#to be honest i didn't realise i had used it quite so many times until i counted this morning
malaierba · 4 months
My unpopular (why) opinion is that Toshiro's and Falin's relationship (platonic obviously) is quite beautiful and if fans weren't so odd about shipping they'd see how very sweet it is that Toshiro started liking Falin when he realised she's an odd but gentle person, when he felt a sense of kinship that he likely never felt before.
From what we see they got along, Falin has a positive opinion of him, on the few instances when we actually see them talk (beyond just memories of them talking but no actual dialogue being shown to us) it's obvious she feels comfortable enough to be completely honest and transparent with him, while still minding his feelings. She likes the guy well enough, she doesn't want to hurt him.
The marriage proposal is actually so interesting... The way they communicate with each other. Falin let's Toshiro down gently, and reveals something so intimate about herself, how she's behaved until now, what she wants to do in the future, that she'd like to visit him again!
And Toshiro is so gentle. He obviously cares about her so much (and water is wet BUT im talking specifically about how it's portrayed in this scene). If what Maizuru says is true, that was the second time he made a "selfish" request ("marry me and come with me") but he simply asks this from her and offers reassurances, "I'll make sure you're comfortable", but he's not you know the Hardass some people pretend he is.
And what I love the most... When she rejects him not only does he accept it gracefully, he's inspired by her declaration that she wants to be more independent. Why did Falin say that? To spare his feelings further? Or because she knew that this realisation, which meant so much to her, would resonate with Toshiro too?
Gonna get personal but. I'm aroace, hello. I've had a few friendships go to shit because someone confessed to me and I rejected them. And exactly one where the person accepted it gracefully and our friendship, after surviving an awkward moment, blossomed.
Like. Relationships CHANGE, and they can develop and deepen and strengthen in many ways, regardless of the dynamic they take on. When aspecs say "friendship can be as important as romance" one of the things we mean is, allow romantic love to go back to platonic love and be stronger regardless OR EVEN because of it.
Like. How beautiful, that these two recognised a bit of themselves in each other, and knew how to approach the other. How beautiful that Ryoko tells us "their friendship survived a rejected proposal, when the commonly used trope would've made their friendship unviable from then on".
How beautiful that narratively Toshiro's sacrifice is never played for laughs or made fun of or devalued because """he didn't get the girl""', but instead the manga says "it didn't pan out but it wasn't a pointless sacrifice because Toshiro genuinely cared for Falin as a person, and always did what he thought was best even when it went against his normal behaviour." How beautiful that Falin wants to meet his friend Toshiro again, that she thinks to tell him "I'm going to start being an active participant in my own life" and Toshiro thinks "I think I need to start doing that too".
How beautifullll that a rejection ended with a promise to meet again, it's so beautiful am I insane? Can someone hear me hello?
The love was there and it mattered, but it's even better. The love shifts and survives because the care is genuine, because when you truly care about a person you'll want them in your life in whatever dynamic suits everyone involved the best. Because love, whether romantic or platonic or a mix of something else entirely, is selfless.
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bibibbon · 9 months
MHA and dumbing down all might
Yes, you heard this right I wholeheartedly believe that horikoshi has been dumbing down all might because some of the stuff that happens really makes no sense.
The canon MHA stats that are made by horikoshi himself state that all might is actually quite intelligent yet we never see it in the series. If all might was very intelligent then wouldn't he :
Train Izuku in basic hand to hand combat? I mean he literally gave izuku A whole diet plan and gym routine so he can build up muscle because he realised that it would be DANGEROUS to give izuku OFA at his current state so wouldn't he also train Izuku in hand to hand so izuku can use OFA in closer range? Like are we talking about the same all might who planned how Izuku's life will go for the past 10 months by a whole schedule couldn't be offer izuku combat training?!?!
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Fully explain to him the concequences of OFA? I don't mean anything about AFO but the quirk OFA itself. Even though they were both in a rush you could of had all might warn izuku not to use the quirk until the last moment because he was still weak as a user and needed more time to grasp OFA but he just ends up giving izuku horrible advice which just makes all might look dumb.
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Realises how bad of a person bakugo is, plans to then help him and then NOTHING?. This can be easily explained by horikoshi and his absolute love for bakugo but all might actually realises that one of his students needs help and he planned to give bakugo counselling that's more then any other teacher has done but afterwards he also becomes blinded by bakugos "greatness BS"
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Realises how much of an escalated battle between izuku and Katsuki but doesn't stop it? This one is 50/50 for me while all might didn't have any audio from both of them he saw how badly that battle escalated and it also escalated so badly to the point you had students like kirishima saying that bakugo was going to murder izuku at this rate. Iam actually fine having this one because maybe all might never understood how bad their relationship was so he allowed this to go on but we could of had an apology scene afterwards where all might could of apologised for not stopping it sooner and have some teachers give him constructive criticism on his teaching.
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Actually keeps in mind that his successor is a child and understands that OFA is a big secret for a child to have or keep but then kind of leaves izuku alone with no proper support system? Look I get it. Telling every single living being about OFA is very very dangerous but the only people that do know about it do NOTHING to help or support izuku and with something like OFA Izuku definitely needs support so you could of had at least a bit of the teachers know vague details of the quirk (they don't have to know about how it can be transferred and passed down) but know that Izuku got it late. I get the reason why all might is so strict about telling NO ONE but it doesn't help Izuku. ALSO PROPS ON ALL MIGHT FOR ACKNOWLEDGING THAT IZUKU IS JUST A KID!!!!!
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Withholding help from izuku (but not really??) ???. Idk how to word this but let's be honest it's not a good look on all might when you have Izuku learning more from GRAN TORINO AND ENDEAVOUR?!?! When it comes to OFA all might is just there a lot of the time ( he doesn't really do much) and yes you can blame this on the narrative because we don't get that many scenes of them and their relationship in their first place but the point stands it's not a good look on you when you're successor is learning more from people who aren't OFA user's. I know all might was probably afraid of gran Torino and that's why he didn't contact him but like almost withholding and putting off help for izuku isn't a good look especially when we see all might do nothing about izuku breaking his bones.
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Forgetting to tell izuku about AFO?? At the beginning of the conversation after the stain arc it's stated that all might forgot tell izuku about the origins of the quirk which rubs me off the wrong way. I think the whole AFO reveal and it's involvement with OFA could of have been a great plot point that would make us see Izuku's feelings and maybe create some tension in AM and izu's relationship which can be sorted out because Izuku just accepting that he is gonna have to FIGHT a full on villain that has killed multiple people with no complaints rubs me off the wrong way
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All might is scared of gran Torino because of how hard he was "trained" by him but then brutally beats izuku and bakugo around??? I don't know but the whole final exam fight seemed so out of character of all might especially with how hard he was going at Izuku like recovery girl herself stated that he would of damaged Izuku's lower back a whole lot more if he added more aggression and this makes no sense to me. You're telling me the guy who was beaten around by Torino until he vomited and was on the verge of passing out would do that to his own successor and another students
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There are definitely more examples of this happening that I didn't include but the point is the plot and narrative tend to heavily dumb down all might which is sad.
Someone can be a GOOD MENTOR but a BAD TEACHER ( especially if it's with a group of overpowered teenagers) however, the plot doesn't do all might justice.
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vtoriacore · 2 years
✧ they feel too much, too deep, too fast
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note: huzzah, me waxing weird fvnking yandere poetry (not really) at ungodly hours of the night when i should be writing an essay.
extra note: PLS tell me i’m doing sebek justice, i didn’t want to bring malleus up at all (because i don’t really like him don’t really want this to be sebek’s yandere personality lol). also didn’t really proofread this enough so there probably are silly errors but spare me the shame thank you mwah!
characters: cater, vil, sebek, ace, jamil
tw: gaslighting, manipulation & bit of mind games if you squint, delusional mindsets
synopsis: in which the boys' love is a bit intense, but you don't necessarily pay it attention with how focused you are on them reciprocating.
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✯; It was a novel experience, really. He couldn't surmise the feelings he felt in that one moment that seemed to change the trajectory of his entire life - and this was by no means exaggeration.
Cater felt the rapid beating of his heart, felt the way his breathing picked up dramatically, and most of all felt the warmth as it spread throughout his body at the notion of feeling wanted. Feeling cared for. And by the great seven he didn't even realise how much he craved this until now.
It was almost comical how it only took a simple "i want you to be honest with me" on your end to absolutely send his heart into overdrive, how the phrase "i care about you, you know" escaped your lips so easily and just how effortless it seemed for you to look at him with concern gleaming in your eyes when you noticed his smile didn't quite feel genuine that day.
He felt his entire world flip for just a second before everything came crashing down and the sudden weight of emotions he couldn't even begin to name grounded him into reality - where he actually felt he wanted to stay for once if just to see you for a second longer.
There were so many different thoughts swimming around in his head but most importantly- you were still waiting for an answer. And he'd sooner combust than keep you waiting any longer.
"I know you do, prefect! But really don't worry so much~ I'll be fine as long as you keep me company," he silently prayed you couldn't see the raging crimson hue settling on his skin under the darkening sky. It was a miracle he managed to vocalise his sentence anyway with how abalze his entire body felt.
"I'll worry anyway, but I'll always be here if you do want to spend time with me. Just us two or with others."
'Just us two, just us two, just us two'; he nearly squealed, feeling the temptation to take you up on that offer immediately. In fact, he really did not want to go back to the dorm and have to share your attention. No, he needed it on him and only him and he wouldn't let anything get in the way of that soft gaze of yours.
"Hmm, I actually wouldn't mind getting away from the crowd just this once!" with a grin, Cater's eyes bore into your frame with an intensity he couldn't quite halt but he figured you wouldn't notice anyway, seeing as you offered a smile and a nod in return to his statement. He simply couldn't wait to get you on his own after that revelation.
✯; Vil carefully threaded his fingers through his platinum blond hair in front of the vanity mirror, knowing you were beside watching his every move. He could feel your stare burning into his side profile and in that moment, he was so grateful that years of acting had allowed him to keep his calm when all he wanted to do was combust into flames.
"Hm? Is something the matter, dear?" he purposefully lowered his tone, made it sound as sultry as possible, expecting the little surprise on your face as you quickly tried to keep composure when he side eyed you. The urge to take you into his arms was incredibly strong in that second, especially when you cast your eyes to his lips momentarily.
God, he had never wished to smudge his lipstick by locking his lips onto yours more than in that particular moment, when the soft lights in his room highlighted your face in a manner that made you look so ethereal that it was hard to breathe.
"I'm . . . Fine. Yeah," you swallowed thickly, willing yourself to look away so you wouldn't do anything stupid. The blonde found himself delighted at your reaction, willing his own gaze to rip away from your face otherwise he might just end up making his own intense decisions on a whim.
And yet, he found that he almost didn't mind. Sure, he had wanted to make his confession of love absolutely perfect (having asked Rook to give him all the information on you he possibly could get away with) but at the end of the day, he flourished in the way his efforts to enamour you had been paying off. And, and, and! He could clearly see you wanted him, maybe not as much as he wanted - no, needed you, but still wanted him nonetheless. It was progress all the same.
However, at the same time a part of Vil had wanted your admiration to be deeper . . . more intimate. Although he knew it was wrong and absolutely sick, he had hoped you would do something more. He wanted you to secretly follow him, thinking he can't sense your presence when it's the only thing filling his mind. He wanted you to take pictures he wouldn't ever find, but would know were taken since his gaze never leaves you. And he so desperately wanted your attention all on him, and nothing but him, never straying away for more than a second.
He was going to make you obsessed with him, one way or another. And soon, he will be the only thing occupying your thoughts - he simply has to be.
✯; There wasn't a semblance of sense to Sebek's thoughts, and he knew it. Just how could a simple 'human' (he refused to admit you were more than that, so much more than that) be so captivating? If anyone had asked him in that second, on who was the most fair in his eyes, his answer would've been you. Delusional or not, your name would inevitably slip past his lips.
The conflicting feelings he felt within him didn't ease at all; he felt like he was betraying his master, but at the same time, he didn't really have control over what he was thinking. And this once, he didn't want to think about anything other than you. He wished for you to be the center of his attention, and he couldn't even describe why. It just felt so liberating, despite it holding his mind captive. The irony didn't even register as his lime coloured eyes simply inspected your form.
Great seven, you were just so beautiful. And he so wished that you saw him that way too, because lord knows he was addicted to your gaze whenever it landed on him. He always needed more and more and more. But he wasn't selfish, no! - he was willing to give back twice as much and he would do anything to get the chance to do so.
His rational thoughts telling him this isn't normal be damned! That overpowering need to have you to himself was too strong. His own master and Lilia expressed that this is something worth pursuing anyway, that his adoration is 'perfectly reasonable' and 'aww, so cute!'. How could he stop pursuing you this way, if his own role models encouraged him to keep going? How could he stop when they affirmed this is normal, completely okay?
And besides, it wasn't as though you were rejecting his advances; you were actively awaiting his next move and he could tell from the teasing glint you held in your eyes each time. Even now, as you simply looked at him, he could tell you wanted him to do something. Anything. If he wasn't actively feeling what he was doing, he would've suspected you had complete control over his body with how his rationality couldn't win over.
But well, he wouldn't have minded if that was the case. This line of thinking may not be right, but it sure as hell does feel it.
✯; Ace could really be cruel at times. Really cruel - and he knew it, you knew it, everyone knew it. But even he could recognise that this time, maybe he went too far. Scratch that 'maybe' actually, he may have just ruined whatever friendship you two had. And what better way to do that than kissing you senseless against the empty alchemy classroom's door as you both struggle for air?
"Ace I- I need . . . Some, some oxygen," you barely managed to rasp out against his lips as his ruby red eyes barely shifted into focus. Great seven, he felt so incredibly dazed with how tightly he was pressing against you as could barely keep his hands from moving through your hair.
"Fuck oxygen, I wanna kiss you," the redhead felt his heart hammer (even more so than previously) against his chest at the sound of your giggle. Without a second thought, not that he could think in the first place with what you were doing to him, Ace dove right back in to slot his lips against yours.
Could you really blame him though? It wasn't his fault you were so breathtaking that he could barely keep his eyes away from your form. It wasn't his fault that every time you looked at him, you had that certain look to you - the kind which told him that if he'd ask you to pluck the stars out of the sky for him, you wouldn't even hesitate. And it sure as hell wasn't his fault that you were actively trying to pull him into you more, if that was even possible with your current proximity.
Ace was never one for discipline or self-control, and he was completely aware of it. Sure it proved to be a hindrance most times, but he thought that today, when he spontaneously decided to press you up against this door, it wasn't such a bad thing after all. He knew he had gone too far, that the carefully crafted friendship was now over, that he was being particularly cruel with the way he kept biting your lower lip to get a reaction and, that by kissing you senseless in this very second, he knew that he couldn't ever let you go.
✯; They say that love at first sight is a very magical experience, and that it can completely change a person and their outlook on things. But Jamil would have to disagree with this notion. There never was a love at first sight, nor a love at second sight, or the third and fourth and so on. It was never about sight anyway. Because the first time he met you, he just felt it. He felt how the universe had perfectly aligned itself for that one fateful meeting, how you simply had to accidentally run into his arms as if scripted and how effortlessly he had caught you as if taking stage directions like a professional actor.
It didn't register immediately of course, quite the contrary as it took him a few weeks, if not months to understand what he was feeling. He did eventually come to the realisation that maybe he had liked you as more than a friend (in fact, liked would be putting it mildly) but each time he thought back to that certain encounter, he just knew the feeling was there from the beginning.
At least, he remembers it that way, and has memorised it to be that way. Every time he thinks back to your smile and eyes when he had helped you, they seem to get brighter and brighter and more clouded with emotions he could never transcribe. And it simply has to be true because you had to have felt the exact same thing and he is convinced.
Sure, the jolt of electricity and sparks and the effect of time slowing down were missing - you two weren't in some half hearted romance movie after all - but he just knew that you both felt it. Maybe you didn't remember it that way initially, but after enough description on Jamil's end, you were finally starting to remember!
And it made the heat creep up his skin at alarming rates, as it simply solidified one thing; you were meant to be together. It's cliché, and he knows it. But does he care, with the way you run into his arms every time you see him? With how he feels his heartrate pick up just as upon your very first meeting?
It feels like the first every time, and he could see you were starting to believe it too. If he wasn't certain of his own strong ideology regarding this, he almost would've thought you believed it even more than him by this point! But he knew it wasn't because he was blindly making up excuses to keep you tied to him, despite what Azul was trying to claim. Azul was simply wrong; there were no rose coloured lenses involved, nor any gaslighting into making you think he was the only person worthwhile in your life and certainly he wasn't making you depend on him so you could never leave even if you tried to.
Jamil was convinced your love was pure and it was honest and it was true, and he didn't have to convince you of anything any longer, because by this point you were the one trying to convince him.
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[;-] i usually never do this but i’m thinking of expanding that jamil thought into an actual fic because whoo shared delusions and manipulating each other (and he’s my fave anfkgn). plus originally i was gonna get his UM involved but it would’ve gotten too long whoops. 
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"Cassian! I have amazing news!" beamed Elizabeth.
"Is that so, my love? Pray tell!"
"I'm pregnant!"
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Cassian hugged Elizabeth and began to rub his hands over her bump, "How far along are you? This is... a sizeable bump."
"I don't know much about these things, sweetie. Must have been from one of our spirited love-making sessions a while back and it's just taken me a minute to realise."
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"But we didn't make love in a manner that could bear children until quite recently?" asked Cassian, confused.
"What are you talking about?" laughed Elizabeth, "We've been at it since long before our wedding day! It's honestly a wonder this hasn't happened already."
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"No, but -" Cassian tried to interrupt, but Elizabeth quickly covered him in kisses.
"Oh, you are going to be such a wonderful father, I can't wait! I must dash, sweetheart, I have a riding lesson booked and you know how fussy the squires get if you're late. Honestly, you'd think the mood of the horse was more important than my own!"
Before Cassian could challenge her further, Elizabeth had left.
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Cassian sought out Henry to ask his thoughts.
"Perhaps she is right, father. Perhaps you just forgot one of your particular episodes with her? You have been rather active, after all."
"Maybe I am just becoming forgetful in my old age..." Cassian replied, unconvinced. "I'll try talking to her again when she returns from riding."
Hearing that Elizabeth was out riding, Henry quickly shifted tact.
"Although," he added cautiously, "If you are that concerned, I wouldn't wait. Perhaps she didn't feel able to speak openly in the castle - the walls have too many ears. Perhaps in the privacy of the woods she might feel able to be more honest?"
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Cassian nodded sombrely, "I suppose... I'll go talk to her. I'm probably wrong, but... something just feels off."
"Better to be sure with these things," Henry agreed. As he watched his father leave, Henry felt a cautious happiness build within him.
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Story continues under the cut (NSFW: sex, murder, domestic violence against women)
It took Cassian some time to find Elizabeth. Eventually it was the noise that drew him to her; at first it sounded like the intense rustling of animals fighting, then the noises became distinctly more human and sounded like moaning and groaning. Concerned she might be hurt, Cassian rushed towards the sound and halted to an abrupt stop when he was able to see the source of noise.
Cassian watched Elizabeth rolling around in the grass with her lover, his rage building as she failed to notice that she was being watched. As he watched, he thought of all the times she was with him. With him, sex with her suddenly seemed like an amateur dramatic performance filled with over-the-top cries of pleasure and performative declarations of love. Seeing her with this man, Cassian could see how real and genuine her pleasure was - and that only infuriated him more.
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"Cassian!" Elizabeth pushed the man away from her and lept up, looking frantically around as if for some reasoning she could give to what Cassian had seen. "I... umm... thank goodness you're here! That man attacked me!"
Cassian looked the petrified, naked man once over and saw the way he looked at Elizabeth with eyes filled with hurt and betrayal.
"You're lying. I watched you two together and you were wanting every fucking second," Cassian snarled, before adding to the man, "Get out of here." The man grabbed his clothes and rushed to his horse, galloping off without looking back.
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Cassian stepped menacingly towards Elizabeth.
"That baby is not mine, is it?"
"Cassian, darling, of course it is. This was a one time mistake, I -"
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"Stop lying to me!" Cassian yelled, grabbing Elizabeth by the throat. "How long have you been lying to me? Did you ever even love me? Or have you just been using me all of this time? You were going to pass another man's child off as mine? You made me think you loved me! How could you do this to me, you evil whore!"
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In his rage, Cassian failed to recognise how tightly he gripped Elizabeth's neck, nor how her flails were growing weaker. It was only when her eyes closed and her arms dropped to her sides that he released her. Her dead body fell in a crumple to the floor.
The moment her body fell, all of Cassian's rage left his body and was immediately replaced with sadness.
"What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?" I repeated over and over to himself.
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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Sex worker!Max Lord x f!reader
Warnings: A little angst. Idiots in something that comes before love. Allusions to smutty times.
Summary: Hot on the heels of his first proposal Max hits you with another.
Series Masterlist
The Proposals
The yellow piece of paper that Max wrote on was unceremoniously stuffed into your purse as you headed to the office. The underground car park was a wash with flashes of red and blue. There was a queue of four or five cars waiting to get in. None of them moved an inch. Huffing you abandoned your car completely, your heels clicked purposefully on the ground as you strode towards the source of the lights. Three black SUVs sectioned off the elevator. Men in FBI windbreakers milled around talking on radios.
Something too garbled for you to hear got their attention. "We're on the move." One guy calls. They scattered, getting into two of the cars until only one guy was left by the third. He opened the back door before climbing into the driver's seat. The elevator pinged and the doors opened, revealing two board men escorting a third. The third you realised was your very red faced boss. He rants indignantly as they walk him to the SUV to load him in.
By now some of your other co-workers have arrived.
"Do you think they'll shut us down?" A voice asks over your left shoulder you open your mouth to speak but get cut off by a voice from the right. "Hardly, it's just a little embezzlement."
It was not in fact 'just a little embezzlement." After the company shut down. A long list of charges came to light. By some miracle you'd made it out with a very substantial severance pay check thanks to your excellent skills in negotiating a contract. It would give you some breathing room. Quite a lot in fact but this was still a major setback in your career. Things with Max were put on pause while you sorted through your options. It wasn't until a week later that you saw that Max had sent back your last payment. Max didn't have a cell phone so you had to leave a message at his apartment. When he didn't return in after a couple of days you got worried.
The florists wasn't hard to find. During one of your dinners, Max had spoken about how grateful he was for your help in getting it. He told you about his job, the area he worked and how the lovely old lady would cook for him. A warm smile was on his plump lips. 
Standing at his door you second guess yourself. Your hand hovering over his buzzer until a woman pops her head out of the store. "So you're Max's secret lady!" Her English was heavily accented, Eastern European maybe? Wherever she was from she uses her language to hush the man inside the shop that had clearly had made a disapproving comments.
"Come, come." She waved you in. "Don't mind Viktor. He doesn't have a romantic bone in his body."
"I'm Zofia." She held out her hand. Shaking it, you give her your name. "The last few weeks Max has spoken about you every day. About how pretty and lovely you are. He thinks I haven't noticed. He still calls you a 'work friend'. You work at the bar that Max works at." If it was a question she doesn't wait for an answer. Her hands moved as fast as her mouth as she gathers a bunch of flowers and wraps them. "It's not good for him. Those unsociable hours. Sometimes I get up in the night and he's rolling home at 2am looking exhausted. At least he always has a smile on his face! Here!" She hands you the bouquet she had made. It was simple and elegant. Wildflowers and baby's breath in a hessian cloth. "I've told Max to take you these many times. A declaration of affection doesn't have to be fancy. Just good and honest. Right, Viktor?" Viktor seemed to be used to not being able to  answer as he just nods his head before she continued. "Well off you go. He's been off work all week. He'll be pleased to see you." You barely get a thank you out for the flowers before she ushers you out of the door and presses Max's buzzer. 
"Coming." You hear Max's voice before his footsteps descending the stairs. The door swings open to reveal him there. He looks different. Good. But different. His hair is wavy. There is no suit or shirt. He wears jeans and a sweatshirt. It takes you a moment to process it all. 
"Hi." He looks happy to see you but the moment is fleeting as a voice calls from inside. "Dad?!" 
The word hangs in the air before he turns to answer "Just one minute. There's someone at the door."
How did you not know he was a father? Was there just the one kid up there or more? "I..erm. I called you but didn't return it. I thought I'd check on you. You're fine so…" Every part of your body was screaming to leave.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I was busy. It's my first visitation weekend in…too long."
"That's why you needed the money."
"Yeah." He shifts uncomfortably. "I see you met Zofia." He gestures to the flowers. 
"Yeah. Lovely woman. Very chatty."
The lines around his eyes deepen as he laughs. "She is. Alistair, my son. Is here until Sunday night. I could come over then? Give you time to read my proposal?"
"That would be good. Enjoy your time with your son." Your feet move of their own accord as you exchange goodbyes. Getting into your car you feel yourself physically deflate. That was a lot. All you wanted to know was that he was okay. Now you know he talks about you enough to need a cover story. And that he has a kid. It's all a bit much as you drive home and bury yourself in looking for ways to save your career. 
Sunday nights rolls around. Your mom and dad chat on different phone in the house. You filled them in on the situation with work. Assuring them that you are fine the whole time. Confirming to your mom several times that you are not going to jail. After your dad finishes telling you how his boat is coming along and hangs up, your mom stays on the line. "Are you sure you're okay, Sweetpea?"
No, I want to give up this stupid idea I had that I could run my own company and come home with my tail between my legs. I want to crawl into bed in my childhood room, just regress and live a simple life. Maybe with a sweet, brown eyed man.
"I'm fine, Mom. I'm upset, obviously, but I'll survive. I love you."
"I love you, too." You could hear the smile in her voice.
Max arrives about half an hour after you said goodbye to your mom. It was odd for him to be late.
"Sorry, I'm late. My car broke down on the way home from dropping Alastair off."
"You should have called. You didn't need to come over after that stress."
"What better way to relieve some stress than to see you?" You can't help but smile. 
All week, every free second you had you thought about how you would have loved to be in his arms. Not jostling for power or control. Just being with each other. Caring for each other. It had been so long since you had that. A man in your life that wasn't seen as competition or the enemy. 
"Sorry, I didn't get to read your proposal. I've been snowed under with work stuff."
"That's okay. I may have rambled a little. I can write you a shorter version. It all boils down to one sentence." Max snaps up a pen and post it note from your paper stewn table and scribbles something. "Here."
The note he handed you was simple.
I want to remove rule number two.
"Max…" All the words stuck in your throat. "I can't…"
"Can't remove it from the contract? Fine, I quit." His hands thread with yours to pull you in.
Slowly, you allow him to move you closer. "Max, you need this job. You have a son."
"I couldn't have gotten a home without your money but I can manage now. I can't take your money for something I'd willingly give you for free anymore. I shouldn't have taken it for this long."
"You'd be given up on the money for what? Me? I'm not sure I can give you a relationship. I have to focus on finding a new job…"
"About that I have a business idea…."
The small motel looks like any other from the outside. Maybe a little bit nicer than some you would pass on the highway. It's set back from the world hidden in the woods. It's advertised as a hidden hideaway for lovers but if anyone calls the number on the sign it's always fully booked. Each room has the softest cotton sheets, some have mirrored ceilings, others have restraints built into the wall, some have poles to dance around. One room, an old windowless supply room, has a full rack that people can be tied to, right behind the sex swing.
The advertising is half right. Except it's more like a hotel for people looking for lovers. There is a special number connected as well as the commercial one. A number that only a few knew by word of mouth but it soon spread. You call the number to leave your details. A contact number and what fantasy you want to live. 
You want a handsome cowboy to flirty his way into your heart and between your legs? He's stabled in room twelve. 
You need a daring pilot to take you higher? Room five. 
A little romance, TLC and gentle hands? You're in luck. Rooms eight, ten and fourteen are happy to help. 
Fourteen also provides a rougher hand. The duality of him is as much a mystery as his face that he covers with a simple black mask. 
Seven comes with additional warnings. Even with those, the women who stumble out of there are never really ready for him. There's just something about him that makes them feral. 
Six is the same. The theory is that it's his ability to be so dark and brooding but hold so much gentleness in those big brown, soulful eyes. It's simply magnetic.
When they both have company you worry for the wall separating them as the beds slam into it. 
Two was given a fitting room number as he is more than happy to take two at a time or more. He still manages to satisfy everyone. And still go looking for more company in the night. Speaking of…
Twenty five had to be given a room at the other end of the motel as people in nearby rooms were getting high off of his supply. Six makes sure that a little weed is the only drug that he has. 
Nine mans the phone line. His way with words eased the jitters of anyone calling up. He occasionally indulges those who ask for him specially. His voice entices them. The loss of his arm is still so recent that he's having trouble adjusting to being physically intimate without it, yet not one complaint has been made about his performance.
Room one is saved for the boss. He doesn't work as much as the others. He's far too busy with his family. Any requests for him have to be negotiated with his fiancé, she knows exactly what he is worth.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Bestie, Fem Bruce brainrot is IN rn. I just imagine Jason in his red hood get up fighting with his mom and Bryce refusing to hit him back and him just breaking apart once he realizes he's fighting his mama 🥺 could we get a small one shot based on that?? just jason crying to a tiny Bryce after coming out of a furious haze. Dick and Damian and Tim being protective until Bryce saying he's their brother and they'll have to deal with that. " I love him. And we have to forgive eachother. Otherwise what's the point?"
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Lazarus' well left a lot to the individuals who used it.
For that very reason, even though he himself used it repeatedly, Ras kept them well cared for and watched over.
Only for wounds and injuries in which it was easier to regenerate all the tissue. A bone case pulverised by a fall or a terribly fierce fight, a sword cut that had cut so deeply that there was no other way to care for it, regenerate eye or ear wounds caused by something dreadful.
Small things, only for those closest or most worthy. Thalia, the beautiful daughter, used it… used it on him.
Jason had a hard time adjusting.
The last thing he remembered was being small, long, with an athletic body and duck-blue eyes. His hair was quite similar to Bryce's, with lovely waves that fell delicately into his thin face. He used to look like his mother; even having the audacity to tease Dick, telling him that he did look like his mother's son.
Now… he had no Bryce look alike about him.
His hair became wild, untamed, his hair seemed to always have movement in it, and now a deadly white streak crossed the end of his forehead. His eyes were now a deadly green. His features became sharp and menacing; worst of all, at least for him, was his body.
He was huge now, his muscles, thanks to the pit and training, had swollen and solidified like hard steel; not to mention that he had grown much larger than Bryce's doctors would have predicted after his first checkups with them.
"Well Bryce, I'll be honest with you" she remembered hearing Leslie say, in his office, he was playing with one of the jigsaw puzzles she had kept in an almost forgotten box "I'm afraid, because of Jason's malnutrition and his past on the streets, we could only hope for him to get a little taller than you. We could put him on a dietary regimen and recycling treatment…. But it would be too painful to force his body to give him something he can no longer be able to do. It would be fair for him”
Jason remembers Bryce looking devastated by Leslie's opinion, only to hear the same from a whole team of other pediatricians. But he didn't mind being short, it meant he could sleep comfortably on his mother's lap and sneak unapologetically into her bed at night.
Now… he looked so different, sounded so different.
With time, and a lot of collateral damage, he was able to accept many of the things that happened to him. But, from time to time, part of the well controlled him.
There was a reason Ras hid the wells.
The well and its water changed people.
Ras had once admitted to him that, when he realised, he was acting completely different than he was the first time he used the well. The same was true for everyone who ever used it.
More savage, more aggressive, more bloodthirsty, more intelligent, more agile.
It all depended on what the individual felt when he used it.
Those who had faith to improve, only their senses were improved; those who were annoyed amplified that emotion, those who were aggressive became savage. But that was only with those who were damaged.
What about the dead?
Jason was one of the few who used it to revive them.
Clark, Uncle Clark had been another. But there was one detail, Clark always chose to be good. Even in his dying breaths.
Jason? He was just a boy who felt all the betrayal, all the rage, all the pain, all the aggression. Tahlia took him out without considering that and used him to get close to his mother again.
And now?
Now he had lapses of aggression or outbursts of aggression.
At first they were not serious at all, but these could overcome it.
When he was in the League, there were no problems, when he was a crime boss there were no problems, when he wanted to be Jason again? no.
When RedHood was fighting Batwoman? less so.
He doesn't know how it happened.
He did.
Bryce, his mother, was looking for him after a fight.
She insisted on looking for him, on talking to him, but when she couldn't do it and demanded answers… alone.
He just snapped.
Hitting, kicking… screaming.
Screams, screams and sighs, his name, his nickname, his surname.
Her name
His mother whimpering, crying to him
Begging him to stop, to react.
Sore fists, scratches on the mask.
His clothes in tatters.
Blood… Why did he have blood on him? Nothing hurts him, but must be his, right?
And he watched in horror at what he had done.
What someone had done to Bryce.
His mother. His mother lying, barely crawling away, made like pulp.
But she kept calling out to him, begging him to react.
What had happened to her?
When he least notices, Dick has arrived.
Dick pulls him down, almost throwing him off the roof.
Dick pulls him away from his mother, almost carrying her, like dead weight, and trying to get as far away from him as he can with her in his arms.
Why doesn't his mother react? Why does she look like a doll?
When he tries to stand up and sees her hands… they were red.
Red, full of blood, but he knew it wasn't his.
Whose was it?
Because he had his mother's blood?
He tried to stand up again, but he couldn't even do it, because Tim has him cornered. One of his large stick has him firmly positioned on the ground. No pressure, no freedom. It's a threatening, challenging, limiting position.
And when Damian arrives… it's all down the drain.
He hears the boy's scream of terror.
An almost animalistic noise.
Shattered, a scream of pure terror and pain.
It reminded him of the screams that many children made when their parents in the streets took the shit out of them. When he himself was still a child and his biological father beat him for defending his biological mother.
Why Damian, he shouldn't feel that way.
The kid deserved to have a happy childhood.
But now.
What had he done to his mother?
"Keep breathing" he managed to make out what Dick was saying over the comm "I know Alfred… I, I know! The wing of the Cave is not enough."
It all happened shabby and slow after that.
He remembers how Tim and Damian left him locked in the cave, while Dick changed Bryce's clothes, putting him in an office dress and making the whole thing look like it was a scene from a botched robbery.
All the media said that Bryce had been kidnapped and tortured by a criminal group, that Dick, who was doing an investigation in the area (bordering Blüehaven) found a pistol and took her to the hospital.
All the media was talking about how all her children were with her, waiting for her to heal and give her statement.
While he had been held in one of the abandoned rooms of the mansion… as if he was a prisoner awaiting the death sentence after murdering a person.
It wasn't far from the truth, it almost killed her.
He almost killed his mother.
His sweet mother.
Every day they left her some food, while only notifying each other that Bryce was responding well. They had put her in an induced coma, so she could heal. The tears and ruptures on the outside of her body had already been treated, and all that was left was the exterior.
According to the group of doctors, or at least that's what Alfred managed to get from Alfred to Dick, in a few months she could be back at the mansion… and on that basis her destiny would be defined.
He listened as Damian, little Damian, cried and bawled so loudly that the moons in his cell vibrated when his cries reached that part of the mansion.
And fear entered him.
He had nightmares, terrible nightmares.
He saw himself, at the funeral, having to watch from afar. He saw his mother, wrapped in sheets and blankets, being lowered into the cold earth.
Lookins soo small in tha grave.
So diminute, fragile.
While everyone in the funeral were crying her a river and an ocean.
While he, on the other hand, was locked up in his old grave again, forced into his old crate and tied up to suffocation by his old bandages.
He would wake up and then the routine would repeat, repeat, repeat.
Nightmare, screaming, crying, food at the door, walking in circles until a hole was created. Trying to force the armoured windows to escape to his mother and make sure she was still alive.
All over again.
All over again.
He doesn't remember ever, after resuscitation, feeling pain in any organ that wasn't externally damaged. No.
He, in theory, was not supposed to feel anything... Why did his chest hurt?
It ached, it burned, it squeezed, and it seemed to fail at times; as if his heart and mind were charging him in advance for all the damage by way of punishment.
Were it not for Alfred's sporadic relenting, he does not know what he would have done during the crises of anguish that occasionally assailed him.
The cycle repeated itself over and over again.
And, as if it was a sign of death coming to pick him up... his door opened.
Bryce was there, fully bandaged, using a wheelchair like Barbara's, reaching for the commands with a grab stick that, knowing her, she stole from one of the boys.
His mother looked much better, or at least better than the last time he could see her.
Her hair had been cut short, her face was bruised all over and she had several bone retainers around her neck and calvulae.
She looked like she was running away from the clinic.
She had run away from the clinic?
She doesn't know, she doesn't care.
She can only manage to cry.
Such a heart-rending cry, she doesn't care.
He can only weep and sob on the floor, petrified.
"Oh no! baby! I'm so sorry my baby I didn't mean to scare you" he thought he heard his mother say, she sounded just as distraught as him "It's just a few things, I'm fine Jaylad".
He doesn't know what happened anymore.
But his mother's bandaged arms were cradling him, trying her best to hold him tightly to prevent him from moving from her side.
He hears his mother's voice. Apologising to him, asking him not to move away from her, telling him that she loves him with all her being.
That she forgives him.
That she doesn't blame him.
That she still loves him and that she is still his mother no matter what happens to him.
Because he is her son. He is her baby.
He is the light of her life, the reason she stands and fights, one more reason why she fights evil every day.
And it feels warm.
It feels good.
Because his mother is now alive and with him.
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(Reminder that Jensen was Jason Todd during one of the Batman films. I can just picture him, growing his hair and beard during his wait for better news from Bryce. That would be him, hugging Bryce, who is still in the wheelchair).
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rubberduckrobin · 11 months
Dreams of the future.
Pairing: Simeon X GN!Reader
“ My heart beats out of my chest for them and I just can’t help it. Is it love?”
Y/N has been invited over for a sleepover at Purgatory hall, with Luke, Solomon and Simeon, but Simeon struggles concealing his newfound feelings for them….
Read Simeon’s perspective as he falls deeper in love with them…
Word Count: Around 4k
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49380574/chapters/124613413
Author's note: Heyyy, idk what to say…um….yeah. 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy reading!
TW: Nothing I can think of.
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Part 1: My heart is beating and I know why.
I didn’t get a good night's sleep last night. I guess the issue was anticipation. I have to admit it, I'm so excited. Luke has been so pumped up for this sleepover and I suppose it’s rubbed off on me…
The more I think about it, the more I can’t think at all; all of the words inside my head seem to jumble to form images of what may be the future or what may not be; and I just have to sit there an comfort myself that i’m not going to make a fool of myself in front of them.
Y/N was invited. Is that the reason that whenever I think about it, it's with not only feelings of excitement but also fear? Are they the reason that my heart pounds whenever I think of them staying over, or just the thought of them at all? 
I don’t know much about love. In the Celestial Realm, all I knew was to value kinship above everything else. Not once have I felt the sensations I felt, to quite the extent, from just standing near them. 
My heart beats out of my chest for them and I just can’t help it. Is it love? I didn't notice these feelings until the idea of the sleepover came up. It was Luke's idea to plan this, and looking back on my motives to go along with it, I now realise that I agreed with the sole purpose of getting to spend more time with Y/N. 
It’s unusual how I was so blind to the sensations I felt in my body before. How could I have not noticed my strong longing to hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers, pepper them with soft kisses. 
It’s foolish, I know. Solomon told me the same. He’d noticed long before me, and I only just noticed this now. He’d told me that it was obvious that I held a special place in my heart for Y/N, and that I was a fool in love who didn’t know yet. He said it teasingly, but perhaps it was right. 
Perhaps I'm really falling for them. Or perhaps I already have. I’m not used to this. How can I remember what I felt like before? It's like when you're sick, the sensation prevents you from remembering what it's like to be healthy. Oh, that would make more sense of the expression “lovesick” then. I guess I'll need a doctor, hehe.
The doorbell is ringing…my heart is pounding…
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Part 2: I can no longer think without a thought of you.
Luke, Solomon and I welcome them at the door and seeing their smile makes me feel more at ease, remembering how many other days they had spent at Purgatory Hall. Not overnight, however, but it surely can’t be too much of a difference; even though they will be sleeping over, they will be sleeping in Luke’s room once we are all tired enough to declare the night’s events over. 
I realise that (in a hidden disappointment ) perhaps it's best that Solomon and I retreat to our own rooms. Luke may be an angel who has lived for more than the average human does, but he is still a child in angel standards, and being an angel alone can also put someone at ease, so I'm sure Y/N would be more comfortable sleeping with just Luke. Luke is overjoyed, of course. He’s really taken a liking to them, and I think he sees them as his best friend. This is the happiest I've seen him and I'm glad.
I wonder how Y/N charms so many people. Solomon has been stolen by their charms too, and being honest, it makes me jealous. He’s much more forward and flirtatious than I am and sometimes I just have to hope that Y/N hasn’t fallen for him before me. If I even had a chance, that is. 
If there’s even the slither of possibility that whenever Y/N sees me their heart beats at the same rapid pace as mine, and that they feel jittery at just the slight brush of our shoulders, then perhaps maybe I would indulge in a more open expression of my feelings for them. 
When my eyes meet theirs I see the realm of possibility that they share my feelings. But when they look away, I can see it shatter, and I can feel the thumping in my heart when they tell me that they can’t accept how I feel for them, outcasting me. Neglecting me for Solomon, perhaps. 
Yet again, my heart doesn't allow this, and desperately tries to pull me closer to them, my lips to part and for me to just…say it. Tell them that i've never felt this way about someone before. Tell them that I want to hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers and pepper them with soft kisses. Tell them that I don’t want them to smile at Solomon, or Luke, or anyone else, only me, and that we would dance in my dreams forever.
We’ve now made it into the kitchen. Of course, all of the previous thoughts were momentary, however not once has it escaped the back of my mind. 
Luke says “Do you guys want to bake cupcakes for our first activity? I brought the ingredients!”
I catch a glance at Y/N and they seem eager, so I reflect that on myself too, hoping that they could find the similarity between us, and want to search for more. 
We start to prepare. Luke preheats the oven. I start to crack the eggs that had been left out to set while I watch in the corner of my eye Y/N and Solomon, too close for my own comfort, and they smile at each other and my heart hurts. They take out the ingredients from the fridge and their hands meet as my own clench, not in anger, but regret in knowing I haven't been working hard enough to have a closer bond with Y/N. 
I tell myself I'm getting too worked up and need to focus on just having a good time. 
So I do just that. 
When we are all mixing the ingredients in the bowl, I take the opportunity to ‘flirt’ a little with Y/N. I put my hand in the flour bag and as I took it out, I flicked it on their face. They flinch a little and I start to feel bad, but then I notice that beautiful smile of theirs again, and it gives me courage to keep going - I grab a bigger amount of flour and chuck it at them, but of course not too much to waste it, and this time it ends up all over their face, including right to the tip of their nose, and I find it absolutely adorable. So much as to stupidly comment on it:
On the tip of my tongue, the words slip out and I catch myself saying “you're so cute” mid-way from what seems to be a giggle. 
I didn’t intend to make things awkward but an inevitable solitary gap follows. In order to ease the awkward tension, I laugh and scratch at the nape of my neck. 
Solomon notices and joins along too, taking some flour and throwing it at me. I inhale the powder and sneeze a little. 
“Revenge” he says, with that classic, seductive smirk. If I hadn’t fallen for Y/N first, I'd probably be head over heels for this man. 
Luke joins in with the fun too, and takes a dainty amount of flour, presumably not to waste any more, and throws it at Solomon. Solomon turns around and pulls a fake angry face, but Luke takes it a bit too seriously and gulps. I notice this so I step out and gave him a good pat on the head to let him know we were just playing, but little did he know that I had flour all over my hand! 
Solomon points this out, we laugh and by the time the cupcake mixture is in the mould, I had forgotten my negative thoughts from earlier.
Y/N still has a bit of flour on their cheek…I lick my finger subconsciously and wipe it off…
Thank the celestial realm that no one else saw…well, except for Y/N…they turn away and their face reddens…I'm worried I may have made them uncomfortable, or even angry. 
“Oh…! I-I’m sorry.”
But before I can catch their response, everyone's attention turns to the oven as it pings, letting us know that the cupcakes are ready. 
“Guys guys! Look~! They look great don’t they!” Luke exclaims while taking them out of the oven. The cupcakes are a sort of golden-brown colour and they look absolutely delicious. 
“Shall we decorate them?” Solomon suggests. I have to agree that they do seem plain. 
I turn to Y/N who seems to have decided to ignore what happened, and me in the process, and they seem pretty enthusiastic to decorate the cupcakes.
And I now feel the same. 
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Part 3: Setting the mood.
It’s been a long day. 
I’m not necessarily tired, but it seems as though Luke definitely is - he dozed off within the first few hours of our film marathon. So, we have decided to move to my room, so we don't disturb him. 
Once we get there, Y/N immediately makes a beeline towards my bed, and I can’t help but blush. Seeming relaxed, they leap onto it and sigh. I’m glad they don’t feel self-conscious about the fact that they are in my room for the first time. 
“Oh…sorry! I see a bed and I run to it, haha…” They go to stand up but I assure them it's fine, and it's exactly what we were doing in Luke's room in order to watch the film on Solomon’s D.D.D. 
We all sit on my bed, and lie down with Solomon in the middle, phone in front of us. Every now and then, my eyes drift towards Y/N from across us, and I see them intently watching the movie. I’m not too keen on this sort of movie, but it was their suggestion so Solomon and I thought we should try it; don’t get me wrong, it’s not too bad, but i’d rather admire Y/N…I didn’t intend for that to be creepy in any way, but i suppose it does seem like that. 
The film has ended now, and Solomon gets up and stretches. Through a yawn, he says “I’m starting to feel knackered, so I’m gonna go to bed early. Although, I do have a film recommendation for you!”
“But won’t you want to watch it too?” Y/N makes a good point. I sense an ulterior motive to what Solomon is doing…
“Nah. I’m good. I’ve seen it too many times to count. Let me know what you think in the morning. Good night!” And with a casual wave, he’s gone to his room. 
That sly sorcerer. I know what he’s doing. You can already tell by the title of the film: it’s a romance.
However, Y/N seems eager to try, and I'm not tired so I suppose I'll do it for them…
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Part 4: Romance movies set the mood. How I would like to kiss you…
We are mid-way through the film now, watching on my D.D.D now, of course, and the romantic progressions are starting to show. The main character has finally admitted their feelings for him, but he is oblivious to his own. (I’m starting to see why Solomon chose this one specifically…)
Now…she kisses him. I shuffle in my position. I’m starting to feel a bit awkward sitting next to Y/N, and my heart starts to beat faster than it was before. I wonder if they feel the same way. 
Maybe I should just tell them. In fact…I will.
As the kissing scene gets more passionate, I sneak a glance at them…
They are fast asleep. 
I don’t mean to think this in an unsettling way, but they are even beautiful when they sleep…I watch the rise and fall of their breath, only for a moment, despite it feeling like eternity. They look so peaceful. I wonder what they are dreaming of. Of me? Or of a blank canvas. 
I’m disappointed I wasn’t able to tell them how I felt. There’s always tomorrow, I guess.
I turn off my phone and we are submerged in darkness momentarily before my eyes adjust. I carefully get off the bed in order not to disturb them, and I just stand there a moment. Only for a moment, I see what could be. I see my hand in theirs, their heart for mine. 
I cover them with my duvet. 
As much as I wished I could sleep beside them, I know that it would be inappropriate. Despite the fact that they look so cosy and warm, I must fight my desperacy to stay beside them. 
I try to settle on my settee, ready to sleep. 
I eventually drift into a light slumber… 
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Part 5: I’m ready to sleep, knowing i’ll see you in my dreams.
Even in my vacancy of consciousness, my mind still wanders to the thought of them. Their smile, their laugh…
When I close my eyes I think of them, I dream of them. I see them in idle scenarios made of coffee shops and dancing in the rain. They make me feel as though I am in a dream in itself, never wanting to wake up from my lovesick acoma. 
My dreams are of what I could have said or done with them, but they are also made of what could possibly be. Dreams of the future. 
In the darkness of my shut eyelids I see their silhouette in colours; colours of beauty and gold. I find myself tracing the outer lines of their shadows that stayed with me from the day and the remnants of memories that I spent with them. 
Solomon is right…I do hold a special place in my heart for them.
I think I love them.
I love Y/N…
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Part 6: Hazy mornings, hazy dreams.
I wake up - there’s no way to tell whether it's daytime, being in the Devildom and all. 
It’s difficult to see, so I tumble off…oh. Right. I slept on my settee. That explains the sudden back ache I have. After I'd lazily slumped off, rubbing my hazed eyes, I stretched a little, and a yawn escaped me. 
I go to check the time on my D.D.D when I hear a noise…
From under the constraint of my duvet, I can hear their faint lethargic breaths. Y/N seems to still be asleep.
I’ve only just taken in what I had just heard…my name? 
I must be mistaken.
But I heard it again. This time, louder and clearer, as though they knew I was trying to listen. Or maybe because they were calling out for me. 
Does this mean…they are dreaming of me, too? 
Tell me universe, is this a sign? I don’t believe my own heart when it tells me it is. I suppose I can’t trust anything but their own words.
If they are dreaming of me, I wonder what it’s about.
Hm…? I listen intently to see if they add anything.
“I really love…”
Love? They love what? 
No no, Y/N…finish…I subconsciously make my way towards my bed, and sit on the end. I look at their face; before admiring their features as I normally do, I notice that their expression is content, in a light smile.
“Come closer…”
For a second, I almost believe that they are talking to me. 
Perhaps I should stop listening…
Oh lord. 
“Why am I in your bed? …oh yeah. Um…thank you…wait…where did you sleep?!”
They leap up suddenly, and it makes me jump a little. I can feel my cheeks heat up at just the thought of what they were implying.
“O-oh! No, I slept on my settee. I promise.” 
I hold out my pinkie to them.
“It’s alright…”
And for a moment, I swear they say under their breath, the words I wanted to hear…“I wouldn’t have minded”, but maybe it was my imagination at work again.
They rise out of my bed and I get up to turn on my bedside lamp.
We are both wearing the same clothes as last night. Luke was the only one who had put on pyjamas, the rest of us had just remained in our lounging clothes. 
Y/N gasps, seemingly looking at their reflection on the camera app of their D.D.D (how did they even get it to face them? i’m not good with technology…).
I take a sudden fleeting moment to look at them under the warmth of the light and I notice their horrendous bed hair…not that it makes them look bad, of course, I'd never even dream it possible…but the hair itself has become so tangled it creates an almost abstract appearance that I’d deem it an entire otherworldly being…okay, that was an exaggeration, but their reaction compliments my description well.
I have a sudden thought. Whilst they are checking their D.D.D notifications, I swiftly open my drawer and retrieve my comb. I remove my own stranded hairs from it, discard them and approach Y/N. 
With sudden confidence, I catch their attention by tapping them lightly on the head with the comb. 
“Here, you can borrow this.” I say with a polite smile, and they turn to me and my confidence vanishes in an instance. And there it is, their smile…
“…oh! Thanks, Simeon. True lifesaver, I forgot mine.”
I watch them put their D.D.D down and struggle to get the knots out of their hair.
“Um…Y/N…would you like some…help?”
How I would love to brush their hair. I guess sometimes my thoughts escape my mouth before I even realise it.
After some consideration, they say “…yes.”. I’d imagined the opposite. I’m relieved.
They hand me the brush and sit on my armchair and I think to myself “Good heavens…why is my heart beating so fast? I’ve brushed Luke’s hair before and it was alright. Although I suppose the circumstance is different, seeing as I consider Luke a younger brother. 
And Y/N…well…I’m hoping I’ll someday have the ability to consider them something more than just a friend…and maybe, that day will be today, if I regain the courage I had last night.
As I stroke through their hair with my comb, we remain in a comfortable silence. 
I get the sudden feeling that perhaps now I should tell them. They would be leaving soon, and I most likely wouldn’t be seeing them until the next week…
I’m going to do it. I’m going to tell them-
“Did I…snore last night?”
Oh my god, why did they have to do that to me - I thought my heart would burst out of my chest there and then! 
But now I notice my own disappointment and my heart sinks. 
Through strained nervous laughter I say, “Haha, no, no you didn't…,” Should I bring up the sleep talking? Too late…”,but you did talk in your sleep…”
“Oh gosh! Really!” They turn to me as I finish off the last section of their hair. I ran my fingers through it to make sure I didn’t miss anything…it’s as soft as I’d thought it would be.
I would say that their hair is one of my favourite things about them..but it’s an impossible choice out of millions of other things…Although, if you’d forced me to pick something of them all, my ultimate favourite would be their smile.
Knowing that they are happy makes me happy. Is that selfish? Or perhaps because it also helps them be their utmost self, showing off their other millions of favourable traits. 
“Mhm, yeah…”
“What did I say?! I better not have said anything embarrassing!”
I finish messing around with their hair and go to put my brush in their drawer. 
An angel must strive to be honest, so I tell the truth. However, is it okay to admit that I mainly told the truth because I greedily wanted to know what they would say upon hearing that they dreamt of me? 
“You…said my name” I nervously rub the nape of my neck again and avoid their gaze, although there wasn’t much left to avoid, as they looked at their feet shyly. 
“Wait…really? That’s so embarrassing!”
“If it helps, you didn’t say much other than that.” 
They look at me through the dimly lit room, their eyes sparkling and I just melt.
“…do you remember the dream?”
I add a teasing tone slightly, in order not to reveal too much of my interest.
That was definitely a lie; they averted eye contact again…it’s so adorable. However, I still don’t know for sure whether their dream was of the sort I would want it to be…
I won’t push them. 
“Anyway, Simeon, how did you sleep?”
I notice that they are trying to change the subject. It shouldn't bother me too much, seeing as they must be doing it because they are uncomfortable, but it irritates me slightly that I will never know what the dream was about. 
“That’s very sweet of you, I slept alright, thank you. And you?”
“Um…yes. Very well, thanks. Uhm…I'm sorry I took over your bed last night…”
“No problem. I’m alright with it.” 
Before we finish with the conversation…a smell of smoke arises from the halls, and presumably coming from the kitchen.
As though a part of the same mind, we simultaneously scramble outside to find out what's happening…
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Part 7: Why in Celestia did I let Solomon cook?
I shout out, half in shock and the other in momentary anger. 
He slides a cheeky grin as he backs away from the burning pan.
Luke is on the verge of tears and frantically swatting away the smoke with a cookbook. 
“It’s alright Luke. Nobody’s hurt, right?”
I observe Solomon and Luke and they don’t seem to have any burn injuries or much affect from the smoke. 
Y/N makes a very valid statement of “So, I’m guessing the Devildom don’t have fire alarms? Because of it being hell and all? …Perhaps we should ask Lord Diavolo for a special installation…”
“Good idea.” We need a better warning of Solomon cooking, than smoke. This man…he’s a renowned famous sorcerer, who can do almost anything…but he can’t even fry an egg without creating toxic, hazardous fuel!
“Solomon..step further away fromt he frying pan…that’s it…further…”
Y/N seems to be enjoying this.
It’s a hilarious dilema, I have to admit. 
“I was just trying to make breakfast for everyone, but then this happened…”
“How do you manage to do this every time…?” I sigh, knowing that sometimes the impossible is possible with sorcerers. 
“No clue. Honestly.”
Luke generously offers to make us a new breakfast, still slightly shaken. 
After we finish our luckily non-hazardous breakfast, I sense that Y/N might need to leave soon…
I’ve decided won’t let them until I've told them. Told them how I feel.
Easier said than done, most likely, but I'll try my hardest. Starting…now.
“Hey! Y/N, can we talk for a bit?”
Solomon shoots me an all-knowing glare and discreetly gives a thumbs up. Perhaps I was wrong to be suspicious of him. After all, he’s one of my best friends - he’d only want what's best for me. 
Noticing how forward and sudden my suggestion was, I tense a little, but I'm not going to give up just yet. 
“…can you come with me?”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀
I take them to the garden. I find comfort here, amongst all of the non-judgmental flowers. It also creates a romantic setting, if I were in need of such a benefit…which would be befitting for now. 
Amongst the rows of pretty flora, my vision sets on only Y/N under the Devildom’s pale morning moonlight. 
Somehow, it makes them even more beautiful. 
“What did you want to say, Simeon?”
“I… just wanted to let you know that…”
They sit on the floor under a gazebo, conveniently placed in privacy behind a brush of roses, and I join them. 
“I need to tell you this in order to be completely honest with you…I don’t want to mislead myself any longer so I'm relying on an answer, however there is no pressure for one…
I’ve been experiencing feelings that I've never felt before, and I found them in you. I think I’ve fallen for you…”
They’re a little shocked, but under the blue light and the shadows cast by the glare, I see that smile again. The one I’ve made my new joy. 
“I feel the same, Simeon.”
My heart flutters but this time it's brought with it a new emotion…of hope.
I’d dreamed of idle scenarios, where Y/N and I would spend our time in coffee shops, dance in the rain, no mind of what others perceive. To hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers, pepper them with soft kisses. 
It will take some time…but perhaps my dreams can come true.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。
End author’s note: Thank you so much for readinggg! Feel free to send in requests & if you like, lmk if you enjoyed it. Have a great day/night :)
Oh! And a joke before you go…
How do angels greet each other…they say “halo!”
I’ll take my leave… 🏃‍♀️
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jolapeno · 1 year
jo sharing and caring
mental health awareness week starts in the uk tomorrow and this year’s theme is anxiety.
i know i share lots of nice stories, but after some convos the last few weeks, i realise i share very little (not just on here, but in my life) about my anxiety.
while i owe no one any of this, i just know when i was first wandering the trenches unsure what my brain was doing, i'd have loved someone to have shared their story. even if this terrifies me. so, because i advocate so much in my personal life, here's the curtain pulled back on jo, my struggles and anxiety.
TW: for talks of anxiety below
i face anxiety every single day, and have done diagnosed for several years, and undiagnosed for a lot longer.
the first time i think i had anxiety. i was young, less than 10 and i didn't want to go to my birthday party. i sobbed. i couldn't explain why, but there was something about going i did not want to do. my mum (bless her) tried to convince me otherwise, until i climbed into my little bed and begged her to not make me. each time she picked me up, i fought. when i got past the threshold of my bedroom door, i remember her telling me to breathe and i was panicking until i was sick.
when i was diagnosed, i had sessions with a therapist. we talked at length about my childhood and that moment was the first that i handed them without question. they nodded, scribbled (as they do) and we moved to another, and another, and when i told my mum all of this, she looked so heartbroken, because to her:
i'd always just seemed a bit sensitive.
i don't blame her. i was her first child, and for the most part, in my bedroom playing make-believe i was happy. as i got older, that happiness was harder, and i began to mask how i felt, eventually bursting into uncontrollable tears for no reason and being dubbed 'over sensitive'.
i got so good, i sometimes don't know when to put that mask down. even now, I hide behind jokes and disguise the broken days in pieces of my writing. sometimes, they’re far easier to spot (narrows eyes at a few pieces), sometimes they’re not. there are days I am on here, I am not okay and there are others where I am more than okay. there’s no pattern, no reason. I may reblog differently, but I like to act the same. put up a front, and put others at ease—i want to be there for people, be a support, a rock... 
but, that means I am not always honest. 
I don’t like to show that I’m crumbling from imposter syndrome, that I don’t feel talented or good enough. and i think it allows people to make assumptions that I’m put together, that i’m confident and strong, and the last person who deals with horrid thoughts. 
i'm not saying this so people treat me differently or change their perception, and i'm not sharing for brownie points or for people to flood my inbox, but rather because the first day someone first told me all of this, i felt a little less alone.
i wouldn't have had that without writing. they first slid into my DMs about my writing all those years ago, told me how my work made them feel and i felt... seen? happy. and we began talking and it was like someone was living inside of my brain.
and, what linked us, is writing. it's one of the things I've found that had truly helped me. it has always given me an escape—and because of it, I've had the amazing chance to meet so many friends who have become lifelong.
at the beginning, i was bad. and that is me objectively saying that. I’m self taught. I’m on the scale of dyslexia. I don’t know where to put a comma to save my life. but, I kept going, and still do. and it was hard, even more so working with other to better myself and take critique when my brain just kept telling me to quit. some times, i even did. closed my laptop and told myself i'd never write again.
i always ended up going back on it.
somewhere, still on the internet is those first years of fanfics, for a fandom i don't partake in, living their somewhat-best-life.
and this isn't to say i’m perfect now. but i am a work-in-progress. i try, and i find joy in creating and sharing.
at the time, and even now, it’s not how ‘good’ I think I am that gives me a spark to carry on. but rather that writing gives me a place to process, to try and channel the overthinking into linear thoughts I can process. characters guide me down paths to acknowledging I’m hurt, that i’m sad, that I am overwhelmed and even angry. 
there are more than a handful of stories that have bled from me, tears on the phone screen as I sobbed, shoving the pain into tales that you may have read.
sometimes, reading those pieces back makes me happy that i can channel it into something pretty. make the anxiety feel less ugly to have and to carry. i also know when i don't write, i feel my brain get more full.
when i'm in a low-mood especially, writing is hard. and it's something my family use now to judge what scale i'm on by asking: 'what you been writing'.
because even to them I hide. i function, i show up, i often give far too much of myself to others even if I really want to ask people to help me. it’s the slight aversion to answering if I’m okay. It’s the way I’ll shift the convo to something someone has said. it’s that I’m masked my entire childhood that as an adult I lack the tools to be entirely honest. I put a smile on, I do well at my job and I’m able to talk to push myself to do things that terrify me. so I seem fine? 
but, mental health struggles can look different. and that's the point of this stupidly long post.
“you don’t seem like you struggle like me” “you post so much, you can’t really worry about it” 
no one means anything bad when they say the above. and worse of all, I laughed both of them off. because again, I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. 
but truthfully? …some days are really fucking hard. and I don’t admit that enough. and it isn’t because I worry you’d all judge me, but because I don’t like giving into it: the anxiety.
i don't want to admit out loud that i struggle all the time, not always big, and sometimes small. that I agonise. I worry. and each time I post anything here, I do so purposely close to my bedtime so I can logout. fear pounding through me that this will be the story where everyone turns on me. 
I worry that each interaction will be taken the wrong way. that I’ll make a connection, and it’ll change (all because one did years ago, got ugly, and it led to me not posting for over six months).
I keep myself awake that I said something wrong and people are mad at me. I replay over something from the day, churning over how I could have said it better, how I could have acted better. I’ll message friends in the middle of the night reminding them I love them incase I haven’t showed it in a while. 
and the one that most can relate to… I don’t feel good enough. I don’t think I’m worth anything. I have no value. not just here, but in my day job too. a thing which crippled my progress there for the last year until a writer I work with told me that if they didn’t think I could do it, they’d have told me—not to hurt me, but because it wouldn’t be fair. 
brain demons cloud the truth. and they cloud the progress you've made.
they cast shadows over things that bring us joy, purposefully, because it’s their job to isolate us. they’re purpose is to make me feel like I can’t write, can’t create—because it keeps them at bay. 
all of this is to say, if you’ve gotten down to this, people struggle similarly, but they can also struggle differently. 
mine, for example, feeds other things that I have to live with. it makes me sad, it makes me compulsive; it makes me overthink and it often makes me have anxiety attacks. there are days I don’t want to get out of bed, and some where I want to charge out of it so the day ends quicker. but, I’m not an expert. just a person living with anxiety with a side salad of depression and ocd. I’m just a person on this site you may know, or may have only just discovered.
i don't always show how broken i am, i don't always show that an ask has got to me or a conversation has worried me. i don't always ask for help, and i don't ever want to make anyone uncomfortable. i care more about what others think, and even less about myself; i'd rather stay up late making someone feel better, than ever begin to work through my own issues.
but that is me. all of it. as honest as you'll likely get. all beautiful, chaotic, anxious and a bit of a mess, that jo girl that writes.
which is why I have to remind you im not an expert. that if you’re struggling, talk to someone. a friend, a family member you trust, or a medical professional. 
while erupting into a fountain of tears on a poor consultant pharmacist hadn’t been the top of my todo list the day I began getting answers, I do not regret it. but I know that isn’t easy, and I know it’s not as simple for others to get that help. but if you can, try.
brain demons want you to feel alone, they want to isolate you, so don’t let them. they truly don’t begin to climb into the box they came from without a little help, whether that’s medical, writing, or a friend. 
thank you for coming to my jo talk, and I'll shut up now 🩷✨
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ampedupkaon · 11 months
World Of Our Own Chapter 1
Title: I can see what's happening, and they don't have a clue
AN: So... found this idea on a tumblr I follow, and decided to make it a reality. They keep my head fuelled with Monderi content and to be quite honest, I wanted this to exist as much as they did. Enjoy @sydns this is all for you! I didn't forget, I just have too many ideas; so it's hard to find time to write them all! Fic title is a song by Westlife. If I don't say which song the lyrics I use for the chapter title come from in the ending note... the lyrics are from 'World of Our Own'.
“Where are you going Annie?” One of the villagers asked her.
“Isn't it obvious? She's going towards that barn again.” Another one said. The first grumbled.
“Must you go to them? Haven't you heard about what happened in Liones? Or Camelot? Or Ordan?” Annie shook her head.
“They're my friends.” She answered simply, as though that would explain everything.
“They're monsters is what they are. They steal babies in the night and feast on their hearts.”
“Have any babies from this village gone missing since I took them in?” Annie asked. She knew smugness went through her when the complainer didn't answer.
“They're waiting for us to drop our guards, that's all.” The complainer went off, the other villager swiftly following him. Annie didn't particularly care what they thought. She knew different. She knew the reason that bear wasn't bothering the village any more, even if no one else believed her. Besides... she'd made plans. To teach her friend how to make shortbread. In heart shapes, because she hoped that would fluster her other friend. She'd saw how he looked at her! And Annie's books said that was true love! She would have skipped, but caught herself. She knew today was going to be fun, but that didn't mean that she needed to be mocked more by the other villagers. She reached the barn and knocked on the door. She got no answer, but this didn't mean there was no one in. She pushed the door open, finding only one of her friends here.
“Hey Derieri. Where's...”
“Said something about picking flowers for the vase you left on the window ledge.” Good. He did listen to my suggestion then. I hope he gives them to Derieri first... Annie grinned, earning a slightly confused look from her friend.
“Are you ready?” Derieri nodded in answer and Annie lifted out the ingredients. She figured that if she was going to teach her friend to bake, she'd best start with something simple. Hence, shortbread. It only had three ingredients and was... relatively easy to make. And if her friend got it wrong... it wouldn't be hard to correct it. Annie handed Derieri an apron from her basket of things, grinning when she saw the hearts on it. It was cute, and it would look cute on her. At least... she hoped he would say so. This wasn't for her; it was for him. Hence the shape of the cutter.
“So... what do I do first?” Derieri asked her, eyeing the butter, sugar and flour with a confused expression on her face. Annie pointed to the butter and the sugar.
“They need creaming together.” She got another confused look and she realised that made no sense to a demon who had clearly never done anything like this before.
“You put the butter in the bowl, followed by the sugar and mix them up until the butter looks a lighter colour.” Annie told her. Derieri did so, becoming a little annoyed at how much stirring it was taking to get the butter to change colour.
“There! Now we need this.” A bag of flour was carefully put on the surface, followed by a sieve. Derieri looked to be confused by the bag.
“Do you need me to get this open?” She asked, fingers of her darkness arm sharpening into claws.
“No! I can do it.” Annie opened the bag, sure that Derieri would get flour everywhere had she done it. She had a feeling her friend was going to get flour on herself, however.
“You need to sieve this into the bowl with the creamed butter in it, then stir it together.” Annie closed her eyes, sure her friend would take the instruction too far and hence would get covered in flour. She took a nervous peek and saw that Derieri was carefully tipping flour into the sieve. She appeared confused by the sieve being full of flour, but not much of it going into the bowl.
“Is that right?” She asked.
“You need to carefully pick the sieve up and gently shake the flour through it.” Annie was going to watch this. This would be when her friend would get covered in flour. Derieri followed her instructions, but some of the flour still managed to end up on her due to the amount in the sieve. Annie grinned, her grin widening when some of that flour found its way on to Derieri's cheek from the back of her hand. Flour now sieved, Derieri started mixing it into the creamed butter. Thankfully, the dough it formed stayed in the bottom of the bowl, not too sticky, not too dry.
“Now this needs to go on the surface to be rolled out.” Annie patted the work surface and Derieri scooped out the dough. Annie normally winced a little doing that, because the dough was always sticky when she did it. Derieri had no such problems, placing the dough on the surface and looking at Annie expectantly. Annie retrieved the rolling pin from her bag of things.
“My mother informs me this is good for threatening cheeky husbands with. Make sure you use it on him if he's teasing too much, alright?” Annie grinned at the soft blush this drew to her friend's cheeks.
“He's not my...” Not yet. Thought Annie. She'd saw how he looked at her! She... didn't know if demons did marriage but... she could tell he loved her. Hence the trying to get him to say something! Derieri claimed the rolling pin, using it to flatten the dough out. Annie retrieved the cutter from her bag, placing it beside the rolled out dough.
“That's probably flat enough. Now you use this to cut out the biscuit shapes. You push it into the dough and lift out the shape.” Annie grinned when she saw the blush darken.
“Why are they heart shaped?”
“Why not?” She asked. She knew it would fluster him, that was the real answer.
“Right. So I cut these out like this...” After a short while, there were about a dozen heart shaped bits of dough resting on the tray.
“What do I do with this?” She pointed at the leftover bits of dough.
“Roll it back together, then flatten it out again. You do that until you can't make a bit of dough that you can push the cutter into. Then you shape what's left into the last biscuit.” After a short while, there were about 25 biscuits sitting on the tray, a small bit of dough left.
“Make that into a little heart too.” Derieri's cheeks flushed a little, but she carefully moulded the dough into a little heart shape. It got placed beside the others on the tray, Annie grinning at them.
“Looks good. Now we just need to put them in the oven for a little while.” Annie spotted that the oven was lit. Derieri carefully scooped the tray up, carrying it over to the oven. The tray was pushed inside, before the door was closed. Annie knew how long they took to cook, so found a chair to settle in with her book. It was about an angel and a demon; who totally fancied each other, but neither of them said so. It reminded her a little of the two friends she'd made.
“Are they done yet?” Derieri asked after about five minutes. Annie could see the other girl was fidgeting, possibly not used to sitting still for so long.
“Not yet. Give it about... ten more minutes.” Annie heard a noise of assent, so went back to her book.
“Are... are they still bothering you?” Derieri asked her after a couple of minutes.
“Not really. They don't trust you though.”
“You don't have to keep coming here, you know.” Annie felt a little annoyed.
“Why shouldn't I come to see my friends? That they don't agree with that is their problem, not mine.” Annie caught the hint of a grin on Derieri's face.
“Just saying, they might accept you more if you cut ties with us.” Annie shook her head.
“Perhaps. Perhaps they should try to accept two people who've done nothing to warrant the whispered words and evil glares they keep getting.” Annie almost shouted.
“Humans aren't very trusting of demons. Besides... both of us have done things to warrant what they are doing. Things we haven't told you about.” Annie didn't appear to care.
“Not since you've come here you haven't.” She said; Derieri not having a dispute for that. Annie stood up, heading over to the oven. A quick glance inside confirmed the biscuits were cooked. She went to her bag, grabbing the oven glove. She lifted the tray out of the oven once she'd put it on, placing the tray on the surface they had used to make the biscuits on. Derieri immediately scooped one off the tray, almost immediately dropping it afterwards.
“They're hot. Leave them to cool for a little while first.” Annie told her, before sitting reading her book. Derieri kept looking over at the biscuits.
“What's that about?” She asked, Annie glancing at her over the top of her book. Her friend was still eyeing the biscuits like she wanted one now.
“An angel and a demon working together to save the world from ending.”
“Where do people get these ideas from?” Derieri pondered.
“Legends of what happened during the Holy War, perhaps?” Annie suggested. Derieri shook her head, again eyeing the biscuits.
“Shall we get them off the tray? They might cool quicker then.” Annie had to grin at how quickly Derieri jumped up to do just that. She used her claw to lift the biscuits up, placing them on the surface beside the tray. The tray was quickly moved to a large metal bowl in the kitchen that Annie guessed the dishes went in until one of them could be bothered to do them. Sure enough, the mixing bowl and spoon went over there too. Annie tucked the sieve and rolling pin back in her bag, along with the leftover flour. Derieri was eyeing the biscuits again and Annie grinned.
“If you can pick one up with your flesh hand without burning yourself, you can eat it.” She told her friend. It didn't surprise her that Derieri immediately grabbed one. Said biscuit had been munched before Annie could ask about it.
“'S good.” She remarked, reaching for another one.
“Derieri! Make sure you save some for Monspeet.”
“There's plenty there.” She had another biscuit in her hand and Annie shook her head. That biscuit got gobbled up as well.
“If you eat too many of them you'll get a tummy ache.” She said quietly. It didn't escape her notice that Derieri didn't eat any more after that though, so she must have been heard. The other girl made her way over to the chair beside her, before sitting down.
“What's happening?” She asked, indicating the book in Annie's hands.
“The four horsemen of apocalypse have just gathered and are heading to the same place as the angel and demon.” Annie answered, Derieri shaking her head at it.
“Madness.” She muttered, lowering her head into her hands.
“We don't have to hang around here, you know. We could go look for Monspeet.”
“He'll be back shortly. Even if he has gotten lost, he'll find his way back here.” To you. Annie added in her head. She'd spent a fair bit of time with these two since they'd arrived in the village... and what she'd observed made them seem like a married couple. She could tell Monspeet doted on Derieri... probably loved her if demons were capable of love. Of course, Derieri was oblivious; but Annie could tell she cared for Monspeet too. As if thinking of him summoned him, there was a knock on the door.
“Are you in here Derieri?” He asked calmly. Annie grinned, knowing what was probably coming.
“Yep. Got a visitor.” She called back. The door was pushed open and he came in. Annie's grin widened when she spotted the arm behind his back. Flowers for his girl... She thought.
“What you got there?” Derieri asked, trying to peer around him. He looked a little flustered, to Annie's delight. God, he has it bad, doesn't he?
“For you.” He held out what he was hiding, a small bouquet of flowers picked from the fields near the village. Annie had spotted most of the kinds on her own walks... but one flower in the middle stood out. A burgundy coloured rose. If Annie remembered her flower meanings correctly... that particular shade meant 'devotion'. Though... she knew there were no roses growing anywhere near the village. Which made her ponder where he'd gotten it from. She did also note the carnations and tulips were red too... though she'd never spotted red ones on her walks.
“Thanks.” …Was she blushing? Annie wasn't sure. She was sure she caught the hint of a smile on his face when Derieri accepted the flowers.
“Don't recall seeing red ones on our walks... And I know there's none of these around here.” Derieri commented, indicating the rose in the middle. Annie grinned, sure she caught a hint of a blush on his cheeks this time.
“Red makes me think of you. Burning bright. And I recalled that flower from the capital and... I morphed a different one into it.” Liar! Red tulips and carnations mean true love just like roses do! And burgundy roses mean devotion... like I know you have for her! Annie added in her head. Why couldn't he just say it in plain Britannian? Was it really so hard to say 'I love you'?
“They're nice.” She said, before putting them in the vase on the window ledge. Annie pondered whether Derieri was clueless or she honestly didn't know what he was doing meant. Men always got flowers for women they liked. She knew her father tended to pick flowers for her mother when he was in trouble (and sometimes this got him out of trouble, but other times it didn't).
“Made something for you too.” Derieri scampered over to the surface with the biscuits on.
“I see you managed to get some on you too...” He'd made his way over beside her and brushed the flour off her cheek with his thumb. It looked so adorably tender that Annie had to bite her lip so she didn't squeal. And Derieri was definitely blushing this time.
“I'll go wash up later then.” She told him, before picking up the biscuit which was made from the leftover dough, the one that was slightly odd shaped. Her father always helped himself to that biscuit when her mother made biscuits. When Annie had asked him why he always took that one, he answered that that biscuit was shaped by her mother's hands and hence was made with the most love. And Derieri was offering that one to Monspeet. How can you two be doing adorable things like this and not be a couple?! Annie thought, trying very hard not to make a sound at how adorable this was.
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“For you.” She mirrored his words, holding out the oddly shaped biscuit. He looked a little hesitant.
“She made them for you, go on.” He jumped, apparently not having realised Annie was sitting there.
“Apologies for not seeing you there, Annie.”
“It's fine! But you need to try those biscuits.” You were too caught up in your lady to notice me, after all! She added in her head.
“Yeah, they're nice.” Derieri held out the oddly shaped biscuit again; the one vaguely heart shaped, but not cut by the cutter. The one she'd shaped into a heart to match the others. He didn't hesitate this time, taking the offered biscuit and munching on it.
“Annie showed me how to make them.” Derieri told him while he was munching.
“These are nice, thank you.” He told her once the biscuit had disappeared.
“It's fine, Derieri wanted me to show her how to bake and... shortbread is the easiest recipe I could think of to start with.” She told him, seeing another soft smile on his face. Annie knew it was probably the right time to head home. Kissing was more likely to happen without an audience and she'd finished showing Derieri what to do.
“Anyway, now I've done that, I'd best be heading off before my father comes looking for me again!” She told them, heading for the door.
“Thanks for showing me that. Maybe we could try making one of those pie things next time?” Annie grinned softly.
“Sure, might be easier if you had a helper though.” Annie unsubtly looked at Monspeet.
“If Derieri would like my help, I'm happy to give it. Safe journey home, Annie.” She grinned again; knowing exactly how to set them up.
“See you both next time.” She said as she went out of the door. She was busy plotting a few things to try and help them get together. Or maybe to finally give him the kick up the butt he needed to say 'I love you' to the woman he obviously loved.
AN: The book Annie is reading here is meant to be 'Good Omens' (which is such a brilliant book and is so fitting with this series I had to include it in a fic). I got most of the flower meanings from here: link but I googled rose meanings. Every site I saw says burgundy roses mean devotion or passion. I say 'biscuits' not 'cookies' because I'm British (to me a cookie is a biscuit with chocolate chips in). Lyric used for this chapter's title is from 'Can you feel the love tonight?' from The Lion King (and it won't be the only lyric from that song used!).
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beesfairlyland · 3 months
hellooo😺! i just wanted to share my wonderful experience with non-dualism (and everything before that). hope this counts as a other-than-usual ask! warning, this will probably be long. i first got into anything spirituality related when i discovered subliminals in 2016 (at age 10!). i made a playlist with like 10 hair growth subliminals because i wanted to have hair like rapunzel😭 a little later i also made a huge playlist with weight loss subliminals. some time after that, i also joined the subliminal user amino and got into the law of attraction. i don't really remember much from that era other than trying out some super complicated methods and having sooo many limiting beliefs that didn't even make any sense. so, when lot's of subliminal makers got exposed for either putting negative affirmations in their subs or straight up lying about being a different race/ethnicity (anyone remember mind power? i used to listen to them religiously lol, weird stuff) and everyone kinda dropped loattraction and switched to loassumption, i did too. i was so excited because i had absolutely no success with loattraction😵‍💫 i read every single post about it on amino and when i got bored, i went to tumblr and read every single post there. i was still doing some pretty unnecessary methods and i was still listening to subliminals, but it felt much easier at least. every time people came up with a new thing/definiton for loa (affirm+persist, states, void states etc.) i'd switch to that as well. everything you can think of, i did it all. i was also switching my desires basically every week, never knowing what i truly wanted. and in the end, i never manifested anything with loassumption either. then, in late 2023, after taking a break from tumblr and leaving amino (i've been away from amino before that though, just officially deleted the app at that time), i came back and saw so much going on on tumblr. most of my favorite loassumption bloggers were gone and i had no idea what went down while i was gone😭. i was so confused and didn't know where to go now that there were only bloggers i've never seen before left. that was until i got a post about non-dualism on my dash. i was super intrigued about this new thing, and to be honest, i treated it like another upgrade (like loassumption was to loattraction. i felt the same excitement i did when everyone got into loassumption and read every post i could find about it (i think the first blogs i've scrolled through and bombarded with asks were iamthat-iam and etherealkissed777(?)). that excitement died down when i just couldn't get into it though. now, even though i haven't quite realised self yet, i'm contempt with my knowledge and am trying my best to not fall back into thinking i'm anything but self. even though i haven't realised self yet, everything still just feels better than ever before. back when i was still into loa (both of them) there was always a trend in these communities, for example looking like ariana grande, cindy kimberly, song jia, jenny, wonyoung, etc. or having that perfect it girl lifestyle and i felt like i needed that too. but now, i don't feel like i need to be perfect in societies/a specific communities eyes. i don't mind not being number 1 in everything i do, in fact, it feels really weird and boring to me to be "perfect". but in the end, what even is "perfect" or "average"? another thing is that when i was still into loassumption and loattraction, i couldn't really decide what i wanted to manifest (e.g. i couldn't decide whether i wanted blonde or black hair). this was really shitty because with both of these , manifesting something was the end goal, and i couldn't really manifest something i didn't even know. with non-dualism (at least how i understood it) self realisation is the "end goal". so i can still "reach" that "goal" even if i don't know what i want my ego/body/human form to look like.
sorry again if this is long, i just never told anyone how much i appreciate living white following non-dualism
I can relate soo much with you. Except for the part i was searching on yt instead of tumblr lol.
I've always looked back at this wonderful voyage i was on. And can only wonder what would have happened if i didn't see that subliminal in my suggestions. I can't imagine where would i be if i didn't come across all this.
But yeah in the end here we are, filled with gratitude. Doing Nothing but just cherishing the dream we are dreaming.🌺
(don't be sorry, i loved reading this!)
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peachjagiya · 4 months
hm, if you think jm is straight why did tae make those remarks towards him in the early years? you're baby army so you may not know but in the early years tae implied jm's non straightness twice. once during a radio interview and once during a fan meet. the radio one was when jm talked about wanting to travel with jk and tae then said that jm likes men too much. to which jm then replied "i don't like you". the other one was a fan meet where jm was saying "jungkook, today you're next to me" to which tae replied "as you grow up, your mental state..." jm interrupted him and said "i'm not like that to you, don't worry" and then tae said "you like men" to which jm replied again "i'm not like that to you". this is no shade towards tae. he was young and was potentially struggling with his own identity. but twice tae implied jm is into men (too) and twice jm didn't deny it. he just denied liking tae like that. all of that happened in 2013/2014, so it was a long time ago, but imo those two situations are a huge indication that jm is not straight. and honestly it's not just that. jm is not as loud as tae when it comes to support queer artists, besides jm saying he loves troye sivan, but he does hint at a potential queerness at multiple occasions. for example his photofolio, something he had full (!) control over. he decided to use the colours of the bisexual flag for a concept called "Color: Freedom" where he's wearing a shirt from an LGBTQ+ collection and has "free love" as fake tattoos on his body. then we have him in his Like Crazy, when he once again has full control, wearing pants with Robert Mapplethorpe on it, an openly queer photographer whose most controversial works documented and examined the gay male BDSM subculture of New York City in the late 1960s and early 1970s. in the original like crazy choreo, not the one he used for korean music shows but the one he used for his performance in the us and the one we saw in the behind the scenes, have both female and male dancers hugging jm closely. as he changed it for korean music shows it clearly means something that both genders touched him. then we have jm crying in an interview while "talking" to his past self that his past self was trying hard but that he should hurry up and be him soon because he will learn and realise so many things about himself. jm also posted a picture of himself once on twitter with a rainbow on his cheek. or drew the bisexual flag when they were drawing stuff for their dicon shoot. or the way he was completely lost while staring in awe at a very muscular interviewer in the us when the interviewer slapped his own tighs and where the members had to get him out of his trance, lol. and those are just things at the top of the iceberg. jm also doesn't care about gender at all but that's a whole different topic. obviously it's fine if you disagree but for me, as a fellow bisexual, are strong hints that jm might not be straight. he's definitely not one of the members i would guess is straight. but we might have to agree to disagree. have a good day though. :)
Can we also agree to read my post?
With a distinct question mark over Jimin.
I clearly don't know. I did know about those early Tae comments, yes. Disregarding as teenage projecting and silliness, to be honest but yes, you're quite right about bisexual colours.
I probably should have just written what I really wanted to say and that is that everyone is queer as a default until proven otherwise 😂 it's only what the heterosexuals do to us. I won't answer at 3am next time.
Thanks anon. 💜
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Having been compelled to forget the worst of Chloe's recent bite, Vicky was in a good mood. She knew they had to come up with a plan to get Chloe back into school and reunite her with her family as much as they could. The less time Chloe was considered dead (and had to hide), the better. Vicky had been told that Chloe would have a difficult time with control for a while. The syndicate had insisted that Chloe be closely monitored and not return to her previous home until she was no longer a threat to the general population and the secrecy of vampire kind. Vicky didn't like the restrictions, but she knew (instinctively) the syndicate was powerful and could cause them trouble, even harm, if Chloe and Vicky didn't toe the line. Personally, she didn't feel that Chloe was a threat to anyone (little did she realise how slyly Chloe had bitten her).
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Vicky talked it over with Chloe. It was agreed that they would contact Zuri and reunite mother and daughter there at Hillside Haven. Zuri would be allowed to visit and likely Chloe would go over in turn, but Chloe could not live with her only family; at least for the time being.
They also agreed that Chloe would return to Copperdale High School. Zuri would know the truth, though they wouldn't tell Principal Prescott. As far as the school and other students knew, there had been an attack and Chloe had been mistakenly thought dead, but she had in fact recovered from her injuries. As long as they weren't specific about the nature of those injuries, Chloe might not even have to show signs of any infirmity or scarring. Chloe would pretend to be embarrassed, shocked and forgetful about the attack and generally change the subject as quickly as possible. Vicky and Chloe would do their best to deal with any situations as they arose.
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So Vicky rang Zuri Samuels. A very confused and visibly grieving Zuri came, as arranged, early that evening to meet the stranger who had merely said that she had "information about your daughter Chloe".
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Vicky told Zuri "I have recently been contacted by a secretive syndicate who monitors and conceals the existence of vampires among us. They learnt about my work at Hillside Haven here. The group home I run for girls. This syndicate, they wanted me to provide a home for your daughter Chloe. See, Chloe was attacked by a vampire and awoke in the funeral home. She's alive Ms. Samuels. Just not quite the way you and I are..."
During this speech, Zuri's face ran a gamut of emotions. Fascination, confusion, shocked disgust and then disbelief. Zuri had vivid memories of choosing a coffin for her seventeen-year-old, of seeing her only child's lifeless body.
"Chloe" Vicky called "Come and join us" and Chloe walked out of the kitchen to face her mother.
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Once more Zuri's expression changed rapidly. Shock, awe and disbelief warred with joy and longing. Chloe and Zuri embraced for a long, long moment.
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Finally the pair pulled apart.
"How?!" Zuri exclaimed.
"Vicky told you. The man that attacked me was some sort of vampire. I woke up at the funeral home, I guess it was lucky that it was late afternoon, but not too late -not many people around. Mr. Anderson is part of that syndicate thing, that's why he works as an undertaker, to look out for the victims of vampires who become vampires themselves. "
Zuri held her hands out in a 'Stop. Wait' gesture.
"Yeah. It's totally weird. I don't get it all myself. I had to wait at the funeral home for what felt like ages. And they bought me blood. In bags, you know? And Mr. Anderson told me I'm a vampire now, that there are actually a lot of them, well, us..."
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"Do you believe it? All the girls at school going on about Edward Cullen and all this time there's these honest to God creepers running about sucking people's necks."
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Seeing her Mum struggling, Chloe rushed to reassure "But don't worry. Vampires don't have to bite people. Only the few really bad, out of control ones hurt others. Most vampires live on donor blood... bags, remember?"
Zuri hadn't truly slept in days and was still wearing the same paint spattered clothes in which she had answered the door to every parent's worst nightmare. She was beginning to think she was dreaming or going mad.
Believing she would awake at any moment, faced again with the loss of Chloe, Zuri listened as Vicky explained how Chloe could not come home, how Zuri was welcome to visit anytime. The trio sat in the living room and for a time no one spoke further. The other girls (Jamie and Rose) had agreed to stay upstairs and take themselves to bed if necessary. Vicky fetched coffee and Zuri wondered at the aroma, the warmth and the rich taste. Surely no dream was like, that. You didn't smell things in dreams. Zuri wondered again if Chloes death had shattered her mental facilities completely.
Then Chloe began showing signs of restlessness. Her hunger was getting the better of her again. Vicky pressed a business card into Zuri's hands and as politely as possible, shooed her out the door and into her car...
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idkanametoputhere · 2 years
*balloons an streamers an confetti galore*
may I request Deuce Spade w/ Young by Vacations? surprise me u chaotic child
tbh idk the song so I will leave space here for me to say my thoughts on it after I've listened to it:
ALSO I am SO SORRY for the delay, the wifi in my village has been out since Saturday morning and now they're trying to fix it but yeah enough with my rambling, ahem
type: angst
pronouns: they/them
character: deuce spade
song inspo: Young by Vacations
tw: cussing, me taking inspiration from real life, how I imagine delinquent deuce
this fic is part of my 100 followers event
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if you ask anyone if they have a childhood best friend, the majority of people will say that they did
deuce spade is one of them, a guy with an oh so supportive best friend who managed to get him out of trouble while still having fun
or well, at least he had a friend like that, you know, before he pushed them away
"Another day goes by
And where was I?"
it was sad to be honest, or more specifically lonely. the friend they had supported all their life, the friend they had turned to whenever they were sad, the friend whose side they stood by through thick and thin had pushed them aside
their blue haired friend was going through a "phase" as you could call it, he wanted to be perceived as a troublemaker, a tough guy who did mischevious deeds. and being friends with someone who had the reputation of a sweetheart was not really fitting for that reputation. and so the two unspeakable friends were suddenly separated
meanwhile the friend kept coming back
"Didn't think I'd still be here
Just to make things clear"
they were a fool to put it simply. a fool attached to their childhood dream of having a close friend. and they tried so hard to stay by his side. to keep supporting him through every one of his decisions
but in every relationship, friendship or not, there needs to be mutual affection for it to work. not just one sad fool, a jester in their own castle, who clings to every pice of affection shown towards them as if they'll fall into the abyss if they let go
"What's the use?"
they considered themselves a smart person. someone who can realise when they are unwanted and yet, they couldn't seem to be able to step away from their friend. they were unable to stop themself from checking at their phone, waiting for a text that would signal them hanging out with deuce
"I'm not talking sense"
everyone was worried about them. "it's fine" they claimed. "he's just been busy, so have i" they said. how many excuses have they come up with so they could lie to the ones who cared about them? or maybe they were lying to themself, they needed those lies to be happy
imagine a flower hidden from the sun. it needs the sunlight, but it is not given to the flower. it tried to find it, but someone placed it in the shadows and therefore it can do nothing but try to get close to its beloved sunlight before it dies
except their sun was not rising just so he wouldn't give sunlight to them
"Call it a ruse
On myself"
"hi" one time, they greeted him and he just quicly and awkwardly greeted them back
"hi deuce" another time, this time they got answered with just a small wave
time and time again, they were greeted back by a quick wave and a roll of the eyes, until one day he just started ignoring them, not even sparing them a glance
and all the lies they had been feeding themself to feel better suddenly disappeared and they were able to see the truth
the truth was quite simple, once they were friends, shared every moment together, sad or not, they had made plans together for the future. and now? now they were nothing more than mere strangers, just like they had started
years of friendship down the drain for the sake of being "cool". pretty funny, isn't it?
"I wanted to go"
the worst thing in all of this was probably watching him with his friends at school or outside
for so long it had been them standing by his side, only for them to be replaced?
call them dramatic but losing such a close friend of theirs affected them a lot. it was as if their whole world had crashed down around them and someone was keeping them from rebuilding it
and the years passed like that, with the well-known sweetheart avoiding one person in particular as they focused on everything but him
and then it was time for both of them to be enrolled at the same college, NRC. and -you wouldn't guess- their luck is so good that they were put in the same dorm as deuce
but speaking of deuce, what about him?
"I wanted to say
All things come to pass
With time"
deuce knew he had fucked up. he knew that what he did was horrible, and now that he had gone out of that delinquent phase of his, he wanted to do nothing more than apologise to his old friend
he missed how they took care of any injuries he had after falling, he missed them sharing their lunch cause he forgot his, he missed them listening to him talking. and most of all, he missed their presence. he missed the warm smile they gave him and their melodic laugh
he thought that enough time had passed so that they would move over what happened, forgive and forget and all that. except he hadn't considered how hurt his old friend was, and how stuck on the past they were, for a good reason that is
and so every time he tried approaching them they turned away, avoiding him like that plague
"But I want everything now
To be all mine"
was he asking for too much? he just wanted his friend back! he knew he had wronged them but they could talk it over and make up, just like that! they weren't children anymore, were they? there was no need for petty arguments!
except of course if one of the two had years of pent up anger and pain caused by the other, then petty arguments were the way to go I suppose
"You think it's all over
Get up and try again"
and so it went, argument after argument, one each day. there were countless times when they were collared by their dorm leader because they were causing a ruckus, and he was right to do that
their fights were messy. no insults were thrown at eachother, there was a time when they cared for eachother so they didn't have the heart to be mean to eachother
but there were some ugly remarks being made
"You've got to act your age, darling"
"can't you just listen to me for one second?"
"couldn't you have, you know, not pushed me aside for literally no reason?"
"grow up"
yet another screaming match between the two. not the first one, and probably not the last one either
they say that, if two people are trying to solve a problem, there needs to be proper communication between them. can you see what the two heroes of our story are lacking? just that, exactly
"I was a kid, I was dumb, I get it and I'm sorry" yelled the ravenette, desperate to have his friend back. "good thing you realised you were dumb, but I was also a kid! and I was there for you since we were babies! you pushed me aside deuce, without any reason. you looked at me as if I was a stranger! you ignored me and never even gave me a reason why!" they screamed at his face, their eyes glossy, tears threatening to spill from their anger.
"do you k own how much that hurt? I was lying to everyone -i was lying to my own self for seven's sake- saying that 'oh no we're still friends. he still cares about me'. bullshit!" they kept on yelling as tears started running down their face
and then he realised how much he had hurt them. how much his own stupid actions had fucked up his most valued friendship
"Before you fall back in"
"I'm sorry" was the inky thing he could say the feeling of guilt running through his mind, like a virus infecting a body and making it weak, only able to respond to said virus
guilt, shame, regret, despair
he realised he had opened pandora's box, and he didn't know if there was hope at the bottom of it.
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ra0n · 2 years
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KI RAON / intro (under the cut) / application / visage / profile
helllooo it's kira here and i'm v excited to bring you miss "princess u" ki raon !! you've probably seen her a) skateboarding around campus, b) constantly trying to find some new plight to throw herself into so she can write a song about it or more recently c) stuck in a gossip-girl-reported catfight between her and her sister (s'nu subplot). i'm super excited to get to know everyone so please like this for me to message u or feel free to message first &lt;3
warning: super sorry for how long and messy this is i was horribly unprepared
basics: 24, (grad) music production and sound engineering student at snu and the princess/princess u skeleton of s'nu
backstory it's just been her and her mom for as long as she remembers in their over-familiar, little town. grew up being taught to stay humble and always shrink herself into the background so nobody would take notice of her
but raon's always had a fiery spirit (exhibit one: constantly got scolded for shoving the same tacky boy over in the playground when they were five) (exhibit two: fought with a classmate over the last doraemon toy and came home with scratches. she won the fight btw) (exhibit three: picked up a guitar in eighth grade and never looked back, much to her mother's chagrin)
she always believed that she was destined for greater things despite the financial limits on her and discovering music felt like the final puzzle piece being slotted into place. "borrowed" instruments from her highschool's run down music room, not that anybody noticed, and taught herself between studying and her part time job at the local convenience store
developed a knack for song-writing and more specifically, music production using youtube videos and free programs though she saved up to buy some proper ones later on, essentially trying to translate her life of poverty into songs. many of them revolve around the hardships of her life and distant relationship with her mother
starving artist trope to the maximum
but yeah eventually graduated high school and told her mom she got into snu for business and management when in reality, it was for music production
ensue very messy argument when she found out which ended in raon running away with what she had saved up from her job to seoul. didn't talk to her again after that until raon found out she passed away
and then gets hit with news that the one of friends she's surrounded herself with is her actual step sister, and then realises with the help of gossip girl that they both like prince charming
no rest for the wicked!!! half loves half hates the attention on her - love because she likes to pretend to the world she has a strong front and nothing can sway her, hates because she actually does not have that strong of a front
just trying to get through university and graduate with a decent job at a music studio or big shot entertainment company, but if she can make some mess whilst she's here she might as well
character wise she's very entitled, genuinely believes she has a gift that nobody else does and that because she's gone through a life of poverty and struggles, she "deserves" good things to happen to her more than anyone else
which is why she's very determined to make sure prince charming is hers at the end - why should her sister whose lived a life of luxury get the first pick in a relationship, too?
takes a lot of pride in her music and works very hard, essentially a perfectionist when it comes to the stuff she produces so constructive criticism is accepted though not easily, especially if you're someone who isn't in the music field
has a bad habit of mistaking being blunt for being honest, not one to be soft-spoken but does talk quite a lot. initiates conversations most of the time ("hey wasn't that lecture so fucking boring") even if she's never met you before
super flighty as a person though it's unintentional. here one second, gone the next. always looking for inspiration, for something exciting, for someone interesting
works part-time as a night bartender at a club near snu because of the perks (aka free drinks plus sometimes, they let her mix the tracks on the dj deck)
also in an indie rock band that plays around bars and shows!! she's the guitarist and sub vocalist - not sure if they're trying to do something serious or just a ragtag group bound together by love for music but
sorry i'm not organised enough to have a plots page set up but throwing some ideas out there id love anyone from the s'nu subplot!! also band members (she loves you guys); regulars at the bar she works at; regulars at her band's gigs; fellow creatives; fellow skateboarders; ex-best friends; fwbs; fwbs getting increasingly messy; exes; someone she sees as her "muse"; someone who's been a fan of her music since her (unironic) soundcloud days; companies trying to recruit her for producing; someone who knew her pre-seoul; ride or die; found brother/sister (since she's waging war on her actual one); someone she keeps skating into accidentally and fuck she's so sorry for making you spill coffee over yo-
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Healing Ties - Chapter 51 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Um, Hamish?"
Fanner twisted his hand in the sleeve of Yore's shirt.
"Maybe this isn't my place to say anything but I think Duran felt like you were doing that to him a bit. Only seeing him as an ex-Companion. Of course you don't have to have sex with anyone you don't want to and maybe it wouldn't even be the right thing for him regardless but... I don't know. He's never been much like other Companions."
"I mean, you know him better than I do so you're probably right but here's the thing," Hamish said. "If I'm nice to him, it's only going to encourage him. Maybe being a dick isn't the best way to deal with things but I've been running a bullying campaign against a pre-teen for a year to keep Kin at bay, so at this point it's all I know."
"Oh," Fanner said. "Sorry, yes, that makes sense."
"Duran's an adult, so it is a bit different but still. I stay out of trouble by knowing my own limits and not getting involved with anyone who ties their emotions up in sex. Fucking that up is a terrible feeling."
"It's a difficult situation," Yore said. "He seems almost addicted to sex with humans. To the energy he gets from it."
"It's not that great," Lucas said. "Makes me feel a little buzzed after, but nothing major."
"The first few times Danya and I had sex, it hit him so hard it worried me," Simon contributed. "He loses all awareness for a few moments and it can look almost like he's having a seizure. He can feel energy in ways most other mages can't, so maybe that has something to do with it but we've talked about it before and he said the things Duran told him about sex when they were still at Milaine House weren't too far off from that."
"Am I the weird one?" Lucas looked around until he spotted Cailan, then stood and waved to him.
"Cailan. Come tell us about your sex life." "
We're trying to figure out what Companions experience with the whole humans and sex and energy thing," Lucas explained.
"What does it feel like for you?"
"Hmm..." Cailan said as he sat down next to Lucas. "If I'm honest, I didn't notice it the first few times Liam and I had sex. At least, not consciously. I knew I felt good in many ways but it took me a while to realise that part of that feeling came from things involving energy and his release."
"See, that's how it is for me," Lucas said. "Danya's damn near getting knocked out by it and it sounds like the hit Duran gets from it is so intense that he's practically addicted."
Cailan inclined his head.
"We're not quite as identical as we were taught to believe."
"And thank fuck for that," Lucas said.
"Every time I find out some Companion doesn't perfectly match what we're meant to be, I'm like, fucking fantastic because, you know..."
"It is nice to feel like an individual once you get past the idea that you shouldn't be one," Cailan said.
"Sure, I guess there's that but what I meant was I'm just glad maybe we're slightly less fucking in-bred than I've started to realise we must be. We're, what, ten generations atabsolute maximum out from being just a bunch of mages with different traits and they've managed to create these distinct categories for us? And don't even get me started on the golden hair. That was a random mutation that showed up at some point and it's recessive. Do you know how much in-breeding it takes to get an entire population to have a recessive trait?"
Cailan laughed.
"You know, you're quite well educated for a bandit."
"I'm a bandit who makes his money passing for a classy Companion. A lot of bandits aren't the most educated, and I'm friends with all sorts, but the ones who raised me are. Have to be if you're gonna bluff your way into fancy parties to rob rich people."
"If Duran is experiencing something like an addiction, does that mean he shouldn't be having sex with humans at all?" Simon asked.
"Well, I'm not sure about that," Cailan said. "It's not a drug. It's part of how his body works."
"Even so," Yore said. "He's said some things that made me worry he might sacrifice his own wellbeing to get it."
"If a man is addicted to the rush given to him by exercise or adrenaline, should he be denied those things?" Cailan asked.
"I've seen men do some very unwise things in pursuit of natural chemical highs supplied to them by their own bodies. Should he be denied that feeling entirely or is it okay as long as he does it safely? Is it even, perhaps, better if he has safe outlets?"
"This is far too complicated for me," Hamish said.
Cailan offered him a smile.
"And that's fair. You have no obligation to be the one to give him that. Nobody does. I suppose it just rubs me the wrong way when people decide for someone else what's best for them. Not everyone has looked kindly on my relationship with Liam."
"Hmm..." Simon said, dropping his gaze.
"I understand why, believe me and I hold no grudges over it but it can be very hard to truly grasp what someone else is going through. Duran is the greatest expert on himself, and though I don't know him very well yet myself, he seems like a smart and pragmatic man. I would hope that he receives the respect he deserves."
"If not the dick he desires," Lucas added.
"Well," Fanner said and then seemed startled when everyone turned their attention to him.
"Um. Even if nobody wants to, you know. I think he'll be less upset by that if it's just because they don't want to and not because they think he can't make his own decisions. He's always been strong."
Slone gave him a firm pat on the shoulder, before changing the subject...
"You ever swim in the ocean before?"
"Buddy, I've never seen the ocean until today," Hamish said.
"C'mon," Slone said as he dragged him up by his arm.
"I should go and find Danya," Simon said.
"He went to put Jas to bed but he should be done by now."
"And I should go back to Liam," Cailan said as he stood.
"Most people have been surprisingly nice but he is human." Lucas watched them all leave and then stretched as he stood.
"I'm going to go find out who I have to sleep with to get a proper bed for the night."
"Anyone who lives here should have one," Yore said.
"If you want to get really ambitious, anyone who has rooms in The Spire will have a very nice bed but that's my level and above in terms of status."
"Hmm. I like a challenge," Lucas said, shooting Yore a grin before he wandered off.
Yore let out a long sigh and shut his eyes as he leant in against Fanner, who hadn't stopped clinging to his side.
"You're getting bolder about speaking your mind. I'm glad."
"It still feels wrong," Fanner admitted.
"I'm not really as brave as Danya or Duran. I might seem to be because I do things I'm not supposed to,but I don't really choose to most of the time. I just... can't help it. I wish I had Danya's fire or Duran's shrewdness."
"Are you sure you don't just imagine that if you had those things, you'd feel less insecure? I don't know Duran very well but I know Danya has struggled a lot with his appearance and with accepting that the very things you admire in him could even be good things at all."
Yore pressed a kiss to the side of Fanner's face.
"Be kind to yourself. You deserve it."
"So the rumours are true," Yore heard a familiar voice say and he turned his head to see his grandmother.
Yore stood as she approached and Fanner ended up standing behind him.
"What gossip have you been listening to?"
Yore's grandmother watched them, the hint of a smile set on her face.
"When you told me about this young man a few days ago, it sounded like he was just a friend."
"He was. We live in fast times."
Yore stepped aside so that Fanner was no longer behind him and held a hand out towards his grandmother.
"Fanner, this is my grandmother, Adara."
"Oh," Fanner said.
"It's nice to meet you, um... I'm sorry. I don't know how to address you."
Yore's grandmother studied Fanner with curious eyes.
"By my name, please."
"Sorry, yes, of course," Fanner said.
"I should have known. Yore's told me that's how werewolves do things many times."
"Humans like that sort of thing, don't they?" Yore's grandmother asked.
"I imagine you're still adjusting."
Fanner nodded.
"Thank you for your understanding."
She dismissed his thanks with a wave of her hand.
"You know, I considered being upset about the controversy this relationship will cause for my grandson but what would be the point? I can't stop him and I don't think I even want to. Yore... you deserve to have something that's just for you and love is the best thing that could be. Good for you."
"Thank you," Yore said.
"Though I hope, for Fanner's sake, it won't be too controversial."
"Typically it might be but these aren't typical times and he's not a typical person," Yore's grandmother said.
"After the things I've heard about him, I imagine anyone giving him a hard time will find they're a lot less popular than he is."
"I wish my feelings for him were enough to earn their acceptance but he has more than proven himself on his own."
"Well, people will always have their opinions. You can't cater everything to what others would prefer. Not everyone likes that I chose not to marry but I won't take a husband I don't need just to make others happy."
Yore's grandmother walked over and sat on a log in front of the bonfire.
"Anyway, I've heard about the plan Libby is working on but I don't have much faith in it. We're fighters and that's what we need to think about. Sit down and let's discuss tactics."
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zerolune · 10 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Chapter 2 - Meet-Awkward
In which, you learn about Kwaguchi Yuri and also see the first interaction of the members.
: ̗̀➛ Next , Masterlist
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Life can take you many places. One day you might be in a concert, performing your heart out. Your own mixed group happily enjoying their time in the huge stadium, in your home country. And the next minute, your group is disbanding.
You're now suddenly in Korea, a country you can barely communicate in, however, you're a popular contestant in "Street woman fighter" while also being a famous SM back up dancer and making quite a few choreographies.
That is exactly what Kwaguchi Yuri went through before being selected for the "riize" project.
The promotions for Rover had only just begun, she had been summoned to one of the meeting rooms, her manager still not telling her the reason.
Well, until she walked in and saw a couple of other trainees in the same room along with few other company executives.
She recognised 4 of them:
Shotaro and Sungchan, previously NCT members.
Kang Wonmee, a child model who was the youngest ambassador for many luxury brands, Chanel and Dior to name a few.
Mae Eunryung, an academic prodigy who was the youngest surgeon South korea ever saw.
"Yes, Ms.Yuri, please take a seat."
"So...we're a group...huh?" One of the boys awkwardly smiled,Seunghan,she remembered his name.
A couple of awkward seconds followed before Shotaro said, "Yuri you were part of another coed group..right? In Japan, Kintsugi? Before you came to korea?"
"Oh yeah," she smiled.
"Are you part of Kai sunbaenim's dance crew?" Sungchan continued. "Hmm yea," she affirmed.
"I'd love to learn the dances someday! I mean they look really cool and the fact that you also made the smoke choreography in the show- " Shotaro rambled on.
"Well it's what I get paid for right?" The others chuckled. Once again, the room fell into an awkward silence.
"Should we properly introduce ourselves? Considering the staff barely let us day our names in that room?" Eunryung chimed in.
"We should!" Sohee agreed. "Hi I'm Lee Sohee, and I was born in 2003!"
"Oh even I was born in 2003, I'm Hong Seunghan by the way!" Oh so Yuri was right.
"I'm born in 2003 too! I'm Kang Wonmee, nice to meet you all,"
"You didn't really have to introduce yourself, to be honest, your name was always on the headline!" Seunghan grinned, to which Wonmee smiled back.
"And you're Mae Eunryung right? The child prodigy?" He continued, "Yea, but that title feels meaningless now, so just call me Eunryung,"
"Wait are you also born in 2003? No way-"
"Oh no-no-Nevermind, I'm just used to being younger than everyone- if you're comfortable, you can call me Noona, I'm born in 1999," she cleared up, still feeling weird that there are people much younger than her now.
"You know your title isn't totally useless, because because I still remember you as the doctor that stitched my arm, I'm Song Eunseok born in 2001, I don't know if you remember me,"
Eunryung sucked in a breath, squinting her eyes before, "Aha yes! Oh I remember! You were with another boy right? He kept crying about hurting you, it looked like he was the one who was hurt!" She laughed.
"That was Anton, this 2004 baby-" Eunseok pointed towards a timid boy sitting across. He was wearing a beanie, similar to the day he was in the hospital.
"Oh," she pursed her lips.
"Well that's Anton Lee for you," Seunghan shrugged.
"And I'm Park Wonbin, I was born in 2002," a remarkably charming boy said, his voice was chill and sweet and his smile was rather cute.
"Oh wait- I just realised! Wonbin and um- I'm sorry I don't remember your name but you both look really similar!" Sungchan suddenly spoke out.
"Oh they do!"
The girl panned out of her thoughts and shared quick glances at everyone before saying, "I'm Gwendolyn Park, but you could call me Gwen."
Her eyes shifted ever so quickly, her fingers fiddling with each other, and Eunryung felt her medical school experience kick in and she knew there was some social anxiety kicking in the girl so she quickly changed the topic, "Do you think we'll get another member? You know how they mentioned that we might have additions?"
Yuri saw Gwendolyn taking a relaxed breath, her fingers slowly stopping the fidgeting motion. She could almost relate to the girl, remembering when socialising was more than a task too impossible.
"I mean I wouldn't mind, as long as they're not rude," Sungchan said. "I agree," a couple of them followed.
Days of mindless practice continued, the company still testing their chemistry together, they even had to meet up for a dinner one day, to get to know each other- and oh the amount of awkwardness...
However one thing that wasn't ever awkward or uncomfortable was dancing or singing together, when it came to performing, all the 11 trainees dedicatedly and perfectly synced up- professionalism flowing in them.
But, the company still felt as if there was something missing- the project couldn't rise just yet, they realised.
"I think we're gonna get another member," Yuri randomly said one day, panting as the group was taking a break after performing a song as another evaluation for the still dissatisfied execs.
"I heard them saying something like, 'they still need one more'," she continued. "Really?"
Yrui's suspicion turned out to be true, as the group was sitting in another practice room, one of the executives announcing to a couple of female trainees, "If you prove to meet the standards of not only us but also your possible future members, you may make it in the project."
"Areum, you're up first." Claps surrounded the room...
Nope, Yuri wouldn't vote for her, while her singing was great, her steps seemed unclean.
Nope, not Hana either, she needed to work on capturing the audience's attention.
Nah, Ari was too young, she should train more.
Uhh no way...she should definitely stop giving Yuri those dirty looks, Haneul lost her vote.
So many trainees continued to perform, each of them having their own talents, but just not enough to meet the standard that Yuri wanted to vote for. "Are you not gonna vote for anyone Yuri? You're the only one who hasn't voted for a single person, you're evne more tougher than the staff," Shotaro asked in japanese. "Most of them seem lacking in what I'm trying to look for." She replied, until...
The familiar track of How long by Charlie puts began playing as on the girls performed, and oh my god- Yuri wished Shotaro hadn't spoken to her when she was introduced because she needed this girl's name.
Her musicality was flawless, her voice was beautifully stable and when she gave a wink towards Wonmee to fulfill the factor of interacting with the audience, Yuri knew she had to vote for her, so even before the staff asked, "raise your hands if you think-"
Yuri's hand rose high up, smiling at the girl in the black sweatpant and oversized grey hoodie.
It was a no-brainer that Choi Miyoung (Yuri later got to know of the girl's name) would be part of the group, but there was still a condition.
"Listen Ms.Choi Miyoung, we think you're great, surely you've been training for over 6 years now but...you have to compose 6 songs, each more than a minute at least, by Friday next week, for being able to be accepted, if you can do that, you're in." Mr.Kim gave a rather sinister smile as he walked out of the room, the room that was left with the 11 members and a bewildered Choi miyoung.
"Today's Tuesday so I have like 10 days, fantastic." Miyoung thought, sighing, bowing to the others before leaving the room.
"What the fuck?" Yuri spoke out loud, shocked at the condition put for the poor girl. "How could he put up that request?"
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