. They can be quiet useful~" Home Tap 4: "My favorite cake flavor?....I am not going to tell you, as this information could spread among students! It's a secret~" Home Tap 5: "The green pearls is A "must have" inherited from the great De.Vil fashionista's house!" Home Tap - Groovy: "Tsss.... no fire....Arghwww cover your hears, no, I am not asking you fire! STAY!"
Divus Crewel: Yes darling, you can praise me! Yuu(sona): Happy birthday Crewel-sensei!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
breaking the mold
Genre/Tropes: Mutual Pining if you squint very hard.
Summary: Vil has always been cast as the villain. With a new writer working with his club, he learns that not every director will see him that way.
Author's Comments: I wrote something similar to this for another character that was normally portrayed as a villain (2p!America cough cough) so it was kinda funny writing something like this again but I really enjoyed it!! Also, in Epel's SSR vignettes this club apparently doesn't have auditions? Vil just picks someone and is like "you're good" so I put Reader in that same role.
“For our next play, I’ve opted to let our newest member write it. They’ve proven themselves efficient at directing the stage crew and have shown me various samples of their writing.” Vil announced, locking eyes with you from in front of the small crowd of club members, “Come to the front, director!”
Murmurs swept through the crowd as you jumped up, rushing towards his side with a huge smile on your face. Vil looked upon your smiling face with pride, confident that he’d made the right choice. It only made you more motivated to please him.
“A new member? Writing for us?” someone muttered from the group, “That’s unheard of.”
“You must push boundaries to progress.” Vil responded, “I’ve made my choice. I only hope the rest of you are willing to give them a chance.”
“I won’t let you down!” you proclaimed, standing even straighter in hopes that the club would accept you.
“Let’s try it out. What’s the worst that could happen?” someone else said, “Besides, Vil will still be overseeing everything, Nothing will go wrong!”
Another murmur swept through the crowd as people started to nod. Vil turned to you with a small nod, and you knew exactly what he was trying to say.
They don’t believe you can do it by yourself. Prove them wrong.
The next day, Vil walked into the small room the club had set aside for you. The table was cluttered with papers and pencils, and in the middle of it was you, writing down one last note before you looked up at him and beamed.
“So, how’s the cast list coming along?” he asked, trying to make sense of the messy writing scrawled over the papers nearest to him.
“I’m so glad you asked! I’m planning on casting you as the main character, of course.” you hummed, pouring over the script on the table, “I want to start off my first play with a bang, but you’re also the safest option because of your experience.”
Vil watched you work, scribbling down notes for the plot and little details you wanted added to the set. The passion and personalization you were giving to this production was admirable. Vil often had to remind his fellow club members to do exactly what you were doing when directing productions and designing sets. All of the actors and crew should be represented in their own special ways when on stage.
“Just so you know, I refuse to play a villain role. If you opted to play me in that role, perish the thought. I refuse.” he declared, pulling out the chair opposite of you and sitting down.
He was prepared for a barrage of complaints and reassurance. He was prepared for ‘but you’d do so well!’ and ‘it’s a great opportunity!’ and ‘what do you mean? Do it for the play!’ His agent’s voice echoed in his ears as he waited for your response, and he shook her away.
“Don’t worry, you’re not the villain. Not every hero is warm and soft, you know?” you laughed, shaking your head, “Heroes can be cool and tough too. If I wanted to write something with a wimpy hero I wouldn’t be casting you in the first place.”
You passed him the list of characters from across the table, pointing to the bright HERO title with stars doodled around it. His name was written in your all too familiar handwriting, a little smile stretching across the bottom of his name that used the two i’s as eyes.
“If this is your verdict, I’ll respect it.” he nodded, passing back to list.
“Oh, but you wouldn’t have if you were the villain?’ you snorted playfully, “I’m just kidding. I’m not here to write something cliche and stupid. I’m here to explore a side to heroes that the productions we’ve seen so far don’t want us to see.”
“Elaborate.” he said, lacing his fingers together on top of the table.
“All of the productions I’ve seen in Twisted Wonderland portray heroes as happy and soft and sweet. But heroes need to be smart and strong and resilient, you know? I don’t understand why people think those attributes are more villain-like. It’s like they want their heroes to be joyful and handsome instead of genuinely strong.” you met his gaze and beamed, “Not that you aren’t handsome. Obviously. You know how good looking you are.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Vil rolled his eyes, gesturing for you to continue.
“Right, right. I’ll keep talking, Your Highness.” you snickered, scribbling a few more notes down on the character page, “I actually cast Rook as the villain this time around. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to share the stage with you. Also, doesn’t he have that dramatic villain vibe about him? I figured he’d be able to play the tyrannical king role pretty well.”
“You’re definitely right about that.” Vil nodded, lifting up the set design from your pile of papers, “Is there a particular reason why you chose the mirror to be here, in the corner?”
“Ooooh, I’m so glad you asked!” you nearly leapt across the table to look at the diagram with him, your hand resting on his arm for support, “You see, the tyrannical king ends up trapped in the mirror at the end of the play. I wanted to pay homage to the Evil Queen and her magic mirror while also giving the impression that the king’s punishment is a result of finally being cornered. He spends so much of the play in the middle of the stage, but once the hero and his allies find him he gets backed into that corner with no escape! He’s hidden away from the audience’s view and then the lights go out and boom! He’s trapped in the mirror for all eternity!”
“It’s very hard to come up with an original story, so I don’t blame you for referencing the Evil Queen.” Vil hummed thoughtfully, “However, are you sure the mirror design is your best work? If it’s truly a symbol to pay homage to the Evil Queen, will the audience get that message from this design?”
He handed the design back to you, watching as you poured over it. Your pursed lips slowly lifted into a smile as you jolted back into your chair, scribbling away at the paper once again.
“I got it now! This next one will be the one that knocks your socks off!” you proclaimed, waggling your pencil at him.
“I look forward to it.” he chuckled, leaning over to pat your head before leaving the room with a swish of his cloak.
You shot up in your chair, brushing a hand over where he had touched your hair. He really did know exactly how to motivate people, didn’t he?
“Why did you cast Vil as the hero?” Epel asked, tilting his head as he read through the cast list.
“He’d be a lovely hero. That’s why.” you replied, waiting for the rest of the cast and crew to read over the list.
“That’s…an odd choice.” someone else piped up, “I mean, Vil is more suited to be a villain, you know?”
The group mumbled in agreement, nodding their heads. You furrowed your brow, holding back the twinge of annoyance in your chest.
“Do you want to have a play with a hero that’s soft and gentle? Or do you want a hero that’s tough and reliable? Do you want someone who only focuses on the princess, or a hero that rallies people together? Do you want a hero that nobody cares much about because they’re so vapid and uninteresting, or do you want a hero that everyone will remember because he’s the one that sent chills down their spine?!” you narrowed your eyes as the club listened, allowing you to explain yourself, “Vil is perfect for a hero role. It’s a disgrace that nobody has cast him in that role before.”
The room was silent for a moment before Epel sighed, shrugging his shoulders.
“If that’s what our director thinks, then I agree. They’re pretty convincing too, when they want to be.”
“Thank you, Epel.” your gaze softened as you relaxed, making sure to make eye contact with as many people as you could, “I’m willing to hear your input on this, but I’m not going to put Vil in a role that I think would be ill-suited for him.”
“I think Rook as the villain is a good casting choice.” Someone offered, “We’ve never seen him in a role like that before, but seeing you make that decision has made me curious.”
“Yeah! I know he’s in the science club, but there’s no way he’d pass up a chance to perform with Vil.” you nodded enthusiastically.
“He has no qualms about getting people not in his club to participate.” Epel mumbled, “I miss Spelldrive practice for one of his plays once…if I missed the play he would’ve killed me.”
“You were our main role, Epel. Our leading star. The play would have been ruined if you didn’t show up.” Vil replied, stepping into the room with grandeur.
“Housewarden!” Epel yelped, “How long were you there?”
“Don’t yell. I’ve been here the whole time.” his eyes flickered to yours, gratitude in his eyes, “I heard your discussion about the roles. I’m glad we’re all in agreement.”
“I’ll run them by Rook later.” you shot up out of your seat, gathering your papers quickly, “I still have to finalize that mirror design, and then I’ll show you that too. Let me know what you think!”
“Wait.” he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, eyes only for you as everyone else filed out, “I want you to stay back for a moment.”
“Hmm? What for?” you asked.
“I want to talk to you. That’s all. Do I need a reason?” he replied, a challenge clear in his tone.
“Of course not, handsome.” you laughed, sitting back down, “What did you want to talk about?”
“I wanted to show you my gratitude.” he began, sitting in the chair beside you, “You have been the only person that has bothered to take my thoughts into consideration. It’s such a simple thing, but since you are the first to show me such thoughtfulness, I feel the need to let you know the impression you’ve made on me.”
“It’s no big deal at all! I just did what I thought would fit you best.” you stumbled over your words, face warming at the praise.
Since when did Vil praise you for silly things like that?!
Amused by your reaction, he laughed. How was one man so pretty? His hair fell into his eyes before he brushed it away, meeting your gaze again. You swallowed thickly, nerves twisting in your stomach.
“I trust you will do your best.” he said, hands clasped in his lap, “I believe in you.”
With that said, he left, leaving your mouth hanging open in shock.
If Vil Schoenheit wanted you to focus, he’d need to stop praising you like that.
The day of the play was fast approaching as you watched over the rehearsals. The costumes had come together a while ago and the set had been built completely. The paint crew was still touching up on little details of the castle and mirror, each golden swirl and apple motif painted with extra care. Some of the club members that had worked on the set even picked up a paintbrush for the production. It warmed your heart to see everyone try so hard for the sake of you and your production. Even Epel came in to work hard when he didn’t have Spelldrive practice, his painted apples shining more radiantly than anyone else’s. Before you knew it, the show was being performed for any NRC students that wanted to attend. You extended personal invitations to all of your friends, making sure Malleus in particular had the date memorized so he could see your vision come to life. Cater had spammed his Magicam feed with promotional posters for the show, and Vil had also done some advertising to a lesser extent. The nerves were starting to settle in as you watched the people file into the theater, the low rumbling of conversation making your stomach do flips. Pacing around, you took deep breaths as your heart pounded. Today was the day of your debut as a director for Vil Schoenheit and the entire Film research Club. You only hoped you could do him and the rest of his club justice.
“You’re up.” Vil said from behind you, resting a hand on your shoulder, “I know you’re nervous, but you’re ready for this. I would not let you walk out on that stage if I didn’t think you were one hundred percent ready.”
“Thank you, Vil.” you smiled, hands shaking as they took the mic from the nearby stand, “I’ll…I’ll go break a leg out there.”
His eyes shone with affection as he offered you a smile, gently pushing you into the bright lights of the stage.
You blinked as your eyes adjusted to the new lighting, a chorus of cheers and whoops erupting from the crowd. Your stomach twisted itself into an even bigger knot as the darkened blurs wriggled and twitched with movement, but you reminded yourself of Vil’s words and breathed deeply.
“Thank you all for coming out tonight!” you said, putting the biggest smile you could on your face.
The sentiment was met with another round of applause and a loud yell of “THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND,” which you could only assume came from Ace.
“Thank you, thank you! Um…” you clutched the microphone tightly as the applause died down, taking in another deep breath, “This is my first time producing a play with the film research club. Being a director has been hectic, but it has also been very rewarding. As you all know, I got to work with the amazing Vil Schoenheit on this project-”
An even bigger applause erupted from the crowd at the mention of his name, to which you responded by looking backstage for him. He was standing just behind the curtain, a smile on his face as he listened.
“I know, I adore him too. He spent hours and hours with me, pushing me to do my best on set design and costumes and storytelling. He wanted me to make this play personal, and because of that, there are bits of him in the story, too.” you stopped to take a breath, the audience silent as you continued, “Thank you all for coming out tonight to support the work we do. Without further ado, I present to you, Poison’s Heir!”
The audience burst into applause again as you rushed off stage, waving to everyone that had come to watch your show.
“You did so well.” Vil whispered as the lights dimmed, “Now go take a breather. I’ll handle the rest.”
“Break a leg.” you whispered back, beaming at him.
The second the auditorium doors were opened after everyone had taken their final bow, you were jumped on by Ace, Deuce, and Grim. A strangled yelp escaped your throat as you begged them to let you go, but they refused.
“You never told me you wrote in your spare time!” Ace yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at you, “I can’t believe you wrote something like that and didn’t tell us! What is wrong with you?!”
“It was really good, Prefect.” Deuce said, looking at you with stars in his eyes, “I’m so impressed, it must have taken so much work to build everything.”
“That’s why you kept sneaking off! That’s why you had all those late nights! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Grim grabbed your leg and shook it vigorously.
“I wanted it to be a surprise!” you yelped, shaking them off, “I’m surprised you guys even came!”
“Of course we did! You always come to my basketball games and I know you go to Deuce’s track meets too! Don’t act like it’s a burden for us to show up!” Ace crossed his arms over his chest and glared, pouting like a child.
“Hello, Child of Man.” Malleus interrupted, appearing behind you unexpectedly, “That was a lovely production.”
“Hornton!” you jumped, placing a hand over your heart, “You scared me! Don’t just teleport behind people like that!”
“But I didn’t.” he mumbled, a confused look on his face, “I just walked up to you.”
“Ah. My bad. I was occupied.” you sighed, smiling at him, “I’m glad you liked it!”
“I brought you this.” he hummed, presenting you with a bundle of orange roses, “I was told by Lilia that directors and cast members of plays often receive flowers after a play as a show of appreciation. He stressed that I should not give them to you before the play, since I would be bestowing bad luck upon you.”
“Dude, we so got one upped!” Ace quipped, but you ignored him.
“Aww, thank you so much.” you gasped, gratefully accepting the flowers from his arms, “They’re beautiful. I’ll be sure to treasure them for as long as they live.”
“Don’t worry, Child of Man. I’ve enchanted them so that they will not die.” he smirked, “You don't even have to water them. Those flowers will remain stationary, halted in time, just like the memory of your first production in my mind.”
You almost cried with how moved you were, but settled for giving him a huge hug. He returned it, holding your gently before he gave you a final smile and moved on.
The next person to throw themselves on you was none other than Cater.
“Hon!” Cater screeched, throwing his arms around you dramatically, “Oh, that was a gorgeous production! I wish I could have recorded it!”
“Thank you so much!” you laughed, wrapping your free arm around him to hug him back.
“Would you mind taking a picture with me? I’d absolutely love a photo of the director themself!” he begged, hands itching to grab his phone and take as many pictures as possible.
“Of course you can.” you pulled away, putting on another one of your director smiles.
Cater whipped out his phone and took a bunch of quick pictures, trying out a few different angles. You felt your crowd pleasing smile grow into a genuine one as your face warmed, feeling all the love all of your friends were sending to you.
“You don’t mind if I post these to Magicam, right?” he asked.
“You ask every time Cater. My answer is always no. I don’t mind at all!” you laughed, thankful he’d go through the effort of checking every time.
“I just want to be sure! I’ll send you the ones I want to post just so you can go through them.” he said, pulling you in for one last hug, “Great job, hon. I’m so proud of you.”
The crowds slowly died down as time went on, and the club was finally allowed the step back into the auditorium. That’s where you found Vil, standing by the doorway in his costume.
“I was waiting for you.” he said, hooking his arm through yours and pulling you away from the group, “Come with me.”
You allowed him to lead you outside into the cool night air. He sat down on a nearby bench and gestured for you to do the same.
“So how many flowers did you get?” you asked, still clutching the orange roses to your chest.
“I received many flowers from adoring fans.” he said matter of factly, “But that’s not what I wanted to talk about.”
“What is it?” you asked, scooting closer.
“Magicam. The production is blowing up.” he murmured, unlocking his phone and pulling up his Magicam feed.
You watched as he scrolled through post after post of happy, celebratory photos, all tagged with #Poison’sHeir. Your heart warmed at the display and the fact that Vil had taken the time to show it to you.
“I dare say your first show was a success. I’m looking forward to the next one you direct.” he chuckled, expression soft and caring, “I’d love to work with you again.”
Pride welled up in your chest at his words, the knowledge that this would not be your last show and that you’d impressed him enough to earn his praise forcing a wobbly smile to bloom across your face.
“Wait…Vil, is that Neige?” you gasped, the laughter catching in your throat as the moment was shattered.
His nose wrinkled in displeasure as he rapidly scrolled away from the post.
“Don’t pay attention to him-”
“Noooo, Vil! I wanted to see his post!”
“Stop trying to take my phone-!”
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darkesttiimelines · 1 year
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Throughout history, women have left an undeniable impact on society with their hard work, creativity, and dedication to progress. Unfortunately, their accomplishments have often gone unnoticed, been undervalued, or even stolen. Despite these challenges, brave women of today continue to push boundaries, break barriers, and pave the way for a more fair and equal world. It's our duty to keep going, so that future generations of women can inherit a kinder, more just, and supportive world. By following in the footsteps of the incredible women who came before us, we can create a world where every woman can flourish and succeed, and where their contributions are recognized and celebrated.
Joan of Arc is a patron saint of France, honored as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. Claiming to be acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen.
Rani Lakshmibai was the Maharani consort of the princely state of Jhansi from 1843 to 1853. She was one of the leading figures in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 became a symbol of resistance to the British rule in India for Indian nationalists. When the Maharaja died in 1853, the British East India Company under Governor-General Lord Dalhousie refused to recognize the claim of his adpoted heir and annexed Jhansi under the Doctrine of Lapse. She rode into battle with her infant son strapped to her back, and died in June 1858 after being mortally wounded during the British counterattack at Gwalior.
Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was instrumental in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Her contributions were largely overlooked by her male colleagues, James Watson and Francis Crick, who used her data without her permission or acknowledgement. This theft of her intellectual property and erasure of her contributions is a prime example of the systemic sexism that has historically plagued the scientific community.
Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who co-invented a frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology during World War II that was used to guide torpedoes. However, her contributions were largely ignored and dismissed by male engineers and the military at the time. It was only later in life that she received recognition for her scientific achievements.
Emma Weyant is an American competitive swimmer. She was the US national champion at the individual medley. She qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games in the 400m individual medley and won the silver medal in this event. Weyant finished second in the 500-yard freestyle at the 2022 NCAA Division I Women's Swimming and Diving Championships. She was beaten by William (Lia) Thomas, a fetishist, who when competing as a member of the Penn men's team, which was 2018-19, ranked 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle. Weyant is the fastest swimmer in the 500-yard freestyle and had her position stolen by a man.
Maryna Viazovska is a Ukrainian mathematician who made a breakthrough in sphere packing, solving the centuries-old mathematical problem known as the densest packing of spheres in dimensions 8 and 24. She was awarded the Fields Medal in July 2022, making her the second woman (after Maryam Mirzakhani), the second person born in the Ukrainian SSR and the first with a degree from a Ukrainian university to ever receive it.
Hannie Schaft was a Dutch resistance fighter during World War II who played a crucial role in the resistance movement against Nazi occupation. Schaft was a former university student who dropped out because she refused to sign a pledge of loyalty to Germany. Nazis arrested and killed her in 1945, just three weeks before the war ended in Europe. According to lore, Schaft’s last words were, “I’m a better shot,” after initially only being wounded by her executioner.
Shakuntala Devi was an Indian mathematician and mental calculator who was known as the "Human Computer" for her exceptional ability to perform complex mathematical calculations in her head. Her extraordinary abilities earned her a place in the 1982 Guinness Book of Records. Her lesser known achievement is that in 1977 she wrote what is considered to be the first book in India on homosexuality titled “The World of Homosexuals.”  
J. K. Rowling is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume children's fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. Known for her philanthropy, she was doxxed and harassed after coming out with support for women's and gay rights in 2020. Rowling secretly donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to save 100 female lawyers and their families facing murder in Afghanistan. In 2022, she funded a women's only rape shelter in Edinburgh.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
First Date - Heartslabyul
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SUMMARY: What would your first date with him be like? I know first dates might not go so well, but let's pretend these are different. ;)
CHARACTERS: Riddle Rosehearts; Ace Trappola; Deuce Spade; Cater Diamond & Trey Clover
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from Ace SSR Suitor Suit (Vignette); Book 5; end of book 4; Cater SSR Birthday Boy (Vignette)
WORD COUNT: An average of 570 words per character.
Heartslabyul / Savanaclaw / Octavinelle / Scarabia / Pomefiore / Ignihyde / Diasomnia
COMMENTS: Damn, making this for 5 characters is hard. And I still want to make it for all characters! What am I doing to myself? XD Tho, this is fun to write. I hope you have fun reading too. ;)
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Riddle is an extremely Lawful person (Like in Lawful Neutral Character it's what I mean). And in this context, to be extremely lawful would mean to be extremely cliché. Then a Candlelit Dinner will be!
He asked Trey to cook. First: because Riddle knows he's not a good cook and your date had to be perfect, and for that the food should be too. Second: Trey's food and especially sweets are incredible! Perfect for a date! Riddle probably blushed asking Trey that favor, because Trey would tease him a bit too. But just a little bit.
He decided to use a smaller room for your date. Still, it had a large window overlooking the beautiful maze. If anyone even dared to think of interrupting your date it would immediately be OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Trey was the one who made the food, but who would serve you would be Riddle himself. He didn't want anyone else in that room with you. Mainly because he was still a little embarrassed and nervous.
He will enjoy talking to you. Know more about yourself and your world. Tell you more about the Queendom of Roses. The two of you praising Trey's cooking. And since you're being cliché, why not do the same with dessert?
Strawberry Tart was the dessert. You insist that you cut the tart yourself. You cut a slice, put it on the plate, take the fork and take a piece of the slice. And before Riddle can ask why you only took your slice, you hold your fork out to him. He is slightly confused.
You just say "Aaaah" and he finally realizes what you're doing. And blushes. He sighs, more to calm himself a bit. and opens his mouth without being able to look you in the eye. His cheeks were starting to match his hair.
“Next time, I'd like to be the one cooking you a strawberry tart.” you say, after seeing the delight in Riddle's smile after eating from your fork.
He blushes a little more, but answers in a soft and sweet voice: “That would be wonderful.” And he quickly pulled the rest of the tart close to him, to cut a slice and feed it to you as you did to him. Who was blushing now?
“Rule 53.” He says with his little smirk. “You must replace anything you steal. You made me steal a piece of your tart. In other circumstances, it would be off with your head for making me break a rule you know?” He was smiling nonetheless, so you smiled back and ate the tart he offered you.
Before leaving for Ramshackle Dorm, you remembered that rule. And you dared to be cheeky. Riddle was accompanying you out and you took advantage of his low guard to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He stopped, astonished.
“Oh no!” you say with fake concern “Did I just steal a kiss from you? And according to the rules I must replace anything I steal correct?”
He should be mad at you, but he couldn't. He was trying so hard not to smile, he just gave up. And that smirk of yours, took its place. “In fact. What you just did was a tremendous infraction.” He gets closer to you. “Because it wasn't just a kiss you stole from me. A long time ago, you stole my heart as well.”
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Since his Personal Story from SSR Suitor Suit, I can only think of one thing: Amusement Park Date! Ace will not treat this like a date date. It's better for him if you just have fun together without worrying about being on a date.
You'll go with him on thrill rides. Mainly because you would challenge each other. And then you would try to convince each other that the other was the most scared.
When you're already tired of so much adrenaline, it will be time to eat something. You'd going to eat hot dogs and laugh at each other for dropping the straw potato through the other end of the hot dog. If you get sauce on the tip of your nose, he might kiss it to lick the sauce off. And he will be pleased to make you blush. If you guys eat dessert, like ice cream, be careful. Because he'll try to nibble on your dessert just to mess with you.
Even though you're having so much fun with Ace, you still wanted to do some date stuff. Like, for example... Oh! That baby flamingo plush is so cute! I remember you from the ones of Heartslabyul. And what a coincidence (or maybe not), it’s one of the prizes of a basketball game stall. But when you mention it to Ace...
“So why don't you try to win one? Your throws are pretty decent.” He smiles with fake innocence. You look at him sullenly. “Ha ha ha. I know, I know. I haven't completely forgotten that we're on a date. But if I get you the plush, what do I get from that?”
You give him two options: bragging about how good he was on the game and how cool he looked like when he got you that plush. Or a kiss.
“Are you telling me I can only choose one of those? Not fair! That game could be really hard, you know~” You laugh and end up saying that if he really got that plush for you, he could have both.
Are you surprised that he failed on the first tries? Probably from overconfidence? Being fair, the hoops are also different from real basketball hoops. Eventually hitting those hoops becomes a matter of pride. But before he keeps trying, he starts talking to the stall guy. It looks like a normal small talk, but Ace is actually trying to take the trick to win out of the guy. When he gets the information he wanted, he tries again. And wins!
The stall guy give him the baby flamingo. Ace extends his arm to give you the stuffed animal, but, oops, too high. He raised the plush high above his head. You’ll not jump, you’ll play dirty, like he would too. You start poking him around the belly making him tickle. And get your baby flamingo!
The day was already ending and it started to get dark. You heard that the view from the top of the Ferris wheel at night is very beautiful, and it seemed like a nice, and chill way to end an amusement park date. He agrees, he was tired too.
“I thought you were tired.” You comment as he starts trying to swing the Ferris wheel carriage. Then he stops, really tired, he can't even do that. But he’s smiling a lot. The Ferris wheel was very tall, and only one lap took some time. You already had your prize in your hands, but you still hadn't given Ace his.
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I got this idea after book 5: a Magical Wheel ride somewhere. “It's a surprise” he tells you, when you ask where you two are going. One of his lines from his PE card is "Are you free? Then why don't we go for a ride on my blastcycle? No, wait, I almost forgot—we need permission to leave the school grounds."
Either he got that permission or just went YOLO like he did with Epel. And since this is you first date, he would be very capable to do that if he didn't get the permission.
He would already be extremely excited to drive a Magical Wheel freely. But with you behind him, that enthusiasm multiplies. If you like speed as much as he does, he'll be over the moon. So happy that he can make that for you. Feel the same excitement he feels.
If you don't like speed and maybe even fear him going so fast in such an unprotected vehicle, you'll probably hug him even tighter and maybe squeeze his coat. And he'll be able to take that as a sign to slow down. He won't be sad that you don't like speed as much as he does. He’ll be disappointed in himself for forgetting your limits and scaring you. He'll apologize to you for that later.
For this, let's assume he used the Dark Mirror to get you somewhere. Because I imagine him taking you on a ride through green plains or mountain range.
And using this last example, where does it take you anyway? How about a river beach, perhaps near a waterfall, to have a somewhat improvised picnic? This because he didn't have the picnic stuff like a picnic blanket or food, so you would need to buy it in the little nearby stores. He was more excited about riding a Magical Wheel with you, so he ended up forgetting about the rest. Sorry.
It was such a beautiful sight. And the sun began to set. “Deuce” you say “Do you remember when you got on a Magical Wheel and took Epel to Sage's Island beach?” he nods “I got a kind of jealous, you know.”
He spits out the soda he was drinking. “Of what? *cough* *cough*” you are both sitting by the water.
“I mean, you take a Magical Wheel that isn't even yours, break the rules about whether or not you can leave the school grounds, and still take someone to the beach at sunset? Epel rode with you on a Magical Wheel before me.” you take your drink to your mouth “And sunset on the beach?” you murmur “That's romantic stuff.”
“Whoa, what? Wait! First of all my intentions were never romantic! I have no interest in him, just to be clear! I just wanted to help him. I would have done exactly the same for you. Maybe even more.” and speaking of which, he remembers: “Hey, wait a second, I've already done even more for you! Do you remember when you got stuck in Scarabia on winter break? Ace and I made it all the way from the Queendom of Roses to Sage's Island without using the mirror. just because you sent that message and we couldn't talk to you afterwords. I'm pretty sure that’s more than taking someone to the beach.”
You smile. “You’re right. And I never thanked you enough for all that work. Or for everything you've done for me since I arrived in Twisted Wonderland.” You put down your drink and hug him. Will your first kiss be enough thanks for now?
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Cute Cafe Date! Why? Cater SSR Birthday Boy - Vignette: “I love visiting cafes, but we all know the most photogenic thing on the menu is dessert. Well, I can't take a picture of something without ordering it, and how am I supposed to order something I can't eat? It's a real pickle! ...Wait, I've got it! (MC), what if YOU ordered something and I posted it to Magicam? That settles it. We GOTTA hit up a cafe sometime soon. I know all the hottest spots for 'cammable desserts! And don't worry--food's on me. Deal? Deal!”
He dressed for the occasion, just like you. Everyone could see that you were a couple. And you would be the cutest couple in that cafe. If you're already shy, you'll probably be even more shy. Because someone like you and the handsome young man with you will catch some eyes.
And to make it worse if you're already a little embarrassed by your shyness, Cater will find you so cute that he will put his arm around you and pull you closer. Maybe even give you a few kisses on the cheek.
He will take so many pictures that it will look more like a photo shoot. Photos of the food, of him, of you, of the two together, of the place, everything! You two will talk A LOT. About NRC, about your colleagues, about Magicam gossip, etc.
He already talks cute to most people. So with someone as special as you, not only does he talk in that cute and affectionate way, but also becomes very touchy with you. He'll want to hug you and kiss you on the cheek a lot. If you like PDA, that's perfect. If not, he'll respect that, but still try to at least hold your hand.
You will be there for so long that only when you start to see the space becoming empty, with fewer and fewer customers, will you realize that closing time is approaching. As he promised, he paid for everything.
When you left, the sun was already setting. “Hey, (Y/N)-chan.” He tells you, in a whisper “Before we go back, There's one last place that I would like to go with you~.” And his fingers touch yours, like an invitation you could refuse. But you accept and he intertwine your fingers.
You walk a little until you reach a park. You walk along the dirt path, through the trees and the lawn with flowers. its a pleasant walk. And as night came you could hear the crickets. He stops by the lake, the two of you sit on a bench and he takes another selfie with you. To next giving more attention to his Magicam than to you for a long moment.
You sulk a bit and you decide to go to your own Magicam to see what is taking his attention away from you. You see that he didn't tag you in the photos and that the comments on the photos with you were disabled. “I wanted to show you off but...” Cater says, looking at you with his phone's screen off. “I wanted to make sure no one spoiled this day. You... know...?” He tries to keep his smile.
You put your hands on his face “You don't need to show me off. The best things in life are offline, you know? I don't need to be part of your feed to be part of your life.”
He smiles at you, his most genuine smile, as if to say: this is why I love you. And he can't stand not having you in his arms and kissing your lips.
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A Picnic with the best food: his. He’ll carry the basket and picnic blanket in one hand and your hand in the other. He’s the one who usually plans the Unbirthday Parties. Planning your picnic date is a nice change of pace. Plus, he loves seeing your delightful face when you try and like his food and pastries. He would take you to a quiet and peaceful place to enjoy yourselves and each other.
This is his opportunity to rest from his Vice-Houseworden duties. And you can take a rest from Ace, Deuce and especially from Grim's shenanigans.
He would definitely feed you his cooking, mainly to see your smile better after you taste it. He's more of a giver than a taker. So if you did something for him and you were able to sneak that in the basket until he takes it of the basket surprised and feed it to him, he will hesitate at first, flattered. But happily eat it.
He chose a place where hardly anyone would casually find you, so he’ll feel comfortable lying on the blanket and inviting you to lie down with him. You two will probably keep snacking while chatting. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest and play with your hair.
Deep down he can be cheeky. But he doesn't show that side to everyone. You are one of the lucky few.
Your picnic was being peaceful. Maybe so much that that's why he decided to play a little prank on you. You were feeding each other cherries. He puts one in your mouth, but when you bite into it and taste it, it tastes like banana. “TREY!” You complain with the cherry in your mouth without knowing whether to spit it out or not. You even raised to sit down.
He bursts out laughing. You were caught so off guard. “Hey, look on the bright side, I could have been a little meaner. I could have done it with a sour taste.” he smirks.
You couldn't use magic like him, but that didn't mean you couldn't get your revenge. You look into the basket and see the cake you ate a few slices earlier. Cake that was decorated with whipped cream on top. You get some whipped cream on your finger and attack Trey while he's still lying there laughing at you.
But he is faster and manages to grab your wrist and deflect his nose from your finger. You lose your balance and end up on top of him. And to make you blush even more, he licks the whipped cream off your finger. And instead of you getting your revenge, you gave him another reason to laugh: your pinkish face.
He wanted to be cheeky? Well, two can play that game. Why not give him a taste of his own prank? You were close enough and you kissed his lips. You feel his lips twitch into a smile.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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villainessprefect · 1 year
~Tell It to My Heart~
title: Late Night With You
Prompt #2: Ending a phone call with an accidental “love you”
Idia x gn!reader
Read on AO3
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Your eyes glide to the clock at the corner of the screen. You watch as the seconds literally tick by and bite back a sigh once you realize how late it's gotten. If the darkness enveloping your room and the main source of light coming from your computer wasn't obvious that it was well past your bedtime.
"It's getting late," you say. It is late, you mentally correct yourself.
"And?" Comes a voice from your headphones. You roll your eyes at his response. "It's not like we're doing anything tomorrow."
"You're not. I am." You fiddle with your mic that's connected to your headset. "Unless if you want to show up to class with me?"
You hear something akin to a huff and can practically feel his eye roll.
"Hard pass. These drop rates are harder than pulling for a limited edition SSR character and we're only given a week to grind for them? An event like this won't get a rerun for at least a year or two. It's now or never."
You shake your head and let out a yawn. Leave it to Idia to find importance in an online game. You don't doubt that he's right, but you're not a hardcore gamer like him. Life calls whether you want it to or not and you have to answer it.
"You make a convincing argument. Think you can get enough for me too?"
"Do you know who you're talking to? When I'm done we'll have enough materials to make a second set of weapons for display," he says with a chuckle.
A smile inches on your face at the sound. A shame that you can't hear it in person. It sounds better compared to the slightly muffled version in your ears.
"Thanks. We still on for Saturday? That's when the drop rates increase, right?"
"Yeah. I'll send you better armor so we can one-shot those raids too."
"Cool." You feel another yawn coming your way and barely manage to hold it back. You rub your eyes and feel a little guilty for not holding much of a conversation. To be fair though, keeping your eyes open isn't easy even with the blaring light of a laptop shining on your face. "Okay, I can't be up much longer. You should be heading to bed soon even if you're not going to show up for class."
"Eh? No way. I can do this all night!"
"I'll message Ortho," you threaten with a grin. Idia falls silent and you can imagine him glancing back to look at his brother. The image makes you chuckle. It wouldn't be the first time you'd manage to get Ortho to get Idia to bed. "Kidding. Anyway, see you later, Idia. Love you."
You pull off your headset and place it on your desk. You log off your account and then the laptop's screen fades to black. A whine escapes you as you're forced to adjust to the sudden darkness.
You stretch your limbs as you stand from your chair. Carefully, you navigate the walk from desk to bed. It's a short path but you don't know what lies hiding in the dark. Thankfully, your mission is successful and you land in bed with a thud.
Grim rolls around beside you, muttering something in his sleep. The monster doesn't wake, surprisingly, and you take a moment to run a hand through his fur. He purrs, getting cozy underneath your touch, and nestles closer to you. Then he mumbles something about tuna.
"Sweet dreams..." You breathe out. With one last yawn, you shut your eyes.
Only to have them shoot open as your body jerks itself upward.
"Oh my god..." You gasp, a hand flying to your mouth. You can feel your cheeks burning, your heart racing a mile a minute.
Did you...Did you really just tell Idia you love him?
You totally did not just do that.
Idia is frozen in his chair with wide eyes. He feels like a cat that's just been spooked as he repeats your goodbye over and over in his mind. Those two little words you uttered could easily OHKO him. And if you were right in front of him, he really would have died on the spot.
Idia pulls his hands off his keyboard to cover his face. His room is enveloped in a soft blue glow that stems from his hair. Now it begins to flash a light pink. His cheeks began to match the new color surrounding him.
"Th-They didn't mean to say that..." He tells himself. "I-It's late and they're just tired. Yeah. Th-That's it. N-No way they'd tell me that. Besides that's not a way they would confess..."
Not that he's thought about you confessing to him. Well, he has. A bit. Okay, more than he's ever willing to admit. And he's not going to go off about how he imagines it happening underneath a cherry blossom tree after school with flowers sparkling around your image.
"They're right, i-it's getting late..." Idia tries to calm his nerves while logging out of his game. His fingers are set on autopilot as your voice echoes in his head.
Even as he finds himself in bed, curling underneath the covers, he can't fall asleep. You are on his mind now more than ever. His heart bounces around his chest, making him feel giddy while his mind fights against it, scolding it and being realistic about your words being a tired mistake.
Regardless of which one wins, he's definitely not going out tomorrow.
Oh. That brings up another problem. Instead of looking forward to playing with you, now he's dreading it.
What the hell is going to happen on Saturday?!
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dotster001 · 2 years
May I request one of the Twisted Earth story you made but like with the Heartslabyul students?
Twisted Earth Part Two
Summary: Heartslaybul x gn!reader. They are real, and you're the game.
Part One Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
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His mother disapproved of video games, they took away from study time. So when Cater took his phone and downloaded the game for him, he didn't open it for months.
It's the only game on his phone, and it's in a hidden folder so that when his mother searches his phone, she can't find it.
He only plays once a month, usually after Cater tells him an event is going on.  He'll heave a heavy sigh, open it for an hour or so, and not play again.
He was drawn to you. He doesn't know what it is. Maybe he's touch starved, maybe he knows his mother wouldn't approve of you if you were real, or maybe there's something about you that, deep down, makes him feel safe.
He doesn't actually have any of your cards. His only cards he has are from his initial ten pull that the game gave him. But he read through the story, and that's all he needs for now.
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Cater also kidnapped his phone to download the game.  He only plays while he's waiting for things in the oven to finish up. So he actually plays a lot, but in short intervals.
He thinks you'd help him with his jobs. Or maybe you wouldn't, and you'd cause more trouble. He understands it would depend on your mood. But he's along for the ride.
He drew your basic SSR in his first ten pull, and he's satisfied with that. He never plays events, because he just doesn't have time or energy for it. He can just see pictures and the stories that come with online, without having to invest the effort.
For the last unbirthday party, he made a cake loosely I spired by you and your color scheme. The only person who noticed was Cater, who smirked at him the entire time. Trey was definitely not blushing when Cater confronted him about it.
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The second the game was starting to look like it'd go viral, it was on Carter's phone, and his magicam. He did a thorough review, and gave it  five stars! The game devs were thrilled and reached out to him for a sponsorship. He's been regularly sponsored ever since. 
He has modeled several looks based on your colors. He's doing the twisted wonderland version of Disney bounding for you. The first time he did, your voice actor reached out to him. His most viral magicam post is him and your va modeling "Disney bound" looks of a particularly popular event outfit you had.
If he's not on magicam, he's playing your game. He has all your cards, and is neglecting any character that isn't you. (Apologies to your peers, he just isn't interested) He giggles a little whenever your character greets him on the home screen. He thinks you're so sweet, he just wants to scoop you up and protect you from all the bad in the world.
Speaking of…he loves to read angst fanfiction where he comes to your rescue or cheers you up. He is definitely not crying and thinking about his own depression. His eyes are just pissing.
Having befriended the devs and your va, there's talk of having him as a VA when the anime comes out… so follow for announcements on his magicam!
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Thought you were hot. Downloaded the game for that reason, and that reason alone.  (Sorry guys, I love ace, but irl he's a fuck boy, and you can't change my mind)
A very casual, and secretive, player. Doesn't want anyone to know he's playing, no matter how popular or mainstream it is.
Anyone who the devs or fandom ship with you is blacklisted in his mind. He barely takes care of your cards, but those cards are never used and never looked at.
He has a body pillow of you, but it's hidden under his bed so that Deuce and his roommates can't find it. He's pretty sure they'd make fun of him if they knew (he's right, they would). When all three of his roommates are out of town, or gone home for a short holiday or something, he'll pull it out and cuddle "you".
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You're adorable, hard working, and so kind to those you care about. It was love at first sight for poor Deuce. Sevens, he wishes you were real.He worries his past would scare you off if you were real, though. So he's fine pretending for now.
His mom knows about his like of your character, and got him a chibi plushie of you. It sits on his desk. He's so happy to have it.
He plays a lot, but he's not very good at the battles or rhythm game elements. So he's just an average player. Nothing to write home about.
He is one of the many secret techies of NRC, so he and Idia teamed up to design an otome version of your game. He uses a pseudonym, because he would just die if anyone found out he'd worked on it.
He has half of your basic collection, and one of your event cards. He's so proud of his collection, even though it's not the best one in the world.
Wrote a fan letter to the devs. He got back a poster signed by them and all the va's. He was so happy.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 days
SSR Deuce Spade - Platinum Jacket Vignette
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Deuce: This museum really has a ton of paintings. Not that I really know how to act in quiet places like this…
Deuce: Oh, but I can't use that as an excuse. I'll have to be a good supporter for the museum, just like any honor student would!
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???: Is this dome… a teapot cover? Why would the Card Soldiers be carrying tea?
Deuce: Huh, you don't know, Sebek? Cool, then I'll tell you about it.
Deuce: This painting shows a scene of a trial from one of the Queen of Hearts' legends…
Deuce: And those Card Soldiers aren't actually carrying tea, but a witness for the case: a tiny mouse!
Sebek: Hmph, what's with that smug look? Well, fine, never thought there'd be a day that you'd have something to teach me, I suppose.
Deuce: Heheh. I'm a supporter for the museum, so it makes sense that I can explain something like that.
Deuce: Since I'm a student of Heartslabyul, I made sure to study extra hard all the tales related to the Queen of Hearts or her Card Soldiers.
Sebek: Is that so? Still, did it require two of them to transport a single small mouse?
Deuce: According to the story, it was a crucial witness, so they wanted to make sure it got to the Queen safely.
Deuce: Ah, that reminds me… We had something similar to this painting go down at Heartslabyul just the other day.
Deuce: Though, it wasn't a witness that was getting brought in…
Sebek: What, was there some lout breaking the Queen of Hearts' laws?
Deuce: Yeah. There was this one student who'd been breaking the rules over and over again, and he was finally being brought before Rosehearts-ryōchō for a stern reprimand…
Deuce: When the two guys tasked with hauling him in came to bring him to the Housewarden, that rule-breaker ran.
Sebek: Why do you even have people tasked with hauling others in…? You folk in Heartslabyul have far too many strange duties and rules!
Sebek: But that transgressor is also a coward, fearing reprimand and fleeing without taking responsibility for their actions.
Deuce: Right? He made his bed, he's gotta lie in it.
Sebek: Judging by your manner of speech there, am I right to assume that you helped to secure that transgressor?
Deuce: Yeah. I ran after the guy and caught him in a flash.
Deuce: Not like I've been training my legs or working on quick, explosive power in my sprints while in the Track and Field Club for nothing!
Sebek: Oho, so you captured them. And what were those two that were supposed to have brought him in doing?
Deuce: The guys on duty were apparently so shocked when the rule-breaker ran away that they couldn't move quick enough.
Deuce: But once I brought him back to them, they firmly took hold of him on both sides and brought him to the Housewarden, though.
Sebek: I see. So perhaps the reason why it isn't considered overkill to have two people on duty for such a thing is in case something unexpected occurs.
Deuce: Maybe…? I guess so.
Deuce: Ah, but listen to this. After he finished reprimanding the rule-breaker, Rosehearts-ryōchō praised me for a job well done.
Deuce: "Not only did you capture the transgressor without a moment's delay, but you showed good judgement in allowing the students on duty to do their job as assigned," he said!
Sebek: True, normally you'd do something brash like bringing that offending student directly to Riddle-senpai after capturing him.
Sebek: An unusually calm and mature judgement, coming from you.
Deuce: Hey, nothing "unusual" about it! It's not strange that I was able to think that through.
Deuce: Because, I'm on my way to becoming an honor student!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Sebek: Oh, this painting… It looks as though it's based on the legend that speaking a wish into a well would make it come true.
Deuce: Yeah, so if you make a wish into a well, it sends your voice back out. I remember that well, 'cause I always thought that was odd.
Sebek: It's merely an echo. What is so odd about that?
Deuce: Huh, an echo?
Sebek: You didn't even know that? I'm speaking of the phenomenon in which sound bounces off of water or walls and is reflected back.
Deuce: Huh… Oh, so is that the same sort of thing as when sounds reverberate in a tunnel?
Sebek: That's right, as tunnels are also primed for echoes.
Deuce: Oh, okay… That actually brings back memories.
Deuce: Whenever I'd be riding through long tunnels, I'd put the pedal to the metal and rev it up so loud.
Sebek: You'd rev what? Are you talking about some kind of music?
Deuce: No, no. I'm talking about a blastcycle, not any instruments or whatever.
Deuce: The engine can make different sounds based on the body of the blastcycle, or even from the way it's ridden.
Deuce: It can make heavy thumping sounds, or low, rolling sounds…
Deuce: And it can be really fun to change up my driving style just to hear those different sounds.
Deuce: Whenever I ended up alongside another driver who knew how to make their own engine sing,
Deuce: It was easy to just end up competing to see who could make their engine rev louder.
Sebek: And what is so fun about that? It just seems to be a cacophony of noise, based on what you're saying.
Deuce: YOU DON'T GET IT AT ALL! It's great because I can feel it to my core.
Deuce: And, it feels sooooo amazing to feel the vibration of the engine echoing off the tunnel walls!
Deuce: The faster I go, the higher the pitch of the engine…the more that sound echoes in the tunnels…
Deuce: By the end of it all, the only sound I can hear is the blastcycle engine… I just can't get enough of that feeling!
Sebek: Shh, Deuce. You're being too loud, lower your voice. You're going to bother everyone else trying to enjoy the silence.
Deuce: Ah, sorry… Actually, kinda feels weird to get told by you of all people to lower my voice.
Sebek: Why is that? I don’t raise my voice like that unnecessarily.
Deuce: Eh… You seriously saying that right now?
Sebek: Obviously. At any rate, I don't really understand what you were saying about those blastcycles, but…
Sebek: You shouldn't cause a ruckus while riding, unlike what you did just now.
Deuce: Well, obviously I try to ride so I don't bother others on the road… At least, now I do…
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Deuce: Oh hey, it's the Lord of the Underworld. I like how brave he looks flying through the sky in this painting.
Deuce: And on top of it all… He's way too cool, rushing to the front lines like that to save his captured comrades!
Sebek: Right. The Lord of the Underworld must have been a truly capable fellow, able to take on even the most difficult missions by himself.
Sebek: One would require proper deliberation and competency to achieve positive results.
Deuce: Urgh… That hits a sore spot…
Sebek: A sore spot…? Ah, you are talking about what happened last week.
Sebek: I remember seeing you, Grim, [Yuu]… and Ace, if I recall. It was while I was heading back from flight class.
Sebek: All four of you were standing like idiots in the hallway, being scolded by Trein-sensei.
Deuce: URGH!!!! You saw that!?
Deuce: I-I didn't plan on it ending with us getting in trouble! It wasn't supposed to end like that…
Sebek: I'm sure it is a ridiculous story… But why not, I'll listen to whatever excuses you come up with.
Deuce: At the start of History of Magic class, Trein-sensei told [Yuu] to read out loud a passage from the textbook.
Deuce: But that page was completely ruined by drool, since Grim fell asleep on it the night before, so it was impossible to read.
Deuce: So, I raised my hand, offering to read it instead.
Sebek: So why did that end up with you all being sent out to the hallway?
Deuce: …I forg… …xtboo…
Sebek: I can't hear you, speak up.
Sebek: So you tried to step up, even though you didn't have the textbook… You're a fool who has gone beyond help.
Deuce: Ace was saying something like that, too. Both him and Grim were laughing at me for that.
Deuce: Even though it was really Grim's fault in the first place!!
Deuce: [Yuu] even pointed that out to them, but they wouldn't stop, so…
Deuce: We ended up arguing… Which then got us sent out into the hallway before long to deal with the consequences of our actions.
Sebek: So that's why you were in the hallway. However, I don't understand. Why did you do such an unnecessary thing?
Sebek: Even if Grim or [Yuu] were to be reprimanded, that has nothing to do with you.
Deuce: Nothing to do with me? Come on, there's no way I can let my friends flounder like that.
Deuce: I mean, Grim aside… [Yuu]'s helped me out a ton before, so.
Sebek: Hmph. Then I guess at the very least, next time you should act after you've determined whether you have your textbook or not.
[Sebek walks off]
Deuce: Geez, and he walks off after one last parting shot, huh… Ugh. Guess I'll try to shake off this funk by checking out some of the other exhibits.
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Deuce: Oh, this is a painting of a girl singing with flowers. She looks like she's having fun, but according to the story…
Deuce: If I remember correctly, she was described as vulgar, rude, and weedy...
Deuce: Doesn't matter where you are, or who you are, everyone has to follow the rules. Not a shocker to me that those who can't follow 'em end up in sticky situations.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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justanotherfanfolks · 5 months
Tsum relationship theories for Tsumsted Wonderland 3 because we just know it's coming:
Trey is going to have a good relationship with his Tsum. He's an overall chill person and doesn't like drawing attention, so I have to assume his Tsum will be chill as well. Probably won't like the attention from just being next to the Tsum though. They bake something.
Ace is going to struggle. His Tsum will be a menace. He's gonna have the roughest time getting it to behave. Bonus points if he makes a comment about how hard it is to deal with someone like his Tsum and Riddle just looks at him like "...." We all know the face.
Ruggie. Oh Ruggie. I've been waiting for him since he ditched Jack in the first Tsum event. He's going to have a bad time. This Tsum is going to be hungry and eat everything in sight. RIP any meal Ruggie could hope to have, he blinks and the sandwich he had is gone. Ruggie and his Tsum will have beef, it's inevitable. Maybe they could be partners in crime at the beginning, but at the end this Tsum will not be one for sharing.
Jamil. He needs a break, this Tsum probably won't be too bad. He'll freak out over it, ready to deal with any issue that can come up. Stresses himself out over nothing much, just this Tsum's existence and presence is making him stress. Maybe the Tsum also stresses over Kalim.
Vil is going to have a nice time with his Tsum. He's typically a pleasant person, I can see him and his Tsum bonding. Doubt Epel will have a good time though "Oh no, there's two of them now!" Maybe a bit like Riddle and his Tsum.
Idia won't want anything to do with his Tsum. He'll want to nope out of this. Until he and his Tsum bond over their introvert, anime-loving, gamer boi similarities. Idia is gonna be real sad when his Tsum ascends away.
Silver (bless him) will have a chill Tsum that doesn't mean to cause issue but will. The Tsum will sleep in awkward places that bother people, like the middle of a room or on people's heads. Silver will just be apologizing and gently taking the Tsum away. Until he inevitably falls asleep with the Tsum somewhere. Bonus points if the Tsum can be a savage like Silver occasionally is with Sebek.
Malleus and his Tsum are going to stare at each other a lot. Malleus is going to find his Tsum very interesting. As Malleus will likely be the SSR, if there is conflict with his Tsum we can see a truly angry Tsum they have to chill out. Or the Tsum can have magic like Malleus, making hijinks ensue.
Either way, I'm looking forward to this event!
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zeynatura · 9 months
Ranting about Nucani
There is something I want to express and this fandom should know.
Nu: Carnival is a Harem game but unlike most games in the genre the relationships with MC are all canon within the same story, there are no "Routes", no "Alternate Universe/Timelines", it's all 1 Main Story where you get to gradually meet all the Characters who'll be your companions, in this game named Clan members, and all of them one way or another end up falling for Eiden (MC), which makes polyam relationship canon with Eiden as the center:
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Like very few games have polyam representation, let alone a positive one, like yes the polycule it's very Eiden central but even then all the Clan Members interact with one another, as we see mainly in the time limited Events but also in the Main Story, and have friendly and amicable interactions, they rely on one another sometimes even without Eiden being involved.
But also, Aster and Morvay have a relationship established too since way before the events of the prologue of the game, Kuya and Quincy have hinted some sort of situationship (idk I don't care about Quincy and my knowledge about Kuya is limited to what happens in the story and events cause I have no limited SSRs nor have I read any of his Intimacy Rooms).
[Also if any of you knows of any other relationship that have been hinted at that i'm missing feel free to share, i specifically ask of you to refer to only canon, i know in fanon anything and everything is possible and sometimes we may be missperceiving some interactions between characters so i ask of you to take those rose tinted glasses off and see unfiltered canon, it's hard for me too ngl so dw]
All this started with some posts I saw about ppl feeling bad for Yakumo and/or Edmond to be "forced into a polyam relationship" when they are the "most romantic members" and "deserve a monogamous relationship", their words not mine, as if mono > poly , but also do you really think they're against it!?
One thing is being Clan Members against their will (which is all Huey's fault btw), having to work together to regulate the Altars' Essence (or their own) and then another one completely is involving themselves in a personal and intimate way with Eiden, which the latter they all did in their own terms and out of free will.
Also i wanna share one of the best and my fav scenes with Karu, which i know not everyone was able to experience it cause it's hidden in the Intimacy Rooms of a Limited SSR, but it expresses exactly why the polycule is consensual.
Context: Eiden has been worrying about forcing the Clan Members to be with him because he is the New Grand Sorcerer, against their will just because of Huey's magic that ties them together and the responsibility of Regulating the Altars and basically maintaining stability in the Klein Continent.
His worries began (at least that i noticed) in "Eerie Escapade" (Halloween Event), that was also the first time Garu got hurt while protecting Eiden and the first time Karu got mad at him and fronted to yell at Eiden (which is my another fav scene of Karu omg i love him so much i gotta go back and take screenshots of that but that's for another post), the second one being in "Army x Blood x Oath" (which are the screenshots i'll show u)
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Because this are the Intimacy Rooms of Garu/Karu's Limited SSR this scene focuses on Eiden feeling guilty because Garu got hurt in the past (Halloween Event) and this time he lost his memory (temporarily, due to this event's story) and Eiden blaming himself for it all and wondering if they would be better off without him, but the same can and is applied to the rest of the Clan Members, seeing how Eiden met and approached Rei while respecting his privacy and independency even tho he's also a Clan Member and the newest introduced in the story, means that the Limited Events are also canon and part of the story because Eiden seems to be growing and learning from previous Events and showing that development in future Events and the Main Story.
Karu also mentions that Garu (prior to losing his memories) was also worrying about the same thing Eiden was, like 'what if Master (Eiden) stays with us just because of the contract with Huey? :c' and he calls them both idiots because they don't communicate and fronts to fix it! (Mighty Karu to the rescue)
And talking about "Eerie Escapade" that is also the event where Yakumo's possessiveness towards Eiden shows, i'll admit i haven't seen the last room but i feel like those people i mentioned before are using it as fuel to their idea, because if Yakumo is jealous of other Clan Members interacting with Eiden and "Wants him all to himself" that must mean he wants a monogamous relationship, right?
That just means Yakumo is a complex person that feels different emotions specially when it comes to the most important person in his life (Eiden) other than his grandparents!
And Yakumo feels guilty for having those feelings, not because of them being in a polycule and he not wanting to be in it, but because he has trauma and sees his desires and wants as selfishness and he would never allow himself to be selfish cause he doesn't want to hurt people, he's a people's pleaser! He lives with constant fear of hurting others like the Great Serpent did when it killed many (but apparently there may be more that meets the eye, because the current event hinted that the Great Serpent actually liked humans and took care of children ???)
And Yakumo dealing with those feelings along with his yokai powers as a descendant of The Great Serpent have been the main topic of his last 3 Limited SSRs, which is great because that means CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT~
Now unfortunately i cannot talk about Edmond's Intimacy Rooms as i'm missing ALL OF HIS SSRs (why do you hate me Edmond if ily) but from what i've seen he's also pretty happy being with Eiden, heck even HIS MOM is happy his son is with Eiden!
That's right, she's the first and only parent of the Clan Members that knows and approves of their relationship, if it weren't because most of them are orphan we could get many more... i wonder if Yakumo's grandparents are aware hmmm ... and we all know Olivine's parents are gonna HATE it xD and maybe Garu's wolf pack will approve of Eiden by the end of this event.
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epiphyllous · 2 years
culture difference (Malleus/Reader)
Everyone in the world except for you and Malleus seems to think you’re dating. It’s hard knowing for sure what the other person thinks, especially when there seems to be some miscommunication in terms of expressing how you feel– not that either of you are giving up. 
(Malleus visits you in the dead of night to hang out; you constantly are touching Malleus whenever he walks you to school– the whole college can’t believe two people can ever be this oblivious.)
Word Count: ~3k
Note: gender-neutral reader, 2nd POV ('you'), physically affectionate reader, insinuated shorter reader, never read the birthday ssr for malleus but I've seen (2) pictures
According to Cater, everyone and their mothers think that you are dating Malleus. You didn’t at first, but now you can definitely see why. 
It’s a miracle that the great Malleus Draconia, prince of Briar Valley, 5th strongest mage in Twisted Wonderland, soon-to-be Fae King (need you go on?) would be visiting you at the late hours of the night just to talk. For the most part, Deuce, Ace, and Grim didn’t even believe you the first few times you told them it was happening. And then once you invited Malleus to sit at lunch with you, they didn’t believe you when you said the two of you were just talking. 
“There is no way in wonderland that the two of you do nothing for three hours each night except talk,” Ace tells you during class. You glance up at Professor Trein and wonder if his glare will kill Ace first or yours. “I mean– don’t you run out of things to talk about?”
“To be honest,” you reply, “yeah.”
When he sputters, you quickly continue, “We can just sit and enjoy each other’s company too! Sometimes I study and he helps, or sometimes we do a face mask together, share snacks, watch the stars, feed his Gao Gao Dragon, or…” You trail off, “Or I just fall asleep by accident…” 
Ace looks at you blankly. “Ignoring the fact that all of those things are very DATING things. You tell me you sleep… ‘by accident…’” he says slowly, “together… in your bed-”
“So does he just watch you sleep or what-?!”
“Is history suddenly interesting to the two of you,” Professor Trein says, making the two of you turn back to your books in a snap, “or are you talking about something completely different?”
“No, sir.” 
“Sorry, sir.”
You glare at Ace when Professor Trein turns his back. “Can we talk about this never?” 
“Yeah, for real,” Grim mutters. “You’re gonna get me in trouble for once.” 
“Well, we were just wondering,” Deuce says in concern, and you sigh, knowing even you can’t get mad at the former delinquent. “If you aren’t dating Malleus-senpai, then…”
“What are you doing?” Ace finishes.
You stare at them. “You mean a person can’t hang out with someone else at midnight till 3AM and not have it be romantic?”
Ace stares back. “Everyday?”
“...Everyday. Unless I’m busy or something…”
Ace rolls his eyes and buries his nose into a book all of you know he is not reading. “And I’m the stupid one.” 
You wish you had a comeback.
In all honesty, you wonder to yourself how you can possibly be dating Malleus without actually dating him. Liking him is not a problem for you; your feelings for him went beyond friendship after the 7th night he visited you (can they blame you though?). 
But the fact of the matter is you are the first friend he has made in a very, very long time. With your help, he is able to make other friends, but in many cases, you think you might be his best friend– and vice versa. Would it truly be that far off to say that Malleus is overcompensating for his lack of companionship by spending as much time as possible with you, his first best friend? You care for Malleus enough to not want to ruin the friendship he is able to cultivate with you with romantic feelings. After all, how many friendships turn sour with the presence of unrequited love? 
…And how many friendships bloom into romances as a result?
It is weird to you, and perhaps it is because you are human, but you wonder why nothing has happened in the many weeks you and Malleus have spoken into the long hours. Had this been possibly anybody else with romantic feelings, surely, something… more would have occurred? It’s hard to think that Malleus is waiting on you to make a move, and much easier to assume that perhaps Malleus does not feel anything beyond camaraderie with you. 
Which is fine. You have always been affectionate and loving with friends and family alike, so technically you wouldn’t be missing out too much with Malleus as just friends. 
Or so you tell yourself, wondering if you should just take a gamble and test the waters– and hope for a bite.  
According to Lilia, Malleus recalls, everyone and their grandmothers think that he is dating you. He can’t seem to understand why; you treat him the same way you treat everyone else– for the most part.
Asides from the occasional heckler or attempted bully, you are kind, patient, and friendly to all of those you meet. You maintain a sense of approachability that allows everyone to find it easy to talk to you. He would know best of all, considering it was you who befriended him and allowed him to find others who could do the same as you. 
You are, as he finds out almost immediately, also an extremely affectionate person, both verbally and physically. It is rare if he does not see you hook arms with someone walking down the halls or hear you say a genuine comment, whether it is in prose or in that… meme language you have shown to him many times that he has yet to get a good grasp on. (Sebek breathes a sigh of relief.) You dare to hook arms with him as he walks to class together with you, pleasantly ignoring the way Sebek wishes for your downfall, and you provide him compliments with such fervor that he feels his cheeks warm. 
If this is your way of including him in your circle of friends, he could not be happier. 
But in other times, he feels you often exclude him as well, for reasons he cannot discern. 
Malleus thinks of seeing you hold hands with your closest friends and trying to pretend as though that does not bother him– that he does not wish to ask if you would hold his hand as well. He thinks of a quickly aborted hug when you had celebrated your good scores that he did not even have the chance to hold you in return before you jumped away as though surprised. For some reason, you are… uneasy around him at times, nervous and jumpy, and he cannot come to any other conclusion other than that you find him different from your other friend you are closer with. 
It is a hard pill for him to swallow, but he knows he cannot wish for you to see him differently or demand more of your affection as though he is entitled to it. It feels worse knowing that he sees you as more than a friend. 
Malleus has already sought out Lilia’s advice, and it is almost tragic to think that he has connected the dots of his own feelings only to realize that your feelings for him cannot be more different. At the very least, he would like to be with you as a friend and forgo what romance entails, but even this seems to be kept from him.
Still, Malleus is not one for giving up, though he admits he has his bouts of petulance. (You laughed the last time you caught him dragging his feet when his favorite ice cream flavor had run out and reassured him that you would find it next time for him.) And so he does what any traditional romance has done before him and opens doors for you, walks you to your class and back home, plays his instrument– a concert just for you, and shares his secrets with you (Gao Gao Dragon XIII is alive and well). 
You are always pleased whenever he does so, and it is with this hope that he takes with him as the school year continues. Though it stings him at times to know that others see the two of you as romantic partners already when that is far from the case, he is determined to make it a reality. 
Perhaps he should wish upon a star…? 
The nearest star that Malleus could wish upon is the candles that sit on his cake for however many number years he’s been alive. The only difference between now and the previous years is that he is celebrating with you and everyone else at the college– and he gets pied for the first time in his life.
He could not be happier. 
The firework display outside, courtesy of Lilia, dies out eventually, and pleasantly surprised, he finds that most of his party goers have enjoyed themselves to the extent of falling asleep on every surface available. He remembers that some of them had taken off early (Leona) or otherwise felt the need to turn in early (Azul), but the bodies on the floor still number many. He looks to the grandfather clock on the upper floor and sees that it has barely hit midnight. 
“You think Floyd-senpai or Jade-senpai might have put something in the punch?” He hears you joke, tiptoeing around the limbs that lie on the floor to get to him. “Or you think maybe we’re the only ones used to staying up after twelve?” 
Malleus feels his lips twitch into a familiar smile. “I would not put it past the Leech brothers to do so… especially if it affects Ashengrotto’s behavior in a way that amuses them.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t discount the practice we’ve gotten together staying up until daybreak either,” you reply, grinning up at him. You lift your hand to swipe at his cheek. “You still have bits of cream everywhere; you wanna go wash up?” 
In the strange quiet of Diasomnia dorm, Malleus follows you to the restroom you know the path to easily and diligently washes off his face and hair as you retell the events of the night.
“-and then Jamil-senpai had to run off after Kalim-senpai before he bought too many party poppers, and that was only half an hour ago.” You pause thoughtfully. “I wonder where they went.” 
“I also recall them planning to get food while they were out,” Malleus replies in amusement, “considering how the demon cat consumed half of the food on the table.” 
“Oh, Ruggie was so mad for that,” you cackle, and he finds that every laughter of yours is a joy to hear. “I had to hold him back from tackling the table and shoving things into his pocket. I told him he could take the leftovers too.”
Malleus does recall that particular part of the party as well, including the twinge of envy at how comfortable you were with your upperclassmen, and he finds that he wants his wish to be answered now. 
“For my birthday,” he says, “can you grant me one wish?” 
You blink up at him, surprised, and you lift yourself off from the bathroom counter. “Sure, I’ll do what I can,” you tell him, and his next words feel almost practiced.
“May I hug you?” 
“Huh?” You ask instinctively, though you quickly follow-up. “No, sorry, I don’t mean to make it sound like I don’t want to do it. I’m just surprised.” You tilt your head. “You know, you can do it anytime you want. Not just today.” 
Malleus feels like he’s been surprised too many times today, but here he is, once again. “I… can?” He blinks. “I… was not aware of that,” he explains. “I was under the impression that you were not inclined to embrace me.”
“Huh?” He hears you repeat yourself with growing confusion that matches his. “Since when? I’d love to hug you.” You quickly backtrack, stammering, “I-I mean, I love hugging in general.” 
“Then…” Malleus stops himself, feeling the thoughts in his head spin trying to interpret your words. 
“So… you want to hug me?” You say, and there it is again, your growing nervousness in your voice. “Sure! We can do that.”
He hesitates. “...Are you certain? I would not want you to do something you didn’t-”
Malleus feels your arms around him and he shuts up. 
Not to lose his chance again, Malleus slowly wraps his arms around you, briefly wondering where his arms should end up when they settle on your shoulder and the small of your back. He hears you quietly sigh in his embrace, and a feeling of intense fondness bursts from inside him at the thought of you. He holds you closer and feels reassured when you only bury yourself deeper in his arms. Perhaps it is the sense of fulfillment that comes with the aftermath of an enjoyable party, but you do not hold any qualms with staying right here with him for as long as he wishes to hold you. 
Malleus tilts his head down and gently places his cheek upon your head, breathing in your comfortingly familiar scent of citrus. 
Alas, eventually he must let go, disappointed as he may be. He softens his hold on you, and you slowly pull away from him, looking thoughtful. Perhaps he could convince you to embrace him more often?
“Thank you,” he says, “I-”
“Malleus,” you say suddenly, “can I kiss you?”
Truly, a wish granted, he thinks, and he holds onto your arms as you tiptoe to reach his lips. He is bending ever so slightly and tilting his head to what seems to be the best angle to press his lips against yours without bumping his nose with you– though he thinks he wouldn’t have minded at all if it still meant he could kiss you. 
He feels mildly validated by the fact that he was right about one thing: your lips are soft. 
“Is… is this what you do with your other friends as well?” Malleus asks, unsure, when the two of you part. He looks down at you and feels himself off-kilter when you squint up at him with amusement.
“Malleus,” you tell him with a hint of exasperation in your laughter. “Do you really think I kiss everyone on the lips? And hang out with them for three hours a day at LEAST after midnight? And tell them stupid stories about my childhood that still embarrass me to this day? Or even let them in my room at night, for that matter? (Very scandalous, you know?)”
Malleus feels his mouth open, and then close. He opens them again and finds that his knowledge on human courting is lacking to a mortifying degree. “I… suppose not,” he says finally. “It seems I am still unfamiliar with how children of man demonstrate their affections. But surely, not every person hooks arms or holds hands with their friends and hugs every acquaintance they see during the day?” he continues, watching your face darken with embarrassment. 
He cannot help but feel his lips form what Lilia refers to as a pout and his tone grow a tinge petulant. “And even if they are common-day actions for you, you seem to not allow me the same privileges of friendship– if that is what they are.” 
“But I do hook arms with you!”
“And the other actions?”
He watches you as you stammer for a moment before collecting yourself. “It-” You clear your throat. “It feels different for you,” you say, pressing your lips together, and Malleus itches to touch them. 
“It’s- It would mean something to me if I held your hand or- or kissed you on the cheeks…” You sigh suddenly, losing steam. “I’m sorry,” you say, “I get why it’s been so confusing for you now. But it’s been confusing for me too, okay? I just thought if you thought of me as more than a friend, you would…” your voice grows quiet out of embarrassment, “I don’t know, do something.” 
“It is not within fae culture to do something that is unwelcomed,” Malleus says just as quietly. “What would you have wished I had done to express my feelings?”
You sigh again, a little more exasperated. You throw your hands up in the air. “I don’t know, like pin me up against the wall or something-”
That is not a hard thing to do, he thinks. He quickly maneuvers your left hand to be pressed against the wall, his fingers curling over your wrist to feel the way your pulse quickens. His body almost blankets over yours as he takes his free hand to lift your chin up to meet your eyes. He feels you shiver. 
“And then?” Malleus asks, his breath ghosting over yours. He already sees your eyes close reflexively when he asks, “What would you have me do?” 
“Oh my!” The two of you hear Lilia’s voice ring out much too closely for comfort. “It seems birthday wishes are being granted tonight?” 
Malleus has never seen you move so quickly before, but granted, he finds himself jumping away reflexively and turning to Lilia as though he has caught him red-handed with his fingers in the cookie jar. (Not cookies made by Lilia, mind you.) He respects the way you compose yourself enough to address Lilia because he feels like his heart may jump from his throat if he were to speak.
“L-L-Lilia-senpai! Hey, when did you get here?” You ask, fidgeting. 
“Oh, you know,” Lilia says, waving his hand vaguely. Malleus expects him to elaborate but he never does. Before you can stammer out another response, “Glad to see that the rumors are indeed true. Good night, you two.” 
Lilia leaves with a mild flourish, leaving the two of you alone once more.
“...You know…” he begins to hear you say, “everyone’s been saying they thought we were already dating way back.”
“I have heard the same as well.”
Malleus looks back at you, and when you start to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, he finds himself unable to not join in. In fact, you’re laughing so hard, you’re beginning to double over, using his arm as a support that he is only glad to provide. 
“Oh man, talk about culture differences,” you say, your laughter dying down. He feels your hand trail down until you’re entwining your fingers with his, and he looks to see you smiling up at him. “Can’t believe we’re the last ones to know we’ve been dating.” 
“Yes, though in retrospect, I find it to be a blessing in disguise,” he says, brushing your hair behind your ears. His hand is close enough to feel the warmth of your cheeks, and he has never felt luckier. “To know that you have felt affection for me for that long that other people would notice…” He smiles. “This is truly a night that will be unforgettable for me.” 
Malleus squeezes your hands, and you squeeze back just as tightly. If he bends down to give what the both of you consider to be a romantic gesture, well, no one but the two of you will know. 
Kissing you is the best privilege he has ever been given.
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