#talia baby get behind me
my family: heaven gained another angel </3 fly high
me in hell:
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enobariasteeth · 9 months
okay but nothing the DC writers have to say about Selina Kyle and Talia Al Ghul is canon. Only the things I make up in my head are canon.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: Natalia meets your parents as your girlfriend
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Pernille wishes that they could make the trip to Spain to see you more often. But with their own work schedules plus flight times and your own training, it was difficult sometimes.
But, it was all worth it when she and Magda got out of arrivals to see your beaming face waiting for them.
"Princesse!" Pernille pulls you in for a hug, cradling your face and inspecting you.
The Spanish sun has been good for you. You're practically glowing as you take Pernille's hand in one of your own and Magda's in the other.
"How has training been?" Magda asks as you all make the trek to where you've parked your car.
"Good," You reply," We've got that match against Eibar at the weekend so we've been training pretty hard."
"You're top of the table," Magda reminds you," You can't be having to train that hard."
You shrug. "Talia says she'll cook dinner if I keep a clean sheet."
"That's nice of her," Pernille cuts in when she sees Magda's eye twitch.
Your crush on Natalia has been going on for years now and Magda's never fully come around to it. In her eyes, you were still that little toddler who moved from Germany to England. You were too young to have a crush, least of all a crush on a flirty Spanish girl who practically had a salacious smirk on her face all the time.
Magda had always imagined that your first official crush would be on someone like Jessie. You'd had a childhood crush on her for years (even if you had never actually realised it) so Magda had just assumed that people like Jessie were your type.
Natalia and her flirtations were out of left field.
"Talia doesn't cook often," You explain as you slip into your car," But she makes this amazing pasta dish that I've been craving for weeks."
"That sounds wonderful," Pernille says," I'm looking forward to seeing you play this weekend. We tune into your matches whenever we can."
As the topic moves on from Natalia's, Magda finds herself relaxing.
It's not that she doesn't like Natalia. Natalia is a great girl but you're Magda's baby. She doesn't want to have to imagine you kissing a girl or falling into bed with one. You're her only child and the idea of you moving away to Spain and potentially never coming back was almost too much to handle.
"I saw that match against Real Madrid," Magda says instead," That was a fantastic dive."
"The shot winded me a little bit," You reply proudly, turning onto the street with your apartment," But I'm glad I caught it. I was a little worried that I wouldn't."
"You're the best keeper in the world," Pernille says," Of course you were going to stop it."
Your cheeks turn a little pink as you turn off the car. "We don't know that. That PSG keeper-"
"You'll win it," Magda says," I can feel it in my bones. You'll see at the end of the year. You'll win."
You don't respond to that as your cheeks flush a deeper colour, making your way up the elevator to your apartment.
"Prins is fully trained now," You say proudly as you unlock your door," And he's bilingual. Talia is trying to teach him Spanish but he's refusing."
"Good," Magda says," I knew there was a reason I liked him."
Your apartment is different to how it was when she and Pernille left you there. It's more homey and cosy. Rocky the Rock was still on one of the shelves with girl-swan and girl-moose. Everything still had a place but it felt more lived in now.
A few of Prins' toys were scattered around on the floor and there were soft blankets strewn around the room.
Prins yaps happily at seeing you all, wandering over to get tickles behind the ear from Pernille, who happily crouches down to give them to him.
She glances around slightly, feeling just like Magda that there is something different about your home.
A cat tree was wedged in one corner, with a beautiful long-furred calico sleeping in one of the little caves. There was a Barcelona training shirt that didn't have your number on it hanging over the armrest of the sofa.
There were shoes that weren't your size on the floor.
But, the real kicker was the soft footsteps coming closer and closer.
"Hola," Natalia says as she appears around the corner.
Your face brightens up as soon as you see her, only getting happier and happier as she drops a soft kiss on your lips before moving over to the kitchen area without a care in the world.
Prins goes to follow her, wagging his tail as she throws him down a treat. The beautiful cat from earlier also crawls out from her nap spot to get treats too.
Pernille has to stifle her laugh as Magda stares, a finger coming up to point between you and Natalia, who was now happily humming as she grabbed some butter from the fridge.
"I...You...She..." Magda stutters out," What?!"
"Mi vida," Natalia says," Did you want the normal bread or the fancy bread?"
"Fancy, please," You reply," Morsa, is something wrong?"
Magda's still stuttering, not fully able to articulate her thoughts as she gestures wildly.
Pernille laughs, looping her arm around Magda's waist in comfort. "I think your Morsa is just a bit confused. She wasn't expecting Natalia to be here too."
You frown. "But why? Talia lives here too?"
"What?!" Magda demands.
You give her a funny look. "She's lived here for weeks now. Did I forget to tell you?"
"Mi vida," Natalia says," Why don't we sit down. Sorry, Miss Eriksson, Miss Harder, did you want a sandwich too? I forgot to ask."
"That would be lovely, thank you, Natalia," Pernille says as she guides Magda to sit at the kitchen table," I'll have some ham if you have it and Magda's the same."
Magda barely looks mentally present in the room, her mouth opening and closing like a fish.
It's very clear from the way that Natalia's moving around that she's trying to make a good impression. She's met Magda and Pernille before but that was when she was on Spain's youth team. Meeting them now as your girlfriend is different from back then.
Of course, both Magda and Pernille knew that she's been your girlfriend for a while now. You'd been very excited to tell them but Natalia moving in with you must have slipped your mind.
Natalia looks unbelievably nervous as she slides the sandwiches in front of Pernille and Magda, taking up the empty seat opposite them and next to you.
The cat from earlier leaps up onto the table, brushing her bushy tail against Natalia's face before jumping down again to wander back to her cat tree.
"That's Reina," You say proudly," She's Talia's cat."
"I can see that," Pernille says fondly," She's beautiful."
"I brush her every day," Natalia says, puffing out her chest. She's really laying it on thick. She made a sandwich for everyone. She's showing off how responsible she is by bragging about her cat's stunning pelt. She's taking care not to touch you as much as Pernille knows she wants to. She's really trying to make a good impression.
Magda laughs sardonically. "I mean," She says," You've really made yourself at home, haven't you?"
"Morsa!" You snap and Magda jolts.
You very rarely raise your voice, least of all at her but it's clear she's rubbed you up the wrong way. You seem to regret it though because your eyes dart back down to stare at the grain of the table.
Your voice stays firm though. "Don't be mean. This is Natalia's home too."
"Magda," Pernille says and it's funny how similar to two of you are," We're having a grownup conversation here. Be polite."
Magda sighs deeply. Her hand clenches into a fist and then unclenches again. She expels all of her breath.
"How long have you been moved in together?" Her voice is softer now, more welcoming but it's clear to Pernille that Natalia is still a little on edge.
"Nearly two months," You say," I think it's going really well!"
"It is," Natalia says, finally getting a bit more of her usual confidence back," We're doing very well together...Miss Eriksson."
Magda pulls a face. "Don't call me that," She says," It makes me feel old. I'm not old."
That gets you smiling again and the hand you've hidden under the table moves up to rest on it, showing that you've laced it tightly with Natalia's.
"You're old enough to have a twenty year old," You tease and that gets Natalia smiling down.
She's practically beaming at you, looking at you like you've hung the moon and the stars and the planets turned with you at the centre.
Magda doesn't like it. She doesn't want anyone looking at you like that. She doesn't want people to be attracted to you. You're her baby, the little baby who used to fit so perfectly in her arms and used to sneak into the big bed and speak German just to annoy her.
But you're grown up now and she can't think of anyone else she'd rather have look at you like you were their whole world than Natalia.
"So," Magda says begrudgingly," Natalia, I hear that you make really good pasta."
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bruciemilf · 1 year
AU where Thomas and Martha don't die, but Batman's still a thing!
Instead of Bruce becoming Batman, its Thomas. He's already a huge help to the city, so this nocturnal passion is for sport.
If it wasn't obvious enough, he's not the most stable guy. But he's a loving dad and exemplary husband, so it's mostly fine.
God forbid men have hobbies.
He specifically picked up a bat theme to hopefully cure Bruce of his fear! Just imagine that 6'5 error of nature cladded in black, claws with his costume cause he's sexy like that,
"See? I'm not scary at all!" But Bruce is already sobbing and hiding behind Alfred.
"Martha, you'll never guess who I saw on patrol tonight. Bruce's college roomate! The blonde one with the glasses and gay vibes. "
" Oliver?"
"Oliver who?"
" Queen?"
" Well! I think that fits you better, amore."
" Bruce's childhood friend? Known eachother since infancy? Came to you for tech?"
"Bruce had FRIENDS?"
Bruce, from the other room, " Her name is Harley! You paid her college tuition and killed her dad."
" I've never met her in my life, and i keep my kill list detailed.Anyway, I adopted her. Shes seeing that clown boy and I think his superpower is boring me to death."
The batkids still get taken in, of course. Bruce is already a full adult and outgrew his Robin costume. He just barges in with a feral Jason and Dick, " Look, Brucie! Papa's got brothers for you!"
But Bruce? Looks at these two snarling kids, kicking, thrashing, clawing, and takes them in his arms, " Babies. My babies."
" Uh... Come again,,-" But Thomas raised a spoiled BRAT, so Bruce definetly bites him and throws a tantrum until he agrees to pass full custody. Naturally, Alfred and Martha have no sympathy.
"But you're too young to be a dad!"
" I'm 27."
" Young. A fetus. Cousin Gomez's newborn is older than you." Bruce is already drawing the adoption papers. Fight him about it.
Naturally, instead of dating his rogues, Thomas parents them. Imagine you're Selina Kyle and Batman scolds you for getting caught by the cops, " You know better. Villain privileges REVOKED."
Mr Freeze? Thomas gets it. Do what you gotta do, King. You need some pocket money?
Khoa? Problematic son. Thomas adores him and brags about him to every family reunion. "Your daughter tried to poison you for inheritance? That's adorable, Agatha. Khoa kidnapped Alfred last week. Beat that."
Ivy? Thomas invites her to beer and game night and plays matchmaker with her and Harley.
Waylon is his favourite. Naturally, he's the only one adopted legally.
He fist fights Ra's for Talia's custody and she is desperately shoving Damian in his face. Trust her. You don't want to go through with it.
the image of Batman not being a broody, stoic vigilante and instead Gomez Addams with a cape makes me weep
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a/n: a little fic inspired by a convo @youunravelme and i had a couple of days ago! couldn’t stop thinking about this little idea and just had to write it ☺️ a little bit more lore in the squeaks’ verse added here and lots more to come! enjoy!!
tw: a little innuendo, domestic fluff
word count: 4.3k
summary: it’s talia’s first day of kindergarten and neither you nor mat is handling it particularly well
mat and t’s first day of kindergarten
You lean forward on the counter and smile at Talia, who’s looking at you skeptically. “How about we pick some snacks for your lunch tomorrow?” You ask chirpily.
“How about no?” Talia looks back at you with wide hazel eyes and a nervous tilt to her lips. Her fingers twist together and she kicks the heels of her feet against the legs of the stool she’s sitting on.
“You’re going to be hungry if we don’t pack any snacks,” you reply reasonably, unzipping the brand new Disney Princess lunchbox you’d picked up a few weeks ago at Target. The rush of back to school shopping, even if it wasn’t for you, was a high like nothing else. You’d gone slightly overboard on the supplies and in a burst of excitement, had bought yourself a new planner and half a dozen packs of various styles of pen. You can’t help but get excited about stationary.
“If I was home I wouldn’t be hungry and I could have snacks whenever I want,” Talia points out, tugging at the end of her dark braid. She twists her fingers in the hair below the tie and you reach over the counter to gently untangle her fingers.
You prop your chin on your palm and nod. “You could. But you’re not going to be home. It’s your first day of kindergarten and you’re going to have so many new experiences,” your tone is infused with excitement and you’re relieved to see that the nervousness in Talia’s expression fades a little. Her mouth twists to the side, eyebrows drawing together over her nose.
“Am I gonna see Tulsa?” She asks, hopeful.
“Tulsa’s in the next school, remember, baby?” You reply carefully, hating to burst her bubble. “She moved to a new school too.”
Talia’s lower lip quivers and she sounds impossibly sad when she says, “I thought me and Tulsa were gonna be in school together?”
“Not this year,” you reply sympathetically, but then perk up to continue, “we’re still getting first day of school ice cream with Tulsa and Gunnar and Aunt Holly and Uncle Bo. That’s exciting, right?”
Talia’s eyes light up at the promise of ice cream and you knew that would work. She’s her father’s daughter when it comes to her sweet tooth.
“And you and Daddy, right?” She asks, leaning up in her knees on the stool, little palms pressed flat against the countertop.
“And me and Daddy,” you confirm. “We’re even bringing you to school in the morning, before Daddy goes to work.”
“Okay,” Talia nods once, decisive, and her mood about starting kindergarten is all but gone. “Mommy, can I have fishies for a snack tomorrow?”
You move around the kitchen, gathering up the components for her lunch, “sure, love bug, you can have fishies.” The snack-sized packet of Goldfish get tossed into her lunchbox, along with a handful of raspberries, a peeled Cutie, exactly five pretzel twists, a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich cut into stars, and a small water bottle. Now that she’s into it, Talia’s definitely got opinions on what should be included with her lunch.
“No, you can’t take seven cheese sticks,” you sigh, pulling the bag out of her hands and replacing it in the fridge before shutting the door. “I’ll give you one.”
“But I want six!” She yelps, hanging from the fridge handle. “I want six!”
“Six what?” Mat’s voice echoes through the kitchen, the back door closing behind him.
“Daddy!” Talia squeals and makes a beeline for his knees, crashing into them with a muffled grunt from Mat. He holds the pizza box high over her head in one hand and rubs at her head with the other. “Mommy won’t let me have six cheese sticks.”
Mat grins at you over Talia’s head and you roll your eyes back, crossing your arms and leaning a hip against the counter. You wait to see how he’ll handle it.
He slides the pizza box onto the counter and hoists Talia up next to it, leaning his palms on the counter and kissing her cheeks until she giggles. “Mommy is always right, Talia Bee,” he says seriously. “Especially when it comes to knowing how many string cheeses you can eat.”
You smile to yourself, turning to the cabinets to get out plates and glasses for dinner. Mat keeps talking to Talia behind you. “Besides, the last time you ate three string cheeses you puked on my sneakers, what do you think six would do?”
“Uhhh,” Talia’s eyes go wide and she cradles Mat’s face in her little hands, “puke six times?”
You and Mat wrinkle your faces into matching expressions of disgust. “Yeah, we don’t want to do that, right?” Mat laughs, tickling Talia until she shrieks for him to stop.
Before Talia can knock into it, you slide the pizza box out of her reach, warmth filling your stomach at how adorable Mat and Talia are together. Every time you see them, with their dark heads bent together conspiring, your heart lurches with love. Having a family with Mat is all you’ve wanted since you’d seen him around his teammates’ kids.
“Daddy?” Talia pipes up a few minutes later, half-chewed pizza in her mouth.
“Swallow first, please,” you remind her, snagging the green peppers off of Mat’s slice. You have no idea when he even orders with green peppers when you’re the only one who likes them.
Talia chews and quickly swallows while Mat waits with a soft smile on his face. “Can I wear my helmet to school?” She props her chin on her fists and grins charmingly at you both. Her hockey helmet is covered in stickers and glitter, a project with Mat that you hadn’t been privy to before it happened. She’s really easy to spot on the ice during her skating lessons though.
Mat grins at your daughter, clearly delighted at the prospect of her walking into her classroom with the decorated helmet on, but he shakes his head a little. “I think your helmet is better left on the rink, TB. Didn’t you and Mommy pick out a dress?”
You casually slide a few carrot sticks on her plate, mentally fist pumping when she grabs one and absently starts chewing on it. “Yeah, baby,” you chime in, “I thought you liked the dress we picked? With the blue stripes and your fancy heels?”
Talia’s fancy heels are a regular old pair of sandals with a twisted knot over the toes and an ankle strap, but they also have a quarter of an inch thick sole by the heel and so, they’re “fancy heels.”
“Oh yeah,” Talia nods. “I forgot. Can I bring Sparky?”
“Sure you can,” you agree. “But he has to stay in your backpack, okay? We don’t want him getting lost.”
“And maybe,” she plucks her fingers at the crust of her pizza, “maybe I can take Daddy’s hat. And maybe my sparkle jacket?” Nerves creep into her voice and it wavers a bit, making your heart clench painfully. You just want to protect her from all the bad feelings.
Mat reaches out to tug at the end of her braid, “you can take my hat in your backpack too.” His lips twist up to the side a little, concerned about Talia’s nerves.
“And you can wear your sparkle jacket over your dress,” you promise. Mat’s Stanley Cup Champion hat and Talia’s customised playoff denim jacket had been staples in her wardrobe all summer and you’re not surprised that she wants to bring both with her to school as comfort items.
Talia beams and Mat slings his arm over the back of your chair, relaxing now that Talia’s happy again. “How about you finish that pizza and we get in a little park time?” He suggests, laugh echoing around the kitchen when Talia jumps up on her chair to start chanting about the park.
After clearing up dinner and wrapping the leftover pizza up, the three of you head out to the park, Talia zipping ahead of you on her little pink bike. Mat links his fingers with yours and you squeeze his hand gently.
“She’s getting so big,” he comments sadly, his lips turning down in a frown. You look up at his side profile, studying the way his eyes never leave Talia for a second. Your heart flips in your chest, a painful lurch when you think about how you should be holding another baby right now, how you want so badly to give Talia younger siblings. Mat looks down at you and squeezes your hand tightly, drawing you away from the negative thought spiral. His lips twitch, like he’s trying not to smile and you know he’s about to say something out of pocket to lift your mood. You wait and sure enough, he says, with a little twinkle in his eye, “maybe we should homeschool her?”
A laugh bubbles out of your chest, the absurdity of his question slash suggestion easing the knot in your chest.
“Mat, baby,” you giggle at him, “you have a high school education and I can’t do math. It took all of my brain power and patience to teach her how to read and write.”
“Okay, homeschooling is out,” he replies, leaning in to give you a quick peck before running off to the swings, where Talia is calling for him to push her. She still has her helmet on and it’s tipping just a little bit over her eyes. Mat’s behind her in an instant, sending the swing higher and higher into the air. You reach Talia’s bike and set it upright, sitting on the seat and watching your two favorite people in the whole world laugh together.
A warm early September breeze ruffles your hair and you wave when Talia shrieks for you to watch how high she’s going. You want to live in this moment forever and commit every detail to memory.
Mat spends the next forty-five minutes chasing Talia around the park, wearing her out enough that bath time is a breeze and she slips under her covers with little argument. You and Mat pile into her bed too and Talia curls up against your side, yawning widely. Mat reads Madeline, voice getting quieter and quieter as Talia nods off, until he’s stopped reading altogether and her mouth hangs open, face slack in sleep.
“Sleep tight, love bug,” you whisper, kissing the top of her head before easing out from under her arm. Mat helps, holding your waist and keeping you steady as you get to your feet. He plants his own kiss on Talia’s forehead and clicks off the bedside lamp and turns on the nightlight before following you out of the room.
A sort of bittersweet mood traps you and Mat while you get ready for bed later. You know she’s ready for school, ready to make new friends and learn, but it’s hard to know that your tiny best friend is going to be out of your sight for eight hours a day now.
“She’s going to kill it,” Mat says, opening his arms for you to cuddle close. You rest your cheek over his heart, arms wrapped around his waist.
“I know,” you sigh. Your legs tangle with Mat’s under the covers. “What am I going to do with my day now?”
“Bottomless brunches and window shopping at the Americana,” Mat teases, kissing the crown of your head.
You tuck yourself even closer to him, soaking up his body warmth. “Oh ha,” you drawl. “Very funny.”
“It’s why you married me,” Mat chirps and you know he’s grinning without even having to look at him.
“Mhm,” you hum. “Definitely not for your big….wallet.”
You giggle and Mat groans, training his fingers up and down your spine, making you shiver. “That was even worse than mine, Squeaks,” he mutters.
“Guess your terrible sense of humor is rubbing off on me,” you snark, kissing Mat’s chest and closing your eyes. He mutters something under his breath, but his heartbeat is steady in your ear and you’re asleep before you know it.
The next morning is harder than you expected, emotion clogging your throat as you get a special breakfast - Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, bacon, and fruit cut into different shapes - ready for Talia while Mat helps her get dressed.
He’s surprisingly adept at doing her hair, a high ponytail braided and tied off. There’s a big white bow at the top of her ponytail and her smile is huge as she spins in the little blue and white striped sundress.
“I love this dress, Mommy,” she beams, wiggling excitedly while you tuck a napkin into her collar to keep her clean.
“You look like a princess,” you compliment her. “Daddy did a really good job with your hair.”
“Thank you,” Mat wiggles his eyebrows and sits down to his own plate of Mickey pancakes.
Talia looks at you with wide eyes and covers her mouth with both hands while she tries to whisper, “Daddy messed up soooo many times.”
Mat’s lips flatten into a straight line and he looks at Talia with sarcasm written plainly on his features. “Gee, thanks, TB. I thought we agreed not to tell Mommy that?”
Talia shrugs at him and returns to her breakfast, humming happily under her breath. You smile at Mat and lean over the counter to kiss him gently, darting your tongue out to lick up a drop of maple syrup on his lower lip. “I still think you’re pretty impressive,” you whisper against his lips.
Mat grins against your lips and Talia makes a fake gagging sound, “kissing’s gross!”
You pull back from Mat with a laugh and point your fork at your daughter. “You won’t always think that, now finish breakfast. You don’t want to be late for your first day, do you?”
Talia shovels another bite of pancake into her mouth, slightly less enthusiastic, and you kiss the top of her head before going into the front hall to find her backpack to make sure everything is packed up. It’s heavy, full of fresh supplies (including a 64-pack of Crayola crayons with Talia’s initials Sharpied onto each individual crayon, a fit of mania from Mat, because “no one is going to try and snake my baby’s crayons from her!”), the Disney Princess beach towel that’ll be used for nap time, and one of Mat’s old button downs that’ll be used for a smock during art class.
You zip the backpack and settle it back against the wall, swallowing the emotion clogging your throat. Seeing all of Talia’s gear packed up is making everything so much more real.
Mat’s hands on your hips startle you a little, and you jolt back against his chest. “Penny for your thoughts?” He mutters, kissing your cheek. His palms are warm on your sides, fingers splayed towards your belly button.
“Just thinking about how it seems like time is moving so fast,” you sigh.
Mat nods against your neck and mumbles into your skin, “can we get serious about trying for another again? I miss the baby years.”
Your heart beats in triple speed in your chest, anxiety flooding your veins, but you nod, whisper, “yes, definitely. I want another baby, Mat.”
The conversation is halted when Talia comes stampeding into the hallway, twirling around. “Mommy! Can I wear your lipstick?” She clasps her hands under her chin and pouts adorably. You should resist, tell her no and swipe on a little of the Pink Sugar Summer Fridays lip balm that she loves instead, but you find yourself nodding and pulling away from Mat to grab your purse off the hook.
“Sure, baby,” you squat in front of her, digging out the well-loved tube of Black Honey from the bottom of your purse. Talia puckers her lips out in a kiss and you swipe on a little bit of the sheer balm.
Twenty minutes later and running slightly behind schedule, after you make Talia pose for a few pictures with her Back to School board and she insists on Mat sitting on the step next to her for a picture, you’re all buckled into Mat’s car for the quick drive to the primary school. Talia’s swinging her feet in her booster seat, smiling happily now that she’s wearing the red cowboy boots Aunt Liana had brought back as a souvenir from her trip to Nashville over the summer instead of the sandals you initially wanted her to wear.
“Mommy,” Talia sing-songs, “I’m hot.”
“The air conditioning is on, T,” you sigh, rubbing at your temple. You know she’s probably hot because of the boots and the denim jacket she’d insisted on wearing. Her sandals are in your tote bag and all she has to do is ask for them, but a stubborn streak runs through your daughter, inherited directly from both you and Mat.
You can see the side of Mat’s lips tick up out of the corner of your eye, his fingers tapping along on the steering wheel as Justin Bieber plays on the radio - the old-school throwback station, which makes you feel ancient. He looks at Talia in the rear view mirror and says casually, “I bet you’d feel better if you let Mommy give you the sandals.”
Talia’s face crinkles up in disgust. “I don’t want the sandals. I wanna wear my Mashpill boots.”
A little giggle bubbles up in your chest, it’s getting rarer that Talia mispronounces a word, so you’re living for the Nashville/Mashpill mistake.
“The sandals won’t be as hot,” Mat says, and then, laughing, adds, “plus your feet won’t stink!”
“My feet don’t stink!” Talia gasps, outraged. She shoots back, shouting, “your feet stink!”
You laugh and Mat mock-glares at you. You give him an innocent smile, teasing, “keep your eyes on the road, dear.”
Mat scoffs at you, rolling his eyes even as a full smile graces his lips. Talia’s still chanting in the back about stinky feet, at the right age for the silly humor. Mat reaches out and rests his hand on your thigh, letting his fingertips drift up under the hem of the linen dress you’re wearing. The pads of his fingers dance lightly over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh and you shiver a little, goosebumps rising on your arms. Mat’s smile turns smug and he taps the volume button on the steering wheel with his other hand, singing along loudly to the Billy Joel song now playing. Talia’s little voice chimes in from the back seat with her made up lyrics, and by the second verse, you’ve joined in for the three-part harmony.
Mat pulls the car up to the curb outside of the school, parking behind a line of SUVs before turning the car off and pocketing his keys.
“Ready, T?” You turn around in your seat, smiling widely at her.
She sighs and kicks her feet up at you. “Mommy, can I have my sandals?”
Your smile softens and you nod, reaching behind you for the tote resting at your feet. “Sure can, baby. I think you’ll be more comfortable this way,” you reply, getting out of the front seat so you can open Talia’s door and change out her shoes before she hops out of her booster seat. Mat’s already out on the sidewalk, holding her little pink backpack in one hand.
He looks like such a stereotypical dad in his dark jeans and navy polo, hair scraped back off his forehead and slightly beat up sneakers. The little pink backpack just makes him even hotter and you can’t help but stare. When Mat catches you looking, he gives you a slow smirk and a quick wink, holding his hand out for Talia to take.
She grabs his hand with her free one and lifts her feet off the ground without warning, swinging between you and Mat. Your arm nearly pulls out of its socket and your heart skips a quick beat, but Talia giggles and you love that she feels safe enough to do that. Mat swings his arm, sending Talia forward and eliciting even more giggles.
“Maybe we can just skip school and go to the park?” Talia asks, planting her feet back on the ground and squinting up at the school. It’s a cute little square brick building, kindergarten and first grade classrooms on the outside of the hallways and glass windows looking in on a courtyard. The ceilings are lower inside to make it more welcoming to the kids and Mat can brush the ceiling tiles with his fingertips when he stretches his arm over his head - something he had learned during the open house a few weeks ago.
But from the way Talia’s looking at the building now you’d think she was standing in front of Hogwarts.
At the same time you open your mouth to suggest going to the park after school, Mat pipes up and says, “that’s a good idea, TB. You don’t need to go to school, you can just stay home with Mommy.”
“Mat!” You hiss at him over Talia’s head and he cocks his head at you, barely looking apologetic.
“What?” He mutters back. “It’s an option.”
“It’s not!” You say, at the same time Talia says, “I wanna stay with Mommy.”
You glare at him, hoping your expression conveys the exact levels of ‘see what you did?’ that you’re feeling. Mat’s mouth curls in a sheepish expression and you can see his hand tighten around Talia’s, like he’s not going to let her into the school. Before any of the three of you can say anything, you spot a tall older woman striding down the path towards your little group. You recognize her as the principal and are bracing yourself for the absolute hysterics that Talia is sometimes prone to.
“Hi Talia,” she smiles, bending a little at the waist so she can be at eye level with your daughter, “I’m Mrs. Seaver, the principal. Do you remember meeting me at open house?”
Talia nods, totally mute, her fingers tightening around yours. Your hear squeezes a little for her, nearly ready to break down and bring her home, like Mat had suggested.
“Why don’t you come with me and we can get you settled in your classroom?” Mrs. Seaver continues, somehow managing to get Talia’s hand and backpack away from Mat and starts walking her back up the path to the school. “Your mom and dad will be so excited to hear all about what exciting things you got up to today.”
Talia looks back at you over her shoulder, an apprehensive look on her face. Mat makes a move to step forward and follow them, but you reach out to lace your fingers with his, tugging him back gently. “We literally cannot keep her from going to school,” you whisper, pasting a bright smile on your face and waving at her with your free hand.
Mat looks constipated and you nudge him with the back of your hand, muttering, “smile,” until he manages something halfway decent.
“She’s just a baby,” he says out of the corner of his mouth, waving like a robot. “She shouldn’t be old enough for school.”
You sniffle a little, watching the door shut behind Talia and the principal, your hand dropping from the air. “I don’t understand how time went so fast,” you hiccup, tears building at your lash line. Anxiety starts to churn in your stomach. “Maybe you’re right, maybe we should keep her home another year.”
“Oh, whoa,” Mat wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest so he can hug you tightly. “We definitely need to distract you, if you’re starting to agree with me.”
He laughs and you manage a weak giggle against his shoulder. Mat’s hands are warm against your back and you melt into him. “I’m going to miss having my little sidekick around,” you confess, suddenly exhausted from holding it together. Other than a few hours a week at pre-k, Talia’s been by your side practically every second since birth.
Mat drops a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ve got a couple of hours before I have to hit the gym, why don’t we go home and make you a new sidekick?”
You can hear the grin in his voice and you pull back from his chest, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Don’t tease me, Mat,” you murmur, heart pounding wildly. He’d said about trying again earlier, but you weren’t really sure if he was serious.
“Not teasing you, Squeaks,” he replies, the familiar nickname falling from his lips warmly. At this point, he uses it more than your given name, the curse of those damn Nikes. Mat grips your chin in between his thumb and index finger and tilts it up a little more so he can bend his head and kiss you sweetly. “Let’s give it another try and if…well, if not, we can look more into surrogacy again.”
Your head bobbles a nod and your heart swoops a little in your chest, the excited/nervous fizz of Mat’s words making you feel a little dizzy. Baby making is a land mine sometimes for your brain, but right now all you know is that everything in your body is screaming for your husband to give you another baby.
Mat’s grip on your chin tightens briefly and he kisses you again, lacing your fingers with his to drag you back to the car. You skip along behind him, laughter fighting to escape your lips.
“Should we make this one in the bedroom?” Mat teases, holding open the door for you. His hazel eyes twinkle with mischief. “Or in the shower like T?”
A flush works its way up over your chest and face, your entire body going hot. Mat laughs at the expression on your face and you mutter, “we don’t know it was the shower.”
“Right, could’ve been the back seat of the car or the couch or in Bo’s bathroom,” Mat’s eyes dance, his smile wide and shit-eating.
You can’t help but smile back at him, electric delight working its way through your veins.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Do you know any bestfriend peter and stiles fixes no steter just really good best friends I just feel like there so underrated <3
Tumblr media
Accident by Chattalgi
(1/1 I 964 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles hurts himself.
Derek is there to help.
I’ll Go Through a Million Tragedies Just to Be with You by Ghosted_Redacted
(1/? I 993 I Not Rated I Stackson)
Stiles is suffering after the nogitsune, but that doesn’t mean he has to suffer alone. Sure, no one in town other than an (ex) homicidal werewolf, but that’s…fine.
But then he gets a call from London.
And maybe people do care.
(In other words: everyone suffers. But everyone also finds someone to love)
Two of Swords by pixieblade
(1/1 I 7,484 I Teen I Sterek)
Denial, blocking off emotions, avoidance of and not seeing the truth, stalemate, impasse.
They gather to stare at the orb. It's cold, where it should be warm. There's death, where life should flourish. One reaches out a hand, takes the freezing orb and presses it deep against his chest, sharing warmth and life and love.
'Breathe, little spark,' he whispers softly. Finding gentleness when it was once so lost to him. 'Breathe,' he coaxes. 'We're here. You're not alone anymore. Never again.'
The orb shudders in his embrace. Tears, like a melodic tinkling, dance across it's surface as it gives in and sinks into the heat of the other.
Never again, it repeats, and prays the other is right.
Wild (Blue Neighborhood) by BeautyOnFyre
(1/1 I 11,029 I Teen I Sterek)
Peter's lethargic body was unresponsive as he sat in the wheelchair, endlessly staring out the window of his hospital room. His side twinged a bit from the rough scrubbing the nurse had given his mottled flesh earlier and he ached to move even a finger.
"Uncle Peter?" The small voice was behind him in the doorway. He remembered that voice. Contrary to the title bestowed from the small girl that rounded his chair into his line of sight, Stiles Stilinski was not related to Peter at all.
Or how Stiles and Peter became best friends for life and brought Stiles into the Pack.
A Wolf's Ribbon by Dexterous_Sinistrous
(6/6 I 36,091 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek had been coached on how to approach the child heir apparent while hundreds of eyes watched him. He kept his eyes focused on the cradle, leaning over the edge as best he could to see the baby everyone had been talking about.
Stiles smiled when he saw Derek, kicking his legs out as he reached a hand up for him. He cooed at Derek, his fingers grabbing at the older boy in an attempt to touch him, all to no avail. He gurgled out a laugh when Derek reached a hand down into the cradle, snatching hold of his fingers as best he could.
Derek offered a small smile in response, allowing Stiles to playfully tug on his hand.
The two children made an adorable sight before the Court and their parents. That was the moment Queen Talia and King John decided to arrange their marriage. Every second was planned out without the voiced concern of the children.
It takes a village by pixieblade
(32/? I 78,312 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is tired. He's tired of always having to defend himself to his so-called best friend. He's tired of being ignored and he's tired of the Pack never having his back.
So this is his line. He'd draw it in the sand, but all he has is a glitter sharpie.
It'll have to do.
Baseball Bats and Sour Wolves by Erin1324
(68/? I 84,425 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek is cursed with some sort of spell, and for some reason only responds to Stiles as a result. He tries to attack everyone else, even his Alpha, he's also acting super overprotective of Stiles, hardly letting anyone get close to him.
Joining the Fang Gang by AClosedFicIsNeverRead
(21/? I 87,645 I Explicit I Sterek)
“Lydia? Lydia, look at me,” Derek urged, a slight tremor in his voice as he fought to be gentle with her despite his alarm. She blinked through tears and struggled to meet his gaze as he crouched in front of her. “What did you see?”
“Forest… It’s dark… His Dad is screaming for him…” Her lips trembled as she shook her head and gasped, “Oh, God… He’s dying, Derek. I can feel it… It hurts so much… Oh, poor Stiles…”
- OR -
The one where Stiles is turned into a vampire, hides it from the pack, and tries to manage his new 'condition' without them noticing.
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slytherin-ghost · 1 year
Could you write batfam x male reader who is talia and Bruce’s child but grew up with the league and are dating Connor but just like they are drawn dark stuff (knife, sword,daggers, collection) but also just is like a magpie and will just collect shiny things and they met Connor by walking around with kryptonaite they stole from bat cave and they just cause chaos like saying a really dark fact then hand you a random rock or button
Hi! I didn't know if you meant Justice league or League of Assassins so I did Justice league.
Warnings: Daggers, swords, kryptonite(?), fluff, pinning, cuddling, mentions of revival, mentions of death and murder
Main Ship: Connor Kent x Male!reader
No YN used in this fic
You walked around with a small piece of kryptonite that you stole from your dad's stash he kept in the Batcave. Why did you take it? Because it was shiny. You were looking for any of your brothers, who was willing to help You cause chaos.
Along your little walk you saw Connor walking the same direction as you. You smirked and hid the piece of kryptonite behind your back. "Hey Connor. Where you heading to?" You 'innocently' asked "Training." He mummers, quickly grabbing your hand as you tried to slip the kryptonite in his pocket. "Stop." He said walking away. For the rest of the walk you followed him and kept doing the same thing until Bruce, or Batman stopped you.
"I told you to stop taking these." He said taking the shiny item away from you, slipping it in his own pocket as Clark gave him a wary look. "Your lucky I let you and Damian have swords or daggers". You fake pouted before walking away to find your younger brother.
"Their going to kill each other one day." Bruce sighed "You let them have daggers?" Clark asked "Damian has swords. He has daggers. I makes him feel safe." Bruce explained "Well now I don't feel safe." Clark said "I'm not giving you a dagger." Bruce said.
Again, you were trying to get on Connors nerves.
You guys were in the hallway alone. "Connor! I'm bored!" You whined. "Not my problem." He said pushing you away. "Well, if you don't want me to get kryptonite and bother you...." You started. Before you knew it, Connor had pinned against the wall. You smirked and gave him a kiss. He blushed for a minute before kissing you back.
"Brat." He said "Love you too!" You said.
You and Connor were inside your room at the manor. He sat on your bed as you admired your dagger collection and your shiny promise bracelet from your boyfriend. With a dagger, some shiny coins, and maybe a small piece of kryptonite you went back over and sat with Connor.
"Take it out of your pocket." He mumbled holding you close. You sighed and took the kryptonite out of your pocket.
"Did you know Jason was revived by using Lazarus pit?"
"How do you know this?"
"My mother was there."
"You concern me."
You two ended up falling asleep with you holding you dagger and shiny coins close to you.
Dick opened you door "Hey! Bruce wants to see......" He cut himself off as he saw you two laying together. Dick smiled and closed the door. "What's wrong?" Tim asked as Dick came back downstairs "Our baby brother has a boyfriend!" He announced. Bruce and Damian who weren't paying attention looked up. "How do you know?" Jason asked "Their cuddling in his room.
"Who is it?" Jason asked "Connor!" Dick replied. Damian looked at his father "Do I have permission to kill my dear brother's boyfriend for that action?" He asked. Bruce nodded "Don't kill just hurt him."
Thank you for the request! My ask box is opened if you have a request!
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rubydubydoo122 · 24 days
Dick had a countdown going on for when he became legal and threatened to quit if they cast another actual kid for a main role. Thus 18 yr old baby face tim entered the fold once more because of dick graysons refusal for something.
Blockbuster was dick’s worst stalker, mostly because he threatened to burn down his apartment, kill his family, and dox all of his costars if dick didn’t run away with him. And he’s had Slade send him whole ass guns.
Joker has been Jason’s #1 enemy since he started acting on the show. Not because he’s an actual villain, but because he accidentally scared Jason one time and Jason screamed so loud the security on set started sprinting towards them both. So embarrassing
The show gets so long that the writing team asks for input from the actors so every season there’s like four episodes that are considered separate from the main canon where the actors basically do whatever they want. There’s been casino heists with Tim as the ring leader, vampire king dick grayson, Indiana jones ass Jason Todd, wizard Bruce Wayne, single father dick (first time Damian was on set and fans loved him so much he got added to main cast), ghost Jason (he thought it was funny), time traveler tim, etc.
I typed out a whole thing for this Actor AU, but then it didn't save, but ask me individually how I think each season would go and then how I think some background behind the scenes would be like, cus I had the whole thing typed out AND THEN IT DIDN"T SAVVVVVEEEEEE
But yeah, Dick was really close to quitting when Jason joined the show and became Robin, and then, breathed a sigh of relief when he got fridged, and then was so pissed when he realized the writers were looking for another kid to play Robin, so Dick decided he was going to play a more involved role in the casting process.
I think the Joker thing is HILAROIUS, and there's definitely an interview where someone asks Jason what his biggest fear is, and Jason says "Clowns" and that interview blows up (pun intended) when they kill off Jason.
And In any Alternate Universes, I make it so Talia and Bruce get married, so i think it would be cute if the actor who plays Damian is actually their child, and grew up around the set. There are pictures of Dick, Jason at so many of Damian's early milestones, and a video of Tim, Cass and Steph helping Damian look for a tooth that he lost but accidentally dropped.
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DPxDC prompt #1
(Or baby’s first fic prompt that’s more of a ficlette. It’s going under the cut because it ended up longer than a prompt. Sorry.)
Jazz is reincarnated in the DC Universe. Her new family is no longer in the picture and she doesn’t remember her past life at all. She ends up taken in by the League of Assassins. She is named Yasmina.
She grows up there, learning to be a skilled fighter and trains to be Talias bodyguard. Sometimes she helps protect baby Damian, even though she is only a teenager.
She grows up to be a tall girl with a strong build. Not willowy like Talia. She still has red hair but it’s darker now and naturally violet eyes because of a latent meta gene.
Talia eventually switches her to helping Jason during his training, acting as a go between. She occasionally has Yasmina spar with Jason to gauge how his training is going. The two teens get close, Talia sees this as a chance to manipulate Jason. She encourages Yasmina to pursue her interest in Jason, and encourage Jason to do the same.
(Talia is also kind of hoping Jason decides not to leave because she’s started to think of him as her own. Son, apprentice, just something intrinsically hers. She doesn’t want to give him back to her Beloved. She’s also seeing a bit of herself and Bruce in Yasmina and Jason. It’s nostalgic, but painful. She kind of wants them to have a better end than her.)
Yasmina and Jason end up spending a lot of time together. Feelings get stronger. They find a kind of happiness in each other for a time. It might be love blooming.
Then Jason’s training comes to an end. He still chooses to return to Gotham. Yasmina’s heart is broken, but when she looks in his eyes she knows Gotham is his first love. He’s just as Talia described The Bat to her, on one of her vaguely vulnerable days. Too determined. Too focused. The mission will always come first, even as he says he’s nothing like his father.
They fall into bed for the first time, desperate with the knowledge that they might never see each other again; And if they do, it might be as enemies. She sends him off with memories of her, and he ends up leaving something behind unintentionally.
That’s right, Yasmina is pregnant. But she doesn’t know that for a while. She hardly has any symptoms and miraculously, no miscarriage during all her training and any fights she gets into in that time.
Until her luck runs out.
She takes a killing blow for Talia, and earns her first dip in the Lazarus Pit. She goes in complete loyal to the League, she comes out with her memories as Jazz Fenton, and the soul of Danny inhabiting her unborn child.
She gets a medical check up after her Lazarus Spa day and look at that! Pregnant! Talia is kind of having flash backs. At least when She got pregnant and sent Bruce away, she Knew she was sending away the father of her child.
Talia helps Yasmina through her pregnancy and with the care of the baby; all with the understanding that this child will become Damian’s right hand. A couple years pass. Damian has gone to live in Gotham, and now 5 year old Danny (who kind of remembers his past life) is showing sighs of having suspiciously Lazarus water adjacent powers. Ra’s is getting nosy, uh oh. So Talia sends Yasmina away to Gotham.
Armed with the knowledge of her past and the skills of her present, Yasmina is determined to introduce her son to his father. Weather or not Jason will help convince The Bat to let them stay is another matter.
She also has to deal with her dip in the Lazarus pit activating her meta gene. Now she has her own Liminal powers to deal with on top of Danny’s ghost powers resurfacing.
(I know that was long. I know it’s practically a fic. I have no intention of writing more myself. If you want to, go ahead. But Tag me please I want to read a fic like this. This premise has been swimming in my brain like soup for days.)
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crybabylulu · 1 year
This is correct and no I will not take criticism.
Joker: *has kidnapped the bat kids and has beat the shit out of them*
Batman: *bursting in to save his kids*
Grayson: hi B! Glad you could make!
Barbara: *poor sweet baby having a ptsd moment*
Damian: TT about time father
Batman: joker look at me
Joker: *sighs and looks at batman* what is it batsy?
Batman: stop this isn’t you
Batman: look into my eyes, it’s me your soulmate
Damian: I’m calling my mother
Harley: *behind batman ready to beat the shit out of him with her bat*
Talia: *already on her way, her motherly instincts told her Bruce was doing something stupid and not protecting her precious bundle of joy*
*extra bonus*
Steph and Cass: *hearing Bruce’s bullshit and on their way to go get they big sister Barbara*
Duke: *minding his business with Luke Fox somewhere*
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 8
‘So, he just showed up in your appartement?’
Tim was still confused how Danny ended up in Jason’s care. At least he wasn’t the only one, as Jason still doesn’t know either. And of course this was the one thing Danny’s memory kept failing him on.
‘I told you, one moment I was alone, and the next he was just sitting on the floor. I don’t know how he didn’t set off any alarms.’
The brothers were both looking at Danny, who was playing with his stuffed bunny, none the wiser to their conversation. That was boring adult stuff, and the adventures of Mr. Bun-Bun were much more interesting.
‘You don’t think he could’ve teleported inside, do you?’
Jason took another swing of his beer. ‘Honestly, the kid pulls a new power out of his ass every other day. If he did, it wouldn’t surprise me.’
They were waiting. Tim had convinced Jason that they needed go talk to Talia and get more information from her. The DNA-test wasn’t as useful as Jason had hoped, but knowing for certain that Talia was involved gave them a new lead to follow. Tim had managed to find out which LoA base Talia was in at the moment, but that had left one problem to figure out.
‘How long do you think it’ll take for him to get here?’
There was no way Jason was bringing Danny along to a LoA base. Apart from the obvious dangers like the ninja’s, Jason didn’t want Danny anywhere near a Lazarus Pit. The kid had enough of that stuff in his system as is. Knowing Danny, he’d say something about spicy soup and slurp the whole thing up with a straw! Well, maybe not, but it wouldn’t surprise Jason if that did happen.
‘Should be any moment now. It’s only 3 days, can’t take that long to pack a suitcase for that.’
So in short, Tim and Jason were leaving for the LoA base, and Danny stayed here. That meant:
‘Hey, I’m here! What’s the emergency? Where are we going?’
Nightwing climbed through the window behind Tim and Jason. Dragging a suitcase clumsily through the window, he toppled over once it popped through. The noise had startled Danny, who had promptly gone invisible.
‘Hey, Dick! Glad you could finally make it.’ Tim stood up from the couch to help Dick up.
‘Yeah, yeah. In case you didn’t know traffic out of Blüdhaven is always the worst. Plus I had to change out into my suit on the way. So, what’s the problem. Must be pretty serious if Tim was willing to cash in his blackmail.’ Dick stretches his legs, before dropping down on the couch as well.
Jason stands up and gathers the supplies he had set out. ‘We’re having a bit of a problem with my case. So we’re heading to Egypt, where Talia is setting up another LoA base and interrogate her.’
Dick stands up as well. ‘So, we’re going to Egypt? But you guys told me to bring regular clothes. It sounded like a Gotham mission?’
Tim puts his hand on Dick’s shoulder, pushing him back on the couch. ‘No, Dick. Me and Jason are going to Egypt. You’re staying right here.’ Tim took his own bag and headed to the window.
Dick was now very confused. ‘Hold on. You’re cashing in your blackmail and pulled me all the way from Blüdhaven, just so I could house-sit for Jason?’
Jason smirked. Knowing instinctively where Danny was, he picked the invisible boy up and turned back to Dick. Tickling the kid to make him drop his invisibility, Jason showed Danny to Dick.
‘Nope! Not house-sitting. You’re baby-sitting!’
That had been 3 nights ago. Dick was looking at the kid. It had been just three nights. Three nights! And Dick was already at his wits end. Danny was a meta, and a wild one! No, not wild. Just, a lot to handle. Jason had just left him, only leaving a notebook and the food in the fridge! Sure, he had already been tired. He had just finished a case, but not yet had the time to rest. Danny had immediately jumped on Dick, asking all sorts of questions.
‘Uncle Dick, what are these?’
Dick immediately rushed to get his Ecrisma sticks out of the 5-year-old’s hands.
‘Those are my weapons. Don’t touch them, they are very dangerous!’
He swears this kid has the survival instinct of a hamster. Knives, sockets, if it was dangerous Danny wanted to know all about it. And he was the type of kid that wanted to touch EVERYTHING.
‘Uncle Dick, why do you dress like that?’
Now that was uncalled for. His clothes were just fine. He wasn't even wearing his uniform, just regular clothes! Maybe the superman logo on his hoodie threw the kid off?
‘This is just my hoodie. I just like Superman, that’s all.’
Dick hadn’t even gotten the time to skim the notebook. Instead he had asked Danny about his allergies, likes and dislikes. That’s probably all that was in there anyway. As long as he didn’t poison the kid everything would be fine.
‘Uncle Dick, what does daddy do for a job?’
Dick rubbed his temples. How does he tell that to a kid? At the end of the day, Jason has killed a lot of people, and still does.
‘He- uh, he puts bad people in the ground.’
Ok, he shouldn’t have said that. Luckily it didn’t seem like Danny dwelled on it too much. Now, if Dick could just get him to sleep, then maybe Dick could-
‘Uncle Dick, what is this?’
Rushing to pull his grappling hook out of Danny’s hands, Dick knew he needed a plan. Danny was most likely bored. With that white hair and glow that Dick had noticed when he turned the lights off, Danny most likely hadn’t been able to leave the appartement. The kid must be climbing up the walls. That gave Dick an idea that hopefully allow Danny to burn off some excess energy.
‘Uncle Dick, when will da-’
‘Hey Danny, do you want to go somewhere fun?’
Thinking no one would be here in the middle of the night, Danny and Nightwing arrived at the playpark. Due to Danny glowing and being an obvious meta, Dick had opted for wearing his Nightwing uniform and giving Danny a spare domino mask. Danny immediately flew to the slide. Seeing that Danny was more than happy to just play, Nightwing sat down on a bench. He was exhausted.
Why had Jason not warned him the kid was a meta? Dick couldn’t take his eyes off Danny for a second! Danny would fly up only to drop down, so Dick needed to catch him. If Danny had too much sugar he would fly around the appartement with breakneck speed, making Dick pray he didn’t fly into something. If Danny didn’t want to go to bed, he’d turn invisible and Dick would be searching for hours! Right as he was finally relaxing a bit, Dick suddenly heard a sound he and his family were acutely aware off.
Knowing someone was in trouble, Nightwing knew he had to help. But he had to watch Danny! Seeing Danny happily play, he made a decision. One he knew he was going to regret.
‘Danny, I need to go and help someone. Promise me that you’ll stay right here, ok? I’ll be right back!’
Danny gave him a thumbs up, and kept playing with Mr. Bun-Bun on the slide. Nightwing ran to the source of the scream, leaving Danny in the park. He could do this, it’s only be a minute!
Danny was looking at Nightwing leaving, when he noticed something in the other direction. Promise forgotten, he got up and was determined to make a new friend tonight.
A few minutes later, Nightwing was running back. Just a stupid mugger trying to steal a lady’s handbag. He could’ve let the police handle it, but that’s the beauty of hindsight. It didn’t matter, he was almost back at the playpark. Almost back to-
Danny was nowhere to be found.
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suzukiblu · 1 month
WIP Not-Wednesday!
So like, not WIP Wednesday, exactly, BUT for this SUNday:
Send me an ask with a character or pairing and I will write you a minimum of three sentences in a WIP of mine that includes said character or pairing.
No requests for specific WIPs, please! Admittedly there's a couple of options where you could pretty much guarantee which fic you're gonna get (or you could just pick one of my OCs, which would DEFINITELY guarantee which fic you're gonna get), but still, picking the WIP by name goes against the spirit of things, hah.
Multiple requests are fine, but please send them in separate asks; it's just way easier for me to answer and also way easier for people who are reading through the WIP tags later.
And in case you are not sure of the pairing/character options in my currently active WIPs or just immediately blanked on ideas, I will include a list of all the ones I can think of behind the following cut! Though like, if you think of one I missed, feel free to go for it.
character options:
Tim Drake
Cassie Sandsmark
Bart Allen
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
Lex Luthor
Kara Zor-El
Damian Wayne
Billy Batson
Jon Kent
Jonathan and Martha Kent
Bruce Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Bernard Dowd
Black Zero
Mercy Graves
Hope Taya
Prince Tuftan
Lady Tawna
Howler, Growler, and Gorr
Talia al Ghul
Cissie King-Jones
Greta Hayes
Anita Fite
Jimmy Olsen
Wally West
M'gann M'rozz
Artemis Crock
Tana Moon
Roxy Leech
Krypto (the Super Dog)
Krypto (the Earth Dog)
Jay Nakamura
Jazz Fenton
Danny Fenton
Tucker Foley
Dani Fenton
[ insert probably-a-baby-or-a-clone-or-a-clone-baby-OC here ]
pairing options:
Core Four polyam
Young Justice polyam
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beatora-truther · 5 months
talia anon here!
i was actually expecting a dissertation-length answer so it wasn't too much lol. that being said how would you portray her relationship with damian? i always hated the fact that ra's raised damian without talia knowing bc talia doesn't remember her mother due to her loa shenanigans and now the cycle is lowkey repeating with damian which is the very thing she tried to avoid.
the thing with damian and talia is that if we want to keep damian the same as he is while also ignoring morrison’s talia, she couldn’t have raised him. she couldn’t have even known about him. so that means we gotta rework the timeline a LOT. specifically the time between son of the demon and talia’s lexcorp arc. my idea for what happened immediately following son of the demon was that talia found some sort of excuse to be away from her father for the length of her pregnancy and then secretly gave birth to damian/gave him up for adoption before returning to ra’s. after she left ra’s following tower of babel, that’s when ra’s somehow found out that damian was alive and took him back (i haven’t thought that part out much yet). if her lexcorp era lasted for longer like i said i wanted in my previous post, then timeline wise talia would have no idea that ra’s was raising her son.
how she would eventually find out about damian and take him away from the league i still don’t know. i have to think on that more. but i don’t think it would be an easy thing for her to cope with. i feel like she probably would have already divorced herself from any motherly feelings after deciding to give damian up, because she knew she wouldn’t be this child’s mother. i kinda get this sense just from reading son of the demon (which imo is so subjective when it comes to talia’s motivations and is meant to be that way). when people talk about why talia gave her child up they usually talk about the dangers of bruce’s life and how she realized that after bruce almost got himself killed. i don’t think we talk enough about the dangers of talia’s life, and how she might have realized she doesn’t want to her child to lose their mother the way she lost hers. talia has a very heavy sense of responsibility and wouldn’t be one to just leave everything behind to raise her baby, just like she would never ask bruce to stop being batman. her own happiness is immaterial to her. “atlas does not smile” and all that.
because of everything i mentioned above, i think talia might have trouble bonding with damian when she eventually does meet him. not because she doesn’t love him, but because she didn’t plan on raising him. she probably did her best to not even think about him over the years. and on damian’s side, i wouldn’t be surprised if he harbored some resentment towards her. ra’s loves talia, but he did not have a great relationship with her after she left him. and add her leaving him to him finding out she lied about losing her baby? ra’s does not take betrayal very well. it wouldn’t surprise me if he lied to damian about her, either saying she was dead or that she left him. so when a traumatized child meets the mother he thought was dead or just a deadbeat, of course he’s gonna have some complicated feelings about it.
however i do think that they could get past that and have a close relationship. i am also a mama’s boy damian truther 4life.
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mosses-gate-3 · 4 months
How does Andis, Salix and Ren feel about kids? Do they like them, or just find them annoying? Are they any good with kids? Would they ever want kids of their own?
Bonus question: Tell us about their kids if they ever have any!
okokok I did do a similar ask a bit ago with Salix & Andy BUT! I have been thinking a ridiculous amount about regale children
Ren I think is surprisingly good with kids. One of their biggest strengths is keeping a calm, neutral outward appearance in stressful situations, and I think that translates over really well to childcare. They enjoy spending time with the kids at the Grove. As for whether they'd actually want kids of their own:
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I don't think they and Gale can physically have bio kids together, nor do they want to. But I was thinking about them and children and a thing came to me.
“So you remember the egg from the creche, yes?” “…The one we put in a bag of holding six years ago and forgot about?” “…Well, I'd say it was less a random choice and more a calculated decision made for the good of the egg and our group, but yes - I've been researching and it’s fascinating, really, Githyanki eggs can incubate for extended amounts of time in the Astral plane due to a number of unique conditions and, theoretically, this property extends to pocket dimensions such as those created by a bag of holding. It’s been a dream of mine to study the precise conditions that make this possible for years–" "Gale, love, didn't you say this was urgent?" "Right! Yes. It’s hatching.” “It’s WHAT.”
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...And then they go around frantically calling up Lae'zel and the others, and there's an impromptu six-year-anniversary reunion while they try to figure out how the fuck to take care of an egg baby. Featuring Dadstarion... NOT.
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After he's safely born they all have a very long conversation about who should keep it. Wyll and Karlach are the obvious first choice but they're dealing with a lot of change at the moment (Wyll's training to become Grand Duke and they're moving back in to Baldur's Gate and aren't in a place for a baby yet.) Lae'zel is still fighting a civil war, Shadowheart has a lot on her plate already, and I wouldn't trust Astarion anywhere near a baby let alone with CUSTODY of one (see previous). So Ren and Gale keep the child and name him Xan. Look into his dead, soulless eyes.
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They all try to stay in his life in some way. Lae'zel visits when she can. Shadowheart is like a cool wine aunt who's always around. Astarion is like a cool wine aunt who's never around. Karlach and Wyll, Wyll especially, are practically co-parenting the kid. He's not in the right situation for kids right now but he will be the best damn babysitter this side of Avernus.
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But fear not, because in a couple years the two of them will have kids of their own! DAD WYLL LIVES IN MY BRAIN RENT FREE OKAY. I think their names are Talia and Jayden and they're raised very close with Xan, he sees them as his younger siblings and is very protective of them.
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Here's Xan and Jayden! Talia is probably behind them. At this point Xan's about 10, Talia is 7 or so, and Jayden is around 4 or 5.
Xan inherited Gale's expressiveness and tendency to gesticulate, and Ren's logical mind and speech mannerisms. I think he's generally very responsible. Other than that he's hardly similar to his parents at all, he doesn't care for academics much and most likely becomes a melee class later. They're very proud of him anyway; it's probably for the better he didn't turn out Mystra's next Chosen or something.
When he gets older he and his siblings set out to become adventurers! Talia is a cleric of no deity in particular (that is a thing you can do I looked it up apparently the power can just come from something you really believe in) and Jayden's a sorcerer (I have Karlach classed as a wild magic barbarian in my playthrough which is where he gets it from.) Xan is a paladin, I don't know which oath, probably Ancients or Devotion. I'm currently working on aged up designs for them, I'll reblog this with them when I'm done.
That's pretty much all I have so far but this is pretty much what I consider canon after the game, at least in Ren's playthrough! I'm sure they'll be excellent parents. Even if they did forget a literal living baby in their bag of holding for SIX YEARS... But it's fine there was a lot going on. Thank god for the weird githyanki physics I made up.
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multi-esme · 3 months
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Leaving her baby son tucked in and sleeping for the night, Selina had decided to leave the mansion for her nightly activities she had missed doing.
Stretching in her catwoman suit, she rolled her head from side to side as she got ready to head off into the center of Gotham. Reviving the engine to her motorcycle, she smiled missing riding it through the night.
"There you are," She purred through the ceiling windows of one Gotham's finest jewelry stores. Once she arrived, she made quick work of getting to the roof where she would access through a window she would cut through. "I really hope big daddy doesn't wake up and come get me before I'm done," She snickers to herself as she attaches her safety line to the hook she had secured in order to descend down into the jewelry store.
Lowering herself down slowly, avoiding the red lines of lasers that could trigger at any small movement. She gets out her tools to cut through more glass that stored the precious jewels she had been eyeing for a while. "My how sparkly you are," She purrs with a smirk as she could already feel the smooth surface of the diamond necklace that laid securely in the glass container.
"You think she's in here?"
"She's definitely in there," Joker says as he waited in his expensive vehicle, his eyes staring at the store where Catwoman was currently inside. "If I know anything about her sister, I know that this one can't avoid new sparkly diamonds."
"Fuck," Selina whispered as she dropped one of her tools. Going to lower herself more in order to grab it, she felt a strong tug on her line. "What the-" the tugging began to feel stronger, lifting her up as her eyes widened. "Bat, wait- I didn't-" once she was lifted up and out of the store, her face falls as it wasn't Batman that she had expected.
"Hello, señorita," Bane says through his mask. "Were you expecting the Batman?" He asks as he throws her across rooftops until her body slams against the side of an industrial a/c.
Groaning from the powerful through of Bane, Selina rolls to her side. "Why did I leave my phone at home..." She says with a groan.
"You just couldn't die, could you?" Walking over, Talia glared down at Selina. Giving a harsh kick to her stomach, she bends down to her level. "Do you know how much work it was to seduce him? To get his money without him knowing." Giving a punch to Selina's face, she hears a crack of a bone which has her crying in pain. "But he just had to fall in love with you. A poor thief who had no one." Beating up Selina that had been tangled in her grappling gun's line she had used, Talia felt joy that she had her where she wanted.
"I hope your son won't recognize you after this." She spits in her face, grabbing her and throwing her off the rooftop and onto a car down below that was parked.
Breathing in pain as she felt her ribs crack, Selina rolled off of the vehicle. Blood covers her face and suit as she tried to crawl away. "Bat..." She coughed. "Bat..." painfully getting to her feet, she hears the loud roar of a car speeding down the street. With one eye half opened, the other swollen. She sees the maniacal look of Joker behind the wheel.
Getting run over and thrown over the car, her body rolls down on the gravel. Hearing a ringing in her ears and the loud laugh of Joker driving off. Selina laid facing towards the gloomy sky of Gotham, breathing becoming more painful as she felt her entire body giving up.
"Hey! Are you okay?" A voice that she could barely hear, a blurry face coming into her view. "Miss? Hey, please don't close your eyes!" Panicking, Juyeon, an alpha werewolf undercover that was walking around Gotham in search of a fast food joint being open. Stumbled upon the scent of someone that made his wolf howl in pain and the noise of someone getting hurt. Picking up the battered body of Selina, he hurries to his apartment in hopes of helping her out as he could hear her heart slow down.
"Please don't die, please don't die..." He kept saying as he got to his apartment and hurried to clean and fix Catwoman up. "I finally found you," Juyeon whines as he got his medical supplies. "Shit-" Seeing how her mid section looked, he took her hand in his as his veins began to turn black. Taking away the pain she had, Juyeon groaned at how she could've gone through such a fight.
Hearing a painful gasp from Selina, Juyeon's feline eyes opened wide as he could hear her breathe again. "Thank the moon," he breathed, working again to get her cleaned up. Seeing as the mask that covered up Selina's face, he hoped she wouldn't mind as he carefully took it off. His heart squeezing in pain as he saw more cuts and bruises on her face as she falls unconscious again.
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✿ smol little update : @badbf-cb 《 chanyeol & wonho ♡☆ 》 | @kavengers-assemble 《 xiaojun & top ♡♡ 》 | @dc-heroes-cb 《 daniel ♡ 》 | @monsterhigh-cb | @folklore-cb 《 jeno ♡ 》 | @livealittleoc-cb 《 emilia ♡ 》 | @uridealbf-cb 《 ☆ 》 | @yanderegroup 《 nana ☆ 》 | @storybook-nct 《 minhyung ♡ 》 | @raiden-oc | @fantasyaespa | @urbtsboys | @league-of-assassins
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC, MCU
Title: Did She Run Away?
Series: Wheres My Love (2/??)
Character(s): Peter Parker, The avengers, Talia Al Ghul, Connor Kent, Jon Kent
Request: No
Genre: Fluff, Angst
TW: None
A/N: Reader used to be superman’s sidekick . When I through New York in here, if y’all didn’t expect this to be a DC, Marvel cross over idk what to say
(Y/S/N) = Your superhero name
(N/N) = Nickname
(S/W) = signature weapon
December 1st, 2019
Almost two years that’s how long you had been here, in New York city. You were living with your friend Peter Parker and his aunt May. It had hit the news quickly that (Y/S/N) had moved from crime fighting in Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. To fighting crime in New York city, you hadn’t had a run in with the avengers, the rip off justice league as you called them, or heroes that were affiliated with them yet.
That would change tonight though. Since you decided to suit up about two months into your stay into New York, you had only gone after minor thugs. Which you found patrolling, which you were doing at the moment. When a familiar spider-boy who wore bright red decided you need company.
He swung down landing in front of you, before he could say anything you spoke. “What you want?” You asked.
“I thought you would like some company,” he replied, he stuck out his hand. “Spiderman,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes before taking his hand, “(Y/S/N),” You replied. You two began talking for awhile, getting to each other without revealing anything about your secret identities. You too had moved so you were sitting on the side of building with your legs dangling off the edge.
“So what’s it like working for superman?” He asked.
You shook your head, “I didn’t work for him, sure I was his sidekick but there no power dynamic. I would boss him around sometimes, he would do the same to me. He’s my mentor but he was also so much more then that,” You replied.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “It must have been hard leaving. I don’t what I would do if I had to leave behind black widow or Iron man,” You gave him a sad smile, and nodded.
“Why’d you leave?” He asked. You froze, you hadn’t told anyone not Peter not May. The only people who knew were the ones back in Gotham and Metropolis. He must have noticed your reaction to the question because he quickly told you, that you didn’t have to tell him.
“No, I’ll tell you. It’s fine,” you replied.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, you took a deep breathe. “My robin died,” you told him.
He tilted his head much like a confused puppy would, “Huh? Your bird died?” He asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “No, Batman’s sidekicks are called Robins. Mine died, he was killed by the Joker. It was couple of years ago but I never got over it, I spent months reviewing the footage from Batman’s suit from that night,” your voice cracked, “Trying to figure out if someway, somehow he wasn’t dead. But I just found myself watching my baby die, over and over again.
I did it until realized he was gone, that he wasn’t coming back. So I started visiting his grave, telling him everything that he was missing. I thought I was okay, I really did. Then one night I found myself fighting the joker. And were there, at the warehouse or what remained of it.
And he started things and I just remembered how mad, I was,” tears rolled down your face, “Mad that this sick son of a bitch was alive, but my baby bird was dead. Then I just snapped and I almost killed him and I just remember thinking that was I wanted to do it. I want him dead, I was gonna kill. If Nightwing and Orphan hadn’t shown up, I would have killed him,” You looked over at spiderman, “I’m not a murder,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Your not a murder (M/N).”
He removed his masking, revealing that he was Peter. “I figured it out, while you were talking,” the brunette explained.
“Can we go back your apartment?” You asked.
Peter nodded, “let’s go,”
March 2nd, 2020 (There is no COVID)
As the elevator went up heading to the top floor, where currently the Avengers resided, so did your nervous. Peter must have sense this because he placed a hand your shoulder, “Relax, everything is gonna be okay,” he told you.
You scoffed, “Telling people to relax doesn’t really make them relax,” You replied, “Besides this like meeting the Justice League all over again,”
“But it’s the avengers this time,”
You shook your head, “Still. Do you know how bad I embarrassed myself the first time, I met the Justice League?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Peter replied.
“It was that bad!” You exclaimed, “I fell into the fucking pool of Justice!” You looked over at Peter and noticed he was trying not to laugh, which earned him a small shove. “Asshole, don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you,” He replied, “Pool of Justice?”
You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing as well because you knew if you laughed, Morpheus would strike you down then and there. “Yeah…the justice league isn’t the best at name things,”
“Then I feel really bad for there children,” Peter laughed.
You shook your head, “Surprisingly there kids have good names, well the ones who didn’t name themselves or had names before they got there,”
“Named themselves? Names before they got there?” Peter asked.
“Well sure the justice league treats there sidekicks and refers to them as there kids but most of them aren’t. Like my buddy Dick, he might be Bruce’s son but Bruce didn’t name him.
Dick’s parents did and so did my parents. And as for naming themselves, sometimes there sidekicks are manmade. Like my brother, Conner. He was made to be a clone of Clark and Lex Luther, he escaped the lab though and he needed clothes. So he stole them from one of the guards and the name on the outfit was Connor,” You explained.
Before Peter could respond the elevator door opened signaling you were on the avengers floor. “You ready?” Peter asked, you nodded. The two of you exited the elevator and walked down a small hallway that took you to living room.
Where a butch of people sat you recognized them all right off the bat. There was Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Iron Man or Tony Stark, The god of thunder or Thor, Hawkeye or Clit Barton, Bruce Banner or the Hulk, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
They all smiled at you, “You must be (M/N) Kent,” Tony smiled at you.
“I am indeed,” You smiled back.
Natasha patted the space next to her, “come sit down,” she told the two of you. You both did as you were told.
“We’ve heard a lot about you from Peter,” Clit told you.
“Good things, I hope you,” you replied.
“Really good things,” Steve assured you. You spent the next hour or so getting to know them all. It was nice, you laughed a lot this much since Jason died.
“How’d you end up with, Superman and superwomen?” Thor asked.
“My parents dropped me off outside, Superman’s house. Apparently they were work buddies with his Superwomen and they couldn’t take care of me. I was two, they left a note with my name and I haven’t seen them since. But it’s okay because Superman and Superwomen raised me as there kid. There my family,” You explained.
“So why’d you leave, Metropolis and Gotham? If all the family you’ve ever known was there?” Tony asked, “Get tired of the Justice League up your ass?”
You shook your head, “The love of my life died,” you told them. You felt the whole rooms atmosphere change.
“I’m so sorry, what happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” Natasha asked.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “He was murder by the Joker and years later I thought,” You shook your head, “I didn’t think, I knew I was okay. Then I’m back at what remained of the warehouse, he was killed, fighting the Joker and I almost killed him. I was lucky two of my friends were in the area because they pulled me off of him and at that moment I knew I couldn’t stay,” you explained.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony replied, “I wouldn’t know what to do if Pepper died, especially if I found myself fighting the person who did years later,”
“It was hard,” You replied.
“Well, on a happier note,” Bruce spoke up, “we don’t usually summon people to the Avengers tower, you’re aware of that correct?” Bruce asked, you nodded.
“Well were thinking about giving you an opportunity, to work with us. You know this business way better then a lot of us do, and we could use that,” He explained.
You lit up, “Really?”
Bruce nodded, “You could teach a lot of us some things and some of us have been in this game for years.”
“I’ll try my best,” You replied.
“So you in?” Peter asked.
“Of course,” you smiled.
August 23rd, 2021
You sighed as you unlocked the door to your apartment, yes your apartment. You moved out of May’s and Peter’s a couple moths ago. Finally having enough money to buy your own, which you were very happy about. You loved Peter but after a night a patrol all you wanted to do was go to sleep, which was with him that was not so easy.
As you entered the apartment you were quick to realize that the Tv and the light in the living room were on. This set you on alert, you pulled your (S/W) out and slowly made your way to living room. As you got closer you heard a laugh, one you had heard so much that you almost immediately knew who had broken into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes, as your entered the living room. “Con-” you cut yourself off. Curled up, asleep next to Connor on the couch looked like a mini-boy version of Louis Lane who couldn’t have been more then four years old. “Whose that?” You whispered.
“(M/N), meet our younger brother, Jon,” He smiled at you.
You were very skeptical, “Is this another clone?” You asked.
Connor shook his head. “So Clark and Louis…,” you didn’t finish the sentence.
Connor nodded once more, “Yep, they had sex. I wonder how that would work, I always-,” you grimaced and cut your brother off.
“Connor!” You exclaimed, “I don’t wanna think about my mother and father figure having sex!” Your shouting cause Jon to stir next to Connor, immediately opening his eyes.
He blinked a couple times before looking around eyes landing on you. “(M/N)?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting down on your knees in front of your baby brother.
“Hello, Honey,” you smiled.
Before Jon could respond Connor spoke up, “You know, Bruce had another kid,” Connor told you.
“Really?” You asked not taking your eyes off of Jon.
“Mhm, he’s an Al Ghul,” This caught you off guard, you turned Connor wide eyed.
“Yep, I know,” Connor replied.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed.
“Hey! Watch your mouth in front of Jon!” Connor scolded you.
You put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry,” you replied.
“You better, do you know how much of a bad mouth Dick, Stephanie, and Tim have?” You watched as Jon visible lit up at those names and quickly looked around.
“Dick?” Jon asked, you shook your head.
“He’s not here buddy,” you turned Connor, “he can’t be more then four, when did Louis have him?” You asked.
“She was three months at the time you left.”
You couldn’t believe it, Clark and Louis probably knew but they didn’t tell you. Hell they didn’t even tell you he was born. You were anger but also hurt, Connor could tell. He could always, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry (N/N),” he told you.
“How could they not tell me?” You asked.
“I don’t know, maybe they thought you’d come straight home,” Connor suggested, but you both knew it wasn’t true.
“I can’t believe it!” You exclaimed. “I’m just much as there kid your two are,” you gestured to Connor and Jon, “I didn’t know my parents, Clark and Louis were the only I had. How could they not tell me?” You felt tears burn your eyes and at this moment you didn’t care, you let them fall freely.
Connor weakly smiled at you, he moved off the couch and sat down on your right. He took your hand into his, you could tell he was fighting back tears. You two had always been close, doing everything together. So when one broke down, the other was very close to following because you didn’t like seeing each other like that.
You didn’t like seeing each other in pain, or sad, or sick. “(M/N), Clark and Louis aren’t good people. You always looked up to them, so I never wanted to tell you but there not. Heck once Jon’s old enough, and Clark doesn’t need me around to take care of his son. I’m gonna grandma and grandpa, I’m not gonna be welcome at home anymore.
I’m gonna be superboy, he is. Because he was kid Louis and Clark wanted,” You watched as the tears fell down your brother’s face, “Not some clone made of him and his arch enemy, not some random kid left on his door step. He’s gonna be the golden boy, the golden child and were gonna be left behind like we never exist,” Connor told you.
You didn’t wanna believe it but deep down, you knew it was true. There was no avoiding it. “Do you ever wish you lived with Lex, instead of Clark?” You asked.
Connor nodded, “Because he even the small times I see him because I have too. Because as much as Clark and Louis want to deny it i’m his kid too. He treats me better then either of them did, he might be asshole sometimes and supervillain but he’s good dad. You ever wonder, what it would be like if you parents kept you?”
You nodded, “Everyday. I wonder what it would like. If they take me back now, even with how fucked I am,” Connor squeezed your hand.
“You not fucked up,” He told you.
You shook your head, “I am! Connor, I am! I couldn’t take care of myself before Jason died, I can hardly do it now. Hell i tried to kill the Joker. I’m having nightmares about the Lazarus Pit and Jason crawling out of his grave. Even though I know it’s gone, and so is he. I’m fucked Connor,”
He shook his head, as he pulled you into a hug. “I love you so much,” he told you, “Your brother, and trust me your not fucked. Clark, Louis, the
joker, and everyone else is,” you felt an extra pair of arms wrap around you and looked to see Jon.
He smiled at you, “I love you too,” he told you.
You couldn’t help but smile as well, “I love you too, Jon. I love the both of you,” you told them.
“Now I have two awesome brothers!” Jon exclaimed. Your smile grew even wider at that.
February 1st, 2022
You, Peter, and Nat were building away from were the other avengers. There was group of people who had landed on Avengers and tower and Friday classified them as threat. The group of people, they brown robes and on the back of them was a symbol one you had seen before.
You knew it but you couldn’t remember where it was from. You remembered it being from a league of some sort, you watched as leader of the group, a women, looked around and as your eyes laid on her you realized who she was, Talia Al Ghul.
“Shit!” you exclaimed. You moved from the building you were on to the Avengers tower. Nat and Peter’s called your name but you didn’t care, as you cared about was making sure Tony, who blasted was currently pointed at Talia, didn’t do something that would cause a war behind the league and the avengers.
You landed in front of Talia seconds before Tony was about to shoot, “Stop!” You exclaimed.
“Good of you finally show up,” Talia told you, you just rolled your eyes
“(Y/S/N), what are you doing?” Tony asked.
“You can’t hurt her, you’ll start a war behind the league and the avengers and believe me that is the last thing y’all need,” You explained.
“A war?” Steve asked.
“The league is a very power power group,” you turned from your friend toward Talia, “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I visit my son’s boyfriend?” She asked.
You cocked your eyebrow at her, “Huh?”
Talia just rolled her eyes, “Jason, my son?”
You couldn’t help but be more confused, “Since when is Jason your son?” You asked.
“Since a couple months ago,” she replied.
“Talia, Jason died. He’s been died for years,” you replied.
Talia just smiled at you, “Oh (M/N), he’s alive,” you froze, “And you know it. You’ve been having dreams of him and the Lazarus Pit,”
You shook your head, “No.” You simply said, “Jason died years ago, The Lazarus pit was destroyed years before that by the Justice League,” You exclaimed.
“Yes, but I rebuilt it. I need someone to take of Damien,” She replied.
“So you brought my boyfriend back to life?!” You screamed.
Talia frowned at you, “I thought you would be happy,”
“Oh i’m thrilled!” You stomped your foot, “So fucking thrilled, do you know how dangerous that is? Talia, sure he can protect Damian but he is gonna have urges cause by Lazarus. He’s gonna be so unbelievably anger at Bruce, the Joker, Dick! Everyone!” You exclaimed. Then you remembered, Damian was in Gotham, “Is he..,” You didn’t finish the sentence, you didn’t have too.
“He is,”
“Talia,“ you whispered.
“I didn’t know,” she replied, “You need to stop before he does,” she told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Your connected to him. You can stop him, you can help him,” Talia replied. One of the assassins whispered something to her and she frowned, “I have to go but you need to stop him.”
Before you could speak they were gone you just stared at where they once were. “(M/N)?” Tony asked.
You turned around and noticed Nat and Peter had now joined the other avengers, “I have to go home, I have to go back to Gotham,” you replied.
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