#not to sound like a star wars bro
The Havoc Marauder Sounds like a Pirate Ship
Pirate Batch!
I've got some scribbles living in my computer. I will let them see the light of day.
The hot sun shone down upon Hunter’s back as he finished hauling the corpses over the railing. Just then, he couldn’t remember who it was they had been fighting. He hadn’t exactly had time to wonder about that when he spun about in the mad, heaving melee. His captain had taught him that there’s a time for thinking and there’s a time for killing, and it was a good idea to know which is which. Fat lot of good that had done him, it seemed. Hunter wondered what he’d thought of in his last moments. He probably hadn’t known they’d be his last.
This outing had been one for the books. Probably the last one in the book, if Hunter was any judge, Reason being the guy who’s job it was to write the books was laying in a pool of his own blood at Hunter’s feet. This was currently not an uncommon state to be in. In fact, right at this moment, nearly everyone Hunter knew was laying in a pool of blood at his feet. Something in his brain wondered why he himself should be any different.
He wondered nothing else for some time.
To his great surprise, Hunter woke up. Mostly. His arm was numb, his brain was numb, but his lungs were heaving, and his body hauled itself back to its feet. He looked down at himself; torn clothes, slashed limbs, and a single blade still clutched in a hand he could not feel. He put aside any thoughts of pain and shifted his gaze. The ship. His ship? He had a duty. That was the only thought his numb mind could present him with, and the effect it had was that of a cold bucket of water to the face. Take care of the ship. The rest could wait. With great effort, he dropped the knife.
Hunter looked around the damp deck of the Havoc Marauder. It was a little worse for wear, but it was HIS. That was a fact he just had to keep repeating to himself, making himself hear the words and believe them to be true. It was true, and it was a truth that had been bought with blood. It would do no good to waste the truth in denial. He whispered them again now into the salty sea air. “Mine. This ship is mine. This deck is mine, the hull is mine, the rather torn sails are mine, the extensive cannon damage is mine too. I am the captain of my own ship; all I lack is a crew.” Done with the speechifying- for now, at least- Hunter turned on his heel and strode briskly across the deck… to a convenient broom closet. The young captain smiled grimly to himself as he dragged out a mop. The first act of his illustrious career as captain… was to clean up all this blood.
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zelphin124 · 1 year
IroTale: Prologue
Across the undertale multiverse lived another tale like the rest. Humans and monsters used to live in harmony before war broke out. The monsters were cast underground as they lost the war. However, that was not all that had happened. 
The monsters in this AU had code-bending powers. They could re-create and rewrite the entire course of the world to their will. When the humans banished the monsters to the underground centuries ago, they stole their code-bending powers, keeping them for themselves. The power that the monsters and humans possessed made every other AU seem weak. With one tap of a button, any monster or human could completely change the course of another AU forever. However, no one could figure out how to leave their AU, nor did they know about other AUs. 
These code-bending powers took the form of buttons. They would appear before the wielder at will and could be shared at will or obtained by killing the possessor. Such powers included DESTROY, TIME, RESET, CREATE, IMAGINE, and OVERWRITE. Each set of codes did various things to the world, and their effects were permanent. While they had the power, the monsters knew to use the buttons wisely. The humans did not. 
Every human had at least one ability, and they put up laws for each other to keep their abilities to themselves and not murder each other for another ability, despite their foolishness to overuse the buttons. If any being were to have all of of the code-bending powers, there would be no stopping them. The people who were blessed with the OVERWRITE power were immediately put in charge of the human race, which didn’t always end well for them. Their civilization was overwritten many times. 
The monsters who lost their powers had all died off, and the humans who stole the powers had died off. Despite their code-bending powers, the monsters never forgot their history and were always prepared to face any humans within the underground. Nothing stopped the monsters from training to defeat whatever human came across the underground. Their dream was to regain the powers stolen from them long ago. However, no human remembered the monsters and considered them fantasy creatures. It was normal for humans to have powers and monsters to only have powers based on their species. If they ever encountered a monster, they would just use their code-bending power, right? Because of human’s pride and arrogance, no one bothered to look at the history scrolls and the truth behind their life of lies. 
However, history became relevant when two unfortunate children fell into a large hole, entering the underground… It would reset the course of IroTale forever. 
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
who the FRICK is voicing Luke 😭😭😭😭😭
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graunblida · 11 months
so this is the theme song for lexa's demigod verse ( norse leaning obvi ) and i'm cackling because it works for all her others too
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
7 Minutes in Heaven
Sarah adjusted her glasses and smoothed down her Star Wars t-shirt as she stood in front of Franklin’s house, clutching a book, a small gift for him. Her heart pounded in her chest, not just because it was Franklin’s 18th birthday, but because she had finally decided today was the day she would tell him how she felt. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
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Franklin's mom greeted her warmly and directed her to the basement, where she could already hear the familiar sounds of excited chatter and the hum of a video game console. Descending the stairs, Sarah spotted Franklin in the middle of a lively discussion about the latest Dungeons & Dragons campaign with their friends.
“Sarah! You made it!” Franklin called out, his face lighting up as he saw her. He wore his favorite Doctor Who shirt, and his messy brown hair fell over his thick framed glasses as usual.
“Happy birthday, Franklin.” Sarah said, handing him the gift bag with a shy smile. She could feel her cheeks redden as their hands briefly touched.
“Thanks! This is awesome.” He said, peeking into the bag and grinning.
Just as Sarah was about to ask Franklin if they could talk in private, the basement door swung open with a loud bang. Brett, Franklin’s older brother, swaggered down the stairs, his muscular frame filling the narrow space. Behind him trailed his girlfriend Kayla, her high-pitched bitchy laugh grating on everyone's nerves. Behind them was their posse of equally obnoxious friends.
“Hey, baby bro!” Brett called out, his voice dripping with mock affection.
Franklin’s face tightened with a mixture of fear and anger. “Brett, mom said you couldn’t crash my party!”
Brett ignored him and sauntered over to the stereo, swapping the geeky soundtrack for loud, thumping music. Kayla and her friends started raiding the snacks, making loud comments about the “kiddie” party.
Sarah's blood boiled as she watched Franklin’s party being hijacked. She couldn’t stand seeing him hurt like this. Summoning all her courage, she marched up to Brett. “Hey! You can’t just come in here and ruin everything!”
Brett raised an eyebrow, amused. Before he could respond, Kayla stepped in front of him, a condescending smile plastered on her face. “Aww, look at you standing up for your little nerdy friend. How cute.” She said and pushed her onto the nearby sofa with a cackle.
Brett smirked, relishing the tension in the room. “Alright, we’ll leave. How about a little game?”
“And then you’ll leave?” Franklin asked.
“Scouts honor.” Brett said making a mock crossing of his heart. Franklin nodded.
“Ok we’re going to play a little game I like to call, 7 minutes in heaven.” Brett said with a deepening grin.
All the nerds in the room shifted uncomfortably, they knew what was involved in that game and the social awkwardness that came with it.
“But we don’t have any bottles to spin.” Franklin said matter of factly. Brett looked around the room and grabbed a long, somewhat phallic statue.
“This will do.” Brett said picking it up.
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Franklin’s eyes widened in horror. “Brett, we can’t use that! That’s one of Mom and Dad’s fertility idols they got on vacation!”
“Cram it Franklin, it’s just a game. Now everyone, sit in a circle.” Brett snapped
The room fell silent as Brett’s friends began to sit down, their sneers making it clear they were enjoying the discomfort they caused. Sarah exchanged a worried glance with Franklin, but reluctantly, everyone followed suit and sat in a circle on the floor.
One of Brett’s friends, Greg, a tall guy with a smirk that matched Brett's, took the idol and spun it hard. The room watched with a mix of dread and anticipation as it slowed, finally pointing at Lydia, a shy girl from Franklin’s group who was known for her encyclopedic knowledge of all things Star Trek.
Brett laughed loudly, picked up the idol and handed it to Greg. “Alright, time for 7 minutes in heaven! Get in the closet, you two.”
Greg hesitated, clearly not thrilled about the idea, but under Brett’s watchful eye, he reluctantly stood up and walked over to Lydia. She blushed furiously but allowed herself to be led into the small closet nearby. The door closed behind them, and an awkward silence filled the basement.
The next seven minutes felt like an eternity. Brett's group exchanged snide remarks, while Franklin and his friends watched the closet door with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity.
Finally, the door creaked open, and the two emerged. Though it was subtle, Lydia looked different. Her glasses were gone, her hair was out of it's ponytail and from somewhere she had gotten gum and was chewing it obnoxiously. Sarah spied her nails and saw they were long and manicured. Did she have those earlier, she thought to herself.
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Apart from her physical difference though she seemed to hold herself differently. Her head held higher, her poise more confident. She clung to Greg as though she were his girlfriend.
“Eh, dude me and my lady here are going to head out.” Greg said to Brett as her looked lustfully at Lydia and tossed the idol back to Brett who looked at them confused.
“Fine, leave. Whatever.” Brett said eventually shrugging his shoulders. Irritated by loosing two of the party but undeterred, he turned his gaze to the circle. “Alright, who’s next? You over there, spin.” He ordered, pointing at one of Franklin’s friends.
As the game continued, a strange pattern began to emerge. Each time the idol was spun, the pair that went into the closet emerged with a transformation that no one could quite explain. If a nerd spun and landed on one of Brett’s bully friends, the bully would come out transformed, more like the nerd who spun, and vice versa. And each time, the pair exited the closet infatuated with each other, holding hands, and promptly left the party together.
It was odd, surreal even, but no one thought there was anything at play other than some horny teens’ hormones getting the best of them. The tension in the room grew thicker with each round, and now only Brett, Kayla, Sarah, and Franklin remained.
“Well only four left. We could call it quits now, but let’s see where this goes.” Brett grinned as he took the idol and spun it.
The idol whirled around, everyone holding their breath as it slowed. When it finally stopped, it was pointing directly at Sarah.
Sarah’s heart skipped a beat. She glanced at Franklin, who looked as though he wanted to intervene, but Brett was already stepping forward, his sneer firmly in place.
“Looks like it’s you and me, nerd girl.” Brett said mockingly as he grabbed Sarah by the arm and led her to the closet.
“Don’t go falling in love with her.” Kayla said with a cackle after them.
Inside the cramped closet, Sarah and Brett stood on opposite sides, arms crossed and glaring at each other, with the idol standing between them against the wall on the floor. The tension was palpable, and for a moment, the only sound was their breathing.
Then, faintly at first, Sarah began to hear whispers in her head. “Brett is so manly, so handsome. Isn’t he better than that loser Franklin?” She shook her head, trying to ignore the foreign voice, but it grew louder and more insistent. Neither her or Brett had noticed the idol's eyes glowing.
“If Franklin really cared about you he’d be ripping that door open to get you but he’s not because he’s weak and pathetic. Brett on the other hand… that’s a real man.” The voice continued and she found her eyes betraying her as they slowly drifted over to Brett.
She drank in the sight of his strong jawline, his confident stance. The repulsion she once felt for him and his cruel ways started to melt away, replaced by an inexplicable attraction. She bit her lip hungrily, her body reacting before her mind could catch up.
Her body was starting to heat up as memories of seeing him mow the lawn topless ran through her head. The image of his glistening muscles making her panties suddenly wet. She tugged at her clothes in discomfort as if they were too tight.
She didn't yet realise but her tits had gone up two sizes already and her waist had shrunk. Her butt as well had swelled enough to give her whole body a new more pleasing silhouette. She hadn't yet noticed but Brett had.
He looked at her like he had never had before, his eyes noticing curves he had missed. Sarah was just the nerd next door but for some reason now he was seeing her in a completely different light.
"Did you get a haircut or something? Whatever it is you're looking great." He asked her with a mix of confusion and intrigue.
Sarah felt her his eyes on her, looking at her, noticing her. She liked it. “Mmmm he's complimenting you, that's more than Franklin ever does. Reward him.” The voice purred in her head.
"You tell me." She grinned as reached up, pulled her hair out of its ponytail, and let it cascade down her back in a teasing manner. Brett's eyes followed her every movement, almost entranced.
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"No I don't think that's it. Maybe it's your glasses?" He said with a cheeky smile as he took a step towards her. Her heart pounded as he did.
"He likes you, but can you make him WANT you?" The voice in her head said darkly.
Sarah took off her glasses, tossing them aside carelessly. Her vision remained perfectly clear, as if her transformation had enhanced her senses and although she couldn't see them, her eyes had changed from her dull brown to icy blue.
"What glasses?" She said returning his cheeky smile to him, while taking a step closer herself. They now stood closer to one another than they ever had in their life.
"I know, it's got to be those nails." Brett said snapping his fingers and nodding towards her hands. Sarah looked down at her freshly manicured talons painted red. It didn't even dawn on her that they had been chipped and bitten only a few minutes ago.
She flexed her hand and looked at her nails with glee. They looked good but her mind couldn't help wonder how they would look wrapped around Brett's cock.
"Take him! You deserve him and it'll be so hawt stealing him from Kayla, won't it?" The voice purred as Sarah ran a hand up Brett's strong chest, her fingers lightly tracing the contours of his muscles.
While clearly turned on, Brett nevertheless cocked his eyebrow in curiosity. “What are you doing?”
Sarah smiled flirtatiously “Just admiring the view.” She replied, her voice sultry. Her eyes locked onto his, a mischievous glint in them as she continued to explore his chest with her hand.
"What's gotten into you?" Brett asked, his voice low and husky.
"Does it matter?" Sarah replied, her voice dripping with seduction. "I think we're both enjoying it, don't you?"
Brett lifted a hand to her face, cupping it tenderly sending a shiver down Sarah’s spine. Her body was red hot with desire for him but a part of her still resisted, urging her to leave. The part of her that still held a candle for Franklin. However just as she was building up enough strength to pull away, Brett extinguished that candle with a kiss.
As their mouths moved together and their tongues entwined the transformation in Sarah surged. Her chest swelled even more, filling out her shirt to the point where it strained against the fabric. Her skin took on a golden tan, becoming flawless and radiant.
Makeup appeared on her face, enhancing her natural beauty with perfectly applied eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick. Her dull brown eyes became icy blue.
As Brett and Sasha continued their fervent kiss, a deeper transformation began to take hold. Sasha's mind started to shift, reshaping her thoughts and desires. The once fervent love for nerdy stuff like comics, video games, and sci-fi dissolved, replaced by an intense interest in makeup, jewelry, and fashionable clothes. The joy she once found in knowledge and creativity morphed into a fixation on beauty, status, and power.
Despite the heat of the moment, something in Sarah's mind was compelling her to open her eyes. When she did she finally saw out of the corner of her eye the idol. It's eyes glowing an ominous red. That's when she put two and two together.
The idol they had been using as a makeshift bottle was somehow turning the spinner’s target into the spinner’s perfect partner. She knew if she didn’t stop it soon she’d be forever changed, she'd no longer be the Sarah everyone knew. But she didn’t want to stop it now, she wanted more!
Her previous kindness and empathy were overwritten by a growing desire to be bad, to assert her dominance and superiority over others. She relished the idea of being a bully, of wielding her newfound beauty and charisma to get what she wanted, regardless of who she hurt in the process. The spark of cruelty in her eyes intensified, and she pulled away from Brett, looking at him with a newfound arrogance.
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"My God Sarah...you're..." Brett said, his eyes wide with amazement at the complete transformation before him.
"Ah ah, call me Sasha, babe." She interrupted, a playful smile on her lips.
Brett nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from her. "Sasha... you're incredible."
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She said with a devilish smile as she sunk to her knees and undid his belt. Brett's cock sprang eagerly out and Sasha's mouth began to water at the sight of it.
Wasting no time she wrapped her pink lips around it and started to suck. Brett groaned immediately as she worked his dick like a pro. She couldn't believe how good it tasted, she was going to enjoy doing this more often.
As she sucked her body continued to change. Her hair darkened, her pussy tightened, and her body became incredibly fit and flexible. It dawned on her that the other guys and girls that had been in there before them had only kissed, their passions fuelling the idol only so much and in turn their transformation. Sasha was now the hottest girl in school but she wasn't about to stop there.
Running her tongue up his shaft and hungrily swallowing his precum, Sasha pushed Brett against the wall of the closet, kissing him deeply.
"Fuck me babe, fuck me hard with your big dick! Rip off my panties and fuck me." She moaned in his ear. Brett expertly undid her now baggy jeans which slumped to her ankles. He did as she had asked and ripped her underwear off her in one clean tear. She giggled at the sight of his strength.
Her giggles soon turned into passionate moans as his dick slid easily into her wet pussy. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as the idol's eyes bathed the two of them in red light.
Sasha’s tits grew even bigger, her lips plumped up and her skin became even softer and more tan. Even her clothes began to change. Her jeans seemed to turn to dust and blow away. Her nerdy shirt grew a little longer, darker, turning into a little black slutty dress. High expensive heels wrapped around her pedicured toes. She lifted herself onto Brett and wrapped her sleek legs around him.
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“Mmmm yessss baby, fuck what little of the nerd I used to be out of me! Oh god, I’m going to cum!” Sasha whined as Brett pounded her pussy over and over until a wave of pleasure washed over both of them as they both climaxed.
“Oh my god Sasha you’re perfect.“ Brett managed to say as her lifted her gently back down onto her feet.
Sasha pressed herself against him, her body warm and inviting. "You’re not so bad yourself stud." She purred.
Sasha smirked, reveling in her new identity. She straightened her dress and admired her reflection in the mirror, her thoughts centered on her own beauty and power.
Sasha and Brett emerged from the closet, hand in hand, their faces glowing with a shared and inexplicable infatuation. Franklin and Kayla stared at the pair in stunned silence.
Kayla, her face twisting with anger and jealousy, stepped forward. “What the hell Brett? I thought all those sounds we heard was a joke!”
Sasha grinned triumphantly as she squeezed on Brett’s arm, ignoring the glare from Kayla. Kayla however grabbed Sasha and pulled her from her embrace.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing slut, but get your hands off my man!” Kayla snarled.
Sasha laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that echoed through the room. “Bitch, you’re yesterday’s trash.” With a swift, calculated move, she grabbed Kayla’s hair and yanked it hard, causing her to yelp in pain and fall to her knees.
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Relishing her power, Sasha pointed a perfectly manicured finger at Franklin. “That’s your man now.” She declared with a smirk.
Kayla’s eyes filled with fury and confusion as she looked at Franklin, who seemed equally bewildered. Sasha turned her attention to Franklin, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of malice and amusement. “Spin the idol, Franklin.”
Brett tossed the idol to Franklin who put it on the ground and gave the idol a spin. As it slowed, Sasha maneuvered Kayla to make sure she was in its path.
Sasha’s grin widened. “Looks like it’s your turn, Kayla. Enjoy your seven minutes in heaven.” She said and pushed Kayla toward the closet, the look in her eyes daring her to protest.
Reluctantly, Kayla stepped into the closet with Franklin following suit, clutching the idol. Sasha slammed the door behind them and Brett propped a chair up to seal them in.
Brett pulled Sasha close, his hands resting on her waist. “You know, I never thought I’d see the day when little nerdy Sarah would turn into such a knockout bitch.” He said with a smirk.
Sasha chuckled, running her fingers through Brett’s hair. “And I never thought I’d find myself attracted to a mean guy like you, Brett. Funny how things change, huh?”
Brett leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. “So, what’s the plan now babe? You going to take over the whole school?”
Sasha grinned, her eyes gleaming with ambition. “Oh, you bet. I’m going to be the queen bee, and no one’s going to stand in my way. Not Kayla, not anyone.”
Brett’s smirk widened. “I like the sound of that. And I’ll be right by your side, making sure no one forgets who’s in charge.”
Sasha leaned in for another kiss, savoring the power she felt in Brett’s arms. “Oh fuck you make me so wet you hawt bastard. Come on, lets go upstairs so you can fuck my brains out some more.” She grinned as she pulled him towards the stairs.
"What about those two?" Brett said half heartedly as he gestured a thumb at the closet.
"Leave them. The longer they are in there the more dorky Kayla will become. Taking her place as the queen bee will be a cake walk." Sasha smirked as she led Brett up and out of the basement.
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Hey! Doing good I hope?
I’ll make this brief since I don’t want to take up too much time, but I love Scarlet Witch and Percy Jackson so… Why not put them together? What if the reader is a child of Hecate with magic similar to Scarlet Witch’s? Powerful and dangerous, yet Percy is the only demigod who doesn’t fear her. If anything, he’s actually curious.
Reader being a Child of Hecate
YEAAHH MY FIRST PJ REQUEST WOOOO‼️‼️ I did a little research on Hecate and bro this idea is literally so COOL📢 Also I’m gonna make it so that you know, Hecate is fighting alongside Kronos just to make things more dramatic. Also this might be long but let me know if you want more calmer headcanons of child of Hecate since I feel like i always stray from the request💔💔💔
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Meeting reader was definitely a nightmare
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover had stumbled upon you one night on one of their quests and to say you were a strong demigod was an understatement
You were powerful, your magic (which Percy didn’t know was possible for a demigod to have) was unlike anything they’ve ever seen before
Believing they were your enemy, you did not hold back when attacking them
“I told you I don’t want to join your STUPID ARMY!”
At the raise of your hand a powerful blast sent the group flying back
Before they could even recover or say anything, you begin to speak in a low voice, moving your hand as fog came out of nowhere
From this fog, misty figures emerged and attacked them, the reader controlling the mist with every flick of their wrist
Yeah after that fight, Annabeth and Grover were not so fond of your presence alongside them
Her not trusting you as easily as Percy and Grover not liking how you were able to make these dangerous figures appear out of nowhere put them on edge around you
Percy on the other hand only had questions and questions to ask
“How did you make those guys appear?” “Do you like, control fog?” “If you’re part human, whose your godly parent then?”
Finding out that Hecate was your mother only made the group tense since the goddess was currently on their enemies side in the growing war
At camp, being a child of Hecate, most, if not all, of the campers avoid you
Claiming that you would use your magic against them, the campers choose to steer clear from you
Not Percy though
He’s like a little leech on your back, a lost puppy following a random stranger
He does his best to make you feel somewhat at home since he understands what it’s like being an outcast because of your differences
He learns more about you as you begin opening up to him the longer he’s around, like how your life was before finding out you were a half blood, some of your powers that you demonstrated as you lifted him off the ground
You weren’t a bad person everyone believed you to be
At one point though, Percy catches you sneaking out of the Big House with a paper in your hands when he was sneaking out to use the bathroom himself
Except you were caught by Chiron
He quickly jogs over to see what was happening only to be in shock at what you did
“What are you doing here Y/N? And what do you have in your hand?”
You slowly begin moving your hands in the same familiar way you once did all that time ago in your first meeting
“What do you mean? I don’t have anything. I’m not even here in front of you. In fact, you were actually heading back in after watching the stars, never coming across anyone on your way out.”
Chiron’s eyes glazed over as you snuck around the centar, running from the Big house and into the dark woods. The centar then looked around in confusion before looking up to the sky and chuckling
“Lovely constellations as always.” Percy watched as Chiron shut the door, acting as if nothing ever happened
Rushing after you, carefully avoiding any harpies, Percy followed the sound of quiet whisperings, seeing you in a clearing, hunched over with small candles surrounding your figure
It took everything in him to not yell when he saw the dead crawling from the ground and begin whispering in your ears, ghosts floating around you while you kept your eyes closed.
The stick Percy stepped on though immediately drew your attention as all the ghosts vanished as quickly as they came
“Whose there?”
Slowly the boy walks out, eyes wide as he meets your own shocked ones
“I thought you said you were a child of Hecate, not Hades.”
It took everything in you to not smack your face at his dumb words
You would explain everything to him, why you grabbed the paper, how you were able to manipulate the Mist with Chiron, and how since your mother was also the goddess of necromancy, you were able to speak to the dead about what the future held in store, hence why you needed the paper with information
Now at this point he thinks you’re the coolest demigod he’s ever met
Being able to manipulate the mist on someone like Chiron AND be able to basically see into the future
You’re like Percy’s new favorite subject to learn more about
He would keep what happened that night a secret but Percy would totally introduce you to Nico and expose you to the younger boy
And you guys would actually get along really well surprising (Percy’s a proud mother watching from afar)
Being able to talk to the dead, you both talk a lot as you realize you have many things in common
In battle, Percy stays far away from you since he wouldn’t want to get caught in your mist and be jumped by your warriors
And despite Annabeth’s persistent nagging on staying away from someone as dangerous as you, Percy can’t help but stare in awe whenever you use your magic, whether it be conjuring up a mist form or illusions for your enemies
Percy is one of the only people you can rely on since homeboy isn’t here to judge anyone
He finds all your powers really cool and if people are afraid of what you could do, then he makes sure to shoot down any concerns and accusations
OH ALSO!! You help him a lot when it comes to manipulating the mist when it comes to mortals since you’ve noticed how he has a lot of trouble with it
Overall, Percy is your 4lifer and always encourages you in everything you do
He’s so supportive I can’t💔
He can’t be afraid of what you powers you possess, not after getting to know who you really are
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amxrany · 10 months
I am not in the mood to study so yeah (Part 3):
The senate (which are just these 3 floaty thingies) start to blame him for Meleanor's death and they punish him by banning him from the capital (which makes Silver and Sebek realize why Lilia can't do certain things). BUT BAD NEWS GUYS THE BLOT IS BACK and it's forming around Lilia with him muttering that he'll join them (Meleanor and Leverne) soon...
All of a sudden the ring (yknow the one Silver has) teleports them to another old memory, taking place 10 years after the war where Lilia was secretly called by Maleficia. Apparently Malleus eggo stopped accepting her magic and that direct touch and love would be more efficient
Baul wants Lilia to travel to various to find ways to hatch Malleus eggo and also reminds Lilia of Meleanor's last words where if she's gone, Lilia will be the one in charge of hatching him (as well as acting like a married couple with Leverne OKAYYYYYY)
Lilia tells the eggo that if he ends up in the stars before Lilia returns, eggo's parents are going to scold him so he asks Malleus to hold on AND MOTHERFUCKER
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Lilia travels around the world, but everytime he brings up the egg people immediately shum him out, saying that dragons only exist in fairy tales. But every time Lilia comes back to Malleus eggo, Baul notices that the magic increases. Then Lilia suddenly brings up that Meleanor was a picky eater while Leverne was a honor student but in reality the dude hid his veggies under the table 😭😭😭
A rumor goes around that there was a castle holding dragons so Lilia goes to check it out, but he was too late. He then breaks down asking if anyone knew how to hatch the egg until magic suddenly overflows and boom we got the origin story of Lilia's UM. He uses this to his advantage to find more research to hatch Malleus
200 years has passed and Lilia was succesful
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Lilia breaks down cuz after 200 YEARS MAN HE FINALLY DID IT , MALLEUS GAVE HIM HOPE 🥹
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Silver finally understands why the dream turned out like this, Lilia lost everyone but his happiest moment was bringing Malleus to life. The senate praise Lilia for being a hero but something happens
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Malleus pretty much goes nuts here because the senate and Maleficia were lying to him. He then asks Lilia what dream does he want: One where Meleanor and Leverne lived or something else that makes him happy BUT SILVER AND SEBEK MANAGE TO INTERVENE AND SNAP LILIA BACK TO REALITY YEYYYYYY
With Lilia now back to us, the group proceeds to run away but while that was happening Lilia mentioned this
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Then Silver promises Lilia that they will meet again and activates his UM BUT THEN A HOLGRAM OF ORTHO APPEARS TO THEM
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Manifesting real hard for the next update being the Shroud bros segment cuz if you think about it Idia didn't need any assistance to escape the dream LIKE BRO ACCEPTED THE FACT HIS BROTHER IS DEAD AND THAT'S HARD
This was surprisingly short (or maybe I was rushing) with only 3 parts but hope you guys enjoyed it!!
Previous: Part 2
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
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please be respectful! do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or otherwise share on other platforms. all my reader characters are fem + afab unless otherwise specified. please see individual fic posts for nsfw ratings and other warnings!
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bakugou writing tag | universal masterlist
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incendiary (30K) : complete
When you accidentally go viral in defense of quirkless people, an extremist group puts a target on your back. Pro hero Dynamight is the last person you want watching it.
you’re the one that i haunt (15K) : complete
Ghosts aren’t real. At least, that’s what you tell yourself when the spirit of pro hero Dynamight suddenly starts haunting your apartment.
statistically significant (24K) : complete
You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
cover shot (through the heart) (16.5K) : complete
For years, you’ve been the only assistant in the business equipped to handle foul-tempered supermodel Katsuki Bakugou. That is, until he catches on to your weak point.
war paint (28K) : complete
Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (A Mulan AU)
savvy (17.5K) : complete
You’re a business course third year who’s good at being bossy, organized, and data-driven. You just want to use your business savvy to help all heroes. Well, all heroes except one. [smutty one shot follow on: defiant]
barbarian-verse au (various) : in progress
You find yourself traveling with barbarian Bakugou. Things get complicated quickly.
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fruit first (ask questions later) (3.6K) - gn!reader
When the grocery store you’re in becomes collateral in a villain attack, pro hero Dynamight comes to your rescue. When you become armed with a handful of oranges, however, someone may need to come to his rescue…
abs-olutely worth it (3.5K) - gn!reader
You’re an amateur hero photographer whose shots of Bakugou’s abs keep going viral. Everything is going great…until Bakugou catches wind of it.
defiant (4.5K)
There are a lot of benefits to managing your pro hero boyfriend, but dealing with the PR nightmares he generates is not one of them. After Katsuki gets way too mouthy with a hapless reporter, you take it upon yourself to put him in his place. Katsuki, however, has other ideas. [a smutty oneshot companion to savvy; you do not need to have read savvy first!]
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general bakugou x princess reader (1.1K) -> part two (3.2K)
Your father is ailing and with no sons in his lineage, your country risks dissolution and open war if you do not marry. There is only one man you can stomach the thought of assuming the throne.
always (1.5K)
Best friend Bakugou helps you through a breakup.
todobakureader domestic fluff (1K)
The sound of muffled arguing in the kitchen wakes you up on Saturday morning.
destruction (1.6K)
"Are you this stupid on purpose?"
wine & dine (0.3K)
“Oh my god, I am gonna fuck whoever made this apple pie so hard they see stars for weeks.”
always first (0.7K)
“It’s not a double date, we’re just third and fourth wheeling."
just can’t weight (0.8K)
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?" + gym bro Bakugou
personal chef (0.4K)
Living with Bakugou is like living with your own personal chef.
fan art (0.2K)
Bakugou has an embarrassing secret (ft super cute art from Merms!!)
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welcometo79s · 20 days
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Echoes of a very particular Karaoke Night at 79s
this was written inspired by prompt #1 of @weekly-star-wars-prompts and will be added to my collection of clone shenanigans.
A beautiful collection of text messages that ARC Trooper Fives sent to his twin brother over the course of 79s Clone Karaoke Event.
Zhellday — 9:00 pm
Dear Echo,
the first 79s Clone Karaoke night is starting soon. I'm a little sad that you didn't want to join us, but I understand if it's not your scene. I hope you have a nice sleep tonight and enjoy that novel you've been reading! If anything happens, I'll reach out. By the way: If Rex asks, I don't know where his comlink is and you don't either. If he starts to search our barracks, don't let him unscrew the light bulb. I'll tell you all about the Karaoke Night tomorrow!
— your big brother Fives
Zhellday — 9:30 pm
I'm something of a Karaoke Scientist by this point. I have studied the ways of the masters (General Skywalker, who taught me a thing or two about Karaoke) and I have acclaimed a victory for both of us with thunderous applause. I dedicated my song to you. People absolutely loved my Pop Punk rendition of "Mambo No. Fives". They said it was very creative and Tup found it deeply emotional. I beat Jesse rapping the Republic Anthem, but it was a close call. He's a little bummed that he lost, but he seems to be having a good time doing shots at the bar. I'm going to rest my vocal chords until it's my turn again. The bartender gave me a cute mocktail with one of these little umbrellas and a slice of orange for free. I'll send pics.
— Love, Fives
Zhellday — 10:00 pm
Little brother,
are you still awake? Would you consider coming over and looking after Jesse for a while? He took a few shots too many and now he wants to get another Republic symbol tattoo but this time on his buttcheek. Kix and I feel that he might regret this decision. The worst part is if someone agrees to tattoo him drunk, we can't even sue because we're not considered persons in the eye of the law. I would look after him myself but I have a song coming up and my fans are waiting for me. I need to beat Commander Cody's emotional love song dedicated towards an anonymous Jedi General. I'm optimistic because he kinda slurred it due to the alcohol but he has the heartfelt delivery going for him. I must not underestimate my opponents.
— Big Bro
Zhellday — 10:30 pm
you will not believe who just showed up as a last minute entry into the Karaoke Competition. Marshal Commander Fox from the Coruscant Guard. He isn't even here to arrest people (I think). I really didn't think Karaoke was his thing. He isn't drunk either but he says he has consumed a little more coffee than usual and needs to blow off some steam. He accidentally started a flash mob in the bar to his song "The power of one, the power of two, the power of maaaany" (the additional a's are apparently part of the title and add to its atmospheric value). Fox told Hardcase, who has declared him his best friend, that he got this song from Chancellor Palpatine himself. Apparently the Chancellor's guardian Hego Damask who taught him about politics and "other things" has learned this song from some DJ named Jason Qimir Mendoza with whom he did a spiritual retreat in a cave once! That sounds like an adventure!
Fox said I would not last 30 minutes on a spiritual retreat because it requires silence and meditation and he has never seen me shut up for longer than 3 minutes. I thought that was very mean. I stole 5 credits from him. Don't scold me though, I will use them for the good of others! I bought you a Tauntaun wiggly head figure from them! It's red and has very big eyes.
— Thank me later, Fives
Zhellday — 11:00 pm
My bestest brother in the whole world,
I made it to the next round of the Karaoke Competition because Marshal Commander Fox decided one song was enough. Otherwise he would have won. I'm a bit bummed that I didn't fully earn this victory, but I will keep fighting and defending our reputation.
Can you come over though? Jesse has accidentally swallowed the little plastic umbrella from my mocktail and I'm not sure if that's bad. I tried to ask Kix but he is also drunk and simply said that the force will shape the umbrella into something new in the endless cycle of death and rebirth. I don't think that medical advice is very credible...
By the way, those Bad Bitch guys showed up. The one with the mental illnesses bumped into me on purpose and said "move, reg". I challenged him into a Karaoke Duel to the Death. He declined. He is too scared of me.
— Fives
Zhellday — 11:30 pm
attached you can find a picture of me and Hardcase competing over who can fit more drinking straws into their nose. A clone from the 212th told us to take our drunk misadventures somewhere else as we're getting too annoying. I told him Nasal Drinking Straws as a sport deserves more respect than to be assumed as something only drunk people do. Hardcase is drunk, I'm not. I do this because it is my calling and I will bring home the world record for both of us. Karaoke is going well btw, Hardcase and I are still in the competition, as are Dogma, Cody and some guy who only sings about Soup.
Tup was disqualified for not singing because he got stage fright. I cheered him up but he is crying now because that Technology guy from Clone Force 99 introduced him to something called "The Trolley Problem". I tried to reassure Tup that he doesn't have to hurt any of the little people on the train tracks if he doesn't want to, but it still made him sad. I'm glad that this Tech guy has not joined the Karaoke Competition because his big brother (the muscly one) said he's a Karaoke Champion.
Croissant has stuck two long drinking straws into two bottles of whiskey and is trying to drink them simultaneously. He intimidates me a little bit. But every grumpy stranger is a potential new friend, as Hardcase always says, so I approached him and asked him if he wants to join us in sticking drinking straws into our nose. He asked me if they removed all of my braincells on Kamino. I wanted to report him to his Sergeant for harassment but that one already came in super drunk and he's currently snorting glitter off the bar counter. It's not easy being Fives.
— Your favorite Brother
Zhellday — 11:45 pm
Echo, for reasons that are ✨ a secret ✨, I need you to come to 79s and pretend to be my lawyer. If you use the fake beard and wig I put under my bunk, they will never be able to tell you're a clone.
Benduday — 12:00 am
Echo did you block me?
Message could not be delivered.
Benduday — 12:30 am
Little brother,
thank you for unblocking me. At first I meant to call Rex to tell you to unblock me but then I remembered his comlink is in our lamp so I called it 50 times and this seemed to have the desired effect. I have handled the lawyer situation alone like a big boy and I hope that you are proud of me. I simply told the Corrie who caught me trying to loot the passed out 99 Sergeant's armor for valuables a fake name and address of my fake lawyer (Dr. Icicle Joe, Tauntaunlane 42 in E-97451 Kriffuck). By the time he finds out it's a fake address I will be long gone. See? I can handle my problems on my own. 😌
— Fives
Benduday —12:45 am
Hey Echo,
Do you perchance know if Regs can digest confetti? I didn't eat weird things again, I promise! Jesse and Kix ate the confetti and Kix just giggled and said he has a bad feeling about this. I'm worried about them. I'm trying to prevent them from eating more confetti but this is a two man job and I don't want to cancel the semi-finals of the Karaoke Night. Please help.
— your twin who loves you very much, Fives
Benduday — 01:00 am
Hi Echo, I just wanted to tell you that the big hunk from the Bad Batch has carried Kix and Jesse to the nearest medical bay. He was way nicer than his grumpy brother. Croissant has laid down in a dark corner of 79s facing the wall. I'm not sure if he's sleeping or contemplating his life but I really don't want anything to do with it. Also Tup'ika is happy again because I told him a Jedi could solve the trolley problem by stopping the trolley with the force.
Me and Hardcase passed the semi-finals of the Karaoke competition. Dogma was disqualified and so was the soup guy. He didn't do well after he poured Everclear into his chicken broth. Now it's just me, Hardcase and Commander Cody left. I'm the only sober contestant. I have this in the bag.
— the future Karaoke Champion, Fives
Benduday — 01:30 am
Dear Echo,
I was bitten by a clone trooper from a different legion. I don't know him. I wouldn't be too worried about it normally but Dogma said something about how when you notice you have rabies, your death is already certain.
Tup says he hates 79s and needs pain killers. I tried to steal them from Tech but he karate-kicked me to the ground. Thankfully he gave Tup some when I explained to him that my vod needs them. He said next time I should just ask and apologized for making Tup'ika cry with the trolley problem. He's nicer than I thought he was. Good people are still out there. I was a little worried with all the chaos going on, but the night is getting better. Things are calming down.
— Fives
Benduday — 01:50 am
Aloha Echo, do you by any chance know how much the whole Karaoke equipment costs that they have at 79s? I am asking this because I plan on getting one for the 501st. Definitely not because the one here just died (for reasons I definitely had nothing to do with). Anyway, there is a large fire in the middle of the room. The Corries are trying to put it out. We've all evacuated the building and are chilling outside of 79s. Fox had to rescue Croissant because he did not wake up from the burnt smell or the people who were screaming "There's a fire! Run for your lives!" That guy... I have snatched a portion of the fire for you as a gift. I keep it in a little open glass with a candle in it and after they announce the Karaoke King, I will bring it home and keep it alive so that I can give it to you in the morning.
— Your older brother, Fives
Benduday — 02:20 am
I'M THE KARAOKE KING! They couldn't hold the finale because the karaoke corner burnt down but Hardcase passed out drunk so I won by default. I'm very happy and I will carry the grave responsibility to lead my Karaoke Kingdom with honor and pride. My first request was that for the new Karaoke corner the bar hangs up a picture of you on the wall with the caption "I dedicate this victory to my little brother Echo who came out of the tube 10 minutes later than me". They have accepted. However they stated that there will never be another Karaoke Competition, which is a shame but at least no one can break my winning streak. I still have your Tauntaun figure and your fire. Sorry I spammed you. I will go home now! See you tomorrow. Fives out.
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brittle-doughie · 9 months
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Infinity and Beyond - Looking Into The Sweet Signals from Space Update!
We’re finding the imposters among us with this one!
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The aim of this concept is to have it be a multi-update deal akin to the Dragons storyline with how they say “like the dragon series, we’re diving into a story set in a rich, expansive universe”. This peaked my interest, I’d love to see what they have in store! I know there are some folks who like or don’t like the Dragons story, so I wonder what you all think of this!
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Meet Astronaut Cookie! She’s cute, has an ice cream sandwich satellite for a pet, even has a cat cookie motif with her costume? What more could you want! Yeah, her skill might be a bit too reminiscent of Cyborg’s (who also got a skin after 84 years lol), but I’m willing to look past that.
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Alright, I’m kind of vibing with the setting already, cookies are probably toothpaste, wonder if they clean your teeth when eaten. How does one “escape” or even fortify against a blackhole? The event itself sounds similar to the Sugar Maze event to me…in a way somehow. Wait, why is Stollen Cookie here?Also Planet H A M B O R G A R
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I’m now getting Star Wars: Rogue One flashbacks. Just like Cyborg, it’s been 84 years since he got attention, so I’m happy to see he got a cool skin to deck himself out with!
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The Surprise Bears. They can either go well or go very poorly, still means I don’t have to run over and over again for the god damn legendary ingredients. However, I do hope the challenges aren’t meant to be a cap in any way, since that already drags it down when you were able to AFK for hours beforehand, even if it sucked. Team Fight getting a gem boost might give me more incentive to play.
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(Gmod flatline sound effect plays)
The Deal with Legendaries is canceled, y’all /j. I can’t keep up with their pace, bro. I’m over here trying to write it from time to time and they already have another one on the way, I’m dead. Xylitol Nova himself is getting flak for having a supposedly dull design unworthy of the rarity, I’m already seeing it in the QRTs on Twitter lol. For me, I’ll wait until I cast judgment, he has a pretty cool skin though…
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(Astronaut Cookie looked all around her new setting, seeing the city’s sleek, clean, futuristic design she hasn’t seen much of back on Earthbread. The cookies here didn’t look all that different too, save for their ingredients being possibly toothpaste in some capacity. She was caught staring at this one cookie in particular, she observed them inspecting the shield and instructing the robots to different spots close to the barrier, Xylitol Nova Cookie chuckled at her once he noticed.)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest in one of my cookies. That would be Xylitol Y/N Cookie, they’re in charge of making sure the barrier is in peak performance, they’ve been hard at work ever since we’ve seen reports of the blackhole.
(Xylitol Nova walked over to them as Astronaut followed. Meanwhile, you were instructing both cookies and robots alike on the status of the barrier, making sure that no fault in any way was detected. Until the voice of someone very familiar to you called your name..)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Hello, Xylitol Y/N Cookie. How are you doing?
(You greeted Xylitol Nova in return and proceeded to ramble on about the barrier. You did your best at trying to speak to him, but couldn’t ignore that cookie next to him staring at you. It also looked like Xylitol Nova wasn’t taking your analysis seriously with that smile of his, something that bothered you to no end!)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: How routine of you, Xylitol Y/N Cookie. Always thinking about the barrier when we haven’t had any issues in the past couple rotations. We have a guest here today and I’d like for you to meet her-
(You couldn’t, you had to inspect the rest of the barrier-when Xylitol Nova Cookie suddenly hugged you from behind with a strong grip, a scene that made Astronaut Cookie feel…envious. You complained and grumbled as you try fruitlessly to free yourself)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Xylitol Y/N Cookie. You are taking a break from now until further notice, I’d hate to use my authority on you, but this is for your own good. Feel free to interact with your fellow cookies, come and see me in my residence, or even introduce yourself to our guest here~! (I’d prefer you pick the second option in my opinion)
(You continued to struggle until it felt tighter to move, you looked to your front to see Astronaut Cookie hugging you from the front, her head resting on your chest. You swear she’s…shaking a little bit?)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: What do you know? Even our visitor is agreeing with me, she appears to have taken a liking to you too.
(…Who was this?)
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luizd3ad · 5 months
BatFam At Disneyland Headcanons
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Author's Note: This is my First time Writing Headconons so I hope you guys like it and I did it right <3
Also this is based kinda on my experiences at Disneyland which I haven’t been there in like 10 years? So I haven’t been to Avengers Campus or Star Wars so sorry if stuff is wrong so sounds weird.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
-Is actually so excited but doesn't want to show it because he knows Jason is gonna make fun of him.
-He would get so happy when he gets called a ‘Space Ranger’ when they scan his ticket.
-Gets pissed that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Keeps saying how he can do the Spider-Man's flip at Avengers Campus.
-Is now convinced he can be Spider-Man.
-Tried to get Spider-Man to do a backflip with him.
-Got sad when Babs told him to leave the Cast Members alone.
-Makes fun of Dick because he knows he's excited.
-Is also really excited.
-Try’s to think of a ways to leave Damian because he knows hes going to complain the whole fucking time.
-He's 100% gonna try and flirt with some of the princesses.
-Also gets pissed that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Gets yelled at by Alfred and Brunce when he tries to hold his middle finger up in the picture with Steph.
-Gets sick on the TeaCups ride.
-He got so excited when he met woody like he was jumping with joy.
-Bro loved Cars Land like he had to be forced to leave.
-Makes everyone wait till the lights turn on in Cars Land
-Cries during ‘The World of Color’ show.
-’Toy Story Midway Mania’ was his favorite ride of the whole day.
-Gets freaked out thinking about Walt Disney's frozen head.
-Complained the whole way there.
-Wants to go to ‘The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter’.
-Gets pissed when he can't go to The Wizarding World.
-Is pissed till they go on Hyperspace Mountain. 
-He had so much fun at StarWars.
-He made a droid and a lightsaber.
-Kept comparing Brunce to Iron man.
-Makes fun of Tim for getting sick on the TeaCups.
-When everyone gets Mickey Mouse Ears he laughs at Dick because they wouldn't put ‘Dick’ on the ears.
-Got a little scared on the Indiana Jones ride, he kept his eyes closed because he was not taking any chances.
-Small World freaked him out a little. 
-He was eating every candy and treat he could get his hands on.
-Pretends he's not sick at the end of the night because he doesn't want to prove that Alfred was right.
-He begs Alfred to go because he can't deal with all his kids by himself in a place like Disney.
-Man is stressed.
-Mentally complains about how expensive everything is like he isn't a billionaire.
-Grizzly Peak was his favorite.
-He thought ‘Soarin’ was the best ride. \
-Now hates Iron Man
-Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mason were her favorite.
-Doesn't want to but agrees to take pictures with the princesses (she actually really wants to, especially with Pocahontas).
-Meeting Loki was the highlight of her day.
-Convinces Tim that Walt Disney's Head is frozen in the basement. 
-Explains to Damian that The Wizarding World is at a different park.
-Convinces Cass and Babs to take pictures with every princess they see.
-Gets Jason to take a picture with Eeyore and Tigger. (She said it was them)
-Makes everyone watch the parade. 
-Cries during the Fireworks. 
-Get's sad that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Convinces Dick that he can go on rides without her.
-Loved taking pictures with the princesses
-Meeting Ariel was her favorite part.
-Jungle Cruise was her favorite ride.
-Tells Dick to leave Spider-Man alone.
-Tells Dick he can't just ask people to do backflips with him.
-Loved Pixie Hollow. 
-It was his idea but he wants to stay at the manor.
-Has no idea why Bruce is stressed considering he planned everything.
-Takes princess pictures with the girls.
-Kept telling Duke to stop eating so much candy because he was going to get sick.
-Stand behind everyone during the fireworks and tear up at the idea of this trip healing all of their inner childs even if it's just a little.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
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x-reader-things · 1 year
omg bro i’ve been actuallly dying for someone to do buff!reader x arcane characters headcanons - i’ve been working hard at the gym so i’d love to see it pay off with my fav characters pretty please !!
Hello! Thank you for requesting!!
I didn’t really get all of the characters on my list like I wanted to, so I just did Vi, Caitlyn, and Ekko. I lost motivation part of the way through and then Star Wars Rebels brainrot got to me and then I didn’t know what else to write, so this will have to to for now. I hope it’s alright.
I hope you enjoy too!! :DDD
“Look at you!”
Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko x Buff!Reafer [separate - could be perceived as either romantic or platonic]
Summary ; In which training hard gets their attention.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; None
Word Count ; 831
Vi is pretty buff in her own right as well as you.
I mean c'mon, we've seen her in a tanktop. We've seen her back muscles and arm muscles.
All that time running around the Undercity and keeping herself busy while she was still locked up in prison really paid off.
And while you didn't exactly have the time to train in a jail cell, you certainly did when helping Ekko with the Firelights. You helped him build, and train others since the start of it all.
You both knew each other before everything that happened with Vander and Powder - Jinx - Powder? Whatever she went by nowadays - and Milo and Claggor. You weren't as buff back then like you were now. So when Vi met you again years later after Ekko let her see the Firelight hideout properly, she was pleasantly surprised.
"Look at you!", she had said in quiet astonishment.
"Look at me.", you said back with a smile. She draws you in for a hug. You both squeeze each other tightly. It's been... a long time.
"You filled out well", Vi comments softly in your ear.
"I wanted to be strong like you were", you tell her. "Plus the muscles look amazing on me. Lotta hard work to look like this."
"Well your hard work really paid off - seriously, look at you!" She pulls back, looking at you up and down, eyes roving over the muscles you had toned for months now in endearment. "You're not wrong, they look great on you."
Caitlyn has had training herself as an enforcer. She's toned herself, but lean all the same.
The muscles are still visibly there, though, of course.
Now you, on the other hand? Buff. Bigger muscles, more sculpted but not to the point of what looks to be like dehydration. You've been working for them for months.
Years, even, at this point.
You weren't an enforcer by any means, but you were consistent in visiting the gym that Caitlyn usually trains at. That's how the two of you met, afterall.
Training in the gym.
One of the days you were both there, she was spotting you on one of the newer equipment that the gym had recently gotten. Courtesy of Caitlyn using her nobility status for personal gain.
And using friend privileges with Jayce who worked with the Piltoven council.
She was watching you as you worked, and her eyes caught onto the muscle she's seen you make yourself over the years.
Thinking back on it, she never really paid too much attention to the changes. It was gradual. She was already used to how buff you looked now, and however you looked before - which was probably still buff, but not as nearly as much as now.
She hummed with a proud look, patting your shoulder when you got off the equipment. "Sometimes I forget how hard you really work. Let’s go take a break and get some water. And maybe some lunch. I'll pay."
You can read through the lines when she gives your shoulder a squeeze. And you caught the way her eyes glanced over you. She was really proud of you, wasn't she?
"Lunch sounds perfect."
You’ve been training with Ekko and the rest of the firelights for years at this point.
Well, it’s been seven years, but still years nonetheless.
Your progress was gradual, subtle in the ways that Ekko was already used to you being buff, much like you with him.
He was buff as well, much like you were. But as said before, you both trained together with the firelights. It was normal to see him the way he was, the way he was determined to stay strong - in more ways than one - and disrupt Silco’s horrible Shimmer business and regime in Zaun.
But much like with Caitlyn, sometimes he notices your gains in strength.
How your training has paid off.
You’d be just moving boxes of supplies for everyone in the hideout with him, ranging from medical supplies and medicines, foods and stuff for drinks, and parts for whatever Ekko and a couple of the other engineers create. Even extra toys and supplies for all the other kids you guys kept safe in the Hideout.
And after setting a box onto a pile in the supply room, Ekko glances in your direction, and just stares for a bit, resting his elbow against a metal shelf in the room. A smile ends up pulling at the corners of his mouth, even more so when you notice him looking at you.
“Everything good over there?”, you ask, raising a brow. You turn away and pick up another, smaller box, and stretch up to put the container someplace higher.
“Yeah.”, he chuckles lightly, turning back to the shelf. He pushed a couple of boxes to the side, making room for another. “Everything’s good.”
He doesn’t say it verbally, but the glint in his eyes do.
You look good, and you work hard.
He was proud.
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kittyball23 · 8 months
Haha, we need another Birthday Fanfic. But this time it's Branch's first birthday with his brother and him all grown up and back together again. The 4 bros might've done a similar shenanigan during their decorations unknowingly Branch already decorated the place himself with his new invention.
Figured I'd release this in time for Justin Timberlake's 43rd birthday 😃
Birthday Man (a Trolls fanfic)
John Dory had agreed to not take on the leadership role any longer when it came to him and his brothers. He had agreed to comply with the newfound leniency among them.
But still, that didn't quite mean that old habits didn't die hard.
The green-haired Troll hummed to himself, a little shake in his hips while he worked to decorate the earthen walls of Branch's bunker with balloons and streamers.
“Birthday boy, birthday boy, everybody make way to-day for the birthday boy!”
John Dory chuckled to himself. “Wow! I can't believe I still remember that little jingle from back in the day!”
Clay smirked, picking out a handful of confetti. “Oh, you mean back when you weren't old?”
JD gasped. “I'm not old!” he huffed. “I just have, um… seniority,” he said, liking the way that term sounded just a little better.
“Oh, okay, you keep telling yourself that,” Bruce said, he and Clay laughing to themselves.
JD narrowed his eyes. “Oh yeah? Well, I'm telling you guys that we better get moving! Those streamers need to be streaming, the balloons need to be popping! Well, in a figurative sense, not literally… oh! And I don't wanna see anything without confetti, are we clear?”
Clay and Bruce crossed their arms, exchanged a glance, and then slowly turned back to him.
“Yeah, we get it, Clay finally said, “And I know just where to start…”
In a flash,the handful of confetti he was holding was splashed right onto John Dory’s face!
“Hey!” the eldest brother yelped in surprise. “What was that for?”
“For being bossy, like you said you wouldn't be!” Clay quipped.
“What? I'm not being bossy! I was just trying to make sure everything'll be ready for when Branch comes!... But I guess I coulda been nicer about it, huh?” he said, considering how he'd spoken to his bros. He grimaced and shuffled a foot on the floor in embarrassment. “Oops. My bad, dudes.”
Bruce put a hand up. “Hey, it's all right, man. Accept our token of apology for jumping to conclusions so quickly.” Suddenly, Bruce flung out another huge handful of confetti and smacked JD right in between the eyes. The purple and lime-green Trolls burst into peals of laughter at the jaw-dropped look of shock on their older brother’s face.
JD frowned and determinedly set his goggles over his eyes. “Oh, it is ON!”
The walls of the bunker were forgotten as JD focused on decorating his brothers in retaliation, and the room was filled with shouts, laughs, and noisy banter.
From the kitchen, where Floyd was busy icing the Fluffleberry cake, the magenta-haired Troll heard the commotion and quickly ran into the room. “Oh no…” Not a fight! He breathed in deeply, calming himself before he stepped in to calm the bros. “Guys!” he called, putting his hands up. “John Dory! Bruce! Clay! Anyone?” His only response was a “Hiya!” and before he knew it, he was engulfed from head to toe in glitter from one of his eldest brother's star bombs.
“Yikes!” John Dory gasped. “My bad, Floyd, that was supposed to be for Clay!”
The lime-green-haired Troll blew a raspberry at him mockingly, causing JD to scowl at first, but then he sighed. “You're right, Floyd. I guess we better call it quits and - “
“No,” Floyd said, putting his hand up. Then, snatching the remaining star bombs from JD’s hands, he flung them at Bruce and Clay. “Let the war continue!”
And, in an explosion of glitter, it did!
“Branch, you are gonna love this!”
Poppy’s gushing made the blue Troll smirk, even if he couldn't see just yet. “Can I open my eyes yet?”
“Nope!” Viva replied for her sister. “And just to be sure you don't…” Both pink Trolls put their hands over his eyes, and the girls giggled as he grumbled.
“We're almost there!” Poppy said excitedly. She grabbed onto his arm, and he heard the whirring of his elevator platform, and knew that they were heading down into the bunker. What he heard next was a gasp from the sisters, and a ton of shrieks.
“Take that!”
“John Dory, let go of me!”
“OUCH! Did you just bite me?!”
“That's what you get!”
“Uhhh, what is going on?” Branch called out loudly. He peeled the girls’ hands away from his eyes and saw his four older brothers quickly scramble together and throw their arms up in the air.
“Surprise, Branch!”
Branch’s eyes widened the more be looked around the room, with trinkets and keepsakes that he’d collected over the years knocked over, and a colorful mess in the form of birthday decor lining everything he saw… including the four disheveled bros who clearly wore embarrassment on their faces despite the concealing smiles. And was his lamp on fire?!
“Well…” Branch said after a second. “I, um… sure am surprised…”
Floyd looked down. “‘Continue the war,’ what was I thinking?” He covered his face in his hands with a whimper.
“Chill, dude, we were just having some fun,” John Dory said, putting an arm around Floyd.
“Maybe we got a little carried away, though,” Bruce pointed out, plucking a piece of confetti from Clay’s hair and watching as it fell to the floor among the dozens of others that were already there.
“Yeah, sorry, Branch,” Clay said.
Branch surprisingly did not look upset. “Guys, I appreciate it, but it doesn't have to be perfect, remember?”
“Just as long as we're together,” Poppy finished, clasping her hand with his.
“That's right,” Branch replied, the two of them looking at each other lovingly.
The boys smirked at the cute display of affection. Suddenly, Branch became aware and broke his gaze to clear his throat and clarify.
“I - I mean us. Like, all of us.”
“Sure ya did, Branch,” JD said teasingly.
Not wanting his bro to continue being embarrassed, Floyd drew the attention to himself. “Say, guys, I know Branch said that being perfect doesn't really matter… but maybe we should clean up? Just a little bit?”
“No, no, there's no need,” Branch said. “Because I got this!” He unveiled a very complex-looking piece of machinery that was hidden at the corner of the room.
“Wow!” Viva squeaked. “What is that?”
Branch patted the side of it proudly. “I call it the Do-It-Automatically Party Reorganizer. Or for short, the - “
“DIAPR!” John Dory, Bruce, and Clay laughed together in unison.
“Ha, ha, ha, yes, the ‘diaper,’” Branch laughed sarcastically. “Not intentional, by the way,” he clarified.
“You sure about that?” Clay chuckled.
Floyd put a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. “Show us how it works, Branch,” he encouraged kindly.
Branch gave him one nod and a small grin, and then pulled a lever. The machine whirled to life, lighting up and right away getting to work. Mechanical arms swept up any debris or stick or muck, wiping everything spotless and even spiffying the bros back up.
“Now that is one well-oiled machine!” Clay commented, impressed.
“Never thought I'd see a clean diaper,” John Dory joked.
“There's a first for everything,” Bruce shrugged.
Branch rolled his eyes at the diaper comment, but chose to ignore any witty remarks he wanted to fire back, since he had something else up his sleeve. “Wait for the best part,” he said, pushing a red button on the machine's side. It sputtered with vibrations for a sec, and then… BOOM! Like a cannon, decorations shot out from an opening on top, landing flawlessly on the walls, the ceilings, and anywhere else that looked becoming.
“Okay, one word,” Viva squealed, turning to Poppy as both girls replied at the same time. “Fantast-amazing!!”
They clapped their hands excitedly in congratulation, while Branch’s brothers did the same.
“One awesome machine!”
“From one awesome bro!”
“Who's gonna have one awesome cake!”
“To go along with his one awesome PARTY!!”
Branch shrugged his shoulders as his brothers glanced at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. “Awesome,” he said, prompting the group to laugh.
Suddenly, JD jolted like he just remembered something. “Holy cow! What're we standing around here for? Let's break out the cake! The presents!”
And, even though he sounded borderline bossy, the bros didn't argue. They scurried to the kitchen to grab the delectable pastry, while Poppy and Viva grabbed Branch by one arm each and whisked him away to the table. Branch’s blue eyes widened at the sight of the enormous cake that came out, all four brothers having to hold it tight and steady, and even then it still looked heavy.
“Get a good grip on it!” Bruce urged, until they managed to haul it onto the table.
Poppy and Viva left Branch’s side so they could join the quartet, turning it into a 6-part harmonious melody as they sang to him.
Happy birthday to yoouu,
Happy birthday to yooouuu,
Happy birthday Baby BraaAaAnch…
Happy birthday to yooouuUUU…”
“And many moooore,” Viva crooned, skillfully striking the notes as well as she struck the match and brought the flame up to the candle's wick.
Branch’s smile fell for an instant when he got a better look at the candle, and its shape. “Two?” he cried, appalled. Surely, they knew he wasn't that young, didn't they?
JD looked up at the top of the cake and giggled. “Oops! Forgot the second number.” He patted his pockets, sure he had it, but unable to locate it. “Huh… where is that second candle?”
Floyd tapped his shoulder. “Right here,” he said, extending his hand out with the number six that he had been in search for.
“Ah, there we go!” he exclaimed happily, ruffling his younger brother's magenta hair in appreciation. He slid the candle next to the two… on the left side.
Branch was even more bamboozled. “SIXTY-two?!”
Clay bopped John Dory upside the head. “Dude, don't try to pin being the oldest on Branch, now!”
“Yeah, man, you still have that title fair and square,” Bruce agreed, fistbumping Clay.
JD snorted. “Hmph! And you're not too far behind there, Bruce!”
Regardless, John Dory slid the candle in its rightful place on the right side of the two. “Ayight, how's that?” he asked.
“Great!” Floyd chirped. He glanced at his younger bro and gestured at the cake. “All yours, Branch.”
The blue Troll smiled, shutting his eyes as he considered his wish, and with a great exhale of breath, he blew them out!
The Trolls erupted in enthusiastic cheers. Poppy snuggled against her boyfriend, causing a chain reaction of hugs to ensue as first John Dory, then Bruce, then Clay, then Floyd, and finally Viva squeezed him in a huge family embrace.
“What'd you wish for, Branch?” Floyd asked after a moment.
JD shoved him lightly in the shoulder. “Floyd! Don't make him say, or else it won't come true!”
Branch chuckled. “Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem… cuz I wished that we'd all be able to sing and dance and be a family together, the way we used to be, and… I’d say that came pretty true, don’t you think?”
“Aww…” Poppy cooed. He was right. And that was a good wish.
John Dory looked a bit pensive, though, stroking his chin. “Hmm… I think ya might be a teensy bit wrong there, Branch.”
Branch raised an eyebrow, and Clay and Bruce were quick to shoot JD a warning look, unsure where their older brother was going with this and hoping that he would not say something that would in turn ruin Branch’s birthday.
But JD grinned ear to ear as he made his declaration. “We're not the exact way we were before. We're even better!”
And that was something that Branch could whole-heartedly agree with. They were older, wiser, and tighter than ever. He had his friends, his girlfriend, a yummy cake baked to his Grandma's exact delectable precision, adorable braids…
He double took when glancing up and seeing a triple braided do on his head that almost seemed to manifest out of nowhere. But he knew the Troll responsible, and shot her a look.
“Whattya think? New birthday hairstyle to fit the birthday guy?” Viva giggled.
John Dory beamed. “Ooo! I like the way you’re thinkin’, girl!” He fist-bumped her, and Branch chuckled.
“Thanks, V,” he said.
After that, all Trolls dug into the cake, shared stories, and laughed and sang much of the night away. Branch was nothing but delighted. This wasn’t quite like his first birthday. Or like the birthdays he’d spent alone in his bunker. It was unique in its own way. Special, like his family.
A birthday that was one-hundred percent worth remembering.
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Just saw your Star Wars sapphic AU, and,,,,, PLEASE tell me they're all actual sapphics/lesbians and not manlikers 😭 Just one sapphic AU without bihets and switch hitters in it PLEAAASEEE I can't handle any more of their cis man worship in this fandom
Ok so this message is disgusting ngl, but I will *try* (and fail) to take your message in good faith, and assume the weirder parts of it are born from ignorance and not a wish to other and harm members of the queer *community*, especially bi and trans people.... Right ?
No, not everyone in my sw au is a lesbian, or cis, that's why it's called a sapphic au and not a lesbian au. I started listing specific orientations in my recap, even if I usually like keaping it ambiguous.
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But your message kinda rubbed me the wrong way :) so just for you anon, let me share the most bi aspects of my au !
- Padmé had multiple relationships before Anakin, Palo and Rush Clovis, both men.
- I ship Vader and Boba Fett, and in my au Vader uses he/him (contrary to Anakin who uses she/her, link to a previous ask were I explain it further) and Boba she/her, making it *technically* a het adjacent ship, and Boba bisexual.
- Obi wan and Lando are bisexual because obviously.
- I really like the idea of Luke being asexual bi romantic, and I like both the Luke/Biggs Darklighter and Luke/Zevulon Veers ships, both men (rip the Han/Luke shippers kdidkdk I respect it, but I prefer Hanleia-)
- And while I'm at it, Luke Lando and Han are all different flavors of non binary, so not women. (As a lesbian I do find non binary people attractive, and know non binary lesbians. But seeing how this ask is formulated, I just felt the need to reinstate that <3)
To sum it up, in my sapphic au I concider Obi wan, Padmé, Boba Fett, Lando, Leia and Luke bisexuals :)
Frankly, from a lesbian to another, in your message you sound like a huge loser who doesn't have male friends and experiences the queer community only through tumblr. Go outside bro, "manlikers" are awesome.
PS : English isn't my first language, so I had to google what "switch hitters" meant. I don't know if it's a slur, but what definition I could find said it implies a bi person is indecisive about their sexuality. And that sounds biphobic to me ngl- I could be wrong, but seing the dog shit message it's attached to....
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Libby Reads Trials of Apollo: The Tower of Nero
~spoilers below the cut~
"On Nero's own now do your lives depend" ??
Celtic deities huh? New series pls
I love Clueless Apollo/Lester
"Choo choos were more Hephaestus's thing."
Bro leave Percy and his family alone 😭😭
Estelle Blofis-Jackson?!?! Nvm nvm never stop bugging Percy
So the next (presumably three) PJO books are running at the same time as ToA
Percy's gonna find out about Jason when he gets to Camp Jupiter 💔
Sally and Paul are literally so nice wtf
Nero is literally crazy wtf wtf
"With luck, I'll survive." JESUS
Of course Nero has more Greek fire than anyone else
Grey Sisters appearance!!
Will and Nico !!!!!!
Stop talking about Jason stop it 💔
I actually adore Will Solace
Bianca mention 😭
Babe wake up Nico lore just dropped
Will is a Star Wars fan let's goooo
"My boyfriend..." GODS THEY'RE CUTE
Fuck Nero
Luguselwa?? 🥺
I physically cannot handle Ghost Jason help
God fuck Nero is such a manipulator
Loving Luguselwa's fork and knife hands (my baby 🥺)
Austin and Kayla let's gooooo
Apollo/Lester going after Meg is just awesome
Nero stopping Nico's blade is beyond horrifying wtf wtf
"No one hits my boyfriend." Yes sir 🫡🫡🫡
Loving Rachel having a larger role in this series
The troglodytes deserve all the hats in the world I love them sm
Blue plastic hairbrush mention?!
Lester crying over how grown up Meg seemed kills me
Robbie Daymond's voice for Python is legit insane and so perfect
Arrow of Dodona 🫡🥺
Missing Lester rn (I think Apollo is too)
Screw Zeus (Hera a little less I guess ?)
Apollo defending the Arrow of Dodona to the Grove 💔💔 tears tears tears
Marine Biology. I fucking knew it. He's gonna stick with that trust me
Percy talking about Jason -> 💔🥺💔🥺💔
Percy talking about Estelle -> ❤️😘❤️😘❤️
Bi Piper?? Lesbian Piper?? Okay
Aeithales sounds like my ideal living space. Curtains of hanging vines? Yes please.
"The sun always comes back."
We're friends? Oh okay 🥺🥺
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class-1b-bull · 6 months
Ayo you're back!! Awesome!! Could I perhaps ask for how each of them are when they're chronically sleep deprived? Like "I've lived off of caffeine for the past two weeks and I am currently communing with the microwave via love bites" kind of sleep deprived (and maybe what the others do to get them to fucking bed)?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he already casually drinks energy drinks so no one really noticed he was as tired as he was until they tried talking to him. Bro can not understand a word being said to him at any given moment. Not to mention he sounds like the dyslexic scene from the ghost stories dub. Rin or someone probably throws him onto his bed only for him to almost instantly pass out lmao.
Sen - everyone knew he was lacking sleep when the saw him poor an energy drink into black coffee and say sorry to a wall for walking into it. He eventually falls asleep on the common areas couch and his classmates just leave him there undisturbed. (Monoma did draw on his face with a sharpie thought)
Kamakiri - it takes so long for people to find out hes lacking sleep. Him cussing at objects and drinking 12 black coffees in five minutes or less is considered normal for some reason. They only realize hes desperately needs rest when he doesn't immediately try to fight tetsu when he asks to train his quirk. He probably just ends up falling asleep on his own since he dosent let his classmates in his room anyways.
Kuroiro - bro is always sleep deprived so nothings new. He goes on average 2-3 days without sleep. So him walking into class with a bag full of energy drinks and a large black coffee extra espresso in hand no ones really surprised.
Kendo - shes pretty good at keeping a good sleep schedule but because of that kendo losing only a few hours of sleep can really mess with her head. So a full all nighter has her seeing stars and stuff. Everyone can instantly tell shes exhausted and all it takes is for someone to ask her to go take a nap and she does just that no problem.
Kodai - when shes sleep deprived she actually becomes more talkative but shes yawning in the middle of every sentence and constantly losing her train of thought (not to mention she poured an entire pot of coffee onto the floor before realizing she missed her cup completely.) Komori or kendo probably takes her to bed lmao
Komori - shes a very loving person so when shes sleep deprived its probably because she struggles sleeping without someone near her. Shes probably used to sleepovers with the other girls (mostly pony and setsuna) so once the girls see komori bite into a piece of tree bark she found on the ground they decided to hold a small sleepover to help her out.
Shiozaki - its really hard for her to become tired much less sleep deprived since she can absorb a little energy from the sun with her vine hair (at least thats what the wiki said) but since shes used to the sun giving her a little boost she quickly becomes tired during long periods of clouds and rain with little sunlight. She starts to doze off while standing and kendo has had to carry her to her room more than once during this.
Shishida - once he starts getting tired he takes less care of his hair(fur?) And it quickly starts getting tangled and matted. He unintentionally starts sounding like an old man thats fought both world wars. Idk its just his tired tone of voice lmao. He probably doesn't drink energy drinks so when hes sleep deprived there isnt a moment where there isnt a black coffee in his hand. He probably ends up falling asleep sitting up in a chair.
Shoda - if hes lacking too much sleep and the coffee and energy drinks arnt helping anymore he will simply fall asleep at his desk for a few minutes at a time or in the common area. If hes that sleep deprived he will catch up on sleep through little naps throughout the day instead of just going to bed normally. (Which arguably makes his sleep deprivation worse)
Pony - when shes sleep deprived she dosent bother with brushing her hair in the mornings or things like that so as she gets less and less sleep she looks more and more like a zombie. She probably is a lot like komori and needs one of the girls to help her sleep a bit.
Tsubaraba - hes always sleep deprived. It gives charachter. He'll go for days without sleep and not even notice until one of his classmates point out how hes taking to his own shadow. Rin and awase got him to go to bed. (It took welding him down but if it works it works)
Tetsutetsu - not getting proper sleep isnt manly in his opinion, so he tries his best to take good care of his sleep schedule. So on the rare times where he is lacking sleep hes not sure what to do. He ends up falling asleep in class and staying asleep until schools over pretty much. Other than being really tired and barely being able to form a coherent sentence hes not as bad sleep deprived as ya think.
Tokage - she will say absolutely anything and everything she thinks of when shes tired and she will be immediately forget what she said. Its not anything mean or remotely understandable for that matter, but she will say it. She seems the type to get more tired from things like coffee and energy drinks so those dont help. The only way she gets any sleep is either from the girls sleepover or by actually collapsing
Manga - pulling 4 all nighters in a row just to draw was not his smartest moment. Doing that during exam season was an even dumber move. He pulled up to class without a pencil or book of any kind but he had a black coffee with triple espresso. He dosent like coffee but he forgot until he was already half way done with his coffee and the bitter taste hit him like a truck. After that he slept for like 2 and a half days straight.
Honenuki - he can go 4 or 5 days without sleep but in those final few hours on the last day he loses all grip on sanity lmaoo. He'll be fine and then suddenly he'll be drinking 12 energy drinks in one sitting and forgetting his own name. Hes pretty good at getting himself to sleep at that point tho.
Bondo - no one can tell hes sleep deprived until he falls asleep standing up. He starts moving all sluggish like and is constantly yawning but other than that not much of a difference despite how tired he is. He probably ends up falling asleep in the common area.
Monoma - he loses an hour of sleep and he'll look like he hasn't slept in months. So even one all nighter causes him to get the biggest eye bags youve ever seen. He can only stay awake thanks to the multiple energy drinks he has. He finally gets some sleep after kendo knocked him out.
Reiko - she usually stays up later than the rest of the class so shes used to having a bit less sleep than some of her classmates but the second she starts walking into walls because she can barely keep her eyes open she knows its time for bed. When she gets like this she can sleep for almost a full day and a half and still be tired when she wakes up. Becoming sleep deprived is how she knows its bed time.
Rin - the only reason he would ever lose sleep is if he stayed up all night studying or some nerdy thing like that lmao. Day of the test he walks in with the biggest eye bags and 12 energy drinks in his bag only to pass out the second it starts and not wake up all day. He refuses to pull all nighters after his final grade dropped 20% from that.
Gifs anime - dungeon meshi
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