#of jason and of bruce and of other characters
corkinavoid · 6 hours
DDxDC Al Ghul Twins: the Sun and the Moon
Polar opposites of each other, the Demon Twins. They like to pretend as each other from time to time, or, other times, they like acting perfectly in sync, like the creepy horror twins they are.
The titles first start when someone calls Danny the Shadow of the Moon. Never seen, never noticed, never given much thought until suddenly it's too late. Danny laughs and says that Damian is the Moon, then - his Moon, always orbiting around. Damian rolls his eyes.
Over time, the titles change and shift, gaining more meaning. More weight behind them.
When Talia introduces Bruce to the twins, she calls them her Sun and Moon. Bruce mentions it to the rest of the kids once, and they adopt it. It seems logical, really.
Danny, the Sun, smiling and laughing, eager for affection and never one to back down from hugs. Damian, the Moon, distant and reserved, keeping to himself and cold at times.
It's only months later, when they mention it in Jason's presence, that he laughs at them.
They have it all wrong, as it turns out. Not only because the titles have nothing to do with the twins' characters.
The Sun, fierce, bright and unrelenting, the heat that will wear you down to exhaustion, the fire and flames of rage, the star that everything centers around. The mirage in the desert, the power that bows to no one, never to be ignored.
The Moon, distant, cold, and unassuming, the pull of the tide, the only light in the darkness, causing shadows to seem so much darker, the harbinger of nightmares. The faint presence in the evening skies, the howl of a wolf, the influence you can easily ignore until suddenly you can't afford to.
Damian, the Sun, rash and quick to act on impulse, leaving a burning path in his wake. Danny, the Moon, silent and almost gentle, who you won't notice until it's too late.
Consider yourself lucky if you are left with only a scorch when you come too close to the Sun because he can, and he will burn you to ashes if he desires. But with the Moon, you are in luck if he kills you. Because when he doesn't, the shadows creep closer, crawling behind your back, and you keep looking around, knowing that the strike will come but not knowing when.
Danny laughs, quips, and plays pranks, but his eyes are cold like the lake frozen solid. Damian scolds, clicks his tongue, and brushes you off, but his eyes are full of fire that never dies out.
Talia's eyes are dark and full of secrets, like she herself is full of carefully wrapped lies and dark corners. The Demon Twins call her their Sky: vast and unknown, charming and stealing your breath away until there's no air in your lungs and the stars dim before your eyes.
A few years pass, and Tim catches Danny referring to Bats as their Stars. He thinks it's because there's so many of them that the twins just decided to summarize the titles, but much later, he learns that the meaning is a lot more poetic.
The light that guides you through the night, which, unlike the moon, never goes away.
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zahri-melitor · 2 days
My kingdom for a post-War Games fic that:-
Delves into the destabilisation of losing all of the gang heads during War Games and how this left the field open for any opportunists
Remembers Dick is undercover in the Blüdhaven mob with a leg injury, punishing himself and depressed
Remembers Helena is currently undercover with the Gotham mob playing mafia princess
Doesn't revolve around Jason's perspectives on how this should play out and acknowledges that characters can react in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with Jason
Remembers Tim and Cass are both based in Blüdhaven, somewhat backing each other up, and that Bruce is talking to Tim in particular on a regular basis (and that Bruce knows about and is proud of Tim's subterfuges)
Because if you actually want to drop disruption into this storyline, what it should actually be is a bunch of separate mob plots clashing and taking each other out, and I know of exactly one story that acknowledges this and even that one doesn't get into the disruption Helena is also causing (and the fact she's actually produced the best work of the lot, as she's mapped out the new power structures and leaders and presented that to Bruce for the Bats generally to use)
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dairy-farmer · 3 days
i had this idea rattling around in my brain that i never really did anything with but i think you would probably appreciate it. basically, Bruce, Dick and Jason get hit by something that makes them forget Tim, so they see him with no prior context that Tim is their son/baby brother. without any prior timmy knowledge, he is just a sexy little interloper in the cave with a tight little suit insisting that he knows them. it makes sense, random weirdos can't just make it into the cave unless they're Ra's al Ghul who is just able to walk right in for some reason. Other people need to be buzzed in. this guy has his own password to get into the Bat Computer. To Bruce it's clear. This has to be his sexy little wife and he is so ashamed to have forgotten him. He has ro reacquaint himself with him. Dick and Jason grimace, but it doesn't seem out of character for Bruce to go for a barely legal little thing, so they dip when Bruce closes in on Timmy, making sure no one else goes down there so they don't have to get the eye bleach.
yessss!!!!! i LOVE the idea that if bruce or jason or any of them lost the mental association of tim being their brother/son that they would immediately begin treating him like a little wife or have that 'oh well of of course this is my girlfriend, who else could they possible be?'❤️❤️
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atlas-likes-writing · 7 hours
hii, ive been seeing these characters like tim, cass and damien in other fics but i don’t know where they’re from and i want to start getting into wherever that is! dick and jason i know of but the others i don’t think i’d heard before reading fics about them
Hi!! Thanks for the ask
Tim, Cass, and Damian, like Dick and Jason, are from DC Comics and are within the Batfamily. Here are some simple definitions on who they are. I recommend you do your own digging though.
Tim Drake is the son of another wealthy family (The Drakes) who volunteered to become Robin after Jason died, and then was promptly nearly killed when he came back. He has also been Red Robin and Drake. He is the leader of Young Justice.
Cass (Cassandra Cain) is the daughter of Lady Shiva, an assassin-for-hire and absolute martial art badass but a massive asshole. Cass was raised to become a weapon for the League of Assassins. She was horrified when she first killed someone though and fled to the batfamily for protection and was quickly adopted by Bruce. She has been Orphan, the Black Bat, and currently holds the mantle of Batgirl.
Damian Wayne is the blood son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-Ghul (daughter of the Demon's Head of the Leage of Assassins, Ra's Al Ghul). He was raised by Talia while he was a child without Bruce knowing he existed before promptly being given to Bruce when he was 10 to be raised under his care. He is the current Robin.
Hope this helps!!
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malfiora · 2 days
Characterization Compendium
Star sign: (canon vs. inspiration) traits from that sign that fit with this character
Canon = this is the character's sign based off their official/generally accepted birthday
Inspiration = this is the sign that this character reminds me of, and here's why
Colors are based off the elements each sign could be:
Air • Water • Fire • Earth
Walks the razor's edge between light and dark and develops an unhealthy but necessary dependence on his kids (particularly Dick) to stay grounded in the light.
Loves his kids, loves being around them, will never say this to them unless he's on the brink of death but there are signs. Loves them all equally but treats them differently based on personality, age, and background, which is often mistaken as him playing favorites (it's not).
Pisces: (canon) works well with any other sign, creative, deeply emotional and intuitive, hates being inauthentic, shuts down when hurt or slighted, nonconfrontational (in relationships not in the field lol – he'd rather ignore the problem than have a difficult conversation about it)
Immutable personal moral code but demonstrates mental flexibility (or cognitive dissonance) toward others, especially his allies.
I go back and forth between Catholic, Jewish, and agnostic for him.
Extremely observant, which manifests as intuition. This means that both his deductive reasoning skills and ability to read others are par excellence. In social settings, he won't vocalize this process (depending on the context he may not even realize he's doing it) but will react to whatever he reads. Others read this as charm (or intimidation).
Talent for leadership despite working more efficiently alone. Both his charisma and experience make people naturally turn to him, and a deep seated compulsion to meet others' expectations means he often does take the lead.
Relationships: Barbara is one of his best friends before anything else; Jason is his (the one he gave the mantle of Robin to, the person who first shifted his identity toward mentor/big brother); Tim is the first he got to mentor; Damian is the son-brother (the one he raised and dotes on)
Scorpio: (canon? inspiration) [I will die on this hill] charismatic, manipulative, deeply and darkly emotional (some may say broody), fiercely protective of loved ones to the point of avenging them, holds grudges probably longer than he should, will lash out when hurt but feel bad about it
Used to dealing with men who have strong feelings about everything (i.e. Dick and Bruce) and not being taken seriously (first year or so as Batgirl, then later dealing with people's perceptions of her while disabled) so nothing phases her. Still, she has some insecurities, which she overcomes with sheer force of will that projects strength. Ultimately, she'd rather suffer in silence.
Doesn't completely agree with all of Bruce's ideologies (leading to some friction between her and Dick), especially around killing since her father's a cop. But they align enough to be allies. She respects Bruce and believes in Batman.
Aquarius: (inspiration) Follows her own inner compass, pulls away the more someone tries to control her, enjoys engaging in mental exercises
As Robin, he was constantly caught in the tension of living up to Dick's example and wanting to be considered his own person. He always treated Robin with reverence and tried to do everything by the book. His own trauma and Bruce's guilt have convinced them both that Jason was a "problem" – he wasn't. He took school and his material comforts seriously because he never had them, so he was a tidy kid and a great student. Critical thinking skills that he honed from reading classic lit.
As Red Hood, he's now torn between living his own life/principles and begrudgingly wanting to regain Bruce's trust/faith if not his love. (He's never lost Bruce's love, but he has yet to accept this.)
When he came back to Gotham, he was pissed that his death seemed to change nothing: Joker was still alive, Batman had a new Robin, and crime was still everywhere. He took matters into his own hands. He still believes his way is better than Bruce's but recognizes that it's futile to pursue his vision with the Batfam still around. If he thinks he can get away with it, he'll kill someone he thinks deserves to be killed (e.g. someone who hurts children, sexual assault perp)
Leo: (canon) headstrong, charismatic leader who attracts people to him even if he doesn't try/want to/understand why, can be insecure about why people like him (are they just using him/wanting something from him, or so they genuinely like him?), protective of those closest to him, he'll talk a lot of shit but it actually takes a lot to provoke him to act, but when he does it's vicious and you'll feel like you deserved it
(Additional context)
Burnt out gifted kid who was adultified as a teenager because he had to basically raise an adult (i.e. help piece together again Bruce's mental health). Middle kid syndrome – used to being ignored and uses it to his advantage. Often manipulates (or tries to) the others to enact some plan. Pretty shameless
Libra: (inspiration) rigid sense of justice and morality, good judge of character
Knows a lot of random stuff because it's helpful for a case but kinda clueless about anything else, great at deductive reasoning. Lives to terrorize Dick (sometimes) and Jason (always), while genuinely trying to be a good big brother to Damian and Duke.
I usually envision Tim as middle/upper class east/southeast Asian, which comes with a few features: private tutors, attending a private or magnet school, expected to go to college; additionally, some cultural practices that Tim doesn't take too seriously since his family is multi-gen American. He def has a jade Buddha necklace somewhere at home.
Doesn't speak often, preferring to listen and use nonverbals. Has strong opinions about things. Protective of her adoptive family, enjoys participating in shenanigans if only because she's included.
I want to learn more about Cass and think harder about how I want to write her, doesn't stop me from trying.
Taurus: (inspiration) strong opinions that take a lot of energy to change, reliable, trustworthy, stoic
Keeps things lighthearted but doesn't forgive very easily. She and Bruce have a shaky relationship due to his (perceived) lack of trust in her but she keeps things positive due to her love and respect for Barbara, Cass, and Tim.
Extremely resourceful, solid investigative and deductive reasoning skills, dedicated to the mission, fiercely loyal but also independent.
It can't be overstated how much I respect Stephanie's ability to fill a role, on top of her creating her own.
Sagittarius: (inspiration) down for adventure, has her own set of principles and doesn't follow people who don't adhere to hers or at least have their own, impulsive, good with money, regrets nothing
Projects self confidence, which is mostly authentic, but he has some deep insecurities around living up to the expectations and examples of everyone who came before him. Extremely independent but protective of those who rely on him / he cares about.
Inevitably acts like a child when it comes to mature topics, feeling strong emotions, and wanting to form connections with others (particularly caretakers). Strict vegetarian due to his respect for life, was raised Muslim and maintains some of the cultural practices.
Leo: (canon) Very much an August Leo – somehow attracts others to him regardless of how he feels about it, no need for external validation (although it's nice to hear), respects competence
Simultaneously has a lot to prove and needs no one's approval. He cannot sit by when he has the power to do something. Exercises probably the most emotional intelligence and self awareness of the Batfam. Doesn't fully see himself as part of the Batfam, and definitely feels guilty about being "chosen" when his other WAR friends were discarded
Def uses his Black card when it makes life easier or funnier for him. Similarly, he plays up being a metahuman to garner sympathy or whatever from the others. Deep down, he's insecure about his powers because he doesn't know many other folks with powers who can help him train.
Leo: (canon) charismatic leader who attracts people to him, independent, doesn't care about what people think of him because he knows himself, knows exactly how to be annoying
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neuro-psyche · 4 months
i cannot stand the writing of og rhato and gotham war
all my homies hate the writing of og rhato and gotham war
if the writing of rhato and gotham war has no haters im as cold and as dead as jason peter motherfucking todd between 1988 and 2005.
*walks away mumbling about bitch ass writers*
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batfamhastwitter · 2 months
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Part 6 is here! A word of advice: stay far, far away from Gotham during rush hour
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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kettlefire · 1 month
As Good as Good Gets (DP X DC Snippet)
Richard "Dick" Grayson is the golden child. In the eyes of the public, and in the eyes of the league. Dick is a sweet, caring son, a man who went from being a sidekick to being a hero. The pipeline from Robin to Nightwing had many people applauding his dedication to keeping Gotham safe.
No one knew the full story, not truly. No one but Bruce Wayne himself. And maybe a certain butler. Many don't know that Dick only became Robin to stop him from hunting down and killing the man who killed his parents.
No one really knows about the harsh fights and arguments he has had with Bruce. The times when Dick would find himself cut off from the Wayne name for a week or so. No one knows that the first person Dick warmed up to was Alfred. Having been bribed with cookies.
Things weren't always this good, trusting, happy relationship between Bruce and Dick. It had been a rough ride, a complicated one. But that was okay, because it got better.
Dick stopped being so moody and angsty. He grew up, he learned, and he changed. He became an older brother, found people that needed him. Needed him in a way that the citizens of Gotham didn't need him.
His brothers like to call him annoying. A goody two shoes who Bruce trusted more than everyone else. They couldn't fathom how someone like Dick could be so stupid and bubbly at all times.
All times, except when shit hits the fans. Despite the name calling, despite coining Dick as the stupid Wayne. They all knew better. They knew that when it mattered, Dick Grayson always pulled through. He was a force to be reckoned with when needed.
The whole Wayne family was a force to be reckoned with when called for. It didn't have to be under the guise of costumes and vigilante acts. Whether he was Officer Grayson or Nightwing, Dick was a man with his morals and values.
One night on patrol as Officer Grayson, Dick found someone who needed that force. A force willing to protect and care for the innocent. The hurt. The damaged, yet still good.
It started like any other night. A call of shots fired by an empty warehouse. There was no sighting or knowledge of any rouges being there, so Dick took the call. Told the team he'll contact them if it seems more than just a civilian incident.
The warehouse was dark, reeked of copper and oil. It didn't take long for Dick to find the trail. The liquid he found looked like the person had been dragged before walking. There was a clear struggle, even with the mess and emptiness that was the warehouse.
That wasn't Dick's biggest concern. The concern lay in just how much blood there was. Too much for any normal person to lose and still manage to stumble through the warehouse.
It wasn't just blood. It wasn't that much, but Dick could spot the strangeness in the liquid. The mixed in green that had an eerily similar color and glow as a certain pit.
Without thinking, Dick followed the trail. Barely remembering to make contact with his family. Give them an update on what he found. Words telling him to stay put for backup went in one ear and out the other.
Something in Dick's gut was telling him he couldn't wait. He needed to find the source. Whoever was currently bleeding out in this warehouse. He silenced the comm, moving further through the dimly lit building.
Then Dick found it. Or more so, he found him. It was just a boy. A boy that reminded Dick too much of the youngest Wayne. A boy sat against a wall, looking pale and weak.
Red and green coated the front of the boy's shirt, arms wrapped tightly around his middle. An attempt to stem the bleeding. A puddle had already started to form beneath the boy, and Dick moved without thinking once again.
He quickly found himself kneeling beside the boy, hands carefully reaching out. Before Dick even touched him, the boy flinched. Eyelids suddenly opened, wide and terrified blue eyes landed on Dick's.
In just that one look, Dick knew what he had to do. The haunting, terrified, and pained look in the boy's eyes told Dick everything he needed to know. The boy was in danger. Someone had hurt this kid, and it was clear it wasn't the first time.
The boy struggled weakly against Dick's touch, terrified whimpers, and barely coherent pleas spilled from the kid's lips. It had Dick's heart aching, clear as day the poor kid has been through hell and back.
It took a lot of reassurance, gentle touches, and promises of help before the kid let Dick take a look at the bleeding wound. A promise on Dick's soul had been the final thing that earned him any semblance of trust. A strange promise, but Dick was willing to make it.
That concern turned to pure anger the moment Dick managed to pull the sticky shirt away from the wound. The sight of a Y-incision cut perfectly into the skin, stitches tight on the skin, but blood still leaking heavily from the wound.
It didn't take long for Dick to realize why. Despite the perfect surgical care of the wound, a good couple of stitches had broken. Leaving gaping spots for that red and green liquid to pour out of.
The boy was deathly silent, tears streaking down his cheek as wide blue eyes stayed trained on Dick. In that moment, Dick knew he had to help. Had to get the kid to safety, patch him up, and find out what kind of monster would do this.
It didn't matter if the kid was human or not. It didn't matter if the kid had special abilities or not. No one, absolutely no one, deserved to be vivisected.
The kid was shrouded in mystery, but that mystery only seemed to grow and become clearer when Bruce had entered the scene. The boy had tensed, eyes flashing a bright glowing green.
Lazarus pit green.
It set a pit of dread in Dick's gut. His mind brings forward memories of Jason. Jason, after his revival, after his dip in that cursed pit. The same flash that his brother would get if he got too angry. Too emotional.
As much as Dick wanted to focus on finding who did this, if it had any connection to Ra's al Ghul. He couldn't. Not when the kid tried to get up, to pull away as Bruce and the others made their way closer.
Right now, Dick only cared about making sure the boy was okay. Fixing those stitches, getting him a meal, and a warm bed.
He needed to get this kid someplace where he felt safe and secure. Comfortable and protected. Dick wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the promise he had made, but he wasn't letting anyone get to the kid.
That included his family. As strange as it seemed, Dick put himself between the others and the kid. Shooting them all a glare that they had only ever seen a handful of times.
Dick lifted the poor boy up in his arms, cradling the crying child close as he led the way out of the warehouse. Ignoring the questions or confusion coming from Bruce and the others. As Dick walked, feeling the trembling boy clinging to him, he made a rather obvious realization.
Maybe the eldest son really was more like Bruce than he expected. Just a few short moments the the boy, a boy that Dick didn't know his name, and he was ready to pull out adoption papers. To give the boy a safety he so desperately needs.
Give him the chance that Bruce had given him all those years ago.
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rainnyydaysworld · 1 month
Damian: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
Jason: I have an idea.
Dick: A good idea?
Jason: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Jason: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Bruce’*
Dick: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Reader, learning how to drive: What happens if I press the gas and the brake at the same time?
Cass: The car takes a screenshot.
Bruce: Please pull over. I’m driving now.
Tim: I’m going to hell.
Reader: Probably.
Tim: I'll pick you up?
Reader: *nodding* Carpool
Reader: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Duke: Homicide.
Cass: Murder.
Steph: Homiecide.
Reader: Here are two pictures. one of them is your room, and the other is the garbage dump.
Cass: *points at a picture* That one is the dump.
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muirann · 2 months
all comic fans know how to do is: develop superiority complexes based on their personal perceptions of a character, eat hot chip, and lie
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Just saw someone get pissy because "people in Gotham would have PTSD from Red Hood killing their family members just for being criminals".
Are you fucking stupid? I'm not joking do you have a brain eating parasite lodged in your skull?
When he's written correctly he's explicitly only targeting the people at the top. The crime lords, people who lace their drugs, traffickers, rogues. He isn't just breaking the necks of random crooks. We're talking about a kid who grew up stealing to survive, whose father died doing crimes to provide for them.
To call Jason being compassionate for small scale criminals and not a trigger happy psycho "fanon" or a "headcanon" puts your literacy into question at best and makes you look like an asshole at worst, especially when you put it in the main tag and don't bother to put it in the "Anti Jason Todd" or "Jason Todd critical" or "Jason Todd salt" or even "Jason Todd bashing". See that collection of easily blockable tags so I don't have to see your utter fucking nonsense on my dash?
They also said they don't think Jason cares about crime prevention at all and was just an angsty teen rebelling. Like tell me you didn't even fucking read Under the Red Hood without telling me.
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fleur-dans-la-nuit · 1 month
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Images are not mine, they’re from Wayne Family Adventures (wfa) on Webtoon.
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robintherobiner · 4 months
i forgot to post about pride month. im such a bad trans person lol so take this
Dick: Happy pride month, Alfred!
Alfred: Thank you, my dear boy, and to you aswell.
Dick: Happy pride month, Bruce!
Bruce: Thank you. Ah, that reminds me, i need to check on Wayne Enterprise's plans for the pride parade.
Dick: Happy pride month, Jason!
Jason: Oh shit is that already? Cool. Go spend this month with your speedster, hah!
Dick: Happy pride month, Cas!
Cas: Thank you! You too.
Dick: Happy pride month, Steph!
Steph: Oh my god! Me and Cas should have waited two wees before revealing our relationship, then we could've come out during pride month! Fuck. Wait, wait, pretend you don't know about me and Cas yet. Now say happy pride again, go on-
Dick: Happy pride month, Tim!
Tim: it's literally one minute past midnight, did you hunt me down during patrol just to be the first person to wish me a happy pride???
Dick: Happy pride month, Duke!
Duke: Thanks, Dick! Now can you move, i just finished patrol and I need shower to wash off all this mustard.
Dick: Happy pride month, Dami!
Damian: Yes, yes, thank you. Congratulations on finally asking out West.
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soupinaboot · 3 months
Batman's life must feel like a goddamn soap opera at times.
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hangingoffence · 6 months
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gk jason (with a stubble bc hes too naked without it)
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notfeelingthyaster · 3 months
you don't need to minimize other people's favorite because you have a favorite: it's okay to love damian, you don't need to shit on tim's character/erase his trauma. you can love tim and not shit on jason's run as robin. you can have cass or duke as a favorite and not diminish the other kids relationship with bruce and each other. and on, and on, and on.
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