#mactavish family household
brewed-pangolin · 4 months
I’m making it canon that Soap was actually raised in a big fucking family and I mean big, from my understanding there’s a good size Catholic community in Scotland, also was raised by two parents who are absolutely in love with each other and thus enters you. Soap makes it his damn mission to not only knock you up if you are a person with a uterus but he’s got the biggest breeding kink I’ve ever seen and just the thought of this fucking beefy man, absolutely destroying you just to create, what’s in his head, a perfect little family ughhhhh makes me sweat and cry and puke and drool!
I agree with the first part 💯! And I'm going to do a bit of a self plug here.
My fic First Flight of the Scottish Hawk breaks down the dynamics of the MacTavish household.
He has two sisters, three brothers, and two parents who absolutely adore him.
I won't lie, I could gush so much about this. I have a special place in my heart for this fic. But I don't want to bore anyone with that.
From here we move onto the baby making factory that is John 'Soap' MacTavish.
Just a bit of NSFW under the cut...
Once you and Johnny decide it's time to add to your own family, you'll be hard pressed to have a moment of peace to yourself.
Man's on you like clockwork. The menace even has an app that follows your cycle. Knows exactly when you're most fertile and will bury himself so many times into your aching cunt that you'll be nothing by a babbling mess by the end.
He desires nothing more than to see you heavy with his child. Watching as your overly plump belly moves with the next generation of his family name. And he'll put as many mini MacTavish's in you as you so let him.
Now, I'm going to go onto the side of the spectrum because I am of this ideal. And I know I'm not the only one who stands here.
Johnny is a man who has nothing but respect for his lover. He may have a breeding kink like no other, but if the one he loves does not desire to have children, then he's still game.
Adoption is always an option. And it doesn't always have to be children.
You want to raise a family of Scottish deranged huskies. He's in.
Maybe become the resident cat household that welcomes all those felines who were cast away and forgotten by previous families? Soap's got two cat condos in his Amazon cart and ready to purchase an overpriced cat tree.
How about a farm with a family of goats, cows, a miniature horse, and a donkey? He's already signed the mortgage for a plot of land nestled in the country.
The point is that Johnny loves who he loves. Whether they want a family of mini MacTavish's or to run a sanctuary that puts the local zoo to shame.
Johnny boy will stick with you thick and thin. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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losersimonriley · 4 months
I know some of us like to pepper Gaelic endearments into our ghostsoap from time to time and I thought hey! Maybe I should finally share my little headcanon as to how Soap even came about knowing the language in the first place:
I like to think that his granny (who raised him and his siblings) was from the Inner Hebrides and grew up using it. She moved to the lowlands after marrying, became a Gaelic-medium teacher. Thus, Soap attended the school she taught at and had a Gaelic-medium education throughout primary. (Gme students are taught completely in Gaelic from p1-p3 with English being incorporated later.) While not continuing it in secondary, he still had a fluent adult at home keeping the language fresh in his mind. That’s. The bare bones of it anyway.
Anyway I wanted to share this because I’ve seen the occasional person say it’s ridiculous to suddenly see him speaking Gaelic in fics (which is a very fair point of course. few people are immersed in it, it remains a threatened language) but the thought of someone who wanted to include it in their work who then might not because of this is disheartening. Should they do the proper research beforehand, it is plausible when given the right ingredients.
It’s a language that should be celebrated, not discouraged, especially given the history. Having a character know it just really depends on the different factors you throw into their backstory. Even if the author doesn’t explain it, it should then be up to the reader to assume he’s not just pulling the language out of thin air. Idk, if call of duty fanfic of all things can expose people to Gàidhlig and garner interest in some to learn a bit of the language, I just. That is a good thing
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childhood best friend!soap x reader
There was nothing better than a family get together than at the MacTavish household. There was always an abundance of good food that you got to partake in because according to Johnny's mother, "You're just as much as family as Johnny is."
You tried to ignore the way you always got butterflies in your stomach when she implied you and Johnny we're practically dating, and instead waved it off to the fact that the two of were best friends.
Everyone in the family knew you and Johnny seemed to pride in that fact. He beamed when someone said they were happy to see you for another party and when they said they hoped to see you again.
You thought everyone knew you until he showed up.
It was a normal get together until one of Johnny's cousins, who was much older than the two of you and one that you had maybe seen once or twice in your entire time of knowing Johnny, showed up.
At first you didn't think much of it, especially when everyone was happy to see him.
"There's the kid. Steamin' Jesus, you've grown," he greeted Johnny when a big hug.
He didn't pay much attention to you.
Instead he talked Johnny's ear off. Caught up with him as if the two talked regularly, told him a couple stories about his recent military excursions, which explained the absences, and joked with him.
You tried to join in, showing interest since Johnny was and since it was his family, but they talked over you, as if they both had forgotten you there.
As if Johnny had forgotten all about you.
It stung a little but you couldn't blame him, it was his cousin. This was a family get together he had a right to spend it with his actual family and not you.
So instead you left them alone without excusing yourself and talked to someone else. You got more food, played games with his other younger cousins, and eventually found yourself anxiously waiting alone.
It was late and you were supposed to be back home because you had to be up early tomorrow. Johnny was supposed to drive you, but after waiting for nearly an hour and a half, you came to the conclusion that he had forgotten.
"Oh, pet are you still here?" His mother gave a concerned look but you gave her a weak smile. "He's still talking with his cousin..."
You just shrugged. You were more hurt now and too afraid to open your mouth in case it gave it away.
It was his cousin, you reminded yourself. He hadn't seen him a long time.
"I can take ya home, it's dark out." His mother offered but you shook your head.
"It's not a far walk."
You didn't miss the worried look she gave you or the underlying annoyance she had in her eyes that wasn't directed towards you.
You closed your back door when Johnny called you. You didn't say anything when you answered.
"Mam said you walked home, I thought I was taking ya?" He asked immediately and you clenched your jaw.
"It's fine." You dismissed him with the best neutral voice you could.
On the inside you were hurt. He ignored you all evening and only said something to you as soon as you were gone. You weren't sure if you wanted to tell him off or just brush it under the rug.
"Anyway, I wanted to tell ya that I'm going Herefordshire with ma cousin this weekend-"
"I thought we were going to the lake this weekend?"
Silence. You could feel and hear your heartbeat in your ears your vision slowly blurring.
"No, that's not-oh it was this weekend." He sounded almost...disappointed by the thought.
You were ready to just end the night.
"It's fine," you lied and swallowed the lump in your throat.
"You sure?"
You wanted to say no, that you were a little hurt and pissed off he not only ignored you the entire evening but was now ditching the plans the two of you had made weeks in advance, but you didn't.
In hindsight it wouldn't have made a difference.
"Yeah." You lied again.
"Thanks, bonnie!" You could hear the smile on his face. "I'll see ya at school tomorrow."
Johnny ended the call before you could even say anything.
You spent the rest of the night in your room clutching your bunny very close to your chest, unable to sleep due to your racing mind.
A/N: i took some inspo from his wiki
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cod-dump · 6 months
When Simon and Johnny FINALLY start dating Johnny’s dad invites them over for a bbq
Price and Johnny’s dad (I’ll give this man a name because I don’t want to keep calling him “Johnny’s dad” so I’ll just call him Noah)
So Price and Noah become friends and I mean really great friends but Nikolai doesn’t like this and thinks that Noah is trying to steal his man so he keeps giving death glares and Ava (Johnny’s mother) sees this and is like “absolutely fucking not” and so she confronts Nikolai and she’s like “you got a problem with my husband?” And she does NOT play and Nikolai isn’t going to let himself get disrespected by this 40 year old woman that’s 5’2 so he starts talking back and the it just turns into an argument
And price and Noah are the ones to break it up and Simon, Kyle, and even Farah are all hiding inside and are dying of embarrassment
Later Ava and Nikolai make up and then actually kinda become friends but they still hate each other a little so they’re frenemies
Johnny was also hiding inside with Simon but his sisters were outside cheering their mom on
(P.S at some point during the argument Ava started yelling at Nikolai in Gaelic and so Nikolai also started yelling but in Russian.)

My names for Soap’s parents are Isaiah and Muriel but I like those!
A MacTavish Party (teen!Ghost au)
(warning: A lot of silliness ahead. I mean, I was really trying to see how silly I could get it. Just really trying)
(Also, random facts at the end to clarify somethings)
It was like the MacTavish family leapt into celebration when Simon and Johnny finally started dating.
Simon thought his dad sitting him down and giving him a more adult version of 'The Talk' was embarrassing, but Johnny's family was literally throwing a barbeque to celebrate. Johnny was on speaker phone with Simon and Kyle when his sisters had busted into his room and started singing a made-up song to congratulate Johnny on finally asking out his crush. 'Pussy No More' was the name they gave it.
It was the funniest thing Simon ever had the pleasure of hearing, and hearing Johnny die of embarrassment before hanging up so Simon and Kyle couldn't hear anymore just made it better. Clearly Johnny had the more embarrassing family and that made Simon feel at ease for some reason. Maybe because he didn't have to worry about his family doing something to make him want to bury himself alive.
The entire Price household was invited and Simon was told he could bring anyone else if he wanted. So, of course, Simon called Ale and asked him and Rudy to come along... and asked Alex to come (and totally not so he can watch him and Kyle squirm while in the presence of their father and Nik). Simon knew Johnny asked Hong-Jin and his sisters to have their boyfriends to be there so it wasn't like there weren't plenty going on to distract John from the clear weirdness between Alex and Kyle.
"I fucking hate you," Kyle muttered as they walked across the street to Johnny's house, Alex hanging way back behind everyone as if he was scared if he got too close that John would just know.
"Hate me all you want, doesn't change the fact that we're brothers and that you're stuck with me."
Kyle's glare hardens and Simon pretends he doesn't see it, John already at the door and ready to knock when it swung open and Johnny's family grabbed his arm and practically threw him inside. Simon saw Johnny further in the house, looking like he was arguing with his eldest sister, Eve.
"Come in, come in! Simon!"
Isaiah was a friendly man, but it felt like that friendliness increased tenfold the moment Johnny and him started officially dating. Simon was relieved that Isaiah liked him and hasn't been aggressive about Simon dating his son. It made him wonder if Johnny or anyone else had a word with Isaiah beforehand.
Simon was pulled into a hug and Simon could hear Johnny whining in the background, "Pa, please!"
Isaiah releases Simon and turns to look at his son, "I finally have another son and I'm not allowed to hug him!?"
Simon did take pride in the fact, out of all Johnny and his sisters' partners, he was the only one Isaiah liked enough to call his 'son'. That did put Simon in a tricky position with the boyfriends of Eve and Carol, both seemed desperate for Isaiah's approval. And here Simon was, getting hugged and having a party thrown over the fact he was (finally) dating Johnny.
John cleared his throat and offered up the casserole dish he carried over, "I know you said not to bring anything but-"
"Hey, I'm not going to complain. I know for a fact you are one hell of a cook! You could compare to my wife!"
Johnny grabs Simon's attention by taking his hand, Eve making 'oohing' noises when he did. He casted a quick glare at her before dragging Simon off through the house to the back garden. Kyle followed, then Farah, and then Alex.
"I'm so sorry about my dad... and my sister... and I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize for whatever the rest of my family do."
"It's like they're throwing a baby shower, welcoming a new kid into the family," mused Farah as they walked into the thankfully MacTavish (other than Johnny) vacant space.
"You would think! Pa yelled 'I have another son' after I told him about Simon and Eve's boyfriend almost started crying."
Simon wanted to feel bad for Jay considering him and Eve had been dating for a solid two years now, but the guy stole Simon's lunch that Johnny's gran packed for him and he hasn't forgiven him for that. It was her famous lamb stew, so no, he's not being petty! Johnny had a couple foldable tables set up near the back corner of the garden near the fence. There was enough space for Simon and his tagalongs and Johnny and Hong-Jin.
"Wait, where's Hong-Jin?" Kyle asked as he put his book down on the chair he had chosen.
"He's coming in a bit. What about Ale and Rudy?"
"Ale is working an extra shift at his aunt's shop and Rudy is... Actually, I have no idea what Rudy does when he's not with Ale."
"... Is he a hitman?"
Simon snorts out a surprised laugh at Alex's quiet question. Farah just rubbed her forehead, clearly trying to hide the fact she wanted to laugh at the sincere question.
Kyle groaned at his boyfriend's seriousness, "Alex-"
Everyone flinched at the unmistakable voice of Hong-Jin from the other side of the fence. The fence shakes as Hong-Jin suddenly pops up on the other side of the nearly seven foot privacy, climbing over. He clearly met to drop down once he was on the other side of the fence, but his shirt got caught when he let go, causing him to flip over before the fabric ripped and crash to the ground. Everyone just stared in silence, Johnny looking fed up with Hong-Jin as the boy laid there without moving, clearly just defeated by his failed attempt at being cool.
And, of course, Johnny's mother had stepped outside with a tablecloth to put on one of the tables when this occurred. And her reaction would suggest this wasn't the first time she's witnessed something like this.
"Honey! You could've just used the side gate!" Muriel called, not even a bit worried about the boy as he finally got off the ground.
"Fence was quicker," Hong-Jin squawked out, the air knocked out of his lungs and his words not carrying like they normally do.
Hong-Jin straightens his back, Muriel making sure he was okay before she went back inside. The moment she went inside, Hong-Jin turned to Johnny, and in a voice only low enough so anyone from inside couldn't hear him, he asked a question.
"You still a virgin?"
Johnny's face turned red and Simon's did too as Farah, Kyle, and Alex started laughing hysterically. Johnny lunged at Hong-Jin with the clear intent to strangle him, the boy dodging to the side while somehow keeping his composure.
"It's an honest question! Are you gonna wait 'til marriage or-?"
God, he's just like Ale.
Simon covered his face, Farah patting his shoulder while wheezing. Johnny continued trying to fight Hong-Jin, face burning bright while he cussed out his friend. The yelling summoned Isaiah, who just froze Johnny and Hong-Jin in place with just a single glance.
"Johnny! We have guests!"
John walked out beside Isaiah, "Oh, don't worry about having a filter. I've heard worse when I served."
Isaiah whipped around to look at John, "You served!?"
That sparked something and the two men started talking, walking back inside. Johnny blinks before he looks at Simon and Kyle.
"Our dads just became best friends. I just know it."
Simon snorts and Johnny would abandon his mission to kill Hong-Jin. The evening would continue on and everyone would start helping bring out food for the grill and setting up a table for all of the dishes (the cold dishes being kept inside until later). Johnny's grandmother would appear, giving Simon a firm hug before she would turn to Hong-Jin.
"Honey, my sweet! I'm so glad you came! Does your mother want some food for later?"
"Gran, we already have so many of your containers!"
"You can bring them back with more of that kimchi your mother makes," Gran said with a smile.
"I'll ask my Umma to make some more for you."
"I would love that. And I would love it more if you didn't try jumping the fence with it."
Johnny had mentioned that his grandmother and mother were best friends with Hong-Jin's own grandmother and mother. They were friends before they had even known about each other, which led to them meeting and inevitably becoming friends. He was a practical MacTavish (by Johnny's mother and grandmother's words) and Simon was somewhat nervous about joining that status.
"Who wants to bet who will get here first: Nik or Alejandro or Rudy?"
"Ale and Rudy are coming around seven... Nik will probably spawn in the driveway after work or whatever the hell he does."
"Hmm, still don't believe that."
Kyle snorts and Simon rolls his eyes. All attention turned towards the house as Isaiah came out and went to the grill. Knowing that the MacTavish family was filled with amazing cooks, everyone started getting excited. Food, MacTavish made. Can't get better than that! Everyone started coming outside, Johnny's sisters and their boyfriends, his parents, grandmother, and John came out with Nik.
"Nik's here... before Ale and Rudy? Pay up!"
"Fuck, there goes my ten dollars."
"Shouldn't have betted on the horniest guy we know and his perfect boyfriend who he worships to show up before Nik."
"Why did you say his name like that?"
Simon decided to step into the house to call Ale, dodging affections from Nik who clearly had the intent of embarrassing him as he did. When he returned outside, Johnny ran up to him and whispered.
"There's a cake with 'pre-married' on it that Eve brought. I am so sorry-"
After dying from the description of the cake, the barbeque went off smoothly. Isaiah and John were attached at the hip at the grill, talking like they were old friends while Nik silently watched them from the food table. Simon was trying to stick with Kyle and Farah but they followed Alex when he got grabbed by Hong-Jin and now they were... dancing? They were doing something inside the house in the living room that appeared to be dancing. So Simon stuck with Johnny who soon was snatched by his mother and grandmother into the house straight to the kitchen.
Which left Simon, alone at the table because he was too nervous about following Johnny into the kitchen and definitely didn't want to join whatever madness the others were doing in the living room. He was debating on joining Nik where he was when Jay and Carol's boyfriend (was it Oliver?) walked over to him and sat down. Simon tensed up, having not spent any alone time with the two like... ever.
Jay was twenty-two and Oliver was nineteen, so they were old. And considering how Carol was, Oliver was weird.
"So, finally said 'fuck it' and got with a MacTavish," Jay started, speaking in a low voice like he might summon one of Johnny's family by mentioning their surname.
Oliver grunts, "Already the favorite, too..."
Jay grins, "How'd you cheat the system?"
"Maybe it's because his dad's military. Look at them, Isaiah could kiss him!"
Oliver said that in a particular louder tone than what Jay had been speaking in, clearly with no shame or fear. Coincidentally, Nik's rather blank staring had hardened and he looked less than friendly by this point. Simon blinked when he noticed, unable to recall the last time he ever had seen Nik make that face.
Eve walks over to them and Simon relaxes as she grabs Jay by the ear, "You! Stop tormenting my little brother!"
Simon always did like Eve.
"Babe- AH!"
Jay gets up and moves away from Simon, ear trapped in Eve's hold but he made no attempt to free it. Oliver blinked when Eve snapped her gaze on him, standing quickly and leaving towards the grill where Carol was talking with her dad.
"Go inside, Si. Think Johnny could use some saving from Ma and Gran."
Simon snorts before he stands and quickly makes his way inside. The moment Simon passed by the kitchen and Johnny saw him, he immediately started trying to get away from his mother and grandmother. Both women were speaking in Gaelic, sounding very loving yet sad. Maybe reminiscing memories.
"Ma- Gran-"
"Can I see my boyfriend?"
It was like using that word flipped a switch, Muriel and Emery gasp before they started cooing. Using the 'B' word seemed to strike them in the heart, freeing Johnny from their hold and letting him leave with Simon. Johnny was blushing, grinning as they walked into the hall.
"What?" Simon asked while matching his infectious smile.
"You called me your boyfriend."
"Is that not what you are?"
Johnny's smile widens, stepping closer to Simon. Simon felt his heart beat fast with how close Johnny was getting. But he didn't back away, he even leaned forward. The honking of a horn out front of the house made them snap out of their daze, blinking in surprise at the sudden, very loud and familiar noise.
"Simon! Lamejandro is here!"
Johnny couldn't help but laugh, having not heard Farah's 'affectionate' nickname for Alejandro before. Simon ran out of the house, finding Alejandro and Rudy getting out of Alejandro's car. Simon was quick to smack Alejandro's shoulder, the boy gasping in a feigned hurt as he clutched the box of drinks to his chest.
“How dare you!?”
"Told you to not honk the horn," Rudy said bluntly as he walked past Alejandro, patting Simon's shoulder as he goes by, “Congrats on getting a man, finally.”
Alejandro wheezes as Simon bites his tongue. This was going to be a long night, he just knows. They head back inside and Farah looks at Alejandro from her place on the living room floor, Hong-Jin beside her. Alejandro froze when they made eye contact, Hong-Jin looking at Farah as if he was waiting for her to make the first move on how to proceed.
“Can you dance, Lamejandro?”
Rudy quickly grabbed the drinks from Alejandro when it looked like the boy was going to either drop them or throw them to the floor.
“Oh? Can I dance?”
“That was the question, are you deaf?”
Simon snickers and leads Rudy to the dining room where a lot of drinks and utensils were being kept, “She’s going to bury him alive.”
“I’ll help her.”
Simon looks at Rudy, “I thought he was the ‘love of your life’?”
Rudy just looked at Simon while he placed the box down, “You know just as well as I that Ale’s ego needs to come down several hundred notches. If nothing is done it’s going to pop.”
Simon laughs as Johnny walks into the dining room. Rudy turns and looks at him, Johnny freezing in place. That’s what happens when you’re effortlessly gorgeous, you freeze people in their tracks… also Rudy could be terrifying. Johnny would’ve remained frozen there if Simon didn’t motion him to come over. Rudy showed mercy and looked away, allowing Johnny to walk over.
Of course, something had to happen. Though things were weird, it was expected. But Simon was really hoping nothing bad would happen, or anything negative. He expected too much considering so many interesting people (adults and children) were shoved into the same place. Andy, the youngest of Johnny’s sisters, ran in. She spotted him and Simon and pointed to the door she just ran from. Simon’s blood ran cold when he heard a steady rise of voices, an unmistakable argument.
“Ma’s ‘bout to fight that weird guy with the sunglasses!”
Simon was out the door, Johnny right behind him, before Andy could say any more. And there they were, Nik and Muriel MacTavish, yelling at each other in their respective mother languages. Simon picked up on most of what Nik was saying, which made him cringe. He didn’t understand anything Johnny’s mom was saying but judging by her family’s faces… it probably was on par with Nik’s obscenities.
Johnny’s grandmother came over and ushered Simon and Johnny inside, Andy slipping around them to join her sisters in cheering for their mother while their boyfriends watched in awed silence. The last thing Simon saw before being pushed inside was his dad getting in front Nik and pushing him back while Isaiah just came over and scooped up his wife and moved her away.
“Oh- Go sit with your friends. I’ll handle this.”
The look in Gran’s eyes made it impossible for Simon to doubt her. She went back out the door and it closed a little harder than what was necessary, Gaelic being muttered under her breath, and Simon staring at it in horror. Johnny silently grabbed his hand as they heard the yelling suddenly stop, both of them walking back to the living room rather quickly. Everyone greeted them with staring, wide eyes and not a single one of them daring to say anything.
Simon tugged Johnny along and they sat down on the couch where Alex was. Alex stared at them, eyes flickering to Kyle who was on the floor (maybe doing some strange alien dance before everything happened) as if to ask him how to proceed. The only thing keeping Alejandro from saying something was Rudy’s firm hold on his bicep. And Hong-Jin just looked too in shock to say anything.
So Farah said something.
“What the fuck is going on out there?”
“Was fighting with my mom…”
Everyone became horrified.
“… well, so much for a wedding-“
Hong-Jin was smacked and Simon was flooded with fucking embarrassment over everything he just witnessed. Of course Nik would some how get into a fight with Johnny’s lovely mother! Of course he would-
Kyle ended up going to spy out the dining room window to see if he could learn anything. Simon was just replaying the image of Nik and Muriel yelling at each other, red faced and the clear fact that everything was escalating. Simon couldn’t recall ever seeing Nik like that… and it disturbed him. He was always so calm, silent in anger but always kept his head level. The most he ever had was a blank expression, a twitching eye and a tone in his voice. Not that.
“Si,” Farah said, Simon turning look at her.
She seemed to know what he was thinking and just reached over and placed her hand on his knee. Simon feels Johnny lean against him and he breathes out. God, something just had to happen…
Alex stood and went to go check on Kyle after a few minutes of uneasy silence. Simon and Johnny just leaned against each other, Farah sitting next to Simon and Hong-Jin, Alejandro, and Rudy sat on the floor. No one knew what to say, none of them expecting something like this to happen, not when everyone was so excited and happy. It just came out of nowhere. Everything was too quiet from the adults and Johnny’s sisters and their boyfriends, and Kyle hasn’t returned with any news.
The silence ticked on and it became too much for Simon. Alejandro noticed and cleared his throat.
“So… I was gonna wait until later to be a smartass but-!” Alejandro jumped up, “I think I’ll give it to you now. Be right back.”
Alejandro leaves, Simon hearing the front door opening and closing. Rudy just sighed, obviously knowing what Alejandro was getting.
“He thought it would be funny…”
“Thought what would be funny?”
“Matching tombstones,” Hong-Jin joked and Johnny snickered in response.
Farah rolled her eyes, “Bit expensive for a joke.”
Rudy grins, “You have no idea what Ale is willing to do for a joke. He will dip into his college savings his dad set up to accomplish one if he has to.”
Simon laughs knowing it was true. Alejandro loved a good, elaborate joke or prank. He could believe him misusing the money his dad saved up for him for a joke… but only if it would be hysterical. He’s not that eager to dance with death.
Alejandro returns, a rather small box in his hands. The smirk on his face made Simon groan, pre-annoyed by whatever was in that box. Johnny was staring hard at it, like he was trying to look through the box to see what was in it.
“Ale… I’m going to kill you.”
Johnny leans over to look in the box after Simon finally spoke after a moment of silence, “Wha- No-“
Alejandro starts laughing, proud of himself clearly, as Simon takes out a fucking collar. Hong-Jin starts cackling, Farah covering her mouth and snorting at the sight. Rudy just sighed, though he was definitely amused by his boyfriend’s antics. Simon drops the collar back into the box before he hands it off to Johnny. Simon stands and Alejandro jumps away, his laughter becoming more erratic as Simon tries to grab him.
After minute Simon managed to Alejandro, and that’s when Kyle and Alex returned from the dining room.
“Hey, I think-,” Kyle stopped talking when he entered the room, Alex bumping into his back as a result.
Simon releases Alejandro after Kyle stares at him for a good five seconds, of course judging him.
“So- Uh, find out anything?”
More judging staring before Kyle finally says something, “I think they resolved whatever that was. They were talking but whatever they were talking about made Johnny’s sisters get bored.”
Johnny snorts, “Oh yea, they’ve made up.”
The rest of that evening was rather tame. There was no more fighting or shouting matches, just smooth sailing. Whatever Gran did worked because now Nik and Muriel were rubbing shoulders, probably being even more friendly than what John and Isaiah were. Simon was glad whatever that was was now over, he was still mortified by the whole thing.
“At least they’re friends now…” Johnny murmured as he sat next to Simon in the corner.
“I was scared they were going to throw punches,” Simon mutters back.
“My ma would win.”
Simon snorts, the image of a man Nik’s size getting taken down by Johnny’s tiny mother was rather hilarious, “I’d pay to see that.”
Eve had pulled out lawn darts and Simon had a feeling it would be safer to sit in the corner away from Alejandro. Rudy was standing behind him, trying to get him to not fuck around because he might hurt someone. Hong-Jin was no help because he was daring him to launch the dart at a bottle balanced on a fence post.
“Ale, no-“
Of course Alejandro had to throw it. He cannot refuse a dare, his ego wouldn’t allow it.
“What did you do with the box?”
“I- SHIT-“
Johnny jumps up and runs into the house. The last thing they needed was someone finding a box with collar with Simon’s name on it. That would really be the icing on the cake.
Fun Fact/pieces of information for the fic!:
'Honey' is Johnny's gran and mom's nickname for Hong-Jin cuz they think he's a very sweet boy :) (Johnny called him ‘Honey’ once and got slapped because he wasn’t allowed to use it)
Eve is Johnny's eldest sister, she is in college and is twenty-one. Carol is eighteen. Andy is sixteen (she torments Johnny the most out of the sisters because of how close in age they are)
Johnny's dad is around 6'7-6'8 while his mom is barely 5'3
Rudy is trans, still working on fleshing out his story in the au. Hopefully some more things with Rudy to help build up his background in the future!
Isaiah is described to be ‘oblivious’ and scattered brained. It’s just undiagnosed ADHD (where do think Johnny got it from?)
Jay and Oliver are decent guys, they're just a version of weird Simon isn't too familiar with. They're kind of jealous Isaiah jumped on liking Simon so much so quick but they don't care too much considering they're still liked and a part of the family
I have two sets of names for Soap's family. One set is used for when Soap has a good relationship with them in the au/fic and the other set is for when they aren't on good terms! (though I haven't had a chance to use the other set of names yet)
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trtlebuns · 11 months
Who would’ve thought?
Random things about T141 + Alejandro & Köing
Tags: Fluff and cursing (maybe?)
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Alejandro Vargas
my man my man my man!!!!
Alejandro HATES!!! Spicy foods, even though he is Mexican and grew up in a Mexican household he CANNOT handle anything spicy
Wakes up at 6:45 everyday
His comfort clothing includes: a tank top or T-shirt with grey joggers and black/socks
He would often cook the meals (very house husband of him)
Hates alcoholic beverages, like he’ll drink them but won’t enjoy them
Favorite color is: Rosewood Pink
Favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry
He doesn’t wear cologne
He takes his skin care VERY serious
When he’s angry or excited he would talk in his native tongue
Will call out of work if his hair isn’t “hairing”
Likes to kiss you on the forehead near your edges
Likes to watch you get dressed
Wants to have a big family
If he could be any cartoon character he would be Milo from fish hooks
Has a tattoo of your initial behind his ear
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Listens to lofi and jazz
A light sleeper
Hates pickles
Wears his mask in public but at home he wears a big sweater with a large hood to hide most of his face (specifically a deep purple sweater)
Likes all of the avengers movies and if one is coming out he would buy tickets in advance (like 3-6 months in advance)
Likes strawberry milk but is severely lactose intolerant
Hates raisins but likes grapes
His comfort outfit would be: at home, a onesie to match yours or if in public ( like he goes out there willingly) would be a hoodie and joggers with crocs
Enjoys putting on his eye makeup while you do your makeup
Still doesn’t know what “beat this face to the gods” mean, even though you only say it when you do your makeup
Is happy with being with you and having a cat or two (or any small animal of your choice)
Prefers to eat ketchup with anything
Likes sardines
Likes to hug you from the back
Favorite color is: Mulberry Purple
He wears your initial as a chain
Has a dad sneeze
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GHOST (Simon Riley)
Hates anything super sweet or sweeting in general
Prefers coffee (black) over tea, but would drink it if it’s the only thing around
He likes pumpkin spice lattes (yes he’s a basic bi- brit 🫣)
Secretly adds weapons to you car every time he gets in it
Like why do you have a knife in your cup holder?? How did that get there, you wonder
Orders steak every time you guys eat out anywhere “fancy”
Wears a face mask when he’s out
Your nickname for him is “beady eyed brit”
Only kisses you on the cheek and the temple
He rolls his eyes at everything
“Omg mon, you didn’t have to get me this??” You said happily as you hugged Simon. “I wouldn’t have gotten it, if you didn’t stop pestering me about it” He sighed and rolled his eyes knowing that he would buy you the world if you only mentioned it once
He loves peppermints
He likes to watch you…just do you
You’re in the kitchen? Boom, he’s leaning on the fridge watching you. You’re in the bathroom fixing your hair, Boom, he’s sitting on the toilet seat just staring. You’re walking around talking on the phone? Boom, he’s right there in arms distance listening and watching you. Just watching
He listens to classical music
Comfort fit: anything that’s lying on the floor closest to him or anything that seems comfy to him, could be shorts and a shirt or joggers and topless as long as he’s comfy he don’t care
Prefers to be just with you but wouldn’t mind stretching the family
He likes to skip rocks
He knows how to skateboard
Weirdly obsessed with peanut butter because of the “protein”
Favorite color is: Juniper Green
He goes makeup shopping with you because you need to know what type of eye makeup he wears that lasts through literal war
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SOAP (Johnny Mactavish)
Hates coconut flavored anything! It could artificial or down to the real deal he HATES IT
Likes to yell at the tv
Must take a bite of your food, it doesn’t matter if you both have the same thing or not. He needs a bite and his reasoning is “I’m testing for poison”
Get you a man who CARES!
Would rate your burps out of 10
Let’s you paint his nails
He spills the tea and so do you
Johnny bursts through the door, and started you “BIIIIIIITCH!!!” Johnny says as he shakes his head walks towards you, you already know the tea is piping HOT! “Let me tell you what price done said over the phone just now” he says as he props down on the bed and you get into a sitting position “I’m all ears babe” you get ready for the most juiciest information of you life
Likes to pee/shit while you’re in the bathroom (it’s his favorite activity)
He rock climbs for a hobby
Favorite color is: Coin Silver
Always calls and never text in advance that he needs to talk
Comfort outfit: pajama bottoms, bunny slippers, and topless or a tanktop
Likes to sleep in cold temperatures
Tackles you with hugs and kisses whenever he sees you
You’re on the phone trying to pay a bill? Boom, he’s right next to you kissing your head and hugging you from the back. You’re trying to get ready for work? Boom, you’re making out and now you gotta call off work…AGAIN!
Listens to a lot of Megan thee stallion because he heard you playing thot shit
Hates the texture of cottage cheese
He’s a horrible cook and so are you, but you both try your best and end up ordering out
Likes to throw things at you and act as if he had no idea what you’re talking about when you ask if he threw something at you
“Ow, what the fu-“ you say as you scratch your head and look at the ground and see an orange crayon on the floor. You look up and see Johnny at the table with a coloring book and crayons “J did you just throw this at me” you question as you raise the crayon. He looks and you and you look at him… “I have no idea what you’re talking about” he says calmly as he goes back to coloring. You sigh, “then how did this get over here?” You roll your eyes and put your hand on your hip. “It must’ve been already over there” he shrugs while continuing his activity with a small smirk pulling at his lips
Likes to eat haggis ( Scottish bastard )
Knows how to play the flute
He would like to have 3 kids and 2 dogs (specifically a Rottweiler and Doberman)
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
141 + extra When everyone is sick
I am sick. And because I am sick, I thought about doing some thing dealing with some of the COD characters with not just you, or them, or your children sick, but Everybody sick. Let’s be honest one person just doesn’t get sick and then the other people are fine in the household most people if one person gets sick, the whole household runs with that same disgusting germ. If you are a squeamish 2, the usual illness that includes potential, throw up, fevers, coughs, mucus, and whatever else comes out of the crusty eyes of everybody who is sick, then this story might not be for you. Enjoy~
Also, if you want to leave a question, or ask for a theme for a head cannon, or a short story, please feel free to use the ask box!  It’s always open!
COD x Female Character
Warnings: sicknes and other related things, fluff
Captain John Prince
• It started when the girls came back home from school.
• At first they just had sneezes which you didn’t think much about but then the next day their sneezes have turned into coughs and sore throats.
• There was no fever, so you still sent them to school with a packet of Halls for each of them and some kid friendly medicine.
• It was around 2 o’clock and you were almost ready to pick them up from school. When you receive a phone call from the teacher letting you know that your two children have a fever.
• A day later you had caught whatever bug they had caught
• And now your young toddler, son is also down with whatever.
• John is much more susceptible to colds and can handle them. He was doing his best to make sure that everybody was taken care of.
• It honestly broke his heart, saying that his whole family was practically crumpling underneath this little illness.
• He made sure to stay on top of the medication and would do his best to help you with the kids when they weren’t feeling good.
• To make sure that he didn’t get sick, he decided to sleep in the guest bedroom.
• Makes the best chicken noodle soup this side of England!
• Reads to his children while keeping a safe distance from them.
• If you’re burning up and not feeling well, immediately gets a bath going for you.
• He wants to be close to you and the children again and he misses hugging them and you.
• One of the only people that does not get sick.
Lieutenant Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
• You two had eaten some thing that did not settle well in either of your stomachs.
• While, Simon was capable of looking like he wasn’t in pain, you were a different story.
• You were throwing up almost every hour and your stomach hurts so bad.
• Did I forget to mention you’re pregnant with his first child?
• Simon does everything he can for both of you.
• He make sure that you both take the medication on time and he’s very precise with keeping you guys on track of drinking water and taking charcoal pills to eliminate any toxin in your body.
• He’s asking you if you are OK.
• Even though this wasn’t his fault, he still feels like it is.
• You remind him that there is nothing, he could’ve done since neither of you knew that the food was tainted with something.
• He rubs your belly at night, trying to ease the pain that you are feeling, and that your child are experiencing.
• At night, you hear him throwing up. You see him crouched on the side of the toilet, puking out whatever liquids were in his stomach.
• By the time he’s done, he all butt collapses on to the floor, exhausted.
• You help him up and he get him to brush his teeth then you to go back to bed with one trash can mirror each of your bedside.
Sergeant Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
• Johnny and you had come down with some thing.
• It was a cold, rainy day in Scotland while he and you were hiking.
• You hadn’t expect it to rain so soon.
• It has been a beautiful day out on the highlands when suddenly you got drenched.
• You were now wet and cold and you had at least half a kilometer away from your car.
• Johnny made sure to get you warmed up with a nice hot shower and to make you guys both some soup.
• You could tell by his face he wasn’t feeling good either.
• Another good news was that you made sure to have the freezer stocked with soup bases, and stock as well as soups for cold days and emergencies.
• You to sit on the couch, cuddled together in your blankets, trying to stay warm and drink your soup.
• You take some Advil before heading off to bed.
• The next morning you feel worse than you did.
• You could hear Johnny moaning as he was puking up his contents from dinner.
• His puking caused you to have a chain reaction and you started to feel the bile rising up.
• Next thing you know you’re racing towards the bathroom to throw up as well.
• But it’s too late for you as you suddenly release most of your contacts on the bedroom floor, staining your carpet in the process.
• Johnny sees this and does what he can to finish up with his issue before coming over to help you at least make it into the bathroom before a second wave hits you.
• Your whole body is burning up.
• You decide to start a hot bath for both of you.
• You’re shaking for how cold you feel.
• Johnny does his best to keep you both warm.
• He lays a ton of kisses on your for head as he whispers that it’s going to be OK.
• He is very clingy and wants to be holding you and touching you at all times.
• Some thing about sharing body heat to keep you both warm.
• Just an excuse to hold you.
• He also promises to do a better thorough check on the weather the next time.
Sargent Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
• Gaz was the one that got sick first.
• You’re not exactly sure how he got it. He just came home with a cough and a scratchy throat saying it was nothing.
• The next morning, he woke up with a lot of pain in his throat, and it was making it difficult for him to breathe properly.
• Worried you take him to the doctors and you find out that he has strep throat.
• The doctor gives you the medication you need to help treat him and suggest that you stay away from him as best as you can.
• This hurts both of you since you both want to be close to one another especially in the time of need.
• Gaz makes a phone call to price letting him know that he won’t be in at base due to strep throat.
• Captain Price wishes him well and sends him a speedy recovery.
• Gaz hates taking medicine. He’s not a big fan of bitter stuff.
• But he will do anything if you get to play nurse for him.
• Slightly clingy, but not nearly as clingy as soap.
• Whines a little about not feeling well.
• He doesn’t complain much because he knows you’re doing your best and he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re not doing your best.
• He falls asleep faster if you’re in the room sitting in a chair next to him.
Commander Alejandro Vargas
• The commander is very similar to John. He rarely gets sick, but he hates seeing you get sick and more importantly he hates seeing his children get sick.
• His youngest daughter started not feeling very good a couple of days ago.
• His little baby girl was sent to the hospital to make sure everything was OK.
• She had just picked up the bug that had been passing around the area.
• Do you love watching your husband take care of his baby girl.
• He acts as if her life depends upon him solely to take care of her.
• The other two kids are advised to stay away from their youngest siblings room until she’s feeling better.
• They write her all cards, telling her to get well soon.
• Your two eldest children help you make fresh broth, so that their sibling could have some nourishment.
• Alejandro also knows that he is potentially at risk for catching whatever she has. So in order to keep the disease from spreading, he also sleeps in the guestroom.
• He does miss not being with his family.
Sergeant Major Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
• Your son has always been a weak child from the beginning.
• Since the moment of birth, Rudy and you had to go to the doctors office quite more frequently than what most babies had to go into because your son suffers with autoimmune disease.
• When he was first born, you almost lost him, because he was so weak and born as a preemie.
• Thankfully, he has gotten a lot healthier, but it still considered a very small baby even for his size.
• It was one of those days where he was not feeling very good. While a normal cough or sneeze doesn’t harm a person can absolutely destroy your son.
• Rudy and you are in the ICU making sure that your son is in good hands and being watched over.
• Rudy is nervous but he chose not to show it for you.
• He loves his son dearly and wants the best for him he wishes that he could take his sons pain away.
• His son had to get some IV drips into him.
• Both you and your husband will stay in the hospital for sometime.
• Nothing beats a good day, playing out in the snow in Austria, however; that day will be very short-lived as the whole family gets whammied with an illness.
• The only one that isn’t sick is your baby boy who is staying with his grandmother for the time being as the rest if you get healed up.
• König is not a very healthy person. He doesn’t necessarily have an auto immune issue, but he does catch colds a lot faster, and he sustains them a lot longer than most people.
• Unfortunately, this means that all the work is put on you.
• He really wants to help with the responsibilities, but he can’t even move out of bed without the world spinning, and he hast to collapse back onto the sheets or risk blacking out.
• His girls fare better and you’re doing OK with just a sore throat and a slight fever and mixed with a headache.
• Since you are all sick, you decide to just all cuddle up together in bed.
• König is passed out fast asleep, and the two little girls are squirming around, trying to get comfortable.
• You’re doing your best that you can and you’ve already gotten the medicine from the doctors for the girls and your husband and yourself.
• One morning you wake up to somebody brushing your hair and you look up to see König with some hot coffee ready for you.
• He was feeling a little bit better this morning and wanted to do something nice for you.
• He feels really bad for not helping you with the girls even if you tell them it’s fine.
Alex Keller
• You’ve got pneumonia.
• Alex is like a Labrador retriever.
• He will get you anything that you need or want.
• He woke up in the middle of the night
• He then heard you crying, which helps him get up faster.
• You are in pain and the rattling in your lungs is the evidence of that pain.
• Alex does everything that the doctor prescribes you.
• You have to wear a nebulizer for a few minutes every handful of hours.
• He brings you clothes in his arms as you two are watching a TV show while your nebulizer is wrapped around your face, making a Low hum as it is pumping you with the steam.
• The way you’re laying on his leg is making him uncomfortable, but he’s not gonna say anything to you.
• Right now he’s focused on making sure that you are OK.
Philip Graves
• Philip has never been one really to get sick.
• He Springs back from a lot of things really quickly. It would literally take a bomb to put him under and even then he would still find away.
• He’s not feeling good but he’s got work that Hass to get done and no amount of stopping him is going to keep them from doing his work.
• That is until you get up into his face and pretty much force him back down on the couch when he tries to leave with a 102°f (39°c)fever.
• He grumbles about some thing for Work stating that he can’t miss on his job.
• So you make him go to a doctor and you find out that he has Covid.
• He gets a doctors note and calls in sick from work.
• Yeah, you’re petty.
• You make sure to get the bedroom set up nicely for him and also make sure to have water by his bedside so he’s not dehydrated.
• He grumbles more about how he can handle himself.
• You threaten to call his mom.
• He shuts up.
• He now begrudgingly has to deal with you, tending to his care
• The worst part is he actually enjoys it, and will find any excuse for you to be near him.
• He will ask five or six other times to bring him more tissues, or to fluff up the pillows or tuck in the sheets a little bit more.
• He tries to kiss you after every task, but of course you dodged them telling him he did not want to get Covid.
• He just gets grouchy again.
• Once he’s better, he plans on taking you out to dinner for all your hard work and making him feel better .
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I imagine that Soap worked /hard/ to figure out how Ghost likes his tea.
Ghost wouldn't just tell him because he enjoyed seeing the sergeant becoming more and more frustrated with the fact that he couldn't get it right.
But Soap wasn't planning on giving up, when he is sets his mind on something he will eventually achieve it. He tried every single type and flavor of tea he found, he tried making it with milk and without it. Soap tried adding lemon. Ghost looked at him in disgust when he noticed a slice of citrus in his tea. Soap changed the sugar from normal to brown, he tried several types of honey.
Ghost was adamant saying that he still had it wrong.
One day Soap sat on Ghost's desk when the Lieutenant worked on some paperwork work. Ghost had his mask pulled up, sipping on his perfectly made tea. Soap talked to Ghost about the call he got from his sister, filling the office with noise.
Ghost pretended to be annoyed, but he appreciated Soap's company, his closeness. It was actually helping him with getting through the work faster since his mind wasn't occupied by all his unpleasant thoughts. Soap filled his mind with stories from his day, funny or not so funny attempts at jokes and his family drama.
Ghost was sure that he knew way to much about the MacTavish household than someone who was never a part of it should. Sometimes he wished he could be a part of it, to meet all the people Johnny spoke so highly about.
Soap looked at the cup of tea, scanning it like it held some big secret.
"You won't get it right just from looking at it, Johnny."
"I am painfully aware, Lt."
"Giving up, already?"
"Ohh, It's not at all what I said. I have a plan to make your tea better than how you make it."
Ghost crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "I would love to see that, Johnny."
Soap looked determinated but his fingers were tapping the desk in a frantic rythm- clearly stressed.
"You can go make it now, my cup is almost empty."
"Sure thing." But Soap didn't move, he grabbed Ghost's cup and drank the rest of the tea.
"Wha-" Suddenly Ghost was being yanked up from his chair by his collar. Their lips connected.
And oh yeah, Ghost could taste tea on Soap's lips but it wasn't what he was focused on. He could taste Johnny, Johnny's hand was caressing his cheek and God did the constant pulling on his collar do things to him.
Soap was the first to pull away- only a little bit so their noses still brushed against each other. Ghost's eyes were closed, lost in feeling. He could feel Soap's breath on his lips.
"Was it good enough, Simon?"
"Never had better, Johnny." Whispered Ghost.
"Ye can get more, if ye want." Soap smiled brightly, putting his hand on Ghost's chin to make him look up.
"Yes, please."
+ bonus
"So... Will you tell me now how you really drink your tea?"
"You made it perfect the forth time you tried. I just enjoyed your struggle."
"Ah, go 'n' bile yer heid!"
I am sorry for any mistakes, I read it two times but my dyslexia is not helping 👀 I hope you like it ❤️
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The Perfect Christmas Setting (Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader)
Summary: It's officially your first Christmas with your boyfriend - long time coming - so you'll need an appropriately decorated house.
AN: I took part in a Secret Santa fic swap run by @bunnyreaper and my Secret Santa is @piratesfromspace! Hope you enjoy this fic that ignores MW3 to write my own canon and was kinda inspired by “Me and My Husband”.
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Content warnings: 2nd person, some hurt/comfort, mostly domestic festivity
You had never invested so much of your paycheck into decorations. Tinsel, baubles, Santa statuettes, all in clashing colours and combinations, the Christmas paraphernalia were contained by several bags and sat now in your sitting room, brimming with as much cheer as you were with pride.
Johnny was teeming in the corner, arranging lights around the blue spruce you’d chosen as the main event in your household. Several photos of Johnny hauling it into his truck filled your phone, plus a video of him grumbling about how “the prickly bastard” kept poking him in the face, dangerously close to taking an eye out. You’d only known you were getting a tree for a few hours at that point. Johnny had woken you up early – the morning after his arrival from a lengthy excursion with work. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning as he told you about his old traditions, showing you a few old photos his sister had dug out of a family album. Then he proposed his idea for the rest of his leave: forging your own Christmas traditions for your first holiday together.
The transient nature of his job meant he’d seldom celebrated in his own home in the last decade. It wasn’t your first year as a couple either; unfortunately, your history with Christmas had been one of separation of many thousands of miles. Maybe, if you were lucky enough, you’d get a quick call with Johnny. But this year, you were your own family unit and able to celebrate Christmas on the actual date. That meant you could do whatever you wanted together, and what Johnny wanted was the full shebang.
Warm lights (the icy ones would be saved for decorating the house) displayed their varieties of settings whilst Johnny fidgeted with the dial, switching back and forth between flashing and . Meanwhile, you unpacked the tree trimmings, ranging from traditional red and golden orbs that reflected a cartoonish version of yourself in the glitter and glass, to a Colin the Caterpillar bauble that Johnny spied and subsequently adopted on your behalf.
You started hanging them up, humming along to the Christmas tunes, thankful that you’d talked Johnny out of going carolling. Meanwhile, he was squinting at the lights before he tugged at your sleeve.
“You don’t think there’s a weird gap here?” His hand waved vaguely around the torso of the tree.
“It’s grand,” You reassured him, rubbing between his shoulder blades as he bent in half to double check the spread of decorations up close. Attempting to match his focus was impossible but it was helping you ignore how he could be called away at any moment. That was the other hidden reason for going all out on the Christmas decorations: Johnny wanted this place to be as cosy and as Christmassy as it could be, like it would comfort you in the instance he wasn’t here. Part of you wished that his job could be as predictable as the so-called most wonderful time of the year. However, the rest of you accepted that it wasn’t and let you continue untangling the endless yards of tinsel to wrap around the banisters later.
Eventually, Johnny tired of peering at the lights and joined in organising where each bauble should go. You suppressed a few giggles whenever he moved a few around so that there was an even (ish) spread, no two decorations put near one another like divorced parents at a family reunion.  
“D’you think we should’ve gone with the silver and blue set? Might’ve looked more together, more on theme,” Johnny placed his hands on his hips, clearly conjuring up a variety of variations of what your sitting room could’ve been.
Instead of replying, you finished hanging up the red ceramic heart near the top. Then, from your back pocket, you withdrew and fixed a slightly-too-large Santa hat on his head, adjusting it by the snow white fur trim around his furrowed brow.
“You’d make one hell of a Sexy Santa,” You said when you were pleased with the outcome.
Johnny’s absorption in the festivities broke up in a smile, “Not got the beard for it yet.” And, to prove it, he wrapped his arm around you and forced you to endure his stubbled chin rubbed against your forehead. “Now answer my question please.”
“It looks great,” You insisted, “More personal, less IKEA showroom.”
“Don’t act like you don’t pretend to live in every showroom we come across.”
“That’s all pretend though. This is real, our first real Christmas.”
He kissed you, very sweetly, which didn’t prevent you snorting against his loving lips as you realised his suggestion of silver and blue decorations might have rendered your home appearing more Scottish that him. It struck you as quickly as your next train of thought, your body leaping out of Johnny’s embrace at the eureka moment.
“Oh! We haven’t even-” You and your voice faded down the hallway, words too muffled for even Johnny’s keen ears to decipher. He waited patiently for your return and was rewarded for his patience with you carrying the rest of the bags you just remembered existed, dragging them into the sitting room to complete the claustrophobic crowd of Christmas content.
“Darling, we said we’d wait until we finished the tree first!” Johnny said with no real exasperation in his voice.
“I can’t wait! Don’t make me!” You pleaded, as if you weren’t already opening the little reindeer statues to line up on the window sill. Johnny couldn’t deny you, not with how your face lit up brighter than any collection of bulbs covering your tree – like when he suggested ordering a twerking musical Santa toy. You clapped eagerly at his assent and began humming the opening to "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" whilst placing down each respective model along the ledge.
Just as you were placing Rudolph at the helm, the music came to a halt and the sound of a ringtone took over the speakers, accompanied by Johnny’s phone buzzing on the couch arm. Balancing on one leg as he reached over, his face went stiff and he began to make his way out of the room.
“One sec,” He said, bending down to bestow a kiss on your head as he went past.
Instantly, you connected your own phone to the speaker and turned up the music, knowing Johnny would go straight to his office for the duration of the call as to not be disturbed. But the nature of the call was already disturbing your fragile peace. Your stomach was swirling and promoting a greasy queasiness. Already clumsy enough, the circumstances made it harder for your hands to wedge the batteries into the glowing sleigh.  
Trying to tune in to the next song was impossible when there was a lull between the two songs. Your brewing panic took advantage of it and accelerated your noisy thoughts, hitting a crescendo with the footsteps returning to you in ominous timing with your sinking heartbeats.
At least you might have time to put the star on top of the tree together before he went.
“Everything ok?” It came out strained, and the first syllable caught in your throat.
As you looked to see Johnny nodding, you noted there was no bittersweetness hiding on his face.
“Yeah, Price just approved my annual leave. So no more work calls.” A flick of the wrist landed his phone squarely down the back of the couch cushion and retrieved from behind his back - “Ta-da!” – a vermilion and forest green elf hat that he arranged it upon your head before he took your tense body up and spun you to face the mirror over the fireplace.
“What do you think?” He spread his arms out as wide as his grin, glowing over your shoulder with his efforts (and also the ugly jumper he insisted on wearing), both of your reflections surrounded by countless bits of yuletide tat that you’d unpacked but not yet organised circling the half decorated tree. This elf hat likely wasn’t hard to hide a secret purchase amongst all of that. Bells tinkled softly by your ears as you tilted your head.
Effects of emotional whiplash took hold of you and the glowing sleigh dropped from your hands, spewing the three AAA batteries under the couch and into the tinsel pile. You locked yourself around Johnny’s middle with all the strength you could muster. Hard muscles beneath the gentle woollen caress of his jumper were solid enough to ground you back in your holiday paradise, his firm squeezes slowing your heart rate until it was at a regular pace again, his subtle cinnamon cologne (bought special for this time of year) thawing your fears in the hearth of his love for you. You only drew back to bop him on the nose with the bobble from his Santa hat and deliver your answer.
With his rosy cheeks close enough to warm your own, you whispered with teary eyes, “It’s perfect.”
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
What do you imagine Soaps childhood was like?
My personal fave headcanon is that his family made the legwork for making Johnny so puppy-shaped. You know, in the usual ways. Making him follow orders, punishing him when he was bad, rarely giving him a treat when he was good. Making the dogs chase him for hours to teach him lessons. Giving Johnnys room to their dogs when they realized that he was not as well behaved as them. Making him sleep outside in the dog shelter, even when it snowed. (That's where his fear from dogs stems from and also where he learned to tolerate coldness so well).
ok wait wait wait hold on. im always SO torn on johnny's childhood. like there are so many different angsty opportunities, and just because i love to make my characters suffer i usually imagine him with no family. (ghost has no family and rejects the thought of ever having one again vs. johnny has no family and is constantly begging for a new one, anyone?)
by the way you mentioning johnny is afraid of dogs? one of my FAVORITE carry-overs from captain mactavish. i love imagining puppy johnny hating Real Dogs
ok so i tend to imagine soap as growing up in a suuuuper feminine household. im talking four older sisters or smth like that, maybe even by a single mother (or maybe a dad who was one of those "yes dear" kind of husbands who just lets his wife do literally everything and chills his entire life). works for what you said - im an only child so i wouldn't know but it's a steryotype that older sisters run their younger brothers ragged right?
also just for comedy's sake, i love the image of johnny "raised by 5 women" mactavish showing up to bootcamp and being like "oh this is a cakewalk" because his sisters put him through hell and this is like. nothing. probably super unrealistic but a girl can giggle
allll that being said, the idea of johnny coming from an abusive household and then meeting ghost and being attracted to him in part because of the mistreatment... the dark horribleness of it all does something for me
johnny, whose spent his whole life being bossed around and looked down on, disregarded, and he isn't shocked when it's mostly the same in the military. but then he starts getting positive attention and ohhhhh.... oh, that changes things
and then he meets Ghost. the meanest motherfucker he's ever met, but the best CO (other than price) he's ever had, and those glimmers of approval are fucking addictive. doesn't take johnny long to start doing damn near everything for even a head-nod from ghost, and doesn't take too long for ghost to start taking advantage of that too
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soapybutt17 · 9 months
Light of My Life
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Summary: The New Year meant new things for everyone in the Price Household. A not-so new face had also become an addition to the chaos if it all. Characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Price!Female Reader. John Price. Simon Riley. Soap MacTavish. Word Count: 3,146 Chapter Warnings: None A/N: @glitterypirateduck: here is part two like I promised. hope you enjoy~
Part 2 for Your Are My Sunshine
Masterlist | Series Masterlist || Request are Open
“Why are you more nervous than me?” Kyle couldn’t help but point out the moment the car has stopped in front of a rather large farm house a few hours outside the city.
As Kyle stepped out of the car and gazed up the vast expanses of rolling green hills, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. You had always spoken about your family’s farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, but nothing could have prepared him for the sheer grandeur of the place.
The farmhouse stood proudly at the crest of a gentle slope, its stone walls weathered by centuries of wind and rain. Ivy clung to its sides, giving it a rustic charm that was impossible to resist. A slate room crowned the structure, and a tall, stone chimney sent a plume of white smoke spiraling into the clear blue sky. The whole scene was like something out of a fairy tale.
You led Kyle up the gravel path that wound its way to the front door, and as they approached, he couldn’t help but notice the colorful flowerbeds that lined the walkway. Brilliant reds, purples, and yellows contrasted with the lush green grass, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors that he would have only seen in movies.
As you finally knocked on the door, the noise from the inside of the house halted. Kyle had only notice now in his amazement the array of voice that could be heard from the inside.
Opening the door, your father, Captain John Price, stood talk. A deep frown rested on his lips the moment his eyes met him as well as your own. The frown grew even bigger the first moment he caught sight of your hands holding onto his own.
“Darling. Sergeant.” Price had acknowledged, opening the door further to let the two of you inside.
That had somehow surprised him. The Captain’s reaction was the last thing you would have expected to give him at this point after hiding his relationship with his daughter and how he had downright lied through his teeth for well over a year because of it.
What surprised him even more was the sight of two familiar co-workers that also seemed to be just as surprised as the two of you the moment you step foot inside.
“What the hell are they doing here?” You questioned but your question was immediately tackled into a hug by your mother.
“You finally brought your boyfriend along. He’s a handsome fella too.”
Kyle was left stun by the short woman—shorter than you were which was saying a lot as you barely reached his shoulders and you were a few inches taller than her. But her height did compensate at how much of a firecracker she was as he was being pulled away from the pack of lion ready to devour him.
With the two of you dragged into the kitchen, Kyle was had come to realize that the apple doesn’t fall far from the three as she began her array of questions about your drive to the farm, and how meeting his parents had gone. All of which you had answered with the same enthusiasm as your own mother. The smile on your face return, Ghost and Soap being in the house was momentarily forgotten.
“I’ve dealt with your father and the two boys for you two. So you’re both safe from them for the rest of the night.” She winked towards him and he had let out a sigh of relief because of it.
“Thank you.” Kyle spoke. “I’m sorry for coming without notice.” He apologized being another mouth to feed for tonight.
“Nonsense. When I learned that Simon and Jonny were coming I’ve made food that is enough to feed the entire army.” She spoke as a matter of factly. “Besides, I am still hoping that my daughter would finally bring you along to meet us. I’m happy that she finally did—even if the circumstance isn’t on your end on this.”
Kyle nodded before turning towards you knowing the implication of his arrival.
“Now since I’ve pulled you two away from the chaos of the three boys still in the living room, why don’t you two head upstairs to your bedroom to freshen up, I’ll deal with your father for you for the time being.”
John Price was not happy one bit. Not even the fact that he was home for once for the holidays could brighten his mood. Not even the fact that all his children were in the same room or the fact that his own sets of children in the base were also here to celebrate the New Year could brighten his mood.
How could he be so blind to not see it?
His daughter that had been through so much growing up with a father that gave you so much empty promises that it took him years to even allow him to make his own and keep. The daughter that might not have been his blood but he loved just the same like the rest of his own. The daughter that he would die over and over again if it meant you were happy and safe.
How could he have not seen the way you look at his boy Gaz, the man that he had immediately taken under his wing since the incident in Piccadilly. The man that he had hope to be better than he could ever think of being in his career. The man that was torn and pulled apart for the war that had no beginning nor end. The man that he would take a bullet for if it ever come to it.
How could he not see the way you two look at each other the way that you did in front of him now?
“They look so in love. He looks are her just like how you look at me.”
His attention had turned away from the happy couple and turned to his own beloved. When he had first found out about you and Gaz making out in the parking lot for Soap and Ghost to see, he had a mind to drive straight to Gaz’s house just to beat the living shit out of the man, but his wife was godsend. Immediately putting her foot down at his plan and brought all the anger he had to a halt.
“I don’t look at you like that.” He muttered, refusing to admit as such—not wanting to be compared to Gaz at the moment.
“So you don’t look at me with love, John?”
“I didn’t say that.” He muttered turning his attention back to the pint of beer in his hand. “I have my own way of looking at you.”
“Like you want to get into my pants?” She teased him.
“I mean—” He trailed off with a smirk, earning a light slap onto his chest and the all too familiar giggle from her.
“You’re impossible.” She rested her cheeks against his shoulder, her eyes glued to the picture perfect sight of their daughter and his—Sergeant. “After everything we’ve been through, I never thought I would see the day that she’s happy with someone.”
“She had always said that she swore off men after what her father did to you.” John grunted, the memory of those words still haunted him.
How such a little girl like you back then had been forced to grow up and see that not everyone could be kind—not even your blood. It was a statement that had haunted them all for years. If he’s not as good as Daddy John, I don’t ever want to have any man. It was a revelations for him back then, not only how your mind works as a toddler, but how you had finally called him Dad instead of the Mister Price or Mister John. It was at that moment that he had vowed to himself that he would make sure you had everything you could ever want, protected from any kind of heartache that may come into your life.
“She ate her words.” His wife acknowledged. “Don’t be too hard on Kyle. You always said that he was a good man. What difference does it make now that he’s seeing our daughter?”
She was right. She was always right when it comes to situations like this. But he couldn’t help but still be the overprotective father to you. He could throw you into the deepest parts of hell for missions because he was confident in your capabilities, but this was different. To him, he couldn’t do anything to save you from any form of heartache that would come your way.
“I don’t want her to get hurt anymore.” John finally admits.
The boisterous laughter of his children and that of Soap filled the air, the way you had egged Soap on with Kyle as his kids tackled Soap to the ground. But his mind was still filled with the dread of such a possibility. He could not see himself being able to see you heartbroken all over again over a man that disappointed you. He did not have the heart to look at Gaz the same way if he decided to hurt his baby girl.
“We can’t stop that, John. You and I know that. All that we could do is be there for her if ever the time comes. But seeing Kyle, seeing him with our daughter, I doubt that would even happen.”
“How could you know?”
“I just know. You have to trust me on this.” She winked finally standing up and announcing it was getting close to midnight.
John’s eyes turned towards the clock. It was few minutes to midnight and the New Year. With one command from him for everyone to head outside for the fireworks. Everyone scrambled out, Soap and the kids dashing out and racing to see who would be first. It left John and his wife for a moment in the sudden silence of their home.
“I trust you.” He whispered to his wife as they walked hand and hand outside to everyone standing around waiting.
The crisp cold air immediately hand him pulling his jacket off and wrapping around his wife. He had also noticed the same gesture that Kyle did for you. His jacket wrapped snuggled around you and you beamed at him as thanks.
Again, his wife was right.
As everyone awed at the fireworks that began to explode into the air, his arms had wrapped around his wife, but his gaze shifted back again towards you, how you snuggled into Gaz’s arms, both of your gaze up towards the sky as everyone began to countdown to welcome the New Year.
Happy New Year!
The dark skies burst bright from the fireworks, and he had pulled his wife in for a kiss. Well over two decades together, who would have ever thought that this would be the life he would have for himself.
“Happy New Year.” He whispered against her lips before his attention turned back to every single one of his family.
His children wrapping their arms around Simon and Soap as they wished them a happy new year, to his daughter that had her eyes close and forehead resting against Gaz’s own, words that he couldn’t read were exchange between the two of them before Kyle gave you a gentle kiss on the lips, the nose, and finally the forehead.
Maybe his wife was right. Gaz could make you happy again.
“Dad! We’re on holiday!”
Kyle couldn’t help but smile at your overprotectiveness for him and his sake. But for the past twelve hours, he was left unscathed at the hands of his Captain and the two overprotective older brothers you had earned in Soap MacTavish and Simon Riley. It was a win on his book but not something he would want to test.
So when his Captain had asked him for a quick walk out in the open fields the following morning, he did not even attempt to refuse the offer. But it did scare him that he had been adamant that Simon and Soap to not join along even as the Scot had insisted on it. He knew well enough to know that he wanted to talk, not as his Captain, but as the father of his girlfriend.
“It’s fine.” He tried to reassure you but the frown on your lips grew deeper refusing to break the glare that was still directed at your father.
“I agreed with your mother that I will not do anything during the New Year party, I never promised not to after.” Price had pointed out with a grin, it was his own little way of getting on your nerves and it was working far too well than even he would expect.
“You’re impossible, Dad.” You muttered plopping yourself onto the dinner table for breakfast.
Kyle turned to look towards your mother as she had placed a place of full English breakfast in front of you with an extra serving of eggs just like what you always liked. She shared a pointed look with her husband whose smile slowly fell before making his way outside to wait for him.
“Don’t worry about him, his bark is worse than his bite.” She had reassured but Kyle knew it wasn’t always the case. Working for him for as long as he did, his bite was all the more worse than his bark especially when he was certain it was for the greater good—greater good for this case was his daughter.
“I hope so.” Kyle joked, but the fear was all too evident in his voice.
Kyle had ignored Soap’s teasing as he finally made his way out of the house. His Captain was patiently waiting with his arms crossed against his chest. The moment he had noticed he was out, he began to walk and Kyle was left to follow him in silence.
It had been a five minute walk, the cool morning air a welcome companion to what he would expect would be a heated discussion between him and the man walking in front of him. All the anxiety of the secret he had hidden from him had continued to eat him up as the walk continued but he was afraid to start the conversation.
“Did she ever tell you about her biological father?” Price had began as they had halted by the herd of cattle by the meadows.
“Yes Sir.” Kyle responded.
It was the first thing you had ever told him early on in your relationship, how it had shaped the way to view relationships in general. He had know early on that there would be a possibility of what they had to be over before it had even started. He had thanked his lucky stars that it didn’t. Lucky enough that he could be everything you had hoped out of a relationship that you wanted and needed.
“Then I don’t need to tell you why I am not keen on having anyone dating my daughter, especially with someone that she works so closely with.”
Price had finally turned to look at him. Kyle had been all too familiar with the look. The stern cold wall that he used to intimidate any adversary that would even dare come their way. It was unnerving that he was directed with such a gaze instead of being in the background witnessing some other poor soul.
 “Yes Sir.” Kyle agreed. “But I love your daughter, Sir. We have thought it would be best for everyone to keep in a secret until she was good and ready.”
“How long has this been going on?”
“Over a year, Sir.”
“And what are you intentions with my daughter?”
Kyle took a moment, wanting to form his words carefully without causing more tension and chaos in their relationship going forward.
“I want to be the man she could depend on when she needs me to be. I want to be the man that could make her the happiest that she could be. I—I just want to be by her side whatever relationship it may be that she would want and need from me.”
He waited with bated breath as the Captain stared at him, scrutinizing his words carefully for all it was worth. Kyle was thinking that he was mincing his words and looking for anything that would incriminate him as insincere, but he was certain he would not find any.
“I want you to know, Sergeant.” He began. “That if I ever learn that you hurt her, in any shape or form, I would be the last person you should be worried about. You will worry for your career, for your safety, for your life if you even dare hurt a single hair from her pretty little head.”
Kyle gulped but nodded, knowing that this was no longer his Captain, but the father of his girlfriend that would drag him to the deepest parts of hell if he makes so much as a mistake of making you cry.
“But last night, when I saw her with you, she was the happiest I have ever seen. It was rare and far between when she was like it. The first time I’ve seen it was when I told her that I was officially adopting her as my own daughter. Those bright eyes that twinkled in a love she never thought she would ever deserve. I saw it when she looks at you.”
Kyle couldn’t help but smile at such an information. He know the look he was talking about, he was certain that he was giving you the same, a look that was even more in love and adoration for you and everything that you do for him.
“You have my blessing when it comes to your relationship, but just know that you will both endure a couple of weeks of intense drills for lying to me about your relationship.”
Kyle thought as much. He nodded shoving his hands onto his pocket and only now did he realize the small box nestled deep inside his sweatpants.
“I also wanted to ask you blessing for something, Sir.” He began pulling out the velvet box for the man to see.
The Captain took a moment to realize what it was before a chuckle escaped his lips.
“I should have expected this.” He shook his head. But agreed nonetheless.
It didn’t take long for their holiday off to end and everyone was back to their normal lives inside the base and in mission. It did take long for Kyle to propose, who would have ever thought that he would in the brink of death while you held him close to you.
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mykneeshurt · 6 months
Sub!Soap x F!reader
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, explicit smut, BDSM themes, shibari (do not take part in any BDSM without proper research, consent and aftercare), all acts in this are consensual
Based on the request by @shadofireshinobi
For @glitterypirateduck Christmas event, if you squint
Looking at yourself in the mirror you added the finishing touches to your outfit. It was the annual Christmas party in your household, family from all over the country would visit and stay up until the early hours. Snow adorned the countryside which surrounded your house, the night was crystal clear as the moon cast shadows upon the winter wonderland.
‘Your brothers here!’ Your mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. ‘Coming!’
The house was adorned with various Christmas decorations, gold lights, sparkles, mistletoe, presents. It was your mother’s favourite time of year. At the bottom of the stairs was your brother, back from his latest deployment and with him?
John MacTavish, your brother’s best friend and a thorn in your side since day one. As soon as that boy could speak he wouldn’t leave you alone. Chasing you. Tormenting you. Flirting with you. Doing everything he could to get into your pants. But he was always met with a stone cold exterior, you’d decline his advances and shoot him down any chance you got. It got old quickly.
But he was insatiable.
‘Ah! There she is! You’re lookin ever so radiant lass’ he smiled as he pulled you into a tight hug. Grimacing you pushed him away, ‘always a pleasure John’ you spat.
‘After all these years still don’t like my hugs eh?’
‘Plenty I don’t like about you Johnny’ you smiled as you turned to walk away. ‘Aww, don’t be like that!’ He chuckled, ‘I know you’ll give into me sooner or later.’
Giving him a sickly sweet smile you cocked your head ‘oh, is that so?’
‘Aye, I know so.’ Despite him being a massive flirt and complete pain in the ass he was devilishly attractive. Something that pained you to admit. He had cerulean eyes which twinkled even on a moonless night, a jaw so sharp it could cut through skin and a smile so bright it illuminated any room he walked into.
But he was cocky, an ego so big at times you had to restrain yourself from laying into him. After years of him hounding you, you finally decided it was time to teach him a lesson. Champagne in hand you closed the gap between the two of you, his cologne smelt fresh, citrusy and uplifting. A stark contrast to your perfume which emitted tones of earth, leather and oud.
Placing your lips close to his ear you breathed in his scent, it was surprisingly intoxicating. ‘Follow me.’
You lead him up the deep walnut stained staircase, your hand in his as he grinned like a fool behind you. Flashing him a sultry gaze over your shoulder you bit your lip, watching as he gulped before raking his eyes over your body.
As you entered your room you pulled him towards an emerald low backed chair in the corner, pushing him by his chest while you downed your champagne. Licking your lip you trailed your thumb over his jaw before landing on his plush lips. ‘Think this is the first time I’ve heard you speechless Johnny’ you purred as you pulled something out of your drawer.
The silence didn’t last long.
He sat in the chair looking excruciatingly pleased with himself. ‘Knew I’d break you’ he beamed. ‘Mmm hmm’ you nodded as you approached him once more, your face still completely nonchalant. ‘Canne wait to fuck you, knew you’d been wanting me too.’
‘Take it off’ you ordered pointing at his suit, completely ignoring him. He wasted no time in stripping down to his boxers, grinning the entire time. ‘Oh Johnny, I had no idea you were hiding that under there’ you cooed as you stared as his impressive physique.
Broad shoulders, firm smooth biceps, pronounced pecs and extremely defined legs. It was truly impressive.
He went to move towards you, but you swiftly stopped him in his tracks. ‘Sit’ you barked. Doing as he was told he sank back into the chair, unsure of what was happening. Cupping his jaw you leant in close, hovering your lips above his. ‘Good boy. Now lean forward.’
He swallowed, hard.
Doing as he was told, you then slowly grazed your nails against his skin, over each hollow of his muscles. He twitched under your touch, goose pimples soon spread across his arms and back. You pulled both arms behind him as you moved your hands towards his shoulders, ‘so tense baby’ you purred as you placed a kiss between his shoulder blades. ‘Maybe I can fix that for you.’
With his arms behind his back you started to weave a soft black rope in between his shoulders, making loops, pulling tightly, working your way down to his wrists, completely incapacitating him. ‘W-what is this?’ He asked meekly. The once cocky John MacTavish now quieter than a mouse.
Circling round the chair you trailed your fingertips along his shoulders, stopping once you reached his collarbone. ‘It’s called a dragonfly sleeve. You’ll get used to it, I promise’ you smirked as you bent down to nip his ear. ‘Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.’ His breath staggered as he tried to wriggle against his bonds.
Pulling away from him you slipped out of your silk evening dress, it fell down your body, kissing every curve as it dropped to the floor. His breath visibly caught in his throat as he watched you, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. ‘This what you wanted?’ You asked as you caressed your body under your own gentle touch. ‘To see me like this? To touch me? To fuck me?’
He was unable to find the words needed to speak. Unable to find any vocabulary to express how he was feeling. Unable to string together any form of coherent thought.
‘Do you know what I want?’ You asked, as you stepped out of your panties. He shook his head, still silent. ‘I want to see you beg.’ A soft whimper fell from his lips as you approached him, lace panties in hand. ‘I always get what I want Johnny. Now open your mouth.’ Doing as he was told his jaw fell slack, allowing you to gently slide your panties inside.
He took in a sharp inhale of breath as you looked down on him, a proud smirk on your lips. ‘Eyes on me. Understand?’ He nodded.
Lying back on your ottoman you spread your legs, allowing him to finally see your perfect cunt. Allowing him to finally set his eyes on what he’d been chasing for so long. You swiped your tongue along your fingers before you started to tease yourself.
Slowly you began by running your middle finger up and down your slit, gathering your arousal on your fingertip. Before adding your ring finger, you continued this motion allowing yourself to become wetter and wetter. He was transfixed on your pussy, shimmering in the dull warm glow of your bedroom.
You gazed at him through hooded lids as you pushed your fingers into your core. Spreading your lips wide for him. ‘You like seeing my pussy spread like this?’ You whined as you began to thrust your fingers, searching for that spot deep inside you.
He nodded slowly. Muscles tense from pulling against the rope.
Dropping your head backwards your arched your back, accentuating your breasts. ‘Fuck I’m so wet Johnny. You hear that?’ You panted as you upped the tempo. The sound of your pussy filled the otherwise deathly quiet room. Teasing him. Pushing him to breaking point. His breathing increased, panting into the lace underwear you stuffed into his mouth.
You continued to fuck yourself with your fingers, moaning and writhing from your touch. The palm of your hand pressing against your clit with each movement. Getting yourself off was something you’d mastered quite some time ago. It didn’t take long for your orgasm to build. ‘Fuck I’m gonna cum’ you whined, as you rolled your hips. ‘Look at me when I cum Johnny.’
Sitting up you stared directly into his eyes, his brow was furrowed, eyes wide as he tried to catch his breath. His cock desperate to escape from his boxers, precum already staining the cotton. Biting your bottom lip you pushed yourself over the edge. Slamming your hand over your mouth to muffle your hums of pleasure. Toes pointed, eyes screwed shut, pussy pulsating as white noise permeated your body.
Lying there for a few seconds you regained composure before pulling your fingers out. You looked him up and down, he was on the verge of passing out. Body tense and red from trying to keep calm.
You approached him never breaking eye contact. Lowering yourself onto his lap you pulled your panties out of his mouth. ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ he whispered, voice strained and hoarse. Without saying a word you placed your fingers in his mouth, he hummed in appreciation while he gathered your taste on his tongue. He wanted to taste all of you, kiss you, worship you, please you.
But you wouldn’t give him that.
‘You wanna cum baby’ you teased as you rolled your hips on his painfully erect cock. He whimpered into your hand, ‘yes, fuck yes.’
‘Yeah? Want me to milk this cock?’
‘Please … god, fuck.’
‘Will you be good?’ You drawled.
‘I’ll be a good boy’ he whined, trying to buck his hips into you. ‘You’ll have to be quiet. Don’t make a sound.’
‘Yes yes yes, please!’
Lifting yourself slightly you pulled his cock out of his boxers. He hissed at your touch, afraid he’d cum at the mere sensation of your fingertips on his skin. Lining him up you sank down, bottoming out in one movement. His head dropped forward onto your chest as you began to grind your hips on his. ‘No no, Johnny’ you chided, ‘look at me.’ Gripping his hair in between your fingers you yanked his head up forcing him to look at you.
His skin was flushed, lips swollen and wet. ‘Look at you, taking me so well’ you mocked, ‘didn’t think you had it in you.’ Whimpering beneath you he desperately tried to keep his eyes on yours, a flurry of incoherent words flooded his mouth as he revelled in the scent of you. Something he’d wanted for a very long time. Ever since he could remember.
Without warning you knelt up onto your knees, causing him to slip out of your cunt. A choked sob burst from his chest, ‘you cum when I say you can’ you barked, tightening your grip on his hair. You sank down onto his cock again and fucked him until he was close, rising up onto your knees once you felt him tense under neath you. You repeated this over and over and over. His stifled sobs and whimpers provided you with the very sustenance you needed to survive.
You were breaking him.
Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he begged you to let him cum. ‘I can’t … fuck … I can’t … please’ he whined, voice cracking and straining. ‘Shh shh shh shh’ you cooed, stroking his cheek, ‘I’ll make you feel better.’
Feeling he’d learnt his lesson you lowered yourself onto him, slowly rolling your hips as you allowed him to cum. His head fell backwards as he was finally allowed to climax, his mouth agape as he sucked in sharp breaths.
Drowning in pleasure he gasped and spluttered as you watched him intently. Your own face completely devoid of any emotion. He looked pathetic beneath you, quivering and shaking at the sheer power of his orgasm. You stroked his head cooing words of praise, letting him know how well he did for you. As you removed your body from his, his cum tricked from your cunt back onto his cock causing him to jolt.
Leaving him in the chair to recover you got dressed, reapplied some make up and spritzed some extra perfume onto your wrists. ‘You’re not gonna leave me here are you?’ He asked quietly, chest still heaving.
‘Haven’t decided’ you shrugged.
‘People will wonder where I am.’
‘You really over estimate your importance Johnny’ you laughed, flashing him a coy smile. ‘Ouch’ he muttered beneath his breath.
You waltzed over and undid the rope, the knots and loops easily coming undone, allowing him to free his arms. Rubbing his wrists he regarded you for a minute, ‘you’re something else.’
‘I know’ you smiled over your shoulder as you opened your door, ‘Merry Christmas.’
A/N - the dragonfly sleeve is a real shibari technique if you’re curious have a wee google, I don’t think I described it very well lmfao
@brewed-pangolin come get your man
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kkvqwrites · 1 year
Neighborhood Watch
The news had reported some unsolved break-ins. If you thought Simon took it overboard with his protectiveness before, you were in for a shock.
Word count: 2,047
Characters: Fem!Reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish
CW: violence, breaking and entering, SA mentioned/alluded to (not on-screen)
A/N: This is based on a dream I had that I thought was cute (can you tell I watch a lot of Forensic Files and Criminal Minds?). It ended up being WAY longer than I intended, but once I started I just couldn't stop! It's also minimally edited because I was excited to get it out but I'll update this note if I make any changes or clean it up!
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As often as Simon was away, you cherished your rituals together while he was home. Perhaps your favorite of these was lazy mornings together after breakfast, your legs over his lap as you sipped your coffee (and he his Earl Grey). Today the news was on in the background, sports highlights and local politics droning on as you chatted. That is, until a specific headline caught his attention.
"Our top story as we start the hour, a robbery and assault was reported in the early hours of the morning. The victim, a 26 year old young woman, is a university student who lives alone in her second story flat. This marks the fourth such attack in as many weeks in the area, prompting police to urge residents to act with caution."
Simon stiffened, eyes darting to you. "You've heard about this?"
You nodded, expression turning serious. "I didn't want to tell you while you were gone, I knew it would only make you worry. But people are nervous about it - overheard a lady at the supermarket saying her neighbor was one of the first victims."
"We'll hear from the police chief shortly, but in the meantime all households are encouraged to keep doors locked and report suspicious activity immediately."
Simon sat forward, placing his tea on the coffee table and holding your legs in place when you moved to slide them off his lap. "Fuckin' hell. Moved us here because it's supposed to be safe, and now this."
"We are safe, Simon. You think anyone's coming to the SAS Lieutenant's house to try anything? They'd be out of their mind."
"Knowing how often the Lieutenant's gone, it's not impossible. You remember everything I taught you?"
"Aye aye," you replied with a mock salute, trying to breathe levity back into the moment. "I know how to shoot and where all the knives are hidden."
"Good girl," he smirked, leaning back into the sofa and resuming rubbing his hand up and down your thigh absentmindedly. Despite the day going on as planned, you had an inkling this wasn't the end of the conversation.
"Simon, you've lost your mind."
"Ages ago, sweetheart," he replied with a smirk. "But it's non-negotiable. I can't go with you, so MacTavish will be."
In the weeks since Simon had first heard the news report, the attacks hadn't ceased. Quite the opposite, actually; they'd escalated in frequency. More home invasions, but also a jogger on a trail, a waitress walking home after a night shift. All women, all 20-something, all caught by themselves by an opportunistic sicko. There was buzz everywhere in the small town the two of you had settled in, which you knew irked Simon to no end. He had specifically wanted somewhere quiet and safe to put down roots and hopefully raise a family, so it perturbed him greatly that someone so heinous was on the loose.
He kept up with the case as much as possible, cursing creatively under his breath at the inadequacy of the local police department. He also began going everywhere with you, no matter how small the errand. Going to the corner store to buy toilet paper? Not by yourself, you weren't. Walking to work because the weather was lovely? Sure, but so was your 6'4 escort. And you best believe he'd be there at the end of the day to walk you home, too.
It was cute and fun, at first. As much as Simon was away, it was lovely to spend so much time by his side. But after a week or so it became a bit grating. After all, it wasn't like an evil man in a trench coat was going to tie you to the railroad tracks and laugh maniacally, right?
When Simon mentioned he had to spend an afternoon on the nearby base meeting with his superiors and getting his annual physical, you had breathed a sigh of relief - finally an afternoon to yourself! At least, so you thought, until Sergeant "Soap" MacTavish showed up on your doorstep.
You liked Johnny, really you did. The few times you'd interacted with Simon's squadmates, you'd gotten on well with all of them, and had found Soap's humor and incessant need to annoy Simon to be endlessly amusing. But that was very different than this.
"I don't need a babysitter, Simon," you hissed, trying to keep your volume down so Soap wouldn't overhear in the next room. You had dragged Simon aside in a desperate attempt to talk some sense into him before he left.
"Of course not, love," his voice dropped the humor it had held moments ago. "It's not babysitting. It's protection. I will not send you out there with that monster running around without someone to watch your six. I can't do it."
You squeezed your eyes shut, dredging up all the patience you could muster. Simon's protectiveness was overkill, but you understood it came from a vulnerable place. "Fine, this once. But we need to talk about this. I can't live like this."
Simon kissed your forehead. "Alright love, we'll talk about it. But please stay with Johnny while you're out today. When we're home later we'll order from that place you like."
Never one to turn down Korean barbecue, you pulled him in for a real kiss before turning him loose. "Take your jacket, it'll get cold later. I love you!" you called after him.
"I love you too," he echoed as he gathered his things in the foyer. He turned, finally acknowledging the man standing there with a stern nod. "Johnny."
"LT," the man grinned back. "It's nice to see you so domesticated."
"Shut up Soap," Simon snapped, shrugging into his jacket. "You go where she goes today. And bloody hell, make yourself useful while you're at it." The Sergeant smirked and saluted before giving Simon a playful punch in the shoulder. "Sir yes sir!"
After your husband was out the door, Soap turned to where you stood with your arms crossed. "Where to first, lass?"
It turned out, Soap wasn't bad company. First up was the hardware store, where you picked out a paint color for the spare bedroom you'd been meaning to redecorate. Your companion gamely offered his opinion when asked and waited patiently while you compared Fresh Artichoke and Misty Moor with a fraught expression. Without being asked, he carried the paint cans to the car. "LT would skin me alive if he found out I had you doing the heavy lifting," he joked.
Next was the pharmacy, picking up some prescriptions as well as makeup remover and tampons. You sheepishly tried to avoid eye contact while placing the box into your basket, but the sergeant just shrugged. "Seen my fair share of blood." The two of you shared a giggle and moved on.
Finally, you stopped at a boutique to buy a birthday present for a cousin. You knew this would bore Simon to tears, though he wouldn't complain, and you had wanted to save it for an afternoon where he wasn't with you to spare him the tedium. Unfortunately for the poor sergeant, you had run out of weekends to complete the task. Like the rest of your errands, however, he dutifully kept his mouth shut while you weighed the options before deciding on a nice cashmere scarf and some pretty earrings. Once again, he wordlessly took the parcel to carry it to the car for you.
"You know, I could get spoiled having a doorman follow me around," you joked as the two of you settled in the car to make your way home.
"From how the LT acts around you, I'd wager you're pretty spoiled as it is." It was said with humor, but Soap's voice turned warm as he continued. "He's head over heels for you, you know."
You sighed, fighting a beaming smile at the observation. "I know. It's why he has you guarding me like I'm the Prime Minister. I am sorry, by the way. I tried to talk him out of it."
"No need," Soap waved the statement away, looking out the window at Main Street passing by. "He told me what the situation was, and I don't blame him for worrying. Sick bastard running around. He frets enough as it is when he has to be away, but on this I can say he's dead right." You grimaced at the admission; you were as worried as the next person that they hadn't caught the culprit yet, but you had found some comfort in the idea that Simon was blowing it out of proportion. Not wanting to stay on such a negative topic, you made small talk the rest of the ride home, asking Johnny about his family in Scotland and him asking you about yours in America. His boisterous sense of humor was refreshing after Simon's lovable but dry deadpan jokes, and the two of you fell into easy camaraderie.
It had gotten dark while you were out, and your street was off the beaten path and thus minimally lit. You usually appreciated the lack of noise and light pollution, but recent events made it a bit off-putting. Thankfully, you had a six foot special forces escort with you, though you'd rather die than admit to Simon that it helped ease your mind.
As you pulled up to the house, your heart stopped as your headlights caught movement in the front window. Is that Simon? Why is he inside with no lights on? Maybe it's the wind blowing the curtain. But it's cold - I wouldn't have left the window open. Your thoughts continued to come up with rationalizations as you put the car in park. You thought of mentioning it to Soap, but didn't want to sound hysterical. It was just the news reports and Simon's paranoia getting to you; you repeated it like a mantra as you steeled yourself to open the car door.
"Don't," Soap's voice was quiet but firm, a far cry from his infectious laughter at the bawdy joke he had been telling just moments before. "Don't move. Stay in the car." His face had gone stone cold serious, like a switch had been flipped. Turns out he hadn't missed the movement either.
"Johnny, I'm sure it's - " but you were cut off by a commotion from inside. Faster than you would've thought possible, Soap was out of the car and halfway to the front steps before a running form slammed into him as they were coming around the side of the house. The two fell to the ground, but the sergeant quickly regrouped and moved to pin the stranger to the ground with a knee to their back. There was a brief tussle, but Soap's military training made easy work of subduing whoever this was.
"Get off me you asshole!" a man's voice barked. "He's right behind me!"
"Good work, sergeant." You wheeled at your husband's voice, finding Simon stepping out of the shadows from the direction the man was running from. You had hopped out of the car at some point, but were standing there uselessly watching Soap manhandle the stranger.
"Simon! What are you doing here?! What's happening?" Your voice sounded shrill even to your own ears, your heart in your throat.
Your husband moved to where his body was between you and where Soap was kneeling on the other man's back. As he came into the light of your headlights, you saw he was donning his infamous skull balaclava. "Got here not long ago myself. Found this individual inside, waiting to surprise you. Decided to give him a surprise of my own."
"Good thinking, LT." Soap smirked from where he knelt on the man's back. He pulled the hood away from the intruder's face, which was already bloodied. When he saw Simon staring down at him, he began to squirm to try to get away, eyes widening in fear.
"Go inside and call the police, love," Simon said gently over his shoulder. "Tell them we've got someone they're looking for." You took in the scene for a few more seconds before obeying. As your shaking hand fought to get your key in the door, you overheard Simon speak quietly to the man, "And my friend, for your sake I hope they get here quickly."
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borntoyearn · 1 year
soap would be such an amazing dad, even when you're pregnant he shows you how great he'll be...
when you first told him, his jaw fell to the floor. shock took over. all he could think was, "i helped make a baby?"
he cried, he just couldn't believe you both were actually forming a little family. that night he couldn't sleep. he was up thinking about how pretty you would look carrying his child. he thought about names, what if it was a girl? and...oh god what if it was twins? tears brimmed his eyes again, he turned over to see you fast asleep, a small smile on your face. you both dreamt of little hands and chubby cheeks that night.
- tiny white letters adorned the top of the ultrasound photo, 'it's a girl!'
soap mactavish, a girl dad. you fought the urge to giggle and kick your feet. the whole way home you thought about him doing her hair and entertaining tea parties. soap was quiet but bubbling with excitement. who was she going to look like? he hoped she would take after you.
a department store came into view and soap pulled in. "did we need anything?"
"aye, sit tight. be back in a minute." he shut the door and ran in.
he returns with a small bag and hands it to you. inside, an incredibly small polka-dot romper with an embroidered 'daddy's little love'
"i told you not to take pictures!" you complained. soap rolled his eyes and kept his phone pointed at you, "y'look gorgeous."
gorgeous. beautiful. goddess. heavenly.
his favorite words to describe you these past weeks.
you were currently sprawled on the couch like a starfish. clad in a cami and panties. these days you couldn't even be bothered to wear your usual t-shirt's and sweatpants. soap loved you like this. he waited on you hand and foot. anything you asked for, he was already running to grab it.
pictures of you were always his favorite...but pregnant? his all-time obsession. he loved how cute you looked doing literally anything. eating a sandwich? snap. walking by the beach? snap. laying on the couch like you were right now? snap-snap. you didn't even have the energy to fight him on it, so you have no choice but to let him.
in some days, his camera roll would be filled with photos of you and your little girl.
it was a type of peace he never thought he would get to experience. it was nice and quiet in the mactavish home. nap time for mama and baby always brought silence in the household.
soap, on the other hand, decides to sit out on some shut-eye to watch his baby girl sleep. his shoulders shake a little trying to fight a chuckle. she sleeps just like you– like a starfish. he takes in her little details, the ones he never wants to forget. the peach fuzz on her tiny ears, the way she suckles even in her sleep, the instinct to wrap her fingers around her daddy's big one.
time, you nasty thief, he thinks. soap would do anything to have this moment forever, to keep her this tiny. but he also smiles at the thought of her crawling around the house, walking and talking. going to school, making friends.
although it brings sadness sometimes, he loves being a parent. especially because its the one job he gets to share with you.
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istanmyman · 11 months
Christmas Ghost/Soap story
Soap gets a knitted christmas sweater from his grandma each year and he absolutely adores them. Once he figures out that Ghost doesn't go home during christmas or even takes a break for that matter, he takes it upon himself to learn knitting over the holiday.
He asks his grandma to help him so after the two weeks, he comes back to base with a late christmas present for his lieutenant. Ghost gets a knock on his office door, but when he calls out for the person on the other end to come in, nothing happens.
He opens it himself and is surprised to see a package laying in front of his door. He takes it into his office and opens it. There's a black sweater in there with a big skull knitted in the front. He's left pleasantly surprised by the gift. There's also a card with it that reads:
A belated merry christmas to you, Lt! Heard you didn't leave base to celebrate the holiday, so I took it upon myself to bring a Mactavish christmas tradition for you to base. Hope you like the sweater we made. See you during training, Johnny
Although Ghost isn't fond of christmas due to his past, he can't say that he doesn't appreciate the gesture. Ghost doesn't speak on it directly, but he does shove a tiny note himself under Soap's door.
Thank you for the sweater, Johnny. Can't say I mind this tradition of yours. Tell your family It's a nice gift and I appreciate it.
- Ghost
Soap does tell his family and he's asked questions about Ghost during every leave from that point onward. Who made Johnny sit down and work so hard on such a precious gift? It goes without saying that the next year Ghost is invited over to the mactavish household.
With a bit of convincing from Soap, Ghost reluctantly agrees. This time the gift isn't late and both Simon and John get gifted a personalised sweater from Johnny's grandma. They might not be together yet, but grandma mactavish knows the signs when she sees them.
Let's say that Christmas is very good for Simon and John's relationship as by the end of the first week, on christmas eve, they stand on the porch of John's grandma's home where a mistletoe is hung up quite conveniently. And who is Simon to deny a Mactavish family tradition?
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mafiatsunafish · 5 months
So, if you will, you can say that John Soap MacTavish and his older sister Alisa MacTavish can be considered as Bruce Wayne wards.
Initially, the siblings only know of their parent, they lived a peaceful life in the countryside of Scotland. Only them, they had never heard or meet any of their other relatives, saint to their mum’s cousin who they briefly saw one in a blue moon.
Until there was a car accident, a drunk driver and a in responsive brake, the two woke up side by side miraculously alive but now without their parents. Little John woke up and he cried, little Alana tried her best to stay strong for her brother and herself, too.
However, it was not for long, right when they seemed fit to be released from the hospital, there was a man who dressed in an impeccable black suit stood in front of them. John was too young back then to realize who is that man but Alisa can, she knew that was her mum’s cousin.
“I am Bruce, your uncle. Would you like to come with me?”
Alisa knew that she shouldn’t believe a man no more than a stranger to them, a man they barely know anything, a man you just appear right after their parents just gone and offer them to come with him. John looked at her nervously while his hand still grip the hem of her skirt tightly. They didn’t know any other people, they were alone and his eyes were filled with genuine care and worries.
So they come with him.
And just never leave.
(Little did they know, they are the start of Bruce’s adoption problem cause he never stop collecting strays)
Then he brought home kid that he had told them from the circus, Alisa becomes Bruce’s oldest then Richard or Dick and then John.
(Alisa would fight tooth and nails with anyone who dares to touch her baby brothers, but between Dick’s chandeliers swinging and John’s eerie interest in fire, she don’t know who she want to kick first)
(Batman gained his first Robin while the MacTavish stay with at the back with Alfred, learning how to cook, tends wounds and deal with stubborn vigilantes)
Then Jason came home with a defensive face, after Dick stormed his way out of the manor. Alfred, Alisa and John joined force to take care of the tiny Jason. John finally meet another book nerd that he can camp in the manor’s library with and Alfred had another tail, following him around the kitchen.
But then Jason was gone. It shattered the family once again.
(Batman almost lashed)
Dick moved to Bludheaven and Nightwing soared, John determined to go back to England and enlisted then somehow earned the name Soap.
Only Alisa stayed, hoping one day her brothers will come home.
Then a child stalker named Wayne’s neighbour appeared, Tim Drake is a genius baby who has crippling caffeine addiction and fucked up self-preservation sense. Alisa now has her third baby brother who she would definitely bite someone's head off if they dared to touch him.
(Jason is alive, he is alive, he is alive, he is-)
Then come Damian, Damian Wayne, son of the Bat. God, her murdered baby, their family's precious murdered tiny assassin. He came with so much rage and violence, with so many scars and hurt. She has sworn, until her last breath, she will try her damn best to make him feel loved.
Cassandra Cain just materialized from a shadow one day and called Alisa older sister, Alisha was overjoyed when this household finally had another girl. She loves to go shopping with Cass and gossip with the girls, she loves watching Cass gracefully dance and beat the shit out of their brothers and she loves how Cass slowly becomes more human.
And steaming Jesu’ Christ, is that her John dangling on the window edge of that fucking skyscraper?! And what he is doing with that Lieutenant Ghost with all those talking?????
(thanks O for gave her both visual and sound of that particular moment, because, what the fuck?)
(for some reason, there has been sight of Batman and various of Gotham’s vigilantes in Chicago, what’s the bat colony doing there? No one is sure)
(not for shovel talk or threatening government military)
Alisa MacTavish missed her parents but she also loved the family that that one weird uncle brought her through the years.
(Alisa: Bruce, yer have a problem, yer know?
Bruce: hn
Dick: She is right, B. Like Batman is one thing, but collecting kids?
Bruce: hn)
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applbottmjeens · 1 year
Sgt. Annabelle "Gremlin" Pham
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AKA: Annie (Graves), Belle, Kit, Grem, "GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!", "Little Monster" (Graves)
Blood type: O Positive
23 (Modern Warfare, 2019),
26 (Modern Warefare 2, 2022),
27 (Present, Modern Warfare 3, 2023)
Height: 4'11
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Asian/Pacific Islander (Vietnamese + Filipino)
Languages Spoken: English, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish
Religion: Catholic
Marital Status: Single (MW1-2), Complicated (MW3)
Faceclaim: Janella Salvador
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Isabella Reyes - Maternal grandmother (deceased)
Cpt. Francisco "Capitan Kiko" Delgado - Paternal grandfather (deceased)
Phạm Ngọc Anh - Paternal grandmother (alive)
Phạm Vinh Trường / Thomas Pham - Father (alive)
Phạm Vũ / David Pham - Uncle (alive)
Maria Soledad Pham née Delgado - Mother (alive)
Ryan Joseph "RJ" Pham - brother (alive)
CHILDREN (non canon)
Spc. Sylas Thomas "Tommy" Pham/ Phạm Teo Sỹ / "SAINT"/ (ACES AU)
Phillip Fernando Graves II / "Junior" / Ace (ACES AU)
BRAVO 0-6 / Cpt. John Price
WATCHER-1 / Kate Laswell
BRAVO 0-7 / Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley
BRAVO 7-1 / Sgt. John "Soap" MacTavish
BRAVO 2-6 / Sgt. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
ECHO 0-1 /Lt. Isobel "Medusa" Williams (@gipsyavnger)
ECHO 1-1 / Sgt. Maj. Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton (@revnah1406)
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (@alypink)
TANGO 0-1 / Cpt. Lachlan Jones
TANGO 2-1 / Sgt. Damien Whitlock (what're YOU doing here?!)
Col. Alejandro Vargas, Sgt. Maj. Rodolfo Parra, Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz
Comd. Phillip Graves, Ms Sgt. Shane Sparks (formerly), Rozlin "Rose" Helms (formerly). Velikan, SO. Marcus "Lerch" Ortega
Annabelle Pham was born in San Jose, California and raised in an Asian immigrant household in South San Francisco. Growing up working class, her parents encouraged her to pursue her education while also helping raise her sickly younger brother, RJ. Playing softball and being a bit of a rebel, despite her shortcomings, Annabelle had the opportunity to attend an Ivy league college on a partial scholarship, which she rejected after her father's restaurant was vandalized and robbed.
Rather than use the money for school, she pushed her family to use it to repair their restaurant. Annabelle would choose to attend a 2 year college in a CTE program since it was more affordable, working part time in her family's restaurant while she searched for new employment.
While job searching, she became curious about the recruiters office in her neighborhood, and next thing she knew, she was in the army (much to her mother and father's disappointment.)
At some point, then Private Annabelle "Kit" Pham would meet CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell while fighting alongside SAC/SOG officer Alex Keller. Impressed by the young woman's resolve and improvisation, Laswell would choose Anna as one of the three women she'd first suggest to join Taskforce 141 to John Price.
While hiding from enemy forces who'd kidnapped her in a foreign city, Annabelle's quick thinking kept her alive while her teammates were delayed on their rescue.
Anna got her callsign "Gremlin" from her unpredictable and unhinged behavior thanks to her fellow Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. Hiding in walls, crawling in vents and ambushing enemies easily thanks to her small stature and the old fashioned element of surprise.
Smart, resourceful and good with her hands, she's a loyal friend and a cautious person whose instincts are good if they aren't clouded by her own feelings. Anna is a hopeless romantic who wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be a good and a bad thing...Especially when a certain Commander seeks to exploit it.
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